Page 1 OFFICE OF DII Order No. 13/102
Page 1 OFFICE OF DII Order No. 13/102
HARYANA P NCHKULA OFFICE OF DII ECTORELEMENTARYEDT-]CATION Dated:02 t5-2012 Order No. 13/102-l 12Er-l(3) The foliowin HT/JB'I teachers is/are hereby transf'erredwith immediate ff-ect:- Sr. No. I 2 Name Designatio PresentPlaceof Transfer/Adjuste Re narks Postins dto Hathwala A/V due t r:etirementof GGPS Nandgarh GPS (Ji n d )[1 34s4] (.lind)[134421 Ram Kum IP10 3 2 0 7 8 1 Smt.Darshani Devi,JBT EmpldP10089 )3 Bhulwana GPS Baghola A/V Jyoti,JBT GPS (P a l w a l )[11461] ( P a l w a l|)- 1 1 s 1 9 ] i] EmpIdP10196 Note:1. The otficial ivi I be relieved immediatelyand in an\/ case with in 3 dal s failing whic ch ius he/she rvill be l able for disciplinaryaction.However if any official is wc rking in Censu duty, he/she she I not be'relievedtill the Censusdut,vis accomplished. cr 2. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissibleto the official if heishehasbeenshiftedC)n his/herrequesti fter exercisingoption. 3. No maleteache below the ageof 50 yearsbe allowedto join in the girls scl ools. 4. If there is no v rcancy and sanctionedpost in the destination schoolfor any reasonthne 'm incumbenttra Lsferredshall re-join his/her previous place of posting t nd also inforr to concernedb 'a n cha t H Q. he If an.vdiscre )ancy is noticedin this order or there is a violation of tra rsf-erpolicy, th nd concernedD iE,Oshouldbring it to the noticeof Concernedbranchwithi r threedaysan the order be I of implernented. rat 5. ln caseof urbar areastationswhile implementingthe mal be ensuredthi the transfereeh s completedthe rural serviceasper transferpolicy. DR. ABHE SING }'ADAV Director Elementar Education, Haryana, Pat hkula Dated Panchkula. 2-0s-2012 Endst.No. Even A copy pforwardec to the following for infonnationand necessaryaction:,/ -/l 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. DistriclEle nentaryEducationOfficer,Palwal,Jind. Headof the institutionconcerned Official cor cerned. Sec.OSD/( M Sr.PS/E.M S r .P S /F C S ,t,s/Dllll I'echnoiosrofficer (HQ) ,{$>- Superintenden: E T - I for Director Element: ry Education, Harvana. Pan :hkula ElementaryEducation,Haryana,Panchkula' E ducationOfficer, DistrictElementarY rnaul. I4l -2011-ET1(3) mo: 131 , Panchkula, 3- Stt rrjustmentof GuestJBT Teachers. ****t<*t(* 1902 dated ndly refer to your office letter no. E-3-2011184125 02.04.2012. are directedto Put uP GuestTeacherAdjustmentP list of your Districtandadiustmentof the GuestTeach I with the be madein Sendthe proposalthrough sPec messanger. ing maximumvacancies. for Director ElementarY Ed ation, ctor ElementaryEducation,Haryana,Panchkula' DistrictElementaryEducationOffi cer, F a ehabad. M mo: l3l 147-201I -ETI (3) ed , Panchkula,3 -f- 2, / ?-- Su ject: justmentof GuestJBT Teachers. tr)k*J<*:k)k?k dly refer to Your office letter no. E-2-201218341 24. 3.2012an 0 5 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 2 . are directedto put up GuestTeacherAdjustment Teach Latlestvacanc list of your District and adjustmentof the Guest the schoolsha ing maximum vacancies.Sendthe proposalthrough speci ETSuperintendent for Director ElementarY Ed HaryanaoPanchku ffi Y Education,Haryana,Panchkula' r L,lementary DistrictElementaryEducationOffi cer, Si M o: 131147-2011-ET1(3) , Panchkula,J-5-.- &"/L justment of Guest *:::::::.'' Ki dated29. 3.2012. ly refer to your office letter no.F.-2-201212143 Y u are diiected to put up Guest T'eacherAdjustment pr I with the made in vacancy lijst of your District and adjustmentof the Guest Teacher !e messanger. hoolsha ingmaximumVacancies.Sendtheproposalthroughspecia SuperintendentET-I for Director ElementarYEd ation, Haryana, Panchkula l"l\Englisl I Branch\(3)E or ElementaryEducation,Haryana,Panchkula. DistrictEiementaryEducationOffi cer, Pal M Da : 131147-2011-ETl(3) I2 . Panchkula. 03.05.20 Ad rfstment of Guest JBT Teachers. dated11. ,2012. [y referto yourofficeletterno. E-1-2011111,94 are directed to put up Guest TeacherAdjustment propo i with the vacancy ist of your District and adjustmentof the Guest Teachersbe inade in hoolshav Sendthe proposalthroughspecial essanger. maxirnumvacancies. $"u ^\4: ET- I Super iir tendent for Director Elementary Ed Haryana, Panchkula .fr 4.- 1 Frem To, EducationOfficersin the State. . All the District.Elemenbry . All the BlockEducationOfficersin the State. lfiV No.U157-2012-RTE(1) Panchkula, the1g-93-€.p1a, Subject:- bagsto tudeltsof & school uniforms uidelines for providing freestationery, to the rule3(2)of RTERules,2011, I---VfiI in compliance referto the subjectciteclabove. to the rule 3(2) sf Rightof the Childrento.Free compliance Cc.npulsor/ on03-06-2011,lhe bytheStateof Haryana iducation 2011notified & schoolbags. Forthis I*-VIIIare be suppliedfreestationery, uniforms its :f classes it n#been tiansfr:rred of theseitems I br: directl'y StateGovt.that the amountsfor procurement ntr; directl'y tfre Directorateto the schoolsconcernedin their SMCs through sy.stem. For this purposethe Axis Bank,Sector20, decidedby authorized theamounts items. Now,thequ to transfer for abovementioned 'las Feen Irasqtisetr to the beneficiaries, reforr:,in thr,s theseiternsor givetheseincentives irtisn:ingguidelines aregivento youfor furtherinformation and how trl p regardthe I student ERY;-Freestationeryto Non-SC studentsof classesI---V @ 100/- per classesVI*-VIil @ Rs.150/-'per studentas per,stu.dents ngth given b't various Cs is beingtransferred accountsby the to, in their respective t is to befurthertransferred in thebankaccounts of these Thisa ;tid bank. dulyopeneil by them. (Boys)studentsof Schooluniformsfor General :---vfir€* Category Rs,400/- studentas per studentsstrengthgivenby variousSMCsis beingtrans;ierred tu, in their accountsby the aforesaidbank. The followingis the articles as c,f uniform inedin the draftnotification sf RTFAct: i**'*r Primarv{classI'-.Gjrlq. *..".*-Esve IShr,iltr Socks,I Salwar Kameej,I Shirt, Pant, Shoes lBelt, Sl les with I Dupatiaor Top Skirt,I with laces, socks,I DupattalorTi:p skirt,i i laces, n( :ktie, full I Socks,Shoes,Bell I Belt, Necktie, FullI Belt, Sqcks,Slros;,i woolenI Necktie,Full sleeves (for I Necktie, y'foorcrl' ] sleelies I sleevesjersey ' i B winler) wggteljersey(forj wlnter) i [:i1vtrol ilryLllq0_ -_l*_. {fprwirrter} i ljerseV ter, the SMCshereinafterreferredas "Committee"will'do ]the following functions: {i) articlesof schooluniformfor eachboy and girl studentwilt be as co'rtained irl the draft RTErulesgivenabove,however,the committeewill decilletl,: patterna var, lcameez and dupattaor Lopskirt) and the colourscherneof tire'.lqlho$-.' rrmof bothboysandgirls. rrnifteciscompetenlandfreoto aeceptcgmmunity fdr this,erl{posft contr.ibutisn ^ a n d u zethesamefor providing uniforrn to schoolchildren. I The tee would makean,assessment of the total quantityof each a ticle of The {il) f:i!l unl {iv} requiredfor the students of the"ichooi. tne to buy {v} The get atleastthrJ'ee qrrotations nitteewill rnakepublicityin the marketproperly, frcm shop/vendor for eachartiqle,compare the ratesandwill placethe r:rderfor purch of thearticle/articies rates. at the mostcompetitive ivi) The cr suppl where n it wouldrecordthat "the qualityand quantityof uniformlarticlies oltuniform ' ' {vii} nave ,il rHuetvuu received asur$ereo a5 orderedan satisfaction." anto t(J our ourenure entireSaustac{.turl The b of un]iforrnt; un,iform:; wilI be will of the supplier/shopkeeper supplier/shopkeeper and all the uniforms/articles uniforms/articles thereafterit will br: in the stockregisterof the schootby headof the schoolandtherdafter issued r all the students. students. paymen: thr: t of the lrill of tht: rorizedsignatoryof the com,minee committeeWouldmakethe payment {viii} Ih" /shopkeeper payeerlteque rltequeor accountpayee suppli'/shopkeeper shopkeeper entrf, through entry, throughaccount after i,nspection after i,nspection and stock and stockentry, Dema Draft Draftat the costof the the cost the supplier. supplier. i[flue,'rce or try No officer f the department,be it DEEO and BEOor headof the schoolwill ifflue,'rce ta influencethe ecision cisionof the Committee the Committee, TheDEE will givevide publicityto the schernein his districtand will alsoensurr:that thre The BEIOs BE!Osa'rd DEEOs aboveguidelin reach eacheachand everySMCin the dlstrictthroughBEEOs. wouldalso frorn all the SMCswithin the finar,cialyear. to take the UtilizationCertificates The compliancerpor,tof the abovpinstructionsis expectedin toto. AII the OfliOs/t.feOsare of SMl3saLd explain dlrectedto hold joint rneetingat blocklevelwith headsof schools/heads theseguide 3. of thisprogramme. irections regarding the implementation SCHOOL\G5:- Free Schoolbagsto Non-SCstudentsof classesl-V @ Rs' iL20/-per studentand cla es Vl-Vlll@ Rs.150/-per studentas per studentsstrengthgivenby var,)usSMCs is being to, in their respectiveaccountsby the aforesaidbank.As explaineda:rovewith qnd sr..pplied to regardto the pu chaseof schooluniforms,the schoolbagswill alsobe purchased the NON-SC You are, rntsby the Committeeadoptingthe aforesaidmethod, in the n!,tice,rf all the erefore,directedto bring these guidelines/directions actionin the matter. andfurther necessary schoollSMC hea for infornration for DirectorElementarvEducation. From HlnEir, ftngtftulr' EducaUon; Elenrentary To Offiqrsln tie Stits' Educatlon the DistrictEtementary in'theState' the BlockEdusUonOfficers t0rit No,U157-2012'RTE(1) the 01-0$2012 Panchkula, Sublectl' ftm# {sttd€ttF of drssc ofectrod forre-tnrburuement s}11-u' tr srevmr ;; ri;ill- scrofr{ren hs'2011 l(vtl'dated28'C:l-2s12 reftr.tothe letterftf€fil;.No' UIS/'2012'firE(D onthesu|Ject abolg. per rcnte&it F ffimatedttratnb SUteGs't' €s Fstrr of n.'le3{2} r$rthffie of Rlghtof EdtffiUonRu|g,2011ls comrrltH to ReeandCompulsory ttreschoolfunds year2011-12.In clase$I';V &, D{rutrth tP 46lt*gerstudentfor g'lfshm, Stfrods6n6med|ntheirsMcsaffiuntsdlrecilytt|rffigh For Stls SttPffi tils amounb'sr (a)Parent? (b) Sprts (c) B'tlldlng (d) child fharffifal of cfa#e I.rvIII to ttelr tesEc$€schmbdurlng lt hasbe€nffidd tfut Rs.36l'PCSrd€fit ftr oiethlssehemef rduence frornthe VI*-VIII tdlt bEdiredfymnsn c,laseee suthotH b ltnsftr ttp hasbeen. Aft Bar*rS€#r20, Pmctrlnrla the Perltuffi tmorntb astullow;' Asw#ttsrt (FfAlfirlld o t*021' r Rs,SS/= Rs,0il' R$d Total: (a) Parent (b) Spor* (c) h.ttldlftl ' (d) chlld Tohh ds,fg: .-Rs,p6/: hl*r*tPrnlruru*i fif,&/' Rs,10/' - Rs,10/- RrtS :rT$H& t *s"l6t; rmcnntls to befrflfier mndM inamtd on b tlt 9dt0d rlendtr€dddfl€s dth; sclsolfdsb(ats' \ \ _ \ . *'*"ffi** Edr, furD|l€erHementary ' Pand*ula alu;$all tp t' j