Sunday Bulletin March 30, 2014
Sunday Bulletin March 30, 2014
ATTENTION We welcome sponsors for our Sunday Bulletin You may contact Church Office: 626-449-1523 OV<ATROV:IVN Howanavornyrov bedk ovnink Giraginyrov ;yr;igin /aqsyrovn hamar FELLOWSHIP HOUR Families and individuals are encouraged to host the fellowship hour for happy or otherwise solemn occasions. Please contact church office. Today’s Followship Hour is Sponsored by An Anonymous Office Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Visit our Website or Facebook Ygy.yxvo3 crasynyagi =amyr1 C,7 6 <p7 9:00 g7a7 6 4:00 g7y7 A3xylyxek Myr Ga3ke]u Gam Fe3sbovk Ygy.yxvo3 8Giragos9 yv 8Ygavyan9 Srahnyru Dramatryli yn @yr Polor A-i;nyrovn St. Gregory Armenian Church Hall Rentals Yegavian and Geragos Halls are Available for your • • • • • Weddings Harsaniknyr Baptism Gnovnknyr Birthdays Darytar2nyr Anniversaries Hocyja,yr Hokejash and any other occasion Yva3ln For more info, please call Vahe Charkhutian 562-715-8730. Manramasnov;yan hamar hy-a2a3nyl` Wahe {arqu;yanin` 562-715-8730 16 Hocyvor Howiv` Der Sarcis Avac Kahana3 "y;o3yan Giragi5 Mard 30, 2014 Sovrp Badarac g7a710:30 in Karoz` g7a7 +amu 11:30in Archpriest Fr. Sarkis Petoyan, Pastor Sunday, March 30, 2014 Divine Liturgy 10:30 a.m. Spritual Message 11:30 a.m. Welcome to our visitors! Our Family of parishioners joyfully invites you to make St. Gregory parish your spiritual home. Please join us for fellowship in the Yegavian Hall following services today! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2215 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel. 626-449-1523 Fax:626-449-7039 E-Mail:[email protected] - 1 Howanavorov;yamp` St Gregory Armenian Church Parish Directory :ymis Paryqnam A-a]nort Parish Council Howard Emirhanian 909 596 1010 Ladies Society Joan Meymarian 626 794 6771 Cyr,7 Ark7 Derderyani Men’s ForumD7 #ownan Berj Gourdikian 626 355 8780 Friendship Club Isabel Kouyoumjian 626 446 6058 Nyrga3axovm yv Ciny20n 626 379 3304 A.C.Y.O Director Raffi Postaldjian A.C.Y.O Seniors Talin Bourian 626 456-4620 8Ha3asdanya3x A-akylagan Ygy.yxvo3 Choir Director Elise Tashjian 626 356 9208 Hovsepian School Office 626 578 1343 <aragannyrov Y76+T7 Hovsepian School Shakeh Hy.inagnyru Haroutiounian 818 437 0229 Saturday School Norayr Dadouryan 626 683 7211 Taryrov9 Cirki Sunday School Marguerite Hougasian 626 351 8137 A,qadasirov;yamp Coming Events Pary,7 Ceorc Sargavac “ano3yani Wed 4/2/2014 Friendship Club Luncheon 12:00p.m. Sat. 4/5/2014 Save the day for The Annual Fashion Show gu Nyrga3axne Thu 4/10/2014 Cirku Men’s Forum Dinner 7:00p.m. Togd7 D7 Zaven Avac Khn37 Arzovmanyan My/ Bahox <r]ani Yv Siro3 Ja, {oryk,ap;i5 #ovnisHsgovmnyr 19, 2013 Yrygo3yan My/ Bahox ,r]anin+amu amen {oryk,ap;i yrygo3yan =amu 76in 7:00-in ygy.yxvo3s me] dy.i bidi ovnyna3 hsgman araro.ov;ivn1 Araro.ov;ivnen ydk avantagan ta-2a/ “asadina3i Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ bahox hamy. un;riku bidi sbasargovi Ygavyan Ygy.yxvo3 Srahin me]e gadaryl Dig7 srahin me]1 Noviradovov;ivnnyr garyli +ane; Ceorcyani5 Dig7 Wartovhi Ya.lujyani yv Dig J0n Me3meriani Hasxe 2215 mi]oxav1 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA As of Wedsday March 5, 91107 2014, Vesper services (Husgoom) will be held in the church sanctuary every Wednesday at Joq yvbyHivrasirov;ivn 7:00 PM, and#a3dacir will be followed Lenten supper (Siro-Jash) at Yegavian Hall: To sponsor or for donations please contact Mrs. Vartouhi Yaglegian, Mrs. Jeannette Kevorkian Movdku Azad or Mrs. Joan Meymarian. 2 ST. GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR Philippians (“ilibyxvox) 3:1-4:9 ARMENIAN CHURCH Finally myAPOSTOLIC brothers and sisters, “rejoice” inOF the PASADENA Lord. To write the same things to you is not troublesome to me, and for you it is a safeguard. Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of those who mutilate the flesh! For it is we who are the circumcision, who worship in the spirit of God andInvites Boast in Christ Jesus and have you to attend its no confidence in the flesh—even though I, too, have reason for confidence in the flesh. LADIES SOCIETY LUNCHEON & MEETING If anyone else has reason to be confident in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, a member of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born19, of Hebrews; to the law, a Pharisee; as Wednesday, June 2013 atas12:00 noon to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless. YEGAVIAN Yet whatever gains I had, theseCULTURAL I have come toHALL regard as loss because of Christ. More than that, I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but one that comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God based on faith. I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the sharing of His sufferings by becoming like Him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection from the dead. Speaker Archpriest Fr. Vartan Kasparian “People Who Influenced My life” Wyr]abes5 y.pa3rny4rs5 ovraqaxe4k Dero]mow1 Artaryv is acryl must 2yzi` 2an2ro3; [e in/i5 pa3x Donation $15.00 no3n RSVP panyru abahowov;ivn e Ivy Grashian (626) 446-1796 2yzi1 Jeannette,ovnyren5 Kevorkianzcov,axe4k (818) 244-7222 Zcov,axe4k [ar cor/avornyren5 zcov,axe4k ;l’adov;ynen7 orowhydyv ;l’adov;ivnu my4nk ynk7 or gu ba,dynk Asdova/ Hocio4w yv gu bar/ynank Krisdos #isovso4w5 ov wsdahov;ivn [4ovnink marmini wra37 ;eyv y4s al ovnynalov ei no3n wsdahov;ivnu marmini wra31 Y;e ovri, megu gu gar/e ;e wsdahov;ivn ovni marmini wra35 a4l avyli y4s ov;yrort 0ru ;l’adova/5 Isra3eli 2y.en5 Pyniamini dohmen5 Ypra3yxi mu` Ypra3yxinyren5 )renkin hamymad` “arisyxi5 naqan2aqntrov;yan hamymad` ygy.yxin gu hala/ei5 )renken y.a/ artarov;yan hamymad` anmy.atryli ei1 Pa3x in[ or ,ah er in/i5 wnas hamaryxi za3n` Krisdosi hamar1 Ov no3nisg polor panyrn al wnas gu hamarym` im Dero]s Krisdos #isovsi cidov;yan cyrazanxov;yan hamar1 Polor panyren zrgovyxa3 anor hamar5 yv a.p gu hamarym zanonk5 orbes ,ahim Krisdosu ov cdnovim ir me]5 ovnynalow o4[ ;e im artarov;ivns` or )renken e5 haba a43n` or Krisdosi havadkin mi]oxow e5 artarov;ivnu` âáñ»ùß³µÃÇ, #ovnis 19,jan[nam 2013 ųÙÁ 12:00-ÇÝ or Asdov/me e` havadkow7 orbeszi zink yv ir 3arov;yan z0rov;ivnu5 ha.ortagix ullam ir [ar[aranknyrovn` ØáõïùÇ Ýáõ¿ñªov$15.00 gyrbaranagix ta-nalow ir mahovan5 orbeszi garynam hasnil` سÝñ³Ù³ëÝáõû³Ýó ѳٳñ Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É í»ñáÛÇß»³É ÃÇõ»ñáõÝ: my-ylnyrovn 3arov;yan1 ê´. ¶ðƶàð Èàôê²ôàðÆâ вÚò. ºÎºÔºòôàÚ îÆÎܲÜò ØÆàôº²Ü ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõû³Ùµ AMSAGAN JA< YV ANTAMAGAN +O>OW 15 Howanavorov;yamp` >ovgasov Avydaranen (Luke) 17:20-18:14 Anirav Tadavorin yv A3ri Gno] A-agu :ymis Paryqnam A-a]nort A-ag mun al usav anonx a3n pani masin5 ;e irynk amen =am bedk e a.0;yn yv [2an2ranan1 Usav78Ka.aki mu me] tadavor mu gar7 an Asdov/me [er waqnar yv martoxme [er am[nar1 No3n ka.akin me] a3ri gin mun al gar5 or an gov car ov g\user7 im haga-agortis tem tads dys1 Yv tadavoru yrgar adyn [er ovzyr tadu dysnyl7 pa3x 3ydo3 ir mdken usav7 ;eyv Asdov/me [ym waqnar yv martoxme [ym am[nar5 pa3x orowhydyv a3ri ginu zis gu 3ocnyxne5 dysnym anor tadu5 orbeszi anunthad [4ca3 ov zis [2an2raxne91 Yv Deru usav7 8Lsyxek ;e in[ g\user anirav tadavoru1 Isg Asdova/ artarov;ivn bidi [une| ir /a-a6 nyrovn5 oronk ci,yr yv xyryg ga.a.agyn iryn5 an mia3n hampyradar bidi ulla3 anonx hanteb1 A3o\5 g\usym 2yzi5 ,ovdow artarov;ivn bidi une anonx5 isg yrp ca3 martov Ortin` arty0k havadk bidi cdne| yrgri wra391A3s a-agn al usav omanx5 oronk gu bar/yna3in ;e artar yn irynk yv g\arhamarhein ,adyru1 8Yrgov martig dajar ylan a.0;ylov5 megu “arisyxi5 mivsu` maksavor1 “arisyxin meg go.m gyxa/ er yv inkniryn a3s a.0;ku g\uner7 8Asdova/ im5 cohov;ivn kyzi5 or ys nman [ym ovri, martox5 in[bes 3a’,dago.nyru5 aniravnyrn ov ,naxo.nyru5 yv gam in[bes a3s maksavoru7 a3l ,apa;u yrgov ancam bahk gu p-nym yv im polor sdaxova/knyres dasnort gov dam91 Isg maksavoru meg go.m gyxa/ er yv [er isg ovzyr ir a[kyru yrgink par2raxnyl5 a3l govr/ku gu /y/er ov g\user7 8Asdova/5 nyre\ in/i\ my.avoris91 G\usym 2yzi5 asiga avyli artaraxa/ i]av dovnu5 kan ;e mivsu7 orowhydyv ow or gu par2raxne ir an2u` bidi qonarhi5 yv ow or gu qonarhyxne ir an2u` bidi par2raxovi91 ST. GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR “asadina ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCHYgy.yxvo3 OF PASADENA Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Cyr,7 D7 #ownan Ark7 Derderyani <apa;0rya3 Tbrox LADIES SOCIETY <apa; A-av0dyan +amu Invites you10:00-in to attend its Nyrga3axovm yv Ciny20n LUNCHEON & MEETING 8Ha3asdanya3x A-akylagan Ygy.yxvo3 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 12:00 noon St. Gregory orthodox bookstore <aragannyrov Hy.inagnyru Y76+T7 Taryrov9 Cirki SATURDAY SCHOOL @ 10:00 AM YEGAVIAN CULTURAL HALL Visit our bookstore A,qadasirov;yamp Speaker are available gifts for any occasion Pary,7 Ceorc Sargavac “ano3yani Archpriest Fr. Vartan Kasparian Cirku gu Nyrga3axne “People Who Influenced My life” A3xylyxek ygy.yxvo3s CRAQANOV:u Togd7 D7 Zaven Avac Khn37 Arzovmanyan Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart, saying, "In a certain city there was a judge who did not fear God and did not respect man. "There was a widow in that city, and she kept coming to him, saying, 'Give me legal protection from my opponent.' "For a while he was unwilling; but afterward he said to himself, 'Even though I do not fear God nor respect man, yet because this widow bothers me, I will give her legal protection, otherwise by continually coming she will wear me out.' And the Lord said, "Hear what the unrighteous judge said; now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt: "Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. "The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: 'God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 'I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.' "But the tax collector, standing so distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, the sinner!' "I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted." {oryk,ap;i5 #ovnis 19, 2013 Yrygo3yan +amu 76in “asadina3i Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ygy.yxvo3 Srahin me] Hasxe 2215 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 Joq #a3dacir yv Hivrasirov;ivn Movdku Azad 14 Every Sunday after Church Services Oryve a-i;ow` 2yr novernyrovn hamar ydk $15.00 RSVP is aAmen must Giragi S7 Badaracen Donation Ivy Grashian (626) 446-1796 Jeannette Kevorkian (818) 244-7222 St. Gregory Sunday School 11:00a.m. in Dunaians Hall ê´.For ¶ðƶàð Èàôê²ôàðÆâ вÚò. information call Marguerite Hougasian (626) 351-8137 ºÎºÔºòôàÚ “Train up a child in the way he should go îÆÎܲÜò ØÆàôº²Ü And when he is old, he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6 ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõû³Ùµ Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ygy.yxvo3 Giragn0rya3 War=aran A-av0dyan =amu 11:00-in srahin me] AMSAGAN JA< YV Dovna3yanx ANTAMAGAN #avylyal manramasnov;yanx hamar hy-a2a3nyl +O>OW Margri; >ovgasyanin` (626) 351-8137 âáñ»ùß³µÃÇ, #ovnis 19, 2013 ųÙÁ 12:00-ÇÝ 8Gr;e4 manovgu ir jampan sgsa/ adynu5 ØáõïùÇ Ýáõ¿ñª orbes zi $15.00 ir /yrov;yan adynn al ange [qodori9 سÝñ³Ù³ëÝáõû³Ýó ѳٳñ Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É í»ñáÛÇß»³É A-agax 22:6 ÃÇõ»ñáõÝ: 3 AVAILABLE FOR SPONSORSHIP St Gregory Armenian Church, Pasadena Wednesday April 9, 2014 Arch. Hovnan Derderian, Primate Will Preside Husgoom & Deliver Spritiual Message S7 Cricor Ygy.yxi5 “asadina\ Der #ownan Ark7 Derderyan5 A-a]nort` Bidi hantisabyde Hsgovmi Araro.ov;ivn yv Hocyvor Badcam {orek,ap;i Abril 9, 2014 Gu qntrovi an]adyl 2yr p]i]a3in hy-aq0snyru ygy.yxi mdnylen a-a] Please turn off your cell phone when entering the church. Hocyhancsdyan Qntranknyr Hocyhancsdyan qntranknyru hajyxek nyrga3axnyl min]yv Hinc,ap;i Ges0r5 orbeszi garyli ulla3 3i,yl :yr;igin me] Requiem Services We ask those who wish to have hokehankisd conducted for their loved ones on a given Sunday, to please submit their names by Thursday noon for printing in the Sunday Bulletin Remember The Church In Your Will If certain information is omitted, missing or incorrect in this issue, please excuse any occurrences and contact the Church Office so we may do the correction in the next issue of the Bulletin 4 If you would enjoy the opportunity of investing in the growth of our parish, please consider sponsoring one of the following items, either in your name or in memory of your loved one: Stained Glass Window in the Sanctuary Stained Glass Window near steps to Balcony Small Chandelier Narthex Doors (main/ inside) One of Two New Side Altars Elevator Bell Tower Mural $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 t.b.d. $25,000 $100,000 Archpriest Fr. Sarkis Petoyan and the Parish Council of St. Gregory Armenian Church Prayerfully Invite you to Attend Lenten Husgoom Prayer Vigils Wednesday, April 2, 2014 7:00p.m. Wednesday, April 9 7:00 p.m. All services will be conducted in Armenian and English, using our state-of-the-art user-friendly service books for what will be an enriching and spiritually-rewarding experience. You are encouraged to remain for a fellowship supper in the Yegavian Hall. Der Sarcis Avac Kh3n7 “y;o3yan yv Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ygy.yxvo3 ?qagan Qorhovrti Antamnyru miasnapar gu hraviryn 2yz nyrga3 cdnovylov Hsgovmi polor araro.ov;ivnnyrovn yv Mi]inki un;rik anmi]abes ydk {oryk,ap;i5 Abril 2, 2014 Yrygo3yan =amu 7in {oryk,ap;i5 Abril 9, 2014 Yrygo3yan =amu 7in Polor araro.ov;ivnnyru bidi ullan Ha3yren yv Anclyren lyzovnyrow hydyvylow Hsgovmi artiagan yv hocybarar nor =amacrkin1 Hsgovmen wyr] polort hravirova/ ek avantagan tar2a/ bahox hamy. un;rikin Ygavyan srahin me]1 Important Notice We kindly request that during services, the faithful remain in church following Holy Communion, as a sign of respect for the families who have requested requiem service for their loved ones. Additionally, we ask that following the final blessing, we all honor the tradition of approaching and reverently kissing the Holy Bible. Parish Priest 13 fgdfgfhfhjhgjhkjhjjhvfgdgfd ANNOUNCEMENT The Pastor is available to visit our parishioners in the hospital, nursing homes, or conduct Home Blessings, and other sacramental needs and consultations. Please call the church office at 626-449-1523. We would like to increase our outreach to church members who are unable to attend services. Any parishioner who has a concern is welcome to call the pastor or the Parish Council Yrc[aqovmpu sirow g4untovni nor antamnyr Hydakrkrovo.nyru hajin timyl Eliz :a,jyani` Yrc[aqovmpi .ygawarin The Choir welcomes new members If you are interested, please see Elise Tashjian, the Choir Director 12 5 St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Pasadena Der Sarcis “y;o3yan Yv Ս7 Գրիգոր Լուսաւորիչ Եկեղեցւոյ Men’s Forum Շաբաթօրեայ Վարժարանu (Ladies & Families Always Welcome) Sirow gu Hraviryn @yz Nyrga3 Cdnovylov Monthly Dinner Meeting Thursday, April 10, 2014 – 7:00p.m. Topic: Sleep Apnea, Implant Advancement, Periodontal and Cosmetic Dentistry Guest Speaker: Dr. Raffi Barsam, DMD DARYGAN ?A>GAZARTI ՃԱՇԿԵՐՈՅԹI Կիրակի, 13 Ապրիլ, 2014 Ս. Պատարագէն Anmi]abes Ydk - 12:30 Աշակերտական պատշաճ յայտագիր Մուտքի նուէր՝ $20 - 12 տարեկանէն պզտիկներ՝ $12.00 Hajyxek dy.yr abahowyl min[yv Abril 9, 2014 hy-a2a3nylow Aznivin 626-808-1343 yv gam Ygy.yxvo3 crasynyagu 626-449-1523 Dr. Barsam will be providing a presentation on Sleep Apnea and its treatment, Implant Advancement, Periodontal dentistry, Cosmetic Imaging / Smile Makeovers, TMJ Pain Management, Grafting as well as answering questions from our attendees. At St. Gregory the Illuminator Church Yegavian Hall 2215 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 Donation $17 RSVP’S Are A Must As Dinner Will Be Served R.S.V.P. Mr. Khajag Konialian: 626-351-0216 Mr. Art Gourdikian: 626-399-1914 Church Office (Vera): 626-449-1523 Please Become a sponsor. Call us for details S7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ha3x7 Ygy.yxvo3 “asadina3i Martganx Asovlisi #an2naqovmp (Diginnyrovn Yv Undaniknyrovn Masnagxov;ivnu Mi,d Xangali e) Amsagan Un;riki Havako3; Hinc,ap;i Abril 10, 2014 +amu 7:00-in Un;riki Nover` $17 Gu qntrynk or ka]alyrek myz howanavor ullalow1 6 Fr. Sarkis Petoyan & St. Gregory Armenian Church Saturday School Joyfully invite you to participate in on ANNUAL PALM SUNDAY LUNCHEON On Sunday, April, 13, 2014 Following the Palm Sunday Services At 12:30p.m. Student program Donation $20.00 - Children under 12, $12.00 Please RSVP By April 9, 2014 by calling Aznive 626-808-1343 Or Church office 626-449-1523 11 Karasoon Mangoonk The Holy Saints Forty Children of Sebastia The Feast of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia is celebrated each year on the Saturday following the mid point of Lent. It commemorates the lives of 40 brave youth who chose to die rather than renounce their Christian faith at a time when the spread of Christianity hung in the balance. In the first decade of the 4th Century, the Roman Emperor Licinius intensified his anti-Christian crusade, ordering renunciation of the faith by any army personnel discovered to be Christian. The investigation quickly disclosed that a battalion in Sebastia, who were recognized for their military prowess,harbored Christian sympathizers. Forty young men confirmed that they were Christian, boldly declaring that although they were faithful to the Roman King, they also would remain faithful to their Heavenly King who supplied them with hope, motivation and courage. After various repeated attempts to convert the youth back to pagan faith, the King ordered a more severe punishment. In the heart of the winter of 316, the forty youths were left naked, neck deep in the ice-cold water of a lake. One of the forty could not endure the torture and ran out of the lake to a hot bath provided to tempt the Christians to renounce their faith. He died immediately after submersing himself in the hot water. But late that night a light shone from the heavens, forming halos over the heads of the soldiers. Seeing this, the security guards were thrown into confusion. One of them declared on the spot the undeniable truth of Christianity, and threw himself into lake in place of the apostate youth. The forty young men became the most inspiring testaments to Christianity in the East, and a church with forty cupolas in their memory would be found in Sebastia before the 14th century invasion of Tamerlane. The forty youths are remembered in various Armenian services as well as this day of commemoration. Hocyhancisd - Requiem • • • • A requiem service in the memory of Hagop Minasian & Hagop Karashian is requested by Lucine Chavdarian and son Sarkis, Bedros & Mariet Ohanes, Raffi & Marine Chavdarian and children, Hovig & Noora Baghdasarian & children & Minasian family. A requiem service in the memory of Hovhanes, Makrouhi & Setrag Berberian, Garbis & Sultan Dekermenjian, Hagop & Mary Deyermenjian & Sarkis Deyermenjian is requested by Nerses & Anahid Berberian & family. Hocyhancsdyan ba,d0n gu qntrovi #agop Minasyani yv #agop Cara,yani hocinyrovn hamar1 Qntro.nyru yn` Lovsin {avdaryan yv zavagu Sarcis5 Bydros yv Marie; )hannes5 _affi yv Marine {avdaryan yv zavagovnk5 #owig yv Novra Ba.dasaryan yv zavagovnk yv Minasyan undanik1 Hocyhancsdyan ba,d0n gu qntrovi #owhannes5 Macrovhi yv Sytrag Berberyannyrov5 Garbis yv Sovl;an Dekirmenjyannyrov5 #agop yv Mari De3irminjyannyrov yv Sarcis De3irmenjyani hocinyrovn hamar1 Qntro.nyru yn` Nirses yv Anahid Berberyan yv undanik1 8 QA%ASOUN MANOUKN:RE 8Qa5asoun ;ritasard Xinouorn;re( Sourb Qa5asoun Manoukn;re kaprhin S;bastia! Bolorn al a5o\gafasak patanin;r hin g;[adhm4 \a[jakaxm4 qa= ;u fauatqow Qristonia\! A\s patya5ow F5owmhazi x7raglou.n;re anonz xinouoragr;zin Gamirn;roun arqouni goundi mh=! Anonq al ir;nz qa=ouj;amb anouani da5]an ;u patiun;rou arvanazan! Faka5ak or a\s qa5asoun patanin;re ;ra.tauor hin F5owmhazi inqnakalin a5=;u4 ou na;u bolor I,.ann;roun4 Likianos Jagauor ci fandourv;z anonz Qristonia\ ellale4 ;u frafang;z or xinourakan dasin mh= anonq oronq Qriston;a\ ;n f;janos da5nan! A\s lou5e fasau qa= patanin;roun! Anonq anwa.7rhn ;u kamauor k;rpow inqxinqnin matn;zin ;u na.entr;zin nafatakouil gan f;janos da5nal! Jagauorin frafangin wra\ anonq ];5bakalou;zan ;u bantarkou;zan! :u afa khs gi,;rin )rkice anonz ;r;uzau bantin mh=` ya5aga\jow ;u esau! X7razhq im qa= nafatakn;rs4 ];r xinouorouj;an skzbnauoroujiune lau h4 ba\z ow or minc;u w;r=e ke famb;rh` an piti apri ;u k;naz psake piti endouni! A\s ]a\nin wra\ anonq l;zou;zan wa.ow ;u oura.ouj;amb! Qoune ir;nz acq;rhn ;u minc;u a5tou a[7j;zin! A\n at;n datauore frama\;z or qa5asoun manoukn;re kap;n4 ;u S;bastia qa[aqhn dours gtnouo[ lyaki mh= n;t;n bolorowin m;rk4 or pa[hn sa5in ;u m;5nin! N,anak;z pafakn;r orphsxi fsk;n anonz wra\ or c’kar;nan 0a.cil! :rhq 7r anonq mnazin sa5a6 =ouri mh=! Ba\z ;rrord gi,;re liyin wra\ \ankar6 m;6 lo\s me 6ag;zau4 ar;ui ya5aga\ji nman4 ;u anor =;rmoujiune f;txf;th tara6ou;zau ;u sa5e sksau falil! :u anonq ir;nz acq;re ;rkinq w;rzn;low4 k’eshin M;r )rkice Thr |isous4 afa ir lo\se 6ag;zouz4 T;sn;nq ;u oura.ananq! M;r \o\se Qristos ar;gakn h4 anmar;li lo\se! Saka\n manoukn;rhn mhke ;lau liyhn ;u ba[niq gnaz ;u taqoujiunhn anmi=aphs m;5au! :rb pafake a\s t;sau ap,;zau or incphs kar;li h ;r;sounine o[= mnaza6 ;n sa5a6 =ouri mh=4 isk a\s mhke wa\rk;anakan mafazau ;rb =ourhn ;lau! A\n at;n Thre anor foguo\n acq;re bazau4 ;u mardoun mh= ;5and me ;kau or inq b5nh xrk;alin t;[e! Apa gnaz arjnzouz pafakn;re4 ;u fan;low ir xg;stn;re inqxinq liy n;t;z :s al qristonia\ ;m es;low! A\n at;n ;rb datauore t;sau or manoukn;re o[= mnaza6 ;n4 frama\;z or liyhn fan;n ;u carcar;low m;5zn;n bolorn al! A\spisow ;r;sounine manoukn;re4 ;u pafake carcarou;low ir;nz fogin;re auand;zin S;bastia qa[aqin mh=4 Mart amsoun4 316 Jouakanin! 9