gardens and plant nurseries


gardens and plant nurseries
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Plant Lovers’
guide to
Ceredigi n
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A county best known for its beautiful and rugged coastline, magical coves and
hidden beaches has other, relatively unknown, tricks up its sleeve. Venture inland
and you will find a wealth of greenery among hill and dale, in nook and cranny
and down delightful country roads away from the hustle and bustle of the coast.
This is the Ceredigion where Plant Lovers thrive.
Ceredigion’s climate and acid soil provide the perfect conditions for a Plant
Lovers’ paradise. The landscape is lit up by our spectacular hedges of laburnum
during spring. Ancient woodlands carpeted with bluebells, verges studded with
orchids and swathes of gorse-covered hills add to the drama. With a host of
fabulous gardens and specialist nurseries nestled comfortably amidst this natural
beauty, and a thriving cluster of garden and plant-loving clubs and organisations,
Ceredigion is so much more than just a coastline.
This booklet was produced under the Ceredigion County Council ‘Discovering
Ceredigion Project’ which has received financial support through the Rural
Development Plan for Wales 2007–2013, which in turn is funded by the Welsh
Assembly Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.
We would like to thank members of the Gardens and Growers cluster group who
gave of their time to bring the booklet together, with particular mention to Julie
Akkermans of Cae Hir Gardens, Cribyn, for collating all the information.
We hope this booklet will be of use to you for many years, but as details will
undoubtedly change over time please follow us on
(search for Ceredigion Plant Lovers), to ensure you are kept up to date with all our
latest news, events, attractions and information.
Whilst Ceredigion County Council has made every effort to ensure accuracy in
this publication, it cannot accept reponsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or
omissions or for any matter in any way connected with or arising out of the
publication of the information contained within the leaflet. All details have been
supplied by the Gardens and Growers listed.
Cover photograph: E. Foot, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales
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Ceredigion – Wales’ Garden of Eden
Open Gardens enjoy the hard work
of other gardeners
Historic Attractions see how the
gentry tamed the landscape . . .
Exotic Ceredigion no need to travel
abroad for a taste of the rainforest!
Strawberries ‘n’ Cider enjoy the fruits
of labour of these family businesses
Garden and Grower Societies find
others who share your interests
Nurseries and Garden Centres
be sure to find the plant you are after
Map to find the gems hidden in
this booklet
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Ceredigion – Wales’ Garden of Eden
Nestled comfortably between the Cambrian
Mountain Range on the East and the bay
that carries its name on the West, Ceredigion
is Wales‘ fourth largest county yet has the
third smallest population. The ecotourism in
this most rural part of Wales is diverse, with
gardens, butterfly houses, National Trust
attractions, orchards and much more on
offer, but the star of the show has to be the
countryside itself.
Photograps: E. Foot, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales
Ceredigion boasts a remarkable array of
nature reserves both large and small. From
ancient woodland to wetland, wildflower
meadow to marsh, reed bed to heath land,
these reserves contain a rich variety of
species, many extremely rare e.g. Hypericum
undulatum and forked spleenwort. A large
number of reserves are designated sites of
special scientific interest (SSSI), established
in order to protect and preserve Ceredigion’s
flora and fauna. Even Ceredigion’s roadside
verges are so important and spectacular they
are habitats included in the Ceredigion Local
Biodiversity Action Plan. Just by driving
around and exploring the web of minor
roads, or parking up and walking along some
of the hundreds of designated footpaths
meandering through the county, you will
come across some of the most delightful and
spectacular views imaginable.
From Coed Penglanowen near Aberystwyth
where you will see Ceredigion’s tallest tree, a
specimen of Sequoiadendron giganteum, to
Cors Caron where Ceredigion’s tiny county
flower, bog rosemary, can be readily spotted,
Ceredigion plays host to a wealth of flora
which in turn provides food and shelter to a
wonderful richness of fauna.
For more information on Ceredigion’s nature
reserves visit
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Open Gardens
Cae Hir Gardens
‘A Welsh Garden with a Dutch History’,
Cae Hir is the creation of Dutchman
Wil Akkermans who started off with 3 fields
of rough farmland in 1983. Since then
Cae Hir has matured and developed into one
of Britain’s most highly acclaimed private
gardens, having been chosen by the RHS
as one of their select Partner Gardens.
Cae Hir has become synonymous with the skill of blending
the wild with the cultivated, of mass planting of the ordinary
to achieve extraordinary results, and of thinking outside the
box to manage the impossible – namely to create and keep on
top of 6 acres of garden as ‘a one-man job’. Visitors to Cae Hir
sing its praises loudly:
‘Absolutely stunning! The most interesting and beautiful garden we
have visited.’
‘Eat your heart out Monty Don.’
‘Truly magnificent . . . I have not seen a garden quite like it anywhere.’
‘Delicious cream tea, a wonderfully relaxing garden, nice people – what
more could you ask of a Sunday afternoon!’
Garden Tea Room
Along with the garden, Cae Hir also boasts a fabulous tea room.
With a sunny patio enjoying a tantalising glimpse of the garden
and wider views over the valley, it is a wonderful place to relax
and soak up the peace of the Ceredigion countryside.
01570 471116
Cae Hir Gardens, Cribyn, Lampeter SA48 7NG
Open: Easter–October. Daily from 10am–5pm.
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Open Gardens
Tŷ Glyn
A delightful woodland walk leads to the
secluded and magical walled garden at
Tŷ Glyn. Specifically developed for specialneeds children, its south-facing productive
terraced kitchen garden overlooks
herbaceous borders, orchard and ponds with
child-orientated features.
There are surprises amidst unusual shrubs
and perennials as well as newly planted fruit
trees selected from a former gardener’s
notebook. The garden is accessible to
wheelchair users.
0845 094 4364
Tŷ Glyn Holiday Centre, Ciliau Aeron,
Open: Garden open all year.
Since 1995, Terry and Rose Barter have
patiently transformed a 2.5 acre field into this
unique Sculpture Garden, described by
visitors as a magical mystery tour and a perfect
marriage of nature and sculpture! Visitors are
able to visit the sculpture workshop and the
studio/gallery displaying the finished work of
Terry and Rose as well as works by fellow
sculptors John Barnes and Paul Jenkins. They
can then wander through the garden where
sculptures are displayed in a variety of
settings, from the delightfully eccentric Angel
House folly to the Rowan Grove, Titan
Labyrinth, Sculpture Trail, Earth Goddess and
many more. Visitors are offered homemade
refreshments in the conservatory.
01239 851737
Ceri Gwnda, Rhydlewis, Llandysul SA44 5RN
Open: Tue–Thu, 11am–5pm, from April until the
end of October. All bank holiday weekends.
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Open Gardens
The National Gardens Scheme
Gardens Open for Charity
The National Gardens Scheme (NGS) was
officially launched in 1927. The idea of inviting
people with lovely gardens to open them to the
public with a view to raising funds was a stroke
of genius, and since 1927 over £30,000,000 has
been raised and donated to the NGS charities.
Whatever type of garden appeals to you, you
will find something interesting in Ceredigion.
These gardens nestle comfortably in our dramatic Bwlch y Geuffordd, Bronant
scenery, with our steep wooded valleys and
views of mountains and sea. There are gardens running to several acres, others are
more modest in their dimensions, some have been tended for generations, others
recently created. However different they are from each other, they have one thing
in common, and that is they are all tended with love, care and imagination. You
may have an opportunity to chat to the owner, and many gardens have a plant stall
where you can often find real gems at a very reasonable price. Delicious home-made
teas will almost certainly be available! What better way to support such a worthwhile charity than by spending an enjoyable afternoon in beautiful surroundings?
For further information and opening dates for Ceredigion gardens visit or pick up a free booklet ‘NGS Gardens in Western Wales’,
available from many outlets, including Open Gardens and Tourist Information
Llanllyr is one of the NGS’ annual open gardens in Ceredigion. It is an early 19th
century garden on the site of a medieval nunnery. It has been renovated and
replanted since 1989 and exhibits fine plantsmanship with year-round appeal.
The owners, Mr and Mrs Robert Gee, are also happy to open for private visits by
01570 470900
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Historic Attractions
Feast your eyes on wonderful picturesque views at this charming, fascinating
18th century time capsule. The two walled kitchen gardens with their fabulous
collection of fruit, vegetables, herbs and plants are a true glimpse into gardens of
the past. You can even buy the seasonal produce and plants to take home. The
kitchen gardens are perfectly complemented by the estate’s own service courtyard
with dairy, laundry, brewery and salting house, giving a fantastic insight of how
Welsh country minor gentry lived 200 years ago.
The villa, designed in the 1790s, is the most complete example of the early work of
John Nash, and the Home Farm complex has an impressive range of traditional,
atmospheric outbuildings. It is a working organic farm with Welsh Black cattle,
Llanwenog sheep and rare Welsh pigs. The pleasure grounds and ornamental lake
and parkland provide peaceful walks.
Llanerchaeron offers seasonal gardening and farming activities, plus special events
throughout the year. Please phone or check the website for further details!
01545 570200
Llanerchaeron, Ciliau Aeron, near
Aberaeron, Ceredigion SA48 8DG
Open: House, farm and garden,
February until October, 11am–5pm.
(Please phone or check website
to confirm).
Further events arranged throughout
the winter – check website.
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Historic Attractions
In the late 18th century the Hafod
Estate was designed in the Picturesque
style by Thomas Johnes and became
an essential destination for visitors
touring Wales. Today the mansion is
gone but the historic walks network
has been restored to allow you to
enjoy this special landscape.
Breathtaking Views
Thomas Johnes laid out the walks at
Hafod so that the visitor could enjoy
the landscape as an ever-changing
sequence of views.
Woodland Walks
There are 5 woodland walks to
explore, from the strenuous and
exciting Gentleman’s Walk to the
gentler and delightful Lady’s Walk.
Hafod is an especially exciting place
to visit when it’s been raining.
Visit the majestic Peiran Falls and
then follow the cascading stream as
it tumbles down a wooded dell to join
the Ystwyth.
01974 282568
Open: Year round free access for
walks. A detailed map of all the walks
is available from a dispenser in the
car park (2 x £1 coins).
The Hafod Trust also welcomes
enquiries from groups wishing to
arrange pre-booked guided tours of
Hafod, including evening and
weekend visits.
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Exotic Ceredigion
The Magic of Life Butterfly House . . .
. . . is home to some of the
largest and most colourful
butterflies in the world.
Dazzling blue morphos
and huge Owl
butterflies from South
America and shapely
swallowtails from the
Far East all fly freely in
a luxuriant plant
display. Many of the
butterflies are even bred
on site! Staff will give you a
warm welcome and are always
on hand to tell you some of the
stories behind the lives of the plant and insect world.
Plant lovers will also delight in the extensive collections of exotic
and conservatory plants. There are large numbers of passion
flowers, angel’s trumpets and buddlejas (over 30 varieties). Outside,
the twin themes of butterflies and the tropics are echoed in the
plantings with hot, tropical colours and a native butterfly garden.
Neil Gale set up the butterfly house in 2002 as a not-for-profit Trust.
From the age of six he grew exotic plants which quickly took over
his father’s tomato house. This interest led him to travel to Borneo
where the bird-sized butterflies captured his imagination. He went
on to study in the forests of West Africa and Ecuador. Neil is a
botanist and has a PhD in rain forest ecology.
01970 880928
Next to Statkraft
Info. Centre, CwmRheidol,
Aberystwyth SY23 3NF
Open: Daily 10am–5pm during Spring, Summer
and Autumn.
(Check website or phone to confirm Spring
and Autumn Open Season).
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Exotic Ceredigion
Felinwynt Rainforest Centre
Hidden inside a modern, purpose built glass
house at Felinwynt lies an astonishing surprise
– an idyllic rainforest housing a multitude of
lush tropical plants, waterfalls, ponds and
even a stream. The humidity provided by
the water coupled with the lush greenery
provides the ideal home for free flying
tropical butterflies, other rainforest life
such as stick insects and leaf cutter ants,
and even birds.
Staff are always on hand to offer information
on butterflies and plants should you have any
questions as you wander through the rainforest.
There is also a video room showing films of the
Peruvian Amazon and of butterflies from around
the world should you be hungry for more! With a gift shop
and café where crayons and paper are available for any children
who fancy expanding the picture gallery, Felinwynt offers the perfect
family day out.
01239 810250 / 01239 810882
Felinwynt Rainforest Centre, Felinwynt, Cardigan SA43 1RT
Open: Apr–Oct, Daily from 10.30am–5pm
(Please phone to confirm Spring and Autumn Open Times).
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Strawberries ’n’ Cider
Fruit Farm
Another of Ceredigion’s Family run
success stories, Penlanlas is an
award winning farm, nature trail,
pick your own (PYO) fruit farm, golf
course and conservation area.
The traditional farm first diversified
into PYO strawberries in 1987, and
now has five acres dedicated to the
growing of a range of soft fruits.
Three strawberry polytunnels house a metre-high “Table-Top
System”, taking all the hard work out of strawberry picking!
Two polytunnels of raspberries have been added since the early years, and other fruit
to pick can include gooseberries, black, white and redcurrants and jostaberries,
depending of course on the time of year. One thing is guaranteed though – whatever
the weather, the fruit will be perfect!
Penlanlas lies high above the River Ystwyth where it enjoys stunning views across North
Ceredigion, probably best enjoyed on a leisurely round of golf. Or sit and enjoy a cream
tea, watch the summer grazing welsh black cattle, and let the magic of the landscape
surrounding you (much of which is a designated conservation area), seep into your soul.
01970 625319
Penlanlas, Rhydyfelin, Aberystwyth SY23 4QE
Open: Daily from 10am–7pm
(Please phone to confirm Spring and Autumn Open Season).
Toloja Holdings
Cider making was the industry that launched Toloja Holdings back in 2005, and a
string of awards later, there is no looking back for Kevin and Nikki Sweet. Although
the business has outgrown their own ‘orchard museum’ of Welsh apple varieties, all
apples used in the Toloja range are strictly Welsh varieties grown in Wales; all
handpicked and unsprayed with no chemicals or yeast added. ‘Natural to the core’
is the mantra of this fast growing family business.
Please do not hesitate to contact Kevin and Nikki or visit their website for further
information about where and how to purchase the Toloja range of ciders and perry.
01570 471295
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Garden and Grower Societies
The Cardiganshire Horticultural Society
Founded in 1968, the Cardiganshire Horticultural Society (CHS)
has grown over the years into a thriving group of garden
enthusiasts. The CHS meet for a motivating variety of lectures
throughout the winter in Aberystwyth, and enjoy day visits to
gardens and nurseries within Wales and the Borders throughout
the summer. Longer visits have, in the past, included trips to
more distant parts of Britain as well as visits to Madeira, Holland,
Belgium, France and, most recently, Northern Ireland.
The CHS is a sociable group, so if you like gardening and garden
visits, and enjoying time in the company of like-minded friends,
please do go along to a meeting!
For further details visit the CHS website
The Royal Horticultural Society
The RHS has teamed up with selected gardens throughout the UK that have
exceptionally high standards of planting and design. In Ceredigion we are lucky to
have one of these gardens, Cae Hir, in our very midst. Several of Ceredigion’s
nurseries have also been chosen by the RHS to appear in the RHS nursery finder,
namely Gwynfor Growers, Pantyfod Garden Nursery, Penlan Perennials and Waun
Ceredigion hosts several RHS recommended events throughout the year, from
lectures organised by the Cardiganshire Horticultural Society at Aberystwyth
University, to special events held at Cae Hir Gardens.
Further information about events happening now can be found at
To join the RHS or to find out more about any of the above visit
The Welsh Historic Gardens Trust
The Welsh Historic Gardens Trust (WHGT) is a national
organisation promoting an appreciation and understanding of
gardens and designed landscapes throughout Wales. It also
campaigns to protect and conserve sites at risk of damage or loss.
As a national member you would also become a member of your
local Ceredigion branch, and meet people with similar interests
at private garden visits and informal lectures on the history
of the gardens and the garden-makers. As an example, we
visited Glandyfi Castle, Trawscoed, Crugiau, the ruins of
Peterwell and the Falcondale Hotel. As a member you would
also receive invitations to national events, lectures and study
days, and be able to join excursions organised by any of the other regional branches.
For further information please visit and click on Ceredigion.
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Garden and Grower Societies
The Hardy Plant Society: West Wales Group
The Hardy Plant Society is a charity that was formed to foster interest in hardy
herbaceous perennial plants. It aims to give its members information about the
wealth of both well and little known plants and to ensure that all worthy plants
remain in cultivation with the widest possible distribution. From the earliest days
the Hardy Plant Society has always been a friendly group and the range of activities
offered locally and nationally gives members plenty of opportunity to meet other
keen gardeners, sharing ideas and information in a convivial atmosphere. The
activities and work of the Society inform and encourage the novice gardener,
stimulate and enlighten the more knowledgeable and entertain and enthuse all
gardeners bonded by a love for, and an interest in, hardy perennial plants.
The West Wales group covers Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire
and meets in Newcastle Emlyn. For further details contact us via our website
Other Gardening Clubs in Ceredigion*
Cilcennin Gardening Club
Sue Nicholson, 01570 471248
Llechryd and District Gardening Club
Chris Evans, 01239 612247
Llangwyryfon Gardening Club
Mrs Pam Buckby, 01974 241496
Llanrhystud Gardening Club
Anne Hopewell, 01974 202289
Pentrecwrt and District Gardening Club
Roger Adams
Ponterwyd Gardening Club
Margaret Williams, 01970 890617
Rhydlewis and District Gardening Club
Jenny Archibald, 01239 654644
New Quay Gardening Club
Barbara Rastrick, 01545 580024
* The contact information is correct at the time of going to print, but subject to change.
Contact details will be updated on our facebook page as we receive it.
Ceredigion Growers Association
The Ceredigion Growers Association (CGA) was formed in
2008, and is made up of a diverse group of nurseries within
the county who feel that by working together they can put
Ceredigion on the horticultural map. The CGA has a wide range
of growers with a comprehensive range of garden plants; many
unusual and sought after as well as some old favourites. The CGA hold
regular plant fairs throughout Ceredigion, often in conjunction with
Open Gardens.
Attracting new members to the CGA is very important, and they welcome anyone
who grows plants to go along to one of their meetings. If you think you might like
to attend please contact Gillian Boyd (Secretary) on 01570 470557 or email the
CGA by using the contact page on their website
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Nurseries and Garden Centres
Ceredigion’s climate, thanks to its snug geographical location between the blue
seas of Cardigan Bay and the rugged Cambrian Mountains is (generally!) benign
and ideal for horticulture. Our coastal districts rarely experience hard frosts
allowing for a long growing season, and the abundant rainfall and overall mild
climate allows our growers to produce a fantastic range of plants.
It’s hardly surprising then that Ceredigion hosts an extensive network of nurseries,
from small specialist nurseries such as Aeron Acers to larger, more commercial
enterprises such as Cambrian Nurseries and Penlan Perennials. Many of our nurseries
are listed in the RHS nursery finder, and all are run by hands-on folk who know
their trade, love it, and are only too happy to pass on their extensive knowledge!
Alongside these nurseries Ceredigion hosts a good selection of family-run garden
centres offering everything from indoor and outdoor plants to pots and garden
ornaments, from tools and gardening accessories to pets and pet food. Dotted
around the county our garden centres are well worth a visit.
Aeron Acers
Aeron Acers is a small nursery growing Japanese Acers from seed
with an emphasis on providing healthy, robust trees of varying
size, shape and colour at affordable prices. The nursery is constantly
working toward the provision of a wider variety and to promote
an interest in Maples that will both benefit the environment and
add pleasure to any garden throughout the changing seasons. More
recently a variety of 2–3 year old grafted cultivars have been introduced
to the collection for the discerning enthusiast! Winners of a Gold
Medal at the Royal Welsh Smallholders and Garden Festival!
Gillian Boyd, Aeron Acers, Llwynbrain, Talsarn,
Lampeter SA48 8QD
01570 470557
[email protected] Open: By appointment
Cambrian Nurseries
Cambrian Nurseries are situated in the
lovely Aeron Valley near Ciliau Aeron.
The Nurseries specialise in the production
of container-grown herbaceous
perennials, ferns and grasses for the
wholesale amenity market. An extensive
range of woodland plants, some unusual
like Trillium and Meconopsis, are also
grown. Visitors are welcome.
Cambrian Nurseries, Ciliau Aeron,
Lampeter SA48 8BX
01570 471145 Fax 01570 471507
[email protected]
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Nurseries and Garden Centres
Country Lane Nurseries
Country Lane is a small, unique nursery which specializes in
a range of hardy perennials and shrubs, many unusual and
hard to find. Most are grown on outdoor beds all year round,
giving the best possible head start when planted in your
garden. The nursery is situated alongside our working beef
and sheep farm where we also breed and sell our poultry,
waterfowl and free range eggs. A warm welcome awaits you
at Country Lane, whether you’re a plant lover or poultry
enthusiast we’re sure to have something to interest you!
Theresa Glover, Country Lane Nurseries, Plwmp, Nr Synod Inn,
Llandysul SA44 6HU
01239 851015 07976 411884
[email protected]
Open: Easter–end Sept, Wed–Sun 10am–5.30 pm. Winter – Please phone first.
Gwynfor Growers
Our visitors receive a warm welcome and Steve, a
trained botanist, can guide you around or you can
wander at leisure through the outdoor and undercover
areas. You will find a range of intriguing plants; some
rare, others old favourites no longer easily obtainable.
Welsh fruit trees are a particular speciality. Gwynfor
nursery is one of the few featured in Stephen
Anderton’s book Discovering Welsh Gardens, and our
visitors say: “It’s a great place, run by good people
who know their stuff. Oh, and good plants!”.
Steve Hipkin, Gwynfor Growers, Pontgarreg, Llangrannog SA44 6AU
01239 654151
[email protected]
Open: All year on Wed, Thurs and Sun, 10am–8pm or sunset if earlier.
Ladybird Nursery
We are a family business located in pleasant
countryside. In season we offer a vast range of patio,
bedding and vegetable plants (often about 400 different
varieties!). We grow and sell a wide range of shrubs,
ornamental trees, roses, conifers, perennials etc. Noted
for our quality and prices, we are well worth a visit!
Sue and David Abbot, Ladybird Nursery, Ciliau Aeron,
Lampeter SA48 7SG
01570 470480
[email protected]
Open: Apr–Sep 9am–6pm (Sun 10am–4pm)
Oct–Mar 9am–5pm (Sun 10am–4pm)
(Nov–Feb, closed on Tue)
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Nurseries and Garden Centres
Mentro Lluest
Mentro Lluest is an Aberystwyth based charity whose aim is
to educate the public, in particular disadvantaged residents
of Ceredigion, in organic growing and sustainable land use
whilst at the same time developing their life skills. The
charity has an open door policy which enables anyone to
attend, regardless of educational qualifications or physical
ability. Mentro Lluest has a range of organic herbs and
vegetables for sale as well as vegetable plants, bedding
plants, shrubs, perennials and soft fruits.
Chris Glover, Mentro Lluest, Llanbadarn Fawr,
Aberystwyth SY23 3AU
01970 612114
[email protected]
Open: Mon–Fri 10am–4pm
Penlan Perennials
We are a peat free nursery, specialising in
aquatic and waterside plants, ferns, grasses and
hardy geraniums, together with a large selection of
shade and woodland perennials. No chemical
sprays or artificial fertilisers are used.
Mail order all year.
Richard Cain, Penlan Perennials, Wern Rhos, Newchapel, Boncath SA37 0EN
/Fax 01239 842260 07857 675312
[email protected]
Open: Online Mail order. NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Rhoslwyn Plants
A surprising nursery where the customer counts!
Opened in 2005 by Jan and Phil. Jan grows the plants
(peat free wherever possible). A wide range of traditional
and unusual perennials, shrubs, roses, bedding, vegetables,
herbs, climbers, trees and also a selection of pots,
planters, compost and more. Wander at your leisure
among the plants for sale, in our garden or the various
greenhouses and polytunnels. Sit and relax on the patios
– enjoy the welcoming atmosphere and take in the views!
Phil and Jan Arthur, Rhoslwyn Plants, Silian,
Lampeter SA48 8AX
/Fax 01570 422672
[email protected]
Open: All Year, 7 days a week, 10am–6pm
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Nurseries and Garden Centres
Rhyd-y-Gwin Farm
We run a Soil Association registered organic market garden,
which we share with our sheep, pigs, geese, our bees and lots
of rescued ex battery chickens. We produce an extensive range
of fresh organic seasonal vegetables, soft fruit and cut flowers,
as well as free-range eggs, Honey, Jams and Chutneys available
from our farm gate or vegetable box scheme. We grow a wide
range of unusual, old, out of fashion Hardy Perennials
specialising in Campanulas, hardy Geraniums and Irises. We
can grow to order for wholesale and also sell direct to the
public both at the farm gate and via local farmer’s markets.
Phil and Michelle Drayton, Rhyd-y-Gwin Farm, Temple Bar, Lampeter SA48 7SA
01570 471432
[email protected]
Open: By appointment. Farm gate stall always open!
Snapdragon Plants
Snapdragon Plants is a small nursery located in Cribyn just off the
B4337 road. We specialise in Hemerocallis (daylilies) but we also
have a good range of hardy, easy to grow perennials as well as
heucheras, roses and peonies. We sell mainly by mail order and
through plant fairs. If you are looking for something unusual and
exotic, take a look at our daylilies!
Denise Machon and Adrian Pullen, Snapdragon Plants, Maes
Gwyn, Cribyn, Lampeter SA48 7NA
01570 471571
[email protected]
Open: Throughout the year for mail order and are happy to
welcome visitors by appointment.
Teifi Herbs
A wide variety of interesting and unusual
culinary and medicinal herbs available, grown
in peat free compost – no chemical sprays or
fertilisers are used. As a qualified medical herbalist
and enthusiastic cook I have grown herbs for both
medicinal and culinary use for many years.
Christine Stephenson,
Teifi Herbs, Pant, Maesllyn,
Llandysul SA44 5NA
01239 858946
[email protected]
Open: By appointment.
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Nurseries and Garden Centres
Tŷ-Cwm Nursery
Our nursery is nestled in a sheltered valley 200 metres
above sea level on a smallholding, close to the medieval
church of Llanwenog and the monthly horse market
at Llanybydder (last Thursday in the month). We grow
unusual perennials, carnivorous plants, blueberries and
other soft fruit, bedding, vegetables and climbers.
Helen Warrington, Tŷ-Cwm Nursery, Penffordd,
Llanybydder SA40 9XE
/Fax 01570 480655
[email protected]
Open: Mar–Sep, Tue and Wed 10am–5pm.
Other times please phone to arrange a visit.
Brondesbury Garden Centre
Our garden centre has all the usual products you expect to find
at a garden centre catering for serious gardeners. From composts,
pots, seeds, fertilizers and chemicals to garden machinery and
power tools, consumables (oils, trimmer lines, service and spare
parts), growing frames, trays and so on. In season we also have a
comprehensive range of shrubs, bedding plants, herbs and
vegetable plants. If you need anything specific please let us
know and we’ll have a go at finding it for you!
Brondesbury Park Garden Centre, Aberystwyth Road,
Cardigan SA43 1NA
Open: Daily, closed Sundays in winter.
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Nurseries and Garden Centres
Karen’s Pets and Plants
At Karen’s Pets and Plants we cater for all your pet and
plant needs! Our Plant Area offers winter and summer
bedding plants, spring and summer flowering bulbs,
shrubs, trees, herbs, herbaceous perennials, heathers,
alpine and rockery plants as well as garden sundries. We
also have an extensive range of healthy pet foods,
supplements, remedies, snacks, toys, collars, leads, beds
and much more, including wild bird foods and treats.
Karen’s Pets and Plants, 16 Lincoln Street,
Llandysul SA44 4BU
01559 363489
Open: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm, Sat 9am–4pm.
Llanarth Garden Centre
Our extensive range of herbaceous perennials, alpine and
rockery plants, shrubs, trees, fruit trees and bushes, summer
and winter bedding plants, hanging basket plants and herbs,
along with our composts, tools, seeds, bulbs, chemicals and
more means we have everything you could need for your
garden! We also have terracotta and glazed pots from around
the world at very competitive prices. Alongside our garden
plants and sundries we also carry a range of pet foods, treats
and accessories as well as wild bird foods.
Llanarth Garden Centre, Llanarth, Ceredigion SA47 0NR
01545 580271
Open: Summer, Mon–Sat 9am–5pm, Sun 10am–4pm
Winter, Mon–Sat 10am–4pm, Sun 10.30am–3.30pm
Newmans Garden Centre
We offer an extensive range of plants including
bedding plants, shrubs, trees, fruit trees and
bushes, soft fruits, roses and perennials. We also
have pets, aquatics, giftware and a café. We
pride ourselves on our friendly staff who are
always willing to help and advise you with any
queries you may have.
Newmans Garden Centre, Capel Dewi,
Aberystwyth SY23 3HS
01970 820019
[email protected]
Open: Mon–Sat 8.30am–5pm,
Sun 10.00am–4pm
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Nurseries and Garden Centres
Pantyfod Garden Nursery
We specialise in unusual hardy perennials,
woodland plants, hardy geraniums, ‘black
plants’ and those for moist soil, all grown
largely peat free. Many plants available
in small quantities.
Susan Rowe, Pantyfod Garden Nursery,
Llanddewi Brefi, Tregaron SY25 6PE
01570 493564 (answering service)
[email protected]
Open: Mail order only
Robert’s Garden Centre
Our comprehensively stocked garden centre offers a wide
range of garden ornamentals, tools, plants and seeds, and
has established a reputation for unprecedented quality.
Robert is not satisfied with anything but the best and goes
to extreme lengths to ensure you simply cannot buy better
quality anywhere. This attention to detail spills over into the
floristry side of the business which caters for all occasions
using the best quality fresh flowers.
Robert’s Garden Centre, Barley Mow, Lampeter SA48 7BY
/Fax 01570 422756
[email protected]
Open: Daily 9am–5.30pm
Waun Nurseries
We are specialist tree growers with the opposite approach to
that of industrial horticulture. We don’t try to grow quickly
and inappropriately in polytunnels with the routine use of
liquid fertilisers, pesticides and fungicides; we never force
our plants. We can normally offer more than 250 varieties
of trees at any one time, all at competitive prices. A delivery
service is available and we welcome wholesale enquires.
We can also provide a service for building and construction
projects that require tree planting.
Tony Matthews, Waun Nurseries, Rhydlewis, Llandysul SA44 5PS
01239 851359
[email protected]
Open: Wed–Fri 10am–6pm or until dusk. Any other day or time, please phone.
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to find the treasures hidden in this booklet
1 2
New Quay
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ceredigion Country Council, 100024419, 2011
Open Gardens
1 Cae Hir Gardens and Tea Room
2 Tŷ Glyn
3 Sculptureheaven
4 Llanllyr
Historical Attractions
1 Llanerchaeron
2 Hafod
Exotic Ceredigion
1 The Magic of Life Butterfly House
2 Felinwynt Rainforest Centre
Strawberries ’n’ Cider
1 Penlanlas Pick-your-Own Fruit Farm
1 4
Nurseries and Garden Centres
Ceredigion Growers Association Nurseries
1 Aeron Acers
2 Cambrian Nurseries
3 Country Lane Nurseries
4 Gwynfor Growers
5 Ladybird Nursery
6 Mentro Lluest
7 Rhoslwyn Plants
8 Rhyd-y-Gwin Farm
9 Snapdragon Plants
10 Teifi Herbs
11 Tŷ-Cwm Nursery
Additional Nurseries and Garden Centres
12 Brondesbury Park Garden Centre
13 Grannell Nursery
14 Karen’s Pets and Plants
15 Llanarth Garden Centre
16 Newmans Garden Centre
17 Robert’s Garden Centre
18 Waun Nurseries