SPM Annual Report - The Department of Social and Preventive


SPM Annual Report - The Department of Social and Preventive
Department of Social & Preventive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
Annual Report
Department of Social & Preventive
Annual Report
Edited by:
Azlan Darus
Sirajoon Noor Ghani
Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Choo Wan Yuen
First published 2010
©Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, University of Malaya, 2010
ISSN: 2180-396X
Published by:
Department of Social & Preventive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
University of Malaya
This report is also published electronically on:
Table of Contents
Review of the Year
Vision and Mission
Preventive Medicine Education in UM
~2009 ~
Seminars, Workshops & Courses
People & Events
Media Appearances
SPM in the news
Special Reports
Visits from Other Institutions
Visits to Other Institutions
Undergraduate Programme
Postgraduate Programme
The Units
Staff Profiles
It gives me much pride to say that the year 2009 has been an exciting year where the
department has had much publicity through the various activities, programmes and media
exposures undertaken by the staff of the department.
Several new initiatives were undertaken to enhance the department. The MPH and the
MMedScPH programmes were changed to a semester system. A DrPH programme was
offered as an alternative to the PhD programme. International linkages were established
with Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates University.
New research funds increased by nearly a million Ringgit. Health education activities were
also undertaken within the campus and nationwide via the mass media.
The department also saw a change in leadership as Prof Awang Bulgiba completed his
tenure. Several staff left for further studies or to better their careers, while others joined us.
Finally, I have to thank all the staff who have made this an eventful year and with such
enthusiasm I am sure we will have a good year ahead.
Associate Professor Retneswari Masilamani
Head of Department
Review of the Year
In keeping with our vision to become an institution of excellence in public
health, the department took several initiatives in teaching, research and
There was a major change in the teaching format from a term system to a
semester system. The introduction of the semester system for the Master of
Public Health (MPH), Master of Medical Sciences in Public Health (MMedScPH) and Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH) Programmes in the 2009-2010
academic year offered more course options to suit the student needs. The transition in the first
semester went on successfully and we hope to maintain the tradition of excellence in whatever we
undertake. Dr Maznah and her team must be congratulated on successfully coordinating all the
programmes despite the shortage of staff and other shortfalls.
The department held the first MOODLE workshop for the staff of the department with the
Academic Development Centre (ADeC) of University of Malaya. Professor Abdul Halim Sulaiman, the
deputy director from ADeC conducted the workshop which was also extended to other members of
the faculty. This was a move to encourage e-learning among students in the department and faculty
thus enhancing the teaching avenues in the university.
To enhance collaboration in teaching and research, the department established sustainable
international linkages with Queen’s University, Belfast (QUB) and the United Arab Emirates
University (UAE).
Professor Awang Bulgiba, the then head of the department, made a visit to Queen’s
University, Belfast (QUB) in January 2009 and deliberated on collaborative initiatives between the 2
universities known for their long history of public health excellence in education and research. This
led to the launching of the Centre for Population Health between the two universities on 18
February 2009 at the Chancellery Building, University of Malaya (UM) in the presence of the Vice
Chancellors of both universities , the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Professor Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud. This centre is headed by Associate Professor Nabilla Al-Sadat Mohsein. Further
efforts have been made to collaborate with the Ministry of Health, Malaysia in initiating the cancer
registry which will be the focus of this centre for the start. The first cancer registry initiative will
begin in the state of Pahang and later be extended to other states. This will be undertaken by Dr
Maznah and Dr Tin Tin Su. Dr Anna Gavin from QUB held a 2 day forum on cancer registry in
Malaysia and Northern Ireland for all Ministry of Health and department staff in June 2009
The SPM Department also signed a MoU between University of Malaya and UAE University
on 22 May 2009. The 5-year MoU signed was to enhance student exchange and expertise sharing
between both universities. This link is expected to widen in the coming years. A mathematical
modeling workshop is planned for the coming year.
For research, the department had successfully acquired new grants totalling nearing
RM1,000,000 for staff and students. The Department wishes to congratulate Dr Claire Choo Wan
Yuen who achieved the highest number of research articles published in ISI journals. The
department conducted seventeen short courses, workshops and seminars where 7 of them were
under the Asia link programme. Two scientific writing workshops were conducted for the staff and
students of the department to capture the essence in writing articles. One was conducted by
Professor Awang Bulgiba and Dr Sanjay Rampal while the other was conducted by Professor David
Koh, our visiting professor, and Adjunct Associate Professor Lee See Muah both from the National
University of Singapore.
Health awareness and health education activities were also conducted. In the University of
Malaya, a Health Awareness Day was held on 6th June 2009 where the University’s Board of
Directors, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Dato’ Ikram
Shah and senior officers graced the occasion. Congratulations to Prof Awang Bulgiba, Dr Moy Foong
Ming and team who made this a successful event.
The department also went nationwide by participating in a television talk show ‘Hello
Malaysia’ where several of our department staff, Dr Moy Foong Ming, Dr Maznah Dahlui, Puan Sri
Norlaili Abd Aziz, Dr Azlan Darus and I appeared live speaking on a range of topics such as obesity,
women’s health, travel health and stress at workplace. The first media appearance was by the guest
appearance of Prof Dato’ Mohd Amin Jalaludin, the Vice Chancellor (academic and international)
and Professor Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud, the head of the department, who spoke on the
importance of public health and opportunities for postgraduate training available in the
The department underwent ISO audits successfully with the expert guidance of Associate
Professor Saimy Ismail, the department quality manager. We wish to thank him for his expert
tutelage. The department would also like to thank Dr Azlan Darus for maintaining an interactive
department website, (http://spm.um.edu.my), cited as one of the best in the university.
The year also saw several staff changes, including the head of department. On the 1st
September 2009, Professor Awang was appointed as the Deputy Dean (undergraduate programme)
for the Faculty of Medicine and I was appointed as the head of department. Dr Azlan Darus took
over my position as the as the head of the Occupational and Environmental Health Unit. During his
tenure, Professor Awang Bulgiba had some exemplary achievements. Under his leadership several
initiatives and centres were launched The department would like to thank him for all the good work
and consider him an academic role model to emulate.
Congratulations to Dr Sanjay Rampal and Dr Nabilla Mohsein who were promoted to
Associate Professors, and Ms Shamsina Shamsuddin in acquiring her BSc in Mathematics from the
National University of Malaysia. I was inducted as a fellow of the Academy of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, Malaysia and fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College
of Physicians, Ireland.
Several staff left the department for career development. The department wishes them
success in their studies. Some left for personal reasons. We wish them well and thank them for their
services. A few joined us, a warm welcome to them.
The year review would not be complete without mention of two social events, the Family
day held at Putrajaya Botanical Gardens on 25 April 2009 for the postgraduate students and staff of
the department and the Integration day on 8th August 2009 for the new intake of postgraduate
students. A grateful thanks to Dr Maznah Dahlui and her team, who organized a day full of fun on
both occasions, for the postgraduate students and staff of the department.
I wish to put on record my heartfelt thanks to all academic and support staff in the
department for having successfully accomplished most of the tasks spelt out in the key performance
indicators despite acute shortage of staff. I also wish to thank Dr Claire Choo Wan Yuen and Dato’
Sirajoon Noor Ghani who have persevered to make this annual report a reality.
Associate Professor Retneswari Masilamani
Head of Department
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
University of Malaya
Vision & Mission
To become the institution of excellence which will provide leadership in activities for the
education, training, research, development, spread and provision of service in the domain
of Public Health and in all the specialities associated with it.
The Department views its mission at the undergraduate level as being charged with the
responsibility, via the medical undergraduate instructional programme, for the preparation
of the potential graduate to take up duties in the running of health programmes for the
community in all parts of the nation and to be able to operate from the national health care
service system effectively and efficiently (at the level of the medical officer).
The Department views its mission at the post-graduate level as being charged with the
responsibility, via its post-graduate public health training programmes, to produce a doctor
who may be considered as a professional and a specialist in the general domain of public
health as well as in a particular chosen specialty within it.
The Department also considers its mission to share the knowledge and skills gained in its
various activities with others who are interested. This is envisaged to be achieved in various
ways including the conduct of short courses from time to time.
Preventive Medicine Education in Universiti of Malaya
Dato’ Sirajoon Noor Ghani
In the late 1800’s , with the entry of immigrant labour and the opening of the land for agriculture
there were outbreaks of malaria, dysentery ,tuberculosis, cholera, venereal diseases and other
infectious diseases. There were also cases of beriberi and other nutrition deficiency diseases. Water
–borne diseases were due to poor sanitation, unhygienic water and other environmental
conditions.1This led to the enactment of various legislations such as Conservancy regulations(1880);
Prevention of Infectious Diseases (1884); Protection of Immigrants (1884); Registration of Births and
Deaths and compulsory vaccination (1892) and Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases(1893).
During this period the doctors who provided care to the populace were colonial medical officers
from the United Kingdom assisted by Asian personnel mainly from the Indian sub-continent.1There
were no medical schools in Malaya or Singapore.
Medical School in Singapore
In 1904 some of the prominent members of the non –European community in Singapore petitioned
the Governor of the Straits Settlements for a medical school to train local doctors. One of the
statements in the petition mentioned ‘The importance of a general comprehension of proper
sanitary conditions’.1 this led to the establishment of a medical school in Singapore in1905 – ‘The
Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School’. In 1913 the name was changed to
‘King Edward VII Medical School’ 1.
The medical school had no academic department of public health. Lectures on hygiene were given
by senior health officers from the Government Health Department in the fifth year of the medical
course. Thus began the teaching of public health in Singapore. It was, together with medical
jurisprudence, a component of the Part 1 of the Final MBBS examinations. The focus was more on
curative aspects of diseases than preventive. In 1926 the General Medical Council visited the College
of Medicine, noted the absence of a professorial chair in Public Health and recommended a
professorial chair be established with the department responsible for the undergraduate teaching
and a three-month postgraduate course for those concerned with public health. In June 1939, the
McLean Commission on Higher Education in Malaya also made a similar recommendation as the
current teaching of public health was not adequate for the country, especially with the poor
environmental and public health problems in Singapore and Malaya. With the outbreak of the
Second World War there was no further development to this recommendation. In December 8, 1941
the Japanese landed in the north of Malaya (Kelantan) and reached Singapore by January 1942. The
medical school was closed. The Japanese Occupation ended in 1945. In June 1946 the college
In the interim period (1943) the British Government set up the Asqiuth Commission on Higher
Education in the colonies to look at the development of universities in the colonies. In 1948, Sir
Alexander Carr-Saunders, led a delegation to Malaya. This included several local personalities. The
Carr-Saunders Commission Report 1948 recommended the amalgamation of King Edward VII College
of Medicine and the Raffles College into the University of Malaya. For the medical faculty, the
recommendations were a teaching hospital and the establishment of new departments of Social and
Preventive Medicine and Parasitology with Professorships. This led to the establishment of the
university on the 8th October 1949 (Foundation Day), the first in the region1.
The Department of Social Medicine and Public Health was established in the new University of
Malaya in Singapore in 1949. The first professor of the department was Dr John H. Strahan and he
was the head till 1953. He was followed by Professor Trevor Lloyd-Davies, and in 1961 the head of
department was Professor Winifred Danaraj. The department provided a lecture – practical course
in the fourth year of the five year course. Subjects such as statistics, epidemiology, nutrition, social
medicine, home visits and village survey were introduced. In 1953, a three months’ postgraduate
Diploma of Public Health (DPH) was inaugurated with the assistance of the World Health
Organisation (WHO).
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Kuala Lumpur
In 1959, the University of Malaya was split into the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur campuses and
designated University of Malaya in Singapore and University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. In 1962
they became separate national universities, the University of Malaya and the University of
Singapore. In 1964 the Faculty of Medicine was established in University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. A
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine was established as preventive medicine was an
integral part of the new medical curriculum of the medical faculty. It was the first academic
department of public health in Malaysia. The first professor of preventive medicine was Professor
Winifred Danaraj, the wife of the foundation dean, Professor T.J. Danaraj. Both were from the
University of Malaya in Singapore, which later became the University of Singapore. The public health
programme developed in Kuala Lumpur took into cognizance the special needs of the large rural
population in Malaysia, which in 1957 was 75% of the population.
The then Minister of Health, Encik Bahaman Samsuddin in the opening address of the ‘First
Conference on Medical Education’ held at the Faculty of Medicine stressed:
“that nothing can be more
educated that, while skilled
fundamental importance of
medical practice, and the
important than to ensure that the doctors of tomorrow shall be so
in the art of healing, they shall be no less skilled in, and alive to the
preventive work which can be carried out in the course of everyday
social implications of ill health and its prevention amongst our
Undergraduate programme
The public health programme was an integrated one with the subjects being taught from the first to
the fifth year of the course. The objectives of the programme were to equip the students with
knowledge of disease causation in the community and how to study them; understand how health
problems were managed by the health services; sociological aspects of health and its perceptions by
individuals, families and communities; and holistic approach to patient management. This was
conducted by lectures in statistics, epidemiology, sociology, family health, nutrition environmental
health etc. Besides teaching in the faculty the students were also exposed to the real ‘field
experience’. Students had to visit selected patients and the families to understand care in the family
setting. They also had to spend a few weeks studying rural communities in the ‘Rural Health Survey’
module and the delivery of health services at a district level in the ‘District Health Services Survey’
module. These two modules gave the students the knowledge and experience of the socio-economic
conditions of the rural population and the delivery of health services to them.
Rural Health postings
This emphasis on rural health in the medical curriculum was to meet the needs of the newly
developing Malaysia, where the health of the rural people was given importance. This was
undertaken by the rapid development of the rural health services where health centres and midwife
clinics were established. There was a shortage of health staff especially doctors. Foreign doctors had
to be recruited as a temporary measure while waiting for local doctors to graduate and serve in the
rural areas. This even led to the first Prime Minister, YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj to
“Medical students in Malaysia must not only acquire the appropriate skills and knowledge but
should have a spirit of humanitarianism outlook, a feeling of sense to the community which will
impel them to go out to the rural areas where their services are greatly needed. The Government has
built many rural health centres but has great difficulty in staffing them” 3.
By exposing the students early to the rural communities and the rural health services, the Faculty of
Medicine in University of Malaya has made service in the rural areas a noble calling with a spirit of
dedication, devotion, adventure and a willingness to serve those who are in need of their services.
This will be their contribution to the health of the population and the well being of the nation.
Public Health education in Malaysia is now established as an essential component of the the
undergraduate medical curriculum. All 28 medical schools in the country have public health as an
essential component in the undergraduate programme.4
Postgraduate programme
Several of the medical faculties also offer postgraduate training in public health. The Department of
Social and Preventive Medicine was the first to offer the Master of Public Health degree in 1974.
Since 1974 it has produced 407 Malaysian and 162 International graduates5. Most of the Malaysian
doctors serve in the public health services and academic institutions. The international students are
mainly from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Majority of them have returned to their respective
countries and are serving in the public health services. Currently the department offers besides the
MPH (1year) programme, the Master of Medical Science in Public Health (1 year), Doctor of Public
Health (3 years) and the Doctor of Philosophy (3 years) programmes for both local and foreign
students. Additional programmes are being planned to meet both local and international students’
1. Danaraj, T.J. Medical Education in Malaysia Development and Problems. Pelanduk Publications,
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. 1988
2. Bahaman, S. Opening Address in Conference on Medical Education in Malaysia. Proceedings of
the Conference on Medical Education; Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya 1965, Kuala
Lumpur. Malaysia.
3. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj. Address at the Official Opening of the University Hospital on
5th August 1968.
4. Ghani, S.N. Yadav. Health Care in Malaysia. University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, 2008.
5. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Postgraduate Handbook 2009/2010.
Multiple Logistic Regression Course
The 3-day course was attended by 21 participants mainly from the University and Ministry of Health.
The course was conducted by Prof Awang Bulgiba comprised a series of lectures and practical
applications and analysis. It was conducted at the SPM computer laboratory with full utilization of
statistical software to conduct the analysis.
Survival Analysis Course
The course was conducted over 3 days (22-24 Januari 2009) comprised lecture series and practical
computer applications for the analysis. A total of 14
participants had attended the course including
participants from Universiti Air Langga, Surabaya and
also local participants from the faculty and the CRC. It
was conducted at the SPM computer laboratory for full
utilization and practical aspects of survival analysis. The
course was conducted by the Head of Epistats Unit, Dr
Sanjay Rampal.
The Hospital Cost Accounting Workshop
The Hospital Cost Accounting Workshop was successfully held at the department from the 23-24th
March 2009. The course was attended by participants from various agencies, notably from the
Ministry of Health. The 2 days course had involved both theoretical and practical sessions to enable
a more "hands-on" experience for the participants.
Train the Trainers Workshop
Train the Trainers workshop was organized by AsiaLink on 15 to 17th June at the A’Famosa Resort,
Malacca . It was aimed to train clinicians in the University of Malaya (UM) to improve knowledge on
etiology, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment or prevention of disease. It was attended by
25 clinicians from various departments. The training focused strongly on clinical epidemiologic
principles and methods for patient-oriented research. It was conducted by Associate Professor Geert
van der Heijden and Dr Maroeska Rovers, professor of clinical epidemiology from University of
Medical Centre Utrecht, Netherlands.
The Impact of Climate Change on Health, Jakarta, Indonesia
A three day regional workshop on ‘The impact of climate change on health’ was organized
by the regional delegation for cooperation in Bangkok and the Embassy of France in Jakarta from the
16-18th June 2009 at Jakarta, Indonesia.
The purpose of this regional workshop was to gather the ASEAN think-tank to examine the
implications of climate change on health in South East Asia. This workshop was attended by the
Ministry of Health officials particularly in the environmental or public health discipline from
Vietnam, LAO PDR, Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia, the host country and Malaysia.
The first counsellor, Mr Roux Jean-Yves from the French Embassy in his opening remarks
stated that it was important to study the impact of climate change to health in relation to a given
climatic environment as there are regional differences in the way climate change affects different
parts of the world. He also stressed that the prevalence of infectious and transmissible disease will
be enhanced if the climate becomes hotter and more humid in this part of the world (South East
Asia). This statement supports the fact that health systems of some countries in South East Asia are
still very vulnerable and more likely to be at risk in the event of climate changes affecting them.
There were two moderators namely Professor JeanFrancois Guegan from the Institute for Development, France who
spoke on theoretical overview of the topic and thinking overviews
in France and actions taken and Mr Alexander Von Hilderbrand,
Regional Advisor, Environmental and Climate change, WHO,
SEARO, from New Delhi, India who spoke on the specificities of the
region in relation to climate change.
The participating ASEAN countries each presented their
national policies situation in relation to climate change which was
chaired by me and in the absence of a MOH participant form
Malaysia. Assoc Prof Retneswari gave a brief outline of the
agencies involved and research projects conducted in Malaysia in
relation to climate change.
Data Processing and Analysis Using SPSS course, UM City
Campus 29-30 June 2009
The Pusat Teknologi Maklumat (PTM) Universiti Malaya recently
organised a two-day
day course on Data Processing and Analysis
Using SPSS. Three staff from our department were involved in
running the course, which involved basic theory and hands-on
application of SPSS software. Professor Awang Bulgiba Awang
Mahmud took on the first day, covering topics such as
introduction to statistics and SPSS data entry and data
management including the use of syntax, and also descriptive
stics. On the second day, Dr Sanjay covered the concept of
inferential statistics, later proceeding into statistical tests such
as t-tests,
tests, ANOVA and chi square test. Mr Roshidi Ismail
facilitated on both days. Twenty
Twenty-eight participants comprising
of UM staff from various faculties and divisions attended the
MOODLE workshop
The department conducted MOODLE Basics Workshop, jointly
held with the Academic Development Centre (ADeC) of the
University Malaya (10 July 2009). The workshop was aimed at
familiarising academicians and the program assistants with ee
learning software (MOODLE) used in the university. A total of
30 participants attended the workshop, comprising of SPM staff
as well as academic staff from other departments in the faculty.
The training was conducted at the SPM computer lab
la by
MOODLE expert, Professor Dr Abdul Halim Sulaiman, the deputy director of ADeC.
The Scientific Writing Workshop
The Scientific Writing Workshop was held at the department
from 14-16th
16th July 2009. The cours
course which was conducted by Prof
David Koh and Assoc Prof Lee See Muah from National University
of Singapore was aimed at training the participants on scientific
paper writing and submissions for publication. The workshop was
attended by DrPH and MPH candidat
candidates from the department and
faculty. During their visit, Assoc Prof Lee See Muah had also
given a lunch talk entitled "Ethical Issues in Scientific Publication"
to the students and staff of the department.
Professor Awang's Lecture on “Publishing your research”
The Academy of Science of Malaysia recently organised a five-day course “Training Course on
Research & Development Approaches and Management for Young Scientists” from 13-17th July,
2009. Professor Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud gave a riveting lecture on “Publishing your
research” on July 16. He expounded on the whys, hows and when one should publish one’s work.
The course was attended by 43 participants from Research Institutes and universities (private and
public) from all over Malaysia. Prof Awang described his session as most fruitful as he had to field
many questions from enthusiastic young researchers eager to learn about the art and science of
publishing one’s work.
Writing a Good Scientific Paper
The SPM Department held a scientific writing workshop “Writing a Good Scientific Paper”
for the department staff and students at the Equatorial Hotel in Bangi. The 3-day workshop from the
24th July 2009 to 26th July 2009 was participated by 14 staffs and students from the department.
The work shop was aimed to train the participants on the intricacies of scientific writing and
publications in peer reviewed journals. Participants are also required to bring their own write ups to
be worked on during the workshop.
On Day 1, a talk was given by Prof Awang Bulgiba on publishing papers in scientific journals.
He discussed the strategies for choosing a journal and requirements to met for publishing in the
journals, including the selection of title and exploring appropriate angles suitable for the journal
chosen. Dr Sanjay Rampal then discussed the requirement for writing up a good abstract using the
STROBE checklist. This was followed by Dr Moy Foong Ming who discussed writing up the
introductions to be short and precise.
Participants later presented their papers to be reviewed and suggestions made on how to
further improve on their write ups.
Dr Sanjay Rampal discussed the presentations of results
in a scientific paper. He highlighted the do’s and don’ts in
presenting results. The session was later followed by the
participants having to search for ISI journals and formatting
their papers according to the journals that they have decided to
send their papers to. Further presentations were made to polish
up the papers.
Prof Awang discussed on writing up results of studies for scientific paper. Illustrations were
made using other papers to highlight the important aspects of the discussion and conclusion
sections of the write ups.
The session ended with the participants having their
papers written up and partially ready for submission. The
workshop had been very useful to prepare the participants
and writing up a better scientific paper, therefore increasing
the likelihood of acceptance. This is in line with the
University’s aim to increase the number of publications by
academicians in ISI journals.
Clinical Epidemiology Workshop
The SPM Department through the AsiaLink collaboration has
organized a workshop on Clinical Epidemiology on the 30th
September until 2nd October 2009 at the Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya.
The workshop was aimed at clinicians and other medical
professionals to provide them with the knowledge to evaluate
and judge applied clinical research and data analysis and give a
sufficient scientific and methodological background to actively participate in clinical studies.
A total of 35 participants from various universities, institutions and hospitals have attended
the course. The training focused on the introduction to the concept of principles of clinical
epidemiology. It was conducted by lecturers from Julius Centre
University of Malaya (JCUM) and led by Professor Awang
Bulgiba Awang Mahmud. The JCUM team was assisted by
Professor Yolanda van der Graaf, Professor Arno W Hoes and
Associate Professor Helena Marieke Verkooijen from Julius
Centre Health Science and Primary Care, Utrecht University.
Workshop on EndNote
The EndNote Workshop on 6th October was conducted
by Prof Dr. Awang and Dr. Moy Foong Ming. Over 30 registered
participants came for this one day course which was held at the
Department's Computer Lab. We also had participants from
Swinburne University of Technology Kuching, Sarawak joining
this workshop. This popular workshop has been regularly
conducted by the department, twice yearly and continues to gain support from participants.
Evidence-Based Practice Workshop
The Evidence-based practice workshop was organized by AsiaLink on 8th until 10th October at the
Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. The workshop was intended to serve as an introductory
session to evidence-based medicine. It was aimed at clinicians and other health care professionals
who wished to gain knowledge of critical appraisal and experience in the practice of evidence-based
health care. It was attended by 31 participants from various universities, institutions and hospitals.
The training focused strongly on how to practice EBM and commitment to patient-centered
learning. It was conducted by lecturers from Julius Centre University of Malaya (JCUM) and led by
Professor Paul Glasziou, Director of Centre of Evidence based Medicine, Oxford University
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Role Out and Stress Management Workshop
This joint workshop with the UM Wellness Program was organized by Dr Marzuki Isahak, assisted by
UM Wellness team during the workshop (13 - 15 October 2009). The head of the department, Assoc
Prof Dr Retneswari Masilamani was invited to launch the ceremony. The participant of this
workshop was chosen from screening test performed during the previous UM Wellness program in
June 2009
Statistics and Rating Scales in Psychiatry Workshop
Professor Awang Bulgiba was invited to conduct some
sessions in statistics for the “Statistics
Statistics and Rating Scales in
Psychiatry Workshop” organised by the Department of
chological Medicine, UM. The workshop was held at
the Avillion Village Resort in Port Dickson from 31
October to 1 November 2009. Prof Awang lectured on
basic statistical concepts, the use of measures of effect,
diagnostic test measures and demonstrated the
th use of
4th Symposium on the Burden of Neglected Diseases
The 4th Symposium on the Burden of Neglected Diseases was successfully held at the UMMC Clinical
Auditorium on 17 January 2009
2009. The symposium was attended by more than 60 participants. The
theme for the symposium was 'Redefini
'Redefining the Economic
ic Burden of Dengue and Chikungunya in
Malaysia'. Papers were presented by speakers from both local and o
verseas, including Dr Ng Chiu
Wan and Dr Mas Ayu Said. The symposium had also incorporated for the first
irst time a teleconference
session from the United States. Congratulations for Dr Ng Chiu Wan and her team for successfully
organising the symposium
Dr Ng Chiu Wan attended EQUITAP 2009
The Equity in Asia-Pacific
Systems Research Network (EQUITAP)
recently held its sixth meeting in
Seoul, South Korea from 17th – 18th
June 2009. This meeting was
attended by Dr Ng Chiu Wan. The
network, consisting of researchers
from 16 Asia-Pacific
Pacific countries, was
initially formed in 2000 to undertake
rative assessment of national
health systems in participating
countries. Participating institutions
from Malaysia are the University of Malaya and the Ministry of Health. The first phase of research
collaboration, from 2000 – 2006, provided an invaluable evaluation of health systems which has fed into
current discussion of health reforms in the countries involved as well as other countries around the world.
The second phase of EQUITAP research activities, from 2008 – 2011, continues to examine equity in health
with a focus among others, on maternal and child health. Further information can be obtained at
Post graduate field supervisor meeting
The Department held a meeting (5 February 2009) with field
supervisors post-graduate
graduate degrees, held at the Biotech Lab
Lecture Hall. The meeting was attended by field supervisors from
various divisions in Ministry of Health and others such as DOSH
and District Health Offices. A briefing was given by Prof. Awang
Bulgiba and Dr Maznah Dahlui. This was followed by a lengthy
discussion on the roles of the supervisors and the future of Public
Health Specialist. The meeting adjourned at noon and followed
by lunch at the department.
The UM Wellness Road Show
The UM Wellness Road Show
how was conducted on 7th and 8th of January from 7.30 am to 12.00noon in
DP2 and MP3 in Block D, Perdanasiswa within the UM campus. The Wellness Road Show provided
physical activity and fitness
itness assessment, dietary assessment, body fat monitoring etc. A series of
talks on screening and health, diet and cholesterol, stress management and smoking cessation were
also conducted concurrently.
The 2009 UM Expo
The 2009 UM Expo was conducted from 13-15
15 January 2009 at
Dewan Tunku Canselor, UM. The theme of the expo was “Value
creation through research and innovation”.
The Expo Galleries were divided into three, namely the
Research Gallery, Research Output Gallery and Research Centre
showcased 292 projects in
the five research clusters:
Biosciences and Biotechnology, Health and Allied Sciences,
Physical Sciences and Engineering, Social Sciences and
Humanities, Information and Communication Technology.
The Res
Research Output Gallery exhibited
research projects that had won medal
in overseas Expo, and the Research Centre Gallery exhibited research
activities from UM Research centres.
Dr Moy Foong Ming presented her project titled “Promoting Healthy
Lifestyle at Wor
Worksite” and won a silver medal.
IPS Open Day
The Institute of Graduate Studies (IGS) or Institut Pengajian Siswazah (IPS) held their Open Day for
graduate students on 6 February 2009 at the IGS building,
University of Malaya. The Department of Social aand
Preventive Medicine along with a representative from the
Medical Faculty's Postgraduate Secretariat and The
Department of Nursing attended the exhibition booth for the
Faculty of Medicine. Professor Patrick Tan, the Deputy Dean
for Postgraduate Programmee was also present.
Our department show cased our post graduate programmes via banners, pamphlets and
video show, making our booth the most popular during the open day. We have had overwhelming
enquiries from visitors on our programmes and interested participants had also taken the
opportunity to register for the upcoming courses. Our department is offering a number of graduate
courses such as Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Medical Science in Public Health MMedSc
(PH), Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) as well as PhD degrees.
Launch of the Centre for Population Health
UM and Queen's University, Belfast jointly launched the Centre for Population Health (CePH) at the
Chancellory Building on 18th February in UM. The new centre will be housed in the Department of
Social and Preventive Medicine and represents the efforts between SPM Dept and Centre for Public
Health in Queen’s University. Present at the launch were UM’s VC, Professor Datuk Ghauth Jasmon,
Queen's University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Peter Gregson, Faculty of Medicine Dean Professor
Ikram Shah Ismail and SPM Dept Head Professor Awang Bulgiba. The launch initiative was endorsed
by the Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Datuk Haji Idris Haron and the Northern Ireland
Minister of Employment and Learning.
The centre (CePH) will help Malaysia to have a modern medical database of its people and
provides population health solutions in the future. In today’s challenging world, research and
databases are critical in anticipating future health problems. Among the initial core functions of the
centre include providing courses to develop research capacity, conduct research study focusing on
the complex relationship between diet, living conditions, environment and health in deprived and
disadvantaged communities; and providing assistance for the national cancer registry.
Queen’s University is a member of the prestigious Russel Group of top 20 research-intensive
universities in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1845, Queen's has more than 17,000 students from
over 80 countries and 100,000 graduates worldwide. It is envisaged that the UM’s collaboration with
Queen’s will allow development of both universities internationally.
The new centre will be the second research centre in SPM, the other centre being the
Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine (Julius Centre). The Centre for
Population Health will be spearheaded by Dr Nabilla Abdul Mohsein Al-Sadat.
SPM Family Day
SPM Family Day was held on 25th April
2009 at Taman Botani Putrajaya. It was
organised by the department of SPM and
the students. There were more than 100
participants, consist of staff of the SPM
Department, the Master of Public Health
and Master of Medical Science in Public
Health students, and their families. The
event started with morning exercises and
followed by other activities including
Treasure Hunt and Tele-match for adults
and children. There were also karaoke
session and lucky draws. The event ended
with prize giving for the winners.
Everyone had great fun especially the students who had been working hard to complete their
studies and examinations for the past one year.
Intergration Day
The Integration Day was held on 8th August 2009 in the Department of
SPM. The event started with the morning exercises. Everyone was
enjoying performing the ‘poco-poco’ dance. It was followed by the
treasure hunt and indoor games such as ‘batu seremban’, ‘congkak’,
‘menganyam ketupat’ and dart after the morning tea. There were also
‘Limbo dance’, passing the parcel and ‘charade’. The event ended with
prize giving to the winners.
Hari Raya and Deepavali Celebration
The Hari Raya and Deepavali Celebration was held on 14th October 2009 for all the SPM staff and
students. Thee event was organised by the students of Master of Public Health and Master of
Medical Science in Public Health; and SPM Postgraduate Unit. It was attended by both local and
international students. A variety of food such as lemang, rendeng, nasi impit, capati
ati and tosai was
served. This indeed reflects the colourful and interesting Malaysian culture.. The international
students from Nigeria and Sudan also served some local dishes. Lucky draw
w prizes were also given
to the winners during the event.
MOU signing with United Arab Emirates University
The SPM Department was instrumental in the signing of MoU between University of Malaya and
UAE University on 22 May 2009.. The 55-year MoU signed enhanced the relationship and further
cooperations between the two universities. The SPM had been closely working with the medical
faculty in UAEU.
Health Awareness Day
The University of Malaya Health Awareness Day was successfully
held on the 9th June 2009. The members of the University’s Board
of Director, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dean of Faculty of Medicine
and senior officers of the university were present to grace this
The objectives of the
Health Awareness Day were
to promote health awareness amongst the community of
University of Malaya and the public by providing health
screening tests, exhibition, health promotion messages and
consultation. This event was planned to further elaborate the
importance of healthy lifestyle such as practicing healthy food
choices, increased physical activities, quit smoking and stress
The parties involved in this event were Faculty of Medicine (Departments of Social &
Preventive Medicine, Sport Medicine, Obstetric & Gynecology, Surgery), Faculty of Dentistry
(Community Dentistry) and the Sports Centre from UM; National Population and Family
Development Board (LPPKN), NGOs (National Kidney Foundation) and several private companies.
Self-monitoring of health indicators such as weight, blood pressure, glucose level and selfexamination of mouth were emphasized. Women’s health screening such as Pap smear and breast
self examination were also made available with the support from the Department of Obstetrics &
Gynecology and LPPKN. A survey on men’s health was also carried out by the Department of
The program started with a morning aerobic exercise leading by the instructors from the
UM Sports Centre and followed with an opening speech by Profesor Dato’ Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin,
Deputy Vice Chancellor. The exhibitions started soon after the ceremony. Quizzes with attractive
prizes were carried out throughout the day.
The exhibition comprised of exhibitors from University of Malaya, mobile buses from LPPKN
and National Kidney Foundation as well as private companies involved in the wellness industry.
Health screening tests which were available on that day included random blood glucose, blood
pressure, bone mineral density, dental check, stress level assessment, breast-self-examination, body
mass index, urine test, cholesterol level check, glaucoma screening, men’s health test and physical
fitness assessment as well as diet consultation and medical consultation.
The members of the University’s Board of Director, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dean of Faculty
of Medicine and senior officers attended the event. The event was well organised and the staff as
well as the public went home with clear massages on how to promote and maintain health.
Media Appearances 2009
20 February 2009
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) of UM, Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd Amin
Jalaludin and Head of SPM Dept, Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba appeared in the Hello Malaysia program on
Bernama TV. The programme was aired live on Astro Channel 502. During the show, Prof Dato Dr.
Mohd Amin and Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba spoke about the importance of public health and
opportunities for Public Health post-graduate training offered in the Department of Social and
Preventive Medicine. A few of our international students were interviewed and featured in the
8 April 2009
Assoc Prof Retneswari Masilamani and Dr. Azlan Darus appeared on the programme "Hello
Malaysia" on Astro Awani. The live show was aired on channel 502, in which both lecturers spoke
about 'Workplace Stress'. The lively interview had discussed the importance of managing stress at
the workplace and its effect on the workers and organisations. The programme also entertained
viewer's calls enquiring about the issue.
22 April 2009
Dr. Maznah Dahlui and Pn. Seri Dr. Norlaili Abd Aziz were guests on the Hello Malaysia talk show on
Bernama TV, speaking on women's health. The session discussed on the importance of giving
attention to women’s health, describing the issues related to women’s health and on what are the
means and ways to overcome the issues and promote women’s health. Emphasis was given to
breast cancer, which is the leading cause of death among Malaysian women.
13 May 2009
Dr. Moy Foong Ming appeared on the programme "Hello Malaysia" on Astro Awani. The live show
was aired on channel 502, in which she spoke about 'Obesity'. The lively interview had discussed the
importance of managing weight through diet and exercise.
23 May 2009
Assoc Prof Retneswari appeared on TV1 talk programme "Vasantham". The Tamil talk show
discussed stress at the workplace and mental illness affecting the community.
17 June 2009
Both Dr Marzuki Isahak and Dr Rafdzah Mohd Zaki appeared in Hello Malaysia programme in 17th
June 2009. It was aired live on Bernama TV (Astro channel 502). In this one hour session, they talked
about the Wellness Programme at Workplace: Prevention is Better than Cure. The UM Wellness
Programme was mentioned as an example of a successful workplace wellness programme. They
received questions from tremendous number of callers asking various concerns regarding wellness
activities and health in general. The public was encouraged to have regular health screening.
5 August 2009
Assoc Prof Dr Retneswari and Dr Azlan Darus appeared on the Hello Malaysia on Astro Awani. The
one hour programme discussed travel medicine requirements and the influenza A H1N1 pandemic
which was an issue of hot discussion.
1 October 2009
Dr Azlan appeared on the TV3 morning show "Malaysia Hari Ini". The interview focused on the
influenza A H1N1 pandemic and the importance of hygiene practices to curb the spread of infection.
SPM in the news
MOU signed between UM and United Arab
Emirates University
MOU signed between UM and Queen’s University of B
Belfast, Northern Ireland
News on the UM Wellness program
Interview with Dr Noorhaire Sumarlie,
DrPH candidate
Report of UM Wellness Program 2009
The UM Wellness Program has proceeded into the second year in 2009, than
ks to the support of the
UM Management and participation from the UM staff. Following the requests from staff less than
40 years old, the screening in 2009 was also opened to those 35 – 39 years old. A total of 692 staff
aged 35 to 39 years and 2626 stafff aged 40 years and above were invited to be screened. However,
the response rate for this year was less satisfactory with only 37% of staff aged 35 to 39 years old
and 45.7% of staff aged 40 years and above responded. Some characteristics of respondents
respondent are as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Characteristics of respondents of the UM Wellness screening in year 2009
The younger staff (less than 40 years old) had better health indicators in terms of Body Mass Index
(BMI) and total cholesterol level than tho
se age 40 years and above. As shown in Figure 2, there
were more normal weight and less obese staff in the younger age group. Similarly, half of the
younger staff had normal cholesterol level. This group should monitor their cholesterol level
regularly so that preventive measures can be taken early if they find their indicators are not
satisfactory. A Wellness Diet Clinic was set up this year (2009) in the Department of Social &
Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine to advice those with borderline rresults.
esults. Those with
borderline results are/ will be invited to attend the clinic. The Medical Wellness Clinic which was set
up in 2008 in UMMC will attend to sta
staff with abnormal results that requires medical attention.
Figure 2: Weight status and total cholesterol levels of UM Staff
The O & G Wellness clinic set up in 2008 also continue
continues to screen women for Pap smear and
appointments for mammogram are also being given. Two additional clinics were also started for
smoking cessation and stress manageme
In mid
id October 2009, a Quit smoking Programme was offered to all UM staff who were
smokers and willing to make a quit attempt. It aim
aimed to help smokers to get rid of their smoking
habit, to reduce the number of smokers in the campus and to study the habits of smokers as a
A stress management clinic was also started by the UM Wellness Team. A workshop was
organised for the participant
articipant to understand the symptoms of stress, sources of stress and
techniques to reduce stress. Practical sessions on progressive muscle relaxation and breathing
therapy were also performed in the workshop. Group
roup and individual counselling in stress
management is also given in the Stress Management Clinic
Clinic. Both the Quit Smoking and Stress
Management Clinics are establis
established in Block F, Perdanasiswa Complex. Enquiries about all the
above clinics can be forwarded to our email at [email protected] or call our
ur office at 7967 5779.
Stress Management Program
A Wellness Road show was held on 7 and 8th January 2009. It was conducted from 7.30 am
to 12.00noon in DP2 and MP3 in Block D, Perdanasiswa within the UM campus. The objectives were
to provide opportunities for UM staff whom had undergone the health screening to consult the
experts on their screening results, monitor some of their health indicators such as weight, blood
pressure and blood glucose. The Wellness Roadshow also provided physical activity and fitness
assessment, dietary assessment, body fat monitoring etc. A series of talks on screening and health,
diet and cholesterol, stress management and smoking cessation were also conducted concurrently.
Staff that missed the first screening in July-August 2008 were also given the chance to have their
health checks.
This event was run by the staff and post-graduate students of the Department of Social &
Preventive Medicine. A few medical students also volunteered to help in this event. The Sports
Medicine Unit from the Allied Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, UM and the Kinsmedic
company also participated in this event.
A Health Awareness Day was also launched and successfully held on the 9 June 2009. The
members of the University’s Board of Director, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dean of Faculty of Medicine
and senior officers of the university were present to grace this event. The objectives of the Health
Awareness Day were to promote health awareness amongst the community of University of Malaya
and the public by providing health screening tests, exhibition, health promotion messages and
This event was planned to further elaborate the importance of healthy lifestyle such as
practicing healthy food choices, increased physical activities, quit smoking and stress management.
Parties involved in this event were Faculty of Medicine (Departments of Social & Preventive
Medicine, Sport Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Surgery), Faculty of Dentistry (Community
Dentistry) and Sports Centre from UM; National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN),
NGOs (National Kidney Foundation) and private companies.
Self-monitoring of health indicators such as weight, blood pressure, glucose level and selfexamination of mouth were emphasized. Women’s health screening such as Pap smear and breast
self examination were also made available with the support from the Department of Obstetrics &
Gynaecology and LPPKN. Men’s health through the form of questionnaire survey was also carried
out by the Department of Surgery.
The program started with a morning aerobic exercise leading by the instructors from the
UM Sports Centre and followed with an opening speech by Professor Dato’ Dr Mohd Amin Jalaludin,
Deputy Vice Chancellor. The exhibitions started soon after the ceremony. Quizzes with attractive
prizes were carried out throughout the day. The exhibition comprised of exhibitors from University
of Malaya, mobile buses from LPPKN and National Kidney Foundation as well as private companies
involved in the wellness industry. Health screening tests which were available on that day included
random blood glucose, blood pressure, bone mineral density, dental check, stress level assessment,
breast-self-examination, body mass index, urine test, cholesterol level check, glaucoma screening,
men’s health test and physical fitness assessment as well as diet consultation and medical
The attendance of the members of the University’s Board of Director, Deputy Vice
Chancellor, Dean of Faculty of Medicine and senior officers showed that the management of the
university cares for the health and welfare of the staff. The event was well organised and the staff as
well as the public went home with clear massages on how to promote and maintain health.
MPH (Specialty) final exams 31 March - 7 April 2009
The final examination for the MPH (Specialty) candidates
was held from the 31st March 2009 until 07 April 2009.
The external examiners for 2009 examination were
Professor Malcolm Sim from Monash University
(Melbourne), Professor Colin Binns from Curtin
University (Perth) and Professor Iain Blair from United
Arab Emirates University (UAE). A total of 9 candidates
sat for their defence of research report. The candidates
for this year’s exam were:
Dr. Nik Nairan bt Abdullah (Family Health)
Dr. Sunita bt Abdul rahman (Family Health)
Dr. Ariza bt Zainuddin (Family Health)
Dr. Maslinor bt Ismail (Family Health)
Dr. Siti Rohana bt Saad (Family Health)
Dr. Anselm Su Ting (Occupational Health)
Dr. Rafidah bt Abdul Latif (Health Service Management)
Dr. Rohana bt Johan (Health Service Management)
Dr. Shahril Azian b Masrom (Health Service Management)
Apart from attending to the students’ defense of their research report, the external
examiners were also involved in a few other activities.
A briefing to the external examiners was held at the department meeting room on the 31
March 2009. The briefing was given by the HOD, Professor Dr. Awang Bulgiba and was also attended
by the academic staff of the department.
Professor Colin Binns gave a talk to the Faculty of Medicine during the Wednesday morning
Clinical talk session. He gave a talk on “26 Shock - why Okinawa prefecture has fallen from no 1 to 26
for longevity in Japan“. He highlighted the decline in life expectancy of the population of Okinawa,
Japan and discussed possible reasons for the change.
The external examiners were treated to a lunch by the
Department at Restaurant Brisik in Petaling Jaya on 6 April 2009. The
lunch was attended by all academic staff from the department.
During the lunch, Prof. Dr. Awang Bulgiba also presented the external
examiners with books about interesting places in Malaysia as a token
of appreciation for their contribution in the exams.
Board of examiners meeting was held on 7 April 2009, and
later was followed by a photo session with the students and
academic staff f the department. The photo session was also joined by Prof Dr Patrick Tan, Deputy
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
MPH and MMedSc(PH) final exams and board meeting 30 April 2009
The board meeting for the MPH/MMedSci(PH) final
examination was concluded this morning. A total of 31 MPH
candidates had passed their examination, while 17 candidates
passed the MMEdSc(PH) exams. Out of these, 26 of the
students are also eligible to further their studies for Doctorate
in Public Health. Following the board meeting, a photo session
was held with the students at the Dean's office.
This year, the external examiner was Prof. Aw Tar Ching
from the United Arab Emirates University. Apart from examining the candidates, Prof Aw had also
kindly gave a talk at the faculty on "Occupational Health Hazards of Palm Dates Plantation". He was
later treated to a lunch by the department.
The department would also like to congratulate all the candidates who had passed and wish
them well in their future endeavours. Congratulations!
Examinations for the International Medical University
Prof Awang Bulgiba was invited to be the external examiner this year for the MBBS Semester 5
examinations for the International Medical University. The International Medical University is the
largest private medical school in Malaysia and is twinned with many overseas medical schools.
During the period of the examination from 18-26 May 2009, he observed the conduct of the OBA
(One Best Answer) paper, MEQ (Modified Essay Question) paper, OSPE (Objective Structured
Practical Examination) paper and OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) paper. He also
marked a sample of the answer scripts and exchanged ideas with several staff from the IMU. It is an
honour to be invited to be an external examiner and Prof Awang Bulgiba has had his fair share in
Professor David Koh from the National University of Singapore is at the department as visiting
professor. Prof David was here from 12th till 14th of January. During his visit, he discussed on
ongoing research at the OEH unit and also discussed the research proposals of the DrPH candidates
for next year. Prof David had also given a talk on “Medico-Legal Aspect of fitness for work
evaluation" at the Biotech Lab Lecture Hall on the 13th January.
Prof Awang's visit to QUB 22 Jan 2009
Professor Awang Bulgiba visited Queen’s University, Belfast (QUB) from 17-22 January 2009 as part
of UM’s efforts in creating sustainable international linkages. UM and QUB have expressed a mutual
interest in collaborating in the area of public health given that UM has a long history of public health
education and QUB is recognised as one of 5 UK Centres of Excellence in Public Health. Prof Awang
Bulgiba presented on the SPM Department’s organisational structure and activities to members of
the Centre for Public Health on 18 Jan. He also had meetings with the QUB Vice-Chancellor (Prof
Peter Gregson), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Prof James McElnay), Director for Research and Regional
Services (Mr Trevor Newsom) and Centre for Public Health Director (Prof Ian Young). During his visit,
he met many members of staff including the Academic Ambassador for Malaysia, the Nutrition
research group within the Centre for Public Health and discussed possible areas of collaboration
with them. Prof Awang Bulgiba hopes that the proposed collaboration with QUB will prove to be a
mutually beneficial and lasting partnership.
Prof. Awang's visit to UAE University 2-6 March 2009
Professor Awang Bulgiba visited the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) in Al Ain, UAE from 2-6
March 2009 as part of UM’s efforts in creating sustainable international linkages. UM and UAEU
have expressed a mutual interest in collaborating in the area of public health given that UM has a
long history of public health education and UAEU is trying to start its own programme in public
health. The HOD for the Department of Community Medicine in UAEU is a UM alumnus – Prof Aw
Tar-Ching. Prof Awang Bulgiba was invited to give a presentation on the experiences of the SPM
Department in internationalising its postgraduate programmes which received a warm response
from the faculty staff. He also had meetings with the UAEU Provost (Prof Wyatt Hume), the Faculty
of Medicine Dean (Prof George Carruthers) and Head for the Department of Community Medicine
(Prof Aw Tar-Ching). During his visit, he met many members of staff including the research staff and
discussed possible areas of collaboration with them. Prof Awang Bulgiba hopes that the proposed
collaboration with UAEU will prove to be a mutually beneficial and lasting partnership.
Department's visit to Melaka Manipal Medical College, 25 March 2009
The department visited
Melaka Manipal Medical
College in Batu Baru,
Melaka on the 25th March
2009. The group included
the head of department,
Prof. Dr. Awang Bulgiba,
eight other academic staffs
and five non-academic
staffs. The purpose of the visit was to share the running of the teaching curriculum in MMMC as a
reflection of medical teaching in a private centre, while at the same time learnt about public health
teaching program in MMMC. The Dean, Prof John T Arokiasamy gave a briefing on the medical
college. Later, the Head of the Department of Community Medicine, Prof Dr Abdul Razzak Mohd
Said gave an overview of the undergraduate public health and community medicine curriculum at
the medical college. The group was also brought on a tour of the campus to view the facilities
available to both students and staff at the medical college. The day trip had been a useful in giving
the department new ideas on our own curriculum and available facilities, as lively discussions was
conducted between the staffs of both departments during the visit.
Associate Professor Retneswari and Dr. Azlan's visit to NUS, 18 May 2009
Assoc Prof Dr Retneswari and Dr Azlan Darus visited the Centre for Environmental and Occupational
Health Research at the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the National University of
Singapore. The objective of this visit is to survey the current laboratory service to plan for the
Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory.
They met with the acting head, Professor Chia Sing Eng who gave a run down on the
development of their laboratory and research centre, which gives a very good insight on the
development of our own research centre. This was followed by a walkthrough to the laboratories by
Mr. Ong Her Nam and Ms. Vivian Ng. They explained the facilities and requirements for all the
equipments and environment for the laboratories. The walkthrough was very useful in
understanding the requirements of setting up our own occupational and environmental health
The next day was spent going through the occupational hygiene equipments and laboratory.
They were brought around by Ms Vivian Ng and Mr. Khoo Ngee Yau. This was followed by
development of the floor plan for our Occupational and Environmental Health Lab, with references
made to the NUS lab setting and the UKM lab setting which was visited earlier. The day was
concluded at noon before they head to the airport for their flight home.
The department would like to express our gratitude to the Department of Epidemiology and
Public Health at the National University of Singapore for entertaining our visit and generosity in
sharing their experiences in managing the Occupational and Environmental Health Lab. Special
thanks to Ms Vivian Ng who accompanied us throughout the visit and her colleagues Mr Ong Her
Nam and Mr Khoo Ngee Yau for their time to see us during the visit.
Following the visit, the lay out plan for the laboratory was completed and submitted
together with the proposal for the EOH Research Centre for funding.
CePH visit to Pahang and Penang State Office 20 May 2009
The Center for Population Health (CePH) members attended
two meetings with the Pahang State Health Office (13 May
2009) and Penang State Health Office (20 May 2009) in
conjunction with the cancer registry forum.
Assoc Prof Dr Nabilla, Dr Claire and Ms Norizan had a fruitful
meeting with officers from Pahang State Health Office, Datin Dr
Marlia (State Health Deputy Director, PH), Dr Azura (Cancer
Registry Officer) and En Syamsul for possible collaboration with
MOH on cancer related research.
Assoc Prof Dr Nabilla, Dr Maznah, Dr Claire, Ms Norizan visited
the Penang State Health Office on 20 May 2009. The purpose
was to learn and observe the activities run by the Penang
Cancer Registry. Dr Azizah bt Abdul Manan (State
Epidemiologist) and the Penang Cancer Registry team shared
their experience on setting up and the management of the
Julius Centre University of Malaya
(Centre for Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence-Based Medicine)
The Julius Centre University of Malaya was borne out of the collaboration between the University of
Malaya (UM) and the University Medical Centre, Utrecht (UMCU). UMCU together with the Centre
for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM), University of Oxford, the Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
(RSCM) Hospital, Jakarta and UM had earlier won a bid under the Asia-Link project series funded by
the European Union. The winning bid for this particular Asia-Link project was called the Asia-Europe
Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine project (fondly referred to as Asia-Link within
JCUM) and required the collaboration of at least 2 European and 2 Asian partners. The project will
last for 3 years (Nov 2007 to Oct 2010) and was officially launched on 19 Nov 2007 in UM. To further
strengthen the ties between UMCU as well as UM, it was decided by the SPM Department that the
department would set up a centre which would further the collaboration beyond the remit of the
Asia-Link project. Professor Awang Bulgiba presented the proposal to create this centre to the UM
Management and the centre was approved by the UM Management on 9 Jan 2008.
Renovation work to create space for the centre started in late 2008 and was completed in early
2009. Currently the centre has a Visiting Professor room, 2 work areas which are able to
accommodate 12 doctoral students and 2 research officers, a utility room and a meeting room. The
centre is currently equipped with 15 personal computers, printers, copy and fax machines and
software. Plans are afoot to equip the centre with video-conferencing facilities to enhance
The first project officer hired under the Asia-Link programme was Ms Celine Quek She Lin. She
served as project officer from January to March 2008 and was succeeded by Ms Aimi Naira Mat
Ruzlin who served from April to December 2008. Ms Aimi left to pursue her studies at the end of
2008 and she was succeeded by Ms Hamizwanis Abdul Hamid.
The future is bright for JCUM as it is an officially recognised research centre in the Faculty of
Medicine and is expected to grow to be the referral centre for epidemiology and evidence-based
medicine in Malaysia.
The aims of the JCUM are:
To carry out research in the field of epidemiology
To develop the field of epidemiology in Malaysia
To train medical staff in the field of epidemiology and medical statistics
To improve the quality of epidemiological research in Malaysia
To develop training and activity development programmes in epidemiology and medical
statistics in the Faculty of Medicine, UM
6. To act as the centre for problem solving in research methodology and medical statistics in
the country
Strengths / Expertise
The strengths of the centre lie in its expertise in statistics, epidemiology and research. As a young
centre, it is still growing in stature but has proven itself capable of organising itself very well. The
other main strength of the centre is its close links to its partners in the Netherlands, the United
Kingdom and Indonesia.
Centre Activities
The activities of the JCUM are:
Managing research activities in the field of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine.
Managing the Asia-Europe Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine Programme.
Short courses in the field of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine.
Student exchange programmes amongst PhD candidates between Utrecht, Oxford and Jakarta.
Development of curriculum in the field of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine.
As a reference and advisory centre in the field of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based
Since its inception, the centre has been active in carrying out activities under the Asia-Link
programme. These activities include maintaining the Asia-Europe CE & EBM website
(http://www.asialink-ce.org), organising short courses (with UMCU, CEBM and RSCM partners),
selecting PhD fellows destined for UMCU and CEBM Oxford and coming out with the clinical
epidemiology and evidence-based medicine module for the MBBS programme. Two PhD fellows
were selected for 2009 under the Asia-Europe Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine
Programme. They were Dr Ng Chong Guan and Dr Sharmini Selvarajah. Both are currently in UMCU.
The following activities were carried out by the Julius Centre UM in 2009.
Research Projects
Project No
Identification of Determinants For Progression To
AIDS in HIV Patients Receiving Anti-Retroviral
Prof Awang Bulgiba
Factors Affecting Adherence To Antiretroviral
Treatment In HIV Patients In Malaysia
Prof Awang Bulgiba
Association of Candidate Genes Predisposing To
Obesity In Malaysia
Prof Awang
Bulgiba/ Assoc. Prof
Sanjay Rampal
Translational research in primary prevention of
Dr. Moy Foong
Primary Prevention of chronic Diseases In Worksite
Dr. Moy Foong
The relationship of salivary biomarkers and job
stress among office workers in a multinational
company using JCQ
Assoc. Prof.
Salivary Cortisol and IgA markers for psychological
stress-a stud of workplace stress among the police
Assoc. Prof.
Direct, Indirect and Intangible Cost of Occupational
Disease In Malaysia
Dr. Azlan Darus
Progressivity healthcare of financing in Malaysia
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
Randomised Controlled Trial of Safety and Eficacy
of Ziprazidone vs Aripiprazole in Schizophrenia with
Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus
Dr. Mas Ayu
Estimation of marginal cost to maintain cost to
maintain quit-smoking status among ex-smokers in
the Tanglin quit smoking clini, Kuala lumpur
Dr. Tin Tin Su
Effectiveness of Disaster Management Programme
vis-à-vis health and socioeconomic consequences
for affected communities
Dr. Tin Tin Su
Increasing Awareness on Breast Cancer and
Enhancement of Breast Self Examination (BSE)
Practise among University Malaya Female Staff
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Influence of lifetime occupation on muscle strength
and functional ability
Assoc. Prof. Sanjay
Awareness and Communication Practice of Parents
of Primary School Children On Sexual Abuse In
Dr. Claire Choo Wan
Mercury levels in newborn Cord Blood and
Maternal Blood and the Association with the Ante
partum Consumption of Seafood of Pregnant
Mothers in UMMC
Dr. Moy Foong
UMRG 017/09HTM
Research Projects already being carried out by SPM PHD and DRPH Students (2009)
Project No
Smoking Cessation at a workplace: Dynamic Process
of Relapse after and 2nd administration
Dr. Siti Munira Binti
Planning in Smoking Cessation Attempts: A
Prospective and Retrospective Cohort Study in
Ministry of
Ms Wee Lai Hum
Survival analysis of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
patients in Malaysia
Dr. Narimah
Methods of determining agreement and reliability
in some medical applications
Dr. Rafdzah
Mathematical Modelling in Tuberculosis
Transmission and Impact on Early intervention
(Chemoprophylaxis) in Malaysia
Dr. Nurhuda Ismail
Employee assistance Program (EAP) for Stress
Dr. Marzuki
Survival of Patients With Vascular Compilation of
PCI in Malaysia
Dr. Noorhaire
Telephone Lactation Counseling and Feeding
Dr. Noorzakiah
A cervical call recall System
Dr. Fauziah
Effectiveness of School Based Weight Management
Dr. Noraliza
Predictors of High Risk Sexual Behaviour
Dr. Nik Daliana
Project Descriptions
Identification of determinants for progression to AIDS in HIV patients receiving anti-retroviral
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Dr Rahayu Lubis
Prof Adeeba Kamarulzaman
Devi Peramalah
Funding agency:
Ministry of Higher Education
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme
Reference number:
Dec 2006-Dec 2009
This project aims to determine the predictors for progression to AIDS in HIV patients receiving antiretroviral treatment. The study is expected to offer badly needed new knowledge and
understanding of the prognosis and survival of HIV-infected patients in Malaysia. The study design is
a combined retrospective and prospective cohort. The study population comes from the UMMC.
Data collection for the project has completed and the results are being analysed. Preliminary results
from the study indicate that CD4 counts and type of therapy are highly influential in determining the
survival of HIV and AIDS patients. The project has funded research by one PhD candidate and has so
far resulted in 2 oral and 1 poster presentations by Dr Rahayu Lubis (PhD candidate). The
completion of the project should result in 3 journal papers, 3 conference papers and 1 PhD thesis.
1. Bulgiba AM, Lubis R, Peramalah D, Noran NH, Kamarulzaman A. Proceedings of the 41st Asia
Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
2. Lubis R, Bulgiba AM, Noran NH, Kamarulzaman A. Characteristics of patients diagnosed with
HIV/AIDS in University of Malaya Medical Centre from 1986-2008. Proceedings of the 41st Asia
Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
3. Lubis R, Bulgiba AM, Noran NH, Kamarulzaman A. A 21-year review of HIV/AIDS patients seen in
the University of Malaya Medical Centre. Proceedings of the 40th Asia Pacific Academic
Consortium for Public Health Conference, 7-9 Nov 2008, Kuala Lumpur.
The process of smoking cessation in smokers attending Quit Smoking Clinics in Malaysia
Funding agency:
Reference number:
Amount spent:
Ms Wee Lei Hum
Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Prof Dr Robert West (Health Behaviour Research Centre, Department of
Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London) – Advisor
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Ninth Malaysia Plan (Research and Development)
53-02-03-1016 (Oracle 8531016)
RM520, 000
January 2007 - Dec 2010
This project attempts to test a new motivational theory called the PRIME theory in understanding
how smokers prepare their quit attempts. This groundbreaking theory marks a significant shift in
understanding the process and determinants of behavioural change. Despite the evidence on the
effectiveness of various tobacco control strategies to improve the quit rates, there appear to be
gaps in understanding the processes involve in smokers’ decisions to stop smoking. The study is
expected to offer new insights into the process of smoking cessation and also set to discover new
predictors and improve intervention strategies. The project is funded by the Ministry of Health and
is expected to cost about RM1 million over 4 years. Data collection for the project has been going
well and the project is on schedule for completion at the end of 2010. The project has funded
research by one PhD candidate (Ms Wee Lei Hum) and has so far resulted in 9 conference papers
presented by Ms Wee Lei Hum. The completion of the project should result in 4 journal papers, 5
conference papers and 1 PhD thesis.
1. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Motivational Pathways in Smoking Cessation Attempts - A
Qualitative Study. Conference on Behavioral Medicine, 25-27 January 2008, Penang,
2. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Factors leading up to attending Stop-Smoking Clinics in Malaysia.
The UK National Smoking Cessation Conference, 30 June – 1 July 2008, Birmingham, United
3. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. A qualitative analysis of beliefs and feelings about smoking and
quitting during a quit attempt. The Society for Research in Nicotine and Tobacco, 1st Asian
Regional Conference, 28-31 Oct 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
4. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Characteristics of smokers attending Malaysian Stop Smoking
Clinics. 40th Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 7-9 Nov 2008,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
5. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Factors associated with short-term success among smokers
attending stop smoking clinics in Malaysia. 14th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, 812 March 2009, Mumbai, India.
6. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Smokers beliefs and feelings about smoking and quitting during
a quit attempt: A qualitative study. UK National Smoking Cessation Conference, 22-23 June
2009, London, United Kingdom.
7. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Predictors of 4-week smoking cessation among clinic attendees
in Malaysia. UK National Smoking Cessation Conference, 22-23 June 2009, London, United
8. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Process of smoking cessation among smokers attending stopsmoking clinics in Malaysia. Malaysia. Council for Tobacco Control Conference, 8-9 August
2009, UKM, Malaysia.
9. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Thoughts, feelings and behaviours of clients attending clinics in
Malaysia. 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6
December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
10. A paper “Exploring smoker’s beliefs and feelings about smoking and quitting during a quit
attempt – findings from a qualitative analysis of the SNAP model” has been submitted to the
Substance Use and Misuse Journal for publication.
Mathematical Modelling in Tuberculosis Transmission and Impact on Early intervention
(Chemoprophylaxis) in Malaysia
Funding agency:
Reference number:
Dr. Nurhuda Ismail
Prof. Dr. Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
University of Malaya
UM Postgraduate Research Fund
RM10,100.00 (August 2009 till August 2010)
June 2009 - May 2011
Epidemic modelling generates estimates and projections of disease morbidity and mortality over
time. This project aims to apply the use of deterministic mathematical models to study the
progression of latent tuberculosis infection in high risk sub-populations in Malaysia, and to assess
the impact of chemoprophylaxis i.e. Isoniazid Preventive Therapy on reducing incidence. It is hoped
that the result will demonstrate that treatment of infectives is more effective in the first years of
implementation as treatment results in clearing active tuberculosis immediately and there after
chemoprophylaxis will do better in controlling the number of infectives due to reduced progression
to active tuberculosis. The model also suggests that this recommended chemoprophylaxis which
identify and treat persons recently infected may have a substantial effect on controlling tuberculosis
epidemics. The project is funding research by one DrPH candidate (Dr. Nurhuda Ismail), currently at
the development of model and data collection phase. The completion of the project should result in
2 journal papers, 2 conference papers and 1 DrPH thesis.
Factors affecting adherence to anti-retroviral treatment in HIV patients in Malaysia
Funding agency:
Reference number:
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Dr Umar Yagoub Mohammed
Dr Zamri bin Chik
Dr Christopher KC lee
Devi Peramalah
University of Malaya
University of Malaya Research Grant
RM 222,200
April 2009-March 2012
This project aims to determine the true level and determinants of adherence to anti-retroviral
treatments in HIV positive patients in Sungai Buloh Hospital, Malaysia. It will also be used to validate
self- reporting instruments as a means of testing adherence. This is the first study on adherence to
antiretroviral treatment in Malaysia and expected to help in improving the clinical management of
HIV/ AIDS patients, reduce drug resistance and treatment failure and more importantly provide the
different pharmacy departments with sufficient information about the effect of their prescribed
medications which will enable the country to avoid wastage of expensive medication. The study is a
combined retrospective and prospective cohort in which a self-reported medication adherence
questionnaire is administered and blood samples collected for analysis by mass spectrometry, while
pharmacy records and medical test results are collected from medical electronic records
retrospectively. The project will fund research by one PhD candidate (Dr Umar Yagoub Mohammed).
The completion of the project should result in 3 journal papers, 3 conference papers and 1 PhD
Survival analysis of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients in Malaysia
Funding agency:
Dr Narimah Hanim Ibrahim
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
University of Malaya
UM Postgraduate Research Fund
Reference number:
PS 169/2009B
RM 10,000
August 2009 - August 2010
This study aims to prognosticate the 5-year and 10-year survival probabilities and to prognosticate
CVD-specific mortality among End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients in Malaysia. It is a cohort
study involving all ESRD patients registered in either NRR or NTR between 1992 and 2008.
Prognostic factors of interest are predictors for better survival for example younger age group, nonsmoking patients, no history of existing co-morbidities, good social support, less immunologic risks
and normal biochemical data (normal cholesterol level, no Hepatitis B, no Hepatitis C, HIV negative).
This study will come out with scoring models to predict the survival probabilities of ESRD patients in
Malaysia. This will be very useful especially to the healthcare provider to improve the management
of renal failure patients and also the Ministry of Health and other agencies which contributed to the
service in terms of planning and expanding the services in future. The project will fund research by
one PhD candidate (Dr Narimah Hanim Ibrahim). The completion of the project should result in 2
journal papers and 1 DrPH thesis.
Methods of determining agreement and reliability in some medical applications
Funding agency:
Reference number:
Dr Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
University of Malaya
UM Postgraduate Research Grant
June 2009 - June 2011
The purpose of this study is to compare different statistical methods of measuring agreement and
reliability, and to propose a method using regression analysis for measuring agreement. This study
will present a direct comparison of commonly used statistical methods to measure agreement and
reliability. This study aims to make recommendations on which method is the most appropriate
method to use to measure agreement and reliability. This is a cross-sectional study, where the study
population comes from the UM Wellness programme and community-based health screening
program. Phase I of data collection has been completed (variables: Systolic BP, Diastolic BP, Heart
Rate, and Glucose level). Phase II of data collection (variables: CO level, Peak Flow Rate, Weight and
Temperature) is now on going at the UM Wellness Quit Smoking Clinic. This study is funding
resaerch by one DrPH candidate (Dr Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki). The completion of this project should
result in 3 journal papers, at least 2 conference papers and 1 DrPH thesis.
Systematic review paper: A Review of Statistical Method used to Measure Agreement in
Medicine – in process of writing up paper
Primary Prevention of Chronic Diseases in Worksite
Funding agency:
Refrence number:
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai Abdullah
Assoc. Prof Sanjay Rampal
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
University of Malaya
UM Short-term grant
March 2008-December 2009
Worksite health promotion has been associated with a reduction in health risks and promotion of
healthy lifestyles, improvements in economic and productivity factors including medical costs,
compensation benefits, employee absenteeism and job satisfaction. This study aimed to track the
pre- and post-intervention of participants and non-participants. Universal sampling on all staff aged
40 years and above was used. Data was collected through a pre-tested questionnaire which covers
socio-demographic characteristics, medical history, lifestyle behaviors (physical activity, diet and
eating pattern, smoking status, stress), barriers and triggers for healthy lifestyle behaviours. Health
promotion program in educating the participants on diet, physical activities, quit smoking and stress
management are planned and will be introduced in stages. A wellness website was also set up as a
tool of health education.
1. Moy FM & Bulgiba AM. Obesity & metabolic syndrom in a wellness cohort in Kuala Lumpur.
Proceedings of MASO 2009 Scientific Conference on Obesity. pg 29.
2. Moy FM & Bulgiba AM. Association of serum urate with risk factors of Metabolic Syndrome.
Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec
2009, Taipei, Taiwan. Pg. 41
Translational research in primary prevention of chronic diseases in a workplace
Funding agency:
Reference number:
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Assoc. Prof Sanjay Rampal
Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai Abdullah
University of Malaya
Research University Grant
March 2009 - December 2010
Primary prevention of chronic diseases is proven to be much more cost effective than secondary and
tertiary prevention. Multiple approaches at different settings are needed to combat the increase
burden of these diseases. Worksite health promotion which is comprehensive with multiple
approaches has been associated with a reduction in health risks and promotion of healthy lifestyles,
improvements in economic and productivity factors including medical costs, compensation benefits,
employee absenteeism and job satisfaction. This proposed study will try to translate evidences from
clinical trials to the worksite setting through health education with behavioural change,
environmental support and participation from the management of the university. This study is
supporting 2 DrPH and 2 Master candidates.
Determinants of clinical outcomes among ACS patients following PCI in UMMC
Funding agency:
Reference number:
Dr. Noorhaire Sumarlie B. Nordin
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Assoc. Prof. Imran Zainal Abidin
University of Malaya
UM Postgraduate Research Grant
RM 5,000
August 18, 2009 – August 17, 2010
The aims of this study are to identify different determinants or predictors of clinical outcomes
following PCI among ACS patients in UMMC, Malaysia as well as develop a prognostic model for the
risk of these outcomes following PCI. Besides that this study plans to describe the HRQOL outcome
following PCI in UMMC. This study will be the first study to identify the predictors of outcomes of
PCI and provide knowledge in terms of local management in Malaysia. The prognostic model can be
used as a tool for stratifying patients according to the risk of outcomes and as a simple bedside
scoring system. The study design is a prospective cohort study. The study population is selected
from all ACS patients who are admitted to the cardiology ward and undergo PCI in the UMMC. Data
collection for the study is still ongoing. The project has funded research on one DrPH candidate. The
completion of the study should result in 1 DrPH thesis and 3 journal papers.
Influence of lifetime occupation on muscle strangth and functional ability
Funding agency:
Assoc Prof Sanjay Rampal
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai Abdullah
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
University of Malaya
UM Short term Grant
March 2008- June 2009
1. Kee KW, Chang EWH, Toh TH, Siow CS, Leong YH, CRP Bentong, Hoe VCH, Rampal S, Moy FM.
2008. Handgrip strength of rural elderly in Pahang, Malaysia. Proceedings of the 40th Asia Pacific
Academic Consortium of Public Health. pg 126
Built envionment factors, individual factors and social factors affecting adolescents’ physical
activity behaviour
Funding agency:
Reference number:
Rosalia Saimon
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Dr Claire Choo Wan Yuen
University of Malaya
UM Postgraduate Research Fund
Jan 2010 – Dec 2011
Physical inactivity is a global health hazard on its own contributing to mammoth public health
problems. Thus this project aims to determine the relationship between built envionment factors,
individual factors and social factors affecting adolescents’ physical activity (PA) behaviour. There is a
pressing need for more scientific and rigourous data on built environment and physical activity
research as ecological models open up a broader range of interventions to increase physical activity
and combat obesity in Malaysia. This mixed method research uses a sequential transformative
designs. In the qualitative phase, data will be collected through photovoice techniques, in-depth
interviews, and focus group discussions. The study has been conducted with adolescents and
parents in the rural and urban neighbourhoods to explore specific themes and domains, identify
hypotheses and construct items. Data generated from the interviews will inform the subsequent
survey designed for larger samples in the quantitative phase. The quantitative data will use
structural equation modelling (SEM) to examine the relationship between latent variables in a single
model. Data collection is still in progress. The project will support one PhD student and is expected
to result in 3 journal papers and 1 PhD thesis.
Short Courses
14-16 Jan 09
Logistic regression for medical research
12 & 13-14 Feb 2009
Fifth and Sixth Asia-Link course in UM (Systematic Review)
16 Feb 2009
Seventh Asia-Link course in UM (The Practice of EBM)
20-22 Apr 2009
Eighth Asia-Link course (Design of Aetiologic Research)
6 May 09
Using EndNote X1
14-16 Jun 2009
Ninth Asia-Link course (Train the trainers)
Aug 2009
CE & EBM module for MBBS started
Sept 2009
Second batch of PhD fellows (Sharmini Selvarajah and Ng Chong Guan for
First PhD fellow (Nirmala Bhoo Pathy returns to continue PhD in Malaysia)
30 Sept – 2 Oct 2009
Tenth Asia-Link course (Clinical Epidemiology)
6 Oct 2009
Using EndNote X1
8-10 Oct 2009
Eleventh Asia-Link course (Evidence-Based Practice)
For 2010, JCUM is expected to mature further. JCUM is expected to house a total of 12 PhD/DrPH
students in 2010.
Consultancies & Special Services:
1. R076477SCH3022 Study: An Open-label Prospective Trial to Explore the Tolerability, Safety and
Efficacy of Flexibly Dosed Paliperidone ER in Subjects With Schizophrenia. Janssen-Cilag
2. Malaysian HIV/AIDS Estimation Project. Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department
3. RISSCH4210 Study: A Multi-center, Retrospective, Comparative Study to Investigate Drug
Utilization Patterns and Treatment Period Associated with Atypical Antipsychotics treatment in
Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorders: Aripiprazole, Olanzapine, Quetiaine, and
Risperidone. Janssen-Cilag (completed)
Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Social and Preventive Medicine
Dr Sanjay Rampal
Social and Preventive Medicine
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Social and Preventive Medicine
Dr Claire Choo Wan Yuen
Social and Preventive Medicine
Dr Noran Naqiah Mohd Hairi
Social and Preventive Medicine
Dr Mas Ayu Said
Social and Preventive Medicine
Mr Mohd Roshidi Ismail
Social and Preventive Medicine
Dr Liew Su-May
Primary Care Medicine
A/Prof Dr Retneswari Masilamani
Social and Preventive Medicine
Dr Azlan Darus
Social and Preventive Medicine
Dr Htay Moe
Social and Preventive Medicine
Prof Dr Patrick Tan Seow Koon
Prof Dr Samsinah Hussain
Prof Dr Kulentheran Arumugam
Medical Education and Research Development Unit
A/Prof Dr Saimy Ismail
Social and Preventive Medicine
A/Prof Dr Chua Siew Siang
A/Prof Dr Wong Yut Lin
A/Prof Dr Noor Azina Ismail
Dept of Applied Statistics, Faculty of Economics
Prof Dr Lucy Lum Chai See
Dr Gan Chin Seng
Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn
Parasitology/ Medicine
Dr Mohamad Shariff Abdul Hamid
Sport Medicine Unit
Mrs Loh Siew Yim
Rehab Medicine
Mrs Rasnah Abdul Rahman
Dr Si Lay Khaing
Obstetric & Gynaecology
Dr Maznah Dahlui
Social & Preventive Medicine
Dr Zulkarnain Jaafar
Sport Medicine Unit
A/Prof Dr Jessie De Bruyne
Dr Anna Maria Nathan
A/Prof Dr Khatijah Lim Abdullah
Dr Abdul Halim Mokthar
Sport Medicine Unit
Mrs Shireen Alwi
Dr Nurliza Khaliddin
Dr Ng Chiu Wan
Social and Preventive Medicine
External Membership
Prof Yolanda van der Graaf
Prof Diedrick Groebbe
Prof Arno Hoes
Prof Paul Glasziou
Associate Prof Cuno Uiterwaal
Name of Agency
Julius Centre, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
Julius Centre, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
Julius Centre, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of
Oxford, United Kingdom
Julius Centre, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
Support Staff
Devi Peramalah (Research Officer)
Hamizwanis Abdul Hamid (Asia-Link Project Officer)
Contact person:
Devi Peramalah (Research Officer)
Tel: +60 (3) 79673797
Fax: +60 (3) 79674975
Centre for Population Health
The research centre for population health has been proposed to be added into the list of centers
developed by the Department of Social Preventive Medicine for the University of Malaya. This
centre is the result of collaborative work between the department and the Centre of Public Health,
Queen's University Belfast. The initiative would pave the way for Malaysia to have a modern medical
database of its people and provide population health solutions in the future. It would also provide a
world-class research centre for population health in the UM for the benefit of the people in
Malaysia and worldwide. In line with the department vision to transform itself into a school of
Public Health in the near future, this research centre will spear head the direction of the School to
become a premier institution excelling in population health issues and research.
A proud moment for the Department was when the Centre for Population Health (CePH) was
officially launched by the Vice Chancellor on the 18th February 2009. An MOU between UM and the
prestigious Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland was signed during the launching. It is
envisaged that the center will undertake a broad spectrum of work, ranging from research that
helps to better understand the priority diseases and their associations to lifestyles and behaviors, to
discovery science with potential for longer term benefits such as therapeutics and vaccines, on
health related environmental issues to health systems oriented research that directly influence
health policy.
To become a world-class research centre of excellence which will provide leadership in activities
related to population health.
The mission of CePH is to provide a platform and support for population health research and
to share the knowledge and skills gained in its various activities with others.
The initiative would pave the way for Malaysia to have a modern medical database of its
people and provide population health solutions in the future.
To collaborate with the existing researchers locally and internationally to build capacity and
skills in managing data and evidence towards policy making and health planning in
improving the general health of the population.
To bring innovative population health research together with the work of policy makers and
service providers to accelerate and strengthen the processes of health improvement.
To act as the central liasion agency in collaborative research in all areas of population health
in Malaysia and in the region.
Research Officer (Nithiah Thangiah)
Assisstant Research Officer (Siti Nor Azirah Bt Aziman Shah)
Research Assistant (Marina Bt Mohamad)
Scope of activities and Research
Focused areas of collaboration (Building on expertise in QUB (Cancer Registry Enhancement
Initiative, Health Policy research, Health Economics research, Early Childhood Development
Initiative, Nutritional and CVD epidemiology and Joint degrees with QUB)
Project :
UMRG048/09 SBS (Risk Perception an Attitudes of Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Among Staff and
Students at University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur.
RM 24,900 (1st year)
Year 2009
18th February 2009
23rd June 2009
24th June 2009
1-8th July 2009
8th July 2009
14th July 2009
26th-28th October 2009
28th October 2009
Centre for Population Health (CePH) was officially launched.
Cancer registry workshop : Forum on cancer registry in Malaysia
Cancer researchers workshop
Capacity building Belfast
Visit to C-Tob in Penang
Collaboration talks with Ceria, CPDS, Columbia U
Training in user registry
Presented the way forward for CREI (UMMC cancer registry) in a
research meeting organized by the cluster chairman
Undergraduate Programme
The Department of Social and Preventive Medicine contributes to the Undergraduate medical and
science programme of the Faculty of Medicine and the University. The programmes are:
Bachelor in Science Nursing
Bachelor in Biomedical Science
Diploma Medical Laboratory Technology
Diploma in Nursing
The Community Residency Programme (CRP)
The Community Residency Programme (CRP) for MBBS candidates phase IIIB was conducted this
year from 23 February to 20th March 2009. The whole class were divided into 5 groups and the
programme was carried out in five districts in the state of Pahang, namely Lipis, Bera, Pekan,
Rompin and Maran. The debriefing session for the programme was conducted in HTAR Klang on the
18 and 19th March.
Organisation and Management of Healthcare System (OMHS)
The Organisation and Management of Healthcare System (OMHS) module for phase IIIb MBBS was
concluded on 3rd July 2009. The students were divided into 8 groups and had visited 8 districts in
Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang for hands-on experience on the health
organisations in the respective areas. The module was concluded with the student’s presentations
on the health organisations and focus areas which were assigned to each group. The districts
involved this year were: Klang, Gombak, Petaling (Selangor), DBKL, Putrajaya (W. Persekutuan),
Seremban, Port Dickson (N. Sembilan) and Raub (Pahang).
Postgraduate Programme
Aims – to produce professional who is a specialist in the general domain of Public Health as well as a
particular specialty.
Strengths / Expertise – the SPM Postgraduate Unit is responsible to the Head of Department and
coordinates by Dr Maznah Dahlui. The staff are Ms Shamsina Shamsuddin (Programme Assistant)
and Ms Hasdharina
Assoc Professor Dr Retneswari Masilamani
Dr Maznah Dahlui
Ms Shamsina
Ms Hasdharina
Ms Noor Irdawaty
Mr Kamar
Number of student enrolled for postgraduate programme
No of students enrolled
No of students graduated
Master of Medical Science in Public Health
Master of Public Health
Master of Public Health (Speciality) Year 3
Master of Public Health (Specialty) Year 4
Doctorate of Public Health (DrPH)(new)
Master of Medical Science (by Research)
Doctor of Philosophy (by Research)
List of Postgraduate candidate for session 2009/2010
Master of Public Health
Name of candidate
Abdelgadir Eltahir Ahmed Abdalla
Abdul Ghalib bin Sulaiman
Alfred Aldrin A/L S Perianayagam
Aliyu Mohammed Maigoro
Anedo Hyginus Nnamdi
Anisah Binti Jantim
Bala Murali A/L Sundram
Chanjan Ghio Marlon Walter
Chow Sze Loon
Dyanan A/L Puvanandran
Erlendawati Binti Mohd Anuar
Hatim Mohamed Eltayeb
Ikhlas Mohamed Hamed Elyas
Imad Addin Abduraouf Yaseen Abdulmajeed
Izzeldin Siddig Siddig Mohamed
Juliana Sharmini Paul
Mohamed Ahmed Esmail Farah Esmail
Mohamed Hashim El Hassan Mohamed
Mohammad Idris Bin Zamhuri
Mohammed Othman Mohammed Alshaikh
Nagi Abdel Magid Mohamed Elawad
Norliza Binti Ahmad
Norliza Binti Ibrahim
Nur Suffia Binti Sulaiman
Nuraidah Binti Mohd Marzuki
Nurudeen Attahiru Aliyu
Ogueji Okechi Richard
P Raviwharmman A/L Packierisamy
Preeti Wasudev
Raji, Mansur Olayinka
Shahril Nizam Bin Abdul Jalil
Siti Noraida Binti Jamal
Siti Zuraidah Bt Mahmud
Tuty Aridzan Irdawati Bt Mohsinon
Zulfa Vety bin Dol Bakri
Master of Medical Science in Public Health
Name of candidate
Aliyu Abdulrasheed Bello
Ashiru Hamza Mohammad
Mai Mohamed Ali Elghali
Marie Felicite Zeufack
Mona Hanim Binti Sheikh Mahmud
Nada Ab Mansour Hweissa
Rajasegar A/L Anamalley
Sadrieh Khalatbari Soltani
Sasimalani A/P Surgunnam
Siti Fatimah Binti Kader Maideen
Doctor of Philosophy
Name of candidate
Ali Khudair Abbas
Wee Lei Hum
Rahayu Lubis
Umar Yagoub Mohammed
Isam Eldin
Yusuf Abdu Misau
Magaji Bello Arkilla
Ogochukwu Fidelia Offu
Master of Public Health (Year 3 & 4)
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Year 3
Dr Patwinder Kaur Gill (MBBS
[email protected]
A simple risk score for gestational diabetes screening in
Dr. Claire Choo Wan
Year 4
Dr Asnida Bte Anjang Abdul
Rahman (MD-University Sains
[email protected]
Prevalence and associated factor for erectile dysfunction in
primary care setting
Assoc Prof Dr Nabilla
Abd Mohsein
Dr Rozita Bte Ab Rahman
(MB,BcH.BAO University College
Galway Ireland)
[email protected]
Violence-related behavior among school-going adolescents in
federal territory Kuala Lumpur
Dr.Maznah Bte
Dr Rozaini Bte Mat Shah
(Medical Degree University Sains
[email protected]
Effect of highly active Antiretrovirus therapy on AIDS mortality
and AIDS defining events among AIDS patients in Hospital
Sungai Buloh
Prof Dr. Awang
Dr Edrin Nazri Bin Abdul Rasib
(MBChB-University of Otago
New Zealand)
edrin_n@yahoo .com
Prevalence and associated factor of NIHL among rector control
workers in Negeri Sembilan
Assoc Prof Dr
Dr Mohd Iqbal Bin Hamzah
(MBBS-KMC, Manglore India)
drmohiq@google .com
Prevalence of work related neck and upper limb disorder and
its association with hand grip strength among office
employees in Pulau Pinang
Dr.Azlan Bin Darus
Dr Navjeet Kaur (MBBSJawharlal Nehru Medical College
[email protected]
Prevalence of stress among white collar and blue collar
workers in multi National company
Dr. Htay Moe
Dr Suhainizam Bin Muhd
saliluddin (MB,Bch,BAONational Uni of Ireland Galway)
[email protected]
Prevalence and associated factor at stress among secondary
school teacher in Kuala Pilah District
Assoc Prof Dr
Master of Public Health,Year 3
Dr.Patwinder Kaur
Master of Public Health,Year 4
Dr.Mohd Iqbal
Dr.Edrin Nazri
Dr.Narjeet Kaur
Doctor of Public Health (Part 1)
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Dr Ismawati Binti Ismail
(MBBS,MPH-University of Malaya)
[email protected]
Survival of TB/HIV co-infected patients in Kuala Lumpur and
Selangor. A multicentre study
Prof Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud
Dr Mohamad Rodi Bin Isa
(Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor
of Surgery-University of
Malaya.Diploma in Applied
Parasitology & entomology)
[email protected]
The effectiveness of the progressive deep muscle relaxation as
an adjust treatment to reduce the level of anxiety, stress and
depression among prostate cancer patient: A randomized
controlled trial
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Dr Jenifer@Jennifer John (MBBSUniversity Malaya)
[email protected]
Economic evaluation of Thalassaemia treatment in Hospital
Kuala Lumpur
Dr. Maznah Bte
Dr Premila Devi (MPH-USM, MDUniversiti Islam Sumatera
[email protected]
Factor influencing transition of smoking stages among
secondary school student in Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur
Assoc Prof Dr Nabilla
Bte Abdul Mohsein
Dr Rima Marhayu Bte Abdul Rashid
(MBBS-University of Malaya)
[email protected]
Call-Recall system in Klang using SIPPS (Pap Smear Program
Information System) software: The cost effectiveness of
different types of reminder on patient`s response rates.
Assoc Prof Dr Nabilla
Bte Abdul Mohsein
Dr Sophia Bte Mohd Ramli (MBBSImperial College School of
Cost effectiveness analysis of clinical breast examination and
mammogram for breast cancer screening in the general
population: a randomized controlled trial in Klang district
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Dr Mohd Harriszamani Bin Abu
Bakar (MBBS-University
Malaya,MSc HRD-UTM
[email protected]
Internal brain drain and cancer advancement among medical
officer in Malaysia
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Dr Mohd Ridzwan Bin Shahari
(MBBS-University of
Malaya)[email protected]
Equity in healthcare utilization and financing evidence from
National Household. Health survey.
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Doctor of Public Health Part 1, Sesi 2009/2010
Dr. Rima Marhayu
Dr. Jennifer
Dr. Premila Devi
Dr. Mohd Rodi
Dr. Sophia
Dr. Harriszamani
Dr. Ismawati
Dr. Mohd Ridzwan
Doctor of Public Health (Part 2)
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Dr Narimah Hanim Bte Ibrahim
(Medical Doktor)-UKM
[email protected]
Survival analysis of end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients in
Prof Dr Awang
Bulgiba Awang
Dr Noorhaire Sumarlie Bin Nordin
(Medical Doctor-USM)
[email protected]
Adverse cardiac events and vascular complication following PCI
in ACS patients in UMMC
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Dr Nurhuda Bte Ismail (Medical
Doctor-UKM) [email protected]
Mathematical Modeling in Tuberculosis transmission and
impact on early intervention (Chemoprophylaxis) in Malaysia
Prof Dr Awang
Bulgiba Awang
Dr Fauziah Bte Abdullah
(MB.Bch.Bao.Bmed.Sc -University
College of Cork,Ireland
[email protected]
A call-recall system to increase attendance at screening for
cervical cancer among Non-compliance female school teachers
in Kula Lumpur
Dr Tin Tin Su
Dr Nik Daliana Bte Nik Farid
[email protected]
Predictor of high risk sexual behavior among adolescents in
welfare institutions
Assoc Prof Dr. Nabilla
Bte Abdul Mohsein
Dr Nor Idawaty Bte Ibrahim
(MBBS-Bangalore University)
[email protected]
Ethnic differences in female breast cancer
Dr. Maznah Bte
Dr Noraliza Bte Zabari (Medical
Doctor-University Malaysia
[email protected]
Effectiveness of school based weight intervention program in
overweight adolescents: A community trial study.
Dr.Tin Tin Su
Dr Norzakiah Bte Mohd Tahir
(MBBS-University of Malaya)
[email protected]
Telephone lactation counseling and breast feeding practice: A
Randomized controlled trial
Assoc Prof Dr. Nabilla
Bte Abdul Mohsein
Dr Siti Harirotul Hamrok Bte Asis (
Medical Doctor-USM)
Employment status and breast feeding practice in Kuala Langat
Assoc prof Dr.Nabilla
Bte Abdul Mohsein
Dr Ruzita Bte Othman (Medical
[email protected]
Evaluation of house officer training: A study in Klang Valley.
Dr. Maznah Bte
Dr Marzuki Bin Isahak (MBBSUniversity of Malaya)
[email protected]
Employee assistance progress for stress: An intervention on
self-perceived stress, anxiety and depression and sickness in
public university.
Dr. Azlan Bin Darus
Dr Siti Munirah Bte Yasin (MBBCH
BAO-National University of Ireland
Galway) [email protected]
Smoking Cessation at a workplace: The Dynamic process of
Lapse and Relapse after 1st and 2nd administration of
Assoc Prof Dr.
Dr. Rafdzah Bte Ahmad Zaki
(MBChB-Universiti of Liverpool)
[email protected]
Statistical method of determining agreement and reliability in
some medical application
Prof Dr Awang
Bulgiba Awang
Doctor of Public Health ((Part 2)
Dr.Noorhaire Sumarlie
Dr. Siti Munirah
Dr. Nor Idawaty
Dr. Nurhuda
Dr. Narimah Hanim
Dr. Noraliza
Dr. Siti Harirotul Hamrok
Dr. Norzakiah
Dr. Ruzita
Dr. Fauziah
Dr. Nik Daliana
Dr. Marzuki
Master of Medical Science (by research)
Name of candidate
Ms Eng Jui Yee
[email protected]
Title of Project
Validation of a food frequency questionnaire to asses total
cholesterol, total fat and different types of fat intake among
Malay adults in UMMC
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Doctor of Philosophy (by research)
Name of candidate
Dr Ali Khudair Abbas(Medical
Degree-Al-Mustansiriah Medical
college Baghdad, Iraq. Diploma in
community Medicine (Public
Health)-Al-Mustansiriah Medical
Collenge Baghdad, Iraq.
Title of Project
Customer satisfaction on quality of private Hospital in Sana`a,
Dr. Tin Tin Su
Dr Rahayu Lubis (MD-Fakulti
kedoktoran USU Medan.GP-Fakulti
Kedoktoran USU Medan.Magister
Epidemidlogy-Pascasarjana Unair
[email protected]
Identification of determinants for progression to AIDS in HIV
patients receiving Antiretroviral treatment
Prof Dr.Awang
Bulgiba Awang
Dr Umar Yagoub Mohammed
(MBBS-University of Loges.MPHUniversity of Malaya)
[email protected]
Factor affecting adherence to antiretroviral treatment in HIV
positive patients
Prof Dr.Awang
Bulgiba Awang
Ms Wee Lei Hum (B.A (HONS)University Sains Malaysia.Kursus
Lepasan Ijazah Kesihatan Awam
(sijil)-Institut kesihatan
Umum.MPH-Curtin University of
Technology Australia.
[email protected]
Planning in smoking cessation attempts: A prospective and
retrospective study in Malaysia
Prof Dr.Awang
Bulgiba Awang
Dr Isam Eldin Elnour Mohamed
Baloul (MBBS-University of
Juba.MPH-University of Malaya)
[email protected]
Evaluation of National Health Insurance/Sudan
Dr. Maznah Bte
Dr. Magaji Bello Arkilla (Primary
Fellowship Exam-West African
College of Physician.MBBS DegreeVDU Sokoto)
[email protected]
Pattern, Predictors of survival and health related quality of life
among colorectal cancer patients in University of Malaya
Medical Centre
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Yusuf Abdu Misau (MBBS-Ahmadu
Bello University Zaria)
[email protected]
Antibiotics For Chronic AIDS associated Diarrhea in adults
Profesor Madya
Nabilla Al-Sadat
Offu Ogochukwu Fidelia
Economic Evaluation of treatment of uncomplicated malaria in
Enugu, Nigeria
Dr. Maznah Bte
[email protected]
[email protected]
Doctor of Philosophy (by research)
Dr. Isam Eldin Elnour
Ms. Wee Lei Hum
Dr.Umar Yagoub
Dr.Yusuf Abdu Misau
Dr. Bello
Dr. Ali Khudair Abbas
Dr. Rahayu Lubis
List of Appointed Visiting Academic Staff for session 2009/2010
Professor Omar Kasule, Institute of Medicine, University of Brunei
Professor David Koh, Department of Community, Occupational and Family Medicine, Yong Loo Lin
School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Dr Maimunah A Hamid, Director Institute of Health System Research, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Professor Malcolm Sim Ross, Monash University, Australia
Professor Harry Campbell, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Professor Colin Binns, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Professor Robert Graham Cumming, University of Sydney, Australia
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Dr. Ahmad Faudzi Hj. Yusoff, Instituite of Public Health, Ministry of Health
Dr. Amal Nasir bin Mustaffa, Institute of Medical Research, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Che Azlan Shah bin Shahari, Klang District Health Office, Selangor
Dato’ Dr. Hasan Abdul Rahman, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Huda Zainuddin, Kuala Langat District Health Office, Selangor
Dr. Junainah Sabirin, Sepang District Health Office, Selangor
Dr. Ling He May, Manjung District Health Office, Perak
Dr. Noraini binti Baba, Malacca District Health Office, Malacca
Dr. Norhayati Rusli, KLIA Health Office, Selangor
Dr. Noor Azah Daud, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Noorliza binti Nordin, Instituite of Health Management, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Paramjit Singh A/L Pakar Singh, Port Klang District Health Office, Selangor
Dr. Rahimah Mohd Ariffin, Selangor Health Department
Dr. Rashid bin Kasri, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Datin Dr. Rugayah Bakri, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Zainal Ariffin, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Hj. Zainudin Abd. Wahab, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Family Health
Dr Che Azlan Shah bin Shahari, Klang District Health Office, Selangor
Dr Fauziah Zainal Ehsan, Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health
Dr Ghazali Othman, Malacca Health Department, Malacca
Dr Haliza Abdul Manaf, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Health Department
Professor Hematram Yadav, International Medical University
Dr Ismail Lasa, Petaling District Health Office, Selangor
Dr Koh Choo Nea, Seremban District Health Office, Negeri Sembilan
Dr Mymoon Alias, Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health
Dr Noorizah Mokhtar, Negeri Sembilan State Health Department, Negeri Sembilan
Dr Noridah Mohd Saleh, Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health
Dr Othman Warijo, Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health
Dr Rohani Ismail, Kuala Muda District Health Office, Kedah
Dr Rokiah binti Mohd, Pulau Pinang State Health Department, Pulau Pinang
Dr Hj Rosli Ismail, Bentong District Health Office, Pahang
Dr Saidatul Nurbaya bt Buang, Division of Family Health Development, Ministry of Health
Dr Salehudin Abu Bakar, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Health Department
Dr Sharifah Rohani Syed Abu Bakar, Gombak District Health Office, Selangor
Dr Siti Halimah Syed Shaikh, Alor Gajah Health Office, Melaka
Dr Tee E Siong
Dr Thavamalar Ganason, Selangor State Health Department, Selangor
Dr Umi Kalsom Hj Hashim, Kuala Muda District Health Office, Kedah
Mrs Wee Lei Hum
Health Services Management
Associate Professor Dr Ramy Bulan, Law Faculty, University of Malaya
Mr Abdul Samad, Law Faculty , University of Malaya
Pn. Norbani, Law Faculty, University of Malaya
Ms Gooi Wan Yegt, Health Solution Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Datin Dr Rugayah Bakri, HTA, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr Asmayani Khalib, HTA, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Sheamini a/p Sivasampu, HTA, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Mohd. Azhar Mohammad Nawi, Kuala Selangor Health District Office.
Occupational and Environmental Health
Dr Abu Hasan Samad, Exxon Mobil Exploration and Production Malaysia
Dr. Faridah binti Amin, Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Putrajaya
Dr Hanizah binti Mohd Yusoff, Minstry of Health Malaysia
Dr. Kuldip Kaur, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Dr. Mohammed Azman bin Aziz Mohamed, Social Security Organisation (SOCSO), Kuala Lumpur
Ir Nimi Binti Ahmad
Ridzwan Hj Hussain
Dr. Saini Jeffery Freddy Abdullah, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
Dr Sharfudin bin Noordin, Selangor State Health Department
Dr. Sirajudin Hashim, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Dr Zaharah binti Zainuddin, Selangor State Health Department
Dr Zakira bt Taib, Federal Territory Health Department
Management Unit
The aims of the Management Unit are to ensure students who pass through the system are able
1. Identify health problems in the community and prioritise them for action.
2. Formulate policies for recommendations to the authorities
3. Identify opportunities in the community to educate, advise and support communitybased programmes.
4. Encourage research activities to generate new knowledge relevant to communities.
From left : Pn Normala Shamsudin, Assoc Prof Dr Saimy Ismail, Dr Ng Chiu Wan, Dr Maznah Dahlui
(Absent: Dr Farizah Mohd Hairi (on study leave), Dr Tin Tin Su)
Academic Staff
• Assoc Professor Dr Saimy Ismail (Head)
• Dr Maznah Dahlui
• Dr Ng Chiu Wan
• Dr Tin Tin Su
• Assoc Professor Dato Dr S Noor Ghani,
• Dr Farizah Mohd Hairi (reading for a PhD in Rotterdam, Holland).
We have to bid goodbye to Assoc Professor Dato Dr S Noor Ghani who had contributed so much to
the Management Unit and the SPM Department because of mandatory retirement. Even so we try
to have him as much as possible to share his knowledge and wisdom with the staff and students.
Support Staff
We are fortunate to have a very seasoned and experienced Pembantu Tadbir, Puan Normala
Shamsudin who came at the correct moment to assist the Unit in many ways. The Unit had several
personnel who came in and out after En Syahril left us. The Unit would like to thank Cik Ikka and
Puan Nor Zurina Zainol for their transient stay in the Management Unit.
Graduate Students and Supervision
The Unit staff supervise a number of students as listed the relevant section of this report.
The Occupational and Environmental Health Unit
The Occupational and Environmental Health Unit (OEHU) within the Department of Social
and Preventive Medicine has been striving high to become a prominent teaching cum research
centre for postgraduate and doctorate studies in Occupational and Environmental Health. In the
year 2009, efforts were concentrated on further establishing the unit and its activities.
The aims of this unit are:
1. To deliver occupational health physicians with commendable occupational health clinical
skills to provide occupational health service par excellence to industries locally and
2. To promote occupational health through the establishment of a centre for environmental
and occupational health research
3. To pave into new niche areas of occupational and environmental research.
The unit continued to build up its strength in teaching, research and also clinical practice in the field
of occupational health.
Teaching – the unit is now strengthened by an addition of another senior lecturer, Dr. Anselm Su
Ting who joined the unit in July 2009. To further increase our expertise, two of our academic staff
are currently on study leave to obtain their doctorate degrees. The unit look forward towards
building a stronger teaching team for the future. Apart from the academicians in the unit, we are
further strengthened by Prof David Koh from the National University of Singapore who is currently
the visiting professor to the unit.
Research – based on the current interest of the academicians in the unit, the unit is developing
research expertise in several fields in occupational health. These include:
1. Occupational stress and salivary biomarkers for stress
2. Fitness for work
3. Burden of occupational diseases
4. Injury and safety
The progress on the establishment of an occupational and environmental health research centre is
still going on. This plan will further increase our capability for research in the future.
The Occupational Medicine Clinic
The unit continues to run the occupational health clinic at the University of Malaya Medical Centre.
This year the name of the clinic was changed to Occupational Medicine Clinic and relocated to the
specialist clinic area at the ground floor of the hospital. These changes reflect better on the services
and provide easier access to patients to the specialist referral clinic.
From left : Ms Nur Fahlina Othman, Dr. Azlan Darus, Dr. Htay Moe, Dr. Anselm Su Ting,
A/P Dr. Retneswari Masilamani, Mr Abd. Hadi Tabrani.
(Absent: On study leave) – Dr. Victor Hoe, Dr Marzuki Isahak
Research Activities
The following are studies conducted by the academic staff in the unit in 2009.
1) ‘Are teachers stressed – a cross – sectional study in a cosmopolitan city’. The study was
completed and had already been submitted for publication. This collaborative study had
involved researchers from the unit and department such as A/P Retneswari, Professor
Awang Bulgiba, Dr Azlan and Dr Anselm, as well as Prof David Koh from National University
of Singapore and Dr Roslinah Ali from the Institute of Health Management. The same paper
was presented at the 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference
held at Taipeh, Taiwan from 2-6 December 2009
2) ‘Stress and salivary IgA among MPH candidates’ was conducted in April 2009. The objective
of this study is to assess the stress levels before and after the final examinations using a
questionnaire and collection of saliva for IgA levels. A/P Retneswari, Dr. Azlan and Dr.
Anselm are the researchers in the study.
3) ‘Salivary IgA for psychological stress: A study of workplace stress among police personnel’. A
FRGS grant was awarded to A/P Retneswari for the study. Preliminary communication was
done in 2009 and data collection would start in 2010.
4) ‘Direct , Indirect, and Intangible Costs of Occupational Diseases and Injuries in Malaysia’. Dr.
Azlan was awarded a grant for this study to look into the cost of occupational disease in
Malaysia. The study is ongoing and would complete in year 2011. The study also involved
A/P retneswari and Dr Tin Tin Su.
5) ‘Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Sexual Dysfunction Among Female Healthcare
Workers in Malaysia’. This collaborative study with the O&G department is in analytical
stage. The study looked into sexual functions of female healthcare workers in a Malaysian
health care workers sample. Dr. Azlan and A/P Retneswari are involved in the study.
6) ‘Occupational Eye Injuries, Risks and Outcomes at Mumbai, India’. A/P Retneswari and Dr.
Azlan are involved in the study looking at eye injuries in Mumbai, India. The study which was
conducted in collaboration with the Aditya Jyot Hospital in Mumbai is currently in the data
collection stage.
7) ‘Perception on patient safety among post- elective operative patients’. A/P Retneswari is coresearcher in the study conducted by the Ministry of Health. The study had completed and a
scientific presentation was made at the MOH-AMM, Malaysia, Scientific Conference held at
Institute of Health Management, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
The lecturers in the unit are also involved in research studies conducted by the MPH and DrPH
candidates in the unit, as listed in the sections below.
Professional affiliations
1) Assoc Prof Retneswari Masilamani was elected as the Chairman of the Society of
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Malaysian Medical Association during the
society's Annual General Meeting.
2) Dr Azlan Darus was also elected as the honorary secretary of the Society of Occupational
and Environmental Medicine, Malaysian Medical Association, while Dr. Anselm Su Ting
elected as a committee member.
3) Assoc Prof Retneswari was inducted as a Fellow of the Academy of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine Malaysia, during their 2nd Annual Conference held at the Legend
Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on the 17th April 2009. Later on the 20 November 2009, she was
inducted as a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physician,
Ireland at its Annual Admission Ceremony in Ireland.
Visiting Professors
1) Prof David Koh from the National University of Singapore continued his tenure as visiting
professor to the unit. Apart being involved in research projects in the unit and supervising
candidates, Prof David had also conducted short courses and talks in the department during his
visits. Among these are:
i) Talk on 'Medico-Legal Aspect of fitness for work evaluation" at the Biotech Lab Lecture
Hall on the 13th January.
ii) The Scientific Writing Workshop was held at the department from 14-16th of July 2009,
conducted by Prof. David Koh and A/P Lee See Muah from National University of Singapore.
The workshop was attended by DrPH and MPH candidates from the department and faculty.
A/P Lee See Muah also gave a lunch talk titled "Ethical Issues in Scientific Publication".
2) Professor Dennis D'Auria from the University of Wales was in the department as the external
examiner for the defence of the Master in Public Health (Occupational Health) candidate.
Media appearance
The lecturers in the unit had appeared on various TV interviews this year to promote occupational
health and public health practice using the mass media (see section Media Appearances).
Consultancy services
1) A/P Dr Retneswari and Dr Azlan have been providing occupational health advisory services
to Unilever Malaysia Sdn Bhd since December 2008. This involves ensuring a safe and
healthy workplace at Unilever Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
2) Assoc Prof Dr Retneswari, Dr Azlan and Dr Anselm were appointed consultant for a project
on Review of Chemical Exposure and Health Effects for Ex-microfilm Staff by the Employee’s
Provident Fund. The project had completed and reported to the EPF.
3) Assoc Prof Retneswari represented the university in a meeting on global warming and
environmental health issues in Jakarta. The meeting which was organised by the French
Embassy in Jakarta and the World Health Organisation discussed the environmental health
effects of the current environmental changes affecting the earth, and what are the countries
in Asia are doing to reduce its effects.
Academic Staff
On the 1 September 2009, Assoc Prof Retneswari Masilamani was appointed as the new head of the
SPM Department. With her being the head of department, Dr. Azlan Darus is appointed to replace
her as the head of the Occupational and Environmental Health Unit.
Dr Azlan Darus (Head of Unit)
Assoc Prof Dr Retneswari Masilamani (Associate Professor / Head of Department)
Dr Htay Moe (Senior Lecturer)
Dr Anselm Su Ting (Senior Lecturer)
Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai (Senior lecturer – on study leave)
Dr Marzuki Isahak (Trainee lecturer – on study leave)
Support Staff
• Ms Nur Fadhlina Othman (Junior Scientific Officer)
• Mr Abd Hadi Tabrani (Junior Scientific Officer)
Graduate Students and Supervision
The Unit staff supervise a number of students as listed the relevant section of this report.
Two (2) students successfully completed their post- graduate studies in Masters in Public Health
specialising in Occupational Health in April 2009 and November 2009, namely:
Research title
Dr Anselm Su Ting
A Cross-Sectional Study on Hand-Arm Vibration
Syndrome among Construction Workers in A
Construction Site in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
A/ P Retneswari Masilamani
Dr Husna Maizura bt Ahmad
The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Job Strain among
Office Workers at a Multinational Company in K.L.
A/ P Retneswari Masilamani
The future
The Unit look forward into the developing the clinical services and research areas. Together with the
other units in the department, the unit is involved in proposing an integrated Social and Preventive
Medicine based clinic located in the hospital. Further efforts are also made to realize our ambition
into establishing an occupational and environmental health research centre in the near future.
Epidemiology and Statistics Unit
The Epidemiology and Medial Statistics Unit was headed by Assoc Prof Dr Sanjay Rampal until
July 2009. The Unit was subsequently headed by Dr Moy Foong Ming.
(From left to right: Pek Ling, Anum,
Zurina, Dr Moy, Prof Awang, A/P Sanjay,
Dr Claire, Shima, Roshidi)
Strengths / Expertise
Medical statistics, clinical epidemiology, social epidemiology, nutritional epidemiology, research
methodology (quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods)
Short Courses, Consultancy & Special projects
The Department offers statistical consultations to academic staff, doctors or allied health
practitioners and also students. SPM provides advice on study design, data management,
statistical analysis, interpretation, and presentation of results. The Unit also runs a series of
courses under the Julius Centre University of Malaya (see Julius Centre UM report).
Academic Staff
Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba
Assoc Prof Dr Sanjay Rampal
Dr Mas Ayu Said
Dr Noran Hairi Naqiah
Dr Claire Choo Wan Yuen
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Mr Roshidi Mohd Ismail
Support Staff
• Mrs Lim Pek Ling
• Ms Nur Hashimah Kamar Redzawam
• Mrs Nor Zurina Zainol
• Ms Norlissa Abdul Gani
Family Health Unit
1. Recruitment of new staff
2. To produce students who are theoretically sound and technically competent
Dr Maslinor Ismail
A/P Dr Nabilla
Al-Sadat Abdul
Hazreen Abdul
Wee Bee Suan
Norizan Moez
Strengths / Expertise
1. Associate Professor Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein
Adolescent Health
Tobacco Economics
Behavioural Science
2. Dr Maslinor Ismail
Infertility and Sexual & Reproductive Health
Child Health
3. En. Hazreen Abdul Majid (on study Leave for PhD)
Sports Nutrition
4. Mdm Wee Bee Suan
Physical Activities
5. Ms Norizan Moez
Computer Science
Event Management
Research Activities
Associate Professor Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein
1. Co-investigator : Malaysian Health Intervention and Cost Outcome studies. MHICO account number- 8121124, RM200,000
2. Co- Investigator: Adolescent Health Research Group, PJP FS251/2008A, RM20425
Academic Staff
• Associate Professor Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein
• Dr Maslinor Ismail
• En. Hazreen Abdul Majid (Study Leave)
• Puan Sri Dr. Norlaili Abdul Aziz (till April 2009)
Support Staff
• Ms Norizan Moez (till December 2009)
• Mdm Wee Bee Suan (till December 2009)
Professor Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Head of Department until 31 Au
August 2009
Deputy Dean (Undergraduate and Diploma) from 1 Sept 2009
HIV epidemiology, Smoking cessation
Research Projects
1. Prof Awang Bulgiba (PI), Devi Peramalah, Umar Yagoub Mohamed ,Factors affecting
adherence to anti-retroviral
retroviral treatment in HIV patients in Malaysia (Principal Investigator),
UM Research Grant RG006/09HTM
RG006/09HTM, RM222,000
2. Prof Awang Bulgiba (PI)
(PI), Prof Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Devi Peramalah,
Peramalah Rahayu Lubis,
Identification Of Determinants For Progression To AIDS In HIV Patients Receiving AntiA
Retroviral Treatment Fundamental Research Grant Scheme ,FP080/2006A
FP080/2006A ,RM145,000
3. Prof Awang Bulgiba, Wee Lei Hum
Hum, Planning in Smoking Cessation Attempts: A Prospective
and Retrospective Cohort Study in Malaysia, NIH Malaysia, RM1,000,000
Consultanciess & Special Services
1. R076477SCH3022 Study: An Open
label Prospective Trial to Explore the Tolerability, Safety and
Efficacy of Flexibly Dosed Paliperidone ER in Subjects With Schizophrenia. Janssen-Cilag
2. Malaysian HIV/AIDS Estimatio
n Project. Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department
3. RISSCH4210 Study: A Multi
center, Retrospective, Comparative Study to Investigate Drug
Utilization Patterns and Treatment Period Associated with Atypical Antipsychotics treatment in
chizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorders: Aripiprazole, Olanzapine, Quetiaine, and
Risperidone. Janssen-Cilag
Cilag (completed)
Editorial Board and reviewer
1. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health (Editorial Board)
2. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (International Advisory Board)
3. International Journal of Cardiology (Reviewer)
41st APACPH Conference (International Reviewer)
Medical Journal of Malaysia (Reviewer)
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal (Editorial Board)
Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre (Reviewer)
Journal of Health Management (Reviewer)
External examiner
Master of Medical Statistics 2009 (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
PhD (Medical Statistics) 2009 (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
MBBS 2009 (International Medical University)
External assessor for promotion
Senior Lecture to Associate Professor 2009 (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Senior Lecturer to Associate Professor 2009 (International Medical University)
Awards & Recognition
Excellent Service Award 2009
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
1. Malaysian coordinator, Asia-Europe Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine
2. Head, Julius Centre University of Malaya
3. Head, UM Wellness Programme
4. Executive Committee Member, College of Public Health Medicine, Academy of Medicine,
5. Member, UM Senate
6. Member of UMMC Medical Advisory Committee
7. Member of UMMC Occupational Safety and Health Committee
8. Member of FOM Bioinformatics Technical Committee
9. Member, Malaysian Medical Association
10. Member, Public Health Specialists Association
11. Member, International Advisory Committee, 41st APACPH Conference
12. Member of Malaysian Health Promotion Board projects committee
13. Member, Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Committee on Centre of Excellence -Service
14. Member, MMC Qualifying Exam Committee
15. Member of UM Strategic Planning and Academic Excellence Commitee
16. Member of UM HPC technical committee
17. Member of UM wifi technical committee
18. Member of UMMC Steering Committee on Safety and Quality
19. Member of UMMC Steering Committee on ICT
20. Member of Faculty of Medicine Bioinformatics Technical Committee
21. Organising chairman for Asia-Link Course: Systematic Review 12-14 Feb 2009
22. Organising chairman for Asia-Link Course: The Practice of EBM 16 Feb 2009
23. Organising chairman for Asia-Link Course: Design of Aetiologic Research 20-22 Apr 2009
24. Organising chairman for Asia-Link Course: Train the trainers 14-16 Jun 2009
25. Organising chairman for Asia-Link Course: Clinical Epidemiology 30 Sept – 2 Oct 2009
26. Organising chairman for Asia-Link Course: Evidence-Based Practice 8-10 Oct 2009
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
1. Invited speaker, Scientific writing workshop, , Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala Lumpur, 15-17 Dec
2. Invited speaker, GCP course (“Good statistical practice”), Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala Lumpur,
10 Dec 09
3. Invited speaker, Statistics and Rating Scales in Psychiatry Workshop, Avillion Resort, Port
Dickson, 1 Nov 09
4. Speaker, Using EndNote X1, Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala Lumpur, 6 Oct 09
5. Speaker, Clinical Epidemiology (“Principles of clinical research”), Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala
Lumpur, 30 Sept 09
6. Invited speaker, The “right” journal and what reviewers expect, Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala
Lumpur, 5 Aug 09
7. Speaker, Scientific writing workshop, Equatorial Hotel, Bangi, 24-26 Jul 09
8. Speaker , Data analysis and management using SPSS, UM City Campus, Kuala Lumpur, 29 Jun 09
9. Invited speaker, GCP course (“Good statistical practice”), Faculty of Medicine, UM, Kuala
Lumpur, 25 Jun 09
10. Invited speaker, How to publish in ISI journals, Institute for Graduate Studies, UM, Kuala
Lumpur, 13 Apr 09
11. Speaker , Using EndNote X1, Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala Lumpur, 6 May 09
12. Speaker, Research methods in primary health care, Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala Lumpur, 18
Mar 09
13. Invited speaker, Challenges of internationalising medical education in Malaysia, Faculty of
Medicine and Health Sciences, UAE University, Al Ain, UAE, 3 Mar 09
14. Invited speaker, Medical publication course for clinicians, Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala Lumpur,
17 Jan 09
15. Sole speaker, Logistic regression for medical research , Fac. of Medicine, UM, Kuala Lumpur, 1416 Jan 09
Conference proceedings
Published 9 conference proceedings abstracts in 2009:
1. Moy FM, Bulgiba AM. Association of serum urate with risk factors of metabolic syndrome.
Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec
2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
2. Bulgiba AM, Lubis R, Peramalah D, Noran NH, Kamarulzaman A. Survival of HIV patients in the
University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific
Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
3. Masilamani R, Darus A, Ting AS, Mahmud AB, Koh D. Job strain and associate factors for
occupation stress among teachers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific
Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
4. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Thoughts, feelings and behaviours of clients attending smokers
clinics in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
5. Lubis R, Bulgiba AM, Noran NH, Kamarulzaman A. Characteristics of patients diagnosed with
HIV/AIDS in University of Malaya Medical Centre from 1986-2008. Proceedings of the 41st Asia
Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
6. Hairi NH, Mahmud AB, Syed Shaikh SH, Mohd Ghazali I, Said MA. Depression is associated with
decreased physical performance of older people. Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific Academic
Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
7. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours of Clients Attending Five StopSmoking Clinics in Malaysia. Proceedings of the Third Malaysia Conference on Tobacco Control
(MCTC 2009), 8-9 Aug 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
8. Wee LH, West R, Bulgiba A. Smokers beliefs and feelings about smoking and quitting during a
quit attempt. Proceedings of the 2009 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference, 22-23 Jun
2009, London, United Kingdom.
9. Wee LH, Bulgiba A, West R. Factors associated with short-term success among smokers
attending stop smoking clinics in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on
Tobacco or Health, 8-12 Mar 2009, Mumbai, India.
Publications (ISI-indexed journals)
1. Bhoo Pathy N, Peeters P, van Gils C, Beulens JWJ, van der Graaf Y, de Mesquita BB, Bulgiba A,
Uiterwaal CSPM. Coffee and tea intake and breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2009 DOI
2. Noran NH, Izzuna MG, Bulgiba AM, Mimiwati Z, Ayu MS. Severity of visual impairment and
depression among elderly Malaysians. Asia Pac J Public Health 2009; 21(1): 43-50.
Assoc iate Prof Retneswari Masilamani
Head of Occupational & Environmental Health Unit until 31
August 2009
Head of Department from 1st September 2010
Salivary Biomarkers and Occupational Stress
Research Projects
1. Assoc Professor Retneswari Masilamani (PI
(PI), Dr Azlan Darus, Dr Anselm Su Ting,
Ting Dr Roslinah Ali,
Prof Awang Bulgiba, Prof David Koh
Koh, Are Teachers Stressed, A cross sectional Study using salivary
biomarkers among teachers
teachers, UM Research Grant. FS195/2008B, RM 6844
2. Assoc Professor Retneswari Masilamani (PI), Dr Azlan Darus, Dr Anselm Su Ting, Dr Roslinah
wang Bulgiba, Prof David Koh, Saliavry Cortisol and IgA Markers for Psychological
Stress: A Study of Workplace Stress Among Police Personnel, Fundamental Research Grant
Scheme FS195/2008B , FP022/2008C, RM 171,000
3. Dr Azlan Darus, Assoc Professor Retneswar
Retneswari Masilamani,, Dr Tin Tin Su, The Direct, Indirect and
Intangible cost of occupational diseases among workers in Malaysia, UM Research Grant
RG008/09HTM), RM95400
4. Dr Roslinah Ali, Assoc Professor Retneswari Masilamani
Masilamani,, Dr Ainul H, Sondi Sararak, Ruhaini
mail Hasnah, Bibon Narimah Nor Yahaya, Ruzaini Mohd Zain Fatimah Amin, Kalsom M,
Perception on Patient Safety Among Post
Elective Operative Patients, MOH grant, >RM1000000
for several substudies
5. Professor Jamiyah Hassan, Dr Sofiah Sulaiman, Assoc Professor Retneswari Masilamani,
Masilamani Dr
Azlan Darus, Prevalence and Risk factor associated with Sexual dysfunction among patients seen
at UMMC, Self-funding,
Consultancies & Special Services
1. Health Status assessment among Microsoft Unit workers at Employer’s Provident
Providen Fund
2. Occupational Health Advisor to Unilever Sdn Bhd
3. Course Coordinator for Ma
Master of Engineering Module on ‘Occupational
Occupational and Industrial
Health in Engineering’
4. Journal reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
5. Journal reviewer, Malaysian Family Phy
Physician Journal
Awards & Recognition
Inducted as Fellow of the Academy of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Malaysia
Inducted as the Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians -Ireland
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
1. Chairperson of the Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Malaysia
2. On the Board of Directors, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Malaysia
from June 2008 until 31 May 2009
3. Appeal Board Committee Member, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
from June 2008- May 2009
4. Research and Development Committee Member, National Institute of Occupational Safety
and Health from June 2008-May 2009.
5. Malaysian Medical Association Social Security Organization Committee Member June 2009
until May 2010
6. Malaysian Medical Association Substance Abuse Committee Member from June 2009 until
May 2010
7. Life Member of Malaysian Medical Association
8. Life Member of Academy of Medicine, Malaysia
9. Life Member of Academy of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Malaysia
10. Member of UMMC Medical Advisory Committee
11. Member of UMMC Occupational Safety and Health Committee
12. Faculty of Medicine Occupational Safety and Health Committee Member
13. Hazardous Waste Management Committee Member
14. Registered Occupational Health Doctor -DOSH
15. Secretary of Pro-term Committee – Malaysian Influenza Society
16. President of Welfare Association- ‘Yennipadigal Association’ from 2005- 20010
17. Organising Chairman of ‘A date with Indoor –Air Quality and Occupational Lung Diseases’
for The Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Malaysian Medical
Association) (SOEM, MMA) in conjunction with Annual General Meeting on 4th April 2009 at
Hilton, Petaling Jaya. Selangor
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
1. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Identifying Research Priority Areas in Occupational Health
01/2009 , Institute Kesihatan Umum, Ministry of Health,25.03.2009
2. Invited Speaker, Seminar on ‘Benefits Provided by Social Security Organisation’ Hotel Grand
Seasons, Kuala Lumpur, 10.05.2009
3. Invited speaker, Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) Pre AGM Conference on
Occupational Health by Health Care Professionals organized by SOEM, MMA Sunway
Pyramid Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, 27.05.2009
4. Invited Speaker, Occupational Safety and Health Course organized by Hospital Kuala
Lumpur, Ministry of Health, Melaka, 3-5 June 2009
5. Invited Speaker, Safe Work Practices with Chemical Hazards – OSH Week at University
Malaya Medical Centre University Malaya Medical Centre, 11.08.2009
6. Invited Speaker, Climate Change Workshop and Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia, 16.06.2009
7. Invited Speaker, Moving Towards Healthier Computing Seminar P.J Hilton, Selangor,
8. Poster Presentation, Academy of Medicine and Ministry of Health Scientific Conference
Institute of Health Management, Bangsar. Kuala Lumpur, 17-18.08.2009
9. Invited Speaker, Sexual Harassment at Workplace seminar, Institute of Medical Research,
Kuala Lumpur, 25.08.2009
10. Poster presentation, Public health and Occupational Medicine Conference, Singapore, 2728.08.2009
11. Invited Speaker, Asia Pacific Consortium for Public Health Conference, Taipeh, Taiwan,
1. Masilamani R, Darus A, Ting AS, Mahmud AB, Koh D. Job strain and associate factors for
occupation stress among teachers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Proceedings of the 41st Asia
Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
2. Retneswari M. The Menace of Vector Borne Diseases. Guest Editorial. JUMMEC 2008 , 11(
2). published in 2009
3. Husna Maizura, Retneswari M, Tahir Aris. Reliability (internal consistency) of Job Content
Questionnaire on Job Stress among Office Workers of a Multinational Company in Kuala
Lumpur. APJPH 2009;12:216-222
4. Retneswari M. Occupational Health Concerns of Health Care Professionals. Berita MMA.
2009; 1: 39
5. Retneswari M. SOCSO: What, How, Who. Berita MMA.2009;5:13.
6. Retneswari M. Indoor Air Quality and Occupational lung Diseases. Berita MMA. 2009;5:32
7. Retneswari M. Occupational Health for Health Care Professionals. Berita MMA. 2009;8:27
8. Retneswari M. Moving Towards Healthier Computing. Berita MMA. 2009;11:24-25
1. Invited Speaker on Hello Malaysia Astro Awam- ‘Stress at Workplace’ on 8.04.2009
2. Invited Speaker on TV1 - Hello Malaysia Vasantum- ‘Stress at Workplace and Mental
Illness’on 23 May 2009
3. Invited Speaker on Hello Malaysia Astro Awam – ‘Tavel Medicine’ on 5.08. 2009
Associate Professor Saimy Ismail
Head, Health Services Management Unit
ed issues in the delivery of health care
Management and related
Disaster Management mainly on areas of mitigation
Injury prevention pertaining to motor vehicle accidents
Research Projects
1. Co-Investigator, Effectiveness of disaster management pr
ogramme esp on health and
socioeconomic consequences
consequences, UPGP, RM 64000
2. Co– Investigator, Estimation
stimation of marginal quit smoking status among ex smokers in K Lumpur,
PJP, RM 59000
Consultancies & Special Services
A reviewer of some journals as and when requeste
Awards & Recognition
Awarded with PMC, SMT,KMN
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
Chairman, Accident Prevention Committee, Malaysian Medical Association until June 2009.
Preliminary Investigation Committee (PIC) member for Malaysian Medic
al Council.
Quality Domestic Manager, Dept of Socia
Social and Preventive Medicine from 2002 till Sept 2009.
University of Malaya Golf Captain from 2008
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
1. Speaker:: Master Class: Disaster Medicine & Crisis Management
Management- the Human Capital
Challenges at Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences, June 8 & 9, 2009.
2. Presented at The Workshop for training institutions in health policy and systems research,
WHO, Manila, Phillipines, 13 to 16 Jan 2009
Associate Professor Dr. Nabil
la AlAl-Sadat Abdul Mohsein
Head, Family Health Unit, Department of Social and Preventive
Head, Centre for Population Health (CePH), University of
Malaya (National)
Undergraduate coordinator, Dept of SPM
Adolescent Health
Tobacco Economics
Behavioural Science
Research Projects
1. Co-Principal
Principal investigator
investigator, Malaysian Health Intervention
vention and Cost Outcome studie,
studie MHICO account number- 8121124
8121124, RM200,000
2. Co-principal
principal Investigator
Investigator, Adolescent Health Research Group, PJP FS251/2008A,
FS251/2008 RM20425
Consultancies & Special Services
External examiner, Master of Public Health, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Reviewer for Asia-Pacific
Pacific Journal of Public Health
Reviewer for International Journal of Science, Medicine and Education (IEJSME)
Reviewer for Malaysian Public Health Journal
Member Of The Technical Group For National Adolescents Health Plan
Awards & Recognition
Received formal recommendation of the conferment of the award of "Doctor of Philosophy"
(PhD) from Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia on the 2nd July 2009
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
Member of Malaysian Adolescent Health Technical Committee
Member of UMMC PBL Faculty committee
Committee member of MyWATCH (Malaysian Women Action agai
nst Tobacco)
Member Malaysian Medical Association and Public Health Specialists Association
5. Lifetime member of PPIUM (Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia), Mercy (Malaysian
Emergency Relief Society), MMA (Malaysia Medical Association)
6. Lifetime member of Malaysian Public Health Specialists Society,
7. Fellow Of WHO-Tobacco Control Organisation and Member of SEATCA (Southeast Asia
Tobacco Control Association)
8. Member of Asia-Pacific Association on PBL in Health Sciences, Member for Malaysian
Association for Adolescent Health (MAAH)
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
1. Invited speaker: Empowering women towards smoke free homes, presented at 3rd
Malaysian Conference on Tobacco Control 2009; Kuala Lumpur 8-9th August 2009
2. Invited speaker: Global Economic crisis & health challenges for our young people, presented
at 16th. National Public Health Colloquium; Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur 24-25
November 2009
3. Invited consultant: Meeting on National Research Priority Setting in family Health- RMK10
organised by IKU, KKM at Berjaya Hotel & Resort, Langkawi, 8-10 Dec 2009
4. Free paper presenter: Gender Differences in Smoking among Adolescents in Malaysia
presented at 41st APACPH Conference, Taipei, Taiwan 3-6 December 2009
1. Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein and Yusuf Abdu Misau, Global economic Crisis and Health
Challenges for our young people, Journal of Community Health Supplement (1) 2009
2. Shima M, Saimy I, Moy FM, Nabilla AS Prevalence of sleep disturbances among nurses in a
Malaysian Government Hospital and its Association with work characteristics. JUMMEC
2008; 11(2): 66-71 (Publication in 2008 but received confirmation in 2009)
3. Published 7 conference proceedings abstracts in 2009:
Nabilla Al-Sadat, Hatijah Ayob; Empowering women towards smoke free homes.
Proceedings of the 3rd Malaysian Conference on Tobacco Control 2009; Kuala
Lumpur 8-9th August 2009.
ii. Tin Tin Su, Nabilla Abd. Mohsein, Choo Wan Yuen, Ng Chiu Wan. Smoking behaviour
among rural residents in Pahang state, Peninsular Malaysia. Proceedings of the 2nd
ICORM (international Conference on Rural Medicine) 26-28th. November 2009, Kota
Kinabalu, Malaysia
iii. Nabilla AM Al-Sadat, Colin W Binns, Latifah Sak. Gender Differences in Smoking
among Adolescents in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific Academic
Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
iv. Maznah Dahlui, Nabilla Abdul Mohsein, Chiu Wan Ng, Merina Panggabean. Is Breast
Self Examination (BSE) still relevant to detect breast lumps? Proceedings of the 41st
Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009,
Taipei, Taiwan.
v. .Zi Kheng Tan, Nabilla Abdul Mohsein Al-Sadat. Breast health awareness and
practise of breast self examination (BSE) among female adults in Malaysia.
Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
vi. Asnida Anjang Ab Rahman, Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein. Erectile Dysfunction in
primary care settings, Malaysia. Proceedings of the Asia pacific Primary Care
Research Conference 5-6th Dec 2009, Melaka, Malaysia.
vii. Nik Nairan, AA Norlaili, R Sanjay, Nabilla Al-Sadat. Factors associated with
mammography screening among hospital employees in a teaching hospital, Kuala
Lumpur. Proceedings of the Asia pacific Primary Care Research Conference 5-6th
Dec 2009,Melaka
Dr Mas Ayu Said
Senior Lecturer
Mental health,, Smoking and substance abuse, Elderly
Research Projects
Principal Investigator, A/P Dr Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman
Sulaiman- Co-Investigator, Prof Dr Mohd Hussain HabilHabil
Co-Investigator, Randomized Controlled Trial of the safety and Efficacy of Ziprasidone vs Aripiprazole
in the treatment of Schizophrenia with metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus , Research
University Grant,RM133,000
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
Public Health Specialist Association
1. Mas Ayu Said,Mohd Aminuddin Mohd Yusuf, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman Factors associated with
relapse of drug addiction among males in Selangor, Malaysia, 9th World Congress of Biological
Psychiatry, 28 June- 2 July 2009 Paris, France
2. Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Mas Ayu Said, Mohd Hussain Habil. Prevalence of drug induce psychosis
among amphetamine and methamphetamine dependence patients
patients, 9th World Congress of
Biological Psychiatry, 28 June- 2 July 2009 Paris, France
3. Safety and efficacy of aripiprazole in the treatment of amphetamine and methamphetamine
induce psychosis:
ychosis: A preliminary results, 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, 28 JuneJune 2
July 2009 Paris, France
4. A.Hatim, M.Ayu, H. Habil. Psychiatric co
morbidity among patients with amphetamine and
Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, 12 - 16 September 2009 Istanbul, Turkey
1. Evidenced based Medicine workshop, Asia link project 16 Feb 2009, University of Malaya.
Invited speaker and facilitator
2. Latihan Kaedah Penyelidikan dalam kesihatan Primer 17
20 Mac 2009, University of Malaya.
Invited speaker and facilitator
3. Evidence Based Practice, Asia Europe link Project,8-10 October 2009, University of Malaya.
Invited speaker and facilitator
1. 4th symposium on the burden of Neglected Diseases: Theme refining the estimated burden of
dengue and chikungunya in Malaysia. 17th January 2009 UM, Invited speaker: Seroprevalence of
Chikungunya infection in Pantai Remis , Perak
Journal articles
1. Misliza A, Mas Ayu S Sociodemographic and lifestyle factors as the risk of diabetic foot ulcer in
the University of Malaya Medical Centre. Journal of the University of Malaya Medical
2. Naqiah Hairi Noran, Muldha Ghazali Izzuna, Awang Mahmud Bulgiba, Zahari Mimiwati, Said Mas
Ayu. Severity of Visual Impairment and Depression Among Elderly Malaysians Asia-Pacific
Journal of Public Health, 2009;21(1): 43-50
3. A Hatim, J Tan, Mas Ayu, H Habil. Service utilization and costs associated with switching to
risperidone from previous treatment with typical antipsychotics agents. Malaysian Journal of
Psychiatry ,2009.18(1):36-48
Journal articles (extended abstract)
1. Mas Ayu Said,Mohd Aminuddin Mohd Yusuf, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman. Factors associated with
relapse of drug addiction among males in Selangor, Malaysia, The World Journal of Biological
Psychiatry 2009 ;10(1):191-192
2. Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Mas Ayu Said, Mohd Hussain Habil. Prevalence of drug induce
psychosis among amphetamine and methamphetamine dependence patients The World
Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009 ;10(1):403
3. Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Mas Ayu Said, Mustafa Mohd, Mohd Hussain Habil. Safety and efficacy
of aripiprazole in the treatment of amphetamine and methamphetamine induce psychosis: A
preliminary results . The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009 ;10(1):403
4. A Hatim, M Ayu, H. Habil. Psychiatric co-morbidity among patients with amphetamine and
methamphetamine dependence in Malaysia. The Journal of the European College of
Neuropsychopharmacology 2009 ;19(S3):654-655
Dr Ng Chiu Wan
Senior Lecturer
Health economics, health fi
financing and health policy –
with a focuss on equity in the delivery and financing of health care
Research Projects
1. EQUITAP country researchers – Principal Investigator for Malaysia, Equity in Asia Pacific
Health Systems, Grants from International Develop
ment Research Centre (IDRC) Canada,
AusAID Australia, World Bank Institute
2. Ng CW (Principal Investigator)
Investigator), Nagaraj S, S N Ghani, S Ismail, M Dahlui, Progressivity of
Health Financing in Malaysia
Malaysia,PJP, RM 75,000
Consultancies & Special Services
Ad-hoc reviewer
wer for the Asia
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
Member of the Malaysia National Health Accounts Working Committee (2007 - )
Member of the International Health Economics Association (2008 - )
Member of the Academy of Medicine, Malaysia (2008 - )
Member of the Malaysian Health Economics Association (2008 - )
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
Invited Speaker
Ng CW.. Social Determinants of Health – Malaysian Country Report. Paper presented at the
“Workshop on Health Equit
Equityy in the Asia Pacific Region”. Organised jointly by the College of
Public Health, Taiwan National University and Global Health Equity Group, University College
London. Taipei, Taiwan. 7 December 2009.
Ng CW,, Rozita HH, Zainuddin J. Use of National Hea
lth Accounts to Track Costs of Vector
Borne Diseases in Malaysia. Paper presented at the 4th Symposium on the Burden of
Neglected Diseases. Refining the estimated burden of dengue and chikungunya in Malaysia.
Organised jointly by University of Malaya an
d Oxford University/Oxitec Limited. Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. 17 January 2009.
Ng CW, Nagaraj S, Dahlui M. Distribution of Household Out-of-pocket Payment for Health
Care in Malaysia. Paper presented at the 41st APACPH Conference. Taipei, Taiwan. 3-6
December 2009.
Ng CW, Nagaraj S, Dahlui M. Poverty Impact of Household Tobacco Expenditures in
Malaysia. Paper presented at the 7th World Congress on Health Economics. Harmonizing
Health and Economics. Organised by the International Health Economics Association.
Beijing, China. 12-15 July 2009.
Choo WY, Ng CW, Chong HT, Dahlui M, Goh KJ, Tan CT. Long-term socioeconomic impact of
the Nipah Virus Encephalitis on households in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia: A
Mixed Methods Study. Paper presented at the 5th International Mixed Methods Conference.
Organised by the University of Leeds, Harrogate, United Kingdom. 8-11 July 2009.
Courses Conducted
Hospital Cost Accounting Workshop. 23-24 March 2009. Organised by the Social and
Preventive Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya.
Training Programme in Basic Health Economics and Financing. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 4-8
October 2009. Organised by the Institute of Health Systems Research, Ministry of Health,
Ng C W, Choo W Y, Chong H T, Dahlui M, Goh K J, Tan C T. (2009) Long-term socioeconomic
impact of the Nipah Virus encephalitis outbreak in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri Sembilan,
Malaysia: A mixed methods approach. Neurology Asia 2009 Dec; 14(2):101-7.
Goh KJ, Ng C W, Letchumy P R, Mohamed A Y, Tan C T. (2009) Persistent effect on
neuromuscular transmissions in patients with primary hemifacial spasm treated with
repeated botulinum toxin injections. Neurology Asia, (forthcoming).
Dr. Maznah
Maznah Dahlui
Senior Lecturer
Health Economics and Health Financing
Research Projects
1. Principal Investigator (Dr. Ng Chiu Wan, A/P Dr. Saimy Ismail, A/P Dr.Nabilla Al Sadat and Prof.
Awang Bulgiba) , Increasing Breast Cancer Awa
reness and Practice of BSE among female Staff of
University Malaya, PJP, RM69,000
2. Project
roject Leader(Dr. Siti Haniza, Dr. Hisham Shah and Dr. Jennifer John)
John), Study on Economic
Evaluation of Thalassaemia Treatment
Treatment, MASPO, RM5000
Consultancies & Special Services
Consultant for the Monitoring and Evaluation Study on HIV/AIDs NSP 2007
2010 (Additional Project
on IVDU: Focus Group Study)
Awards & Recognition
Obtained PhD in Public Health (Health economic
economics)) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, March
onal Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
1. Secretariat for the 4th Symposium on the Burden of Neglected Diseases, 17th January
2. Organizing Committee Member for International Health Economic Seminar, HUKM, 30th Mac
to 1st April 2009 at UNU-IIGH
IIGH Kuala LLumpur.
3. Secretariat of the Forum on Cancer Registry in Malaysia and Northern Ireland, 23rd June
2009, UM
4. Secretariat for the Postgraduate Forum on Health Policy and Management, at HUKM, 1-2
July 2009,
5. Secretariat of the Scientific Write Up Workshop, Equ
Equatorial Hotel, Bangi, 24-26
26 July 2009
6. Chairman for the Organizing Committee of SPM Students Integration Day, 8 August 2009
7. Scientific Committee Member for the 4th International Case-Mix
Mix Conference, Impiana Hotel
and Spa, KLCC. 22-23
23 October 2009
8. Working Committee Member of University Malaya Entrepreneurship Program (facilitator of
MBBS group, Faculty of Medicine)
9. A member of the International Society for Pharmaco-economics and Outcome Research
10. An ordinary member of the Academy of Medicine, Malaysia
11. A member of the Public Health Specialist Association of Malaysia
12. Field supervisor of the Kuala Lipis CRP group of Phase III MBBS Class 2006/2011
13. Deputy Director of the Centre for Population Health, University Malaya
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
Healthcare Utilization and Expenditure of Pahang Residents, 41sth APACPH Annual
Conference, Taipei, 3-6 December 2009. (presenter)
Breast Cancer Awareness and Practice of BSE among Females of Pahang. 7th Scientific
Meeting of the Australasia Breast Cancer Society, 1st to 3rd October, Marriot Gold Coast, Australia.
CEA of Desferrioxamine Treatment in Transfusion Dependent Thalassaemia Patients: A Cost
Utility Analysis. Postgraduate Forum on Health Policy and Management. HUKM, 1-2 July
2009. (presenter)
Short Course on Hospital Costing. SPM, UM, 17-18 Mac 2009. (conducted)
Seminar on Basic Health Economics and Financing. Vistana Hotel, 4-9 October 2009
Women’s Health. Airtime ‘Hello Malaysia’, Bernama TV. 22 April 2009. (guest speaker)
1. Chiu Wan NG, Wan Yuen CHOO, Heng Thay Chong, Kean Jin GOH, Chong Tin TAN. 2009. Long
Term Socioeconomic Impact of The Nipah Virus Encephalitis Outbreak in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri
Sembilan. Neurology asia;14(2):101-107
2. Monitoring and Evaluation of National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006-2010 Malaysia.
Persatuan Pakar Perubatan Kesihatan Awam Malaysia. ISBN 178-983-44421-0-1
3. M Dahlui, MI Hishamshah, AJ A Rahman, K Shamsuddin, SM Aljunid. Quality of Life of
Thalassaemia Patients on desferrioxamine Treatment. Singapore Medical Journal;50(8):794-799
4. Maznah Dahlui and Ng Chiu Wan. Reliability and Validity of Data Sources in Malaysia. Section 7
Chapter on Reliability and Validity of Data Sources in the World. ISPOR Book.
Dr Claire Choo Wan Yuen
Senior Lecturer
Research Interest
Social epidemiology (violence,
violence, child abuse & neglect, sexual &
reproductive health)
Research Methodology (a
(application of mixed methods in public
health research)
Consultancies & Special Services
1. Ad-hoc reviewer for the Asia-Pacific
Pacific Journal of Public Health.
2. Ad-hoc reviewer for JUMMEC
3. Assessment of child maltreatment prevention readiness in Malaysia
Malaysia.. Consultancy for WHO,
Research Projects
1. Choo WY, Cheah GS, Othman S, Marret MJ. Awareness, communication practice and reporting
among parents and teachers on child abuse in Malaysia. UMRG 2009
2010 (Principal
2. Choo WY, Othman S, Marret MJ. Service Providers and Public Perception of Child Abuse
Neglect: When is it necessary to intervene? PJP 2008
2008-2009 (Principal investigator)
3. Marret MJ, Choo WY, Abu Bakar M. Use of Information and Communication Audio-Visual
Technology by Minors: Exposure to Risk and Victimisation. UMRG 2009
2009-2010 (Co-Invest
4. Othman S, Sulaiman S, Choo WY. Teenage Pregnancy: Strengthening Support and Health Care
Services by Exploring Neglected Issues. PJP 2008-2009 (Co-Investigator)
1. Runyan DK, Dunne MP, Zolotor AJ, Madrid B, Jain D, Gerbaka B, Menick DM, Andreva-Miller
Kasim MS, Choo WY,, Isaeva O, Macfarlane B, Ramirez C, Volkova E, Youssef RM. The
development and piloting of the ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool
Parent version (ICAST-P).
Child Abuse Negl. 2009 Nov;33(11):826
2. Dunne MP, Zolotor AJ, Runyan DK, Andreva
Andreva-Miller I, Choo WY,, Dunne SK, Gerbaka B, Isaeva O,
Jain D, Kasim MS, Macfarlane B, Mamyrova N, Ramirez C, Volkova E, Youssef R. ISPCAN Child
Abuse Screening Tools Retrospective version (ICAST
R): Delphi study and field testing in seven
untries. Child Abuse Negl. 2009 Nov;33(11):815
3. Sim SM, Choo WY, Ng CJ. Are our new medical graduates ready to prescribe? Med Educ. 2009
4. Yip CH, Taib NA, Choo WY, Rampal S, Thong MK, Teo SH. Clinical and pathologic differences
between BRCA1-, BRCA2-, and non-BRCA-associated breast cancers in a multiracial developing
country. World J Surg. 2009 Oct;33(10):2077-81.
5. Tan GH, Taib NA, Choo WY, Teo SH, Yip CH. Clinical characteristics of triple-negative breast
cancer: experience in an Asian developing country. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2009 JulSep;10(3):395-8.
6. Ng CW, Choo WY, Chong HT, Dahlui M, Goh KJ, Tan CT. (2009) Long-term socioeconomic impact
of the Nipah Virus encephalitis outbreak in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia: A mixed
methods approach. Neurology Asia 2009 Dec; 14(2):101-7.
1. Choo WY, Ng CW, Chong HT, Dahlui M, Goh KJ, Tan CT. Long-term socioeconomic impact of the
Nipah Virus Encephalitis on households in Bukit Pelanduk, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia: A Mixed
Methods Study. Paper presented at the 5th International Mixed Methods Conference.
Organised by the University of Leeds, Harrogate, United Kingdom. 8-11 July 2009.
1. Speaker, Data Management and Analysis Using SPSS, PTM, University of Malaya, 16th-17th Dec
2. Speaker, Biostatistics Workshop, Asia Pacific Primary Care Research Conference 2009, 5th-6th
Dec 2009
3. Speaker, Evidence Based Practice Workshop, Julius Center University of Malaya, 30th Sept – 2nd
Oct 2009
4. Speaker, Clinical Epidemiology Workshop, Julius Center University of Malaya, 8th-10th Oct 2009
5. Speaker, Data Analysis using SPSS, MeRDU Professional Development Series, 16 Nov 2009.
6. Facilitator, Systematic Review Workshop, Julius Center University of Malaya, 13-14 Feb 2009
7. Facilitator, The Practice of EBM, Julius Center University of Malaya, 16-18 Feb 2009
8. Organising committee, Forum On Cancer Registry (CePH), 23 June 2009.
9. Speaker, Essentials of Endnote, Department of Primary Care Medicine, Feb 2009
10. Speaker, Qualitative Research Workshop, Department of Social & Preventive Medicine &
Department of Primary Care Medicine, 19 Aug 2009.
11. Speaker, Research Methodology Workshop, Institute Kesihatan Umum, Ministry of Health, 20
Mar 2009
Committee Member of Faculty PBL committee, Faculty Of Medicine, 2008 -09
Co-Editor, SPM Annual Report 2008, 2009
Committee Member, Resources Team, Department of Social & Preventive Medicine
Acting Head of Unit, Epidemiology & Biostatistics Unit (ad-hoc)
5. Course Coordinator for undergraduate module: Introductory Course In Biostatistics (MTEB1104),
Introductory Course In Biostatistics (DMLT2101)
6. Course coordinator for MPH/MMedSc module; Principle of Biostatistics, Principles of
Epidemiology, Qualitative Inquiry in Public Health (MOGR6303), Analysis of Rates & Proportions
7. Course coordinator for DrPH module; Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health, Clinical
Epidemiology, Critical Readings and Special Topics in Epidemiology, Qualitative Methods in
Health Research
8. Current postgraduate research students: Rosalia Binti Saimon(PhD); Patwinder Kaur Gill, MPH
(Year 3); Sheela Bai George, MFamMed (Year 3)
Professional Affiliation
1. Member, Malaysian Primary Care Research Group
2. Member, International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Senior Lecturer
Nutritional Epidemiology, Worksite wellness
Research Projects
1. Principle Investigator, Translational research in primary prevention of chronic diseases in a
workplace (ongoing), UMRG
UMRG, RM 97,300.00
2. Principle Investigator,, Primary Prevention of Chronic Diseases in Worksite (ongoing),PJP,
3. Principle Investigator, Mercury Levels in Newborn Cord Blood and Maternal Blood and the
Association with the Antepartum Consumption of Seafood of Preg
nant Mothers in UMMC
(ongoing),PJP, RM74,575.00
4. Co-investigator, Association of candidate genes predisposing to obesity in Malaysian
subjects (ongoing), UMRG
UMRG,RM 98000.00
5. Co-investigator, UNICEF Research Project: Assessment of children and families affected by
HIV/AIDS in Selangor (ongoing)
(ongoing), Others, RM40,000.00
6. Co-investigator, Influence of lifetime occupation on muscle strength and functional ability
(completed), PJP,RM
RM 51,700.00
Consultancies & Special Services
Reviewer for Nutrition Journal of Malaysia, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
Awards & Recognition
Silver Medal for UM Expo 2009
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
Members of International Union of Health Promotion & Health Education, Nutrition Society of
Malaysia, Malaysia Dietitians’
tians’ Association
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
Moy FM, Atiya AS, Wong ML. Promoting Healthy Lifestyle at Worksite (Poster), UM Expo
2009, 13 Jan 2009 to 15 Jan 2009, UM, (University)
Chan KW, Chin KK, Cheng JQ, Lim YH, CRP Bera Group, Tin TS, Moy FM. Lifetime
occupational history in relation to handgrip measurement among the rural community in Pahang
(Poster). 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium Public Health Conference (APACPH), 03 Dec 2009 to
06 Dec 2009, Taipei Medical University, (International)
Moy FM, Awang Bulgiba AM. Association of serum urate with risk factors of Metabolic
Syndrome (Oral), 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium Public Health Conference (APACPH), 03 Dec
2009 to 06 Dec 2009, Taipei Medical University, (International)
Moy FM, Awang Bulgiba AM. Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome of a Wellness Cohort in Kuala
Lumpur (Oral), MASO 2009 Scientific Conference on Obesity, 12 Aug 2009 to 13 Aug 2009, MASO,
Apalasamy YD, Moy FM, Rampal S, Bulgiba AM, Mohamed Z. G-2458A Lep Gene
Polymorphism is associated with body mass index (BMI) in the Malaysian population, International
conference on Personalised Medicine (Poster), 19 Sep 2009 to 20 Sep 2009, Faculty of Medicine,
Chinese University Hong Kong, (International)
Moy FM. Worksite Wellness - translating theory to practice, International Conference On
Biotechnology for the Wellness Industry (Invited Speaker), Traditional and Complementary
Medicine, 23 Jul 2009 to 26 Jul 2009, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, (International)
Eng JY, Moy FM. Dietary fat and cardiovascular risk (Poster) 24th Scientific Conference of the
Nutrition Society of Malaysia. 1-3 June 2009.
Eng JY, Moy FM. Waist Circumference or Waist Hip Ratio: Which is better? (Poster) MASO
2009 Scientific Conference on Obesity, 12 Aug 2009 to 13 Aug 2009, MASO, (International)
Courses / Workshops/ Media Appearance
1. Conducted two EndNote Workshops at university level - 6 May and 6 October 2009
2. Invited speaker for SPSS in Clinical Research workshop conducted by MERDU - 9 to 11 June
2009, 10 to 12 Nov 2009
3. Invited speaker for Research Method Workshop organized by IKU - 19 to 21 Mac 2009
4. Invited speaker for Clinical Epidemiology Workshop organized by JCUM -30 Sept, 1-2 Oct 2009
5. Appeared in “Hello Malaysia” – Astro Awani - 13 May 09 on topic of Obesity
6. Organised the UM Wellness Roadshow on 7-8 January 2009
7. Organised the UM Health Awareness Day on 9 June 2009 at Dewan Tunku Canselor, UM.
Academic journals
1. Moy FM, Johari S, Ismail Y, Mahad R , Tie FH , Wan Ismail WMA . 2009. Breakfast skipping
and its associated factors among the undergraduates in a public university in Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition. 15(2): 165-174
Y.D.Apalasamy, F.M.Moy, S.Rampal, A.M.Bulgiba and Z.Mohamed. 2009. G-2458A Lep
Gene Polymorphism is associated with body mass index (BMI) in the Malaysian
population. Proceedings of the 2009 International conference on Personalised Medicine.
Moy FM & Bulgiba AM. Obesity & metabolic syndrom in a wellness cohort in Kuala
Lumpur. Proceedings of MASO 2009 Scientific Conference on Obesity. pg 29.
Eng JY & Moy FM. 2009. Waist circumference or Waist- Hip Ratio: Which is better?
Proceedings of MASO 2009 Scientific Conference on Obesity. pg 87.
Eng JY, Moy FM. 2009. Dietary fat and cardiovascular risk. Proceedings of the 24th
Scientific Conference of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, pg 77.
Moy FM, Bulgiba AM. Association of serum urate with risk factors of metabolic syndrome.
Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, 36 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
Chan KW, Chin KK, Cheng JQ, Lim YH, CRP Bera Group, Tin TS, Moy FM. Lifetime
occupational history in relation to handgrip measurement among the rural community in
Pahang. Proceedings of the 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
Conference, 3-6 Dec 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
Dr. Azlan bin Darus
Senior Lecturer
Occupational Health, Fitness for Work
Work, Occupational Stress
Research Projects
1. Direct, Indirect an Intangible Cost of Occupational Disease
in Malaysia (Principle Investigator)
2. A study on the relationship of salivary biomarkers and job stress among school teachers
in Kuala Lumpur (collaborator)
3. Modeling the Risk Facto
rs of Road Traffic Injuries among patients seeking care in
University Malaya Medical Centre’ (collaborator)
4. Prevalence and Risk
sk Factors on Sexual Dysfunction among Malaysian Health Care
Workers (collaborator)
5. Occupational Eye Injuries, Risks and Outcomes aat Mumbai, India (collaborator)
Consultancies & Special Services
1. Reviewer: Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
2. Consultancy : Unilever (M) Sdn. Bhd
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
1. Committee member; Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
2. Committee Member; subcommittee on Occupational Health, National Council of
Occupational Safety and Health
3. Member; Malaysian Medical Association
1. Darus A,, Rosnawati M R, Lugah V, Ganesh B, Sujatha D, Retneswari M. Occupational, Safety and
Health Among Health Care Workers in a Teaching Hospital
Hospital. Malaysian Journal of Public Health
Medicine, Vol. 8 (Suppl 1) 2008 (Abstract)
2. Lugah V, Ganesh B, Retneswari M, Darus A, Rosnawati MR, Sujatha D. Malaysian Journal of
Public Health Medicine, Vol. 8 (Suppl 1) 2008. Knowledge on Occupational Safety and Health
among Healthcare Professionals in Malaysia
3. Sujatha D, Darus A,, Retneswari M, Rosnawati MR, Veronica L, Ganesh B, Jayakumar G.
Occupational Safety and Health Among Health Care Workers in a Hea
lth Care Institution in
Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Public Health M
Medicine, Vol. 8 (Suppl 1) 2008.
Senior Lecturer
illness; Economic evaluation
Health care financing and insura
Health systems research
Quality of Health Care
Research Projects
Estimation of marginal cost to maintain Quit
Smoking Status among
1. Principal investigator,Estimation
smokers in the Tanglin Quit Smoking Clinic, Kuala Lumpur. 2008 – 2009,
2009 PJP funding, RM
2. Principal investigator,, Effectiveness of Disaster Management Programme Vis-a-vis
and Socioeconomic Consequences for Affected Communities. 2009 – 2011 , University
Malaya Research Grant (UMRG)
(UMRG), RM 198,800
3. Co-investigator, The Direct, Indirect and Intangible Costs of Occupational Diseases among
Workers in Malaysia. 2009
2009-2011 , University Malaya Research Grant (UMRG),
(UMRG) RM 95,400
4. Supervisor, Effectiveness of school based weight management programme in overweight
adolescents: A quasi experimental stu
study, UPGP, RM 20,500
5. Supervisor, A cervical call
recall system to increase attendance at screening for cervical
cancer among non-compliance
compliance female school teachers in Kuala Lumpur: A community trial
study, UPGP, RM 12,500
Consultancies & Special Services
Reviewer, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
Centre for Population Health, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Malaya
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
Organizing committee: Forum on “Cancer Registry in Malaysia and Northern Ireland: Issues &
Challenges, Lessons learnt from Northen Ireland”
Hospital cost accounting (March 2009), Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, University of
Journal article
1. Su TT, Sax S. Key quality aspect: a fundamental step for quality improvement in resource
poor setting. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health (in press)
1. Su TT, Sallehuddin AB, Murniati HH, Swinder J, Saimy BI. 2009. Factors associated with
success or failure from the quit smoking attempts. Oral presentation. 41th Asia Pacific
Academic Consortium of Public Health. Taipei, Taiwan, 3-6 Dec 2009
2. Su TT, Nabilla AM, Choo WY, Ng CW. 2009.Smoking behavior among rural residents in
Pahang State, Peninsular Malaysia. Poster presentation. 2nd International Conference on
Rural Medicine. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 23rd -25th Nov 2009.
Dr. Htay Moe
Senior Lecturer, Occupational and Environmental Health Unit
ational and Environmental Health
Injuries Prevention and Control
Research Projects
1. Modeling the Risk Factors of Road Traffic Injuries among patients seeking care in University
Malaya Medical Centre: A Cohort Study. Vote F. RM 28,000.
28,000.(( Principal Investigator)
2. Ariza Zainuddin. Physical
ical Activity, Energy Expenditure and Dietary Intake among over
weight and normal weight Secondary School Students in Bentong, Pahang. PPP. RM 500.(
3. Navjeet Kaur Mohan Singh. Prevalence of stress among the Blue collar and White collar
orkers in an Internal Tobacco Company. PPP. RM 5,000. (Co-investigator
Candidates supervised in the year 2009
1. Dr. Ariza Zainuddin. MPH (FH). Physical Activity, Energy Expenditure and Dietary Intake
among over weight and normal weight Secondary Scho
ol Students in Bentong, Pahang.
2. Dr. Navjeet Kaur Mohan Singh. MPH (OH). Prevalence of stress among the Blue collar and
White collar workers in an Internal Tobacco Company.
3. Dr. Bala Murali a/l Sundram. MPH
4. Dr. Dyanan a/l Puvannandran. MPH
5. Dr. Mohammed Othman Mohammed Alshaikh. MPH
6. Dr. Norliza Binti Ibrahim. MPH
7. Sasimalani a/p Surgunnam. MMedSc PH
Consultancies & Special Services
Reviewer of the Asia-Pacific
Pacific Journal of Public Health.
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
Member of the Malaysian Medical Association
Member of the Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health (UK)
Life Member of the Malaysian Senior Scientists Association
Member of the Injury Research Group, Faculty of Medicine
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
1. Invited speaker of the International Conference on “Values, Environment and the Future of
Civilisation”, Shah Village Hotel.
Topic: Health and Environmental Hazards of Flash-floods in Kuala Lumpur, and Prevention
and Control.
1. Moe H. Road Traffic Injuries among patients who attended the Accident and Emergency
Unit of the University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Jour of UMMC 2009; 11(1),
2. Moe H. Health and Environmental Hazards of Flash-floods in Kuala Lumpur, and Prevention
and Control. Proceedings of the International Conference on “Values, Environment and the
Future of Civilization”, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya.
1. Life Member of the Malaysian Buddhist Society
2. Member of the Menara Jaya Condo Residents Association.
Dr Anselm Su Ting
Senior Lecturer
Occupational Health
Consultancies & Special Services
1. Investigation on occupational diseases among KWSP microfil
microfilm staff
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
1. Committee memberr SOEM, MMA
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
1. Oral paper presenter. A Cross Sectional Study on Hand
arm Vibration Syndrome among a Group
of Construction Workers in Kuala Lumpu
r, Malaysia, at International Congress on Occupational
Health 2009, Cape Town, South Africa, 26 March 2009.
2. Oral paper presenter. A Cross Sectional Study on Hand
arm Vibration Syndrome among a Group
of Construction Workers in Malaysia – A Preliminary Findings
ngs at 3rd Regional Conference on
Occupational Health, 5 Apr 2008.
3. Oral paper presenter. Reliability of the Modified Malay Initial Questionnaire and Clinical
Assessment for Use in HAVS Study at 2nd Asia Paci
fic Conference of Public Health,
Health 5 Jul 2007.
Su T A, Hoe V C W. Reliability of a Malay translated questionnaire for use in hand-arm
vibration syndrome study in Malaysia. Singapore Med J 2008; 49(12): 1 – 8.
Su T, Hoe VCW. Awareness on Ex
Gratia Compensation Scheme Among Medical Department
Staff in a Tertiary Government Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Med J Malaysia 2008; 63(4): 279 – 282.
Anselm Su Ting. An Overview of Ex
Gratia Compensation Scheme as Compared to SOCSO
Scheme. Berita MMA 2008; 38(6): 18 – 19.
Su AT, Hoe CW, Retnes
wari M, Htay Moe. A Cross Sectional Study on Hand-arm
Syndrome among a Group of Construction Workers in Malaysia – A Preliminary Findings. Malaysian J
Pub Health Medicine 2008; 8(Suppl 1): 20.
Su AT, Hoe CW. Reliability of the Modified Malay IInitial
nitial Questionnaire and Clinical
Assessment for Use in HAVS Study. Malaysian J Pub Health Medicine 2007; 7(Suppl 2): 38.
Dr Maslinor Ismail
Infertility and Reproductive Health
Child Health
Research Projects
ith IKU and Hospital Seremban
Seremban, Prior Knowledge and Perception of Stroke
1. Co-investigator, With
in patient's relative post CVA
2. Co-investigator, HIV/AID's : Global Issue
Issue, MOH
Consultancies & Special Services
1. Appointed as an advisor of the Visiting Board for Tunas Bakti Sg Besi since 2008
2. Appointed as a Technical Advisor for ISO Implementation Audit at Damansara Specialist
Hospital, Tropicana Medical Centre and LPPKN yearly since 2004
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
1. Involve in PUSPANITA activiti
activities at KPWPKM, Ministry of Women, since 2004
Presentations, Seminars & Courses
1. MC in Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Senarai Dekan Fakulti Perubatan – 30-09-2009
2. Invited speaker for Health Talk on “Sexual reproductive Health for Adolescent”, Sekolah
Menengah Kebangsaan
ebangsaan Convent Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, 23
23-10-2009, 0950 – 1115 hr
3. Invited speaker for Health Talk on 'Sexual Health' at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar
Damai Perdana, Cheras , Hulu Langat yearly since 2006
4. Invited speaker for Health Talk for LHDN executives staffs yearly since 2007
5. Invited speaker for Health Talk on 'Sexual Health' for Sekolah Menengah Bukit Bandaraya
since 2008
1. Prior Knowledge and Perception of Stroke in patient's relative post CVA, Report submitted
to IKU Officer
2. HIV/AID's
V/AID's : Global Issue; paper presented at Vienna, Italy by MOH Officer.
Dr Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki
Trainee Lecturer
Clinical Epidemiology, Statistics
Research Project
Statistical Methods of Determining Agreement and Reliability in SSome
ome Medical Application.
Project funding : PPP grant, University of Malaya (Project No: PS162/2009B)
Recent achievement/contribution
1. Facilitator for the Evidence Based Medicine Workshop (8th - 10th October 2009) at the
Department of Social & Preventive Me
dicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. The
workshop was conducted by Professor Paul Glasziou from the University of Oxford, UK.
2. Speaker and facilitator for the Clinical Epidemiology Workshop (30th September 2009 – 2nd
October 2009) at the Depa
rtment of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya. Jointly conducted with Professor Yolanda van der Graaf, Professor
Arno W Hoes and Professor Helena Marieke Herkooijen from the University Medical Centre
Utrecht, Netherland.
3. Appeared as one of the panel in Hello Malaysia Program, Bernama Television (17th June
2009) with health topic of Wellness Program at Workplace.
Dr Marzuki Bin Isahak
Trainee Lecturer
Occupational and Environmental Health
Primary Health Care
Research Projects
1. Employee Assistance Progamme for Stress: An Intervention study on Self Perceived Stress,
Depression and Anxiety in Public University (ongoing DrPH thesis)
Consultancies & Special Services
1. Giving treatment and consultation in Occupational Medicine Clinic, University Malaya
Medical Centre.
2. Doing walk-through
through survey in several factories and companies to investigate the
occupational disease etiology.
3. Facilitator for the Evidence Based Medicine Workshop (8th - 10th October 2009) at the
ment of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. The
workshop was conducted by Professor Paul Glasziou from the University of Oxford, UK.
4. Appeared as one of the panel in Hello Malaysia Program, Bernama Television (17th June
2009) with health topic of Wellness Program at Workplace.
Professional Affiliation/Membership/Leadership
1. Member;
ember; Society of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
2. Life Member; Malaysian Medical Association
3. Registerd Occupational Health Doctor, Depart
ment of Occupational Safety and Health
Academic Staff
Name of Academic Staff
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Retneswari Masilamani
Head of Department
Professor Dr. Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Deputy Dean (Undergraduate)
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Coordinator of Postgraduate Programmes /
Head of Postgraduate Unit
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saimy Ismail
Head of Management Unit
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul
Head of Family Health Unit
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Head of Epidemiology/ Statistics Unit
Dr. Azlan bin Darus
Head of Occupational and Environmental
Health Unit
Dr. Htay Moe
Occupational and Environmental Health Unit
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
Management Unit
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit
Dr. Tin Tin Su
Management Unit
Dr. Anselm Su Ting
Occupational and Environmental Health Unit
Dr. Maslinor Ismail
Family Health Unit
Dr. Farizah Hairi
Management Unit (on study leave)
Dr. Mas Ayu Said
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (on study leave)
Dr. Noran Naqiah bin Hairi
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (on study leave)
Dr. Victor Hoe Chee Wai Abdullah
Occupational and Environmental Health Unit
(on study leave)
Associate Professor Dr. Sanjay Rampal
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (on study leave)
Mr. Hazreen Ab. Majid
Family Health Unit (on study leave)
Mr. Mohd Roshidi Ismail
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (tutor)
Dr. Marzuki Isahak
Occupational and Environmental Health Unit
(on study leave/trainee lecturer)
Dr. Rafdzah bt Ahmad Zaki
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (on study
leave/trainee lecturer)
Support Staff
Name of Support Staff
Ms Nor Zurina Zainol
UM Wellness Programme (Programme
Assistant/ Dietician)
Ms Norlissa Abd Gani
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (Programme
Assistant/ Dietician)
Ms Suhaili Suboh
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (Dietician)
Ms Norchaya binti Yahaya
UM Wellness Programme (Staff Nurse)
Ms Hasdharina binti Johari
Postgraduate Unit (Staff Nurse)
Ms Lee Pek Ling
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (IT Coordinator)
Ms Shamsina bt Shamsuddin
Postgraduate Unit (Programme Assistant/
Assistant Science Officer)
Mr Abdul Hadi Tabrani
Family Health Unit (Programme Assistant/
Assistant Science Officer)
Ms Nur Fadhlina binti Othman
Occupational and Environmental Health Unit
(Programme Assistant/ Assistant Science
Ms Nur Hashimah Kaman Redzawan
Epidemiology/Statistics Unit (Programme
Assistant/ Assistant Science Officer)
Ms Devi a/p Peramalah
Julius Centre (Research Officer)
Ms Hamizwanis binti Abd Hamid
Julius Centre (Coordinator of University of
Malaya Julius Centre and Asia link
Ms Normala M Shamsudin
Management Unit (Programme Assistant/
Admin Assistant)
Ms Jayasutha a/p Kamrajoo
Head of Department Office (Admin Assistant)
Ms Noor Irdawaty Kamarodzaman @ Ghani
Postgraduate Unit (Admin Assistant)
Ms Wan Tua
UM Wellness Programme (Staff Nurse)
Mr Kamar Junus
Postgraduate Unit (General Worker)
Ms Norhayati Ramli
Head of Department Office (Attendant)
Mr Mohd Azli bin Mahadi
Head of Department Office (General Worker)
Mr Manogran a/l N Thangiah
This report was prepared, compiled and edited by Dr Azlan Darus, Dato Dr Sirajoon Noor
Ghani, Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud and Dr Claire Choo.
Updated information about our department can be found at our website
A million thanks to all staff for their assistance.