May 14 - 20, 2010
May 14 - 20, 2010
News For and About The People of West Philadelphia See Pages 10 & 19 May 14 - 20, 2010 • Vol. 22• No. 12 • (215) 474-7411 • FAX (215) 474-WEST • P.O. Box 19437 • Phila., PA. 19143 • E-Mail: [email protected] To TD Bank: A Mother's Plea: To Catch A “Where'sMyMoney!” Killer Before I Close My Eyes mistake,” he said of his dealBy Michael Blackson & ings via the telephone and Tyree Johnson with an in-perAfter TD son meeting. Bank took over The bank the Commerce reps told him Bank, the Rev. that “their inJeremiah Cousternal systems ins says he’s do not recogseen nothing nize the transbut trouble. action or the Like that deposits until Friday in Febdays later.” ruary (the He added 16th); when the that he was told pastor says he he could not took out cash rely on the from a ATM ATM receipts knowing that Rev. Cousins nor telephone his employer direct deposited his check on information for his true balThursday to clear on that Fri- ance. The reps answers, howday. “The (ATM) receipt said ever, seem to contradict their the check had cleared,” re- advertisements that “checks deposited ‘til 6...Available called Rev. Cousins. So, he used the withdrawn next day.” “Check in. Cash out,” is cash to treat his grandchildren that Friday to a day of TD Bank’s pledge. In a written response, a fun. The following Monday, TD Bank spokeswoman told he checked his account again. the Westside Weekly that the problem is with his employer, Plenty of money in his the depositor. account, the receipt in“All our sysdicated. tems and But on Tuesday, procehe was hit with three dures $35 bounce check are in charges for the Friplace and day to Monday working withdrawals. as ex“I was surpected,” the prised,” he s p o k e s said. “Now, I woman wrote. have a nega“If we receive tive balance Ad an ACH (direct and my re- C e on T DB deposit) on a c e i p t s br n t e r a nk' anc s weekday (it) is hw showed I ind C i t y posted as such. had money.” ow. When an electronic “Where is my direct deposit is money!” Rev. Cousins asked. What happened next was scheduled to be made to a a runaround for the West Oak customer’s account, they should verify with the deLane minister. Although he had the ATM positor that the effective date receipts showing his account aligns with their expectations. had cash in it and that he Sometimes these things rechecked through the bank’s change. “Occasionally, customers telephone system, he says the bank’s customer service reps expect a deposit prior to the actual effective date, which ignored his evidence. “They made me feel infe- the bank has no control over,” rior and would not admit their her e-mail added. By Tyree Johnson Editor/Publisher Before she closes her eyes, Annie Hairston believes God will give her a sign about who killed her son. “Before I go home, God is going to reveal it,” says Ms. Hairston, who suffers from diabetes and a broken heart. On a warm late summer night of June 23, 2007, Ms. Hairston’s son, Bernard Lee, 50, was shot and killed after closing up a bar near 43rd & Lancaster Avenue where he was the manager. According to his family, police told them Lee was confronted by three men around 2:30 in the morning. One of the men pulled a gun and shot him two times. His body was found on the sidewalk with his cell phone ringing. At the time of the shooting, police told the family that an unknown woman, who has yet to come forward in this “cold case”, accompanied Lee when he exited the bar. “Did anybody see anything that night?” Ms. Hairston asked. She believes there were plenty of witnesses outside the bar in the on Lancaster Avenue and Brown Street. Even the owner of the taproom has never contacted the family, Ms. Hairston said. The Westside Weekly met with Ms. Hairston and her daughter, Tamika Lee, inside their West Philly home. The family is trying to revive a case that has gone cold for police who could find no willing witnesses or motive for this murder. This was an emotional meeting with the mother and sister who also wanted the public to know the kind of life Bernard Lee lived. “When someone kills someone they just not killing one person,” said the sister. “Everybody has a mother and they (the killers) don’t know about this family... but we loved our brother.” Sister Tamika said Lee served in the army in Korea and worked for the school district. When he died he had one daughter and one granddaughter. Today he has a grandson who will only know him through the pictures on Grandmom Hairston’s wall. “He was a people person,” said the sister, “who liked nice things. He wouldn’t drink out of plastic cups. “He loved his family,” said Ms. Lee about the family of six siblings that grew up in the Mill Creek section of the neighborhood. If anyone has any information about the murder of Bernard Lee, the family is asking you to call Homicide Det. Levi Morton at 215-686-3334.. (Editor's Note: I hope you understand that long explanation. I didn't) After the Westside Weekly’s inquiry, TD Bank refunded his bounce fees. The bank also apologized to Rev. Cousins for “the poor customer service you received.” “Ever since TD took over (from Commerce Bank), I have been having all types of problems.” “I began to wonder,” Rev. Cousins asked, “ how many others have experience this with TD Bank. How about others who have no voice? Seniors who just do not have the patience to argue with the bank or someone who is disabled and cannot articulate their findings and express their frustrations?” For those who have experienced a similar or troubling problem with TD Bank, Rev. Cousins asks you to contact him at [email protected] Bernard Lee during his younger days, and in inset a picture of him in his later years. Read & View Westside Stories at our Website: 2 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY May 14 - 20, 2010 It’s That Time Again Shepherd’s Christian Academy 6634-42 Haverford Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19151 P: 215-476-4101 F: 215-476-5808 6208 Lancaster Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19151 P: 215-878-7252 F: 215-878-7254 Now Accepting Enrollment for September 2010-2011 School Year Grades K thru 5 A Holistic Approach to a Successful Future Excellent Bible Curriculum * Bible-based Academic Curriculum * Computer Literacy Classes * Music Appreciation Classes * Qualified Christian Faculty * Small Classes * Affordable Tuition * Safe and Caring Environment * Field Trips which are Curriculum based * Physical Education Curriculum * Extended Care Program (Before and After Care) * Diebels Reading Program (Provided by Elwyn, Inc.) * Free Nutritional Food Program- * Accessible to Public Transportation "WE ACCEPT SUBSIDY" “Your Children are the Guide to our Future” Shepherds Christian Academy 6634- 42 Haverford Ave., Phila., PA 19151 215-476-4101 (Fax) 215-476-5808 Mr. and Mrs. Barber, Founders and Proprietors For more Information please contact: Ms. Ross at (215) 476 - 4101 3 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY City Year To Beautify Tustin May 14 - 20, 2010 City Year Greater Philadelphia has selected Tustin REC Center for its annual Serve-a-thon (SAT) - one of the largest single-site community service projects organized in Philadelphia each year. Done in partnership with the Philadelphia Department of Recreation, Serve-A-Thon is City Year’s signature service event. Last year over 1,000 volunteers, community members, and City Year corps and staff Cheyney Students Plug Into PECO Scholarships beautified three South PhilaEighteen Cheyney Uni- and PECO representatives, tions manager, and Jeff Gor- delphia facilities operated by versity of Pennsylvania stu- Ralph Brown, PECO Exter- don, PECO Corporate Rela- the Department of REC. The dents received part of $30,000 nal Affairs manager, tions manager. service done at Serve-A-Thon in scholarship dollars pro- Michelle R. Howard-Vital, Photo Credit: Martin 2008 saved the city $65,000. vided by PECO. Cheyney University presi- Regusters • 215-602-2034 This year on Saturday, Pictured here are stu- dent, Mellanie Lassiter, • Leaping Lion Photography May 15th, from 9am-2pm, dents, Cheyney University PECO Corporate ContribuCity Year Greater Philadel- Jimmy’s Angels 5212 Chestnut St. (215) 747-2091 Mon. to Thurs. Special 701 S. 59th St. (59th & Catherine Sts.) (215) -747-6696 Basic Weave Cap $60 Easter SPECIALS Specials SPRING New Customers Only SPECIALIZING IN PRESS-N-CURL OPERATOR NEEDED • CUTS • CURLS • PERMS Basic Waves....... $20 Basic B/C............$25 Basic Jerri Curls.$40 & up Braids........................$35 & up HOURS: Mon - Sat. 8 AM to 5:30 [email protected] click on Jimmy’s Angels! ATM phia and volunteers will descend on Tustin, 60th & Columbia Ave., for a day of revitalization projects such as mural painting, repairing playground equipment, and landscaping. “Coming together with City Year to clean-up The Tustin Recreation Center will mean a great deal to this community,” stated Celestine Marks, Tustin’s site Director. This effort will make for a safer and more welcoming place for the neighborhood’s children to go, particularly after school; the time between 3pm to 6pm when nearly half of all juvenile crimes take place.” Councilman Curtis Jones will be in attendance. FATIMA'S African Hair Braiding Shop SPECIALIZING IN ALL TYPES OF BRAIDS SPRING SPECIALS CORN ROLLS........….....$40 & UP KINKY TWIST..................$140 & UP MICRO BRAIDS.......…$130 & UP WE SELL AFRICAN ATTIRE & MORE WE PROVIDE YAKI HAIR 4818 Spruce St. • 215- 476-8898 Specials Honored With This Ad FREE PARKING We Accept Credit Cards )064&)0-%)";"3%0648"45& 5)&453&&54%&1"35.&/58*--)&-1 :064"'&-:%*4104&0'*5 4JNQMZ DIFDLQSPEVDU MBCFMTGPSBOZPGUIFTFLFZ XPSET509*$$BVTFTIFBMUI QSPCMFNTUPIVNBOTBOEXJMEMJGFTVDI BTQFTUJDJEFTBOUJGSFF[F'-".."#-& *HOJUFTPSDBUDIFT¾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¿VJE TUBJOSFNPWFST :HFDQKHOS ,I\RX¶UHKDYLQJWURXEOHSD\LQJ\RXU3*:ELOORUIDFLQJ WHUPLQDWLRQFDOOWRGD\,I\RXTXDOLI\\RXFDQ KDYH\RXUVHUYLFHUHVWRUHGRUDYRLGWHUPLQDWLRQRU SURSHUW\OLHQV QFUDPMMBSTTQSBZ BVUPCPEZSFQBJS QSPEVDUT ESBJOTFQUJDUBOL DMFBOFST USBOTNJTTJPO¿VJE 0-%$0.165&34.0/*5034DPOUBJOQPUFOUJBMMZIB[BSEPVT FMFNFOUTXIFOEJTQPTFEPGJOUIFUSBTI#3*/(505)*4&7&/5 UJMFBOEPWFODMFBOFS -"5&91"*/5JTOPUIB[BSEPVT%0/05#3*/(505)*4&7&/5 %PCSJOHZPVSMFGUPWFSPJMCBTFEQBJOUTUPBMM))8&WFOUT SPP¾OHUBS "TFSWJDFPGUIF4BOJUBUJPO%JWJTJPOPGUIF4USFFUT%FQBSUNFOUPG1IJMBEFMQIJB 1IJMBEFMQIJB4USFFUTDPN .JDIBFM"/VUUFS.BZPS $MBSFOB*85PMTPO4USFFUT$PNNJTTJPOFS $BSMUPO8JMMJBNT%FQVUZ$PNNJTTJPOFS 4&1FOOTZMWBOJB3FHJPOBM))81SPHSBN 'VOEFEJOQBSUCZUIF1FOOTZMWBOJB%FQBSUNFOUPG&OWJSPONFOUBM1SPUFDUJPO MFBEQSPEVDUT DIFNJDBMGFSUJMJ[FS QPPMQIPUP DIFNJDBMT PUIFSIB[BSEPVTJUFNT +HOSLVDYDLODEOHDWZZZSJZRUNVFRPRURQHRI 3*:¶V&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH&HQWHUV 4 May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY “Specializing In All STYLES” Blessed Hairitage Beauty Center 5313 W. Thompson St. 267-997-0145 “Enhancing Beauty Already Within” Cee's Spring Specials Waves $15 French Roll $25 New Customers WBC $25 Only Mon. - Sat. 9:30 - 6 Albert W. Christy Recreation Center Day Camp 56th & Christian Streets DAY CAMP REGISTRATION Monday-Friday • 3PM - 7PM Camp Begins: July 6 Ends: August 13 Complementary and Alternative Medicine “Natural Cures!” “Alternative Treatments!” You’ve heard the rumors, seen the infomercials, maybe even read the books; but, as an older adult managing your health care, how can you make an informed and educated decision about alternative medicine and non-traditional treatments? Get the facts on this timely and relevant topic. This one hour program will provide information concerning Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) options in the treatment of common medical conditions. The program will also explore the benefits and limitations of the most widely used forms of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, so older adults can make informed decisions related to Literacy, Tutoring At St. Joseph’s St. Joseph Baptist church, 224-50 N. 54th St, the corner of 54th & Vine, is conducting a Literacy Programs and is an official Literacy Site approved by the city. We have tutors who are trained by the Mayors Commission on Literacy and are ready to help you learn to READ. Each person will work one-on-one with a tutor to improve his or her reading skills. Fellowship Supper Please contact 4th Tuesday of Each Month • Ms. Roxanne Will4-6:30 PM iams at 267-577-4474 On May 25, this month's guest to register. This prospeaker is Rev. Dr. Marcia Buttsgram is open to EVSchwartz. Her topic: Preparing ERYONE. for the Inevitable Open to the Community Fellowship Christian Storms Church, 6101 W. Oxford St. Drop Off Time: 9AM Pick-up: 3PM •Inquire about extended hours COST $150 Hallelujah Beauty Salon 248 S. 56th Street (Includes cost of all trips) (Must be money order or certified check) For more info: 215-685-1934 Mt. Olive Food Giveaway (Corner of 56th & Locust Sts.) Appt Welcome 215-748-9910 RELAXER SPECIAL Conditioner & Trim $50 & up I'm Getting My Start At Woodbine Academy WAVE NOVEAU CURL $65 & UP • 2-STRAND TWIST • SISTER LOCKS • PRESS & CURL • BLOW DRY & CURL • ROD SET • & ALL TYPES OF HAIR WEAVES It is widely known that the better start your child has, the more successful he or she will be in life. It is also widely known that you can't buy a better start for your child than preschool at Woodbine Academy. You don't have to look "Across City Avenue" to find a good preschool for your child. At Woodbine Academy, we have the expertise, the experience ane the commitment to give your child the kind of preschool experience you are looking for, at a cost you can afford. For an appointment or for more information, call 215-878-1140. Individual Eyelash Extension Christian Atmosphere Having Your Child's Birthday Party at Home? All City Self Storage Need storage? When you move in you get. Free Truck and Driver or Free Month Rent Mlanjeni Magical Theater PACKAGES START AT $40 Discover Your Music Talent!! Al's Music Service can help you reach your goal For details: (215) 382-0863 215-471-1002 5500 Sansom Street Open 7 Days - Great Rates Celebrate Father’s Day At Dover Downs Casino Sunday • June 20, 2010 879-3186 CALL TODAY (215) KEYBOARD INSTRUCTION SPECIALIZING IN GOSPEL MUSIC Hours : Mon.,Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9am-9pm; Wed 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-3pm Voice, Bass, Drums, Violin, Music Theory & Guitar Instruction WHY AL's MUSIC: • Teachers who play & sing Gospel • Rrecitals FREE for family and Friends • Banquets, Weddings & Funeral Services • Classes at your church • Reasonable Rates Ask about our Computer Classes We Also Accept: Food will be given out on Saturday, May 22 from 12 noon to 2:30 PM at the church, 5501 Locust St. Call Magic Show, Puppets, Face-Painting, Fun and Balloon Animals for everyone! 5337 WYNNEFIELD AVE. • PHILA., PA 19131 • (215) 878-1140 the nontraditional treatment of medical conditions. This program is sponsored by Philadelphia Corporation for Aging and presented by Penn Nursing Consultation Services. The program will be held at Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library 125 South 52nd Street,, on Thursday, May 27, 2010 @ 11:00 a.m. Don’t miss this informative program! For more information call 215-685-7433. R/T Motor Coach • Casino Cash Dollars • All U Can Eat Father’s Buffet, including Sea Food Buffet • Cocktails and Refreshments enroute • Gifts for Dads • Father Son/Daughter Tribute • All are Welcome “Mothers” Too • Shopping on your own near the Casino Groups 12 (1) Goes Free Cost Per Person $59.00 STRESS FREE TRAVEL, INC. DEBIT CARD 5119 Pine St., Suite #1 • 476-0983 (215) May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY ?Wcfh[fWh[Z$ ?^Wl[jeX[$ ?mekbZd[l[hb[Wl[j^[^eki[m_j^ekjadem_d] m^[h[?mWi]e_d]$7dZ?mekbZd[l[hZeiec[j^_d]Wi_cfehjWdj Wilej_d]m_j^ekjÒhij]e_d]jeLej[iF7$Yec$ Fh[fWh[dem$=[jWbbj^[_d\ehcWj_edoekd[[Zje cWa[ikh[oekhle_Y[_i^[WhZ$L_i_jLej[iF7$Yec ehYWbb'#.--#LEJ;IF7'#.--#.,.#)--($ 5 6 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY ing down Fifth Avenue in protest against lynching in the South. He went on to tell me that her father, Teddy, was suppose to have connections with the fame gangster Dutch Schultz. Sadly, Ms. Horne's’ father walked out on his wife and her in 1920. But, her mother had her own dreams and decided to move to Harlem where she would join the Lafayette Stock Company, a theatrical touring group promoting black artists, who among them was the magnificent actor/singer/ human rights fighter Paul I first became aware of Robeson (who lived in West Lena Horne when I saw her Philadelphia during his final in the motion pictures, “Cabin days in seclusion). In The Sky,” (1942) starring Ethel Waters, Eddie RochesLena Horne would join ter Anderson, Duke Ellington the mike chorus of the Cotton and his Orchestra, Louis Club at the age of 16 and Armstrong along with a great became a nightclub performer supporting cast and “Stormy before moving to Hollywood Weather,” (1943) starring Ms where she had small parts in Horne, Bill “Bojangles’ numerous movies before getRobinson and Cab Calloway ting her break in "‘Cabin in and his band. the Sky,” and “Stormy And I would learn more Weather.” about Lena Horne from a Regrettably due to the neighbor in West Philadel- ‘Red Scare’ and her left-leanLena Horne made her phia (where I once lived from ing political views, Ms.Horne first Broadway appearance in 1960’s thru. 1973). He told found herself blacklisted and the musical production of “Ja- me that Lena Mary Calhoun unable to get work in Hollymaica,” in 1957 (It’s interest- Horne was born in a small wood in the 1950s. She would ing to note that actor Ricardo Jewish hospital in Brooklyn, return to her roots as a nightMontalban had returned to on June 30, 1917 and that club performer. In August 1963, Broadway to be Ms.Horne’s during that summer there where 10,000 blacks marchMs.Horne took part in the leading man in this musical March on Washington, and continued to work as a perVanilla Extract 11 oz .................$14.99 former, both in nightclubs as well as television, and she Black Pepper 6 oz .....................$8.99 went on to receive well acWhite Cream Liniment 11 oz ....$12.99 cept albums from her fans. Menthol Camphor Ointment In March 1980, Lena 4.13 oz ....$9.99 Horne announced her retireYou can purchase products with VISA • Master Card • ment. Then of course the next AMEX • Money Order • Personal Checks year she would starred in her Watkins Distribution Center one-woman revue show. 215-753-8000 There is no question from my viewpoint that Lena We Deliver All Over Philadelphia Horne, 92, was an electrifying performer who shattered racial boundaries by changing the way Hollywood presented black women and who enjoyed a six-decade singing career on stage, television and in films. She was considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, came to the attention of Hollywood in 1942. She was the first black woman to sign a meaningful long-term contract with a major studio, a contract that said she would never have to play a maid! Lena Horne’s influence and inspired the black women who followed her, starting with actress Dorothy Dandridge in the 1950s and given an exclamation mark by Halle Berry, who after winning her 2001 best actress Oscar for “Monster’s Ball,” called Ms. Horne “an inspiration!.” Nederlander Theatre in 1981. The play opened on May “I REMEMBER LENA” 12, 1981, and after 333 performances closed on June 30, 1982, Ms. Horne’s 65th birthEntertainment Correspondent day. She then would tour the Lena Horne: Singer-Acshow in the U.S. and Canada, tress-Civil Rights Activist and in London and and Show business PhenomStockholm in the Summer of enon died on Sunday, May 1984. She also would return 09 at the age of 92 years old at to recording albums and perNew York City’s Presbyteform sporadically into the rian Hospital. 1990’s. My late best friend, Ed Now folks, I have never “Alfred” Williams (once a forgotten Lena Horne’s onecontributing entertainment woman show, she was elecwriter for the Westside trifying and sensational. She Weekly in 1989 ) and I had delivered an unforgettable the pleasure of seeing this show— legendary and electrifying (If any of you would like performer give a stellar oneto experience what Ed Willwoman show entitled Lena iams and I had seeing Lena Horne “The Lady And Her Lena Horne (picture from “The Horne in the peak of her caMusic,” on Broadway at the Lady And Her Music” 1981 reer in a performance of a selection from her musical revue show and accepting her WE CARE ABOUT YOUR HAIR special Tony Award for her one-woman show; go into web site: YouTube.Com. Video-Lena Horne: The lady and Her Music-Tony Awards Presentations 301 Cobbs Creek Pkwy 1981.) By Don Smallwood Queen’s Unique Hair Design 474-1537 (215) Spring Savings Queen's Specials Relaxer, Blow Curl, Cond., Ends Trim……..$55 Press -n- Curl, Ponytails, Cond.………..…...$40 Shampoo -n- Braids, Cond.…Ext Hair Extra… …$55 SENIOR CITIZEN Wednesday & Thursday (55 yrs. & Older) Relaxer, Blow Curl Partial Quick Weave Cap w/ Ponytail Option Spiral Twist w/ Spike Flip No Maintenance Up Do (Hair Included) Friday & Saturday Specials Whole Weave………………………………………….$95 Weave Cap…………………………………………….$65 May 14 - 20, 2010 and was the only white man in the cast. Montalban received a Tony Award Nomination for Best Actor. The producers had considered Sidney Poitier to be Lena Horne’s leading man, before they discovered that he could not sing. In an interview with New York media in either 1967 or 1969, Ms. Horne commented that she would like to costar in a motion picture with Sidney Poitier - “But not as his mother!....His love interest!” Yes, she was a sassy lady. May 14 - 20, 2010 7 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY 5)*456&4%":ŗĕŗŗŗ7"/&44"#308/ 164 #655 ) 0/ 6>iÃÃ> -Ì>ÌiÊ,i«ÀiÃiÌ>ÌÛi ÀÜ 803,*/(ŗ $0..6/*5: 164 5)*456&4%":ŗĕŗŗŗ7"/&44"#308/ #655 ) 0/ ŗĕŗŗŗŗ 0/"OX 0HILADELPHIA0! 5.)/. -Ì>ÌiÊ,i«ÀiÃiÌ>ÌÛiÊ 6>iÃÃ>ÊÀÜ õþôŗŗ 803,*/(ŗŗŗ$0..6/*5: 6ANESSA"ROWNALWAYSlGHTSTOMAKESUREOUR CHILDRENRECEIVEAPROPEREDUCATIONSOTHEYCAN SUCCEED 7HEN(ARRISBURGWANTEDTOCUTEDUCATIONFUNDING 6ANESSAWASONTHEFRONTLINESULTIMATELYGETTING ANINCREASEINFUNDINGFORBASICEDUCATIONAND MAKINGSURETHATSTATEFUNDEDDAYCARECENTERSIN OURCOMMUNITYWILLALWAYSSTAYOPEN 6ANESSA"ROWNISFOCUSEDONBRINGINGJOBSBACKTO OURCOMMUNITY 6ANESSA"ROWNISAPASSIONATEADVOCATEFOROUR COMMUNITY 6ANESSAISWORKINGFORGREATEROPPORTUNITIESFOR MINORITYWOMENOWNEDBUSINESSESENSURING THATTHEYGETTHEIRFAIRSHAREOFSTATECONTRACTS !DDITIONALLYEARLIERTHISYEARSHEBROUGHTNEW PERMANENTJOBSINTOOURCOMMUNITY 6ANESSAWORKEDTOBRINGMILLIONINSTATEMONEY FORIMPROVEMENTSTO3PECTRUM(EALTH3ERVICESAND TOTHE3MITH0LAYGROUNDAND0LAYHOUSE4HISMONEY WILLBEUSEDTOGIVEUSACCESSTOLOWCOSTORFREE MEDICALSERVICESANDMAKEABETTERSAFERPLACE FOROURCHILDRENTOPLAY 164) / 0 #655 0AIDFORBY&RIENDSTO%LECT6ANESSA"ROWN!NTHONY$AVIS4REASURER 5)*456&4%":ŗĕŗŗŗ7"/&44"#308/ 8 May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY THE ANTI-CANCER ‘QUACK’ SALAD Psart 1 of 2 By Yahimba Uhuru [email protected] PEACE AND GOOD HEALTH TO EVERYONE! This salad was created by Dr. James Duke, head of the USDA’s Germplasm Resource Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, and revised by John Heinerman, author of Heinerman’s New Encyclopedia of Fruits and Vegetables. I have tried it and the ingredients it contains does not surprise me that it is an anticancer salad. Use all organic ingredients if possible. You will need: • 1 cup washed, unpeeled, raw, grated red beet, handful of unsalted, chopped walnuts, • 3/4 cup of diced celery, • 1 cup washed, snipped endive, • 1 medium to large washed, unpeeled, and sliced cucumber, • 1/4 tsp. cumin, • 1 tbsp. flaxseeds. • 1 peeled, chopped garlic clove, pinch of cayenne pepper, • 1/2 peeled, chopped white onion, handful of shelled, chopped, peanuts or pecans (not canned, salted, or candied), • 1/2 tsp. of sage, 2 medium-sized washed, and quartered ripe tomatoes. Lightly toss everything together until thoroughly mixed. Make the dressing by adding 1/4 tsp. kelp powder and 1 finely minced garlic clove and 2 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Mix well and pour over salad.All the ingredients in will live up to its name. Make it and share with a friend. Until next week, stay healthy, stay wise, and share the knowledge! Much Love, Yahimba Free Breast Cancer Exams at Mercy to successfully treating breast cancer. This is a free screening, but appointments are necessary. For an appointment and more information, please call 215.748.9700. Mercy Philadelphia Hospital will hold free Breast Cancer Screenings for uninsured women on Wednesday, May 26. The screenings will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Mercy Philadelphia Hospital, 501 So. 54th Street. This Breast Health Program is for women age 40 and above who do not have insurance or who have health insurance that does not cover screening mammography. The program consists of a clinical breast examination, breast health education including SBE (Self Breast WE CAN HELP. Examination) instructions, screening mammography and follow-up. Early detection, through mammogram screenings and education, is the key CAREGIVERS FORUM Saturday • May 22• 10 – 3PM If you are a caregiver of the aged or disabled you are invited to get strength for the journey. Where do I turn when Mother doesn’t want to bathe? Dad won’t sleep at night and is up wandering around. My siblings won’t lend a hand or give a dime. HIV/AIDS? Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. Our expert counselors provide the free support you need to kick the habit and start living SmokeFree. (215) 683-LIVE this salad are anti-cancer ingredients. In next week’s Westside Weekly, I will give you information on each ingredient. It is a powerful salad that y Complete Confidentiality For your Medications, Please come to: Sun Ray Drug Store A message from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health and the PA Department of Health Glenn A. Brown, DMD Dental Director ABOUT YOUR SMILE P.C. t ccep We A rances Insu Most t ccep We A rom Your F ist rrals Refe eral Dent n e G New ts Patien e m o c Wel 60th & Ludlow 52nd & Walnut 215-474-4550 215-474-4615 50th & Baltimore 56th & Market 215-748-1000 215-474-1700 We Accept All ProCare Patients University Square Dental Associates Shari T. Leavitt, D.M.D. DENTISTRY IN A RELAXED ATMOSPHERE 6776 MARKET STREET, UPPER DARBY, PA 19082 (610) 734-0115 Celebrating 25 Years of Service to the Community Your Car Gets An Exam Every Year. Shouldn’t Your Children’s Eyes, Too? Have Them Examined Thoroughly By DR. BERNARD KUSHNER OPTOMETRIST 6103 Lansdowne Ave. West Phila., PA CALL 215-877-6688 FOR APPOINTMENTS INSURANCE AND CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED (215) 662-1030 3901 Market St. Most Insuranc es (next to Presbyterian Hospital) I am worn out and need a break. Am I the only one going through this? Come, get some answers and be encouraged. You may bring your caregivee. Registration Required Donation$10 per caregiver RSVP: [email protected] Questions: e-mail to: [email protected] First Colored Wesley Methodist Church, 17th & Fitzwater Sts. Rev. Charles Fenwick, Pastor Mercy FREE Stroke Tests Wednesday, May 19 The screenings will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Center Hall located on the first floor of Mercy Philadelphia Hospital, 501 South 54th Street. This community healthcare program will include blood pressure and stroke risk factor reduction screening in the hopes of people becoming more aware of their personal risk factors and making appropriate lifestyle changes that can make a difference in their health. This is a free screening – no appointments are necessary. For more information, please call 215.748.9592. Distinctive Diva 5629 Spruce Street 215-474-5622 NEW YEARSPECIALS SPECIALS SPRING Weave Caps $50 • Sew-in Weaves $70 Ponytails $35 • Waves $16 Relaxers $30 & up • Press & Curl $27 Jerry Curl $35 & up Monday thru Thurs ONLY Walk-Ins Welcome Appointments Appreciated Open Monday to Saturday 9 - 6 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY May 14 - 20, 2010 9 U-City Lady Jaguars Show True Grit Six Week Floral Arrangement Course Learn to make FloralArrangements • Bridal Boquets Floral Decor and much More Come to our Open House /Registration Saturday May 22, 2010 Time 12 noon to 5pm Overbrook Art Center 61st & Lancaster Avenue Call 215-473-3581 or 215-879-7770 for more information By Tyree Johnson Editor/Publisher The Overbrook batter tips the ball in front of the University City catcher who scurries to pick it up and toss it to the second baseman - who throws it to the first baseman. It’s a clean 1 - 6 - 3 put out. It was like the famous Evers to Tinker to Chance put outs. A loud roar of approval erupts from the U-City team. And when the game ended with U-City Lady Jaguars out clawing the Overbrook Lady Panthers with a 13-7 victory in their softball contest, the U-City girls staged a frenzy celebration. They embraced each other. They poured a thermos full of juice onto their coaches. They flailed their arms and screamed happily. Did they make the playoffs? Did they win their division? Did they win the championship? Well... No... The U-City girls won their first game. “It was a big win,” said U-City coach Rebecca Moore, whose team had lost its first seven games before the Overbrook victory. “They’re an amazing group,” added Moore, a rookie coach. “They continued to hang in there. They worked together. They had to handle losing seven straight games and yet, they kept coming back.” Yes, added the coach, these girls showed perseverance - a quality embedded in their character that will ensure them success throughout their lives. “They didn’t give up,” said the coach. Indeed. This is what sports and after-school activities do for our kids. It’s not the winning that is important, but how these youngsters played a game - that can bring out the best and worst in an individual. Not many people will remember much about this Overbrook/U-City game except those who were involved in it. And for some, the seniors, this may be the last time they will be involved in any competitive sports. Cherish the memories. P.S. As predicted by the Overbrook coach, his lady panthers did make the playoffs. FREEDELIVERYTOALLBUSINESSES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 11AM TO 3 PM MINIMUM $5.00 DELIVERY EVERY DAY SPECIALS 2 Lg. Pizza with Topping 2 Ltr. Soda $19.99 + tax 2 Lg. Cheese Pizzas & 2 Lt. Soda $16.50 + tax 2 Small Pizzas Any Topping & 2 Lt. Soda $13.99 + Tax 10 Buffalo Wings Sm. Salad, Can Soda $7.99 + tax Any Order Over $50 Free Small Pizza Chicken Finger Plt. OrSpec. Platter, Can Soda Any Dessert $9.99 + tax Any Order Over $60 Free Medium Pizza 2 Lg. Cheese Pizzas 2 Cheeseburgers, 20 Buffalo Wings 2 Lt. Soda $37.99 + tax Any Order Over $80 Free Large Pizza Any 2 Medium Pizzas With One Topping $15.99 + tax 646 So. 55th St. Corner of 55th & Catharine Sts Any 2 Lg. Spec. Pizza & 2 Lt. Soda $25.00 + tax All Our Producs 100% Beef Two Medium Plain Pizzas $10.99 + Tax 2 Cheese Steaks 2 French Fries & 15 Buffalo Wings $15.99 + Tax Football Package 2 Lg. Cheese Pizzas 50 Buffalo Wings 2 French Fries & 2 Lt. Soda $35.99 + Tax Your Choice of Any 2 Strombolis $12.99 + Tax Family Package 2 Med. Plain Pizzas 20 Buffalo Wings & 2 Lt. Soda $17.95 + tax 2 Lg. 16" Square Plain Pizzas $13.99 + Tax LUNCH SPECIALS Any Two Hoagies 2 Can Sodas, 2 Chips $9.99 + Tax 2 Cheeseburger Platters 2 Can Sodas Free $10.50 + Tax 2 Mini Hoagies 2 Chips, 2 Can Sodas $6.99 + Tax 2 Cheesesteaks Platter Free 2 Can Sodas $11.90 + Tax Any Two Sandwich Platters & 2 Can Sodas $9.99 + Tax Mini Chicken Steak Platters & Can Soda $5.00 + Tax Cheesesteak Platter Cheese Burger Platter Free 2 Can Sodas $12.00 + Tax Any Grilled Sandwich Plater & 1 Can Soda $7.99 + Tax 2 Mini Steaks, 2 Chips 2 Can Sodas $7.50 + Tax Mini Steak Platter Can Soda $4.50 + Tax Any Wrap, Can Soda & Chips $5.99 + Tax Club Sandwich, Can Soda Any Choice of Dessert $7.50 + Tax Small Pizza, Can Soda Any Choice of Dessert $7.50 + Tax Small Pizza, Can Soda French Fries $6.75 + Tax 10 May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY Help Us Get Out the Vote on May 18th The May 18th Primary ballot will be full, including races for Governor, U.S. Senate, U.S Representatives, state senators, state reps and state and city committee people. “It can be a daunting thing walking into a voting booth to see an endless list of candidates you don’t recognize,” said Leah Pillsbury, Director of Civic Programs at the Committee of Seventy. “The only way to vote quickly and smartly is to know what you are doing when you go in there,” she continued. The Committee of Seventy is a nonpartisan organization conducting a permanent campaign for clean and efficient government, fair elections and informed citizens. See for more info. Seventy provides the following voter resources leading up to and on Election Day: * Polling Place Locator: Using Seventy’s Online Citizen’s Guide at voters can easily find their polling place and political districts. The same information is available over the phone at 1-866-268-8603. * Election Day Hotline: By calling 1866-Our-Vote on Election Day, voters across the state can report problems and have their questions answered by trained, nonpartisan volunteers. * Ballot Questions: Philadelphia voters will vote on four ballot questions. Seventy especially urges voters to vote “Yes” on ballot question #3 to abolish the embattled Board of Revision of Taxes. Full information about the four ballot questions is available at ballotquestions. All voters, regardless of affiliation are able to vote on ballot questions. * Voter Protection Program: On Election Day, Committee of Seventy’s Voter Protection Program puts trained volunteers at the polling places across the city on Election Day. These volunteers are ready to answer your questions about Election policies and procedures, and help direct your concerns to Team Leaders and to our offices. “The May 18th Primary Election is an important election for many reasons. On the one hand we’ve got high profile races at the state level and on the other, neighbors running against each other in each precinct for committee person,” Pillsbury observed. “Seventy’s goal is to make sure every eligible voter is prepared and can fairly cast their vote on Election Day.” CARPET CLEANING CALL TODAY! 1-800-244-7071 TOLL FREE Covance Becote Diabetes and Wound Care Patient Fully Licensed & Insured All Work Guaranteed 100% Residential & Commercial Mercy Starts With Me “ Mercy Philadelphia saved my leg.” I had a small cut on my foot that I couldn’t feel because of numbness in my feet from my diabetes. I kept on walking and that little sore led to a full-blown infection. It set into my toes and they had to be removed. I was told the infection had spread and I would lose my leg from the knee down. I was terribly depressed and couldn’t imagine a quality life. Then my doctor recommended the Center for Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine at Mercy Philadelphia Hospital. It changed my life! At Mercy Philadelphia, I underwent hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The staff explained that the pressurized chamber speeds up the healing process. They also assured me that if I did my part in monitoring my diabetes, that I would have a strong chance to save my leg. I’m happy to report that my leg was saved! I made the right choice in Mercy Philadelphia Hospital. 215.748.9000 Mercy Wound Care Center and Diabetes Program The Center for Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine offers: • Multidisciplinary team of specialists • 4 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chambers • Sterile, safe environment • 90% Healing Rate for otherwise healthy patients with non-healing wounds • Prevention of possible limb loss Our Diabetes Education Program provides: • Individualized counseling services • Outpatient instruction • Sessions led by RNs certified in Diabetes Education WWW.HOMEROOMCARPET.COM SERVICES INCLUDED: • Carpet Cleaning • Upholstery Cleaning • New Carpet • Expert Installation • Carpet Repairs/Stretching • Protector • Pet Order Control/Sanitizer • Bleach Repair • Red Stain Removal • Flood Restoration Cleaning Includes: Deodorizer & PreTreatment Whole Sofa 2 Rooms 2 Rooms Stairs & Hall LoveSeat House $69 $149 $99 $99 Up to 1200 sqft May 14 - 20, 2010 June 14th to August 27th 6100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA. 19139 215-474-1484 7:00AM - 5:00 PM THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY ONLY $95 per week 11 June 21st to August 27th 639 E. Church Lane Philadelphia, PA. 19144 215-848-1800 7:00AM - 5:00 PM At Least 1 Trip per week Breakfast • Lunch • & Snack Provided We Believe in Raising the Bar As always, we will be offering easy-going summer time mornings where your child has Bible, arts and crafts, games, computers, sports, or the chance to make new friends. We will be offering out-of-doors summer afternoons where your child can have swimming, arts and crafts, basketball, baseball, playing games. And we are offering a trip every week to explore other fun-filled spots in the area. Bible Training is very important at Kids' World even during the summer. Bible study helps teach the children about God, morals, and values. They will be better equipped to handle life and become well rounded morally, socially, spiritually and academically. To get your kids started on the right track, enroll them for sound Christian teaching and guidance at: Kids' World Christian Education Center/ Tuition Prices Our mission is, as always, to keep our fees as low as possible in order to maintain our well-earned reputation for being an affordable summer care option. Tuition $95.00 per week Summer Camp T-Shirts $12.00 (Required for Camp) Register before June 30th -- $50 After June 30th -- $70 After July 12th -- $85 Chestnut Street Package #1 Pay up front $1,245 Package #2 1st Payment $622.50 Due by June 1st 2nd Payment $622.50 Due by June 18th Strong in Bible Education Strong in Academic Education Strong in Fun 12 May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY Bible Way Baptist Church Congratulates Pastor Damone B. Jones, Sr. Senior Pastor, Bible Way Baptist Church Doctor of Ministry in Renewal of the Church for Mission Palmer Theological Seminary Join us for a special service followed by Congratulatory reception Heidi Banks, daughter of Barbara Banks-Williams and Walter Williams; and Dwayne Broxton, son of Andrew and Hazel Broxton will unite in Holy Matrimony on June 5, 2010, 1pm at the United Methodist Church of Bala Cynwyd. It is truly a West Philadelphia love story when you speak about Dwayne and Heidi. Two natives of West Philadelphia went to the same grade school, Samuel B. Huey Elementary school; little did they know that they would one day come together as man and wife. The two met in a local West Philadelphia church and became great friends. Besides their love for Christ, they share a love for people, ministry, and the game of basketball which Heidi developed from her brother, Eugene L. Banks, Jr. Gloria Manning: Mother of the Year 2010 By: Mary Ann Pinkney The word “mother” appears in the Bible 300 times. And, Gloria Manning is a Christian woman who is Mother of the Year 2010 at New Spirit Community Presbyterian Church, 58th and Chester Ave. Ms. Manning is richly blessed with three successful adult children and nine grandchildren. She did an excellent job raising her children – one is a doctor, one did research at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and one goes to school to be a registered nurse. A widow, she is a retired residential counselor for mental health. “I have been blessed,” said Ms. Manning. “God gave me a wonderful husband and called him home early. I have three children I am proud of. My grandchildren are a lifesaver. I love serving the Lord. He has blessed my family and me. I am happy serving Him and I love my church.” Her advice for mothers is “spend time with your children. Listen to what they are saying. Always check the Internet. Start them with Sunday school at an early age.” Congratulations, Gloria Manning; may you have many more years of marvelous motherhood. Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:00 A.M. Bible Way Baptist Church 1323 N. 52n d Street Philadelphia, PA 19131 St. Cyprian Catholic School 6225 Cedar Avenue Where Catholic Education + Academic Excellence = Excellence in Catholic Education! • Kindergarten -- 8th Grade • Computer Technology Instruction • Wilson Reading Program • Music and Theatre Instruction • Beacon afterschool program • Discipline, hard work, and respect for others are core values • Students become life long learners and are well prepared for high school • 2008 -- 2009 Graduating Class received $24,840 in scholarships for high school. Please Join us for our Open Houses: May 14th, 21st & 28th Get to know us in 30 minutes every Friday starting April 9th from 9am-3pm Please call to make an appointment: 215-748-4450 Re-Elect JIM ROEBUCK -25 years of faithful service working for you -Chairman of the PA House Education Committee -Passionate advocate for public education -Nationally recognized expert on early childhood education -Leader in fight to curb high school drop-outs -Innovative backer of Call Me Mister mentoring-scholarships -Active member of Legislative Black Caucus -Supporter of outreach programs for seniors -Member of executive committee of Council of State Governments Eastern Region Conference -Harvard Leaders in Government Seminar -Trustee of Community College of Philadelphia -Board member of PHEAA, the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency -Leader in fight to preserve Civil War Museum collection District Office: 4712 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia ¥ TEL 215-724-2227 Paid for by Friends of Jim Roebuck May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY 13 Now Accepting New Customers & Transfers From All Pharmacies We also accept Medicare D Plans • Aetna • Future Scrips • & Many Others Visit our Stores • You will be pleased with our service 50th & BALTIMORE 52ND & WALNUT 142 S. 52nd St. • Phila., PA 19139 215-748-1000 PLAY HERE; GET PAID HERE DAILY & SCRATCH OFF TICKETS 215-474-4615 Fax: 215-476-9821 PLAY HERE; GET PAID HERE DAILY & SCRATCH OFF TICKETS 60th & LUDLOW 215-474-4550 56th & MARKET Fax: 215-474-4551 215-474-1700 DIABETES? FREE Ascentia Monitor! FREE Wallet COME IN FOR DETAILS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST ATTENTION! MOMS Bring Your Kid's Prescription to Sun Ray. This coupon good for one FREE Coloring Book and Crayons while supplies last. BRING IN CURRENT Rx VIALS FOR AN EASY TRANSFER Health Partners • Keystone Mercy • Americhoice All Insurances Accepted • Workman’s Compensation! Welcome All Bravo Health Clients 14 May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY Phillies Playin’ Charlie Ball, Fans Warming Up To A Winner Charlie’s Law Manager Charlie Manuel talked about his team and when they’re playing good baseball. “I’ve always been one of those guys who managed in the minor leagues,” said Manuel, “If I can beat you by 20- 30 runs, I’m gonna do it. And if you can beat me, go right ahead. You either play hard or you’ll die. And also, I always tell my guys on this ball club that the fans come here and they want to see us play. ” Adding to his premise of playing good baseball, Manuel stated that, “when you’re hitting the ball and scoring runs, you’ll play better defense, catch the ball, you got more zip in your step and bigger smiles. Everything GARAGES/RENT HELP WANTED 2XX South Ithan St.; Large 3-Bdrm, nice kitchen/bath, new flooring, yard. $750/ mo + Utils. Precise Realty. 215-755-9133. Large garage for commercial or personal use located off Cobbs Creek on South 61st Street. Call 215-7477013 or 215-868-1167. SELL AVON New Reps Wanted. Earn $$ for spending in new year. Call 1-888-830-AVON. (Ind. S/s Reps & Recruiters) 3-Bdrm House. $700/mo . 215-284-4672 or 215-3844944. Mt. Carmel Baptist Church has four (4) enclosed garages for $65.00 per month. Location: 57XX Cherry St. Call: 215-748-0882. 69XX Woodland Ave. Spacious 1-Bdrm Apt. $600/mo + Utils. Call for appt. 267586-9586. Overbrook area. 215-3700967. 1-Bdrm Apt with kitchen, living room, Priv bath near 58th & Osage. $450/mo + Utils. Call 215-476-0529. Efficency near 50th & Market area. 3rd Floor. $400/ mo + Utils. $1,000 to move in. 215-910-0029. Great 1-Bdrm Apt., living room, kitchen, basement, large back yard. Near 64th & Buist Ave.; $650 Call 267574-1518. ROOMS/RENT Rooms/Efficency For Rent. Call 267-408-7808. West Phila. Section. Nice room for rent. $115/wk. 215370-0967 or 267-266-7078 Single occupancy Only. Daily Rental Available. 267339-9839. West Phila. Area. Quiet furnished rooms close to bus station. $95-$120/wk. 215820-1230. West Phila. Section. Nice room for rent. $115/wk. 215370-0967 or 267-266-7078. Room for Rent. $100/wk. 215-284-4672 or 215-3844944. SALON/RENT Cobbs Creek Area. Be your own boss and rent a unisex beauty salon with 4-seats. All utiL included. License Beauticians and Barbers Only. Info 215-748-5250. HELP WANTED Are You Tired of Being BROKE! Paid weekly. No exp required. 1-800-9408948. FOR KIDS/CLOWNS Ms. Mary Ann The Clown. Magic, Face Painting, Children’s Parties. 19 years experience. Call after 5 PM 215-747-5248. Church Space/Rent Modern Center City Philadelphia Location Audio Visual Ready Available Sundays & Tuesdays Sundays - 1 PM - 3:30 PM 5 M - 9 PM Tuesdays 6PM - 9PM 1-800- 594-0691 Ext. 1 COMMERICAL PROPERTY Market Street Commercial store prime location next to 63rd St. Market St. El. Approximately 800 Sq.Ft. perfect for Sandwich/Coffee shop or retail business. Interested call 215-7477013 or 215-868-1167. HELP WANTED Experience Housekeeper. West Philly. Car a plus. P/T 10 AM-4 PM. Background check. Send short resume to: Ms. Jones. P.O. Box 28695; Phila., PA. 19151 Classroom aide part-time for private school in Wynnefield. This is a temp to hire position. High school diploma and experience necessary. Must be dependable. Please call 215-878-1140. Aularale Skin Care & Cosmetics, Inc., a Black-owned company. Sales & Reps needed. 1-800-940-8948. Companies desperately need employees to assemble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly potential. Info. 1985-646-1700 DEPT PA3116. VENDING MACHINES/SALE WANTED: MED SUPPLIES Pepsi Vending machine for sale $650.00, coin operated washer & dryers, like new crown boiler oil burner cash and carry. Interested call 215-747-7013 or 215868-1167. Wanted: Diabetic Test Strips, Unopened Boxes of Freestyle, Contour, OneTouch Ultra, ACCUChek & Alpha Trak. Call Kaye @ 215-877-0629. FLEA MARKET FLEA MARKET The Mill Creek Community Flea Market will be held on Saturday June 5thand there after at: 5200 Wyalusing Ave (On the tennis courts) Mrs. Lee at 267-278-1142. CashforAntiques Are you looking for a rewarding career opportunity? Are you looking for a challenging position? Want to work at the Airport? Then look at this. The Airport is seeking a Custodial Operations Manager to lead the custodial services program, providing great customer service to the public while managing a large workforce. This is an excellent management opportunity for a highly motivated, self starting individual with excellent organizational, communication and analytical skills. This individual should also possess the ability to manage people and resources. The City of Philadelphia offers a competitive salary and outstanding benefits. For more information please visit If you are interested in this rewarding and challenging position apply by May 21, 2010 at NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Public Auction of ALL CITY SELF STORAGE, 5500 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA on May 25, 2010 at approx 12:00 PM. In accordance with the Pennsylvania State Law Self Storage Facility Act, household goods in the following units will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy operator’s lien for rent: UNIT NAME UNIT NAME Savage, Fatia Johnson, Lesha Stanley, Kenny Thomas, Cynthia 34 445 473 477 Nalerio, Maryann Baynes, Sharif Payne, Keisha Williams, Zack Ellis, Ali 485 539 565 566 990 All items may not be available at time of sale. All City Self Storage reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. Buyers must secure units with their locks and remove all items within 24 hours. CASH ONLY. Gold & Silver Coins • Gold & Silver Jewelry (Broken or Intact) • Old Furniture • China • Glassware • Dining Room and Bedroom Sets • Oriental Rugs • Old China Closets • Paintings • Old Dolls • Lionel Trains • One Piece or Estate Free Estimates Call Walt (215) 275-2048 CASH FOR YOUR HOME! NO FEES! 2 1 5- • NO HASSLES! 432-8000 Sell Your House in 9 Days APTS/RENT YOUR AD HERE REACHES 15,000 HOMES OPPORTUNITIES Discover how to sell your house “as-is” for a fair price on the date of your choice! We Buy Houses! Discover how toÉ.avoid marketing your house “for sale by owner” or through an agent, avoid becoming a landlord, eliminate the need to fix up your property to please a picky buyer, get cash in as little as 9 days and much more! Steven Washington, President Washington Investment Group, LLC Email: [email protected] Visit us today at: Office: 267-751-9352 Fax: 215-220-3497 HOUSE/RENT giving a hundred percent. Serving Philadelphia County since 2004 By Jim Brown Finally, the Philadelphia Phillies have it and the fans are happy about it. It is a winner’s attitude. Watching this year’s Phillies, one has to believe this team will be winning for the next couple of years. Amid all of the crazy press and things people want to say about our sports town, people know a winner when they see one. But as you know in Philly, we always seem to have a couple of rotten eggs that will try to spoil a good thing. Hence, the national press stories of the tasering of a fan by Philly’s finest and next night the chanting by fans to have another fan tased for his copycat stupidity for running onto the field during the game at Citizens Bank Park. One Happy Place In Philly With one World Championship and two World Series appearances recently, the expectation of winning has spread throughout the city. It’s making going to a Phillies game a social event. Fans are flocking to the stadium like they’re going to watch a rock concert and the atmosphere inside the ballpark feels just like it. They’re having record setting attendance and the joy of watching this team is becoming contagious. The truth of the matter is that the Philadelphia Phillies and their fans have “One Happy Place” when they come to the ballpark and enjoy supporting a winner. Just take for example the team’s play and fighting spirit to play hard for their fans and years ago things were being talked about our ups and about the game is bigger and downs. Now, they’re talking the pitcher has more confiabout how we’re headed in dence. Now the energy part the right direction.” of our team with guys like Victorino, Werth, Utley and With their methodical start those guys bring a lot of that of the season, the Phillies conto the yard and character to tinue to win key series early our team.” this month by beating the New York Mets, the St. Louis CarCenter fielder Shane dinals and the Atlanta Braves. Victorino expanded on the The fans continue to root for coach’s comments on when this team and receive the winthe offense is working, the ning ways of the best team in defense comes through by this town by far. saying, “It’s one thing that we do take pride in. This Listen to Jim Brown on team, we play offense, we Friday, May 14 from 8-9PM play defense and we try to do as a host/guest on the Artie everything well and we try to Clear Sports Talk Show on run the bases well. Momentum shifts, you get up there 1460AM WIFI. and things start happening. Sports writer Jim Brown You get better jumps on balls can be reach at: jbrownthefanview and ironically, it just happens that way. We just go out there and do the right thing. Two Ad positioned by request HJSR is now available for CLEANOUTS RUBBISH REMOVALS DEMOLITION WORK NO JOB TOO BIG or too small Will Move or Haul Away Just About Anything 267-357-5209 or email: [email protected] Day or Night Clean Out Specialist Rubbish Removals • Basements • Garages • Attics • Backyards • Houses Oil Tanks Removal Light Demo Fallen Tree Removal Comerical & Residental No Job TOO LARGE or too small * Free Estimates 267-816-5268 ACE'S MOVING & HAULING Whole House & Apartments Moved Furniture & Appliances Deliveries Clean Outs Basements & Backyards Light Demolition Work Rubbish & Debris Removed CALL TODAY 267-616-2024 Ron's Hauling & Cleanouts 215-432-7592 Est. 1976 CLEANOUTS Moving * Painting * Wall Papering Attics * Basements * Yards * Lite Hauling Also LONG DISTANCE HAULING to DE, MD, VA, NC, SC, FL AND NY HONEST & RELIABLE TV Louie's Moving/Hauling FREE ESTIMATES TVs • Stereos • Computers • Air Conditioners • Furniture • & Much More CLEANOUTS Property Management Services 215-989-7176 TV Louie Sells Everything Mon-Sat 10AM- 7PM Nutter’s Moving & Hauling Comp. 5314 Market St. • 215-989-7176 We Move • Haul • Cleanout Basements Houses - Offices -Buildings We Tear Down • Build Up • Clean Alleys • Mow Lawns • Trash Removal • Snow Removal • Scrap Metal • Repair Everything • Repair Main Power Service • Call Today, Don’t Wait NEW ROOF Sammy’s Concrete Senior Citizens (267) 632-1104 Discount Prices To Fit Your Budget Tile Work/Stone Facing •Glass Block Re-Cement Basement Walls •Brick •Concrete Demolition & Hauling • Stucco Footings & Foundations • Pointing Retaining Walls • Garages Basemen Walls & Floors • Car Ports Owner Operated with Over 20 Years Experience Call Anytime Tru Moving & Hauling Service Low Rates • 24-Hour Service • Cleanout Basements • House Moving • 267-312-1922 RADIO DISPATCHED 490 FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE GUARANTEED UP TO 400 SQ. FT. AS LOW AS $5 7 CONTRACTORS Family Owned & Operated For Over 44 Years WITH COUPON Ask About Our 15 Year Guarantee • Financing Available • Siding • Doors • Windows • Free Estimates • Hot Asphalt • Rubber Roofing • Fully Insured • Hot Coating • Shingles SIDING SPECIALIST • VINYL • COMMERCIAL • ALUMINUM • RESIDENTIAL • ROOFING • DOORS / WINDOWS 215-332-6600 #3702007317 PHILA. GAS HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING AC Checkup $80 AIR CONDITIONER SALE STARTING $ AT 1695 Heater Includes • G.M.P 45 Forced Air Unit • Thermostat ST CY FA GEN E C ER VI EM SER #3702007317 Air Conditioner Includes: • 24K Condenser • 24K A Coil • Thermostat HEATER SALE STARTING AT $ 1,199 INSTALLED IN ONLY ONE DAY 215-456-1300 FRANCO CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kinds Sidewalks • Curbs • Patios • Steps, etc Brick & Stone Pointing • Stone Work Speicalist Stucco Work & Recement Basement Walls Old Walls Back to New License & Insured • Senior Discount We Will Beat Any Competitor's Price Call FRANCO 484-429-4050 LEN COTTON’S FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERING Living Room • Dining Room & Kitchen Furniture th 2301 N. 25 Street Philadelphia, PA 19132 223-3322 DYNAMIC CARPET CLEANING CO. Your Neighborhood Electrician Serving West Philly, Southwest Philly & Overbrook • Doorbells/Intercoms • Dryer/Washer Lines • A/C Lines • All Appliance Lines • 220 Lines 25% OFF WITH THIS AD 215-768-6431 WITH COUPON HOT COATS (215) ALL WORK AS LOW AS $ Owner Operated 20 Years LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED • Trouble Shooting • 100/200 Amp Service • Indoor/Outdoor Lighting • Ceiling/Exhaust Fans • Thermostat Wiring ROOFING & SIDING SALE ALL TYPES OF ROOFING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 5301-03 Market St. ELECTRIC WESTSIDE Residential Insured NO JOB TOO SMALL 15 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY May 14 - 20, 2010 Lic. #167993 Living Room, Dining Room & Stairs $ 00 Whole House Special! Sofa & Loveseat 89 169 75 920-7094 Up to 400 sq. ft. $ 00 $ 00 Up to 5 rooms (1000 sq. ft.) (215) Faster Than Word of Mouth An Ad in the Westside Weekly Reaches 15,000 Homes Every Week 16 May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY BEST ROOFING & CONTRACTORS • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Cement Work • Pointing • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Hardwood Floors • Carpet • Painting H.J.S.R. ROOFING & PLUMBING Your Full-Service Home Improvement Specialist! Over 40 Years Experience • Fully Insured Residential • Commercial • Industrial •General Carpentry •Electrical •Plumbing •Kitchens/Bathrooms/Basements •Windows/Doors Installation •Interior/Exterior Painting All Types of Roofing ~ Siding ~ Windows The Complete Home Contractor Serving All Philadelphia - Senior Discount PA016535 City#34259 $ 100 OFF (Pl hi SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT WE FIX: Toilets • Sinks • Tubs • Bathroom Repairs • New Sewer Lines • Hot Water Heaters • House Heaters • All Types of Plumbing Repairs 215-338-2608 ACTION CALL ANYTIME 24-7 FREE ESTIMATES 25% Off Any Service 215-634-1616 NEW ROOFS ROOFING LICENSED & INSURED GENERAL CONTRACTOR Lic. #G60347, 000423, 002752 $495 as low as •Property Clean-Outs •Cement Work •24/7 Emergency Service •Handyman Jobs Welcome •Senior Discounts! •...And Much More! PA050346 For Your Free Estimate Call/Email 267-357-5209 _ [email protected] HAPPY 20th ANNIVERSARY Celebrating Our 27th Year And Sheet Metal Contractors, Inc. Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Shingles & Tearoffs • Slate & Rubber SPRING SPECIAL • Skylights • Siding Aluminum Coating • Hot Coats • Stucco • New Chimney Liners • Chimney Cleaning SERVING THE AREA • Rubber Roofs FOR OVER 20 YEARS • Roof Inspections & Certifications OWNER - ANTHONY TRAMA SPECIALIST IN HARD TO FIND LEAKS • RUBBER ROOFS • SPOUTING • SHINGLE ROOFING • 4 PLY FIBERGLASS • HOT ASPHALT ROOFS • ASK ABOUT OUR WORK GUARANTEE $300 FREE ESTIMATES • ANY REPAIR WORK RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL EMERGENCY REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES INSURED & BONDED CALL Free Estimates EMERGENCY SERVICE 215-742-0985 Lic. #000096 474-5600 OR (215)755-7578 (215) 6604 Haverford Ave., Philadelphia Overbrook - West Phila. - South Phila., - Center City A PLUS Do You Need A Roofer You Can TRUST?? Someone Who Will Make Sure Your Leak STOPS?? Deal Direct With Owner • Senior Citizen Discounts Don’t Delay, Call Roofing & Contracting, Inc. EE TES 215-988-9004 R A F RENFROW ROOFING, INC. FREE ESTIMATES (215) M TI S E Your Purchase With This Ad RUBBER ROOFS Present Coupon At Time of Purchase Not To Be Combined w/ Special As Low As $450.00* #26194 15-Yr. Guar. • Up to 500 sq. ft. Gerald Wayne Renfrow Most Rubber and Other Roof Types, Need Re-Coating, Once Every 3-5 Years Call Us Now, Your Alum./"Silver Coat" Headquarters SENIOR CITIZEN S DISCOUNTS Lic. #E78791 FAST SERVICE FAMILY-OWNED BUSINESS FOR 60 YEARS Plumbing & Drain Service Today! No Hot Water? Slow Drains? Annoying Leaks? DAY OR NIGHT $50 Off Licensed & Insured Residential & Commercial • Rubber Roofs • Asphalt Roofs • Skylights • Gutters & Downspouts • Shingle Roofs • Repairs & Coatings 472-0624 * QUALIFIED HOMEOWNERS Precision Plus • Master Plumber on Every Service Call • Your Satisfaction GUARANTEED, or it's FREE! SCD Heaters Repaired & Installed CALL TODAY 215-748-PLUS 7 5 8 7 17 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY May 14 - 20, 2010 William The Welder Will repair or build it William Acey Welder/ Fabricator/Metal Sculptor 267-616-2024 Ext/IntPainting D r y w a l l / City #27995 PAY ONLY AFTER WORK IS COMPLETED Free Estimate • 25+ Refs West Phila. Photos: Over 7-years in Westside Weekly • Room painted............................$55 Drywall repairs...........................$75 Call Bill 215-500-0355 WANTED $$Top Dollar Paid$$ USED/SALVAGE CARS & TRUCKS Free Towing 2 1 5- 487-4851 Painting & Window Replacements Reasonable Rates 267-235-3470 Best Handyman Service Sparkle Ceilings Painting Drywall Ceramic Tile Cement Work • Floors • Ceiling Fans • Repair Work GWB CONTRACTORS Formerly B&J Plumbing & Heating Specializing in Plumbing • Heating • Electrical • Sewer & Drain Cleaning 7 Days Residential • Commercial • City-Wide Services • City Violations Corrected Custom Kitchens/Baths Home Renovations: Ceramic Tile Floors, Walls & Ceiling Paintings, Dry Wall, Brick & Cement work rs 267-596-5865 DO HARDWOOD FLOOR All Types of Hardwood Floors Old Floors Made Like New SANDING • REFINISHING • STAINING INSTALLATION PLUS REPAIRS Quality Work • Fully Insured Low Rates • Free Estimates ou 266-7078 24 H CELL (267) LICENSED & INSURED PA#037480 PH#424641 267-752-5928 • 215-681-6044 Walker -Walker • • • • • [email protected] Window Guards, Door Guards Custom Built To Your Needs General Welding Repairs Handyman All Home Repairs Painting • Carpentry • Flooring • Plumbing • Cementing • Basements Kevin's Plumbing & Heating Service 215-927-3656 L&M Typewriter & Business Machines For Sales or Service We Sell Ink Cartages & Toners HP • Okidata • IBM • Canon • Brother Call Mr. Walker 267-235-3470 TO ADVERTISE HERE, CALL BARBARA AT 215-474-7411 FAX US AT 215-474-9378 EMAIL: [email protected] • Hot Water Heaters Installed/Serviced • Major/Minor Leaks Repaired • Emergency 24/7 Service • Kitchens/Bathrooms We do all types of Plumbing & Heating Residential & Commercial. We Install & Repair all types of Heating Systems, Drain Lines, Ceiling Leaks, Toilets, Faucets, Etc. $150.00 OFF SPRING/SUMMER SPECIAL 40 GAL HOT WATER HEATER INSTALL $650.00 $15% OFF ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS 30 Years Exp. . *QUALITY* *AFFORDABLE* PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICE Your Affordable Plumber FREE ESTIMATES 267-745-0243 15 yrs. Exp. Lic. & Ins. 057840 H.J.S.R. Inc You Tried The REST, Now Call The BEST • Drains/Sewers Unclogged • Home Heating Service • Senior Discounts! •...And Much More!! **SPRING DEAL** Gas or Electric Water Heater Installed (includes unit, up to 50 gallons) LICENSED & INSURED PA050346 Your Full-Service Home Improvement Specialist! For Your FREE Estimate or Information Please Contact: 24-Hours 267-357-5209 –or– [email protected] City#3487 BARGAIN ELECTRIC Call for Summer Time Specials on Ceiling Fans Insured and AC Lines Residential NO JOB TOO SMALL LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE • Trouble Shooting • 100/200 Amp Upgrades • Indoor/Outdoor Lighting FREE ESTIMATES • 220 Lines/AC Lines • Door Bells/Ceiling Fans • Fuse Box Repair/Dryer Lines 25% OFF* ALL WORK GUARANTEED WITH THIS AD SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 215-869-9085 Serving West Phily, Southwest Philly & Overbrook WE ACCEPT CHECKS Lic. #00793 18 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY N'hood Crime Report The following incidents were reported to police in the 18th (55th & Pine Sts.) & 19th (61st St. & Haverford Ave.) Police Districts. 18th DISTRICT AGG. ASSAULTS 5/4 – Woman, 18, assaulted in 5400 Blk. Market St. 5/4 – Girl, 14, assaulted in 5400 Blk. Market St. 5/5 – Man, 26, assaulted in 5600 Blk. Christian. ARREST MADE 5/6 – Girl, 14, assaulted in 6200 Blk. Hazel 5/6 – Man, 38, assaulted in 5900 Blk. Chestnut St. ROBBERIES 5/4 – Man, 50, black bag taken on Cobbs Creek & Cat. 5/6 – Man, 24, three cell phones, money, and ID taken at gunpoint near 13th and Conestoga Sts. BURGLARIES 4/29 – 5900 Blk. Wharton St.; nothing taken. 4/30 – 5400 Blk. Larchwood; several brass ornaments, DVD Player, wallet, coins, & glasses. 5/6 – 5700 Blk. Delancy St.; 18 inch Dell laptop computer. 5/7 – 500 Blk. S. 52nd St.; nothing taken. STOLEN AUTOS 5/3 – Ford taken from 5900 Blk. Christian St. 5/6 – Cadillac taken from 400 Blk. S. Conestoga St. 5/7 – Volkswagon taken from 5500 Blk. Catherine 5/7 – Nickolas King, 35, of 5400 Blk. Catherine St.; arrested as seller on 5400 Blk. Catherine St. 5/7 – Damion Medley, 25, of 100 Blk. S. Cecil St.; arrested as buyer on 100 Blk. S. Cecil St. 5/7 – Whitney Smith, 24, of 900 Blk. Chelten; arrested as buyer on 300 Blk. S. 52nd 5/7 – William Blount, 18, of 200 Blk. S. 53rd; arrested as buyer on 5200 Blk. Irving St. 5/8 – Darryl Dove, 46, of 1200 Blk S. 45th; arrested as buyer on 5600 Blk. Chestnut St. 5/8 – Jahlil Purdy, 20, of 7100 Blk. Ruskin; arrested as buyer on 10 Blk. S. 52nd 5/8 – Tahir Alkhtib, 28, of 800 Blk. S. 60th St.; arrested as seller on 5900 Blk. Carpenter St. 5/9 – Anwar Summers of 6000 Blk. Webster; arrested as seller on 6200 Blk. Christian 19th DIST ARRESTS 5/4 – Rasheed Clover, 19, of 6000 Blk. W. Jefferson St.; RAPE 5/8 – Latiya Reeves, 33, of 300 Blk. N. 59th St.; THEFT 5/9 – Nina Williams, 44, of 3200 Blk. W. Diamond St.; THEFT 5/9 – Karen Capers, 45, of 800 Blk. Williard St.; THEFT 5/9 – Christopher Irving, 31, of 1400 Blk. Steven St.; THEFT 5/11- Reginald Philyaw, 36, of 1700 Blk. N. 60th St.; THEFT 19th DISTRICT NARCOTIC ARRESTS 5/02 - Denise Fullard, 27, of 100 Blk. N. 54th St.; on 200 Blk. N. Ruby St. 5/03 - James Williams, 50, of 3600 Blk. Mt. Vernon St.; near 53rd & Arch Sts. 5/04 - Devin Walker, 18, of 1300 Blk. N. Frazier St.; on same block. 5/5 – Antionne Rutherford, 25, of 1600 Blk. N. 55th St.; on 5600 Blk. Lansdowne Ave. 5/5 – Maisha Martin, 29, of 5400 Blk. Wynnefield Ave.; on 5400 Blk. Gainor Rd. 5/5 – Elijah Ayres, 18, of 1700 Blk. Aberdeen St.; on 5200 Blk. Jefferson St. 5/5 – Kendall Brown, 26, of 5000 Blk. Baltimore Ave.; on 5300 Blk. Berks St. Salon Elevations 1406 North 52nd Street (corner of 52nd & Master) 215-747-6888 COMBINATION SPECIALS Sew In Seave, Lashes & Eyebrows...$175 Bonded Weave, Lashes, Eyebrows...$120 PLUS FREE GIVEAWAYS! 18TH DIST.ARRESTS TUES/WED SENIOR CITIZEN SPECIAL 5/4 – Elijah Sharper, 20, of 6000 Blk. Ellsworth St.; ROBBERY 5/4 – Erica Jackson, 28, of 700 Blk. S. Alden St.; QUALITY OF LIFE 5/4 – Arthur Williams, 46, of 300 Blk. Owen Ave.; AGG. ASSAULT 5/4 – Cloye Williams, 22, of 200 Blk. N. 9th St.; ROBBERY 5/6 – Dean Pattoni, 43, of 6000 Blk. Larchwood; ROBBERY/ GUN 5/7 – Boy, 16; AUTO THEFT 5/8 – John Bell, 44, of 600 Blk. Morton St.; RETAIL THEFTS 5/8 – Boy, 14; THEFT Wash, Blow Dry & Curl (Select Stylist Only)...$14.99 18th DISTRICT NARCOTIC ARRESTS 5/4 – Stephen Henderson, 22, of 1300 Blk. Folkrod St.; arrested as buyer on 5800 Blk. Alter St. 5/4 – Demetrius Anderson, 20, of 1000 Blk. 60th St.; arrested as buyer on 1000 Blk. 60th St. 5/4 – James Willis, 24, of 5800 Blk. Alter St.; arrested as buyer on 5800 Blk. Alter LOC TOUCH UP SPECIAL (twisting)...$50 Consultation (interlocking) STOP Creditor or Harassment WIPE OUT YOUR DEBT 610-734-0750 FREE consult with this ad! We are a debt relief agency. We file bankruptcy cases in PA. Frank G. Canty Attorney At Law, P.C. 3901 Market St.; Suite 7-D Box 1935; Philadelphia, PA. 19104 215-386-5555 Types of Cases That We Handle • Automobile Accidents Full Tort • Limited Tort Auto Accidents with No Insurance • Slip & Falls • Medical Malpractice Free Consultation No Fee Until We Recover Money For You!! May 14 - 20, 2010 5/5 – Reuben Aimes, 21, of 2400 Blk. N. 56th St.; on 5700 Blk. Malvern St. 5/5 – Jahmal Douglas, 21, of 2100 Blk. N. Wanamaker St.; on 5700 Blk. Malvern Ave. 5/6 – Harry Gaines, 25, of 200 Blk. N. Paxon St.; on 00 Blk. N. Lindenwood St. 5/6 – Floyd Crump, 55, of 1600 Blk. N. 60th St.; on 500 Blk. N. 52nd St. 5/6 – Robert Wood, 21, of 500 Blk. N. Simpson St.; on 400 Blk. N. 64th St. 5/6 – Kareem Henry, 22, of 500 Blk. N. Simpson St.; on 400 Blk. N. 64th St. 5/8 – Khayree Levitt, 31, of 4100 Blk. Girard.; on 500 Blk. N. 59th 5/8 – Joshua Mitchell, 18, of 1400 Blk. N. 29th; on 200 Blk. N. Ruby 5/9 – Ryen Scott, 18, of 2100 Blk. Corlies St.; on 900 Blk. Edgemore Rd. 5/9 – Timothy Williams of 400 Blk. N. 19th St.; on 1 Blk. N. 63rd 5/10 – Andrew McAfee, 28, of 100 Blk. Belgrade Ave.; on 66th Blk. Malvern Ave. s. Hermion Beauty Boutique An Upscale Beauty Salon For merly Big Bumpers 1249 North 52nd Street 215-878-1011 All hair extension & hair replacement services require consultation. Other Services: • NATURAL HAIR CARE • HAIR BRAIDING • CHEMICAL RELAXERS • CREATIVE COLORING • CARMEL TREATMENTS • MAKE-UP • EAR PIERCING • EYEBROW WAXING • LASHES & MANY MORE. Senior Citizen Day/TUESDAY % Off Any 15 Hair Service Any Hair Service New Clients Only With This ad We are a certified Design Essentials Salon Hours: Tues 8-6; Wed 8-6, Thur-Fri 8-7; Sat. 8-4 WE ACCEPT: Special Expires 05/31/10 • Kathy Levin Insurance• 215- 849 2886 QUOTE HOTLINE On The Spot Registration Cards Drivers Licenses Instant Tag & Title Transfer License Suspensions Lifted On The Spot Registration Cards • Drivers $ Licenses 10 Off Instant Tag & Title Transfer • License Suspensions Lifted New Tags & Title Transfer LOW COST AUTO INSURANCE LOW COST AUTO INSURANCE 68th & Elmwood Ave 56 Maplewood Mall Nelson’s Pendot Authorized Online Service • State and Service Fee Apply May 14 - 20, 2010 Neighborhood former Mayor John F. Street, and is running with the supPrimary Races port of his father and many of his father’s political allies, District 186 Incumbent: Kenyatta Johnson (D) Challengers: Tim Hannah (D) and Dyheim Watson (D) In 2008, Kenyatta Johnson surprised the political establishment by winning 65% of the vote to defeat veteran legislator Harold James. In this year’s primary, Johnson faces fellow Point Breeze neighborhood activist Tim Hannah and Dyheim Watson, the senior pastor of the New Life Christian Fellowship Church. In 2000, Hannah ran unsuccessfully against U.S. Congressman Robert Brady. including the aforementioned Jannie Blackwell. A lawyer for Wolf Block Shorr until the firm dissolved in March of 2009, Sharif Street has been splitting his time between private practice and actively campaigning throughout the district.º District 192 Incumbent: Louise Bishop (D) Challenger: Will Mega (D) Louise Bishop is the most senior African-American woman in the General Assembly and is seeking a 12th term in office. Bishop is also a Baptist minister who is wellDistrict 188 known throughout the city as Incumbent: James Roethe host of a long-running buck (D) gospel radio show. Challenger: Bryant Brown (D) James Roebuck has represented west Philadelphia’s 188th district since 1985. He chairs the House Education Committee and sits on the board of PHEAA, the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency. Prior to taking public office, Roebuck was an assistant professor at Drexel University and a legislative assistant to Mayor Wilson Goode. He faces a primary challenge from Bryant Brown, an insurance salesman, arts proponent and Philadelphia native, who spent much of his childhood in the Philadelphia foster care system. THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY This year, Bishop faces a challenge from Will Mega, a Wynnefield native whose initial claim to fame is as a contestant on the original 2000 season of the Big Brother reality television show. Mega got his start in politics as a volunteer for U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah and State Senator Vincent Hughes. During the 2004 presidential campaign, he co-founded the National Political Hip Hop Convention and partnered with hip hop mogul P. Ditty (Sean Combs) to organize college students in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. More recently, Mega served as the campaign manager for Kenyatta Johnson in his successful 2008 campaign against veteran legislator Harold James, a victory he hopes to replicate in the 192nd. 19 600 Will Remember This Prom Night With the help from a number of community leaders, State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown helped give away some 600 prom dresses last Tuesday/Wednesday at Greater Bibleway Temple, 1461 N. 52nd St., “In these tough economic times, a prom dress may be a luxury that is difficult to afford,” said Lowery Brown, D-Phila. “I want to make sure young ladies from the 190th Legislative District and surrounding areas have wonderful dresses for the prom.” Lowery Brown thanked the New Jersey Social Workers Association, which donated the dresses. Posing with Rep. Brown in their prom dresses are: (l-r) Doris Prioleau, Ashley Griffin and Madihah Johnson -all students from Arise Academy Charter School. THE PARTNERSHIP CDC HOME BUYER’S CLUB REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN DON’T DELAY - CALL TODAY! HOMEBUYER’S CLUB – SUMMER 2010 District 190 Incumbent: Vanessa Brown (D) Challengers: Sharif Street (D) and Audrey Blackwell Watson (D) Freshman representative and former neighborhood activist Vanessa Brown faces two Democratic challengers in the May 18th primary.º In 2008, Brown picked up the seat by knocking one-term incumbent Tommy Blackwell off the primary ballot through a court challenge of his nominating petitions. Both Tommy Blackwell and 2010 candidate Audrey Blackwell Watson, are the children of the late U.S. Congressman Lucien Blackwell and the stepchildren of Democratic Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell. Audrey is running for her brother’s old seat in this year’s Democratic primary, but stepmother Jannie is publicly supporting family friend Sharif Street.º Sharif Street is the son of CLASS CURRICULUM PECO Financial Education Center THE PARTNERSHIP CDC 4027 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 Classes meet from 6:00pm until 8:00pm 05/19/10 05/26/10 06/02/10 06/09/10 Financial Literacy & Credit Care Financing Your Dream & Understand Real Estate Inspecting the Good & Anti-Predatory Lending Insuring Your Future (Settlement & HO Insurance) CALL 215-307-4917 TODAY TO ENROLL Space is limited, only 15 people per class CLASSES ARE $40 (Includes all materials, book, & credit report) CHECKS OR MONEY ORDER ONLY!! THIS CLASS MAY QUALIFY YOU FOR CLOSING COST ASSISTANCES, IF YOU MEET THE INCOME GUIDELINES AND ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: OHCD SETTLEMENT GRANT - $500 PHFA GRANT – UP TO $3,000 ADDI GRANT 6% OF SALE PRICE OR UP TO $10,000! Sponsored by: 20 May 14 - 20, 2010 THE WESTSIDE WEEKLY D E M O C R A T Think The Box Dear Friend, I’m Anthony Williams and I’m running for governor because Harrisburg is out of sync and our families are paying the price with high unemployment, underperforming schools, runaway crime, and crushing property taxes. As a businessman, I’ve balanced the books and created new jobs. In the State House and State Senate, I’ve been an independent voice and stood up to my own party when the issues demanded it. I’ve used new ideas to create economic and educational opportunities, and I have a plan that works to get even more illegal guns off our streets, and the results to prove it. As Governor, I’ll use innovative solutions to get our economy back on track, and create and retain the jobs of tomorrow. I’ll pay good teachers more, hold bad ones accountable and cut property taxes. On Tuesday, May 18, when you check the box for governor, vote for a leader who’s spent a career thinking outside of it. I would be honored to have your vote. Sincerely, Protecting Families and Police From Gun Violence ✔ Created Pennsylvania’s Gun Violence Task Force that’s so successful it’s taken thousands of illegal guns off our streets. ✔ Allow local governments to strengthen gun laws. Defending a Woman’s Right to Choose ✔ Supports an adult woman’s unrestricted right to choose what happens to her body. ✔ Backs state funding for comprehensive family planning services. A Real Plan to Put Pennsylvania Back to Work ✔ Focus job training money on putting people back to work by allowing employers to apply for job training dollars already in the state budget. ✔ Provide “start-up” resources for new business ventures – low rents, low interest loans, and affordable benefits to fuel our economy. VOTE IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ON TUESDAY, MAY 18 Connect with Me on Facebook Paid for by Williams for Governor