Origins - Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters of Hawaii


Origins - Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters of Hawaii
No. 224 April 2010
 March Monthly Service Sermon: by
Rev. Sparky Shiiba: p. 4
 WA Big Island Oyasama Birthday Celebration
Gathering: p. 8
 BGA Receives UNICEF Award: p. 9
 Hawaii Tenri Judo Wins 9 Gold Medals: p. 10
 WA Monthly Bazaar Hinokishin: p. 12
 Seven from Hawaii Attend Spiritual Development Course English Class: p. 13
Hereafter, I shall hasten the Service step by step,
preparing only for universal salvation.
Ofudesaki II: 21
Women’s Association Big Island members conduct Oyasama’s Birthday
Celebration Gathering at Kakaako Church on February 28, 2010
Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters of Hawaii
Message from the head of the
Overseas Department
In the 173rd Year of the Teaching, March 26
Although the cherry blossom is now in season, here at Oyasato the weather has felt
like winter for a few days. Today was also very cold with light rain. The monthly service of March was conducted with the Shinbashira as the core, and the service was
performed joyously in unison, with many children attending due to spring break and
many young people who returned to Jiba to participate in various activities.
In the prayer, the Shinbashira made the resolution that we ministers and yoboku’s
will make the effort to understand God’s parental heart to lead us to the Joyous Life
even through the many occurrences happening in the world. He also pledged that we
will make sincere efforts to change our mistaken minds of human thinking, to use the
mind of sincerity, to do missionary work joyously, and to come closer to the state of
harmonious union of God and humankind. Further, he prayed that each church who
has received divine sanction from the Jiba to carry out their mission as the place of
single-hearted salvation in their community and that the young people who will continue the path hereon will learn the teachings of God the Parent and willingly, practice
and spiritedly make steps to understand and be in accord with God’s intention.
The sermon after the monthly service was delivered by Honbu-in, Rev. Yoshizumi
Nakayama. Rev. Nakayama told how we should strive to attain the world of the
Joyous Life by using the key words of the Joyous Life, which are: ―Gratitude, Modesty, and Mutual Help‖, through his experiences as the chief of the Spiritual Development Course. He said that the practice of ―Gratitude, Modesty, and Mutual Help‖
which is strongly connected to the teachings of God the Parent and Oyasama is what
will purify the minds of all of us and change the world into the world of the Joyous
On the 23rd of this month the Overseas Department, welcomed 21 new staff memContinued on Page 14
March Monthly Service Prayer
Before You, God the Parent, Tenri-O-no-Mikoto, who resides in
this shrine, I, (Michihito Hamada, bishop of the Mission Headquarters of
Hawaii) pray with reverence.
God the Parent, as we receive Your overflowing grace and blessings, which grants us the free use of our bodies, we advance toward spiritual maturity on the path toward the joyous life world, receiving the
guidance of the Ever-living Oyasama. These boundless blessings are truly more than we can expect. As we direct our constant focus toward the
teachings, we proceed on the path of sincerity toward the realization of a
Joyous world, applying our efforts with a mind focused on salvation. Today is the day we are granted to conduct the March monthly service at
this mission headquarters. The service performers will unite their hearts
to perform the seated service and Teodori joyously in high spirits. Today, as you view the brothers and sisters of the path who have looked
forward to this day, singing the songs of the service in unison with hearts
filled with gratitude for Your parental love, we hope that You can be spirited as well.
So that we will not become perplexed by the rapid changes of today’s society, we Yoboku, should be awakened by God the Parent’s parental love amidst the numerous events which appear, and apply our efforts toward the service and strive to administer the Sazuke, so that we
may act in accordance with Your intention and advance in spiritual maturity. May You, God the Parent, accept our sincerity, and may we ask
that you guide us toward reconstructing the world where we can spend
our days living in harmony by helping one another, and to realize the
Joyous Life even a day sooner. Together with everyone present, I pray
for these blessings.
Mission HQ March Monthly Service Sermon
Rev. Sparky Shiiba
Head Minister of Kailua Kona Church
This talk is not someone else’s
concern. It is a matter of your
singleheartedness with God.
Although you have truly finished the sweeping, your
mind will be spirited by being
single-hearted with God.
Ofudesaki I: 50, III: 3
“The Path of Single-hearted Sal- I have been protected by God the
Parent each day and do appreciate
the path that I walk today. Today my
Hello , thank you for this chance to theme is ―The Path of Single-hearted
speak with the blessing of God the Salvation‖.
Parent. I, Rev. Sparky Yoshio ShiiI have lived the life of a local
ba, live on the Big Island of Hawaii, man in Hilo for 40 years. Now I live
presently in Kona, Hawaii. I believe in Kona for the past 14 years. My
that our lives are led by events- careers started with driving the tour
Fushi, which is our ―stepping buses and giving tours to Japanese
stones‖ to moving forward to ―sin- tourists for ten years. This job gave
gle-hearted salvation.‖ Using two me the chance to learn more about
Ofudesaki (Divine Revelations) stories, people, and places when I
March Monthly Service Sermon
grew up. I came to know many
people and appreciate the times of the
1950’s and the 1960’s.
Then I returned to college receiving a teaching degree in History. I
taught in the high schools and junior
high schools for the next 14 years in
Kauai, Hilo, and Kona. I came to
teach our future leaders through the
3,000 students that I met. Most of
all, I was able to meet and make
friends with their parents.
In 1992, my sisters and I realized
that our parents both have Alzheimer’s disease. So I returned to college, receiving a nursing geriatric
aide certificate in Health Care in Hilo. We, my family of four spent the
next few years, 2003 to 2009, taking
care of my parents in Kona. Today, I
have been blessed with a new job in
Mental Health Housing Program for
drug addicts and alcoholics, from
June, 2009.
God the Parent gives us many life
changing events-Fushi which we the
recipient must listen and learn in our
lives. The four careers: tour bus
driver, high school teacher, minister,
and nurse; have all been my training
for the next step. I am a counse-
lor/teacher/security guard/and cook
in this new position at the rehabilitation homes.
My residents, some are brain damaged but many are emotionally insecure, 90% are former homeless, ranging from 29 to 68 years in age. 60%
are men. The women are battered,
abused, and depressed.
I teach the residents the following:
To be able to keep clean by bathing;
to be able to do one’s laundry; to be
able to handle one’s finances; to be
able to eat properly and cook foods;
to be able to clean one’s room, bathroom, and kitchen; to find a new skill
for use in a part-time job; to be able
to talk to another, and socialize; to be
able to live in a communal living
place; and to be able to work with the
police, hospital, and Crisis Center.
My life has been training (me) as I
grew in spirit on my path to serving
my community in new ways. My
goal is to give each resident the confidence in his/her self so that they can
return to their community as a useful
person. I see that all these people
were abused and not properly raised
by their parents. Some parents were
never around for them. Many parents
March Monthly Service Sermon
had given up and refused to see them.
Most had no parents or lost contact
with their parents.
In Tenrikyo, we learn that parents
who raise their children are the proper way. These people (at the rehabilitation homes) are lost souls who never had the love and direction from a
parent. These people are the result of
what happens to a person without a
Depression, anger, loss of confidence, loss of trust, and abuse are all
causes (the result) of these lost souls.
They can be violent, most are selfcentered, and many cannot open up
to another person. These are results
of the failings of the community and
the family. We are a staff funded by
the state government; mainly social
workers that are using our time daily
to help hundreds of lost souls return
to find single-hearted salvation in
their lives. They are provided: room,
food, allowance, and skills in services by the state.
I see that we the staff are as a
team working to guide a new path in
their broken lives. Many are slowly
improving their situation, day by day.
A small 5% are able to return to be
useful in the community. Another
10% are returned to the mental hospital. The others are in many different stages of recovery.
Family provides the love, which
gives confidence, pride, and happiness to a person. My residents cannot
understand trust, will tell lies, and are
depressed or angry many times. Parental love and guidance gives a person the ability to learn empathy, sharing, pride in oneself, and the way to
communicate to another. My residents are narrow-minded, only worry
about self, have a very small view of
oneself, very negative in every way,
and cannot fill their stomachs or
hearts full.
We cook meals to fill their stomachs. There are snacks provided 24
hours. We give classes to teach skills
in gardening, cooking, computer, janitorial skill, have games, and give
trips: outings in town.
We are trying to rescue lost souls.
This job is a highly responsible and
long-term goaled position. We have
over 70 staff and 25 more advisory
related agencies to help us. Before
many mental, homeless persons were
let go into the community and now
the government programs are working to help these people.
It is a long process to help improve
and change a person who did not receive the early proper life skills in
their younger days. Each resident
has adapted to living with rules and
received basic needs and material
aides. Some are able to take our services and others cannot adapt. Some
take a long time to change and each
person is a work in progress. It is
difficult to gain the trust of a homeless, former drug addict. Some do go
backwards return to their drug addicted lives. We have small successes, little by little, day by day, and
do cherish the step by step rewards in
their smiles to us.
These residents sign a six -month
contract and with our counseling are
expected to create three goals. For
example: One wants to get a parttime job. Or one will learn to socialize and talk to others. Or one will
learn to cook, clean, and care for
oneself. Or one will learn how to
take one’s own medication by oneself.
I fill their stomachs with food, fill
their hearts with stories and play
games with them, and fill their minds
with the strength to believe in them
through God the Parent. We teach
them to control their feelings and direct their actions to good acts daily.
Schizophrenic, multiple disorders,
multiple personality, voices, bipolar
disorders, addicted to drugs, alcoholics, and depression disorders are all
the various conditions that we must
handle each day, and all day or night.
Our only backup is to call 911 and
have the police take the person to the
mental hospital. I have met 50 former residents with only one successfully back in society.
I am trying to do otasuke (salvation
work) through my assigned jobs, one
in nursing, and the other in the mental health position. I teach the path of
single-hearted salvation to many
people. Through my acts of praying,
I have grown spiritedly myself, even
move towards God’s intentionsthrough helping others you help
(Kyoten (Doctrine of Tenrikyo))
Thank you for your time.
WA Big Island Members Conduct Oyasama
Birthday Celebration Gathering
In commemoration of Oyasama’s Birthday the Women’s Association Big Island chapter
conducted their annual gathering by conducting the service with the women’s instruments
at Kakaako Church on February 28th. About twenty-two members of the Hawaii island
chapter performed the service in four shifts in the presence of the bishop’s wife Mrs. Masayo Hamada and two representatives from Honolulu. The Big Island members performed as one, bringing joy to Oyasama and everyone who attended. As the district
chairwomen, Mrs. Hamada encouraged the members to become spirited in working towards the Women’s Association 100th Anniversary in April this year. After the service,
members enjoyed a pot luck lunch.
The Spring Memorial
Service was faithfully
conducted at Mission
Headquarters on March 27th
at 10:00am.
BGA Receives Award
The Hawaii chapter of the
Boy’s & Girl’s Association
received a Certificate of
Achievement Award from the
Trick or Treat for UNICEF
Program for last year’s fund
drive in which over $1200 was
collected. It reads:
―Certificate of Achievement in honor of your leadership support to raise
lifesaving funds to help
reduce the number of preventable childhood deaths
from 24,000 every day to
zero, and in recognition of
your position as one of the
leading fundraisers for the
2009 Trick-or-Treat for
UNICEF Campaign, the
U.S. Fund for UNICEF is
proud to bestow the title of
U.S. Fund for UNICEF Ambassador.‖
Signed: Caryl M. Stern, President & CEO, UNICEF United States Fund.
BGA Hawaii Chapter chairman Rev. Owen Nakao expressed his thanks to the many individuals, churches and mission stations from throughout the state that supported the effort.
He also credited Mrs. Susan Iwata, wife of the former MHQ secretary Rev. Chotaro Iwata for conducting the first Trick or Treat for UNICEF activity at Mission HQ in 1975.
Last year marked the 35th consecutive year!
Hawaii Tenri Judo Hits “Goldmine” With 9
First Place and 1 Second Place Finishes!
Hawai'i Tenri's Mindy Chow, daughter of assistant instructors Dr.
Greg & Robin Chow, was named Outstanding Female Competitor,
Kaimana Lundquist received the Best Technique Award and Dane
Pestano captured the Male Fighting Spirit Award at the USA Judo
Youth and Scholastic National Championships in Spokane, Washington on March 13 and 14.
About 400 athletes competed in the USA Judo Junior Point
Tournament, which included top players between the ages of 5 and
19. Hawai'i judoka captured 13 medals.
Chow won the 52-kilogram (115 pounds) championship a year ago.
The 15-year-old moved up two weight divisions this year and won
the Juvenile B and IJF-Junior divisions at 139 pounds as well as
Mindy Chow
the Open division.
After winning three matches by ippon (instant win) in the Juvenile B division Saturday,
Chow won four matches to earn gold in the IJF-Junior division.
Lundquist, from Waimānalo, had seven wins to earn the Juvenile B and IJF-Junior titles
in the 154-pound division.
Pestano, also from Waimānalo, won the Juvenile B and IJF-Junior championships at 198
pounds-plus, upsetting two-time heavyweight Junior World Team member Colin Robinson.
Mindy Chow's sister, Chrissy, a Senior Nationals medalist in 2008, lost in the 126-pound
final to Crystal Butts, who retained her 2009 title.
Hawai'i Tenri medalists:
Female IJF-Junior
57kg (126 pounds) - 2. Chrissy Chow; 63kg -1. Mindy Chow; 70kg -1. Kaimana
Lundquist; Open—1. Mindy Chow.
Male IJF-Junior
100kg (220 pounds) -1. Dane Pestano
Female Juvenile B
63kg (139 pounds) -1. Mindy Chow; 70kg—1. Kaimana Lundquist.
Male Juvenile B
90kg (198 pounds-plus) -1. Dane Pestano.
Female Juvenile A
44kg (97 pounds) - 1. Cassidy Chandler
Male Juvenile A
48kg (106 pounds) -1. Noah Pineda-Abaya
Located at 2236 Nuuanu Avenue
(Tenri Cultural Center)
Practice Schedule:
Beginners: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:30 – 6:15 p.m.
Intermediate: (ages 8 to high school): MWF: 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Advanced Class: MWF: 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Saturday (Mixture of Intermediate and Advanced): 9-11 a.m.
New Addition to the Kaisho Family!
Congratulations to Tomohito ―Tomo‖ & Mineko Kaisho (Nan-a
Grand Church) on the birth of their third child, Nicole Hinata, on February 27, 2010. 7 pounds 1 ounce and 20 inches long!
WA Monthly Bazaar Hinokishin
Every year from February to early August a group of dedicated women whose ages are in
the 70’s and 80’s meet at the West House every Wednesday from 9 to 12 o’clock. Eleven
to fifteen ladies gather to work on a variety of products for our annual bazaar. Everyone
who goes there say they’re there because there is such a positive attitude that it’s so tanoshii (much fun)! ―When we’re setting up for the bazaar we’re always amazed at how
many items we made. Items vary from pot holders, bone pillows and clothes pin bags to
patch work blankets and futons totaling about 2000 pieces!‖
Ronald Higaki
Bert Kawasaki
Leland Leadbeater
Carole Theiss
Jon Takahashi
Jenson So
Villanueva Rodolfo
Grand Ch.
Church or Mission Station
Ho'opono Mission Station
Honnoe Mission Station
Rev. Colin Saito head minister of Honolulu Church (Honjima Grand Church) and Mrs.
Stacey Takahashi of Itakano Church (Takayasu Grand Church) are serving as instructors
for the English class. Mrs. Takahashi is originally from Honolulu, Hawaii presently living in Osaka, Japan. Course runs from April 1 through June 27.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
9:00 a.m.
Sermon (in English) by Rev. Melvin Iwata
Head of Honolulu-ko Church
Japanese Translation by Motoko Iwata
Message from the Head of the Overseas Dept.
Continued from Page 2
bers including those from overseas. Now the Oyasama Birthday Celebration Service
and the Women’s Association General Meeting commemorating their 100th Anniversary are just around the corner. We are steadily making preparations for hosting overseas returnees. We look forward to seeing all of you return to Oyasato in high spirits.
Today, there were church headquarters personnel changes at overseas mission
posts as follows:
Hiroshi Fukaya
Seita Mihama
Hideyuki Kimura
Bishop of Mission Headquarters in America
Secretary of Mission Headquarters of Hawaii
Secretary of Mission Headquarters in Brazil
Yoichiro Miyamori
Head of Tenrikyo Overseas Department
March Issue Errata
For the record:
Front page: Caption says "Eric Miyauchi." Correct name is "Kenny Miyauchi."
Bottom of inside page labels indicates "February". Should be "March"
Page 18 Spring Memorial Service, last on list says "Hajime Izumi, 3rd head
minister". Should be "Spouse of 3rd head minister"
Page 20 YMA Tidbits says "Toan Tabal's house in Makaki" should be ―Makakilo‖
We apologize for these errors and any inconveniences caused, and we will strive to
eliminate them in future issues.
All Tenrikyo Hinokishin Day
(All islands)
In this 173rd year of Tenrikyo, please join together in bringing a friend and spread
the fragrance of the teaching: a thing lent, a thing borrowed. Hinokishin is an expression of our joy of being kept alive by God's blessing.
Oahu , Honolulu
9-11am Honolulu Zoo
Kauai, Kapaa
9-10am Japanese Cemetery
Big Island, Kona
Sun 10:30-11:30 Kona Memorial Park
Big Island, Kohala 5/9/2010
Sun 10-12noon Old Kona Airport Park
Maui, Makawao
5/22/2010 Sat
8:30-10am Makawao Veterans Cemetery
Big Island, Hilo
5/29/2010 Sat
8:30-10:30am Homelani Veterans Cemetery
For Oahu members & friends:
• We ask for your help in bringing your own equipment such as rakes, brooms, gloves,
and dust pans as much as possible
• Trash bags will be provided
• Bring quarters for meter parking if you plan to park in the lot
• Please wear your green ―One world one family‖ T-shirt
Lunch Provided
Reserve your bentos by April 25th by calling Mission HQ (Dendocho). Your bento order
is automatically ―in‖ if you’ve reserved a bus seat as directed below. Donations will be
Bus Pickup Available:
Reserve your seat by April 25th.
A: Tenri Cultural Center, 2236 Nuuanu Avenue, departure at 8:30am - ZOO (return p/u
from the Zoo 12:00 pm). Contact Dendocho @ 595-6523
B: Pearl Church 8:10 am - Palolo Pool Parking Lot 8:20am - ZOO
(return p/u from the Zoo 12:30pm). Contact Pearl Church @ 734-1449
C: Aloha Church, 94-139 A Waikele Rd, Waipahu 8:00am - ZOO
(return p/u from Zoo 12:30pm). Contact Kyle Kawasaki @ 676-7090
Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters of Hawaii
2920 Pali Highway Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 tel: 595-6523
Hawaii Spiritual
Development Course
Dates: June 20 (Sun) to July 16 (Fri) 2010
Course information: Participants will gain knowledge about the Tenrikyo teachings as well as
gain spiritual awareness by reading the scriptures
(The Doctrine of Tenrikyo, The Life of Oyasama),
engaging in hinokishin (gratitude towards God
the Parent shown in daily actions), faith experiences speeches, and practicing the Service.
Course graduates have experienced both physical
and spiritual healing; a renewal of ―self‖ and
gained a strong sense of meaning and purpose in
Age requirement: 17 or older
Participation fee: $200
(includes: meals, dorm accommodations and textbooks)
Please apply at the Mission HQ office by: June 13 (Sun)
Mission HQ Announcements
Mission HQ Personnel Changes
On March 8, Mrs. Kyoko Takemura, the wife of Mission HQ secretary, and their three
children, returned to Japan after four years and seven months serving as a kitchen staff.
Also, on March 15, Mr. Noriaki Sakagami and his wife, Ayano, (both of Ikeda G.C.) arrived in Hawaii to serve at Mission HQ.
On March 22, Mr. Gary Sakai (Honjima G.C.), returned to the Overseas Department to
continue his hinokishin duties after 7 months serving in the Mission HQ office.
Also, on March 23, Mr. Akihiko Murata (Yagi G.C.) returned to Japan after serving for
two years as Mission HQ seinen.
Gary Sakai
Akihiko Murata
Kyoko Takemura,
Clockwise: Misako,
Kimiko & Kumiko
Noriaki & Ayano Sakagami
Tenrikyo Hawaii Boy’s & Girl’s Association
Saturday, MAY 29- Monday, May 31, 2010
Camping on the grounds of the Tenri Cultural Center at 2236 Nuuanu Avenue: Fun, games, campfire, educational, challenging and rewarding! Open to ages 6-15. Over 15 are welcomed to assist
as counselors and leaders. 50% airfare subsidy available for those attending from the neighbor island. See reverse side for more info.
SCHEDULE (for Parents)
May 23 Sun Camp Application deadline. (May 16 deadline for early registration discount)
Food drive for needy. Please bring one canned food item per child to help the Food Bank replenish their supply.
May 29 Sat 9:30am Registration at Tenri Cultural Center for Leaders and Counselors only
12:30pm Registration at TCC for all other camp participants.
May 30 Sun 9:30am General Meeting at Mission HQ (open to everyone: kids, parents,
friends, relatives and ministers).
11:30am Lunch reception for all General Meeting attendees
May 31 Mon 2:00pm Camps ends at Tenri Cultural Center (Parents pick up there)
Mar. 27 Sat: 7pm Pearl Church: 1634 10th Ave. Ph: 734-1449
Apr. 2 Fri: 7pm Honolulu-ko Church: 349 N. Judd St. Ph: 537-4852
Apr. 9 Fri: 7pm Hawaii Central Church: 3174 Lincoln Ave. Ph: 734-5192
Apr. 16 Fri: 7pm Aloha Church: 94-139A Waikele Rd. (Waipahu) Ph: 677-8028
Apr. 24 Sat: 7pm Asakusa Hawaii Church: 4063 Likini St. Cel: 382-0079
May 2 Sun: 7pm Kochi Makoto Church: 1319 Farrington St. Ph: 941-2730
May 7 Fri: 7pm Honolulu Church: 1902 South King St. Ph: 941-1060
May 23 Sun: 7pmMission HQ: 2920 Pali Hwy. Ph: 595-6523
For more information please call Owen at cel: 381-9612 or email me at: [email protected].
Tid Bits
Associations’ Reports
To those remaining behind during the
Women’s Association 100th Anniversary
commemoration in Jiba, worship at church
together as a family! Join us in celebrating
Oyasama’s 212th Birthday. We will be
conducting the BGA Oyasama Birthday
Activity on the 3rd Sunday April 18, at 9:30
a.m. which happens to fall of Oyasama’s
actual birthday.
Spend quality time with family and friends,
do community service and spread the fragrance of the teachings, all at the same time
on Saturday, May 1st at Honolulu Zoo from
9am – 11am. Free transportation (from
three locations) and bento lunch! See ad in
this issue.
Normally held during the Spring break in
March, the 2010 BGA Camp will be held
on May 29-31 (Sat-Mon) during the Memorial Day weekend. This is due to a
schedule conflict with Mission HQ activities. Please mark your respective calendars.
We will be scheduling service practices at
various churches, to be announced later.
Thursday, April 15th, YMA April Monthly
Meeting, 7:30pm at Rainbow Hale.
Sunday, April 18th, YMA will need volunteers to help with games for Oyasama's
April Hinokishin Activities-TBA
2010 General Meeting. We will need performers on Saturday, May 15th. Please
contact Daniel Suzuki if you are willing to
perform again this year.
Due to the recent tsunami warning, the Kokan Seminar was cancelled and will be held after the WA
100th Anniversary.
The time is finally here! Let’s all hope and pray for
a safe trip for everyone that will be going back to
Jiba to celebrate the WA 100th Anniversary. Thank
you to everyone who has contributed in fundraising
for this special event. We will also host a special
event for those who were not able to make the trip.
Keep looking in the Tidbits for a date!
We need volunteers to help with our monthly minibazaar at the Mission HQ’s Monthly Service. We
also need volunteers to help with the beverage table,
setting up the drinks, and pouring tea. If you can
donate a baked good or help out during lunch time,
please contact Louise at 551-3158 to sign up or let
one of the officers know during Monthly Service.
(soy sauce), cereal, and any non-perishable
items by Mission HQ monthly service day
on April 10, Saturday.
It is now April. This month in Jiba, there
will be a Young Women’s gathering after
Oyasama’s Birth Celebration at 3 p.m. and
on the 19th will be the 100th anniversary of
the establishment of the Women’s Association. Let us release any excess baggage in
our hearts and depart with a clear conscience in order to become ever closer to
the teachings of Oyasama, reaching far
beyond 100 years.
April 5 (1st Monday)
WA Monthly Meeting 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Bishop’s lecture
9:30 – 10:00 a.m.
Oyasama’s Birthday Gathering performance practice 10:15 a.m.
April 6 (Tue)
50th Annual Oyasama’s Birthday Gathering
7:00 p.m.
Please bring $3 donation, happi coat, and
white socks.
April 10 (Sat)
Nuuanu Hale Visitation 9:30 a.m.
Bazaar Hinokishin
Every Wednesday at West House
12:00 p.m.
Monthly service luncheon hinokishin is
Godo (Group) B (4/10, Sat). Mahalo!
Canned Food Drive
Please bring in canned food, rice, shoyu
Women’s Association 100th Anniversary
92nd Annual General Meeting Schedule
General Meeting April 19, Monday, 10 a.m.
Inner Courtyard
Commemorative Lecture 1 p.m.
Young Women’s Gathering
April 18, Sunday, 3 p.m.
Tenri University Somanouchi Gym
(English Translation available)
Tenri High School Gym
Joyous Festival April 18, Sunday, after
evening service until 9 p.m.
Four locations:
1. In front of the West Pool
2. In front of the East Pool
3. Shinan St. site
4. Oyasato-yakata south-right-wing
Besseki Lectures March 20 – May 10
October 20 – November 30
92nd Annual
General Meeting
Tenrikyo 173 (2010)
Monday, April 19, 10 a.m.
Tenrikyo Church Headquarters
Inner Courtyard
The Hungry Reporter
I was browsing around in search of the perfect recipe with an
Easter theme when I came across these great muffins on Rachel Ray’s Everyday Living website. I have always enjoyed
sweet muffins, yet never came across a recipe of a “savorier”
version. Well I must say you come across things when you are
least looking for it! If you are a vegetarian, you may want to
try this recipe and omit the bacon. It tasted good with and
I’m almost certain it will be great without! Enjoy!!
Corn & Bacon Muffins
2 cups flour
1 Tbsp plus 1 tsp sugar
1-1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
8 slices bacon, coarsely chopped
6 Tbsp unsalted butter
1/3 cup finely chopped onion
1-1/2 cups frozen corn
1-1/4 cups buttermilk
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1. Preheat the oven to 400°. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper baking liners.
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, salt and pepper to
2. In a large nonstick skillet, cook the bacon over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until crisp but not dry. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the bacon to a
small bowl. Discard the bacon fat. Add the butter to the skillet and melt over
medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring frequently, until softened, about
5 minutes. Stir in the chopped bacon and remove from the heat.
3. Stir the corn into the dry ingredients. Make a well in the center and add the
buttermilk, egg and bacon mixture. Fold the ingredients together until just
combined. Divide the batter equally among the baking liners. Bake, rotating the
pans halfway through, until the tops are golden and a toothpick inserted in the
center comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Let the muffins cool on a rack.
April Calendar 2010
Mon WA Committee Meeting
Mission HQ
9:00 a.m.
Tue Monthly Hinokishin Day
Meet @Mission HQ
9:00 a.m.
Mission HQ
7:00 p.m.
WA Oyasama Birthday Performance
Wed BGA Staff Meeting
Rainbow Hale
7:30 p.m.
Board of Directors Meeting
Mission HQ
7:00 p.m.
Monthly Service
Mission HQ
9:00 a.m.
12th Mon Nioigake Day
Mission HQ
9:00 a.m.
15th Thu YMA Monthly Meeting
Rainbow Hale
7:15 p.m.
10th Sat
Aloha Band Practice
15th & 16th
WA 100th Anniversary Pilgrimage depart
18th Sun BGA Oyasama Birthday Activity
Mission HQ
9:30 a.m.
26th Mon Yohaishiki (Service from afar)
Mission HQ
9:00 a.m.
Every Wed
TCC West House
9:00 a.m.
WA Bazaar Hinokishin
May Calendar 2010
Honolulu Zoo
9:00 a.m.
Tue Monthly Hinokishin Day
Meet @Mission HQ
9:00 a.m.
Sat WA Nuuanu Hale Visitation
Meet @Mission HQ
9:30 a.m.
Abbreviation key:
BGA = Boy’s & Girl’s Assn.
WA = Women’s Association
TCC = Tenri Cultural Center
RH = Rainbow Hale
YMA = Young Men’s Association YWC = Young Women’s Club
TSA = Tenrikyo Students Association
WSN = Women’s Support Network
Tenrikyo mission Headquarters of Hawaii
2920 Pali Highway
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Phone: (808) 595-6523, fax: (808) 595-7748
e-mail: [email protected]
Tenrikyo homepage:
Tenrikyo Online: http:/
Hawaii Mission HQ Online:
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Honolulu, HI
Permit No. 570
General Meeting
Saturday, May 15, 2010
9:30 a.m.