Sharing a global vision


Sharing a global vision
Sharing a global vision
At POSCO, we have a timeless business philosophy for a
changing world. Even in the midst of constant growth and
innovation, we have always put our standards first. We are
a dynamic firm capable of adapting to changing times
while staying true to our principles. We are a socially
responsible firm that values our customers and local communities as much as our bottom line. And our goal is to be
a leading global steelmaker in every measure.
02_Welcome 04_Vision 2009 05_Performance & Facts 06_Steelworks 08_Making Steel
12_Growth & Innovation 14_Growth Engines 16_Business Innovation
18_Leadership & Competitiveness 20_Technical Leadership 22_Product Leadership
26_Sharing & Caring 28_Community Service 30_Sustainable Development
32_Milestones 34_Network
Welcome to POSCO
At POSCO, we have contributed in myriad ways to Korea’s economic development and the
public’s standard of living over the past 37 years by providing a stable supply of
reasonably priced, good-quality products to our customers. Since our privatization in
2000, we have engineered a dramatic transformation in the way we do business as we
have expanded our crude steelmaking capacity to 32 million tons annually, solidly
establishing ourselves as a leading global steelmaker.
In today’s rapidly globalizing steel industry, that old axiom “survival of the fittest” has
never been more appropriate. And in this time of constant change, we are looking to the
future as we continue to enhance our strong corporate image. Building on the
rock-solid business foundation we have forged over the past decade, we are now
shifting our focus to growth. Toward this end, we will be investing more than US$15.9
billion through 2009 as we forge a sustainable competitive advantage that will keep us
at the forefront of steel.
With growth and innovation as our mottos, we are now putting in place engines for
growth by increasing our manufacturing capabilities and diversifying our international
investment portfolio as we take our competitiveness to the next level by securing global
technical leadership and developing a highly profitable product mix. We are boldly
reinventing the way we do business, creating a progressive, active corporate culture
driven by our Process Innovation initiative and Six Sigma program as well as enhancing
the transparency of our corporate governance, achieving both quantitative growth and
qualitative polish. We are also pursuing sustainable development with a balanced,
holistic approach to the challenges of economic profitability, environmental
sustainability, and social responsibility.
“I want to emphasize that faster growth is the most pressing prerequisite for a
bright future. In order to grow faster, we need even greater innovation. Global
growth doesn’t just automatically happen when we expand overseas. It requires
superior ways of working that the world can accept and embrace. It’s now time for
us to take a new path of innovation where change itself becomes a joy. At POSCO,
achieving the goals we set and work toward is both a tradition and a talent.”
With our sights set on being a top global steel player and a trusted customer and
community partner, we are now advancing into new markets with new methods as we
strive to create greater value for all our stakeholders. And as we achieve our goal of
being a leading global steelmaker in every measure, we will also be taking a major step
toward our vision of being a leading global company. We invite you to join us as we forge
the future of steel.
—Chairman and CEO Ku-Taek Lee during his 2005 new year’s address to employees
Best regards,
Ku-Taek Lee
Chairman & CEO
02 I 03
Vision 2009
Forging a sustainable competitive advantage in steel
Responding to ongoing industry globalization and consolidation, our five-year business strategy aims to
take our technical and product leadership to the next level, delivering the growth and innovation that
will continue to make us one of the world’s most-competitive steelmakers.
A company with growth
engines for the 21st century
The people
behind the vision
A company with the steel
industry’s highest value
A leading global company
that leverages its
steelmaking capabilities to
achieve sustainable growth
Build a global production network
Step-up global marketing
Secure a stable, cost-competitive
supply of raw materials
Enhance the value of existing
ventures and foster new
A company with a total
commitment to innovation
and employee
Foster and focus on strategic products
Secure global technical leadership
Secure cost leadership
Instill a Six Sigma corporate culture
Enhance global business capabilities
Expand corporate sustainability
Create a new paradigm in
labor relations
10 I 11
Shaping a leading global future
Growth &
At POSCO, we believe a firm resolve and willingness to fail are the enablers
of organizational change. Today, we are opening the door to new possibilities
as we pursue growth and innovation in steel. We are securing a global
business presence. We are investing in promising new businesses. We are
continually innovating to create better processes. And every day, we move a
step closer to our vision of being a leading global company.
12 I 13
Growth Engines
Forging our own opportunities for growth
An enterprising spirit and ability to discern long-range trends have been the driving forces
behind our remarkable growth over the past 37 years. Along the way, we have consistently
tapped new opportunities by increasing production capacity, diversifying our global
investments, and leveraging our core capabilities to advance into new businesses. And that has
prepared us for growth today and tomorrow.
Optimizing for productivity
Our substantial cost advantage continues to grow as we strategically invest in new facilities
and upgrade existing ones. We are now working to achieve an optimal material balance
between our two steelworks and eliminate manufacturing bottlenecks as we move steadily
toward our domestic crude steel production goal of 35 million tons per year.
Leveraging core capabilities in new ways
Our POSCO Terminal Co., Ltd. joint venture with Mitsui & Co., Ltd. of Japan provides bulk
raw material unloading, storage, and forwarding services. We are now building Korea’s
first privately owned LNG terminal that will prepare us to tap new business opportunities
as the local energy market deregulates. We are also actively investing in the biotech
industry through our partnership with the Postech Biotech Center in Korea and our
“POSCO BioVentures I” venture capital fund in the United States as we continue to seek out
emerging opportunities in this high-tech field.
Trailblazing the next frontier of growth
Our progressive localization strategy has produced a remarkably
successful Sino-Korean partnership with a nationwide network of
steel processing ventures and offices. In November 2003, we founded
POSCO China Holding Corporation to oversee our trade with and
investments in the world’s largest producer and consumer of steel as
we continue to expand our partnership for growth in the years ahead.
Investing in the world
Our investments in Australia, Canada, Brazil, and South Africa over the years illustrate the
successful long-term resource development relationships that help keep us growing.
Today, we are exploring business opportunities in India and across Southeast Asia as we
work to secure a leadership role in these emerging markets and build an overseas
manufacturing network capable of producing 10 million tons of crude steel per year.
14 I 15
Business Innovation
Building a leading global company with integrity
Grounded in integrity, our commitment to continuous innovation as demonstrated through the
completion of our POSPIA integrated information system is accelerating the pace of innovation
at POSCO. We embrace high ethical values and standards to safeguard our reputation. And as
we continue to create a culture of innovation by putting transparency and knowledge
management first, the POSCO brand will grow in value day by day.
Upgrading “hardware” and “software”
As part of our PI initiative to create a customer-driven, IT-enabled organization, we have put
in place POSPIA—the steel industry’s first integrated information system and enterprise
portal. In 2005, we formally completed POSPIA with the implementation of an activity-based
management system and a total refresh of our manufacturing execution system. Along with
this “hardware” upgrade to our infrastructure, we have also been upgrading the “software”
of our organization—our people—with Six Sigma as we continue to build a creative and
progressive organization capable of evolving to meet tomorrow’s challenges.
Championing ethics in business
In 2003, we updated our code of conduct, launched a comprehensive training and PR
program, and put in place the supporting framework to achieve our goal of ethical
excellence. Our efforts were rewarded with the highest ethics rating out of Korea’s top-100
firms in a nationwide university faculty survey conducted by the Gyosu Shinmun.
Innovation that captures the world’s attention
Our global best practices continue to win accolades around the globe.
In 2002, Euromoney ranked us No. 2 in governance in emerging
markets. Forbes and others have called us the world’s most efficient
steelmaker. And well over 100 global firms and organizations have
benchmarked the POSPIA integrated management system that has
solidified our lead as one of the world’s most competitive steelmakers.
Fostering transparency in governance
Distinguished by a clear separation of ownership and management, our modern
governance structure is considered to be among Korea’s and Asia’s best. By ensuring
outside directors hold over 60% of the seats on our board as well as regularly amending
our articles of incorporation to protect and enhance shareholder rights, we continue to
fundamentally enhance the POSCO investment proposition.
16 I 17
Sharpening competitiveness through leadership
Leadership &
At POSCO, we are 100% focused on forging a sustainable competitive
advantage that will keep us at the forefront of what is arguably the world’s
most competitive industry. And as we develop superior technologies and
products, we will also be making a paradigm shift from being one of the
world’s most cost-competitive steelmakers to being one of its most
technically advanced.
18 I 19
Technical Leadership
Making strategic investments in global technical leadership
In today’s ultracompetitive business environment, securing a unique technical competitive
advantage is essential for companies that aspire to global leadership. At POSCO, our focus on
continuous technical innovation as we develop value-added manufacturing technologies and
our own proprietary products and processes is what will keep our competitiveness growing in
the years ahead.
Making business and research strategic partners
We are in the business of creating new value for our customers through strategic
medium-and long-term R&D. Synergistically linking our business and research strategies,
we are now focusing on six strategic fields—automotive steel, API linepipe steel, 400 series
stainless steel, high-grade electrical steel, FINEX® ironmaking, and high-strength structural
steel—as we take aim at becoming one of the world’s most technically advanced steelmakers.
Putting customers in the driver’s seat
We believe that customer service and R&D go hand-in-hand. Our active early vendor
involvement programs with local and regional automakers typify the strong collaborative
partnerships we are now forging. Our new Automotive Steel Application Center is at the
heart of an advanced support infrastructure that enables us to deliver total solutions to
customer needs, bringing greater value to each relationship.
Technology leading steel into the future
In August 2004, we broke ground for our first ironmaking plant to use the
eco-friendly FINEX® process, a breakthrough technology we expect to
replace the centuries-old blast furnace process still used by virtually
every steelmaker. Another major innovation we are now perfecting is
strip casting, a state-of-the-art process that combines casting and rolling
in a single step to reduce flat product manufacturing time by 90%.
Collaborating around the globe
No company is an island when it comes to R&D. In addition to collaborating with numerous
leading steelmakers, universities, and research institutions around the world, we dispatch
our people on frequent short-term assignments to work with top international
researchers. These efforts gain synergy from the unique industrial-educational-research
partnership between our R&D centers, Pohang University of Science and Technology
(POSTECH), and the Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology (RIST).
20 I 21
Product Leadership
Boosting global competitiveness with value-added products
In 2003, our state-of-the-art automated manufacturing facilities produced 29 million tons of
hot-rolled steel, plate steel, wire rod steel, cold-rolled steel, electrical steel, and stainless steel. We
continue to steadily increase the value-added component of our sales mix, focusing on four
strategic product categories—automotive steel, API linepipe steel, 400 series stainless steel, and
high-grade electrical steel. Last but not least, our new customer relationship management and
manufacturing execution systems are now empowering us to deliver services tailored to the specific
needs of each client as we maximize the productivity of our manufacturing operations, giving us an
even greater competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
Hot-rolled products
We produced 10.36 million tons of finished hot-rolled products in 2004 at five mills and one mini mill at our two
steelworks. Our hot-rolled coil output is sold as a finished product to manufacturers of automobile frames and
wheels, shipping containers, construction materials, steel pipe, home appliances, and other products as well as
being used as a feedstock to make value-added cold-rolled and electrical steel products.
Ushering steelmaking into the 21st century with IT
At POSCO, information technology is a cornerstone of our leadership
strategy. On the manufacturing side, our fully automated network
enhances the quality and tolerance characteristics of every product
we make. On the business side, our world-class e-procurement and
e-sales systems ensure transparency and fairness as they make
doing business as speedy, cost-effective, and efficient as possible.
Plate products
In 2004, we produced 3.33 million tons of plate products at three Pohang mills for the shipbuilding, civil
engineering, and construction industries. Our ongoing development focus is on products for advanced applications
such as welded and marine structures, pressure vessels, and extreme low-temperature environments.
22 I 23
Wire rod products
In 2004, we produced 2.02 million tons of ordinary and specialty wire rod products at three Pohang mills. Ordinary
wire rod comes in commercial grades used to make screws and nails as well as higher grades used for wire rope,
springs, and underwater cables. Specialty wire rod is used to make specialty screws, high-strength nuts and bolts,
piano wire, tire cord, and precision machinery components.
Electrical steel products
We produced 700,000 tons of electrical steel in 2004 at a single Pohang mill primarily for use in electric motor and
transformer cores. We continue to develop and expand production of higher grade grain-oriented and
non-oriented products that deliver superior electrical efficiency.
Cold-rolled products
We produced 8.38 million tons of cold-rolled steel at two Pohang mills and four Gwangyang mills for the
automobile, home appliance, machinery, and construction industries in 2004. We continue to grow sales by
promoting value-added steel grades for use in auto bodies, food and beverage packaging, and other applications.
Stainless steel products
Our three Pohang mills produced 1.94 million tons of stainless steel products in 2004 for use in value-added
applications such as automotive exhaust systems, kitchenware, and consumer electronics. In recent years, our
products have also been used as exterior wall and roofing materials for landmark projects such as Incheon
International Airport and Sangam World Cup Stadium in Seoul.
24 I 25
Promising the next generation a more beautiful world
Sharing &
The challenge for today’s global businesses is to look beyond economic
profitability and create meaningful value for society. At POSCO, we believe in
sustainable development built on a commitment to systematic
environmental management and creative social contribution. Our highest
values are to instill in today’s youth the value of caring about others as we
work to leave them a cleaner, healthier, and happier world to live in.
26 I 27
Community Service
Volunteering to make a difference in life
At POSCO, our community service activities are not one-off public relations events. During
2004, our 19,000-plus employees participated in volunteer activities an average of four times
each as they made sharing and caring a real part of daily life in our local communities.
Continuing the volunteer tradition
Volunteerism is a POSCO tradition that dates back to 1991. Today, every
department and employee is involved in helping the needy in their local
communities in practical, meaningful ways. In 2003, we established “POSCO
Volunteers” to provide a more systematic framework for our service efforts
that will bring our neighbors and us even closer in the years ahead.
Bringing enjoyment to life
Enriching community life through culture and sports is another proud
POSCO tradition. We host regular concerts at POSCO Center in Seoul and
major productions at our performing arts halls in Pohang and Gwangyang.
We support various arts events and exhibitions as well as the Gwangju
Biennale. We are also an active supporter of football at all levels, operating
the Pohang Steelers and Chunnam Dragons pro clubs as well as sponsoring
training in Brazil for top youth talent to help develop tomorrow’s stars.
Making sharing more beautiful
On the third Saturday of each month, we gather in Seoul, Pohang, and
Gwangyang for a themed community service program called “Sharing
Saturdays”. In early 2004, we hosted a special donation drive to benefit
Beautiful Store thrift shops. Our family donated some 137,000 items to
the shops, and top management volunteered their time to help with a
special sale. These are just two of the many ways we are sharing with
and caring for our local communities.
Educating Korea’s future
The POSCO Educational Foundation runs a total of 14 private schools in
Pohang and Gwangyang, providing students from preschool through high
school with one of the most comprehensive and holistic educations available
in the nation. In addition to operating Pohang University of Science and
Technology (POSTECH), the foundation underwrites a variety of scholarships
to help foster the talented young minds that will shape Korea’s future.
28 I 29
Sustainable Development
Making steel cleaner and greener
Eco-efficiency is an integral part of our management philosophy. Each year, we invest a significant
amount to prevent pollution and increase environmental awareness as we aim to set the industry
standard for sustainable development.
Mastering pollution and waste with determination and technology
Our “green purchasing” guidelines make eco-friendliness the primary
consideration in every purchasing decision from raw materials on up. We
regularly evaluate our internal processes to improve the eco-friendliness of
our products and operations. We consistently invest in and upgrade facilities
to save energy and reduce pollutants and greenhouse emissions. We also
recycle an outstanding 98.8% of the waste by-products we generate,
including 100% of the slag.
Earning a reputation for environmental excellence
Recertified in 2002, our ISO 14001 environmental management system
plays a key role in making us one of the world’s most environmentally
friendly steelmakers. We were honored with an environmental citation
at the 4th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum in 2002 and an
“AA” environmental management rating from Innovest Strategic Value
Advisors in 2003. Innovest also cited us for our proactive greenhouse
gas mitigation efforts in its Carbon Disclosure Project 2003 report.
Developing eco-friendly processes and products
In addition to our first eco-friendly FINEX® ironmaking plant currently under
construction, we continue to test low-temperature plasma technology that
simultaneously removes air pollutants such as SOx, NOx, and HCl. We are
also actively promoting steel as the smart economic and environmental
choice. Toward this end, we have developed more than 70 environmentally
friendly products to date with applications in food and beverage packaging,
residential and commercial construction, and other industries.
Fostering cleaner and greener communities
Whether it is creating a local public park, turning former landfills into nature
preserves, promoting environmental awareness through the e-Green World
webzine, or sponsoring water resource conservation campaigns, we are
actively involved in making everyday life a little cleaner and greener.
30 I 31
The Pohang Works site then and now
June 9, 1973
February 18, 1981
June 10, 1988
October 2, 1992
October 14, 1994
October 4, 2000
July 2, 2001
November 7, 2003
August 17, 2004
Pohang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Pohang Phase 1 launched
Pohang Phase No. 1 Blast
Pohang Phase 4-1 commissioned
POSCO stock listed on the
Gwangyang Phase 4 commissioned
POSCO American Depository
Privatization completed
POSPIA integrated information New code of conduct
POSCO China Holding
Ground broken for first FINEX®
Furnace tapped at 7:30 a.m.
Steelmaking capacity: 8.5 mtpy
Korea Stock Exchange
Total steelmaking capacity: 20.8 mtpy Receipts listed on the
system commissioned
Corporation established
ironmaking plant
April 1, 1968
April 1, 1970
New York Stock Exchange
June 2, 2003
Ironmaking capacity: 1.5 mtpy
The Gwangyang Works site then and now
32 I 33
Domestic Offices
POSCO Coated Steel Co., Ltd. (POCOS)
Head Office & Pohang Works
Gwangyang Works
Seoul Office
Tel: 054-220-0114
Fax: 054-220-6000
Tel 061-790-0114
Fax 061-790-7000
Tel 02-3457-0114
Fax 02-3457-6000
Tel 054-280-6114
Fax 054-285-9009
POSCO Machinery & Engineering
Co., Ltd. (POSMEC)
Tel 054-279-7114
Fax 054-279-7999
SeungJu Country Club
Tel 061-740-8000
Fax 061-743-9007
International Offices
EU Office(Düsseldorf)
Mexico City Office
Tel 49-211-435-300
Fax 49-211-435-3099
Tel 5255-5525-0845
Fax 5255-5247-0475
+Brussels Office
Tel 32-2-374-5786
Fax 32-2-374-5922
Hanoi Office
Tel 84-4-831-7862
Fax 84-4-831-7861
Rio de Janeiro Office
Tel 55-21-3431-3496
Fax 55-21-3431-3497
+Dubai Office
Tel 9714-221-8280
Fax 9714-221-8178
Washington D.C. Office
New Delhi Office
Tel 1-202-785-5643
Fax 1-202-785-5647
Tel 91-11-2467-3686
Fax 91-11-2467-3688
Tel 62-2-256-6135
Fax 62-2-256-6138
POSCO China Holding Corp.
Tel 86-10-5166-6677
Fax 86-10-6518-2509
+Singapore Office
Tel 65-6220-8223
Fax 65-6220-4212
Tel 054-290-0114
Fax 054-292-3417
+POSLILAMA Steel Structure Co., Ltd.
Tel 84-8-822-0989
Fax 84-8-822-0991
+IBC Corp.
Tel 84-8-822-1922
Fax 84-8-822-8562
Tel 02-3457-3700
Fax 02-3457-3898
POSCON Co., Ltd.
Tel 054-280-1114
Fax 054-278-5774
POSCO Engineering & Construction
Co., Ltd. (POSCO E&C)
Tel 02-3457-2114
Fax 02-3457-2299
International Offices
+Hanoi Office
Tel 84-4-831-4181
Fax 84-4-831-4183
+Beijing Office
Tel 86-10-6518-0267~8
Fax 86-10-6518-0270
International Affiliates
+Shanghai POS-PLAZA
Tel 86-21-6875-1287
Fax 86-21-6875-1690
+POSCO E&C(Zhangjiagang) Co., Ltd.
Tel 86-512-5853-6095
Fax 86-512-5853-6077
POSCO Steel Service & Sales Co., Ltd.
Tel 02-3469-5000
Fax 02-3469-6700
International Offices
+Ho Chi Minh Office
Tel 84-822-6862
Fax 84-822-6864
+Kuala Lumpur Office
Tel 60-2-2615-0040~1
Fax 60-3-2615-0042
+Jakarta Office
Tel 62-21-515-7670
Fax 62-21-515-7665
International Affiliates
+POS-Tianjin Coil Center Co., Ltd.
Tel 86-22-2532-3016
Fax 86-22-2532-3015
+POS-Qingdao Coil Center Co., Ltd.
Tel 86-532-608-9926
Fax 86-532-608-9929
Tel 02-3457-8000
Fax 02-564-8880
Tel 061-798-3114
Fax 061-792-1072
POSCO Terminal Co., Ltd.
Changwon Specialty Steel Co., Ltd.
Tel 055-269-6114
Fax 055-269-6901
Tel 061-793-7411
Fax 061-793-7414
International Affiliates
Bangkok Office
+Shanghai Representative
Tel 86-21-5820-0080
Fax 86-21-5820-0081
Domestic Affiliates
POSCO Refractories & Environment
Co., Ltd. (POSREC)
POSCO Machinery Co., Ltd. (POS-M)
POSCO Research Institute (POSRI)
Tel 031-779-2114
Fax 031-779-2300
POSTECH Venture Capital Corp.
Tel 054-279-8484
Fax 054-279-8489
+Zhangjiagang Xiao-Sha
Coil Center Co., Ltd.
Tel 86-512-5856-5181
Fax 96-512-5855-3911
+Shunde Xingpu Coil Center Co., Ltd.
Tel 86-765-633-0413
Fax 86-765-666-1109
+Hong Kong Representative
Tel 85-2- 2827-8787
Fax 85-2-2827-5005
+Guangzhou Representative
Tel 86-20-3877-1900
Fax 86-20-3891-1610
+Chongging Office
Tel 86-23-8903-6558
Fax 86-23-8903-6556
+Suzhou Dongshin Color Metal
Sheet Co., Ltd.
Tel 86-512-6327-0041
Fax 86-512-6327-0042
+Wuhan Office
Tel 86-27-8548-7737
Fax 86-27-8576-5535
+CSC Electronic(Qingdao) Co., Ltd.
Tel 86-532-608-9001
Fax 86-532-608-9005
+Shenyang Office
Tel 86-24-2281-5810
Fax 86-24-2281-5860
+POS-Thai Coil Center Co., Ltd.
Tel 6638-45-4200
Fax 6638-45-4207
+POS-MI Coil Center Co., Ltd.
Tel 62-21-8998-2842
Fax 62-21-898-0775
Tel 81-92-412-0539
Fax 81-92-452-2788
Tel 91-4111-256057
Fax 91-4111-256458
Tel 90-216-395-8464
Fax 90-216-395-2970
Dalian POSCO-CFM Coated Steel
Co., Ltd. (PCCS)
Tel 86-411-751-5003
Fax 86-411-751-4710
Zhangjiagang POSCO Stainless Steel
Co., Ltd. (ZPSS)
Tel 86-512-5856-9211
Fax 86-512-5855-3680
Shunde POSCO Coated Steel
Co., Ltd. (Shun Po)
Tel 86-757-2660-3003
Fax 86-757-2665-7760
Qingdao Pohang Stainless Steel
Co., Ltd. (QPSS)
Tel 86-532-683-7020
Fax 86-532-683-7011
POSCO Asia Co., Ltd. (POA)
Tel 86-21-6876-9966
Fax 86-21-5081-2120
POSCO Investment Co., Ltd. (POSINVEST)
Tel 852-2802-7188
Fax 852-2845-7737
POSCO Japan Co., Ltd.
Tel 81-3-3546-1212
Fax 81-3-3546-1215
+Osaka Office
Tel 81-6-6214-0970
Fax 81-6-6214-0971~2
+Nagoya Office
Tel 81-52-219-9230
Fax 81-52-219-9221
Tel 84-8-731-3037
Fax 84-8-731-3619
VSC-POSCO Steel Corp. (VPS)
Tel 84-31-850124~5
Fax 84-31-850123
Myanmar-POSCO Steel Co., Ltd. (MPSC)
Tel 95-1-635-367
Fax 95-1-635-418
POSCO Australia Pty. Ltd. (POSA)
Tel 61-2-9258-9804
Fax 61-2-9241-2001
POSCO Canada Ltd. (POSCAN)
Tel 1-604-657-5410
Fax 1-604-669-5805
POSCO America Corp. (POSAM)
Tel 1 -201-585-3060
Fax 1-201-585-6001
USS-POSCO Industries (UPI)
Tel 1-925-439-6767
Fax 1-925-439-6481
Tel 55-27-3333-5984
Fax 55-27-3333-4762
POSCO Suzhou Automotive
Processing Center Co., Ltd.
Tel 86-512-5760-5951~4
Fax 86-512-5760-5938
Benxi Pohang Cold-Rolled Steel Co.
Tel 86-414-782-2877
Fax 86-414-782-2833
The Siam United Steel Co., Ltd.(SUS)
Tel 66-3868-7290
Fax 66-3868-5133
Vietnam Pipe Corp. (VINAPIPE)
Tel 84-31-850126~7
Fax 84-31-850114
Tel 27-11-376-3019
Fax 27-11-376-3049
Tel 603-6092-5200
Fax 603-6092-0382
Head Office
& Pohang Works
Tel : 82-54-220-0114
Fax : 82-54-220-6000
Gwangyang Works
Tel : 82-61-790-0114
Fax : 82-61-790-7000
POSCO Center
Tel : 82-2-3457-0114
Fax : 82-2-3457-6000