fruits céramique
fruits céramique
fruits céramique by Lisa Pappon 2015 02 faux nature 03 handmade La pomme, symbole de la Terre, de la Vie, de la connaissance et de la sensualité. La pomme, pomme d’Ishtar, fruit des Hespérides et de l’île d’Avalon, exprime l’émotion, l’inspiration et l’idée depuis la nuit des temps. Un hommage à la beauté et à l’héroïsme, une preuve d’autorité et une source de magie: d’innombrables cultures ont associé ces attributs à la pomme, de telle sorte que ce fruit, au fil des âges, a orné l’art humain. Esculturas de manzanas de cerámica creadas por Lisa Pappon, artista y diseñadora, São Paulo, Brasil. Sculture di mele in ceramica create da Lisa Pappon, artista e designer, São Paulo, Brasile. La manzana, símbolo de la Tierra, de la Vida, del conocimiento y de la sensualidad. La manzana, manzana d’Ishtar, fruto de las Hespérides y de la isla de Avalon, expresa la emoción, la inspiración y la idea desde la noche de los tiempos. Un homenaje a la belleza y al heroismo, una prueba de autoridad y una fuente de encanto: numerosas culturas asociaron estas características a la manzana, de la misma manera que, a lo largo de los siglos, este fruto adornó el arte humano. BULL & STEIN también, utilizó este alimento para la mente y el cuerpo como fuente de inspiración para sus esculturas de manzana de cerámica. El resplandor del lapislázuli, el brillo del oro y la elegancia de la plata evocan la belleza natural del fruto de céramica en innumerables declinaciones. Hoy las esculturas de manzana de cerámica BULL & STEIN embellecen o adornan museos, collecciones, o piezas sencillas en todos los rincones del mundo. ITALIANO BULL & STEIN aussi, a employé cette nourriture de l’esprit et du corps comme source d’inspiration pour ces sculptures de pomme en céramique. Le miroitement vitré, l’éclat du lapislazuli, le lustre d’or et l’élégance de l’argent évoquent la beauté naturelle de la céramique du fruit dans d’innombrables déclinaisons. Aujourd‘hui les sculptures de pommes en céramique BULL & STEIN embellissent musées, collections ou encore simples pièces dans tous les recoins du monde. ESPAÑOL BULL & STEIN, too, have taken this food of mind and body as the inspiration for their ceramic apple sculptures. Shimmering glaze, heady lapis-lazuli, the lustre of gold and elegance of silver evoke the ceramic fruit’s natural beauty in untold variety. BULL & STEIN ceramic apple sculptures today grace collections and museums or simply beautiful rooms in all corners of the globe. by courtesy of Giorgetti Home, The Hague, photo: Hans Fonk The apple, symbol of the Earth, of life itself, of knowledge and of sensuality, Ishtar’s pome, fruit of the Hesperides and of Avalon, has expressed emotion, inspiration and ideas since the dawn of time. A reward to the beautiful and the heroic, a badge of authority and a source of magic, myriad cultures have associated these attributes with the apple and as such the fruit has adorned human art throughout the ages. Sculptures de pomme en céramique crées par Lisa Pappon, artiste et designer, São Paulo, Brésil FRANÇAIS ENGLISH Ceramic Apple Sculptures by artist and designer Lisa Pappon, São Paulo, Brazil La mela, simbolo della Terra, della Vita, della conoscenza, e della sensualità. La mela, mela d’Ishtar, frutto delle Esperidi e dell’isola di Avalon, esprime l’emozione, l’ispirazione e l’idea sin dalla notte dei tempi. Un omaggio alla bellezza e all’eroismo, una prova di autorità e una fonte di magia: innumerevoli culture hanno associato queste caratteristiche alla mela, e la mela stessa, nel corso dei secoli, ha funto da ornamento all’arte umana. Anche BULL & STEIN ha impiegato questo cibo dello spirito e del corpo come fonte d’ispirazione per queste sculture di mele in ceramica. I riflessi di vetro, la luminosità del lapislazzuli, la lucentezza dell’oro e l’eleganza dell’argento evocano la bellezza naturale della ceramica del frutto in innumerevoli declinazioni. INDOOR: shimmering glaze – craquelure // glaçure translucide – craquelure AVA I L A B L E AT S E L E C T S T O R E S : BERLIN | HAMBURG | MUENSTER | F R A N K F U RT | COLOGNE | MUNICH | BADEN-BADEN | LUXEMBOURG | BRUXELLES | ANTWERP | THE HAGUE | DELFT 04 fruits céramique 05 by Lisa Pappon Lisa Pappon lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil. Exclusivement pour BULL & STEIN, l‘artiste et designer Lisa Pappon, São Paulo, Brésil a créé les inimitables sculptures de pomme en céramique, véritables symboles universels de désir et de volupté. L’artiste utilise les dons de la nature tels que l’argile, les pigments organiques, les pierres précieuses, l’or et l’argent. Elle réinterprète ce fruit mystique de la nature dans des sculptures en céramique surdimensionnées, allant jusqu’à 150 cm de diamètre (60 inches). Dans son travail, Lisa Pappon a longtemps cherché à réaliser une icône qui unisse les peuples, indépendamment de leurs origines. La pomme est un symbole reconnu dans le monde entier, qui s’est répandu dans les cultures les plus reculées et les plus variées depuis des millénaires. Lisa Pappon a retranscrit sa propre vision culturelle du monde dans la forme d’une sculpture géante de pomme en céramique. FRANÇAIS ENGLISH Exclusively for BULL & STEIN, Lisa Pappon, artist and designer from São Paulo / Brazil, creates inimitable ceramic apple sculptures as a universal symbol reflecting desire and voluptuousness. The artist utilizes nature’s gifts such as clay, organic pigments and precious stones, gold or silver. She reinterprets nature’s mystic fruit in oversized exaggerated ceramic apple sculptures up to 150 cm in diametre (60 inch). In her work, Lisa Pappon has long sought an icon that unites all peoples regardless of their origin. The apple is a symbol that spans the globe and has recurred in the most remote and diverse cultures for millennia. Lisa Pappon has realized her cultural vision in the form of giant ceramic apple sculptures. Lisa Pappon vit et travaille à São Paulo, au Brésil. Esclusivamente per BULL & STEIN l’artista e designer brasiliana Lisa Pappon ha creato le inimitabili sculture di mela in ceramica, veri e propri simboli universali di desiderio e voluttà. L’artista usa i doni della natura quali l’argilla, i pigmenti organici, le pietre preziose, l’oro e l’argento. Reinterpreta questo frutto mistico della natura in sculture in ceramica smisurate, il cui diametro puo’ arrivare a misurare 150 cm (60 pollici). Nel suo lavoro, Lisa Pappon ha cercato a lungo di realizzare un’icona che unisse i popoli, indipendentemente dalle loro origini. La mela é un simbolo riconosciuto in tutto il mondo, che si é esteso nelle culture più lontane e diverse da millenni. Lisa Pappon ha trascritto la sua visione culturale del mondo nella forma di una scultura gigante di mela in ceramica. ITALIANO ESPAÑOL Exclusivamente para BULL & STEIN, la artista y diseñadora brasilera Lisa Pappon ha creado las inimitables esculturas de manzanas de cerámica, verdaderos símbolos universales del deseo y del placer. La artista emplea los dones de la naturaleza tales como la arcilla, los pigmentos orgánicos, las piedras preciosas, el oro y la plata. Interpreta la naturaleza mística de la fruta en esculturas de cerámica de gran tamaño, de hasta 150 cm de diámetro (60 pulgadas). En su trabajo, Lisa Pappon ha buscado durante mucho tiempo en realizar un icono que uniera los pueblos, independientemente de sus orígenes. La manzana es un símbolo reconocido en todo el mundo, que se ha extendido en las culturas más remotas y variadas durante milenios. Lisa Pappon ha trascrito su propia visión cultural del mundo en la forma de una escultura gigante de la manzana de cerámica. Lisa Pappon vive e lavora a São Paulo, Brasile. Lisa Pappon vive y trabaja en São Paulo, Brasil Lisa Pappon continuously develops her beguiling ceramic apple sculptures with love and perfection. Lisa Pappon développe sans cesse ses ravissantes sculptures avec amour et perfection. AMSTERDAM | LONDON | DUBLIN | PA R I S | DUNKERQUE | STRASBOURG | DIJON | CANNES | MONACO | GRASSE-PROVENCE | MARSEILLE | MONTPELLIER | BORDEAUX | BARCELONA 06 07 bronze glazed INDOOR unique handmade fruit sculptures MARBELLA | LISBON | AV E I R O | GUIMARAES | WEIL ON RHINE - VITRA DESIGN MUSEUM | ZURICH | LAUSANNE | GENÈVE | VIENNA | BUDAPEST | COPENHAGEN | KIEV | MOSCOW velvet matte 08 09 INDOOR by courtesy of Giorgetti Home, Antwerp, photo: Monique van Laake ENGLISH Surreal, Lisa Pappon’s velvet-matte sculpture apples stand between heaven and earth. Select natural pigments of finest quality are the basis for handmade colours such as porcelain white, lapis-lazuli blue or the ultimate black, and carry the sculptures away from human realm to far and distant grounds of mystery. These magical colours dissipate dreams in oblivion and take them to a timeless dimension. Irresistible and mesmerizing, sheer potence of nature‘s gifts! E ITALIANO Come in un sogno, le mele scultura di Lisa Pappon fluttuano tra lo spazio e il tempo. I colori sgargianti dei loro preziosi pigmenti dipingono questi frutti con incantevoli sfumature vellutate: il bianco della porcellana, l’azzurro del lapislazzuli, il nero delle tenebre. La loro magia surreale e la loro naturale eleganza dissolvono i sogni nel nulla e ci accompagnano in una lontana dimensione senza tempo. EN M RO H VE OT LV E M T AG G EN RE TA LI ZU LA SPI LA AT T SÉ E U BL M K AC BL T LV E VE by courtesy of Giorgetti Home, Antwerp, photo: Monique van Laake FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL Como en un sueño, las manzanas esculturas de Lisa Pappon fluctúan entre el espacio y el tiempo. Sus colores brillantes de pigmentos preciosos pintan estos frutos de mil tonos fascinantes: blanco como la porcelana, azul como el lapislázuli, negro como la noche. Su magia extraña y su elegancia natural disuelven nuestras ilusiones en lo nada y nos llevan a una dimensión intemporal. E AT T E AT T M E IT H W T LV E VE Comme dans un rêve, les pommes-sculptures de Lisa Pappon flottent entre l’espace et le temps. Ses couleurs éclatantes de pigments précieux peignent ces fruits de fascinantes nuances veloutés: le blanc de la porcelaine, le bleu ciel du lapis-lazuli, le noir de la nuit. Leur magie extraterrestre et leur élégance naturelle dissolvent nos illusions dans le néant et nous amènent dans une dimension intemporelle. hand painted // peinte à la main SAINT PETERSBURG | E K AT E R I N B U R G | FIRENZE | ROMA | COMO | BELGRADE | AT H E N S | I S TA N B U L | BAKU | BEYROUTH | T E L AV I V | ABU DHABI | DUBAI | NEW DELHI 10 11 velvet matte OUTDOOR With an apple I will astonish Paris Paul Cezanne 1839 –1906 hand painted // peinte à la main MUMBAI | KOCHI | BANGKOK | SINGAPORE | SHANGHAI | HONG KONG | SHENZEN | TA I P E I | SEOUL | TOKYO | OSAKA | SYDNEY | SAN FRANCISCO | LOS ANGELES 12 13 gold & silver plated INDOOR Surely the apple is the noblest of fruits. David Thoreau 1817–1862 gilded // dorure NEW YORK | MIAMI silver-plated // argenture | S Ã O PA U L O | C AY E N N E - G U YA N E | S T. M A A RT E N - A N T I L L E S | BERLIN | H A M B U R G | M U E N S T E R | F R A N K F U RT | C O L O G N E | M U N I C H | B A D E N - B A D E N | L U X E M B O U R G 14 15 glazed INDOOR Adam was but human – this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple‘s sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. AC TH N AN O BR K N PI R ZE OI U RQ TU E IT H W D RE RE G R O EN GE AN K AC BL IT SE E Mark Twain 1835 –1910 INDOOR: shimmering glaze – craquelure // glaçure translucide – craquelure BRUXELLES | ANTWERP | THE HAGUE | DELFT | AMSTERDAM | LONDON | DUBLIN | PA R I S | DUNKERQUE | STRASBOURG | DIJON | CANNES | MONACO | GRASSE-PROVENCE | MARSEILLE 16 17 The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall Ernesto ‚Che‘ Guevara 1928 –1967 varnished | BORDEAUX | BARCELONA | MARBELLA | LISBON | AV E I R O | GUIMARAES E IT AC R TH AN O BR K N PI N ZE OI TU RQ U H IG N ID M W H IT E W O LL YE AN R O RE D EN G RE K AC BL MONTPELLIER GE T SE BL U E OUTDOOR | WEIL ON RHINE - VITRA DESIGN MUSEUM | ZURICH | LAUSANNE | GENÈVE | VIENNA | BUDAPEST 19 location: Lorenz von Ehren nurseries, Hamburg 18 COPENHAGEN | KIEV | MOSCOW | SAINT PETERSBURG | E K AT E R I N B U R G | FIRENZE | ROMA ceramic cherry INDOOR / OUTDOOR | COMO | BELGRADE | AT H E N S | I S TA N B U L | BAKU | BEYROUTH | T E L AV I V | ABU DHABI 20 21 porcelain cherry INDOOR / OUTDOOR Porcelain (also known as Fine China) - famous for its toughness, strength and translucence - is fired between 1200°C and 1400°C. Originated in China it has fascinated European aristocracy and upper class interior decoration ever since medieval discoverers brought it to Europe. BULL & STEIN manufactures its porcelain series in Portugal. DUBAI | NEW DELHI | MUMBAI | KOCHI | BANGKOK | SINGAPORE | SHANGHAI | HONG KONG | SHENZEN | TA I P E I | SEOUL | TOKYO | OSAKA | SYDNEY | SAN FRANCISCO | LOS ANGELES 22 pear glazed 23 INDOOR lemon glazed INDOOR NEW YORK | MIAMI | S Ã O PA U L O | C AY E N N E - G U YA N E | S T. M A A RT E N - A N T I L L E S | BERLIN | H A M B U R G | M U E N S T E R | F R A N K F U RT | C O L O G N E | M U N I C H | B A D E N - B A D E N | L U X E M B O U R G 24 25 cast bronze location: Lorenz von Ehren nurseries, Hamburg limited edition Depuis la haute antiquité, les artisans réalisent de main de maître des sculptures en bronze. La technique traditionnelle «Cire Perdue, coulage dans une forme perdue» consiste à réaliser une pièce unique, libérée en brisant le moule, polie et patinée à la main dans le cadre d’un processus complexe pour faire naître une sculpture en bronze expressive et impressionnante. C’est une pomme pour l’éternité ! BRUXELLES | ANTWERP | THE HAGUE | DELFT | AMSTERDAM | LONDON | DUBLIN | PA R I S | DUNKERQUE | STRASBOURG | DIJON | CANNES | MONACO | GRASSE-PROVENCE | MARSEILLE 26 dimensions & weights 27 BULL & STEIN, a Brazilian-German collaboration, was founded in São Paulo by Cynthia Stein and Marcus Bull in 2000. The company has been celebrating a decade of business success in manufacturing and distribution of premium quality ceramic sculptures worldwide. Shortly after BULL & STEIN´s global launch, the famous Brazilian artist and designer Lisa Pappon joined the company and developed her extravagant collection of ceramic apple sculptures exclusively for BULL & STEIN. The Brazilianborn founder Marcus Bull then moved the company‘s headquarters to Germany, where Marcus had been working as Director of Bildhauerwerkstatt Berlin, a world famous sculpture workshop in Berlin. mini apple cherry Ø 5.5 cm I 2″ Ø 6 cm I 2.5″ H H 4.5 cm I 1.7″ 5.5 cm I 2″ W 0.4 kg I 0.9 lb W 0.4 kg I 0.9 lb medium plus apple pear cherry Ø Ø Ø 12 cm I 4.5″ 12 cm I 4.5″ 12 cm I 4.5″ H 10 cm I 4″ H 12.5 cm I 5″ H 12 cm I 4.5″ W 0.7 kg I 1.5 lb W 0.7 kg I 1.5 lb W 0.7 kg I 1.5 lb Ø Ø Ø Ø 20 cm 22 cm 22 cm 26 cm H H H L 6″ 9″ 8″ 13.5″ W 2.5 kg I 5.5 lb W 2.5 kg I 5.5 lb W 2.6 kg I 5.7 lb W 4 kg I 8.8 lb Ø Ø 29 cm I 11.5″ H 29 cm I 11.5″ H 25 cm I 10″ 29 cm I 11.5″ W 5 kg I 11 lb W 3.5 kg I 7.7 lb H H H L 32 cm 38 cm 30 cm 47 cm W W W W large apple pear cherry lemon I I I I 7.5″ 8.7″ 8.5″ 10″ 15 cm 23 cm 21 cm 35 cm I I I I Marcus‘s love and passion for art and sculpture is perfectly matched with Lisa Pappon‘s eternal quest for new forms, techniques and finishes. Soon after the introduction, the creative team of BULL & STEIN has successfully introduced an exotic and outstanding collection to world markets. BULL & STEIN is focused on the delivery of outstanding concepts with the world‘s most famous international decorators, architects and artists. Today BULL & STEIN manufactures its unique handcrafted apple sculptures in Europe and Asia. BULL & STEIN is a registered trade mark and only original sculptures of the company bear the unique BULL & STEIN seal of origin. extra apple pear super extra apple pear cherry lemon Ø Ø Ø Ø 39 cm 38 cm 33 cm 33 cm I I I I 15.4″ 15″ 13″ 13″ I I I I 12.5″ 15″ 12″ 18.5″ 7.7 kg 7.7 kg 6 kg 7.8 kg I I I I 17 lb 17 lb 13.2 lb 15.4 lb super extra plus apple Ø 47 cm I 18″ H 37 cm I 14.5″ W 12.5 kg I 27.5 lb Ø Ø Ø Ø 59 cm 58 cm 50 cm 45 cm H H H L 46 cm 60 cm 50 cm 66 cm W 21 kg W 21 kg W 12.7 kg W 15 kg H 62 cm I 24.5″ sculpture apple pear cherry lemon I I I I 23″ 22.8″ 19.5″ 17.5″ I I I I 18″ 23.5″ 19.5″ 26″ I I I I 46.3 lb 46.3 lb 28 lb 33 lb sculpture plus W 38 kg I 83 lb apple pear Ø Ø 95 cm I 37.5″ H 80 cm I 31.5″ 95 cm I 37.5″ H 100 cm I 39.5″ W W Please note that BULL & STEIN sculptures are handmade of natural material such as clay, organic pigment or metal and are hence unique. Every sculpture has its own character and may vary from the printed image. 80 kg I 176 lb 80 kg I 176 lb double giant Ø 120 cm I 47″ H 100 cm I 40″ W 140 kg I 308 lb LL & STEIN ca ch e l BU to n n | MARBELLA | LISBON | AV E I R O | GUIMARAES | WEIL ON RHINE - VITRA DESIGN MUSEUM | ZURICH | LAUSANNE | GENÈVE to BARCELONA ch e | | LL & STEIN ca BORDEAUX l BU na ig i | VIENNA or MONTPELLIER e e r ve ys apple o ina r ig ev giant he 75 cm I 30″ rt Ø ture • Look ou t fo culp apple catalogue-pdf website BULL & STEIN v-card BULL & STEIN GmbH & Co. KG Borstelmannsweg 145 20537 Hamburg Germany T +49 (0) 40.88 30 68 9- 0 F +49 (0) 40.88 30 68 9-19 [email protected] Belgium InsideOut Luxury Voorschoten - Leiden T +31 (0) 6.54.703.453 [email protected] Hong Kong FARRINGTON INTERIORS Ltd. Hong Kong T +852 2808 1000 [email protected] Serbia SISTERLOGIC D.O:O Beograd T +381 11 3674494 [email protected] Danmark DEICHMANN PLANTER Hørsholm - Copenhagen T +45 4589 0288 [email protected] India DESIGNER STUDIO Mumbai T +91 982 0096 759 [email protected] South Korea BEDELL ONE CORP. Teal Table, Seoul T +82 2 459 1711 [email protected] España OUTDOOR CONCEPTS Marbella T +34 952 787 881 [email protected] Israel PENTHOUSE FURNITURE Tel Aviv T +972 (0) 9 788 7520 [email protected] Suisse ATTICA ART Lausanne T + 41 21 61 610 10 [email protected] China WE GALLERY Shenzen T + 86 755 86155405 [email protected] Italy P&M PROMOTION Pusiano - Como T +39 (0) 31 6579035 [email protected] Taiwan BHOME BOUTIQUE Taipei T +886 2 2395 5055 [email protected] Côte d‘Azur / France ENGLISH GARDEN GROUP Opio - Grasse T +33 (0) 4 93 12 23 21 [email protected] Japan H3O Tokyo-Shibuya T +81 (0) 3 6438 9710 [email protected] Thailand MOTIF ART OF LIVING Bangkok T +662-250-7740-1 [email protected] France BULL & STEIN Hamburg T +49 (0) 40.88 30 68 9- 0 [email protected] Luxembourg InsideOut Luxury Voorschoten - Leiden T +31 (0) 6.54.703.453 [email protected] Türkiye DISEÑO İstanbul T +90 212 220 7600 [email protected] Germany BULL & STEIN Hamburg T +49 (0) 40.88 30 68 9- 0 [email protected] Netherlands InsideOut Luxury Voorschoten - Leiden T +31 (0) 6.54.703.453 [email protected] Ukraina GREEN GALLERY LTD. Kiev T +380 44 288 00 28 [email protected] Great Britain URBAN LIVING INTERIORS London T +44 (0) 20 7637 9427 [email protected] Russia VP Koch GbR - Export/Import Hannover / Germany T +49 (0) 511.5331183 [email protected] skype philippundvaleria USA JANUS et Cie West Hollywood, CA T 800-24-JANUS [email protected] Faites attention au cachet original de BULL & STEIN sur chaque sculpture Look out for the original BULL & STEIN cachet on every sculpture Achten Sie auf den original BULL & STEIN Stempel auf jeder Skulptur © BULL & STEIN 2014 // photos: // layout: COMMERCIAL PARTNERS