Bhopal - The Pioneer
Bhopal - The Pioneer
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Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday undertook an aerial survey of some of the flood-hit areas in Assam and termed the situation as "grim". Besides Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, and Bihar too are severely affected even as the Tamil Nadu Government issued a flood alert in low lying areas in Krishnagiri district. Put together, around 80 districts and nearly 50 lakh people are affected due to the floods in the three States. Meanwhile, in Odisha, at least 30 people were reported dead and over 36 injured due to lightning. Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik announced Rs 50,000 as compensation to the victims. Singh, who arrived in Assam along with DoNER Minister Jitendra Singh, made an aerial visit to the flood-hit Morigaon, Nagaon districts and parts of Kaziranga National Park and reviewed the situation with Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal and other senior bureaucrats. "We have visited some of the flood-hit areas of Assam today to review the situation. been affected in 28 districts. The Assam Government has announced a compensation Rs 4 lakh to the flood victims, he said even as he appreciated the Chief Minister for handling the situation effectively. "The State Government already has Rs 620 crore under the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF). We are going to give more funds upon utilization and as per the requirement," said Singh reiterating that funds will never be a problem for the State Government. "The Chief Minister has already submitted a memorandum to me and I am going to consider it after returning to New Delhi," he added. Asked if the Centre will consider Assam's plea to D]X^]7^\T<X]XbcTaAPY]PcWBX]VWP[^]VfXcW0bbP\2WXTU<X]XbcTaBPaQP]P]SPB^]^fP[D]X^]3>=4A<X]XbcTa9XcT]SaP declare flood as a national BX]VWP]S0bbP\4SdRPcX^]<X]XbcTa7PX\P]cP1XbfPBPa\PX]cTaPRcbfXcWPRWX[SPcPaT[XTURP\_U^aU[^^SPUUTRcTS_T^_[T calamity, Singh said it is more X]1WPZPc6P^]X]<^aXVP^]SXbcaXRc^U0bbP\^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 important to find out the causes of the flood and to find out After reviewing, I felt that the and Centre will extend all help He said that a total of 26 ways to mitigate the problem situation is very grim here. I to the State Government in this people have died in Assam than to declare Assam's flood have urged the Chief Minister regard," Singh told the media floods in past one week and a as a national problem. to help the marooned people before returning to Delhi. total of 36 lakh people have Turn to Page 4 <PSWhP?aPSTbW =^8]SXP]bX]B0aPQXPfX[[V^Wd]Vah)BdbW\P bR^^_bc^_ 8V_G<DZ_XYdV_e >daQa^cWTabP]S bXbcTabX]BPdSX 0aPQXPP]S:dfPXc c^daXb\PfPaSb e`d`ce`feZddfVd`W )!![`S]VddTZeZkV_d, PaTUPRX]VTgcaT\T 7KH6WDWHKDVEDJJHGQDWLRQDODZDUGVLQ WRXULVPVHFWRUIRUWZR\HDUVLQDURZ/DVW\HDU WKH6WDWHKDGEDJJHGVL[QDWLRQDODZDUGV 6^SRddjZ_CZjRUY ac`gZUZ_XWcVVW``U ?=BQ =4F34;78 mid reports about nearly 800 Indian workers starvA ing for the last three days in the ?=BQ =4F34;78 adhya Pradesh earned the distinction of being conM ferred five awards for excellent performance in tourism sector at National Tourism Award function organised at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi by Union Ministr y of Tourism on Saturday. These awards include the National Award of Best Tourism State. Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan and Union Minister of State for Tourism and Culture (independent charge) Mahesh Sharma presented these awards to Madhya Pradesh Minister of State for Culture and Tourism (independent charge) Surendra Patwa, Chairman of Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation Tapan Bhowmik; Managing Director Hari Ranjan Rao and Additional Managing Director Tanvi Sundriyal. The awards comprise trophies and letters of citation. Besides, Madhya Pradesh was also conferred with two other tourism awards. One of these is for making Amarkantak disabled-friendly and the other for best heritage walk in Bhopal. The Best Tourist Guide award was presented to Jeevan Jyoti Pateria. Madhya Pradesh boasts of unmatched historical heritage, religious places, eco tourism points and National Parks to mesmerise tourists. The Tourism Department has developed facilities for disabled-friendly in temples at Amarkantak. For this, wheel chairs have been made available, notice boards and signages in Braille have been put up and literature about these temples has been published in Braille. Disabled-friendly toilets have also been constructed. Turn to Page 4 Saudi city of Jeddah after losing their jobs, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj responded on Saturday and dispatched her deputy Gen VK Singh to the Gulf nation to sort out the issue even as the Indian embassy in Riyadh was asked to provide free ration to the unemployed workers. Swaraj said Indians in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were facing various problems relat- ing to their work and wage and that the “matters are much worse” in Saudi Arabia. Her other deputy MJ Akbar will take up the issue with Kuwait and Saudi authorities. Both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are hit due to economic slowdown. While Swaraj is monitoring the situation on an hourly basis, her response came following a tweet by a man who said around 800 Indians are starving for the last three days in Jeddah and sought her intervention. “We have asked @IndianEmbRiyadh to provide free ration to the unemployed Indian workers in Saudi Arabia,” she tweeted. “My colleagues @Gen_VKSingh will go to Saudi Arabia to sort out these matters and @MJakbar will take up with Kuwait and Saudi authorities. I assure you that no Indian worker rendered unem- WPaSbWX_FWX[TcWT bXcdPcX^]X]:dfPXcXb ±\P]PVTPQ[T² \PccTabPaT\dRW ±f^abT²X] BPdSX0aPQXP ployed in Saudi Arabia and will go without food. I am monitoring this on hourly basis,” she said. Swaraj said a large number of Indians have lost their jobs in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and that their employers have not paid wages and closed down their factories. “As a result our brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia and D´ZWP]STg<X]XbcTa7PaPZ AVVa]Z=ZgVT`UZcVTe`c 20?BD;4 BX]VWAPfPcQ^^ZTSU^aaP_T 7Rc``bfZT`_gZTeVU`W 5>A24BF4A40F0A4>5 F0=8B?A4B4=24) 19? cRaZ_XFDcVdVRcTYVc BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 n FIR was registered against BJP leader and A former Uttarakhand Minister Harak Singh Rawat on Saturday for allegedly raping a 32-yearold woman in the national Capital on the pretext of getting her a job. According to police, woman from Assam had approached the Safdurjung police station in South Delhi on Saturday morning and registered a complaint against Rawat for allegedly raping her at his Green Park residence. The Delhi Police has also recorded the woman’s statement under Section 164 of the CrPC. Similar complaints have been registered against the leader in the past too. Turn to Page 4 BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Delhi court on Saturday convicted “Peepli Live” co-director Mahmood Farooqui of A raping a 30-year-old American researcher last year. Farooqui, who was out on bail, was taken into custody immediately after the pronouncement of the judgment. Additional Sessions Judge Sanjiv Jain held Farooqui guilty of offence under section 376 (punishment of rape) of the IPC. The court fixed the matter for hearing arguments on sentence on August 2. Turn to Page 4 0dbcaP[XP\^eX]Vd_X]f^a[S;XcTaP[[h 0DBCA0;80 2DAA4=C;H<>E4B =>AC71H01>DC B4E4=24=C8<4CA4B 4027H40A3D4C> =>A<0;C42C>=82 <>C8>= 05? Q BH3=4H ustralia will adjust its latitude and longitude, a Government science body says, to put the vast country into alignment with global navigation satellite systems. The nation’s coordinates are currently out by more than a metre, Geoscience Australia says, and the discrepancy could cause major headaches for possible new technologies such as driverless cars which require precise location data. “We have to adjust our lines of latitude and longitude... so that the satellite navigation systems that we all use on our smartphones these days can align with all the digital map information,” Geoscience’s Dan Jaksa told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation this week. A Australia currently moves north by about seven centimetres each year due to normal tectonic motion and Jaksa said the change was needed “to keep pace with that”. He said smartphones were Kuwait are facing extreme hardship,” she said, adding while the situation in Kuwait is “manageable”, matters are much “worse” in Saudi Arabia. Later, Swaraj posted pictures of food being provided to the Indian workers. Tumbling oil prices have impacted the economy of the Gulf nations, with Saudi Arabia being the most affected. already accurate to within 5-10 metres, but shrinking the gap would be crucial in coming years, particularly with greater use of remotely-operated vehicles in farming and mining. “(And) around the corner, in the not too distant future, we are going to have possibly driverless cars or at least autonomous vehicles where, 1.5 metres, well, you’re in the middle of the road or you’re in another lane,” he said on Thursday. “So the information needs to be as accurate as the information we are collecting.” Australia’s local coordinate system, the Geocentric Datum of Australia, was last updated in 1994 and officials believe it will be out by 1.8 metres by 2020 unless corrected. New data on the country’s coordinates is expected to be available from 1 January 2017. 9P\\d)2^]caPSXRcX]V9: 2< <TWQ^^QP<dUcXbbcP]ScWT 19?^]BPcdaSPhbPXSbTRdaXch U^aRTbWPScWTZ]^f[TSVT^U 7XiQd[cTaa^aXbc1daWP]FP]Xb _aTbT]RTPccWTT]R^d]cTabXcT CTa\X]VcWTZX[[X]V^UFP]XPb °bdRRTbb±9P\\d:PbW\Xa 19?RWXTUBPcBWPa\PbPXS XST]cXch^UcWTcTaa^aXbc°S^Tb]c \PccTa±X]bdRW^_TaPcX^]b 8=58;CA0C8>=1835>8;43 !B>;384AB<0ACHA43 BaX]PVPa) 0a\h^]BPcdaSPh U^X[TSP]X]UX[caPcX^]QXSP[^]VcWT ;X]T^U2^]ca^[X]=PdVP\bTRc^a ^U:PbW\Xab:d_fPaPSXbcaXRc ZX[[X]Vcf^\X[XcP]cbX]cWT ^_TaPcX^]cWPcP[b^[TUccf^ b^[SXTab\PachaTSCa^^_b ]^cXRTSbdb_XRX^db\^eT\T]c P[^]VcWT;^2X]=PdVP\bTRc^a SdaX]VcWTX]cTaeT]X]V]XVWcP]S RWP[[T]VTScWTX]cadSTabfW^ ^_T]TSUXaTP]0a\h ^UUXRXP[bPXS <0A:4CBBDA64>=6BC 7>?4B5>A486=5D=3B <d\QPX)8]SXP]T`dXch\PaZTcb fTaTQd^hTSQh_^bXcXeT P]cXRX_PcX^]^UcWT6^^SbP]S BTaeXRTbCPg6BC1X[[R[TPaX]V ?Pa[XP\T]cbd__^acTSQhP _TaRT_cXQ[TX]U[^f^UU^aTXV] Ud]SbP]SR^]cX]dTSc^ PRRd\d[PcT_a^UXcbSdaX]VcWT fTTZT]STS5aXSPh 30;8CF><0=5>A243C> 3A8=:DA8=48=1870A 3PaQWP]VP) 03P[Xcf^\P]fPb P[[TVTS[hQTPcT]d_P]SU^aRTSc^ SaX]ZWTadaX]TQhU^da\T]PUcTa QaP]SX]VWTaPbPfXcRWPc?X_aP eX[[PVTX]1XWPab3PaQWP]VP SXbcaXRc_^[XRTbPXS^]BPcdaSPh 5^da_Tab^]bQTPcd_P3P[Xc f^\P]P]SbdQbT`dT]c[hU^aRTS WTac^SaX]ZWTadaX]T C M Y K UX[\bce! 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H " ! % µ,KRSHEHLQJDGDQFHU ZLOOEHHQRXJK¶ 7DNHV\RXRQ EjaZTR]3`]]jh``Ua`eS`Z]Vc DPDJLFDOULGH D9@HE:>6 E96378 Z_X+>Rc\Cj]R_TVCfSj3Rc_YZ]] AV_V]`aVHZ]e`_;V^RZ_V4]V^V_e CVSVTTR9R]] CReVU+(& "! ased on the 1982 children’s book by Roald Dahl, The Big Friendly Giant or B The BFG, as he is popularly called, is a 5:D9@@> Z_X+;`Y_2ScRYR^GRcf_ 5YRhR_;RbfV]Z_V7Vc_R_UVd 2\dYRjV<YR__R CReVU+&& "! et’s get one thing clear. This is not a John Abraham movie, although he is in every single frame. The fact that he doesn’t have much to say means that there is not much that he contributes in terms of acting. But then Abraham has never earned the distinction of being a great actor. His popularity, we all know, stems from the fact that the director ensures that he is down to his chaddi at least once in the film. Dishoom is no different. This time, the chaddi is orange and standing next to him with his pants down is Varun Dhawan. Of course, director Rohit Dhawan has an explanation why the two need to step out of their pants, and here’s a bit of a spoiler. It is because of Akshay Kumar who makes a special appearance. Kumar is a man who only likes men, sports a man-bun and wants selfies clicked with a pout! A pout that will put to shame the pouts of many of L our actresses. Despite the fact that the film has Abraham, it is Dhawan who sets the fast pace of this typical masala movie, a genre that Bollywood has managed to perfect. It is Dhawan’s combination of fun, quirkiness and energy that propels the movie forward and takes the viewer on a ride that has a sexy heroine — Jacqueline Fernandes — who does an item number. You have car chases, bike chases, motorboat chases and a baddie who kidnaps the star cricketer so that India loses a match to Pakistan. Can one go wrong here? Not by a long shot when we all know the outcome of the match. Then there is our baddie, played by Akshaye Khanna, whom we are seeing on the 70 mm screen after four years. As a villain, he is not menacing enough, though he tries to be. His face is not that of a ‘bad man’. Of course, the film is not without its cliches. What with Dhawan (Junaid) calling Abraham (Kabir) K and in turn being referred to as J. Remember Men In Black? Despite its predictability, Dishoom is an entertainer with Dhawan at the helm. °BWP[X]XBPZbT]P film that takes you to a world of magic and makes you wonder if Gulliver was right when he was transported to the land of giants. The BFG is nice because in today’s world where people are ‘not nice’, the film brings a breath of freshness as the giant, played by Mark Rylance, wants Sophie, the human he befriends, to see good dreams not because they are scary but because they are hurtful. Rylance, as the giant who is bullied by other giants and is referred to as ‘runt’, is brilliant. Through the CGI, he brings the giant alive under Spielberg’s direction. In fact, Spielberg stands tall on the shoulders of the giant. That he is a great director is once again reiterated. The good part is that even if one has not read the book, one will enjoy the progression of the film. The downer, there is plenty of talk, introspection and and the movie takes time to unfold. Also, the ‘bad giants’ who eat children like jelly beans are not menacing enough. Over all, The BFG is a brilliant creation and takes the viewer on a delumptious adventure. ´9dµc^_dQR_edgY^^Y^W ReddXUZ_eb^Uiµ $VXSHUQDWXUDO FRPHG\ °BWP[X]XBPZbT]P 89@DE3FDE6CD Z_X+>V]ZddR>T4RceYj<ReV >T<Z__`_<cZdeV_HZZX=Vd]ZV ;`_Vd4YcZd9V^dh`ceY CReVU+' "! hen the first Ghosbusters was released 32 years back, almost everyone fell in love with the ghosts and the men chasing them. Though that was the era when Superman and He-Man comics were a kids’ favourite, the movie changed everything. Ghosts were no longer things that one had to be afraid of — the film had plenty of wit and fun moments. Nothing has changed on that score. The 2016 Ghostbusters is hilariously funny and entertaining all through despite the fact that we know the story. Director Paul Feig has not deviated from the original story that was directed by Ivan Reitman. So there are no surprises there. The only thing that has changed in the last three decades is that the men have been replaced by women who are goofy, quirky, loud and having fun chasing the psychedelic hue the ghosts have taken in this version. Of course, that there is nothing frightening about these ghosts makes it a fun watch for the kids too. Our four women — Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones — ensure that they keep you engaged till the very end. But it is McKinnon who steals the show with her whackyness. The gizmos and the CGI-ed ghosts are bigger and better. The fact that one gets to see the ghostbusters of the 80s — Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver — in a guest appearance brings back the nostalgia. W °BWP[X]XBPZbT]P C4;;HC0;4 $5-81%,-/$1, VKDUHVKLVH[SHULHQFHVRQ -KDODN'LNKKOD-DDZLWK$1*(/$3$/-25 Q What made you say yes to Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa? Dancing is something I enjoy and have been doing non-professionally. I am in a profession where dancing is an integral part. But due to the hectic work schedule, one hardly gets time to go and learn dancing. Jhalak... provides me a great platform to enhance my dancing skills. Q What form of dancing are you fond of? I love Bollywood and that is what I have been performing at award functions, where there is a mix of Bollywood and Salsa etc. On this show, one has to learn dance forms in a limited time frame. Since dancing is not something that can be learnt overnight, it is the journey that matters. Q Who do you think is the strongest contender? Salman Yousuf Khan, who is a choreographer and now a contestant. Even Shantanu Maheshwari is a great dancer. People like Nora Fatehi and him have been dancing for years and are trained dancers. Only Shakti Anand and I who are new. Q What has been the hardest part? Few days back, I was trying a stunt and landed on my pelvic bone. I was taken to the hospital and there were numerous bruises. But once you are ready with your performance it nullifies everything as it gives you a high and a sense of satisfaction. Q What happens if a contestant is injured? That depends on the injury. If the doctor tells you not to dance, then you can’t. The show is competitive, so one has to manage the injuries. If one misses rehearsals, then the performance suffers. Q How flexible is the contract in case a contestant wants to quit? In case of a serious injury, it’s a personal choice one has to make. It’s not about the contract but being humane. The teams of Jhalak..., BBC Worldwide and Colors are always concerned. There is a doctor and a physiotherapist on call all the time. I don’t think that the team would want participants to injure themselves further by continuing. Q How’s your experience been with Bhawna Khanduja, your choreographer? She is one of the best on the show and explains the steps at length to ensure that I get them right. She is flexible and open to ideas. She understands me well and trains me accordingly. But there are times when she pushes me as well. Q If you win, will you follow your passion of dancing? It is not about winning the show. Whenever my journey ends in Jhalak..., which I hope it will with the trophy in my hand, I will be a better dancer than before. Q How do you decide the right costumes? The designers watch the performances and the various acts. They give costumes that complement the performance. They use the right fabric so that we don’t feel uncomfortable and our dancing doesn’t get affected. Both Jerry and Ken have been on the show for a long time and are really experienced. Q How do you prepare yourself for the acts? We all work with a certain psychology and tell ourselves that there is no choice and we have to do it. Once we start enjoying, we want to put up a great performance every week. The competition gets tougher every week, so we push ourselves. More than competing with anybody, it is about testing one’s own limit. Q What do you think of the judges’ decisions? Karan Johar is very honest and looks at a performance in totality. Ganesh Hedge has his eye on choreography and goes into details. Jacqueline Fernandes is lenient and sees the performance from a completely different angle. I don’t think there is any bias. Q Any other show that you’re doing? I want to focus on Jhalak... and give it my best. I have been getting offers but if I do a show then I won’t be able to rehearse for more than two hours with the shooting and travelling. I am really happy I am not doing any shows right now. Q How has your experience been so far playing very different characters? Acting is a bigger passion for me than dancing. When I play a character, I am always working on how to make it likable. I don’t want to look like Arjun Bijlani in every character but I want to look like the character Bijlani is playing. There are certain similarities in ever y character which I try and differentiate. 8@=52H2C5D7@C E6==J24E@CD d[h " Bd]SPh fX[[ bTT cWT QXVVTbc P]S cWT 9\^bc bcPabcdSSTS PUUPXa ^U 8]SXP] cT[TeXbX^] UaPcTa]XchPbP[[h^daUPe^daXcTbcPabR^\Tc^VTcWTa c^aTR^V]XbTcWTTgRT_cX^]P[_TaU^a\P]RTb^UcWT _aTeX^db hTPa FPcRW cWT cT[[h W^ccXTb P]S WP]Sb^\TWd]ZbPSS^^S[Tb^Ubch[TP]S_P]PRWT c^cWTTeT]X]VPbcWThcda]d_X]cWTXa\^bcRWXR aTSRPa_TcPccXaT 3XehP]ZPCaX_PcWXfX[[SPii[TX]P]T\QT[[XbWTS 8]SXP] V^f] <^d]X A^h P]S BaXcX 9WP fX[[ \PZT WTPSb cda] Pb cWTh fP[Z cWT aTS RPa_Tc X] cWTXa Q[PRZU[^fhV^f]b CWT (cW ITT 6^[S 0fPaSb fX[[ QT W^bcTS Qh 9Ph1WP]dbWP[XP]S6PdPWPa:WP]P]SfX[[QTP] TeT]X]V ^U V[Xci P]S V[P\^da Pb cWT QXVVTbc P]S QaXVWcTbcbcPab^U8]SXP]cT[TeXbX^]VTcaTR^V]XbTS U^acWTXa^dcbcP]SX]V_TaU^a\P]RTb Cd]T X] c^ ITT CE Pc %)" _\ U^a cWT bW^f fXcWPaTSRPa_Tcb_TRXP[Pc%_\ 2962CEJ5@D6@772H25 PfPS:WP]WPbRP_cdaTS\X[[X^]b^UWTPacb_[PhX]V 5cWTXSTP[\P]X]bW^fb[XZT7d\bPUPaP]SIX]SPVX 6d[iPa7PX=^fRPcRWh^daQT[^eTSPRc^a_[PhcWT R^\_[TgRWPaPRcTa^UFP[X1PZWcX]=d\\:WP]³b RWPaPRcTaXbT]cP]V[TSX]XaaPcX^]P[^[SRdbc^\bcWPc PUUTRcWX\P]SWXbaT[PcX^]b =d\\XbPbc^ah^UUP\X[h[^eT_^[XcXRbUTdSP[ aXcdP[bP]SRdbc^\bCWTbc^ahbW^fbcWTX\_PRc^U bcaXRcRdbc^\bP]SaXcdP[b^UcWTUTdSP[f^a[S^]cWT X]cTa_Tab^]P[ aT[PcX^]bWX_ ^U cWT cWaTT \PX] RWPaPRcTabFP[X5PfPS:WP]<PWYPQTT]BP]XP BPTTSP]S=TT[P\:P]iPFPh]TFP[X1PZWcXb P[aTPSh\PaaXTSc^<PWYPQTT]U^acWT_Pbc &hTPab Pb_Pac^UP_d]XbW\T]cU^acWTRaX\TcWPcWTaUP\X[h WPbR^\\XccTSPVPX]bcFP[XbUP\X[h CWTSaP\PfX[[_aT\XTaT^]IX]SPVX^]9d[h" 9d[hP]S0dVdbc&Ua^\ !_\^]fPaSbPbP_Pac ^UcWT5PfPS5TbcXeP[ @B1;B9D9B?ISQdSXUce`gYdXC81;D9 =?81>gX_YcQd `bUcU^dQ]U^d_b_^CdQb@\ecµ4Q^SUV_bdXUcUS_^T iUQbQ^TYcQ\c_g_b[Y^W_^QVY\]gYdXBU]_4µc_ejQ Q How’s Dance+ Season 2 different from the first? Last year, we weren’t sure what kind of talent would come. But after seeing the contestants, our expectations went way up. We feel great mentoring these extremely talented people. But I still feel I’m a contestant and I want to learn all the time and actually go out there and dance. I don’t feel happy until my body is paining because of the dance. Q Is there pressure on you, now that two of your contestants are already in the Top 6? No, not at all. I don’t have to prove myself to anyone. I work because I enjoy it. If I can contribute to their careers in any way, I’d love that. Q What’s it like being a mentor on the show? The dancers in my team are in the same position I was in three-four years back when I was a contestant with Terence (Lewis) sir as my mentor — nervous about being in the Press. So, it’s weird to be on the other side now. I just told them what Terence sir told me then, ‘Don’t worry, main hoon’. It feels like a big responsibility. Q From a contestant to a mentor, your journey has been very fast… I feel I’m very lucky. Dance is not something I was sure of when I started off. I wanted to join the IAS. I had never imagined things to turn out so well. God is making me follow a path and I’m happy doing it. At one point, I was torn between my mind and my heart. My mind told me to pursue IAS and my heart told me to dance. Q So what made you decide? I had been learning Bharat Natyam since I was a child. Then I learnt contemporary for four years. When I came to Mumbai for my Master’s degree, I saw that there’s a lot of scope for dancing here. Finally, I met Terence sir and he told me that I am disciplined and dedicated and I could be great at any profession I choose. My sister Neeti supported me and I finally took up the three-year scholarship he offered me. Q Are the contestants today different from when you were one? All the dance styles these days are so advanced. If you see Hip-Hop, there is a new style within that every day. We saw a style called Ghetto on our show, we hadn’t even heard of it! These kids keep innovating by themselves, and that’s why it looks very different. It’s also something new for the audience. Q How’s your rapport with the other mentors, Dharmesh and Punit? I am very good friends with them. Both of them started choreography much before me and I get to learn from their experiences as well. Q You’re doing a film opposite Salman Yousuf Khan with Remo D’souza… I’m very excited about it. The film is about ballroom dancing, which I’ve never learnt formally. I’ve only learnt bits and pieces while performing. Q Do you think dancers today need to know how to act too? Whenever someone asks me if I’m going to learn acting, I feel offended. An actor is never asked if he will learn dancing. I want to be known as a dancer and I hope that some day, being a dancer will be enough. Q Do you feel learning a classical dance form is important for a dancer? I feel that more than dance, a classical form teaches you discipline, whether it is one of the Indian styles or the western Ballet. If you pick up the mannerisms and body language of a dancer as a child, it stays with you for the rest of your life. And learning other styles definitely becomes easier. If I had a daughter, I’d make her a pretty little ballerina. DaVTeRTf]RcT`^VUj CPPaPZ<TWcP:P>^[cPW 2WPbW\PWWPb]^c^][h R^\_[TcTSP[\^bc !T_Xb^STbXcWPb P[b^T]cTaTScWT;X\RP 1^^Z^UATR^aSbU^a QTX]VcWT[^]VTbc ad]]X]VR^\TShbW^f ?A0:A8C8A>HRPcRWTb d_fXcWcWTcTP\P]S PRc^abfW^bWPaTcWTXa Tg_TaXT]RTbP]ScT[[ h^dcWPccWThPaT ]^fWTaT]TPaS^]T aarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (TMKOC) will complete eight years on air on July 28, 2016. Since the eight years it has been on air, there has not been one single day that the show’s loyal fans have missed seeing their favourite funny families at 8.30 pm every Monday to Friday. While fans continue to swear by how great the show is, the makers remain equally enthusiastic about creating something new for their viewers each day. Creator of the show, Asit Kumarr Modi, who primarily designs the story as well as produces the show, tells you and he didn’t find it difficult to think of the storylines. “I still have a lot of stories to tell through TMKOC. Sometimes, it is difficult to shoot, as we shoot almost everyday and have to push out 22 episodes every month, but we are far from tired.” Dilip Joshi, who plays the central character of Jethalal, says what keeps them going is that this is a comedy. We are blessed to have a team where everyone is humorous. The basic premise is the same but we get to do new things and that’s what the audience enjoys,” Joshi says. He adds that his biggest motivation comes from the fact that what he does acts as a stress-buster for his viewers who never fail to laugh at the antics of the characters of TMKOC. Over the years, not only has the fan base grown, but the show has also won accolades in the form of awards in various different categories. What is a hit with the viewers is also the jodi of Jethalal and Daya ben. For the team, the biggest recognition was when they T 4PRWRWPaPRcTa WPbQTT] PRRT_cTSQhcWT PdSXT]RTP]SPaT ]^fcW^dVWc^U UP\X[h\T\QTab fW^\cWTh\TTc TeTahSPhPc '"_\ were nominated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as one of the navratnas for his Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan alongside other influential personalities like Priyanka Chopra, Salman Khan and Sachin Tendulkar. Kumarr recalls that the team was very surprised as they never expected to be nominated for such a noble cause. “It is great that the PM thought us capable of not just entertaining people but also doing something good for the country. My team has been very active for the Clean India campaign,” he tells you. Yet, he also says “Award mein agar kho jayenge toh kaam bhool jayenge,” explaining why awards are important but work is more important. The TMKOC has a writing team of five to six people, some of whom have changed over the years while some of them have been writing for the show since the first episode. One of the scriptwriters explains what makes a show like this click with the audience and remain in their hearts. “Each of the characters has been accepted by the audience and they now think of these characters as members of their own family whom they meet every day at 8.30 pm. We sit with our families and watch the show as a viewer and ask our friends for feedback to know what is being liked. That is what works; that and the immense hard work that the entire team puts in,” he says. Director Malan Suresh Rajda agrees. He says that all the characters have been ingrained in the writers and actors, so that you would never see anyone do something out of character. “Our talented creator and writers work on the script many times and we get the fourth or fifth polished draft. That is their level of commitment,” he says adding that when the show first started, the story focussed on children and targeted young audiences. “But this is something that anyone can enjoy, whether they are five or 85. No one gets bored as there is something fro everyone to enjoy,” Rajda tells you. Each of the team members agree heartily on one thing — that they all work and live as a family. Like any other family, there are sometimes disagreements between them, but these are resolved through discussions and explanations. And being like a family, they also spend their free time on the set indulging in activities like playing cricket or table tennis. For now, despite having crossed almost 2,000 episodes, the team is in no way planning to slow down and their only aim is to live up to the expectations of the audience and make them laugh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c^f]WP[[" 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H " ! % 94cV[VTed>ZdYcR¶da]VR RXRZ_deaRZU_VhdTRdV BC055A4?>AC4AQ 17>?0; he Madhya Pradesh High T Court has on Friday dismissed a plea filed by the State’s Water Resources Minister Narottam Mishra questioning the Election Commission’s competence to inquire into a case of paid news against him dating back to 2008. The dismissal of Mishra's plea by Justice Vinod Agrawal of the Gwalior bench of the high court means that the Election Commission will continue its inquiry into the charges against the minister who belongs to the BJP and represents Datia constituency in the assembly. An adverse ruling by the Election Commission could imperil Mishra's membership of the legislative assembly. He could also be disqualified from standing in elections for six years. The complainant in the case is Congress leader Rajendra Bharti whose counsel told, "The Election Commission continues to hold hearings of the case and the defendant's witnesses have been deposing before it.” Bharti complained to the Election Commission in 2012 that Mishra paid for a series of news reports published in various newspapers ahead of the 2008 assembly elections to enhance his prestige among voters without accounting for that expense. The Election Commission issued a show-cause notice to Mishra in 2013 that said, “42 news, which were published in various newspapers between November 8 and 27 in 2008, appear to be advertisements in garb of news.” Mishra replied to the show-cause notice, but also got a stay from a single bench of the high court, which was later vacated. Mishra subsequently petitioned the Supreme Court seeking a stay on the proceedings of the Election Commission which was dismissed by the court in October last year. Thereafter he again moved a petition requesting the high court to declare Section 10 (A) of the Representation of People Act 1951 as ultra vires (outside the powers) of the Election Commission. Section 10 (A) of the Representation of the People Act 1951 deals with ‘disqualification for failure to lodge account of election expenses’. 8=1A845 <0=702:4378B<>C74AC>340C7 BT^]X) 0#$hTPa^[S\P]WPRZTSWXb\^cWTac^STPcW^eTaPcaXeP[ aTPb^]Pc?PcP]eX[[PVTX]cWTSXbcaXRcCWTX]RXST]cc^^Z_[PRT hTbcTaSPh_^[XRTbPXS Bd]XP1PX%$cWTeXRcX\PbZTSWTab^]EXP_Pc[P[6^]S#$c^bTaeT WTaU^^SQdcWTaTUdbTSCWXb[TSc^PWTPcTSTgRWP]VTQTcfTT]cWT cf^8]cWTWTPc^UcWT\^\T]cEXP_Pc[P[fW^fPbSad]ZWPRZTSWXb \^cWTac^STPcWbPXS2Wd]P\P]XBWdZ[PX]RWPaVT^U:X]SaPX_^[XRT bcPcX^]CWTf^\P]SXTS^]cWTb_^cEXP_Pc[P[bfXUTP]SSPdVWcTa fTaT]^cW^\TPccWTcX\T^UcWTX]RXST]c=TXVWQ^dabWTPaScWT^[S f^\P]bbRaTP\bP]SadbWTSc^cWTW^dbTCWThX]U^a\TScWT_^[XRT PQ^dccWT\daSTafW^PaaTbcTSEX_Pc[P[Ua^\cWTb_^c 7TfPb_a^SdRTSX]PR^dacX];PZW]PS^d]c^SPhfWXRWaT\P]STS WX\X]YdSXRXP[Rdbc^Sh?^[XRTWPeTaTVXbcTaTSPRPbT^U\daSTa PVPX]bcWX\ 6A>D?B8=68=6>5³E0=34<0CA0<´C>1474;3>=0D6 1W^_P[) 6a^d_bX]VX]V^U=PcX^]P[b^]V²EP]ST<PcaP\³fX[[QTWT[S X]BPaSPa1P[[PQW1WPX?PcT[6PaST]X]bTRaTcPaXPcPc P\^]0dVdbc 4\_[^hTTb^UEP[[PQW1WPfP]BPc_dSP1WPfP]P]SEX]SWhP]RWP[ 1WPfP]_PacXRX_PcTX]cWT_a^VaP\\T^UVa^d_bX]VX]VQTX]VWT[S TeTah\^]cW^]UXabcf^aZX]VSPh CA8?0C7838B<8BB43?0=C785A><0BB8BC0=C?>BC ?aX]RX_P[BTRaTcPah^U<PSWhP?aPSTbW0bbT\Q[h0?BX]VW_aTbT]cb\T\T]c^bc^3T_dchBTRaTcPahBWTTcP[?aPbPS6d_cPP]S 0bbXbcP]cAPSWTbWhP\1WPaVPePbcWThPaTVTccX]VaTcXaTS^]9d[h" ?X^]TTa_W^c^ 060(7RRO5RRP,QGRUHLQNV0R8ZLWK&5,63%KRSDO ?=BQ 8=3>A4 he MSME Tool Room Indore on Saturday signed a T Memorandum of Understanding with Center for Research & Industrial Staff Performance (CRISP) Bhopal. The objective of the MOU is joint exploration of training business opportunities for acquiring national and international projects and assignments and to execute according to mutual strengths. Mukesh Sharma, CEO CWT_aX\T^QYTRcXeT^UcWT<>Dc^Y^X]c[h STbXV]ST[XeTaP]STgTRdcTePaX^dbZX]Sb^U cTRW]XRP[bZX[[STeT[^_\T]c_a^VaP\bU^a bcdST]cbY^QbTTZTab8]Sdbcah_Tab^]]T[ _a^b_TRcXeTT]caT_aT]Tdab CRISP and Pramod Joshi, General Manager of MSME Tool Room Indore while signing the MoU said the MoU intends setting up of a CRISP extension centre at the MSME Tool Room Indore, and an MSME Tool Room extension centre at CRISP at Bhopal. The prime objective of the MOU to jointly design, deliver and execute various kinds of technical skill development programs for students, job seekers, Industry personnel, prospective entrepreneurs, and Industrial Development. Sharma said with the signing of the MoU, both the organisations will be benefited with creating new horizons of business opportunities, and creating innovative training programs by sharing advanced equipment available at both the organisations. He emphasised on collaborations for honing the knowledge of students, job seekers, Industry personnel and prospective entrepreneurs. MSME Tool Room Indore is engaged in manufacturing and training of tools, other precision job works, and performs NCVT or AICTE recognised Long, Medium, and Short-term technical training courses for all kinds of technical, students, and industrial teachers, while Centre for Research and Industrial Staff Performance (CRISP) has established itself as one of the most leading centres of education and professional training. =QXQbBUWY]U^d SU\URbQdY^WYdc `\QdY^e]ZeRY\UU <?7A2QXSb UPaTfT[[c^0bbXbcP]c Bd_TaX]cT]ST]c any other relevant target group, besides jointly utilise and share resources like Machinery, Software license and other training facilities of each other for conduct the trainings and for other needs with mutual consent. As per the MoU, it was proposed to undertake joint assignments and programmes in the areas of training, research and consultancy (national and international), besides Teachers Training, Entrepreneurship and ?=BQ B060A ahar Regiment is celebrating its Platinum Jubilee this year and to commemorate the saga of grit, valor and indomitable spirit of Mahars during its 75 glorious years in service to the nation, it is launching an expedition to Mount Kamet in the Garhwal Himalayas. The young regiment raised in 1941 is a radiant amalgam of soldiers from across the country that have spun a saga of being at the forefront forever in all spheres, be it war or peace. Standing tall at 7756 meters, the Mount Kamet peak is the third highest peak in India after Mount Kanchanjunga and Mount Nanda Devi. Mount Kamet is considered to be a technically difficult peak which poses great challenge even to experienced climbers and test their skill and will to the Peak. The Mahar Regiment expedition would kick start on Monday from Lucknow, where it is scheduled to be flagged off by Lt Gen Balwant Singh Negi, UYSM, YSM, SM, VSM, PhD, GOC-IN-C Central M <PSWhP?aPSTbW2WXTU<X]XbcTaBWXeaPYBX]VW2W^dWP]fXcWWXbfXUTBPSW]PBX]VW_aTbT]cbQWPYP]bSdaX]VBWXe[X]V _aT_PaPcX^]_a^VaP\\TQTX]VWT[SPc2WXTU<X]XbcTab^UUXRXP[aTbXST]RTX]1W^_P[^]BPcdaSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ 8?B^UUXRTaPSSaTbbTbbcdST]cb^U 1X[[PQ^]V7XVW8]cTa]PcX^]P[BRW^^[ BC055A4?>AC4AQ 17>?0; PS officer SL Thaosen was 0WP]PAPYP]T[TRcTSWTPSVXa[ the chief guest at the investiIture’s ceremony for Billabong High International School held here on Saturday. He addressed the students and highlighted the values that the youth of today should follow the path of honour, dignity and altruism. His wise words instilled in the council a sense of importance and a will to do their duty. As he bestowed upon the council members, their badges and sashes and the newly elected council walked of stage, their badges gleaming in the light, one could clearly see the pride on the faces of the audience and the teachers. The parents of the elected Council Members looked on proudly BC055A4?>AC4AQ 17>?0; hana Rajan has been elected as head girl by the A Students’ Council in Billabong High International School for the year 2016. On the occasion, newly elected presidents of Students’ Council addressed the students and pledged to shoulder their responsibility earnestly. and recognized the fact that the school had gone long way in nurturing all Billabongers as leaders. The council members marched elegantly to their places on the stage for the oath and after the pledge, the School Captain was then bestowed with the school flag by the out- going headboy Gurwin Singh Sahni. In their maiden address to the school and council as the head boy and head girl both Saharsh Mittal and Aahna Rajan moved the audience with their resolute and strong promise to the best that they could in the capacity as the captains of the school. Command. The expedition team led by Colonel Amit Bisht comprises two Officers, two Junior Commissioned Officer and 12 soldiers drawn from all Battalions of the Mahar Regiment, supported by a team of two officers, one Junior Commissioned Officer and eight soldiers will undertake this assignment over a period of 40 days starting 01 Aug 2016. The Mahar Regiment has also undertaken other challenging adventure activities during its Platinum Jubilee year including a white water rafting expedition through the treacherous rapids of river Teesta in Sikkim and West Bengal. 0ZbWPh1PY_PXSXbRdbbTb RhQTa[PfP]SRaX\Tb fXcWbRW^^[bcdST]cb BC055A4?>AC4AQ 17>?0; kshay Bajpai from Society for Cyber Ethics enlightA ened the school students regard- ?aTbXST]c^UCWT8]bcXcdcT^U2^\_P]hBTRaTcPaXTb^U8]SXP82B82B<P\cP1X]P]X[XVWcX]VRTaT\^]XP[[P\_c^X]PdVdaPcT cf^SPhR^]UTaT]RT^]4\TaVX]VCaT]SbX]2^a_^aPcTF^a[SPc<^cT[BWXaPiX]1W^_P[^]BPcdaSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ EYVj`f_XcVXZ^V_e cRZdVUZ_"*%"ZdR cRUZR_eR^R]XR^`W d`]UZVcdWc`^RTc`dd eYVT`f_ecjeYReYRgV daf_RdRXR`WSVZ_X ReeYVW`cVWc`_e W`cVgVcZ_R]]daYVcVd SVZehRc`caVRTV ing cyber law and cyber crimes. He was addressing the students at Government Kamla Nehru Girls Higher Secondary School, where the District Legal Services Authority convened a workshop on ‘Gender crime and Cyber crime: awareness and prevention’ on Saturday. Bajpai shed light on recent trends of cyber bulling, cyber stalking and cyber harassment and advised the students that they should not share their personal information before strangers. Moreover, he told them not to use their mobile phone number and home address on Internet through Internet café. These are few reasons due to which the mobile number of girls reaches to youth and they start harassing the girls. Mostly, the girls avoid approaching police for lodging complaint in such cases, as they fear bad name. Bajpai also informed about the frauds through mobile and ATM. He advised that the users should never use their mobile numbers, name and date of birth in the password. Moreover, he stated that the password needs to be changed every month for security point of view. He reiterated that people should never use mobile number on any website at Internet café. School principal RN Sharma, teachers and around 400 students remained present on the occasion. Volunteers of the Society Simran Singh, Lokendra Raghuwanshi, Ashu Pathak, Aishwarya Bajpai and others were also present. BC055A4?>AC4AQ 17>?0; he Madhya Pradesh Human Rights T Commission (MPHRC) family gave warm sendoff to its outgoing Assistant Superintendent of Police posted in the research team SS Lalli on Saturday. 7KHSURJUDPZDVFRQGXFWHG E\&RPPLVVLRQ¶VUHVHDUFK RIILFHU6DQMD\9LVKZDNDUPD Lalli, who completed his superannuation age on Saturday July 30, was given dignified farewell by the employees and officials of the MPHRC. Lalli joined the MP Police on August 22, 1983 at the post of Subedar and today after serving the department graciously for 31 years, 11 months and 10 days he got retired. Addressing the gathering on the occasion MPHRC Chairman Virendra Mohan Kanwar, Principal Secretary Vinod Kumar and Additional Director General of Police Sushma Singh termed Lalli as conscientious, fearless, brave, honest and challenge accepting officer and wished for his long cherished and celebrated life. MPHRC registrar (law) JP Rao, additional director public relations LR Sisodiya, SP Sitaram Sasatya, DSP Atroliya and other officers and employees of the Commission were present on the occasion. All of them wished for Lalli’s long cherished and celebrated life. The program was conducted by Commission’s research officer Sanjay Vishwakarma. Lalli remained posted in PTRI Bhopal from 1989 to 1995, there after remaining posted in the District Police Force Bhopal he was again shifted to PTRI from 1998 to 2006. In 2007 he was promoted as Deputy Superintendent of Police and he was shouldered with the responsibility of traffic in Bhopal in that he worked for three years and earned quiet good name due to his fearless style of working. During this he carried out many works pertaining to the improvement of city traffic. For his extinguished services he was bestowed with prestigious President’s Medal and DG Medal. 1W^_P[) CPZX]VR^V]XbP]RT^]cWTaTVd[PaPQbT]cTXb\Ua^\cWT^UUXRT BTRaTcPahBcPcT4[TRcX^]2^\\XbbX^]Bd]XcPCaX_PcWXSXb\XbbTSBWaTT :^\P[RWP]S?P]cWXUa^\cWT_^bc^U0bbXbcP]cVaPST!WTaT^] BPcdaSPh3Tb_XcT]^cXRTbbTaeTSc^?P]cWXWTUPX[TSc^P__TPaX]cWT ^UUXRT B7>F20DB4=>C824C>F0C4AA4B>DA2434?C>558280;B 1W^_P[) 2^\\XbbX^]Ta^U2WP\QP[3XeXbX^]BWaTTBWXeP]P]S3dQTh XbbdTSPbW^fRPdbT]^cXRTc^cWaTT^UUXRXP[b^UfPcTaaTb^daRT ST_Pac\T]cX]R[d[SX]VBdQ3XeXbX^]P[>UUXRTaB3>WTaT^]BPcdaSPh X]RPbT^USP\PVT^U1PaSPSP\X]BWT^_da3Xbcc3dTc^SP\PVT^U 1PaSPSP\X]=PX]X_daP^]9d[h %X]EXYPh_daPPaTPRa^_bX] 1T]X_daP0Pa^SPP]S^cWTaeX[[PVTbfTaTPUUTRcTS 2^\\XbbX^]TaWPbXbbdTSbW^fRPdbT]^cXRTc^B3>6XaXbW:d\Pa 9d]X^aT]VX]TTa3X]TbW:d\Pa6d_cPP]SX]RWPaVT0\X]:TSPa[P[ BWPa\P2^\\XbbX^]TabTaeTScWXb]^cXRT^]cWTQPbXb^UaT_^acUX[TS QhcWTBWT^_daR^[[TRc^a 2^\\XbbX^]TaWPbb^dVWcaT_[hUa^\cWTbT^UUXRXP[bPbZX]VcWT\cWPc fWh]^cbP[PahX]RaT\T]cbW^d[SQTbc^__TSU^a]Tgccf^hTPab^] Va^d]S^U]TV[XVT]RTX]cWTbTaeXRTb 9<<074B7F0A8<44CB?0C84=CB0CDA>;>6H20<? 1W^_P[) 9<<PWTbWfPaX<P]PVX]V3XaTRc^a^U9PXBWXeBWPZcX7TP[cW P]S4SdRPcX^]P[5^d]SPcX^]1P]V[dadWPbc^RP\TPRR^d]c^U ^]V^X]VUaTTDa^[^VhRP\_PcBTfPBPSP]4hT7^b_XcP[^]BPcdaSPh 7TSXbRdbbTSfXcWcWT_PcXT]cbP]SZ]TfPQ^dccWTXaWTP[cWP]S bTaeXRTbQTX]VaT]STaTSQhBTfPBPSP]4hT7^b_XcP[3daX]VcWXb SXbRdbbX^]<PWTbWfPaXfPbc^[SQh_PcXT]cbcWPccWT_^bc^_TaPcXeT RPaT^UcWXbW^b_XcP[XbTgRT[[T]c<PWTbWfPaX^QbTaeTScWPccWT _PcXT]cbfTaTeTahbPcXbUXTSfXcWcWTTgRT[[T]cbTaeXRTb^Ue^[d]cTTab P]S\P]PVT\T]c^UcWTBTfPBPSP]4hT7^b_XcP[ '"aS5aTTDa^[^VhRP\_Xb^aVP]XiTSQh9PXBWXeBWPZcX7TP[cWP]S 4SdRPcX^]P[5^d]SPcX^]^]cWT\^cXePcX^]^U9TTeBTfPBP]bcWP]>] cWT^RRPbX^]BdSWP<PWTbWfPaX5X]P]RT<P]PVTaEX]^S0SfP]X BTRaTcPah^U9TTeBTfPBP]bcWP]BWaX<PWTbW3PhPaP\P]XCadbcTT^U BTfPBPSP];29P]XhP]X@dP[Xch<P]PVTa1WPaPc2WPf[PP]S^cWTa bT]X^a^UUXRXP[b^UBTfPBPSP]4hT7^b_XcP[fTaTP[b^_aTbT]c^]cWT ^RRPbX^] >]cWTbTR^]SSPhDa^[^VhbdaVT^]bWPeT_TaU^a\TS#!bdaVTaXTbX] cWTRP\_>dc^U $PS\XccTS_PcXT]cbPb\P]hPb'^_TaPcX^]b WPeTb^UPaQTT]S^]TQhcWTbdaVT^]bfXcWX]!SPhbBdaVTahfX[[QT _TaU^a\TSd_c^0dVdbc bc! % 174;?A02C824BC>4=70=24?A>3D2C8E8CH@D0;8CH 1W^_P[) F^aZb4]VX]TTaX]VP]SBTaeXRTb3XeXbX^]174;1W^_P[WPb RPaaXTS^dcP]d\QTa^U\^STa]XbPcX^]f^aZbX]cWTUPRc^ahc^ T]WP]RT_a^SdRcXeXchP]S`dP[Xch 0bP_Pac^UcWXbT]R[^bdaTfXcW6P[eP[d\TbWTTcWPbQTT]_aT_PaTSX] QPh!Q[^RZ#c^UPRX[XcPcT#:E68B\P]dUPRcdaX]VX]SdbcUaTT T]eXa^]\T]c*2^]bcadRcX^]^UaTbTae^Xa!g$<TVP6P[[^]RP_PRXch WPbQTT]R^]bcadRcTSPc6PSXPc^PdV\T]ccWTRP_PRXch^U_^cPQ[T fPcTaSaX]ZX]VbhbcT\*CWTQPh Q[^RZ%>_T]Bc^aPVTHPaSWPb QTT]R^eTaTSfXcW6P[eP[d\TbWTTcc^_a^cTRccWTX]R^\X]V\PcTaXP[ bT\XUX]XbWTSV^^SbTcRUa^\fTPcWTaX]VP]S5^aSTR^]VTbcX^]P]S c^_a^eXSTPST`dPcTb_PRTX]f^^Sf^aZX]VbTRcX^]P\TiiP]X]TU[^^a WPbQTT]_aT_PaTS0[b^c^_a^cTRcSdbcPRRd\d[PcX^]bX]B[XccX]V<R P]S2a^__X]V<RP_PacXcX^]^UUd[[WTXVWc^U1[^RZfXcW6P[eP[d\T bWTTcWPbQTT]_aT_PaTS ?08=C8=62>=C4BC0C<DB4D<>5=0CDA0;78BC>AH 1W^_P[) ATVX^]P[<dbTd\^U=PcdaP[7Xbc^ah1W^_P[^aVP]XbTSP ?PX]cX]V2^\_TcXcX^]^]8]cTa]PcX^]P[CXVTa2^]bTaePcX^]3Ph^]9d[h !(X]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]fXcW2T]caT5^a4]eXa^]\T]cP[4SdRPcX^]244 <PSWhP?aPSTbWPc1X^SXeTabXch8]cTa_aTcPcX^]2T]caT<PcZd[X 7^bWP]VPQPS<PSWhP?aPSTbW0b\P]hPb&!bcdST]cbUa^\ePaX^db bRW^^[b^U7^bWP]VPQPS3XbcaXRc_PacXRX_PcTSX]cWT_PX]cX]V R^\_TcXcX^]1TT]XbWAPUPcBRXT]cXbc1A<=71W^_P[SXbcaXQdcTScWT _aXiTc^P[[fX]]Tab<PWX\PCWPZdaUa^\6^ec7XVWTaBTR^]SPah BRW^^[?PRW\PaWXf^]cWTUXabc_aXiTC"<PbcTaBWXeaPYBX]VW CWPZdaUa^\6^ec1^hb7XVWTaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[?PRW\PaWXP]S =XZTcP=PVeP]bWXUa^\6^ec6Xa[b7XVWTaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[ ?PRW\PaWXaTb_TRcXeT[hf^]cWTbTR^]SP]ScWXaS_aXiTC!P]S C BX\X[Pa[h7T\P]ZdbWDXZThUa^\0aXe]S:d\Pa®=XcX] :d\Pa4]V[XbWBRW^^[?PRW\PaX6TTcP3WdaeTUa^\6^ec1^hb 7XVWTaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[?PRW\PaWX<PbcTa?aPSTT_:d\Pa EXbWPeZPa\PUa^\6^ec1^hb7XVWTaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[?PRW\PaWX <PbcTa?aPQWPc9PfPaXhPUa^\6^ec1^hb7XVWTaBTR^]SPahBRW^^[ ?PRW\PaWX<PbcTa0ZPbW0WXafPaUa^\6^eTa]\T]c1^hb7XVWTa BTR^]SPahBRW^^[?PRW\PaWXf^]cWTR^]b^[PcX^]_aXiTbC$ TPRW1TT]XbWAPUPcBRXT]cXbc1A<=71W^_P[fPbcWT2^^aSX]Pc^a ^UcWT?a^VaP\\T=PeX]:d\Pa0acXbcPbbXbcTSWTac^^aVP]XbTcWT _a^VaP\\T ]PcX^]# 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H " ! % 3RUcZ_ReYJRecRdeR]]VUeV^a`cRcZ]j]R_Ud]ZUVdTcZaa]VDeReV 0HWSUHGLFWVPRUHUDLQWRGD\ A08=6EBIC0:4BD?<< ?=BQ 347A03D=9>B78<0C7 eavy rainfall across Uttarakhand has affected H the mountanious regions. Due to this, Badrinath Yatra has been suspended temporarily. Several roads across Dehradun district have been blocked too following rainfall-triggered landslides. Some people are reported to have been injured in the landslides. The administration has made relief centres for those affected by the rains and the landslides the rain had spawned. Special arrangements have been made too for the pilgrims who are stranded midway. It is learnt from the official sources that Pithoragarh, Chamoli, Pauri, Tehri, Uttarkashi, Champawat and Nainital districts have borne the maximum brunt of the recent rainy spell. The Met office has forecast light to moderate rain/thundershowers at many places in Uttarakhand on Sunday. Dehradun disaster control room received by Saturday evening 13 phone calls related to water-logging, collapse of boundary walls, road blocks and others over the past 24 hours particularly from those living in the mountainous parts of the district. According to disaster control room officials, the complaints came mainly from Kotha Parli, JPRR Kanu, Goyera Dau, Mnsi Gati dau, Quatha Samar Jain, Gadal Chakrol, Yamuna Hathi Pau, Saiya Alsi, Saiya Quanu, Saiya Haripur Ichhari, Quasi Damta,Magadu Kala, kali Gad Sarona, Lambi Dar Kimari and others. In Pithoragarh district, around 150 families have been affected due to rainfall and landslides. Eight disaster relief centres have been made for affected people. Twelve rural roads in Pithoragarh district have been blocked due to the landslides. Three important roads- Tawaghat-Pangla motor road, Tawaghat-Kanjyoti-Sobla motor road, Thal-Munsiyari motro road, were blocked in the aftermath of the rains and the subsequent landslides. In Chamoli district, Rishikesh Badrinath National Highway, Lambagad, Bainakuli and Tahiya bridge have been blocked for traffic. Officials say that Badrinath yatra has been suspended temporarily. Around 29 village roads have been blocked due to landslides. In Pauri district, 29 rural roads have been blocked. In Tehri district, around 45 families have been provided shelter in relief centres pitched by the administration. About 23 rural roads have remained blocked for traffic too. In Uttarkashi, RishikeshGangotri National Highway, stretches through Helgugaad and Gangnani have been blocked too. Side by side, 19 vil- lage roads were blocked. In Champawat, four rural roads have been blocked for traffic. In Nainital district, seven rural roads are blocked. The department officials have been pressed into service to open the roads, officials said. It drizzled in Dehradun city on Saturday morning followed by an overcast sky. The sky partially cleared by the evening. Things were hot and humid throughout the day. However, the Met office said that the maximum and the minimum temperatures were one notch below the normal respectively on Saturday. The Met office has forecast light to moderate rain/thundershowers at many places in Uttarakhand till August 2 starting from Sunday. Very light to light rain/thundershowers has been forecast at a few places with moderate rainfall at isolated places in Uttarakhand on August 3. The weather forecast for Dehradun on Sunday is generally cloudy sky with possibility of one or two spells rain/ thunder showers in some areas. The maximum and minimum temperatures are likely to be around 30ºC and 22ºC respectively in Dehradun on Sunday. Over the past 24 hours by 8.30 am on Saturday, rainfall of varying degrees was reported from some places in the state. While 55.1 mm rainfall was reported in Dehradun it was 21.1 mm in Tehri, 16.4 mm in Mukteshwar and 30.8 mm in Pantnagar. The Met centre director Vikram Singh informed that the maximum and minimum temperatures were recorded at 28.6 ºC Celsius and 22.0ºC Celsius in Dehradun while it was 17.5ºC and 15.1ºC in Mukteshwar, 21.6ºC and 17.1ºC in Tehri and 31.8ºC and 24.8ºC in Pantnagar on Saturday. &R%5$WURRSHUNLOOHG LQ0DRLVWJXQEDWWOH BC055A4?>AC4AQ BD:<0 trooper of CRPF’s elite 'Commando Battalion for A Resolute Action' (CoBRA) was 3Te^cTTbcPZT^dcPZPePShPcaPd]STacWTQP]]Ta^UPe^[d]cPah^aVP]XbPcX^]:Pa\PbWaTTUa^\7^bWP]VPQPS^]BPcdaSPh8cXb[XZT[hc^aTPRW1W^_P[^]<^]SPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ killed and another injured in a fierce gun battle with Maoists in a dense forest pocket of Chhattisgarh's insurgency-hit Sukma district on Saturday, police said. "The incident happened when a team of the 208th battalion of CoBRA was undertaking a search operation in the jungles under Bheji police station about 200 km from district headquarters Sukma," Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Sukma, Jitendra Shukla said. Based on the inputs provided by intelligence agencies about presence of Naxals in the jungle, the force had reached in the forest between Gacchanpalli and Irgapal under Bheji police station limits, he said. The security forces had undertaken the operation based on specific inputs about the movement of dreaded Maoist Commander Hidma with his group in the region, Shukla said. When the CoBRA troopers were patrolling the forest between Ettrajpad and Gachonpally villages, a group of Maoists opened indiscriminate fire on them leading to a heavy gun-battle, he said. As per preliminary information, a constable-rank trooper was killed and another injured, the official said, adding reinforcement was immediately rushed to the spot. Efforts are on to take the deceased and injured personnel out of the forests, he added. 2Y[bQ]CY^WX=QZYdXYQTQbUc;UZbYgQ\d_`b_fUSXQbWUc $VNV$$3FKLHIWRDJUHHIRUDGD\WRGD\KHDULQJLQGHIDPDWLRQFDVH ?=BQ 270=3860A7 day after Delhi Chief Minister appeared in a Amritsar court in a defamation case, Punjab Revenue Minister Bikram Singh Majithia challenged the AAP Convener to show moral and political courage to agree to a day-to-day hearing in the defamation suit filed against him by the Akali leader in an Amritsar court. Majithia said it had taken just one appearance before the A D´ZWP]STg<X]XbcTa 7PaPZBX]VWAPfPc Q^^ZTSU^aaP_T From Page 1 Rawat was among the Congress leaders who had rebelled against Harish Rawat’s Government in Uttarakhand and had joined the BJP in May 2016 after the political crisis along with several party MLAs. He was Agriculture Minister in Vijay Bahuguna’s Cabinet, continued as Minister when Bahuguna was succeeded by Harish Rawat. Rawat was suspended from Congress earlier in May this year. He was one of the primary rebel Congress leaders, leading against Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat. After his suspension, he joined the BJP. Earlier in February 2014, an FIR was registered against Rawat for allegedly molesting a 30-year-old woman in New Delhi. Investigation is still on in the case. The woman, who was a resident of Meerut, had submitted a written complaint at Safdarjung Enclave Police Station alleging that Rawat had molested her at a house in South Delhi’s Green Park area in September 2013. Although the woman could not explain the delay in reporting the case, police had registered an FIR in that regard. court to expose Kejriwal as a thorough coward and his daily boasts against senior statesmen in the country as mere nautanki. “From a wild accuser, he has been reduced to a mere accused. The accused is now running for cover like a frightened hare. Will he like to tell the people why did he enter the court from the back door. Instead of showing the confidence to ask for speedy trial as an accused, he is seeking long gaps between hearings in this defamation case in which he faces certain jail," Majithia said. The Punjab Minister added, “This must have been a huge let down for volunteers who expected him to act like a hero and to throw some bombshell against me in the very first hearing. They went back badly shaken and disheartened, watching their hero pulled down from high tower to be named an accused , and liter- ally begging for delays in proceedings in the case.” On the statement of Kejriwal that he would put Majithia behind bars in six months, the Minister said, “Why wait for six months even? You do not have to wait for that long to put me behind bars. You can achieve that goal in a matter of weeks. All you have to do is to agree to a dayto-day hearing in this case, prove your charges on drugtrade and open the doors for a FWhfPXcU^abXg\^]cWbTeT].H^dS^]^cWPeT c^fPXcU^acWPc[^]Vc^_dc\TQTWX]SQPabH^d RP]PRWXTeTcWPcV^P[X]P\PccTa^UfTTZb court conviction against me." In a statement, Majithia said, “But this time, I won’t let him wriggle out with this hypocrisy. I will pin him down. Only one of us will remain free and in politics now. Its either him or me.” Majithia said that the Delhi Chief Minister had gotten into the habit playing cheap theatrical somersaults as he had been emboldened by the decency and civility shown to him by senior and respected statesmen in the country despite his wild and reckless allegations. 6PaWfP[86) ?a^eXST _a^_TabWT[cTaU^^S c^bcaP]STS_X[VaX\b ?=BQ 347A03D= arhwal Range IG Sanjay Kumar Gunjyal has G directed district police heads to make proper arrangements of food for the pilgrims stranded along the Char Dham Yatra routes with several roads along this route being closed due to rain-triggered landslides. Police have been directed to make arrangement for the pilgrims to be given shelter at proper places. Besides, they must be provided with food and drinking water, the senior cop ordered. It is learnt that the State Government would bear the expenses on this count. The district officers have been directed to inform the pilgrims about the same arrangement through SMSs. ³8]SdbcahRP]´c STeT[^_PcR^bc^U Rd[cdaP[eP[dTb´ ?=BQ :>A0?DC he Central University of Orissa (CUO), Koraput in T collaboration with the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Sunabeda organised CUO-HAL Distinguished Lecture on ‘Cultural Diplomacy in a Changing World’ at HAL Township, Sunabeda on Friday. Former Indian Ambassador to Hungary Malay Mishra joined the event as chief speaker. University ViceChancellor Prof Sachidananda Mohanty delivered the inaugural address. Prof Mohanty explained various aspects of cultural diplomacy and the role of diplomats in the changing world. He said, “Culture is a driving force which brings the world together and diplomats, who represent country outside, are holding the countries together”. He also said everyone is a cultural ambassador and must value their culture and tradition. He described Yoga as the cultural product of India. While defining the cultural diplomacy and its importance in Indian context, Ambassador Malay Mishra said, “We Indian are known to be grounded and our culture is very rich and widely accepted. One must know the correct sense of culture to make the appeal and it has to be well packaged.” HAL General Manager (Engine Division) JK Mohanty said, “An industry can’t develop at the cost of the cultural values of its locality as the success of the industry is co-related with the cultural background of the region”. $GD\DIWHUGHOXJH*XUJDRQOLPSLQJEDFNWRQRUPDOF\ BC055A4?>AC4AQ 6DA60>= fter torrential rains and massive gridlock due to A severe waterlogging on National Highway-8 paralysed Delhi’s satellite city for two days, Gurgaon is limping back to normalcy as the chock-ablock situation in Gurgaon eased on Saturday with police officials deployed at 14 crucial points in the city, including Hero Honda Chowk, to ensure smooth flow of traffic. However, the rain fury has left a trail of potholes for commuters to battle with. Besides, $[PZW\Pa^^]TS X]'SXbcaXRcb From Page 1 He said the Centre has already asked the State Government to prepare an action plan to end the problem and stressed on strengthening and repairing of embankments along the rivers and tributaries. Flood situation in Uttar Pradesh too remained a cause of concern as all major rivers of Terai region continued to flow above or near the danger mark due to continuous downpour in the upper Himalayan reaches and excess water release from barrages. In all, over two lakh people in around 52 Tehsils of city is facing shortage of essential food items especially vegetables, milk, fruits due diversion of vehicles, ferrying grocery items like vegetables midway, sources said. In the nation Capital, continuous downpour slowed vehicular movement at various locations, including South Delhi. The situation was worsened due to movement of Kanwarias across the city and waterlogging, mainly in the peak hours. Gurgaon police commissioner Navdeep Singh Virk claimed there were no traffic jams in the city but the traffic movement was slow. “There is no jam but traffic movement is slow. ACP and other officers are present on the spot. All media persons are requested to cooperate so that there is no panic among citizens,” said Virk. However, traffic jams on account of waterlogging were reported from Sohna Road and other major roads. A 5 km long jam has been reported from Badshahpur Vatika Chowk. Gurgaon administration started repair works of damaged roads on Expressway near Hero Honda chowk, Old Delhi road, 20 districts are affected with most of them being in Siddharthanagar, Pilibhit, Barabanki, Basti, Kushinagar and Badaun. The administration has established 41 relief camps in the affected districts. In Bihar, the flood situation showed no signs of improvement with 26 people reported to have died in flood related incidents in the State. Surging water of Mahananda River is spreading in Katihar, Purnia and Kishanganj following heavy rain in catchment areas of Nepal. Supaul, Purnia and Kishanganj too are hit. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said that the embankments would be constructed on river Mahananda in five phases and that the Principal Secretary of Agriculture Department has been made the Special Commissioner in Katihar to oversee the relief operation. He has also instructed distribution of 2,000 quintals of food grains among flood victims every day. Down South, in Tamil Nadu, flood alert has been issued in low lying areas near south Pennai River in Krishnagiri district even as heavy rains hit normal life in many parts of Salem district. Chennai MeT office said the south west monsoon has been vigorous over north Tamil Nadu. Heavy rain in neighbouring Karnataka has led to an increased inflow of water into rivers and lakes in Krishnagiri and Salem districts of Tamil Nadu. to 8 am. These duties will continue till further orders,” he added. The 14 crucial points are Hero Honda Chowk, Rajiv Chowk, Jharsa Chowk, Signature Tower Chowk, IFFCO Chowk, Shankar Chowk, Subhash Chowk, Golf Course Extension Road intersection on Sohna Road, Main Chowk in Sohna, Maharana Pratap Chowk, Atul Kataria Chowk, IMT Manesar Chowk, HUDA City Center Station and sector 31 redlight and their vicinity. Virk said officials have been ordered to keep a watch on the situation and ensure smooth movement of traffic in their areas. In case of any adverse situation, they should rush to the spot and take control. PCR will take hourly updates 24 hours a day on the traffic and flooding situation till further orders. In case of any disruption in traffic, the Police Commissioner would be informed. Meanwhile, a top official scotched rumours that Virk has been shunted out for failure to tackle the traffic situation in Gurgaon. Sipla Mata road, GurgaonPataudi road, Gurgaon -Sohna road on Saturday. “Most of the potholes have been fixed,” claimed officials. The prohibitory order imposed near Hero Honda Chowk was lifted after the situation on the roads normalised. However, Schools and most of the Government and private establishments remained closed on Saturday. Virk also said that detailed plans have been made to avert any jam-like situation during rainy season due to flooding of roads, including NH8 & 248A. Gurgaon traffic police also suggested that heavy transport vehicle to take alternative route and not enter from Delhi side. Virk said 14 crucial points have been identified on the NH-8 and other parts of the city where round-the-clock forces have been deployed including SHOs, four ACPs at west, east, south zones and Sohna road. “At each point, inspectorrank officers have been deputed along with police personnel. Duty has been divided in two shifts, day shift from 8 am to 8 pm and night shift from 8 pm <PSWhP?aPSTbW bR^^_bc^_ @UU`\Y<YfUS_TYbUSd_b6Qb__aeY S_^fYSdUT_VbQ`Y^WECbUcUQbSXUb From Page 1 In Bhopal a number of paths have been developed for heritage walk. Through this the history of architecture of Bhopal has been shown. The first path starts from Kamlapati Mahal and via Upper Lake towards Sufi masjid and Sadar Manzil and the second path showcases the history of Taj-ul-Masajid. It may be mentioned that Madhya Pradesh has bagged national awards in tourism sector for two years in a row. Last year the State had bagged six national awards and other awards. From Page 1 The offence of rape entails a minimum of seven years rigorous jail and a maximum of imprisonment for life. Farooqui was present in the courtroom with his wife, film director and screenwriter Anusha Rizvi, and his friends when the judgment was pronounced. The woman, in her complaint, had alleged that Farooqui was drunk when he raped her at his house where she had gone to get his help for her research work last year. The police had on June 19, 2015, lodged the FIR against Farooqui on the woman’s complaint after which he was arrested. Police had on July 29 last year filed a chargesheet against Farooqui alleging that he had raped the research scholar from Colombia University at his Sukhdev Vihar house in South Delhi on March 28 last year. The court had on September 9, 2015, started the trial in the case after framing rape charge against Farooqui. According to the chargesheet, the woman, who reached his house at 9 pm, found Farooqui intoxicated. He asked her to go in the other room which was his office. After 20 minutes, she left the office room to smoke on the porch when he told her to come in and sit down, it said. After talking with her for a while, he suddenly kissed her and forced himself on her, the prosecution said. During the trial, the American researcher stood by her complaint and alleged that Farooqui had raped her, while he denied the allegations, and claimed he was falsely implicated. [P]S\PaZ$ 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H " ! % <Z]]Z_X`W9ZkSf]¶dHR_Z !d[caPbZX[[TS!b^[SXTab\PachaTSX]:d_fPaPVd]QPcc[T ?a^cTbcbWdcS^f]R^]cX]dTX]EP[[Th RTTZUV_e+;<5j4> <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D ausing major embarrassC ment to the ruling dispensation both in the State and the Centre, J&K Deputy Chief Minister Prof Nirmal Singh on Saturday claimed Hizbul Mujahideen's poster boy Burhan Wani was killed 'accidentally' in the routine anti-terrorist operation. Interacting with the media persons on the sidelines of a function in the Katra base camp of Mata Vaishno Devi shrine, Prof Singh said, "Burhan Wani was killed accidentally during a routine antiterrorist operation". "It was a routine anti-terrorist operation in which three terrorists were killed. The security forces were not aware Burhan Wani was present inside the hideout. They had information about the presence of three terrorists when the routine operation was launched. The identity of the terrorists was not known to them. This is what the police officers and security forces briefed us. It is only after the operation was over they came to know about the identity of the slain terrorists," said Prof Singh, adding recently when four Pakistani terrorists were eliminated by the security forces in the Valley their iden- tity was ascertained only after the operation was over. In this case too identity of Burhan Wani was established after he was killed accidentally", Prof Singh told reporters. Defending the State Governments response to the volatile situation in different parts of Kashmir Valley, Prof Singh claimed there was no delay on the part of the State Government to control the law and order situation in the aftermath of killing of Hizbul Mujahideen's poster boy Burhan Wani on July 8". Prof Singh claimed such operations would continue to eliminate gun-totting terrorists in the State. "If they will not surrender there is no other way to deal with them but to eliminate them in this fashion", he added. Since July 8 different parts of Kashmir Valley have been witnessing 'endless' cycle of violence in which around 50 people have lost their lives and several hundred were left injured, including security personnel. Earlier, on July 28 Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti had created a piquant situation for the security forces by claiming security forces were unaware about the presence of Burhan Wani inside the hideout. "If security forces were aware about the presence of Burhan Wani he would have been given a 'chance', Mehbooba had said in response to a straight question whether security forces knew about his whereabouts at the time of the operation. Meanwhile, official spokesperson of the State BJP Unit Sunil Sethi in a written statement on July 28, had claimed "security forces have achieved major success by killing Burhan Wani and all nationalists are proud of ". "No repentance was ever exhibited by Burhan Wani nor there is anything to indicate that he wanted to leave the path of violence and terrorism and as such there was neither scope nor question of any second chance or mercy being shown to him and if security forces would not have killed him he would have continued his terrorist activities," Sethi had stated in his written statement to the Press. Responding to the statement of Prof Singh, Congress spokesperson in Jammu Ravinder Sharma said, “It is very unfortunate instead of boosting the morale of the security forces the State Government is sending a wrong message to them and emboldening the separatist forces.” He said such irresponsible statements would further aggravate the ground situation across Kashmir Valley. 0a\h_Tab^]]T[cPZTb_^bXcX^]Pc cWTbXcT^UT]R^d]cTafWTaTcf^ 0a\hb^[SXTabP]Scf^\X[XcP]cb fTaTZX[[TSPc=^fVP\BTRc^a^] ;X]T^U2^]ca^[;^2X]]^acW :PbW\Xa^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A ven as protests and shutdown continued in Kashmir E Valley, the Line of Control (LoC) in north Kashmir still remained a tough challenge for the security forces as two more infiltrators were gunned down on Saturday. Two terrorists were killed in a prolonged gunfight in Nowgam sector of Kupwara district in which two soldiers were also martyred. The encounter took place five days after four infiltrators were gunned down by the ith an estimated 60 million people suffering W from viral Hepatitis and facing 0803<:3<: 4Rcdd^R]]gVYZT]Vd <?bUXVWcXc ^dcPcPXa_^ac ViV^aeVUWc`^e`]]eRi ?=BQ 274==08 IADMK MP Sasikala A Pushpa and DMK MP Tiruchi Siva reportedly engaged in a face-off at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi on Saturday. Pushpa, on her arrival in Chennai, told The Pioneer that the fighting between them was a result of Siva blaming the AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa. "I will not allow anyone in this world to speak ill of my leader Puratchi Thalaivi Amma (as Jayalalithaa is addressed by party members)," she said. Siva (62) was not available for comments. The duo was in the news recently when a photograph of them together was posted on the social media. Since it was rare for the leaders of the DMK and AIADMK to come together for even photo sessions, this picture had aroused curiosity among political circles in Tamil Nadu. Later, it was found that the picture was a morphed one. Z_8f[RcReWc`^2fX"& =0H0=30E4Q 60=378=060A n a great relief to the vehicle owners driving in the State, IGujarat Government on Saturday has decided not to take toll tax from cars and small vehicles for using highways. "Happy to announce that from August 15, cars and small vehicles will be exempted from paying toll tax in Gujarat," Anandiben Patel she tweeted. In fact Patel herself at a function hinted that surveys were carried out to know the exact amount the State would have to shell out as compensation to toll road operators due the important decision. The Maharashtra Government had recently shut down around dozen toll plazas and gave more than C800 crore as compensation to the toll road operators. It is worth mentioning that in the 201617 State Budget, the Gujarat Government had proposed an increase in taxes to the tune of C195 crores. The State Finance Minister offered tax relief of C251 crores, taking the overall estimated surplus to C189 crores for the fiscal. “The State would bear the entire cost due to exemption for small vehicle owners. The commercial and heavier vehicles would, however, continue to pay the usual toll tax. The decision on taxis would be taken later,” said an official. As national highways out of the purview of the State Government, clarity with regards to the decision being effective for the toll booths on national highways could not be ascertained. In the past, Gujarat Government had mulled removing toll tax on all national and State highways, bypass roads and bridges in the State. It had instead mulled replacing toll tax with ‘betterment charge’ and ‘betterment tax’, which could be a one-time levy on those setting up commercial establishments along highways and form those already operating existing roadside business. The entire area continued to be under cordon as security forces suspect presence of more militants in the area. The search operations have been aided by helicopter surveillance in the vast jungle area. The identity of the slain militants and soldiers was not immediately known. Two AKseries rifles, one uni-barrel grenade launcher and several warlike stores have been recovered from the encounter site. A soldier has been injured in the encounter, who was later evacuated from the area. This was the second major risk of serious liver disease, liver cancer, and even death, the Union Health Ministry is mulling developing a national action plan for treatment, care and prevention of the disease. Acknowledging the health needs of the patients infected with the disease, CK Mishra, Health Secretary said that a national action plan to combat hepatitis is needed and resources should not be a limiting factor for the success of the cause. "There was a unanimity that India should develop a 'National Action Plan on Viral Hepatitis (NAP-VH)' within the next 6 to 12 months," he said assuring that antiviral drugs are likely to be included in the essential drug list to be provided free to the sector. Mishra was speaking at the3rdNationalconsultative meeting on Viral Hepatitis on Friday organised by the WHO Global Office and Health Ministry in partnership with Delhi-based Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences here. ILBS, organised Viral hepatitis is caused by infection with any of at least five distinct viruses — hepatitis A virus (HAV), HBV, HCV, hepatitis D virus (HDV), and hepatitis E virus (HEV). HBV and HCV can progress to chronic infections, but many who are chronically infected manifest no obvious signs or symptoms for decades-until they present with cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, or hepatocellular carcinoma (a type of liver cancer). Because chronic viral hepatitis B and C infection can persist for decades without symptoms, 65-75 per cent of infected Indians remain unaware of their infection status and are not receiving necessary care and treatment. Soumya Swaminathan, Secretary Health Research stressed on importance of screening and surveillance and need to standardise hepatitis tests in the country and providing safe blood and water. Dr Gottfried Hirnschall, Global lead from WHO on viral hepatitis discussed how India, the pharmacy of the world can eliminate hepatitis B and C faster than other countries while Dr HenkBekedam, Country head WHO, said India should have more and more hepatitis testing and treatment centers, like ART centers. EXRT?aTbXST]cP]S2WPXa\P]APYhPBPQWP<7P\XS0]bPaXb_TPZbSdaX]VP] ^aXT]cPcX^]_a^VaP\\TU^a]Tf[hT[TRcTSP]S]^\X]PcTS\T\QTab^UcWTAPYhP BPQWPPc?Pa[XP\T]c0]]TgTX]=Tf3T[WX^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 xpressing concern over frequent disruptions of E Parliament proceedings, Vice President and Chairman Rajya Sabha Hamid Ansari said on Saturday such acts amounted to holding the House to "ransom." He also said the two Houses of Parliament are equal adding the Upper House was a chamber to check "haste, cool passion and control legislation." Airing this opinion while addressing an orientation programme for newly elected Rajya Sabha members, he said the House highlights the concerns of the States. The Chairman's remarks came in the backdrop of an ongoing debate about the 344?0::D?A4C8Q =4F34;78 s against the BJP which "remained rooted to its A basic ideology" and received people's "acceptance and mandate" at the Centre and ten States, the Congress, socialists and communists in the country, "without an ideology", have "disintegrated" and virtually turned into "dynastic" , "casteist" or "personality based " parties, emerging increasingly irrelevant. Stating this at 'National Writer's Meet', organised by Dr Syama Pradad Mookerjee Foundation, BJP president Amit Shah Saturday asked whether anyone in the audience has any doubt as who would be "the next President of ?aPQWd[Phbbc^]T^U8\_WP[a[hbcPcX^]PcHdaT\QP\ nion Minister of Railways, Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu U on Saturday formally announced commencement of the work of the longest tunnel of Indian Railway on the Jiribam–Tupul–Imphal new broad gauge railway line and laid the foundation stone of the proposed Imphal Railway Station at Yurembam village, located 8 km from Manipur’s Capital, Imphal. The Railway Minister created a history on Sunday as the proposed tunnel on the Jiribam –Tupul–Imphal stretch will be the longest tunnel of Indian railway covering 11.55 km (tunnel no. T-12). It may be mentioned here that the 111-km long Jiribam –Tupul–Imphal is no less an engineering marvel due to the two striking feature — the first is the tallest bridge of the world being constructed over Irang river with a pier height of 141 metres (almost equal to two Qutub Minar stacked over each other) and the second is the tunnel No. 12 with a length of 11.55 km, which would be the longest tunnel in India. “Connectivity is the prime driver of development and the Railway Ministry would not spare any resources for bringing in speedy development of rail connectivity in the region,” said the Union Minister while addressing an impressive gathering at the proposed site for the new railway station. “Indian Railways have taken a holistic approach towards development and the 111-km long new broad gauge railway line from Jiribam to Imphal and this will not only connect Imphal to the rest of the country but also open up role and importance of the Upper House in India. Unlike the Russian Federation, India is a Union of States which is "indestructible," he said. "So under the Union of States, purposes are specified, the intentions of specified. But because it is a Union, the States have certain interests which are not necessarily reflected in the other House of the Parliament. Therefore it is expected and happens on many occasions that individual states interests are flagged in Rajya Sabha," Ansari said. Peeved over frequent disruptions, he said disagreement can be conveyed through a brief walk out as storming into the well of the House created bad impression amongst the masses. Disruptions mean losing precious time and also amount to "impinging on the privileges of the other members," the Chairman said. On reduced duration of Parliament sessions over the years, Ansari said he had shared this with successive Prime Ministers. "Earlier, Parliament used to sit for 100110 days. There was sufficient time, both for discussion and debate and all other activities. Now the average is 70 days plus or minus. There is a much greater requirement for time management," he said. Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha PJ Kurien said proceedings of last couple of years show that the MPs have "failed" to make the Government accountable. Observing that it was the duty of the Parliamentarians to highlight the grievances of the public and make the Government accountable, Kurien said "MPs are failing in doing so." He urged the new Members to take parliamentary work seriously and for that they need to study the rules and make effective speeches. Quoting the earlier views of the President of India that Parliament performs three 'D' — Discussion, Debate and Decision, Kurien appealed that "we should not add the fourth 'D' — Disruption." 3_^WQ`QbdigYdX_edYTU_\_Wi*CXQX the Congress Party" and amid laughter, he went on to quiz "could anyone now tell who would take over the reins of the BJP after me ?" "No, no one can tell that in the BJP", Shah said and sought to differentiate BJP's "democratic and ideological character" that trains, selects and elects a common party man to "the highest post" vis-à-vis the Congress party's total dependence on "one personality". Speaking on the subject of "Ideology and Politics Today', the BJP president described Congress as party "without an ideology." He said during Independence struggle everyone joined the Congress — from Swami Shradhanand to Mohammad Ali Jinnah — with the sole aim of gaining freedom from the British. "All were together from 1900 to 1047 not because of an ideology. Congress was then an Special Purpose Vehicle meant for Independence but not driven by an ideology...", said Shah, adding he has gone minutely through all Congress resolutions but could not ferret out any ideology thining in them. " They are only comments on the incidents of the day", he said. He said besides Congress, communist and socialist parties are "big example" of how absence of core ideologies disintegrated them as they could not face challenges of their times. Shah said socialists in UP and Bihar have turned either H`c\`_]`_XVdecRZ]hRjef__V]SVXZ_dZ_>R_Zafc 0=D?B70A<0Q 6DF070C8 forces have shot dead 48 persons including three women during a sustained campaign to quell the protests while more than 2,000 civilians have been injured, 200 of them with pellets damaging their eyesight. Two policemen have died and more than 2,500 police and paramilitary personnel injured in attacks from the protesters. The local newspapers report that 52 civilians have been killed in the Valley so far. A civilian riding on a bike was killed when he rammed into a wire tightly fastened with two poles to block traffic in central Kashmir’s Budgam district. The biker’s throat was slit and he died on the spot. His son, who was riding pillion, was critically injured. Meanwhile, unknown gunmen shot dead a shopkeeper Fayaz Ahmad Rather at Saidpora village in north Kashmir’s Sopore sub-division. The militants barged into Rather’s house and fired upon him from point blank range. He died on the spot. ?[P]PU^^cc^UXVWcEXaP[ 7cVbfV_eUZdcfaeZ`_`WARc] 7T_PcXcXbPb%\X[[X^] ac`TVVUZ_XdT`_TVc_d2_dRcZ bdUUTaUa^\SXbTPbT ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 D]X^]3TUT]RT<X]XbcTa<P]^WPa?PaXZZPafXcWcWTUP\X[h^UU[XVWc[XTdcT]P]c:d]P[1Pa_PccTfW^fPb]PeXVPcX]VcWT8]SXP]0Xa 5^aRTcaP]b_^ac_[P]TfWT]XcfT]c\XbbX]VX]?d]T^]BPcdaSPh ?C8 security forces in the same sector while another militant was captured alive. Defence sources in Srinagar said the gunfight erupted late on Friday night when security forces guarding the LoC traced suspicious movement in the forested area of Tutmar Gali, one of the highly active sectors in the region. The security forces cordoned off the suspected area that resulted into heavy exchange of fire. The firing continued throughout the night resulting to death of two militants and two soldiers. gunfight in the sector in past three days. On July 26, four militants of Lashkar-e-Toiba were killed and another militant Bahadur Ali alias Saifullah was captured in an injured state when a gunfight triggered off in the sector. Saifullah’s interrogation has revealed that is a resident of Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s Punjab province. Before the July 26 infiltration, a soldier was killed in the north Kashmir region when infiltrators opened fire before fleeing back to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The operation was underway in the region till last reports came in. Meanwhile, the normal life remained crippled in Kashmir Valley on the 22nd consecutive day as protests, shutdown and clashes continued in the region. The protests broke out after the killing of 22-year-old Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani on July 8. The separatist groups call shutdown to perpetuate an antiIndia uprising. The security new vistas for economic development of the region,” he said adding that the proposed Imphal railway station has been designed incorporating the architectural elements of Kangla Fort Gate and Shri Govindji Temple — two historical monuments of Manipur. While announcing the commencement of the work of tunnel No 12, the Union Minister said that the tunnel would connect two parts of Manipur by rail but would also be a symbolic representation of the State getting connected to the Indian mainland. Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh, who was also present on the occasion thanked the Indian Railway’s initiatives for bringing in better connectivity to the region and requested the Central Government to consider extending the railway line to Moreh from Imphal. It may be mentioned here that The 111-km long Jiribam –Tupul–Imphal new broad gauge railway project was taken up in 2008 and was declared a National Project because of its importance. The 12.5–km Jiribam to Dholakhal section has been completed and commissioned for freight train in March 2016. On the 84–km Jiribam — Tupul section, out of the 37 tunnels, 25 have been completed as on 30th April 2016 and the works for the rest are also progressing well. The overall cost of construction of the station Building will be around C8.7 crores. It will be terminating station with all facilities including three passenger platforms and coach maintenance shed. "casteiest or dynastic parties". "Samajwadi kunbe mein kuch bhi nahin bacha sivay parivarvad ke", he said. In clear contrast, Shah asserted, Bhartiya Jan Sangh (BJPS) which was borne to a commitment to "an alternative ideology". It was an antidote to Jawahar Lal Nehru's policies on economy, agriculture , education , culture etc which were huge impacted by western thinking and did not carry "sweetness of Indian soil". " It needed to be challenged", he said and was done by ten young people by founding BJS. He said post-Independent Nehru intended to do country's "Navnirman" as against BJS's aim for "Punar Nirman" of the country reviving "the best we had from our great heritage ". The BJS believed that this country was once 'World Guru' and can again be so. Shah said all policies and plans of the BJP government have originated in original thinking and asked people to compare governance in the BJP-led states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh or Chattisgarh with other parties ruled Kerala, West Bengal or UP. During Question answer session, some one asked as why BJP is seen to be doing 'a complete U turn' in some of its stated agendas. To that, BJP Chief said " some flexibility" was needed to implement the ideology. This he said can be done without making any compromise the basisc. \^]ThfXbT% 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H " ! % ?`]`ddVd`W[`SdR]RcjZ_ D3:^VcXVcdRjdD3:S`dd 80=BQ =4F34;78 tate Bank of India (SBI) Chairperson Arundhati Bhattacharya has said that there is no reason for the bank employees to be apprehensive of the upcoming mergers as there will be no losses of jobs or salaries in the process. “There are no losses of jobs or salary. There only might be a few transfers, that’s it. There is no reason for strike,” Bhattarcharya told IANS, adding that the bank is apprehensive of change. Even as bank employees struck work on Friday on the issue, Bhattacharya said the process of the merger of five associate banks and Bhartiya Mahila Bank with the SBI should be over by next March. “Timeline for the merger is S ³CWTaT^][h\XVWc QTPUTfcaP]bUTab cWPc´bXcP]S cWTQP]ZXb P__aTWT]bXeT ^URWP]VT´ around by the end of the financial year,” she said. Banking operations across the country were hit on Friday as nearly a million employees of private and state-run banks struck work for a day to protest the proposed merger with SBI and the privatisation µ*LYHLPSRUWDQFH UHVSHFWWR&%'7¶ NEW DELHI: A delegation of revenue officers on Saturday asked Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to ensure that Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) gets it 'due importance and respect' even as it advised its Mumbai unit to suspend the ongoing agitation over alleged interference by Central Revenue Department in 'operational matters'. The delegation discussed various issues with the Finance Minister and conveyed the deep sense of deprivation and injustice amongst IRS officers leading to severe discontent and demoralisation, the association said in a press release issued on Saturday. The association highlighted the operational difficulties of the IRS officers including role and authority of CBDT, it said. “The FM may kindly ensure that the CBDT, whose powers and functions emanate from Central Board of Revenue Act, 1963 and Income Tax Act, 1961, be allowed to administer Direct Tax policies of the Government, as per the said Acts,” the release said. PTI of the IDBI Bank. The unions are opposed to the Government’s decision to merge the State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Travancore, State Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Mysore and State Bank of Hyderabad with the SBI. The merger will create a giant entity with an asset base of C37 lakh crore. On being asked if C7,575 crore earmarked for the country’s largest lender by the Finance Ministry for re-capitalisation was enough, she said, “All capital depends upon growth, profitability, provision requirements, which change from quarter to quarter. There are several scenarios. We have discussed with the financial services department our requirement.” The Finance Ministry on July 19 had announced the much-awaited capital infusion of C22,915 crore towards the recapitalisation of 13 public sector banks during 2016-17. The capital infusion exercise for the current year is based on an assessment of need as calculated from the compounded annual growth rate of credit for the last five years, banks’ projections of credit growth and an objective assessment of the growth potential of each and every public sector bank. Following this assessment, 75 per cent of the amount collected for each bank is being released now to provide liquidity support for lending operations as also to enable banks to raise funds from the market, the Finance Ministry had said. *ROGVFKHPH *RYWUHDOLVHV UHFRUGCFU LQWKWUDQFKH $DGKDUQRWUHTXLUHGIRU $VVDP0HJKDOD\DLQ 308<VD\V3UDGKDQ NEW DELHI: The Government has realised C919 crore through the fourth tranche of its Sovereign Gold Bond scheme — the highest so far. “Collections under the Sovereign Gold Bond scheme reached a new high. The amount realised through the fourth tranche, at around C919 crore, is the highest achieved as yet,” the Finance Ministry said in a release. The previous highest was C746 crore, which was realised in the second tranche, when the issue price was C2,600 per gram of gold. In the latest subscription, the issue price was fixed at C3,119. This time around, the amount was mobilised over 1.95 lakh applications representing around 2.95 tonnes of gold. These numbers are likely to go up as receiving offices are keying in data for huge number of applications received on the last day. PNS 80=BQ :>;:0C0 esidents of Assam and Meghalaya would not be R required to submit Aadhar card for getting benefits under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said on Saturday. “For Assam and Meghalaya, Aadhar cards will not be required for getting enrolled in the PMUY,” the Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister said at a meeting of DNOs (district nodal officers) of the eastern states here. He said 82 per cent of the LPG connections have been linked with Aadhar card. “We are making efforts to bring the remaining 18 per cent in its fold,” Pradhan said at the meet also attended by IOC Chairman B Ashok and Joint Secretary (marketing) Oil ministry Ashutosh Jindal among others. Pradhan claimed that since the launch of the PMUY project, 23 lakh BPL households have got ‘free connections’ in the states where it had been rolled out since May 1. He said the project would be launched in West Bengal before August 15. In the Budget for 2016-17, the Government had allocated C8000 crore to provide LPG connections to five crore BPL women in three years. The selection of the BPL women would be done from the Socio-Economic Caste Census-2011. Several DNOs complained that many women, despite being in the BPL category, did not figure in the SECC list. -DLWOH\¶VWDNHRQ*67µ2QH QDWLRQRQHWD[¶WRHOLPLQDWH FRUUXSWLRQFXWWD[OHYHOV B^RXP[bcaXUTRP] STU[TRcSTeT[^_\T]cP[ PVT]SPbPhb5< 80=BQ =4F34;78 s the Government gears up for a fresh push to get the A long-pending GST law passed, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday said the ‘one nation, one tax’ regime will reduce the taxation levels and also eliminate corruption. Stressing that India cannot afford the kind of spectrum or coal mines controversies of the past, he said, “This whole idea of one nation, one tax is extremely important for India, in not only reducing the level of tax but also for providing an ease of doing business and eliminating any forms of corruption.” He said India cannot afford to have an indirect tax system where one is taxed at every point. Jaitley was delivering the 1st Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Memorial Lecture at India Islamic Cultural Centre here. The proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will subsume most of the indirect taxes. Government has listed the Constitutional Amendment Bill for introduction of GST in Rajya Sabha for consideration and passage next week. The Finance Minister further said India will need all forms of investments. “Now investment from private sector will come only if India becomes best possible investment destination. For that India has to get rid of corruption, India has to have a quicker decision making process, India has to have business environment which is extremely easy,” he said. He also further said that despite easing foreign investment process, there are delays at states level. “Every time we delay a project, every time we put hurdles, you create an adverse environment where you lose jobs, ancillary units, and revenue which sends a bad picture of India to other future investments,” Jaitley added. NEW DELHI: Calling India a ‘haven of safety and security’ despite past problems in Punjab and Kashmir, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today cautioned that any ‘social strife’ in the name of caste and religion can stir emotions and deflect the country from its developmental agenda. “We saw insurgency in Punjab, in Kashmir and North-East, but fortunately if we see rest of the world, we are still haven of safety and security,” he said. Delivering a lecture at India Islamic Cultural Centre here, Jaitley also said the resources need to be spent on poverty elimination and infrastructure development to become a developed society, rather than ‘lopsided expenditure only on the security’. “The faster we become a safer. Insurgency-free society, the better it is for us. Any form of social strife, I think in a race to become a developed society, we have to avoid, he said. jdb_l 008´B055>A4BC0C8>=3A8E4 0Xa_^acb0dcW^aXch^U8]SXP008 WPbd]STacPZT]PWdVT PUU^aTbcPcX^]SaXeTfWTaT^eTa bP_[X]VbWPeTQTT] _[P]cTSfXcWX]PU^ac]XVWcPRa^bb 8]SXP<X]XbcTa^U2XeX[0eXPcX^]? 0bW^Z6PYP_PcWXAPYd2008 2WPXa\P]3a6dada_aPbPS <^WP_PcaP<T\QTa7A0]dY 0VVPafP[AP]S^cWTabT]X^a ^UUXRTab^UcWTPdcW^aXchPaTbTT] WTaT_PacXRX_PcX]VX]cWTcaTT _[P]cPcX^]\^eT\T]cPccWT8]SXP] 0eXPcX^]0RPST\hcWTcaPX]X]V RT]caT^U008X]=Tf3T[WX 4`^^>Z_ZdecjeZVdfahZeYHE46 NEW DELHI: An apex tea body under Ministry of Commerce, Tea Board of India, has partnered with World Tea and Coffee Expo (WTCE), a move to promote domestic and global tea trade aggressively. “This move reflects not only the strong growth potential of the Indian markets but also of the board’s commitment to ensure healthy growth of the tea sector,” said a Government official. The two day event of WTCE is scheduled to be held in Mumbai from October 20-22, 2016. The Tea Board is at the forefront of making India the leading producer and supplier of quality tea in the global market and also works towards the upliftment of this vital sector that encourages the use of latest technology, devising export policies, ensuring labor welfare and spreading awareness on sustainability issues. 4\_[^hTTb³BcPcT8]bdaP]RT2^a_^aPcX^]4B82^]FTS]TbSPhaTRTXeTSUXabc_aXiTU^aXcb^UUXRXP[7X]SX <PVPiX]T?P]RWSTT_1WPaPcXX]cWTQTbc7X]SX<PVPiX]TRPcTV^ah^aVP]XiTSQh=PVPaAPYQWPbWP :PahP]ehP]BP\XcXD_ZaP\X]3T[WXU^acWThTPa! $ %CWT_aXiTR^\_aXbX]VPbWXT[SP]SRTacXUXRPcT fPbWP]STS^eTaQh3a1X_X]1XWPaX9cBTRaTcPah>UUXRXP[;P]VdPVT3T_Pac\T]cP]S3a6^eX]SEhPb BTRaTcPah7X]SX1WPfP]2WXTU6dTbcc^3;PWXaX8]bdaP]RT2^\\XbbX^]TaBWaXD_T]SaPBWPa\P 3XaTRc^aP]SBWhP\Bd]STa:PcWdaXP3T_dch3XaTRc^a>UUXRXP[;P]VdPVTUa^\4B82 ;^ZBPQWPB_TPZTa Bd\XcaP<PWPYP] _aTbT]cX]VcWT =PcX^]P[C^daXb\ 0fPaSb! # $PcP Ud]RcX^]^aVP]XbTSQh cWT<X]Xbcah^U C^daXb\X]=Tf3T[WX ^]BPcdaSPh<X]XbcTa ^UBcPcTU^a2d[cdaT P]SC^daXb\ 8]ST_T]ST]c2WPaVT 3a<PWTbWBWPa\P P]SBTRaTcPahEX]^S IdcbWXPaTP[b^bTT]X] cWTUd]RcX^] =<322>=3D2CBB2BC<B4E4=3>AB<44C =<32WPbaTRT]c[hR^]SdRcTSP]TgR[dbXeTeT]S^ab\TTcU^aB2BC<B4eT]S^abX]Pbb^RXPcX^]fXcW<B<4 3TeT[^_\T]c8]bcXcdcT7hSTaPQPSP]S3P[Xc8]SXP]2WP\QTa^U2^\\TaRT38228X]7hSTaPQPS3 2WP]SaPbTZWPa3XaTRc^a<B<4BaX]XePb?dccP_PVP?aTbXST]c^U38228CT[P]VP]P9<BdSWPZPaAP^6T]TaP[ <P]PVTa<PcTaXP[bP]S4ABaTTZd\Pa6T]TaP[<P]PVTa2^]caPRcbfW^_aTbXSTS^eTacWTUd]RcX^]:BAP^ 9^X]c6T]TaP[<P]PVTa<PcTaXP[b\PSTP_aTbT]cPcX^]aTVPaSX]VaT`dXaT\T]cb^U=<32P]SET]S^a aTVXbcaPcX^]_a^RTbbPc=<32fWTaTX]PQ^dc#$B2BC<B4T]caT_aT]TdabPccT]STScWT\TTcWTaT C M Y K f^a[S& 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H " ! % 8]`gVd`WWZ_WZXYeRXRZ_de4]Z_e`_+Ecf^a +LQGXGRFWRUIRXQG GHDGLQ3DNKRVSLWDO fter two weeks of sabre-rattling at their back-to-back party conventions, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have formally kicked off their three-month presidential campaign, with the former threatening to take the gloves off and the latter hoping to neutralise the offence with a new-found momentum. Under a ceaseless attack for four days from the entire Democratic establishment, Trump announced that he is all set to return the fire. Hopping ?C8Q :0A0278 BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= A across to Colorado, the New York billionaire, derided by President Barack Obama as a “homegrown demagogue”, sought to tell Clinton that he won’t play “Mr Nice Guy” any 1HZF\EHUDWWDFNKLWV 'HPRFUDWV&OLQWRQ FDPSUHSRUWVLQWUXVLRQ 05?Q F0B78=6C>= S Democrats said they had been targeted by yet U another cyber attack, while Hillary Clinton’s campaign confirmed that an analytics programme it used was breached in an earlier intrusion. A hack on Democratic National Committee servers resulted in last week’s embarrassing leak of emails that revealed how party leaders sought to undermine Clinton’s Democratic White House rival Bernie Sanders. Clinton’s campaign has blamed Russia for hacking the emails, which were made public by anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. The Kremlin dismissed the allegations as absurd, but President Barack Obama has refused to rule out the possibility that Russia is trying to sway the presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump. Clinton’s campaign said yesterday the hack on the DNC had accessed an analytics data program that it used. The programme was maintained by the DNC, it said. “Our campaign computer system has been under review by outside cyber security experts,” campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. “To date, they have found no evidence that our internal systems have been compromised.” Meanwhile, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) said yesterday it was the target of a “cyber security incident.” “The investigation is ongoing. Based on the information we have to date, we’ve been advised by investigators that this is similar to other recent incidents, including the DNC breach,” national press secretary Meredith Kelly said in a statement. more. Clinton herself, accompanied by husband Bill and her vice-presidential running mate Tim Kaine, began a bus tour of Pennsylvania and Ohio, two of a handful of critical battleground States that will decide the presidential race. Dismissing Clinton’s acceptance speech as “so average”, Trump has sought to specifically target her on national security, jobs and taxes, attacking her for not making any reference to the dangers posed to America by radical Islamic terrorism. “Hillary’s refusal to mention Radical Islam, as she spushes a 550 per cent increase in refugees, is more proof that she is unfit to lead the country,” Trump said in a series of tweets. “Our way of life is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say the words,” he said. Questioning her assertions that she will reform Wall Street and see to it that the big corporations pay their fair share of taxes, Trump said she will do nothing of the kind since “she is owned by Wall Street”. The Trump campaign sought to dismiss Clinton’s speech as an “insulting collection of clichés and recycled rhetoric”, saying: “She spent the evening talking down to the American people she’s looked down on her whole life.” In a new video, the Trump campaign claimed: “In Hillary Clinton’s America, things get worse. Under her dishonest plan: Taxes keep rising. Terrorism spreads. Washington insiders remain in control. Americans, losing their jobs, homes - and hope.” Clinton herself kept firing salvoes at Trump, saying that for his claims about making America great again, the billionaire businessman “doesn’t make a thing in America except bankruptcies”. stances inside the Intensive Care Unit of a civil hospital in Karachi. Dr Anil Kumar was found dead inside the ICU of the surgical wing of the hospital where he was performing his duty, said Eidgah Station House Office (SHO) Naeemudin. Kumar went inside ICU around 5:30 am and was found dead three hours later, the police official said. He said the doctor did not answer a knock on the door. The door was broken and Kumar was found dead sitting D_\\bYcUcd_(TUQTY^TUQT\YUcd 2WXYR_T]VcZTRccVdeVU @;;QddQS[cY^SUDeb[UiS_e` W`c^RccjZ_X'jVRc`]U 05?Q 0=:0A0 ight Turkish soldiers were killed in clashes with Kurdish militants in the country’s restive Southeast, the Army said on Saturday, raising the toll from the deadliest such attack on the military since the failed coup. The soldiers were performing a security check when they were attacked by militants from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Hakkari province on the road near Cukurca late on Friday. The Army said in a state- E ment another 25 soldiers were injured during the clashes in the area close to northern Iraq. Previous reports late yesterday had said that five soldiers were killed. Eight militants were “neutralised” in the area after an air force operation, the Army added. Fighting between the military and the PKK has continued since the July 15 failed putsch in which a rogue group within the armed forces tried to oust President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from power. Turkey has blamed the ´9C9CdbQY^Y^W´^Uhd WU^UbQdY_^µVYWXdUbcµ ?C8Q ;>=3>= slamic State (ISIS) terrorists are training the children of Iforeign fighters in Syria and Iraq to create the “next generation” of militants, according to a latest European report. In its annual report on terrorism in the European Union (EU), Europol said children raised under the group’s rule are of “particular concern”. “In their propaganda, ISIS has often shown that they train these minors to become the next generation of foreign ter- rorist fighters, which may pose a future security threat to member States,” the report said. “Some returnees will perpetuate the terrorist threat to the EU via facilitation, fundraising, recruitment and radicalisation activities. They may also serve as role models for future would-be violent jihadists,” the Independent newspaper said, citing the report. More than 50 children from the UK are living in the so-called “caliphate”. coup on followers of the USbased cleric Fethullah Gulen and officials have made no attempt to link the plot with the PKK. Hundreds of Turkish security force members have been killed by the PKK in attacks since the collapse of a two-year ceasefire in July last year. In response, the government has launched military operations against the Kurdish militant group, killing thousands of militants. Activists claim innocent civilians have also been killed in the military offensives. 05?Q :01D; n elderly Afghan cleric has been arrested after he marA ried a six-year-old girl, officials said, in the case highlighting the scourge of child marriages in the war-battered country. Mohammad Karim, said to be aged around 60, was held in central Ghor province as he claimed her parents gave him the girl as a “religious offering”, officials said. But they cited the family of the girl, believed to be in shock, as saying that she was abducted from western Herat province, bordering Iran. 1aPiX[³b;d[Pc^bcP]ScaXP[ U^a^QbcadRcX^]^UYdbcXRT Brasilia: Former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will stand trial on charges that he attempted to obstruct a giant corruption probe at Petrobras oil company, officials said today. “The charge is obstruction of justice” linked to the Petrobras oil company embezzlement probe, named Operation Car Wash, a spokesman for the justice ministry told AFP. Lula was formally charged along with six others, including former senator Delcidio do Amaral, a former ally in Lula’s leftist Workers’ Party who is accused of Petrobras-related corruption and has turned State’s witness. Lula, as he is universally known in Brazil, was president from 2003-2010 and left office with massive popularity for social programs that lifted tens of millions of Brazilians from poverty. However, his legacy has been badly tainted by the emergence of the Petrobras scandal in which dozens of politicians and executives are accused of having embezzled from the huge state oil company in a bribes-for-contracts network that lasted much of his presidency. AFP 7cR_TVTYfcTY ReeRT\Vcd µd^Z]VU¶R_U da`\V`W<`cR_ 05?Q A4==4B5A0=24 ne of the jihadists who murdered an elderly O French priest smiled as he carried out the attack, and nuns who witnessed the grisly murder said the killers spoke about a holy book. The two nuns who were in the church when Father Jacques Hamel was killed, his throat slit on the altar, said the men appeared aggressive and nervous during the attack at the Eglise Saint-Etienne in Normandy on July 26. Then, one of the attackers seemed pleased. “I got a smile from the second (man). Not a smile of triumph, but a soft smile, that of someone who is happy,” nun Sister Huguette Peron told Catholic newspaper La Vie on Friday. Abdel Malik Petitjean and Adel Kermiche, both 19, had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group and both were killed by police in the shock attack. The men stormed the 17th-century stone church during mass in the town of SaintEtienne-du-Rouvray, taking several hostages before killing the priest and seriously wounding another captive. One nun fled the scene and alerted the police, leaving Sister Huguette and Sister Helene Decaux, both in their 80s, in the church with the jihadists. At one point, Sister Helene got tired and asked to sit down. “I asked for my cane, he gave it to me,” she said. Then the men started talking about religion, asking the nun if she was familiar with the Quran. “Yes, I respect it like I respect the Bible, I’ve read several suras, Sister Helene responded. C M Y K 32-year-old Hindu doctor in Pakistan has been found A dead under mysterious circum- on his chair. A syringe was found from the spot. “His death is being investigated as he was found dead in mysterious circumstances,” he said. “It appears he had administered an injection on his hand as it was bandaged,” Naeemuddin said. Kumar’s body was shifted to the hospital’s mortuary where doctors reserved his cause of death for chemical examination while the syringe has also been sent to a forensic laboratory for examination. Earlier this week, a Hindu businessman was killed and his Hindu friend injured by a mob during protests over the desecration of a holy book. “This girl does not speak, but repeats only one thing: ‘I am afraid of this man’,” said Masoom Anwari, head of the women affairs department in Ghor. The girl is currently in a woman’s shelter in Ghor and her parents are on their way to the province to collect her, the local Governor’s office said. “Karim has been jailed and our investigation is ongoing,” said Abdul Hai Khatibi, the Governor’s spokesman. The arrest comes just days after a 14-year-old pregnant girl was burned to death in Ghor, in a case that sparked shock waves in Afghanistan. ?dbWTSQhGXaTU^a\TS?;0 caPX]X]VWPaSc^fX]fPab Beijing: Undergoing radical transformation to increase its combat capability amid rising tensions over the disputed South China Sea, President Xi Jinping is pushing China’s 2.3 million-strong PLA, which turns 89 on Sunday to train hard to win wars as it expands its high tech arsenal. Reorganised from top to bottom by Xi in the last four years, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) — the world’s largest — is bracing for major showdowns in its increasingly volatile neighbourhood triggered by the international tribunal verdict quashing China’s expansive claims over the resource-rich South China Sea (SCS). Reform is a comprehensive and revolutionary change, and obstacles and policy issues that may hold back reform measures must be addressed so as to build a strong armed forces commensurate with China’s international status, Xi has said as he consolidated his hold over the military to emerge as the most powerful Chinese leader in recent times. PTI 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 !%:8;;430B5;>>3B 78CE0=8=?0:8BC0= ?TbWPfPa) 0c[TPbc!%_T^_[T X]R[dSX]VRWX[SaT]P]Sf^\T] fTaTZX[[TSP]ScWaTT^cWTab X]YdaTS^]BPcdaSPhfWT]P eTWXR[TRPaahX]VP\PaaXPVT_Pach fPbbfT_cPfPhQhU[PbWU[^^Sb X]]^acWfTbc?PZXbcP] 3>I4=B7DAC<0=H74;3 8=0A<4=802;0B74B HTaTeP])3^iT]b^U_T^_[TWPeT QTT]W^b_XcP[XbTSP]S!%PaaTbcTS U^[[^fX]VR[PbWTbQTcfTT]_^[XRT P]S_a^cTbcTabX]HTaTeP] 0a\T]XP]PdcW^aXcXTbbPXS^] BPcdaSPhBXgch_T^_[TfTaTcPZT] c^ePaX^dbW^b_XcP[bPa^d]ScWT RP_XcP[c^QTcaTPcTSU^aX]YdaXTb X]R[dSX]VQda]bP]SQa^ZT] [X\QbcWT7TP[cW<X]XbcahbPXS "3403 7DAC8=DB B7>>C8=6)>558280;B <dZX[cT^DB) >UUXRXP[bbPhP bW^^cX]VWPb[TUccWaTT_T^_[T STPSP]SP]^cWTa_Tab^]WdacX] PBTPcc[TbdQdaQP]ScWPcP bdb_TRcXbX]Rdbc^ShCWTRXch^U <dZX[cT^bPXS^]XcbCfXccTaUTTS cWPccWTaTfTaTcWaTTUPcP[XcXTbX] cWT2WT]]Pd[c]TXVWQ^aW^^S8c bPXScWTX]YdaTS_Tab^]fPb caP]b_^acTSc^7PaQ^aeXTf <TSXRP[2T]caTfXcW d]Z]^f]X]YdaXTb 0UVWP]^UUXRXP[) CP[XQP]RP_cdaT SXbcaXRcX] 7T[\P]S 0?Q :0=3070A n important district in Afghanistan’s southern A poppy-growing province of Helmand has fallen to Taliban control after heavy fighting that killed or wounded up to 20 police officers, an official said on Saturday. Abdul Majeed Akhonzada, deputy director of the provincial council, said Kanashin district has “fallen into Taliban hands.” The fall of the district, which borders Pakistan and major poppy-producing districts, means “Taliban are in control of 60 per cent of Helmand,” Akhonzada said. Much of the area of Marjah, Sangin, Garmser and Dishu districts have already fallen to the Taliban, he said. The district police chief and deputy head of the local branch of the national intelligence agency were critically wounded in clashes that began late on Friday, he said. b_^ac' 17>?0; kBD=30H k9D;H " ! % :@4S`RcUe`cVgZVhWZ_R]acVaRcReZ`_d F^a[SQ^Sh[TPSTabc^\TTcX]AX^cWXbfTTZc^^eTa[^^ZSTeT[^_\T]cSTP[fXcWAdbbXP]S^_X]VbRP]SP[ 0?Q A8>3490=48A> ess than a week before the opening of the Olympics, IOC leaders will meet in Rio de Janeiro this weekend to review the final preparations for the games and deal with the fallout from the doping scandal that has led to the exclusion of more than 100 Russian athletes. The International Olympic Committee's ruling executive board opens a two-day meeting on Saturday, its last formal gathering before next Friday night's opening ceremony at the Maracana stadium. The meeting comes less than a week after the IOC board decided not to ban Russia's entire team from the games because of state-sponsored doping. Rejecting calls by more than a dozen anti-doping agencies for a complete ban on Russia, the IOC left it to individual sports federations to vet which athletes could compete or not. Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said Friday that, so far, 272 of the country's athletes had been cleared by international federations, out of an original team of 387. More than 100, however, have been barred, including the track and field team banned by the IAAF and more than 30 other athletes rejected under new IOC eligibility criteria. Russia's eight-member weightlifting team was kicked out of the games on Friday for what the international federation called "extremely shocking" doping results that brought the sport into "disrepute." The IOC has been roundly criticized by anti-doping bodies, athletes groups and Western media for not imposing a total ban on Russia. Pressure for the full sanction followed a World Anti-Doping Agency report by Canadian lawyer Richard McLaren that accused Russia's sports ministry of overseeing a vast doping conspiracy involving the country's summer and winter sports athletes. Bach has defended the decision as protecting individual athletes from collective punishment. "This is a decision we just had the opportunity to discuss with some athletes," Bach said in Rio. "I think the general feeling is that it is appreciated that, on the one hand, we are sanctioning a (doping) system, but on the other hand L AdbbXP]WXVWYd\_Ta8eP]DZW^eR^\_TcTbSdaX]VcWTAdbbXP] BcPab! %caPRZP]SUXT[SR^\_TcXcX^]bX]<^bR^f^]CWdabSPh 0? 64=4C823>?8=6 ¯B40B4A?4=C >52740C8=6 05?Q ;0DB0==4 ow big a threat is genetic doping to clean competition in sport? H"It's a bit like sea serpent," mythologised, ?aTbXST]c^UAdbbXPb>[h\_XR2^\\XccTT0[TgP]STaIWdZ^eb_TPZbc^cWT\TSXPPUcTaP\TTcX]V\PaZX]VcWTST_PacdaT^UAdbbXP]b_^acb\T]^U2B:0ATS0a\hR[dQc^cWTAX^>[h\_XRbX]<^bR^fAdbbXP^]CdTbSPh >]Bd]SPhcWT8>2TgTRdcXeTQ^PaSPbZTS>[h\_XRb_^acbUTSTaPcX^]bc^P]P[hiTcWTS^_X]VaTR^aS^UTPRWPcW[TcT`dP[XUXTSc^R^\_TcTX]AX^QTU^aTcWTXaT]cahRP]QTP__a^eTS 0? we have given athletes who were not part of the system the opportunity to demonstrate this and then to be allowed to take part in the Olympic Games." Rio's preparations, meanwhile, remain clouded on several fronts, including budget cuts, raw sewage that pollutes the sites of rowing, sailing, canoeing, open water swimming and triathlon, slow ticket sales, and concerns over crime and the Zika virus. The games come with the president awaiting an impeachment trial and the country gripped by a severe recession. The Australians and at least eight other Olympic teams complained this CWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[ >[h\_XR2^\\XccTTb ad[X]VTgTRdcXeT Q^PaS^_T]bPcf^ SPh\TTcX]V^] BPcdaSPhXcb[Pbc U^a\P[VPcWTaX]V QTU^aT]Tgc5aXSPh ]XVWcb ^_T]X]VRTaT\^]h week about their accommodations in the athletes' village, citing plumbing leaks, electrical faults and dirty conditions. On Friday, Australian athletes and staff had to be evacuated from their building after a small fire broke out in the basement. They returned safely after about 20 minutes. Bach remains publicly upbeat. "In the end you will see a fantastic Olympic Village and great games," he said. "The Brazilians will overwhelm all of us with their passion, with their joy of life, their great hospitality, and with their energy." The full IOC will hold a three-day 5XVVLDQZHLJKWOLIWLQJ WHDPEDQQHGIURP5LR 05?Q ?0A8B ussia's eight-strong Olympic Games weightlifting team was banned from the Rio Games in the latest dopingrelated blow to the sporting powerhouse. "The integrity of the weightlifting sport has been seriously damaged on multiple times and levels by the Russians, therefore an appropriate sanction was applied in order to preserve the status of the sport," said a statement by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF). There are now 117 Russian competitors banned from the Games — including 67 track and field athletes — from the 387 initially nominated by the Russian Olympic Committee. The eight weightlifters originally selected were Oleg Chen, Adam Maligov, Ruslan Albegov, David Bedzhanyan and Artem Okulov in the men's competition and Tatiana Kashirina, Tima Turieva and Anastasia Romanova in the women's. Okulov is a world champi- R Hd[XPBcT_P]^eP_^bTbX]P]d]SXbR[^bTS [^RPcX^]FWXbc[TQ[^fTaBcT_P]^ePbW^_Tb^U R^\_TcX]VX]cWTBd\\Ta>[hPaTP[[Qdc^eTa 0? ³1P]]TSAdbbXP bfX\\TaUPX[TS SadVcTbc´ 05?Q ;>B0=64;4B n Olympic medal winning swimmer linked to Russia's A state-run doping scandal has tested positive for the banned meldonium, the US Anti-Doping Agency announced. Nikita Lobintsev was already one of seven Russian swimmers banned from competing in the Rio Olympics by the International Swimming Federation (FINA) and USADA did not impose a new ban over the case. USADA said the 27-year-old Lobintsev had been using meldonium for the past seven years. It was prescribed by Russia team doctors, who told him it would help strengthen his heart. Meldonium was added the World Anti-Doping Agency's banned list at the beginning of 2016. "The disturbing pattern of use associated with this performanceenhancing drug appears to be one more example of growing practice in sport in which coaches ask for, physicians prescribe, and athletes use pharmaceuticals not for their primary purpose of health and wellness but to enhance athletic performance," said USADA chief executive Travis Tygart in a statement. Lobintsev, who told USADA he stopped using the drug 10 months ago, tested positive for meldonium on June 16 in an out-of-competition test. "Based on the latest guidance offered by WADA on June 30, 2016, for cases involving meldonium, Lobintsev will not face a period of ineligibility or loss of results," the statement said. on while at the London Games in 2012, Albegov claimed a bronze medal and Kashirina took home a silver. Kashirina and Romanova both had their nominations withdrawn by the Russian Olympic Committee due to prior anti-doping rule violations, added the IWF statement. In the aftermath of that report, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) resisted huge pressure to impose a blanket ban on Russia from the Olympics which get underway on August 5. Instead, they asked individual federations to make the call on who should be cleared for the Games. "Under these exceptional circumstances, Russian athletes in any of the 28 Olympic summer sports have to assume the consequences of what amounts to a collective responsibility in order to protect the credibility of the Olympic competitions, and the 'presumption of innocence' cannot be applied to them," added the IWF. session next week, starting Tuesday. A top item on the agenda is Wednesday's vote on a recommendation to add five sports to the program of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics — baseball/softball, surfing, karate, skate boarding and sport climbing. The proposed sports — backed by the executive board and to be voted on as a package — would add 18 events and 474 athletes to the program. An IOC program commission report released on Friday said the five sports are a blend of the traditional and emerging, youth-focused events, and all have international and local appeal. B\P[[UXaTU^aRTb 0dbTePRdPcX^] 05? Q A8>3490=48A> ustralian athletes briefly had A to evacuate their apartments after a small fire in the troubled Rio Olympics Village. The Australian delegation, preparing to compete in the Games that start August 5 in Rio de Janeiro, went into the street until given the all clear. No one was hurt and there was no serious damage. "There has been a small fire in the basement of the team building in the Olympic Village. All athletes and staff were evacuated and are fine," the team said in a Tweet yesterday. Team spokesman Mike Tancred told AFP "there was a lot of smoke and we had to evacuate. The fire fighters came, it was controlled and we returned." "There was no big drama," he said on Saturday. Tancred did not know the cause of the fire. The Australian team initially refused to move into its Village accommodations last weekend, citing shoddy conditions, including blocked toilets and dangerous wiring. Workers have been fixing the defects all week and the Australian team chief, Kitty Chiller, has said the site is now in good shape. potentially capable of causing serious harm, "but not so present", said Martial Saugy, former director of the Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analyses. The lab is in Lausanne, near the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, which put Saugy on the frontline of efforts to purge drug cheats from global sport. In an interview with AFP ahead of the August 5 start of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, Saugy said anti-doping labs had to keep pace with new methods developed by doping cheats that multiple scandals involving Russia have proved are still a major threat. Doctors have for years been experimenting with ways to inject synthetic genes into patients, altering an individual's genome to enhance muscle recovery or stem muscle deterioration, among other benefits. Should such treatments be taken up by athletes, anti-doping efforts could be set back years. "We've been talking about it since the creation of the World Anti-Doping Agency in 1999," Saugy said, adding that the goal for labs is to find a way to detect "the indicators of genetic doping." But he noted that since the world's best doctors are struggling to use the technology to treat sick children, athletes and trainers seeking to cheat with genetic doping are inevitably facing similar difficulties. "We need to put things in perspective. Genetic therapy in the medical domaine has difficulty getting its place because it's very complicated," he said. Asked if there was a testing system for genetic doping in place for Rio, Saugy, who stepped down from the Lausanne lab last month, said: "There may well be tests but I'm not sure of their relevance. The biggest problem at the moment are microdoses," Saugy said. CfddZRe`RcXfVdfdaV_dZ`_ `WReY]VeVdZ_TZgZ]T`fced 80=BQ <>B2>F ussia will argue in the civil courts the suspension of its athletes from R the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko said on Saturday. "We shall apply to civil courts, that would be for protection of honour, dignity and for moral damage," he told Tass. "We should do so after the Olympic Games." WADA urged the International Olympic Committee to ban the entire Olympic contingent from the Rio Games starting from August 5 after an Independent Commission, chaired by Canadian law professor Richard McLaren, stated in particular that the commission's investigation registered a total of 643 cases of Disappearing Positive Test Results in Russia between 2012 and 2015 involving athletes from 30 sports. But the IOC refused to effect a blanket ban and instead insisted that the entry of Russian sportspersons will depend on the decision of the individual global federations. Among those who denied an entry to the Russians was world athletics body IAAF, that also rejected the individual applications of 68 athletes. Mutko on August 1 will present to Unesco a report on doping, where he 7_\VUb<QXYbY]YccUcXQ\VgQi SedQd@713XQ]`Y_^cXY` 80=BQ B?A8=6584;3 ndian golfer Anirban Lahiri failed to make the halfway cut at the PGA IChampionship as he scored a second <T\QTab^UcWTATUdVTT>[h\_XRCTP\_^bTU^aP_W^c^X]Ua^]c^U cWT2WaXbccWTATSTT\TabcPcdTX]AX^ST9P]TXa^1aPiX[^]BPcdaSPh 90Va^d_^U PcW[TcTbUa^\B^dcWBdSP]BhaXP2^]V^P]S 4cWX^_XPfX[[R^\_TcTX]AX^d]STacWT>[h\_XRU[PV 0? consecutive three-over 73 at the Baltusrol Golf Club here. The 29-year-old, who was tied 107th after the first round, on Friday took his total of six-over 146 while the weekend cut was decided at two-over 142. Lahiri got off to a poor start by getting bogeys on the par-four holes of first and third. The world No.64 then made par efforts on the rest of the holes till the 11th hole, which he again bogeyed. Another bogey on the following hole made it four bogeys for the day and Lahiri seriously needed to recover with a couple of birdies. He did find one on the concluding, par-four 18th hole but it was just not enough. Last year at the PGA Championship, 0]XaQP];PWXaXX]PUX[T_W^c^ Lahiri had finished tied fifth, becoming India's best ever performer at a major golf championship. The Bengaluru golfer underwent a tough year as far as his performance at the majors is concerned. He finished tied 42nd in the Masters Championship before missing the cut at the US Open. Then at the British Open, he was tied 68th. And his performance here just extended the frustration before the Rio Olympic Games starting on August 5. Meanwhile, American Jimmy Walker posted a second consecutive strong round, but countryman Robert Streb shot a remarkable seven-under 63 to grab a share of the lead at the halfway point of the tournament, reports Efe. The 37-year-old Walker, who shot a 65 on Thursday, backed it up with a 66 in the second round of the final major on the 2016 calendar. Streb, however, joined him at the top of the leaderboard at nine-under 131 by shooting the low round of the tournament thus far, with eight birdies. His lone slip-up was a bogey on the par-three 16th hole. The two-day leading total of 131 ties the PGA Championship record for the low first 36 holes. AdbbXPb_^[TePd[cTaP]S>[h\_XRRWP\_X^] HT[T]P8bX]QPhTeP 0? will comment on the work of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). "On Monday, I am leaving for Paris, where I will speak at the Unesco commission on doping," he said. A^bQTaVcPZTb _^[TPc6Ta\P]6? 0?Q 7>2:4=748< ico Rosberg beat Mercedes teammate and Formula One championship N leader Lewis Hamilton to take pole position for Sunday's German GP. Rosberg was the fastest in all three practice runs and set the pace again in the final of the three qualifying sessions Saturday, putting together just one late lap after experiencing problems with the throttle. Hamilton was .107 seconds behind Rosberg, with Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen taking the second row on the grid in their Red Bulls. The Ferraris of Kimi Raikkonen and Sebastian Vettel will be in the third row. Three-time world champion Hamilton, winner of the last two titles, has won five of the last six races and leads Rosberg by six points in the standings. The Red Bulls managed to finish ahead of the two Ferraris. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U :e\i#!" !& 5 A > < =ZWV`WRf_ZbfVRceZdeV 8]WXbQ^^Z1PZWcXPa:3PSPQW^h bdRRTbbUd[[haTU[TRcbcWTW^[XbcXR _Tab^]P^UIdQX]<TWcP°P\P] fW^WPb[XeTS[XUT^]WXbcTa\b C 7 4 8 = B 8 3 4 EV_dZ`_Z_<`cVR 2^]cX]dTS]dR[TPacTbcbQh=^acW :^aTPWPeTX]bcX[[TSPbT]bT^UUTPa X]B^dcW:^aTPP]ScWTcT]bX^]Xb ]^c[XZT[hc^SXbbX_PcTP]hcX\Tb^^] 8S^]´cfP]cc^bTT h^dcTgcX]Vh^da Q^hUaXT]Sb^ah^da VXa[UaXT]SbPc\h R^]RTac8S^]´cfP]c c^bTTh^dRPcRWX]V P]h?^ZT\^]bd_ °AXWP]]P 2dej]ZdYT`^VSRT\ BX]VTa2T[X]T3X^]XbSaTbbX]VU^a P]TfRWP_cTaPUcTaWTaWdbQP]S´b STPcWdbX]VUPbWX^]c^UX]SbcaT]VcW P]Sc^_a^YTRcP_^bXcXeT^dc[^^Z 3Tb_XcTQTX]VPaT[PcXeT[h]TfU^aRTcWT=3A5WPbaTb_^]STSc^ ! ^_TaPcX^]bPRa^bbcWT R^d]cahP]SPQa^PSaTbRdX]V^eTaU^da[PZW_T^_[T8cWPbT\TaVTSPbcWTV^c^PdcW^aXchX] RPbT^USXbPbcTabQXV^ab\P[[faXcTbA>78CBA8E0BC0E0 n April 25, at 5.15 pm, the first team of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), under the leadership of Kuleesh Anand, arrived at Kathmandu. While establishing the base camp at Jwala Dal battalion of Nepal Army, the team was informed by the commander of the battalion that a teenage girl was trapped under a collapsed building. They were also told that she was probably still alive. Anand, Assistant Commandant, along with his four subordinate officers and 34 other ranked officials, reached the site around midnight and learned that under the debris of a fourstorey building, a girl was indeed trapped. Her exact position was located through a narrow fox hole dug up by the local authorities. As the debris was unstable and tremors were still coming, the local authorities were not sure of working on an unstable heap. The site was adjoining three badly damaged multi-storey buildings. It took the team four hours to create another fox hole to reach the girl, to stabilise debris and chop out wood which was obstructing the legs of the victim. The survivor was successfully brought out by 4 in the morning. This is one of the many cases where the NDRF saved lives under the most difficult circumstances and against all odds. In 2015 alone, it rescued more than 50,000 people. Today, in case of any disaster, no matter how small it is, the NDRF is the go-to authority. In 2005, the Disaster Management Act was passed with the provision for an apex body under the chairmanship of the then Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, that called for creation of a disaster response force. The next year, eight battalions of central forces were brought together to constitute the NDRF; the force strength has increased to 12 battalions since — a 50 per cent increase in manpower within a decade. It’s one of the newest forces of the Central Government. Earlier, disaster management in India was relief-centric but it follows a more holistic policy today. In a short journey, the NDRF has responded to 1,121 operations O across the country and beyond the boundaries, rescued 4,73,594 victims, and retrieved 2,296 bodies. Some of its major rescue and relief operations include the Koshi floods (2008), chlorine leakage at Shiwadi, Mumbai, (2010), cloudburst in Leh (2010), the Mayapuri radiation (2010), Sikkim earthquake (2011), Japan triple disaster (2011), Assam floods (2012), Uttarakhand floods (2013), Cyclone Phailin (2013), J&K floods (2014), Cyclone Hudhud (2014), Gujarat floods (2014), Nepal earthquake (2015), and Chennai urban floods (2015). The NDRF was made the dedicated force for disaster response related duties on February 14, 2008. Since then, there has been no looking back as from one disaster to another, the force has been saving precious lives and acquiring new skills. It is also helping the States prepare for impending disasters and is providing muchneeded training to local authorities. The general perception about disaster relief is that it is about saving lives and evacuating people beforehand in case of, say, a cyclone. But in reality it’s an all-the-yearround process of public awareness, risk assessment, risk mapping, simulation, and drills. OP Singh, DG, NDRF, says: “The NDRF personnel undergo training within the country as well as in premier disaster management training institutes abroad to chisel their skills. The NDRF Academy has come up at Nagpur, Maharashtra, for all specialised and advanced courses for its own personnel as well as those of SDRF and other stakeholders. The National Civil Defense College Nagpur has been merged into it and this will strengthen the Academy. To tackle flood-related disasters and as a part of preparation, NDRF teams are prepositioned in vulnerable parts of the country well before the monsoon season. These teams are self-contained and able to deal with any emergency. Besides that, NDRF teams are also deployed permanently in 23 Regional Response Centres (RRCs) across the country. All battalion commanders remain in close touch with the State administration in their respective Area of Responsibility (AOR). The NDRF teams are also kept in alert mode in each unit to respond quickly at the time of eventuality.” India is one of the most geographically complex and diverse nations and disaster-prone as well. Being one of the most densely populated countries and with poor infrastructure, it also lacks life-saving equipment and properly trained staff at the local level, which makes the 12 battalions of NDRF appear inadequate for the whole nation. Armed forces and paramilitary organisations have always conducted relief and rescue operations, and they still form a major part of any such operation. Yet since the NDRF has been designated as the dedicated force, it is expected that sooner or later the NDRF and State disaster relief forces (NDMA Act requires States to have one) should completely take over. Singh explains, “Force strength depends on requirement and in our case it depends on the vulnerability profile of the area. I prefer more battalions for faster response. Area mapping is a significant part of our background work and more battalions will maximise our efficiency. The Northeast has two battalions, one in Arunachal Pradesh and another in Assam. I would like to have more units there. There is need for expansion of the force in future. “The NDMA is the apex body which formulates policies and guidelines for disaster Management. The NDRF is a specialised response force mandated to respond to all kinds of disasters. We are well in coordination with the NDMA.” Being a purely deputational force, the men in NDRF come with basic training required for rescue and relief. Post induction, they are trained keeping in line the specialised requirements of the force. The force has been collaborating with some of the finest institutions for super specialised training and for training the master trainers for the organisation. Currently, the NDRF has 364 master trainers and 1,940 trainers. At the NDRF Academy, all specialised training will be conducted within the 148=6>=4>5C74<>BC 34=B4;H?>?D;0C43 2>D=CA84B0=3F8C7 ?>>A8=5A0BCAD2CDA4 8=3800;B>;02:B ;854B0E8=64@D8?<4=C 0=3CA08=43BC0550C C74;>20;;4E4;C78B <0:4BC74=3A5³B ! 10CC0;8>=B0??40A 8=034@D0C45>A C744=C8A4=0C8>= organisation and it will be training the State organisations as well. Singh says they have 18 specialist teams in each battalion, of which two specialist teams are mandated for Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) emergencies. In addition, some teams are trained and equipped to respond to mountain disasters. There is a professional contingent of specialists that responds to different disasters, such as hydro metrological disaster response, CBRN, rescue from deep trenches, mountain and avalanche rescue, animal disaster management etc. Not only that, the battalions conduct recce and resource mapping in non-disaster period in their respective areas. For instance, during Famex and community capacity-building programmes, a detailed analysis of geography, access route to disaster-prone areas, availability of resources and most vulnerable areas are identified. Mock drills are also organised regularly. Speaking on the rationale for keeping such highly trained people for just five years within the organisation, who subsequently go back to parent cadres, the DG opines that the NDRF being a specialised force, it makes sense to be a deputational force. “All special purpose organisations are like that: the SPG, NSG etc. It keeps the force lean and focussed; one can’t sit idle, there is no loss of capability, and the force remains much organised,” he adds. But a question remains — when these highly trained personnel go back to their parent organisations, will they ever be properly utilised and won’t they lose the muchdesired skills? In most parts of the world, this duty has generally been ascribed to the fire departments. State DRFs in India are mostly drawn from fire services. On the other hand, an NDRF case study by IIT Delhi states that so far, it has evacuated/rescued 4,22,327 disaster victims, and retrieved 2,116 bodies during various response operations. It has not only been operating in India but also abroad. In 2011 (Japanese nuclear disaster), the NDRF won a lot of appreciation, including from the Japanese Prime Minister. But due to bureaucratic hindrances, the Indian contingent reached Japan in 14 days, when most of the global teams were ready to move. Singh feels that such delays are in the past. “We have the latest example of the Nepal earthquake where our first team landed within five and a half hours. Yes, there was a delay in Japan, but since 2011 we have come a long way.” The Koshi flood was its first major operation and the force handled the situation on war footing, lifting 153 high-speed boats with 780 flood rescuers drawn from three battalions to affected districts. As a result, over a lakh people were rescued in the initial phases of the operations. The NDRF is also active in the flood of Purnia in Bihar, rescuing people and livestock. India has stated an objective of providing humanitarian assistance in disasters to its neighbours and extended neighbourhood. In every major disaster in South Asia, India has always provided assistance. But our NDRF battalions lack the global certification, a desired requirement for international operations, which is based on compliance to the guidelines provided by the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG). The purpose is to facilitate coordination between various international rescue teams which make themselves available for deployment to countries. How these teams would work together is stated in the guidelines, and since the NDRF is yet to become compliant, it will never be the first to be called for disaster relief by global bodies. The DG informs that the matter is under process, and a proposal was sent for consideration to the Government a year and a half ago. If the proposal gets accepted, two things would be required: Infrastructure for training and to procure equipment. This will bring enhancement and standardisation in the NDRF’s capabilities. “We are quite capable of handling things in India and this is only required for operations abroad. After INSARAG, our capabilities will be in line with global standards,” Singh says. //a# ce^TQi A090A0E8E0A<0F0BC7458ABC 0AC8BCC>20BCC748=380= 6>3B0=3<HC7>;>6820; 270A02C4AB8==0CDA0;40AC7H BDAA>D=38=6BDB8=6 4DA>?40=A40;8B< ]QWQjY^U =NP :e\i#!" !& 6B?=1>5BE49D5µC 3?<?EB@1<5DD5 3ebQdUTRi F19C8>1F9B1=1>1D81>Q^T 61B18C9449AE9?PVTb^UP<X]S YcQS_\\USdY_^_Vc_]U_VdXUVY^Ucdg_b[cRi_^U_VdXUWbUQdUcd9^TYQ^QbdYcdc BQZQBQfYFQb]Q9^dXYc`X_d_VUQdebUgUcXQbUc_]U_VdX_cUUhaeYcYdUY]QWUc BXcP1W^^\X?aPeTbW^X[^]RP]ePb!3WadeP]PaPhP]^[T^VaP_WXR_aX]c^]_P_Ta"?PS\X]X^[T^VaP_W #APSWPfPXcX]VU^a:aXbW]P^[T^VaP_W$BPaPbfPcX_^[hRWa^\T_^aRT[PX]%APeP]PPQSdRcX]VBXcP^X[^] RP]ePb&0WP[hPBWP_PEX\^RWP]P_^[hRWa^\T_^aRT[PX]'=PaPbX\WPZX[[X]V7XaP]hPZPbWX_d(CWTQ^^Z ?PVTb^UP<X]S Qa^dVWc^dcQh?XaP\P[0ac5^d]SPcX^] BWPZd]cP[P\_^[hRWa^\T_^aRT[PX] 5 A > < ?0 6 4 he NDRF is in line with the current trends in governance and is also active on social media. It has an effective communication system, which keeps its control room connected with all State Capitals and relief commissioners on a 24x7 basis. The men in grey are active across India, providing relief and rescuing people from manmade and natural T disasters every day somewhere or the other. Some make news, some don’t. On how urban planners can avoid natural disasters, Singh suggests, “Cities need to rework their urban planning; there is an urgent need to think of resilient planning along low-lying areas. The water channels, that can be made encroachment-free, should be restored at war =3A58B2><<8CC43 C>8CB<>CC>)00?30 B4E0B0308E8CB <8BB8>=8BC><0:4 C742><<D=8CH 38B0BC4AA4B8;84=C 1H8<?0AC8=6 A4B?>=B4CA08=8=6 C>0;;B42C8>=B >5B>284CH footing. Proper drainage system is required to avoid such disasters.” In the recent past, Uttarakhand and Kashmir were the two main disasters that the NDRF responded to effectively and saved thousands of lives. Both scenarios were quite different as Uttarakhand is a hilly region, whereas Kashmir witnessed an urban flood, providing the team its first experience in responding to urban flooding at such a huge scale. About what they learned from the crisis, Singh says, “There were some common issues which affected the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operation in these States. Advance early information, accessibility to disasterprone area, terrain and communications affect the overall rescue and relief operation, and also create panic and chaos among victims as well as responding agencies. Now, forecasting agencies in India are providing accurate information and the States concerned are acting quickly and utilising all resources to minimise loss of men and material.” He adds, “Every country has its own challenges. India is a large country with more than 1.25 billion population. We have challenges of poverty, education, and lack of awareness about disaster mitigation, lack of resources to sustain the brunt of disasters etc. Being a responsible and dedicated Government organisation, we are on our mission to make the community disaster resilient by imparting response training to various sections of society. The NDRF is committed to its motto: Aapda Seva Sadaiv.” CWTfaXcTaXbP3T[WXQPbTS X]ST_T]ST]cY^da]P[Xbc ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U >KKGO C740DC7>A>5C74 7D=64A 60<4BBDI0==42>;;8=BF0B >=4>5C74FA8C4AB>=C74 ((b³ 278;3A4=³BCEB7>F 2;0A8BB04G?;08=B8C0;; :e\i#!" !& CWXbQ^^ZXbPaT\PaZPQ[TcaXQdcTc^P\P]fW^WPb[XeTSQhWXbcTa\bUPRTSPSeTabXcXTbP]Sa^bTc^R^]eTaccWT\X]c^ V[XccTaX]V^__^acd]XcXTb1PZWcXPa:3PSPQW^hbdRRTbbUd[[haTU[TRcbIdQX]<TWcP³bW^[XbcXR_Tab^]PfaXcTbA094B7B8=67 2==7246ED@7 2563@?2:C =:76DEJ=6 ou don’t need to know Western classical music or the tradition of Philharmonic orchestras to acknowledge the greatness of Zubin Mehta, so long as you are tuned in to his accomplishments. Similarly, you don’t need to be an expert on the subject to write about the life and music of this living legend, so long as you are innately convinced about the virtuosity of the performer as a professional. Bakhtiar K Dadabhoy is a selfconfessed ignoramus on Western classical music, though a vehement admirer of Zubin Mehta. He has meticulously tracked the legendary musician’s career over the decades, and his lack of understanding of the creativity that has made a ‘Bombay boy’ an international celebrity, was not allowed to come in the way. Instead, it appears to have strengthened the author’s resolve. After all, he had chronicled the lives and achievement of the greats from the Parsee community — JRD Tata and Nani Palkhivala, for instance, on whom he has written books. It would be not just silly but even a literary blasphemy if Dadabhoy had to give Zubin Mehta a miss. Given the handicaps of not being an expert, of not enjoying unrestricted access to many of the papers and documents that could throw greater light on the man and his work, and of not having “more than peripheral contact with the subject of the biography”, in the author’s own words, what Dadabhoy has crafted by way of an ‘authorised’ biography is a remarkable piece of writing by any yardstick. It’s never easy to tell the story of a person who does not need an introduction, but then stories are told more often about people who don’t need an introduction. The difficulty for the biographer lies in the balance he needs to strike in being good to his subject and honest to his craft. This can be conflicting; while the dominance of the first can degenerate Y KF3:?>69E2 3R\YeZRc<5RURSY`j AV_XfZ_CR_U`^ 9`fdVC)** into hagiography, an over-emphasis on the latter can result in a lopsided account that seeks more to establish the author’s, rather than his (or her) subject’s credentials. Dadabhoy has done wonderfully here. While he has recorded unfettered praise for Zubin Mehta, he has not glossed over criticism. This is just as well, because a sanitised version of the legendary musician and conductor would have done grave injustice to a man who has lived by his terms, faced adversities and rose to convert them into glittering opportunities. Zubin Mehta has every reason to feel good about this book. The author too must be ecstatic. Not only has he successfully chronicled another Parsee legend from Mumbai but has also in the process learnt in a few years far more than what he knew over the past decades +DUU\3RWWHU C 5(78516 rom bookstores bedecked to mark the launch of the book, to fan events, parties and activities in bookstores and other popular hubs in each Indian metro, this is an experience like no other. Hachette India has a fantastic contest to delight Indian fans of JK Rowling’s Wizarding World: two lucky fans will each win an authentic limited edition author-signed copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts 1 and 2. The contest began on July 22 at 2pm and will end on August 5. For more details on the contest visit Hachette India on Facebook. Based on an original new story by JK Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a new play by Jack Thorne, is the first official Harry Potter story to be presented on stage. It received its world premiere in London’s Palace Theatre yesterday. The script book will go on sale at bookstores across India at 11.30 am (IST) today. The eighth story begins where the seventh book concludes. It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and father of three school-age children. While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: Sometimes darkness comes from unexpected places. JK Rowling’s bestselling Harry Potter series of seven books, published between 1997 and 2007, have sold over 450 million copies worldwide, are distributed in more than 200 territories, are translated into 79 languages, and have been turned into eight blockbuster films. F olleen Taylor Sen makes you think about many things — What is Indian Cuisine? What is so ‘Indian’ about it? Is it an authentic cuisine or an amalgamation of flavours, recipes and ingredients from around the world? The book is like an Indian thali, mélange of various ingredients — anecdotes, recipes, funny and interesting stories. It is a complete book, a whole compendium of many small and big facts related to foods of India. It talks about how Indian food travelled to the world — and still exists in different parts in veiled forms. The title makes you think, the two words ‘feasts’ and ‘fasts’ are used together despite being contradictory terms. Just like these two words, India is also a land of contrast, in its seasons/climate, soil, ideas and rituals, attitudes and taboos regarding food and cuisine. Food and its history cannot be seen in isolation — it has to be seen in relation to the climate, seasons, crops, trade and availability of the raw materials. Sen goes deep into the history of food, delving not only into ancient practices, techniques of cooking but also the etymology of words related to food which reveal a lot about their origin. This well researched book is a collection of various food trends starting from ancient India right up to the 21st century. It is a compilation of odes to food, extracts from various ancient treatises to recipes from modern India and different trends like the rise of vegetarianism. This book has interesting information for everyone — the lay critic, the foodie, the gourmet, the aspiring food historian and the lovers and the connoisseurs of food. It never gets dull or boring despite the sort of dissertation research it proves to be. This is because the information is often interspersed with recipes, facts, theories and of his life about the world of Western classical music. Zubin Mehta grew up in what was then Bombay in a musical family; many others too have. He had the opportunity to go abroad and be trained by masters; others too have benefited similarly. He was fortunate to have been spotted by influential people who guided his destiny; others also have been lucky in a similar manner. He got breaks, often out of the blue; this is not uncommon, as others too have enjoyed the privilege. Mehta went on to become a legend while others ended up being good or very good, or even outstanding at best. None, like him, has had the honour to simultaneously conduct two major orchestras in North America (Montreal and Los Angeles). None has bonded so closely and in so sustained a fashion as him, with the world-renowned Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (it’s become life-long). None can come close to him when it comes to reflecting the music of central Europe — of Vienna, for instance. The book charts the progress Mehta has made, tentatively to begin with, and then rapidly expanding his footprints across the world, taking the musical world by storm. Needless to say, he has had his detractors, his bad moments, misunderstandings with people, and his share of condemnation and criticism in the course of the journey. There are personal issues as well (such as his failed first marriage and a flamboyant, supposedly debonair life-style. One of his friends is quoted in the book as saying that his interest in Los Angeles, apart from his parents and music, was girls, girls and girls). The book reflects on these, puts them in perspective, and offers a holistic persona. There has been a great deal of debate on whether Zubin Mehta has done enough to promote Indian music too, through experiments in fusion with Indian artistes. His critics point out that the maestro has done little in this direction. But the author debunks the thought, saying that Mehta shared sitar legend Ravi Shankar’s passion to bridge the musical divide between the East and the West. (They even played together on occasions, became close friends, and hoped to together perform in the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.) But Dadabhoy also adds that “he (Zubin) was well aware of the perils of mixing the two. Zubin told The New York Times that ‘this isn’t so much East meets West as Bombay meets Benares’”. In other words, Mehta felt that the proposed mix was about two Indian varieties. Implicit in this remark was an acknowledgement of the vast repertoire and variety that existed in Indian music itself. If Zubin Mehta was apprehensive about the mix of two different kinds of music, he was opposed to the mix of politics and music — although he held strong views on the atrocities the Jews had suffered across the world in the first half of the nineties and has been always supportive of their cause. His show in Malaysia was once cancelled because the Malaysian regime objected to Jewish compositions which were to be played. But the Israeli Philharmonic did play alongside the Bavarian State Orchestra of Germany, hours after accompanying the Bavarian orchestra musicians to a former Nazi camp. His belief, the author states, is that if the Germans and the Jews could come together in the spirit of music, someday the Arabs and the Jews too could unite. This happened to some extent under the baton of another conductor and Mehta’s friend, Daniel Barenboim, in 2005, when the latter brought together Israeli and Arab musicians for a concert in Ramallah. There are interesting stories in the book about how Zubin Mehta, for all his greatness, failed to click with the audience and more so with music critics, in Los Angeles, whereas he was an instant hit in New York. The Los Angeles Times was unsparing, accusing the maestro of “superficial performances which stressed bombast over subtlety and revealed impetuosity rather than maturity”. Other critics found in his music conducting, sparks of genius but seldom a “mellow glow”. As the director of the New York Philharmonic, however, he seemed to be in his elements. His first concert was an outdoor one before an estimate crowd of 1,40,000. The author says that the audience gave the performance a “rousing ovation”, and that the orchestra had taken a liking to its new conductor. He quotes Newsweek as writing that the “New Yorkers may have been expecting arrogance and erratic temperament; what they got was good humour — and musical authority”. The ‘expectation’ the magazine refers to, is a reflection of the stereotyping that Zubin Mehta had to endure. Although India’s son of the soil has performed in his native country, including most recently in Kashmir, those performances have been few and far between — and certainly nothing compared to the frequency abroad. Now in his early eighties, he is unlikely to have the time to make up for that loss. Nevertheless, Zubin Mehta remains arguably the most recognised, the most respected and the most colourful Indianborn musician on the global stage. DY]UdbQfU\\Y^WdQcdUc DXYcR__[YcdXUe\dY]QdUc_ebSUd_e^TUbcdQ^TdXUb__dc_V_ebUfUbiTQi V__T1dQ^dQ\YcY^WdQ\U_VSe\Y^QbiSe\debUdXYcYc_^UR__[i_eSQ^^_d YW^_bUYVi_eQbUQV__TS_^^_YccUebgbYdUcC1>I141>7 762DED2?572DED 4`]]VV_ERj]`cDV_ DaVR\Z_XEZXVc C'** enticing food pictures. She describes various significant Indian festivals where fasting and feasting are both integral to the celebration such as Navratris where fasting serves the double purpose of detoxification and consuming healthy food. She also describes the origin of fasting and the various reasons for its popularity today. It is not only a form of worship but is also performed out of a sense of gratitude, a petition to God for a favour (Monday fasts for a good husband, Karva Chauth for husband’s long life and many more in different parts of the country). Fasting is an instrument of self discipline and a method of physical cleansing. In India, women usually fasts more than men. Her perspective seems to be that fasting is not very different from feasting as it is just a restricted way of eating vegetarian food. Sen explains how food is central to many important events in life — marriage, pregnancy, birth, death and funeral rites. She also makes a connection between food and medicine, contradictory food ideologies and the great science of Ayurveda which recommends certain foods and beverage pairings according to body types. She mentions turmeric (haldi) as an ancient Indian spice that has medicinal properties. She also discusses various ancient medical theories associated with food. The book elucidates on dietary rules and restriction of different regional cuisine — northern, eastern, western, southern and Islamic. The author tackles the subject of ‘food snobbery’ while talking about the great cuisine of the Mughal emperors by describing food etiquette of the royals, the position and status derived from the quality of food served in court. She elaborates on the European influence on food in India — how the British in India avoided local cuisine out of a sense of superiority. The famous ‘stiff upper lip’ applied to Indian food cooked by Indian servants. She describes other European influences on Indian food such as the Portuguese invasion which led to the intro- duction of various new fruits and vegetables like potatoes, chilies, okra, papaya, guava and custard apple. The dietary changes accompanying economic growth have led to many life style diseases which she calls diseases of ‘affluence’ — diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, thyroid etc. She analyses new trends in Indian food extremely well linking the emergence of a new middle class with larger disposable income to the change in dining at home and in restaurants. The increase in meat eating despite the deep rooted vegetarian ethos in Indian society is a result of the globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation policies. The culture of restaurants and public dining is a recent phenomena as is the trend of sanitised street food making its presence felt in malls and food courts. She gives credit to Kundan Lal Gujral, a Punjabi refugee for not only inventing Tandoori and Butter chicken, but also for pioneering the pleasant family friendly restaurant — Moti Mahal, the success of which led to a series of such clones namely Quality’s, Embassy and Gaylord’s. She talks about globalisation of food with coming up of American fast food chains and proliferation of Thai, Italian, Chinese, Mexican and African restaurants. She dwells on the growth of food culture in India starting from the recipe columns in newspapers, restaurant reviews to present day blogs and restaurant review platforms like Zomato. In the final chapter she goes beyond the foods of India to talk about the food of the Indian Diaspora, comparing their foods and explaining the reasons behind the common roots. The system of Indian cuisine has been perfectly described by Nobel Laureate Octavio Paz: “In India, the various dishes come together on a single large plate, neither a succession nor a parade, but a conglomeration and super imposition of things and tastes: a synchronic cuisine, a fusion of flavours, a fusion of times.” CWTaTeXTfTacTPRWTb 4]V[XbWX]P3T[WXbRW^^[ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U 6D4BC2>;D<= =0344<5?0A0270 HYReZWeYVcVZdR T`faZ_AR\ZdeR_0 fPbbda_aXbTSc^aTPScfTTcb_^bcTSQhb^\TTg_TaXT]RTS?PZXbcP]X CEcP[ZbW^fW^bcbSdaX]VcWTX]XcXP[Tad_cX^]^UPR^d_PccT\_cX] CdaZThCWThfTaTR^]eX]RTScWPccWTR^d_WPSQTT]PbdRRTbbfWT] TeT]PRPbdP[bcdST]c^U\X[XcPah_dcbRWTbf^d[SWPeTQTT]PQ[Tc^ STcTRccWTRWP^cXR]PcdaT^UcWTPccT\_c1dc^UR^dabTPbfTWPeT^UcT] bTT]]^ccWT\^bcX]U^a\TSP]SX]bXVWcUd[\T]P]Sf^\T]dbdP[[h ^RRd_hP]RW^ab³bTPcb^][^RP[]TfbRWP]]T[b0bPaTb_^]bTc^cWT UPX[TSR^d_?PZXbcP]CTWaTTZT8]bPURWPXa\P]8\aP]:WP]R[PX\TScWPc P\X[XcPahR^d_X]?PZXbcP]fX[[QTfT[R^\TSQhcWT_T^_[Td][XZTcWT ^]TX]CdaZThfWXRWfPb]TdcaP[XbTSQh[PaVTbTRcX^]b^UcWT_dQ[XR 0RR^aSX]Vc^WX\4aS^VP]P]S=PfPiBWPaXUaTVX\TbPaTPdcW^aXcPaXP] 8]STTS4aS^VP]WPbQTR^\TX]RaTPbX]V[hPdcW^aXcPaXP]QdccWTBWPaXU aTVX\TXbP]hcWX]VQdc8cXb]^cWX]V[XZTcWT6^eTa]\T]cWTPSTSQh 4aS^VP]4aS^VP]WPb\P]PVTSc^QTR^\TfWPcWTWPbQTR^\TP_Ta _TcdP[RXeX[XP]SXRcPc^a[PaVT[hSdTc^QdX[SX]VPbca^]V[TVPRhU^aWX\bT[U ^UQTX]VP]TR^]^\XR\XaPR[Tf^aZTa1hfX]]X]V\d[cX_[TT[TRcX^]bTeTa bX]RT!!WTb^[XSXUXTSWXbaTVX\T³bb^RXP[R^]caPRcfXcWP[PaVTP]S SXeTabTbTRcX^]^UcWTCdaZXbWT[TRc^aPcTfWXRWX]cda]WT[_TSWX\]Td caP[XbTcWTcaPSXcX^]^U_^[XcXRP[X]cTaUTaT]RTQhCdaZTh³b0a\TS5^aRTb FWX[TcWTTR^]^\XRbdRRTbbTbP]ScWTQdX[SX]V^UPST\^RaPcXRQ^]S fXcWPfXSTb_TRcad\^UcWTCdaZXbWb^RXTchWPeTQTT]caXd\_Wb^URXeX[XP] ad[Td]STa4aS^VP]XcXbcWTbTUTPcbfWXRWWPeTTeT]cdP[[hRaTPcTSP_Tab^] P[XchRd[cPa^d]SWX\P]SXa^]XRP[[hcda]TSWX\X]c^P]PdcW^aXcPaXP]UXVdaT CWTbTcaXd\_WbWPeTP[b^RaTPcTSP_^fTaUd[[TVPRhPa^d]SWX\fWXRWfPb Tg_aTbbTSfWT]cW^dbP]Sb^UCdaZb_^daTS^dc^]cWTbcaTTcbc^WP[ccWT R^d_PccT\_c1dcXb8\aP]R^aaTRcc^_^X]c^dccWPcP\X[XcPahR^d_PVPX]bc cWTBWPaXUaTVX\TX]?PZXbcP]fX[[PRcdP[[hQTVaTTcTSQhP__[PdbT.8]STTS cWT0a\TS5^aRTbPaTP_^_d[PaX]bcXcdcX^]X]?PZXbcP]CWXb_^_d[PaXchWPb PRcdP[[hbZha^RZTcTSSdaX]VcWTcT]daT^U0a\hRWXTU6T]APWTT[BWPaXU¯ Tb_TRXP[[hQTRPdbT^UcWTfPhWT_[d]VTSWTPS^]PVPX]bcePaX^db\X[XcP]c P]STgcaT\XbcVa^d_bfW^WPS^cWTafXbT^_TaPcTSfXcW]TPaX\_d]Xch QTU^aTcWTVT]TaP[c^^Z^eTacWTaTX]b^UcWT\X[XcPah7TWPbP[b^R^\T PRa^bbPbP]²X]R^aad_cXQ[T³\P]^UPRcX^]fXcWPRP_PRXchc^^dc[X]TP]STgT RdcTfT[[cW^dVWc^dc_[P]b7^fTeTacWXbP[^]TRP]]^cVdPaP]cTTP_^_d[Pa R^d_5Xabc^UP[[cWX]VbX]cWXbR^]cTgcWPeTSaP\PcXRP[[hRWP]VTSPUcTacWT T]S^UcWT2^[SFPaX] (( FTbcTa]_^fTabfWXRWdbTSc^aTVd[Pa[hQPRZ R^d_bX]cWXaSf^a[SR^d]caXTbSdaX]VcWT2^[SFPaS^]^cS^b^QTRPdbT cWTaTXb]^^__^bX]Vbd_Ta_^fTac^STP[fXcWP]h\^aT >]T^UcWT\^bcX\_^acP]cUPRc^abfWXRWRP]VT]TaPcTPbdRRTbbUd[ R^d_X]cWT_^bc2^[SFPabRT]PaX^XbcWPcR^d_b]^f]TTSfXSTb_aTPS _dQ[XRbd__^ac1dcbdRWbd__^acfXcW^dccWTTR^]^\XRP]S_^[XcXRP[QPRZ X]V^USTeT[^_TSR^d]caXTbXb^U[Xcc[TdbTCPZTcWTR^d_^U6T]BXbXX] 4Vh_c8cfPb_d[[TS^UUPUcTacW^dbP]Sb^U4Vh_cXP]bST\^]bcaPcTSPVPX]bc cWTT[TRcTS6^eTa]\T]c^U<dWP\\PS<^abX^UcWT<db[X\1a^cWTaW^^S _PachHTcPb9^W]4b_^cXb^_^X]cTS^dcX]WXb! 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This momentous ‘demand’ by the senior co-sharer of power in Bihar where Nitish Kumar increasingly appears to be the notional Chief Minister busy implementing prohibition while bootleggers and liquor smugglers rake in windfall profits and hoodlums make up for the wasted decade when RJD was forced to sit out, was expectedly made at a media briefing of sorts. “Like other States, namely Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, West Bengal and Kerala, which have a provision of reservation for their students, Bihar should also reserve 80 per cent for locals in jobs and admission in educational institutions under State Government control... I’ll take up the matter with Nitish Kumar,” Yadav said. He elaborated his reason with what was part truthful admission and part exaggeration: “The shortage of higher education institutions in Bihar has forced its students to move to other States, where they have failed to find jobs due to the reservation system in place there.” There’s something naively telling in what he had to say: “Due to a lack of such provisions (reservations) in Bihar, candidates from other States grabbed a majority of jobs in the State... In an ongoing examination conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission for Assistant Professor of English, 80 per cent candidates were from other States... In States like Kerala and West Bengal, the marking pattern in school and college examinations are different from Bihar. As a result, their students score high marks. In such a situation, they grab a major portion of employment, depriving students of Bihar... A similar situation was prevalent in the recruitment of lecturers in other subjects like Science and Philosophy, where almost 80-90 per cent of successful candidates are outsiders”. There’s no point in even reminding Lalu Prasad Yadav that the marking or grading system that exists in Bihar is best exemplified by the higher secondary examination scandal that came to light this year. In RJD’s Bihar, the topper in social sciences thinks political science is “prodigal science” while the topper in science is clueless what H2O is all about. This is not about shortage of schools and institutions, it is about a severe shortage of ethics and morals. But Yadav would not understand such shortages, so why bother? Instead, it would be useful to view his statement from the perspective of ‘Bihar for Biharis’, the outing of the deeply held faith of Bihar’s politicians, whose existence is dependent on identity politics, in the nativist ‘son of the soil’ policy which they otherwise denounce when it impacts Bihari immigrants in other States. Among all the States, Bihar has always had the most rigorous and tough-to-meet (for non-Biharis who may have migrated to the State) domiciliary rules. I grew up in undivided Bihar and went to high school in Patna, but found myself disqualified from applying for admission to medical colleges in the State. Bars that were imposed on me, a Bengali, did not exist for Yadav’s daughters. ‘Bihar for Biharis’ is not a new theme; its appeal has existed all along, subcutaneous at best. It has now begun coming out in the open, with JD(U)’s Nitish Kumar leading the way — and guiding the State towards parochial provincialism. One of the recurring themes of the campaign speeches of Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad Yadav, the two leading lights of the Maha Gathbandhan, during the Bihar Assembly election, was “Bihari versus Bahari”. This went largely unreported by the mainstream media and has remained uncommented upon by the Commentariat. The overt reference was to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah, both from Gujarat, who led the NDA campaign in Bihar from the front. On the face of it, there was nothing particularly exceptionable about entrenched Bihari politicians like Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad Yadav reminding voters that a Bihari, and not a ‘bahari’, would ultimately be presiding over the Government of I Bihar. That was a no-brainer; although not particularly appealing to the ears, it wasn’t outrageously objectionable either. But the overt reference was unimportant, what was important was the covert messaging aimed at latent Bihari parochialism: That they alone, more so Nitish Kumar, not only prescribe to and believe in the ‘son of the soil’ principle of Bihar for Biharis, but also shall shut Bihar’s doors to non-Biharis. It would be silly to suggest that latent Bihari parochialism does not exist. It always did and has acquired a sharper edge as India moves on while Bihar lags behind. Shrinking opportunities spur hatred for the outsider. Moreover, majoritarianism comes in many shades and flavours, of which religion is only one. The once prosperous Bengalis of Bihar who have moved out of the State, or their descendants now settled in West Bengal and elsewhere, will tell you that’s true. It’s not the ‘outsider’ alone who has left Bihar. Biharis have left Bihar too, seeking opportunities, jobs and homes in other States, which is perfectly fine. India is a seamless Republic that does not discriminate between citizens. State boundaries cannot become impenetrable barriers. The restrictions that exist, for instance in Jammu & Kashmir, some hill States and in the NorthEast, are exceptions and not the rule; even these must go, as should imposed bhumiputra policies that are born of politics of linguistic and regional exclusivism. The Shiv Sena, of course, is the original sinner: ‘Maharashtra for Maharashtrians’ is not only a slogan for the Sainiks, but also the raison d’être of the deeply parochial organisation Balasaheb Thackeray founded in 1966 to combat “Marathi marginalisation”. That was six years after Maharashtra’s formation following an often violent agitation by Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti, culminating in the infamous police firing on agitators at Mumbai’s Flora Fountain in which 105 people were killed, forcing a cussed Morarji Desai to climb down from his high horse. Strangely though, Balasaheb Thackeray did not unleash the city’s lumpen proletariat on Gujarati traders and businessmen, who stayed put after Bombay State was carved into Maharashtra and Gujarat, but immigrant Tamilians and their eateries. Later it was the turn of ‘North Indians’. Much has been said and written 1dcX]^daWPbcTc^ RaXcXRXbTcWTXa ]^gX^db_^[XcXRb^U ]PcXeXb\[Tcdb]^c U^aVTccWPc _Pa^RWXP[Xb\XbcWT ^cWTa]P\TU^a aTVX^]P[Xb\=^a bW^d[SfT[^bT bXVWc^UcWTUPRc cWPc³BcPcT_^[XcXRb PRa^bb8]SXPPb ^__^bTSc^ ³]PcX^]P[_^[XcXRb Xb[PaVT[hQPbTS^] _P]STaX]Vc^ _Pa^RWXP[_aXSTP]S _a^eX]RXP[ bT]cX\T]cb RP\^dU[PVTSPb aTVX^]P[ Pb_XaPcX^]b to denounce the violence against ‘outsiders’; the Thackeray cousins, who now head their own Senas, deserve much of the castigation that has come their way. But in our haste to criticise their noxious politics of nativism, let us not forget that parochialism is the other name for regionalism. Nor should we lose sight of the fact that ‘State politics’ across India, as opposed to ‘national politics’, is largely based on pandering to parochial pride and provincial sentiments camouflaged as regional aspirations. In Tamil Nadu, the idea of a ‘Dravida Desam’ where Brahmins — described as “agents of North India” in DMK pamphlets — shall have no place, continues to titillate popular imagination. In Andhra Pradesh, NT Rama Rao made ‘Telugu Desam’ the platform of his politics; his political heir, Chandrababu Naidu, who now heads the Telugu Desam Party and the State Government, continues to build on it. Shibu Soren, who heads the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, as well as his son and political heir Hemant Soren make no effort to hide their view that Jharkhand is the “sole preserve” of Adivasis and moolvasis. Reminding his Adivasi audience that Jharkhand was created for the “rights of tribals and not non-tribals”, Shibu Soren, in his active days, was fond of saying, “What we wanted was the rapid development of Jharkhand... (for) the actual sons of the soil. We (Adivasis) helped create Jharkhand, but we are yet to taste its fruits.” That did not stop Shibu Soren from joining hands with Dikus to feather his own nest, though. A similar sentiment is cited to justify violence against nonAssamese in Assam where migrant labourers and traders from Bihar continue to be targeted by ‘sons-ofthe-soil’ seeking to assert their rights in their State. Many would still recall the anti-foreigners agitation that was triggered by the discovery of voters in Mongoldoi having multiplied several times over, thanks to illegal immigration from Bangladesh, when a byelection was necessitated following the death of Hiralal Patwa on March 28, 1979. Till the signing of the Assam Accord in 1985, the All-Assam Students Union, which organised the ‘Bangaal kheda’ agitation, held the State, and the country, to ransom. It is another matter that despite being in power twice, the Asom Gana Parishad has failed miserably in tracking down and deporting Bangladeshis; the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, 1983 was not alone to blame for this failure. Few remember today that the seeds of the anti-foreigners agitation were sown during an earlier virulently parochial agitation against ‘outsiders’, disparagingly referred to as “Ali-Kuli-Bangaali”. Very few Bengalis now remain in Assam, most having migrated back to West Bengal, while Kulis — tribals from what was once known as Chhota Nagpur — employed in tea gardens continue to face the wrath of the ‘sons of the soil’. It would, however, be incorrect to believe that the perceived rights of ‘sons of the soil’ over those of ‘outsiders’ followed the creation of linguistic States. TN Joseph and SN Sangita, in their research paper, ‘Preferential Politics and Sons of the Soil Demands: The Indian Experience’, have pointed out how the ‘sons of the soil’ demands were advocated by leaders of the nationalist movement. “For instance, a report prepared by Rajendra Prasad for the Working Committee of the Indian National Congress presents an extensive survey of the Bihar situation as of 1938. This report, endorsed by the Indian National Congress, uses the term provincials to refer to the sons of the soil and declares that their ‘desire to seek employment in their own locality is natural and not reprehensible, and rules providing for such employment to them are not inconsistent with the high ideals of the Congress’. Rajendra Prasad argued in the report that it is ‘just and proper that the residents of a province should get preference in their own province in the matter of public services and educational facilities... It is neither possible nor wise to ignore these demands, and it must be recognised that in regard to services and like matters the people of a province have a certain claim which cannot be overlooked’.” Between 1938 and 2016, India has travelled a long distance and the national economy is now vastly different from what it was 25 years ago. But provincialism — or call it what you may — remains as deeply ingrained as ever. ‘Cosmopolitan India’ is a figment of fashionable South Delhi’s imagination, as is the bogus ‘Idea of India’ of sanctimonious Left-liberals. (The writer is commissioning editor and commentator at ABP News TV) ce^TQi C74BD?A4<42>DAC;8:4=43 C741D;;C0<8=6B?>AC >590;;8:0CCDC>278;3 <0AA8064B0H8=6C74<4A4 ?A4B4=24>5CA038C8>= 20=³C9DBC85H?A02C824B ]QWQjY^U bd]SPh Vd_bWd_ 70A8B70=:0AEH0B :e\i#!" !& 6KHLOD'LNVKLW¶VSODLQEDGOXFN RUVLJQRIWKLQJVWRFRPHLQ83" T he CM candidate of the Congress in UP needs advice from an astrologer — that is the general feeling among State leaders of the party. There is a story behind this and it goes thus: After becoming the face of the party, when Sheila Dikshit reached Lucknow, the Congress had organised a show of strength. But when she went on stage, it collapsed and she got injured. After that, she was shifted to a closed car from an open one. At that time, president of UP Congress, Raj Babbar, led the show of strength. Recently, when Dikshit left for a bus yatra to lead the election campaign in UP, she became ill at Ghaziabad. She was suffering from fever and had to return to Delhi. This bus yatra was flagged off by Sonia and Rahul Gandhi from the party headquarters in Delhi. This series of unfortunate events have led some Congress leaders to believe that Dikshit must consult an astrologer. A senior leader says she also needs good political advisors and workers. People are saying that there is a dearth of leaders in UP Congress who can extend full cooperation to Dikshit. Most UP Brahmin leaders will not rally behind any other leader. Teams of young leaders are also restricted to their own areas. Probably Rahul will take an initiative to make them active and will accommodate some of them in his own team. =8C8B7´B³8=C4;;42CD0;´<44C o realise his dream for 2019, Nitish Kumar is trying to connect with T Hindi intellectuals. He has already CWT2^]VaTbbWPS aTRT]c[h^aVP]XbTSP bW^f^UbcaT]VcWX] ;dRZ]^fFWT]BWTX[P 3XZbWXcfT]c^]bcPVTXc R^[[P_bTSP]SbWTV^c X]YdaTS0]^cWTacX\T fWT]bWT[TUcU^aPQdb hPcaP c^[TPScWTT[TRcX^] RP\_PXV]X]D?bWT UT[[X[[Pc6WPiXPQPSP]S WPSc^aTcda]W^\T >=?G>KJA joined hands with those who returned their awards in the name of ‘intolerance’ just before Bihar elections. Recently, Nitish had a meeting with renowned Hindi poet and former IPS officer, Ashok Vajpeyi. Some other intellectuals with Left ideology were also present in the meeting. Since they are Hindispeaking intellectuals, they don’t get much space in Left politics. So, they are seeing their messiah in Nitish. Apoorvanand Jha, who teaches at DU; Purushottam Agrawal, former UPSC member; Om Thanvi, former editor and supporter of AAP; Manglesh Dabral, journalist and poet; and Priyadarshan, a TV journalist, were also present at the meeting. Some say Nitish wants similar intellectuals’ meet in other parts of the country too. He knows the power of this clan well. This group had created a suffocating scenario just before the Bihar elections. So, the advisors of Nitish feel that in the next three years, an anti-BJP wave can be created with the help of these intellectuals and Nitish can ride that very wave. In 2015, the award-returning movement was spearheaded by Hindi intellec- and many other leaders are also not comfortable with the new party chief. In Delhi, Ajay Maken is Rahul’s most trusted leader, but he has to do all the party work alone. Most of the leaders, who were once ministers in Dikshit’s Cabinet, are sitting at home. In Punjab, of course, Rahul gave a Parliamentary berth to Pratap Singh Bajwa, but Captain Amarinder Singh has kept him away from party dealings. F8C70=4H4>=D??>;;B ahul’s new team will probably be R announced in August. Seemingly, after the Parliament Session, Rahul will tuals, and at that time, the Englishspeaking group lagged behind in the scene. That is why it is being said that Nitish will connect with more and more intellectuals from the Hindi heartland. 19?102:8=<08=5867C he recent controversies in UP and T Punjab seem to have worked in the BJP’s favour. Sources say that the controversy over Mayawati and Dayashankar Singh has catapulted the BJP into the main fight, along with the SP, BSP and Congress. Now, the prime focus is on the BJP and BSP. The two parties have become the talking point in UP politics. Though the Congress has put up a Brahmin face, it is a common feeling that if the forward vote bank polarises against the BSP’s Dalit and SP’s Yadav vote bank, then the BJP will benefit immensely. In Punjab, the BJP and Akali Dal have raised the issue of Bhagwant Mann’s video, and now it is being said that the fight will be between AAP and the BJPAkali alliance. Not only this, if Navjot Singh Sidhu joins AAP, then the BJP and Akali would be the main focus of his attacks. In that case also, a perception of fight between AAP and the BJP-Akali combine will be created. In this scenario, the Congress can be at the receiving end. A07D;´BC40<CA>D1;4B ice-president of Congress, Rahul V Gandhi, is selecting and rejecting leaders for his team. But before his team takes final shape, leaders selected by him have landed in problems. In many States, party presidents who were selected by Rahul, have been pushed to the margin. People are saying that Rahul is somehow trying to save them and bring them into the mainstream. Next year, Assembly Elections are to be held in UP and before that two of his most trusted lieutenants, RPN Singh and Jitin Prasada, have been sidelined. In Kerala, VM Sudheeran has been appointed as State president because Rahul likes him. But two big leaders of the State — Oommen Chandy and Ramesh Chennithala — are openly taking a stand against him. Both leaders also lobbied in Delhi for his removal, arguing that Sudheeran was responsible for the party’s defeat in the State. Sanjay Nirupam, who has been selected by Rahul as Mumbai president, is facing many challenges. Gurudas Kamat openly opposed him, be promoted as the party president, and with that his team will start functioning. Rahul has talked to his close aides in almost all States in this regard. He has also decided to take advice from leaders of remaining States. Recently, he also met several leaders. It is being said that the UP effect will be clearly visible on Rahul’s team. He can accommodate some UP leaders in the party’s national organisation. Prasada is not happy as the party has not projected him as the CM candidate, and now he can be taken into the national committee. Earlier, the name of RPN Singh was doing the rounds for the post of media in-charge of the Congress, but now he would probably be made media incharge of UP. The term of PL Punia, Dalit leader of the Congress, as chairman of SC Commission will be over soon, and he might also be given an important responsibility in the national team. Two former Central Ministers, Salman Khurshid and Pradeep Jain Aditya, can also be accommodated in the national team. If RPN Singh doesn’t come into the national team, some other OBC face will be given a place. 18664AA>;45>AB8B>380 anish Sisodia, Deputy CM of Delhi, is being promoted by the M party. CM Arvind Kejriwal is grooming him to take on bigger responsibilities. There is speculation that if AAP wins Punjab elections, then Kejriwal will become the CM there and Delhi will come into the hands of Sisodia. Leaders of AAP are, however, rejecting this idea. They say that the Congress and Akali have already started pointing out that Kejriwal is from Haryana, which has so many disputes with Punjab. In this scenario, it would be fatal if AAP either declares Kejriwal as the CM candidate or gives the post to someone from Haryana. That is why people are saying that a shrewd leader like Kejriwal will not commit such a mistake. But this is also true that for the next five to six months, Kejriwal has to camp in Punjab. His is the only face the party can project. In this scenario, how can he cope with the administrative responsibilities of Delhi? It is true that he doesn’t have any portfolio, but at the same time, all files from all departments are routed through him. Probably, he is ready to give this responsibility to Sisodia. Sources in AAP say that the charge of the Urban Development Ministry has been taken away from Sisodia and given to Satyendra Kumar Jain. Kejriwal wants Sisodia to be relatively free so that he can keep an eye on the overall performance of the Government. For the past few months, Sisodia is being independently promoted in Delhi. In the advertisements of the Delhi Government, only his photos are being used now. Earlier his photos were being used along with Kejriwal’s. A4E0<?>52A82:4C1>384B n the next six months, the face of Indian cricket management will change. At least Imany top faces will change and new ones can be seen in their place. Sharad Pawar has already started this process. Two recommendations of the Lodha Committee accepted by the Supreme Court are to be noted. One recommendation is related to the removal of cricket managers above 70 years of age, and the second pertains to ‘one person, one post’. It’s true that many things will change just by following these two recommendations. Pawar is over 70 years old, so he has decided to leave the president’s post of the Mumbai Cricket Association. But the question is: Who will take his place? Will the new incumbent be from Pawar’s family or someone from his party? N Srinivasan will also have to leave the president’s post of Tamil Nadu Cricket Association. There are two cricket boards in J&K; Farooq Abdullah is president of one board, and BK Nehru is of the other one. Both are more than 70 years old. They also will have to leave their post. Saurashtra’s Niranjan Shah, Andhra Pradesh’s G Ganga Raju, and Odisha’s Ashirbad Behera will also have to quit their posts. Following the policy of ‘one person, one post’, Anurag Thakur will have to relinquish the president’s post of Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association. It will be interesting to see who takes his place. Amitabh Choudhary will either have to leave the BCCI post or the post in Jharkhand Cricket Association. He might transfer his powers to someone close to him and continue to call the shots. Sourav Ganguly is the president of the Cricket Association of Bengal, so it will be difficult to give him any post in the BCCI. 9VZXYeV_VUeV_dZ`_Z_<`cVR_aV_Z_df]R n response to the US decision to deploy a Terminal HighAltitude Area Defence (THAAD) battery to be operated by the US Forces Bay (USKF) troops in South Korea on July 8 to counter threats from the North, North Korea soon responded by firing three ballistic missiles on July 18 that simulated pre-emptive strikes against South Korean ports and airfields used by the US military. Pyongyang wanted to demonstrate by successfully testing the simulated detonation of nuclear warheads mounted on missiles with a range of 500 to 600 kilometres that the missile defence system deployed by the US in South Korea is no threat to it. Pyongyang was obviously irked and therefore responded with massive display of military might. South Korea noted that the missiles flew into the sea off its coast and were in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions and therefore a latest provocative act by the isolated country. North Korea’s claims are always suspect and it remains unclear if Pyongyang has indeed succeeded in developing a nuclear warhead for missiles. Even if the doubts remain, it is surely another example that North Korea is relentlessly pursuing nuclear warhead development and herein remain the risks. The three missiles were launched from Hwangju, south of Pyongyang. One flew 500 km and another 600 km before crashing into the sea off the country’s east coast. The trajectory of the third missile remained unknown. The first two missiles were suspected to be Scud tacti- I 2^]cX]dTS]dR[TPacTbcbQh=^acW:^aTPWPeTX]bcX[[TSPbT]bT^UUTPaX]B^dcW:^aTPCWPc³b fWhBT^d[bdRRd\QTSc^DBbdVVTbcX^]^UC7003ST_[^h\T]cbPhbA090A0<?0=30 cal ballistic missiles and a homegrown Nodong intermediaterange ballistic missile based on Soviet-era Scud technology. While the Scuds cover the whole of South Korea within range, Nodong or Rodong missiles, with a range of over 1,300 km, can put most of Japan as well within range. South Korea’s capability to counter the missiles from the North remains limited as its Patriot missile defences stationed in South Korea have the ability to only counter the relatively low-tech Scuds. It is believed that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un personally supervised the missile launch, “provided field guidance” for the drill and was pleased over its success. But despite claims of success, doubts remain. It is true that Pyongyang has been striving to master technology to miniaturise a nuclear warhead to mount on its rockets, but its claims of success are tough to verify independently as North Korea remains one of the world’s most closed societies. Nuclear technology experts outside of North Korea still doubt the claims that it is capable of mounting nuclear warheads on its rockets. If North Korea’s claims can be believed, then it is a matter of concern for the US and South Korea as US aircraft carriers and submarines often visit South Korea’s southern ports, including Busan, Ulsan, and Jinhae, for missions, where 28,500 odd US troops are stationed. As a part of the security treaty signed between South Korea and the US at the end of the Korean War (1950-53), the US marines are based at the Korean ports to provide security to South Korea and therefore the US is concerned when their lives come under the North Korean threat. Though Pyongyang had threatened of “physical response” after the THAAD deployment announcement, its subsequent firing of ballistic missiles is barred by the UN Security Council resolutions and therefore condemnable. It is a different matter that once the deployment site, Seongju, about 180 km south of Seoul, was announced, it sparked strong opposition from the residents of the region as they feared health hazards, especially from exposure to radiation from the system’s powerful radar emissions. The residents are concerned that exposure to the electromagnetic radiation from the system’s radar could cause serious harm to them and could also contaminate agricultural products. The South Korean Government faces domestic challenges to sort out the location issue as the plan is to deploy the system by the end of 2017. The purpose of deploying the missile defense battery is to detect and destroy incoming North Korean missiles. Once the system becomes active, it should be able to defend two-thirds of South Korea if the North decides to attack. For the North, the firing of missiles was probably to remind its southern neighbour that Seongju as the chosen site for THAAD battery was within its reach. The issue is not only between the US and South Korea on the one side and North Korea on the other; China too opposes its deployment because the system’s powerful radar can scan not only North Korean but also Chinese territory. So, things are more complicated. Though North Korea has fired both types of missiles in its possession several times recently, this time it was more a demonstration of force and was also to show that it has made considerable advance in its missile capability. It is an irony of history that a few nations, which were divided on either ideological or other grounds after World War II, are reunited, and analysts ask if those examples can be replicated in the Korean peninsula. Such optimism seems to be far from the ground reality as the gap between North and South Korea is only widening over the years instead of narrowing down. The communist North and the democratic South still remain technically at war because the Korean War ended in an armistice and not with a peace treaty. The discord continues as the North regularly threatens to destroy both South Korea and Japan, allies of the US. The only forum to negotiate North Korea’s de-nuclearisation — the Six Party Talks — remains suspended when the country walked out of it in late 2008. South Korea is increasingly experiencing the North Korean heat in a short period of time. After conducting the fourth nuclear test in January, followed by a space rocket launch the following month, which was widely viewed as a missile test in disguise, North Korea has always kept the tension alive. It sees maintenance of nuclear capability as the only secured means for regime survival and is unwilling to barter for any means. No sanctions have deterred the North to steer away from its nuclear path. China’s role is questionable. It is displeased at the disrespect that Kim Jong-un has shown towards its benefactor and does not even have an invitation to visit Beijing. Though China supported tougher sanctions against North Korea more out of frustration than anything else, it is unlikely to abandon the North because of larger strategic consideration. This time, China opposed the US decision to base THAAD battery in South Korea on the argument that the move would destabilise the security balance in the region. For China, THAAD is more than just a shield against North Korean attack. As expected, Japan too denounced the missile launches. After several months of sabrerattling, it is being rumoured that North Korea is planning its fifth nuclear test. Satellite imagery in the US has observed increased activity at the site where previous tests were conducted. No one seems to know the level of threat that North Korea poses to South Korea. Though South Korea is used to the rhetoric from Pyongyang of turning Seoul into a “sea of fire” and of a “merciless attack”, the continued missiles and nuclear tests by North Korea have instilled a sense of fear. That is why Seoul succumbed to the US suggestion of THAAD deployment. Tension in the Korean peninsula is not likely to dissipate anytime soon. CWTfaXcTaXb822A2WPXaEXbXcX]V?a^UTbb^a PcATXcPZdD]XeTabXch9P_P] ce^TQi 78;;0AH2;8=C>=70BC746A024 0=36DCBC>?DC2A02:B8=C70C 78674BC0=370A34BC6;0BB248;8=6 D=C8;B7458=0;;H1A40:BC7A>D67 ;85C8=60;;>5DBF8C774A ¯<8274;;4>10<0 ]QWQjY^U EJPANJ=PEKJ=H :e\i#!" !& 2D;CDA4 ;0=4 0UcTaWTaWdbQP]S³bSTPcW3X^]bTT\bc^QTSaTbbX]V U^aP]TfRWP_cTadbX]VUPbWX^]c^UX]SbcaT]VcWP]S _a^YTRcP_^bXcXeT^dc[^^ZbPhb4<<0B?4338=6 µ7`cUT`f]UYRgVUZVUZ_dVe^ZdYRa¶ film production company has admitted health and safety breaches after an incident in which Harrison Ford was crushed by a hydraulic door on the set of the Millennium Falcon spaceship while filming the latest Star Wars movie. Ford, who was knocked to the ground and pinned down by the heavy door, could have been killed in the incident as he rehearsed during shooting for Star Wars: The Force Awakens at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire on June 12, 2014, a court heard. The then 71-year-old was reprising his role as Han Solo when he was hit by the door, which had been designed to mimic the action of a door on the set of the original Star Wars film, released in 1977. Foodles Production (UK) Ltd, which is owned by Disney, admitted two breaches under health and safety legislation. Andrew Marshall, prosecuting, told Milton Keynes magistrates court that Ford had gone through the door with another actor and hit a button. He started to walk back through the A door, believing the set was not live and that it would not close. But the court heard it was remotely operated by another person, and that as the star passed underneath it he was hit in the pelvic area and pinned to the ground. Marshall said, “It could have killed somebody. The fact that it didn’t was because an emergency stop was activated.” Ford was severely injured, and was airlifted to a hospital in Oxford. >RcX`eTR]]dEP]Xch5PXa ac`WZ]VhVZcU ustralian actor Margot Robbie has described a controversial Vanity Fair profile of her as “really weird”, telling Channel Ten’s The Project that she remembered thinking “that was a really odd interview” after it came to a close. Written by Rich Cohen, the profile was widely denigrated as a sexist portrayal of Robbie and a patronising portrayal of Australia when it was published online in July. In the piece, Cohen described Robbie as having a “lost kind of purity”. “She is 26 and beautiful, not in that otherworldly, catwalk way but in a minor knock-around key, a blue mood, a slow dance,” Cohen wrote. “She is tall but only with the help of certain shoes. She can be sexy and composed even while naked but only in character.” Cohen also referred to Australians as “throwback people” who “live and die with the plot turns of soap operas”. “When everyone here is awake, everyone there is asleep, which makes it a perfect perch from which to study our customs, habits, accents.” Spending time with her family on A 3U\Y^U4Y_^µc VQcXY_^bURYbdX e all know Celine Dion as one of the best-selling musicians of all time, queen of the love ballad and the woman who was responsible for at least three of the cassettes in every 90s’ family car. But for all her astonishing achievements, Dion has never been particularly well-known for her style (which is fair enough when you’re busy smashing out hit after hit). So when the Canadian singer arrived at Dior’s show at the recent Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week in the established fashion editor uniform — black on black on black — it was the first sign that she might be entering a new phase of her life, on a mission to reposition herself as a part of the fashion crowd. A month on, she is still taking her fashion rebirth very seriously indeed. Last weekend, she wore seven different outfits in 24 hours, all sourced from big name fashion houses such as Gucci and Versace. Another sign of Dion’s commitment to establishing a reputation for style as well as songs comes in the form of Hollywood stylist Law Roach, who she hired just weeks before the Paris fashion week to mastermind her style overhaul. Roach, who styles tween stars Ariana Grande and Zendaya, has been dressing the 48-year-old in key pieces by Gucci, Balmain, Balenciaga, Celine, Chloe and Saint Laurent. The loud prints, sweeping coats, bold colours and stilettos are all in keeping with Celine Dion’s diva persona, but he has also balanced this with some unlikely twists that you wouldn’t W expect from Las Vegas-era Dion. There is also evidence that Dion has thrown herself wholeheartedly into these fashion experiments. Earlier this month, the ‘My Heart Will Go On’ singer was seen out and about in the cult Titanic hoodie by Parisian label Vetements, creating the most meta of fashion moments. Meanwhile, Roach has also tempted her to try head-to-toe Gucci catwalk looks and styled her hair in a ‘Hackney hun’, that’s the half-up, half down style you’ll have spotted on the tween crowd. There is a very personal significance to Dion’s renaissance. Six months ago, her husband of 22 years, René Angélil, died of cancer. Last weekend, Dion opened up to the Today Show about her difficult year. “It’s been a journey. It’s been hard seeing the love of your life suffering for the last three years. It’s been really hard, but millions of people are going through this. And I feel very strong because not only that he loved me so much for many, many lives to come, he gave me three magnificent kids, so much knowledge, stability and confidence.” Dion seems to be dressing for a new chapter, using fashion to find extra confidence, strength and project a positive outlook. “I have to say that, coming here after the passing of my husband after not even six months (later), it could have been way easy for me to say, ‘You know what, I’m not in the mood of dressing up and having the purse and seeing the fans and having a good time and singing, giving a part of your ;PbcfTTZT]SbWT f^aTbTeT]SXUUTaT]c ^dcUXcbX]!#W^dab P[[b^daRTSUa^\QXV ]P\TUPbWX^]W^dbTb bdRWPb6dRRXP]S ETabPRT0]^cWTabXV] ^U3X^]´bR^\\Xc\T]c c^TbcPQ[XbWX]VP aT_dcPcX^]U^abch[T PbfT[[Pbb^]Vb R^\TbX]cWTU^a\^U 7^[[hf^^Sbch[Xbc;Pf A^PRWfW^bWTWXaTS YdbcfTTZbQTU^aT cWT?PaXbUPbWX^] fTTZc^\PbcTa\X]S WTabch[T^eTaWPd[ soul (sic),” Dion said to Entertainment Tonight. “But knowing that he (Angelil) loved the industry so much — he made me who I am today since (I was) 12years-old — I went back on stage before he passed, he wanted me to really be the artiste I always wanted to be, and I knew that for a long time.” “She’s really enjoying herself,” Roach told People, “I know she’s enjoying herself and we’re enjoying each other because we tell each other every day. I’m here almost every day and it makes me so happy to see her so happy. If I had a small piece of (creating) that with the clothes and the fittings and the shoes and the bags, then I am overjoyed.” “I think she’s really enjoying fashion and being out and being seen and getting photographed,” he added. “Fashion is the most interactive art form. It’s nostalgic and it can take you to another place. If you feel beautiful and pretty, you can’t be sad and miserable. It’s just impossible.” As for what the styling process is like between the two, Dion said to Entertainment Tonight: “Working with Law Roach is quite an experience, to be honest with you. He brought me out of my closet and now flowers are growing. Even my kids are like, ‘We want a bow like this, we want a dress like this’ — even if they’re boys. They’re into fashion, they’re into characters, everything they say they like, whether it’s for a girl or a boy, they want it.” Something tells us that there’s plenty more to come from Dion’s big fashion mission. the Gold Coast ahead of the release of her new film Suicide Squad, Robbie told The Project’s Carrie Bickmore that she left the Vanity Fair interview with a sense of unease. “I remember thinking, ‘That was a really odd interview, I don’t know how that’s going to come out.’ And then when I read it, I was like, ‘Yeah, the tone of this is really weird, like, I don’t really know what he’s trying to get at or play at’.” :T`_ZTBWPfbWP]Z `R\ecVVe`aa]VU n oak tree, hailed as a symbol of hope for appearing in a key scene from The Shawshank Redemption, has been toppled by heavy winds in Lucas, Ohio. In the film, Red, played by Morgan Freeman, travels to the site of the tree on the advice of Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) after receiving parole following a 40-year sentence. There, he finds some money and a note left by his friend directing him to Zihuatanejo in Mexico. “Remember, Red,” the letter reads. “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” Red skips parole to cross the border and the two are shown reuniting on an idyllic beach in the film’s final scene. The tree had become a landmark for fans who visit locations that appear in Frank Darabont’s 1994 tearjerker, which was filmed in and around an old prison in Mansfield, north-central Ohio. The New York Times reports that fans had flocked by the thousands every year to the oak. Since the news of its toppling (in 2011, the tree was discovered to have rotted in the middle), fans of the film have expressed their dismay on various social media platforms. F><0=58A4B?4;;4C6D= 0C?>:4<>=6>?;0H4AB H40A>;3;>1BC4AA4B2D43 5A><5;>A830A4BC0DA0=C ?8;;>F3D<<H508;BC>5>>; ?>;8248==H20A?>>;;0=4 rooftop of a Toronto-area home, local police said. Witnesses saw the 29-yearold woman fire at least four shots from the roof of a two-storey building, police said in a statement, adding that no players were injured. A police spokesman said part of the street in the town of Newmarket, north of Toronto, had possibly been marked in the augmented reality game as a “gym,” where players gather to challenge each other. It is not immediately clear how many Pokemon GO players were on the street that night, though the police spokesman said the area has attracted them by the dozens. “There’s nothing to suggest mental health issues,” he said. Police said the woman was arrested without incident and charged with assault with a weapon and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. Each of the charges carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. um in Maine due to the work of an animal rescue group. Joe Melluso of the Tin Fish restaurant had planned to cook the massive crustacean, but was willing to let it go after John Merritt from iRescue and another group of passionate animal lovers stepped forward. “When there was a group that wanted to save him, I was disappointed in myself for not having that feeling myself,” said Melluso. Melluso told the Miami Herald that he was skeptical when his seafood supplier informed him of the 15-pound lobster, which is estimated to be between 105 and 110 years old, but could not pass up on the opportunity to serve it at his restaurant. “You can pull in hundreds of thousands of pounds [of lobster] and never see a lobster this size,” he said. lane. The Suffolk County Police Department said a 61-year-old woman was ticketed for not following the rules of the high-occupancy vehicle lanes. The department said the woman was pulled over when an officer noticed her passenger was composed of a pillow wearing a vest and a baseball cap while holding a briefcase on its lap. “We remind everyone, during the hours of 6-10 am and 3-8 pm Monday through Friday, the HOV lane is reserved for buses, passenger vehicles with two or more human occupants, motorcycles and hybrid vehicles registered with the New York State Clean Pass programme,” the department said in a Facebook post. Officials said the woman was also ticketed for driving an unregistered and uninspected vehicle. CWT3PX[hCT[TVaP_W A > 3 3 ;H 4=>D67 ³CAD<?<DB4D<´8B0CA>E4 >5>??>B8C8>=A4B40A27 he ‘Trump Museum’, just steps from T the Republican National Convention, displays artifacts such as the Trump action figure, the Trump board game and sartorial splendour from the Trump clothing line. So much Trump is on exhibit that at first glance it may appear to be a campaign office for Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee. But this is actually enemy territory, funded by a Democratic Super Pac called American Bridge. Inside are displays from a year’s worth of opposition research. American Bridge started looking into the Republican presidential hopefuls long before it was clear who would emerge as the winner. “One thing we learned about research is that you have to start early,” said Jessica Mackler, president of American Bridge. “We saw in the Republican field that a lack of preparation really hurt them against Trump. We wanted to make sure that didn’t happen in the general election campaign.” People on American Bridge’s staff of 30 researchers have read the more than 15 books written about Trump plus the 16 by him. The Trump clothes, including a brown pinstripe suit from the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection, were all made abroad, a dig at the New York businessman’s rhetoric about the loss of US jobs overseas. The Trump doll speaks, repeating a signature phrase from his reality TV show. Pull the string and it says, “You’re fired!” ATdcTab 0DBB8450<8;H58=3B 2A>2>38;48=;>> n Australian family woke up to a bizarre A discovery — someone had entered their home and left a 5-1/2-foot crocodile in their bathroom. Becky Myers said she and her family members often spot crocodiles near their home in the Bees Creek area of Darwin, but the saltwater croc her tenant discovered in their home recently was the first they had ever found inside the house. The tenant sent a photo of the croc via Snapchat to Myers’ daughter, Coralie, 16. “I woke up like ‘what the hell? Am I dreaming? This can’t be real,’” Coralie Myers told NT News. “I went into bathroom and there’s a croc sitting there on my floor. I didn’t know if it was alive or not; its eyes were open but it wasn’t moving.” The 5-1/2-foot crocodile was indeed alive, but in poor health. Her mouth had been taped shut before being abandoned in the bathroom by an unknown prankster. “(The tenant) thought my mum put it there because she went fishing the other day,” Coralie Myers said. “But we don’t know who it was.” “The croc didn’t creep me out, the fact someone came into our house freaked me out,” she said. Crocodile ranger Tom Nichols said the croc put up a bit of a fight despite her poor health and taped mouth. He said she was taken to a nearby farm for medical attention. Nichols said the prankster or pranksters could face hefty fines for interfering with wildlife. D?8 Canadian woman has been charged 15-pound lobster that was intended olice in New York state shared a A P after she allegedly fired a pellet gun Ato be served at a Florida restaurant photo of a pillow dummy used by a at Pokemon GO players from the will instead be transported to an aquari- driver to cheat her way into the carpool ATdcTab D?8 D?8 ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U C4AA>A8B<20=³C14;45CC>;0F 4=5>A24<4=CF8C78CB34;814A0C8E4 ?A>24BB0=3B0546D0A3BC70C <0H;4CC74?A8B>=4A6>5A44 >=?A>243DA0;6A>D=3B ¯64>A64?B7D;CI FTU^aVTccWPcTeTahcWX]VfTaTRTXeTR^\Tb Ua^\6^S8]bcTPSfTbTcPR^]SXcX^]cWPcfT ^][hQT[XTeTcWTaTXb6^SXUfTVTcfWPcTeTa fTfP]cfaXcTbB0=CA098=34AB8=67 ?A0<>3?0C70: 7DFNOLQJ WHUURULVP 7KDQN cTP\^UaTbTPaRWTab\Ph 0WPeTU^d]SPWTaQP[fPh c^UXVWc^UUR^[^]RP]RTa BPX]c;^dXbD]XeTabXchbRXT] cXbcbbW^fTScWPcPR^\QX]P cX^]^Ucf^_[P]cR^\_^d]Sb cWPcWPeT\TSXRX]P[_a^_Ta cXTb¯RdaRd\X]P]SbX[h \PaX]¯W^[Sb_a^\XbTX] caTPcX]VcWTSXbTPbT 2daRd\X]XbcWTPRcXeTX]VaT SXT]cX]cda\TaXRP]SbX[h \PaX]XbPR^\_^]T]c^U \X[ZcWXbc[TfWXRWWPbQTT] dbTSc^caTPc[XeTaSXbTPbT CWTaTbTPaRWTabP]ScWTXa bcdST]cbbcdSXTSP[X]T^U R^[^]RP]RTaRT[[bX]P[PQ^ aPc^ah\^ST[CWThU^d]S cWPccaTPcX]VcWTRT[[bX]XcXP[[h fXcWRdaRd\X]cWT]fXcW bX[h\PaX]fPb\^aTTUUTRcXeT X]UXVWcX]VRP]RTacWP]caTPc X]VcWTRT[[bfXcWTXcWTa_Wh c^RWT\XRP[P[^]TbPXSbRXT] cXbcDcWPhPbWP]ZTa4iTZXT[ °CWTR^\QX]PcX^]^U_Whc^ RWT\XRP[bX]WXQXcTSR^[^] RP]RTaRT[[bUa^\\d[cX_[hX]V P]Sb_aTPSX]V8]PSSXcX^] fWT]cWTR^[^]RP]RTaRT[[b fTaT_aTTg_^bTSc^Rda Rd\X]P]ScWT]caTPcTSfXcW bX[h\PaX]cWTRT[[bd]STa fT]cPWXVWP\^d]c^URT[[ STPcW±WT]^cTS G1B=9>7C5<6 3?E<421>9C8D852<E5C TPcX]VcWTQ^Sh\PhQT 7P]TffPhc^caTPc ST_aTbbX^]8]PaTRT]c caXP[DB_bhRWXPcaXbcb bW^fTS_PcXT]cbfW^ b_T]ccf^P]SPWP[U W^dabX]PWTPcTSRWP\QTa aT_^acTSPbXV]XUXRP]cSa^_ X]bh\_c^\bPUcTaPbX]V[T bTbbX^]ATbTPaRWTabUa^\ cWTD]XeTabXch^U FXbR^]bX]<PSXb^] QT[XTeTcWTXaaTbd[cbbdV VTbccWPcST_aTbbX^]\Ph QT[X]ZTSc^cWTQ^Sh³b cT\_TaPcdaTR^]ca^[\TRW P]Xb\b*aPXbX]VQ^ShcT\ _TaPcdaTWT[_bQh²aTbTc cX]V³cWTQaPX]bXV]P[[X]V bhbcT\cWPcR^]ca^[bWTPc P]S\^^S3T_aTbbX^] PUUTRcbPQ^dc^]TX] PSd[cbPRR^aSX]Vc^cWT =7BCaTPc\T]cch_XRP[[h X]e^[eTb\TSXRPcX^] cW^dVWcc^PUUTRc[TeT[b ^UQaPX]RWT\XRP[b[X]ZTS c^[^f\^^S B?2?DD85B1@I 6?BCDB19>54=EC3<5C dUUTaX]VUa^\QPRZ_PX]. 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Yet, after Christmas, children do not typically send a letter to Santa thanking him for what they received. Let us recount the many things for which we owe our gratitude to God, the giver. First, we are extremely fortunate that our soul was born in a human body. If we look around at various species of life, we see what a difficult existence they have. They have a life in which they have to find shelter from the elements and live in fear of predators. While many people treat their pets as well as their own family members, pets are still enslaved. Even though there are now pet beauty salons, pet therapists, and pet yoga classes, animals lack the faculty that we have in which we can be conscious of who we are. Their lives are restricted to feelings and survival instincts. They cannot contemplate who they are, why they are here, and where they are going. We are fortunate that we have been born into the only species that can know themselves and know God. For this, we should thank God. How many thank God for our health? When we are in the throes of a serious illness or have an accident and are in pain, we send loud prayers to God to help us, to take away our pain and heal us. Yet, how many of us send prayers to God in gratitude for our health? We may utter a “thank God” when our illness or pain ends, but then we often do not thank God for each day thereafter that we are healthy. A friend of one of the great woman saints, Rabia Basri, came to her with his head bandaged. When he moaned to God in pain, she asked him what was wrong. He said he had a severe headache. She asked, “How long have you had the headache?” He said he had it for a day. She asked him, “For how many days in your life have you gone without a headache?” He said he had not had a headache for most of his life. W FWT]fPbcWT [PbccX\TfT c^[S^daR[^bT ^]TbcWPcfT [^eTcWT\.;Tc dbPSS^da cWP]ZbU^a^da aT[PcX^]bWX_b c^cWTQPbZTc ^UcWTP]VT[ R^[[TRcX]V _aPhTab^U VaPcXcdST;Tcdb cWP]Z6^SU^a TeTahcWX]VfT WPeTX]^da[XeTb She replied wisely, “For one day that you have a headache, you complain to God, yet for the thousands of days in your life that you have not had a headache, have you ever thanked God?” We may feel that God only exists when everything goes our way. We ignore the good things, such as our physical gifts, intellectual gifts, and emotional gifts from God. We forget that everything we receive comes from God. Instead, we set a condition that we only believe there is God if we get what we want. We take for granted what God has given to us and focus on what God has not given to us. We may have had a job for 25 years, but the one time we are laid off due to a company downsizing, we say there is no God. We may have had a loving family relationship for 50 years, but when one member passes away, we forget how long we enjoyed his or her company and instead blame God or say there is no good in our life. We may have been healthy for 40 years, but with one major illness, we say, “Why is this happening to me? There must not be any God.” We may win all our games, but the one loss causes us to say, “God doesn’t care about me.” Think about the plight of God. With all that has been given to us, we blame God when one thing goes wrong. How would we think God feels when that happens? Few are grateful to God for the good they receive, so that when something goes wrong, they tell God, “It’s okay, God. I still love you; I am grateful to you, and I know you are there. What happened must have been something that was best for me, or was due to my karma that I created, or is a part of nature and life and is okay, under your will.” How many people take such a grateful attitude to God? There are people who undergo a tremendous amount of pain, yet remain grateful and thank God on days they are pain-free. Most take good health for granted. Even if we have some physical problems or some pain we have to live with, we should thank God for what we can still do: Whether it is waking up in the morning, or going to work, or finding some moments of enjoyment in our lives. slamic terrorism is the name given to the acts of violence carried out by the ISIS. Many call this religious terrorism. Then there is another brand, the ultra-Left terrorism perpetrated in the name of class war. But all these acts in the present times and similar acts in the past, like in Punjab during the Eighties or in West Bengal during the Seventies, had one thing in common: They were acts of violence and killings based on unreason that affected normal life and created a sense of fear and insecurity in society. They attract the young sections of society, largely the poor, whose frustrations look for a vent and the falsehoods spread in the garb of ideologies give them a cause. The myth of ideological façade has to be shattered. As ISIS spreads its wings and increases the frequency of its terrorist activities, there is need to separate religion from terrorism aggressively and extensively. There are schools of thought that believe that certain religions are by their very spirit fanatic and advocate using violence against those who do not believe in their connotation of God and form of worship. But this is a rather primitive view. Even within religions, there have been internecine battles. The acts of terrorism, which the ISIS is carrying out in the name of Islam, are blatant acts of violence that some groups are trying to perpetrate due to their mental disposition. This is a kind of pathology and these groups comprise psychopaths. The present threat in the form of ISIS has to be seen against this backdrop and there is need to emphasise that they are simply criminals and terrorists who have nothing to do with religion. Islamic scholars and the clergy must make it a point to expose the fraud that ISIS is perpetrating in the name of religion. As long as we associate religion with terrorism, the ranks of the terrorists will continue to be replenished with fresh entrants. It is the cause that gives legitimacy to the terrorist outfits that are able to attract gullible people willing to die for a cause. There is a striking similarity between terrorists who claim to serve religion and by extension God, and the extremists from the ultra-Left who castigate religion in the severest of the terms. They both commit the same acts of killing innocent people. The strategy to tackle terrorism has to be twopronged. On one hand, it has to be the hard one that is being one degree more unreasonable than the terrorists, identifying and singling out rogue states and being tough. On the other, there is a need for an extensive campaign to counter their mischievous propaganda that gives a reason to the gullible to join their ranks and become ‘martyrs’ for a cause which is but a grave fraud. Ancient texts and practices can offer good tips. Useful insights are given in the Ramayana, particularly in the Sundara Kanda as to what needs to be done. One such instance is that of taming the Ocean God who is acting unreasonable and stubborn. Interestingly similar ideas are also expressed in the famous book by Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, The Art of War, which says: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Intelligence and fear are important. Hit terrorists hard and instill fear in their sympathisers. Fear is the key. I If we spend time complaining to God about our physical condition, even though we can still function, we should look at those who have serious handicaps that make them dependent on others, and then re-evaluate our own situation. Some people have handicaps, yet are so grateful that they are alive or that their suffering is not worse. They are grateful to God for whatever blessings they have. Let us thank God for our health and be grateful that our ailments are not worse. For each day that we are able to do our work, enjoy our family and friends, and meditate, thank God. We should be grateful to God for our education. Education helps us have options in our life and career. We have choices on what subjects we want to learn and in which fields we wish to specialise. There are many who do not have choices and must take any work they find. Thank God daily for our education and how it helps us. Have we ever thanked God for our spouse, our parents, or our children? We often find reasons to complain about those in our family, but we seldom realise how helpful it is to have a family. Some may be living alone now, but when they were growing up, they lived with family. Think about how difficult life would be without parents, a caretaker, siblings, a spouse, children, or relatives. Friends can help us only so far, but family members are committed to being there for us through thick and thin. When we are sick, they help us. When we have no money, they are there. They are there to listen to our problems and to help us. We often find reasons to complain to God about our family members, but how many thank God that we have them? Often, we only appreciate them when we lose them through death or separation. Let us take time to thank God for them and also show them how much we appreciate them. When was the last time we told our close ones that we love and appreciate them? Let us add our thanks for our relationships to the basket of the angel collecting prayers of gratitude. Let us thank God for everything we have in our lives today. CWTfaXcTaXbPb_XaXcdP[[TPSTa CWTfaXcTaXbP_a^UTbb^a^U\P]PVT\T]cP]S_dQ[XR b_TPZTa7TRP]QTaTPRWTSPc__PcWPZXb\/V\PX[R^\ <UQfUc_]Uc`QSUV_bc`YbYdeQ\Ydi CWTaTfX[[QTb^\TcWX]Vc^UP[[QPRZ^]X]RPbT^USXbcaTbb^aX]^[SPVTfaXcTb 098C:D<0A18B7=>8 o you agree? Before you form an opinion, please read the following true stories. François Mitterrand was born in Jarnac, near Cognac, in France. He graduated from the University of Paris in 1938. He served in the Army during the World War II and was wounded and imprisoned by the Germans in 1940. He escaped in 1941 and joined the Resistance Movement. Mitterrand served in the National Assembly, the most powerful House of the French Parliament, from 1946 to 1958, and from 1962, until he became President in 1981 was reelected in 1988. He was France’s first Leftist President since 1958. His Government bought controlling interest in some important businesses in France. (Source: The World Book Encyclopedia) Misfortune struck him and he became stricken with a terminal disease. His condition began to deteriorate and he was bedridden. This was very differ- D ent from what he was as the President of France. He began to feel restless. He did not know how to compose himself. What was going to happen to him now? He was surely going to die. He consulted many persons in order to gain some peace, but remained troubled till an Indian lady spiritualist was called to speak to him. She explained to Mitterrand that he was not a material body he was assuming himself to be, but was an eternal soul, which would survive in spite of the body’s death. And this was a temporary phase in the eternal journey of the soul. I do not have any information about how Mitterrand accepted this fact and how he spent the rest of his life. The other story is of a lady homeopathic practitioner, who treated her patients for free. She even gave medicines free. She started by treating herself to test the efficacy of homeopathy medicines. She was successful in ridding herself of a problem, which was bothering her for a long time. Encouraged by this, she began to prescribe medicines to close relatives and friends. Mostly, she was successful. She was now ready to begin regular practice. She paired with a friend, who was also a homeopathic doctor. Together they opened a clinic. Initially, there was only a trickle but as their reputation grew, more patients began to come. Free consultation and free medicines also helped bring more and more patients. Over the years, her practice grew manifold. She was particularly pleased when patients, who had tried allopathic treatment and were not satisfied, came to her and got cured. Her patients, who had moved away to other towns, also called her on the phone and she prescribed medicines for them. This, and the retirement of her doctor friend from their joint practice added to her load, but she did not mind. She loved to be busy. Everything was great till she fell ill. She tried her own treatment but it did not help. When her condition began to deteriorate, she was admitted to a hospital. She was cured but became very weak. Her advanced age did not help. Now she was bedridden with no occupation. It was going to take some time before she recovered enough to begin to see patients again, if that was to really happen. This is when she admitted that she should have paid attention to the spiritual side of life. I encouraged her because it is never too late to get started on our spiritual journey. However, wise persons set reasonable targets for material desires in order to leave some time for spirituality. Then, there will be something to fall back on in case of distress or in old age. One will not be caught with a blank life staring at him or her; there will be support of the Almighty. 1XbW]^XXbPb_XaXcdP[faXcTaP]SRP]QT aTPRWTSPcb_XaXcdP[/PYXcQXbW]^XR^\ ce^TQi 540A8B30=64A>DB=>CC74 C0A>CC74C0A>CA4?A4B4=CB C74B?42CAD<>5C747D<0= 2>=38C8>=C746>>3C744E8; C74;867C0=3C7430A: ¯14=414;;F4= ]QWQjY^U P=NKP :e\i#!" !& H>DA F44: 07403 <037D:>C8H0 2C:6D <PaRW! =6@ 9d[h!"0dVdbc!! D28:EE2C:FD=^e!"3TR! 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( 5TQ ' <PSWd:^cXhPXbPcPa^cRPaSaTPSTab_XaXcdP[WTP[TaP]S5^d]STa<BWTiPX\8]bcXcdcT^UCPa^c3XeX]PcX^]2^]cPRcSTcPX[b)\PSWd/X]SXPcPa^cR^\fffX]SXPcPa^cR^\<)('&"!'""" 0BCA>BC@4 170A0C17DB70=?03<034> o be is to be in relationship with one’s own self (all functional coordinates of body-mind organism), the immediate environment, the cosmos, and the existence in entirety. For, the world, with all its enormity and diversity, is framed as a unified organism, where no existence has a reality independent of the entirety, if Australian physicist Paul Davies is to be believed. To quote his exact words: “For a naive realist, the world is a collection of objects. But for a quantum physicist, it is an inseparable web of vibrating energy patterns where no one component has a reality independent of the entirety, included in that entirety is the observer.” The interdependence and interconnection of all and sundry is therefore implied. In this scheme of things, each live entity is born imperfect, incapable of meeting existential needs all by oneself. But in togetherness, complementing and supplementing the efforts of each other, they make out a self-sufficient world. Evidently then, how well we relate to the world, will define the quality of life we become due for. This existential truth sets the premise of the are of living. Ancient India’s learned masters had T 8QLW\LQGLYHUVLW\DGHILQLQJSULQFLSOH very well realised this existential dynamics. So, they were conscious about not only educating the mankind to the above effect. They rather made provision in our annular calendar for refreshing our memory at regular periodic interval. For, they knew that people who were passionately pursuing their selfcentric desires, often lose track of the fundamentals of life. So is the whole of Hindu month of Shravana has been dedicated to Lord Shiva. The purpose is not to drive people into frenzied belief driven practices seeking thy boon. In fact, it rather lays emphasis on the need to set our functional dynamics in tune with the above existential truths. A look at the symbolism of Lord Shiva in accord with an assorted group of courtiers carries a valued educative import. He is visualised mounted on an ox, presiding over both cosmic world and life mechanism on earth, holding them in unison. The lunar crescent over his head, as we are aware, has no light of its own. It draws light from the Sun and other stellar bodies up above in the sky. Moon, thus symbolises convergence of all modes of nature driven energies, which He excites by playing damru (the hand-drum He holds). The harmony and symphony of energy streams thus excited led to all creations, both up above in the sky as also on planet earth. Thus comes into being a life cycle. The perennial river Ganges flows out of Lord Shiva’s hair locks which ends up in the ocean. Remember, without water there would be no life. So, all through its run, it extends life. On the way, as also out of the sea, water evaporates to form cloud, and then rains back into the water bodies to recharge them. Similarly life cycle runs in succession, reincarnating afresh charged with fresh vigour and strength after death. Life’s journey, therefore, continues unabated, changing its garb again and again. Lord Shiva has in his court all possible forms of existence — godly beings, humans, animal world, and even weird existence such as gobbles. All of them symbolically exemplify multitude of species in existence forming the living world. The godly beings signify cosmic forces driving the living order. The presence of weird creatures, stand for imperceptible existence during interregnum period between two successive lives. There exists evolutionary barrier of incommunicability amongst his courtiers. Yet, at the same time, overlooking their individualistic vagaries, he remains in accord with all of them, as would his half closed eyes imply. He does that purposely so as to make the most out of their virtues. For, Lord Shiva is much aware that if all of them have their individual limitations, they are also assigned with such virtues as would be necessary for sustaining life. And but for one, the very existence would be at stake. Lord Shiva is able to hold the fort together as he is selfless, and thus enjoys the confidence of all. He just sports a tiger skin to cover his lower body to mean that despite being all powerful. To sum up, the defining principle of life is ‘Unity in Diversity’. Our leaders, and in fact, all of us, need to imbibe the spirit of Lord Shiva to ensure life in peace and harmony, individually and collectively. Of late, having lost touch of this existential truth, is why people are day-by-day becoming more self-centric, intolerant and impatient, being the cause behind the chaos prevailing all across. CWTfaXcTaXbP]Pbca^[^VTaePbcdR^]bd[cP]cP]S b_XaXcdP[R^d]bT[[^aFaXcTc^WX\Pc6$1PbT\T]c 9d]V_daP4gcT]bX^]=Tf3T[WX #CT[)(' '"&!&" !#" " 4\PX[)_X^]TTa`dTaXTb/QWPaPcPbca^R^\ FTQbXcT)fffQWPaPcPbca^R^\ C40<064=30 438C>A-B7>1>A860=6D;8★ 34B:-CD;8:006=87>CA8>970B4=8>A438C>Ak 0=0=H01>A6>708=0BB8BC0=C438C>A1>>:B★ ;0H>DC34B86= - B0C8B7270=3A090:7<>;0B4=8>A438C>A2A40C8E4k 18=8C018B7CB4=8>A34B86=4A >_gii_eS SQ^g gbYdUdd_e ecQ Qd QWU^TQ`Y_^UUb0W]QY\S_]