Formation.However, some other Liassic sequences are also recognized in the study area where their lithologic aspects are different (e.g. Kirklar Mountain, N of Moramil, W and S of Dereagil localities,Plate 1). Thickness of the Vermis formation was measured to be 30 m in the Pasaoglaninçal hill section. Lithology and Type Section: The type section of the Vermis formation was measured from the southwestern slope of Pasaoglaninçal hill (1 km N of Vermis village) (Plate 1). In this measured section, the sequence starts with greengrayish green, massive conglomerates, bioclastic calcareous and conglomerates (arenaceous, bioclastic echinoidal-crinoidal biocalcirudite) (Figure debris with less amount detrital packstone 9). The of rock and or crinoidal fragments are cemented by The rock fragments are rocks. Quartz fragments are calcite (Figure 10). mainly quartz and metamorphic is made to grainstone echinoidal drussy sparry mainly of limestones metamorphic in origin (Folk, 1974). The biodebris up of echinoids, crinoids, echinoid spines, bryozoa and lamellibranchiata fragments all of which are rounded and well sorted. Above this level, green, massive to bedded arenaceous green calcareous sandstone beds bioclastic carbonates conglomerate lenses are present alternating and green thickwith calcareous (Figure 9). Crinoids, echinoids and lamellibranchiata are the abundant fossil fragments with minor metamorphic rock and quartz fragments,all of which are cemented by drussy sparry calcite. The sequence grades 28 Figure 15. Major microfossil biozonation of the Amasya Group. groups used in the 1-3. Globuligerina gr. oxfordiana (Grigelis) (Sample No:882k, X 200) 4. Globuligerina sp. (Sample No:882b, X 200) 5. Clypeina jurassica (Favre) (Sample No:868w, X 90) 6-7. Mesoendothyra izjumiana Dain (Sample No:868c,d, X 110) 8-1C. Alveosepta gr. jaccardi (Schrodt) (Sample No:882b, 868b, X 60) 11-13.ProtopeMeroplis trochoangulata S~ptfontaine (Sample No:5450,b, XL00) 14-15. Haplophramoides joukowskyi Charollais, Brönnimann and Zaninetti) (Sample No:5450,a, X 110) 16-18. Montsalevia salevensis (Charollais, Brönnimann and Zaninetti) (Sample No:5450,a, X 110) 19-22. Hedbergella delrioensis (Carsey) (Sample No:545b,e,X 110) 23. 25-26 . Hedbergella sp.(Sample No:545b, X 200) Hedbergella planispira (Tappan) (Sample No:545b,c, X 200) 27. Hedbergella gorbachikae Longoria (Sample No:545b, X 200) 28-29. Globigerinelloides ferreolensis (Moullade) (Sample No:545b, X 200) 30. Globigerinelloides algerianus Cushman and Ten Dam (Sample No:545b, X 200) to the east between Saribugdayand BOgazköy villages is 25 km (p ia te 3). Terrace conglomerates: These are dominantly located at the center of the Merzifon-Suluova basin between çayirözü and Kapanci settlements and at the western slopes of eastern margin (Plate 3). Conglomerates are strongly cemented or grain supported and exposed at 30-40 m above the today's valley bottom. The thickness of the conglomerates varies from 0.5 to 2 m. Swamps: A widespread swamp development is observed at the southeastern margin of the Merzifon-Suluova basin. The N-S flowing Tersakan river is shifted in E-W direction between Kapanci and BOgazköy settlementsand results in a swamp occurence (Plate 3). It covers totally an area of 15- 20 square km. At some other localities,swamps also occur which are closely associated with faults. Travertines: At few localities,namely the Alican hill (NE of Harap settlement), Dereagil settlement and the Sigirevlegi ridge, some travertine occurences which are not active today, are observed (Plate 3). In general,travertines are grayish white, porous to compact, massive calcareous tufa with a maximum thickness of 7 m. 128 Figure 83. Retreat of fault scarps and related physiographic landforms developing along faults during the period of time. Letters A to C indicate younger to older morphologies, respectively. F.fault, dotted line is the continuation of fault beneath sediments. There are several streams flowing from mountains and entering the basin. Most of these subsequent streams die out and leave their load lines. As they controlled by in alluvial enter the faults. The dominantly consequent basin, fans or they along the fault are drainage system structurally in the basin is which follows the fault valleys up to recent depocenter (Figure 82, Plate 2). The main drainage systems within the basin are Köseler stream, Keçiköyand Gümüssuyu streams, Bulanik stream and Tersakan stream whereby each stream flows through fault valleys (Figure 82). The main drainage system, Tersakan stream, flows across the basin by entering from leaving the Çeltek area (N of Suluova town) and basin after Bogazköy village. Within the basin, 166 ii..-iu...,c i_i i-i. U._Itlliog i_i...rr__ ""~i_ic_' ~,'_i...) 1_1..Lin_ - ii..- _..- ioio I..-;.. 1""" '-- _1_ _ .1..'" _ _ i-i _ to.'1_ '-iLU",t ni_i ..._'''' _'801', ".. il C_.........._-.... i ~_mpohooll . ~..... ...;,.. i_i ' w_i", _ __i'" ol' _ r _I". ' 1.._i'" .... 1.-10 - ol' "" iiccr.U_.., .,..1_ 111__ _le"le""11"'''_ c--ii-._'''~ =l~I-oIC -i_toIU_ IfttN8lonat_ic-ii... 'ii tiot fftWR k. i_i '1""_"_ _ .i..i~... _t I_I..IHt.5ciui.-N =L=~"" _ ~lG' __Soe -~~ ""00 ö-_....- - ~........ ~ ---,.... _Ir__ ,........-............ , ,.i-u or IIn'd'-s.>I_ _u.,..ii_i_i" Flgure 87. of northern Tentative cross sections depicting br_nch of t.he Neo-Tethye 1"Amasya region. posi.-T'I'iassic evolutlon PLATE 1 Giological Map Soulhirn' Mar, . af Ihi r!P - !..f;;: -I~-\ ,,-- - ~ o i . '............ ['...01' ,.. 11"1.'.,&',,( IVIIA"'C. "'..." CltflACfOUS r:-i l'T"1 L.::.:..J "'ii./\C EJ' ~ 10.1111 ::... ;" (._' '''_1- _ __ I!:ii _J i '.'''- .0,,,. , .... "'i. CAM"AHlAN ~ "".. l.:fL::J ""-iii g .} C",",II'\(J.EEL '7:::'.::::'-.. ,. roc:~. LoJI/_' "il~ ~ ffi @.- ' sor , e L c (......... 0( v(llOiiICI , '.._, ~ I oc ) ,.OUf'ooCII.III'8CIi..._ ..1"0'-,..., . ",';;';;..i C,""''''''U'''''' !"I"..SIIUC"".,. ~.'Slac1ic~",,.."...._..... L.J...J lii1::J,_.. ,_,_ I..J...J ,.,._. ~c..,..OI..,.."'.h... } ",uir',,,,, in ('HOlU!!! ~ S "".e '''~(IStOCf:i.r G GltOul' ~"""""' c.~ ItOCII. r" C_ortICOfIUC~1iCEt1 r k_n." .. ...,. '10.'_, ii . ,.,... 111111:1''1 /' Oio:-ei:~ /-:=~~...""~~i" . O"'..'I.h ' ~ »- "......- $Ii o ~ , , -,,"/C_.OI..IWI Oi i'*-" 'l1..R.~:':, /0...111"..,1 :;:1 IIIOCIoI PlATE 2 Cross Sections of the Southern Geolagical Merzifon-Suluova Margin of Besin. Amasya. Asarcal. hia SW 1100 JKa NEIS 500 o 200 G 1000 (meteis) 500 Tersakan riVQr 500 1000 >. a ? F o 900SW YasSlçal o hill Tc 500~ JKa .0.' c D KTk ~ JKa 500 i i 100 A , Paleozoic ~ ~ Jurassic -~r SchistsSlates ~ E_ 0- U ~ Cretaceous Amasya Group pre -Companian ~ ~ Campanian-Maastrichtian North Anatoiian Ophioliiic Melange Maaslrichtion-Paleocene(?) Geyikozu Formation ~ cr, ~ Tepetarla. ~ ~ formaliQn ~ ~ Findikti . Fo rmation -eo ~~ Tuzlugersin . f ~ N c:io:i ö ':: ~ Marble blocks} ~.... ~ CretaceOU5 petagic carbonates ~:X ~ ~ } '" Luteiian a. 5 C, ormation i=r.T'5'I Kutunun ~ formation } -" ~ Ü 0-~ öA. ;;:: ~ ~ Cindere group Plio- Ouaternary Quaternary 1':.: TQs =1 o F"TL Moramil dacite ~ Suluova group Fluvial sediments j