Episode 29 - Inevitable Confrontation


Episode 29 - Inevitable Confrontation
An Inevitable
By: Adam Beattie
Someone has let slip the location of a hideout of the Eldritch
Underground, and the Wizards’ Cabal is rushing to take prisoners.
The Eldritch Underground has sent a force to intervene. It's only a
matter of time until they meet with explosive results.
A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor adventure for heroes levels 2-8. Part
Four of the Arcane Enmity series.
Based on the original Blackmoor Setting, associated characters and places owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Used with permission, all rights
reserved© 1975 Wizards. Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation is ©2005 Zeitgeist Games, Inc. Zeitgeist
Games is a trademark of Zeitgeist Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This product contains no Open Gaming Content.
Preface by Dave Arneson:
One day, a little over thirty years ago, I
discovered that I was bored. The campaign that
I was running had become a drag. It was
consumed with these long tedious battles and
constant bickering over historical details. These
most recently uncovered details would mess up
next week’s battle. Curses on all such books!
Why not just use one source and be done with
it? CLICK! Graph paper, pencil, the old 20-sided
dice we never used, some really poorly sculpted
plastic monsters…I began to imagine a
dungeon. My mind raced…I began to draw.
Maybe I can fill it with critters and gold! This
dungeon needs a name? Hmm, it’s a dark place
in the wilds of wherever. Ahh! Blackmoor! By
Sunday night the first six levels of the dungeon
were done and the gaming table in the
basement had been transformed into a small
medieval town with a castle. A dungeon seemed
like a good idea since it would keep the players
from running all over the place. We still needed
some more details… Ah! I drew a map of the
town and the country around it. These last
details took me most of the rest of the week to
complete. I was really excited about this idea.
Now everyone could be a hero like in a book but
without a tight (and often dumb!) plot. They
could do just about anything that they wanted to
do, for better or for worse. In that short time,
Blackmoor was born. The campaign setting now
known as Blackmoor was done within the month
with additional details added as needed. Both
the setting and the rules continued to grow over
the weeks. Most, but alas not all, the guys liked
the game and wanted to keep playing. So the
next few weeks were spent fleshing things out
and trying to maintain the structure. In a very
real way I have continued to “flesh things out”
over the last thirty years.
I continue to run the Blackmoor campaign in the
games I judge at conventions and in my
classroom. Over the years some 5,000+ people
have adventured in Blackmoor in excess of
1,500 game sessions. The roads are well
traveled but the adventures never end. (Orlando,
Introduction to Blackmoor by
Dustin Clingman:
Welcome to the magical world of Dave
Arneson’s Blackmoor! The original Blackmoor
campaign began over thirty years ago and
served as the impetus for an entirely new
gaming experience where every player could be
both a fantastic hero and a winner. The game
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 2 -
that would become Dungeons & Dragons relied
heavily on the core discoveries made while
Dave Arneson created a new gaming genre
through his exploration of Blackmoor with his
core group of players.
So what’s the big deal with Blackmoor? It’s a
distinct and compelling world to adventure in.
Blackmoor provides a solid, almost classical
launching point for players of all gaming
backgrounds. Before there were adventure or
role-playing games, there was Blackmoor.
Blackmoor can be defined by its key precept:
High Fantasy. Powerful heroes defend the land
against impossible odds. What could be more
fun that that? The frontier kingdom of Blackmoor
sits in quite a precarious position. Ruled by the
young King Uther Andahar, Blackmoor is beset
on all sides by enemies and would be
conquerors. Blackmoor’s enemies range from
the savage Afridhi to the amorphous superbeing,
The Egg of Coot. On a moment’s notice, the
people of Blackmoor must be prepared to take
up arms to defend themselves from invasion or
even worse horrors. Compound this political
turmoil with the constant discovery of new power
and horrible monstrosities to find a populace
quite uneasy with their lot in life. Some of them
take up arms to define their destinies rather than
waiting to become victims of fate. These brave
adventurers serve a heroic purpose for both
people and country.
(Massively Multiplayer Role
Playing Game)?:
Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG is
designed to allow players to participate
alongside each other in groups of 4 to 6 players
(and up to 7 players when necessary) in the rich
fantasy world of Blackmoor that Dave Arneson
created over 30 years ago. The campaign allows
players to travel all over the world attending
conventions and game days that are running
Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor events. Since the
rules for the campaign are the same everywhere
in the world, players can quickly jump right into
the action just about anywhere people are
playing without having to worry about house
rules. These complete rules can be found in
Dave Arneson's Blackmoor: The MMRPG
by visiting
Written by: Adam Beattie
Notes to the Judge:
The most important part of Dave Arneson’s
Blackmoor: The MMRPG is to have fun. Both
your enjoyment and that of the players is
paramount to the game. With this in mind, you
may alter the episode as necessary to ensure
the enjoyment of the group and accommodate
any unforeseen actions of the players. However,
this ability should not be construed to reward
foolish actions by players. In those situations,
players should earn what they deserve. We ask
that you as the judge use common sense in
these situations.
The complete episode should be read by the
judge prior to play. The duration of the event
should be approximately three and a half (3.5)
hours of game play with time before and after
the event for brief record keeping and
preparation. When you run a Dave Arneson’s
Blackmoor: The MMRPG episode we assume
that you have access to the following books:
Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor, the Player’s
Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
the Monster Manual. You should also have a set
of dice (at least one d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and
d20), a way to track combats (such as graph
paper or battle mat), some scrap paper, and a
writing implement. In addition, you should be
familiar with Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: The
MMRPG Campaign Sourcebook.
The players should have fully completed
Blackmoor character sheet, a character log
sheet, a set of dice, a writing implement, and
any other useful tools for play such as scrap
paper or a miniature to represent their player
character. You should have at least four players
to have a sanctioned event.
Prior to beginning play, the ATL (Average Table
Level) should be determined to select the
appropriate level of play. To do this, the total
level of all players including EL racial
adjustments (such as Westryn +1EL), followers,
and animals that are not “class features” are
added together (“Class feature” animals are
animal companions, familiars, and paladin
mounts and do not affect ATL.) The total levels
are than divided by six players regardless of the
number of players at the table. This number
constitutes the party’s ATL. The party may
choose to round up or down if the particular
number is not an offered ATL.
Time Units:
The Blackmoor calendar has thirty-seven (37)
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 3 -
weeks, with each week lasting a ten-day (10).
Every character is allowed thirty-seven (37) time
units (each unit being a week) for the Dave
Arneson’s Blackmoor: The MMRPG campaign
year (January 1 to December 31). Playing this
event is a cost of one (1) time unit.
Blackmoor Background:
The Wizards, Cabal
The Wizards’ Cabal was founded in Vestfold in
the Year 900. It is a wizards’ organization
dedicated to maintaining structure and order for
arcane casters and an educational organization
to apprentice and develop wizardly and bardic
skills of arcane casting.
It has no organizational presence within
Heronport at the time of this episode.
The Eldritch Underground
The Eldritch Underground is a seemingly
indestructible brotherhood devoted to the
preservation of freedom for sorcerers. This socalled Eldritch Underground consists of
sorcerers, non-spellcasters, and even a few
sympathetic wizards, scattered throughout all
communities and governments of the North.
They do not move against the Wizards’ Cabal
directly, for they are neither powerful enough to
do the Cabal any serious harm, nor to survive
the inevitable counterattack should they make
their true strengths known. Rather, they offer
fugitive sorcerers a place to hide, false identities,
and hidden means of transportation to other
parts of the Thonian Empire, or even the lands
Episode Background
Ruddy Rock is a small settlement in the
southern reaches of Dragonia. It was originally
founded by a half-Elf, half-Peshwah wokan
named Attadi, as a trading post for traveling
Thonians and interested Peshwah.
Attadi is an older Elf-Peshwah. He is a hard
person who does not flinch from combat, and
does not tolerate the presence of evil. A
community council runs the settlement. Tomas,
a Thonian, heads the council and acts as the
town sheriff. Most of the settlers are farmers and
Three years ago, the Eldritch Underground
discovered Ruddy Rock and approached Attadi
to see if he would be amenable to allowing
Written by: Adam Beattie
runaway sorcerers and rogue wizards to hide
from the Arcane Inquisition in Ruddy Rock.
Attadi agreed, and now Ruddy Rock often plays
host to as many as thirty members of the
Among the many who have come to Ruddy
Rock and decided to stay are two High Thonian
brothers named Jenn and Jott. Jenn and Jott are
twin brothers and powerful arcanists. Jenn is a
rogue wizard, while his brother Jott is a potent
sorcerer. They have long squabbled between
themselves as to whom should inherit the title
and lands of their father, a minor noble with
lands in Ten. However, their struggle is subject
to a set of rules their father gave them.
Jenn and Jott built a large manor up on the
massive outcrop of blood red stone for which
Ruddy Rock is named. Each morning, Jenn and
Jott battle for control of the manor through
spells, constructs, and summoned monsters. By
their father's orders, neither is allowed to harm
the other, and they cannot allow or encourage
anyone else to kill their brother. The first to
submit shall become a vassal of the other; the
winner receiving the manor at Ruddy Rock and
a reasonably large stipend.
Three months ago, a young sorcerer named
Abel Cutrofellow killed a fellow sorcerer after the
two began arguing over a loaf of bread. While
there is plenty of food available, Abel is unstable
and distinctly evil. Attadi heard of the incident
and tried to kill Abel, but the sorcerer managed
to escape Ruddy Rock. Attadi offered to help
settle the dispute between Jenn and Jott
magically if they went after Abel. The brothers
made an attempt, but succeeded only in badly
wounding Abel before returning to their game.
Ismoth intends to capture as many of the
sorcerers in Ruddy Rock as possible. He
honestly believes some of them can be brought
under control and taught to be “proper” mages.
Along these lines, Ismoth hopes to hire a small
group of adventurers to precede him into Ruddy
Rock, find the sorcerers, and hopefully flush
them out into the open where they can be
captured without endangering the locals.
Meanwhile, the Eldritch Underground has
learned of Ismoth's mission through their
contacts within the Cabal, and they have
dispatched Arron - a sorcerer who specializes in
killing Cabalists. Arron intends to follow Ismoth
to his target (the Underground does not know
which of their hideouts has been compromised)
and slaughter Ismoth and his allies. Arron is
really looking forward to the kill. In the
meantime, he also seeks to recruit the players to
kill Ismoth, giving him an edge in the inevitable
Episode Hook
All that is worthwhile in Boggy Bottom can be
distilled into one word: mesok. The sweet liquor
that tastes like a mix of ale and honey helps to
take the edge off of the stench and grime of the
town's only inn worthy of the name.
The Soggy Bog doesn't boast much in the way
of amenities, but the meals are hot and the
mesok flows freely. As usual, you find yourself
pushed off toward a table in the corner. Barret,
the owner, swears it's “so the locals won't bother
you.” But, somehow, it always sounds a little
Abel became obsessed with exacting revenge
on the people of Ruddy Rock. He put on his
trusty hat of disguise and set out to find the
inquisition. Abel walked up to an arcane warrior
and told her all about Ruddy Rock, who
immediately sent word to the Cabal. Now they
have dispatched a group of arcane warriors led
by an Inquisitor known as Ismoth “the
And so it is that you find yourself sitting with a
small group of adventures, waiting for one of the
barmaids to come take your order. In the
meantime, you might as well strike up a
Ismoth and his warriors are now on the march
toward Ruddy Rock. While Ismoth doesn't trust
Abel, he put him to the question under a zone of
truth; Abel managed to hide his true intent with
cunning half truths. Unfortunately for Abel,
Ismoth still plans to arrest him, just to be
Read or paraphrase the following:
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 4 -
At this point, allow the players to introduce their
characters. Encourage them to give at least a
name, and a brief physical description.
Finally, the barmaid named Carli comes over to
your table. To your surprise, she comes bearing
several plates of food, including a whole baked
chicken, sausages still sizzling on the plate, a
Written by: Adam Beattie
rack of pork ribs, two fresh loaves of dark brown
bread, a crock of smooth whipped butter, a huge
salad of fresh greens, and, of course, a big
flagon of mesok for each of you.
If there are any members of the Wizards’ Cabal
in the party, the package contains a small
sealed letter for each of them (give the Cabal
members Player Handout 1).
Smiling at your surprise, she nods toward a tall
figure by the bar wearing a dark brown oilcloth
cloak that hides his features. “The gent' by the
bar bids you a good eve', and wants to know if'n
he may join ye briefly before ye eat. The meal's
on him,” she says, with a nervous half smile.
“Very mysterious in‘it?” she asks, looking at you
all hopefully.
Within the package there is a note, and a
number of small sacks of gold (one for each
player) containing 100 gp x ATL per player.
Give the party Player Handout 2.
When it becomes clear that no explanations are
forthcoming, Carli quickly sets out the meal and
scurries off toward the kitchen, pausing to give a
shallow curtsy to the figure by the bar.
The man at the bar is Ismoth, an Inquisitor of the
Wizards’ Cabal (See Appendix 3). He will
approach before the party begins their meal in
earnest. If the party refuses the food, or
otherwise shows a disinterest in meeting with
him, he comes over anyway, raising a hand to
stifle objections as he makes his pitch and then
When Ismoth approaches, read or paraphrase
the following to the players:
Turning from the bar, the cloaked figure
approaches. It wears a heavy oil-cloth cloak
which is stained in places and threadbare at the
edges. Deep shadows pool in the hood of the
cloak, drawn down to hide the face of the
wearer. A simple bronze medallion bearing the
seal of the Wizards’ Cabal serves as a clasp
holding the cloak closed.
From beneath the cloak, a hand appears
motioning you to silence. A man's voice says,
“My apologies for interrupting your evening, but I
have a job for a party of adventurers.” He
pauses a moment, swinging his head around
slowly to look at all of you, “You will suffice. I
leave at first light. If you want the job, meet me
by the ferry, if not, leave this package with the
innkeeper and speak to no one of its contents.”
He stops again, looking around the room, “I
don’t mean to be rude, but my business is
pressing. I cannot stay to answer your questions
now, but there will be time for that tomorrow.”
With that, he places a small package on the
table and turns to go.
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 5 -
Bards may make a Bardic Knowledge check
(DC 20) to recognize the name Ismoth from a
popular elven poem about a heroic wizard who
saved a noble from a marauding pack of
sorcerers. (Give elves and half-elves a +2 racial
bonus on this check.)
Others may make a Knowledge: Blackmoor
check (DC 20) to recognize Ismoth as a young
Inquisitor with a surprisingly good reputation
among the common people. He is known for
capturing, rather than killing, his quarry.
(Wizards’ Cabal members receive an additional
+2 circumstance bonus on these checks.)
Characters who seek to question Ismoth in the
bar are rebuffed. He asks them simply to read
the packet and to reach a decision with the
others, as lone travelers will not be able to assist
When he exits the tavern, he casts invisibility
and makes his way back to the camp he shares
with his followers on the edge of town.
Gathering Information:
A man named Barret runs the Soggy Bog, with
assistance from his three waitresses: Carli,
Mindelin, and Ariana, a competent, if uncomely,
bunch. He seems to run an efficient inn, as the
place seems to have a good deal of business.
Current patrons are as follows:
1) A trio of half-orcs named Skarrta, Burthra
and Gheyo. They work a variety of odd jobs
in town and have come for a good meal.
They are brash and rude, except to female
half orcs who they invite to sit at their table
and enjoy spending time with.
2) A Thonian man, who calls himself Whysper
sits in the back corner of the establishment.
He wears a dark hooded robe and avoids all
eye contact. If approached, he invites folks
to sit down. After a few moments, he then
leans across the table and, in a whisper,
asks if they are looking to make a purchase.
Written by: Adam Beattie
With any reply but yes, he immediately
informs them they should they be interested
in doing so, the market is a good place to do
so. For a price, he can sell an arcane scroll
of mind fog for only 2,250gp. “Do you know
how hard it is to find an arcane scroll of this
level? An adventurer like you may never
know when something like this could come
in handy!” (Players may make a Knowledge:
Blackmoor check DC 5 to know that a scroll
of this magnitude would not normally be
granted by the Wizards’ Cabal.)
3) A buxom middle-aged Thonian woman,
named Meliiya, with shoulder length black
hair. It can easily be determined that she
was likely quite attractive in her younger
days. Players who have the Attention of
Meliiya are recognized by Meliiya instantly
and succeed at a Gather Information DC 31
automatically as Meliiya is willing to share all
the information she gathers as a regular bar
fly at the Soggy Bog. If no one has the
Attention of Meliiya, she is looking for a
good man to take care of her. If any human
PC with a Charisma of 10 or higher chats
with her in a nice, friendly manner have
them make a Diplomacy check. The first
human PC to make a successful DC 10
Diplomacy check gains Meliiya’s attention.
Gather Information check results:
DC 5: Hey, mesok’s good stuff! Let’s toast to
DC 8: Is it true that King Uther appointed a half
orc as the Top Performer of the Realm?
DC 11: Have you heard that there have been
several pockets of undead that have sprung up
in the Redwood? Seems like the more undead
they exterminate, the more walking dead pop
up. Maybe the Dungeon of Castle Blackmoor
has sprung a leak. Where do you think they are
coming from?
DC 15: Well, I’ve heard that the Docrae are
working with the gnomes to develop some
strange new magical technology to secure an
underground and above ground kingdom of their
DC 19: Some Westryn elf, in a moment of
madness, assisted an Orc matron and her
children who were attacked by brigands in the
West last week
DC: 22: The Cultists of Inselegath have been
searching the North for some person or artifact
the might be the key to defeating the Afridhi.
DC 25: A partner of mine was traveling to
Dragonia to deliver supplies when dragons
attacked his wagon! Lucky for him, he had a
spare mule with him that he cut loose. The
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 6 -
dragons swooped in and ate the mule. He owes
that poor animal his life.
DC 28: While many people believe the
supernatural in the city of Blackmoor is
contained within the dungeon, there are actually
several supernatural hotspots within the city
including the city cemetery which has a
supernaturally inhabited catacomb underneath.
DC 31: Some noble houses are blaming the
defeat of the Battle of White Horse on King
Uther because he did not offer the full support of
the Kingdom of Blackmoor to the Peswah and
the Brothers Greenwood.
Players may also want to shop while in Boggy
Bottom, particularly at the venues they have
visited before. The Pious Beliefs shop is under
renovations and is boarded up. The trapper
shop is still open with bullseye lanterns out front.
The Trapper
This general store with a heavy swamp theme is
owned and run by Dundee Crogfelder. Dundee
is a slender but muscular Thonian man with a
reddish tan. He has light brown hair that has
been sun-bleached. He wears a large straw hat,
snakeskin boots and a vest made of crocodile
hide. He has a thick Cajun-like accent and likes
to use words that end in “ion”.
All simple weapons from Table 7-5, light armor
from Table 7-6 and adventuring gear from Table
7-8 of the Player’s Handbook can be purchased
along with the following items:
+1 Crocodile Hide
Endure Elements
Hide from Animals
Magic Fang
Barkskin +2
+1 Arbir
+1 Longspear
+1 Shortspear
+1 Spear
1,165 gp
50 gp
50 gp
50 gp
50 gp
300 gp
300 gp
2,315 gp
2,695 gp
2,305 gp
2,301 gp
2,302 gp
Once the party retires for the night, read or
paraphrase the following:
Entering your room for a long night's rest, you
are surprised to see a blackbird resting on the
post of your bed. Before you can take a step into
the room, it cocks its head to the side and
Written by: Adam Beattie
begins to speak.
“I represent the oppressed,” it says in a voice far
too deep and somber for its small body. “My
master wants wizard blood to pay for sorcerer
blood. My master would cut the throat of the
proud peacock inquisitor and let the Cabal
tainted blood flow and see if it tastes of the
foulness of Skelfer. My master would open the
belly of the inquisitor and use his entrails to spell
out the name of every sorcerer he has murdered
on the ground before him for him to read as he
dies. My master would strike a bloody blow to
begin the end of the Cabal. If you are of a like
mind, tie a red token to the pommel of your
saddle on the morrow, so that my master will
know you are prepared to assist him in this
inevitable confrontation.
It pecks at the edge of the sill for a moment
before continuing. “Of course, you will be
rewarded. Pretty things for useful people. Shiny,
pretty things. Blood money for blood...”
With that, it turns to fly away.
If they players want to kill the bird, allow each
character a ranged attack roll against AC 25
(Touch is also 25). If the party successfully deals
18 points of damage to the bird in one round
before it disappears into the night, it dies, and
Arron has lost his familiar.
Any attempt to attack the familiar causes Arron
to view the party as enemies.
“I want to introduce you to my friends before we
get going, but there isn't much time. I'm sure
you'll get to know one another on the road,” he
He turns to the five people behind him and
points to a Thonian woman in her mid thirties,
“That's Sandra, a cleric of Phelia.” He points to a
skinny man, still young enough to be called a
boy standing next to Sandra, “That's Du'lan, and
these,” he says sweeping his arm past two men
wearing chain mail and longswords, “are Jace
and Jack. Watch them, they have a bit of an odd
sense of humor.” The shorter of the two men
cracks a smile and shrugs, while the taller one,
Jack, frowns and crosses his arms over his
Finally, Ismoth points to a jumble of cloth and
limbs that lies in a heap off to the side. “And
that… is Abel. You'll have to forgive his
appearance; he's gotten drunk again. We try to
keep him away from the stuff, but he managed
to steal a bottle of distilled dragon sweat last
night.” Ismoth frowns, “He'll be leading us to the
He then quickly introduces each of you to his
friends, ignoring any expressions of surprise you
might display over his unexpected knowledge of
your names and professions.
(He uses each character's preferred name, not
their true names.)
Chapter One: The Long Road
In the morning, Ismoth and his team of four are
waiting on the edge of town.
Read or paraphrase the following:
Ismoth's camp is already broken down and
packed up by the time you arrive, and he is
standing around chatting and joking goodnaturedly with his companions. When he sees
you approach, he turns to greet you.
In the early morning light you can see that
Ismoth is a slight man, with long blond hair
hanging limply around a narrow face, deeply
scarred along the right side of his jaw.
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 7 -
What are you doing in Boggy Bottom?
Sandra nods and says, “A few months ago we
captured a sorcerer on the edge of the bogs. He
claimed to have escaped from a group of slavers
in the swamp. We came back to investigate, but
if they were ever here, they’ve moved on.”
Where are we going?
Du’lan grins. “We’re going down near the
Peshwah lands, southwest of Dragonia, right on
the border!” He seems eager.
What is it that you need us to do?
“I am a recognized inquisitor and my party
members and I have reputations. You may go in
as unrecognizable or ordinary travelers passing
though, and then bring back information so we
can pinpoint the sorcerers and bring them back
for re-education. You are welcome to join us
when we go in to arrest them. Don’t worry; we
Written by: Adam Beattie
try not to harm anyone. We just want to bring
them in for help.”
Who is Abel?
Jace says “He claims to be a trader.” Jack leans
in and whispers conspiratorially, “But we don’t
entirely trust him.” Jace shrugs, “Sandra says
he’s evil, and she’s pretty good at that kind of
stuff.” “Well, usually,” replies Jack. “Anyway, we
don’t trust him,” they say in unison.
Why do you travel with an evil man?
Ismoth sighs before answering. “I know, I don’t
like it either, but the Cabal wants me to look into
his story, and I must obey orders. They’ve also
asked me to bring him back in chains if I find any
evidence that he’s actually done something
wrong. Don’t worry,” he says nodding to you,
“we won’t let him hurt anyone.”
Do you know there is a plot to murder you?
“That’s unfortunate, but not unusual. It is these
types of behaviors that cause the instability in
our world. We’ll keep our eyes and ears open for
any potential attacks.”
How about supplies (or compensation)?
“That is a good question. I have given you a
small token. I can also help you turn in your
favors to the Wizards’ Cabal. If you have no
favors, I can get you access to 1 and 2 level
arcane scrolls. If you are willing to burn your
favors, I can get you much better. I am not trying
to hold back on access, but the Cabal has some
strict rules on who may own powerful items.
(Provide players with the Wizards’ Cabal Access
certificate to make selections.) Provide me with
your needs, and I can request provisions and
they will be delivered at our next stop over.”
Over the week it takes to travel to Ruddy Rock,
Ismoth and his crew socialize with the party.
They don't feel a need to keep any secrets, and
accomplishments (see appendix 5)
The party travels along the road to Ramshead,
avoiding other travelers whenever possible.
About a day out from Ramshead, the items are
delivered from the Wizards’ Cabal, if any were
At this time, Ismoth turns the party south and
heads for the straits separating Bass Lake from
Rate Lake. Here the party boards a flatbottomed ferry, and crosses to the swamps
north of the Dragon Hills.
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 8 -
Read or paraphrase the following:
As you march through the shallow swamps that
form the delta of the Wurm River, Du'lan
silences everyone with a gesture. He has an
uncharacteristically serious expression on his
face. “Does anyone else hear that?” he asks.
Indeed, in the sudden silence, you hear a distant
chanting, softly at first but growing in strength.
The world seems to warp around you slightly,
almost as if reality was thinning.
Suddenly there is a tremendous roar, as if the
earth itself were screaming. Muscular forms of
iron, copper, and steel rise up out of the
swamps, surrounding you.
“Metal elementals!” Ismoth screams as one
swings a massive arm at him. Behind him Jace
and Jack are dismounting to face off against
Yet another towers over your small party, its
terrible fists reaching out for you.
This is a battle with summoned monsters,
summoned from a scroll of Summon Nature’s
Ally. After 13 rounds, the spell will end, and the
elementals will fade back into the swamp.
ATL 3 (EL 5):
Large Metal Elemental (1) hp: 76; see DAB pg 190194.
ATL 5 (EL 7):
Huge Metal Elemental (1)hp: 152; see DAB pg 190194.
ATL 7 (EL9):
Huge Metal Elemental (2) hp: 152 each; see DAB pg
After the battle, the party can search the area.
There is evidence of a used scroll (ash, and a
magical residue that can be detected with Detect
Magic or Arcane Sight), but Cynthia was able to
use her Wild Shape ability to escape as a giant
owl while the party battled the summoned
elementals. There are no tracks, since Cynthia
benefits from her Trackless Step ability.
Ismoth has no illusions that this was a random
attack. He is convinced that the Eldritch
Underground sent the attack, and warns the
party that they may expect to face whoever
summoned the elementals when they reach
Ruddy Rock.
Written by: Adam Beattie
Chapter Two: Ruddy Rock
Read or paraphrase the following to the players:
The ride around the Dragon Hills provides plenty
of opportunity to see the rolling plains of the
Eastern Hak far to the south. As Ismoth leads
you south and east, following the line of the hills,
the grasses of the plains turn a deep golden
brown under the summer sun. One day, far out
on the plains, you spot a speck of red glinting in
the light of the setting sun. Ismoth waves to
Abel, who rides his black mare up to join you.
“That's it,” he says, leaning over his saddle to
spit on the dry ground beneath his mount, “that's
the town. The locals call it Ruddy Rock, cuz of
the outcropping.”
Ismoth turns to your party. With a wry grin he
says, “I guess we're here. Let's rest up the night,
and you can head down in the morning when
you're fresh.” Turning his wolf's eyes to Abel he
continues, “Abel will answer any questions you
have as best he can.”
Abel cringes under Ismoth's stony look, but nods
and smiles toward your group in a way that
would be reassuring, if his upper lip didn't keep
slipping toward a sneer.
How many?
“Oh, about.. twenty.. er maybe just five.. could
be ten. I don't really know, I've been traveling
with you lot for a few weeks.”
Who are they?
“The worst of ‘em are a bloke named Attadi, and
his friend Tomas. After them it's these two kids
Jenn and Jott De'Bellum. There's a few others
hidin' around town, in dark places under buildin's
and such.”
Where are they?
“Where you'd expect a bunch of slimy scum and
cowardly worms to be, hidden under the biggest
rock they kin' find.” He looks pointedly toward
the outcropping that gives Ruddy Rock its name.
What with the locals do?
“Farm mostly. Some of ‘em trade with them
soulless witch-doctorin' Peshwah. Watch out for
that lot, they'll drink your blood while it's warm
and feed the rest o' ye to their 'orses.”
How did you find this place?
“I'm a trader, ye idiot. Ain't it obvious from my
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 9 -
massive pile o' wares?” (He indicates two loops
of hemp rope, and a bag of cutlery he has
strapped to his mount.) “Just.. runnin’ a little low
on supplies is all.”
When the party is ready to go down to the town
of Ruddy Rock, read or paraphrase the
Leaving Ismoth behind for the first time in
several weeks, your party moves down a narrow
path toward the distant red outcropping. The first
rays of morning light strike the far off stones,
shading them a deep red the color of blood. It
seems a dismal omen.
A few hours pass swiftly as your mounts churn
their legs beneath you. The dry grass of the
plains whips at you and threatens to trip your
mounts as the bloody stones of Ruddy Rock
grow closer.
The sun is near its zenith, when a welcome
breeze washes over you from the north, cooling
you as it races past toward the approaching
town. The wind helps to spur you on, and you
soon find yourself nearing the craggy back of the
stone outcropping. Standing at the base, you are
surprised by the massive size of the stones.
Towering above the surrounding plains, dozens
of spires of stone rise up hundreds of feet
toward the sky. Each spire in turn has been
smoothed and shaped by the forces of wind and
rain. Taken together, they look much like a
gathering of hooded men gathered around the
base of a massive tower.
Riding to the east around the outcropping, you
see a small settlement typical of those common
elsewhere in the north. Wide fields of oats and
wheat spread out from a central cluster of barns
and homes. Farmers work the fields, fix irrigation
systems, cut weeds, and put up fences in the
sweltering summer heat.
There are four encounters that will occur as the
party explores Ruddy Rock. Each time the party
visits a new location, one of the encounters is
triggered. When the party first arrives, run
Encounter One: Meet The LAW.
Encounter One: Meet The LAW.
Encounter One takes place just as the party
arrives at Ruddy Rock. Read or paraphrase the
following as the characters approach the town:
As you ride down the dusty main street of Ruddy
Written by: Adam Beattie
Rock, a dog howls in the growing noon-day
heat. Several locals cluster around one of the
larger sod buildings, under a sign depicting a
pair of crossed daggers. One of the men breaks
loose from the crowd and saunters to the middle
of the road in front of you.
He is a short Thonian man, with short-cropped
hair with a hint of gray at the temples. His arms
are heavily tanned and scarred, crossed over a
slightly bulging gut. His plain brown jerkin and
boots stand in sharp contrast to the gleaming
steel of his chain shirt.
“Halt, strangers,” he says as he loops his
thumbs behind his belt, from which hang two
very sharp and deadly looking blades. “M'names
Tomas, an’ I'm the law ‘round these parts. You
all's gonna have ta state yer business in th’ fine
upstandin’ township o’ Ruddy Rock.”
Tomas listens intently, but as long as the players
don't express an interest in laying waste to the
town, he nods and then tells them:
“There are only two rules ‘round here, strangers.
Don't kill anyone, an’ don't steal. If ya do, I'll kill
ya. Now I guess you’ll be wanting the three
copper tour o’ the town. This ’ere’s th’ center of
town. My shop, and Binn’s are here, up the way
is the old barn. We let folks crash there on their
way through town, Attadi’s hut is back behind
Binn’s Bargain Bin, and o’ course th’ manor
house is up on th’ hill, but th’ Lords Da’Bellum
don’t much like visitors.”
Where are we?
“This is th’ town of Ruddy Rock. That,” he points
at the rocky outcropping north of town, “is th’
rock. This is th’ town. Got it?”
Encounter Two: Tumbleweed
As you cross the street on your way to your next
destination, a lonely tumbleweed blows down
the street, bounding from building to building in a
sudden breeze.
This is nothing special; just a plant.
Encounter Three: The Raven Returns
If the players attacked the bird in their first
encounter, or failed to tie a stocking to their
saddle horns, skip this encounter.
If the players did not kill the raven familiar during
the introduction, and if they tied a stocking
around their saddle horns as instructed, read or
paraphrase the following:
As you cross the street, a blackbird lands on the
ground in front of you. In its beak it bears a slip
of paper. It drops the slip and flies away.
The note says simply, “Come to the Old Barn.”
The players may again choose to attack the bird.
Refer to the earlier encounter for details.
Encounter Four: Get Outta Here.
As the sun begins to set, Tomas comes out from
his shop and approaches you.
“Some o’ the locals tell me they saw a group
leaving town, toward th’ north” he says, “Word is
ya came from up that way. If you have friends up
there, ya may wanna go help ‘em. I think
somebody means to bring ‘em trouble.”
Where's the store?
“I run a good gen’ral store. That crazy Peshwah
Bin runs a tannery. He often has some leather
gear fer sale – some of that weird Peshwah
stuff, too, if he likes you.
Is there an inn here?
“No. No. No! Why does everyone expect an inn?
We're a farmin’ town. Ask one o’ th’ farmers if
you want a bed fer the night. That er th’ old barn
over yonder.”
Any place worth seeing around here?
“Eh… Ask Attadi. He likes talking to strangers.”
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 10 -
Attadi's Hut:
This simple sod hut is barely 10 ft. on a side.
There is a hutch nearby in which an old
Peshwah Charger rests out of the sun; it is
several feet taller than the hut. You hear a soft
murmuring and sporadic whistling coming from
within the hut.
As you approach, a thin voice with tones of age
and wisdom comes forth. “Hello, strangers. They
told me you'd be coming to see old Attadi, they
did.” The voice’s owner, an ancient half-elf with
some Peshwah blood, comes out of the hut. His
eyes, a sharp crystal blue eye, pause on each of
your faces before he continues. “Come to ask
Written by: Adam Beattie
me questions, eh? Maybe you want something
from an old Wokan of the Horse Tribes?”
Attadi is a nice old man who counsels the
players to keep the peace, and remember that
everyone has a role to play in nature. If pressed,
he attacks the party rather than submit to
He will gladly address their concerns and admit
that he is a sorcerer. He will invite them to bring
anyone back to question him if they wish, but he
will not leave his home.
If they reveal Arron's plot to kill Ismoth to Attadi,
he will ride out to warn Ismoth and defend him
from “that reckless sorcerous bastard.”
Attadi has been keeping to himself lately, and so
doesn't know that Arron is in town. If asked
about anyone else in town, he tells the players
that if they want to know the truth, they should
go to the person they're asking about.
Possible Q&A to aid with the conversation with
Who are you?
“Peshwa na Attadi am Zah. Who are you?”
What are you?
“I'm the founder of this town. I'm a half elf, half
Peshwah, and my mother was a wokan of the
Zah. I got her powers, and my dad's long life. Go
are all one family. You ask if I know my cousin,
my daughter, myself.” He pauses and gives you
a playful wink. “Well, that and we rode together
for many years. But, all that other stuff is true
Are you a sorcerer?
“No. Are you a fool? Let me answer that for you;
Does the sun rise and set with the passing of the
day? Do the stars yearn to be quenched in the
sea? Does a dog bark when death rolls by? And
there you go.
Abel says you're a sorcerer (or any other Q
about Abel)
Abel? That murderous lout? If I catch him
around here again, I'll bury him in the earth with
my own two hands. And I may not bother to
make him dead first. That son of a gun
murdered another traveler over a damned loaf of
bread! There were three other loaves right there!
That sorcerous bastard is a murdering
psychopath. I'd kill him if I were you.
Abel is a sorcerer?
“Uh… yeah… I think I just said that. He's a finger
wiggling, wizard hating, town burning, black
hearted murderer. You know, a sorcerer.”
Anything to do around here?
“Yes. Go talk to the twins up on the rock. They
need some help; you all could do a good job, I
think. Don't provoke them though, they're potent
The Old Barn:
What do you do here?
“Mostly I keep the dragons away and help
Shepro bring the Thonians and the Peshwah
closer together. Well, that and taking in the fresh
He breaths in a deep lung-full of air, blinking
slightly as his eyes water and he begins to
cough. “Or else… >cough<
I would be…
>hack< …if that stupid Binn would keep his
tannery from stinking up the place.”
Do you know Peshwah na Sulla?
“I have heard of Sulla. Ikiru speaks well of him. I
do not know if he is the son of Hak, but I tend a
hope in my heart that he might be.”
You know Peshwah na Ikiru?
“All Zah know Ikiru, as all Zah know me. The
wind and earth speak to us, and carry our
words. We are all the children of Hak, and so we
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 11 -
This is where Arron's group is camped out.
Before Encounter Three, Arron and Cynthia are
still making their way back from attacking the
players in the swamp, and the barn is quiet.
With the Cabal:
Read or paraphrase the following:
Just off the road, near the center of town, is an
old gray barn. Many of the outer timbers are
rotting or fallen off, and the barn door lays flat on
the ground, its hinges long rusted away. Inside
you hear the soft whicker of a horse.
Inside the barn, Gurrin, Thorg, and Claire are
laying low, waiting for Arron to come back.
Thorg drank too much last night and is passed
out in one of the empty stalls. Gurrin is teaching
Written by: Adam Beattie
Claire how to field dress a rabbit as the players
enter. Since they don’t recognize the party, they
assume they are other members of the Eldritch
Underground come to use the safe house. They
talk openly with the party until given reason to
suspect they are here to help Ismoth.
Gurrin and Claire will warn the party to leave or
hide before Arron returns, explaining that he’s a
right bastard and a dangerous man to trifle with.
At the mention of Arron’s name, members of the
Eldritch Underground may make an Intelligence
Check or players with Knowledge: Blackmoor
may make a check to determine what they know
about Arron. Eldritch Underground members
receive a +2 circumstance bonus to this check.
With a check of DC 20, they are aware that
Arron is a troublesome member of the Eldritch
Underground accused of heinous murders and
merciless butchering of both Wizards’ Cabal
members and innocent bystanders alike.
If the players try to convince Gurrin and Claire to
leave, they will have to succeed in changing
them from Unfriendly to Friendly using
Diplomacy or Intimidation. If the players use
Diplomacy, Thorg will attack. If they used
Intimidation, Thorg will attack the players and
then Gurrin and Claire will join in with Thorg.
With the Blackbird:
If the party comes to the old barn after
Encounter Three, read or paraphrase the
Just off the road near the center of town is an
old gray barn. Many of the outer timbers are
rotting or fallen off, and the barn door lays flat on
the ground, its hinges long rusted away. Inside,
you hear the soft whicker of a horse.
There is a man standing beside the gaping
entrance to the barn wearing a dark black cloak
and a hat that obscures his features. In his hand
is a bloody knife, which he is wiping clean with a
scrap of cloth.
As you approach he looks up, revealing a
wicked grin and bloodshot green eyes in a
heavily tanned face. “Can I help you folks find
something?” he asks, sheathing his knife.
This is Arron. Claire, Gurrin, and Cynthia have
been sent to scout the road to the north. Thorg
is still passed out in a stall. Arron stayed behind
to rest, and (if the players never attacked his
bird) to instruct the players.
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 12 -
Once they meet Arron, members of the Eldritch
Underground may make an Intelligence Check
or players with Knowledge: Blackmoor may
make a check to determine what they know
about Arron. Eldritch Underground members
receive a +2 circumstance bonus to this check.
With a check of DC 20, they are aware that
Arron is a troublesome member of the Eldritch
Underground accused of heinous murders and
merciless butchering of both Wizards’ Cabal
members and innocent bystanders alike.
If the players tied a stocking to their saddle
horns, he tells them that he will be attacking a
little after sundown tonight, and that the players
are expected to help.
If the players chose not to tie a stocking to their
mounts, Arron warns them to “get lost before
you get hurt.”
If there is a fight, Arron uses his most powerful
magical attacks in an attempt to utterly destroy
the party. On the third round of combat, a raging
Thorg joins the battle. Ismoth’s associates also
spot the arcane activity and move into the town
to join in the combat.
If the players defeat Arron here and now, the
attack on Ismoth fails. Proceed to the finale:
Ismoth Wins!
If the players die in battle against Arron, he will
be able to ambush Ismoth and his party, but the
result will be a draw. Proceed to the finale: No
Tomas's Store: (The Crossed Blades)
The sign over the door of this wooden building
depicts a pair of crossed swords over a boar’s
head. Through the door, you can see Tomas
stocking shelves and dusting his merchandise.
Tomas is the local sheriff; his store sells general
goods, food stores, and farming equipment at
10% above book price. He doesn't like strangers
generally, but welcomes the party, if roughly.
Old Binn's store: (Binn's Bargin Bin)
This small sod building smells horrible. An old
Peshwah stands outside over a boiling vat filled
with grazer skins that he is stirring with a large
wooden paddle.
He smiles as you approach, showing a shocking
Written by: Adam Beattie
lack of teeth, “Hello, heroes. Want leather
goods? I make saddles, armor, packs, belts,
coats, and the like. If you tell me what you want,
I can go see what I’ve got in the shop.”
Binn is an old Peshwah who sells leather goods
and a few specialty items. He can sell any light
armor, piece of tack, or other leather item from
Chapter 7 of the Player’s Handbook at a 10%
He will sell Peshwah goods to Peshwah
characters or those with a Peshwah trade tattoo.
The Manor:
Built in the shadow of the Ruddy Rocks, the
Da’Bellum manor is a simple one-story manor
house constructed of wood and stone. In a fine
city like Vestfold or Blackmoor it would blend in,
here on the wide plains, the manor house seems
ostentatiously grand.
Attached to the front door is a sign that says,
“Knock once, then wait. Be patient, we’re terribly
If the players knock, read or paraphrase the
A mouth appears on the door and says, “The
Lords Da’Bellum welcome you to the Da’Bellum
manor. Please enter and proceed directly to
your right. Do not touch anything. Not…one…
thing. Got it?”
Without waiting for a response, the magic mouth
disappears and the door swings open into a
small room. The only door out of the room is on
the right wall.
This is a small one story manor built around a
central courtyard. The door opens on a room
with 3 doors. Two of the doors are covered by
illusions of solid walls (DC 25 to break).
The wood paneling of this room is a pale blond
wood. The walls are oddly blank, except for the
door you came in and one door on the eastern
Through the eastern door is a small study.
This large room runs thirty feet from east to
west, and is fifteen feet wide. The walls are lined
with shelves of texts and small knick-knacks.
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 13 -
Facing you from across the room are two men
with dark hair and deep blue eyes.
One of them, slightly taller than the other, is
gazing out a wide window in the southern wall
as you enter. The other turns at your
appearance, lowering the book he is reading.
"Welcome," he says, closing the text, "I am
Jenn, this is my brother Jott. What can the
nobles of house De'Bellum do for you?
If anyone in the party is obviously a member of
the Wizards' Cabal, they will politely answer their
questions, but will not ask them for help.
If the party does not contain any obvious Cabal
members, Jott will say the following:
"I see that you are adventurers. My brother and I
have a problem. Our father raised us both to be
powerful arcanists, but he did not choose one of
us to be his heir. Now that he is gone, the
de'Bellum lands are without a lord. Attadi has
suggested a spell duel, but I will not harm my
brother. We were hoping two of you might be
willing to stand in."
Jenn frowns and continues. "Of course, there is
some risk of death, but we have a powerful
magical scroll and the materials to use it to raise
the dead.”
“If one of you should die, I will use this scroll to
bring you back."
Why do you need to duel, why not just pick?
Our lands are in Ten. The winner must be strong
enough to take our lands back from the flame
loving Afridhi. Unfortunately, we promised the
Baron Shepro that one of us would stay here to
guard this territory from the dragons up in the
Isn't there another way?
Can you propose one? (If the players make a
reasonable suggestion, go with it. The brothers
are not disposed to a spell duel. A reasonable
solution should include a sustained test of
magical prowess that allows each brother to test
the other's defenses and tactics.)
What's in it for us?
My brother and I shall each make you a magical
tool to help your party in your endeavors. This
Written by: Adam Beattie
will take a few days, but we'll deliver it to you if
you cannot wait.
goes to a study, while the one directly ahead
leads to the central garden/arena.
If the players attempt to charge the brothers,
attack them, or arrest them, they will find that a
wall of force (under the effect of a permanency
spell) has been cast across the room. The
brothers, using scrolls made by Jott, teleport
away for a few weeks and return once things
have settled down.
If the players open the right door and go in, read
or paraphrase the following:
Through the western door is an empty ball room.
This 60' by 120' room has simple walls paneled
in pine, and lacks any furniture or decoration. A
door at the far end of the room provides access
to further rooms.
The door is firetrapped (varries by ATL)
The next room is the kitchen/dining space.
This room is clearly a kitchen. Wide counters are
covered in dirty plates and partially eaten food.
A hound dog lies in the corner. It raises its head
to regard you briefly before laying its head back
down. There is a scroll lying on the tall butcherblock table in the center of the room.
The scroll says simply "I'm glad I memorized
exploding runes today." The scroll is trapped
with the exploding runes spell, as cast by Jott.
Through the central door of the entry way is a
50' by 50' courtyard.
This wide courtyard is paved with bricks. Three
doors open off the courtyard, one leads back to
the foyer. The other two lead to the eastern part
of the manor.
Behind those doors are bedrooms, they are
simple and lack any signs of long-term
habitation (the brothers carry bags of holding).
Two nearly identical High Thonian men are
standing in a room without furniture or
adornment. They both have bright blue eyes,
and lustrous black hair. the plain wooden walls
lack any sign of a window, and only two exits are
visible from the room: the door you entered
through, and one behind the two men.
They turn as you enter, and introduce
themselves. “I am Jott,” says the man on the
right, “and this is my brother Jett,” indicating the
other man. “We are so glad you have decided to
pay a visit… We have a need of a third party…
Well, two third parties actually, to settle a
dispute between us. You’ll do wonderfully. You’ll
help us won’t you?”
They are willing to grant the party any one favor
they should ask, if the players will participate in
a game of magic.
Each brother will take up one side of the manor's
central (30ft x 30ft) courtyard. One player must
stand to be a champion for each of the brothers.
Each brother will attempt to kill the other
brother's champion. The brother whose
champion survives, wins. (This is the plan
suggested by Attadi when the brothers returned
from trying to slay Abel.)
While the brothers cannot guarantee the survival
of their champion, they will use their
considerable library of divine potions and
healing wands to heal the party after the battle.
If pressed, they will jointly agree to use a scroll
of wish they purchased as a consolation prize
for the loser, to resurrect the loser's champion.
Chapter Three: Ismoth’s Camp
This room contains a wide bed with silk sheets
and a comfortable pillow. Otherwise, it is empty.
When the players return to Ismoth’s Camp, read
or paraphrase the following:
There is a fire trap on the inside of the second
bedroom. It only triggers when someone closes
the door from the inside, and then attempts to
leave without saying the password (which is
Rushing back to Ismoth’s camp, you arrive to
find two parties facing each other with weapons
There are two more doors out of the room. They
are covered by illusions. The one on the left
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 14 -
As you approach, both groups turn to you.
Ismoth says, “Your timing is impeccable.
Quickly! Help us capture these sorcerers!”
Written by: Adam Beattie
Across from him, the leader of the sorcerers
says, “Don’t listen to him; help us cleanse this
place of these cabalist scum.”
If the players decide to do nothing:
The battle takes place in front of them. Both
sides survive, and both are forced to retreat. The
players earn the Enmity of Ismoth and Arron.
Proceed to the No Winner!
If the players join Ismoth:
ATL 3 (fighting with Ismoth)
Gurrin: Dwarf Sorcerer 4 hp 18; see
appendix 3.
Claire: High Thonian Sorcerer 3 hp 11;
see appendix 3.
Thorg: Thonian Barbarian 3 hp 37; see
appendix 3.
Cynthia: Thonian Druid 4 hp 32; see
appendix 3.
Gurrin: Dwarf Sorcerer 4 hp 18; see
appendix 3.
Claire: High Thonian Sorcerer 3
hp 11; see appendix 3.
Thorg: Thonian Barbarian 3 hp 37;
see appendix 3.
Cynthia: Thonian Druid 4 hp 32; see
appendix 3
ATL 7: (with Ismoth)
Arron: High Thonian Sorcerer 11 HP
35; see appendix 3.
If the players decide to help Arron:
ATL 3: (with Arron)
Jace and Jack Thonian Arcane
Warrior 3 (2) hp 35 each; see appendix
Du'lan, Thonian Arcane Warrior
1/Ranger 3 hp 32; see appendix 2
Sandra: Thonian Cleric (phelia) 4 hp
40; see appendix 2
ATL 5:
Jace and Jack Thonian Arcane
Warrior 3 (2) hp 35 each; see appendix
Du'lan, Thonian Arcane Warrior
1/Ranger 3 hp 32; see appendix 2
Sandra: Thonian Cleric (phelia) 4 hp
40; see appendix 2
ATL 7: (with Arron)
10/Inquisitor 1
hp 60; see appendix 2
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 15 -
Ismoth Wins!
Ismoth grins at you over the scorched remains
of his camp. “Chain ‘em up” he says to his men,
“We’ve done good here. These were the
dangerous ones.”
Du’lan walks up with a slight limp, “Sandra
thinks she can heal the captives well enough to
travel by dawn.” He pauses to look down at the
far off settlement. “What about the rest of them?”
Ismoth shrugs. “I’m sure the Cabal will send
another inquisitor here eventually, but we’ll have
our hands full with this lot. Besides, the
dangerous ones probably all came with this
Du’lan smiles at you. “No doubt about it, the
cabal owes you all a favor.” He grins through the
mask of dried blood and dust on his face.
“Maybe you can join us again!” and then he
goes back to hog-tying sorcerers.
Each member of the party receives the Hatred of
Arron Mage Killer (if Arron is subdued and not
slain), the friendship of Ismoth, the Friendship of
Du’lan, and a Favor of the Wizards’ Cabal.
Arron Wins!
Arron grins as he lifts the severed head of
Ismoth up to eye level. Gazing deeply into the
Inquisitor’s eyes, he asks, “Anybody home?” He
cackles madly before throwing the head aside.
“Somehow, I didn’t think so.”
He then turns his bloodshot eyes to your party,
causing you to shiver involuntarily. “And now for
you lot, right?” He pulls out his knife and looks at
you for a minute. “I guess you can go your own
way. Have fun.”
Each member of the party receives the Undying
Hatred of Du’lan, and the Hatred of Ismoth the
Redeemer (if Ismoth and Du’lan is subdued and
not slain), and a commendation of the Eldritch
No Winner!
In the distance, Ruddy Rock burns. The battle
was hard fought. But when it spread into the
town, the locals got involved in the fight, some
joining on each side. You watch from a distance
as Arron and Ismoth’s parties each flee from the
flames, going off to regroup.
Written by: Adam Beattie
Assign certificates
Experience Points:
Thonian woman named Meliiya, who resides in
the town of Boggy Bottom. Perhaps future
encounters with Meliiya might lead to other
Reward the player characters experience points
for items completed below:
Chapter One
Receive Package: 50xp
Keep or return Package: 50xp
Encounter Blackbird: 50xp
Go with Ismoth: 100xp
Survive summoned elementals: 100xp
Solve Jenn and Jott's dilemma: 50xp
Encounter Tomas: 50xp
Survive Final Encounter: 300xp
750 XP
List by each chapter what the players may have
to take away from this episode. Values provided
are full market value. Items sold are redeemed
at half value, while gems may be redeemed for
full value. Maximum gold piece value for the
episode (excluding certificate) is as follows:
ATL 3: 750 gp
ATL 5: 1,000 gp
ATL 7: 1,250 gp
Episode Hook
Funds from Ismoth
100gp X ATL
Purchase from The Trapper (6)
This player character has purchased the
following checked items:
• Crocodile Hide Armor +1 (1,165 gp)
• Oil of Shillelagh (value 50 gp)
• Potion of Endure Elements (value 50
• Potion of Hide from Animals (value 50
• Potion of Magic Fang (value 50 gp)
• Potion of Aid (value 300 gp)
• Potion of Barkskin +2 (value 300 gp)
• Arbir +1 (value 2,695 gp)
• Longspear +1 (value 2,305 gp)
• Shortspear +1 (value 2,301 gp)
• Spear +1 (value 302 gp)
Any items not purchased during the episode
should be crossed out before the judge signs the
Attention of Meliiya: This human PC has
gained the initial interest of the middle-aged
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 16 -
Wizard’s Cabal Access: For coming to the aid
of the Wizards’ Cabal you are granted access as
follows during this event only:
One arcane scroll of 1 level: Scroll name:
_____ Scroll Value _____gp
One arcane scroll of 2 level: Scroll name:
_____ Scroll Value _____gp
At a cost of two Wizards’ Cabal favors this
player gains access to one of the following:
• One arcane scroll of 3 level: Scroll
name: _____ Scroll Value _____gp
• Ring of Protection +2 (8,000gp)
• Amulet of Health +2 (4,00gp)
• Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000gp)
• Headband of Intellect +2 (4,000gp)
At a cost of four Wizards’ Cabal favors this
player gains access to one of the following:
• One arcane scroll of 4 level: Scroll
name: _____ Scroll Value _____gp
• Ring of Protection +3 (18,000gp)
• Ring of Counterspells (4,000gp)
• Metamagic Rod, enlarge, lesser
• Metamagic Rod, extend, lesser,
At a cost of eight Wizards’ Cabal favors this
player gains access to one the following:
• One arcane scroll of 5 level: Scroll
name: _____ Scroll Value _____gp
• Bag of Holding Type II (5,000gp)
• Ring of Counterspells (4,000gp)
• Pearl of Power 3 (9,000gp)
As favors are used, the certificates should be
marked as used and attached to this certificate.
The favors used are NOT cumulative and each
favor requires new favors to be used.
Commendations may be used in lieu of favors.
Circle the items purchased.
Total value:
Attacking Ismoth or his party:
Mark of the Wizards’ Cabal
You have attacked one of the Wizards’ Cabal’s
most respected members. For that you have
been marked openly by the Wizards’ Cabal.
Check the penalty that applies:
Assault: You attacked a member of the
Wizards’ Cabal. Cost is one (1) Time Unit.
Murder: You murdered a member of the
Written by: Adam Beattie
Wizards’ Cabal. Cost is four (4)Time Units.
The time unit penalty should be marked on the
character log sheet.
Chapter Three: Ismoth’s Camp
ATL 3-5
Dragonhide plate This suit of green dragon
scale, full plate armor is designed to be worn by
a medium sized female humanoid. This armor
can be resized by an armorer at the cost of 1TU
and 100gp. (value 3,300gp)
+1 Greatsword This sword has a
reputation for causing chaos. The hilt is painted
a garish red. (value 2,350gp)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (2) (value 1,000gp
Pearl of Power – 1 Level (value 800gp) This
pearl has been chipped from use but is still
Wand of Magic Missile (Caster Level 3) 50
charges – cross out any charges that have been
used. (value 2,250gp)
ATL 7 (Cumulative with ATL 3-5)
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (value 300gp)
Ring of Protection +2 (value 8,000gp)
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 (value 8,000gp)
Cloak of Charisma +2 (value 4,000gp)
Ismoth Wins!
Each member of the party receives the Hatred of
Arron Mage Killer (if Arron is subdued and not
slain), the friendship of Ismoth, the Friendship of
Du’lan, and a Favor of the Wizards’ Cabal.
350 gp – miscellaneous treasure.
Arron Wins!
Each member of the party receives the Enmity
of Du’lan, and the Enmity of Ismoth the
Redeemer (if Ismoth and Du’lan is subdued and
not slain), Friendship of Arron, Mage Killer, and
a commendation of the Eldritch Underground.
All treasure is confiscated in reparation for
damages caused to the Wizards’ Cabal and
No Winner.
Assign certificates
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 17 -
Written by: Adam Beattie
Appendix 1: Notables of Ruddy Rock
Attadi: Half-Elf Wokan 7; CR 7; medium sized humanoid (half-elf); HD 7d6; hp 32; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +2 Bracers of Armor +2); Base Atk +5; Grp +4; Atk +4 melee
(1d6-1/x3, handaxe), missile +7 (1d6+1/x3, shortbow +1); Full Atk +4 melee (1d6-1/x3, handaxe), missile
+7 (1d6+1/x3, shortbow +1); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Wild empathy, Free thought, Woodland stride,
Borrow nature's power (2/day), Wild Shape (1/day); AL CG;
SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +9; Abilities: Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +10, Handle Animal +12, Knowledge (nature) +11, Spellcraft
+11, Survival +13; Natural Spell, Extend Spell, Empower Spell, Brew Potion; speaks peshwah, common,
and cumasti.
Spells Prepared: (7/5/4/2/1, save DC 13 + Spell Level) 0- Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Light, Ray of
Dirt, Resistance, Detect Poison, Create Water, 1- Shield, Protection From Evil, Mud, Magic Missile,
Magic Missile, 2- Protection From Energy, Bull's Strength, Invisibility, Detect Thoughts, 3- Elemental Ball
(Air), Empowered Magic Missile, 4- Summon Nature's Ally IV.
Possessions: 13gp – Hand Axe, adventurer's outfit, 50' of hemp rope, 20 arrows, 5 torches, 3 small
topazes (12gp, 18gp, 25gp).
Magic Items: Shortbow +1, Bracers of Armor +2, Cloak of Resistance +1
Description: Attadi is a hard man with dark skin and deeply carved lines in his brow and around his eyes.
His slightly pointed ears are pierced with a half dozen gold and silver rings, and he wears a hemp
necklace set with three small topazes around his narrow neck. He wears his hair back in a thick gray
Attadi has lived on the lands at the edge of the High Hak all his life, though he journeyed to help
defend the north against the armies of the empire, and the second invasion by the Egg of Coot. Attadi
enforces the peace of Ruddy Rock with an iron fist. The small town cannot afford to keep guilty men
captive, so punishment consists of death or exile.
Attadi allowed the Eldritch Underground to come into Ruddy Rock because he felt sympathy for
the sorcerers. Since then he has had to kill many sorcerers who have broken his law. He begins to
wonder if the organization cares about the character of its members at all.
Tomas: Thonian Rogue 2/Fighter 1; CR 3; medium sized humanoid (thonian); HD 2d6 + 1d10; hp 20;
Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 Chain shirt +1); Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk
+3 melee (1d8+2/19-20x2, Longsword +1), missile +6 (1d6/x3, Masterwork shortbow); Full Atk +3 melee
(1d8+2/19-20x2, Longsword +1), missile +6 (1d6/x3, Masterwork shortbow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA:
Sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding, Evasion; AL NG;
SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3; Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Appraise +4, Bluff +7, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Open Lock
+7, Ride +4, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6; Iron Will, Parry Arrows, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Deflect
Spells; speaks common, and thonian.
Possessions: 19gp, Masterwork Shortbow, 20 arrows.
Magic Items: Chain shirt +1, Longsword +1
Description: Tomas is the head of Ruddy Rock's community council. He is also the current proprietor of
the trading post that has always been the heart of the small settlement. He is a short man with a bit of a
gut. His hair is close cropped and graying at the temples.
Tomas' chief duty is to deal with outsiders who come to Ruddy Rock. He has become very
efficient at killing spellcasters, as many of the troublemakers who come to Ruddy Rock are members of
the Eldritch Underground. He only attacks those who have broken the rules.
If anyone breaks the rules of Ruddy Rock Tomas and Attadi put them down with brutal efficiency.
Of course, there aren't many rules in this rugged settlement. The rules are: don't kill anyone, and don't
steal. Tomas is fond of taking a pose and pronouncing these rules unto newcomers whenever possible.
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 18 -
Written by: Adam Beattie
Jenn De'bellum: High Thonian Sorcerer 9; CR 9; medium sized humanoid (high thonian); HD 9d4; hp
20; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 mage armor); Base Atk +4; Grp +4; Atk +4
melee (1d4/19-20x2, dagger); Full Atk +4 melee (1d4/19-20x2, dagger); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA:
[special abilities]; AL NG;
SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +7; Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 19.
Skills and Feats: [skills]; [feats]; speaks [languages].
Possessions: 11,999gp, dagger.
Magic Items:[Magic Items]
Spells per Day: 6/7/7/7/5, save DC 14 + Spell Level.
Spells Known: 0- 1- Mage Armor, 2- , 3- , 4Jott De'Bellum: High Thonian Wizard 9; CR 9; medium sized humanoid (high thonian); HD 9d4; hp 20;
Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 mage armor); Base Atk +4; Grp +4; Atk +4 melee
(1d4/19-20x2, dagger); Full Atk +4 melee (1d4/19-20x2, dagger); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: [special
abilities]; AL NG;
SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +7; Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: [skills]; [feats]; speaks [languages].
Possessions: 11,999gp, dagger.
Magic Items:[Magic Items]
Spells Prepared: (4/5/5/4/3/1, save DC 14 + Spell Level) 0- , 1- , 2- , 3- , 4- , 5- Wall of Force.
25 (11)
Spells Known: 0- All, 1- Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Shocking Grasp, 2Scorching Ray, 3- Arcane Sight, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, 4- Charm Person, , 5- Cone of Cold, Dominate
Person, Permanency, Wall of Force
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 19 -
Written by: Adam Beattie
Appendix 2: Ismoth and his Allies
Inquisitor Ismoth “The Redeemer”: High Thonian Wizard 10/Inquisitor 1; CR 11; medium sized humanoid
(high thonian); HD 10d4 + 1d8; hp 60; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +2
natural, +2 deflection, +4 Extended Mage Armor); Base Atk +6; Grp +5; Atk +6 melee (1d8-1/19-20x2,
Longsword), missile +8 (1d8/19-20x2, Light Crossbow); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8-1/19-20x2, Longsword),
missile +8 (1d8/19-20x2, Light Crossbow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Arcane Defense +1, Detect magic
(at will); AL LG;
SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +11; Abilities: Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +15, Craft (alchemy) +17, Decipher Script +17, Knowledge
(arcana) +17, Ride +7, Spellcraft +17, Spot +6, Survival +7; Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Iron Will,
Racial Reputation (cumasti), Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (concentration), Spell Focus (enchantment), Track;
speaks chale, common, celestial, draconic, and cumasti.
Possessions: 55 gp., Masterwork Longsword, Masterwork Light Crossbow, Light Warhorse, and
a Military Saddle.
Magic Items: Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Ring of Protection +2, Amulet of Natural Armor
+2, and a Headband of Intellect +2.
Wizard Spells Known (in spell focus): 0- all level 0 spells, 1- Charm Person, Elemental Bolt (water),
Elemental Bolt (air), Mage Armor, Sleep, 2- Darkness, Invisibility, Mustang's Speed, Touch of Idiocy, 3Deep Slumber, Elemental Ball (air), Elemental Ball (earth), Hold Person, Suggestion, 4- Charm
Monster, Confusion, Elemental Summons I, Lesser Spell Turning, 5- Cabal's Curse, Dominate
Person, Elemental Summons II, Feeblemind.
Inquisitor Spells Known (in spell focus): 1- True Strike, Shield, 2- Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace
Wizard Spells Prepared: (4/5/5/4/4/2, save DC 15 + Spell Level, +1 to DC for enchantment spells) 0Breeze, Breeze, 1- Charm Person, Elemental Bolt (water), Elemental Bolt (water), Elemental Bolt
(air), Elemental Bolt (air), 2- Darkness, Touch of Idiocy, Extended Mage Armor, Extended Sleep,
Extended Sleep, 3- Deep Slumber, Elemental Ball (air), Empowered Elemental Bolt (water),
Empowered Elemental Bolt (air), 4- Charm Monster, Confusion, Elemental Summons I, Lesser Spell
Turning, 5- Cabal's Curse, Dominate Person.
Inquisitor Spells Prepared: (2/1, save DC 15 + Spell Level, +1 to DC for enchantment spells)
1- True Strike, Shield, 2-Bull's Strength.
Description: Ismoth is a pale man with thin limbs and fine golden hair that hangs loosely about his
shoulders. His narrow face bears a deep scar along the left side of his jaw. He tends to stalk about, his
eyes always moving, watching for signs of danger or duplicity.
Ismoth has long been a member of the Wizards Cabal and a defender of the helpless. Two years
ago he was approached by the Arcane Inquisition, and drafted as an Inquisitor. Ismoth now hunts for
dangerous sorcerers. He focuses on sorcerers who have killed innocents, or those who have actively
broken the cabal's laws of magic in ways other than their mere existence.
His utter devotion to the safety of others has earned the respect of the Cumasti elves. Once,
while riding on the elf road, Ismoth came upon a coach being assaulted by human brigands. Ismoth did
not pause, but rode straight into battle, giving the coach time to escape. Though badly wounded in the
encounter, Ismoth managed to survive until Cumasti guard could arrive to save him. The elven lady he
saved wrote a grand poem in his honor, which many Cumasti have heard.
Ismoth prefers to capture renegade sorcerers, believing deeply that sorcerers can be redeemed if
treated fairly. Ismoth never attempts to kill a humanoid opponent if he can capture them instead. In
combat he always prefers spells which target the mind, rather than the body.
His friends reward his selflessness with loyalty. He trusts those who follow him completely, and
he knows each of them are willing to lay down their lives for him. He tries to reward their loyalty by never
risking their lives foolishly, or asking them to act in a dishonorable way.
When portraying Ismoth, keep two words in mind: noble, and weary.
Jace and Jack: (2) Thonian Arcane Warrior 3; CR 3; medium sized humanoid (thonian); HD 3d8; hp 35;
Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 19, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +2 Heavy steel shield, +7 Banded mail +1);
Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk +6 melee (1d8+2/19-20x2, Masterwork longsword), missile +5 (1d8/19-20x2,
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 20 -
Written by: Adam Beattie
masterwork longbow); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+2/19-20x2, Masterwork longsword), missile +5 (1d8/1920x2, masterwork longbow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Detect Magic (arcane); SQ: Fey Touched,
Arcane Fortitude; AL LN;
SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2; Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Knowledge (arcana) +6, Ride +9, Sense Motive +5; Power Attack, Cleave,
Mounted Combat; speaks common, and profectorrin.
Possessions: 12 gp, Heavy steel shield, Masterwork longsword, Masterwork longbow, Short sword, Light
horse, Military saddle, Adventurer's outfit.
Magic Items: Banded mail +1, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.
Jace is squat, with dark hair and a broad flat nose. Jack is only a little taller, with light brown hair and a
ready smile. Jace and Jack are rarely apart. They have grown so accustomed to one another's company
since they began their training to be arcane warriors, that neither is comfortable in the absence of the
Jace and Jack met Ismoth when they were sent together to battle a sorcerer who had taken to
banditry on the road between Maus and Blackmoor. Ismoth impressed them first with his skill as a wizard,
and second with his dedication to capturing the sorcerer alive. Where many other wizards of the cabal
would have gladly ambushed the sorcerer, Ismoth insisted on approaching him directly, and demanding
his surrender.
They have traveled with Ismoth for ever since, and both would gladly die for him. They are fond of
answering questions in a manner similar to the following: “Jace: Oh yeah, remember that time that mage
did that thing? Jack: Yeah, that was cool, especially the way... Jace: ...he did that thing.. Jack: ...with the
wand.. Jace: ...and Ismoth... Jack: ..yeah, that was awesome. Jace: Huh, I guess you had to be there”
Du'lan: Thonian Arcane Warrior 1/Ranger 3; CR 4; medium sized humanoid (thonian); HD 1d8 + 3d8; hp
32; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +5 Chain shirt +1); Base Atk +4; Grp +5;
Atk +6 melee (1d8+1/19-20x2, masterwork longsword), missile +9 (1d8+1d6 fire/19-20x2, masterwork
longbow with fire arrows); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+1/19-20x2, masterwork longsword), missile +7/+7
(1d8+1d6 fire/19-20x2, masterwork longbow with fire arrows); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Detect Magic
(arcane), Favored enemy (humanoid: thonian); AL LN;
SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5; Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +5, Hide +9, Knowledge (nature) +6, Listen +8, Move silently
+9, Ride +9, ; Endurance, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track, Weapon Focus (Longbow);
speaks common, and profectorrin.
Possessions: 282 gp, Masterwork longsword, Masterwork longbow, Short sword, Light horse, Military
saddle, Adventurer's outfit.
Magic Items: Chain shirt +1, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.
Description: Du'lan is a young thonian, who is barely 17 years old. He is a fair skinned skinny little farm
boy. Du'lan is in love with adventure. He faces the danger and uncertainty of the road with the innocence
of youth, certain that he and his friends will prevail over evil and win the day.
Du'lan came to travel with Ismoth after Ismoth captured Du'lan's mother as a rogue sorcerer. She
had been fleeing with Du'lan for years, narrowly evading capture and death several times a year. When
Ismoth tracked her down, early in his career as a wizard of the cabal, he came alone and unarmed. He
talked her into turning herself in, in part, so that Du'lan could live “a normal life.” At her trial, Ismoth spoke
in her defense, urging the tribunal of the Wizards Cabal to remember both her young child, and the fact
that she turned herself in. Her punishment, several years of forced service fighting against the
sorcererous threat, was stiff, but not lethal, and she now resides in Vestfold, under the watchful eye of the
Wizards Cabal. Du'lan joined Ismoth at the age of 16, as soon as he was able to finish his training as an
arcane warrior. Since then he has learned that the life of an arcane warrior is not easy, but he remains
hopeful and optimistic about his future, and the direction of the cabal.
Du'lan can often be heard saying things like “Wow! Look at that bird.. lizard.. monster.. thing.
Think we could ride it!?” and, “Oh sure, of course the cabal is right, Ismoth helps them, and Ismoth would
never do the wrong thing.” He grins constantly.
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 21 -
Written by: Adam Beattie
Sandra: Thonian Cleric (phelia) 4; CR 4; medium sized humanoid (thonian); HD 1d8 +3d8; hp 40; Init +1;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dex, +2 Heavy steel shield, +7 Banded mail +1); Base Atk
+3; Grp +4; Atk +5 melee (1d8+1/x2, masterwork heavy mace); Full Atk +5 melee (1d8+1/x2,
masterwork heavy mace); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Turn undead; AL NG;
SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +7; Abilities: Str 13, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Heal +10, Ride +4; Power Attack, Mounted Combat, Ride by Attack; speaks
common, and profectorrin.
Possessions: 12 gp, Heavy steel shield, Masterwork heavy mace, Short sword, Light horse, Military
saddle, Adventurer's outfit.
Magic Items: Banded mail +1, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.
Spells Prepared: (4/3+1/2+1, save DC 13 + Spell Level) 0- Create Water, Detect Magic, Light,
Resistance, 1- Bless, Deathwatch, Sanctuary, Protection from Evil, 2- Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Aid.
Description: Sandra is a dark haired matronly woman with bright green eyes. She is a tough woman, who
doesn't have much use for those who complain about their lot in life. Her hair is always tied back in a thick
braid that goes down to the middle of her back.
Sandra is the only member of Ismoth's followers who is not bound by service to the cabal. She
met Ismoth when he was much younger, as a young cleric of Phelia in Vestfold. The two are now deeply
committed to each other, and their common cause of bringing an end to the war between the wizards
cabal and the sorcerers of the north. She has sworn an oath to Du'lan's mother that he would be
protected, and she uses her powers as a cleric of Phellia to help him whenever danger threatens.
Secretly she believes that it was a mistake for Ismoth to accept a commission as an Inquisitor, believing
that he sacrificed a great deal of freedom to gain the formal support of the cabal in his work.
Sandra is most likely to speak up right after someone has just said or done something rather
stupid, quipping out a quick “Well that wasn't very smart,” or, “next time, do it like this.” If asked about her
reasons for adventuring, Sandra focuses on the plight of the common man, and the good that Ismoth has
done by eliminating sorcerers that have threatened the peace, and the many lives they have saved
Episode XXVIX: An Inevitable Confrontation- 22 -
Written by: Adam Beattie
Appendix 3: The Wild Bunch
Arron: High Thonian Sorcerer 11; CR 11; medium sized humanoid (high thonian); HD 11d4; hp 35; Init
+2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +2 Ring of Protection +2, +4 Mage Armor, +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +2); Base Atk +5; Grp +4; Atk missile +8 (1d8/19-20x2, masterwork light
crossbow); Full Atk missile +8 (1d8/19-20x2, masterwork light crossbow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; AL
SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8; Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: concentration +14, knowledge (aranca) +16, spellcraft +16, bluff +17; extend
spell, empower spell, dodge, spell focus (evocation); speaks common, .
Possessions: 55 gp., Masterwork Quarterstaff, Masterwork Light Crossbow, Light Warhorse, and a
Military Saddle.
Magic Items: Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Ring of Protection +2, Amulet of Natural Armor +2, and
a Cloak of Charisma +2.
Spells per Day: 6/7/7/7/6/4, save DC 14 + Spell Level +1 when casting evocation spells.
Spells Known: 0- Arcane Mark, Breeze, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Light, Mage Hand, Ray of
Frost, Shrapnel 1- Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Shocking Grasp, 2- Melf's
Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Scorching ray, See Invisibility, Shatter, 3- Elemental Ball (earth), Fly,
Lightning Bolt, 4- Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Wall of Fire, 5- Cone of Cold, Elemental
Summons II.
Arron is a very dangerous man. The Eldritch Underground calls on Arron to kill people when someone in
the Cabal makes too much trouble. He enjoys his work, perhaps too much.
Arron is blunt. He does nothing to hide his belief that all members of the Cabal, and all their allies
must die. This includes King Uther, his allies, and every living man woman and child in Vestfold. Arron is
utterly chaotic. He revels in refusing to act according to anyone's law.
Arron's followers know that he cares very little about their well-being, gladly sending them into
battle, trusting that the strong will survive. As such, he must constantly replace members of his team, as
others are killed off, captured, or simply leave. Only Cynthia, a druid and Arron's lover, has stayed with
him through the entirety of his private war.
When portraying Arron remember two words: Logical Psychopath.
Cynthia: Thonian Druid 4; CR 4; medium sized humanoid (thonian); HD 4d8; hp 32; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC
19, touch 18, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +8 dragonhide full plate); Base Atk +3; Grp +2; Atk +2 melee (1d2
(subdual)/[crit], [weapon type]); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: Nature sense, Wild empathy, Woodland
stride, Trackless step, Resist nature's lure; AL NE;
SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +7; Abilities: Str 8, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: concentration + 8, hide +4, handle animal +7, knowledge (arcana) +9, knowledge
(nature) +9, knowledge (religion) +9, move silently +4, survival +10; augment summoning, spell focus
(conjuration), track; speaks common, sylvan, and westryn.
Possessions: Dragonhide full plate.
Animal Companion: Dire weasel “Dee-doh” (medium animal, hp:22) see MM pg 65., add Link and
Share Spells as extraordinary abilities.
Spells Prepared: (5/4/3, save DC 13 + Spell Level) 0- Breeze, Detect magic, Resistance, Resistance,
Resistance, 1- Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Entangle, 2- Barkskin,
Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere.
Description: Cynthia is a simple looking woman in her mid-thirties. She has brown hair and brown eyes.
Her hair is a messy rat's nest of tangled curls and knotted clumps.
Simply put, Cynthia hates mankind. She hates the damage that has been done to the forests. She
hates the chaos of the cities. She hates the pollution and destruction caused by mines and war. She
blames all this on the laws of man, and those who protect them.
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Cynthia wants to kill people, and tear down anything resembling a lawful society.
Thorg: Thonian Barbarian 3; CR 3; medium sized humanoid (thonian); HD 3d12; hp 37; Init +1; Spd 40
ft.; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt); Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk +6 melee
(2d6+4/19-20x2, greatsword +1); Full Atk +6 melee (2d6+4/19-20x2, greatsword +1); Space/Reach 5
ft./5 ft.; SA: Fast movement, rage 1/day, Uncanny dodge, Trap sense +1; AL CE;
SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2; Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: [3 skills @6]; Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Sunder; speaks common.
Possessions: Adventurer's outfit, Chain shirt, a toy horse, and 49gp
Magic Items: Greatsword +1
Description: Thorg is a huge thonian man. His hair is so pale as to be nearly white, with dark black eyes
that are usually bloodshot.
Thorg revels in bloodshed and murder. He suffers from horrible nightmares, wherein dark voices
urge him to do terrible things to the people he has seen that day. Thorg travels with Arron because Arron
lets him kill people.
Thorg, when he speaks, tends to wonder aloud how the person he is speaking to would taste,
unless they have impressed him with their ability to lay waste to all who oppose them. Those who show
impressive power will find Thorg to be quite willing to abandon his current master and follow them.. as
long as he can kill people.
Claire: High Thonian Sorcerer 3; CR 3; medium sized humanoid (high thonian); HD 3d4; hp 11; Init +0;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 mage armor); Base Atk +1; Grp +0; Atk +0 melee (1d41/19-20x2, dagger); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: none; AL NG;
SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4; Abilities: Str 8, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 17.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +14, Concentration +6, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (the planes)
+9, Spellcraft +9, ; Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Bluff), Persuasive ; speaks common, dwarven, chale.
Possessions: dagger, backpack, saddle, 3 torches, and a sack of grain.
Magic Items: Cloak of Resistance +1, Pearl of Power 1 level.
Spells per Day: 6/6, save DC 13 + Spell level.
Spells Known: 0- Arcane Mark, Breeze, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Shrapnel 1- Mage Armor,
Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp.
Description: Claire is an attractive young High Thonian woman who always seems slightly confused. She
spent most of her youth studying the history of the empire. One evening, while fighting off boredom in her
families library, she began to stare into the fire of a candle. The next thing she remembers is running into
the woods as her families manner burned behind her.
It's only been a month since then, and she hasn't been given a chance to figure out what she
wants to do. She ran into Arron and his gang in the first eldritch underground hideout she was lead to.
Arron immediately drafter her, and she has been run hard ever since. Now she's too terrified to disobey
him, and she's done some terrible things with her rapidly growing powers.
Claire wants out, but she will have to be convinced that Arron or the Wizard's Cabal won't kill her.
She is willing to be punished, but she will not surrender if she is certain she will die, and Arron has
convinced her that the Cabalists will simply torture and kill her.
When the wild bunch is traveling, she rides with Gurrin.
Gurrin: Dwarf Sorcerer 4; CR 4; medium sized humanoid (dwarf); HD 4d4+4; hp 18; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.;
AC [ac], touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 mage armor); Base Atk +2; Grp +1; Atk +2 melee (1d81/x3, masterwork battleaxe); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA: dwarven traits, Darkvision 60ft; AL [alignment];
SV Fort* +3, Ref* +3, Will* +6 *+2 vs. spells and spell-like effects, or poison; Abilities: Str 8, Dex 12, Con
12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +11, Concentration +8, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Spellcraft +9; Martial
Weapon Proficiency, Persuasive; speaks common, dwarven, orc, terran, and gnome.
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Possessions: Masterwork Battleaxe, bedroll, backpack, 50ft of hemp rope, light riding horse, military
rd level caster
Magic Items: Cloak of Resistance +1, wand of magic missile (3
Spells per Day: 6/7/4, save DC 14 + Spell Level +1 when casting evocation spells.
Spells Known: 0- Arcane Mark, Breeze, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand 1- Mage
Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, 2- Scorching Ray
Description: Gurrin is a hard boiled dwarven sorcerer. He is dark skinned with hard, flinty eyes. His blueblack hair is pulled back into tightly woven braids.
Once upon a time Gurrin believed strongly in the war against the cabal, but the years have been
hard on him. Gurrin is growing increasingly concerned about Arron and his tactics. He's watched Arron
basically kidnap Claire and drag her into a war she was barely aware of a year ago. Thorg is little more
than a mass murdering psychopath on a leash, and Gurrin doubts how long the leash will hold.
Gurrin wants to take Claire and leave, but Arron never leaves him alone with the young sorcerer.
Gurrin is watching for a chance to ask Claire to run with him. He suspects Arron will follow them, unless
he can be “dealt with,” but he's more than willing to arrange an accident.
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Written by: Adam Beattie
Appendix 4: Ismoth's Exploits
At the age of 10, Ismoth found an old wizard's focus in a field near his home. The
focus was lost in a battle nearly a decade before.
At the age of 12, Ismoth uses a spell he learned from the focus to defeat a group
of Kobolds attempting to ransack his family's farm. When the Cabal hears of this,
they sent their local magistrate to collect the stone, and Ismoth. The Cabalists
were amazed that the young man had taught himself how to wield the magic of a
spell focus, and attempted to take him on as an apprentice. Ismoth's family
refused to allow him to learn what they called “paltry tricks.” The cabalists, unable
to force the matter, left.
At the age of 16, Ismoth ran away from home, and took the entrance exam at the
Ard Academy of Magic, passing easily and gaining a full scholarship. Ismoth meets
Sandra, a novitiate at the church of Phelia, where he regularly attends services.
At the age of 18, Ismoth graduated from Ard's Academy of Magic, several years
At the age of 23, Ismoth rescues a Duchess of the Cumasti elves from bandits
along the elf road. She commemorates him in a grand poem. Cumasti everywhere
learn of the brave wizard Ismoth.
By age 24, Ismoth had tracked down and arrested 25 sorcerers. Notably, none of
them were killed, and all but one turned themselves in. One of these was Du'lan's
At the age of 25, Ismoth brings the 10 year old boy Du'lan to live with the priests of
Phelia while his mother lives out her sentence of service to the cabal. While at the
church Ismoth runs into his old friend Sandra. They go out for a night of drink and
talk, by morning she has sworn to join Ismoth in his crusade to complete the
arcane inquisition within his lifetime - peacefully.
At the age of 26, Ismoth is joined by Jace and Jack, and charged with capturing a
sorcerer renowned for evading capture by starting fires and attacking common
people - forcing the inquisition to stop and clean up the mess. Ismoth walked up to
him in a bar and challenged him to a drinking contest. Once both the sorcerer and
Ismoth had passed out, Jace and Jack each picked one of them up, and carried
them back to Vestfold. Jace and Jack requested a permanent assignment with
At the age of 30, Ismoth is asked to join the inquisition formally as an Inquisitor. He
is now credited with the capture of 63 sorcerers.
At the age of 31, Ismoth returns to witness Du'lan's formal elevation to Arcane
Warrior, and requests that the young warrior be assigned as his personal body
At the age of 32 (six months ago), Ismoth and his team track down and subdue a
gang of sorcerers known as the kindred, they bring back 15 living arcanists, and
another 30 are found dead in their hideout north of Bramwald. Ismoth is heard to
lament this as his greatest failure, which earns him the nickname “redeemer” for
his belief in the cabal's ability to redeem any sorcerer, given enough time.
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Written by: Adam Beattie
Appendix 5: Ruddy Rock
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Written by: Adam Beattie
Player Handout 1:
Whosoever shall receive this letter,
We call upon any member of the Wizards’ Cabal presented
with this letter to accord its bearer, Inquisitor Ismoth, their
assistance in whatever tasks he may demand. Obey him as you
would me, or suffer the consequences.
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Written by: Adam Beattie
Player Handout 2
Dear sir or madam,
I am in search of a group of able-bodied adventurers for an important
task in the name of the Wizards’ Cabal. Each of you will face the possibility
of death and deprivation if you choose to accept this task. I ask you to aid
me with your eyes wide open to the dangerous nature of the task ahead,
but I cannot give you many details.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to accompany
my team and I in our search for a group of dangerous wielders of arcane
magic. We have evidence that these sorcerers or rogue casters have killed
at least four innocents, and may have murdered others of their number for
their possessions (gold, magical items, jewels, and so forth).
I and my team are known to the Eldritch Underground and many of
their rogue casters. Your task will be to escort us to the settlement where
these sorcerers are hiding, identify the sorcerers and their allies, and then
assist in their capture. This task will earn you my respect, and the favor of
the Wizards’ Cabal.
If you are willing to help, keep the money in these purses as a down
payment on your services, further payment will be provided when the task
is complete. If you are uninterested in this offer, simply leave this package
with the bartender and forget that we ever spoke.
In service to the Cabal,
Inquisitor Ismoth
Servant of the Wizards’’ Cabal
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Written by: Adam Beattie
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Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor: Episode XXIX: An Inevitable Conflict by Adam Beattie, Copyright 2006 Zeitgeist Games, Inc.
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Written by: Adam Beattie