rotary day - Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya
rotary day - Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya
the Peejay P st Issue 11, RY 2015 - 2016 Newsletter for Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya, District 3300 17 September 2015 THE NEW RCPJ SHIRT IS READY FOR ROTARY DAY! LEAD YOUR CLUB MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIR NIGERIA IS POLIO FREE ! PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE WHAT PEACE MEANS TO ME LUNCHEON MEETING AIR POLLUTION TREATMENT BY IR AK WOO connect with us TYPE 2 POLIOVIRUS GONE FOR GOOD FUNDING INCREASE NEEDED TO REACH FINAL GOAL ROTARY DAY IN 2 DAYS TIME! [email protected] 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 PRESIDENT’S DIARY FOR THE WEEK (9 September – 15 September 2015) DEAR FELLOW ROTARIANS, T he most fruitful meeting of all for this week was our meeting with Mr Sulip R Menon, Director of Commercial of Peremba CSM SB together with their General Manager – Ms Khoi Hoay Ling on the possible CSR project with RCPJ. Mr Sulip is very familiar with Rotary as he was an Interactor and I was so glad to have PDG David Ho accompanied me for the meeting as they touches on history of Rotary and District, PDG David is a walking encyclopedia as he almost knew it all. He saved my day! This week also our last lapse for the preparation of Rotary Day. The organizing team is very stressed-up to ensure a good show on 19 September 2015. Let’s all be there to support them ! RCPJ meeting with Peremba CSM Sdn Bhd 11th Sept 2015. It has been our goals to be constantly looking for corporate to partner for CSR effort. Our meeting with Peremba has gotten us a step closer to our goal. As we approached Peremba for our Rotary Day sponsor, we came to know they are interested to work on CSR projects which will be self-sustainable in long term and benefits the community. At RCPJ, we are currently working on few major community projects and they are interested to find out more on our Paya Mengkuang Orang Asli – rebuilding of Balai for Orang Asli children, Rain Harvesting projects at our Interactor Schools and the training of Child Advocators at our Interactor Schools. After close to 2 hours of meeting, with better understanding on the 3 projects, they have shown interest to consider partnering for the 3 projects. It is indeed a good start for us. Having said that, they need to present these proposals to their Directors for their approval at company level. We sincerely hope the response is positive. At the meantime, we have to kick start our 1st Rain Harvesting Project as soon to know the cost and challenges for this project as we need to table the working paper for the duplication of the project to all schools. Besides, Peremba will also like to know the cost of the project. I will personally working closely with PP Ellias, Catholic High School and the contractor to ensure it starts before end of this year. Luncheon Talk by Ir AK Woo of Master Jaya Engineering on Air Pollution Treatment 15th September 2015. Ir AK Woo, the Managing Director of Master Jaya Engineering was sharing with us on Air Pollution treatment and management for the industry standard. Although the application method is not suitable for household, but we have learnt the importance thePeejayPost page 2 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 of air pollution treatment and industry management. Aside from the regulations compliance, pollution prevention can be used as revenue, particularly in the recovery of cements in the treatment of cement exhaust. Ir AK Woo is a veteran in the industry and has been an active member of the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) and other related associations. As he is approaching retirement, Ir AK is training up his next generations to be the successor to his business. And by then, we hope Ir AK will be part of us in Rotary to serve the community. Rotary, Family, Service to the Community 15th September 2015. I always share with my friends and colleagues, that Rotary is my extended family. Aside from my immediate family, the next person I met the most is my Rotary friends. Just like today, we met at lunch, and later in the evening, we meet again for the community service meeting. We have Rotary Day Final Committee meeting & September Board Meeting at the same venue at Rotarian Victor’s residence. Thank you so much to the host, Victor and Min Si, they have to made up the house to ensure it is cozy to host the 20 of us. This Rotary year, we try our best to bring back the good old days of RCPJ – where hosting of meeting is held at Rotarian’s residence. It was a great fellowship and meetings. Rotary Day meeting started at 7.45pm and ended at 10pm and then followed by BOD meeting and end at 11.15pm then followed by fellowship till 12.30am the next day. It was a marathon, but everyone enjoyed the moment. And yes, soon, we are inducting our 46th members to our Club – Mr Jegan. Jegan and wife Gina ran resorts and hotels. They are parents to one of our Interactor and we are looking forward having them into our Rotary Family. This is Rotary and we are proud to be a Rotarian ! NO Tuesday Meeting on 22 September (Tuesday) Rotary Day event on 19 September 2015 is a rotary meeting for all Rotarian. It is therefore, NO meeting for the following Tuesday on 22 September. Kindly take note. Our next regular meeting will be an Evening Meeting on 29 September at Grand Dorsett, speaker is a Standup Comedian Mr Prakash Daniel. Please invite friends and families to join us for a chilled out event. Sincerely, Rianne Chin Chin Wai Yee, Rianne President, Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya thePeejayPost page 3 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 YOUR JOB AS CLUB MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE CHAIR As club membership committee chair, you create and follow an action plan to attract and engage members. Find detailed information in Lead Your Club: Membership Committee. RESPONSIBILITIES ALL COMMITTEES YOUR COMMITTEE Attend your district training assembly Educate club members on how to attract new members and keep them involved Working with the president-elect, select and prepare your committee members Conduct classification surveys Create subcommittees as needed (for example, for identifying potential new members, member engagement, new member orientation, mentoring) Look at your club’s meetings, projects, and other activities and assess what it offers new members Meet regularly and plan activities Develop a membership action plan to improve member satisfaction Set committee goals to help achieve the club’s goals for the year and monitor progress toward them Conduct club assessments to ensure that membership development and retention efforts succeed Manage your committee’s budget Sponsor newly organized clubs in your district, if you choose to Work with your club’s other committees and your district committee on multiclub activities or initiatives Report committee activities and progress to the club president, board of directors, and the full club Determine what else your club expects your committee to do thePeejayPost page 4 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 YOUR JOB AS CLUB PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR As club public relations committee chair, you make sure your club gets credit for the good it does in your community. Find details in Lead Your Club: Public Relations Committee. RESPONSIBILITIES ALL COMMITTEES YOUR COMMITTEE Attend your district training assembly Create awareness of club activities and projects among club members, media, and the community Working with the president-elect, select and prepare your committee members Support the work of the membership committee Create subcommittees as needed (for example, media relations, advertising/marketing, special events) Learn key points for talking about Rotary and use them when speaking in public Meet regularly and plan activities Use social media to promote awareness of Rotary and your club in the community Set committee goals to help achieve the club’s goals for the year and monitor progress toward them Make sure your club’s image is in line with Rotary’s public image Manage your committee’s budget Share your club’s Rotary stories with the local media Work with your club’s other committees and your district committee on multiclub activities or initiatives Become familiar with Rotary’s public relations resources Report committee activities and progress to the club president, board of directors, and the full club Determine what else your club expects your committee to do 1 thePeejayPost page 5 of 16 10September2015 Issue10,RY2015-2016 WHAT PEACE MEANS TO ME To commemorate the International Day of Peace, we share the personal perceptions of Rotary Peace Fellows People and nations worldwide will observe the International Day of Peace on 21 September, the date designated by the United Nations in 2001 “to be observed as a day of global ceasefire and nonviolence.” That commitment to peace is directly linked to goals pursued by Rotary members since The Rotary Foundation’s mission to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace was proclaimed in 1917. To fulfill that mission, Rotary conducts global forums, hosts international peace symposiums, continues its decades-long collaboration with the UN, and promotes initiatives such as the Rotarian Action Group for Peace. Rotary’s most tangible effort to build peace and promote conflict resolution is the Rotary Peace Centers program, established in 2002. Each year, the program prepares future leaders to work for peace through a two-year master’s degree program or a three-month professional certificate program at Rotary’s partner universities around the world. Today, more than 900 of these peace fellowship alumni are applying their expertise -- easing tensions in border conflicts, drafting legislation to protect exploited children, providing security to diplomats, and pursuing many other career paths devoted to peace. thePeejayPost page 6 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 The World Health Organization announced on 25 September that Nigeria is now polio-free. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on 25 September that Nigeria is now polio-free and has been officially removed from the list of countries where polio is endemic. It’s been 14 months since any cases of polio caused by the wild virus have been detected there. With Nigeria’s historic achievement, polio remains endemic in only two countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan. That means transmission of the virus has never been stopped there. Nigeria was the last country in Africa where polio was endemic. The continent celebrated its own first full year without the disease on 11 August. Once three years have passed without a case in WHO’s entire African region, officials will certify polio eradicated there. “Rotary congratulates Nigeria on its tremendous accomplishment in stopping polio,” says RI President K.R. Ravindran. “On behalf of the entire Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), we thank volunteers, health workers, and parents in communities across Nigeria for their tireless commitment to ensuring every last child is protected against this devastating disease. In the months ahead, their dedication will remain as important as ever, as we work to keep Nigeria polio-free and to eliminate polio from its final strongholds in Pakistan and Afghanistan.” Nigeria’s success is the result of several sustained efforts, including domestic and international financing, the commitment of thousands of health workers, and new strategies that reached children who had not previously been immunized because of a lack of security in the country’s northern states. By Ryan Hyland Rotary News 25-Sep-2015 thePeejayPost page 7 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 The wild poliovirus as seen through a microscope. The virus invades the nervous system, causing paralysis in one out of every 200 children. From GPEI site photo gallery TYPE 2 POLIOVIRUS GONE FOR GOOD In other encouraging news, an independent global health commission officially verified on 21 September that wild poliovirus type 2, one of three strains of the wild virus, has been eradicated worldwide. Although the last type 2 case was detected back in 1999, the confirmation is an important milestone, as Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative prepare to switch from a form of the vaccine that targets all polio types to one that does not protect against type 2. The announcement by the Global Commission for the Certification of Poliomyelitis Eradication confirms that only two strains of the wild poliovirus remain. Of those, type 3 wild poliovirus hasn’t been detected in almost three years, and wild poliovirus type 1 is endemic only in Afghanistan and Pakistan. FUNDING INCREASE NEEDED TO REACH FINAL GOAL On 25 September, the GPEI’s Polio Oversight Board met to determine the next steps needed to eradicate polio. The group concluded that $1.5 billion in new funding is needed to help Rotary and its partners end polio in the next few years. With Nigeria now poliofree, spending will focus on the most vulnerable children in Afghanistan and Pakistan, while continuing to shield millions of children already living in polio-free countries. “With a fully funded program and global commitment to ending this disease, we have the opportunity to interrupt transmission of the wild poliovirus in Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2016, opening the door for certification of a global eradication in 2019,” says Michael K. McGovern, chair of Rotary’s International PolioPlus Committee. “With [Rotary members’] continued support, we will soon see our dream of a polio-free world realized.” By Ryan Hyland Rotary News 25-Sep-2015 thePeejayPost page 8 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 RCPJ Luncheon Meeting - Talk by ir AK Woo on Air Pollution Treatment Grand Dorsett Subang, SS12. 15 September 2015 The new RCPJ T-shirt and Rotary Day Poster are being distributed during luncheon meeting. Rotary Day (19 Sept 2015) Committee Meeting RCPJ Luncheon Meeting - Talk by ir AK Woo on Air Pollution Treatment Grand Dorsett Subang, SS12. 15 September 2015 The lady Rotarians of RCPJ are gaining a significant Imm, President Rianne Chin Wai Yee, President role within the club in contributing to the society. Elect Siti Haslindah Bt. Sheikh Ismail, and Director Attending are (L to R) Director of Public Image of Club Administration Melisa Francis. Usha Gopalan, Vice President Alice Teoh Cheng thePeejayPost www. ww rotary ypj pj.c com o page e 9 of 16 6 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 RCPJ Luncheon Meeting - Talk by ir AK Woo on Air Pollution Treatment Grand Dorsett Subang, SS12. 15 September 2015 All smiles no frowns, the attending members are listening vividly to the talk by Ir AK Woo on air pollution treatment. This is especially during the prominent hazy weather outdoor. RCPJ Luncheon Meeting - Talk by ir AK Woo on Air Pollution Treatment Grand Dorsett Subang, SS12. 15 September 2015 Ir AK Woo is a veteran in the industry and has associations. Ir AK Woo work has been ensuring air been an active member of the Federation of pollution and manufacture treatment can be kept Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) and other related clean. thePeejayPost page 10 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 Rotary Day Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting Victor Residence at Taman Yarl 15 September 2015 Picture shown Victor and daughter taking a break for hosting half of the RCPJ members in his residence. (L to R) Vice President Alice Teoh Cheng Imm, President Rianne Chin Wai Yee, Dato Seri Dr. N. Krisna Moorthy, Hon. Secretary Victor Lee Lap Kong, Victor’s daughter and President Elect Siti Haslindah Bt. Sheikh Ismail. Rotary Day Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting Victor Residence at Taman Yarl 15 September 2015 Mr. Jegan and wife Gina attending the gathering. RCPJ will be inducting Jegan as the 46th member. They are parents to our Interactor. The parent is now becoming a Rotarian. This is Rotary in action! thePeejayPost ww om m page pa ge 11 of o 16 6 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 RCPJ UPCOMING EVENT ROTARY DAY “We never know the Love of a Parent until we become parents ourselves.” 孝 亲 敬 老 , 家 庭 日 Time : 19th September 2015 ( Saturday ) time 0900 - 1300. 2015年9月19日(星期六) 时间 0900 - 1300. Venue : SJK (C) Sungai Way, Jalan SS9A/1, Seri Setia, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor 双 溪 威 华 小 Events: A Family Day together with our Parents and Children; 一个家庭日与我们的父母和子女; Complimentary Lunch for Golden Citizens aged 70 and above; 免费午餐为70岁及以上的黄金公民; Colouring Contest for Children; 儿童填色比赛; Medical checkup for all ages; 对各年龄段身体体检; Magic Show; 魔术表演; Fun Fair; 嘉年华; Fancy Food Trucks and many more. 花式食品的卡车和多。 Contact: We welcome public and corporate sponsors for our event. Do contact Alice : 017 - 3733 303 / Rianne : 010 - 366 1226 of Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya for more information. Visit us at 我们欢迎公众或企业赞助商支援我们的活动。请联系爱丽丝:017 - 3733303/ Rianne:010 - 3661226 八打灵再也扶轮社以获 取更多信息。请访问我们的 thePeejayPost page 12 of 16 10September2015 Issue10,RY2015-2016 ROTARY MONTHS SEPTEMBER 2015 - MAY 2016 SEPTEMBER Basic Education and Literacy Month OCTOBER Economic and Community Development Month NOVEMBER Rotary Foundation Month DECEMBER Disease Prevention and Treatment Month JANUARY Vocational Service Month 17–23 January — International Assembly, San Diego, California, USA FEBRUARY Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month 23 February — Rotary's anniversary thePeejayPost page 13 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 DUTY ROSTER SEPTEMBER 2015 DATE INTRODUCING THANKING FINEMASTER FELLOWSHIP/ RAFFLE 22 SEPT 29 SEPT 06 OCT 13 OCT 20 OCT 27 OCT Harjit Singh Sarban Kevin Yong Krishna Moorthy Liew Shou Kong Lam Shen Fei Balram Menon Abdul Rahman Irwin Cheong Michael Chua Michael Toh Ong See Seng Alice Teoh Valerie Yap Siti Koh Kia Hong Olivia Lim Melisa Francis Tarcisius Chin H S Dharan Leong Yeng Kit Pua Boon Yee Tara Singh Harjit Singh Labh Low Teong BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS 28 SEPTEMBER 04 OCTOBER 10 OCTOBER 14 OCTOBER 16 OCTOBER WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES 23 SEPTEMBER 05 NOVEMBER 07 NOVEMBER 12 DECEMBER ANN’S/ SPOUSE’S BIRTHDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 30 SEPTEMBER 05 OCTOBER T S Gill, Ir Melisa Francis Samantha Sin Lai Har Usha Gopalan David Ho Kwong Choong Tan Poh Eng and Doris Wang Rianne Chin Wai Yee and Martin Wong David Ho Kwong Choong and Elsie Harjit Singh a/l Labh Singh and Nindy Karine ( Dr. Koh Chin Seong) Patricia ( Jack Lim Ting Chai) Elsie ( David Ho Kwong Choong) UPCOMING EVENTS SEPTEMBER -2015 - (BASIC EDUCATION AND LITERACY MONTH) DATE EVENT VENUE 19 SEPT (SAT) RCPJ Rotary Day 9am-2pm Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Sungai Way Jalan SS 9a/1, Sungai Way, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia 21 SEPT (MON) 55th Anniversary Committee Meeting Dato Kevin’s Residence 1 OCT (THUR) TRF & Membership Committee Meeting Host : Olivia Lim Restoran Rebung, 4-2, Lorong Maarof, Bangsar Utama, 6 OCT (TUE) Fireside – Jegan’s Residence 8 OCT (WED) Service Project Host : Albert Yong KGNS 19 OCT (MON) Club Admin & 55th Anniversary Host : PP Leong Yeng Kit Roulette @ Oasis Ara Damansara thePeejayPost page 14 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 STATISTICS LUNCHEON MEETING DATED 15 SEPTEMBER 2015 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 07-Jul-15 14-Jul-15 22-Jul-15 28-Jul-15 04-Aug-15 11-Aug-15 18-Aug-15 25-Aug-15 08-Sep-15 15 SEPTEMBER (RM) CUMULATIVE (RM) RAFFLES FINES BIRTHDAY ANNIVERARY OTHERS TOTAL 50.00 572.00 100.00 634.00 0.00 642.00 00.00 5,193.00 0.00 400.00 150.00 7,441.00 ATTENDANCE 25/40 (62.5%) 225/426 (52.8 %) 15-Sep-15 ABOUT US THE ROTARY CLUB OF PETALING JAYA The Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur and received its charter from Rotary International on January 6th 1961 with 35 founding members. Within the first 15 years of its existence, the Club provided Petaling Jaya’s urban community with its first public library and kindergarten. At the national level, it succeeded in founding the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia and RCPJ members have been serving on the Foundation’s board for the last 45 years. Over the years, the Club expanded its service activities, establishing regular community support in the form of youth development through Rotaract and Interact Clubs, the Golden Child Project, the Ten Pin Bowling Project and the Super Mum project. The Club meets every Tuesday at 12:45pm for lunch at the Grand Dorsett Hotel Subang and the Sultan of Selangor, DYMM Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, is currently the Royal Patron of the Club. thePeejayPost page 15 of 16 17September2015 Issue11,RY2015-2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS RY 2015 - 2016 PRESIDENT CHIN WAI YEE, RIANNE [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT ELECT [email protected] SITI HASLINDA BT SHEIKH ISMAIL ALICE TEOH CHENG IMM [email protected] HONORARY SECRETARY HONORARY TREASURER CLUB MELISA FRANCIS [email protected] PP KOH KIA HEONG [email protected] [email protected] VICTOR LEE LAP KONG TRF/ INTERNATIONAL PDG DAVID HO KWONG CHOONG [email protected] ADMINISTRATION MEMBERSHIP YOUTH SERVICE CARRIEN CHONG KAR LEE [email protected] PP CHRIS NG KIM LEONG IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT DATO’ SERI DR. N KRISHNA MOORTHY [email protected] SERVICE PROJECTS PP GOH SENG CHUAN [email protected] PUBLIC IMAGE USHA GOPALAN [email protected] THE PEEJAY POST the Peejay Post is managed by the Public Image of RCPJ CONTRIBUTORS USHA GOPALAN LAM SHEN FEI [email protected] thePeejayPost page 16 of 16