Sunday Bulletin November 9, 2014
Sunday Bulletin November 9, 2014
ATTENTION We welcome sponsors for our Sunday Bulletin You may contact Church Office: 626-449-1523 OV<ATROV:IVN Howanavornyrov bedk ovnink Giraginyrov ;yr;igin /aqsyrovn hamar FELLOWSHIP HOUR Families and individuals are encouraged to host the fellowship hour for happy or otherwise solemn occasions. Please contact church office. Office Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m. Visit our Website or Facebook Hocyvor Howiv` Der Sarcis Avac Kahana3 "y;o3yan Ygy.yxvo3 crasynyagi =amyr1 C,7 6 <p7 9:00 g7a7 6 4:00 g7y7 A3xylyxek Myr Ga3ke]u Gam Fe3sbovk Giragi5 No3ympyr 9, 2014 Sovrp Badarac g7a710:30 in Karoz` g7a7 +amu 11:30 in Ja,gyro3;` G7Y7 +amu 1:00 Ygy.yxvo3 8Giragos9 yv 8Ygavyan9 Srahnyru Dramatryli yn @yr Polor A-i;nyrovn St. Gregory Armenian Church Hall Rentals Yegavian and Geragos Halls are Available for your • • • • • Weddings Harsaniknyr Baptism Gnovnknyr Birthdays Darytar2nyr Anniversaries Hocyja,yr Hokejash and any other occasion Yva3ln For more info, please call Vahe Charkhutian 562-715-8730. Manramasnov;yan hamar hy-a2a3nyl` Wahe {arqu;yanin` 562-715-8730 16 Archpriest Fr. Sarkis Petoyan, Pastor Sunday, November 9, 2014 Divine Liturgy 10:30 a.m. Spritual Message 11:30 a.m. Luncheon 1:00p.m. Welcome to our visitors! Our Family of parishioners joyfully invites you to make St. Gregory parish your spiritual home. Please join us for fellowship in the Yegavian Hall following services today! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2215 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel. 626-449-1523 Fax:626-449-7039 E-Mail:[email protected] 1 Howanavorov;yamp` St Gregory Armenian Church Parish Directory :ymis Paryqnam A-a]nort ST. GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR >ovgasi Avydaranen (Luke) 8:49-57 ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH bydin OF PASADENA Yv min[ty- an gu q0ser5 =o.owarani dovnen megu ygav A,qadasirov;yamp While he was still speaking, someone from the ruler’s house came and YEGAVIAN CULTURAL HALL said, "Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the Teacher any more." But Jesus on hearing this answered him, "Do not fear; only believe, and she will be well." And when he came to the house, he allowed no one to enter with him, except Peter and John and James, and the father and mother of the child. And all were weeping and mourning for her, but he said, "Do not weep, for she is not dead but sleeping." And they laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. But taking her by the hand he called, saying, "Child, arise." And her spirit returned, and she got up at once. And he directed that something should be given her to eat. And her parents were amazed, but he charged them to tell no one what had happened. ov usav #a3rosi7 8A.]igt my-av5 3ocnov;ivn mi\ badja-yr ador91 Isg #isovs yrp lsyx` badasqanyx anor yv usav7 8Mi\ waqnar5 havada\ mia3n5 yv an bidi abri91 Yv anor dovnu mdnylow` o[ megovn ;o3l dovav or nyrs mdner5 paxi Bydrosen5 #agoposen5 #owhannesen yv a.]gan h0rmen Invites yv m0rmen1 Amenkn al gov its la3in yv g\o.pa3in anor you to attend wra31 Yv an usav7 8Mi\ lak5 orowhydyv my-a/ [e5 a3l gu knana391 LUNCHEON & MEETING Isg anonk gu /a.rein za3n5 orowhydyv cidein or my-a/ er1 Yv amenkn al tovrs hanylow` p-nyx anor 2y-ken5 co[yx ov usav7 8Yli\r gancne\5 o\w manovg91 Yv anor hocin wyratar2av5 ov manovgu isgo3n odki gancnyxav1 Yv #isovs hrama3yx or ovdylik dannoon anor1 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 12:00 LADIES SOCIETY Parish Council Howard Emirhanian 909 596 1010 Ladies Society Joan Meymarian 626 794 6771 Cyr,7 D7 #ownan Ark7 Derderyani Men’s Forum Berj Gourdikian 626 355 8780 Friendship Club Isabel Kouyoumjian 626 446 6058 Nyrga3axovm yv Ciny20n 626 A.C.Y.O Seniors Christina Hilalian 716-4300 Choir Director Elise Tashjian 626 356 9208 8Ha3asdanya3x Hovsepian School Office A-akylagan Ygy.yxvo3 626 578 1343 Hovsepian School Shakeh Haroutiounian 818 437 0229 <aragannyrov Hy.inagnyru Y76+T7 Saturday School Norayr Dadouryan 626 683 7211 Sunday School Marguerite Hougasian 626 351 8137 Taryrov9 Cirki Speaker Coming Events Pary,7 Ceorc Sargavac “ano3yani Sun. 11/9/2014 St. Gregory Hye Five Party 1:00p.m. Wed 11/19/2014 Ladies Society Luncheon Thu 11/20/2014Cirku Men’s Forum gu Nyrga3axne Wed 12/3/2014 Friendship Club Luncheon 12:00p.m. 7:00p.m. 12:00p.m Togd7 D7 Zaven Avac Khn37 Arzovmanyan Garyvor ?anovxovm {oryk,ap;i5 #ovnis 2013 Yrygo3yan Gu qntrynk myr 19, havadaxyalnyren mnal ygy.yxi Giragi 0rovan ba,damovnki +amuwyr] 76in i 3arcank a3n un;axkin min[yv undaniknyrovn5 or hocyhancsdyan ba,d0n qntra/ yn1Hocyhancisdu mia3n qntro.nyrovn “asadina3i Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ hamar [e5 a3l myr polor n]yxyalnyrovn hamar e1 Hajyxek ygy.yxi mnal min[yv me] wyr]5 sdanalov Ygy.yxvo3 Srahin hamar ar2agman 0rhnov;ivnu5 hampovrylow Sp7 Avydaranu1 Hasxe 2215 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA Hocyvor Howiv Important Notice 91107 We kindly request that during services, the faithful remain in #a3dacir yv Hivrasirov;ivn church Joq following Holy Communion, as a sign of respect for the families who have requested requiem service for their loved ones. Movdku Azad Additionally, we ask that following the final blessing, we all honor the tradition of approaching and reverently kissing the Holy Bible. Parish Priest 2 Archpriest Fr. Vartan Kasparian · “People Hocyhancisd Who Influenced My life” – Requiem A requiem service in memory of Vartanoush Minassian & Lousaper Karashian requested by Lousin Chavdarian and son Sarkis, Bedros RSVP is aismust Donation $15.00 & Ivy Mariet Ohanes, Raffi & Marine Chavdarian and daughter Tamar, Grashian (626) 446-1796 Hovig & Noora Baghdasarian & daughter Isabel, & Minassian family. Jeannette Kevorkian (818) 244-7222 · A requiem service in memory of Greg Sarkisian is requested by Doris Sarkisian & Family. · A requiem service in memory of Hagop Oknaian on the occasion of 3rd year of his passing and Corinne Zorik is requested by Oknaian, Simonian & Zabounian Families · Hocyhancsdyan ba,d0n gu qntrovi Wartano3, Minasyani yv Lovsapyr Cara,yani hocinyrovn hamar1 Qntro.nyrn yn` Lovsin {avdaryan yv zavagu Sarcis5 Bydros yv Marie; )hannes5 _affi yv Marine {avdaryan yv tovsdru` :amar5 #owig yv Novra Ba.dasaryan yv tovsdru` Izabel yv Minasyan undanik1 · Hocyhancsdyan ba,d0n gu qntrovi #agop )cnayani mahovan 3rt darylixin a-i;ow yv Corin Zoriki hociin hamar1 Qntro.nyrn yn` )cnayan5 Simonian yv Zabovnyan âáñ»ùß³µÃÇ, #ovnis 19, 2013 ųÙÁ 12:00-ÇÝ undaniknyr1 Ýáõ¿ñª $15.00ba,d0n gu qntrovi Greg Sarcisyani ·ØáõïùÇ Hocyhancsdyan hociin hamar1 Qntro.nyrn yn` Doris Sarcisyan yv سÝñ³Ù³ëÝáõû³Ýó ѳٳñ Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É í»ñáÛÇß»³É ÃÇõ»ñáõÝ: undanik1 ê´. ¶ðƶàð Èàôê²ôàðÆâ вÚò. ºÎºÔºòôàÚ îÆÎܲÜò ØÆàôº²Ü ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõû³Ùµ AMSAGAN JA< YV ANTAMAGAN +O>OW 15 Howanavorov;yamp` Ephesians 5:15-33 Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the :ymis Paryqnam most of the time, because the days are evil. So A-a]nort do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be subject Nyrga3axovm to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, be subject to yv Ciny20n your husbands as you are to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, the body of which he is the Savior. Just as 8Ha3asdanya3x the church is subject to Christ, so A-akylagan also wives ought to be, Ygy.yxvo3 in everything, to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself<aragannyrov up for her, in order to make her holy by cleansing her with the washing of Hy.inagnyru Y76+T7 water by the word, so as to present the church to himself in splendor, without a spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind-yes,Cirki so that she may be holy and without Taryrov9 blemish. In the same way, husbands should love their wives as they do their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hates his own body, A,qadasirov;yamp but he nourishes and tenderly cares for it, just as Christ does for the church, because we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a great mystery, and I am applying to Christ and the church. Each of you, however, should love his wife as himself, and a wife should respect her husband. Cyr,7 D7 #ownan Ark7 Derderyani ST. GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR AVAILABLE FOR SPONSORSHIP ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF PASADENA If you would enjoy the opportunity of investing in the growth of our parish, please consider sponsoring one of the following items, either inLADIES your name orSOCIETY in memory of your loved one: Invites in you attend its Stained Glass Window theto Sanctuary $10,000 LUNCHEON & MEETING Stained Glass Window near steps to Balcony $5,000 Small Chandelier $5,000 Narthex Doors (main/ inside) $15,000 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 12:00 noon One of Two New Side Altars t.b.d. Elevator $25,000 YEGAVIAN CULTURAL HALL Bell Tower Mural $100,000 Speaker Pary,7 Ceorc Sargavac “ano3yani Archpriest Fr. Vartan Kasparian St. Gregory Sunday School Cirku gu Nyrga3axne “People Who Influenced My life” Ovrymn zcov,axe4k or un;anak ,r]aha3yxov;yanp o4[ ;e anqohymnyrov bes5 haba` imasdovnnyrov bes1 Cnyxe4k =amanagu5 Togd7 D7[ar Zaven Avac Khn37 Arzovmanyan orowhydyv 0ryru yn1 Ovsdi anmid mi4 ullak5 haba hasgxe4k ;e i|n[ e diro] gamku1 Mi4 arpynak ciniow` orovn me] ana-agov;ivn ga35 haba hocio4w lyxovyxek1 Sa.mosnyrow5 0rhnyrcnyrow yv hocyvor {oryk,ap;i5 #ovnis yrcyxe4k 19, 2013 Yrygo3yan yrcyrow tovk 2yr me] q0sagxylow` ov sa.mo4s usek Dero] 2yr srdyrovn me]1 Amen aden` amen pani hamar ,norhaga4l y.ek Asdov/me +amu 76in yv H0rmen myr Dero]` #isovs Krisdosi anovnow1 Irarov Hbadagyxe4k Asdov/o3 waqow1 Giny4r hbadagyxe4k 2yr amovsinnyrovn` orbes ;e Dero] orowhydyv amovsinu gno] clovqn e5 in[bes Krisdos al ygy.yxiin Sp7“rgi[u1 Cricor Lovsavori[ clovqn“asadina3i e5 yv inkn e marminin Hydyvapar5 in[bes ygy.yxin hbadag e Krisdosi5 no3nbes al ginyru ;o. ullan irynx Ygy.yxvo3 Srahin me] amovsinnyrovn` amen pani me]1 Amovsiny4r siryxe4k 2yr ginyru5 in[bes Krisdos al siryx ygy.yxin yv un/a3yx inkzink anor hamar orbezi srpaxne za3n ov makre ]ovri lovaxovmow` q0skin mi]oxow7 orbeszi Hasxeza3n 2215 Blvd.mu5Pasadena, CA gam nyrga3axne iryn`E. iprColorado ‘a-avor ygy.yxi or [ovnyna3 pi/5 gnji-5 gam nman oryve pan5 haba ulla3 sovrp yv anarad1 No3nbes al amovsinnyru bardavor yn siryl91107 irynx ginyru` irynx marminnyrovn bes7 a4n or gu sire ir ginu` gu sire inkzink1 Artaryv o4[ megu yrpyk ada/ e ir marminu7 haba gu gyragre za3n ov gu ‘a3’a3e5 in[bes Dern al` yv Hivrasirov;ivn ygy.yxin7Joq kani #a3dacir or mynk anor marminin antamnyrn ynk5 anor misen yv anor osgornyren1 8Ador hamar martu bidi ;o.ov ha3rn ov ma3ru5 yv bidi 3ari ir gno]5 ov Movdku yrgovkn bidi ullan me4g marmin97 Asiga my/ Azad qorhovrt mun e pa3x ys gu q0sim Krisdosi yv ygy.yxiin masin1 Saga3n 2yzme ivrakan[ivru ;o. sire ir ginu a3nbes` in[bes inkzink5 ov ginu ;o. agna/i ir amovsinen1 14 Foris information call MargueriteDonation Hougasian RSVP a must $15.00 Ivy Grashian (626) 446-1796 (626) 351-8137 Jeannette Kevorkian (818) 244-7222 “Train up a child in the way he should go And when he is old, he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6 ê´. ¶ðƶàð Èàôê²ôàðÆâ вÚò. ºÎºÔºòôàÚ Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ygy.yxvo3 îÆÎܲÜò ØÆàôº²Ü Giragn0rya3 War=aran ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõû³Ùµ Tasavantov;ivnnyru sgsan Sybdympyr 14in Dovna3yanx srahin me] AMSAGAN JA< YV ANTAMAGAN #avylyal manramasnov;yanx hamar hy-a2a3nyl +O>OW (626) 351-8137 Margri; >ovgasyanin` 8Gr;e4 âáñ»ùß³µÃÇ, manovgu#ovnis ir jampan 19, 2013sgsa/ ųÙÁ adynu5 12:00-ÇÝ ØáõïùÇ orbesÝáõ¿ñª zi ir$15.00 /yrov;yan adynn al ange [qodori9 سÝñ³Ù³ëÝáõû³Ýó ѳٳñ Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É í»ñáÛÇß»³É ÃÇõ»ñáõÝ: A-agax 22:6 3 Howanavorov;yamp` Church Member Spotlight T Konialian :ymisKhajag Paryqnam A-a]nort ST. GREGORY Ladies Society ofTHE St. ILLUMINATOR Gregory Armenian ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF PASADENA Church, Pasadena Thanksgiving Luncheon LADIES SOCIETY Invites you & to attend its Election of Officers LUNCHEON & MEETING Cyr,7 D7 #ownan Ark7 Derderyani Nyrga3axovm yv Ciny20n Khajag Konialian was born in Damascus, Syria in 1941 because his parents had escaped the genocide and settled in that part of the world. Unfortunately, at eleven years old he lost his father. This strengthened his resolve to charge forward in an incredibly challenging task of simultaneous work and study, relentlessly striving toward higher education and career advancement. He married his lovely wife Arpy in 1962. They have two wonderful children, Hourig and Tro, who now are married and each have two delightful children. In 1968 the family moved to Beirut, Lebanon. However, after only eight years there, they made the wise decision of escaping the civil war and settling in Pasadena, California in 1976. From day one Khajag became involved at St. Gregory Church. He was elected to the Parish Council and held several leadership positions, such as Parish Council Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman, all the while serving on different committees, such as Building, Auditing, Bingo, Men’s Forum. He has also served as Parish Council Liaison to Saturday and Sunday Schools, ACYO, Ladies Society and Friendship Club. Parallel to these activities, Khajag served as a Diocesan Delegate. He was elected D7 atZaven Avac Khn37 Arzovmanyan ViceTogd7 Chairman twice the Diocesan Assembly. The highlight of his services, though, was his election in 1999 as a delegate to the National Ecclesiastical Assembly, taking part in electing Karekin II as Catholicos of All Armenians. Khajag has had the honor of being one of the founding Board members of the St. Gregory Hovsepian School where he served for 22 years until 2005. He is now a member of the Diocesan Stewardship Committee and a founding member of Abp, Derderian’s Ambassadors of Faith Committee. He is actively involved in St. Gregory Men’s Forum and editing of the Sunday Church Bulletin. In recognition of these services Khajag was awarded by both Primates: Abp. Vatche Hovsepian and Abp. Hovnan Derderian: among others he received the Hye Spirit and the Archbishop’s awards. However, in 2008, Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians bestowed upon him the St. Nerses Shnorhali Medal of Honor and there was a celebration, here at St. Gregory with the participation of our congregation. Khajag believes in the unity of the Christian churches, particularly the Armenian Church. His faith in our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, is the driving force in his life. His dream is that the Armenians be more aware of the Word of God; that we may humbly accept the body of Christ as ONE; believe in Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation, therefore lending more support to Bible Study programs, clergy education and our seminaries worldwide. May the torch that Jesus’ apostles, Thaddeus and Bartholomew, carried from Jerusalem to Armenia and the faith that Saint Gregory the Illuminator instilled in our people continue to guide us toward our Lord and His Kingdom. Amen. 8Ha3asdanya3x A-akylagan Ygy.yxvo3 Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 12:00 noon Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Luncheon YEGAVIAN 12:00 Noon--Election after Luncheon CULTURAL HALL <aragannyrov Hy.inagnyru Y76+T7 Taryrov9 Cirki Yegavian Cultural Hall Speaker Sponsored by: Jeannette Kevorkian, Angel Mavilian Sue Taktakian, Vartouhie Yaghlegian, Noel Hajjar A,qadasirov;yamp Archpriest Fr. Vartan Kasparian Pary,7 Ceorc Sargavac “ano3yani PROGRAM Cirku gu Nyrga3axne “People WhoMatosian, Influenced My life” Harry Tenor Armenian Folk Songs RSVP is a must Ivy Grashian (626) 446-1796 Jeannette Kevorkian (818) 244-7222 {oryk,ap;i5 #ovnis 19, 2013 Yrygo3yan +amu 76in “asadina3i Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ygy.yxvo3 Srahin me] Hasxe 2215 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 Jr. Choir Elmira Simonian , Director ê´. ¶ðƶàð Èàôê²ôàðÆâ вÚò. Donation $ 15.00 ºÎºÔºòôàÚ Reservation is a must Anahid Bedian 323-255-4292 îÆÎܲÜò ØÆàôº²Ü Jeannette Kevorkian 818-244-7222 ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõû³Ùµ ê. ¶ñÇ·áñ Èáõë³õáñÇ㠺ϻջóõáÛ îÇÏݳÝó AMSAGAN JA< YV ANTAMAGAN ØÇáõû³Ý +O>OW îûÝÇ Ö³ß ¶áѳµ³Ýáõû³Ý Joq #a3dacir yv Hivrasirov;ivn Movdku Azad 4 Donation $15.00 St. Gregory Hovsepian School âáñ»ùß³µÃÇ, #ovnis 19, 2013 ųÙÁ 12:00-ÇÝ œ ì³ñãáõû³Ý ØáõïùÇ Ýáõ¿ñª $15.00 ÁÝïñáõÃÇõÝ Ø³Ýñ³Ù³ëÝáõû³ÝóÜáÛ»Ùµ»ñ ѳٳñ Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É í»ñáÛÇß»³É ÃÇõ»ñáõÝ: 19, 2014 ֳߪ 12-ÇÝ »õ ÄáÕáí \ 13 Howanavorov;yamp` St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Pasadena :ymis Paryqnam A-a]nort Men’s Forum (Ladies & FamiliesArk7 Always Welcome) Cyr,7 D7 #ownan Derderyani Monthly Dinner Meeting Nyrga3axovm yv20 Ciny20n Arthur Kokozian Thursday, November – 7:00p.m. Johnny Kanounji Armenian American Rose Parade Float Jan. 1, 2015!! 8Ha3asdanya3x A-akylagan Ygy.yxvo3 <aragannyrov Hy.inagnyru Y76+T7 Taryrov9 Cirki A,qadasirov;yamp Pary,7 Ceorc Sargavac “ano3yani Topic: In Celebration Of Armenian Americans – 100 Years Later The Armenian Community Thriving in the U.S.A. Cirku gu Nyrga3axne Guest Speakers: Togd7 D7AARFA Zaven Avac Arzovmanyan Arthur Kokozian: Director and Khn37 Johnny Kanounji: AARFA Secretary. Come here about a Dream Come True for Armenians on the Largest Media Scale for All Americans To See and Yrygo3yan Hear Our History! {oryk,ap;i5 #ovnis 19, 2013 Hear the story behind the float, what it stands for and why it is so important to the Armenian +amu Community. See the design, understand the 76in meaning and you will be Proud!! At St. Gregory the Illuminator Church Yegavian Hall “asadina3i Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ 2215 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 Ygy.yxvo3 RSVP’S Are A MustSrahin As Dinner me] Will Be Served Speaking Donation $17 Hasxe 2215 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA R.S.V.P. Khajag Konialian:626-351-0216 Ardashes Gourdikian:626-39991107 1914 Church (Vera): 626-449-1523 Please become a sponsor. Call us for details S7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ha3x7 Ygy.yxvo3 “asadina3i Joq #a3dacir yv Hivrasirov;ivn Martganx Asovlisi #an2naqovmp (Diginnyrovn Yv Undaniknyrovn Masnagxov;ivnu Mi,d Xangali e) Movdku Azad Amsagan Un;riki Havako3; Nover` $17 Hinc,ap;i No3ympyr 20, 2014 +amu 7:00-in ST. GREGORY THE ILLUMINATOR GREGORY ORTHODOX ARMENIANST. APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF PASADENA BOOKSTORE LADIES SOCIETY Visit you ourtobookstore Invites attend its LUNCHEON & MEETING gifts for any occasion are available Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 12:00 noon Very Affordable Highly Attractive YEGAVIAN CULTURAL HALL Invaluable Books of Armenian Church History for allSpeaker your Friends and Family Every Sunday Church Services Archpriest Fr. after Vartan Kasparian **** “People Who Influenced My life” RSVP is a must Ivy Grashian (626) 446-1796 Jeannette Kevorkian (818) 244-7222 S7 CRICOR A_AKYLAGAN YGY>YXVO# CRAQANOV: ê´. ¶ðƶàð Èàôê²ôàðÆâ вÚò. Oryve a-i;ow` 2yr novernyrovn ºÎºÔºòôàÚ hamar A3xylyxek ygy.yxvo3s îÆÎܲÜò ØÆàôº²Ü CRAQANOV:u ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõû³Ùµ Mad[yli Cinyr AMSAGAN JA< YV ANTAMAGAN Ar=ekavor Badmagan +O>OW Hadornyr @yr âáñ»ùß³µÃÇ, #ovnis 19, 2013 ųÙÁ 12:00-ÇÝ Undanikin yv Parygamnyrovn Hamar ØáõïùÇ Ýáõ¿ñª $15.00 Amen Giragi S7 Badaracen ydk سÝñ³Ù³ëÝáõû³Ýó ѳٳñ Ñ»é³Ó³ÛÝ»É í»ñáÛÇß»³É ÃÇõ»ñáõÝ: Gu qntrynk or ka]alyrek` myzi howanavor ullalow 12 Donation $15.00 5 Yrc[aqovmpu sirow g4untovni nor antamnyr Hydakrkrovo.nyru hajin timyl Eliz :a,jyani` Yrc[aqovmpi .ygawarin The Choir welcomes new members If you are interested, please see Elise Tashjian, the Choir Director ANNOUNCEMENT The Pastor is available to visit our parishioners in the hospital, nursing homes, or conduct Home Blessings, and other sacramental needs and consultations. Please call the church office at 626-449-1523. We would like to increase our outreach to church members who are unable to attend services. Any parishioner who has a concern is welcome to call the pastor or the Parish Council Gu qntrovi an]adyl 2yr p]i]a3in hy-aq0snyru ygy.yxi mdnylen a-a] Please turn off your cell phone when entering the church. Hocyhancsdyan Qntranknyr Hocyhancsdyan qntranknyru hajyxek nyrga3axnyl min]yv Hinc,ap;i Ges0r5 orbeszi garyli ulla3 3i,yl :yr;igin me] Requiem Services We ask those who wish to have hokehankisd conducted for their loved ones on a given Sunday, to please submit their names by Thursday noon for printing in the Sunday Bulletin Remember The Church In Your Will If certain information is omitted, missing or incorrect in this issue, please excuse any occurrences and contact the Church Office so we may do the correction in the next issue of the Bulletin 6 “asadinai Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ygy.yxvo3 <apa;0rya3 Tbrox A-av0dyan +amu 10:00-in Tasavantov;ivn Sgsav Sybd7 13, 2014 A-av0dyan +amu 10:00-in St. Gregory The Illuminator Saturday School Classes began Sept. 13, 2014 @ 10:00AM Ս. Գրիգոր Լուսաւորիչ Եկեղեցւոյ Շաբաթօրեայ Վարժարանի մէջ ՀԱՅԵՐԷՆԻ ԴԱՍԸՆԹԱՑՔ Չափահասերու Համար Ամէն Շաբաթ օր 10:00-1:00 Տեղեկութիւններու համար դիմել Brn7 Nora3r Dadovryani 626-683-7211 Մայր նիւթեր Գրաճանաչութիւն . Երկխօսութիւն . Առօրեայ արտայայտութիւններ . Հայրենագիտութիւն . Հայաստանը Այսօր St Gregory The Illuminator Armenian Saturday School Armenian Language Courses For Adults Every Saturday 10:00-1:00p.m. For More Information Please Call Mr. Norayr Dadouryan 626-683-7211 Main Subjects Alphabet, Conversations, Armenian History And Armenia Today 11 A Special Requiem Service will be held in memory of the following Mariam Adjemian Melkon Stephan Agopian Arpine Anouchian Souren Setrak Ashjian Richard Aslanian Nuritsa Avsharyan Sultan Badum Yer/ Sirvant Bardakjian Annie Hannah Berekian Marie Hagop Boyadjian John Bozajian Mary Butler Aznif Charkhutian Haroutun Chavdarian Angel Chirinian Sarkis Samuel Derder Zarouhi Derderian Mary Der Tavitian Laurel Dikranian Karabian Garbis Ekizian Betty Farsakian Knarig Gavoutian Elizabeth Gilian Ashken Grigorian Ivy Grashian Sarkis Hagopian Mabel Hilalian Hovsep Hovsepyan Jack Jandegian Serpouhie Jatalbashian Yervant Aghishian Nubar Akopian Sousanik Arakelian Manoukian Kaspar & Hasmik Aslanian Yevgina Avanesian Marie Azilazian Armenouhie Balian Vehanoush Basmajian Khachik Bislemyan Rosa Boyagian Hariton Bozoghlathyan George Casparian Lusik Charkchyan Noyemzar Chilian Charles Day Nish & Ruby Derderian Anahid Der Sarkisian Eleanor Dickranian Arthur Ekizian Dorothy Emirhanian Krikor Garabedian Garo Gholdoian Arousiak Getikyan Abraham Goshgarian Elsie Hardy Steopa Haroutunian Andre Hindoyan Haigaz Inijian Sonia Janevizian Grace Jelloian Siegan 10 Arpene Keligian Leo Keligian Betty Lou Khteian Garabed Khayalian Varzhine Kre-agopyan Anna Kojarian Aghfour Kouragian Marie Kouyoumdjian Yeranouhi Kurkdjian Vartkes Mankerian Barkev Markarian Aram & Adrine Matossian Bob Melcon Grigor Mouradian Albert Movsesian Meline Mukharian Helen Nercessian Hagop Oknayan Harbasima Sarkisian Adrushan Serapyan Anna Sethian Rose Skenderian Janet Stephen Ben Parian Diramayr Arpie Petoyan Araxi Tchakalian Richard Toukdarian Kenar Yegyayan Charles Keligian Ken Khteian Chahin Khandjiarian Dn. Haigaz Krikorian Armen Kocharyan Yeghisabeth Kouroghlian Manouk Dikran Koupelian Misak Koyoumjian Jerry Lapopolo Krikor Margosian Hasmik Martirosyan Annik Matyan Armen Mirzaayan Albert Movsesian Avedis Mukhalian Alice Nazerian Harbsema Ohakian Araksy Sakyan Greg Sarkisian Mary Setenjian Haroutun Seuylemezian Anoosh Stephan Dn. Kevork Panoyan Mariam Partamian Harry Taktakian Violet Tressel Levon Toumanian Barbara Lou Warren Today’s Bulletins Are Sponsered By Mrs. Rosalie Derder in Honor of Fr. Sarkis Petoyan 7 Best Wishes to the Couples Married At St. Gregory 2009-2014 Sarkis & Sesilla Abajian Alexander & Gayane Abramyan Artem & Tatiana Aghourian Vahan & Karine Alikyan Harutyun & Astghik Arabyan Viken & Sabine Arslanian Allen & Lilit Arutyunyan Raffi & Tania Assarian Ruben & Anna Avakyants Varos & Ani Babakhanian Shant & Crystal Bairian Haik & Nora Balikian Hovig & Tanya Baronian Raffi & Vartouhi Barsamian Steven & Christine Bedrosian Arsen & Patil Berberyan Michael &Liana Berberyan Artine & Araks Boghosian Rick & Evronig Boniekerian Mardig & Violet Chakalian James & Ashkhen Clemens Gevork & Armanush Danielian Robert & Taline Delix Harout & Ariana Demerndjian Benjamin & Maral Deyermenjian Moushegh& Silva Donikian Rocky & Rita Elkaddoum Adam & Anita Farias Tigran & Galina Gabrielyan Gevork & Lernik Galustyan David & Jeannette Gevorkian Gevorg & Silva Ghazaryan Vartan & Nvard Grigoryan Timothy & Lindsey Guilanian Raffi & Ani Hagopian Alexan & Tatevik Hamparian Christopher & Armine Horn Allen & Arpineh Isagholian Kevin & Christine Janszyan Hayk & Serineh Jernazian Krikor & Christine Kassabian Garrett & Shelly Kaprielian Arthur & Anush Karapetyan Serge & Vicky Abdalian Armen & Angelica Agaronyan Ambartsum & Liana Akopyan Sarkis & Armine Arabyan Samy & Edith Arbid Edward & Zarui Artemyan Ara & Luiza Arzemanian Johnny & Mary Avakian Sevan & Shake Azizian Havek & Victoria Bademyan Viken & Arpi Balabanian Agop & Astghik Baronian Christopher & Katherine Bates Vahe & Taleen Barsoumian Arthur & Kristine Begoyants Sarkis & Datevik Berberyan Lars & Eileen Bergmann Razmig & Ani Boladian Hakob & Diana Chadrjyan Raffi & Tamar Chorbadjian Sean & Anna Coumans Scott & Lauren Davidson Sevag & Dina Demirjian Arman & Elizabeth Deragobian Saro & Vania Dimitian Robert & Marina Edwarian Emil & Linda Eyvazoff Garrett & Jessica Fredrickson Hovig & Ninella Gaboudian Haik & Valentina Gazarian Dino & Angela Gharibian Gagik & Naira Grigoryan Armen & Kristine Goulayan Jack & Tania Hachikian Argin & Ninet Hahmoodi Hagop & Nanor Holwahjian Gary & Sandra Hovey Elvis & Ani Isagholi Patrick & Lucy Jeddries Raffi & Amber Kalosian Michael & Alyne Kassardjian Kevork & Vicky Karakhanian Rafi & Vicky Karayan 8 Robert & Jozette Karaguozian Sarkis & Vanessa Kechichian Edgar & Talin Kerimyan Sergio & Adrineh Keusayan Sevak & Christine Khatchadorian Wartan & Siroon Khajatourian Edwin & Zarine Khoshabeh Raffi & Tina Krikorian Raffi & Rima Kurdian Garo & Vera Kuyumjian Alen & Zaruhee Madatyan Vahan & Eliza Malakyan Vahe & Jenny Mankerian David & Edita Margosian Aleksandre & Yuliya Marutyan Micheal & Sato Matavousian Eric & Verjinia Mayer Helgge & Rita Minassian Ara & Salpy Mouradian Loris & Selin Nazarian Harry & Ankin Nigoghosian Armond & Mariam Noshadeyan Hrayr & Ninet Okkasian Zaven & Narine Papazian Vazgen & Kristine Petrosyan Jimmy & Lilit Rayad Alan & Tzoler Sagherian Kevork & Susy Samuelian Harutyun & Lusik Seraydaryan Gregory & Gabrielle Semerjian Hovhannes & Nazeli Sinanian Arlen & Teny Shirvanian Gergory & Yeghisabet Soghomoniants Puzant & Hasmik Stepanian David & Ani Tabatabaee Krikor & Mariam Tamamian James & Tamar Terzian Artush & Agapi Tonoyan Armen & Marlene Ustayan Vardan & Gaiane Vardanyan Arbi & Silva Vartanian Edvart & Ilona Warzhapetian Villiam & Rubina Zadoryan Razmik & Varduhi Zeynalyan Seth & Alicia Kazarians Armen & Serena Kenareki Armen & Anna Kesian Michael & Hrarpi Kevorkian Gegam & Mirreille Khatchadourian Artsrun & Ani Khachikyan Anthony & Nicole Kodjayan Sarkis & Shushan Ksachikyan Patrick & Flora Kurkdjian David & Annette Kzylyan Gary & Gayane Makaryan Akop & Lilit Manukyan Rodney & Lara Mardirosian Warren & Aslik Markar Karo & Karineh Martirosyan David & Stephanie Maseredjian Arsen & Lilit Mikayelyan Garen & Christine Mirzaian Arthur & Meline Mkrtchyan Robert & Meghedi Nazari Masees & Reta Nishanian Carlo & Lena Ohanian Narbeh & Ani Panossian Sasoon & Manya Petrosian Edgar & Anna Poghoshyan Peter & Talin Sabounjian Raffi & Talar Saghetian Andranik & Marine Sasadyan Jack & Neenet Sermanian Tadeh & Alina Sinanian Edgar & Nelli Shkbazyan Massees & Ruzanna Skenderian Frdrick & Reena Sookiasian Aamer & Maryann Sweis Sam & Arusyak Tadevosian Jelani & Lusine Taylor Levon & Nayri Terzian Karo & Sahar Torosian Haroutun & Hripsime Vadanian Ashot & Liya Vardanyan Joseph & Lilita Vartanian Andre & Liana Yarian Haig & Marine Zakinyan Razmik & Mari Zohrabyan 9
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And when he is old, he will not depart from it”
Proverbs 22:6