B - Salt Spring Island Archives
B - Salt Spring Island Archives
Baseball for kids returns to Salt Spring Baseball is returning to Salt Spring Island. The Salt Spring Minor Baseball Association — for hardball, not Softball — was organized earlier this year and is aiming now to start play in April in three youth leagues. Registration for T-ball (ages five to seven years), Little League (eight to 12 years) and Babe Ruth (13 to 15 years) will take place at Portlock Park this Saturday, February 27, from 10 am to 2 p m . Registration fees are $12 for T-ball, $20 for Little League and $20 for Babe Ruth. The association, headed by president Roger Chernenkoff and vice-president Roy Kinnear, has held four organizational meetings to date and has another session scheduled for tonight (Wednesday, February 24) at 7:30 pm in the library of Salt Spring Elementary School. M i k e Tyson, a spokesman for the association, said the meetings held so far have elected officers and formed committees to pre- pare the launching of the three baseball leagues, but that much work is yet to be done. " A s in any new venture," he said, "getting started is the toughest part. But with the incredible enthusiasm of those already involved, and with the positive interest shown by businesses and private citizens, we are well on our way to realizing our first-year goal — to let the kids have fun, an opportunity to learn, and a chance to play organized b a l l . " Youth baseball flourished on Salt Spring in the past but suffered a decline in recent years. Tyson is hoping the newly-formed association will revive interest in the sport and give youngsters a positive recreational alternative. " I think we would all agree that we need more recreational activit- ies for our young people," he said. Although the association is now off the ground, Tyson added that more help is needed. " A l t h o u g h the most basic groundwork has been done, we still need and would appreciate any help anyone can g i v e , " he said. GOOD NEWS FOR ISLAND GARDENS! Island Garden Services 6-1 victory LANDSCAPING, GARDENING, L A W N S , IRRIGATION and PROPERTY M A N A G E M E N T Selects overpower Juan de Fuca with'snow of offensive firepower Salt Spring Selects 6, Juan de Fuca 1. • By M A L C O L M L E G G Under sunny skies, the Salt Spring Selects put on one of their best o f f e n s i v e d i s p l a y s i n demolishing Juan de Fuca 6-1 last Sunday at Portlock Park. The Selects started slowly, as though they were waiting for something to happen, rather than forcing the play to create scoring opportunities. Mid-fielder Ben Berry seemed to sense the stagnation in the Selects play, and took control of the game. Mid-way through the half, Berry ^jjoed a beautiful pass to a ing B . J . Severs on left wing, banged the ball in off the far o s f and the Selects were ahead to stay. Late in the half the Selects scored a pretty goal as Roderick Shoolbraid crossed a ball from the end-line, which C o r b i n Scott headed to his brother Justin, who then headed it into the net. In the second half the Selects came out with their guns blazing, especially by the team's scoring ace, Chad " W o l f Little, out of goal. The goal of the game quickly followed as another Berry pass found " W o l f on the wing. The Wolfman sent a beautiful cross to Justin, moving in for his second header and a 3-0 lead for the Selects. Andrew Aust quickly followed as he broke in on a pass from Justin Scott and rifled the ball home. Chad Little followed with the next two goals, the first on a fine combination with Andrew. and the second as he finished off a header from Ben Berry. Juan de Fuca scored a late goal to wrap up the scoring, but the Selects had to be pleased with a solid offensive display after so Pruning & Spraying many missed opportunities the previous week. Hopefully, their scoring talents will remain for next week's District Cup match against Peninsula in Sidney. DRIFTWOOD CLASSIFIEDS MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW for dormant oil / lime sulphur spraying. Call now for a free quotation—10% off labour for OAPs R.R. #1, Mountain Park Drive, C.4, Ganges, B.C. 537-4274 days eves. 537-9667 WHAT LOLA WANTS, L O L A GETS... in the Driftwood GET FAST-T-T RESULTS! Classifieds! DEFINITION O F A N E W S P A P E Part 3: Advertising community newspaper relies on two sources of revenue to operate: one is derived from the sale of the paper itself and the other from the sale of advertising. The latter generates most of the newspaper's revenue. A SALT SPRING A COURIER SERVICE Purolatop courier A F 537-2041 656-7235 SERVICE <§uli Mantis; Briittooob AT ITS BEST! agent For same day delivery TO VICTORIA call before 8:15 am: For same day delivery TO SALT SPRING call before 11:30 am: for t the Gulf Islands Driftwood, display advertising is solicited from local businesses by a full-time sales representative, Jeff Outerbridge. It is Jeff's responsibility to look after advertising accounts by calling regularly o n merchants and assisting them with their marketing programs. Like other newspaper employees, he too works to a deadline. B y five o'clock on Friday display advertising copy must be in the hands of the production staff if it is to be finished in time for the following Wednesday's paper. O n Monday and Tuesday, copies of the finished advertisements are checked by the sales representative for errors before he begins selling for the following week's edition. nother form of advertising with which many readers are familiar is classified. The classified section is often one of the most well read parts of a newspaper. But its familiarity is due to the fact that the average reader uses classified advertising from time to time to dispose of or find household items, vehicles, boats and other goods. Classifieds are easy to use too. The Driftwood office is usually busy all day on any given Monday as islanders place their ads before the three o'clock deadline. or the consumer, newspaper advertising is a valuable aid in making buying decisions as it provides important information o n price, selection and availability of goods and services. NEXT WEEK: Production: Putting it to bed. YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Page B2 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Wednesday. Feb. 24, 1988 • PENDER ISLAND Correspondent: Casey O'Connor 629-3579 • SATURNA ISLAND (§ulf Manosf ©rtfttooob Subscription & Advertising Information: Correspondent: Priscilla Janszen 539-2591 • GALIANO - SOUTH END Correspondent: Florence Dodwell 539-2634 • GALIANO - NORTH END Call Toll Free: Outer Islands Section 1-800-663-5530 Correspondent: Alistair Ross 539-2294 Island history examined by historical federation Port Washington wharf disassembly Harbour authority may oversee wharf activity By C A S E Y O ' C O N N O R P E N D E R I S L A N D S — Meeting in general session on February 17, the Pender Island Chamber of Commerce voted to become the lead agency i n creating a Pender Island Harbour Authority which would oversee the day-to-day operations of governmennt wharves at Port Washington, Hope Bay and Browning Harbour on North Pender, and at Bedwell Harbour on South Pender Island. The move to form a local harbour authority grew out of a study, conducted in 1986, which determined that parts of the Port Washington government dock were unsafe, and a subsequent request by the Pender Island Lions Club asking that the Coast Guard clean and repair the wharf. Gordon Wallace, acting on behalf of the Pender Lions, followed the group's letter with a telephone call to Dave Barratt, regional manager for the Coast Guard's Western Harbours and Ports division. Barratt told Wallace that a contract had been let to tear down those parts of the Port Washington facility that had been declared unsafe. In a memorandum to Wallace, Barratt said the Coast Guard and Fisheries and Oceans were interested in turning over day-to-day operations of various wharves to local communities if the proper governing body existed to administer the facilities. Wallace then asked the Lions to act as the lead agency in helping create a local governing authority for Pender Island. The Pender Lions Club decided against taking on the project. "The Coast Guard is not acting out of benevolence," said Peter Campbell, a member of the club. "The job of management and upkeep is thankless. Y o u field all the complaints and get the blame for everything that goes awry." Wallace, a former Islands Trust representative a n d a strong Turn to Page B3 A LITTLE BIT OF OLDE ENGLAND' By F L O R E N C E D O D W E L L S O U T H G A L I A N O — Saturday, February 13, marked a most interesting day for the Gulf Islands branch of the B . C . Historical Federation. A t a lunch enjoyed at the Five Roosters on Mayne Island, Alistair Ross spoke about S c o t t i s h crofters supposedly having settled on the Gulf Islands according to a British law passed in the 1800s. Then, D r . Tony Kingscote brought up the matter of the preservation of the 650-footl o n g m i d d e n at M o n t a g u e Harbour. Marie Elliott, of the Open Space Committee which advises the parks department' of the C R D , s a i d she has recommended that the Pender Canal site be acquired, as well as Mortimer Spit, to become part of the park area on South Pender Island. Next came the visit to the Mayne Island Museum, where interesting remains of the Zephyr's 115-yearold cargo were on display. A t 3 am on February 13, 1872, a severe north-east gale dashed the threemasted barque onto the rocks at Waugh Point, near Davis Bay on Mayne Island. The boat carried high density, good quality sandstone quarried on Newcastle Island, from Nanaimo to San Francisco. In 1976, government-provided funds enabled three local divers to explore the site of the wreck. Ultimately, two sandstone columns, weighing 33 tons each, were brought up. These had been quarried to be used for pillars at the San Francisco Mint. The meeting proceeded to the Health Centre at 2 pm, but upon leaving the museum this reporter caught sight of the Mayne Island time line, marking 3,000 - 1,000 B. C , when Indians were on Helen Point, up to 1979 A . D . when a satellite marine tracking station was installed on Mount Parke. There were other interesting artifacts and information which must be taken in at another time. At the Health Centre, Marie Elliott (who has researched the history of Mayne Island) gave a short review. For instance, in 1872 there was settlement on Mayne Island, in 1883 a school, and in 1885 a wharf. Larry McFarland, the guest speaker, is a member and former president of the Underwater Turn to Page B3 First 1/2 hr. consultation free McKIMM & LOTT BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS • Divorce & Family Law • Personal Injury Claims • Criminal Law GANGES CENTRE BLDG. Telephone 537-9951 (above the Post Office) SNTiA TRAVEL ALL ABOARD... 1 / 2 Price SALE! ON ADULT FARES & ACCOMMODATION VANCOUVER-MONTREAL and ALL POINTS IN BETWEEN Travel must be completed by April 30. Reservations must be prepaid at least 7 days prior to departure. Get the feeling.. Spacious, well-built 4 bedroom (could be 6) Tudor style home on sunny 6 acres. Beautiful gardens, both vegetable and flower including a fish pond and bridge leading to trail winding through the acreage. Ideal for Bed & Breakfast or large family. Features tile roof, 3 bathrooms, family room, 2 fireplaces, large deck. Separate workshop, good water and a view of the sea. Excellent value - $149,000. R O S E M A R Y C A L L A W A Y - 539-5457 TAKE THE TRAIN! Space subject to availability. For more details and reservations call today: TOLL FREE - 1-800-742-0864 INTRA ALADDIN TRAVEL SERVICES Driftwood Centre, 5th & Beacon, Sidney, B.C. F R A N WHIPPLE - 539-2296 LAND! LTD. G G A L I A N O O F F I C E - 539-2250 Open 8:30-5 Mon.-Fri.; 10-2 Sat. "PERSONAL CARE WORLDWIDE" Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1988 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Page B3 Presentation shows underwater discover From Page B2 presented a video which showed the volunteer divers retrieving the two sandstone columns from a depth of 35 feet including the rigging and lifting of the columns. The second largest crane to work in west coast waters lifted these large objects. Now one is located on Newcastle Island, the other in front of the Maritime Museum in Vancouver. Parks B . C . paid $17,000 for the recovery of the pillars. Several slides were also shown, courtesy o f the U n d e r w a t e r Archaeological Society of B . C . , which was formed in 1976. The Zephyr, built in Massachusetts in 1855, worked the West Coast between V i c t o r i a a n d S a n Francisco from 1860 to 1872. It had little manoeuverability, Larry McFarland noted. He also spoke of coal-carrying wrecks in waters around here. Louis Vallee spoke about the large sandstone rock in front of the museum. Excellent slides showed how he and other divers dove for the 3 , 5 0 0 - p o u n d s a n d s t o n e , floated it at high tide, then brought it in by chains. A barge lifted the stone before it was delivered to the museum, where it was pressurewashed and painted with urethane. Readers may be interested to know that the January-February 1988 edition of Diver magazine has an article on the Zephyr entitled Raising the Past. Advocates say Galiano Housing Society Baby quilts The annual general meeting of the G a l i a n o Island H o u s i n g Society will be held in the Lounge of Page Drive on March 6, 1988 at 2 pm. Members of the public are invited to attend. Only members of the society are entitled to vote on motions, and in the election of three directors. Membership fee is $1. For the presentation of baby quilts at the North End Hall on March 6 at 3 pm, the Needle Guild of the Church has invited the f o l l o w i n g : T i o n i and K e i t h Thirkell with daughter Orielle; Melinda and Todd Wolfe with son Jesse; Simone and Dean M o l l o n with daughter Emily; Carmen and Paul Petrowski with son Dominic; and R i s a S m i t h and T o m Mommsen with daughter A n i k . is YOUR WELL WATER Local control over public wharves will help discourage overcrowding From Page B2 advocate of local control, refused to let the issue die and next approached the Chamber of Commerce. " T h e federal government is less and less enthusiastic about keeping up the enir cks. With no local group to step ^^oc nd say we want these facilities, y'11 let a wharf deteriorate and w Then simply do what they did in January at Port Washington — tear it down," he said. Bob George owns the old Corbett Store at Hope Bay and runs a water taxi service. For the past six years he has been wharfinger for the government docks at Hope Bay and for the docks in Browning Harbour. "I attended a meeting of wharfingers that was held in Port Hardy back in November," he said. "When I got back, 1 saw Gordon and told him I felt somebody had to take r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for the P o r t Washington docks or the Coast Guard was going to pull them out." I saw what happened here at |ope Bay," continues George. our-fifths of the original dock ^ ^ s ppace was torn out five years ago when I took over as wharfinger. They were in horrible shape. Two or three years ago, Fisheries w a n t e d to r e m o v e a n o t h e r hundred feet as part of their program to cut maintenance costs. Vern Roddick, through the C R D . together with pressure from the school board and the Lions Club, saved the docks that you see here today." Gordon Wallace sees himself as a facilitator for the port authority project. "I recall coming over from Steveston when I was a boy. The C P R boats were sideloaders and would load and unload at the g o v e r n m e n t d o c k s at P o r t Washington and Hope Bay. When the front end loaders were developed and the B C Ferry facility built at Otter Bay, the other docks became stepchildren of sorts." "Not everyone is as enthusiastic as I am," says Wallace. "There are a number of people who have been using the wharves as free moorage. But these are the same people who complain about the upkeep. Local control is what this is all about." "I agree with Gordon on the issue of control," says Bob George. "Unadministered docks are always overcrowded with local boats that tie up and never move. A n d that is not the purpose of a public dock. But I don't think we need to have a port a u t h o r i t y or h a r b o u r c o m m i s s i o n to oversee the facilities. Why not simply appoint a wharfinger for Port Washington and Bedwell Harbour? If the Coast Guard and Fisheries are so anxious to get rid of the facilities then auction them off to a private businessman with the stipulation that part of the space be guaranteed public access." In taking on the port authority project the P e n d e r Island Chamber of Commerce appointed Vice President Dave Jamieson to what is presently an ad hoc committee composed of interested members o f the Pender community. Joining Jamieson will be commercial fisherman Alfred Kaisla and representatives from the school board. B . C . Hydro, the Power Squadron and the Pender Island Yacht Club. L a r r y H i l d r i t h , owner o f Bedwell Harbour Resort and a member of the Chamber, also agreed to serve on the committee and help in laying groundwork for the authority. "I've listened to all the reasons put forward for creating the local authority and feel most are valid, but as a marine operator with a Customs Dock and docks belonging to Fisheries and the Coast Guard, I have to be aware of what can be a conflict of interest with the government and marina each renting out moorage space," he said. "The major problem at present is one of control," continued Hildrith. "This past Labour Day we ran into a problem at Bedwell when a group of boaters decided to tie up at the government dock and became a bit rowdy. They knew I MICHAEL FENWICK had no authority over the dock and made it rather difficult when I approached them about quieting down." " A local port authority with w e l l - t h o u g h t - o u t rules a n d regulations should be able to answer L a r r y ' s concerns at Bedwell," says Peter Hemphill, who will represent the Yacht Club on the ad hoc committee. "It will be an interesting exercise — trying to solve the problems unique to each of the ports — but the idea is to have facilities that better serve the community." In a letter to Wallace dated January 7, the Coast Guard's Barratt outlined the plan that would see the federal government continue to m a i n t a i n major construction at the various ports while the local harbour authority takes over a l l d a y - t o - d a y operations and expenses. Under the proposed set-up, the Pender Island Harbour Authority would participate in long- and short-term planning for maintenance and development, be responsible for hiring a manager and bear the costs of salaries and administration, cleaning and garbage, electricity, water and security. The local authority would collect appropriate fees and maintain all traffic and financial records and would enforce all applicable rules and laws. J a c k R o a d , P. Ft 1, Galiano Island, B . C . V O N 1 P 0 539-5986 Contamination can occur without changes in color or taste. $20.00 per test • Results in 24 Hours Be Safe • Test Annually! 'MB RESEARCH 10124 McDonald Park R d . , Sidney, B.C. V 8 L 3X9 656-1334 S 3 B L O C K BROS. REALTY LTD 1323-56 St. Delta. B.C. V4L 2A6 GALIANO ISLAND W E L L B U I L T A L P I N E S T Y L E 3 B R . H O M E w i t h large decks. Woodland setting with some views of Georgia Strait. 1 / 2 block from park and beach. Offers accepted on $ 9 2 , 5 0 0 . CONVENIENT A N D A F F O R D A B L E 3 BR.FAMILY H O M E near Bluff Park a n d stores. Attached g a r a g e / w o r k s h o p . N e w well. Landscaped gardens a n d large decks for entertaining. Offered at $ 7 8 , 0 0 0 P R I C E R E D U C T I O N - O W N E R A N X I O U S . Hobby farm w i t h i m m a c u l a t e 3 B R . h o m e plus 8 2 5 s q . ft. a t t a c h e d g a r a g e / w o r k s h o p . G r e e n h o u s e , outbuildings. Fenced pasture, very private on 16 acres. $ 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 . A D J A C E N T 6 A C S . F O R S A L E A T $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 OR M A K E A N OFFER O N T O T A L P A C K A G E . THIS PROPERTY H A S V E N D O R FINANCING ENJOY THE SUNSETS FROM QUALITY WATERFRONT H O M E on Trincomali C h a n n e l . This property has very protected moorage and is one of the finest locations on Galiano. Vendor will finance. $ 2 4 9 , 0 0 0 . LOTS F R O M $20,000 B U Y E R S A R E W A I T I N G A N D L I S T I N G S A R E N E E D E D ! If you are thinking of selling in the near future, please call J I L L P E N N Y 5 3 9 - 5 8 9 6 or write in confidence to P.O. Box 2 5 2 , Galiano Island, B.C. VON 1P0. Jim Flying from Victoria?? PARK FREE! It's easy and worry-f reel Stay in one of our bedrooms the night before your flight, park your car on our lot F R E E while you're away, A N D we'll give you a F R E E TAXI RIDE to the airport. THE AIRPORT PARKING FEES Y O U SAVE C O U L D MORE THAN COVER THE COST OFYOUR ROOMI CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT • Bookkeeping & Accounting Services— Manual & Computerized • Income Tax Returns—Personal &. Corporate • Business & Personal Financial Planning— Buying & Selling Businesses SAFE TO DRINK? 7iu> WaMnghd Onto Patricia B a y H i g h w a y at Mt. Newton X R d 10 min. from Swartz Bay 652-1146 A FOUR DIAMOND HOTEL ooo o CALL TOLL FREE - 1-800-742-9244 2476 Mt. Newton X Rd., Saanichton 652-1146 Page B4 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Wednesday, Feb. 24. 1988 Firemen attending training sessions By A L I S T A I R ROSS N O R T H G A L I A N O - Fire Chief Ted W a t e r m a n and Chester Williams, his counterpart in South Galiano, have been attending a series of weekend training sessions at Langford, near Victoria. The three, two-day sessions are sponsored by the provincial Fire Academy and deal with the training of volunteer firemen, correct procedures and the proper handling of equipment. At North Galiano, the volunteer firemen meet every second Monday at 7 pm for practices. On cold wet winter evenings, they view educational videos supplied by the Fire Academy in Vancouver and r o u t i n e l y check out their equipment. On Sundays the truck is often seen on Porlier Pass Drive as one of the members is given driver training. A t the moment four of the firemen are licensed to drive the f i r e t r u c k . F i r e C h i e f Waterman stated his group is reviewing the alert system. For the present, however, fires are to be reported by phone to one of these numbers: Chambers at 9-2955 Stafford at 9-2689 Haksi at 9-2466 The alert will then go out and the firemen contacted. Plans are well underway for the Fireman's Ball on March 19 and tickets are now available. Phone B i l l Stafford 9-2689 or Ted Waterman 9-2805 and reserve a place at the table for the prime rib dinner and a fun evening. Newest arrival The people of North Galiano salute their newest citizen, Darlene Farrah James. The wee one was born on Wednesday, February 10, the daughter of Velma and Alex James. Little Darlene is the sixth youngster born in this area since last June. The Quilting Guild of St. M a r g a r e t ' s C h u r c h plans to honour the children and their parents at the North Hall on Sunday, March 6, after the 2 pm service led by Rev. D a n Noonan. The quilters have made a baby quilt for each of the children and these will be presented at the social hour after the service. Everyone is welcome. galiano report Radio play Audrey Thomas has a 10-minute radio play scheduled for airing soon on the C B C ' s Saturday evening program, State of the Arts. The theme of the drama is related to The Spirit Sings, the show of Native art prepared by the Glenbow A r t Museum for display during the Winter Olympics at Calgary. Annual meeting The annual meeting of the North Galiano Community Association is scheduled for Saturday, March 5 at 2 pm. Reports for both the volunteer fire department and the community hall will be presented at that time. There will also be the election of officers for the year. Box 69, Ganges, B.C. VOS 1E0 537-5515 OUTER ISLAND PROPERTIES GALIANO ISLAND PENDER ISLAND Other Northern Passtimes The Scottish Country Dance Group meets at the North Hall each Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm. The dart throwers meet on Wednesday, also at 7:30 pm. The rag-rug makers meet on Friday at 11 am. New members at any of these groups are always welcome. Bob Bossin Bossin's Home Remedy For Nuclear War, the hit Canadian musical that has toured the c o u n t r y f r o m the Queen Charlottes to Cape Breton, is coming to Galiano Island for one performance only at the South G a l i a n o C o m m u n i t y H a l l on Friday, February 26 at 7:30 pm. A l l profits from the performance will be donated to Tools for Peace. Bossin's Home Remedy, is a hilarious medicine show mix of theatre, music, magic and snake oil. It is written and performed by Bob Bossin. Bossin is well-known across the country as the leader of Canada's premiere folk group, Stringband, a n d is w i d e l y acknowledged as one of Canada's foremost songwriters. Bob Bossin's credo is "just because you're saving the world, it don't mean you have to have a bad time." Tickets are $6 in advance and $8 at the door. They are available at the Hummingbird Inn, Burrill Bros. Store and the Spanish Hills Store. There will be door prizes and child care will be available. Phone Diane Cragg at 9-5805 for further information. Bossin's Home Remedy for Nuclear War is a b s o l u t e l y guaranteed to prevent nuclear war or your money refunded! MAGNIFICENT VIEW - Beautiful use of wood, glass & space. First class construction & the finishing touches are artistic as well as top quality. Gourmet kitchen plus 2 solariums are anyone's dream. $259,000. If you rented your property to tenants this past year, our specially trained tax return preparers are ready to show you how they can save you money on your tax return. At H&R Block, we look for every deduction you're entitled to. We take all the necessary steps to do the job accurately because we want you to pay only the lowest tax or get the biggest refund you're entitled to. Don't be confused by all the talk over tax law changes. The specialists at H&R Block always have the answers you need. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 105 Rainbow Road. Ganges Hours: 9:30-6:00 weekdays, 9:30-5:00 Saturdays Telephone 5 3 7 - 4 2 5 2 . MasterCard &.Visa accepted. . LOCK-UP STAGE - New 1200 sq. ft. home with a full basement finished to lockup stage. Cedar siding, deck, garage, both sewer and water connections paid. A real buy at $38,000. S P E C T A C U L A R PRIVATE SETTING - High bank, south-west facing waterfront, easy access to sand beach. 2700 sq. ft. home, year round moorage, over 6 acs. with 250 ft. of waterfront. $185,000. AFFORDABLE WATERFRONT - 2 bedroom home close to all amenities and having a small piece of waterfront with a small dock across the road from the main acreage. Rich garden soil and 2 water systems. Double car garage & guest cottage. $125,000. MAYNE ISLAND L O G H O M E - Don't wait! This unique home won't last! Carefully & tastefully designed and very well built two storey log home. 2 BRs (could be 3), den area, spacious living & dining room combo, large family size kitchen, wonderful bathroom with sauna and large antique tub & basin. Spacious mstr. bedroom with private deck. Separate workshop. Privately located on view property. Very close to several good beaches. $79,500. ELEGANT, EASY-CARE M O - B I L E - Mt. Baker views from this lovely 3 BR. home. Gracious living and dining rooms, cosy den, wellequipped kitchen. Mstr. BR. (ensuite) opens on to spacious sundeck as do L.R., den and 2nd BR. Full high basement. Level driveway & entry. Located on cul-de-sac road. $69,900. L E V E L B U I L D O G L O T - Close HOBBY FARM - 1300 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home on 2 sunny, level, arable acres. 14 pee. bathrm., 1 - 2 pee. bathrm., full basement, sundeck, heatilator F/P. Drilled well 23 gal. per min. $74,000. to b e a c h ^ Q i y & arable land, on water syS?rn. $20,000. WOODED A C J J G K G E - Mature cedars, f : « t © arbutus cover this private aefp^ge. $43,000. WATERFRONT CUSTOM BUILT HOME - With magnificent view on 1.5 acres. Close to ferry, shopping & school. Many luxury features to delight your fancy. Well on its way to being complete. Finish to your liking at your leisure. $115,000. NEAR BEACH - Luxurious 31' trailer, insulated & installed with septic, power, phone. Land could be sold separately for $35,000. Located across road from water access. Easy building lot. $50,000. MOORAGE IN RETREAT C O V E - Low bank waterfront, year-round moorage, driveway into oceanfront building site, quiet and totally private, southwest facing. Over 6 acres and 250' of waterfront. $129,000. SECLUDED VIEW ACREAGE This acreage is the ultimate in privacy at the end of a wooded land. It slopes across the hillside with view of farmland, Georgia Strait and the mainland. It's primarily cleared but lovely clumps of evergreens are dotted throughout. $45,000. It's a good time to list your property! Please call us for a free, market evaluation. ROSEMARY CALLAWAY 539- TEECE POINT - South Pender Island - FINALLY OFFERED FOR SALE! 23.3 acre point with approximately 4,800' of oceanfront. Unobstructed views to Saturna Island, Mount Baker, the American San Juan Islands, Gowlland Point and Camp Bay. A n ecological paradise with an abundance of wildflowers, Garry oak, arbutus, prickly pear cacti and deer. Watch the seals play in the kelp beds, the killer whales surface in the sun, or catch a fish from the shore. Enjoy the active sea traffic, including deep sea freighters, cruise ships, barges and private boats. Several coves from which to launch a dinghy. Zoned RP (resource protection). Ideal private estate or excellent investment property. $350,000 (Can.) or $275,000 (U.S.) SALT SPRING LANDS LTD., Box 123, Pender Island, B.C. VON 2M0 DAYS: (604) 629-6292 or 6293383, located in the Driftwood Centre. EVES: LINDA SOKOL 629-6569 DON & MARG KEATING 6293329 WINTER COVE Well-planned for privacy offering oceanfront acreages set amongst magnificent evergreens & elegant arbutus and adjacent to pastoral farmlands. All properties have private drilled wells and are serviced with hydro & telephone. Winter Cove is sheltered with good moorage and your purchase price includes the use of the Cove's private dock. These are some of the best prices for waterfront properties in the Gulf Islands. Prices starting at $42,000. 5457 FRAN WHIPPLE 539-2296 GALIANO OFFICE 539-2250 Box 99, Galiano, B.C. VON 1P0. For more information, call now! CAROL KENNEDY - 539-2606 Salt Spring Lands - 539-2031 - HOME - Privately situated on 1 acr£,<33Rs, (could be more), largeJra|T'& dining rooms, open kitche»r nigh beamed ceilings. Spacious greenhouse addition. $69,900. SOUTHFACING BUILDING L O T - Price reduced! Vendors say sell. Warm, sunny, arbutus-laden view lot. $12,000. FABULOUS CONTEMP O R A R Y H O M E - Words can't describe! If you like cedar & glass, skylights, ceramic tile, oak floors & cabinets plus many, many more exceptional features like westfacing ocean views, level & private land, then you should look at this well-built & well-designed new home. $89,000. 2 W O O D E D A C R E S - Just the right size - and hard to find! Nicely wooded & level land. $24,500. 1 BR. HOME PLUS GUEST C O T T A G E - Level, sunny land. Good garden soil. Spacious rooms open onto sundeck. Separate workshop. Ideal situation for retirement couple with visitor/family accommodation. $64,500. W A T E R F R O N T H O M E - 8 years old & immaculate! 2 x 6 c o n s t r u c t i o n . 3 B R s , Ige. living/dining combo opening onto ground level deck, spacious kitchen with 5 appliances. All rooms are very bright, wide hallways, etc. Separate workshop & older mobile for extra guests. Sunny, level property with absolutely stunning ocean views & safe sandy beach. $119,000. LOWBANK SATURNA ISLAND ACREAGE 390' southfacing W.F. with good moorage & beautiful views. 12 gpm. drilled well, driveway in, two pasture areas, balance in lovely cedars, arbutus & firs. A private estate property. $225,000. SPACIOUS PHILAMORE POINT - Small 2 Br. cottage on 0.9 acre • not on the waterfront but close by. Access by boat or 4 wheel drive. Plentiful water & use of the community dock. A wonderful retreat area. Cottage is in need of a little TLC. $27,900. Old-timer hospitalized Galianoites were sorry to hear of long-time resident Harry Baines'ill health. H a r r y was taken to Ladysmith Hospital by his son, Harry Jr. O n Sunday, it was reported that he is now resting comfortably. SALT SPRING LANDS LTD. WATERFRONT P R O P E R T Y - G « p i moorage in front, fabukjjj»tvestern views, driveway ifP'to good bldg.' site. $59,900. S O U T H F A C I N G WATERF R O N T W I T H T R A I L E R - All ready to use! Septic field, hydro & water system! Sunny land with 80' waterfrontage, lovely views & good moorage. $62,000. 80 A C R E S - Subdividable! A most unique & diversified piece of land. Arable soil in valley, lovely wooded side hills and some ocean views! $165,000. I have many more listings. Please call or write for mail outs and further information! CAROL KENNEDY - 539-2606 Salt Spring Lands Ltd, 539-2031 • Wednesday, Feb. 24. 1988 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Page B5 Pender 'Dismantle' group discusses war threat By E L E A N O R H A R R I S O N Peter and Eleanor Adamson have offered the garden solarium room in their home to Pender Island's Operation Dismantle organization. Some 35 members and friends gathered there recently to enjoy a pot-luck dinner. Mrs. Victoria Gillespie, a delegate to the 1987 World Federalist Symposium i n Philadelphia, spoke briefly on the importance of strengthening the United Nations. This can be achieved, she said, by working to decrease the insanity of military debt now gripping the world. Gillespie continued by saying " t h e Victoria Operation Dismantle group (of which Pender Island is a part) has recently received word that the city of Victoria has been accepted as a twin with a city in the Pacific Rim area of the Soviet U n i o n . " G i l l e s p i e i n t r o d u c e d Peter Pentz from Salt Spring Island as the evening's guest speaker. Pentz began his talk by saying that "most of what we, the ordinary person on the street, have been so frightened of, is not really frightening at a l l . " Pentz continued by saying the military build-up of weaponry is not weapons at all — but suicide pills. Their function is to extract money from taxpayers to pumpprime the U . S . economy by persuading people thay are i n danger, and to support the American military complex, Pentz said. Canada's survival depends on that of the U.S., which is threatened by its own government, he continued, adding that Canadians can help the Americans to see that point. The recent summit between Gorbachev and Reagan, which resulted in the I M F Treaty agreement to get rid of short range missiles in Europe, is of minute military significance on either side, Pentz charged. Politically, however, it is of enormous significance. The credit for the summit, he said, must go to Gorbachev. Presently there exists zero per cent chance that either nation will attack the other. According to Pentz: " I t is necessary to denuclearize and de-militarize the world. This requires a change in attitude." The I M F Treaty has to be ratified by the U.S. Senate. Right now, Pentz suggested, military individuals in the U.S. are thinking of new things — evading the issue as on previous occasions. The major question, Pentz said, is whether the treaty will go through. On the N A T O side, Pentz said Europe is the most heavily armed part of the world — and therein lies a complicated situation to be resolved: how can we, living on the Gulf Islands, help? Nationally, Pentz suggested, we can put Prices Effective eb. 2 3 - 2 7 / 8 8 F o o d s 2531 B E A C O N A V E . " S i d n e y By the S e a " We reserve the right to limit quantities What is needed is nonprovocative defences or neutral offensive weapons — defensive ones — which make the other side feel safer, and thus increase our own security. W e have been doing the opposite for 40 years. Lawn and Garden Tractors Nine models — 10 to 20 hp, gas or diesel. Hydrostatic or variable-speed drive. Cutting widths of 38, 46, 50 or 60 inches. Color-coded controls. Welded steel frame. Wide variety of attachments available. A J A C' S EQUIPMENT (1982) LTD. 1 6 0 Cliff St., Nanaimo H O M E S i d n e y : pressure on our government to have nothing to do with N A T O . In earlier times, it was accepted " t h e best defence is to attack." In the present day, to do so i n Europe would be suicide, Pentz said. 754-1931 • GROCERIES SAVINGS • MEATS • PRODUCE O F THE HONEST LESS PRC IES STORE • With Full Service • No Need to Pay for Bags WE OFFER YOU ONLY CANADA GR. A BEEF. QUALITY MEAT PRODUCTS & FRESH PRODUCE AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD. GR. " A " BEEF CHOICE McGAVIN'S HOMESTEAD 100% W.W. or Sesame 4 CQ BONELESS />cn BLADE CROSS R I B 1 JO SIRLOIN y o \ i 3.51kg 1 b STEAKS * £ * ROAST BREAD 5 7 1 k | I FRESH PACIFIC 1 7 _ OYSTERS CANNED HAM PORK CHOPS 4 x 142 g 6 7 GOV'T. INSP. FRESH BONELESS LEG OF PORK ROAST SIDNEY SUPER SAVINGS CREAMY BUTTER 4 8 2 Asstd 250g47 < p ROBIN HOOD ^ FLAKY PIE CRUST _ _ 54 1.47 0G UNICO ASST'D. ^ PASTA _ _ 900 1.37 G PRIMO _ _ . TOMATO SAUCE 393 mi 57* GENERAL MILLS CEREAL — RAISIN NUT BRAN ™* 1.97 NABISCO CEREAL PEEK FREAN'S — SHREDDIES • Digestive • Family Asst. » Fruit Cream 6 0 p ° K g g PORK CUTLETS 5 05 ^ 2 . 2 9 ^ —READY TO SERVE HAM— Shank Portion 3 06 kg 1.39 Butt Portion 3.28 kg FRESH WHOLE CUT UP FRESH REGULAR BULK WIENERS b SUNLIGHT POWDERED DETERGENT LETTUCE CARROTS — SIDNEY SUPER SAVINGS — 3.64 kg 1N E S Clb. AFE RICH 8 BLEND 4 INSTANT COFFEE 8 oz. jar 9 7 Large 12 litre box 7 7 or • VIVA 6 oz or • COLOMBIA 6 oz. Yr. Choice GRANTHAM'S. CONC. FRESH SNAP TOP bi 55* kg FROM SOUTH AMERICA-SWEET Nectarines QCK 1.94 kg OO .b. 165 — SIDNEY SUPER SAVINGS — BEEF 55«kg^tO. 79*- 25! b 1.49 FRESH FAMILY PACK _ _ . OCC Oranges FRESH ROMAINE or GREEN LEAF k FRESH BONELESS LEG BRISKET RIBS 2 is kg 99 V ACO^ 152 - 5 for 09 SIDNEY SUPER SAVINGS ROYALE 2-PLY TOILET TISSUE 8-roll pack H yp A y M < # ) R E ? - 268 LIQUID DRANO 184 g ASSM: — g ASSM g 3tr3# 9-LIVES ASST'D. CAT FOOD 0 gQ 7 $ 170 JOY LIQUID IVORY DOG FOODS DISH 1-5 0 8 7 DETERGENT Z PERSONAL §?S£ BARS - 723 67* G 1 2 7 0 4 — WHY PAY MORE? — - WHY PAY MORE? WHY 2 5 Y E A R S O F G O O D S E R V I C E T O Y O U & , Y O U R F A M I L Y , H E L P I N G E V E R Y O N E E A T ' B E T T E R F— OR L EPAY S S !MORE? W b Q Q (£ TEXAS SIZE 56's Grapefruit ^03 1.07 LEMON JUICE 500 m 77* DRAIN CLEANER 900 mi 1.77 WELCH'S 1 litre ROYAL CITY J-CLOTH ALL PURPOSE ^ — _ _ . _ _ . . W h i t e or btl. 1.87 GRAPE JUICE Concord CREAM STYLE CORN 39s mi m 77* TOWELS 8s 1.27 SAVE MORE ON FROZEN FOODS KRAFT KEN-L-RATION -97* • McCAIN POTATO MARMALADE 250 KIBBLES, BITS & BITS 2 kg 3.77 OLD TYME 15 kg 1.98 SUPER FRIES PUSS'N'BOOTS 1.77 • McCAIN CUT TABLE SYRUP Asst'd. Flav. i kg 1.68 MENU CAT FOOD 1 kg 1.47 GREEN BEANS ALPHA UNPASTEURIZED 1.77 SPECIAL KEN-L-RATION • McCAIN CONC. CREAMED HONEY 750 355 ml 1.18 HOT OR COLD ORANGE JUICE ,3.87 2.67 DOG BURGERS 350 g 1.38 • HIGH LINER ROVER CANNED * OVALTINE Asstd4oo LIGHT TUNA DAIRYMAID LUNCH BOX SIZE FISH CAKES 1.97 O 5 7 APPLE « 2 5 0 6 7 $ X JUICE 3 0/ ' l b ea. U SUNKIST SIZE 1 6 3 SWEET & JUICY LEG OF LAMB 6 57 g2.98'b FRYING CHICKEN 1.08 Large 675 g BISCUITS 3.06 kg 1.39b OCEAN'S CHUNK ROBIN HOOD CELEBRATION CAKE MIXES _ FRESH CUT BEEF 1 7Q i g LEAN GROUND - MAPLE LEAF C A N A D A N O 1 454 g (1 lb.) foil pack SAUSAGES l.bOr 3 95 kg 1 3 48 k |.58b 62 1.65b PORK SPARERIBSa 70kg CO<t FRESH PORK or DINNER • LOIN END 3.64Kg • COUNTRY STYLE LOIN RIB END 98 b GAME CHICKEN 2 kg 1.19b LOIN PORK CHOPS 437kg 1.98b PORK ROAST ioi .t,n 1 9 FROZEN GRADE U' CORNISH . • CENTRE CUT MINI DESSERT l SIDE BACON 1.68b 3.70kg WE ALWAYS PRODUCE MORE FOR YOUR FOOD DOLLARS AT SIDNEY SUPER FOODS CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS 1.52 kg 03 ib. - WHY PAY MORE — FRESH PACKED LAYER • END CUT PREV. FROZEN IN POLY BAG FRESH GAINERS PULLMAN 8oz2.59 — FRESH GOVT. INSPECTED— LAURA SECORD ASSORTED - — WHY PAY MORE — — WHY PAY MORE - 695 g loaf l GR. " A " BEEF CHOICE — WHY PAY MORE? - Page B6 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Wednesday. Feb. 24. 1988 DRIFTWOOD CLASSIFIED RATES: For Sale LINERS: $4.25 m i n i m u m , 2 5 w o r d s or less; 17C each additional w o r d . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY; S7.60 per c o l u m n inch. OFFICE HOURS: M o n . , Tues., Thurs., Frid. 9 a m . - 5 Rm. Wednesday only 9 am. - 4 p m . CLOSED: Saturday & Sunday. Enterprise fireplace, 9 ft. insulated chimney pipe, thermo alum, windows, 2 0 " bicycle w i t h hand brakes. 6 5 3 9295. I DEADLINES: CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 5 p m . Friday. LINERS: 3 p m . Monday. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY: Noon Tuesday. A l l classifieds m u s t be paid in advance. B r i n g y o u r ad into o u r office at 1 2 6 Upper G a n g e s Rd. or m a i l w i t h c h e q u e or m o n e y order t o Box 2 5 0 , G a n g e s , B.C. VOS 1 EO For Sale HARBOUR ONE WEEK ONLY OPEN 8 : 3 0 a m . - 1 0 p m . DAILY HOME & OFFICE SUPPLIES It pays t o check our LOW COST FOR EVERYONEI weekly specials. Try our FRIED 103 - 3 3 8 Lower Ganges Rd. CHICKEN - great deal for party I 537-2644 537-2460 i 48-tfn Computer kneeling stool, very M o v i n g off island, must sell comfortable and easy on back. 1 9 2 6 antique w a l n u t upright Like n e w . Please call 5 3 7 g r a n d p i a n o , i n e x c e l l e n t 9 4 5 5 after 5 p m . 1 condition, has been appraised up to $ 3 , 0 0 0 ; w i l l sell for $ 2 , 0 0 0 or best offer. Phone 537-9873. 1 FEBRUARY ONLY FIREWOOD SALE! Put your w o o d away for next year 537-9531 5-4 T w o 10-speed bicycles, one man's, one lady's. Excellent condition. Please call 5 3 7 9 4 5 5 after 5 p m . l_ 154 Lower Saltspring W a y OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 1 0 - 4 p m . Other times by appointment Simply call us & give us your CHARGE CARD NUMBER and its EXPIRY DATE. 537-2369 From the Outer Islands call: 1 -800-663-5530 TOLL FREE NOTE: "TREASURE CHEST" is our agent o n Mayne Is. 8-tfn Fences installed or just t h e posts. Tractor & operator w i t h post hole auger & hydraulic post pounder. Can supply all materials. Call Ed 1-652-2333. 8-2 NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT Full, c o m p l e t e a n d sole c o p y r i g h t in a n y a d v e r t i s i n g p r o d u c e d by D r i f t w o o d P u b l i s h i n g Ltd is v e s t e d in a n d b e l o n g s to D r i f t w o o d P u b l i s h i n g L t d No c o p y r i g h t m a t e r i a l m a y be r e p r o d u c e d in a n y f o r m w i t h o u t t h e prior w r i t t e n c o n s e n t of D r i f t w o o d P u b l i s h i n g Ltd. AGREEMENT A l l c l a i m s of e r r o r s to a d v e r t i s e m e n t s m u s t be r e c e i v e d by t h e p u b l i s h e r w i t h i n 3 0 days of t h e f i r s t p u b l i c a t i o n . It is agreed by a n y display or classified advertiser that t h e liability of t h e n e w s p a p e r i n t h e e v e n t of f a i l u r e t o p u b l i s h a n a d v e r t i s e m e n t or in t h e e v e n t t h a t e r r o r s occur in t h e p u b l i s h i n g of a n y a d v e r t i s e m e n t shall be l i m i t e d to t h e a m o u n t p a i d by t h e a d v e r t i s e r f o r t h a t p o r t i o n of t h e a d v e r t i s i n g s p a c e o c c u p i e d by t h e incorrect i t e m o n l y a n d that t h e r e s h a l l be no liability i n a n y event b e y o n d t h e a m o u n t p a i d for s u c h a d v e r t i s e m e n t D r i f t w o o d P u b l i s h i n g L t d . c a n n o t be r e s p o n s i b l e for e r r o r s after t h e first day of p u b l i c a t i o n of a n y a d v e r t i s e m e n t Notice of e r r o r s in t h e first w e e k should i m m e d i a t e l y be called t o t h e a t t e n t i o n of the a d v e r t i s i n g d e p a r t m e n t to be c o r r e c t e d for t h e f o l l o w i n g e d i t i o n A l l a d v e r t i s i n g is subject to t h e a p p r o v a l of the publisher ^ IN THE GULF ISLANDS . $ 1 2 Elsewhere in Canada . . $ 1 8 Foreign $60 PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIED BLANKET CLASSIFIEDS: 2 5 w o r d ad - $ 1 2 9 (less than $ 2 per newspaper) Call for information: 537-9933 Orcana 4 0 bass electric chord organ, has flute, diapason, string, t r u m p e t and vibrato keys. Excellent c o n d i t i o n , $100. 5 3 7 - 2 0 4 2 after 6 p m . 10 x 16 cabin w i t h propane 2 burner surface unit. Propane heater & airtight FP, $ 3 5 0 0 . Delivered to site. Phone 6 5 3 9295. i_ 1 Long haired tortoise-shell female adult cat needs a home now, best w i t h adults. 5 3 7 5753. I SPACE AGE IS COMING! Large selection of pre-owned f u r n i t u r e , some appliances, dishes, housewares, books, tools and hardware items Good choice of light fixtures, pots & pans, records, china cabinets, beds, desks, sofa beds, dinettes, dressers, power tools, sofas, loveseat, sofa-bed, brass beds, and m u c h , much more. A l l well displayed a n d very r e a s o n a b l y priced for quick sale at BUY & SAVE, 9 8 1 8 - 4 t h St., Sidney. 1 i GANGES J U N K CO. OPEN 1 0 am. - 5 p m . Monday t h r u Saturday LADIES F A S H I O N S Everything from Collectables to Practicals K e n t o n House Gallery A Great Second Hand Store Upper Ganges Centre 537-4421 1 0 0 0 Fulford-Ganges Rd. OPEN BY APPOINTMENT 537-2224 at 1-tfn aluminum Used propane furnace, closet- 5 " c o n t i n u o u s installed, $ 2 5 0 or offers. 5 3 7 - e a v e s t r o u g h , d o w n s p o u t s , 5675. « ^ fascia cover. W e also have vented a l u m i n u m soffit, you'll never have to paint again. Call Gordon S w a n , res: 6 5 3 - 9 5 1 8 ; mess: 537-2786. Free estimates, satisfaction 8-4 (across f r o m School Bd. Office) guaranteed. THE MOBILE MARKET FOR FRESH FRUIT A N D VEGETABLES NEW SUPPLY OF FRESH PASTA FROM GALIANO IS. Open Tuesday to Saturday Office equipment: 2 desks, $ 2 0 0 ea. 2 typing tables, $ 1 0 0 ea., 2 secretary chairs, $ 5 0 ea. 2 electronic typewriters, $ 2 0 0 and $ 4 0 0 . Polaroid camera, $ 2 0 . Electronic calculator, $15. 5 3 7 - 5 5 3 7 . 9 - 4 : 3 0 p m . 7- 2 Bargain! Quality hide-a-bed couch, neutral t w e e d colour, in N o w o n Salt Spring - Hair good condition. Surplus to o u r regrowth (Helsinki Formula) needs. A bargain at $50. 5 3 7 - and cellulite creme. 5 3 7 - 9 3 5 3 . 8- 3 4558. 1 4 x 8 Gendron pool table, cues & balls, $ 1 5 0 . Phone 5 3 7 9395. 1 LUMBER HONEST OL'S FIRWOOD GUARANTEED CORD cut, split & delivered SPECIAL: Maple $ 7 5 $75 alder - $ 8 0 fir Alder rounds - $ 7 0 5 3 7 - 5 3 2 3 (leave mess.) 7-4 1950s style bedroom suite, i n c l u d e s m a t t r e s s , dresser, vanity and stool. Classic. Good condition, $ 2 5 0 . Salton ice cream maker, like n e w , $ 2 0 . 653-4635. i_ Large sized dog house, well insulated, for outside dog. Please call 5 3 7 - 9 4 5 5 , after 5 pm. J. THE BUGS ARE COMING! Our dormant spray (non-toxic) CLEAN-UP w i l l protect . y o u r fruit. Call n o w : T r e a s u r e Island Nurseries 537-9561 Cars, Trucks 1979 Volvo w a g o n , auto, ps., pb., factory roof rack, hitch and stereo. A l l season radials. No rust. Recent brake and exhaust renewal. Full history available. Private sale by second owner. $ 4 4 0 0 or near offer. 6 5 3 4558. 1 Mobiles, Trailers Heavy duty bed settee, $ 6 5 . Single Divan bed, $25. Stereo (has scratches), $ 4 5 . Tele- Mobile — 9 3 0 sq. ft., lots of phone desk a n d seat, $ 4 5 (as flowers & shrubs, roses, etc. new). 5 3 7 - 9 3 6 2 . I Wide deck, sunny brick patio, across f r o m s w i m m i n g and Hitachi 1 2 " planer jointer for fishing lake. $ 1 7 , 5 0 0 . Small sale, $ 1 8 0 0 . Fridge & stove, W o r l d , 5 3 7 - 9 9 7 7 . $600. Phone after 6 p m . 5 3 7 2431. I Double wide, lake v i e w w i t h greenhouse and carport. Very nice design with four Gippo F i r e w o o d appliances. Small World Real GUARANTEED CORD Estate, 5 3 7 - 9 9 7 7 . \_ CUT, SPLIT & DELIVERED Fir - $80. Alder - $ 8 0 . Triangle R. V. Centre offers excellent highway exposure for Also, 1 / 2 cord rates. your c o n s i g n m e n t v e h i c l e . 5 3 7 - 5 3 8 0 , eves. 42-tfn Also, parts, service, propane, sani-station, and 24-hour car Hay for sale, $ 3 / b a l e . 5 3 7 & R. V. W a s h . Your complete R. 2 9 6 3 , after 6 pm. 7 6 V. Centre. Triangle Homes Ltd., Try it — you'll like i t l Our Sidney. Your first R. V. Centre 6 5 6 - 1 122. topsoil-manure mix may be off t h e f e r r y 42-tfn just w h a t you need. The finest DL5916. Cowichan Valley peat loam Superior R. V. Centre Ltd., mixed w i t h composted horse Sidney, is looking for R. m a n u r e and screened to a fine consignments. W e w i l l pick up mixture. Improve your soil - from t h e Gulf Islands. Phone topdress your beds, etc. M a r c h 6 5 6 - 9 4 3 4 . 42-tfn special. Treasure Island Landscape Centre, Rainbow & Atkins Rds. Your " f u l l s e r v i c e " landscape company. 5 3 7 9561. 8-3 A HORSE IS ONLY A S GOOD A S HIS FEET! FARRIER w i t h 2 0 y e a r s M o b i l e S a w m i l l i n g experience is n o w residing on Salt Spring. Shoeing, t r i m m i n g & L u m b e r Sales and corrective work. CEDAR: Decking, siding, ROB SCHERES - 5 3 7 - 4 1 9 3 beams, c o m m o n . Livestock ALSO: Selective logging, falling, skidding. BUY STANDING TIMBER & LOGS Deluxe Contracting MICKEY McLEOD 537-5660 Garage Sales GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE AT FERNWOOD SCHOOL GYM Saturday, February 2 7 t h 9 am. - 1 pm. This is a fundraiser for t h e Grade 6 students forthcoming trip t o Strathcona Outdoor Camp. A l l kinds of good stuff for sale! i Garage Sale Sunday, March 6th, 1 -4 p m . 2 5 0 Woodland Dr. off Mobrae. Lots of goodies. Cars, Trucks 1979 Honda 4 0 0 Hawk, saddlebags a n d w i n d j a m m e r . $ 6 0 0 f i r m . Good condition. Call 5 3 7 - 4 3 9 1 eves. 8-2 4 black office chairs, 4 / $ 9 5 . CEDAR: Siding-wain edge or Rainbow Rd. & Atkins Rd. A l u m i n u m extension ladder, c o m m o n ; beams; slabs. $ 4 0 . Metal filigree swag lamp, 1972 - 6 cyl. Chev Biscayne $ 2 0 . Table lamp, $ 8 . Garden Hay f o r s a l e $ 2 . 7 5 a n d sedan, frame rusted, motor tools. 4-pce. sectional $ 3 . 5 0 / p e r bale. Phone M. uses no oil b e t w e e n changes. chesterfield, $70. Dog bed, pet 3 9 7 Musgrave Rd., Fulford Hughes 6 5 3 - 9 2 9 6 . 8 - 3 Quick sale, $ 3 0 0 obo. 5 3 7 basket, heat pipes for fireplace, 5758. I 653-4272 FREE to good home. Large $ 3 5 . Golf bag, $ 2 0 . Older 1986 Pontiac Fiero GT, like Jennair range, offers. Phone Q u a l i t y h o t e l / m o t e l m a t t - black dog. H u s k y / S h e p h e r d / new, every option except air 653-4504. 7 - 2 resses only. 2 t w i n , $75 each, 2 Lab. Extremely friendly, needs conditioning, only 2 6 , 0 0 0 lots of r u n n i n g space. O w n e r king, $ 1 0 0 each. Electrolux kilometres. $18,500. 5 3 7 has allergies. Call 5 3 7 2 8 7 7 . Sach-Dolmar shampooer/polisher, used 9341. |_ approx. 4 times, $350. CHAINSAWS 1 9 7 5 Ford G r a n d Torino Electrolux Discovery T w o AVAILABLE A T v a c u u m p l u s a c c e s s o r i e s , Piano, b e a u t i f u l b u r l t y p e , w a g o n , rebuilt engine, no rust, »_ $ 3 7 0 . 10-speed bike, $90. 2 0 0 $ 6 5 0 o b o . G u i t a r , G i b s o n $ 1 8 0 0 . 6 5 3 - 4 3 2 9 . Harbours End M a r i n e f t . VA" Plasco p o t a b l e p i p e , a c o u s t i c , $ 4 7 5 o b o . 1 8 t h 1967 Pontiac 2 dr. 3 5 0 , V 8 , 3 $100. Please call J e a n C e n t u r y c h e s s s e t , h a n d - spd. t u r b o - h y d r a m a t i c dual and Equipment b e t w e e n 8 : 3 0 and 4 : 3 0 p m . carved bone pieces, w a l n u t exhaust, $ 4 0 0 or make me an 537-2362. <_ board, 9 0 piece of inlay per offer. 6 5 3 - 9 5 4 9 7-4 square, $ 4 2 5 obo. Elgin pocket 537-4202 1 9 6 3 L a n d r o v e r long box w a t c h 1 8 9 5 , $ 2 2 5 obo. 18 k. Sekine w o m e n ' s 10-speed WE BUY & SELL Italian bracelet, value $ 6 0 0 , Capstan w i n c h $ 1 2 5 0 . 5 3 7 bicycle, n e w $ 3 7 5 . Asking NEW & USED CHAINSAWS 7-2 $ 3 2 5 obo. 5 3 7 - 4 1 9 2 . 1 9 2 2 0 after 5 pm. $250,653-9518. i Mel's Mill Annual S u b s c r i p t i o n Rates. For Sale Watch here for KONIG & SON more info to FIREWOOD come ... number to place CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BY PHONE. 537-9933 NIBBLES SCRIBBLES & NEWS For Sale CLEARANCE S A L E OR USE YOUR: CALL CLASSIFIEDS 8-4 Sheep shearing bookings now. 6 5 6 - 5 9 3 2 eves. 74 Boats 12 ft. alum, boat, oars, tank. swivel seats, 1 9 8 2 lVi h p f M e r c u r y motor. Asking $ 1 3 0 0 . ' Phone 6 5 3 - 9 5 1 8 . 1 1976 - 2 6 ' Reined FRG. sloop. 6 ' headroom, head, galley, excellent value, $8000. Present live aboard at Pocket Bay M a r i n a , Sidney. Pacific M a r i n e Ventures, Nanaimo, 17 5 4 - 8 0 4 4 , Ganges 5 3 7 - 9 5 9 3 . 8-2 19' a l u m i n u m workboats. 3 6 ' landing craft and up, 2 6 ' motor w h a l e boats, pleasure and commercial listings available. Listings required. Pacific M a r i n e Ventures, Nanaimo, 1 7 5 4 - 8 0 4 4 , Ganges 5 3 7 - 9 5 9 3 . 8-2 WE BUY & SELL USED BOATS & MOTORS H a r b o u r s End Marine & Equipment 5 3 7 - 4 2 0 2 at Harbour's End Lost Salt Spring Players has to pay $ 5 9 9 U.S. for overtime charges and lost scripts of t h e production of the Wizard of Oz. Will everyone connected w i t h this production PLEASE check their bookshelves a n d piano stools for any copies of these scripts. If any are f o u n d please drop t h e m off at Gulfstream Pro Hardware. Thanks. t At t h e top or bottom of t h e steps at t h e bottom of Baker Road, or o n Quarry Beach, a battered but favourite walking cane. Just below t h e knob handle are t h e initials " R H " made into a monogram. 5 3 7 2854. , 1 Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1988 Work Wanted Found Wanted Outside M a h o n Hall in parking lot, single key. O w n e r claim at Driftwood. i Inexpensive small car, reliable transportation for first year medical student. 5 3 7 - 4 5 5 3 . i Peculiar key f o u n d in parking lot between Post Office and Village Market. O w n e r claim at Driftwood. i Carpenter's apron, 5 3 7 - 2 8 4 9 . i Watch o n road. Walker Hook area. Claim by identifying at Driftwood. i Births We buy odds ' n ' ends, furniture, china, tools, hardware, just about everything. Bring it to us or w e ' l l come to you. The Great Ganges Junk Co. 5 3 7 - 4 4 2 1 . W e deal in almost anythinp! i-tfn Chest of drawers, bookcase, single bed 2 ' 6 " , in good condition. Also caravan. Please reply to Box 1 2 5 5 , Ganges, B.C. Spence, born to Harry and Laurel, a boy, Briden Earl, 9 lbs. 6 ozs. on February 1 1 , 1988. Thank you t o staff at Lady M i n t o Hospital and Dr. Graham a n d t h e staff at S a a n i c h Peninsula Hospital and Dr. Dorffer. 8-2 I wish to express my admiration and sincere thanks for t h e prompt and excellent care provided to me by Dr. J o h n Hales and t h e Galiano ambulance service during my recent illness emergency. Michael Fenwick Personals Potter f r o m Japan seeking room and board near Ganges for July. W i l l teach Japanese, some babysitting. Nancy Froug, 5 7 8 9 Mizusako Higashi, Nishikata, Ibusuki-shi, J a p a n , T891-03. l Dial before you dig, there might be someone d o w n there. i Mother w i t h good natured 1 year-old is looking for same to exchange babysitting a couple of times a week. Preferably in the Walker Hook area. 5 3 7 4183. i HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY GRANDPA LOVE FROM: Don, Lisa, Tracy, Barb, Rick, Jessica, Jason and J a m i e . SORRY W E MISSED YOUR PARTY! T a r o t c a r d r e a d i n g s . For information and appointment, please feel free to call Ginger, L E T S . , 653-9243. 6-3 In Memoriam C a n a d i a n Cancer Society IN M E M O R Y / I N HONOUR In B.C. & Yukon t h e Canadian Cancer Society supports research, education and patient services. Mail gifts to Salt Spring Island Unit, Box 1147, Ganges, B.C. VOS 1E0. Please include name of person being honoured or name of deceased and w h e r e to send cards. B.C. Heart Foundation 1008 Blanshard St., Victoria, B. C. V 8 W 2 H 2 736-4404 A donation in the name of someone you loved or k n e w is but a phone c a l l / l e t t e r a w a y and w e ' l l acknowledge your caring gift w i t h a card to the family. mmm 49-tfn Help Wanted Child c a r e / f a m i l y service worker for special services contract work through Community Centre. Education and experience in counselling, e d u c a t i o n or r e l a t e d f i e l d helpful. Please send r e s u m e to Special Services, P.O. Box 1106, Ganges, B.C. VOS 1E0. 8-2 Applications now being accepted for cooks, cook's h e l p e r s a n d servers in R o d r i g o ' s R e s t a u r a n t in Fulford. Apply in w r i t i n g to Rodrigo's, Box 1 1 6 , Fulford Harbour, VOS 1C0. J3-2 Card of Thanks Thanks for all t h e w o n d e r f u l care and attention from t h e doctors and all t h e staff at t h e Lady M i n t o Hospital; also t h e ambulance crew. Clara J . Tamboline WANTED: Opening March 21 Reliable h a n d y m a n on a continuing part-time basis for yard w o r k and carpentry, etc. Apply in w r i t i n g with references to Dept. E, c / o Driftwood, Box 2 5 0 , Ganges, B.C. VOS 1 EO. 7-tfn Artists & Craftspeople Wanted to Rent are invited to sell quality w o r k s through this excellent tourist outlet. Please contact G w e n , 5 3 7 - 9 4 5 1 or call in 7 8 2 Vesuvius Bay Rd., next to t h e ferry parking. P S . Also plants & flowers? Experienced housesitter available for short term position, or up until the end of May. Full references upon request. Leave message, eves. Dennis, 6 5 3 - 4 4 3 7 . <i Furnished 2 / 3 BR. house on ocean, beach, M a r c h 21 2, 3 or 4 drawer filing cabinet. through April 9 o n any Gulf 653-4329. ]_ Island. W r i t e Sharon Woody, Songwriter guitarist looking for Route 1, Box 6 1 4 , S u m m e r other musicians to form band. ville, Oregon, USA. 9 7 8 7 6 or 8-3 Andy 5 3 7 - 2 2 9 4 . i_ phone 5 0 3 - 5 3 4 - 4 7 4 1 . Cedar logs or standing trees. Mature male w a n t e d house, 2 bedroom or more in country 537-56 60 42-tfn side. N.D., N.S. Quiet person, March or sooner. Contact M r . U m b e r t o , 7 3 4 - 2 2 6 8 collect Vancouver. 8-2 Work Wanted Want a hand w i t h a project or Independent artist, one child, someone to look after a job for seeks long term rental, sunny you? I do great decks, additions, location w i t h space for studio. solariums, interiors, partitions, Melissa, 5 3 7 - 2 8 9 7 . 8-2 kitchens and many other good ideas. I like h o m e y older HOME OWNERS houses, attractive new WANT TO RENT YOUR HOUSE designs, w o o d construction a n d e f f e c t s . C o m p u t e r i z e d b u t are worried about the spread sheets available. Call problems that go w i t h renting? Let me handle this for you. for free, competitive estimates. R D Property M a n a g e m e n t Guaranteed work. Shaun 537-5411 Adams 5 3 7 - 4 0 7 9 7-2 Home aid - whatever you need, w e do indeed. Carpentry to cleaning. Phone James. 5 3 7 4327 3-tfn W h i t e Glove Housecleaning. Reliable, efficient. Island references. Su - 5 3 7 - 2 2 9 4 . 1 Handyman, jobs big & small. Renovations, repairs, m a i n tenance. Free estimates. Andy, 537-2294. i Handy Man Home Services Responsible middle-aged couple w a n t to rent house w i t h good sea view for August and September 1988 Pender/ Galiano preferred. Call 2 1 3 6 6 4 - 9 3 9 1 , or w r i t e W e i z m a n n , 3 4 3 7 Ben Lomond Place, L.A., Calif. 9 0 0 2 7 . 7-4 Salt S p r i n g Property Management * RESIDENTIAL RENTALS * * PROPERTY WATCH * The Economical and Reliable Choice Box 1012, Ganges - 5 3 7 - 5 6 5 0 44-tfn For Rent Furnished upper floor, large private cosy h o m e , scenic property, 4 m i l e s Ganges. Private bath facilities. Kitchen optional. Single male OAP welcome. Non-smoker, 5 3 7 4564. r • House Repairs • Renovations • Painting • Plumbing • Light Hauling YOU N A M E IT! 2 bdrm. w e l l kept mobile home. North Salt Spring. 2 c a r g a r a g e , outbuilding, on acreage. $ 3 5 0 / m o . Available M a r c h 1. Apply in w r i t i n g to Dept. F., c / o Gulf Islands Driftwood, Box 250, Ganges. I DON - 5 3 7 - 5 2 6 3 or 537-5837 6-tfn Landscaper and gardener harticulturally trained and e x p e r i e n c e d in d e s i g n , planting, maintenance, pruning and greenhousing. Fully insured. Phone David, 653-4270. 42-tfn Notices For Rent Housesitter, responsible student working full-time w e e k d a y s , w i l l look a f t e r house, animals, garden. Available 20th J u n e to end of A u g u s t . Mark 5 3 7 - 2 3 7 7 . 8 2 Oceanfront view house near Ganges, 2 BR. plus den, 1 acre, n e w l y pa i n t e d , partly f u r n i s h e d , short t e r m . $ 5 5 0 per m o n t h . 1-943-4630, Tsawwassen. s-5 Need someone to share house, 2 BR., rent, hydro, cable. Altogether $220. In Vesuvius area. 5 3 7 - 5 0 8 4 . i * GANGES HARBOUR VIEW * GANGES APARTMENTS Crofton Rd. 1. G r o u n d Floor Bachelor $270 2. 2 n d floor, 2 bedroom - $ 4 3 3 3. 2 n d floor, 1 bdrm. (Feb.) $397 All w i t h W / W , stove, fridge, drapes, laundry, parking. Senior-oriented. No children or pets. Contact A. P. LLOYD 537-2670 2 bedroom f u r n i s h e d home on 1 / 2 acre waterfront. M a g n i f i cent view. Close to ferry. $ 4 5 0 / m o . Available immediately until May. 5 3 9 - 2 5 3 6 or 539-2590. 7-2 Galiano, n e w 1 BR. suite, available Mar. 1. Private en trance, fully carpeted, furnished and equipped. O n golf course, walk to ocean and shops, $ 2 5 0 / m o . includes all utilities, w a s h / d r y e r . Phone 1 539-5085. 6-3 House near Ganges. Electric heat, FP, w / w carpet, 2 BR., 2 bath, stove & fridge. No pets. $ 4 7 5 . Phone 1-656-3609, Sidney. 8-3 4 BR. 2 bathroom house for rent, Ganges area, M a r c h 1st. References r e q u e s t e d . Call 537-9448. 1 1 BR apartment. 1 mile to Ganges. Electric range, electric heat, $ 2 7 5 / m o . Phone 9 to 5 pm. Bob, Dick or M e l , 5 3 7 5515. 8-tfn Community Services Alcoholics A n o n y m o u s is a fellowship of m e n and w o m e n w h o share their experience, strength and hope w i t h each other that they may solve their common problem a n d help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for m e m b e r s h i p , is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A A m e m b e r s h i p ; w e a r e selfsupporting t h r o u g h o u r o w n contributions. A A is not allied w i t h any sect, d e n o m i n a t i o n , p o l i t i c s , o r g a n i z a t i o n or institution; does not w i s h to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our p r i m a r y purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. A A . MEETINGS, Salt Spring Island - phone 5 3 7 - 4 1 7 0 , 5 3 7 9 3 3 7 or 5 3 7 - 2 3 1 7 . GALIANO 5 3 9 - 2 2 3 5 or 5 3 9 - 5 7 7 0 . PENDER - 6 2 9 - 3 3 1 2 . 6-tfn Are you having a problem c o n t r o l l i n g y o u r eating? If you're interested in helping yourself, w e ' r e interested in helping you. Call Overeater's A n o n y m o u s , 5 3 7 - 9 2 5 3 or 42-tfn Dressings are free t o Cancer patients by the Order of the Eastern Star. Contact Carol Spencer, 5 3 7 - 2 1 5 4 or Health Services, 5 3 7 - 5 5 4 1 . 42-tfn Alanon afternoon/evening meetings. Call 5 3 7 - 2 3 1 7 , 6 5 3 4288. Notices Experienced g u i t a r t e a c h e r accepting students in beginning a n d intermediate guitar and fingerpicking guitar. Andrew, 537-2294. 1_ S. S. E l e m e n t a r y Parents Group next meeting W e d n e s day, M a r c h 2 at 3 pm. in School Library. Topics w i l l include full spectrum lighting as w e l l as plans for the Spring carnival. Babysitting available. \ Salt Spring C a m e r a Club p r e s e n t s an e v e n i n g w i t h Bristol Foster. Movies on t h e Queen Charlottes and East A f r i c a w i l l be s h o w n o n Wednesday, Feb. 2 4 t h at 7:30 Dm. in Central Hall. i Page B7 CHURCH NOTICES Sun., Feb. 28 Community Gospel Chapel Salt S p r i n g Players AUDITIONS: For upcoming production of " T h e I m p o r t a n c e of Being Earnest" w i l l be heid 7:30 pm., Thursday, February 2 5 t h , 1 9 8 8 at M a h o n Hall. 5 m e n and 4 w o m e n required plus people t o be involved in production, set construction a n d costumes, i A t t e n t i o n dissatisfied o w n e r s of Wescraft W i n d o w s . If your Wescraft thermal w i n d o w s are cloudy because of broken seals and your w a r r a n t y has expired, are you interested in planning a collective approach to Wescraft? If so, call 5 3 7 5 1 5 5 or 6 5 3 - 4 3 1 1 . 1 Craftpersons: Showcase ' 8 8 , March 2 6 - April 4. Applications at et cetera. Waterfront Gallery, Galiano School of A r t . Deadline M a r c h 15, 1 9 8 8 . Information 5 3 7 - 9 8 8 8 . |_ FOOT CLINIC . DR. MARTIN KIRSHNER w i l l hold a Podiatry Clinic at t h e Gulf Clinic on Wednesday, M a r c h 9. Call 5 3 7 - 2 1 3 2 . 1 SALT SPRING ISLAND Weavers & Spinners Guild Regular M o n t h l y Business Meeting, Thursday, M a r c h 3 — 1 0 : 3 0 a m , M a h o n Hall. N e w members or visitors w e l c o m e . SALT SPRING ISLAND AUXILIARY TO THE VICTORIA BRANCH SPCA SATURDAY, MARCH 5 2 p m . at St George's Hall 'fa**?'* **9r Drake Rd., Ganges Worship Service 1 0 : 3 0 am Sundays with Sunday School classes for t h e c h i l d r e n . Evening Service 7:30 Bible S t u d y & Prayer Thursday 7:30 pm PASTOR: Rev. S.F. Hildebrandt 537-5757 537-2622 Gangies United Church Hereford Ave., Ganges W o r s h i p Service 10 a m w i t h Sunday School for Nursery to 1 5 years MINISTER: Rev. A . N . Skinner 537-5812 537-9343 Anglican Parish Salt Spring Island St. M a r k ' s , Central Holy Eucharist 8 a m Matins 11:15am St. George's, Ganges Holy Eucharist 9:15 a m w i t h Sunday School St. Mary's, Fulford Matins 11:15 Weekday Eucharist: St. M a r k ' s 10 a m Tues. St. George's 5:15 p m Thursdays Rev. J a m e s Koester Parish Office: 5 3 7 - 2 1 7 1 Catholic Church Salt Spring Island Fulford - 9 a m Ganges - 10:30am Saturdays - Ganges, 5 pm R e v . Fr. P.A. B e r g i n Salt Spring Pentecostal Assembly A n n u a l General Meeting 8-tfn 537-2618. GULF IS LANDS DRIFTWOOD r OPENING SOON RODRIGO'S RESTAURANT in Fulford Harbour Come o n d o w n South and visit us for some good old island hospitality and home cooking. New m e n u and some Mexican specialties. Rodrigo and Bo are looking f o r w a r d to w e l c o m i n g all o u r i s l a n d f r i e n d s t o o u r n e w venture. 1 PAINTING LESSONS Learn the techniques of OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTING in t h e relaxed yet stimulating atmosphere of t h e artist's o w n studio. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION A N D CRITIQUES Beginners especially w e l c o m e . Wednesday, possibly Tuesdays M a r c h 2 — 10 a m . - 1 p m . Phone 5 3 7 - 2 9 0 2 f o r further information. B. Louise W o o d w a r d ARTIST Andrea's & Terry's 2 4 hour c h i l d care a n d b a b y s i t t i n g services. Your home or mine. TLC. Reasonable rates. French Immersion o n request. 1 7 8 Stewart Rd. Phone 5 3 7 - 9 4 3 9 . C e n t r a l Hall Sunday School 9 : 3 0 to 10:15 Morning Worship 10:30 Thursday: Fellowship Nights 7:00 Home Meetings For m o r e i n f o c a l l 537-4143 Pastor: J i m Caruso Affiliated with P.A.O.C Salt Spring Island Baptist Church A d m i r a l Hall 5 0 6 Lower Ganges R d . SUNDAY— Family Service 1 0 : 3 0 with Sunday School Evening Fellowship 7:00 TUESDAY— Family Night 6 : 3 0 THURSDAY-Ladies' H o m e Bible Study 9 : 3 0 PASTOR: Rev. Brian J o y c e 537-2222 Galiano Island St. Margaret o f Scotland — Anglican S u n d a y s - 11 a m Notices School District # 6 4 (GULF ISLANDS) The Regular Meeting of t h e Board of School Trustees w i l l be held o n Wednesday, M a r c h 2, 1988, in t h e Activity Centre of t h e Pender Islands School. The meeting w i l l c o m m e n c e at 1 p m . Public w e l c o m e . i Page B8 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Notices Wednesday, Feb. 24. 1988 Coming Events Business Services Business Services Real Estate for Sale Deaths M e e t i n g on e n v i r o n m e n t , dioxins, etc. at t h e Saltspring Elementary School Music Room, Feb. 2 5 , 7 : 3 0 p m . Information, 6 5 3 - 4 6 2 5 . 7-2 Property renovations, Michael Powell is n o w available for heavy t i m b e r c o n s t r u c t i o n , railroad tie work, sea and retaining walls, planters and stairs. Call me! 5 3 7 - 4 1 9 2 . DOES YOUR CHIMNEY NEED CLEANING? / 10 acres. Salt Spring Island. $36,500. 6 5 3 - 4 5 2 2 or 5 3 4 6 4 2 7 , Langley. 8-4 MACKINTOSH, on February 20, 1 9 8 8 , Margaret M a c k i n tosh, aged 7 5 , of Salt Spring Island. M a r g a r e t w a s predeceased by h e r h u s b a n d N o r m a n i n 1 9 7 7 a n d is survived by her t w o brothers, Doug of Haney, B.C. and Raymond of Salt Spring Island, four nieces and three nephews. Funeral service w a s held o n Tuesday, Feb. 23rd at St. George's Anglican Church, Rev. James Koester officiating. Goodman-Jones Funeral Home, Ganges, in care of arrangements. Margaret's family w o u l d like to thank all her friends and t h e nursing staff at Lady Minto Hospital for their continued support and kindness. SCHOOL DIST. # 6 4 offers: P A W S INN PET RESORT Your pet is at home w i t h us! Pampered care for dogs and cats - special diets and geriatric care available. 7 5 0 Long Harbour Rd. 5 3 7 - 5 1 9 8 . FACING THE FUTURE: series of free lecture/discussions - moves to TUESDAYS, starting TUESDAY, M a r . 8 - John Lammers " N a t u r e , H u m a n & 6-tfn Otherwise" F u l f o r d S c h o o l A u c t i o n , TUESDAY, M a r . 15 - Peter Saturday, Feb. 2 7 , 7:30 p m . Pentz " S i m p l e Economics for Leap into Spring by attending Sane Citizens" this fundraising event to help TUESDAY, M a r . 2 2 - J u n e our children have more arts Sampson "Life after Patriand science programs. a r c h y " ( M s . S a m p s o n of Refreshments sold. EntertainG a b r i o l a Is. r e p e a t s her ment free! 7-2 Malaspina College talk). Drugs and Alcohol — a CALL 5 3 7 - 2 8 2 2 or stop by problem for you? Narcotics CONT. ED. OFFICE in A n o n y m o u s meetings, SunM o u a t ' s Mall days, 7 : 3 0 pm., St. George's Hall, Park Drive. Try it! 5 3 7 2461. 7-tfn D J's PIZZA 6-tfn Home Services: HOUSEKEEPER (Excellent Cook), PERSONAL CARE a n d COMPANIONSHIP 653-9442 a-2 Hairdressing in your home: perms, sen. citizens, $ 3 0 ; others $ 3 5 . Cuts, $8. Shampoo-sets, $ 8 . Call Beate for appointment, 6 5 3 - 9 4 5 9 , mornings and evenings. i CAR WASH NEW WINTER HOURS: Sundays 5 - 9 p m . Weds. & Thurs. 5 - 1 2 p m . Frid. & Sat. 5 - 2 a m . CLOSED Mondays & Tuesdays to raise m o n e y f o r t h e i r upcoming trip t o Strathcona Park education centre. WHERE: Petro Can Gas Station W H E N : Saturday, Feb. 27 9 am to 4 p m COST: $5 ft Buying or selling? Call Paul Greenbaum at NRS Salt Spring Lands to reserve your free c a t a l o g of G u l f Island .Properties. Res: 5 3 7 - 5 0 6 4 . s CHIMNEY CLEANING STOVE & ACCESSORY, SALES Bus: 5 3 7 - 5 5 1 5 . BOOK NOW FOR FRUIT TREE PRUNING 3 BR. home, 1 / 2 acre, short walk to school and Ganges. Private, recent renovations. Assumable mortgage. Trade to Victoria. 1-595-0998 CHIMNEY INSTALl & REPAIRS, Professional Sweep? Journeyman Mason C T ^ 18 years o n Island. 6 3 By o w n e r , $ 8 2 , 0 0 0 . Close to Ganges on quiet cul-de-sac w i t h harbour and mountain view, 2 bedroom starter or retirement home on 0.27 ac. Large l i v i n g / d i n i n g area, stone fireplace, sundeck, full basement, attached garage, 4 appliances. Phone 5 3 7 - 4 2 2 0 . No agents please. 1 CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES by 537-9592 42-tfn 1 FREE HOME ESTIMATE & SERVICE Fabrics, Decorator Rodst" & Tracks THE GRADE 6 STUDENTS of Salt Spring Elementary, w i l l be holding a W e deliver! HOGAN CHIMNEY SWEEPS ^ 537-5340 Harbour Road, Sidney, by owner. 2 bedroom Rancher, plus studio. Opposite marinas, $85,000. 656-6862. 7-2 42-tfn Legal G u l t s t r e a m Pro H a r d w a r e rents everything from high chairs to cement mixers. McPhillips Ave., 5 3 7 - 5 7 3 3 . LAND TITLE ACT Section 189 In t h e matter of J o h n Noel Bracher and in t h e matter of 42-tfn Indefeasible Title A 2 5 5 1 1 , and • COMPLETE GARDEN CARE in the matter of Lot 17, District Call eves. 5 3 7 - 2 7 2 3 Lot 2 4 , North Salt Spring 6-3 Island, Cowichan District, Plan Salute t h e Century Sat., M a r . LAND TITLE ACT 14116 12, GISS G y m n a s i u m . Dinner Section 1 8 9 J . C. C A M P B E L L TAKE NOTICE that proof of 5:30 p m — A d u l t s $ 8 ; Children In the matter of Harold Heath loss of duplicate copy of t h e $4. S h o w 7:00 p m — A d u l t s $3; Hales and Elsie Hales, and in above Indefeasible title having Children $ 1 . Tickets at et the matter of indefeasible Title been filed in this office, I shall Residential or Commercial cetera. General Store, GISS 3 8 3 9 5 3 1 , and in t h e matter of at t h e expiration of one week For a change of service: office. i Lot 30, Section 7 6 , South Salt from t h e date of t h e first Phone 537.-4327 S p r i n g I s l a n d , C o w i c h a n publication of this notice issue District, Plan 1 6 2 8 6 . WILL REOPEN MARCH 1 a provisional indefeasible title TAKE NOTICE that proof of to the above land in lieu of the FOR THE 1988 SEASON loss of duplicate copy of t h e lost indefeasible title unless in Island artists w i s h i n g to submit above Indefeasible title having the meantime valid objection p a i n t i n g s ( n e w w o r k if been filed in this office, I shall CHIMNEY SERVICE m at t h e expiration of t w o weeks be made to m e in w r i t i n g . possible) are asked to bring DATED at t h e Land Title 656-4295 Weilai. SMnay. O-C. V8L « 9 their paintings to the gallery on from t h e date of t h e first Office, Victoria, B.C., this 8 t h Monday, February 29th, publication of this notice issue C h i m n e y Flue(s) & Smoke day of February, 1988. between t h e hours of 11 a m . a provisional indefeasible title Pipes * Fireplace * Stove * M. H. GRISWOLD, and 4 p m . i to t h e above land in lieu of the Furnace * and Boiler Cleaning Registrar, lost indefeasible title unless in W E ALSO CLEAN GUTTERS Victoria Land Title District. the meantime valid objection 6 5 6 - 4 2 9 5 or 5 3 7 - 2 3 1 8 * Date of First Publication: Concert & Dance be made t o m e in w r i t i n g . . February 2 4 , 1988. Featuring Temba Tana, Sal DATED at t h e Land Title 1 Maclsaac Clark & Co. 5 6 0 Fererras, Albert St Albert & Office, Victoria, B.C., this 1 1 t h J o h n s o n St., Victoria. Personal Dido. NOTICE TO CREDITORS day of February, 1988. Injury Lawyers. Fees by %. First AND OTHERS COLLECTIBLES GALORE M. H. GRISWOLD, visit free. Phone 3 8 1 - 5 3 5 3 . RE: THE ESTATE OF COLIN Friday, M a r c h 4 t h W e s t e r n Canada's Largest Registrar, FRANCIS MOUAT, also k n o w n 2 floors - 8 5 dealers Victoria Land Title District. 8:30 pm. as COLIN FRANCES M O U A T , 3 DAYS - M a r c h 3, 4, 5 * Date of First Publication: Activity Centre, S. S. Elem. Satisfaction Deceased THURS: 5 p m . - 10 p m . February 2 4 , 1988. School, $7 advance tickets at et Notice is hereby given that Chimney FRI: 10 a m . - 10 p m . i cetera or $8 at t h e door. creditors and others having SAT: 10 a m . - 5 p m . 7-3 Sweep NAVIGABLE WATERS claims against t h e estate of 7325 MacPherson Ave., PROTECTION ACT COLIN FRANCIS MOUAT, also Services Burnaby (turn South 5 5 0 0 R.S.C. 1970, Chapter N-19 k n o w n as COLIN FRANCES Have you paid more t h a n Kingsway). Free parking! Door MOUAT, deceased, late of $ 2 2 . 5 0 for a f u l l service C O W I C H A N M A R I N E SERprizes! A d m i s s i o n $3 c h i m n e y sweep? A d d i t i o n a l VICES LTD., (INC. NO. 1 4 5 0 6 5 ) Ganges, British Columbia, are INQ: 4 3 8 - 5 9 9 7 hereby give notice that they hereby required to send t h e m 8-2 flues $11.25. have, under Section 8 of t h e duly verified to t h e underCALL TED - 5 3 7 - 2 8 0 9 said A c t , deposited w i t h t h e signed solicitor at Box 2 4 8 , 1 0 0 % owner-operated lill 1 M i n i s t e r o f T r a n s p o r t , at Ganges, B.C. VOS 1E0, o n or Environmental Land Appraisal. O t t a w a , and in t h e office of the before M a r c h 17th, 1988, after A w r i t t e n report o n Geology, District Registrar of t h e Land w h i c h date t h e assets of t h e Salt Spring Concert Society soils, drainage vegetation and Registry District of Victoria, at said estate w i l l be distributed, COMMUNITY GOSPEL presents: environmental hazards of any Victoria, British Columbia, a having regard only to claims property on Salt Spring Island. CHAPEL description of t h e site and that have been received. Provided by an experienced 122 Drake Rd. 1:30 p m . THE A M I T Y plans of an approach dock, IAN H. CLEMENT, environmental planner, Linda Friday, M a r c h 4 t h Solicitor to t h e Executor, Adams, 5 3 7 - 4 0 7 9 . T± ramp a n d floats for a marina SINGERS proposed t o be built in Fulford W i l l i a m s Gilbert Mouat, Directed by Michael Gormley Harbour at Salt Spring Island in PO Box 2 4 8 , Ganges, B.C. w i t h g u e s t a r t i s t EDGAR Taylor N e w c o m b front of Lot D, Section 1 4 , VOS 1E0. Salt S p r i n g Island S A M U E L S at t h e U n i t e d LAWYERS Range 1 , South Salt Spring IsChurch on Sunday, February Rotary Club INJURY CLAIMS land, C o w i c h a n District, Plan 2 8 t h , 3 p m . A d m i s s i o n $5 at • No recovery — No fee A N N U A L AUCTION 3 9 6 2 2 . A n d take notice that at the door, Students $2. 7-2 • Call collect for free interview the expiration of one m o n t h S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 19 PHONE TOLL FREE: f r o m t h e date of the publication LOST Showcase 8 8 - M a r c h 26 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 3 - 7 8 9 8 or April 4 - M a h o n Hall. 6-3 of this notice. COWICHAN E x h a u s t s y s t e m , p i p e s , MARINE SERVICES LTD. w i l l , muffler, the works, o n Fulford748-3783 under Section 8 of the said Act, Ganges hill Monday m o r n i n g 9 122 Station Street t_ a p p l y t o t h e M i n i s t e r of am. 5 3 7 - 2 2 9 4 . Duncan, B.C. V9L 3Y2 Transport for approval of t h e 49-tfn Potluck S u p p e r & A r e y o u producing processed said site and plans. W r i t t e n NOTICES foods that you w o u l d like to comments should be directed Try it - you'll like itl O u r t o p s o i l A n n u a l General have sold in Vancouver? If so t o : D i r e c t o r , A i d s a n d m a n u r e mix may be just w h a t Meeting you need. The finest Cowichan please write Canacopia W a t e r w a y s Branch, Canadian TERRA F I R M A Valley peat loam mixed w i t h MP J I M MANLY WILL SPEAK Consumables Ltd. at # 1 0 5 Coast Guard, Department of composted horse m a n u r e , and Tommy Douglas video w i l l TILESETTING 1 4 9 0 P e n n y f a r t h i n g Dr., Transport, O t t a w a , Ontario, screened to a fine mixture. be show. Come and socialize, HIGH QUALITY - LOW COST V a n c o u v e r , B.C. V 6 J 4 X 8 . K1A 0 N 7 . Dated at Ganges, Improve your soil - topdress n e w members and old. Bring Commercial & Residential W h e t h e r it be jams, jellies, B.C., this 18th day of February, your beds - etc. M a r c h special. plates a n d s i l v e r w a r e (no JANE STACK - 5 3 7 - 2 1 6 9 pickles or smoked fish, w e are 1988. T r e a s u r e I s l a n d Landscape dishwashing allowed that looking for locally made high Message 5 3 7 - 4 4 5 4 Centre, Rainbow & Atkins, night). Thursday, Feb. 25, 5:30 quality food stuffs a n d are PHILLIP SWIFT R. R. 3, Baker Rd., C7 your " f u l l service" landscape p m . St George's Hall. eager to hear f r o m you. per Patrick J . Corneille Ganges, B.C. VOS 1E0 company. 5 3 7 - 9 5 6 1 titc, 8-3 537-5022 Coming Events Legal ELECTRIC The Salt Spring Art Gallery 2 3 2 1 AFRICAN HERITAGE Spring Antique SHOW — S A L E WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Too Late to Classify NDP Business Services , - , , . . i f ' . 8-4. MILNER, O n February 1 7 , 1988, A n n i e (Nance) Milner, aged 8 9 , of Salt Spring Island. A n n i e w a s born in Ireland and lived in West Vancouver until coming to t h e island in 1 9 4 6 A n n i e w a s predeceased by her husband Harry in 1 9 6 4 and survived by one sister, Babs Hernandez of Powell River, 3 daughters Pat Taylor of Salt Spring Island, Peggy Milner of Nanaimo, and Sheila Mclntyre of Port Alberni and three sons A b of G a b r i o l a , J i m of Parksville a n d J a c k of Nanaimo. A funeral mass w a s held at Our Lady of Grace, Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, Feb. 2 0 t h , Father Kelly o f f i c i a t i n g . G o o d m a n Jones Funeral Home, Ganges, in care of arrangements. i LAING, on February 18, 1988, Alex Laing, aged 77 of Ganges, B.C. Alex came to Canada in his early years and spent his formative years in Alberta working for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Alex served in World W a r II in the Canadian A r m y and w a s a manager w i t h t h e CIBC in Vancouver until his retirement to Salt Spring Island. Alex w a s a member of Admiral Lodge 170 A S . A . M. and past president of t h e Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 9 2 . Alex w a s predeceased by his w i f e Margo and is survived by his sister a n d brother in Scotland and a brother in Australia. Funeral service w a s held at St. George's Church, Ganges, t h e Rev. James Koester officiating. Goodman-Jones Funeral Home, Ganges, in care of arrangements. i Too Late to Classify FOUND Pair of w o m e n ' s gloves at Ganges Village Market parking lot. 5 3 7 - 5 4 9 7 . i LOST' Lost o n W e d . or Thurs., gold ring, red stone in oval setting. Vicinity of S.E. exit of St. Mary Lake Resort. $ 5 0 reward. Apply at resort. i - CARS, TRUCKS 69 V W v a n , has 71 rebuilt e n g i n e , body w o r k done. $ 1 , 5 0 0 OBO. 6 5 3 - 9 2 4 3 . i CARS, TRUCKS 1976 Dodge Colt, 4-speed, 1 6 0 0 cc e n g i n e . Excellent condition, good maintenance, 2nd owner. $2,800.537-5889. CARS. TRUCKS Looking for station w a g o n , 4 or 5 speed or power steering. 1 9 8 6 or 1 9 8 7 . Looking for a good buy. 5 3 7 - 5 8 8 9 . i_ LOST Lost in G a n g e s , c o m p a c t camera. M i r a n d a , Feb. 1 5 , Monday. Reward. 5 3 7 - 9 8 9 0 or Driftwood. i CARS, TRUCKS 1 9 7 8 Toyota flat deck, $ 1 , 3 0 0 , good r u n n i n g order. 5 3 7 - 4 3 5 5 t NOTICE Don't forget t h e Planning Association A n n u a l General Meeting tonight at 7:30 in t h e Elem. School Library. Everyone welcome. 1 Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1988 more letters Revelations Sir, It may interest Salt Spring residents to know how the meeting on dioxins and the environment went in Crofton at the Brass Bell on Thursday, February 18. The meeting was a joint effort of Environment Canada and the B.C. Ministry of Environment and Parks, to educate people on dioxins in the area around Crofton. Dr. John Ward, a government toxicologist, made a presentation on the subject which concluded that there was nothing to be alarmed about at the present time, although he only had test results dating back to 1982 and nothing more current. What was said about dioxins was very elementary and has already been widely published. So nothing new was actually said on the subject. That in itself was a big disappointment to people from the Crofton area who thought they would get much more specific information. What ticked off most of the people who attended, though, was the attempt by Dr. Ward, Ted Oldham, and politician-on-themake Graham Bruce, M L A for the area, to limit the discussion to dioxins and to ignore the myriad of toxins, wastes" and poisons discharged from the mill. Needless to say that effort did not succeed fed some rather irate citizens ^bke up on the subject of how electro-static precipitators are turned off at night and on weekends, thus ensuring that Crofton gets choked by airborne wastes at those times. That revelation, made by senior millworkers who are past promotion and can't be fired, and whose friends are dying of cancer of the pancreas and liver, raised enough of a storm, centred on Ted Oldham, the regional waste manager for the Ministry of Environment and Parks who then had to explain why the mill was not being monitored effectively. He said that it was, but conceded that the courts were reluctant to ^fcttammer the companies with fines ^ ^ H ) r pollution violations, with the ^^ffesult that there was not much incentive for the government to enforce compliance. T h i s , notwithstanding the fact that the companies don't like being fined even when the fines are just token amounts, which seems to be the case most of the time. Graham Bruce, the M L A , wants to establish a dioxin testing lab on the west coast since samples now have to be sent to the east and there is a waiting list for getting tests done. It has got to be a long list when the chief toxicologist has results dating back to 1982 and nothing more up to date. That effort is commendable. However, the attempt to avoid discussion of other pollutants is not and this writer let him know in no uncertain terms that people would get violent if he didn't rise to the occasion and do something about it. Anyway, the mood of the senior millworkers left no doubt about it. Just establishing a lab is not good enough when there is such a plethora of pollutants being emitted day and night, seven days a week. It is now a matter of keeping up the pressure on the elements that have come out of the woodwork and have identified themselves as targets. Limiting a public information meeting to the discussion of one chemical was probably the dumbest tactical move this writer has ever seen in his life, and a few people will be nursing their wounds about this for some time to come. Ted Oldham was perhaps the GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD most philosophical about it all. He said his job is to report back what kind of feeling exists in the population. Hell have plenty to talk about even though there were many questions that he could not and would not answer for obvious reasons. Just to remind you all. Future members of the Salt Spring Sierra Club went to the meeting in Crofton and will be involved in the pollution fight in the future. The next meeting is in the music room of the Salt Spring Elementary School at 7:30 pm on Thursday, February 25. A more exhaustive presentation on the state of pollution at Crofton will be given there. DIETRICH L U T H , Ganges. Alternatives Sir, Why does Salt Spring have such a high per capita rate of alcohol related vehicle accidents? The Driftwood article on February 10 mentions the age difference at parties as being a contributing factor to teenage alcohol abuse. It is disturbing that you would suggest segregation by age as a possible solution to a major problem in a community where we have much to learn and share with people of all ages. Besides family gatherings, what provision does our island offer young adults aside from four drinking establishments? What is it going to take to break Page B9 Too Late to Classify through the ignorance and cheapness in our community? We can pay up front for recreational facilities, such as a pool, or we can pay later for the damage. Maybe if young people had something else to do, your lawn wouldn't be torn up or your mailboxes knocked over when you wake up on Saturday morning. I'm not suggesting that everyone between 13 and 40 years of age is going to go swimming on Friday nights, but I am trying to point out that it is not always the offender who gets hurt but often the "innocent," and that by giving a little to the community we all benefit. TARA MARTIN, Student, Ganges. COMING EVENTS Listen for Ian Tamblyn in concert, Saturday, M a r . 26, at Off C e n t r e S t a g e D i n n e r Theatre. ]_ Quiet, responsible, employed man requires inexpensive room, trailer or cottage to rent. Prefer 5 mile radius Blackburn Rd. Excellent references. Ed, c / o 537-2623; w e e k e n d s 1658-8096. \ LOST Our dear family c a t — " C l o u d " is a H i m a l a y a n - S i a m e s e cat; large, very long haired w i t h S i a m e s e colouring, lost near Beddis Rd. & C u s h e o n Lake Rd. A r i a n a , Teresa, Forrest, A n n & Stefan all m i s s him a n d w o u l d appreciate A N Y information you m a y have about h i m . Thank you. 537-4475. 1^ FOR RENT 1 BR cottage avail. 1 to 3 months, $275 per month. 5375773. i BLANKET CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING These Ads appear in the more than 70 Newspapers of the B.C. and Yukon Community Newspapers Association and reach more than 900,000 homes and a potential two million readers. $129. for 25 words ($3. per each additional word) AUTOMOTIVE B u y / L e a s e any gas, diesel car or truck, new or used. Direct from volume factory dealer. Call for pre-approved credit. Call collect 464-0271. D5231. $1 Down leases a new car or truck. Seven Year warranty. Payments from $139/mo. O . A . C . Call lease manager at (604)465-8931. DL5584. A l l makes truck/auto lease. The vehicle you want for the price you want delivered to your door. F o r information Bob Langstaff. Collect 3270431. D#5662. Totem M e r cury Sales Ltd. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Cash In - Cash Out. Coke, Pepsi, Libby's Heinz world famous drinks you will refill in your new, unique cold pop/juice vendors with separate price settings. M i n imum investment of $11,980 secured as w e s u p p l y freight, equipment installed in locations, product (ills, supplies etc., own your cash business, your choice, part or lull time. C a l l / w r i t e (24 hours) for brochure. Solar Business Centres, 100 East Drive, Suite 200. B r a m a l e a , Ont. L6T 1B3. M r . Halbot 1(416)761-5705. B . C . Gulf Island growing waterfront resort. Licensed restaurant, accommodations, groceries, fuel. Unlimited potential. Open year round. Ideal family or partner arrangements. Reply #668 c / o Arrowsmith Star, Box 1300, Parksville, B . C . V0R 2S0. BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR S A L E , MISC. HELP W A N T E D H o w To Play Popular Piano. Production Foreman for New home study course. W e e k l y Newspaper and job Fast, easy method G u a r a n - .print shop. Central A l b e r t a teed! For Free Information, location. Excellent working write: Popular M u s i c Sysconditions. Phone B o b at tems, Studio P, 3284 B o u c h 1-403-843-2231. erie Road, K e l o w n a , B . C . Child Care Worker. NonV1Z 2H2. profit Society providing speEDUCATIONAL Leather Logging Harness. cialized services for C h i l d r e n a n d short in residential setting is curD i p l o m a c o r r e s p o n d e n c e . Full britching rently accepting applications Free calendar. H i g h School tugs. Steel 26 ' hames with matching bridles and lines. for the position of C h i l d Care upgrading, accounting, manW o r k e r . T h e position reagement, a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , S70Q. Call 1-858-5069. quires energy, dedication secretarial, computers. E s - 5 2 " T V Screen for the O l y m and aood communication tablished 1964. National C o l - pics. Connect your 1 4 " portskills at the personal a n d lege, 444 Robson, V a n c o u - able T V to our T V Projector community level. Successful ver, 688-4913 toll free 1-800- and watch the entire O l y m pics on the 5 2 " metallic candidates will be available 387-1281, 24 hours. Superscreen (included). for a two year term, possess Earn Your Certificate! Learn Reg. price $495. - N o w - C h i l d Care Degree or equivIncome Tax Preparation or once in a lifetime W h o l e s a l e alent or strong background B a s i c B o o k k e e p i n g . F r e e Clearance at $189. Free dein Social Sciences and interb r o c h u r e s , no o b l i g a t i o n . livery in W e s t e r n C a n a d a . est in the Social Services W r i t e U & R Tax Services, (Visa accepted). O . K . W o r l d field. First A i d training an 205 - 1345 Pembina H w y . , Import, Ste. #1112 - 1124 asset. Drivers license is esW i n n i p e g , M a n . R3T 2B6. Lonsdale A v e , N . V a n c o u sential. Please forward re(204)284-1806. sume a n d covering letter ver, B . C . V 7 M 2 H 1 . detailing life experiences in Free: 1988 guide to study-at- Placer C l a i m s Dawson M i n confidence to H i r i n g C o m home correspondence Diplo- ing A r e a . Nugget G o l d , good mittee, #101 - 3845 East ma courses for prestigious water supply. F o r further Hastings Street, Burnaby, W r i t e Site 2 careers: A c c o u n t i n g , A i r c o n - information B.C. V5C 2H7. ditioning, Bookkeeping, C o m p . 47. R . R . #1, W h i t e Business, Cosmetology, E l - horse, Y u k o n . Y 1 A 4Z6. If you are a Certified M e ectronics, L e g a l / M e d i c a l Sechanic with five years or cretary, Psychology, T r a v e l . Satellite Owners. V i d e o c i p h more Ford experience and if Granton (1A), 1055 West er. 11 Descrambler $1089. you would like to work and Georgia Street #2002, V a n - Shipped anywhere in B . C . live in the beautiful Fraser and Y u k o n . S a t C o m Discouver, 1-800-268-1121. V a l l e y , please send your retributors (Kelowna). Toll sume to; Box 858,. Chilliwack Learn to paint by Video $30. Free B . C . - 1-800-663-5072. P r o g r e s s , 45860 S p a d i n a Easy to follow instructions. Y u k o n - (604)762-5859. " G e t Ave., Chilliwack, B . C . V 2 P Hours of O i l painting plea- The P i c t u r e " . 6H9. sure. Paint beautiful landscapes immediately. S a n d y ' s GARDENING Road to Success! MultiOils, S.56A C . 2 6 , R . R . #2, C u r v e d glass patio extenmillion dollar international sions starting at $1,095. W i n f i e l d , V 0 H 2 C 0 766firm seeks two representaHobby greenhouses starting 2241. tives in your area that seek at $599. Full line of greenincomes of up to $800 $1600 + weekly. N o directFor Sale: Established W e l d Professional Driver Training house accessories. Call B . C . tollselling involved, daily repeat ing Business in Northwest- Course. Get your Class I Greenhouse Builders ern B . C . Phone after 6 p.m. License. Unlimited truck op- free 1-800-242-0673 or write b u s i n e s s , s e t y o u r o w n 7425 Hedley A v e n u e , B u r n hours. Training provided. 842-6059. eration. A l s o for Taxi and For confidential interview Lifetime High Income. Own B u s d r i v e r q u a l i f i c a t i o n s . aby, B . C . V 5 E 2 R 1 . please call 9 a . m . to 9 p.m. business in your area. Excit- Register by M a r c h 4th: Sel- Greenhouse & H y d r o p o n i c E . S . T . (416)756-2111 or (416) ing, very lucrative and per- kirk College, Nelson C a m p - equipment, supplies. E v e r y - 756-7796. sonally rewarding. Start part us, 1-352-6601. thing you need. Best quality, or fulltime in educational EQUIPMENT & super low prices. G r e e n Persons required to work related field. M u s t start M A C H I N E R Y house $175., Halides $115. independently from homes/ training immediately. ThorO v e r 3 , 0 0 0 p r o d u c t s i n offices. No experience n e ough training a n d close 1977: 9 6 6 C C a t L o a d e r , stock! Send $2 for info pack cessary. Choose own hours management support. Very W e l d c o G r a p p l e , 4-yard buc- & Free magazine to W e s t e r n with Highway to Riches. available and needy market. ket with teeth, new tires and W a t e r F a r m s , 1244 Seymour Send stamped envelope: 348 $7500 U . S . investment for chains. Excellent condition. St., Vancouver, B . C . V 6 B - 636 C l y d e A v e . , W . V a n 3N9. 1-604-682-6636. couver, B . C . V 7 T 1 E 1 . inventory, sales materials C / W steady job to qualified a n d s p e c i a l i z e d t r a i n i n g . operator. 847-9236 S m i t h HELP W A N T E D Enthusiastic Advertising Business is designed to cre- ers, B . C . Representatives/Consultants Community Newspaper reate a substantial income F O R S A L E M I S C . quires experienced Producto join a strong sales team. quickly. If qualified call M r . tion M a n a g e r to lead a busy Experience and committBroder (604)687-8277. staff in all aspect of newsLighting Fixtures. W e s t e r n ment a must. M u s t be goalFor Sale: F o u r - B a y Service p a p e r p r o d u c t i o n . S t r o n g orientated a n d work effecdisplay. Station, one of two in north- C a n a d a ' s largest ern community. Good loca- W h o l e s a l e and retail. Free i n t e r - p e r s o n a l s k i l l s a n d tively in a competitive market. C o m m u n i t y newspaper tion, well stocked, tow truck, Catalogues available. Nor- a b i l i t y to t r a i n / c o m m u n i propane, carwash. Call Gur- burn Lighting Centre, 4600 cate. K n o w l e d g e of various background a strong asset. equipment and maintenance meet 2 4 2 - 4 2 9 1 , e v e n i n g s East Hastings Street, B u r - a strong asset. If you a r e Send complete resume to: naby, B . C . V 5 C 2 K 5 . Phone The Publisher, B o x 309A, 242-4192. able to re-locate and want 1-299-0666. Burns Lake, B . C . VOJ 1 E 0 . and like challenge, send Slender shapes toning tabresume to: T h e P u b l i s h e r , les. Six machine system - A Free H u n t i n g , F i s h i n g , Experienced Reporters, (one full marketing package - fast C a m p i n g C a t a l o g ($6.00 Box 309A, Burns Lake, B . C . reporter concentration return - $12,500. to $30,000. value). Send your expired V 0 J 1 E 0 . Sports), for community Can T a n , 3058 Beta A v e . , hunting or fishing license newspaper in B . C . Join our Burnahy, B . C . V 5 G 4 K 4 .(Photocopy acceptable) and $ M a k e B i g M o n e y $ People successful company for o p n e e d e d , f u 11 / p a r t - 1 i m e , portunity and advancement. Call collect (604)291-2733. S.I.R. will mail a free 410 packaging free samples. N o E n e r g y , creativity and comFor Rent - Hair Salon in page (over 6,500 items) A n experience needed. F o r i n - mittment a must. Photobusy shopping plaza. Shop n u a l S p o r t s m a n C a t a l o g . formation send self-address- graphy skills, M i n i m u m 2 Dept. can be leased with equip- S.I.R. M a i l Order, ed stamped envelope: " S a m - years experience. Send comment or can be purchased. 194, 1863 Burrows A v e n u e , p l e r s " , #1 - 10318 East plete resume to: T h e P u b Reply Box 510, Christina W i n n i p e g , M a n i t o b a , R 2 X W h a l l e y Ring Road, Surrey, lisher, c / o Box 309A, B u r n s Lake, B . C . Phone (604)447- 2V6. Offer expires February B.C. V3T 4H4. 28, 1988. Lake, B . C . VOJ 1 E 0 . 6171, Ask for Dennis. Need to talk to a priest? A pastor? A friend? Need healing for your heartache? Hope for discouragement? Phone your telephone pastor. M o n - F r i . 10 a . m . - 10 p.m. 987-1338. PERSONALS Houston, B . C . School R e union for all students who attended school from 1949 to 1960. Reunion is J u l y 2931st. Contact H e n r y Reitsm a at 845-2240 (days) or 845-2394 (eve). W o m e n W o r l d w i d e ! Seeking Canadian m e n for friends h i p / m a r r i a g e . Free color brochure. Cherry Blossoms, Box 190BC, K a p a a u , H a w a i i 96755 U S A . Immigrating to the U . S . A . might not be as difficult as you think. Perhaps w e c a n help? Access A m e r i c a Immigration, 1770 Oceanic P l a z a , 1066 West H a s t i n g s , V a n couver, B . C . V 6 E 3 X 1 . Special Service for out of town inquiries. (604)682-6866. PETS & LIVESTOCK Chinese Sharpei pups. U . S . registered, champion bloodlines, full written health guarantee, black tongue, tiny ears, very w r i n k l e d . Call vVrink A d o w Sharpei, B o x 269. E c k v i l l e , A l t a . T O M 0X0 1-403-887-5694. REAL E S T A T E Thinking of a move to K e l owna? F o r complimentary copies of the Real Estate Review and Business Opportunities write to Gerry Frechette, 840 M o u n t Royal Drive, K e l o w n a , V 1 Y 8 G 3 or (604)763-5336 after 6 p.m. 4000 Square Feet C o m m e r cial space for lease. A d j a cent to thriving C a f e , Pottery, Fruit M a r k e t , E s s o , Tourist Booth. Paynter's Market, Westbank. Direct access H i g h w a y 97 North and South a n d C o q u i h a i l a Connector. Geoff 768-2552. SERVICES I C B C o w e you money for personal injury? Vancouver lawyer Carey L i n d e (since 1972) has Free Information. Phone 1-684-7798. Second Opinions G l a d l y G i v e n . I C B C Injury C l a i m s ? C a l l Dale C a r r - H a r r i s - 20 years a trial lawyer with five years medical school before law. 0669-4922 (Vancouver). E x perienced in head injury and other major c l a i m s . Percentage lees available. WANTED Employment W a n t e d - F i s h F a r m i n g , Scandinavian (35), wishes to relocate to B . C . Nine years experience in Land & Sea based F a r m i n g . Call Toronto, Verner K u r e (416)767-4880 d a y s . 25 W O R D S $129 blanket Page B10 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Twenty-five years ago • Dispite optimistic predictions of a few weeks ago, the Pozzolan plant was now idle. Previous reports stated the plant would be on a continuous 24-hour production schedule. Now, however, workers had been given notice and no one knew when production might resume. • A small gray whale, which had been "loafing around" Salt Spring waters for several months, came in contact with a boat propeller. The incident occurred when the whale attempted to surface underneath the water taxi Crackerjack, skippered by Harry Extel. The propeller was smashed and the whale came up with a bloody fin. Extel was able to make it back to land using the boat's second propeller. • Salt Spring Lands was advertising view and waterfront retirement lots for $100 down and $25 per month. • Salt Spring Islander Doug Dane was chosen as the Social Credit candidate for the local riding in the upcoming provincial election. Dane, chief engineer on the Motor Princess, was chosen over two other candidates, both from Nanaimo. Twenty years ago • The only real separatists in Canada this week were the people of the Gulf Islands, who were cut off from the rest of the country by a ferry strike. Service was suspended when Wednesday, Feb, 24. 1988 down through the years with driftwood crews walked off all B.C. Ferry Authority vessels to protest the recent dismissal of 160 crew members in a series of staff cuts. A week after the initial strike, supply shortages were becoming a problem. • Islander Doug Wilson was surprised to see a flock of Canadian geese fly by the week previous. He couldn't be sure whether they were a group of 1968 geese heading north early, or a flock of 1967 geese which had mistaken Salt Spring Island for Florida, and had elected to winter here. • When trustees of the Gulf Islands School District approved the purchase of a school bus from another district, the fact that it was not new was offset by the fact that a new vehicle of the size needed on Galiano Island was not available. When it arrived, the bus had a damaged windshield. A replacement was ordered, but it was in no better condition. Trustees approved a plan to withhold payment for the new bus until responsibility for the damage had been settled by the carrier involved. • Salt Spring Island gained two new police officers when auxiliary constables Ben Greenhough and Timothy O'Donnell were sworn in. The ceremony tok place at the Ganges court room. Magistrate M . F . Peiler officiated. Fifteen years ago • Court of Revision heard appeals against assessments on all of the islands. A large slate of appeals was heard in Ganges, resulting from boosted assessments undertaken that year by provincial assessor Al Clarke. A ceiling was listed on assessment increases to bring assessments into line with the rest of the province. Concern surrounded assessments of both private and commercial property. In some instances, it was reported that the assessment had risen by 300 per cent. • The Flower Box Fund, initiated by Driftwood several months previous, continued to rise, surpassing the $700 mark. The fund was launched to pay for replacing the wooden flower boxes in Centennial Park with indestructible containers. • Four prisoners who escaped from the Salvation Army Concord House were back in custody after a quick dash to Salt Spring Island. The four men stole a car and drove to Vancouver, where they went to the Bayshore Inn and stole a luxury cruiser to make their way to Salt Spring. Local resident Marc Holmes met four men near his Isabella W. E. S M I T H Denturist Ten years ago • Reversing an earlier decision, trustees of the Gulf Islands School District voted in favour of com- 537-9611 210 Upper Salt Spring Way Mail to Box 1209, Ganges, B.C. I T D r . C h a r l e s Alsberg, N . D . 1 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN Salt Spring Island Health Clinic 2551 Fulford-Ganges Rd. Tues. & Thurs., 9-5 653-4216 (537-5480) LI jomwt. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 03B Lancer Building Lower Ganges Road bu ,537-5646 Mail to Box 575 Ganges, B.C. VOS 1E0 res)537^159 S SENIORS FOR SENIORS down the gutter High scores for the week of February 15 were: for the ladies: Sheila Lucas, 739 (237, 231, 271); Linda Schwagly, 733 (218, 272, 243). For the men, high scores were: Terry Jenkins, 886 (281, 269, 336), 846 (312, 273, 261); Ken Collins, 863 (349,275,239); Steve Marleau, 756 (247, 307, 202), 739 (217, 289, 233); Gene Graham, 720 (280, 205, 235). 300 games: Ken Collins, 349; Terry Jenkins, 336, 312; Steve Marleau, 307. Bowlers who bowled well last week were: Carol Kaye, 926 (327, 333, 271); Ken Collins, 822 (237, 319, 266); Barry Pinchin, 809 (250, 222, 337); Joe Toutant, 748 (315, 230, 203); Fred Gilman, 725 (253, 231, 241). Pins over average: Just one listed this week, Lesley Stacey at 165. Last week, the most pins over average was won by a Y B C Bowler, Clinton Helfrich, at 270. G O L F LADIES Ruby Webster, 258; Marie Hopkins, 238; Babs Ross, 232,207, 204, Dorothy Armstrong, 221; Shirley Parsons, 214; Lil Rayner, 211; Marguerite Meharey, 208, 206. Over 600: Babs Ross, 643. GOLDEN AGE Monday afternoon: Babs Ross, 254, 230; Dorothy Armstrong, 209. Tuesday morning: Bill Harper, 248, 248; Rusty Hopper, 229, 221; Jean Haines, 228; Les Pragnell, 200; Edie Gear, 200. Tuesday afternoon: Reg Winstone, 216; Cy Sloan, 207; Martha Marcotte, 203. Friday morning: Isobelle Richardson, 202. Friday afternoon: Jack Webb, 263; Gene Graham, 257, 208; Vic Dodds, 234, 230; Anne Isbister, 230; James Gilson, 213, 210. Over 600: Bill Harper, 688; Vic Dodds, 654; Babs Ross, 641; Gene Graham, 636; Riisty .Hopper,, .629; . , Point home who appeared to be lost in the bush. A nearby house and outbuilding had been broken into and Col. Walter Mosedale put the facts together. The police were contacted and the men apprehended at Swartz Bay. mencing with construction of Fernwood school. Trustees voted 6-2 in favour of a motion made by Don Fairweather. Fairweather noted the board had spent many hours attempting to find an alternative solution to overcrowding problems at the Ganges elementary school. Jack Webb, 612. We hosted Fiesta Lanes in the Golden Age Exchange League. Fiesta Lanes bowled 349 pins over combined averages, Leisure Lanes bowled 129 over average. Bowlers who bowled well for us were: Stella Wreim, plus 114; Rusty Hopper, plus 101; Peggy B e a n , plus 56; Isobelle Richardson, plus 39; and Bill Harper, plus 22. YBC Pee Wee: Stephanie Collette, 122; Corry Schwagly, 116; Jessica Hamilton! 102; Ian Baker, 115; Chris Langdon, 109; Tom Langdon, 109; Jonah Marshall, 108. Bantams: Shiona Ferguson, 205;. Amy Schwagly, 180; Heidi Lucas, 156; Eric Taylor, 179; Stephen Marcotte, 163; Chris Collette, 141. Juniors: Lisa Caldwell, 142; Ariana Jacob, 130; Tina Reid, 114; Aaron Slingsby, 176; David Collette, 166. Seniors: Lisa Jorgensen, 177. The Seniors Group is compiling information and resources specific to seniors' needs and interests. If you have or know of any information that you think should be included, please use the space below and drop it off at the Community Centre, or mail to Box 1106, Ganges, B.C. If it is more convenient for you, call 537-9212 and your suggestions will be forwarded to the Group. If you are interested in participating in our Seniors for Seniors Committee, please leave your name and number and you will be contacted. ISLAND SAVINGS CREDIT UNION YOUR RRSP Information Centre Our advantages include: • no fees, no commissions • competitive rates • RRSP balances & transactions appear on your monthly statement (quarterly if no chequing account) • low minimum deposit required • same day service for withdrawals (non-fixed terms only) • instant tax receipts • knowledgeable, friendly staff Purchase your RRSP through our Easy Savings Plan! Ask for details today. HONDA INTRODUCES A BRIGHT NEW GENERATOR. The EX1000. A portable generator that lets you run just about anything from lights to small power tools to a telcvisioa It runs on a reliable four-stroke engine that cuts fuel consumption without cutting power. Electronic ignition means that power is just a pull away, while special noise reduction features mean the EX1000 doesn't generate a whole lot of noise. So next time an outlet is more lll.l.'I.V than an extension cord away get yourself Honda's new EX1000. It's a very bright idea. E 1 I S L A M D S A V I I M G F CPEDIT UNION Salt Spring Branch Duncan Branch 120 Lower Ganges Rd. 89 Evans St. 537-5587 746-4171 Victoria Branch Mill Bay Branch Mayfair Shopping Centre Mill Bay Centre 385-4476 743-5534 H A R B O U R S END M A R I N E & EQUIPMENT LTD. Harbours End Ganges A C R O S S F R O M THE HARBOUR HOUSE 537-4202 r Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1988 Types of hedges and plants determine style of gardens In last week's article, the groundwork was laid for this second installment in the hedging story. Having covered some of the principles and considerations when locating and selecting your plants, this time around I will get right down to descriptions and suggestions for hedging plants in our region. For each of the plants, a general height range will be given and, while a hedge might possibly be kept shorter than the lowest height indicated, it will most probably mean lots of extra labour and maintenance work or, worse, it may not ever look right. m A beautiful all-summer bloomer which carries on producing fragrant, pink, tubular flowers all summer long on a low, arching hedge plant, is Abelia grandiflora. your garden by Chris Schmah grey foliage is, however, appealing enough to consider its usage. The rosemary is a little less willing to tighten up and get bushy, but the fragrant foliage and long blooming season help to justify its place. One family of shrubs which make a tough, formidable thorny and deer-proof screen, is the Berberis genus with species and cultivars which will give hedges in the two- to eight-foot-high range. Three forms are available, with varying ultimate heights for each, but for all of them the branching habit and form is somewhat open, with an informal appearance. While it will withstand shearing, judicious pruning will give the best form and appearance. Abelia loves full sun or partial shade, and does fine on all soils provided they don't get water-logged in winter-time. From the outset, many if not most shrubs and even trees can be Another broad-leaved evergreen made to serve as hedge plants, but that does well for hedging in these for aesthetics and functional parts is Pyracantha in all its forms considerations many are best left and colours. From the dwarf forms for other uses in the garden. Berberis stenophylla "Irwinii" is (less than 2 feet) such as P. 'Red With many garden styles, a low the shortest, followed closely by a Elf on up to tall growers such as P. hedge or dividing edge is called for tight sunlover, B. buxifolia nana. 'Watereri' which can reach eight as a boundary defining tool. In Then comes warty barberry (B. feet or more, they all love sun or formal English and Continental verruculosa) reaching four feet, B. partial shade. They even grow well landscapes, clipped, tightly-kept julianae giving up to six feet with in a totally shaded spot but they borders of boxwood are used to reddish fall and winter don't produce near as many keep order and continuity. English berries, nor as tight a growth habit boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) in the shade. Older plants develop and its selected smaller varieties a thorny deer protective make clean neat evergreen hedges framework of. branches but the iiiai ging from one foot up to 15 feet younger stems and leaves are more in height. 'Many, if not most, considered quite delectable. They love soils on the acid side, shrubs and even trees keep their best green colouration Several forms of Cotoneasters all year long if in a partially shaded can be made to serve as will make excellent hedging plants, location, and they need some water and they too take shearing and hedge plants.' to get the younger plants started. tight pruning well. Heights vary by When the plants are in a full sun species and variety from less than situation, the winter and summer two feet right on up to those which appearance is somewhat bronzed can give a right evergreen hedge or scorched yellow-green — not all that can reach 10 to 15 feet in that appealing. height. The deer generally leave colouration, and B. darwinii with For low hedges in the shade, these plants alone, but in a few its ascending shoots attaining over another good one to consider is the places sample munching can be eight feet and being covered with yew family, favouring the quite heavy. Cotoneasters will small, fragrant rich golden yellow spreading Taxus baccatta tolerate full sun or partial shade blooms in early spring. repandens, T. cuspidata and grow well in almost all soils, as The other berberis varieties densiformis and T. c. nana long as some water is provided aren't quite full enough to provide varieties. Other forms, species and during severe droughts. a tight hedge-like screen. cultivars of yew will reach Barberries tolerate a wide range of considerably higher heights, and soils, favouring those which drain ike several years to get there. The Well, it seems that we haven't well, and can take shade locations. s can take up to 10 or 12 hours even gotten through the choices for f sun per day, provided adequate broad-leaved evergreens and space For similar situations, but with water is given. In some island has run out for this week, so next fewer deer, Escallonia hedges work locations the deer love the yews, week we shall have to conclude our well. They can tolerate sea wind unfortunately. dissertation and finish the list of and exposed spots, and provide suitable hedge plants for the Gulf abundant blooms all summer long. For full, beating sun situations Escallonia 'Newport dwarf is a Islands. lavender (santolina) and even low compact shrub which bears rosemary make trouble-free low rich pink blooms on a two to three hedges. Lavender is a classic which foot high plant, while the taller E. will take periodic pruning. The 'Pink Princess 'will reach six feet or santolina is a lower-cost, faster more and give strong pink flowers alternative, but youll have to against glossy, green leaves. These prune off the flowers before they hedges will take shearing or hard make their full showing, as they pruning well. smell rather offensive. The sage GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Page BIT LAW OFFICE Civil Litigation, Estate, Property, Corporate & Family Law J o n a t h a n L. Oldroyd BARRISTER, SOLICITOR & NOTARY P U B L I C FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:00 537-2752 RRSP 121 M c P h i l l i p s Ganges Consultation & Income T a x BY APPOINTMENT James T. Fogarty Tax Accountant CANADIAN & AMERICAN PERSONAL & CORPORATE T A X PREPARATION Fulford Harbour — 653-4692 / 653-9221 CAPITAL REGIONAL DISTRICT Student Essay Contest • Prizes of $ 4 0 0 , $ 3 0 0 and $ 2 0 0 will be offered to the first, second and third place winners of an essay contest which is open to all Grade 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 and 12 students in all schools in the Capital Regional District. • There are four topics to choose from: 1. Regional TrailsParks of the Future; 2. Water Supply; 3. Farm Land Preservation - to be or not to be? and 4. Towards a Healthy Community. • Entries can be submitted anytime, but contest closes on April 30, 1988. • For further information, call " E s s a y Contest" at the Capital Regional District, tel. 3 8 8 - 4 4 2 1 . NEW HOURS Effective Monday, Mar. 7 Sewing can be fun for everyone! Now registering for the following M a r c h classes: INTRODUCTION TO HAND QUILTING Sat., Mar. 5, $ 1 0 HOOP QUILTING Sat., Mar. 19, $ 1 0 MORE QUILTING . . . 5 Tues. evenings in M a r c h , $ 3 5 STRETCH & S.E.W. . 4 M o n . mornings in M a r c h , $ 3 5 or 4 W e d . evenings in M a r c h , $ 3 5 APPLIQUE PULLOVER PHONE TODAY: M a r 24 evening, $ 1 0 537-4241 8:30 am-4:30 pm Mon.-Fri. <Mf Manbsf Brtfttooob YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Page B12 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Wednesday, Feb. 24. 1988 SALT SPRING LANDS LTD. SERVING SALT SPRING ISLAND FOR 61 Y E A R S C K O J ^ L L 656-5554 p {\j ber 5 37-9797 149 Fulford-Ganges Rd., Box 69. Ganges, B.C. VOS 1E0 FEELS LIKE THE BEGINNING OF TIME on top of anill and next to a park is situated this very warm & unique 2 bedroom home; features a log encased fireplace, spacious master bedroom with ensuite, walkin closet, airtight stove and balcony. A very bright and cheerful ISLAND setting, IDEAL TO ENJOY AN ISLAND ENVIRONMENT. LIST PRICE: $86,900. So private and removed from the rest of the world is this sunshine exposed, 29 acre waterfront property with 367 feet of frontage looking over Sansum Narrows from a beautiful level building site. Call for a guided expedition to the other side of the mountain. $139,000. WATERFRONT CHALET WATERFRONT IN 1988 * HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! 'restigious Scott Point, .70 acre, with your own 74' steel pontooned dock, offers one of the finest sheltered private moorages available, excellent swimming from a shell beach. A 1350 sq. ft. custom built home offers superb seaviews, 700 sq. ft. covered deck, 600 sq. ft. workshop. Asking $270,000. GALIANO WATERFRONT Prime south west facing .76 acre, approx. 131' frontage, easy water access. Already started is a 2 level, 1305 sq. ft. home, septic tank, field, power are in. Materials were all treated. Plans available. Asking $94,000. MARINE VIEWS - $136,000 Mi * LOCATION - Mountain View Drive * WARM charming home with separate family, dining & living rooms * ACCESSIBLE moorage at doorstep * VIEW property, a gardener's paradise * EXCELLENT V A L U E AT $104,500 VIEW PROPERTY WITH INDOOR/OUTDOOR LIVING Located in the favoured Scott Point area is this very special property with a newly finished two bedroom chalet nestled amongst the woods, looking over the ocean enjoying 153 ft. of frontage. This property also providesfora principal residence to be built in the future if so desired. $176,000. AS NEW FAMILY HOME - This house has so much to offer, three bedrooms with room for a fourth, large family room, open plan living and dining room with vaulted ceiling, efficient kitchen with pantry and built-in oven and counter top range. Well-insulated and for further heat cost reduction there is an excellent outdoor living: covered 414 sq wood stove in the family room and open area 936 sq. ft. fireplace in the living room. Bathed in • 5 bdrms., 3 sets plumbing with sun, this property also enjoys SAUNA expansive views of the ocean. This - economical propane heating property represents value. $115,000. complimented by airtite stove. ANNE WATSON 537-2284 - fully landscaped ]/ ac. lot with excellent garden. - good water view. M.L.S. $97,500. LARGE BUILDING LOT NEAR SECLUDED HOBBY FARM LAKE - Very nice 1.84 acre building lot in popular Mobrae area, only minutes from Vesuvius Bay & near golf, tennis, swimming." Partly flat with good gardening potential, the remainder is gently sloping & nicely treed with lovely farm & possible lake views. Realistically priced at • custom designed 3 bdrm home, 1704 $25,000. sq. ft. CENTRALLY LOCATED ACRE - large combined kitchen/family room AGE - Nicely treed 5 acre parcel with airtight centrally located between Ganges & - 7.5 acres for a private secluded Fulford Harbour. Light clearing has lifestyle been done & there is a road in. A - hobby farm potential for only good buy at $39,900. $129,500. LAKEVIEW C O T T A G E GIL MOUAT 537-9272 2 x u r n LAKEFRONT LOTS BOATER'S DREAM YOU W O N T WANT T O MISS THIS NEW LISTING a Waterfront home situated on Ganges Harbour. Accessible beachfront by pathway. 2200 sq. ft. spacious 2 level home that qualifies for Hydro's Electric Plus Program. Panoramic views from both levels, as house contains a guest suite it is ideally suited for Bed & Breakfast. WATERFRONT LOT — $68,500 A diamond in the rough. This lovely level, southwest exposed lot overlooks Duck Bay and is in an area of prestigious homes. Power & water at property line. Priced to sell. For further information and your free catalog, call: PAUL GREENBAUM 537-5064 (24 hrs.) 537-5515 WOODLAND DRIVE - 68 acre lakeview building lot, power, water and cable to property line. Driveway roughed in. Good location, close to tennis, golf and on school bus route. Priced at $28,000 (offers). NEW - MOVE RIGHT IN UPPER GANGES RD NESTLED IN A PARKLIKE ATMOSPHERE, ONLY MINUTES TO GANGES, THESE CHOICE LOTS RANGE IN SIZE FROM 1.79 TO 6 ACRES, ALL WITH LAKEFRONT OR ACCESS, VARIED BUILDING SITES TO CHOOSE FROM OFFERING SEA AND/OR LAND VIEWS. VENDOR FINANCING AVAILABLE. STARTING PRICES AT $41,500 UP NORMAN ROTHWELL 537-5103 PAUL GREENBAUM 537-5064 LOG CABIN - $59,000 - Almost 5 ac. in a rural setting "Heritage". Log cabin with all the amenities, now rented. Priced for a quick sale. Phone me today. VENDOR SAYS SELL Fresh paint and new carpets in this 2 BR. home make it a pleasure to show. Easy walk to town and schools. Easy expansion potential. Established gardens. 1 acre lot. Reduced from $79,900 to $74,900. HOME IN TOWN Large family home in a quiet area of Ganges. Quality carpet throughout the top floor, built^^Vppliances, large bedroomj^Se^lfor someone who wantajtjtje able to walk to town. Ve*^m nas moved off island and is motivated to sell. There is a lot of home offered at this price. $79,500. BRAND NEW E X E C U T I V E HOME - Over 1800 sq. ft. of living space in this 3 bedroom home. Two full baths, one an ensuite. Master bedroom has a walk-in closet and patio door leads out to the full length deck. Kitchen, dining, living areas as well as two of the bedrooms all face the one-of-a-kind view that takes in the marinas of town, Galiano, Prevost Island, Active Pass and Mount Baker in the USA. $169,000. NORMAN ROTHWELL 537-5103 FULFORD! - Pretty .61 acre on water system. Older mobile home, presently rented $200/mo. Ideal recreation or holding property. Only $35,000. BUILDING LOT! - .54 acre close to town, located 100 Hills area. Power and water at lot line. $24,000. EXCITING BUILDING LOT! 1.05 acres, nicely treed on quiet cul-' de-sac. Water, power, cable at property line. Asking $37,500. EAGLE RIDGE! - Park like 5 acres, roughed in driveway. Close to beach access. $40,000. Easy terms. WEEKEND RETREAT! - Small A' frame cabin with power! On excellent seaview lot, close to Fulford. .61 acre. Try 10% down. $46,500. Easy terms. BOB TARA 653-4435 GANGES COMMERCIAL LOT (potential wit h ^ j p o n i n g ) . Strategically loc^fc^rec. Serviced by 3 phagg Cflt'er sewer, water main, o\Jk. phone. Opposite school. ISLAND "FAMILY HOME" 2250 sq. ft. One level, 4 bedroom rancher with large sundeck and new fibreglass whirlpool hot tub! 6.39 acres of farm-classed land boasting a 1200 sq. ft. barn, deep pond, woodlot and large cleared fenced area for children to play in. Heavy insulation, "Fisher" stove, ceiling fan, plus thermal windows makes heating easy. Double carport. Priced for quick sale at $139,500. VIEW OF ST. MARY LAKE SCOTT POINT WATERFRONT NEW LISTING - ESTATE SALE Enjoy lovely valley & farm views from this well maintained, one level home on sunny meticulously cared for 1.37 acres. Some features are: 2 Cosy cottage near lake access on Cusheon Lake. There's 1 large BR., BR's, 19' x 25' living room with open plan living/dining room, very hardwood floor, covered veranda, sunny, gently sloping lot, near beach carport, workshop, greenhouse, access. Owners have bought off chicken run, steel utility shed, Island and price has been reduced to cement drive, fruit trees, all fenced & $47,900. very private. Priced to sell at $78,000. DARLENE OTJONNELL 653-4386 Lovely 3 BR 1400 sq. ft. executive home off Sunset Drive. Quality & extras throughout. Large modern kitchen, master ensuite, full daylight basement, double garage and paved driveway. A must to see before you buy. Asking price $145,000. $169,900 - This S. W. exposure W/F home with 157' of lowbank beach offers 4 BR., 2 baths, woodstove in L/R, fabulous view off sundeck. New paved driveway. Call today for a viewing. MAGGIE SMITH 537-2913 .78 ac. corner lot in centrally located family area. 3 bedrooms, built-in stove, oven, dishwasher, 2 hot water tanks, sunken living room. Large enclosed double garage. Cement driveway. Ceramic tile floors & rock fireplace. Asking $115,000. Good terms available. Owner wants sale! Phone today for details: DICK TRORY - 537-2236 NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE NORTH AMERICA'S REAL ESTATE MARKETING SYSTEM.
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