Adoxaceae Viburnum The sixth viburnum section discusses the evergreen, frost tender viburnums hardy only to zone 7 or less. Adoxaceae Viburnum japonicum – Japanese viburnum Japanese viburnum is a large evergreen multi-stemmed shrub growing to 8 feet tall. It is handsome in leaf, flower and fruit. Native to Japan and hardy in zones 9 to 7. Adoxaceae Viburnum odoratissimum Viburnum odoratissimum is an evergreen large multistemmed plant native to southeast Asia. Plants can grow to over 20 feet tall. Reliably hardy only to zone 8 and possibly zone 7 in a protected site. Adoxaceae Viburnum odoratissimum Viburnum odoratissimum produces white flowers in panicles that are followed by attractive red fruit. Adoxaceae Viburnum awabuki Viburnum awabuki is often confused with V. odoratissimum and is sometimes included as a variety as V. odoratissimum var. awabuki. Plants can grow to over 20 feet tall. It is more hardy than V. odoratissimum to zone 7. Native to Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China. Adoxaceae Viburnum awabuki The evergreen foliage is dark lustrous green and the red fruits are produced in open panicles. Adoxaceae Viburnum davidii – David viburnum David viburnum is a wonderful broadleaved evergreen, compact shrub growing up to 5 feet tall. It can be difficult to establish, but can make an excellent display where it is hardy (zones 9 to 7). Native to Western China. Adoxaceae Viburnum davidii – David viburnum David viburnum holds its flowers above the evergreen foliage in clustered cymes. It does not reliably produce fruit. It does better in the Pacific Northwest compared to the Southeast, where it needs some shade to protect from summer heat. Adoxaceae Viburnum tinus – Laurustinus Laurustinus is a small evergreen viburnum native to the Mediterranean region of Europe. It forms a dense shrub up to 12 feet tall, but often seen in the landscape in more compact selections. It is hardy only from zones 10 to 8. Adoxaceae Viburnum tinus – Laurustinus Laurustinus flowers have pink buds opening to white in flat cymes. Flowers early in the season beginning in January through February. Adoxaceae Viburnum tinus – Laurustinus The fruit is an elongated blue-black drupe. Adoxaceae Viburnum tinus – Laurustinus Laurustinus is a common plant used for small hedges in cool, Mediterranean style greenhouse conservatory displays. Adoxaceae Viburnum tinus – Laurustinus Cultivars: Numerous cultivars have been selected mostly for plant size and flowering. The most widely available is ‘Spring Bouquet’. It is a compact grower to 6 feet high. Flower buds reddish, opening to white. Adoxaceae Viburnum tinus – Laurustinus Cultivars: ‘Compactum’ is a dense shrub growing only to 6 feet tall. Similar in flower and habit to ‘Spring Bouquet’. Adoxaceae Viburnum tinus – Laurustinus Cultivars: “Robustrum’ is a large upright grower to 15 feet tall. Flower buds pink opening to white.