January 2013 family
January 2013 family
family Sunday 30 6 Hear traditional Hawaiian music at the Na Mele Nei concert and enjoy a plate lunch at Ward Warehouse; wardcenters.com, click on Shopping, then Na Mea. Celebrate at the New Year’s Ohana festival with fun cultural activities at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i; jcch.com, click on Things to Do. It’s Charles Reed Bishop’s Birthday! Free admission for Kama‘aina and Military at the Bishop Museum; bishopmuseum.org/calendar/ The NFL Pro Bowl comes to Hawai‘i again. Check out this awesome recipe for football cookie balls; kraftrecipes.com, search oreo footballs. 13 20 27 Monday 31 7 The Sony Open starts today. Have a family tournament at Jungle River Mini Golf at Pearlridge Center. Check out family specials; jungleriverminigolf.com/specials/ Find out what it’s like to fly a real airplane in a flight simulator at the Pacific Aviation Museum. Visit pacificaviationmuseum.org for details. 14 21 Shapes, fantasy landscapes or spiders? Register your keiki for one of Adventures in Art’s February 2013 themed workshops; [email protected]. “Young Artist: Exploring Art” classes begin today at the Honolulu Museum of Art. Great for parents and kids; honolulumuseum.org/learn/classes/ parent_child. 28 Tuesday 1 Happy New Year! Join the Baby Boot Camp 5K Race Team for the Try Fitness Women’s 5K. Email [email protected]. Enjoy stories, songs and sensory activities at Toddler Time at the Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center every Tuesday and Thursday. Register at discoverycenterhawaii.org. Get your go-cart on during “2 For Tuesdays” at Podium Raceway, where admission is two 14-lap races for $25; podiumraceway.com. Kids eat free every Tuesday and Wednesday with every paid entrée at Auntie Pasto’s Kunia; auntiepastoskunia.com. Stroll through beautiful gardens at the Lyon Arboretum and discover new birds, flowers and trees on one of the trails; Hawaii.edu/ lyonarboretum. 8 15 22 29 January 2013 Wednesday The Diamond Head Theatre’s 10-week Acting for Children workshop begins this Saturday; Diamondheadtheatre.com, 733-0277 x 306. 2 9 Visit “Exploring the Reef at Night” at the Waikiki Aquarium. Search for crab, shrimp, eel and octopus. Register at waquarium.org/ news-events.html. 16 Spring break is around the corner. Enroll your child in Kama‘aina Kids’ Spring Day Camp program, Mar. 18- 22; web.kamaainakids.com/events/. 23 Bring the whole family to K–uhio Beach Park for authentic Hawaiian music and hula at the Ainsley Halemanu and Halau Ka Liko O Ka Palai; hulahui.com/eventcategory/1oahu. Online registration ends tomorrow for the Hawai‘i 5210 Let’s Go! Keiki Run, set for Saturday, Feb. 16; flpregister.com/22/ 30 Thursday 3 Show your Foodland Maika‘i card at the Sea Life Park ticket office for great discounts, including $12.50 for adult or junior admission; 259-2500. 10 Taste some delicious chocolate, find out how it’s made and make your own chocolate bar at Madre Chocolate in Kailua; madrechocolate.com. Registration for USTA Hawai‘i’s “Play to Learn” tennis lesson program closes today! The first session begins Jan. 28 hawaii.usta.com. The Hawai‘i Kai public library offers a free “Storytime & Craft” session every Thursday at 10:30 a.m.; 397-5833. 17 24 Friday Find out what the animals do when you leave. Check out the Honolulu Zoo’s Twilight Tours; honoluluzoo.org, click on Education Programs. Discover critters you never knew existed during the Living Art Marine Center’s reef walk near Ala Moana. livingartmarinecenter.com. Head to Barnes and Noble in Kahala Mall for “Keiki Storytime” every Friday at 11 a.m. 737-3323. Join Coyote on his quest to learn more about our “Earth, Moon and Sun,” at the Hokulani Imaginarium; aerospace. wcc.hawaii.edu/ imaginarium.html. 31 Check out the free Fire Knife Dance Class at the Leland Blackfield Youth Activity Center at Palama Settlement. 4 p.m. Thursdays; palamasettlement.org/ youth-activities. 4 11 18 25 Saturday Take a 90-minute train ride with the Hawaiian Railway Society on the only active historical railroad on Oahu; hawaiianrailway.com. Pick up pointers at Aiea Bowl Whiz Kids Junior Bowling Program Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon. Call Bruce Inafuku at 488-6854. 12 19 All ages can celebrate hula and Hawaiian culture at the Polynesian Cultural Center’s 23rd annual Moanikeala Hula Festival; polynesia.com. Check out the comic writer Rap Reiplinger’s “Rap’s Hawaii” show at the Honolulu Theater for Youth; htyweb.org. 1 Join the fun and 94.7 KUMU’s Mandy at Family Sunday. Jan. 20, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Honolulu Museum of Art. | www.kumu.com 5 26 2
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