Natural Muscle September 2007
Natural Muscle September 2007
Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 EPISODES OF PS NO-SHOTGUN MAY MAY FUEL FUEL NO-SHOTGUN THE SCIENCE SCIENCE OF OF EXPONENTIAL EXPONENTIAL THE MUSCLE GROWTH! There are three ways muscles can get larger. The first and There are three ways muscle musclesHypertrophy. can get larger. first and most limiting is called This The is where you most limiting is called muscle Hypertrophy. This is where you practically kill yourself in the gym to force your genetically prepractically kill yourself in theto gym force your genetically existing amount of muscle gettolarger in size. Are youprethe existing amount of muscle to get larger in size. Are you the chosen “1 in 10,000” that God blessed with a ton of fast twitch chosen in 10,000” blessed with a all tonofofus, fast muscle?“1Probably not.that So God for you and almost wetwitch have muscle? Probably not. So for you and almost all of us, we have to train hard core just to coerce our genetically limited amount to train hard core just in tosize coerce limited amount of muscle to increase everour so genetically slightly. And, as you know, of muscle increase in sizethe everindividual so slightly. And, as you know, this really to sucks. Visualize who trains intensely this reallyright sucks. Visualize the individual trainswalks intensely and eats for 10 solid years and a newwho member into and eats right for 10 solid years and a new member walks into the gym for the first time ever and is leaner and more muscular the gymnever for thetouched first time and Some is leaner and more muscular having a ever weight. men and women just having never with touched a weight. Somemuscle men and women just aren’t gifted enough fast twitch and, therefore, aren’t gifted with enough fast twitch muscle and, therefore, struggle with their God given genetics. The great news is that struggle withcan their Godthe given genetics. Hyperplasia level playing field! The great news is that Hyperplasia can level the playing field! Hyperplasia occurs when existing muscle actually forms new Hyperplasia when existing actually forms new muscle fibersoccurs and can occur by twomuscle different mechanisms. The muscle fibers fiber and can occur by two in different mechanisms. first is actual division resulting splitting or branchingThe of first is actual fiber resulting in splitting or branchingX-1 of existing muscle todivision form more muscle fibers. Hyperplasia existing muscle to form more muscle Hyperplasia X-1 (HX-1) occurs during muscle trauma suchfibers. as heavy negative reps (HX-1) occurs during muscle trauma such as heavy negative reps ® and high volume/high intensity training. Redline’s® unparalleled and high volume/high intensity training. Redline’s unparalleled ™ is the driving energy technology contained in NO-Shotgun force ™ is the driving force energy contained in NO-Shotgun behind technology the intensity you need to trigger HX-1-induced muscle behind triggerinsanely HX-1-induced muscle growth. the I’ll intensity get real you withneed you, to without attacking the growth. I’ll get real with you, without insanely attacking weights, HX-1 just isn’t going to freakin’ happen. Redline’s®® the the weights, HX-1 justepisodes isn’t going freakin’ physical happen. intensity! Redline’s the catalyst that fuels of to psychotic catalyst that fuels episodes of psychotic physical intensity! Hyperplasia X-2 or HX-2 is new muscle fiber that forms when Hyperplasia or HX-2 is new known muscle as fiber that forms muscle fiberX-2 precursor cells satellite cellswhen are muscle fiber precursor cells known as satellite cells ™ stimulated. This is where the NO-Shotgun matrix shinesare a ™ matrix shines a stimulated. This is light. where the([Nitric NO-Shotgun potent biochemical NO2 Oxide-I’m talking real Nitric potent light. NO2supplement)-induced ([Nitric Oxide-I’m talking real Nitric Oxide, biochemical not some fake-@$$ vasodilation Oxide, not some fake-@$$ supplement)-induced vasodilation (opening up the veins and capillaries) literally floods the muscle (opening up the veins and capillaries) literally floods the with massive amounts of powerful muscle building “EX”muscle (Ethyl with massive amounts of powerful muscle building “EX” (Ethyl Ester HCl) compounds. If you review the studies on arginine Ester HCl) compounds. If you review studies arginine or glutamine, these amino acids werethe infused intoonthe blood or glutamine, to these aminoNitric acids wereorinfused into hormone). the blood intravenously stimulate Oxide GH (growth intravenously to stimulate Oxide or GH This is why simple AKG Nitric chemical salts of (growth Argininehormone). (Arginine This is why simple AKG chemical salts of Arginine (Arginine AKG) have proven to be ineffective at increasing muscle size in AKG) have proven to be ineffective at increasing muscle size in three clinical studies. three clinical studies. YES, IF YOU PURCHASED ANY NO2-TYPE YES, IF YOU PURCHASED ANY NO2-TYPE PRODUCT WITH ARGININE AKG, STUDIES PRODUCT WITH ARGININE AKG, STUDIES SHOW YOU GOT PUNKED! DON’T FEEL BAD, SHOW YOU GOT PUNKED! DON’T FEEL BAD, THE NO A-AKG SCAM RIPPED YOUR FRIENDS THE NO A-AKG SCAM RIPPED YOUR FRIENDS OFF TOO FOR ABOUT $75,000,000! OFF TOO FOR ABOUT $75,000,000! Take home message: three studies prove NO2-type products Take homeArginine message: three studies prove NO2-type containing AKG simply do NOT work. Further,products Arginine containing Arginine AKG simply do NOT work. Further, Arginine should be consumed with Citrulline in order to produce nitric should be consumed Citrulline in order to produce nitric ™ with oxide. NO-Shotgun contains the sophisticated compound, ™ oxide. the does sophisticated ™) which ArginineNO-Shotgun Ethyl Ester HCl contains (AEX™ not need tocompound, be injected Arginine Ethylenhanced Ester HCl (AEX ) which does not needtotofacilitate be injected and is further with Citrulline – necessary NO and is furtherAlong enhanced Citrulline – necessary facilitate production. with with these ingredients, Ellagic to Acid worksNO in production. these ingredients, Ellagic Acid works in ™ with concert withAlong AEX™ and Citrulline to further improve NO output. concert with AEX and Citrulline to further improve NO output. There’s more: NO-induced vasodilation results in killer pumps in There’s more: vasodilation results in killer in the gym. The NO-induced greater the pump the more muscle fiberpumps trauma. the gym. The greater the pump the more muscle fiber trauma. The pain associated with “The Pump” is what Arnold referred The pain associated with “The Pump” is what Arnold referred :KHQFRPELQHGZLWKVWUHQJWKWUDLQLQJDVHQVLEOHGLHW8VHRQO\DVDGLHWDU\VXSSOHPHQW7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)'$7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH Natural Muscle September 2007 :KHQFRPELQHGZLWKVWUHQJWKWUDLQLQJDVHQVLEOHGLHW8VHRQO\DVDGLHWDU\VXSSOHPHQW7KHVHVWDWHPHQWVKDYHQRWEHHQHYDOXDWHGE\WKH)'$7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWLQWHQGHGWRGLDJQRVHWUHDWFXUHRUSUHYHQWDQ\GLVHDVH SYCHOTIC INTENSITY to as “better than to than sex”.asThe“better Nitric Oxide sex”. The Nitric Oxide vasodilating effect vasodilating of the muscle iseffect very of the muscle very similar to that iswhich similar which occurs to in that the genital occurs in the genital region when one takes region one®takes Viagra®when or Cialis . The pump is so pronounced in the muscle ® or Cialis®. The pump is so pronounced in the muscle Viagra (or genitals) that it is painful due to NO’s opening of the veins, (or genitals) it is painful due to NO’sThis opening of the veins, arteries and that capillaries like flood gates. condition brought arteries and capillaries like flood gates. This condition brought on by NO (Nitric Oxide) over fills the muscle with nutrient dense on by NO (Nitric Oxide) over PUMP fills the™!muscle with nutrient dense blood to produce a NASTY Consequently, Arnold was ™! Consequently, Arnold was blood to produce NASTY PUMP way ahead of hisatime when he associated the pain/pleasure way ahead of his time associated the pain/pleasure response generated by awhen great he muscle pump as better than SEX! response generated by a great muscle pump as better than SEX! Follow me closely here! Follow me closely here! The physiologic response to NO causes extra trauma to occur The response to ™ NO causes extra trauma to occur whenphysiologic the blood-engorged muscle is subjected to INTENSE ™ when the blood-engorged muscle is subjected weight training. Greater injury to the muscle is toa INTENSE result of weight training. Greater injury to the muscle is a result of ™ significantly increased internal pressure (the blood-engorged ™ significantly increased internal pressure (the blood-engorged pump) within the muscle when muscle fibers rub violently pump) the during muscletraining. when muscle fibers rub violently against within each other It is my personal theory that against each other during It is my personal theory that when the vascular (veins training. etc.) system floods the DAMAGED when the with vascular (veins nitrogenic etc.) system the DAMAGED MUSCLE powerful andfloods scientifically proven MUSCLE with powerful nitrogenic and scientifically protein synthesis stimulating compounds like, Branchedproven Chain protein synthesis stimulating like, Branched Chain Amino Acid Ethyl Esters alongcompounds with Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester and Amino Acid Ethyl Esters alongphysiologic with Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester and Creatine Ethyl Ester, massive changes in the muscle Creatine Ethyl massive the muscle take place andEster, muscle fibers physiologic can be split changes and new in satellite cells take place and muscle fibers can be split and new satellite can be formed to actually cause muscle HYPERPLASIA! cells This can be formed to actually cause muscle HYPERPLASIA! This is where both mechanisms of hyperplasia, HX-1 AND HX-2 take is where mechanisms of cells hyperplasia, HX-1 AND HX-2fibers take place I.e.,both where new satellite are formed and muscle place I.e., where satellite cells areungodly formed and muscle branch and Until now, gaining amounts of fibers HX-1 branch and split. Until now, gaining only ungodly amounts of HX-1 and HX-2-induced muscle occurred by getting jacked on a and HX-2-induced muscle occurred only by getting jacked on a poly-pharmacy of bodybuilding drugs. poly-pharmacy of bodybuilding drugs. And, obviously with a massive pump and the off-the chain And, obviously with a massive off-themuscle chain bioactive compounds present, pump so to and are the existing bioactive compounds present, so to are existing muscle ™ cells getting larger. It’s the muscle hypertrophic/hyperplasic™ cells getting larger. It’s the muscle hypertrophic/hyperplasic TRIFECTA for gaining and even creating new lean muscle TRIFECTA for gaining and even creating new lean muscle ™ subculture tissue! The NO-Shotgun will be the first generation ™ tissue! The NO-Shotgun subculture will betissue the first generation to be able to actually create new muscle (hyperplasia) to be able to actually create new muscle tissue testosterone, (hyperplasia) without injecting massive amounts of steroids, without injecting massive amounts of steroids, testosterone, insulin and IGF-1! insulin and IGF-1! Lastly, why have caffeine present when caffeine interferes with Lastly, why have caffeine interferes with creatine absorption? Wellpresent studies when show caffeine that caffeine interferes creatine absorption? studies CEX show ® that caffeine interferes with regular creatine Well absorption. , the first ever Creatine ®, the first ever Creatine with creatinetoabsorption. CEXby Ethylregular Ester, appears be unaffected caffeine because of its Ethyl Ester, appears to be unaffected by caffeine because of its superior ethyl esterified chemical structure stabilized with an superior ethyl esterified chemicalexplosive structureenergy stabilized with an HCl molecule. Further, Redline’s technology HCl molecule. Further, explosive energythat technology allows one to train withRedline’s the insanity and intensity initiates allows one to withmuscle the insanity the process oftrain splitting fibersand andintensity causing that new initiates satellite the process of splitting muscle fibers and causing new satellite cell formation to reach our goal of HYPERPLASIA! Hopefully cell formation to you reach HYPERPLASIA! when I run into at our the goal gym,ofArnold Classic or Hopefully Olympia, when I run into you at the gym, Arnold Classic ™ Olympia, you’ll have your own outrageous NO-Shotgunor story to ™ story to you’ll haveme. your own outrageous NO-Shotgun share with Just to give you a heads up—don’t take NOshare with ifme. Justgoing to give you aaround headswith up—don’t take NOShotgun™ you’re to walk your man-boobs Shotgun™ if you’re going to tears walk around with your and cry estrogen-induced that you’re soreman-boobs and can’t and cry estrogen-induced tears that you’re sore can’t ™ is and move for three days. This is what NO-Shotgun™ designed move for three days. This is what NO-Shotgun is designed ™, I todo! During my personal chest workout with NO-Shotgun™ todo! During my that personal chest workout withcompetitive NO-Shotgun ,I benched weight I hadn’t done since my days, benched weight that I hadn’t done since my competitive days, then after endless set and reps, wrapped up training with a then afterbest endless set The andnext reps,day, wrapped training a personal 51 dips. I threw up three, 45 lb with plates personal best 51 dips. The next day, I threw three, 45 lb plates ® and a quarter on each side of the Hammer shoulder press for ® shoulder press for and a quarter the Hammer 9 reps and didon theeach Rearside Deltofmachine with 170 for 14 reps, that 9 reps and did the Rear Delt machine with 170 for 14 reps, that was three more reps with 40 more pounds which is an insane was three more reps with 40 more pounds which is an insane increase for the small posterior deltoid muscle. This is what increase for the small posterior deltoid muscle. This is what I mean when I say, NO-Shotgun™ is the catalyst that fuels Iepisodes mean when I say, NO-Shotgun™ is the catalyst that fuels of psychotic physical intensity. episodes of psychotic physical intensity. ™ There’s another special creatine in NO-Shotgun™ that allowed There’s another special creatine in NO-Shotgun rats to swim several hundred percent longer thanthat theallowed control rats to swim several hundred percent longer than the group who incidentally drowned. Sad but true, the takecontrol home group whohere incidentally drowned. Sad but true, the take home ™ using message is don’t let your NO-Shotgun buddy or ™ message here is don’t let your NO-Shotgunpumps, using buddy or competitor bury you! The blood-engorged the killer competitor bury you! pumps, killer workouts, staying hardThe longblood-engorged after the gym and actuallythe making workouts, staying hard long after the gym and actually making noticeable gains in muscularity are what you and I live for. noticeable gains in muscularity are what you and I live for. I’ve enthusiastically worked many late nights conducting I’ve enthusiastically late nights medical research andworked into themany wee hours of the conducting morning in medical research and into the wee hours of the morning in ™ and VPX’s state of the art laboratory to produce NO-Shotgun ™ and VPX’s state of the art laboratory to produce NO-Shotgun am so confident that it’s the best product in its class that I’m am so confident that it’sright the best product in its classcompany that I’m making an opening offer now to any supplement making an opening offer right now to any supplement company of $100, 000 if they can conclusively prove that their product of $100, 000 they can conclusively prove that their product is better in a ifdouble blind University Study at producing lean is better in a double blind University Study at producing muscle, greater ATP production, more explosive workoutslean and muscle, ATP production, more explosive initiatinggreater Nitric Oxide-induced - blood engorged workouts pumps! and initiating Nitric Oxide-induced - blood engorged pumps! ACTUAL SCENES FROM THE NO-SHOTGUN ACTUAL SCENES FROM THE NO-SHOTGUN Jack Owoc, VPX CEO and Chief Scientific JackOfficer. Owoc, VPX CEO and Chief Scientific Officer. Natural Muscle September 2007 MUSCLE HYPERPLASIA HX-1 & HX-2 ™ ETHYL ESTER(EX) TECHNOLOGY INSURES MAXIMUM ABSORPTION AND UPTAKE – NO-Shotgun™ contains the key amino acids (mentioned below), creatine and other radical compound innovations that are engineered with Ethyl Ester pharmaceutical delivery enhancements. This means that these important muscle building compounds enter into the bloodstream AND THE MUSCLE almost 100% intact. NO-Shotgun™ Ethyl Ester (EX) Technology is far superior to regular Amino Acids, Creatine, and Arginine where you might only absorb 13% to 37% and only while dieting have greater levels of lean muscle mass retention. And, another study showed that BCAA consumption had a powerful nutrient partitioning effect resulting in rapid fat loss in the abdominal and thigh regions, two areas of concern for many men and women in regards to fat loss. Consequently, this makes BCAAEX/ NO-Shotgun™ a prime choice for contest prep or any other intense dieting. NO-Shotgun™ also contains the potent Arginase enzyme inhibitor, L-Nor Valine! This novel Nor Branched Chain Ethyl Ester Amino maximizes the active life of the AEX™ (Arginine Ethyl Ester) by preventing the carnosine levels in muscle, the greater the power. Regular carnosine is not absorbed well, so the BAEX™ is used to maximize carnosine production in muscle tissue. A recent study showed that just 4 weeks of Beta-Alanine supplementation significantly increased lean muscle mass. More reps and less fatigue equal muscle growth! Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester rocks! 3) Creatine Ethyl Ester HCl (CEX™) – We know that creatine is the most proven and potent supplement to increase lean muscle mass and strength. This specific “EX” form takes creatine %HWD$ODQLQH%HWD$ODQLQH(WK\O(VWHU+&,$XWKHQWLFDWLRQ7HVWLQJIRU126KRWJXQDW93;5HVHDUFK'HYHORSPHQW)DFLOLW\ Beta Alanine 105 Beta Alanine Ethyl Ester HCI 100 95 90 % Transmittance 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 Carbonyl Band in Beta Alanine Ethyl Ester 50 45 40 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) All muscle building compounds have a unique finger print. VPX’s state of the art research & development facility verifies the authenticity of these complex molecular structures and compounds with highly sophisticated testing equipment. VPX has had over $1,000,000 worth of raw materials tested! I’m going to get real with you; other supplement companies don’t have the same sophisticated testing equipment as VPX. These supplement companies either purposely or unknowningly use “cut,” fake or bogus “raws” that yield no results in return for your hard earned money. In fact, we just busted some clowns from NJ with close to $500,000 in bogus raw materials. 4% might actually get into the muscle! This special and highly advanced EX technology shuttles all NO-Shotgun™ compounds across the muscle cell membrane where they can cause explosive growth! 1) BCAAEX™ (Branched Chain Amino Acid Ethyl Ester) Matrix – Another first in the exclusive array of compounds found only in NOShotgun™ BCAAEX™ are the Ethyl Ester version of these key muscle protein synthesizing amino acids. BCAA’s have been shown to promote lean muscle mass by increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscle tissue. Studies have shown that subjects who consume BCAA’s Natural Muscle September 2007 the body from destroying AEX™ and allows it to increase GH and Nitric Oxide for extended periods of time. 2) Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester HCl (BAEX™) – Another compound found only in NO-Shotgun™! This beta amino acid is also sometimes referred to as carnosine. Research shows that it supports lean muscle mass and can enhance muscle fiber synthesis. This nutrient actually helps create carnosine in muscle tissue. Carnosine is mainly found in muscle tissue and can help buffer H+ (normalizing PH) so we can exercise longer and harder-basically; it helps delay fatigue. Research shows that the higher to a whole new level! CEX™ is a membrane permeable form of creatine that can enter muscle cells without bothering with the regular creatine transporters like sugar etc. This means up to 98% can enter the muscle compared to regular creatine where only 4% makes it into the muscle! CEX™ does not cause bloating, cramping, or stomach discomfort because it doesn’t sit in the stomach — it gets into muscle tissue fast to support the more production of ATP for massive intra-cellular volumization, muscle size, power, and strength! 4) L-Glutamine Ethyl Ester HCl (GEX™) – This powerful amino acid is the most abundant ™ THE KEY TO E X P O N E N T I AL GROWTH amino acid found in human muscle and plasma. GEX™ addresses the major Glutamine absorption problem by allowing it to be maximally absorbed—as much as 80% of regular L-glutamine cannot be absorbed by the gut. L-glutamine can help increase muscle “fullness”, increase protein synthesis (the making of muscle), and decrease catabolism (the breakdown of protein). It can also boost immune function, boost GH levels, enhance glycogen re-synthesis, and boost anti-inflammatory cell function. New research shows glutamine is highly correlated with glutathione (the muscles most powerful antioxidant) and can help protect muscles from damage. According to some very interesting research out of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, glutamine concentration is 10% higher in type II muscle fibers vs. VA I fibers. Type II muscle fibers have a large disposition for growth and are used mainly in weight training. After exercise, the same researchers showed a 45% decrease in glutamine in both fiber types. This is why GEX™ is critical for muscle growth and serious pumps. FULLY Y L LO LOADED OAD OA AD DE ED E D TOUR The NO-Shotgun™ Fully Loaded Tour coming to your town. VPX’s getting the word out about NO-Shotgun™, with training tips from IFBB Pro Toney Freeman. Get more information and see more amazing footage of the NOShotgun™ Tour at NOSHOTGUN.COM 5) Methyl Hydroxy Chalcone Polymer (MHCP) – This compound is found only in NO-Shotgun™! MHCP improves cellular glucose utilization and increases the sensitivity of insulin receptors in laboratory studies. Research conducted at Iowa State University and published in 2001 concluded that MHCP is a super effective insulin mimetic! Since insulin helps transport amino acids and glucose into muscle tissue, the other ingredients in Shotgun are further amplified. AND, you will get fuller muscle pumps due to the increased glycogen storage! Professional bodybuilders inject insulin because insulin makes you HUGE. In fact, insulin is more anabolic than testosterone, steroids and GH (Growth Hormone). MHCP is as close to real insulin as it gets. 6) Arginine Ethyl Ester HCl or AEX™ - mechanism of action is boosting nitric oxide (NO) production which amplifies the effects of all muscle building compounds. Boosting nitric oxide in muscle tissue can have many anabolic effects including increased nutrient transport and vasodilation (increased blood flow which leads to massive muscle pumps!). Arginine can even boost natural Growth Hormone (GH) levels as seen in a study published in the journal, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. A published study conducted at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore showed that two weeks of arginine supplementation in healthy, older individuals increased serum IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) levels and created an improved and positive nitrogen balance (creating a more anabolic state for growth). DON’T BE FOOLED—THIS IS NOT A SIMPLE CHEMICAL SALT LIKE “OLD SCHOOL” ARGININE AKG, this is a powerful, stabilized Arginine Ester that is highly bioactive. Think about it, would you want an outdated six year old computer or the latest version? Well, AEX™ is the latest and greatest! 7) Redline® Energy Technology – There’s a reason Redline® is #1 in GNC® and Vitamin Shoppe® – It kicks serious @$$! Redline’s® the catalyst that fuels episodes of psychotic physical intensity and also so promotes rapid fat loss! And, NO-Shotgun™ contains Redline’s® potent energy technology! If that wasn’t n’t potent enough, NO-Shotgun™ also contains citrulline, a compound that MUST be used in conjunction with ith Arginine to cause the release of NO (Nitric Oxide) and Ellagic Acid to boost further jack up Nitric Oxide and nd modify cytochrome p450*! Further, KIC is added to synergistically work with the world’s most powerful ful BCAA called, Leucine Ethyl Ester HCl to induce serious anabolism (muscle growth)! 1) Big Toney Freeman, training some participants at World’s Gym in Orlando, FL thanks to Bob’s Nutrition. 2) Miss Melanie interviewing a local participant. 3) Danielle from H.E.A.T. Nutrition in Tampa, FL mixing up a few NO-SHOTGUN drinks. 4) Toney spends some time training local participants. Due to internal muscle trauma caused by high intensity training and peak contraction, splitting of muscle fiber occurs to form new w muscle tissue. I’ll get real with you; if you don’t attack the weights with psychotic intensity, HX-1 just won’t FREAKIN HAPPEN!! MUSLCE RELAXATION sarcomere (myosin filament) Z disc (actin filament) Z disc PEAK CONTRACTION NOSHOTGUN.COM 954.641.0570 ©2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©TRADE DRESS & TRADE DESIGN Natural Muscle September 2007 10 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 11 contents September 2007 TRAINING Tricks of the Trade by: “Tricky” Ricky Jackson 26 Training for Ms Bikini Universe by: Marzia Prince 32 Muscleology Series- Abs of Steel by: Eric Hoult 43 My USA Competiton Experience by: Hugo Rivera 48 HEALTHY RECIPES The Fit Gourmet by Danielle Nagel 40 Quick and Healthy Meals by: Gina Ostarly 46 56 MOTIVATION Kristal Richardson-Fitness for Her 24 Pz’s Perspective by Pz Hopkins 36 Welcome to my World by Coach A 54 CIRCULATION Natural Muscle Magazine is distributed to select gyms and health related businesses throughout the USA. If you would like to carry the magazine at your location please call 813-961-4806, email [email protected], fax 813961-8736, or order online at There is a one time fee for this. Natural Muscle Magazine is available free of charge at select locations, limited to one copy per reader. No person, without written permission, may take more than one copy of each issue. EDITORIAL/MATERIAL SUBMISSIONS Email [email protected] for submission guidelines. Publisher assumes no liability for safeguarding or return of unsolicited material. We reserve the right to edit all material for clarity, content and length. Natural Muscle Magazine does not knowingly accept false or misleading editorial or advertising. Natural Muscle Magazine will assume that all material is being submitted for publication and if published, no compensation is due the submitting party without prior agreement. DISCLAIMER Natural Muscle Magazine does not necessarily agree with the views in articles and assumes no responsibility for any claims or representations contained in this magazine or in any advertisement. Copyright © 2006 Natural Muscle Magazine, Inc., all rights reserved. Readers are advised to consult their physician before starting a diet or exercise program. 12 Natural Muscle September 2007 training for the bikini universe 32 32 the cost of competing it ain’t cheap! 56 52 spinach pasta with shrimp Skin Cancerand scallops The New Silent Killer 40 On the cover: Mariza Prince Photo by: Walt Ostarly Location: Cover designed by: Alex Gonzalez of Axis Design www.AXISDZN.COM Natural Muscle September 2007 13 14 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 15 16 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 17 18 Natural Muscle September 2007 Walt Ostarly photo (he makes me look 20) my two cents Debbie Baigrie Carpe Diem!.. or I will personally come beat you up! R ecently, many of us lost a good friend, Jason Cohen. You’ve known him for the last 8 years as one of our writers. I considered him family. He was only 38 when he passed away a few weeks ago after an almost 2 year battle with Melanoma. He was a strong, healthy..and a very happy person. He was one of the few that really had it all. Jason had not one, but two successful companies; a beautiful and adoring wife, Jessica; an adorable toddler, Carly; two homes; and a few nice cars. He was a fitness model, fitness writer, and earned his pro card in Natural Bodybuilding. The family travelled, the grown ups partied—and everything in life was an adventure. He was the kind of guy who would be able to convince his wife that it would be a great idea to show up at a formal engagement cocktail party wearing Halloween costumes, (it was the night before Halloween, after all)! That it funny stuff—Jason donning an Afro wig and Jessica dressed as a naughty schoolgirl— casually mingling among the guests! One of the very many adventures of Jason Cohen, Esq. To make any sense of this life cut short, I believe it is Jason’s legacy to all of us to START LIVING! I have a friend who is very wealthy. At 53, he has enough money—from years of building an amazingly successful company—to do whatever he pleases, travel to wherever his heart desires and buy whatever he wants. He had also won the heart of someone who loved him for who he was, and not what he had—someone with whom he could enjoy all of this. Well, the last time I talked to him, Jason and Jessica Cohen he was still “threatening” to travel to Costa Rica, he had pushed away the woman and was still making a place for himself in a business that he created to be run by extremely professional people and starting yet another business. I was listening to Mike and thinking, “what a waste, what a waste, and.. what a waste”. There are millions of Mikes out there, you may be one of them. What the heck is everyone waiting for? Have some fun, live! Call that girl or guy you love and tell them! Take a freaking vacation once in awhile.. you know you want to...ahh those crashing waves...! Appreciate the time you have, just as Jason did long before he ever got sick. Jason Cohen really knew how to LIVE. If you don’t, maybe it is time to start? :-) Natural Muscle September 2007 19 20 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 21 tricks of the trade by “tricky” ricky jackson Natural Bodybuilding Champion q bringing my traps up q cold protein sources q squats for huge quads final week water prep I would appreciate your personal insight on final week prep regarding water and what your protocol is for obtaining super tight thin skin without subcutanious water. Any information that you may have is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ben Water manipulation for the final week can vary depending on the individual. It works i n conjunction with proper sodium and carb manipulation. In other words you ask 10 people this question and you might get 10 different answers. So, I will give you the metrhod I like and typically apply with my clients. Keep in mind first that to get super tight skin you must first have the bodyfat down very low. Below the 4% mark. Second about 8 weeks out your water intake should be between 1.5 and 2 gallons per day everday. Step by step here is the process I like to follow- 22 Natural Muscle September 2007 1. Sodium Load- Sat and Sunday the weekend before a contest add sodium to each meal. Cut added sodium down on Monday/Tuesday to every other meal. Wensday cut all added soduim. Thurs cut sodium rich foods like egg whites. (You may be able to add a little sodium back in sat if you want to add some vascularity. (But little or not water day of show. 2. Increase water- Starting Monday increase water to 2.5 to 3 gallons of tap water (do the same on Tues.) Wens go to 2 gallons of distilled water. Thursday, 1 to 1.5 gallons of water. Friday cut water (staying with distilled) .5 to .75 gallons. Sat- sip about 6 ounces per meal. 3. Carb load- if you are in good conditioning with low bodyfat- typically you can start carbing up wensday evening or thursday morning.. If you feel flat carb up every meal- if you are not flat every other meal should suffice. Re-assess you physique about 30-45 minutes after ever carb meal. If you continue to look fuller, vascular, and hard- keep the carbs in- if you start to see afilm of water cut the carbs back. If you are carb sensitive- do less carbs and more good fats. squats with a bulging disc You once mentioned that you had a bulging disc in 2002 training for the NPC Nationals. Can you still do squats with a bulging disc. Thanks,Dennis I suggest you first consutl an orthopedic doctor or a physical therapist if you have not already to get an MRI and know exactly what is going on. The answer to that questions for me is yes. But you really more than ever have to stay with strict form. You also have to have alot of confidence in your training partner for spot- ting. Be sure your partner supports your back and keeps you upright. I like to take anti- inflams pre and post leg training. I warm up my legs and lower back for about 7-10 minutes. I use a power belt for back support. and I start using it with 225lbs of weight- to be safe. (this was not the case before my injury). I concentrate now on a little bit lighter weight and higher repsstill with full range of motion. Quick TipWhen carbing up pre-contest- pose for about 10 minutes 30 minutes after a carb meal. This helps pull the carbs into the muscle cells. Look for the muscle to jump when you pose and look for increased vascularity. Measure Body Fat By Yourself… …with the FatTrack® GOLD Digital Body Fat Caliper and Accu-Measure® Fitness 3000 Personal Body Fat Tester ENDO RSED BY: • Gold Standard Accuracy • Instructions Included • Measurement Info FREEpe® MyoTeaach in ® GOLD ck FatTraackage. p Super-Accurate Measurement of ANY BODY PART Track your body measurements and progress as your muscles grow and unwanted fat goes away! Also available at: visit us at Natural Muscle September 2007 23 fitness for her kristal richardson ph ot o Co ry So re ns on with train, train. Why? So twice a year you can put your body through a brutal 26.2 mile run, battling pain, exhaustion, fatigue, and injury the entire way? Why? And more importantly, how? How do they stay motivated? And then I started training seriously for professional figure competitions. That’s where I learned about motivation – especially during those periods when I have to do 2 hours of cardio and an hour of weight training on 15 grams of carbs, and eat fish and broccoli six times a day for 6 weeks straight. M So how does this relate to fitness and dieting? It’s a four step process. A flaw in any of these areas will jeopardize your ability to reach your goal. Goal Setting –This is simple. Right? Not necessarily. Most people don’t do a good job of determining the “feeling” aspect of their goal. For example, Sarah, a 31 year old mother of two, wants to lose 20 pounds and has set that as her goal. The problem with stopping here is that Sarah has not articulated why she wants to lose the 20 pounds, what feelings she wants to achieve, and what feelings she wants to eliminate by achieving her goal. These feelings, as we’ve already said, are the foundations of motivation. So, Sarah, restates her goals. She wants to lose 20 pounds because she wants to look better. By looking better, she believes she will feel more confident and happier and be sexier for her husband, because now she feels the opposite and wants to eliminate those feelings. Designing the plan - Without a good plan, the best motivation in the world won’t help. If needed, get the 24 Natural 2007 24 NaturalMuscle MuscleSeptember September 07 ? What is motivation Ever wonder what motivates people to do things? Take marathon runners. I could never figure them out. Train, y husband, Tom Richardson, is an author of books on motivation. So, I’d better use his definition here: Motivation is the energy behind everything we do, and don’t do. Yes, we are always motivated. If you like to sit on the couch and watch TV, it’s because you are motivated to do so. To put it differently, and this is key, we are motivated to achieve, maintain, and or eliminate an emotion or a physical feeling. You feel hungry, you are motivated to eat, you feel sleepy, you are motivated to sleep. The trick is directing your already existing motivation toward your goals. IFBB pro help of a professional trainer or nutritionist to figure out a plan. What to eat and when, when and how to train, and what supplements to take. Executing the plan – For most people, beginning to execute the plan is easy because the plan because of its novelty and because it is new. But, then come the hurdles. • Hunger – overcoming cravings • Tiredness – you’d rather not workout • Frustration – with your progress • Time Management - you think you have too much on your plate • Injury – causing pain and cutting into your motivation End Result –Sometimes you’ll question the importance of the end result. At this point, you have to go back to the feeling foundation of your motivation Here are some motivational tips: Visualize end result –Put yourself in that place and try to really imagine the feeling you are striving to achieve. Break your goal down into smaller goals and take time to look back and appreciate how far you’ve come- Sometimes we get so caught up in the end result that we forget to acknowledge the progress we’ve made along the way. Setting small goals will keep you on track and allow you to realize the progress you are making towards the end result. This is precisely how I must work when preparing for a competition. I start preparing 12 weeks prior to a show and, if I didn’t have small goals during those twelve weeks, it would be too overwhelming. We’re accustomed to convenience and expect everything to happen now! With fitness, it takes time and patience. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Anticipate hurdles and develop action plans to overcome them - There will always be hurdles. That’s life; but you must find a way to persevere. For instance, if you know you get tired in the late afternoon, arrange your schedule so that you workout in the morning when you have more energy. Pay attention to what your brain and your body (not just your sometimes-lazy mind) are telling and take it one-day-at-a-time- The surest way to lose motivation is to tell yourself, “I’ve always got to do this (train/exercise/ diet).” “I’m just going to do this TODAY and we’ll see what tomorrow brings” is the best way to maintain motivation. If you’ve been dieting and/or working out strenuously and begin to lose drive and intensity, your brain and your body may be telling you it’s time to change-up your routine, bring in something interesting, maybe cut back or schedule a break-day or reward. Reward yourself for your progress - If training, dieting and exercise were always fun, people wouldn’t quit. But, they’re not and that’s why folks lose motivation. So, plan rewards – something that is meaningful and a source of pride or pleasure for you. Label it as a reward. And enjoy it as a reward. Learn from the folks who organize races all around the country. They know one thing – folks want rewards. That’s why they give away t-shirts or other souvenirs. Runners tell themselves “It’s not enough that I’m competitive and that running enhances my health and does all sorts of good things for my mind and body. I want to get something MORE out of this race. Give me a reward.” If you’re going to keep up your motivation, figure out meaningful rewards for yourself and start scheduling them into your training routine. You can contact Kristal at: [email protected] ©Bodywell Nutrition LLC 2007. For best results, use Tight Curves in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program. Consult with your physician before starting any diet or exercise program. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Natural Muscle September 2007 25 26 26 26 Natural Muscle August 07 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 07 Natural Muscle August 07 Natural Muscle September 2007 27 27 28 Natural Muscle September 07 Natural Muscle August Natural Muscle September 2007 07 28 28 Natural Muscle September 2007 29 30 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 31 Marzia TRAINING SCHEDULE Cardio- run/bike/swim or rollerblade for an hour Weights- Circuit training with plyometrics or jump rope in between the circuits Stretching- Yoga or assisted rope stretching Day 1: Two workouts Morning cardio- 30-45 min on an empty stomach (Rollerblade) Afternoon- Weight training and plyometrics- back/chest/abs Bedtime- Stretch Day 2: One workout Cardio- bike for one hour (spin class or bike outside) Bedtime-Stretch Day 3: Two workouts Morning cardio- 30 to 45 minutes on empty stomach (Rollerblade) Afternoon- Weight training and plyometrics- Legs/abs Bedtime-Stretch Day 4: One workout Cardio- Run 4 to 6 miles (indoors or outdoors) Bedtime- Stretch Day 5: Two workouts Morning cardio- Rollerblading Afternoon- Weight training and plyometrics – Arms/abs Bedtime- Stretch Day 6: One workout Cardio- swim laps for about one hour Day 7: Rest and stretch Natural Muscle September 2007 32 32 Natural Muscle September 07 PHOTOGRAPHER: WALT OSTARLY ‘blading her Ms. Bikin a Prince Ms. Bikini Universe 2007: What I expected coming to the show: I tried to be as prepared as possible. I talked to other girls who had entered it previously. I talked to staff members to make sure everything I was going to wear was within regulation. I practiced walking in my high heels, doing my half turns, and smiling in the mirror at home over and over again. I even had watched last years DVD many times to get an idea how the girls walked, carried themselves, what they wore, and what I should expect. You could say did my research! Since it was my first competition, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money. So, I did everything on a budget. I really expected to come learn and have a great experience in which I could hone my skills and then come back knowing the ropes, so to speak. Never in a million years did I expect to win my first competition! Backstage: I have done a few bikini contests in local clubs (many years ago in my early twenties!!) but, never to this extent where I was televised and competing against over 100 of the worlds most beautiful hard bodies! There were also many fitness stars I had looked up to and read about in major magazines for many years that I competed against. I felt like I was up against many forces. The competition was tough! I felt like the underdog or rookie. Many of the girls who I talked to had done this competition before. They had spent thousands of dollars on their sports-themed outfits and Swarovski crystal bikinis. I didn’t know what to expect for my first show, so I had a bikini made with shiny material and rhinestones. I felt like a used car standing next to a line of Ferrari’s. Some girls even had a walking coach or agent to help them through the painful long wait backstage. There was so much going on that I felt overwhelmed! Was I even prepared enough? That is all I kept asking myself. How it felt to win: At first I didn’t know I had won! The girl next to me grabbed my arm and said “You won!” I was like, “I didn’t hear my name!” It all happened so fast! How did I not hear my name! I walked up to the first place spot, I felt like I was in slow motion and I could feel the look of shock was on my face! I didn’t know whether to laugh because I was so nervous or to cry for joy. I kind of did both. My smile was quivering and my legs were shaking in my heels. I thought,” What?! I won the tall class!” I was shocked! I had to go back out for the overall. I felt like I had achieved a huge victory winning the tall class. After all, it was my first competition ever!! Then they announced the overall and I was the only one on stage. They called my name again! I was living my dream!! A dream I had wanted to do for four years!! “Marzia Prince is this year’s 2007 Ms. Bikini Universe…” I was on a smiling high that my cheeks hurt. I have to admit writing how I felt on stage, brings a smile to my face right now. I am in absolute disbelief. I still can’t believe it. “If you’re not hard on yourself…who is?” I believe you need to be hard on yourself to achieve your own personal goals. After all, you are the one who will really feel the sense of accomplishment when you do achieve it! Work hard! Play hard! Live the dream! Feels good! I’m ready for another challenge! C’mon world! Bring it on! way to win the ni Universe 2007 Natural Muscle September Natural Muscle September 07 2007 33 33 34 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 35 pz’s perspective photo by Billy the Kid “I ain’t settlin’ for just getting by I’ve had enough so so for the rest of my life Tired of shooting too low, so raise the bar high Just enough ain’t enough this time I ain’t settlin’ for anything less than everything.” ---Settlin’ by Sugarland tired of settling? by: Pz its time to sing W hat do you expect from your life? Are you getting out of it what you deserve or are you settling for less? Maybe you’re unhappy with your job. Maybe your relationship isn’t fulfilling. Maybe your health and your body aren’t in the greatest condition. Maybe your spirit isn’t being fed and is missing joy. Maybe you feel small in the grand scheme and your voice isn’t being heard. Maybe you don’t see yourself as worthy of having it all. Maybe, just maybe, you’re settling. I look around and can’t help but feel blessed. I’m living in the most magnificent country on earth where I’m free to think and do and say whatever I please because those who came before me made it so. I was born a woman at a time in history when women are encouraged to soar and become whatever they choose—including President—because those who came before me made it so. I do what I love and love what I do and there are no limits except those I place on myself. That’s the beauty of it. That’s the beauty of what we’ve been given. Think of it. Think of the majesty of life. Think of its vastness and of all that is possible. It’s almost too much to fathom, too good to be true. Some of us aren’t seeing it for all that it is. Some of us have a vision that falls short of the true picture. Some of us don’t think we can expect more than we currently have. Some of us are acting out of fear or anger or negativity or disdain. Some of us are too busy hating or judging. Consequently, some of us are shortchanging ourselves and missing out. Some of us are just plain settling. Say it isn’t so—well, it is. That doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. The wonderful thing about human beings is their capacity to grow and evolve and, therefore, become an effective instrument of constructive change. If you expect more you can purposefully decide to have more. Maybe you’ve been singing the wrong tune. Maybe it’s time for a new one. 36 Natural Muscle September 2007 a new tune! PZ’S POINTERS TO EXPECTING MORE FROM YOUR LIFE . Do the work and reap the reward—A successful life requires action. It doesn’t automatically happen. Sit back and wait and you’ll be sorely disappointed. No matter what aspect of life we are nurturing it is up to us to take responsibility. We have to participate in order to affect the outcome. Most relationships fail because the partners didn’t do the work necessary to sustain each other and allow it to grow. Most careers falter because the dreamer dropped the ball on the 50-yard line and never picked it back up to travel the rest of the way down field. Look at Oprah or Gates or Mandela or Bono. Their lives are significant on the world stage because their work is equivalent to their reward. They fashioned and formed what they wished to achieve through conscious dedication and perseverance. They expected an outcome of greatness. They prepared for it. They wouldn’t settle for anything less. The same holds true for each of us. Each, in our own way, can strive for the greatness we were meant to realize. It is written in the stars. It is there for the seeing, for the believing, for the asking, and for the taking. Wherever you put your attention is where you go—Our prisons are full of men and women who put their attention on committing crime. They became criminals and have cultivated a mentality that lives outside the law. Many have become very good at their profession. The only way for them to become productive citizens is to put their attention elsewhere on a life that doesn’t include crime. They have to learn to make choices that won’t result in them being locked away from society but, rather, becoming an integral and contributing part of it. The same philosophy applies to everything we tackle in life. If you spend your time training, chances are you will build a better body. If you spend your time bingeing and purging, chances are you will destroy the only body you have. If you spend your time cheating, chances are you will ruin a loving relationship. If you spend your time valuing life, chances are you will honor life and revere it in all its forms. It’s all in where you put your attention. Focus on the negative aspects of life and you shall get exactly that—a life full of negativity. The choices we make and the attention we give to each and every thought and action will result in the reality we create. These choices not only impact our lives but those of the entire universe. The fix starts within—Life can be overwhelming. There are days when we want to pull the covers over our head and stay in the dark. There is so much to attend to it is easier to do nothing. It is easier to turn the choice and the power over to others who represent a system that is disintegrating and corrupt. The unconscious among us live in that permanent state of fear and doubt and despair and pain. The conscious among us operate from a place of love and clarity and courage and wisdom. There will be times when all seems broken and we don’t know where to begin to make the fix. We look outward and opt for band-aids and duct tape and crazy glue and bubble gum to plug up the problems so the dam won’t burst. Instead, look inward and face each obstacle with the knowledge that there is a consequence attached, not only for your life, but for the collective good of all humanity. Your decisions—big and small-- will take on new meaning. Begin to see your existence connected to the universe in a way that matters. You’ll be amazed at the care you’ll give to the choices you make and you’ll start to expect more from yourself and from life. Be a friend to you—It’s hard for some of us to be kind to ourselves. We forget to be our own best friend—cheesy as that sounds. We feel guilty or uncomfortable and don’t like to put ourselves ahead of others. You are the most important person to you. Treat yourself with that degree of significance. You can be selfish in a way that isn’t arrogant. You can put yourself first without stepping on others. You can be humble, strong in spirit, and inwardly secure. Look to your heart to lead you in the right direction. Break the cycle of abuse— The incidents of domestic abuse and violence towards women both at home and world-wide by those characterized as an intimate partner are staggering. Simply put, it means people are hurting people they are supposed to love. Any person—man or woman—living in an atmosphere of this nature is settling for a life less than they deserve. This is a loss of personal power. Now, more than ever, there is help and hope for those who wish to make better choices for their future. Where there’s the will, the way out will present itself. Don’t stay in a situation where you aren’t respected or are denigrated as a human being. No one has the right to treat another in this manner. In doing so, you place your sense of self worth in the hands of others. If you want more than your abusive relationship is giving, you must take a stand. Decide to step out from under the control of another and take charge of yourself. Act bold even if you aren’t. As you take back your power, eventually, you will be. Only then, will you discover your own voice. Only then can your light shine through and shine bright. Recognize and appreciate your unique gifts— Nobody in the universe is quite like you-- nobody! That uniqueness makes us valuable. Each of us had been given gifts but part of the challenge is finding the key to unlock the potential we have within. We can’t utilize what we fail to recognize. One of my dearest friends told me not long ago that she felt so lost because she didn’t have a tangible skill like painting or singing or writing or something she could specifically point to and be proud. She is one of the most talented people I know. Her gifts lie beneath the surface of the obvious but she has to be able to see them for herself. The same goes for you. The universe is like one massive, mysterious puzzle. We represent a piece, a micro part, of that enormous puzzle and must uncover and learn and appreciate all the curves and edges that only our solo piece embodies. We must make it our life’s journey to find a way to fit that piece into the greater design. That is our mission—a mission to enhance and solidify the landscape of humanity. Everything doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone—And just what does having ‘everything’ mean? It could be that having a life that has value is what matters most. It could be that you love and are loved back is everything to you. For purposes here, everything means striving to attain the best that life has to offer and giving the best in return. Life is fruitful and generous and has a lot in the way of offerings and on many levels. If that includes financial or material gains, fine. There is nothing wrong with acquiring material wealth earned through honorable endeavors. One of my favorite quotes comes from the original diva, Cher, who said, “I’ve been rich. I’ve been poor. Rich is better.” Who wants to struggle? No one does. When you are blessed with material wealth you are in a position to do positive and constructive deeds for those less fortunate. You have a responsibility to share—it is a given-- simply because you can and it reflects your pure intention. You’ve been hurt. Your heart has been broken. Your world is about to come unglued. What do you do now? In Pz’s upcoming book, CLUB SHATTERED, You’ll find the answers. NOW AVAILABLE! Believe every word — “You have to believe in what you’re saying,” Jennifer Nettles says about Sugarland’s songwriting philosophy, “With this record I believe every word I sing, every single one.” For anyone—country music fan or not-- who has listened to this beautiful woman sing knows she speaks the truth. The same has to be true of wherever your passion takes you. You have to believe in your heart and soul that you bring everything you’ve got to the objective at hand. A belief in what you think, what you say, and what you do translates into a belief in you. There is no way you can settle for anything less than life’s bounty when you operate from a position of such undeniable strength. Passion makes perfect—The more you work at something the better you become. The more you practice the closer you get to perfection. Add passion to the equation and you can elevate yourself even beyond your dreams. To me, passion makes perfect. When you have that burning desire to achieve or matter or make your mark it’s the passion that is the tenth man on the team. It’s the passion that will take you deep into unfamiliar fields. It’s the passion that advances you from the playoffs into the World Series. Where is the passion in your life? What do you care about most? Is it time to change your tune? When you find your passion you won’t settle. Just follow the trail of truth and it will lead you down your perfect path to everything. To order your personalized autographed copy simply log on to Pz is the author of Club Shattered. She is a motivational writer specializing in the area of relationships and the human condition. Contact Pz with ideas, questions, or feedback: pzpower@ Visit her website Natural Muscle September 2007 37 38 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 2007 39 The Fit Gourmet The Fit Gourmet my big fat greek dinner By Danielle Nagel, APCA The Fit Gourmet© Personal Chef/ Fitness Professional Nutrition & Natural Health Consultant (made lean) Big Fat Greek Salad With White Beans, Kalamata Olives and Feta Big Fat Greek Salad 4 servings 20 min 20 min prep 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 2 teaspoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper 4 cups romaine lettuce, cut into 1 inch ribbons 1 cup carrots, shredded 1 cup cucumbers, cut into 1/2 inch cubes 1 cup tomatoes, cut into 1/2 inch cubes 1 (15 ounce) can white beans, rinsed and drained 1/3 cup feta cheese, crumbled 20 kalamata olives, pitted 1 cup herbed croutons 1 Whisk together vinegar, oil, oregano, and pepper in a large bowl. 2 Add lettuce, carrots, cucumber, tomato, beans, and feta; toss. 3 Either divide into 4 small bowls or keep in one large one. Top with olives and croutons. Nutrition Facts (not including the added protien) 1 serving (314g) Calories 350, Calories from Fat 112,Total Fat 12.5g, Sodium 671mg, Total Carbohydrate 48.1g, Dietary Fiber 9.6g, Sugars 5.0g, Protein 13.8g 40 Natural Muscle September 2007 tless this is a mea dish, also but you can add ken grilled chic or tuna the combo platter )VK`I\PSKPUN»ZZ[ HUK 21/< 4\ZJSL=VS\TPaPUN 7YV[LPU:`U[OLZPaLY ;4 Garlic Hummus The garlic in this delicious hummus gives it a great spicy kick! INGREDIENTS 10 min 10 min prep 1 (15 1/2 ounce) can garbanzo beans (drained, but save the liquid) 6 tablespoons water (from the drained can you reserved) salt and pepper 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon cumin 3-5 tablespoons lemon juice (depending on taste) 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 tablespoons tahini 6-8 garlic cloves, minced DIRECTIONS Combine all but the last 2 ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Stir in the tahini and garlic. Chill in the refrigerator and serve with pita triangles, veggies, crackers, or on a sandwich. Enjoy! 6 servings Three Cooking Tips To Undress Your Garlic Want to remove those garlic skins easily? Try one of these methods: q Put the clove in the microwave on high for 10 -12 seconds. Skins peel right off. q Use a rubber jar opener. Lay clove in the middle of rubber jar opener and cover clove with the other half. Rub clove vigorously and skin comes right off. q Use a large knife and lay the blade horizontally across the clove. Place one hand carefully on the blade and push down with your hand cracking open the clove. The skin comes right off. '!, . /7 , % ) . 4 ( % 5 3 ! Stuffed Grape Leaves ½ Pound jar grape leaves, washed thoroughly from brine and drained 1 Cup long grain rice ½ Cup pine nuts 1 Onion, finely chopped ¼ Cup parsley, chopped 2 Tablespoons dried dill or 3 tablespoons fresh dill 3 Cloves garlic, slivered ¼ Cup olive oil ½ Cup water ¼ Cup fresh lemon juice Salt and pepper DIRECTIONS 1 Wash leaves under hot water. Soak them for 20 minutes and wash them again, separating them to make sure all saltiness has been removed. 2 Parboil rice by allowing it to sit in boiling water for five minutes; rinse and drain thoroughly. 3 Combine and thoroughly blend rice, pine nuts , onion, parsley, dill, salt & pepper. 4 Cut off stem from ends of each leaf. Place shiny side down. Spoon 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture on wide end, fold up, fold both sides in and roll up jelly-roll style. 5 Line rolls very tightly side by side, seam side down, in saucepan. Place several garlic slivers in between the layers. 6 Add olive oil, lemon juice, water and bring to boil. Place a small heavy plate over the leaves, lower heat, as far as possible, cover pan and simmer very gently until leaves are tender for about 1½ to 2 hours. Every thirty minutes check on water level, adding ¼ cup at a time if needed. 7 Cool leaves before transferring to serving platter. Decorate with lemon wedges. .,;=,9;,?-09:;(;! 7LYMVYTHUJL9LZLHYJO.YV\W0UJ(SSYPNO[ZYLZLY]LK INGREDIENTS ^^^]LY[L_MVYT\SHJVT Natural Muscle September 2007 41 supplements Harness the Power of Grape Seed Extract Grape seed intake may enhance endurance, metabolism and your overall health By Anil Shrikhande, Ph.D. A dietary supplements called thermogenics. Thermogenesis literally means “creating heat.” Thermogenics raise the body’s core temperature and, in turn, raise the metabolic rate and accelerate energy expenditure (calorie burning). The tough equation that’s so important for weight management, “calories in = calories out,” becomes easier when a grape seed product can accelerate the calories burned during and even after exercise by as much as 60 percent. s an athlete, you work hard to maintain your muscle stamina and flexibility. Are your blood vessels – which continuously carry blood to your muscles – also in great shape? Scientific evidence shows adding grape seed extract to your diet may improve your blood flow and reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke, and may also benefit your daily work out routine. Researchers have long claimed that red wine, concord and rubired grape juice, as well as high-quality grape seed extracts, are good for your heart. Some studies indicate that substances found in grapes and grape seed extracts may: flexibility of blood vessels. Blood vessel walls are, like all tissues, a collection of cells. This grape seed extract acts on the endothelial cells which contribute to the tone, or flexibility, of the blood vessel wall. The interior of a blood vessel is called the lumen. Blood pressure increases when the lumen is constricted. Conversely, blood pressure decreases when the blood vessel walls are relaxed and the lumen can dilate, or increase in size. This effect, called vasodila• Reduce your risk of cancer and strokes tion, helps the body achieve positive • Reduce hypertension (high blood pres- physical gains beyond healthy blood sure) and improve circulation pressure. • Reduce atherosclerosis (hardening of A dilated blood vessel allows an the arteries) increased flow of blood to hungry tis• Increase calorie burning sues, nourishing both smooth (organ) and • Nourish organs and muscles, helping striated (skeletal) muscles and ultimately them to work more effectively allowing them to become more effective. • Enhance physical endurance More blood flow into muscle tissues and cells, called perfusion or pump, is You would have to eat a lot of grapes desirable to people who are health- and or raisins, or drink gallons of wine, to fitness-conscious. consume the same level of active compoThis powerful circulatory effect nents analyzed lends the in most studuse of preies. High-qual- Grape seed extracts have properties that are mium grape ity grape seed comparable to another well-known molecule: seed extract extract is an ex- nitric oxide (NO), as the two have similar meta- to at least cellent alterna- bolic pathways. three applitive because it cations that is a pure source appeal to of procyanidins, compounds believed to be the health-conscious, waistline watchers responsible for grape’s benefits, without and gym buffs alike. the added calories, sugar or alcohol. Benefits for the Health-Conscious How premium grape seed extracts According to the 2006 Update of Heart work Disease and Stroke Statistics published in Grape seed extracts have properties Circulation, about one in three U.S. adults that are comparable to another well-known have hypertension, or high blood pressure. molecule: nitric oxide (NO), as the two It’s the number one risk factor for having have similar metabolic pathways. One a stroke, and contributes to heart attacks, patented ingredient, available as Mega- heart failure, kidney failure and hardening Natural-BP, has been shown to affect the of the arteries. A recent study indicates Natural Muscle September 2007 42 grape seed extract may help in all of these areas – a major benefit to anyone concerned with his or her long-term health. “Results of the first human clinical trial on grape seed extract were impressive. Participants in the two groups receiving MegaNatural-BP grape seed extract experienced an equal degree of reduced blood pressure,” says C. Tissa Kappagoda M.D., professor of cardiovascular medicine at UC Davis Health System. That’s good news for the one third of adults who must manage this condition. Benefits for Waistline Watchers The same grape seed extract properties that reduce blood pressure may also impact the millions of men and women who are trying to manage their weight. Balancing energy and activity poses a challenge to men and women everywhere. Early research into the action of grape seed extract led to its new role in a class of Benefits for Gym Buffs Grape seed extract offers an additional benefit to the hardcore athlete when this supplement is paired with a well-studied nitric oxide precursor – the amino acid arginine. Arginine is a substrate of nitric oxide, which means it is required for nitric oxide production or synthesis. When paired with arginine, MegaNatural-BP grape seed extract upgrades the reaction between arginine and ENOS (an enzyme found in the endothelium of the blood vessel) to produce nitric oxide, thus giving the athlete a double punch. This combination provides a boost to natural nitric oxide production and works as a catalyst to stimulate considerable blood profusion, or pump, to those hard-working muscles. In clinical trials, this unique ingredient combination has been shown to result in a nearly five-minute increase in physical endurance. Just as you are careful to select only the best quality foods for their nutritional value, it also makes sense to choose a premium grape seed extract to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your supplement. MegaNatural-BP is available through most local health food retailers. Products featuring MegaNatural-BP include GNC’s Burn 60, Pro Performance Nitric Oxide Maximizer and Ultimate Thermo Pump formulas. Natural Muscle September 2007 43 muscleology series Abs of THE WO By Eric Hoult B.S., Pro Bodybuilder Special Feature: Zarah Pacheco Photo’s by I. Concentrated Ball Crunch Muscle Position and Execution: • In a seated position place feet shoulder with • Hand position can be: Narrow grip elbows forward or wide grip elbows flared out. • Have someone spot you and lift bar off and help you forward to starting position • Step 1-Keeping arms tight, slowly come down with bar, keeping upper torso tight, take a breath before being movement • Step 2-Bring the bar just blow chin level, keeping grip tight. Elbow should just break 90 degrees at the bottom of this movement. • Step 3-Slight pause at the bottom of the movement, blow out the air on the way up. • Step 4- Is a deeper movement that requires more flexibility, and could put more stress on shoulderjoint. If you feel you need to go deeper * This movement should be done with the assistance of a personal trainer Super-V Tips and Form: • Always keep your feet flat on the ground • Always keep a tight grip with a closed grip (thumb wrapped around index finger)to keep bar from moving or slipping off your hand • Narrow grip works primarily the anterior deltoids and the upper pectorals • Wide grip works primarily the anterior deltoids and the medial Kneeling deltoids Rear Delt Raises • Release the air slowly and controlled • BOUNCING at the top or bottom of exercise, could cause future problems with shoulder joints II.Solid Plank .Solid Plank Sissor Crunch Muscle Position and Execution: • Seated position, with feet inside shoulder with • Bend torso and touch chest on legs • Arm are on the outside of your legs, dumbbells in a neutral position • Step 1 Keep eyes on the mirror, lift arm straight out away from your legs • Step 2 Raising arms to a horizontal position, pausing slightly at the top • Step 3 Coming back down to starting position in a controlled fashion • Step 4 Repeat Steps 1 thur 3 Tips and Form: • Very important to use a weight that is not to heavy • Very important to keep your chest down on your legs throughout this movement • Do reps in a controlled fashion, Do not swing the weight up • Pinch your shoulder blades together at the end of each movement 44 Natural Muscle September 2007 STEEL RKOUT III. Sissor Crunch Muscle Position and Execution: • Seat on a bench with a back support and your feet flat on the floor • With your arms bent and elbows slightly in front of your body, palms facing your body • Hold dumbbells about neck height • Step 1-Inhale then press dumbbells overhead, and rotate dumbbells to neutral position half way up • Step 2-Blow out your air, and finish rotating dumbbells until palms are facing away from the body • Step 3- Slight pause at the top of movement and repeat steps Tips and Form: • These should be done at a moderate tempo • Try not let the dumbbells go to wide on the way up • Always keep a tight Closed Grip • Keep torso upright and tight in the seat • Always use one fluid motion throughout movement- NO BOUNCING VI. Super-V Muscle Position and Execution: • Stand with feet hip to shoulder width apart, holding cable in a neutral position (palm facing side of leg) • Keep your feet flat on the ground, keeping the weight balanced on the whole foot • Offset your feet (one foot back), on the side that you are doing the side raises • Hold on with none work hand to keep body square • Step 1-Hand on side in neutral position • Step 2-Raising up arm in controlled fashion • Step 3-Raising arm to a horizontal position • Step 4- At the top of each movement, remember to squeeze, and a pause slightly at the top Concentrated Ball Crunch Tips and Form: • Always keep your shoulder square • Keep your knees slightly bent • Always start off with a light weight to warm up the shoulder joint • This exercise makes a really nice finishing movement For more information on Muscleology videos, clothing, products, and nutritional information Call 1-877-2834338 or visit us at our website Remember to always start out light and slow when attempting any exercises in these articles. Always consult a professional trainer, if you are having any problems preforming these exercises. Proper technique with moderate weight will always give you better results apposed to heavy weight with sloppy form. Natural Muscle September 2007 45 In the Kitchen with Gina Ostarly HEALTHLY DOES NOT If you let it, being healthy can become boring and bland in the kitchen. Eating clean does not have to be savorless in taste. Look for new and creative ways to add tang to some of your old dishes for continued success in the kitchen! Changing from olive to coconut oil will give many of your old reci- kingclip & shrimp veggie stir fry pes a new spin on flavor as well as abundant health benefits! I tried a new fish, Kingclip, for this recipe. I eat a a lot of fish and wanted to try something new. It can be fishy smelling, but is not fishy in taste. Fillets are generally thick, so add a little more cooking time. Apparently Kingclip is from the eel family (and arguably not a fish), but very flavorful and without any bones. It is firmer than most whitefish, closer to monkfish than a flaky white and holds well while cooking. Don’t be afraid to experiment. The worst thing that can happen, is you find out you don’t like it. photos by Walt Ostarly 46 46 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 07 T HAVE TO MEAN BORING Kingclip/shrimp veggie stir fry Ingredients • Kingclip fillet • dozen shrimp (2 kabobs) • 1 large zucchini sliced thin • 12 asparagus spears • 1 large carrot shredded • peppers diced (optional) • 2 stalks celery diced • 2 cloves garlic • parsley chopped • minced onion • pepper • paprika Directions • Wash fish and shrimp thoroughly • Make shrimp kabobs • Slice kingclip fillet in to approx. 6 smaller fillets • Garnish both fish and shrimp with chopped parsley, minced onion, pepper and paprika • Set aside • Preheat 2-3 tbs. coconut oil in pan or wok on low/med heat • Saute shredded carrot, sliced zucchini, garlic, celery, asparagus • Stir well to coat the veggies with oil • Cook 10-15 min, stirring frequently • Add 1/4-1/2c water depending on pan size if needed • Add King clip and shrimp to sauteed veggies • Cover pan with lid, and continue to cook another 15-20 min on low/med heat or until done. Adding water and covering while cooking will keep vegetables and fish/shrimp moist. ENJOY! NaturalAugust Muscle Natural Muscle 07 September 2007 47 47 My 2007 USA Bodybuilding By Hugo Rivera A few weeks ago I had the pleasure, and the honor, to compete at the 2007 NPC USA Bodybuilding & Figure Championships promoted by Jon Lindsay in Las Vegas, Nevada. I must say that this was not only a challenge but also a lifelong bodybuilding goal that I had set for myself 18 years ago when I first started bodybuilding. I competed at a weight of 158-lbs, believe it or not, and placed 4th on the welterweight class (which is a class between the lightweights and the middleweights). The key thing is that in order for one to compete at this show one must qualify by winning or taking at least second on a Level V bodybuilding contest which is what is called a “National Qualifier”. Because I was not qualified, I first had to compete at Peter Potter’s NPC Southern States Championships a couple of weeks prior to the USA. I won the welterweight class there and then for the first time in my life, put myself through the rigorous challenge of achieving another all time best condition in a couple of weeks. One thing I love about bodybuilding competition is that by performing it, one can always learn a few things that can be applied to the rest of your life. Through this year’s preparation I learned a few things: 1. Put Your Best Foot Forward: About The Author Hugo Rivera,’s Bodybuilding Guide and ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, is an internationally-known best-selling fitness author of over 8 books on bodybuilding, weight loss and fitness, including “The Body Sculpting Bible for Men”, “The Body Sculpting Bible for Women”, “The Hardgainer’s Bodybuilding Handbook”, and his successful, self published e-book, “Body Re-Engineering”. You can visit Hugo Rivera at, at, and his new site 48 48 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 07 photo by Lina Rivera If you decide to do a bodybuilding competition, simply put your absolute best effort at following all the components required of a contest preparation. If you do that, inevitably you will achieve your best condition ever, and by doing so, you already become a champion. Let the judges place you where they feel you should go and regardless of where you place, just be happy that you did everything in your power to get in your best shape ever and be proud of yourself. By approaching bodybuilding competition with this mindset, it becomes a positive experience that regardless of placing, you will cherish for the rest of your life. This mindset was key for me also to be calm at all times and not worry about who might show up. I just knew I was in my best shape ever. Championships Experience 7 Tips To Balancing Your Bodybuilding Contest Preparation With Life Preparing for a bodybuilding or figure competition make it difficult for most people to go through their contest preparation without affecting other aspects of their life. 2. It Is All In The Mind: To me, preparing for a bodybuilding contest is really much more of a mental endeavor than a physical one; it is all in the mind. If you ever embark on such an endeavor, be very clear about the reasons you are doing it (which in my opinion the reason should be to achieve your best shape and to get to know what you are made off), and use those reasons to drive you through all of the adversities that you will find. And believe me, adversity will show up when you least expect it! It may show up in the form of added stress at work, low energy levels, food cravings, lunches at work, birthday parties with plenty of bad foods, insomnia combined with a voracious appetite, etc. It is your job to remind yourself constantly of the reasons you decided to choose such a challenging endeavor and not only go through with the contest preparation flawlessly but also do it with a smile and do not make those around you (such as your family and co-workers) miserable. People always ask my wife and son if I am cranky as I do a show and they are always baffled when they both shake their head and say that I am the happiest camper ever. I may be very lethargic at times but even then I keep smiling. Even when I am faced with adversity I just keep my cool and keep going. For instance, I lost my cell phone after the pre-judging at the USAs. However I just figured that eventually it would either appear or I would just use my cell phone insurance and get me a new one. I did not let that negative event bother my mindset in the middle of a bodybuilding show. As a result, I remained unaffected, just focused on the task at hand and the cell phone was turned in by someone at the office where the event was held and thus given to me on the following day. So be strong mentally and know that if you want something bad enough (which in order to do a bodybuilding competition you really need to want it) then you can accomplish anything provided you are determined enough to follow through with the plan that will get you from A to B. 3. Become As Machine Like As Possible, Especially When It Comes To Food: Many bodybuilders torture themselves dreaming about cheat foods and what they would love to be eating. In my opinion, this sort of behavior is a sure fire way to torture yourself throughout the contest prep and to get into a bad mood due to the fact that you cannot have such foods. The most successful competitive bodybuilders however learn to not even think about that and only focus on what they will look like onstage and as a result everything they do helps to achieve that look. Therefore, there is not thought about cheating; reason why I can take my family to eat at a nice restaurant and I simply eat my food as they enjoy theirs. Along the same lines, when you wake up tired in the morning and know that you have to do your morning cardiovascular exercise, do not even think about it; just do it! Become a machine with a clear and set schedule, and execute that schedule without any emotion regardless of how you feel. Only envision the end result which is you looking your best ever in front of your family and friends. 4. Enjoy The Journey: I always say to enjoy the journey as though it is very challenging, it goes by quick. When you are on stage, cherish every second up there as that time goes by even quicker. And of course, always take something that you learned from the experience and apply it to other aspects of your life. Conclusion One last thing I would like to note is that bodybuilding or figure competition is more of a team effort than what most people think. Full family support, the aid of a good trainer and the encouragement of your friends can make a huge difference in the whole outcome. Make sure that you thank those people who help you out each and every day as without your team it will be very hard for you to be successful at bodybuilding (or figure) competition. Many times we have seen competitors do really well on their contest preparation but only while heavily neglecting family time, relationships and even work. Here are some tips on how to balance the rest of your life with the rigors of getting ready for a bodybuilding or figure show, if you ever choose to do one. 1. Choose The Right Time To Do A Bodybuilding or Figure Show Pick a time when other things in life will affect your contest preparation the least. For instance, if you are getting married in the next 12 weeks or starting a new job, then it is probably not a good time to get ready for a bodybuilding or figure show. Pick a time when your life is reasonably stable and with no major problems in progress. 2. Manage Your Time Properly And Plan Ahead Create a daily schedule that allocates time for your training, your work and even family time. We like to weight train and do our first cardio session in the morning if possible and then do the second cardio right after work. 3. Anticipate Schedule Conflicts And Problems The better you can anticipate problems and schedule conflicts the easier it will be to adapt your schedule and continue with your contest preparation through them. For instance, if you know that in an upcoming week you have a business trip, prepare in advance and plan for that so that your contest preparation does not get impacted adversely. 4. Do Not Expect Everyone Around To Adapt To Your Mood Swings Many times dieting causes one to become anti-social. Even when not in the mood to talk to people just smile and be polite. Express the fact that you do not feel well due to the low energy levels created by tons of exercise coupled with low calorie dieting. Maintain a positive attitude and when you don’t feel good just focus on your fitness goal and how you are going to look onstage. Do not expect others to take mistreatment because they are competing. 5. Do Not Use Your Bodybuilding Competition To Avoid Life Problems Sometimes problems come up as one is getting ready for a bodybuilding or figure show. Use your time management skills to face and resolve problems as quickly as possible. Do not use your contest preparation as an excuse to avoid them. 6. Make Sure That Your Diet Is Properly Planned Out And The Food Prepared Know what to eat and when to do so in advance. Your meal times should be part of your daily schedule. Also, prepare your food in advance and carry the food with you at all times on a cooler. Without this sort of planning and preparation it will be impossible for you to get ready for a competition. I would recommend always that you hire a bodybuilding coach (if you are really serious about competing) as him or her can show you not only the diet/training part but all the other aspects that are part of the sport as well such as presentation, posing, suits, etc. In my case, I know that without the aid of my trainer Tim Gardner I would not have been nearly as successful as I have been in my competitions as there are just too many details involved in competition. 7. Make Sure You Get Proper Sleep Getting proper sleep will help with your recovery and also to maintain high energy levels and thus a better mood. Make sure that you adhere to your schedule and go to sleep at the designated time. Natural Muscle September Natural Muscle September 07 2007 49 49 50 Natural Muscle September 2007 BODY BUILDING.COM at the 2007 LA Championships By: Brenda Kelly T he Vyotech 27th annual LA Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Championships always bring a stunning display of physical talent. California is well known for some of the best physiques in the nation but this show has another reason it seems to be a step above the typical armature event. The 131 competitors who were in the LA’s know this is the last chance to qualify for the NPC USA’s held one-week after in Las Vegas on July 27 and 28. The USA’s is an IFBB Pro qualifier and had over 400 Bodybuilding and Figure athletes all gunning for their Pro card. Go to: for the complete list of competitors were on stage in Vegas. Many athletes who desire to become an IFBB Pro use the LA’s for a stage warm up if they have already qualified. Many more who have not qualified and want to go to the USA’s have this one last shot. Yo u c a n feel the excitement in the Veteran’s Memorial auditorium and the atmosphere has the electricity that only high qual- Laura Coleman ity level competitors can bring to a crowd. I was there supporting my girlfriends, Laura Coleman who competed in the Figure class “C” and Venus Ramos who competed in Fitness. They both won their categories! Congratulations to all of the winners and competitors. You all looked amazing. For complete contest results and placing go to: www. IFBB Pros Gina Aliotti and Bob Cicherillo were the emcees for the evening awards show and the audience is packed with celebrities. I was at the booth and here is the impressive list that stopped by to say hello - IFBB Pros Quincy Taylor, Melvin Anthony, Chris Comier, Kevin Levrone and Eric Bui who was on the judging panel. IFBB Fitness Pros Tanji Johnson, Kristen Nicewarner and Cynthia Bridges-Satalowich, IFBB Wo m e n ’s Bodybuilding Pros Cathy LeFrancois and Marika Johanasson, Bodybuilding. com writer and model Maria Kang and my good friends Lauren Powers and Scott Minard all came to hang out and we all had a blast. Photographers were snapping away like crazy as you can imagine with all of this star power watching the show. The booth rocked and we gave away tons of cool free merchandise. A special thank you to Abbas at ProFight for some awesome samples. The crowd loved them! Tank you also to Marc at for the swingy sexy skorts you gave to Marika and I. They were hot! One of the highlights of the night on stage was a pose down from the Men’s Bodybuilding USA qualifiers who were in the audience! They all looked in fabulous shape already and we knew the judges in Vegas were going to have their work cut out for them. Jon Lindsay Productions puts on spectacular events including the LA’s and USA’s. Go to: for a complete schedule of upcoming contests. Buy a ticket and get motivated just being around all of these dedicated athletes. Get an autograph and snap a PIC with your favorite Bodybuilder or fitness model, pick up some free samples, shop for the latest fitness apparel and jump start your exercise plan. Who knows? The next time a national Pro qualifier comes up; YOU just may be on stage receiving YOUR Pro card. Natural Muscle September 2007 51 skin cancer THE NEW SILENT KILLER M ary Katherine Grant was a successful 68-yearold career woman who managed hospitals with hundreds of people, traveled the world, enjoyed golfing, and loved spending time in the sun. The latter is what took her life. We’ve heard it all before: Don’t talk to strangers, be careful when alone at night, smoking isn’t good for you… but never “the sun can kill you!” Our family, like thousands of other families, learned the hard way: it can. And now, with all the talk about the disappearing ozone layer and environmental/global warming, there is a desperate need for much more awareness of the dangers of the sun, and skin cancer. I wish my aunt realized the dangers before skin cancer cut her life short. When we think of the effects of the sun’s rays on our skin, we usually think about the exposed areas of our bodies and our face. Those dreaded signs of aging we begin to see in our 30s, as well as the pain of a good sunburn, immediately come to mind. But the effects of the sun on the scalp are rarely considered, if at all. This easily overlooked area of skin, hidden by a full head of hair, is where it started for my aunt. After her hairdresser told her of a small, irregularly-shaped mole hidden by her hair, my aunt visited her dermatologist for a checkup. The news was grim: cancerous melanoma. After more visits to her dermatologist, and then many more skin experts, my aunt was diagnosed with STAGE 4 skin cancer – the final stage immediately before the terminal phase, Stage 5. There was little all those specialists could do. She had no previous symptoms. No pain. No weakness. My aunt felt great, looked even better and traveled the country weekly. But, she was rapidly dying. After multiple surgeries over three years, various expensive medications and treatments, the cancer spread deeper into her skin, into the dermis. The specialists tried to stay ahead of the aggressive cancer by removing the cancerous areas, including a four inch by four inch plate of her scull, but by then the cancer had spread throughout her body. It attacked her lymph glands, her bone, her brain. She suffered a stroke that rendered her left side unusable. On a Wednesday afternoon, my aunt took herself to the hospital complaining of a headache. She slipped into a coma. Three days later, my aunt died from a silent killer – that started from a small, almost unnoticed mole. She died from skin cancer. My aunt was one of the estimated 10,710 people in 2006 who passed away as a result of skin cancer. Once she was diagnosed, there was nothing I could do to help my aunt, but I can help my clients, others, and myself by bringing this subject to the forefront. As a 52 52 NaturalMuscle MuscleSeptember September 07 Natural 2007 Studies have shown that sunlight is actually needed to prevent certain cancers (lung, colon, breast and prostate ), diabetes, multiple sclerosis and asthma. However, people can often get too much of a good thing. You have to be careful when you go outdoors. If you want to prevent skin cancer, it is very important to follow these steps. 1) Wear a hat with two to three-inch brim all around and wear long-sleeved shirt and pants. Tightly woven fabrics like denim are better than loosely woven cotton or linen. Wearing a hat and protective clothing is more effective than using a sunscreen according to recent studies. This is expecially important for those people who are fair-skinned, turn red after 10 minutes of unprotected sun exposure, who have 100 moles and who have history of skin cancer either self or family. Look for clothing that are made from sun-protective fabrics. There is also a laundry additive that has a UV protectant which can be used to wash clothes with. 2) Apply sunscreen properly 15 to 30 minutes before going outdoors. Cover the exposed parts of your body thoroughly with the right sunscreen. Use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Apply sunscreen even on cloudy days because 80% of the sun’s UV rays pass through the clouds. Also protect your lips by applying a lip balm that has sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Re-apply sunscreen every two hours while outdoors expecially after swimming and if you sweat heavily. 3) Try not to stay outdoors more than 20 minutes during the peak hours when the sun’s rays are the strongest which is from 10 am to 4 pm. professional esthetician, I make it my business to look and make suggestions to my clients. Along with a qualified dermatologist, I can help in the prevention of skin cancer one person at a time. Don’t wait until your hairdresser finds a mole. Visit a qualified dermatologist today. They will check you for irregular skin conditions, and instruct you how to do the same at home – it could save your life. Make an appointment to see a dermatologist and have your entire body checked regularly. Learn the ABCD’s of melanoma and spread the word (A-Asymmetry, B-Border, C-Color, DDiameter). Awareness, education and early detection are our best defense. Most importantly, ALWAYS WEAR SUNSCREEN! For more information and to make a donation, please check out the skin cancer foundation at: www. Michelle G. Bouse, celebrity make-up artist & licensed esthetician. For more information call 877.691.8647 or go to 4) The best sunscreen, however, is an internal sunscreen built with nutrition. Eat plenty of chlorella, spirulina, goji berries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, astaxanthin, carrots and nutrient-rich superfoods to boost your skin’s natural UV protection (takes about 30 days of nutrition to boost skin levels). Add foods to your diet that are rich in carotenoids such as tomatoes, peaches, broccoli, watermelons and spinach. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants and protect against the sun’s damaging UV rays. 5) Do a monthly skin exam. Did you know that skin cancers can develop in parts of your body that are not exposed to the sun? Look for moles, spots or freckles that are asymmetric, have an irregular border, variation in color and are more than 6 millimeters (the size of a pencil eraser). See a dermatologist if you find any moles, freckles or spots that look suspicious. 6) If you take medications, be aware that some prescriptions drugs such as antibiotics, diuretics, tricyclic antidepressants and over- the-counter nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs like Aleve and Advil can make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage. Natural Muscle September 2007 53 welcome to my world Interview and photos by: Dr. “Coach” Atherton MY WORLD, features a Track and Field triple jumper this month. Monica Cabbler is few inches away from qualifying for the next Olympics. She was introduced to me by my first fitness Champion, Mocha Lee, over 6 years ago. Since then, I have gotten to know her better, admired her values and work ethic and thought you might like to know her also. In college, she broke the triple jump record for the University of Georgia, was an All-America, and in her spare time, was the homecoming Queen! Today, she is a corporate spokesperson. Monica is beautiful, insightful, fun, and she know where she Is going and how to get there – that puts her ahead of most of us! Read her answers, check out the images and you’ll soon see why I hope one day to be her coach in the world of fitness. My Name is Coach A, Welcome to MY WORLD. Born :Roanoke, VA Marital Status: Single Education: B A from The University of Georgia Age:31 Height: 5’10” Weight: 145 Monica Cabbler 54 Natural Muscle September 2007 What do you consider your greatest triumph? I experience my greatest triumphs whenever I exceed my personal records or expectations. List some of your athletic achievements? 8-time US Track & Field Indoor/ Outdoor National Championship Finalist; 3-time USA Olympic Trials Automatic Qualifier; NCAA All-American, SEC Conference Championship Team, Broke UGA Collegiate Triple Jump Record/ various Meet Records, and VA records; Ocean Spray Training & Travel Grant Winner/ Women’s Sports Foundation What do you do for a living? I work as a Corporate Spokesperson specializing in public speaking, media, commercial modeling and promotional campaigns. I have also assisted the Health/ Wellness initiatives of companies such as: Wellpoint/ Blue Cross Blue Shield, The Coca-Cola Company, American Lung Association, etc. My professional background is in sports marketing, branding and Favorites? community relations under my company umbrella: Cabbler & Associates, headquartered in Atlanta, GA. How did you get involved in athletics/fitness? I was lead by example at a young age by my mom and grandmother - who both made workingout a part of their lifestyles. My good friend, Mocha Lee, a consummate fitness superstar, has inspired me with her friendship and also she introduced me to Coach A and the A-Team family. This resource plus my strength-training regimen for track and field has been a catalyst for me into the fitness industry. Favorite book, movie, cheat food? Favorite Book: Battlefield of the Mind, by Joyce Meyer Favorite Movies: Jerry McGuire, Glory Road Cheat food: Mmmm… coookies, Rice-Krispy treats, and red velvet cake icing! Who influenced you the most athletically, Academically? A collective of people have influenced me athletically: the pioneers of the triple jump (Brian Wellman, Mike Conley, Kenny Harrison), Dr. Clayton Gibson & my NFL training partners at Vitality Health Care, Coach Norton at UGA, plus my team of family & friends who keep me lifted. My mom has influenced me the most academically and in life. She has always stressed the importance of good grades and good character in school (and I do mean “stressed”). She has instilled a wealth of morals in me that will never be compromised. Who do you want to emulate athletically? Tiger Woods’ mindset and his ability to set a definitive goal, speak it into existence, and actually attain it on the spot… despite the odds, setbacks, and what the critics say. Through perseverance, he often manages to exceed the expectation and come out on top. I am striving to emulate that capability on my course in athletics and in business. How do you want to be remembered as an athlete? I hope to be remembered as an athlete who… “reached her true potential through faith and diligence”, “helped influence the state of Track & Field in the U.S.”, “gave back and used the stage of sports to glorify God’s work in her”, and who showed “an intense work ethic and competitive edge to the world of business”. What else do you want the readers to know about you? I am launching an array of Kids’ Fitness and Wellness Initiatives designed to encourage youth and parents to lead active lifestyles in an effort to tackle the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States. If you had a magic wand and could instantly change something about your life, what would it be? More hours, more Sundays, less distractions! Tell me something about you that I don’t know? Believe it or not, I am a whiz at Fantasy Football. Don’t sleep on my top picks! And tune in to: www. for updates on my product launches, upcoming events, corporate partnerships, and ways that YOU can be involved. Thanks in advance for all of your support and prayers. Natural Muscle September 2007 55 the CO$T of Competing “ I always say I couldn’t have picked a more expensive sport to love. ” ! It All Adds Upts–c lip it out Here’s the list of cos and make yourself a budget! .. $_____ Gym membership $_____ Workout wear/gym shoes $ _____Personal Trainer $ _____Figure Coach/choreographer $ _____Nutritionist $ _____Supplements up) $ _____Food (eating healthy can add s shoe n titio mpe _Co ____ $ $ _____Show suits $ _____Tanning/oil/bikini bite/Makeup e) $ _____Accessories (jewelry for stag nails and ir _Ha ____ $ otel) $ _____Travel expenses (gas/airfare/h fee $ _____Contest entry $ _____Annual organization fee $ _____Music (fitness) 56 56 Natural Muscle September 2007 Natural Muscle September 07 One of the first things I go over with anyone approaching me about competing is COST. Figure and fitness competitions can dent your wallet in a big way! I recommend spacing out expenses so that they don’t hit you all at once. It is more manageable this way. If you are competing in 3 months, set small goals to take care of certain items each month–chipping away at it, so to speak. Preparing for your first show takes a lot of energy, and wondering how you are going to pay for it all should not take away from your preparation! Be aware of your expenses and how they can and will add up. There are alot of ways to cut corners. S h o p around! You can save by finding a trainer w h o also has a competition background and can guide you nutritionally and with stage presence. Search the Internet for show suits, this can be one of your biggest expenses. There are several consignment/rental sites. I use Lydia Haskell’s site, Practice doing your own tanning and makeup before the show. Share you travel expenses with another competitor such as hotel room and travel to and from airport. These are just some examples. Before setting out to compete, you should budget yourself with what you can and can’t do for preparation. If you don’t, you will find yourself stressed out and not having fun.....AND HAVING FUN IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! I always say I couldn’t have picked a more expensive sport to love. But, I do love it, and have found ways to make it work. Just know this going in! Natural Muscle September 2007 57 58 Natural Muscle September 2007 Publisher/Editor Debbie Baigrie [email protected] Art Director Alex Gonzalez Web Design Shelly Dickson Contributing Writers Dr. John Atherton Jason Cohen Sherry Goggin Eric Hoult Pz Hopkins Brenda Kelly Skip Lacour Richard Nannis Danielle Nagel Gina Ostarly Kristal Richardson Hugo Rivera Russ Yeager photographers NATURALMUSCLE.NET John Atherton Bill Dobbins Debbie Baigrie Skip Faulkner Eric Freimanis Alex Gonzalez Walt Ostarly David Paul Gordon Smith Natural Muscle September 2007 59 60 Natural Muscle September 2007