Fall - Notre Dame High School
Fall - Notre Dame High School
INSIDE: Commencement 2013 Notre Dame High School the legeND A Sponsored Ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame- Central Pacific Province Publication for Alumnae, Parents and Friends Summer 2013 ND CELEBRATES 80 YEARS! looking to our past and growing our future 60 60 Fall Saturday, October 12, 2013 5:00 pm- Alumnae Soccer Game- see below for details Sunday, October 13, 2013 Festival Fall Festival Walk/ Run 9:00 am- Walk/Run 10:30 am- Jr./Sr. Class Competition 10:30 am-6:00 pm • Indoor and Outdoor Games • Pumpkin Painting • Beer and Wine Garden • Live Music • Hodaks Chicken Dinners 6:30 pm- Crowning of the Fall Festival Fav. Fall Festival Alumnae Merchandise Order The Fall Festival Walk/ Run will take place at 9:00 a.m. on 10/13/13. Route starts at ND and will continue through J.B. Park. You can opt to run (4 miles) or walk (2 miles). Early bird registration fee is $15 per person if postmarked by 9/27/13 and includes an ND Walk/Run t-shirt or you may purchase the t-shirt only for $12. Late registration is $20 per person and will be available the day of the race. Please note that t-shirts for late registration are not guaranteed. Please copy form for more than one entry. please check if you are an alumna Name___________________________________________________ Make sure to get your own official alumnae Fall Festival t-shirt. (PLEASE COPY FORM FOR MORE THAN ONE T-SHIRT ORDER) I would like to order the following adult size t-shirt (please circle size) (sizes available are S-XXL- add $1 for XXL): Small Medium Large XL XXL Short Sleeved $14 ______ Long Sleeved $17 ______ CREDIT MY 15 POINT T-SHIRT ORDER TO THE FOLLOWING CLASS 2014 2015 2016 2017 My Name_____________________ Phone ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Runner Walker Address________________________________________________ Phone ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ City_______________________ State__________ Zip Code____________ Address__________________________________________________ Email (for confirmation) ___________________________________ City______________________ State__________ Zip Code__________ Email (for confirmation) ______________________________________ T-shirt size: (circle) One t-shirt is included in the registration fee. Additional shirts can be purchased for $12 (adult) or $10 (child). Adult: Child: Small Small Medium Medium Large Large XL ____ I will pick up my t-shirt. OR ____ I have enclosed $5 per shirt to have them mailed to the provided address. TOTAL PAYMENT INCLUDED $ PAYMENT: Visa Cash Check MC Credit (Circle One) AMEX Discover Print name as it appears on the card ________________________________ Credit Card # __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ PAYMENT: Visa Cash Check MC Credit (Circle One) AMEX Discover Exp. Date __ __ / __ __ Security Code __ __ __ __ Billing Address: _______________________________________________________ Name as it appears on the card ___________________________ Credit Card # __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Exp. Date __ __ / __ __ Signature: ____________________________________________________________ DEADLINE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th Security Code __ __ __ __ Billing Address: ____________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ CREDIT MY 15 POINT ORDER TO THE FOLLOWING CLASS 2014 2015 2016 2017 Make checks payable to NDHS. Registration form and payment can be sent to: Fall Festival Walk/Run, 320 E. Ripa Ave., St. Louis, MO 63125 OR Register online at www.ndhs.net or call 314-544-1015 x1102. EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th AFTER SEPTEMBER 27th, REGISTRATION WILL BE $20. Visit www.ndhs.net/fallfestival2013 for online forms, FF info and cool surprises! NEW! Alumnae Soccer Game Saturday, October 12 at 5:00 pm NDHS Soccer Field New this year! After many requests, we have decided to hold an alumnae soccer game on Satuday, October 12 at 5:00 pm. This will be a great opportunity to hang out with your friends and relive your glory days on the newly-expanded Notre Dame Soccer Field. Cost to play is $10, which includes your team t-shirt. If you are interested in playing, please call 314-544-1015 x1102. Please let us know your name, class year, and what position you would be interested in playing for your team. Participants will be placed on teams based on availablility of positions. S principal’s message Dear Alumnae, Parents and Friends, Academic excellence doesn’t just happen. It is a quality of school life that requires the collaboration of talented teachers and students, the determination to go the extra mile to make a difference, and an internal motivation to trust and dare. In 2014, Notre Dame celebrates its 80th anniversary! We have 5-year plans for increasing enrollment, for upgrading our technology environment to include 1:1 digital computing and online learning, for renovating science labs to better equip students seeking careers in bio-medical technology and health fields, and for increasing financial aid for students needing assistance. Our heartfelt gratitude to each of you who have committed to or are considering an investment in our school’s plans for the next five years. ND students and girls from Hancock High School, known as Lemay Leaders, have been collaborating for four years with St. Louis County and several county agencies to achieve a new look at the corner of Ripa and Broadway. Construction of this Education Plaza began this summer and will be celebrated with a ribbon cutting this Fall. As we begin our 2013-2014 school year, we celebrate a number of performing arts recognitions. Mr. Brad Behrmann, ND Music teacher, will be honored as a 2013 Peabody Energy Leader in Education. Mrs. Anna DeMerit, Drama and English Teacher, celebrates her 20th anniversary as Notre Dame’s Drama Director and will be recognized in Spring 2014 for her numerous contributions to the ND performing arts. Our Show Choir and Concert Choir will perform live at the Cardinal game on September 12! We also look forward to welcoming 15 ND-Kyoto, Japan students and teachers in March 2014 for an 80th international birthday party and song and dance festival. Special thanks to all ND alumnae for the many ways you express your interest, involvement and investment in your school’s future. Your partnership, firmly united in faith, helps Notre Dame go the extra mile to make a difference in the lives of young women. Blessings, Dr. Michelle Emmerich, SSND Principal, Notre Dame High School contents ON THE COVER 10-11 Celebrate 80 Years! BACK Concert Under the Stars IN EVERY ISSUE 6-7 12-13 Rebel Arts, Athletics and School News Class Notes NEXT ISSUE 60th Fall Festival Highlights 2012-2013 Annual Report the legeND VOLUME III, NUMBER 2 S. Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60 President [email protected] Dr. Michelle Emmerich, SSND Principal [email protected] Sandra Montgomery ‘01 Director of Major Gifts and Appeals [email protected] Notre Dame High School educates young women to become confident, compassionate Christian leaders. Each student is guided to reach the fullness of her potential and to use her gifts to make a difference in the world around her. Meredith Metzger Director of Marketing/Special Events [email protected] Notre Dame High School provides a college preparatory program to girls from diverse backgrounds through an environment of differentiated instruction. Katie Mallette ‘03 Director of Admissions [email protected] In the spirit of the School Sisters of Notre Dame and in response to the mission of Jesus in the Catholic tradition, students are educated to integrate lifelong learning, faith, and service into their lives. 3 Jaime Horn Gast ‘97 Advancement Associate/ Alumnae Relations [email protected] graduation!! Georgia Bess, Allison Bowman, Lauren Simpson, Kristen Goulden, Alexis Tillman, Ashley Horas and Ellen Blackstone smile before the ceremony starts. Rebecca Fearon, Rachel Schleicher, Emma McCann, Tara Wright, Maddie Siebum, Emily Terbrock, Katherine Potts and Allison Phillips wait for graduation. The Class of 2013 celebrates by throwing their hats up in the air! 4 3 0 2 1 Photos (l to r) Salutatorian Rachel Rone speaks about her class’s contributions to Notre Dame. Valedictorian Maddie Siebum talks about the history of her class at Notre Dame and their legacy to the school. Graduation speaker Meaghan Mueller ‘99 speaks to the Class of 2013 about being themselves, finding their own path, and holding those they love close to them. Graduation ceremonies began on Monday, May 13 with the Senior Parent Mass and Dinner. On Tuesday, all of the ND community looked on as the Baccalaureate ceremony was held at Notre Dame. At this ceremony, winners of many senior awards, such as the Mother Teresa award and the Heritage Stole were announced. Graduation was held at St. Margaret Mary Alacoque church on Wednesday, May 15. 52 members of the Class of 2013 were present to receive their diplomas as they prepared to move on to college. All of the class have been accepted into a college or university of choice with 75% of the class offered scholarships to support their college degrees and career preparation. Scholarship values totaled $4.5 million. This is the largest class percentage of scholarship offers in Notre Dame’s history! Ninety-four percent of the class has chosen to enroll in a 4-year university with 6% attending a 2 year college. The majority of the class have plans for careers in health fields, bio-medical engineering, business and education. Awards recieved by this senior class include the Post Dispatch Scholar Athlete (Maggie Hogan), the Archbishop May Service Award (Allison Phillips), and the Martin Luther King Service Award (Katherine Potts). Rachel Rone was chosen the Salutatorian and Madeline Siebum as the Valedictorian. Lauren Neighbors, Christina Rohde and Katie Fernandez have signed letters of intent to play collegiate athletics. 5 photos courtesy of Ravetta Photography • • • Lucy Frietag ’14 has been selected by UMSL’s “Students and Teachers as Research Scientists” program to study with Dr. Dana Braun, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Saint Louis Univeristy. At the conclusion of the 6-weeks of research, Lucy will present a paper of her findings at UMSL’s Touhill Center. Natalie Pistone ’14 will be honored for her leadership and service by St. Louis County Government in September 2013. Mary Weber and Sam Trottier will be joining a youth group from Kennedy High School this summer for a Mission Trip to Honduras. School news • • • Join Notre Dame on Sept. 12 for a Cardinal Game at Busch Stadium! Our ND Show Choir and Concert Choir will sing the national anthem before the game. Special game tickets are now available for purchase through the ND website. Help us cheer on the Cardinals and be recognized as their special guests. In February 2014, our sister school in Baltimore, the Institute of Notre Dame, will be bringing its choral and music groups to ND-STL for a performing arts exchange for 3 days. It is our plan to take our music groups to Baltimore in the future. Notre Dame offers an Introduction to International Business through its Business Department. The course covers many topics and provides opportunities to hear speakers on global economics/business entrepreneurship and experience field trips for special international business seminars at local universities. This one semester course will also compliment a Marketing course introduced two years ago. International Business will be offered during the second semester of the 20132014 school year. RETIREMENT NEWS This year, Notre Dame says goodbye to two members of the ND community that have been an integral part of the ND family for many years. Below, see a little about each retiree. black slacks, white socks, black shoes and black sunglasses, we performed the entire 6 1/2 minute rendition of “Shout!” for the student body, faculty, and staff. We were later informed by S. Michelle that we nearly brought the house down, ah- make that the gym! faculty bathroom, someone as a joke decorated it with paper bats hanging from strings. It became the official faculty “BATROOM”. Maria Hoft English Department 24 years at ND What is one of your favorite memories of ND? The times I really enjoyed most were when I could get to know the girls much better outside of class. I remember fun times with the faculty too –“Bible study” meetings, progressive Dinners, dressing up as nuns (Bev and I) for Spirit Week, and cute practical jokes. For instance, after a bat was discovered in the 3rd floor What message would you like to give to the ND community? We have some of the most wonderful girls and most dedicated and caring teachers here. ND will always hold a special place in my heart! Phil Livingston Facilities Director 10 years at ND What is one of your favorite memories of ND? One of my favorite memories will always be the Friday that began Fall Festival 2006. For three weeks prior to that date, five of the male teachers and myself practiced a minimum of two times each week. We honed our moves, our facial expressions, and perfected our synchronization. On that magical day, with all participants dressed in long sleeved white shirts, narrow black ties, shortened What do you look forward to doing in your retirement? Spending time with my husband, my family and friends. My husband and I are hoping to visit my relatives in Italy and his brother who is currently working in Hong Kong. 6 What message would you like to leave with the Notre Dame community? I have always believed that “the” Notre Dame High School is, without a doubt, the best kept secret in St. Louis! What do you look forward to doing in your retirement? My top priority items are to write one and possibly two books, master the art of piano playing, travel our great country, and spend a minimum of 20 hours on a fishing bank on the ocean! rebel arts Irving Berlin’s White Christmas adapted for the stage by David Ives and Paul Blake was presented at Notre Dame April 4 – 7. With a cast and crew of 60 and some very helpful parents, the gym was transformed into a Christmas spectacular complete with real snow and men in WW II uniforms. The stage play stays very close to the original 1952 movie. In addition, the back of the gym displayed pictures and bios of military veteran family members of the cast, crews, parents and teachers. Each performance received a standing ovation and many patrons left humming the songs and with tears in their eyes. On May 18, Notre Dame participated in the 9th Cappies Gala at Lindenwood University. The school recieved nominations in 16 different categories. Notre Dame students Claire McCann ‘16 and Gillian McManemin ‘16 won the Cappies Trophy for Best Special Effects for White Christmas. We congratulate all of our nominees. Gillian McManemin and Claire McCann work on their award winning special effects! Katherine Potts and Emma McCann sing “Sisters”. The entire cast is “Dreaming of a White Christmas”! Four Notre Dame artists were recognized for their participation in the Youth Art Month Capitol Exhibition in Jefferson City, MO. These students are Ellen Houston ‘16, Stephanie Ryan ‘16, Maria Smith ‘16 and Taylor Jones ‘15. Selected Works l to r: Ellen Houston, Maria Smith, Taylor Jones, Stephanie Ryan rebel athletics The 1st annual mouse races were held Saturday, April 27th. There were over 290 people in attendance and the event was a great success. We were able to raise $10,000 for the athletic department, which will help with new uniforms, field improvements and coaching clinics. We welcome Jenn Anderson ‘07 to the NDHS coaching staff. Jenn will be coaching varsity softball. She previously coached college softball in TX after playing college softball for 4 years. The softball fields have new brick dugouts and a new backstop. New scoreboards will go up by July to complete the softball field. The dugouts are being constructed by Jim Staat Tuckpointing and the backstop by Aalco Manufacturing. Thank you to these generous companies for their support of Notre Dame Athletics. 7 N O T R PRESENTS E D A M E Fabulous ND SOIREE 2013 FEBRUARY 23, 2013 ND Parents, Alumnae and Friends took a chance on ND when they joined us for the Fabulous ND Soiree 2013- An Evening in Las Vegas. This year’s event was held at The Cedars. This year’s 14th Annual Dinner Auction featured Las Vegas-themed decorations, food and cocktails. Attendees bid on the wonderful silent and oral auction items while enjoying an evening of fundraising for Notre Dame. Thanks to the generosity of our attendees, we raised a record $23,600 in our Fund A Need Scholarship appeal. Other popular items included a Budweiser Skill Stop Slot Machine, a Perdido Key Condo Vacation, miniature schnauzer puppy, and a Golf Getaway Package. Save the date for ND Soiree 2014 on February 22, 2014. Our theme will be A Toast to 80 Years- so join us and celebrate 80 years of Notre Dame! 18th Annual Notre Dame High School Golf Tournament Saturday, August 24, 2013 1:30 pm Sunset Hills Golf Course Get your alumnae foursome together today and receive the special rate. Hurry, space is limited! Funds raised from the tournament have been essential in furthering the development of our athletic program at Notre Dame. There are many sponsorship opportunities available. It is a great way to promote your company or business. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Mark Bayens, Athletic Director, at 314-544-1015 x1016 or [email protected]. All Alumnae Team: $400 Non-Alumnae Team Entry- $440 Individual Entry- $110/ Alumna- $100 Reservation Deadline: August 23, 2013 To register, visit www.ndhs.net/golftournament13 or send payment and team information to: Notre Dame High School Attn: Golf Tournament 320 E. Ripa Ave. St. Louis, MO 63125 8 2013 Reunion Evening On March 9, 2013, 240 Alumnae returned to Notre Dame to celebrate their class reunions ND style! The night kicked off with Mass in the Motherhouse Chapel. From there each class gathered in their own private room throughout the school to reconnect, reminisce, and celebrate with their classmates. The ladies enjoyed a catered dinner, cocktails, class photos and tours of the school led by current students. A fabulous time was had by all! On April 17, 2013, twenty ladies from the class of 1948 and 1953 gathered at ND to celebrate their reunion with a Mass in the Motherhouse Chapel followed by a luncheon in the convent auditorium. Everyone enjoyed an afternoon of catching up and sharing their ND memories! Next year will be the 7th year for the Reunion Evening Program which will be held March 8, 2014 for the classes of 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, and 2009. While ND does most of the planning, we still need at least one person from each class to serve as the reunion representative. Please contact Jaime at 314-544-1015 x1101 if you are interested in being your reunion class representative. Class of 1958 Class of 1968 Class of 1983 Class of 1993 Class of 1973 Class of 1963 Class of 2003 Class of 1998 Class of 2008 Class of 1977 “Being together for the sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Eucharist was and always is a tremendous start to our reunion! We had 40 women from our class in attendance and shared a joyful happy time together – never having a quiet moment. We had close to 20 states represented. Attendance prizes were available for all. Everyone looked great! We prayed for the six we have lost since graduation with ‘hope in their Resurrection!’ Close to 20 gals met for breakfast the next day at Holiday Inn. Thanks so much to ND, our Alma Mater!” -Patty Borgard Allgeyer ‘63 9 80 years of Notre Dame Alumnae Check out our amazing ND alumnae. Throughout the years, women of Notre Dame have been successful in many different areas: service, scholarship, and professionally. We are proud of these talented ladies and the many more generations to come! To view the expanded “80 Years of Alumnae” feature, visit www.ndhs.net/80yearsofalumnae. 1930’s Helen (Phelan) Stokes ‘38 Worked as a legislative secretary for in the Missouri House of Representatives. She attributes skills she learned at ND as being a great help over the years. 1940’s Carmelita (Bresler) Pelch ‘47 Carmelita turned her love of baking into a career as a registered dietitian. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from Fontbonne, and her Masters degree from SLU. She went on to a long career with Christian Welfare Hospital and Anderston Hospital in IL. She also worked at Mary, Queen and Mother Center and Cardinal Ritter Senior Services. These days, you’ll find her baking breads for the St. Wenceslaus Fall Festival. Geraldine Rohling ‘70 Geraldine M. Rohling is an accomplished and talented woman of the arts who possesses a unique understanding of the sacred arts both as a practitioner and as a scholar. Geraldine is the first archivist-curator of the Basilica of the National Shrine. She has brought both national and international attention to the artistic, architectural, and historical treasures of this great national church. 1980’s 1950’s S. Carleen Reck ‘55 S. Carleen has directed Criminal Justice Ministry since 1999. CJM works to establish human connections with prisoners, integrate ex-prisoners back into society, and provide support for the families of prisoners. She credits Notre Dame for teaching her life skills to succeed in the world, and for introducing her to a wonderful support group- her alumnae friends! 1960’s 1970’s Barbara (Wolff) Vosbein ‘68 As a student at ND, S. Alene Faul convinced Barbara Wolff to take the advanced placement English classes. These classes, and this encouragement, led her to a writing career. As a stay at home mom, a friend introduced Barbara to the Harlequin romance novels. After reading several, Barbara set out to become a romance novelist. She published 20 books for Silhouette under the pseudonym “Nikki Benjamin”. These days, she works at the library and looks forward to retiring in 1 year and 11 months and moving to California to be closer to her granddaughter. S. Kathy Schmittgens ‘65 S. Kathy was taught by Sr. Marie Vincent Brothers the parable of talents. Those to whom much has been given, much will be required. She felt called to help the people of Africa after seeing their plight first hand while living in Sierra Leone for 5 years. She lives and serves in St. Louis as the Director of Development for the African Province, which was officially formed in 2011. Niki (Miller) Stilwell ‘85 After graduation, Niki attended SLU, graduating in three years with a BA in English. She then earned her JD at SLU Law School. She is a partner at The Miller/Salisbury Law Firm specializing in personal injury, wrongful death and workers compensation. Niki credits ND for developing and fostering skills such as time management, goalsetting, organization, and proactiveness. 1990’s Joni Jensen ‘97 Joni is a St. Louis County Police Department Sargeant. She works in Patrol in the Oakville/Lemay area. She has also previously worked in the robbery/homicide department for four years. She credits Notre Dame for teaching her the ability to work on her own, take initiative, and to be a leader. Dr. Katie Steiling ‘94 Katie graduated from ND and graduated from Boston College with degrees in biochemistry and psychology. She then attended medical school at Boston University School of Medicine. She currently is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Bioinformatics at Boston University School of Medicine and an attending Pulmonary and Critical Care physician at Boston Medical Center. Katie credits Notre Dame for helping her learn who she really was and how to translate “want” into tangible reality. 2000’s Lauren Bander ‘02 Lauren is a fashion designer with her own fashion line (Lauren Bander). She was the winner of St. Louis Fashion Week in 2012 and showed at New York Fashion Week in February 2013. Lauren says Notre Dame taught her to be a self starter and gave her the courage and ambition to start her own business. 10 Then...and Now 1948 1991 2013 1977 Common Senior Aspirations Common Senior Aspirations (as reported in the 1956 yearbook) (as reported to the guidance office in 2013) To own their own car To learn to cook To become a teacher To join the SSNDs To get married To be an artist To have 12 children To become a nurse To become a speech therapist To become a teacher To become a pharmacist To become a doctor Cost of a Notre Dame Uniform 1942: Jumper: $7.98 White Blouse: $1.50 Tuition 2013: 1941- $25.00/year with a $5.00 typewriter fee 2013- $10,700 with additional course fees Skirt- $40.00 Polo Shirt- $19.00 11 s s a Cl es t o N 1982 Joyce (Ripper) Huelsing is the mother of five children: Heather (26), Kristin (25), Kimberly (24), Bryan (23), & Matthew (20). Her oldest daughter Heather married Jake Engert on Sept. 18, 2011 and made her a first time grandmother of Caleb Engert on Aug. 27, 2012. Kristin works at the marketing company Moosylvania and Kimberly lives in Dallas, TX and works at Enterprise Leasing, Bryan studies at Ranken Technical College and Matthew is studying at Mizzou. 1989 Elizabeth Glass received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Webster University - Kansas City Campus. She graduated with Department Honors and was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing. She is currently enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing - Leader Focus at Webster University - Kansas City campus. Lisa Woodson married Justin Dement on November 10, 2012. Maid of Honor was Elizabeth Glass ‘89. 1994 1997 On May 17, 2013, Dr. Kerry M Bommarito, MPH, Ph.D. received her Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health Studies with an Emphasis in Epidemiology from St Louis University School of Public Health. Kerry’s Dissertation Title: The Impact of Chorioamnionitis on Maternal Morbidity and Mortality. Kerry is employed by Washington University School of Medicine in the Infectious Disease Department as a Research Coordinator. (photo) Katie (Whalen) Peroutka and her husband Tom welcomed their second child, Thomas William on August 6, 2012. Thomas joins proud big sister Mia (4). (photo) 1996 Jennifer Wrobleski married James Heinemann on October 11, 2012 in Port St. Joe, FL. Wedding party included mother of the bride Kathleen (French) Wrobleski ’70, and bridesmaid Jamie (Waser) Aulbach ’96. The happy couple returned to St. Louis for a reception with family and friends. (photo) 1993 1999 Katie Duke is currently involved in filming for the second season of the medical documentary “NY Med”, which will air on ABC next summer. She was featured in the first season which aired in Summer 2012. Currently, she is also featured on “NY ER” which airs on Discovery Health and the Oprah Winfrey Network. got news? We love sharing news of weddings and babies, but we would also love to share news about your graduations, career moves, travel plans, service experiences, etc. Please let us know what you are doing! On April 2, 2013 Christine (Stroer) Ingrassia was elected as the St. Louis 6th Ward Alderwoman. Christine, a passionate advocate for the city of St. Louis, has worked as a volunteer for the Gate District East Neighborhood Association, then for the Sixth Ward Democratic Organization and for the past two and a half years, she has worked for the Vashon Jeff Vanderlou Initiative and as Director of Community Outreach for the 6th ward. She and her husband have three children. (photo) Send your news and photos for the next issue of the legeND to Jaime Horn Gast ‘97 at gastj@ ndhs.net by November 30, 2013! 12 Meet the New Admissions Director! Katie Mallette ‘03 has recently accepted the Director of Admissions position at Notre Dame High School. After her four years at Notre Dame, Katie went to Fontbonne University where she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Middle School Education. Katie has just finished her Masters in Learning Technologies from Fontbonne as well. For the past four years, Ka- tie taught at Assumption Parish School in South St. Louis County. While at Assumption, she taught 2nd grade before moving up to the middle school level and focused on teaching Language Arts and Social Studies. This year, Katie is looking forward to working with the current staff and faculty to continue recruiting young girls to Notre Dame from throughout the St. Louis area. She cannot wait to meet with different 7th and 8th grade students from the area to discuss the many positives ND has here on campus, as well as the changes that have occurred since she graduated. In Memoriam Information in the In Memoriam section is compiled using information made available to Notre Dame from family members or classmates of the deceased. To list recently deceased alumnae or classmates, please forward copies of newspaper or online obituaries to the Advancement Office at 320 East Ripa, St. Louis, MO 63125. You can also reach us at (314) 544-1015. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Beatrice (Venker) Binns Pierson ’43, mother of Catherine Binns ’68, sister of Marcella (Venker) Birckhead ‘46, Joan (Venker) Ryan ‘50 and Christine (Venker) Leonard ‘55, aunt of Teri Venker ’72, Joyce (Venker) Cornwell ‘79, and Christine E. Ryan ‘82 Pauline Fischer ‘44 Vivian (Thompson) Harster ‘44 Virginia (Blume) Wegener ‘44 Anita (Kopf) Doyle ‘45 Florita (Wetzel) Ficker ’45, sister of Mary (Wetzel) Ruhland ’40, Martha (Wetzel) Matoushek ’42, and Barbara Wetzel ’50 Marie A. (Stuchlik) Bradley ‘46 Dorothy (Ziegler) Brouk ‘48 Arleen (Baumann) Lammert ‘49 Kathryne (Pusateri) Quentin ‘53 Clarissa (Otte) Georgevitch ’54, mother of Cindy (Georgevitch) Marshall ’94, sister of S. Joanne Otte, SSND ‘56 and JoEllen (Otte) Barbare ’59. Susan (Venverloh) Barrett ‘56 Donna (Mues) Tyler ‘57 Anna Marie (Jobst) Wamboldt ‘60 Rosann (Folk) Plautz ‘61 Linda (Montgomery) Newman ‘69 Kathleen Risch ’72, sister of Rose (Risch) Grothhaus ‘65 Raymond Mueller, husband of Bernice (Barhorst) Mueller ‘47 Bruce Guignard, husband of Susan (Gillsin) Guignard ‘61 Dolores Schaeffer, mother of Cheryl Schaeffer ‘76 S. Marie Vincent Brothers, SSND Charles Brown, husband of Janet (Herbort) Brown ‘65 and father of Gina (Brown) Wideman ‘87, Cheryl (Brown) Hanson ‘90 and Cindy (Brown) Roth ‘91 13 August 16 First Full Day of Classes 24 ND Golf Tournament 1:30 pm- Sunset Hills Golf Course September 20 Homecoming Dance 28 Concert Under the Stars 6:30 pm- NDHS Campus October 4 7th and 8th Grade Mixer 7:00 pm-10:00 pm- NDHS 11 FF High School Mixer 7:00 pm- 10:00 pm- NDHS 12 FF Alumnae Soccer Game 5:00 pm- NDHS Soccer Field 13 60th Annual Fall Festival 9:00 am- Walk/Run 10:30- Jr/Sr Class Competition 10:30-6:00 pm- Games, Food 6:30 pm- Coronation November 8-10 Fall Play 8- 7:30 pm 9- 1:30 and 7:30 pm 10- 7:30 pm 13 Grandparents Day 9:30 am- Reception 11:00 am- Mass 17 Mother-Daughter Event 24-26 Retreats December 7 Breakfast With Santa 8:30am-10:00 am or 10:30 am-12:00 pm- NDHS 8 Winter Concert and Dance Recital 7:00 pm- NDHS 20-Jan 5 Christmas Break SAVE THE DATE! February 22 ND Soiree 2014- A Toast to 80 Years! 5:30 pm-10:30 pm Orlando’s on Hoffmeister To view a complete school and events calendar, visit www.ndhs.net. The following individuals were honored with a special gift to Notre Dame in their name between December 11, 2012 and May 31, 2013. In Honor Of: The Class of 2008 The Class of 2011 Jeannie Ashelin ‘16 Madison Becnel ‘16 Myrna Hahn Bell ‘57 Jaclyn Buchheit ‘14 Magdalen Buchmiller ‘08 Shelby Carroll ‘14 Bridgette Clifton ‘15 Sarah Collins ‘16 Jennifer Duffie ‘12 Jenny Ebel ‘14 Amanda Juengst ‘14 The Knebel Family Caroline Knese ‘14 Brooke Krassinger ‘14 Sydney Kremer ‘16 Rachel Lindemann ‘14 The Male Teacher Alliance Mary Lou Mayer Aimilia McDonough ‘14 Morgyn Mount ‘14 Emily Narez ‘14 Mikayla Niethe ‘15 Ann Finocchiaro ‘14 Lucy Freitag ‘14 Natalina Gannon ‘16 Kristen Goulden ‘13 Ashley Green ‘16 Paige Hargiss ‘16 Caitlin Helm ‘12 Elizabeth Helm ‘15 Emily Jean Henry ‘14 Ellen Houston ‘16 Diane Rogoz Hulsey ‘93 Allie Jeffries ‘13 Hannah Reznicek ‘15 Danielle Rinck ‘14 Kathleen Rogoz ‘96 Samantha Schaller ‘14 Marissa Schrader ‘14 Sabrina Sicola ‘15 Mariel Tishma ‘14 Katrina Ventimiglia ‘06 Naomi Walsby ‘14 George and Marie Wehrle Jenna Wolff ‘15 The following individuals have chosen to remember a loved one with a special gift to Notre Dame between December 11, 2012 and May 31, 2013. In Memory Of: In Memory of the deceased members of the Class of 1948 Shirley Tischler Chambers ‘48 In Memory of Walter and Marie Berberich Jayne Berberich Kearns ‘73 In Memory of Susan Antonacci, SSND ‘67 Marie Antonacci In Memory of Louis and Mary Bezdek Sue Bezdek McKamely ‘68 In Memory of Dick and Donna Armbruster Sue Armbruster Herndon ‘73 In Memory of Rosemary Moran Blackburn ‘59 Thomas and Geraldine Polys Martin ‘59 In Memory of John and Teresa Armbruster Jeanne Armbruster Pate ‘63 In Memory of Helen, Joseph, and Roger Aschenbrenner Kathryn Aschenbrenner ‘60 In Memory of Susan Venverloh Barrett ‘56 Christine Venker Leonard ‘55 In Memory of John C. Baumann Linda Baumann-Romine In Memory of Joan Bellinger Baumgartner ‘55 Mary Hannauer Schwartz ‘55 In Memory of Rosemarie Bellers Barbara Bellers Morrison ‘69 In Memory of Dorothy Rohrich Blunt ‘68 Kathleen Bucher Rohrich ‘64 Lanty and Debra RohrichTyler ‘87 In Memory of John Bridwell Elizabeth Kuhlman ‘95 In Memory of M. Dionysia Brockland, SSND Aleen Harvath Lauver ‘63 In Memory of Charles Brown Barry and Jane Saffo Bainter ‘65 Bussen Quarries, Inc. Greg, Louise, and Patty Egan ‘83 Joe and Mary Ann Fisch James Giardina Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60 George and Pauline Hack Keith and Cheryl Brown Hanson ‘90 Joe Hennessy 14 In Memory of Charles Brown (cont.) Dan and Sharon Heisler Imig ‘65 Jacquelyn Jones Norman and Joan Kars Thomas and Kathy Egan Madden ‘85 Gary and Janice Jennewein Meyer ‘65 John and Jane Wunderlich Poelzl ‘60 Joe Ripper Kristina Hinman Ripper ‘91 Robert and Cindy Brown Roth ‘91 Steven Sanders Mary and Megan Smallwood ‘07 Dave and Pat Beelman Staub ‘62 Garry and Kathleen Madden Stockmann ‘83 Brian and Annaliese Werner Walter and Anita Maschek Werner ‘65 Gina Brown Wideman ’87 and Brendan Wideman In Memory of Chuck Buhrmester Janet Ippolito Buhrmester ‘55 In Memory of Kim Christensen ‘79 Michael and Patricia Koenen Lee ‘79 Terry and Nancy Nelson Norman Christensen In Memory of Rosalie Christensen Terry and Nancy Nelson In Memory of James Doty Constance Pelch Doty ‘68 In Memory of Mary Ann (Mary Eugene) Eckhoff, SSND Dianne Bausano Berns ‘65 Judy Jennewein ‘65 Bonnie Knittig Mulligan ‘65 Mary Hanak Ronshausen ‘65 In Memory of Carol Fassler Eppy ‘53 Kathleen Eppy Lumsden ‘94 In Memory of Alene Faul, SSND Debra Heisler Neustadt ‘70 Barbara Geers, SSND ‘55 In Memory of Florita Wetzel Ficker ‘45 Robert and Mildred Conway Sherry Heumann Henry and Mary Kinghorn Russ and Karen Leary James and Mary Lundy Mark and Nancy Mager Mary Ellen Rottjakob James Ruhland Richard Ruhland John and Evelyn Stockman Eric and Sheila Treptow In Memory of Jane Frances, SSND Gerry and Katy Pawlowicz ‘71 In Memory of Kurt Gasko Jane Steger Gasko ‘63 In Memory of Clarissa Otte Georgevitch ‘54 Josephine Otte Barbare ‘59 In Memory of Mary Ann Gnojewski Steve and Mary Trottier In Memory of Joseph Grams, Jr. Shirley Knebel Grams ‘48 In Memory of Bruce Guignard Ann Padberg ‘61 In Memory of Beverly Hart Katrina Steiling ‘94 In Memory of Geri Oberkirsch Heidepriem ‘73 Maryann Kiefer Oberkirsch ‘47 In Memory of Julie HeilmanRhodes Jennifer Heilman Ahmad ‘89 In Memory of Norman Jensen Donna M. Fischer, SSND ‘52 In Memory of Virginia Pieper Julius ‘55 Janet Pieper Reed ‘64 In Memory of Henry Lenderink Joanne Lenderink Terry ‘66 In Memory of Therese Mager Barbara Wetzel ‘50 In Memory of Wayne Ortmann Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60 In Memory of Kathleen Smith Malkemus ‘80 Doris Hoberg Niehoff ‘80 In Memory of Thomas Padberg Ann Padberg ‘61 In Memory of August Mantia Mary Mantia Schomaker ‘60 In Memory of Beatrice Venker Pierson ‘43 Christine Venker Leonard ‘55 In Memory of Anthony Mataya Julie Kowalewski Mataya ‘90 In Memory of Martha Matthes Katie Konkel ‘96 In Memory of Margaret Pieper Maurer ‘53 Janet Pieper Reed ‘64 In Memory of Lee Francis Maurer Margaret Baragiola Maurer ‘52 In Memory of Sean McDermott Patricia Brock ‘68 In Memory of Helen Meier ‘46 Marlene Meier Harbaugh ‘48 In Memory of Angelo Milano Rosemary Dolson Milano ‘48 In Memory of Vincent H. Venker, II Teresa Venker ‘72 In Memory of Julie Ventimiglia ‘95 Sam and Ann Ventimiglia In Memory of Kathryne Pusateri Quentin ‘53 Gloria Niederecker Haar ‘53 Vera Fidalgo Maas ‘52 In Memory of Claranne Vogel, SSND Patricia Brock ‘68 In Memory of Charles Ransom, Jr. Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60 In Memory of Margaret Hoppmann Walsh ‘45 Edward and Rita Walsh In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Reisch Patricia Reisch Harte ‘49 In Memory of Dorothy Welsch Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60 Sue Armbruster Herndon ‘73 In Memory of Patricia Rosso ‘54 Irene Czarnecki Froidl ‘54 In Memory of Lorraine Devereaux Scanlon ‘66 Denise Devereaux ‘73 In Memory of Rose Schumacher Celine Schumacher, SSND ‘62 In Memory of Vivalore Luffy Michalak ‘48 Toni Michalak Boschert ‘71 In Memory of Terry Hasson Urbantke ‘73 Carol Hasson ‘82 In Memory of Alice E. Seifried Robert Seifried In Memory of Betty Stratton Studley ‘55 Debra Heisler Neustadt ‘70 In Memory of Joan Glowczewski Mueller ‘48 Robert Mueller 15 In Memory of Grace Whalen Gail Guelker, SSND ‘60 In Memory of Ruth Phillips Winzen ‘44 Mari-Alice Wiedel Searcy ‘44 In Memory of Sue Schweiss Witeka ‘81 Mary Hack Erickson ‘81 In Memory of Kathleen Pieper Zinser ‘69 Janet Pieper Reed ‘64 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID St. Louis, MO 63125 Permit No. 5933 Notre Dame High School 320 E. Ripa Ave. St. Louis, MO 63125 www.ndhs.net A Sponsored Ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame- Central Pacific Province Concert Under the Stars Saturday, September 28, 2013 6:30 pm NDHS Campus- Rain or Shine Join us for a concert under the stars to celebrate Notre Dame’s 80th Anniversary! Make sure to bring a blanket or chairs, along with a basket of your favorite food and drink. Featuring the Yessir! Band When you are at an event that features The Yessir! Band, be sure to bring your dancing shoes! Yessir! has close to 20 years experience providing exciting live entertainment for outdoor festivals at Faust Park in Chesterfield, Wildwood Founder’s Day, Shrewsbury’s Fall Festival, plus many other private and public events. There’s something for everyone, as set lists include your favorites from Motown, Classic Rock, Jazz, Disco, as well as current hits from popular artists of today. TICKETING AND ADMISSION INFORMATION Gates Open 6:00 pm Show From 6:30-10:30 pm Soda, Water and Snacks available for purchase Call 314.544.1015 x1102 for tickets or visit www.ndhs.net/concert to purchase online. $10 in advance/ $15 at the door Children under 10 are free
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