Analyzing Arguments


Analyzing Arguments
How do we come to make
up our minds about something? What causes us to
give our assent to some
ideas but not to others?
And how do we seek and sometimes gain agreement from others?
The need to explore such
questions has never been
more pressing than it is
today, as language intended
to persuade us - to gain
our assent (and often our
money, our votes, and even
our souls) - surrounds us
more than ever before. In
advertisements, news stories, textbooks, reports, and
print and electronic media of
all kinds, language competes
for our attention and argues
for our agreement. Since
argument so pervades our
lives, we need to be able to
recognize and use it effectively - and to question our
own arguments as well as
those put forth by others.
might describe the accompanying image, such as an outpouring oj sup-
Analyzing Arguments
Recognizing argument
In one important sense, all language use has an argu-
mentative edge. When you greet friends warmly, you
wish to convince them that you are genuinely glad
to see them, that you value their presence. Even
apparently objective news reporting has strong argumentative overtones. By putting a particular story on
the front page, for example, a paper argues that this
subject is more important than others; by using emotionallanguage or by focusing on certain details, a
newscaster tries to persuade us to view an event in
a particular way. Consider the different ways reporters
port jar- our troops or a pr-o-war- mlly.
Emily Lesk's primary purpose in her essay "Red, White, and
Everywhere" is to reflect on her own identification with one particular American icon, Coca-Cola (Chapter 7). But her essay clearly has an
argumentative edge, asking readers to examine their own cultural identifications and to understand the power of advertising in creating and
sustaining such identifications.
It's possible, then, to read any message or text, verbal or visual, as
an argument, even if argument is not its primary purpose. In much academic writing, however, ar-gument is more narrowly defined as a text
that makes a claim (usually in the form of an arguable statement) and
supports it fully.
III Critical thinking
Although critical thinking has a number of complex definitions, it is essentially the process by which we make sense of all the information around
us. As such, critical thinking is a crucial component of argument, for it
guides us in recognizing, formulating, and examining arguments.
Several elements of critical thinking are especially important.
Playing the believing - and the doubting - game. Critical thinkers
are able to shift stances as they take in an argument, allowing them to gain
different perspectives. One good way to begin is to play the believing game:
that is, put yourself in the position of the person creating the argument, see
the topic from that person's point of view as much as possible, and think
carefully about how and why that person arrived at the claim(s). Once you
have given the argument your sympathetic attention, play the doubting
game: revisit the argument, looking skeptically at each claim and examining each piece of evidence to see how well (or if) it supports the clain1.
Eventually, this process of believing and doubting will become natural.
Asking pertinent questions. Concentrate on getting to the heart of
the matter. Whether you are thinking about others' ideas or about your
own, you will want to ask the following kinds of questions:
What is the writer's agenda - his or her unstated purpose?
Why does the writer hold these ideas or beliefs? What larger social, economic, political, or other conditions or factors may have influenced
him or her?
What does the writer want readers to do - and why?
• What are the writer's qualifications for making this argument?
• What reasons does the writer offer in support of his or her ideas? Are
they good reasons?
• What are the writer's underlying values or unstated assumptions?
Are they acceptable - and why or why not?
• What sources does the writer rely on? How current and reliable are
they? What agendas do these sources have? Are any perspectives
left out?
• What objections might be made to the argument?
• Be especially careful in examining information on the Web. What
individual or group is responsible for the site and the argument it
makes? (See 14c.)
Study the visual and audio aspects of arguments, including the use
of color, graphics, and all multimedia techniques. How do they
appeal to the reader or listener? What do they contribute to the argument? (See Chapter 10 and Hi.)
Getting information. To help you decide whether to accept an argument, often you will need to find more information on the topic as well
as other perspectives.
Interpreting and assessing information. No information that comes
to us in language or visuals is neutral; all of it has a perspective - a spin.
Your job as a critical thinker is to identify the perspective and to assess
it, examining its sources and finding out what you can about its context.
TALKING THE TALK: Critical thinking
"It seems so impolite to criticize. Why do I have to think critically?"
Thinking critically does not require you to be relentlessly negative or
impolite. Instead, critical thinking means, first and foremost, asking good
questions - not simply accepting an argument at face value. Asking not
only what words and images mean but also how meaning gets across, critical thinkers consider why an author makes a particular claim, what an
author may be leaving out or ignoring, and how to tell whether evidence
is accurate and believable. If you're asking, and answering, questions like
these, then you are thinking critically.
Asking pertinent questions will help you exanline the interpretations and
conclusions drawn by others.
Making and assessing your own arguments. The ultimate goal of
all critical thinking is to construct your own ideas and reach your own
conclusions. These, too, you must question and assess. The rest of this
chapter will guide you in the art of assessing arguments.
1%1 Cultural contexts for arguments
If you want to understand as fully as possible the arguments of others,
remember that writers come from an astonishing variety of cultural and
linguistic backgrounds. Perhaps most important for reading critically,
pay attention to clues to cultural context, and be open to the many ways
of thinking you will encounter. In short, practice the believing game
before you play the doubting game - especially when analyzing an argument influenced by a culture different from your own. In addition,
remember that within any given culture there are great differences
among individuals. So don't expect that every member of a culture will
argue in anyone way.
Above all, watch your own assumptions very closely as you read.
Just because you assume that the use of statistics as support for your
argument holds more water than, say, precedent drawn from religious
belief, you can't assume that all writers agree with you. Take a writer's
cultural beliefs into account before you begin to analyze an argument.
(See Chapter 26.)
Emotional, ethical, and logical appeals
Aristotle categorized argumentative appeals into three types: emotional
appeals that speak to our hearts and values (known to the ancient
Greeks as pathos), ethical appeals that appeal to character (ethos), and
logical appeals that involve factual information and evidence (logos).
Emotional appeals
Emotional appeals stir our emotions and remind us of deeply held values. When politicians argue that the country needs more tax relief, they
almost always use examples of one or more families they have met,
stressing the concrete ways in which a tax cut would improve the quality of their lives. Doing so creates a strong emotional appeal. Some have
Carmelo's Italian Restaurant is Houston's answer to an authentic Sicilian kitchen
spiced with continental chic, All the ingredients are here - the pungent smells of
garlic, the irresistible sounds of an accordion. a wall·to-wall collection of buildings
recreating the viJIage of Taormina where Carmelo was born and, of course, a sundry
of the best pasta dishes, seafood, poultry, veal and beef specialties, olive oils,
coffees, wines and dessens. Private rooms are available to accommodate anywhere
from ten to 230 people, Lunch weekdays and dinner nightly, 14795 Memorial Dr.,
(281) 53H)6%, Also located in Austin. hrrp:!!www,carmelosresrauranLcom
criticized the use of emotional appeals in argument, claiming that they
are a form of manipulation intended to mislead an audience. But emotional appeals are an important part of almost every argument. Critical
readers are perfectly capable of "talking back" to such appeals by analyzing them, deciding which are acceptable and which are not. What
emotional appeals are at work in the above restaurant advertisement,
and how would you analyze their effectiveness?
Ethical appeals
Ethical appeals support the credibility, moral character, and goodwill of
the argument's creator. These appeals are especially important for critical readers to recognize and evaluate. We may respect and admire cyclist
Lance Armstrong, for example, but should the credibility he has as an
athlete carry over to the argument that we should invest in mutual funds
he promotes? To identify ethical appeals in arguments, ask yourself these
questions: What is the creator of the argument doing to show that he or
she is knowledgeable and credible about the subject - has really done
the homework on it? What sort of character does he or she build, and
how? More important, is that character trustworthy? What does the creator of the argument do to show that he or she has the best interests of
an audience in mind? Do those best interests match your own, and, if not,
how does that alter the effectiveness of the argument? Take a look at the
following passage, which introduces an argument for viewing the Dine,
or Navajo, people as a nation within a nation. As you read, try to identify
the ethical appeals within the passage, paying special attention to the
writer's identification of himself and the Dine people with the land.
One of the most remarkable things about this republic is that there exists
within its borders a parallel universe known as Dinetah, a nation of more
than 155,000 souls who subscribe to a mind-set completely different from
the modem American belief that everything in nature is there for the taking.
Dinetah is the ancestral homeland of the Dine, more commonly called the
Navajo, a misnomer perpetrated by the Spaniards, as are many of the names
for the native tribes of the Southwest. An area larger than West Virginia that
sprawls out of Arizona into New Mexico and Utah, Dinetah is bounded by
four sacred mountains - North Mountain (Debe'nitsaa), in the La Plata
Mountains of Colorado; South Mountain (Tso Dzil), or Mount Taylor, near
Grants, New Mexico; East Mountain (Sis Naajinre'i), or Sierra Blanca, in
Colorado; and West Mountain (Dook Oslid), in the San Francisco Peaks, near
Flagstaff, Arizona - and four sacred rivers (the Colorado, the Little
Colorado, the San Juan, and the Rio Grande). It is some of the starkest, most
magically open-to-the-sky country anywhere - a sagebrush steppe spotted
with juniper and ancient, gnarled piiion trees, occasionally gashed by a yawning canyon or thrust up into a craggy, pine-clad mountain range, a magenta
mesa, a blood-red cliff, a tiara of lucent, stress-fractured tan sandstone.
"The land is our Bible," a Navajo woman named Sally once explained
to me.
- ALEX SHOUMATOFF, "The Navajo Way"
Logical appeals
Logical appeals are viewed as especially trustworthy: "The facts don't
lie," some say. Of course, facts are not the only type of logical appeals,
which also include flrsthand evidence drawn from observations, interviews, surveys and questionnaires, experiments, and personal experience; and secondhand evidence drawn from authorities, the testimony
of others, statistics, and other print and online sources. Critical readers
need to examine logical appeals just as carefully as emotional and ethical ones. What is the source of the logical appeal- and is that source
trustworthy? Are all terms defmed clearly? Has the logical evidence presented been taken out of context, and, if so, does that change the meaning of the data? Look, for exanlple, at the following brief passage:
[Ilt is well for us to remember that, in an age of increasing illiteracy, 60 percent of the world's illiterates are women. Between 1960 and 1970, the number of illiterate men in the world rose by 8 million, while the number of illiterate women rose by 40 million.' And the number of illiterate women
is increasing.
- ADRIENNE RICH, "What Does a Woman Need to Know?"
As a critical reader, you would question these facts and hence check
the footnote to discover the source, which in this case is the UN
Compendium of Social Statistics. At this point, you might decide to
accept this document as authoritative - or you might decide to look further into the United Nations' publications policy, especially to find out
how that body defines illiteracy. You would also no doubt wonder why
Rich chose the decade from 1960 to 1970 for her example and, as a result,
check to see when this essay was written. As it turns out, the essay was
written in 1979, so the decade of the sixties would have been the most
recent data available on literacy. Nevertheless, you should question the
timeliness of these statistics: Are they still meaningful thirty years later?
Might the statistics today be even more alarming?
If you attend closely to the emotional, ethical, and logical appeals
offered in any argument, you will be well on your way to analyzing and evaluating - it.
You may be familiar with emotional, ethical, or logical appeals that are not
discussed in this chapter. If so, consider describing them - and how they
work - to members of your class. Doing so would deepen the entire
class's understanding of what appeals carry the most power in particular
III The elements of an argument
According to philosopher Stephen Toulmin's framework for analyzing
arguments, most arguments contain common features: a claim or
claims; reasons for the claim; assumptions (whether stated or
unstated) that underlie the argument; evidence (facts, authoritative opinion, examples, statistics, and so on); and qualifiers that limit the claim
in some way. In the following discussion, we will examine each of these
elements in more detail. The figure on the following page shows how
these elements might be applied to an argument about sex education.
Claims (also referred to as arguable statements) are statements offact,
opinion, or belief that form the backbone of arguments. In longer essays,
Claim: Parents should provide sex
education at home and encourage
additional education in schools and
community centers.
Reasons: More than a million
teenagers get pregnant every year,
almost all unintentionally.
Assumptions: Understanding sex
helps prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Teenagers are not ready to
become parernt5.
Qualifiers: The sex education
provided should take into
consideration the culture and faith
of families involved.
Evidence: Studies in Sweden, the
Netherlands, France, and Canada
demonstrate that extensive sex education
results in reduced numbers of teen
you may detect a series of linked claims or even several separate claims
that you need to analyze before you agree to accept them. Claims worthy of arguing are those that are debatable: to say "Ten degrees
Fahrenheit is cold" is a claim, but it is probably not debatable - unless
you decide that such a temperature in northern Alaska might seem
balmy. To take another example, if a movie review you are reading has
as its claim "Loved this movie!" is that claim debatable? Almost certainly
not, if the reviewer is basing the claim solely on personal taste. But if
the reviewer goes on to offer good reasons to love the movie, along with
strong evidence to support the reasons, he or she could present a debatable - and therefore arguable - claim.
In fact, a claim is only as good as the reasons attached to it. An essay
claiming that grades should be abolished because the writer often earns
poor grades is on very thin ice: critical readers will question whether
that reason is sufficient to support the claim. As you analyze claims, look
for reasons drawn from facts, from authorities, from personal experience, and from examples. Test each reason by asking how directly it supports the claim, how timely it is, and what counter-reasons you could
offer to question it.
Putting a claim and reasons together often results in what Aristotle
called an enthymeme, an argument that rests on an assumption the
writer expects the audience to hold. These assumptions (which Toulmin
calls warrants) that connect claim and reasons are often the hardest to
detect in an argument, partly because they are often unstated, sometimes masking a weak link. As a result, it's especially important to identify the assumptions in arguments you are analyzing. Once the assumption is identified, you can test it against evidence and your own
experience before accepting it. If a writer argues that grades should be
abolished because grading damages both teaching and learning, what is
the assumption underlying this claim and reason? It is that anything that
prevents or hinders education should be abolished. As a critical reader,
remember that such assumptions are deeply affected by culture and
belief: ask yourself, then, what cultural differences may be at work in
your response to any argument.
Evidence, what Toulmin calls backing, also calls for careful analysis in
arguments. In an argument about abolishing grades, the writer may offer
as evidence several key examples of the damage grading can cause; a
statistical analysis of the correlation between grades and later success
in life; a historical precedent from the centuries when grading was not
used; or psychological studies of grade-related stress on undergraduate
students. As a critical reader, you must evaluate each piece of evidence
the writer offers, asking specifically how it relates to the claim, whether
it is appropriate and timely, and whether it comes from a credible source.
Qualifiers offer a way of limiting or narrowing a claim so that it is as precise as possible. Words or phrases that signal a qualification includefew,
often, in these circumstances, mrely, typically, and so on. Claims having no qualifiers can sometimes lead to overgeneralizations. For example, the statement Grading damages learning is less precise than
Grading can damage learning in some circumstances. Look carefully
for qualifiers in the arguments you analyze, since they will affect the
strength and reach of the claim.
III Fallacies
Fallacies have traditionally been viewed as serious flaws that damage the
effectiveness of an argument. But arguments are ordinarily fairly complex
in that they always occur in some specific rhetorical situation and in some
particular place and time; thus what looks like a fallacy in one situation
may appear quite different in another. The best advice is to learn to
identify fallacies but to be cautious in jumping to quick conclusions about
them. Rather than thinking of them as errors you can root out and use to
discredit an arguer, you might think of them as barriers to common
ground and understanding, since they so often shut off rather than engender debate. If a letter to the editor argues If this newspaper thinks
additional tax cuts are going to help the middle-class family, then this
newspaper is run by imbeciles, it clearly indulges in a fallacy - in
this case, an argument ad hominem or argument against character. But
the more inlpOrtant point is that this kind of argument shuts down debate:
few are going to respond reasonably to being called imbeciles.
You may want to identify fallacies by associating them with the major
appeals of argument - ethical, emotional, and logical.
CD Ethical fallacies
Some arguments focus not on establishing the credibility of the writer but
on destroying the credibility of an opponent. At times, such attacks are
justified: if a nominee for the Supreme Court acted in unethical ways in
law school, for example, that information is a legitimate argument against
the nominee's confirmation. Many times, however, someone attacks a person's character to avoid dealing with the issue at hand. Such unjustified
attacks are called ethical fallacies. They take three main forms: ad
hominem charges, guilt by association, and appeals to false authority.
Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man") charges directly attack someone's character rather than focusing on the issue at hand, suggesting that
because something is "wrong" with this person, whatever he or she says
must also be wrong.
Patricia Ireland is just a hysterical feminist. We shouldn't listen to
her views on abortion.
Labeling Ireland hysterical and linking that label with feminist focuses on
Ireland's character rather than on her views on the issue.
Guilt by association attacks someone's credibility by linking that person with a person or activity the audience considers bad, suspicious, or
Senator Fleming does not deserve reelection; one of her assistants
turned out to be involved with organized crime.
Is there any evidence that the senator knew about the organized-crime
Appeals to false authority occur when someone with authority or
expertise in one sphere - sports, films, and so on - testifies to the greatness of a product or idea in another sphere about which the person probably knows very little. You probably recall some fairly obvious appeals
to false authority, as when an actor advertises allergy medication or a
NASCAR driver sells soft drinks. Some uses of false authority, however,
are quite subtle: consider, for example, a politician who argues that her
stand on civil rights is based on biblical authority. While the Bible is certainly an authoritative text in many cultures, it is easy to misuse that
authority by calling on the Bible in general to support a specific claim.
Even if the politician refers specifically to biblical chapter and verse, the
matter of interpretation would almost certainly come into play.
We know you have the taste to recognize the superlative artistry of
Bling diamond jewelry.
Would buying the jewelry prove that you recognize superlative artistry?
In-crowd appeal, a special kind of flattery, invites readers to identify
with an admired and select group.
Want to know a secret that more and more of Middletown's successful young professionals are Imding out about? It's Mountainbrook
Manor, the condominiums that combine the best of the old with the
best of the new.
Who are these "successful young professionals," and will you become one
just by moving to Mountainbrook Manor?
Veiled threats try to frighten readers into agreement by hinting that
they will suffer adverse consequences if they don't agree.
If Public Service Electric Company does not get an inunediate
15 percent rate increase, its services to you, its customers, may be
seriously affected.
How serious is this possible effect? Is it legal or likely?
Emotional fallacies
Appeals to the emotions of an audience constitute a valid and necessary
part of argument. Unfair or overblown emotional appeals, however,
attempt to overcome readers' good judgment. Most common among
these emotional fallacies are bandwagon appeal, flattery, in-crowd
appeal, veiled threats, and false analogies.
Bandwagon appeal suggests that a great movement is under way and
the reader will be a fool or a traitor not to join it.
Voters are flocking to candidate X by the millions, so you'd better
cast your vote the right way.
Why should you jump on this bandwagon? Where is the evidence to support
the claim that a vote for X is a vote cast "right"?
Flattery tries to persuade readers to do something by suggesting
that they are thoughtful, intelligent, or perceptive enough to agree with
the writer.
False analogies make comparisons between two situations that are
not alike in most or important respects.
The volleyball team's sudden descent in the rankings resembled the
sinking of the Titanic.
What, other than "descent" and "sinking," do the two have in common?
@] Logical fallacies
Although logical fallacies are usually defined as errors in formal reasoning, they can often work very effectively to convince audiences. Common
logical fallacies include begging the question, post hoc, non sequitur,
either-or, hasty generalization, oversimplification, and straw man.
Begging the question is a kind of circular argument that treats a
debatable statement as if it had been proved true.
Television news covered that story well; I learned all I know about
it by watching TV.
If we prohibit the sale of alcohol, we will get rid of drunkenness.
This claim oversimplifies the relation between laws and human behavior.
That "1 learned all 1 know" about a story from television does not prove that
television news covered the story well; the "proof' is just an assumption that
the news covered the story well.
The post hoc fallacy, from the Latin post hoc, ergo propter hoc, which
means "after this, therefore caused by this," assumes that just because
B happened after A, it must have been caused by A.
We should not rebuild the town docks because every time we do, a
big hurricane comes along and damages them.
Does the reconstruction cause hurricanes?
A non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow") attempts to tie together
two or more logically unrelated ideas as if they were related.
If we can send a spacecraft to Mars, then we can discover a cure for
These are both scientific goals, but do they have anything else in common?
What does achieving one have to do with achieving the other?
The either-or fallacy asserts that a complex situation can have only
two possible outcomes, one of which is necessary or preferable.
If we do not build the new aqueduct, businesses in the tri-cities area
will be forced to shut down because of lack of water.
What is the evidence for this claim? Do no other alternatives exist?
A hasty generalization bases a conclusion on too little evidence or
on bad or misunderstood evidence.
I couldn't understand the lecture today, so I'm sure this course will
be impossible.
How can the writer be so sure of this conclusion based on only one piece of
Oversimplification of the relation between causes and effects is
another fallacy based on careless reasoning.
A straw-man argument misrepresents a real opposition argument as
a kind of a dummy claim that can easily be refuted.
My opponent believes that we should offer therapy to the terrorists.
I disagree.
This claim sets up the "straw man" of a plainly ridiculous opposition
argument - who would not disagree? The opponent's real position is
almost certainly more nuanced.
Visual fallacies
If we live in the age of the image, as many claim we do, it's important to
remember that ethical, emotional, and logical fallacies may take the form
of images. In fact, the sheer power of images can make them especially
difficult to analyze.
Look, for example, at the following photo of a woman struggling
through chest-deep water in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in
New Orleans. When this photograph was published, a caption
explained that she was going to "loot a grocery store." In this case,
the photo and caption combine to inspire an emotional response
that encourages readers
to believe the reports of
lawlessness that circulated
widely in the days just after
the hurricane. But because
New Orleans residents in
';'~,.~ '. , 'rI' ..-"
_ . .-'/
heavily flooded areas had
. '- no electricity and received
inadequate supplies during
the emergency, the visual
and text commit an emo~Ji,.~.-£- ~~.-=.:~
~ tional fallacy by insisting
.~• • 'l~-:that a woman in such des_
- - .~.' _
.•oJ '+'..,.;('.
.-': perate circumstances must
: ~'."'~
. '. '-"'",',' be "looting."
Or take a look at the folz./•
.!t':J;l lowing bar graph, which pur~_;3
~,~ ports to deliver a logical
~Yl:'~:€' ~
argument about how differently Democrats, on the one hand, and
Republicans and Independents, on the other, felt about an issue:
It's not hard to find ethical fallacies that take the form of images as
well: think of all the times you've seen a photograph make a politician
look really bad - or really good (see below, for example). In these cases,
the person who decides to publish the pictures is making an ethical argument that you should exantine closely.
Look closely and you'll see a visual fallacy at work: the vertical axis
starts not at zero but at 53 percent, so the visually large difference
between the groups is misleading. In fact, a majority of all respondents
agree about the issue, and only eight percentage points separate
Democrats from Republicans and Independents (in a poll with a margin
of error of +/-seven percentage points). Here's how the graph would
look if the vertical axis began at zero:
• Agree
Read the following brief essay by Derek Sok, which argues that college administrators should seek to educate and persuade rather than censor students who use
speech or symbols that others find deeply offensive. Then carry out an analysis of
the argument, beginning with identifying the audience and the author's purpose,
then moving to identifying the claim, reason(s), assumption(s), evidence, and qualifiers (if any). As you work, be sure also to identify the emotional, ethical, and logical
appeals as well as any fallacies put forward by Sok. You may want to compare your
own analysis to the one written by Milena Ateyea in 9g.
For several years, universities have been struggling with the problem of trying to reconcile the rights of free speech with the desire to avoid racial tension.
In recent weeks, such a controversy has sprung up at Harvard. Two students
hung Confederate flags in public view, upsetting students who equate the
Confederacy with slavery. A third student tried to protest the flags by displaying a swastika.
These incidents have provoked much discussion and disagreement. Some
students have urged that Harvard require the removal of symbols that offend
many members of the community. Others reply that such symbols are a form of
free speech and should be protected.
Different universities have resolved similar conflicts in different ways. Some
have enacted codes to protect their communities from forms of speech that are
deemed to be insensitive to the feelings of other groups. Some have refused to
impose such restrictions.
It is important to distinguish between the appropriateness of such communications and their status under the First Amendment. The fact that speech is
protected by the First Amendment does not necessarily mean that it is right,
proper, or civil. I am sure that the vast majority of Harvard students believe that
hanging a Confederate flag in public view - or displaying a swastika in
response - is insensitive and unwise because any satisfaction it gives to the
students who display these symbols is far outweighed by the discomfort it
causes to many others.
I share this view and regret that the students involved saw fit to behave in
this fashion. Whether or not they merely wished to manifest their pride in the
South - or to demonstrate the insensitivity of hanging Confederate flags, by
mounting another offensive symbol in return - they must have known that they
would upset many fellow students and ignore the decent regard for the feelings of others so essential to building and preserving a strong and harmonious
To disapprove of a particular form of communication, however, is not
enough to justify prohibiting it. We are faced with a clear example of the conflict between our commitment to free speech and our desire to foster a community founded on mutual respect. Our society has wrestled with this problem
for many years. Interpreting the First Amendment, the Supreme Court has clearly
struck the balance in favor of free speech.
While communities do have the right to regulate speech in order to uphold
aesthetic standards (avoiding defacement of buildings) or to protect the public
from disturbing noise, rules of this kind must be applied across the board and cannot be enforced selectively to prohibit certain kinds of messages but not others.
Under the Supreme Court's rulings, as I read them, the display of swastikas
or Confederate flags clearly falls within the protection of the free-speech clause
of the First Amendment and cannot be forbidden simply because it offends the
feelings of many members of the community. These rulings apply to all agencies of government, including public universities.
Although it is unclear to what extent the First Amendment is enforceable
against private institutions, I have difficulty understanding why a university such
as Harvard should have less free speech than the surrounding society - or than
a public university.
One reason why the power of censorship is so dangerous is that it is
extremely difficult to decide when a particular communication is offensive
enough to warrant prohibition or to weigh the degree of offensiveness against
the potential value of the communication. If we begin to forbid flags, it is only a
short step to prohibiting offensive speakers.
I suspect that no community will become humane and caring by restricting
what its members can say. The worst offenders will simply find other ways to
irritate and insult.
In addition, once we start to declare certain things "offensive," with all the
excitement and attention that will follow, I fear that much ingenuity will be
exerted trying to test the limits, much time will be expended trying to draw tenuous distinctions, and the resulting publicity will eventually attract more attention to the offensive material than would ever have occurred otherwise.
Rather than prohibit such communications, with all the resulting risks, it
would be better to ignore them, since students would then have little reason to
create such displays and would soon abandon them. If this response is not
possible - and one can understand why - the wisest course is to speak with
those who perform insensitive acts and try to help them understand the effects
of their actions on others.
Appropriate officials and faculty members should take the lead, as the
Harvard House Masters have already done in this case. In talking with students,
they should seek to educate and persuade, rather than resort to ridicule or intimidation, recognizing that only persuasion is likely to produce a lasting, beneficial
effect. Through such effects, I believe that we act in the manner most consistent with our ideals as an educational institution and most calculated to help us
create a truly understanding, supportive community.
DEREK BOK, "Protecting Freedom of Expression at Harvard"
Some guidelines for analyzing an argument
Here are some questions that can help you judge the effectiveness of an
What conclusions about the argument can you reach by playing both
the believing and the doubting game? (9b)
What cultural contexts inform the argument, and what do they tell you
about where the writer is corning from? (9b and c)
What emotional, ethical, and logical appeals is the writer making in
support of the argument? (9d)
How has the writer established credibility to write about the topic?
What is the claim (or arguable statement)? Is the claim qualified in any
way? (ge)
What reasons and assumptions support and underlie the claim? (ge)
What additional evidence backs up the assumption and claim? How
current and reliable are the sources? (ge)
How does the writer use images, graphics, or other visuals to support
the argument? (9f4 and Chapter 10)
What fallacies can you identify, and what effect do they have on the
argument's persuasiveness? (9f)
What is the overall impression you get from analyzing the argument?
Are you convinced?
A student's rhetorical analysis of an argument
For a class assignment, Milena Ateyea was asked
to analyze Derek Bok's essay by focusing on the
author's use of emotional, ethical, and logical
appeals. Her rhetorical analysis follows.
ACurse and a Blessing
In 1991, when Derek Bok's essay "Protecting Freedom
of Expression at Harvard" was first published in the
Boston Globe, I had just come to America to escape the
oppressive Communist regime in Bulgaria. Perhaps my
background explains why I support Bok's argument that we
should not put arbitrary limits on freedom of expression. Bok
wrote the essay in response to a public display of Confederate
flags and a swastika at Harvard, a situation that created a
heated controversy among the students. As Bok notes,
universities have struggled to achieve a balance between
maintaining students' right of free speech and avoiding racist
attacks. When choices must be made, however, Bok argues for
preserving freedom of expression.
In order to support his claim and bridge the controversy,
Bok uses a variety of rhetorical strategies. The author first
immerses the reader in the controversy by vividly describing
the incident: two Harvard students had hung Confederate
flags in public view, thereby "upsetting students who equate
the Confederacy with slavery" (51). Another student,
protesting the flags, decided to display an even more
offensive symbol- the swastika. These actions provoked
heated discussions among students. Some students believed
that school officials should remove the offensive symbols,
whereas others suggested that the symbols "are a form of free
speech and should be protected" (51). Bok establishes
common ground between the factions: he regrets the actions
Provocative title suggests Ateyea's mixed
response to Bok
Connects article to her
own experience to
build credibility (ethical
Provides brief overview
of Bok's argument
Identifies and states
Bok's central claim
Transition sentence
links Bok's claim to
strategies he uses to
support it
Direct quotations show
how Bok appeals to
emotions through vivid
Shows how Bok establishes common ground
between two positions
of the offenders but does not believe we should prohibit such
actions just because we disagree with them.
The author earns the reader's respect because of his
knowledge and through his logical presentation of the issue.
In partial support of his position, Bok refers to U.S. Supreme
Court rulings, which remind us that "the display of swastikas
or Confederate flags clearly falls within the protection of the
free-speech clause of the First Amendment" (52). The author
also emphasizes the danger of the slippery slope of
censorship when he warns the reader, "If we begin to forbid
flags, it is only a short step to prohibiting offensive
speakers" (52). Overall, however, Bok's work lacks the kinds
of evidence that statistics, interviews with students, and
other representative examples of controversial conduct could
provide. Thus, his essay may not be strong enough to
persuade all readers to make the leap from this specific
situation to his general conclusion.
Throughout, Bok's personal feelings are implied but not
stated directly. As a lawyer who was president of Harvard for
twenty years, Bok knows how to present his opinions
respectfully without offending the feelings of the students.
However, qualifying phrases like "I suspect that" and "Under
the Supreme Court's rulings, as I read them" could weaken
the effectiveness of his position. Furthermore, Bok's attempt
to be fair to all seems to dilute the strength of his proposed
solution. He suggests that one should either ignore the
insensitive deeds in the hope that students might change
their behavior, or talk to the offending students to help them
comprehend how their behavior is affecting other students.
Nevertheless, although Bok's proposed solution to the
controversy does not appear at first reading to be very strong,
it may ultimately be effective. There is enough flexibility in
his approach to withstand various tests, and Bok's solution is
general enough that it can change with the times and adapt
to community standards.
In writing this essay, Bok faced a challenging task: to
write a short response to a specific situation that represents
a very broad and controversial issue. Some people may find
Emphasizes Bok's
credibility and her
respect for him (ethical
Links Bok's credibility
to use of logical
Reference to First
Amendment serves as
assumption to Bok's
Comments critically on
kinds of evidence Bok's
argument lacks
Reiterates Bok's
Identifies qualifying
phrases that may
weaken claim
Analyzes weaknesses
of Bok's proposed
Raises possibility that
Bok's imperfect solution may work
Provides reasons why
Bok's solution may
Summarizes Bok's task
that freedom of expression is both a curse and a blessing
because of the difficulties it creates. As one who has lived
under a regime that permitted very limited, censored
expression, I am all too aware that I could not have written
this response in 1991 in Bulgaria. As a result, I feel, like
Derek Bok, that freedom of expression is a blessing, in spite
Ties conclusion back to
Concludes by returning
to personal experience
with censorship and
oppression, which
argues for accepting
Bok's solution
of any temporary problems associated with it.
Work Cited
Bok, Derek. "Protecting Freedom of Expression on the
Campus." Current Issues and Enduring Questions. Ed.
Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. 6th ed. Boston:
Bedford, 2002. 51-52. Rpt. of "Protecting Freedom of
Expression at Harvard." Boston Globe 25 May 1991.
Working with a classmate, choose a brief argumentative text - a letter to the editor
or an editorial, a "My Turn" essay from Newsweek or an essay from Time, something from your school newspaper, even an advertisement or editorial cartoon. Then
work together to analyze this text, playing both the believing and the doubting game,
and identifying claim(s), reason(s), assumption(s), evidence, and qualifiers, as well
as emotional, ethical, and logical appeals. Then, still working together, write a twopage double-spaced critical response to the text you have chosen. Finally, bring
your chosen text and your critical response to class, and be prepared to present the
results of your analysis.
For the brief review for Rolling Stone, music critic James Hunter recaps five CDs
that reissue ten Merle Haggard albums from early in the country star's career. What
central claim(s) does Hunter make in this review? What emotional, ethical, and logical appeals does he present in support of his claim (including in the headline and
the image of Haggard accompanying the review), and how effective are these
The albums rhar kepr Nashville real in rhe
Sixries and Sevenries. By James Hunrer
Merle Haggard I """oIN,""w'I</CW'
Merle Hanard wasn't the 11rst outsider to rebuke Nashville
prissiness In the Shltles - Johnny cash. who arrived from Sun
Records in Memphis. deserves that honor - but Hag WAf the
most down·to-earth 50ul that th8 Music City h..d 'Nn for some
time when he loped onto the scene In the mid to late Sixties. An
ex-con from calltornla with Oklahoma roor!.. he sllnl eloquently
about booze and prison life. His beginnings were In honky-tonk
Bakersfield, where hetearned flnt-clan musical directness
from 8Uys like the great Buck Owens and Wynn Stewart.
For years, Haggard's Slnl" and early-seventies work has
bun reprflented chiefly on compilations. This bunch of
rei5Sues restores ten of those albums, all with Interestina bonus
tracks; four of the ten albums have never appeared before on
CO. Each showcases HilIprd's awesome lifts ~md Inextricable
orneriness: There is no Tennessee gothic or flashy Texas ego to
this outsider; Haggard was more ~t subtlety and West Coast
calm. A hummable. elastic honky-tonk tune can conyey
eyerythlnl he wants to say. His melodies Clllrry. broad range of
topics, from cranky loye songs (""m Gonna Break Every Heart I
Can") to prison tunes '''Sina Me Back Home") to perfectly
wrought whiskey-and-wlne sonas, to looks back at his parents'
lIyes. sometimes. as on the scarlly eoOO '" can't Be Myself,"
Hagcard seems to want to jump out of his own skin; other times,
as on "I Threw Away thi! Rose." he', ali centered in his own
smooth, crusty tenor as any slnecr eyer hilS been. In all cases.
Halprd sounds like country's coolest customer.
These reissuH underscore how Haggard's music far exceeds
"Okie From MuSkogH," the anti-hlppiv1969 smuh that made him
internationally famous. Cash rocked country up 30d then went on
to become
world's black-clad cultural ambanador. ~Ie
Jones showed how the field nHds at leut one opera star, and Willie
Nelson yoked local ,otlgwriting to ~t.rv. Haagard
proved how crucial It was tor a country IUV to say what was on hi5
mind - and because he W<1S such a sublime recording artist. he WM
able to make tt stkk, right trom the start.
KEY TRACKS Ml'mGonna 8r~ak Ev~ry Hean I Can.- Ml Can't Be Myselt'"
you can hear them and buy them oil ro/!rll!haDMd