7-27-15 Clackamas County Notice of Land Use Application
7-27-15 Clackamas County Notice of Land Use Application
r' 1/ ,l , i ,i ; ,4iti ) *uperint JUL WeSt UnnWrrson ,denrb Z? yil,e office zon School DlsHct Mrxt McCeLLISTER PLANNTNc lNo ZoNtNc Dtnscton CLACKAP{AS De'Rnr^ rNr or TnnNSpoRrArroN ANo DevrLopMENr Drvrtoprurxr SrRvlcEs Butt otxc 150 Brevrncnttx Rono Otrcox CrrY, OR 97045 NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLIGATION IN YOUR AREA Date: 07tl4t2015 File Number: 20162-15 Application: Subdivision (4 to 10 Lots) From: Clackamas County Planning and Zoning Notice Mailed To: Property owners within 500 feet Community Planning Organizations (CPO) lnterested Citizens and Agencies Aoolication Proposal: lot A five-lot flexible lot size minor subdivision to create four single family residential lots and one Conservation A Habitat File 20163-15-HMV: and Church; Foursquare Southlake for the existing Area Map Veiification application for the HCA overlay within the site. A concurrent property line 400, 500, adiustment apptication, iiie ZOtOl-1S-PLA, has beenfiled to reconfigure existing tax lots configuration proposed subdivison the to match record of lots two existing 60b and 700 comprising proposed and leaving the adjuste-d tax lot Z00l a 5.02 ac. parcel, outside the boundary of the subdivision plat. Property Owner: INTL CH FOURSQUARE GOSPEL 1555 SW BORLAND RD WEST LINN, OR 97068 Applicant: SOUTHLAKE CHURCH 1555 SW BORLAND RD WEST LINN, OR 97068 Addregs: 1521 SW BORLAND RD WEST LINN, OR 97068 Location: 1521 SW Borland Rd., West Linn Lesarpescription:31trS,%r%rrtrdfrr.Tr,00400 Zone: RRFFS Staff: Rick Mclntire 503-742-4516 E-mail: Acres: 25.93 [email protected] How to Comment on this APP|ication: them within 1. To be sure your comments will be considered prior to the decision, we need to have notice. of this 20 days of the date File Number: 20162-15 2. You may use the space provided below, mail a separate letter or e-mail the information. Please include the file number, address the information to the staff member handling this matter, and focus your comments on the approval criteria for the application. 3. Return your mailed comments to: Clackamas County Planning and Zoning, 150 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045; FAX to (503)742-4550. Gommunity Planning Organization: The following recognized Community Planning Organization (CPO) has been notified of this application. This organization may develop a recommendation on this application. You are welcome to contact this organization and attend their meeting. lf this Community Planning Organization is currently inactive, and you are interested in becoming involved in Land Use Planning in your area, please contact the Citizen lnvolvement Office at (503) 655-8552. STAFFORD TUALATIN VALLEY CPO WALT GAMBLE 503-781 -9314 1786 SW GREENWAY CIRCLE WEST LINN OR 97068 Decision Process: ln order to be approved, this proposal must meet the approval criteria in the Zoning and Development Ordinance, Section(s) 309,706, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1014 & 1105. The Ordinance criteria for evaluating this application can be obtained from this offlce or viewed at www.clackamas.us/planning/zdo.html. You may view the submitted application at the following link, https://accela.clackamas.us/citizenaccess/ within five days of the date of this notice, or at our office during weekday lobby hours, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday. A decision on this proposal will be made and a copy will be mailed to you. lf you disagree with the decision you may appeal to the Land Use Hearings Officer who will conduct a public hearing. There is a $250 appealfee. Comments: Your Name/Organization Telephone Number Planning r5 o & Zoning ff l8[::',t il:S-itilTg J; B eavercr" "o Phone: (503)742-4500 | Fax: (503)742-4550 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.clackamas.us/transportation/plannine/ CuacK/Ar\'{zAS COIlNTY LAND USE APPLICATION DEEMED COMPLETE OzuGINAL DATE SUBMITTED: FILE NUMBER: APPLICATION TYPE, 4 E-t f^/r/rrDZea- The Planning and ZorungDivision staff deemed tllrt application complete for the purposes of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 215.427 on: Signature Title iz,-L /v.7^+,* Print Name Comments: Check one: o The subject property is located inside an urban growth boundary. The 120-day deadline for final action on the application pursuant.to ORS 215.427(1) is: The subject property is not located inside an urban growth boundary. The 150-day deadline for final action on the application pursuant to ORS 215.427(l) is: & CLACKAMAS COuNTY PLANNINC AND ZONING DIVTSION DEPARTMENT oF TRANSPORTATION AND DEVELOPMENT DBvELoPMENT SERVICES BUILDING CLACKA}.TAS l50BravencREEKROAD I OREGONCTTY,OR 97045 COUNTY 503-7 42-4500 | [email protected] Land Use Application 2-o\bl-\ File number: Date received: Application typei i4 t3? t / " Fee: CPO/Hamlet: Zone: Violation #: ttar, {ev r$.'Co_\r' HCN -__-_---__a- Whatisproposed? 5lotsubdivision.? ,. Name of applicant: Southlake Church Mailing address: City West Linn State zip 97068 [l Option buyer fl gp Agent onel:dLegal owner fl Contract buyer of contact person [if other than applicantJ: Rick Givens. Planning Consultant Appl,c*t ,i Name 1555 Borland Road (select Mailing address of contact person: 18680 Sunblaze Dr. Oregon City, OR Wk:503-638-1555 Applicant #s: Contact person #s: Email: Email: Cell: Cell: 503-351-8204 Wk: 503-479-0097 [email protected] [email protected] Other persons (if any)to be mailed notices regarding this application: Name Address ADDRESS: 1521 SW Borland R1E T TAX LOT SITE #: T T R- zip Relationship Tax Lot[s) Toial land area: Tax lot[s) Tax lot(s) Tax lotfs) Adjacent properties under same ownership: R1E Relationship Rd. 2s T25 zip Section Section Section 2BD I hereby certifu that the statements contained herein, along with the e respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge. bmitted, are in all Southlake Church Date Property owner's name (printl (^, )Q-v-r-s- Applicant's name -- <>L > C>t-.5 r--a*.'/Applicant's signature (print) Updated 6/5/14 Clackamas County Land Use Application PL-0002-l -. Gw CLACI(AHA$ ^SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION MrNOR SUBDMSION (4 TO 10 LOTS) MAJOR SUBDTVTSION (11 OR MORE LOTS) (FebruarY 2012) File Number Date Received Zone Comp Plan Pre-App File # *****x**Note: A ore'application conference '' is required prior to filine of this *****?k* sDDltcsuon.' NAME OF PLAT: Southlake Estates ENGINEER/SURVEYOR' S NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NLIMBER: Rick Givens, Planning Consultant 18680 Sunblaze Dr. Oregon City, OR 97045 (503) 47e-ooe7 Bruce Goldson, Theta Engineering PO Box 1345 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (503) 481-8822 OWNER'S NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Southlake Foursquare Church 1555 SW Borland Rd. West Linn, OR 97068 (503) 638-1555 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T: 25 R: 1E SECTION. zBD TAX LOT(S;; $ FEE: 4 TO 10 LOTS z,ooo 11 OR MORE LOTS $_** +$ .OO PER LOT (Fee is nonrefundable upon decision or staffreport; partial refund if withdrawn after notice; full refund if withdrawn prior to notice.) 2OO, 300, GROSS ACRES: 25.1 Acres 400 (as adjusted) NUMBER OF LOTS: 5 ** Hearings Officer Fee - The above application fee includes a $1,000.00 deposit. Based on the costs involved with the application, part of this deposit may be refunded. In addition, if the costs exceed the $1,000.00 deposit an additional fee of up to $5,000.00 will be due at time of final decision. 150 Beavercreek Road I Oregon City, OR 97045 | Phone: (503) 742-4500 | Fax: 503-742-4550 I ? --t 1o ro 1.:.", sts G o . -,/ n .l .{/ o o o \-/ .'o! ,// ) t/' "nt\ '(+ ( N o)r o!O 3<o@ ->o o orj sd >o f, t '7r \s, 'vo. 'h ?. q\ "@ ! \ ."t'q a./ 9L_7 t^'\ ,/Y\XV/\ ) A,( /\'.Y . ,^\ ,. ,,. 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EEEEEe E=* E?EEb: ,Bps #s.E*$$ E $E E o tr a Qc-:o ooqa C , o O a o * E6E *iEEBE ia-gs:': -X6qi.oo c i; E (U -:z o -$ C) 5t5"r3c o-oio.9 $y =oc- c_is€BB E N rii s $ EEE fgEEEE gtrX EESPEE ot E=:- rFElEE .9aF Ef9g€E :a() 6EcE.Eo Hhc e'E.9'Ede E,=g EEEEbT .BEE #E€E $g E f o O a o o a 6 =@/ (U O g or o:.. o o I IL EE5 PBH aaj,qoE e3gH3: g-.E rPb,t.6o rU E $ HE Eg EssBc o+ r.if C lz o E $y c € as€BE =oc- EEH geE E$EE3E s="- ti.spEE =EEE.i.b .9;3 Ef ag€E :c() .8. g GcEc-=u *E€Ed9 blji E,= 8Et EE Eg #E'€€ $g q! ", N ,ii P i o; E E $E 3 EeBseg o+r,i=c C = o a-o:..o o O a (U 6E =@- E (U lz o (U O E U o = $y E:E iE E ;b.gE'&* @ opEoE EBB*;; E5:5;B EE8.EEE 6 :: * E EEHEBiE*E$ E=5.*EEE:.e .9aE EFag€E : cC, c - c cE o gL'=6'=J^\ $gE STEEEI 886 #E'€E$g P Southlake Estates HCA Map Verification Application lntroduction: This application for Habitat Conservation Area (HCA) Map Verification is being submitted in conjunction with an application for a 5 lot subdivision known as Southlake Estates. The property in question is located on SW Borland Road at its intersection with Ek Road. As shown on the attached site plan, the Metro Title 13 map for section 2SLE28 indicates an area of moderate value HCA on a portion of the subject property. Based upon a September 2014 field investigation by County WES/SWMACC staff, there are no water resources present upon this property. Accordingly, This application seeks to remove the HCA designation from the site. Compliance with ZDO Section 706: 706.09(AX4l - tf the identified HCA is riparian hobitot rather thon publicly-owned upland habitat, the opplicant may demonstrate that the HCA Mop is inaccurate for a reoson other thon those described in Subsections 705.09(A)(2) ond (j). Comment: The HCA map identifies a moderate value HCA associated with a broad swale on the property. This area is located in a grass field that has been farmed in the past, including cutting of hay in recent years. There are no wetlands in this area and there is no drainageway. As there are no riparian features, the map is incorrect in identifying this area as HCA. 706.09(EX1l - Locate the water resource thot was inventoried by Metro ond is the bosis for the HCA designation, including: Bonkfull stage of streoms, rivers, ond bodies of open woter on or within 200 feet of the subject property; flood oreos on or within 100 feet of the subiect property; ond wet londs on or within 750 feet of the subject property bosed on the 7994 Clackomas County Wetland lnventory mops odopted by reference in Chopter i of the Comprehensive Plan ond the Meto 2002 Wetland lnventory Mop (ovoiloble from the Metro Doto Resource Center, 5OO N.E. Grond Ave., Portland,OR 97232; 503-797-1742). ldentified wetlands shall be further delineated consistent with methods currently occepted by the Oregon Division of Stote Lands and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Comment: The aerial photograph submitted with this application shows the area of the site that is mapped by Metro as HCA. There are no water resources within this area and, thus, no HCA. Page 1 of2 Rick Givens From: Date: To: Cc: Attach: Subject: "Hanschka, Steve" <[email protected]> Tuesday, September 30,2014 5:21 PM "Rick Givens" <rickgivens(@gmail.com> "Nagy, John" <[email protected]>; "Ceniga, Rebecca" <[email protected]>; "Mclntire, Rick" <[email protected]>; "Finley, Tim" <[email protected]> ZDO706.pdf; HCAmapveriff.pdf; lu apps cover page.pdf; Clackamas_Co_Titlel3 2sle28.pdf RE: Southlake Church HCA Rick, here are the determinations, following WES 1. 2. 3. / SWMACC Staff site visit: WES Staff have determined that the area within the Habitat Conservation Area (HCA), within the central area of the site, does not contain a drainage or some other resource of any consequence. Therefore, further environmental assessment will not be necessary to make that determination. WES / SWMACC, however, will require the 50-ft. buffer from the Tualatin River, along the entire subject site, to be identified with signage so that any future development is aware that the buffer exists and is in place. To remove the aforementioned HCA, you will submit an HCA Map Verification that addresses ZDO Subsection 705.09(AX4) and 705.09(EX1). Under 705.09(EX1), you are asked to locate the water resource that was inventoried by Metro, etc., and you outline that there is no water resource and, thus, no HCA, and stop there. Cost of the Map Verification is SSOS and shall be submitted with the partition application. Thanks much. Signed, Steve Hanschka, Sr. Planner, Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) Dept. of Transportation & Development, Planning & Zoning Division Development Services Building, Floor 2 750 Beavercreek Road Oregon City, OR 97045 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., Tues. - Fri. Phone: (503) 742-4512 Fax: (SAj) 742-4550 E - Ma i I Web : : steve ha n @co. cla cka mas. o r. us http : //www.clacka mas. us/transportation/pla nn inq Click for Map to Office: From: Hanschka, Steve Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2OL4 4:35 To: 'Rick Givens' Cc: Nagy, John Subject: RE: Southlake Church HCA PM Rick, I am waiting to meet back up with WES summary of the issues soon. Thanks. / SWMACC staff regarding a recent site visit. Hope to have a From: Rick Givens [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 25,20L4 4:27 Pl,tl To: Hanschka, Steve Subject: Southlake Church HCA 4/16/2015 Page}of? . " Hi Steve, Just checking in to see if you have any update on what's needed for the HCA verification for the Southlake Church property on Borland Rd. Thanks, Rick Givens NOTE: This message was trained as non-spam. If this is wrong, please coffect the training as soon as possible. 4lt6l20ts Ct.ACI(A},IAS COUI{TY PREI*IMINARYSTATEMENT OF FEASIBIUTY To be completed by the applicant: Name: . Southlahe. Foursquare Chufg-h Legal Description: T 25 S, R 1E . Section 2BD , Tax Lot(s) 400, Applicant's Properly S1e Address: 15_21 & 1541 Bqrlan{. Rd. . Project Title/Description of Proposed Development; 500, 600 & 700 p-jecr Engineer: Theta Engineering Four Lot Subdivision To be conrpleted by the service provider or surface water management authority; Check all that apply: 'N Sanitary sewer capacify in the wastewater treatment system and the sanitary sewage co.llection system is available to serye the dcvelopmcnt g crry ry made avaitable through improvementa coqrplegd by the developer or the system ounrer'. /2* fi ( Adequatc surface water heatrrent and conveyance is available to serve the development or can be completed bv the developer or the svstanr owner, /C gta*€C,b.ff ^,0" tr *€r4i Y,*r;!rWyPy;i3To Water Sn[ce is available in lwele appropriate for the developmeng and adequate water system capacity is available in source, suppt, treatnent, transmission, storagc and disribution or such levels and capacity can be made availabie through improvements completed by the dweloper or the system owner. This statement O applies D does not apply bo fire flows,* *If water service is adequate with the exception of fire flovre , the applicant shall submit a statement fronr the lue district serving the subject properly that states that an alternate method of fire protection, such as an on-site water source or a sprinkler system, is aiceptable. tr This statement is issued subject to conditions of approval set forlfi in ttre attached. 0 Adequate E sanitary Signature o ioe, O snrface water mantgernent 0 water ssryics csnnot be provided. /t6 / f Authorized '7cr/{ Date Tirle Name of Servicc Provider or Surfaqe Water Managemen t Authorify CsF.rplqtion o{ this st"etement dp,qfl }rof fe$srye canacily for-the development and does,not $!tcr an apql&gr.t's ollieatiop {g cp.rypty rytfL(h.e sp{-yjce uroyi{e,frs or,surf,sce watcr {qeE$re{r}eg! authorltyls reiulntions. Comuletlon tfl$ls statement does not obll&rte the serviee pi;vider or sg{&gew&te{,maqFgs$qnt eu&orlty to rinencgprjon$rruct lmprovemenrs {rcg-gfflary.go uro]{qe adettuate sel"ttce for thq pr?p.psed {"gyflor}pretlt, Cor$nlction of this statement doe$.Soi efarsntee that land use anl"roval ftrr llre 0Igpp$Frl.d-ey"g"lonr$ent wiU,bg $ra{rted. I 50 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, Oregon, 97045 S;\Planning\LandUse\LU APPS\Statemer)toff easibility.doc - Phone; 503-742-4500; Fax 503-742-4550 Water Quality Protection Surface Water Management Wastewater Collection & Treatment \AArEn ENvrRoNurNT Srnvrcrs February 4,2015 Gregory L. Geist Interirn Director sE040214 SOUTHLAKE FOURSQUARE CHURCH ATTN: PASTOR KIP JACOB 1555 SW BORLAND ROAD WEST LINN, OR 97068 IMPORTANT DOCUMENT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This is not a septic construction permit. SITE: Township 25 Range 1E Section 28D Tax Lot 00400 & 00700 FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN OO4OO AND OOTOO RESULTS: Approved SYSTEM: Standard drainfield Dear Pastor Jacob: Water Environment Services staff has completed the evaluation of the site where you proposed the construction of a new sewage treatment system at the property referenced above to serve a four bedroom single family residence. Based on the results of this study, sewage treatment appears feasible. Site conditions will require the use of a standard drainfield for the original system, as described in the attached construction detail and site drawing reports. For the replacement area a standard drainfield will be required. lf you have any questions, feelfree to contact me at 503-7424643. Edgar Diaz, REHS SoilScientist Enclosures: General Permit Conditions Field Sheet Construction Detail Sheet Minimum Setback Requirements CC: Serying Clackamas County, Gladstone, Happy Valley, Johnson City, Milwaukie, Oregon Cify Rivergrove and West Linn 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, Oregon 91045 Telephone: (503) 742-4567 Facsimile: (503)7424565 rrtyw.clackamas.uslwes/ MArpn ENwnoNUENT Water Quality Protectiori Surface Water Management Wastewater Collection & Treatment Srnucrs February 4,2015 Gegory L. Geist lnterirn Direch'rr sE0401 14 SOUTHLAKE FOURSQUARE CHURCH ATTN: PASTOR KIP JACOB 1555 SW BORLAND ROAD WEST LINN, OR 97068 IMPORTANT DOCUMENT _ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This is not a septic construction permit. SITE: Township 25 Range 1E Section 28D Tax Lot 00400 & 00700 FOR PARTITION PARCEL FOUR RESULTS: Approved SYSTEM: capping filldrainfield Dear Pastor Jacob: Water Environment Services stafi has completed the evaluation of the site where you proposed the construction of a new sewage treatment system at the property referenced above to serve a four bedroom single family residence. Based on the results of this study, sewage treatment appears feasible. Site conditions will require the use of a capping fill drainfield for the original system, as described in the attached construction detail and site drawing reports. For the replacement area a capping fill drainfield will be required. lf you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 503-7424643. Soil Scientist Enclosures: General Permit Conditions Field Sheet Construction Detail Sheet Minimum Setback Requirements CC: Serving Clackamas County, Gladstone, Happy Valley, Johnson City, Milwaukie, Oregon City fuvergrove and West Linn 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Telephone: (503) 742-4567 Facsimile: (503) 742-4565 www.clackamas. us/wes/ Water Quality Protection MArEn ENvnoNurNT Srnucrs Surface Water Management Wastewater Collection & Treatment February 4,2015 Cregory L. Geist lnterim Director sE040014 SOUTHLAKE FOURSQUARE CHURCH ATTN: PASTOR KIP JACOB 1555 SW BORLAND ROAD WEST LINN, OR 97068 IMPORTANT DOCUMENT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This is not a septic construction permit. SITE: Township 25 Range 1E Section 28D Tax Lot 00400 & 00700 FOR PARTITION PARCEL THREE RESULTS: Approved SYSTEM: Pretreatment standard one with capping fill drainfield Dear Pastor Jacob: Water Environment Services staff has completed the evatuation of the site where you proposed the construction of a new sewage treatment system at the property referenced above to serve a four bedroom single family residence. Based on the results of this study, sewage treatment appears feasible. Site conditions will require the use of a Pretreatment standard one with capping fill drainfield for the original system, as described in the attached construction detail and site drawing reports. For the replacement area a Pretreatment standard one with capping fill drainfield will be required. lf you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 503-7424643. ffi Sincerely, o z- Edgar Diaz, REHS Soil Scientist Enclosures: General Permit Conditions Field Sheet Construction Detail Sheet Minimum Setback Requirements CC: Serving Clackarnas County, Gladstone, Happy Valley, Jolrnson City, Milwaukie, Oregon City Rivergrove and West Linn 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Telephone: (503) 7424567 Facsimile: 6Ar i424565 rtryr"w.clackamas.us/wes/ \AArrn ENwnoNurNT Water Quality Protectiod Surface Water Management Wastewater Collection & Treatment Srnvrcrs February 4,2015 Gregory L. Geist Interim Director sE039914 SOUTHLAKE FOURSQUARE CHURCH ATTN: PASTOR KIP JACOB 1555 SW BORLAND ROAD WEST LINN, OR 97068 IMPORTANT DOCUMENT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This is not a septic construction permit. SITE: Township 25 Range 1E Section 28D Tax Lot 00400 & 00700 FOR PARTITION PARCEL TWO RESULTS: Approved SYSTEM: Pretreatment standard one with capping fill drainfield Dear Pastor Jacob: Water Environment Services staff has completed the evaluation of the site where you proposed the construction of a new sewage treatment system at the property referenced above to serve a four bedroom single family residence. Based on the results of this study, sewage treatment appears feasible. Site conditions will require the use of a Pretreatment standard one with capping fill drainfield for the original system, as described in the attached construction detail and site drawing reports. For the replacement area a Pretreatment standard one with capping filldrainfield will be required. lf you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 503-7424643. ,f-"W.J dgar Diaz, REHS Enclosures: General Permit Conditions Field Sheet Construction Detail Sheet Minimum Setback R6quirements CC: Serving Clackamas Count5r, Gladstone, Happy Valley, Johnson City, Milwaukie, Oregon City Rivergrove and West Linn 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Telephone: i.5A3) 142-4567 Facsimile: (503) 742-4565 w"nrv.clackamas.us/wes/ \AArrn ENwnoNurNT Water Quality Protection Surface Water Management Wastewater Collection & Treatrnent Cregory L. Geist SEnucEs lnterim Director February 4,2015 sE03s814 SOUTHLAKE FOURSQUARE CHU RCH ATTN: PASTOR KIP JACOB 1555 SW BORLAND ROAD WEST LINN, OR 97068 IMPORTANT DOCUMENT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY This is not a septic construction permit. SITE: Township 25 Range 1E Section 28D Tax Lot 00400 & 0O7OO FOR PARTITION PARCEL ONE RESULTS: Approved SYSTEM: Pretreatment standard one with capping fill drainfield Dear Pastor Jacob: Water Environment Services staff has completed the evaluation of the site where you proposed the construction of a new sewage treatment system at the property referenced aboveio serve a four bedroom single family residence. Based on the results of this stqdy, sewage treatment appears feasible. Site conditions will require the use of a Pretreatment standard one with standard drainfield for the originalsystem, as described in thi aftached construction detail and site drawing reports. For the replacement area a Pretreatment standard one with standard drainfield will be required. lf you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 503-742-4f/;9. Sincerely, f,uy- Edgar Diaz, REHS Soil Scientist Enclosures: General Permit Conditions Field Sheet Construction Detail Sheet Minimum Setback Requirements CC: Serving Clackamas County, Gladstone, Happy Valley, Johnson City, Milwaukie, Oregon City Riv-ergrove and West Linn 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Telephone: (503) 742-4567 facsimite: (SOl) lcz-qseS rvnrry.clackamas. us/wes/