2012 Annual Report - The Alaska Community Foundation
2012 Annual Report - The Alaska Community Foundation
ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT As a statewide platform for philanthropy, The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) partners with donors to strengthen and enrich Alaska’s communities forever. CON N EC TIN G P E OP LE WHO CAR E W I TH CAUSES THAT M ATTER . board staff 2012 OFFICERS Susan Behlke Foley, Chair Blythe Campbell, Vice Chair Angela Cox, First Vice Chair Kris Norosz, Secretary Bernie Washington, Treasurer Carla Beam, Past Chair Candace Winkler, President & CEO Kate Gerlek, Chief Financial Officer Vicky Parks, Accounting Associate Anne Remick, Program Officer Ricardo Lopez, Program Officer Jessie Menkens, Board Liaison Marlene Vail, Administrative Assistant Mariko Sarafin, Program Associate Anna Dalton, Program Associate Ethan Tyler, Major Gifts Officer Löki Gale Tobin, Communications Heather Beaty, Pick.Click.Give. BOARD MEMBERS Leo Bustad Morgan Christen Kathryn Dodge Diane Kaplan Rick Nerland Peter Michalski Penny Pedersen John Rubini Governor Bill Sheffield Alex Slivka Kate Slyker Andy Teuber Lane Tucker Don Zoerb, III ACF STA F F Staff pictured left to right, top to bottom address information 3201 C St #110 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 PHONE: 907.334.6700 EMAIL: [email protected] www.alaskacf.org Board pictured left to right, top to bottom AC F B OA R D O F DI R E C TO RS temperature & light FOR ALASKA APRIL 43°F/6°C 16:20 DAYLIGHT MAY 54°F/12°C 19:55 DAYLIGHT MARCH 34°F/1°C 13:10 DAYLIGHT JUNE 63°F/17°C 24:00 DAYLIGHT FEBRUARY 26°F/-3°C 10:34 DAYLIGHT JULY 65°F/18°C 21:36 DAYLIGHT AUGUST 65°F/18°C 17:41 DAYLIGHT JANUARY 20°F/-7°C 8:16 DAYLIGHT DECEMBER 20°F/-7°C 7:35 DAYLIGHT SEPTEMBER 57°F/14°C 14:25 DAYLIGHT NOVEMBER 31°F/-1°C 9:01 DAYLIGHT OCTOBER 43°F/6°C 11:34 DAYLIGHT www.alaskacf.org PAGE 1 OUR COMMUNITY AT WORK Photo: Susan Behlke Foley, Chair, ACF Board of Directors & Candace Winkler, President & CEO. Stories create community, build society and define our shared culture. Our stories describe who we are and explain where we have come from. The stories we know about philanthropic giving are many and varied. They are stories of a volunteer who paints sets for a local theater production and makes a financial gift every year; stories of a child who asks for cans of soup to give to a food bank instead of presents for his birthday; stories of a neighbor who hunts and shares his moose harvest with families in need; and, stories of community members who bequest their entire estates to the communities they love. As Alaskans, we have many of these stories … stories of impact, of community and of giving back; however, too often they are not shared. In this report, we reflect on ACF’s 18 year history and realize that the story of ACF parallels that of Alaska’s greater philanthropic landscape. Our story is of an organization that originated as a shared dream and has become an efficient and impactful tool for all Alaskans. In the early years our growth was slow, as individuals were unfamiliar with the power of community philanthropy and the community foundation structure. As Alaskans recognize the power of philanthropy to impact our statewide community, ACF has experienced dramatic growth. We are humbled by the level of comfort and trust that implies. Our work continues as we began 18 years ago, innovatively finding ways to make philanthropy easy, cost-effective and impactful. Whether it is expanding our Affiliate program to include more local foundations in our statewide platform or creating the Philanthropy Hub, ACF is working continually to cultivate, celebrate and sustain philanthropy of all forms. We can’t do it without you, so thank you for making this year an incredible one. The stories in the report are as much yours as they are ours. Collectively, we are writing the story of a stronger Alaska. We will also share some stories of the past year in this report. From moving sewer lines off of the beach in Naknek, to supporting the Covenant House building project in Anchorage, ACF strengthens communities. By the end of 2012, ACF had grown to over $60 million in assets, representing 297 different charitable funds. During the year, we distributed approximately $6 million in grants to organizations and tribes, impacting more than 45 different communities throughout the state. These dollars represent the philanthropic activity of hundreds of Alaskans like you, but they only represent a part of our story. Candace Winkler, President & CEO Susan Behlke Foley, Board Chair :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: We have warehoused, donated and installed office furniture to over 30 nonprofits in Alaska. I announced last year that I was too old to keep schlepping furniture around and that if we were really smart we would just connect a big furniture donor to a big nonprofit that needs it and stay out of the middle. The ConocoPhillips – The Alaska Community Foundation deal was the largest one we have ever “done” and all we did was make a phone call. You can leverage many things within a community besides money ... – Robin Smith & Eric McCallum THE PHILANTHROPY HUB// In December of 2012, through the support of generous donors, The Alaska Community Foundation took a bold step toward collaborative philanthropy and formed The Philanthropy Hub at The Alaska Community Foundation. The Philanthropy Hub offers joint office space for community-minded Alaskan organizations to co-locate and share services, including an IT platform, office management and administrative support. Most importantly, The Philanthropy Hub provides daily opportunities for collaboration across multiple organizations with similar charitable missions. The Alaska Community Foundation is excited to be working with our Philanthropy Hub Partners, building healthy communities and growing philanthropy across Alaska. Please come visit us at 3201 C Street, Suite #110. “We joined the Philanthropy Hub to be part of growing philanthropy in Alaska. Though we focus on parks and trails with our investments, the essence of our work is community building. We came to the right shared space – working with other nonprofit and community leaders sparks a natural synergy for creating a culture of giving.” – Beth Nordlund, Executive Director, Anchorage Park Foundation Learn more about becoming a donor at The Alaska Community Foundation by visiting us online at www.alaskacf.org or in person at 3201 C Street, Suite #110, Anchorage, AK 99503. Please contact ACF staff by calling 907.334.6700 or emailing [email protected]. PAGE 3 ABOUT US The Alaska Community Foundation Thanks to you — the culture of philanthropy is growing in Alaska! In 2012, over 930 individual donors from across Alaska directed their charitable dollars to The Alaska Community Foundation to strengthen community and create lasting philanthropic legacies. Visionary Alaskans established 14 new charitable funds with The Alaska Community Foundation to support their unique philanthropic goals. “I celebrate philanthropy each year when filing my PFD application. As I read through the list of eligible Pick.Click. Give. organizations, I’m proud to be supporting the work of the visionary, creative, and compassionate people who help make Alaska such a wonderful place to live.” – Diane Kaplan, Rasmuson Foundation, President & CEO Also this year, ACF became home to the popular Pick.Click.Give. program. The Alaska Community Foundation employs the Pick.Click.Give. Program Manager who coordinates the statewide marketing campaign and serves as a resource for the nearly 500 nonprofits that participate in the program. The Alaska Community Foundation is also taking a leading role in developing a sustainability plan for Pick.Click.Give. by working with nonprofit partners to identify ways to ensure the program’s success in the years to come. Following a rigorous review process, The Alaska Community Foundation recertified in 2012 for National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations through the Council on Foundations. This assures donors that we continue to meet the nation’s highest philanthropic standards for integrity and accountability. Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations Picture: Staff members from The Philanthropy Hub at The Alaska Community Foundation donating their time to build trails at Campbell Creek Estuary. :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 4 Partners in Alaska In addition to the Affiliates of ACF, we proudly support the statewide philanthropy of our community partners with charitable funds held at ACF for Arctic Slope Community Foundation, The Homer Foundation and Juneau Community Foundation. “So many good things are happening through our Affiliate that it is hard to narrow it down! Last year, we supported the expansion of our Meals on Wheels program for home-bound seniors. We also supported the transit AFFILIATE FUNDS system that helps get people to our local health clinic. The list goes on … schools, libraries, food banks! I love supporting the nonprofits that make the Upper Susitna Valley a healthier, more vibrant community! Our endowment embraces possibilities for the future and we are all pleased to see it grow.” – Sondra Porter, Jessica Stevens Community Foundation, Advisory Board Chair AFFILIATE FUNDS Chilkat Valley Community Foundation ▪ Project Highlights: The Chilkat Valley Community Foundation awarded funds to the Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center. Funds supported a camp summer program that taught cultural awareness and subsistence lifestyles. Jessica Stevens Community Foundation ▪ Project Highlights: The Jessica Stevens Community Foundation awarded a grant to the Denali Arts Council to support an art program that introduced the youth of the Upper Susitna Valley to the empowering experience of acting, singing, dancing and the performing arts. Kenai Peninsula Foundation ▪ Project Highlights: The Kenai Peninsula Foundation supported the Native Village of Tyonek in creating a bicycle safety program for the youth in Tyonek. Petersburg Community Foundation ▪ Project Highlights: The Petersburg Community Foundation provided financial support to Working Against Violence for Everyone (WAVE) to establish a 24-hour crisis hotline for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Seward Community Foundation ▪ Project Highlights: The Seward Community Foundation awarded grant funds to several nonprofits and community groups, including the Moose Pass Volunteer Fire Company for the replacement of worn safety equipment. NEW AFFILIATE FUNDS Golden Heart Community Foundation (Fairbanks) ▪ We continue the pioneering spirit of those who were here before us and ensure the greater Fairbanks area communities continue to thrive long into the future. :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 5 Community Asset Building Initiative As you travel across Alaska, one thing is evident: Alaskans love their hometowns. Whether you grew up in Tanana, Togiak or Tenakee Springs — Alaskans develop a strong sense of identity that is firmly rooted in place. A place called your hometown. Through the Community Asset Building Initiative (CABI), we support Alaskans who are giving back to their hometown and creating their legacy for future generations. Launched in 2008 with generous support from the Rasmuson Foundation, we embarked on an effort to create permanently-endowed, geographic Affiliate funds in five communities across Alaska. In late 2012, CABI expanded to four additional Affiliate communities. Under the leadership of dedicated volunteers, our nine Affiliates are pioneering new territory in home-grown philanthropy across Alaska. Each Affiliate is distinct and unique — drawing inspiration from their local culture, values and vision. The Affiliate Advisory Boards — guided by their keen understanding of their community — are the true “champions” for local philanthropy. They connect with their friends and neighbors to support the local causes that matter the most in their individual communities. Affiliates focus their efforts to cultivate community-based philanthropy; we provide technical, legal and administrative support. Together, we build strong and resilient hometowns for future generations of Alaskans. Greater Sitka Legacy Fund ▪ Our mission is to support local resiliency and self-reliance, now and in the future. We are committed to keeping our community a vital, progressive and healthy place where people can live, work, raise families and retire. Ketchikan Community Foundation ▪ Our vision for the Ketchikan community includes a diversified local economy that provides family-supported employment, access to affordable housing and healthcare, “The community foundation is a way of reinventing our future. We involve a broad representation of the community in decisionmaking about the possibilities for Petersburg. The creativity it fosters is exciting! How inspirational it is to see friends and neighbors invest time and energy in where we are headed, and how gratifying to know the Petersburg Community Foundation has a hand in facilitating those changes in our community.” – Cindi Lagoudakis, Petersburg Community Foundation, Advisory Board a vibrant arts community and multiple recreational and quality educational opportunities. Kodiak Community Foundation ▪ Our vision is fully engaged island communities giving generously, gaining self-reliance and growing support for causes that matter. Thanks to the Rasmuson Foundation for their generous support for the CABI program. :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: ACF funding made it possible for our Board to create a strategic plan and develop greater buy-in to our agency’s mission. – Dana Paperman, Seward Senior Center, Executive Director STRENGTHENING ORGANIZATIONS// Increasing the ability of nonprofits and tribes around the state to better achieve their mission is a vital step toward realizing our vision of Alaskans supporting Alaskans to create a sustainable quality of life. The Alaska Community Foundation, with support of the Rasmuson Foundation, launched a pilot program for capacity building grants in the summer of 2012. Building upon our experience in providing capacity building grants to rural organizations in the Upper Yukon, Strengthening Organizations provides access to small grants for local capacity building across Alaska. With 64 eligible applications requesting over $361,000 during the pilot stage of the program, ACF awarded grants to 23 organizations, primarily in rural areas. The overwhelming response demonstrated the need for this program, so we are delighted to expand the program and continue to support Alaska’s nonprofits and tribes. “Like many nonprofits, we were jumping from project to project. The Strengthening Organizations grant allowed us to take a step back and assess the bigger picture. By bringing together our board, we were able to create a business plan and chart a course for years to come.” – Steve Cleary, Executive Director, Alaska Trails “We are very, very pleased. This means a lot to us, and EPC’s future. Please thank everyone for us! AwA’ahdah – thank you.” – Carol Hoover, Eyak Preservation Council PAGE 7 Agency Funds are ideal for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations interested in a simple and effective way to build and protect an endowment. You can focus on your core mission, while The Alaska Community Foundation provides professional investment expertise, endowment marketing support and complex gift acceptance to help grow your endowment. “It’s been a busy and great year at Calypso Farm. Our vegetables are enjoying this warm, sunny summer, and the community is enjoying the vegetables! We are always trying to reach the community in new ways, and hope that The Alaska Community Foundation will help us do that in the future.” – Sara Furman, Calypso Farm & Ecology Center AGENCY FUNDS AGENCY FUNDS ▪ Alaska Arts and Culture - Connie Boochever Fund ▪ Alaska Arts and Culture - Helen Walker Fund ▪ Alaska Arts and Culture - Margaret Nick Cooke Fund ▪ Alaska Association of Conservation Districts Endowment ▪ Alaska Aviation Heritage Museum Fund ▪ Alaska Botanical Garden Endowment ▪ Alaska Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired Endowment ▪ Alaska Children’s Trust Agency Fund ▪ Alaska Conservation Alliance - Deborah L. Dixon Fund ▪ Alaska Dialogue Cheryll Heinze Artist in Residence Fund ▪ Alaska Family Services ▪ Alaska Museum of Science and History Fund ▪ Alaska Native Cancer Foundation ▪ Alaska Public Telecommunications, Inc. Fund ▪ Alaska Raptor Center Fund ▪ Alaska World Affairs Council Programs Fund ▪ Alaska Zoo Foundation ▪ American Society for Circumpolar Health Fund ▪ Anchorage 21st Century Community Learning Centers Fund ▪ Anchorage Community YMCA Fund ▪ Anchorage Concert Chorus Mary Hale Fund ▪ Anchorage Waterways Council Fund ▪ Anchorage Youth Court Fund ▪ Anchorage Youth Symphony Fund ▪ Arctic Health Foundation Fund ▪ Arctic Valley Endowment ▪ AVTEC Foundation Fund ▪ Bean’s Cafe Endowment ▪ Calypso Farm & Ecology Center Endowment ▪ Camp Fire USA Alaska Council Endowment ▪ Camp Fire USA Alaska Council Inclusion Fund ▪ Central Alaska Retired Teachers’ Association Grant Endowment ▪ Central Alaska Retired Teachers’ Association Scholarship Endowment ▪ Challenger Learning Center Fund ▪ Clausen Memorial Museum Fund ▪ Commonwealth North Endowment ▪ Congregation Beth Sholom Community Fund ▪ Early Education Fund for Alaska’s Children ▪ Endowment Fund to Support Artistic Programs at Perseverance Theatre ▪ Fairbanks Rescue Mission Sustainability Fund ▪ Food Bank of Alaska Fund for a Hunger Free Alaska ▪ Fourth Decade Fund for Perseverance Theatre ▪ Friends of Jesse Lee Home ▪ Friends of the Campbell Creek Science Center Endowment Fund ▪ Friends of the Haines Borough Public Library Legacy Fund ▪ Greater Fairbanks Community Hospital Foundation Hospice Services Fund ▪ Homer Foundation Endowment ▪ Hospice of Anchorage Designated Fund ▪ Hospice of Haines Fund ▪ Hospice of Tanana Valley Fund ▪ Identity, Inc., Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Allies Agency Endowment Fund ▪ Institute of the North Fund ▪ Ionia Endowment Fund ▪ John Trigg Ester Library Fund ▪ Juneau Community Foundation Endowment ▪ Kenai Central High School Choir Fund ▪ Kenai Peninsula Food Bank Endowment ▪ KFSK Endowment ▪ Kincaid Project Group Endowment ▪ Kisumu Children’s Foundation Fund ▪ Kodiak Maritime Museum Endowment ▪ Matanuska-Susitna Schools Foundation ▪ Mat-Su Sea Hawkers Fund ▪ Mat-Su Services for Children & Adults ▪ Mt. Edgecumbe High School Fund ▪ Petersburg Mental Health Services Fund at the Petersburg Community Foundation ▪ Petersburg Public Library - Heritage of the Sea ▪ Petersburg Public Library Building Fund ▪ Petersburg Public Library Endowment ▪ Qutekcak Native Tribe Fund ▪ Seward Senior Citizens Endowment ▪ Sheldon Jackson College Endowment ▪ Simon Paneak Memorial Museum ▪ Soldotna High School Endowment ▪ Soroptimist International of Cook Inlet Fund ▪ Talkeetna Historical Society Fund ▪ The Children’s Lunchbox Fund ▪ Valley Charities Inc. Endowment ▪ WAVE Endowment of the Petersburg Community Foundation ▪ Wish Upon the North Star :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 8 Scholarship Funds change a student’s life forever. Whether you support students attending a particular school or majoring in a specific field of study, you make a lasting impact. Along with administrative support, The Alaska Community Foundation helps you develop the guidelines and safeguards to ensure your scholarship is awarded in accordance with IRS requirements. SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Established in 2012, the Alaska Winter Olympians Scholarship Fund awarded a total of $10,000 to promising Alaskan competitors. Scholarship recipients included Alaska Pacific University nordic skiers Sadie Bjornson and Holly Brooks, along with three other Alaskan athletes. Funds are awarded to Alaska residents with financial need who demonstrate regional, national or international promise in Olympic winter sports. “The Alaska Community Foundation has played a vital role in providing me with the opportunities to chase my Olympic dreams. Being the best in the world means putting 100% into every day and focusing all ounces of energy into my goals. Through the support of ACF, I have been able to commit as much time and energy towards being as prepared as I can be for the Olympic Games this coming winter in Sochi, Russia.” – Sadie Bjornsen, APU Nordic Ski Team, Olympic Hopeful SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS ▪ Alaska Cross Country Ski Racer Development Fund ▪ Alaska Winter Olympians Fund ▪ Carl Seaman Scholarship Fund ▪ David E. Knox Memorial Nursing Fellowship ▪ Dorothy Croft Scholarship for Young Musicians ▪ Dr. Merritt Olson Academic Scholarship ▪ Frank & Carol Pinkerton Orchestral String Instrument Scholarship Fund ▪ Golden Rule Scholarship Fund ▪ Harry H. Hirshik Scholarship Fund ▪ Hoonah Education Association Fine Arts Scholarship Fund ▪ Jim Snead Memorial Scholarship Fund ▪ KAYHI Alumni Scholarship Fund ▪ Kenny Carver Memorial Scholarship Fund ▪ Kenny Carver Scholarship Fund (Soldotna) ▪ Luella James Scholarship Fund ▪ Maurie Harrington Memorial Scholarship Fund ▪ Melissa Faye Pike Memorial Foundation ▪ Neal O. Thorpe Memorial Scholarship Fund ▪ Ninilchik School Memorial Scholarship Fund ▪ Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage ▪ Ray & Maxine Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund ▪ Red Boucher Scholarship Fund ▪ Saltwater, Inc. Scholarship Fund ▪ Scott Fibranz Memorial Baseball Scholarship Fund ▪ Shayna Marie Pritchard Memorial Scholarship ▪ Shelly Szepanski Memorial Flight Scholarship Fund ▪ Sitka Scholarship Fund ▪ Sven & Lorraine Eriksson Alaska Fund ▪ Tim Akers Memorial Scholarship Fund ▪ Seward High School Scholarship Fund :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE Field of Interest Funds When you target your gift to address an interest or specific charitable cause such as health care, the arts or veterans, you create a fund that remains flexible enough to address an issue in your area of interest, even as organizations and/or strategies addressing the issue change over time. FIELD OF INTEREST & UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENT FUNDS Unrestricted Endowment Funds Community needs change over time. The issues and opportunities Alaskans are facing today may be different for the next generation. An unrestricted fund provides the maximum flexibility to respond quickly and effectively to the everchanging needs of Alaska. “The power of community is a part of The Alaska Community Foundation’s DNA. Through ACF, Alaskans guide the future of our state with funds that are protected from outside influence or control. The Alaska Community Foundation is a way for Alaskans to demonstrate their love for Alaska: its people, villages, towns, cities and regions. It’s where Alaskans invest in Alaska’s future.” 9 – Susan Behlke Foley, ACF, Board of Directors “The place where we are in our lives, we may not be able to give a lot – but collectively, we can make an impact.” – Tlisa Northcutt, Founder of Alaska Women’s Giving Circle FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS ▪ 75th Anniversary Fund - Anchorage ▪ 75th Anniversary Fund - Statewide ▪ Alaska Coastal Villages Relief Fund for the Support of Children and Families ▪ Alaska Disaster Recovery Fund ▪ Alaska Endowment for the Environment ▪ Ambrose/Stevens Family Fund of the Jessica Stevens Community Foundation ▪ Anchorage Schools Foundation Endowment ▪ Anchorage Schools Foundation Small Grants Fund ▪ Ashley & Heather Call Family Fund of the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation ▪ Carol Comeau Endowment ▪ City of Seward Unrestricted Fund ▪ Frank Dieckgraeff Memorial Fund for Seward Seniors ▪ Fund for Public Art ▪ Jane H. Behlke Fund for the Elderly & the Hungry ▪ Kaanta Community Fund for the Beautification of Seward ▪ Kenai Peninsula Youth Sports and Cultural Fund ▪ Larson Family Fund of the Seward Community Foundation ▪ Margaret A. Anderson Fund of the Seward Community Foundation ▪ Mike Saunders Youth Activity Fund of the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation ▪ Nelson Page Fund ▪ Paul C. Rupple Fund of The Seward Community Foundation ▪ Safety Net Fund ▪ Seward Wellness Fund of the Seward Community Foundation ▪ Soldotna High School Fund ▪ Talkeetna Bachelor Society Fund for Women & Children in Crisis ▪ Teen Suicide Prevention Program ▪ Women Veteran Fund in Memory of Mary Louise Rasmuson UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENT FUNDS ▪ The Alaska Fund ▪ Caroline Christen Torgerson Memorial Fund ▪ Elmer and Ruth Schwantes Fund ▪ Marcia Hastings Fund :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 10 “The Alaska Community Foundation provides opportunities for Alaskans to leave a legacy in the state that has allowed them to thrive and grow. With ACF, we can give back to the people of our community and state.” – Leo Bustad, ACF, Board of Directors DONOR ADVISED FUNDS DONOR ADVISED FUNDS ▪ AFN Fund ▪ AFN Marketplace Fund ▪ Alaska Cardiovascular Research Foundation Fund ▪ Alaska Ski Educational Foundation - Andrew Lekisch Memorial Fund ▪ Alaska Ski Educational Foundation - Edward Rasmuson Endowment ▪ Alaska Ski Educational Foundation - General Fund ▪ Alaska Ski Educational Foundation - Pia- Margrethe Denkewalter Memorial Fund ▪ Alaska Ski Educational Foundation - Tom Besh Fund ▪ Alaska Women’s Foundation ▪ Alaska Women’s Giving Circle ▪ Alaska Wrestling Fund ▪ Anaktuvuk Pass Community Fund ▪ Anchorage Skates Fund ▪ Anchorage Trail Care Fund ▪ Andy Mathisen Fishing Park ▪ Anthony O’Malley Youth Fund ▪ Arctic Slope Community Foundation Fund ▪ Atqasuk Community Fund ▪ Babbie and Ian Jacobs Family Fund ▪ Barrow-Utqiagvik Community Fund ▪ Beam Family Fund ▪ Blake Reese Memorial Fund ▪ BP Energy Center Endowment ▪ Byrne Family Fund ▪ Camilli Family Foundation ▪ Carrie Klein Fund ▪ Carver Family Fund ▪ Clara Lee Memorial Fund for the Preservation of the Inupiat Language and Culture ▪ Cox Family Fund ▪ D.L. Hicks Fund ▪ Davis Constructors & Employees Fund ▪ Denali Fund ▪ Don & Sandra Hanson Fund ▪ Durrell Family Foundation Fund ▪ Edmund & Eveline Schuster Family Fund ▪ Elizabeth Carroll Fund ▪ Fritz Gunkel Fund for Mental Health ▪ Gordon Paulsen Fund ▪ Greg & Patsy Romack Education Fund ▪ Hank Rosenthal Memorial Fund ▪ Healthy Alaskans Fund ▪ Hiltenbrand Family Fund ▪ Immanuel Fund ▪ James & Lee Cloud Fund ▪ Janis Family Fund ▪ Jean Romig Memorial Fund ▪ Kaplan-Sather Fund ▪ Kyle Alter Memorial Cancer Foundation Fund ▪ Leo & Jeanne Bustad Fund ▪ Lib & Whitey Hakkinen Professional Development Fund of the Sheldon Museum & Haines Cultural Center ▪ Lindsey Family Fund ▪ Livingston Family Fund ▪ Marquez Family Fund ▪ Michalski Family Fund ▪ Milqueya A. Franjul Memorial Fund ▪ Milt & Sue Byrd Fund ▪ Norton Cruz Family Foundation Fund Donor Advised Funds For our most active philanthropist, a donor advised fund allows you to support the issues and organizations that you care about. ▪ Peterson/Cumberland Alaska Fund ▪ Point Hope-Tikigaq Community Fund ▪ Point Lay-Kali Community Fund ▪ Porterfield/Friedman Family Fund ▪ R.M.R. Family Foundation ▪ Randich Family Foundation ▪ Remembering the Children (Mikelnguut Umyuaqluki) ▪ Richard & Sarah Mayes Fund ▪ Richard & Susan Foley Family Fund ▪ Scotty Gomez Foundation Fund ▪ Serafino Morichetti Fund ▪ Smiles for Kids ▪ Suzanne Weller Endowment ▪ The Pebble Fund ▪ The Tundra Fund Foundation Endowment ▪ Tom and Kay O’Grady Fund ▪ Walter J. and Ermalee Hickel Alaska Fund ▪ Watson Fund ▪ Weiser Family Fund ▪ Yerkes Family Foundation Fund :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 11 Project Fund In special cases, The Alaska Community Foundation will serve as a fiscal sponsor for limited duration projects that provide important community benefits. In 2012, we partnered with the Engine 557 Restoration Company to restore a historic steam engine. Designated Endowment Fund Support the good work of your favorite nonprofit or charitable organization in perpetuity. Your gift of a designated fund provides a reliable and consistent source of income, assistance in developing a planned giving strategy, and investment management services. PROJECT & DESIGNATED ENDOWMENT FUNDS “My interest in The Alaska Community Foundation developed through my interactions with the Petersburg Community Foundation. I felt Petersburg Public Library was the best recipient for a charitable fund, because it offers learning and cultural programs year round to everyone in our community. I wanted to provide long-term financial support for its art education/enrichment programs, and the best option for me was to work with The Alaska Community Foundation.“ – John McCabe, Petersburg Library Art Education Endowment Fund PROJECT FUNDS DESIGNATED ENDOWMENT FUNDS ▪ Growing Up Tobacco Free In Alaska ▪ Community Building for Alaska ▪ Pick.Click.Give. Project Fund ▪ Alaska Meth Education Project Fund ▪ Alaska Crib Project Fund ▪ Anchorage Unleashed Dog Park Project Fund ▪ Engine 557 Restoration Project Fund ▪ Anchorage Schools Foundation Emergency Fund ▪ Anchorage Fur Rendezvous Project Fund ▪ Strengthening Organizations Grant Program ▪ Alaska Children’s Trust Fund ▪ Alaska Native Heritage Endowment ▪ Alfred Hanisch Fund for the First American Baptist Church ▪ Anchorage Park Foundation Legacy Endowment ▪ Dr. Jane Egger Fund for the Petersburg Humane Association ▪ Malawi Children’s Village Tuition Endowment ▪ Oscar Anderson House Fund ▪ Petersburg Library Art Education Endowment ▪ Salvation Army Youth Development Fund ▪ Seward Community Foundation Operating Endowment ▪ Seward Seahawks Athletic Booster Club Fund ▪ West Anchorage High Foundation Fund ▪ West High Auditorium Fund :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: The Alaska Community Foundation is the preeminent, long term, independent funding source for the future. – Bernie Washington, ACF, Board of Directors, Treasurer CRIB SWAP// Let’s make sure Alaska’s babies are sleeping safely Every day, over 4,000 infants and toddlers go to sleep in child care programs across Alaska, but are the cribs they sleep in safe? In most cases, the answer is no. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) previously warned parents and child care centers alike as to the dangers of drop-side cribs. In the past 9 years, CPSC reports 32 child fatalities as a result of these cribs: “In the last five years, CPSC has announced 11 recalls involving more than 7 million drop-side cribs due to suffocation and strangulation hazards created by the drop side. CPSC staff is actively investigating several other crib manufacturers for potential drop-side hazards as part of a larger effort by the agency to rid the marketplace and homes of unsafe cribs.” As a result, new federal standards on crib safety took effect at the end of 2012 requiring all child care centers and programs to replace these old cribs with new, safe cribs. In Alaska, there were hundreds of child care programs currently using drop side cribs. Replacing cribs cost these facilities time and money and in many rural communities the newer cribs are not even directly available. The Alaska Community Foundation partnered with thread to replace existing cribs in licensed child care homes and centers across Alaska with new cribs that meet the required safety standards. “I especially like how the Petersburg Community Foundation serves as an umbrella organization to help all nonprofits in town. The individuals running these important and necessary groups are so busy improving Petersburg – it’s nice to give back to them sort of collectively through a community foundation’s ability to help them with education and grants.” – Cynthia Wallesz, Petersburg Community Foundation, Advisory Board GRANTS & AWARDS GRANTS THIS YEAR: In 2012, The Alaska Community Foundation awarded more than $5.5 million in grants to a broad range of nonprofits and tribes throughout the state and beyond. GRANTS & AWARDS After the Bell, Inc. General operating support $500 (Soldotna) Airport Heights Elementary School Funding for hydroponic gardening project $500 (Anchorage) Alaska Arts & Culture Foundation General operating support $4,972 (Statewide) Alaska Association for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Support for capacity building activities $3,500 (Fairbanks) Alaska Baptist Family Services Support for 24-hour behavior rehabilitation services $500 (Anchorage) Alaska Botanical Garden General operating support $25,000 (Anchorage) Alaska Cardiovascular Research Foundation Support for undergraduate research in health & wellness programs $33,333 (Statewide) Alaska Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired Support for database development $1,000 (Statewide) Alaska Center for the Environment General operating support $100 (Statewide) Alaska Legal Services Corporation General operating support $500 (Anchorage) Alaska Center for the Performing Arts General operating support $50 (Anchorage) Alaska Medical Mission General program support $2,545 (Statewide) Alaska Children’s Institute for the Performing Arts Support for facility lighting project $500 (Kenai) Alaska Children’s Services General operating support, in memory of Hoyt Cole $100 (Anchorage) Alaska Christian College General operating support & scholarship program $35,000 (Soldotna) Alaska Museum of Natural History General operating support $40,000 (Anchorage) Alaska Native Heritage Center General operating support $14,460 (Anchorage) Alaska Pacific University General operating support $500 (Anchorage) Alaska Public Media General operating support $13,000 (Anchorage) Alaska Conservation Foundation General operating support $50 (Anchorage) Alaska SeaLife Center Support for Ocean Sciences Club $3,760 (Seward) Alaska Equine Protection General operating support $1,000 (Eagle River) Alaska Ski Educational Foundation General operating support $8,625 (Anchorage) Alaska Federation of Natives Support for the Alaska Marketplace project $56,560 (Statewide) Alaska State Council on the Arts General operating support $871 (Anchorage) Alaska Federation of Natives Support for AFN charitable activities $95,021 (Statewide) Alaska Youth & Parent Foundation Support for fundraising event and celebration $5,000 (Anchorage) Allakaket Tribal Council Support for community wellness program $4,320 (Allakaket) American Cancer Society General operating support $100 (National) American Cancer Society General operating support for Alaskan programs $25,000 (National) American Lung Association of the Mountain Pacific General operating support $50 (Statewide) American Red Cross General operating support $100 (Statewide) American Rivers General operating support $500 (National) American Society for Circumpolar Health Support for the development & production of a brochure $5,324 (National) American Society for Circumpolar Health General operating support $4,300 (National) Amnesty International General operating support $500 (National) :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 13 PAGE 14 Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children Support for early childhood educators and program materials $500 (Eagle River) Bartlett High School Support for critical needs of eligible low-income students $1,183 (Anchorage) Campbell Elementary School Support for critical needs of eligible low-income students $578 (Anchorage) City of Egegik Support for airport runway lighting wiring replacement $25,000 (Egegik) Anchorage Concert Chorus General operating support $20,000 (Anchorage) Bean’s Cafe Support for providing meals to homeless population in Anchorage $840 (Anchorage) CARE General operating support $300 (National) City of Newhalen Replacement of flooring in Teen Center $5,354 (Newhalen) Anchorage Fur Rendezvous Festival Support for Toys for Tots fundraising event $4,000 (Anchorage) Bean’s Cafe Support for employment education program $1,000 (Anchorage) Carter Center - Office of Development General operating support $21,000 (National) City of Nondalton Funding for 3rd road extension $85,000 (Nondalton) Anchorage Gospel Rescue Mission General program support $250 (Anchorage) Bear Creek Volunteer Fire Department Technical training support $618 (Seward) Anchorage Museum Association Support for the Body World Vitals Exhibition $50,001 (Anchorage) Anchorage Museum Association General operating support $10,000 (Anchorage) Anchorage Park Foundation General operating support $171,753 (Anchorage) Anchorage Rotary Community Service Support for Planet Walk repair project $2,273 (Statewide) Anchorage Rotary Community Service Funding for the elimination of polio $2,000 (Statewide) ASD Gifted Program - IGNITE Funding for math concept exploration $282 (Anchorage) Anchorage Youth Court General operating support $500 (Anchorage) Arctic Winter Games Corporation of Alaska Transportation support for 2012 Arctic Winter Games $600 (Statewide) Arizona State University Foundation General operating support for Friends of Eight Public Broadcasting $100 (National) Arts on the Edge Support for Hiland Mountain Women’s String Orchestra $3,500 (Anchorage) Association of Interior Native Educators Support for capacity building activities $3,660 (Fairbanks) Audubon Alaska General operating support $500 (Statewide) Boys & Girls Club of Seward Support for youth summer camp $5,000 (Kenai) Boys & Girls Clubs of Southcentral Alaska Support for Be GREAT! Project $5,240 (Anchorage) Boys & Girls Clubs of Southcentral Alaska Support for youth hockey programs $25,300 (Anchorage) Boys & Girls Clubs of Southcentral Alaska General program support $10,000 (Anchorage) Boys & Girls Clubs of Southcentral Alaska General program support $10,000 (Mat-Su) Boys & Girls Clubs of Southcentral Alaska General program support $10,000 (Fairbanks) Bristol Bay Borough Support for Naknek sewer line relocation $30,000 (Naknek) Bristol Bay Borough Support for local youth hire $10,000 (Naknek) Camai Community Health Center Purchase of x-ray machine $55,900 (Naknek) Camai Community Health Center Support for professional development activities $5,100 (Naknek) Camp Fire USA Alaska Council Funding for a community hall $450 (Statewide) Campaign for Tibet General operating support $500 (National) Catholic Community Services General operating support $500 (Juneau) City of Nondalton Support for bulk fuel storage project $200,000 (Nondalton) Catholic Social Services General operating support $550 (Anchorage) City of Pilot Point Funding for upgrade to utility metering system $42,500 (Pilot Point) Central Alaska Retired Teachers’ Association General operating support $2,500 (Anchorage) City of Pilot Point Funding for VPSO office building renovations $47,000 (Pilot Point) Central Middle School Support for critical needs of eligible low-income students $2,916 (Anchorage) Clare House General operating support $621,735 (Anchorage) Central Peninsula Health Foundation Support for youth event $500 (Soldotna) Child Care Connection dba thread Funding to replace unsafe cribs $3,500 (Anchorage) Clausen Memorial Museum Support for a Discovery Center display $2,500 (Petersburg) Commonwealth North, Inc. Support for public policy education $8,000 (Anchorage) Children of the World General operating support $100 (National) Congregation Beth Sholom Support for training pre-school teachers who teach students of all faiths $4,307 (Anchorage) Chinook Elementary School Funding for educational program $500 (Anchorage) Congregation Beth Sholom Supplies for Shining Lights fundraiser $4,625 (Anchorage) Christian Medical & Dental Associates General program support $500 (National) Congregation Beth Sholom General operating and program support $17,615 (Anchorage) Christian Medical & Dental Society Support for medical project $2,000 (National) Chugach Optional School Supplies for the Chugach Optional Garden Club $500 (Anchorage) City of Aleknagik Support of transportation services $25,000 (Aleknagik) City of Egegik Purchase of gasoline dispensing tank $25,000 (Egegik) City of Egegik Support for electrical distribution system upgrade/replacement $25,000 (Egegik) Cook Inletkeeper Support for safe drinking water $1,500 (Homer) Cooper Landing Senior Citizens Corporation, Inc Support for energy efficiency improvements for senior citizen housing $1,800 (Cooper Landing) Corner of Love Ministries Provide comfort and care for children, elderly and most impoverished in Nicaragua $100 (National) Covenant House Alaska Support for educational program in Bristol Bay region $6,274 (Anchorage) Covenant House Alaska General operating support $50,200 (Anchorage) :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 15 Covenant House Alaska Support for a new building $1,000,000 (Anchorage) Creekside Park Elementary School Support for community service activities $500 (Anchorage) Death with Dignity National Center General operating support $50 (National) Denali Arts Council Funding for youth art program $500 (Talkeetna) Dillingham City School District Support for music program travel $5,000 (Dillingham) Dillingham City School District Support for classroom technology upgrades $125,463 (Dillingham) Doctors Without Borders USA General operating support $200 (National) EARTHWORKS Support for the Oil & Gas Accountability Project $500 (National) East Anchorage High School Support for critical needs of eligible low-income students $20 (Anchorage) East Anchorage High School Support for solar suitcase science project $2,500 (Anchorage) Ekuk Village Council Support for burn box operation $5,000 (Dillingham) Fairbanks Community Food Bank General program support $250 (Fairbanks) Fairbanks Rescue Mission General program support $250 (Fairbanks) Faith Christian Community Support for church outreach to Sudanese families relocated to Anchorage $200 (Anchorage) FINCA International, INC. General operating support $100 (National) Food Bank of Alaska Funding for food for children $5,000 (Statewide) Friends of Haines Borough Public Library Support for Project Bum Comfort $1,706 (Haines) Friends of the Alaska Children’s Trust General operating support $363,214 (Anchorage) Friends of the Talkeetna Library Support for a library/community resource center $500 (Talkeetna) Friendship Mission Support for office renovation project $500 (Kenai) Frontier Community Services Support for sport event $500 (Soldotna) Girl Scouts of Alaska General operating support $6,110 (Statewide) Girl Scouts of Alaska Support for day camp and Women of Science Program $28,842 (Statewide) Habitat for Humanity-Anchorage General program support $5,707 (Anchorage) Haines Animal Rescue Kennel Support for veterinary assistance program $800 (Statewide) Haines Borough School District Support for green powered school signboard project $600 (Haines) Hospice of Anchorage General operating support $501,000 (Anchorage) Juneau Community Foundation General operating support $5,558 (Juneau) HoWL Inc. General operating support $500 (Homer) Juneau Community Foundation Funding for technical assistance $2,500 (Juneau) Igiugig Tribal Village Council Purchase of fuel truck $24,800 (Igiugig) Juneau Youth Services, Inc. Support for suicide awareness schoolbased programming $5,000 (Juneau) Igiugig Tribal Village Council Support for emergency response vehicle building $63,806 (Igiugig) Iliamna Village Council Support to start a teen suicide prevention program $5,000 (Iliamna) Kachemak Heritage Land Trust Support for statewide meeting $418 (Homer) Kenai Central High School Choir General operating support $2,800 (Kenai) Institute of the North General operating support $20,921 (Anchorage) Kenai Peninsula Food Bank Support for staff development using Donor Recognition Program $3,000 (Soldotna) Ionia, Inc. General operating support & construction of a barn $248,580 (Kasilof) Kenai Soil and Water Conservation District Support for strategic planning $3,046 (Kenai) Jilkaat Kwaan Heritage Center Support for subsistence camp program $2,272 (Haines) Kincaid Project Group, Inc. General operating support $32,178 (Anchorage) Joyce Meyer Ministries General operating support $500 (National) Kodiak Public Library Association General operating support $5,500 (Kodiak) Haines Dolphin Swim Team Support for project supplies $500 (Haines) Heart Inc. Support for health care for mothers and children $17,000 (National) Heifer Project International Funding for purchasing livestock $510 (National) Holy Rosary Academy General operating support $50,000 (Anchorage) Homer Foundation General operating support $5,945 (Homer) Homer Foundation Funding for technical assistance $2,500 (Homer) Hope Community Resources General operating support $5,000 (Anchorage) Hope Community Resources Support for an equal access community garden $500 (Anchorage) Picture: Young Anchorage Park Foundation volunteers. APF understands that a healthy park system is a long-term commitment, and strategically leads selected projects based on meaningful donor and volunteer support. :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 16 Lake & Peninsula Borough Support for grant writing workshop $24,000 (King Salmon) Musk Ox Development Corporation General operating support $15,000 (Palmer) OXFAM-America Inc. General operating support $100 (National) Lake & Peninsula School District Funding for cultural initiative program $37,500 (King Salmon) Mustang Hockey Association General operating support $1,000 (Eagle River) Pacific Legal Foundation General program support $1,000 (National) Lake & Peninsula School District Support for Southwest Alaska Riflery/ Marksmanship Program $47,704 (King Salmon) Naknek Native Village Council Support for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu program $23,850 (Naknek) Pacific Northern Academy General program support $10,000 (Anchorage) Narrows Broadcasting Corporation Support for purchase of broadcast equipment $1,000 (Petersburg) Pearl Creek Elementary PTA Support for replacement of the ice rink $1,000 (Fairbanks) Rilke Schule German School of Arts and Sciences General operating support $200 (Anchorage) Peninsula Community Health Services Support for behavioral therapy $500 (Soldotna) Romig Middle School Support for critical needs of eligible low-income students $1,246 (Anchorage) Perseverance Theatre General operating support $34,900 (Douglas) Salvation Army - Alaska Division General program support $600 (Anchorage) Petersburg City Schools Support for projects & field trip $1,250 (Petersburg) Save Our Seward Pets Support for pet spay and neuter program $1,000 (Seward) Lake Hood Elementary Support for critical needs of eligible low-income students $5,667 (Anchorage) Levelock Village Council Funding to replace solid waste vehicle $18,000 (Levelock) Native Village of Kalskag Support of elder and youth center for cultural programs $5,000 (Kalskag) Little League Baseball, Inc. General operating support $5,000 (Soldotna) Native Village of Tyonek Support for Bicycle Safety Program $500 (Tyonek) Loren Marshall Foundation Funding for annual conference $10,000 (Anchorage) New Hope Counseling Center Support for professional counseling services $500 (Soldotna) Love Inc. Support services for families in need $500 (Kenai) Lower Kalskag Traditional Council Support for community wellness program $3,330 (Lower Kalskag) Newhalen Tribal Council Funds for building design project $35,000 (Newhalen) Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. General operating support $100 (National) Scholarship (2-year award) for Berett Wilber Carleton College $5,000 (Statewide) Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest General operating support $600 (Statewide) Scholarship (2-year award) for Dianne Arce University of Portland $5,000 (National) North American Outdoor Institute General program support $144,250 (Wasilla) Polaris K-12 School Funding for BioTaPP $500 (Anchorage) Northern Susitna Institute Funding to produce the 2013 NSI catalog $500 (Talkeetna) Prince William Soundkeeper Support for strategic planning $2,638 (Cordova) Scholarship (2-year award) for Jean Marie Acuna University of Hawaii $5,000 (National) Make a Wish Foundation General operating support $250 (National) Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage, Inc. Funding to purchase skis and ski jumping equipment $4,776 (Anchorage) Moose Pass Volunteer Fire Company Replacement of safety equipment $2,170 (Moose Pass) Moose Landing 4-H Club Funding for educational program $500 (Soldotna) Mountain View Elementary School PTA Support for the maintenance of the ice rink $2,000 (Anchorage) Municipality of Anchorage Maintenance of the Cuddy Family Midtown Skating Oval $10,000 (Statewide) Museums Alaska Support for strategic planning $3,500 (Statewide) Save the Children General operating support $500 (Westport) Scholarship (2-year award) for Alex Buness Brigham Young University - Hawaii $5,000 (National) Ninilchik Senior Citizens, Inc. Support for strategic planning $1,000 (Ninilchik) Manokotak Moravian Church Funding to purchase van $18,000 (Manokotak) Resurrection Bay Conservation Alliance Support for seed ball project $180 (Seward) Petersburg Public Library Support for Petersburg Library construction project $5,000 (Petersburg) Nikiski Senior Center Support for board development $835 (Nikiski) Lynn Canal Counseling Services Funding to purchase computers $35,000 (Haines) Malawi Children’s Village Inc. Tuition support for underserved youth $606 (National) Petersburg Humane Association Support for free pet spay and neuter program $900 (Petersburg) Resurrection Bay Conservation Alliance Support for Scheffler Creek stream bank renovation $4,000 (Seward) Northern Susitna Institute Support for increasing desktop publishing capacity $2,800 (Talkeetna) Northern Susitna Institute General program support $3,300 (Talkeetna) Orphan Disease Pathway Project General operating support $6,000 (National) Orphan Grain Train General operating support $500 (National) Providence Alaska Foundation Support for individuals with cancer or their families $500 (Anchorage) Qutekcak Native Tribe Support for Elder arts program $250 (Seward) R.E.A.P. Alaska General operating support $1,000 (Statewide) Rabbit Creek Community Church Support for Todee Mission School Program $15,000 (Anchorage) Scholarship (2-year award) for Kathryn Medinger Macalester College $5,000 (National) Scholarship (2-year award) for Peter Wilson Brigham Young University $5,000 (National) Scholarship (2-year award) for Talea Davis University of Alaska Anchorage $5,000 (Anchorage) Scholarship (3-year award) for Margaret Garrison Western Washington University $7,500 (National) :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 17 Scholarship (3-year award) for Cooper Gale Oregon State University $7,500 (Statewide) Scholarship (3-year award) for Graeme Campbell Western Washington University $7,500 (National) Scholarship (3-year award) for Leanne Rice Southwestern Oregon Community College $7,500 (National) Scholarship (3-year award) for Sydney Reed University of Alaska Southeast $7,500 (Juneau) Scholarship (3-year award) for Tiffany Meritt University of North Carolina Greensboro $7,500 (National) Scholarship (4-year award) for Clayton Stokes Utah State University $20,000 (National) Scholarship award for Amy Owings University of Alaska Southeast $700 (Juneau) Scholarship award for Ashley Kessler Northern Arizona University $1,100 (Flagstaff) Scholarship award for Brenda J. Wilkin Alaska Arts Southeast, Inc. dba Sitka Fine Arts Camp $845 (Sitka) Scholarship award for Brian Stroble University of Alaska Anchorage $1,500 (Anchorage) Scholarship award for Brittany Thompson Brigham Young University $2,100 (National) Scholarship award for Caroline Peterson The Hair Academy Paul Mitchell Partner School $1,100 (National) Scholarship award for Jessica Stallings University of Alaska Southeast $1,000 (Juneau) Scholarship award for Johna Rutz Southern Methodist University $1,000 (National) Scholarship award for Jordan Pruszenski Carleton College $1,000 (Statewide) Scholarship award for Keegan Messing Training for winter sport $2,500 (Statewide) Scholarship award for Kianna Jenae’ Wika Gonzaga University $1,500 (National) Scholarship award for Megan Bahrt Linfield College $2,500 (National) Scholarship award for Dave Bozman Alaska Career College $1,500 (Anchorage) Scholarship award for Melanie Wortham University of Alaska Fairbanks $500 (Fairbanks) Scholarship award for Devon Copple Arctic Flyers Flight School $2,000 (Anchorage) Scholarship award for Melissa Flynn University of Alaska Anchorage $1,500 (Anchorage) Scholarship (4-year award) for Jared Caiazza University of Alaska Fairbanks $6,000 (Fairbanks) Scholarship award for Donald Forrester Alaska Vocational Technical Center $1,000 (Seward) Scholarship award for Michelle Fleming University of Alaska Anchorage $2,500 (Anchorage) Scholarship (4-year award) for Kent Johnson University of Colorado $20,000 (National) Scholarship award for Floyd Armstrong Kenai Peninsula College $1,000 (Soldotna) Scholarship award for Nathan Feemster University of Alaska Fairbanks $500 (Fairbanks) Scholarship (4-year award) for Nichole Kagee Neumont University $20,000 (National) Scholarship award for Helen West American University $2,500 (National) Scholarship award for Rebecca Helgeson Whitman College $2,500 (National) Scholarship (4-year award) for J. Zephyr Feryok Tufts University $20,000 (National) Scholarship (4-year award) for Richard Bekeris University of Massachusetts $20,000 (National) Scholarship (4-year award) for Sarah Rasmussen-Rehkopf California Polytechnic State University $20,000 (National) Scholarship (4-year award) for Stacy Halvorsen George Fox University $30,000 (Statewide) Scholarship (5-year award) for Desirae Roehl Alaska Pacific University $37,500 (Anchorage) Scholarship award for Alexandra Cress Western Washington University $1,000 (National) Scholarship award for Holly Brooks Training for winter sport $2,500 (Statewide) Scholarship award for Iain Miller University of Alaska Anchorage $1,500 (Anchorage) Scholarship award for Inga Christensen Pacific Lutheran University $2,139 (National) Scholarship award for Isaac Lammers University of Alaska Fairbanks $1,000 (Fairbanks) Scholarship award for Jack Consentein Training for winter sport $500 (Statewide) Scholarship award for Janelle Stacy University of Idaho $1,700 (National) Scholarship award for Roland Wimberly Truman State University $2,500 (National) Scholarship award for Thomas Hughes University of Alaska Fairbanks $1,500 (Fairbanks) Scholarship award for Willow Hetrick Alaska Aeronautical Training $3,000 (Statewide) Scholarship award for Yevgenii V. Kisarouskas University of Alaska Anchorage $2,500 (Anchorage) Scotty Gomez Foundation Support for youth hockey programs $24,500 (Anchorage) Seward Arts Council Support for the Winter Music Series & communications expansion $3,750 (Seward) Seward Community Library Support for community mural project $2,000 (Seward) Seward PTSA Support for purchase of laptop computer $375 (Seward) Seward Senior Citizens, Inc. Funding for Seward Unleashed $3,000 (Seward) Seward Senior Citizens, Inc. Support for a field trip for seniors to Hope $200 (Seward) Seward Senior Citizens, Inc. Support for the purchase of a new computer $500 (Seward) Seward Senior Citizens, Inc. Support for Meals on Wheels program $500 (Seward) Seward Senior Citizens, Inc. Support for the purchase of wire racks $500 (Seward) Seward Senior Citizens, Inc. Support for strategic planning $1,489 (Seward) Scholarship award for Rosina Mancari Training for winter sport $2,000 (Statewide) Seward Tsunami Swim Club Funding to purchase equipment & supplies $3,400 (Seward) Scholarship award for Ryan Williams Cudo University of Alaska Fairbanks $1,500 (Fairbanks) Sheldon Museum & Cultural Center Support for Biography Exhibit Coordination $611 (Haines) Scholarship award for Sadie Bjornsen Training for winter sport $2,500 (Statewide) Shishmaref Wellness Coaltion Funding for the Youth Hunting & Survival Skills Camp $5,000 (Shishmaref) Scholarship award for Sara Falconer University of Alaska Fairbanks $500 (Fairbanks) Smithsonian Institute General operating support for the Arctic Studies Center $2,500 (Statewide) :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 18 Tok Area Counseling Center Support for community outreach program $4,150 (Tok) Trustees for Alaska General operating support $1,000 (Statewide) Picture: ACF Program Officer Anne Remick and Seward Advisory Board member Teri Arnold. Soar International Ministries Support for orphaned children in Russia $250 (Kenai) Solace International General operating support $14,929 (National) Soroptimist International of Cook Inlet General operating support $1,000 (Anchorage) South Anchorage High School PTSA Support for South Anchorage High Hockey $200 (Anchorage) South Naknek Village Council Support for water and sewer equipment upgrade $30,000 (Wasilla) South Peninsula Hospital Funding to acquire strategy management software $5,000 (Homer) South Peninsula Behavioral Health Services Inc. Funding to support the creation of a suicide awareness educational film $4,000 (Homer) South Peninsula Haven House - Seward Support for child protection team training $1,975 (Seward) Southeast Alaska Independent Living Support for the Last Resort Consumer Fund project $1,500 (Juneau) St. Baldrick’s Foundation General operating support $1,000 (Monrovia) St. James Episcopal Church Funding for a week-long suicide prevention workshop $5,000 (Tanana) St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital General operating support $200 (National) Sunshine Community Health Center Support for a mobile management project $1,000 (Talkeetna) Talkeetna Historical Society Support for the construction of a fence $500 (Talkeetna) The Alaska Museum of Science and History General operating support $10,000 (Anchorage) The Breast Cancer Research Foundation Support for medical research $10,000 (National) The Fistula Foundation General operating support $500 (International) The Grand Canyon Trust General operating support $500 (National) Togiak Moravian Church Funding for construction of new church $110,621 (Togiak) Togiak Public Library & Cultural Center Funding for a computer upgrade $15,000 (Togiak) Togiak Public Library & Cultural Center Funding to purchase Alaska Native artwork $5,000 (Togiak) Togiak School Refurbish of classroom technology $24,000 (Togiak) Washington State University Foundation Funding for the Heidi Charleson Scholarship Fund & the College of Sciences Dean’s Fund $6,000 (National) Tuntutuliak Traditional Council Funding for suicide prevention program $5,000 (Tuntutuliak) Wellspring Revival Ministries/Joel’s Place Funding to introduce at-risk youth to employment opportunities $4,200 (Fairbanks) UA Center for Economic Development Support for an online business referral center $15,000 (Anchorage) Wellspring Revival Ministries/Joel’s Place Support for professional development activities $5,000 (Fairbanks) Union of Concerned Scientists General operating support $500 (National) West High School PTSA Support for varsity hockey team $200 (Anchorage) United States Fund for UNICEF General operating support $100 (National) Whaley School Support for community outreach projects $220 (Anchorage) United Way of Anchorage General operating support $27,500 (Anchorage) University of Alaska Bristol Bay Campus Support for energy efficient renovations $24,000 (Fairbanks) University of Alaska Foundation-Anchorage General operating support $2,000 (Statewide) Women Listen, Inc. Program support for individuals with cancer and their families $100 (Anchorage) Working Against Violence for Everyone Support for establishing a 24-hour crisis hotline $1,350 (Petersburg) University of Alaska Foundation-Anchorage Support for the UAA Completion Scholarship $10,000 (Statewide) University of Alaska Kachemak Bay Campus Support for the Kachemak Bay Writers Conference $1,000 (Homer) University of Oregon Foundation General operating support $200 (National) Upper Susitna Food Pantry General program support $1,000 (Talkeetna) Upper Susitna Seniors Inc. Funding for Meals on Wheels $1,000 (Talkeetna) Upper Susitna Soil and Water Conservation District Support for Youth Conservation Corps $1,000 (Talkeetna) Virtues Children Nepal Inc. Support for educational projects $1,500 (National) :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE Did you know?: At 20,300 feet Mt. Mckinley (Denali) is the tallest mountain in North America. ARCTIC SLOPE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Nuwuk Barrow Kokruagarok 4,212 Wainwright Alaktak POPULATION Atgasuk 19 Kaktovik Bullen Nuiqsut Point Lay Gordon Naokok Umiat Brady Wevok Gates of the Arctic NP & Preserve Point Hope Chariot Did you know?: William Jennings Sheffield, Jr. was the fifth Governor of Alaska, from 1982 to 1986, and is presently a board member at ACF. Kivalina Noatak Cape Krusenstern NM Bering Land Bridge Preserve NP Kividlo Espenberg Singeak Shishmaref Deering Fink Creek Aurora Dahl Shelton Bunker Hill Igloo Teller Kiana Nome Nillik Omilak Elim Koyukuk Nulato Ungalik Golovin POPULATION Shaktoolik Atgasuk Kaltag Kotlik Bering Land Bridge Preserve NP Kividlo Espenberg Singeak Shishmaref Teller Nillik Buckland Hughes Utopia Chefornak Nash Harbor Omilak Nome Kokrines Koyukuk Nulato Shaktoolik Galena Kaltag Scammon Bay Saint Micheal Kotlik Northeast Point Saint Paul Napakiak Farewell Flat Crooked Creek Bethel Kipnuk Port Alsworth Kwigillingok Koliganek Tuklung English Bay King Salmon Port William Egegik Akutan Biorka Pilot Point Kashega Port Bailey Karluk Larsen Bay Ugashik Aniakchak Preserve NM Meshik Nikolski Ilnik Homer Ayakulik Old Harbor Akhiok Kaguyak Chignik Lake Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lake Chignik Lagoon Port Moller Whittier SandLatouche Point Cordova Crystal Seward Latouche HOMER FOUNDATION KODIAK COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Kodiak 6,130 Larsen Bay POPULATION Old Harbor Akhiok Kaguyak Mccarthy Cordova Crystal Chilkat 1,811 Cape Yakataga Unga Did you know?: The seafood industry contributes 78,500 jobs Kodiak to the Alaskan economy and an estimated $5.8 billion annually. POPULATION Skagway Wells Klukwan Yakutat Situk Glacier Bay NP & Preserve CHILKAT VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Haines Chilkat Comet Pelican Tenakee Springs Cobol 8,952 POPULATION Windham Todd Hood Bay Sitka Kake Goddard PETERSBURG COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Port Alexander Petersburg 3,030 POPULATION Wrangell 8,050 Point Baker POPULATION Yes Bay Cape Pole Sand Point Hadley Ketchikan Craig China Town Hydaburg Unga Metlakatla KETCHIKAN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION False Pass Pauloff Harbor Sanak Unalaska POPULATION JUNEAU COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Hawk Inlet Kimshan Cove GREATER SITKA LEGACY FUND 32,164 Juneau Excursion Inlet Elfin Cove Klawak King Cove Chilkat SEWARD COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Port William Port Bailey Akutan Biorka Kashega MAP KEY ACF Grant Award Did you know?: With 34,000 miles, Alaska has more coastline than the entire US combined. Affiliates – Chilkat/Haines, Jessica Stevens (Upper Susitna Valley), Kenai, Petersburg, Seward, Golden Heart (Fairbanks), Kodiak, Ketchikan & Sitka Partners – Homer, Juneau & ASRC :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: Mccarthy Wrangell-St Elias Preserve NP KENAI PENINSULA FOUNDATION Perryville Cold Bay Chitina Kennicott Valdez Whittier Kenai Chisana Taral Wrangell-St Elias Preserve NP Valdez Perryville Seward Chitina Kennicott Taral Port Nellie Juan Kenai Chisana Copper Center Palmer Eagle River Chugiak Port Nellie Juan Portlock Ayakulik Gulkana Tonsina Ilnik Palmer Nabesna Gakona Aniakchak Preserve NM Glennallen Meshik Eagle River Indian Bear River Chugiak Girdwood King Cove FalsePortlock Pass Pauloff Harbor Sanak Katmai NP & Preserve Kulik Lodge Kvichak Naknek 4,376 POPULATION Unalaska Bear River Port Moller Cold Bay Igiugig Dillingham Manokotak Platinum Pedro Bay Kasilof Ninilchik Iliamna Aleknagik Goodnews Bay Talkeetna Peters Creek Sunshine Salamatof Sterling Lake Clark NP & Preserve Nondalton Northway Junction Mentasta Lake Karluk Slana Chistochina Ugashik Tyone Village Chickaloon Kashegelok Tetlin Paxson Hufmans Pilot Point Tyonek Old Tyonek Cooper Landing Eek Mccallum Denali Tetlin Junction Tonsina Katmai NP & Preserve Kechumstuk Tanacross Nabesna Copper Center English Bay Eagle Egegik Curry Petersville Homer Liberty Steele Creek Chicken King Salmon Delta Junction Cantwell Summit Denali Preserve NP Broad Pass Willow Lime Village Toksook Chefornak Tuklung Bay Millers Camp Kulik Lodge Naknek Big Delta Mckinley Park Anchorage Sleetmute Igiugig Flume Creek Kvichak Kantishina Skwentina Stony River Red Devil Kalskag Saint George Tuluksak Akiok Nunachuk Newtok Tanunak Mekoryuk Iditarod Paradise Railroad City Holy Cross Pilot Station Ohogamut Medfra Nikolai Mcgrath Shageluk Anvik Hooper Bay Nash Harbor Telida Takotna Fairbanks North Pole Dillingham Manokotak Moose Creek Kasilof Ninilchik Iliamna Nation Coal Aleknagik Old Minto Ferry Did you know?: Alaska has 470 miles of railroad tracks, and trains have been operating since 1914. Grayling Pitkas Point Koliganek Cirlce Hot Springs Eureka Toklat Nondalton Yukon-Charley Rivers NM Pedro Central Livengood Indian Girdwood Salamatof Sterling NP & Preserve Chistochina Gakona Chickaloon Anchorage Port Alsworth Fort Hamlin Rampart Chalkyitsik Salmon Village Lake Clark Circle Lake Minchumina Johnson Camp Nokrot Fish Village Fort Yukon Birch Creek Anderson Unalakleet Aker Emanguk Alexanders Village Venetie Landing Tetlin Junction Tetlin Northway Junction Mentasta Lake Slana Glennallen Gulkana Willow Tyonek Old Tyonek Cooper Landing Tanacross Paxson Hufmans Tyone Village Talkeetna Peters Creek Sunshine Skwentina John Herberts Village Beaver 6,080 Platinum Sulatna Crossing Poorman Old Rampart POPULATION Goodnews Bay Long Lime Village Kashegelok Stevens Village Manley Hot Springs Ruby Whiskey Creek Sleetmute Venetie Minto Ungalik Stebbins Caro Tanana Koyuk Elim Sheldons Point Kwigillingok POPULATION Christian Caribou Bar Bethel Eek Kipnuk Haycock Golovin Napakiak Alatna Toksook Old Cutoff Trading Post Huslia Council Singigyak Kechumstuk Mccallum Denali Curry Petersville 291,826 Chandalar Nolan Coldfoot Tuluksak Akiok JESSICA STEVENS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Stony River Willow House Tramway Bar Bettles Tanunak Aurora Dahl Shelton Bunker Hill Nunachuk Newtok MekoryukHogatza Candle Taylor Igloo Noorvik Steele Creek Chicken Big Delta Delta Junction Cantwell Summit Denali Preserve NP Broad Pass Farewell Red Devil Kalskag Ohogamut Kobuk Shungnak Elephant Point Deering Fink Creek Mitletukeruk Ikpek Wales Pilot Station Hooper Bay Kiana Iditarod Crooked Creek Arctic Village Gates of the Arctic NP & Preserve Kobuk Valley NP Sheshalik Kotzebue Eagle Liberty Kantishina Telida Flat Anaktuvuk Pass Scammon Bay Noatak National Preserve NM Shageluk Anvik Paradise Railroad City Holy Cross Gates of the Arctic NP & Preserve Pitkas Point Noatak Nation Millers Camp Flume Creek Moose Creek Ferry Medfra Gordon Nikolai Mcgrath Takotna Grayling Umiat Fish Village Sheldons Point Point Hope Cape York Nokrot Aker Emanguk Brady Kivalina North Pole Lake Minchumina Kaktovik Bullen Saint Micheal Nuiqsut Naokok Cape Krusenstern NM Coal Fairbanks Old Minto Anderson Sulatna Crossing Poorman Yukon-Charley Rivers NM Cirlce Hot Springs POPULATION Toklat Long Circle Central 31,275 Eureka Manley Hot Springs Ruby Whiskey Creek Johnson Camp Stebbins Sooghmeghat Chariot Livengood Mckinley Park Point Lay Wevok Kokrines Galena Unalakleet Alaktak Savoonga GOLDEN HEART COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Fort Hamlin Rampart Chalkyitsik Salmon Village Birch Creek Stevens Village Utopia Tanana Koyuk Fort Yukon Beaver Minto Kokruagarok Wainwright Gambell Hughes Old Cutoff Trading Post Huslia John Herberts Village Alexanders Village Venetie Landing Caribou Bar Alatna Buckland Old Rampart Venetie Caro Bettles Hogatza Candle Christian Coldfoot Tramway Bar Kobuk Shungnak Haycock 3,598 Nuwuk Barrow Noorvik Council Singigyak Willow House Chandalar Nolan Elephant Point Taylor Cape York Arctic Village Gates of the Arctic NP & Preserve Kobuk Valley NP Sheshalik Kotzebue Mitletukeruk Ikpek Wales Anaktuvuk Pass Noatak National Preserve NM Cape Yakataga When it came time to do my estate planning I realized there is no better place to leave a legacy to the state I love so dearly; a place where anyone can have an impact on their causes and community. I love the idea of joining with others to affect positive change. By giving through ACF, I am connected to and support communities throughout the state of Alaska and through my Legacy fund that support will continue forever! How great is that? – Babbie Jacobs, Legacy Society for Alaska member LEGACY SOCIETY// The Alaska Community Foundation is proud to honor and recognize pioneering Alaskans who have included ACF in their planned giving. These donors have created their charitable legacy and are the members of the Legacy Society of Alaska. By making an outright or planned gift through a bequest or a beneficiary designation of life insurance or a retirement plan, the members have shared their deep commitment to Alaska. Robert Ambrose Mark & Sherri Anderson Sandra Arnold Hugh & Patty Ashlock Wendy Bergman David & Christine Brauner Jim & Sally Burkholder David & Lori Burlingame Liz Cabrera Robert & Cynthia Camilli Morgan Christen & James Torgerson Alan Clark Don Dewitt Heather Flynn Susan & Richard Foley Kimball Forrest & Susan Buesseler Thomas Hamilton & Donna Lind Alfred Hanisch * Marcia & Douglas Hastings Deirdre Helfferich Debbie Hicks Karen J. Hofstad Frank & Ramona Holmes Babbie Jacobs Stuart M. Jacques Burton & Mary Janis Susan Kaanta * Scott & Kay Keller Carolyn J. Klein Kara Knox Muriel Kronowitz Stephanie Leman & David MacCormack Steve & Lucinda Mahoney Richard & Sarah Mayes Dennis & Stephanie McMillian Peter & Jo Michalski Frances B. Mlakar Victor Mollozzi Ann L. Myren & Tim McDonough Robert M. Nelson Kristine M. Norosz Merritt Olson * Nelson G. Page David Parish Will & Mimi Peabody Anthony & Ruth Pfister Shannon Post Margaret & Michael Price Ed & Cathryn Rasmuson James & Susan Reeves Jim Renkert Tony Rollo * JoAnn R. Ross Cunningham & Steve Cunningham Paul C. Rupple Edmund Schuster Jack & Debby Sedwick Barbara Shea Boyd & Norma Skille David & Jane Stein Paula Strong Jesse & Nancy Thompson Rodney & Carol Udd Linn & Mary Weeda Kathleen L. Wendt J. David Williams Donald & Melinda Wilson Candace Winkler & Matthew Kropke Rosemary & Mark Zimmerman * Legacy gift has been actualized. PAGE 21 CORPORATE, FOUNDATION & INDIVIDUAL DONORS: On behalf of the organizations that received funds in 2012, ACF thanks the 1,500 donors who so generously supported making change throughout Alaska. With your help, ACF will continue connecting people who care with causes that matter. CORPORATE, FOUNDATION & INDIVIDUAL DONORS “At ACF, we know philanthropy can transform lives and communities. Throughout our great state, Alaskans are making a difference by giving their time, talent and treasure to causes they care deeply about. We are especially thankful to those who support ACF through their financial gifts and contributions of time and talent.” – Candace Winkler, ACF, President & CEO CORPORATE & FOUNDATION DONORS: 21st Century Community Learning Centers Alaska Cardiovascular Research Foundation Alaska Children’s Trust Alaska Federation of Natives Alaska Fjordlines, Inc. Alaska Folk School Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Alaska Nature Guides Alaska Pulp Scholarship Foundation Alaska Raptor Center Alaska Regional Hospital Alaska Ski Educational Foundation Alaska Society for Technology in Education Alaska Speed Skating Association Alaska USA Federal Credit Union Alaska West Express Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Anchorage Air Cargo Association Anchorage Museum Foundation Anchorage Principals Association Anchorage Running Club Anchorage School District Anglo American US, LLC Arctic Slope Community Foundation ASD Curriculum Department ASD Professional Learning Department ATS Portable Toilets Atwood Foundation BP America, Inc. BP Foundation Bradley Reid & Associates, Inc. Calypso Farm and Ecology Center Camp Fire USA Alaska Council Cape Reliant Fisheries, Inc. Central Environmental, Inc Chevron Humankind Child Care Connection dba thread Chilkat Environmental, LLC Chilkat Valley Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Chinook Winds City of Petersburg CoastAlaska, Inc. ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. Continental Auto Group Cook Inlet Literacy Council Cook Inlet Region, Inc. Cook Inlet Tribal Council Credit Union 1 Dancing Leaf Gallery Diversified Opportunities, Inc. Fireweed Restaurant First National Bank Alaska Five Walls, LLC Flying Squirrel Bakery Friends of Campbell Creek Science Center Friends of Petersburg Libraries Full Passport, LLC Garage Doors of Alaska Girdwood 2020 Girdwood, Inc. Glacier Glass & Door, LLC Great Northern Asset Management, LLC Greater Houston Community Foundation Haines Borough Houlberg Plumbing & Heating, LLC Howsers IGA Supermarket John S. & James L. Knight Foundation K2 Aviation Kathleen Russell Consulting Kenai Peninsula Borough School District KeyBank Alaska National Association Kingfisher Consulting, LLC Kodiak Area Native Association Kodiak Maritime Museum Koniag, Inc. Krepel Enterprises, Inc. Latitude 62 Lutak Lumber and Supply Lynden, Inc. M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Mahay’s Riverboat Service Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Matanuska-Susitna Schools Foundation Mat-Su Health Foundation Military Society of Model Railroad Engineers Moore’s Hardware Mountain Massage Municipal Light and Power NANA Regional Corporation Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage, Inc. Northern Lights Model Railroad Northern Powerline Northrim Bank Northwest Arctic Borough Pebble Limited Partnership Petersburg Emblem Club No. 81 PMCM, Inc. Porcaro Communications Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska Providence Health & Services Alaska Qutekcak Native Tribe Rasmuson Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Seward Senior Citizens, Inc. Shell Exploration & Production Company :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 22 Picture: As a hundred percent Alaskan nonprofit, ACF understands the diverse needs of our great state. Simon Paneak Museum JL Properties, Inc. Soloy Helicopters LLC Some Things Fishy Soroptimist International of Cook Inlet Southeastern Asset Management, Inc. Southern Music Company Starbucks State Farm Insurance Studio Z Sunshine Community Health Center Susitna River Lodge Talkeetna Air Taxi Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge Talkeetna Bachelor Society, Inc. Talkeetna Gifts and Collectable Talkeetna Roadhouse Teck Alaska, Inc. TelAlaska The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority The Estate of Dominic F. Gospodor The Frances & David Rose Foundation The New York Community Trust The Parts Place Todd Communications Totem Ocean Trailer Express TRF Management TriJet Manufacturing Services, LLC Twister Creek U.S. Forest Service United Way of Anchorage United Way of Matanuska-Susitna Borough University of Alaska Anchorage Valley Charities, Inc. W. D. Wallace Insurance Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation West Anchorage High School West High Alumni Association YMCA Anchorage INDIVIDUAL DONORS: Christopher & Betty Aadnesen Michael & Melissa Abbott Cynthia Adams Bob & Aleta Adkins Lance Ahern Taralee Alcock Dennis & Diane Allen Josie Allen Robert Ambrose**(L) William Ambrose & Family Russ Ament Christina Anderson Susan Anderson Kirsten Anderson Mary Anderson Russ Andrews Marquitta & Mike Andrus Linda Anthony Christopher Arbelovsky** Teri & Charles Arnold** Melissa Aronson Glenn Arundell & Barbara Beeman Richard Ayers Erin Babich William Babylon Crystal & Albert Badgley** Allen Bailey Cameron Bain Jeffrey Baird William Bankston & Frances Talbott Reed Barber Mary & Alan Barber Dot & Linne Bardarson Donna Barkon Marylynn Barnwell William Barstow Daniel Barth** Margaret & Robert Basta Mark Battaion & Kristin Hathhorn Barbara & Gary Baugh Patricia Beals Carla Beam* Jennifer & Glenn Beckmann Jane Behlke Mike Belloni Layton & Lou Bennett James Bennett Angela Beplat Jane Berglund John & Laurie Bergren Dana Berry Debra & Robert Berto Tara Bicknell Cary Birdsall Mike Bishop Stanley Bissonette Judith Bittner Randy Bjorgan Neil Black Patricia Blank James Blasingame Sandy & Tony Blomfield Barb & Gerald Blood Jeff Bochart** Thomas & Tanya Boedeker Susy & Steve Boettcher Ann Boochever Kate Boor Jack Boss Wayne Bouwens Dwight & Barbara Bowden Paul Bowen J. Bowman Joshua & Jonnel Bowser Shari Boyd Timothy & Abby Bradley Betty Brady Rick Braun Corey Brause Jonathan Breivogel Becky Brewer Valera Brickel Scott Bringmann Deborah Brocke & Jeff Robinson Bill Brophy Kim & Stephen Brown Myrna Brown Ken & Margie Brown Margie & Allen Brown Page Brumbley Shauna Bryers Matthew & Jennifer Bryner Carolyn & Sigfrid Buan Robert & Anne Bulmer Abel Bult-Ito Sam & Linda Bunge Debra Burdick-Hinton & Joe Hinton Bill Burlingame Steven & Desiree Burrell Leo Bustad & Jeanne Davis* Cindy Buxton & Russ White Christopher Byrd Liz Cabrera**(L) Diane Calamar Okonek & Brian Okonek Robert & Cindy Camilli (L) Blythe & Robert Campbell* Linda Carlson William Carr George Carte Gary & Mary Cartwright Helene Cartwright Norman Casagranda Benjamin & Carey Case Catherine Ceciliani Richard Chapell William & Wendy Chase Barbara Chen Pamela & Theo Chenier Morgan Christen & James Torgerson*(L) Janice Ciprioti Melvin Jordis Clark Andrew & Susan Clarke Kris Ryan-Clarke & Jeff Clarke Margo Clayton Cindy & Eric Clock Tim Coahran Joseph & Sharon Coe Kerry & Gershon Cohen Craig Cohen Kyle & Elin Colburn Vivian Coleman :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 23 John Combs Carol & Dennis Comeau Bill Connor Sharla Coon** Devon Copple Donald & Karen Cornelius William & Linda Correira Trisha Costello Jennifer Coughlin Colleen & Chris Coulon Wanice Cowles Angela Cox* Louise Crawford Julia March & Tony Crocetto Chancy Croft Cathy Cronlund Brad Cruz & Barbara Norton Christine Cunningham James & Carla Cunnington Julianne Curry Nancy Curtis Catherine Curtis Lisa Curtis David & Marlene Cushing Susan Dabelsteen Ronald Dailey & Eva Carey Lee & Jane Clare Darling Lois Daubney Sharon Davies Deborah Davis Brenda Gail Davis Lois DeBoer Jeffrey DeBroeck John Decherney William Demming & Cheryl Babbe John Dengler Maria Derit & Leonid Moshkovich Robin Dern & Michael Frieser Toni & Charles Dewitt** Susan Deyoe & Jeff Lebegue Cynthia Didado Emma Rose Dieter Barbara Dilley Karen Dillman Susan Dillman Nadine & Don Dillon Bob Dittrick & Lisa Morehead Peter Dobert Kathryn Dodge* Robert Donohue Boyer Marguerite Dunbar Pat Durand Christopher & Janet Durnil** Sandy & Brian Durrell Jim Durst Wesley & Marion Eastman Eileen & John Eavis Christopher Ebner Donna Edmond Ann Nora Ehret Betsy & Kenneth Eisses Fran & John Eldred Richard Elgenson Nancy Eliason Mary Eller Diane Elliot Ken Elmore Thomas Ely Heidi Embley Hazel Englund Judy Erekson Galena Ruth Erickson Larry & Karen Erickson Rick & Kathryn Ernst** Rachel & Josh Etcher Leslie Evenden** Bridgette Evermann Judith Ewald Laurie & Matthew Fagnani Tiffany Fales Emily Fehrenbacher Leonard Feldman & Maor Cohen Bette Fenn & Dino Passarino Michael Fenster Paul& Elizabeth Ferucci Sarah Jane Fischer James Fisher Patrick Fitzgerald Susan Flanary & Don Thorsteinson Mike Fleckenstein Martha & Timothy Fleming Kathleen Fleming Margaret & Douglas Flemming Lars Flora Heather Flynn (L) Susan & Richard Foley*(L) C.R. Kelly Foss Diane Foster Kevin & Margaret Foster Roy Foster Jerry & Carol Fox Tim Frade Kerrie Fredeen James Fredrickson Jeff Friedman Mildred Fuglvog Bruce & Sharon Gagnon Berta & Mike Gardner Katie Gavenus Katherine & Daniel Gensel** Martha George Darla Gerlach Kate Gerlek*** Arthur Geuss Susan Giani Robert Gieringer Julie Ginder Glenn Gnagy Rita Goshorn Carolyn Grabowski Edward Graff & Michelle Prince Robert & Sally Green Brady Greene Andrea Gribbin Gordon Griffin Mark & Lara Griffin Kathleen Griffith Linda Griffith Carol Gross Andrea Hernandez Todd Hess & Bonnie Goen James Hetrick & Roseann Deering Hetrick Brian Hickey Gregory Higgins Alice Hildreth “We give of our time, talent, and resources to The Alaska Community Foundation because we want to help build a perpetual base of philanthropy in our community that supports the broad needs throughout Alaska.“ – Alex and Susan Slivka, ACF, Board of Directors Heather Gross Douglas Gualtieri Gretchen Guess & Jeffrey Tyson Judith Guist Ryllis Guist Connie Guist Maribel Gutierrez & David Alexander Carmen Gutierrez & Rod Bradley Sheryl Guyett Frank Gwartney Kathryn & Jason Hacker Emma Haddix Amy Haddow** Peter & Katie Haeussler JoAnn Hagen & John Lillevik** Signe & Bob Haltiner Gail & Donald Hamil Thomas Hamilton & Donna Lind (L) Tamara & Bruce Hamler Peggy & Dave Hamner Anne Hanley Mike & Grace Hanneman Vincent & Jansy Hansen Kate Hanson Anne Hanssen Lois & James Hartsfield Cico & Pat Harvey Joellen & David Hawkins Marjorie Hays Linda Hazen Bruce & Mary-Michelle Headle William Hearn Barbara Hecker Lisa Heffernan Kathleen Heidecker Julia Heinz & Sean Asquith Deirdre Helfferich (L) Renee Helie Alissa Henry** Michelle Hensel & Robb Reeg Delbert Heppner Willian Herman Maria Hernandez John & Linda Hoag Karen Hofstad (L) Frank & Romona Holmes (L) Kathryn Holmes & Timothy Shields Lee Holmes Annie Holt & Don Gomes Ron & Jacque Horn Jones & Lani Hotch Beth & Cliff Howard Patrice Huettl Norman Hughes Linda & Kurt Hulteen Ralph Hummel Sharon & Brad Hunter Mary & Warren Huss Jennifer Hyer Glen & Constance Jackson Sherry & Lonnie Jackson Joseph Jackson Babbie Jacobs (L) Vic Jansen Linda Jansen Kelly Jantunen Rose Jenne Sierra Jimenez Beth & Mike Johnson** Kristi Johnson Cheryl J.P. Johnson Rhonda Johnson Marlys Johnson David & Shirely Johnsrud Fred Johnston Allan & Jennifer Johnston Robert Jones Ruth Jones Tara Riemer Jones Shelis Jorgensen Rebecca Judd Larry Jurgeleit Anna & Jim Jurgeleit Kathy Sue Justus Monica Kane Diane Kaplan & Mel Sather* :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 24 Sharon & Dave Keating James & Shannon Keene Gerry Keffer Sarah & Keith Kehoe Thomas & Carole Kelley Eron & Kathleen Kelly Christine & James Kelly Jack & Helen Kendall Linda & John Kennedy Brodie Kimmel Janet Kincaid Jean Kincaid David Kingsland Johanna Kinney Marion Kinter & Gerard Garland Beverly Kirk Bernelie Kishaba Jack Klingbeil Alice & Gunnar Knapp Kara Knox (L) Jerry Koetje Ralph Kolbeck Marc Kornmesser & Valerie Waldrop Jill Kosinski Bob Kowalski Patty Krasnansky Jean & Larry Krupa Linda Kumin Joy Kutz Janet Kvernvik Cynthia Lagoudakis & Bill Tremblay** Geraldine Lampard Keeling Lori Lanstrom Kim Larson Darcie Larson Susan Leake & Ray Nelke Helen Leber Roxanne Lee Pauline Lee Matt Leistico Herman Leite Eliza Lende Heather & Chip Lende** Charles Leo Dorothy Leonard Sanna & Duane Levan Lori LeVander & David Pflug Stephen Lindbeck & Patty Ginsburg Roy & Charmaine Lindsay Carol Lindsey Patricia & Robert Linville Thomas & Janice Livingston Rosalie & Reuben Loewen Amanda Lofgren George Long Eunice Long-Lott John Longworth & Denise Galli Ricardo Lopez*** Dorene Lorenz Naomi Louvier Chuck Loviniski Lew Lowery** Monica & Jolund Luther Mark Luttrell & Ann Ghicadus Russ Lyman & Cynthia Allen Steve & Lucinda Mahoney (L) Marsha Mak Karen Malcom Dona Malhiot Laubhan Anthony & Mandy Mallott Terry Mangione Mia Mangione David Mannheimer Arthur & Karen Mannix Christopher & Barbara Mannix** Don Marenzi Otis Marsh Deborah Marshall Jordan Marshall Erin & Cheri Marston Barbara Martin Victoria Martin & Greg Young Kerry & Kim Martin Virginia Martin Donna Martinsen Susan Massaro Jackson Laura Mastrella Suzan Matthews Lisa Maurer Molly Mayo Wood & Michael Wood John & Carol McCabe Patrick Kevin McCaleb Anne & Patrick McCormick Kevin McCoy & Mary Geddes Kathleen McCoy William McCrossan Karin McCullough Ruth McEllhiney Patrick McGrath Nick & Janet McGrath Tom McGrath Hope McGratty Ann & Terrence McGurk Kathy McKelvey Tammy McKenna Maureen McLaughlin Dennis & Stephanie McMillian (L) Alec & Nicole McMurren** Corrine & Michael McVee Bonnie & Bill Mehner George Meintel & Cynthia Wallesz** Karen Meizner & Russ Bowman Mary Mekiana Marilyn Menish-Meucci & Jeffery Meucci Jessie & Kevin Menkens*** Mike & Donna Meyer Mary Michalak Jo & Peter Michalski*(L) Evelyn Mielke Brenda Miernyk Mike Miller Aaron & Katrina Miller Reg Mitchell Nicole & Kevin Mitchell Natalia Mladenov Michael Moeglein Monica Mohay Carol Montgomery Duane Moran Ann Morgester Michael & Maya Moriarty Richard Morris James Morrison Patricia Morrison Paul Morrison & Karen Heath Tim & Laurie Morrow Michael Mraz Marcus Mueller Douglas Myers Catalina Myers Alben & Ilse Myren Ann Myren & Tim McDonough**(L) Tim Navarre** Leslie Need Ardis Nelson Robert Nelson (L) Rick & Leslie Nerland* Bonnie Nichols & Michael Haggerty** Sandy Nichols Glen & Patti Nielsen Elizabeth Nobmann John Nodus Barbara Norbeck** Beth Nordlund Patricia Norheim Dale Normandin Kris Norosz*(L) Mark & Cristi Norquist Tlisa Northcutt Charles Obendorf Josselyn & Ed O’Connor** Judith Odhner** Kay Kolb O’Grady Jennifer Olendorff Daniel Oliver Yngve Olsson Joe Orr Tom & Nancy Osborne Joe & Diane Owens Mona Painter James Palmer & Sheila Arkell Edna Paperman David Paperman Samuel Paperman David Parish (L) Victoria Parker Rebecca Parker Vicky Parks*** Suzanne & Fred Paulsen** Marjorie & Brian Paust Will & Mimi Peabody (L) Penny Pedersen & Andrew Pankow* Betty Pederson Marian Pedrick Diane Pelz Theresa Perez Grete Lewis Perkins Peggy Perkins Elizabeth Perry Katie Pesznecker Stan Peterman Jerry Peters Larry Petersen Jim & Susan Pfeiffenberger Jeanette Phillips Mike Philo Frank & Carol Pinkerton Sammye Pokryfki Joseph & Jahna Pollock Mike & Bonnie Porcaro Sondra & David Porter** Nate Porter & Cassalyn David James Posey Gordon Pospisil & Blythe Marston Randy Pottle Kenneth Powers Margaret & Michael Price (L) Ann Puffer Denise & Adam Quick Thomas & Ann Quinlan Bobbi & Keith Quintavell Willard & Martha Rabert Leslye & Gary Randall Pamela Randles Ed & Cathryn Rasmuson (L) Randy Reed James & Susan Reeves (L) Robyn Rehmann Scott Reierson Kim & Skip Reierson** Connie Reinhart Pauline Reiter Jill Reitz Walter Remele Anne Remick*** Laurel Renkert Mildred Renkert Jim Renkert (L) Lois Rhodes Allison Rice & Joe Stratman Jenna Rich Delaine Richards Sharon & Walter Richards Mary Elizabeth Rider Megan Riebe Dave & Sally Riemer Kent & Lisa Rininger Shirley & James Rippey Kit Roberts Lawrence Roberts Ray & Julie Robinson Pamela & Roger Robinson Lisa Roderick & Mark Westman Susan Rogers Betty & Harry Rogers Richard Romack James & Florence Rooney :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: PAGE 25 JoAnn Ross Cunningham & Steven Cunningham (L) Jean Rounds-Riley & John Riley Dorothy Roundtree Russell Rudolph Paul Rupple**(L) H. Theodore Ryberg Phyllis Sage & Joanne Waterman Sheryl Salasky Clifford Salisbury Fernando Salvador Steven & Sarah Samuelson Nancy Sander Mark & Janet Sandvik Mariko Sarafin*** Per & Lynda Sather Heather Sawyer Carolyn Sayre & David Johnston Carol Schatz Stacy Schmitz Reece Lucille Schoenberger Karen & Jim Schramek Peter & Joyce Schultz Daniel Schultz Krista Schwarting Mike & Kay Schwartz Lisa Schwarzburg Glen & Marcia Scott Krista Scully Christina Seay Wayne Selmer Mark & Karen Severson Heather Shade** David & Harriet Shaftel Bill Sheffield* Diane Shellenbaum Bill Shellenberg Dewitt Sherwood Janet Sherwood Kathleen Sherwood Phyllis Shoemaker Joe & Gwynne Short Spencer Shroyer Bev Sierks Steve & Euid Silverstein James & Gloria Simpson Thomas Sisul Emma Skoog Chellie & Cory Skoog** Alex & Susan Slivka* Kate & Dave Slyker* Darren & Justine Smith Kiya & Alvin Smith Janell Smith Jean Smith Harold & Joyce Smith Annette Smith Corinne Smith & Paul Button Jane Smith Almarene Snead Mark & Diana Snow Ronald & Catherine Snyder Joan Snyder Michael Sobocinski Michael Sobol Cora Spaulding & Estrada Bernard Ginette St. Clair Stephen St. Peter Lynn Stallings Cassandra Stalzer Michael Stark Stan & Janice Steadman** Rachel Steer Bonnie & Paul Steer David & Jane Stein**(L) Barbara Steltz & Michael Bangs Carla Stephan Katherine Stephen Richard Stephenson Stewart Sterling Cecily Stern & Mark Sogge** Colleen Stevens Cheryl Stine & Ray Koch Holly Stinson Sandy Stolle Rebecca Strauch Lukas Strickland Paula Strong (L) James & Adona Struve Robert Stump Arliss Sturgulewski Aina Summerfelt James Swainson Loretta Swanson Colleen & Wally Swanson Teresa & Robert Swanson John & Miriam Swanson Stan & Pat Syta Sally & Steven Tachick Helen & Peter Taflan Bob & Elizabeth Tannahill Charles Taylor Katherine Taylor Mark & Janice Teter Andy Teuber* Joyce Thomas Niel Thomas & Hermine Baker Robert & Susan Thomason Jesse & Nancy Thompson (L) Judy & Kyle Thompson Julianne Thompson Allen & Anita Tigert Karen Timmins Jan Tluchor Teri Toland Eric & Sue Tollefsen Tina Tomsen Dalal J. Tonb Sandra Tonstad Sandi Toth Tom Tougas Vanessa Towler Aleesha Towns-Bain Alan Traut Mead Treadwell Ruth Tronnes Kathleen Trump Karmen Truzupek Emil Tucker Lane Tucker* Cathy Turner Lynn Turner Carol Tuynman Joann Utt Mary Jane Valentine** Elizabeth Van Burgh Ralph Van Dusseldorp & Marilyn Johnson Linda & Steve Van Goor Linda Van Houten & William Joiner Leslie Vandergaw Julie Varee Therese Veker John Venables Robert & Marta Venables Steve Vick Philip & Cinda Viles Deborah Vogt Laurel Vorachek Dale Wade Daniel & Madelyn Walker** David Wallen** Jill & Wesley Walls Bridget & Ricard Walsh Wayne & Donna Walter Emma Lu Walton Mary Waltz John Niles & Karin Wanamaker Bernie & Debra Washington* Sharon Weeks Thomas & Penny Wells Joseph & Stephanie Welsh Margaret Wengert Pam & Doug Werner Jennifer Westrom Katherine & Kevin White Russell White Sandra Wicks Tim Wiepking & Barbara Brown David Wight & Carla Hoskins Wight Sharon Wikan Kami Williams Arlene Williams Lynn Willis Elizabeth & Barry Wilson Thomas Wilson Becky Windt Candace Winkler & Matthew Kropke***(L) Bridget Wittstock Tonja Woelber Ellen Wolf & Douglas Smith Glorianne & Jerry Wollen** Ruth Wood & John Strasenburgh** Hilary Wood & Matt Lichtenstein Susan Wood Vera Woods Roger & Janet Worrell Laura Wright Laura & Charles Wynn Ann & Ed Yadon Jean Yang Diane Ziegner & Jim Graupmann Paul & Marcia Zimmerman Don & Tamara Zoerb* ACF Donor Key: (L) Legacy Members *ACF Board Member Donors ** ACF Affiliate/Advisory Board Member Donors ***ACF Staff Donors Picture: ACF celebrates the arts and our cultural heritage by supporting and sustaining nonprofits and charitable causes. Connecting people who care with causes that matter. ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT Bernie’s commitment to our community goes well beyond his service as a Board Member of Bean’s Café. His long time participation in a number of other nonprofit boards and advisory committees highlights the magnitude his technical expertise and practical approach to nonprofit financial issues has had in Alaska. His deepseated commitment to making our community a better place affirms his understanding that by helping those in need, we in turn help each other. – Leslie Ellis, Credit Union 1, President & CEO BERNIE WASHINGTON// The oil industry brought Bernie to Alaska. His first winter, he experienced what he calls “true homelessness”– a man had froze to death during one frigid night. In his small hometown of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, things like that just didn’t happen. For Bernie, the character of a society is based on how those most in need are treated. His aspiration has always been to leave the world a much better place and that tragic night catapulted him onto a path that would impact Alaska forever. Thirty-five years later, Bernie is well known in the Alaskan nonprofit arena. A dedicated community advocate, Bernie served for a year as the president of the United Way of Anchorage Board of Directors and also spent the last 30 years on the United Way of Anchorage Allocations Panel (Investment Committee). He helped start the Foraker Group, serving on their Board of Directors, in addition to Bean’s Café Board of Directors. His significant role in establishing The Alaska Community Foundation and Shiloh Community Housing, Inc. highlights the profound impact Bernie’s contributions of knowledge and know-how have had on the causes he cares about most. His financial expertise and commitment to service is remarkable. As a role model and leader in philanthropy, we thank you Bernie for your time and talent. PAGE 27 The Investment Committee includes members from the ACF Board of Directors and other community members with investment expertise. The committee provides oversight and direction to the investment teams that manage ACF endowments. “Thank you so much! We, Bethel Arts Groups, are excited to be moving forward in becoming a sustainable arts community.” – Reyne Athanas, Bethel Council on the Arts FINANCIAL POSITION Our Investment Philosophy: The goals of ACF are to preserve and enhance the real value of charitable assets over time, to exist in perpetuity and to provide for grantmaking in perpetuity. To accomplish these goals, we maintain a diversified portfolio with an acceptable level of risk. The overriding investment objective for our endowed funds is to maintain purchasing power by adherence to investment discipline, because we believe grants for tomorrow are as important as grants made today. ACTIVITY REPORT FINANCIAL POSITION January – December 2012 December 31, 2012 ASSETS 2012 ACF Revenue: $12,483,616 Current Assets: Cash & Equivalents $ Prepaid Expenses Accounts Receivable Pledges & Gift Receivable Total Current Assets Investments Property & Equipment Total Assets $ LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Current Liabilities: Administrative Payable $ Grants Payable Total Current Liabilities Investments Held in Trusts for Others Net Assets: Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities & Net Assets $ 3,870,010 38,789 190,117 0 4,098,916 56,550,599 92,774 60,742,289 173,467 950,882 1,124,349 6,736,595 Gifts & Bequests Grant Revenue Investment Earnings Fees & Other Revenue 2012 ACF Expenses: $7,414,783 42,678,378 10,202,967 52,881,345 60,742,289 :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: General & Administrative Fundraising Grant & Program Expenses PAGE 28 NEW FUNDS IN 2012 Number of Funds at 12/31/11 Fund Type New Funds in 2012 Number of Funds at 12/31/12 Asset Value Donor Advised Community Field of Interest Designated Project Scholarship Unrestricted Agency Operating 78 12 16 12 12 31 6 113 12 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 76 $26,456,543 12 $3,537,330 21 $839,113 13 $868,207 11 $184,725 31 $3,028,661 4 $1,263,023 114 $22,438,043 15 $890,411 Total Fund Balance 292 7 297$59,506,056 A Side Note: Markets presented extreme challenges for everyone over the last 5 years. ACF BENCHMARK FOR COMPARABLE INVESTMENTS 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 5 year Year ACF Return 10.47 7.41 -22.56 21.55 70% S&P 500/ 30% Barclay’s Aggregate 12.30 6.10 -26.00 20.40 12.90 4.10 12.46 2.95 13.47 4.86 8.81 -24.67 18.87 11.77 0.33 12.58 2.27 4.40 0.07 Alaska Permanent Fund U.S. Treasury Bills 1.26 0.14 9.63 -4.12 10.02 1.71 0.14 0.12 0.51 A Side Note: ACF exceeded its 8% target in 2012. A Side Note: ACF’s assets have grown 1735% over the last 10 years. Together with our Affiliates, we connect people who care with causes that matter. ACF ASSET GROWTH BY YEAR $60,000,000 $50,000,000 $40,000,000 $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 0 2012 2011 :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report :: 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Asset PAGE 29 POPULATION IN ANCHORAGE: 295,570 POPULATION IN ALASKA: 731,449 CON N EC TIN G P E OP LE WHO CAR E W I TH CAUSES THAT M ATTER . vision// Alaskans supporting Alaskans to create a sustainable quality of life. mission// To cultivate, celebrate and sustain all forms of philanthropy to strengthen Alaska’s communities forever. Together with our Affiliates, we connect people who care with causes that matter. Tim Remick: Staff & Board of Directors (inside cover); Brooklyn Baggett: Candace & Susan (p 1); Ricardo J. Lopez: Staff Members (p 3), Sondra Porter (p 4), Petersburg (p 4), Jessica Stevens CF (p 5) ACF Board Members (p 5), Staff & Advisory Board member (p 18), ACF Board Member (p 19), ACF Board Member & Staff (p 21), ACF Staff (p 21), ACF Staff member (p 29) Wildflowers (various pages); Oscar Edwin Avellaneda: Young girl (p 7), Young boy (p 13); Flordelino Lagundino: Reincarnation (p 7); Photo courtesy of Keegan Messing (p 8); Photo courtesy of APU (p 8); Ryan Adkins: Winter Bear (p 9); Babbie Jacobs: Marina at Camp Is (p 9),; Nathaniel Wilder: Young boy fishing (p 10), Windmills (p 11), Dog (p 11), Lake (p 19 & inside back cover); Akiko Nishijima: Christmas Carol (p 13); Doug Lindstrand: Boat (p 19), Moose (p 29); Kodiak CF (p 28) Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations 3201 C St #110, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 PHONE: 907.334.6700 • 855.336.6701 (toll-free) EMAIL: [email protected] www.alaskacf.org :: Our Community At Work :: The Alaska Community Foundation 2012 Annual Report ::
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