DynaCAD Prostate Brochure
DynaCAD Prostate Brochure
Welcome to a better way for YOU and YOUR patient. Enhance confidence and productivity with a comprehensive solution built around you. DynaCAD for prostate provides a powerful, easy-to-navigate, multi-vendor MR image analysis system for quick processing and management of large volumes of data. Studies open ready to read in custom hanging protocols with all images synchronized for easy, multiparametric review. Let DynaCAD further enhance your multi-parametric approach by calculating color overlay maps based on perfusion characteristics ADC and diffusion values. Don’t have ADC maps, no worries, DynaCAD can also process ADC, and interpolated high b-value image series. With a simple menu selection DynaCAD can create these for your review. Images display in a user-friendly,customizable hanging arrangement. ADC fusion overlays draw attention to suspicious regions within the prostate gland Additional Features Include: •Image registration for correction of patient motion artifacts •Single-click volume analysis, lesion statistics and histograms •Color overlay based on diffusion ADC values •Auto-search for suspicious regions of interest (ROIs) •Inter-sequence registration •Sub-ROI targeting •Reverse fusion display of UroNav biopsy cores •Calculated b-value image creation Reports can be setup to automatically capture pre selected image sequence or curves, measurements and annotations. Lesions are assessed using the 2nd edition of PIRADS scoring and incorporated into standardized reports. Finished reports have the option of being printed saved as a PDF or sent as DICOM images. Import and display previous biopsy core locations and results from UroNav fusion biopsy. Segmentation tools for gland and lesion segmentation and volume estimation Invivo is leading the way in Prostate care With a multifaceted approach to Prostate care combining DynaCAD for Prostate advanced visualization and analysis, UroNav for MR/ultrasound fusion biopsies, DynaTRIM (Trans-Rectal Interventional MRI) Hardware, DynaLOC for targeted interventional planning along with Invivo’s selection of interventional instruments. DynaCAD sets the stage for targeted interventional procedures by allowing users to mark suspect areas for biopsy. With DynaCAD’s Sub-ROI feature, users can mark a specific location within a finding for biopsy and assign an overall level of suspension. For more information about DynaCAD for Prostate or any of the Complete Solution products from Invivo, please call us at 1-877-Invivo1, or visit our website at www.invivocorp.com. Gainesville, FL U.S.A. T: 877-INVIVO1 T: 407-275-3220 E: [email protected] www.invivocorp.com Europe: Alex Kypriotis T: 0044 (0)7867908926 Products, services, and technical specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2015 Invivo Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 580243 Rev 04 Manufactured by: iCAD, Inc. 98 Spit Brook Road,Suite 100 Nashua, NH 03062 USA
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