mesa matters - Mesa Union School


mesa matters - Mesa Union School
Create, connect, and collaborate…for life!
September 6, 2016
(Page 1 of 2)
Upcoming Events
See attached flyers and the
Announcements section for details
Sep 5
No School
Labor Day Holiday
Sep 7
PFO General Meeting
2:05-2:50pm, Library
Sep 8
K-5 Back to School Night
Sep 9
Coffee with the Superintendent/Principal
8:30am, Cafeteria
Sep 10
UCLA Athletics for Youth
Join PFO and the Principal at the game!
Email [email protected] for details
5:00pm Kickoff, limited FREE tickets.
Sep 15
6-8 Back to School Night
Sep 20
School Board Meeting
6:00pm, MPR
Sep 23
PFO Membership Forms/Donations Due
MEF Dinner and Auction RSVPs Due
Sep 28
Toppers Pizza Night in Oxnard
5:00pm - Share a pizza with Principal!
3:30-9:00pm, 111 Gonzales Blvd, Oxnard
Dinner by
- PFO Fish
5:30-6:30pm FREE Dinner sponsored by PFO
6:30-8:00pm Assembly/Classroom Sessions
Don’t have time for dinner? Don’t worry, PFO
is sponsoring a FREE dinner for all parents in
attendance. Please remember this is a adult/
parent night event. Join PFO for dinner and
social hour before the assembly/sessions.
Principal’s Message
It was another fantastic week at Mesa School! Several times this
week, I had the opportunity to walk through all the classrooms and
see your super students at work. Almost without fail, students were
engaged academically and were enjoying their work. I also
connected with students during lunch, where I walked around and
chatted with them (and on Friday I ate with the kindergarten
Starting this month, our Monday morning assemblies will move from
weekly to monthly, on the first Monday of the month. When the
first Monday of the month is a holiday, like it is in September, we
will have the assemblies the following Monday.
Our monthly Monday assemblies in 2016
will be September 12th, October 3rd,
November 7th, and December 5th.
By decreasing the frequency of the
assemblies, we are increasing the
classroom instruction time by one hour
per month, or about 10 hours per school year. We will continue to
have our monthly awards assemblies as usual.
I hope to see everyone at our upcoming Back to School Nights this
week and next, and the UCLA football game on Saturday night.
Finally, thank you to the 200+ people that attended our first Ice
Cream Social last week. It was a great success, and the photos of
the event are on our website on the Facebook blog on the right side.
Announcements - continued on next page
 Picture Day Moved to October 18th
Please make a note on your calendars that, due to a scheduling
conflict, we have moved school picture day to Tuesday, October
18th (it’s not September 22nd).
 Parent Volunteer Meeting
We will be having our annual parent volunteer meeting on
Wednesday, September 7th at 8:30am in our Multipurpose Room.
You’ll be able to start volunteering and room parenting just as soon
as the meeting concludes. We’ll have a make-up meeting on Wed.
September 14th at 8:30am, but the sooner you attend the meeting,
the sooner you can start volunteering. Mesa  Volunteers!
 GATE Student Information Meetings
Please join our GATE Specialist, Mrs. Michele Waggoner in Room 3
at 7:00pm, 7:30pm, or 8:00pm (the sessions repeat) on Thursday,
September 8th during our Elementary Back to School Night.
Questions about everything-GATE can be directed to Mrs.
Waggoner, [email protected]
Mesa Union School: 3901 N. Mesa School Road, Somis CA, 93066 Tel. 805.485.1411
Dr. Stephen Bluestein, Principal, [email protected] — Peter Lan, MM Editor, [email protected]
Create, connect, and collaborate…for life!
September 6, 2016
(Page 2 of 2)
Announcements - continued from previous page
 Elementary TK-5 Back to School Night is Here!
Our TK-5 Back to School Night is this Thursday, September 8th. This
is an adults-only event. We know you are rushing over to Mesa
right from work that evening, so we will be providing dinner for all
parents attending. The delicious dinner choices will be fish, chicken
or burgers, and there will be no charge. Thank you to the Mesa PFO
for sponsoring dinner this evening! Here is the schedule for Back to
School Night:
5:30pm to 6:30pm—**New** Dinner for all parents attending,
sponsored by the Mesa PFO
6:30pm to 7:00pm—Meet inside the cafeteria for the opening
session and introductions from Superintendent Turner, Principal
Bluestein, and special guests
7:00pm to 7:30pm—Session I, in your child’s classroom
7:30pm to 8:00pm—Session II, in your other child’s classroom
 Junior High 6-8 Back to School Night in Coming
Our 6-8 Back to School Night is Thursday, September 15th, from
6:30pm to 8:00pm, with dinner before from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
More details will be in next week’s Mesa Matters.
 Sign In at Back to School Night
When you sign in at your student’s classroom for BTS Night, please
be sure to legibly include your email so we can add you to schoolwide email list (this is different from the PFO email list). We will
also be asking you for permission to text your cell phone with any
hot school news. Being able to email and text you will improve our
communication with you. Thank you.
 Websites and Social Media
Our website continues to evolve and get better every day! This
week, we added our Facebook blog with many pictures from our Ice
Cream Social event last week. Our Twitter feed on our website is
continuously updated. If you have any comments on the school
website, don’t hesitate to let Dr. Bluestein know.
School Website:
School Facebook:
School Twitter: @MesaUnionSchool
PFO Website:
PFO Facebook:
MEF Website*:
MEF Facebook:
*New MEF website coming real soon
Mesa Union School: 3901 N. Mesa School Road, Somis CA, 93066 Tel. 805.485.1411
Dr. Stephen Bluestein, Principal, [email protected] — Peter Lan, MM Editor, [email protected]
Crear, conectar y colaborar...por vida!
6 de septiembre 2016
(Pagina 1 de 2)
Mensaje del Director
Próximos Eventos
Ver volantes adjuntos y la sección de
avisos para los detalles
Sep 5
No Hay Clase
Sep 7
Junta General PFO
2:05-2:50pm, Biblioteca
Sep 8
Grados K-5 Regreso a la Escuela
Sep 9
Café con el Superintendente/Director
8:30am, Cafeteria
Sep 10
UCLA atletismo para la juventud
Únete PFO y el director en el juego!
Email [email protected] para detalles
5:00pm, Boletos GRATIS limitados.
Sep 15
Grados 6-8 Regreso a la Escuela
Sep 20
Reunión de la Junta Escolar
6:00pm, MPR
Sep 23
PFO formularios de afiliación debido
MEF reservas para la cena debido
Sep 28
Toppers Pizza Night in Oxnard
5:00pm - Comparte pizza con el director!
3:30-9:00pm, 111 Gonzales Blvd, Oxnard
Día del Trabajo
Dinner by
- PFO Fish
5:30-6:30pm FREE Dinner sponsored by PFO
6:30-8:00pm Assembly/Classroom Sessions
Don’t have time for dinner? Don’t worry, PFO
is sponsoring a FREE dinner for all parents in
attendance. Please remember this is a adult/
parent night event. Join PFO for dinner and
social hour before the assembly/sessions.
Fue otra semana fantástica en la Escuela Mesa! Varias veces esta
semana, tuve la oportunidad de caminar a través de todos los
salones de clase y ver su super estudiantes en el trabajo. Casi sin
excepción, los estudiantes estaban comprometidos
académicamente y estaban disfrutando de su trabajo. También he
conectado con los estudiantes durante el almuerzo, en el que
caminamos y charlamos con ellos (y el viernes me comía con las
clases de jardín de infantes).
A partir de este mes, nuestras asambleas lunes por la mañana se
moverán de semanal a mensual, el primer lunes del mes. Cuando el
primer lunes del mes es un día de fiesta como es en septiembre,
tendremos las asambleas el lunes siguiente.
Nuestras asambleas mensuales lunes en
2016 serán 12 de septiembre de 3 de
octubre de 7 de noviembre y 5 de
Al disminuir la frecuencia de los conjuntos,
estamos aumentando el tiempo de
instrucción en el aula por una hora por mes, o alrededor de 10 horas
por año escolar. Vamos a seguir para tener nuestras asambleas de
premios mensuales como de costumbre.
Espero ver a todos en nuestra próxima Noche de Regreso a la
escuela esta semana y la próxima, y el partido de fútbol UCLA el
sábado por la noche.
Por último, gracias a las más de 200 personas que asistieron a
nuestro primer Helado Social la semana pasada. Fue un gran éxito, y
las fotos del evento están en nuestro sitio web en el blog de
Facebook en el lado derecho.
Noticias - continúa en la página siguiente
 Día de Fotos - octubre 18
Por favor, haga una nota en su calendario que, debido a un conflicto
de programación, hemos pasado el día de fotos de la escuela hasta
el martes, 18 de de octubre de (no en septiembre 22ª).
 Reunión de Padres Voluntarios
Vamos a tener nuestra reunión anual de padres voluntarios el
miércoles 7 de septiembre a las 8:30am en nuestro salón de usos
múltiples. Usted será capaz de iniciar el voluntariado y la crianza
habitación tan pronto como llega a la conclusión de la reunión.
Vamos a tener una reunión de maquillaje en miércoles 14ª de
septiembre a las 8:30 de la mañana, pero cuanto antes de asistir a la
reunión, más pronto podrá empezar a ser voluntario.
 Las reuniones de información GATE
Por favor, únase a nuestro especialista de GATE, Sra. Michele
Waggoner en la habitación 3 a las 7:00pm, 7:30pm, o 8:00pm (las
sesiones se repiten) el jueves, 8 de septiembre durante nuestra
elemental de nuevo a la Escuela. Preguntas sobre todo-GATE se
pueden dirigir a la señora Waggoner, [email protected]
Crear, conectar y colaborar...por vida!
6 de septiembre 2016
(Pagina 2 de 2)
Noticias - viene de la página anterior
 TK-5 Regreso a la Escuela está aquí!
Nuestra TK-5 Regreso a la Escuela es este jueves 8, septiembre. Este
es un evento sólo para adultos. Sabemos que están corriendo hacia
la derecha Mesa de trabajo de esa noche, así que vamos a
proporcionar una cena para todos los padres que asistan. Las
deliciosas opciones para la cena serán pescado, pollo o
hamburguesas, y no habrá ningún cargo. Gracias a la Mesa PFO por
patrocinar la cena esta noche! Este es el horario de regreso a la
5:30pm to 6:30pm—**Nuevo ** La cena para todos los padres
que asistan, patrocinado por la Mesa PFO
6:30pm to 7:00pm—Conoce el interior de la cafetería para la
sesión de apertura y la introducción del Superintendente
Turner, director Bluestein, e invitados especiales
7:00pm to 7:30pm—Session I, en la clase de su hijo
7:30pm to 8:00pm—Session II, en el salón de su otro niño
 6-8 regreso a la escuela en los próximos
Nuestra 6-8 regreso a la escuela es el jueves, 15 de septiembre de
18:30-20:00, con la cena antes 17:30-18:30. Más detalles estarán en
Materia Mesa de la próxima semana.
 Iniciar sesión en el regreso a la escuela
Cuando usted se inscribe en al aula de su estudiante por la Noche
BTS, por favor asegúrese de incluir de manera legible su correo
electrónico para que podamos añadir a la lista de correo electrónico
de toda la escuela (esto es diferente de la lista de correo electrónico
PFO). También le pediremos permiso para texto de su teléfono
celular con cualquier noticia escuela caliente. Ser capaz de correo
electrónico y el texto va a mejorar nuestra comunicación con usted.
 Los sitios web y medios sociales
Nuestro sitio web sigue evolucionando y ser mejor cada día! Esta
semana, hemos añadido nuestro blog de Facebook con muchas
fotos de nuestro evento social del helado semana pasada. Nuestra
cuenta de Twitter en nuestra página web se actualiza
continuamente. Si usted tiene algún comentario sobre el sitio web
de la escuela, no dude en dejar que el Dr. Bluestein sabe.
School Website:
School Facebook:
School Twitter: @MesaUnionSchool
PFO Website:
PFO Facebook:
MEF Website*:
MEF Facebook:
*Nueva página web del MEF viene muy pronto
Mesa Union School: 3901 N. Mesa School Road, Somis CA, 93066 Tel. 805.485.1411
Dr. Stephen Bluestein, Principal, [email protected] — Peter Lan, MM Editor, [email protected]
$1 a DAY for 180 DAYS!
helps Tigers LEARN, GROW, & PLAY!
We invite you to join the Mesa Union School
Parent-Faculty Organization (PFO).
Based on this year’s PFO budget, it will cost
on average $125 per student to provide all
the additional enhancement programs.
Field Trips, Teacher Room Supply Funds, Time/National Geo Subscriptions,
Agendas, Athletic Programs, Special Teacher Projects, Teacher Appreciation,
Clubs, Spelling Bee and more are funded by PFO and could be lost for lack of
funding. However, if the drive is successful we can bring more programing to
the school, provide teachers more opportunity for special projects, and more!
This year we are asking families to consider
a tax-deductible donation of $180
Just $1 a Day for 180 Days of School
Visit Mesa Union PFO
to help make our PFO budget goal
Look for the Membership Drive
Letter and Form sent home with
your student.
Donations start at just $5 for basic
membership registration with additional levels at $25, $50, $100, $180,
$500+. We ask you to strongly consider giving the most you can at a
level that is comfortable for your
family. Let’s work together for
100% participation!
Families donating $180 or more will be recognized as “PFO Sustaining Members”
and receive a thank you gift – a PFO Carnival Unlimited Play Wrist Band (Oct 28th)
or a MEF Dinner & Auction Ticket (Oct 1st). Those donating $500 will receive a
2016-2017 Legacy Brick (4”x8”) installed .
Mesa Union School PFO Membership 2016-2017
The Mesa Union School Parent-Faculty Organization is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the
general welfare of Mesa Union School students through educational and philanthropy services. Membership is
open to all parents and guardians of students attending Mesa Union School as well as teachers and staff.
Directory information is only shared with PFO members. Please only provide information that you wish to
include in Directory. Please note that you may join/donate to PFO without being listed in the Directory.
□ Check box to EXCLUDE your information from the PFO Directory in its entirety.
First & Last Name
City & Zip
(###) ###-####
Please complete student information below for each child (student name(s) & grade will be included in directory):
Student Name
Please select type of Membership Level donation you would like:
□ $5.00
□ $25.00
□ $50.00
□ $100.00
□ $180.00
□ $500.00
($1 for 180 days)
Choose Free Gift
(Legacy Brick)
Also Choose Free Gift
**$180+ donation...for Sustaining and Legacy Members, indicate which Thank You Gift you would like to receive below. Your
Carnival wrist band or MEF Dinner/Auction ticket will be reserved for you at the event and you will receive a confirmation email.
□ I DECLINE Free Gift □ **FREE (1) Carnival Wrist Band
□ **FREE (1) MEF Dinner/Auction Ticket
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Purchase additional PFO Carnival Wrist Bands or MEF Tickets now!
□ I would like to purchase additional PFO Carnival Wrist Bands
□ I would like to purchase additional MEF Dinner & Auction Tickets
My business would like to help sponsor cost of the Directory
will be recognized with a 2”x3” business card space. Please include business card)
Make Checks Payable to
Mesa Union School PFO
You may also submit payments
online at
(Credit Card, Bank Payments Accepted)
Membership Level Donation (from above) $
I wish to donate an additional amount to PFO $
□Check Included
□Paid Online via PayPal (go to
Thank you for your generosity. Donations of $250 or more will receive a confirmation letter for tax records.
□ My employer matches employee charitable gifts and has provided a check in the amount of
Many employers may match charitable gifts – check with your human resources office. PFO Tax ID # 77-0387183
Please complete and return PFO Membership Form to your child’s teacher by Friday, September 23rd.
GATE Schedule
GATE begins on Thursday September 8th.
GATE Informational Meetings
Thursday September 8th, during Elementary Back to School Night
Three sessions to choose from:
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
Please join me in room 3 during one of the sessions to learn about the
curriculum for GATE this year.
Looking forward to helping your children explore their passions and
showcase their talents. Please do not hesitate to contact me!
Michele Waggoner
[email protected]
on Twitter @michelewagg
Please respond to let me know you received this email, so I can make
sure I have everyone on the email list. Thanks!
~Benefits Mesa Library~
• Purchase book for library
• Dedicate book to child with bookplate
• Student first to check out book
Back To
[Sept 8th]
805. 482.1384
[email protected]
Proceeds of books sold will
be donated to Mesa PFO
Sign-up today! It's a great way to be involved and help make a positive impact for your
child, for his/her class and for the overall betterment of our community at Mesa Union!
We’re looking for:
*ROOM PARENTS – See SIGN-UP sheet on front office window for classes that are
still in need of room parents
*CLASS VOLUNTEERS – Check with your child’s teacher and see where they could
use some extra hands!
*SCHOOL EVENT VOLUNTEERS – Look out for “HELP WANTED” notices in the Mesa
Matters and/or flyers sent home with your child
CARNIVAL - Setup/Breakdown, Lights, Classroom Booths, Prize Patrol, etc.
WOMEN IN HISTORY – Coordinator needed (Spring)
*MESA MATTER DISTRIBUTION (Monday morning commitment)
*eSCRIP / SCHOOL REWARDS – Coordinator (promotes escrip, Amazon Smile, etc.
*LEGACY BRICK – Coordinator
*PFO COMMITTEES – We may have committee chairs but need committee member to
provide ideas and help with the work
Email [email protected] for information or to volunteer!
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you.
Welcome back to school, parents!
This year, our school will continue to participate in the Box Tops for
Education program. Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to
help our school buy what it needs. Box Tops are each worth 10 cents
and they quickly add up to real cash for our school. This school year,
our school’s earnings goal is $3,000!!
To help our school, just look for the Box Tops coupons on products
and clip them. You can choose to either gather your Box Tops in a
baggie or envelope or tape your Box Tops to a collection sheet that
you’ll find in Mesa Matters weekly!
Then have your child give them to his/her teacher or place them in
the collection box located outside the school office. Please be sure to
include your child’s name and teacher so he/she gets credit for
participating. And please don’t forget to check those expiration
dates on the Box Tops!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact one of your
new Box Top Coordinators! We are here to make Mesa Union’s Box
Tops for Education program a huge success this year.
Thanks for your help!
Warmest Regards,
Jennifer Sahagun ([email protected])
Edelle Referente ([email protected])
Mesa Union
2016-2017 Box Tops Incentives Program
Many thanks to the generosity of our local businesses! We are happy to announce
our new Box Tops incentives program* for this school year
10 Box Tops Level = 1 free kid’s meal from:
20 Box Tops Level = 1 free kid’s meal from one of
the following:
50 Box Tops Level = 1 free kid’s meal
from one of the following:
100 Box Tops Level = 1 free meal one of the
150 Box Tops Level =
1 free kid’s meal
200+ Box Tops Level =
1 free kid’s meal from:
Plus there’s an additional chance for a prize! Each month you submit Box Tops, your name will be entered into
a monthly raffle for a chance to win another prize! The winner will be drawn at the end of each month.
*Subject to availability. Please understand that donations are given in limited quantities. There may be
times we will have to substitute a prize at any level.
If you have any questions please contact any of your Box Top Coordinators!
Edelle Referente ([email protected]) or Jennifer Sahagun ([email protected])
BT Incentives 08/29/16
Clipped Box Tops are each worth 10¢ for your
child’s school. Tape or paste them to this collection
sheet and send it to school. Please note, bonus
certificates must be submitted separately. Thanks for your help!
Clip Box Tops and check expiration date
Tape or glue Box Tops on sheet until filled
Send completed sheet to your school Coordinator
© General Mills.
Teacher name: _______________________________________