REGULAR MEETING of the Town Council of Naples, Florida, in the
REGULAR MEETING of the Town Council of Naples, Florida, in the
613 REGULAR MEETING of the Town Council of Naples, Florida, in the Town Hall of Naples, March 2, 1945 Meetirgconvened at 8:00 P. M. upon call of the Mayor. Rolle Call: Present - W. L. Clarke, Jr., Mayor E. L. Bowling Wade S. Rigby Claude M. Storter H. B. K elly, Councilmen Also Present - C. H. Jones, uhf. of Police Fred H. Mellor, Town Attorney E. W. Brown Minutes of Special Meeting of February 12, and of Regular Meeting of February 2, 1945, were approved as read. Dispensing with the usual order of business, visitors were extended invitation to the floor, whereupon Mr. E. W. Brown expressed a desire for the Town to close street leading to his property on the beach in order that he might fill in are build back this property so as to provide an entrance to the front of his home; inasmuch as the Town street, beach end, has been washed out due to the storm. Mr. Brown stating that if the To would so deed this street to him, as far back as 60/ front property line, he could then go ahead with seawall or groin across the front of the property; matter of brush and heavy growth between beach and Gordon Drive having been cleared at Mr. arowil l s expense brought up, he stating it to be a fire hazard and Town s reponsibility. Attorney Mellor upon being consulted, stated Town not responsible for fire hazard at that point, but owner of adjacent property may do this for thlr own protection. Mayor referred the entire meter to Street Committee with power to act in anyway they saw fit, with instructions to consult with Attorney as to legality of deeding Tomn property to an individual, Attorney to give his decision to the Committee by letter, they then to make a report to Mr. Brown. The C ommittee appointed at previous meeting of February 2, 1945, consisting of Claude Storter are Wade Rigby with reference to the Doxee Tax matter, reported that upon investigetion, found Dexee Company did have their entire marine equipment stationed at Naples for a sufficient length of time to be subject to taxation by the Town and stated their findings to Attorney Mellor who was asked to notify D oxee Company through their attorneys Henderson & Franklin , that saidtaxes are due and payable. Police Committee - Nothing to report - Mr. Rigby Finance Committee - Nothing to report - Mr. Kelly Street Committee - Ndhing to report - Mr. Storter Dock Committee - Mr. Rigby for Dock Committee stated Dockmaster Bickford had informed himthat fishermen are again leaving nets on dock with the result of rotting wood as previously experienced in such cases. Question of location of a new dock for fishing boats a serious problem inasmuch as the commercial fish dock does not have enough space for them to dock. Dock Committee, with Mr. I. L . Bowling as Chairman, requested to investigate 614 location for new commercial fish dock to be constructed at earliest opportunity. The Back Bay Dock having been placed at the disposal of pleasure and charter boats heretofore. Dr. Trippe had asked permission of Council for space at Dock for the summer. Cale Jones reported on progress of drilling of wells and pumping for waterworks project. At this time four wells down, 1 - 94'; 1 - 73 1 ; 2 - 64 1 deep all with good water resulting. Everything progressing nicely. Attorney Mellor asked for a motion passing ordinance supplementing ordinance of December 20, 1944 relative to Water Revenue Certificates, whereupon Motion made by Mr. Storter, seconded by Mr. Rigby, authorizing supplemental ordinance of 3i% bonds. Ordinance be are the same is hereby adopted: AN ORDINANCE fixing the interest rate and confirming the sale and award of $150,000 Water Revenue Certificates of the Town of Naples, Florida. WHEREAS by ordinance heretofore adopted on December 20, 1944, provision has been made for the issuance of $150,000 Water Revenue Certificates of the Town of Naples, Florida, for the purpose of paying the cost of reconstructing, improving and extending the municipal water works of said Town, and wherein it is stiplaated that if said certificates can be successfully issued and sold at an interest rate less than four per cent (4%) per annum a supplemental ordinance fixing such lesser interest rate will be adopted; and WHEREAS after extended negotiations there has been presented a proposal on behalf of B, J. Van Ingen & Co., Inc., and A. B. Morrison & Company, dated February 12, 1945 for the purchase of saidcertificates, bearing interest at the rate of three and one-half per cent per annum upon terms of 101% of the par value of said certificates plus accrued interest, which proposal is satisfactory, and has been found to be most advantageous and should be accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Ordained by the Council of the Town of Naples, Florida, as follows: Section 1 • That the Water R ovenue Certificates of the Town of Naples, Florida, in the principal amount of $150,000 authorized by ordinance adopted December 20, 1944, shall bear interest at the rate of three and one-half per cent per annum and shall be in all other respects in conformity with said ordinance adopted December 20, 1944. Section 2. That the agreement for the purchase of said bonds by B. J. Van Ingen & Co., Inc. and A. B. Morrison & Company is hereby accepted and approved and found to be for the best interests of said Town, and the execution of said agreement of 615 purchase on behalf of said Town by the Mayor, Town Clerk and Town Attorney is hereby authorized and directed. Section 3. That by reason of the urgent necessity ibr the reconstruction, improvement and extension of the water works, there is an urgent public need for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety and property requiring this ordinance to take effect, and it is therefore proviaed that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and posting in at least three public places in said Town, one of Which places shall be at the office of the Town Clerk. Adopted this 2nd. day of March, 1945, by the Council of the Town of Naples, Florida. W. L . Clarke, Jr. Mayor Attest: Elsie M . 1911mlan Town Clerk , Presented by the undersigned to the Mayor of said Town for his signature and approval this 2nd. day of March, 1945. Lisle M. Lehman Town Clerk Approved, March 2, 1945. W. L. Clarke, Jr. Mayor. Attest: Elsie M, Lehman Town Clerk 616 Mr. Bowling stated he had received numerous complaints from citizens regarding stray dogs and dogs running at large on the streets of Naples, disturbing the sleep of these people. Ordinance requiring licensing of all dogs running at large defined by Attorney Mellor. Only action police can take in the matter, is in the event a case is made of disturbing the peace, summons given owners to court, and appearance made against them. Attorney stating no person has the right to dispose of a dog belonging to another, licensed or unlicensed. The dog must be impounded for a period of time, then if owner does not call for it, paying such cost of impounding, the animal may be disposed of at that time. Under new business - Mayor Clarke read letter from Mr. Frank K . spenhain, President of the Naples Betterment Association relative to the enforcing of Town ordinance prohibiting removal of sand and shell from the beaches, and asking that this ordinance be strictly and impartially enforced. Mayor Clarke stated the Chief of Police had been requested to enforce said ordinance, and upon discoussion found this has been recently, and will continue to be rigidly enforced, as the removal of sand and shell from the beach is agreed to be detrimental to sane. Mayor recommended Elsie Lehman to continue as Town Clerk and allied offices. Motion made by Mr. Bowling, secoaded by Mr. Rigby and appointment unanimously confirmed, all according to Charter requirements which states Clerk shall be appointed annually by the Council at the first meeting held after the first Tuesday in February of each year. Clerk reported vouchers and checks issued since last regular meeting upon consent and approval of Mayor as follms: James Moody, 2 wks street crew per. ending 2/9/45 62.40 Carson Sooddy 66.00 Ed Harrison 57.60 II Ben Jordan 52.80 Waterworks Dept. from Gen Fund 2/22/45 2500.00 James Moody, 2 wks street crew per. ending 2/23/45 62.40 Carson Snoddy 60.00 Ed Harrison 57.60 tt Ben Jorden 57.60 Floyd Pate, 2/2745 - trip to Tampa for liquid asphalt 20.15 Note : Deposit on 2/22/45 of $2500. made to the credit of waterworks department until such time as $150,000 shall be deposited in Waterworks account, at which time, General Fund shall be duly credited back with the $2500. plus all other expenditures of financing project now carried in Suspense Account. The above amount of $2500. deposited in order to care for payment of bills now being presented for pipe, wells etc. and presented the following current bills for approval: 617 545.00 February 1945 Official Payroll 4.69 etty cash expend. February p Elsie Lehman, 3.10 Cale Jones, tel. bill for January 5,00 Floyd Pate, fire dept. February 5.00 S. M. Carver, fire dept February 132.81 a/c ight Company, Feb. ower and L P Florida 8.75 Naples Improvement Corp. Feb. a/6 10.41 The Feohheimer Bros. Co. police dept uniforms 1039.75 Naples Supply Co. Feb. a/c Pier and waterworks 63.10 oyal Palm Service Station, February a/c R 4.20 S. J . Griffin, February a/c 66.29 Terminal Service Station, February a/c 44.45 Parkers Book Store, February a/c 18.45 Everglades Publishing Co. Feb a/c adv. waterworks Frank E. Brewer, payment on a/c Pier. work to 'March 1,1945-1941.74 77.60 Mrs. P . I. Lundquist, insurance policies 204.00 William Cambier, Feb/ a/c eng. serv. pier & waterworks 9.07 The H, & W. B. Drew Company, February a/c 25.50 Carson Snoddy, street crew Feb. 24 through March 2. 10.29 EvergIdes Flower shop, Feb. a/c Rigby funeral Thereupon moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded byMr. Storter and carried unanimously that vouchers and bills be approved as read and current bills be ordered paid. No further business appearing, meeting adjourned in due order. Elsie M. Le man, Town Clerk THE TOWN OF NAPLES NAPLES-ON-THE-GULF FLORIDA March 25, 1945 To Councilmen: Special Meeting of the Town Council is called for 8: 00 P. M . Monday Evening, in the l'own Hall far the purpose of discussing the letting of bids for W aterworks Construction work and matters pertaining thereto. W. L . Clarke, Jr. Mayor At;t st: `!f ifLi E lsie M . Lehman T own Clerk 4j 618 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, an account has been opened by the Town of Naples with the First National Bank in Fort Myers, Florida under the mme " Town of Naples Water Department - Operation and Maintenance Fund" and WHEREAS, the name of said account should be "Town of Naples - Waterworks Account NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Town Council of Naples, Collier County, Florida, that the said account under the name " Town of Naples - Water Department - Operation and Maintenance Fund" be hereby changed to "Town of Naples - Waterworks Account". Passed in open and public session of the council of the Town of Naples this 2nd, day of March, 1945, Tn: Eisie Town Clerk. 58.60 305.33 402.48 10.35 52.10 53.53 126.49 910.46 2301.22 52.00 10.29 13.00 2.45 Gen. Exp., Other St. R epairs & Improvements Police Department Fire Department Sanitation and Health Bay Dock operation & Msintenance Street Lighting Contingency Fund - Waterworks a/c Pier Account.. Engineering Services Adv. & Donations A/C's Receivable - Lot Cleaning Tax Discount oi ithholding Tax ( Cr ) 4,552.10 11,976186 61.80 12,038.66 March 1945 Receipts: 1944 General Taxes Collected Delinquent General Taxes collected Misc. Rev. and Bldb. Permits Police t ines and forfeitures 504.23 11.24 Punch Board License Taxes A/C's Receivable - Lot Cleaning Tax Penalty and Interest Balance First National Bank General Fund on Hand March BAnk of Everglades (Unchanged from March 27.10 3.00 4S.50 181,85 0.74 4/1/45 12,809.32 1, 1945 1, 1945) Total Funds General Fund on Hand April 3,817.52 1, 1945 $ 21,182.90 Canal Bond Sinking Fund on Hand March 1, 1945 The First National Bank March 1945 D isbursements: March 1945 Receipts: 1944 Canal Bond Taxes Collected Delinquent Canal Bond taxes collected Balance F irst National Bank Canal Bond Sk. April 1, 1945 5,463.29 0.00 166.08 3.49 E. TOTAL FUNDS ON HAND APRIL 1, 1945 Submitted to each the Mayor and Councilmen April 6, 1945 Certified: /flo6 )72- 770.66 Elsie M. Lehman, Town Treasurer. 169.57 $ 5,632.86 6,815.76 Waterworks a/c on Hand karch 1, 1945 $ 2,500.00 loaned from General Fund ram+, March 1945 Disbursements: Edelblut Company Columbian Bank Note Co. Joe P. Maharrey Balance Waterworks a/c April 1, 1945 363.55 103.50 583.87 1,050.92 $ 1,449.08 submitt ed to each the 4e.yor and Councilmen April 6, 1945 Certified: tit-671 s e GZAA e man own reasurer. 621 r- BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1944 - 1945 ( AS OF APRIL 1, 1945 ) AMOUNTS APPROP. FROM GENERAL REV. EXPEND FUND: Operating & Improvement Acct: General tap. Administration.. 0 2,900. 1,375.51 1,524.49 General Exp. Other 2,100. Street Lighting 1,800. St. Rep's & Improvements (includes shell pit 02060.) 4,500. Police Department 5,300. 2,705.67 2,594.33 422.47 500. 77.53 100. 29.67 70.33 600. 185.70 414.30 Fire Department Town Jail, Maintenance ,•n••nn BALANCES UNEXPEND I D OVEREXPiD Sanitation are. Health 1,200.76 899.24 697.06 1,302.94 4,526.96 Town Docks & Dock House„ 500. 110.23 389.77 Adv. & Donations 200. 16.54 183.46 Town Hall Project (painting) 300. 39.25 260.75 4,000. 4,411.30 500. 91.00 6,000. 9,164.02 Contingency Fund Expenditures 26.96 411.30 $224.99 ( Doxee 721.40 Dam.Set. Water a/cSuspense 3464.91 ) $4411.30 Engineering Services Pier Project 409.00 29,300. 24,976.14 7,926.14 3,164.02 3,602.28 FROM CANAL BOND SINKING FUND: Funded Debt Payments Total Budget Appropriations: 4,080. 285.00 3,795.00 33,380. 25,261.14 11,721.14 3,602.28