March - Lake County Amateur Radio Association (LCARA)
March - Lake County Amateur Radio Association (LCARA)
The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association 10 METER ROUNDTABLE LCARA TWO METER NET WEDNESDAY NIGHT @ 2030 HRS 28.450 MHZ THURSDAY EVENING @ 1900 HRS 147.210 MHZ LCARA WEB SITE The LCARA Patch Volume 37, Issue 3 MARCH 2016 The PATCH Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association P O Box 868 Painesville, OH 44077-0868 The Patch Staff Editor: Ron Corban KC8BTN LCARA Officers Ed Kopcak KB8BKE Larry Caskey K8LPC Rick White W8QL (VACANT) Joe Koskovics N8JKO President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Director at Large STANDING COMMITTEES ARES/Public Service Mike Goffos WB8ZGH Contest Reno Tonsi WT8C DX Jim Pyle AA8OY Field Day Chairperson Jim Pyle AA8OY Program Director Joe Koskovics N8JKO Historical Society Bob Mekinda K8QXO History Scott Farnham KO8O Publicity Vance Roth KA8YHZ Communications N8IJG, K8LPC, & W9LAC Sunshine Connie Tonsi KB8ZZW Trustee, N8BC Bob Liddy K8BL Web Master LCARA Bill Wihebrink N8IJG Sunday 13th. March meeting at Tri-Point Medical Center, Physicians Pavilion, Lower Level Scott Yonally N8SY, Electrical Safety Continued The LCARA Patch 1 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association MARCH ISSUE OF THE PATCH Minutes from February 3. 2016 Meeting............................................................................................................................. 3 Attendance for February....................................................................................................................................................... 5 VE Testing In Lake County ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Backscatter............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Breakfast Date ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Calendar ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 LCARA Programs 2016 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 LCARA Net Information ................................................................................................................................................... 10 Lake County ARES/Weather Net ............................................................................................................................... 10 Lake County Two Meter Net ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Ten Meter Roundtable ................................................................................................................................................... 10 Ohio Emergency Preparedness Nets, Columbus EOC ............................................................................................. 10 National Parks on the Air ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Skywarn Training............................................................................................................................................................... 12 Gary Garnet Selected as Meteorologist-in-Charge of NWS Cleveland ..................................................................... 12 ARES Ohio Section ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 VP Corner K8LPC .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 DX Alert ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16 FCC....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 The LCARA Patch 2 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association Minutes from February 3. 2016 Meeting Minutes from February 3, 2016 Meeting Board Members Present: KB8BKE – Ed – President K8LPC – Larry - Vice President W8QL – Rick - Secretary N8JKO –Joe - Director at Large Meeting Minutes: The meeting was called to order at 7:39 PM by Ed – KB8BKE. The meeting began with a round of introductions. Reno Tonsi – WT8C has the presentation tonight on HF antennas. There were no additions or corrections to the Patch. There was no correspondence. Treasurer report: Ed KB8BKE noted the budget is approved and all appears in good shape. No board meeting report No ARRL report No new members at this meeting Jim – AA8OY gave the DX report. No education report Public Service Report: Mike – WB8ZGH: Mike noted the following: In the effort to use the Garfield Home for National Parks on the Air, Mike received a permit to operate from this site. Mike passed around a copy of the permit for all to review. In addition to the National Parks on the Air, Mike mentioned we might use it for “on the air” activities possibly on a monthly basis. The permit allows LCARA to use the site for additional activities with a 48 hour advance notice. When operating at the site, we LCARA would need a copy of the permit on hand. This permit is only for LCARA members. Mike noted that when operating, we need to establish LOTW as our method of log keeping and record for QSL requests. It was noted that we already have a LOTW set up for the club under N8BC. It was noted that we would need some QSL cards printed for special events. There is no alcohol permitted or guns of any kind permitted. No concealed carry will be allowed. Mike – WB8ZGH informed the club that there will be an ARES workshop held at one or more of the Lubrizol rooms at Tri-Point on March 19, 2016, from 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM. Ron – KC8BTN and Mike – WB8ZGH noted that W8GST is trying to set-up a digital net with all clubs in Ohio participating. More to come on this in the future. The LCARA Patch 3 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association Mike – WB8ZGH noted that the first official public service event is the Mardi Gras celebration at Fairport Harbor on June 30, 2016. Jim – AA8OY noted the Sunday Ride in June will probably be the first event as it is held around the second week in June. (There appears to be no official date on the website yet.) Joe – KD8PFB discussed his desire to give a talk on Ham Radio to “Preppers” on emergency communications. These are not technical people and would like information in general. Larry – K8LPC noted that he had provided a similar talk to the EOC in the past. Radio Team: Bill – N8IJG noted that the repeater continues to function well. Sunshine: Connie: KB8ZZW – None 2 meter Net: The net continues each Thursday at 7:00 PM on the 147.21 MHz repeater. 10 meter Net: Mike WB8ZGH stated that net continues each Wednesday at 8:30 PM on 28.450. Swap and Sell: No Comment Old Business: No Comment New Business: 1. Jim McAdams KF8VX and Don- WA8TWM initially commented they would like to teach a General Class. The only issue is that once they start teaching a class, people tend to go out on their own to finish studying for the test with ARRL material. They would like to have a class with around 6 people. After some discussion, it was determined that Matt- W8DEC, does well in teaching the General license class and that we should offer an Extra license class just after the conclusion of a General license class. We could hold the classes at the LCHS. If LCARA does teach the Extra license class, it would begin somewhere around mid-April. The 50/50 raffle was then held. W8TC - Reno Tonsi presented an in depth presentation on the analysis of HF antennas. He discussed at length the types of antennas available to work all of the HF bands. He then presented a performance analysis on these antennas with special attention to antennas with gain. With a motion by Ed – KB8BKE, the meeting concluded at 9:20 PM. Rick - W8QL March 17th. The LCARA Patch 4 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association Attendance for February LCARA Meeting Attendance Sheet for February, 2016 Ed, KB8BKE Lance, W9LAC Bill, KD8HSI Larry, K8LPC Bob, K8QXO Don, WA8TWM Cathie, AB8GV Jim, KF8VX Ron, KC8BTN Connie, KB8ZZW Reno, WT8C Mike, KD8JDL Cal, W8BZP Mike, W8ZGH Joe, N8JKO Joe, KD8PFB Bill, N8IJG Jim, AA8OY Lou, KE8CHU John, KB8YJY Leon, WA8EJO Neal, NF1X Rick, W8QL 2016 MEMBERSHIPS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED LCARA BOARD MEETING th . The March Board meeting will be at the Tri-Point facility on March 9 . in the Tri-Point Board room. To find the Board room, simply continue walking past the regular meeting rooms down the hallway. The Board room is located on the left from the main elevators. All members are invited The LCARA Patch 5 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association VE Testing In Lake County Exams are held every other month. The Lake County Amateur Radio Association will be holding its 2016 Amateur Radio license exams at the Kirtland Library, 9267 Chillicothe Road, on the following dates: Saturday, February 6 Saturday, August 6 Saturday, April 2 Saturday, October 1 Saturday, June 6 Saturday, December 3 This bi-monthly schedule is the first Saturday of every even-numbered month (e.g., February being the second month, etc.), and will be held at the Kirtland Library, 1.7 miles south of I-90 on Route 306 (Chillicothe Rd). The library is on the left, just beyond the Marathon gas station. To register, you will need the NCVEC 605 Form, which will be available at the test. If you would like to complete one ahead of time, you can find it at The tests will start at 12 noon. Please arrive a few minutes earlier. Be sure to bring the original and a copy of both your license and any CSCEs you may have to the exam. The cost is $15.00, and if you wish to pay by check, it should be made out to the ARRL/VEC. Identification is also necessary, such as a picture ID. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Farnham, KO8O, at (440)256-0320. ELECTION DAY MARCH 15TH. The LCARA Patch 6 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association Backscatter MARCH Backscatter 2016 140 Years Ago: Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call. His assistant, Thomas Watson, located in an adjoining room in Boston, heard Bell’s voice over the experimental device say “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.” This first successful experiment was recorded in the March 10 entry of his lab notebook. Later that day, Bell speculated that “the day is coming when telegraph (phone) wires will be laid … to houses just like water and gas – and friends’ converse with each other without leaving home.” 35 Years Ago: With the number of .21 “kerchunks” increasing, Radio Officer Rusty tracks the tones heard when the repeater is brought up. Traced to a commercial user, their faulty radio is shown to mix the receiver oscillator in the transmitter PA, causing an output on 147.81. The tone heard on .21 is the tone burst used to open the commercial user’s mobile units. 30 Years Ago: At 11:47 am on Friday January 21st, an earthquake centered north of Chardon rocks northeast Ohio at 5.0 on the Richter scale. Within minutes, .21 is bustling with activity, and WB8ZGM assumes net control while WA8HAR contacts the EOC director to see if assistance is necessary. The telephone exchange is overloaded with calls, making amateur radio the most reliable mode of communication. Perry power plant is evacuated as a precaution, but little damage is reported other than broken windows and fallen ceiling tiles. In a memorable fox hunt, the fox hides only 200 yards from the starting point; none-the-less, the first hunter in (NO8M) requires 18 minutes. Let us see, that’s 11 yards per minute … the last hunter (anonymous) requires 54 minutes, for a record .13 mph. 25 Years Ago: Effective on Valentine’s Day, Technician Class is split into two. Existing Tech’s become Tech Plus, and a no-code Tech class is created. Postal rates are increased to 29 cents. International mail of a half-ounce goes from 45 cents to 50 cents. Even the lowly postcard QSL goes from 15 to 19 cents. 20 Years Ago: Romeo Stepanenko is disqualified from participation in the DXCC program. QSL cards from his bogus North Korea (P5) operation (actually in Vladivostok by a few feet) will not count. Following Pratas Island last month, Scarborough Reef (BS7) is added to the DXCC countries list. The ARRL DX Advisory Committee voted 11-3, with one abstention, approving the new country. BS7 15 Years Ago: The ARRL QSL Bureau increases its fees for outgoing cards to $4.00 per ½ pound. The fee for 10 cards or less remains unchanged at $1.00 The Patch reports the club dinner at “Potpourri proved to be a fun, and an unusual setting for “twenty-six” LCARA members and guests”. Now, that’s a party!! The LCARA Patch 7 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association 10 Years Ago: Club minutes show the February meeting having 27 attendees, with two 1st time guests, Brad, KC8ZMZ and Rick, N8BY. KC8ZMZ N8BY 5 Years Ago: Mike KD8JUF reminded everyone about our first Saturday breakfast at Denny’s restaurant in Willoughby. LCARA Historian Scott KO8O Breakfast Date Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group Mark your calendar the next meeting of the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group is at the Painesville Perkins on Tuesday, March 15th at 8:00 a.m. Breakfast orders start being taken at 8:30 am. This group averages 10-15 people from all counties, and it provides a great opportunity to meet other Hams. This is not a club event. Please encourage any Hams or Non-Hams, bring your significant other to breakfast. It is a fun gathering. A little snow did not bother them! Dayton Count Down Clock The LCARA Patch 8 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association Calendar MARK YOUR CALENDAR 2016 Event Contact Location Date LCARA Meeting Winter Lake Erie Boat Anchors LCARA Brd. Meeting Breakfast ARES Workshop Ohio Tornado Drill ARES & Wx Net Ten Meter Roundtable Two Meter Net DX Engineering SKYWARN Training 20mi Drop Run Chardon M-S Walk NVIS Ohio Antenna Day Larry [email protected] mmmm/ Larry [email protected] ALL INVITED Tri Point Medical Center Clauge Park Cabin Westlake Tri Point Medical Center Perkins, Painesville Tri-Point Skywarn Repeaters 147.210 and 444.650 28.450 147.210 Historical Center Lakeland College T-129 Assigned Locations Mentor High School Ohio 03/02 03/05 10:00a 03/09 03/15 03/19 9:50am 03/23 MONDAYS WEDNESDAY THURSDAYS S 04/06 04/07 04/10 04/16 04/23 Civil War Reenactment L.H. ½ Marathon Kirtland Sunday Bike Ride in June Field Day Mardi Gras Parade Scout Jamboree Greater Cleveland Triathlon Perry Nuclear Plant Predrill OSPOTA Perry Nuclear Plant Drill Simulated Emergency Test L.H. N.Ohio Marathon Bob [email protected] Historical Center Penitentiary Glen Burton Historical Center Fairport Harbor Historical Center Headlands State Park 147.MHz Headlands Parking Lot #4 147.MHz Ohio Assigned Locations 05/27-29 06/05 06/12 06/25-26 Thursday 6/30 08/05-07 08/07 08/17 09/10 09/13 October 10/02 WB8ZGH [email protected] [email protected] Ron KC8BTN & Greg N9AGC WB8ZGH [email protected] Bill N8IJG [email protected] [email protected] Joe N8JKO [email protected] Greg [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] [email protected] http://[email protected] [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] Bob [email protected] [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] WB8ZGH [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] WB8ZGH LCARA Programs 2016 The following programs are tentative. March …... Scott Yonally N8SY, Electrical Safety Continued April …….. DX Engineering, Tim Duffy K3LR May …….. Homebrew Night June ……. Field Day Review The LCARA Patch 9 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association LCARA Net Information Lake County ARES/Weather Net The Net is Every Monday at 8:00pm on the 147.210 repeater. This net is open to all licensed operators; you do not need to be a member. This net is provided for operators to verify the proper operation of their equipment and verify their station’s capabilities in the event of an emergency. Here is your perfect chance to be Net Control or Alternate Net Control. Step forward, no experience is necessary, everyone will help you. Lake County Two Meter Net The 2 Meter Net runs weekly. Come join your fellow hams on Thursday’s at 7:00 p.m. on 147.210 MHz. This is an informal net where the group can discuss any subject for the good of the group, great time to ask those questions, especially from the new operators. List your items related to ham radio that you want to sell or swap and any sunshine announcements to pass on. N8IJG brings us the ARRL News when available. Bill is always looking for Alternate Net Control Operators. Please check in. Ten Meter Roundtable The 10 Meter Roundtable meets on Wednesday’s at 8:30 p.m. on 28.450 MHz. This is an informal roundtable where the group can chat about anything that comes to mind and even correct some of the world’s problems. You don’t need to be a LCARA member, just have at least a Tech ticket and some 10 meter gear. The Roundtable is a good chance to meet old and maybe some new friends. This is a “Round Table” anyone can start it off on 20 meters. Any questions contact WB8ZGH. Ohio Emergency Preparedness Nets, Columbus EOC Ohio Emergency Preparedness Net, W8SGT, is on every Tuesday at 7:15 (1915 hours or 0015 UTC). Tune up and check in! Follow on Twitter (hashtag W8SGT) for frequency information on the 80 meter band. Ohio Digital Emergency Net is held on Tuesdays at 8:00pm (0100 UTC). OHDEN meets on 3585 KHz +/- USB. This net is looking for all Ohio Counties to check-in. Learn as you go. Modes: OLIVIA 8/500/PSK31 alternate, with MT63 1K for bulletins. Frequency: 3585 KHz, 7072 KHz alternate. MT63 2K on VHF/UHF with PSK as an alternate (Assigned locally) The LCARA Patch 10 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association National Parks on the Air LCARA has a permit to operate at the Garfield Home Historical Site for active members thru out the year. Operators and their guest are reminded that this is not a “Park” but Historical Grounds. LCARA’s permit authorizes entrance to the site from 7:00 am till 5:00pm. Limited parking for each event will be to four (4) vehicles, and six (6) participants. Additional space for a trailer and pickup truck will be provided. Operators may not impede the public from visiting the Home at any time. Per the permit operators are welcome to converse with the public that approach them but are not permitted to advertise or recruit members of the public for LCARA. The Site Manager requests that Operators keep an informal log of contacts that will be shared for information purposes. Permittee MUST give Site Manager notification at least 48 hours (but preferably more) before arriving at the Site to broadcast. NO WEAPONS are permitted on the Site. CCW permit does not authorize a weapon on this Site. The Site Manager may approve or deny operations due to special events, high visitation, or any other circumstances. Any comments or questions contact Ed, KB8BKE or Mike, WB8ZGH. National Parks Registered within Ten Days; ****************************************************** Presidential Signing Creates a New National Parks on the Air Unit 02/15/2016 President Barack Obama has designated three new national monuments -- all of them in the California desert - through the Antiquities Act. The National Park Service will administer one of them, Castle Mountains National Monument (MN82), making it eligible to become the newest new National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) unit. The nearly 21,000 acre tract became the 484th NPOTA unit as of February 12. Castle Mountains National Monument is surrounded on three sides by another NPOTA unit — the Mojave National Preserve (PV13). The 2016 Breeze Shooters Groundwave Contest March 12, 2016 10 Meter SSB Contest Details and Scoring Forms can be found at; The LCARA Patch 11 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association Skywarn Training th Listing as of February 16 . NWS Cleveland Web Site: 2016 Skywarn Training Locations Date: 3/7/16 3/12/16 County: Location: Medina County Career Center, 1101 W. Liberty St. Medina, OH Medina Cuyahoga American Red Cross, 3747 Euclid Ave 3/15/16 Marion 3/15/16 6:30pm Gail Wells 3/23/16 3/23/16 3/23/16 Trumbull Kent State University Campus, Technology Building #117 4314 Mahoning Ave. Champion OH Ashtabula County Commissioners Room, 25 W. Jefferson St. Jefferson, OH Crawford Saint Brigid Catholic Church Social Hall 383 Arch Street Meadville PA Norwalk High School Auditorium, Shady Lane Drive, Norwalk OH Huron 3/23/16 Lorain 6:30pm Tom Kelley 3/23/16 3/23/16 4/7/16 Gates Medical Center Auditorium, University Hospitals Elyria Medical Center, Elyria OH Sandusky Sandusky County Jobs and Family Services, Countryside Drive, Fremont OH American Red Cross, 501 W. Market Street, Akron, OH Summit Geauga Department of Emergency Services, 12518 Merritt Rd. Chardon, OH Geauga 4/7/16 4/11/16 LAKE Hancock 6:30pm Owen Fritz 6:30pm Tom Smoot 6:30pm Jacqueline Williams 6:00pm Greg N9AGC 6:30pm Darl Deeds Marion Technical College - Health and Technology Building Auditorium - 1467 Mounty Vernon Ave.- Marion, OH Lakeland Community College T Building Room 129 Whirpool Corporation Meeting Room, 4901 N. Main St. Findlay, OH Time: Point of Contact: 6:30pm James Bodnar 1:00pm Matt Nickoson 6:30pm Lynn Lovell 6:30pm Janet Boland 6:30pm Allen Clark 6:30pm Jason Roblin 419-663-5772 Gary Garnet Selected as Meteorologist-in-Charge of NWS Cleveland Gary Garnet has served the National Weather Service for over twenty six years. Since starting his career in 1989, Gary has held many positions including: Intern in Charleston South Carolina, General Forecaster in Charleston, West Virginia, Science Operations Officer in Grand Rapids Michigan and most recently sixteen years as the Warning Coordination Meteorologist in Cleveland, Ohio. Gary has served periods as the Acting Meteorologist in Charge at NWS Cleveland and briefly at NWS Pittsburgh. Gary has earned several awards throughout his career including the U.S. Department of Commerce Silver Medal for actions during Hurricane Hugo and the NOAA Administrators Award for work with the Great Lakes Marine Program. Gary has provided support to multiple other NWS offices during significant events such as Deep Water Horizon, Super Storm Sandy and the Super Tornado Outbreak of April 2011. Gary holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Atmospheric Sciences from The Ohio State University and a Masters of Computer Science from Grand Valley State University in Michigan. Mr. Garnet assumed his new position on January 10, 2016. The LCARA Patch 12 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association ARES Ohio Section Stan, N8BHL, Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) February Issue of the Ohio Section Journal... ARES in 2015 Based on reports submitted by ARRL Section Emergency Coordinators, with 33 out of 71 sections reporting in, here's what we know about the state of ARES in 2015: Total ARES Members: 2015 -- 17,756 2014 -- 10,471 ________________________________________ Total ARES Nets: 2015 -- 10,927 2014 -- 8,786 ARES Nets with NTS Liaison: 2015 -- 1,883 (17%) 2014 -- 1,517 (17%) _________________________________________ Total ARES Events: 2015 -- 24,024 2014 -- 18,128 Total Drills, Training and Test Events: 2015 -- 20,242 (84%) 2014 -- 15,475 (85%) Total Public Service Events: 2015 -- 2,923 (12%) 2014 -- 1,858 (10%) Total Emergency Operations Events: 2015 -- 859 (3.5%) 2014 -- 795 (4%) _________________________________________ Total Volunteer Hours: 2015 -- 232,093 2014 -- 219,743 Volunteer Value ($19 x Total Volunteer Hours): 2015 -- $4,409,767 2014 -- $4,175,117 _________________________________________ Sections Reporting: 2015 -- 33 2014 -- 33 Inactive Sections (Sections that submitted no reports in a calendar year): 2015 -- 38 2014 -- 38 _________________________________________ Start Planning For; rd *Ohio NVIS Antenna Day (April 23 ) – Take a rig or two out to the field, and play with your best NVIS antenna design. More information can be found at th th *ARRL Field Day (June 25 /26 ) – What can I say? It’s Field Day. Just about every club in North America participates in this one. The 2016 FD packet is available for download at th th *Ohio QSO Party (August 27 ) – Always on the 4 Saturday in August, there’s always a good crowd for this one. It also makes a great excuse for a club picnic. Not that we need an excuse. More information at Click here for 2016 Field Day Package Ver 1.0 The LCARA Patch 13 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association Reserve Saturday March 19, 2016 for the Tenth District ARES Training Workshop. This will be an all-day event, running from 8:30AM to 4:00PM. In the finest tradition of the Ohio Section, a pizza lunch will be provided. The workshop will be held in the Lubrizol Conference Rooms at the Tri-Point Medical Center in Lake County. This is just south of Interstate 90 off of State Route 44. The address is 7590 Auburn Road, Painesville, OH 44077. A map is available at this link: click photo Bring your go boxes for display. And bring your laptops/radios/interfaces for hands on training session in digital communications using FLDIGI. The room seats about 60 in a class room style setting, so seating is limited. Please RSVP so that we can have a good idea of how much food to have on hand, and we want to make sure everyone has a seat. Lake County ARES members please RSVP to Mike, WA8ZGH, [email protected] ********************************* Monthly Report for District 10 District 10: Winter has arrived, although it's a little late this year. Stay warm! And stay tuned for some big upcoming events! Ashtabula County: January proved to be an interesting month. The weather was akin to a roller coaster and unfortunately it decided to really show its strength when it came time for our monthly meeting. So, needless to say, our meeting was cancelled. Here's to hoping this coming month treats us a bit better! Cuyahoga County: Cuyahoga ARES participated in an amateur radio booth at the Cleveland Outdoor Adventure Show. We assisted other amateur operators from around NE Ohio with demonstrating amateur radio and educating the public. Participated in two airport table top drills and held meetings with City of Cleveland staff. Many members are completing new FEMA course requirements and utilizing our new online certificate submission system on our website that was created with the assistance of Geauga County ARES AEC KD8TWG. Geauga County: No comments. Lake County: Lake Co. had a major power outage in January affecting the center of the County. Lake ARES had a net on the air within 15 min. It lasted approx. 1hr 15min. LCARA/ARES has obtained a Permit to operate from the James A. Garfield Home in Mentor for the National Parks Centennial Year. We should be on the air once per month as N8BC. Look for the dates on the Web. Lorain County: No Comments. Medina County: No comments. News from News X News from Southgate ARC The LCARA Patch 14 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association VP Corner K8LPC From the corner office of the Vice President, Larry K8LPC Greetings Everyone Well March has arrived and hopefully spring will be right around the corner. We’ve had quite the ride weathering both the high and low temperatures for the past month. In February, Reno Tonsi gave us an excellent presentation about HF antennas, Kudos’s to one of our very own members for a job well done. While I was at the Mansfield Hamfest, I came across an old friend Scott Yonally N8SY. Well Scott just happened to have a free moment this month and I was able to convince him to spend some of it with us. Scott really likes our club and he has another great presentation on Electrical Safety that he will be sharing with us. This presentation is different from the last one and I’m quite sure that everyone will enjoy it. While I won’t say that I trained anyone in the video, it may be hard to disprove, hi, hi. Joe N8JKO had a “Home Brew” night planned for this month, but I think that we can hold off on that and have something at the Historical Society where we have more room and possibly make this more of an outdoor event, possibly set up a few tables and make it like a mini Hamfest or tailgate event for our members who have something to sell or relocate, nothing elaborate, just something for our members who attend the meeting. Joe has a presentation scheduled for April that will bring Tim Duffy K3LR from DX Engineering to visit us at the Historical Society. There will be an ARES District 10 Training Workshop on Saturday March 19th at the Tri-Point Facility. It is scheduled to be from 8:30 AM to 4 PM and a pizza lunch will be provided. Space is limited for this event; please contact Mike Goffos WB8ZGH ASAP if you plan on attending. We will be collecting dues at the March meeting. Please take an opportunity to meet with Rick W8QL or any of the Board members and keep your membership status current. Our March meeting will be held at the Tri-Point Medical Center in one of the meeting rooms inside of the Physicians Plaza on Wednesday March 2nd at 7:30 PM. This will be the last meeting that is scheduled to be held at the Tri-Point facility until the winter season comes back around. The March Board meeting will also be at the Tri-Point facility on March 9th in the Board room. Please take note that we plan to keep having our Board meetings at the Tri-Point facility until further notice on the Wednesday following our regular meeting at 7 PM. We are always looking for Guest speakers or ideas for presentations. Please contact Joe N8JKO or myself if you have any ideas. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the Tri-Point Medical Center on Wednesday March 2rd at 7:30 PM, bring a friend 73 de Larry Caskey K8LPC LCARA Vice President [email protected] The LCARA Patch 15 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association DX Alert March 2016 DX Alert 5X - Uganda - 5X1XA on CW only from Uganda will have G3XAQ, Alan, at the radio, March 4-16. 3V - Tunisia - In collaboration with the Tunisian Scouts and Association Des Radio Amateurs Tunisians (ARAT) TS2G will be QRV during Le Festival International des Ksours Sahariens de Tataouine International Festival of Saharian Ksours of Tataouine from March 17-20. 5H - Tanzania - 5H3JA from Tanzania is currently active. JA7SGV, Shin, is the operator, working the HF bands. JD1/M - Minami Torishima - JG8NQJ/JD1, Take, goes back to Minami Torishima on a work assignment March 16th, QRV within a few days after he arrives, he says. He is taking along a dipole for 80 and 40, the "Diamond W-735." Take will be there until mid-May. V7 - Marshall Islands - AH6OY, James, will be visiting Majuro Island (OC-029) from March 1-7, including participation in the ARRL DX SSB Contest. He'll be taking an IC-7000, and maybe an amplifier. Two spiderpoles or a 5 band Spiderbeam will be used for activity on 40-10 Meters and possibly 80 Meters for operations on SSB, CW, RTTY and JT65. As of press time he did not know his callsign VK0 – Heard Island - The rare Heard Island will be QRV March 6 until April 20, 2016. This is the first operation since 1997. They will be offering an on-line real time radio log server, so you can confirm QSOs almost instantaneously. Don’t miss this one! Happy Hunting! Jim, AA8OY FCC The FCC is seeking comments on a Petition for Rule Making (RM 11760 available on the web at, that asks the FCC to grant lifetime Amateur Radio licenses. Mark F. Krotz, N7MK, of Mesa, Arizona, filed his request with the FCC last November. He wants the FCC to revise Part 97.25 of its rules to indicate that Amateur Radio licenses are granted for the holder's lifetime, instead of for the current 10 year term. Krotz noted that the General Radiotelephone Operator License (GROL) already is issued on a lifetime basis, and he maintained that not having to renew licenses would lighten the FCC's workload. "It would be mutually beneficial for the FCC and Amateur Radio operators to update Part 97 to grant operator licenses for lifetime, Krotz said in his filing. "The FCC would benefit by reducing administrative costs." In 2014 the FCC granted lifetime credit for examination elements 3 and 4, but applicants seeking relicensing under that provision still must pass examination element 2. Individuals may submit comments via the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS) . ************************************************************ The LCARA Patch 16 The PATCH, Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association Articles, Comments from Net Control Operators, Standing Committee Members and Club Members would be appreciated. If you find an error in the PATCH, or have a suggestion, please e-mail [email protected] If you have or are receiving a PATCH and are not a member please consider joining and adding your input to the club. LCARA was organized for the purpose of furthering Amateur Radio by increasing the technical knowledge and operating proficiency of radio amateurs through continuing education, public service and acting as a vehicle of communication by, between and with the members of the association. LCARA is an incorporated association chartered under the laws of the State of Ohio and is an exempt organization under section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to LCARA are fully deductible from Federal Income Tax. Regular and Senior Dues are $20.00 per year, Students $10.00. Items may be reprinted by other non-profit publications without prior permission providing credit is given to the original source and The LCARA Patch. Articles from members are welcome. Voice Repeaters N8BC 147.210 with a .600 MHz+ offset PL tone of 110.9 Hz. 224.500 with a 1.6MHz.-offset, PL tone of 141.3 Hz. 444.650 With a 5.0MHz. +offset, PL tone of 131.8 Hz. LCARA’s Node Number: 6577 (Repeater & N8BC trustee, Bob Liddy, K8BL) Web site: To receive the Patch via email in PDF format Send an e-mail to [email protected] The Lake County Amateur RADIO ASSOCIATION The LCARA Patch 17