Tell Your Dad - Armune BioScience
Tell Your DadSM June is Men’s Health Month Men need to be reminded about the importance of early detection to treat serious diseases Step-up! Tell Your DadSM 3 important things about his health Copyright © 2008-2015, Armune BioScience, Inc. June is Men’s Health Month Dads often get labeled as poor listeners at home. Dads will listen to their daughters. Daughters, it is time to Step-up and Tell Your DadSM 3 important things for his health. 1 Tell Your DadSM About his risk for Prostate Cancer1 • Prostate cancer is the #1 non-skin cancer among men. • In 2015, the estimates for prostate cancer in the United States are: ■■ About 220,800 new cases of prostate cancer ■■ About 27,540 deaths from prostate cancer • About 1 man in 7 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. • African-American men are more than twice as likely to die of prostate cancer as white men. • Tell your dad to talk with his physician about his risk for prostate cancer and determine if screening for prostate cancer is appropriate for him.2 2 Tell Your DadSM About Apifiny™ • Apifiny is a cancer specific blood test that measures the body’s immune system response to prostate cancer. • Apifiny is the only cancer specific, non-PSA blood test available in the world that may aid clinicians in the detection of prostate cancer. Apifiny™ Prostate Cancer Lower Risk 0 59 Higher Risk 100 Risk Assessment 3 Tell Your DadSM To ask his physician if Apifiny™ is right for him • Shared decision making 2 between your dad and his clinician is an important part of his overall healthcare. • If your dad has an elevated PSA (>2.5 ng/ml) and is considering a prostate biopsy, Apifiny may help him and his clinician decide if a biopsy is the most appropriate next step in his care. • Make sure your dad is prepared to have a productive discussion with his physician about his risk for prostate cancer. 1. 2. The only cancer specific, non-PSA blood test that may aid clinicians in the detection of prostate cancer Apifiny™ Prostate Cancer 0 Lower Risk 59 Higher Risk 100 Risk Assessment Does your dad know his Apifiny™ Score? Armune BioScience, Inc. 401 West Morgan Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Toll Free Helpline: 844-427-6863 06/15
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