NEWSLETTER March - Rangiora High School
NEWSLETTER March - Rangiora High School
Rangiora High School Te Kura Tuarua o Rangiora NEWSLETTER Whakautea Respect Tohaina Contribute Wawatahia Aspire March 2016 Rangiora High School Nursery School nurtures artistic talent In much the same fashion as Dame Louise Henderson, an Art teacher at Rangiora High School in 1938 (the year the RHS Nursery School began) who gifted her artistic talent to the children of the RHS Nursery School by painting eight murals depicting children at play and work at the time in North Canterbury, two new murals have recently been painted for the RHS Nursery School children by Rangiora High School students. Late last year, Bruce McMillan (Head of Visual Arts) and Art teachers Jan Robertson and Priya Graham (who is pictured above right) visited the RHS Nursery School with their Year 9 students to explore the design and painting of potential murals for the RHS Nursery School children to enjoy. Themed ‘celebrating things Kiwiana’ the students worked hard creating beautiful interpretations depicting natural and Kiwi artefacts that are nationally recognised and appreciated. All of the students’ works showed incredible talent and thought. RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL East Belt, Rangiora 7400, New Zealand Phone +64 3 3118888 Fax +64 3 3138005 Email [email protected] Website Two stunning paintings were selected: one painted by Antonia Rankin (above left, with the sun) and the other by Sarah Sinclair (left, with butterflies and birds). These two works now hang proudly in the RHS Nursery School playground. The collaboration between both learning communities highlights the importance of continuing to foster and inspire rich art exploration and opportunities in the early learning years so that creative imagination begins to develop and goes on to flourish through the teen years and into adulthood. Antonia and Sarah’s work speaks for itself! From Julia Malcolm, Acting Principal Ngā mihinui ki a koutou I hope you enjoy reading this second newsletter for Term 1. How time flies. There are but four weeks until the end of Term 1, with Easter on the horizon. Students and staff are well into their work. This week at assembly we recognized the students who gained NCEA Level 1 and 2 with Excellence endorsements. It was a great example to younger students to see the students from their House who had aimed high, done the hard yards and achieved at the highest level. I wish them well as they build on this performance for this year and hope that other students will be inspired to go for Merit and Excellence and not subscribe to the “just enough is good enough” approach. This year part of our strategic plan includes goals around creating equitable and relevant learning opportunities, developing diverse learning environments and supporting students to achieve personal excellence. This focus on setting up pathways and platforms for students to experience success will drive us forward in 2016. It requires all of us - staff, parents and whānau and the wider community to commit to these young people. And of course it requires the students themselves to seize all the opportunities in front of them and give their best. Our Student Achievement Interview Day is an excellent opportunity for all three sides of the learning triangle – student, teacher, family – to check they are all working together and accessing all support required so that each individual student at the end of the year can say, “I did my best, and am proud of myself”. Alongside academic achievement, there is such a myriad of opportunity on offer for our students to help them grow personally and develop their interests. On Friday 11 March the school bulletin had notices for the following… Service - Lydiard Fun Run, Child Cancer Fundraising, Youth Health Advocates, Lions Club volunteers, Leos Club, volunteers for Rakahuri Rage, Sound and Lighting helpers, Academic - Otago University visit, Physics tutorials, Cultural - Creative Writing group, Kapa Haka, Stage Challenge, Sport - Rugby, Netball, Basketball, Hockey, Korfball, Football, Rifleshooting, Athletics, Rowing, Mountainbiking, Cricket, Orienteering, Spirit of Adventure berths, Outward Bound Scholarship, Easter Camp, Astronomy observatory visit, …and that was just Friday. Obviously all these activities require staff, parents and students to coach, manage, organize, and provide transport. Thank you to all those who do this so willingly. If you think you can help out in any way please contact the school office. As an example, this year we have 19 Netball teams alone! Any help is gratefully received for these many and varied cultural and sporting activities. Many thanks to those of you already involved. Already we have experienced success in the Canterbury Futsal Champs with the girls’ team winning this competition and the Mixed Touch team who were runners up in their competition. An important event in the school calendar is our ANZAC commemoration. In the last week of term we have our ANZAC assemblies for all students in the Baptist Church Auditorium. On 25 April at 9.30am we will hold our ANZAC Day service in the Court of Memories. This is always a moving service and allows us as a school community to remember Rangiora High School’s past pupils who gave their lives for their country. I encourage you to come along. Julia Malcolm Acting Principal From Bev Moore, Commissioner Dear Parents and Caregivers, Kia ora koutou. I would like to update you on various aspects of the governance role. As a couple of parents have asked for more information on the Principal appointment process, I thought it would be useful to share the general process with everyone at this time. Firstly I would like to thank Ms Julia Malcolm for agreeing to continue as Acting Principal until a new principal is appointed. This will ensure stability for the remainder of the year and to allow time to undertake a rigorous and consultative appointment process so the best possible result is achieved for the school. To give you an idea of the timeframe, Boards of Trustees in secondary schools across the country take around two terms to complete the appointment process from when the position is first advertised. We expect that the new principal will start at Rangiora High School at the beginning of 2017, which is an ideal time to start. This timeframe will allow for the standard notice period and also to re-advertise, if required, to ensure the right person is appointed to this critical position. It will also allow for a seamless transition between Ms Malcolm and the new appointee. To ensure that the Rangiora High School community view is reflected in the appointment process, I am very keen for staff, students and families to contribute their thoughts to help us build a shared understanding of the attributes we are looking for in the new principal to take us forward. This consultative process will then inform the development of the job and person descriptions, and the advertising, shortlisting and interview process. I would expect to share more details on the timeline and how you can participate during the next month. As you will know it is my role to address the issues that the Ministry of Education has appointed me for and to enable the school to return to sustainable self-governance. The Ministry is required to review interventions regularly and has decided that my appointment will continue until the beginning of 2017 when it will be reviewed again. This decision by the Ministry is in line with timeframes for other interventions. The Community Reference Group met last week and we welcomed new student leaders, and Donna Kemp and Brent Ingram to the group discussions on how to progress some of our Strategic Goals. We are seeking a student perspective around two goals that make a real difference to student engagement and achievement: • Learning Opportunities: Creating learning opportunities for students that are inclusive, equitable and relevant with clear pathways to future learning, training and employment. • Enriched Environment: Developing diverse environments that stimulate the engagement of students to enrich their learning. We agreed that it would be beneficial to undertake an online survey with all Year 11, 12 and 13 students to seek feedback on what programmes or areas of learning they would like offered at Rangiora High School and what amenities/changes students would like to see to learning environments. The feedback from this survey will be discussed in more depth at our next meeting and we look forward to sharing the results. Last week I also attended the first meeting of the Student Council for the year. I was impressed with the commitment these student representatives have shown by stepping up into leadership roles at the school. This is just one example of the many ways that Rangiora High School students participate and give back to the school and community. In this newsletter Ms Malcolm also acknowledges the high levels of participation in sporting and cultural activities at the school. It is great to see the students getting involved, taking on challenges and demonstrating good citizenship on a daily basis. Finally I would like to thank everyone for their support of the school, staff and students, which ensured that last week’s announcement did not impact on the teaching and learning programmes for our students. It has been good to see how much support Julia and her team have received as they continue in their important role. As always if you have any questions, concerns or feedback please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be contacted through the school office or by email at [email protected] Orienteering This year has seen a growth in the number of students taking part in the schools’ Orienteering competition. Fourteen students have participated in the Summer Sprint Series with events on Tuesday night being held as far afield as Cashmere and South Brighton. Rangiora High School is currently the front runner in the secondary school points competition. STRATEGIC PLANNING VALUES Mission Statement Rangiora High School will be a centre of learning excellence that supports and prepares each learner to connect with and contribute to our global community. Our Culture STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Rangiora High School is a dynamic, caring, communitybased environment inspiring life-long learning. Students are at the centre of our work. We are committed to ensuring every student has a meaningful and relevant learning journey and that they experience success and gain achievement. Our Lighthouse Values RESPECT Whakautea Respect yourself, others and the environment CONTRIBUTE Tohaina Actively contribute to the community ASPIRE Wawatahia Aspiring to achieve your best Community Enable our community of learners to be actively connected, culturally aware and caring citizens. • To develop closer integration between parents, whānau and primary schools, • To value and nurture stronger relationships with the wider community, • To create and engage with global networks enabling student access to greater opportunities and choices. Innovation Deliver innovative teaching and learning within an enriched environment, empowering and supporting each learner to achieve personal excellence. • To integrate modern teaching and learning within a dynamic physical environment, • To provide effective systems and support that ensures each learner achieves individual success, • To maximize the opportunities created by e-learning and the use of digital tools. Opportunities Creating inclusive, equitable and relevant pathways that meet the aspirations of our community and empowers life-long learners. • To enhance the leadership, academic, cultural and sporting opportunities for all students, • To strengthen transition for all learners into and out of Rangiora High School, • To provide quality, specialized areas of learning across identified curriculum areas. TOP SCHOLARS 2015 The achievement of our top scholars in 2015 was recognised in Principal’s Assemblies this week. The students were publicly acknowledged for their achievements and will be given “Academic Excellence” badges to recognise their achievement. Forty Three Year 11 students achieved an excellence endorsement on their Level 1 NCEA. They are: Dean Bagrie, Ashlee Berryman, George Blyth, Dylan Buckley, Mikayla Calley, Michael Calvert, Kate Campbell, Mackenzie Caughey, Max Chick, Olivia Driver, Ashlee Drummy, Immy Eglesfield, Joel Epps, Shannon Fortune, Hannah Fowler, Ethan Gerrard, Teagan Graham, Rebekah Gutsell, Tom Hanson, Tara Hurley, Logan Kim, Zac Lane, Mick Latham, Emma Lindsay, Emma Mairs, Jordan Mann, Mikayla Mawson, Hamish McEwan, Larissa Narbey-Floyd, Cameron Page, Lucy Prickett, Dan Racle, Hunter Reid, Lauren Reid, Caleb Rust, Lucas Seaward, Suppakorn Sirijongdee, Ruby Spark, Alex Stephenson, Natalie Stevens, Caitlin Stevenson, Shanae Van de Wiel, Lucy Weddell. Mansfield / Rutherford Twenty Nine Year 12 students achieved an excellence endorsement on their Level 2 NCEA. They are: Madeleine Ashwin, Bryn Atkin, Hannah Cammock, Connor Cleary, Nicole Clinton, Kayla Drummy, Annie Dufour, Holly Fletcher, Sarah Gunn, Olivia Janes, Mikaela Laity, Saskia Lane, Grace Lange, Ella Marshall, Reagan Millar, Sorrel Patterson, Charlotte Prager, Harry Rattray, Hamish Richardson, Maximilian Ridout, James Rigter, Kerridwen Russ, Oliver Sharplin, Kurt Shipley, Rhiannon Spary, Nick Van Royen, Callum Vartha, Charlotte Western, Kate Woollett. Eighteen year 13 students achieved an excellence endorsement on their Level 3 NCEA. They are: Lydiard / Ngata Georgia Exeter, Sarah Illingworth, Riley Aitken, Danielle Bucknall, Tei Hema, Mary Hurley, Jeremy Snelling, Jack Rattray, Dylan Benny, Fergus Eglesfield, Briar Fowler, Sean Weaver, Hannah Brotheridge, Laura Kevern, Nic Steyn, Tyler Courtney, Luana Barnes, Louise Johnson. Altogether 299 students across Levels 1, 2 and 3 achieved their NCEA endorsed with either Merit or Excellence. We are very proud of their achievements. Congratulations to all of our students who achieved their NCEA in 2015. Steve Kersey Academic Dean Hillary / Sheppard HILLARY House With about sixty percent of Term 1 completed, most students have settled into the systems and routines for the year. In the early stages of a school year there are all the usual logistics to organise and relationships to develop between students, and their teachers too. Much of the ground work has been done but of course there are always exceptions to the rule. Our first Student Achievement Interview Day provides an opportunity to check on the progress of students both academically and in general progress at school. If you were unable to attend on the day I encourage you to make sure you do make contact with your child’s teachers as open communication can have a significant impact on students’ progress at school. Student participation and representation is valued at Rangiora High School and we have a number of committees and groups within the school which provide opportunities for students to contribute and participate. Recently we selected our Junior representatives on the Student Council, they are Hugo Carey and Charlotte McDonald. Hugo and Charlotte will join Tim Moule and Serenity Bruce as our Senior Representatives on the Student Council. In recent weeks we have also had Bryn Atkin, Luke Gold and Ashleigh Ritchie selected as members of the Sports’ Council. The House competition remains a tight battle, with our seniors recently competing in the Senior SummerFest competition, which comprised a round robin format for mixed Touch and Volleyball. Our fourth place in this event keeps us in the hunt for top honours, with four Houses within 10 points of one another and in the hunt for the overall lead. Hillary has never won the House Cup, but our second place last year has given us real drive to see if we can chase success in 2016. Three Hillary students that are making the most of school sporting opportunities are Angus Fletcher, Jack Marshall and George Prain. All three are in Year 11 and have played cricket in the Rangiora High School 1st XI and have recently been named in the rugby squad of 26 players who are in contention for the 1st XV this year. This would be a significant achievement for all three and we wish them well for the year ahead. I suspect time will fly between now and the end of the term particularly given the next three weeks are all short weeks with students not being present for SAID Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday and Tuesday. I would ask that all parents and caregivers assist us by ensuring students have correct uniform and sufficient layers for the cooler weather that is not far away. In recent weeks we have noticed some interesting interpretations of uniform standards, particularly around plain black or navy socks, and hats. Our uniform requirements can be found on the school website if there is uncertainty: Please do not hesitate to contact Ms Gibson or myself if we can be of any assistance. Head of House Kerry Sullivan Dean of House Emma Gibson LYDIARD House The term has continued to go well with Lydiard students gearing up with further House events including the Senior SummerFest and preparation for the Fun Run at the end of March. The leaders have also had a successful start to their assemblies with some games introduced and the revival of an inter-form competition where the stakes are based on holding a trophy for the most number of times in the year. The winning form class will be awarded with a prize for the whole group. Year 11 student Lauren Morton has decided to run a new club for anyone wanting to dance and enjoy their lunchtimes on two days – Wednesdays and Fridays. The Peer Supporters continue to involve themselves with their group of Year 9 buddies and are enjoying their roles as big brothers and sisters while making the Year 9s learn more about their own capabilities and how they can get involved in the school. We welcome on board our Junior House Executive Team who will work with the seniors for the year. Congratulations to Year 10 Captain: Caitlin Constable, Deputy Year 10 Captain: Holly Whittaker, Year 9 Captain: Emma Udy and Deputy Year 9 Captain: Emily Illett. We have some very talented students in our school and I would like to highlight one of these amazing students in this newsletter: Jess Brechin of 12LHM. Jess’s family have always had an interest working with horses and encouraged Jess to ride. From the age of three she has grown up with riding and has a passion for horses. The type of events she has been involved in has varied: As a young girl she has done the following - Up to 7 years old she has been involved in lead rein events – showing. Since the age of 8-10 Jess has been showing. At 11-17 years of age she competed in open show pony ring. 18+ - horse ring She has specialised in show pony ring where various skills have to be shown to a judge (i.e. trot, walk, and canter). In the NZ nationals she generally competes with 17 individuals whereas in a normal A&P show there are generally 6 to 7 individuals per class event. She has represented NZ in 2014 going to Germany and France to compete in the World Equestrian Games. Ideally she wants to be in the NZ team again and is currently working towards this goal to go to UK for 2016Jess has won heaps of awards – ribbons/garland for supreme awards. The UK-based World Champion, Charlotte Dujardin, is her role model. She has inspired Jess to persevere in what she is doing. This involved long training times including everyday trains from 4.00pm/4.30pm – 6.30pm training and every weekend events. She also rides 6 horses for other people. These are a few of her achievements: NZ national showcase championship show with ivy (Easdale Imogen) She won -champion novice 13.2 pony title, -champion novice challenge title, -champion Alison Sampson memorial and placed in top 6 paced and mannered novice pony. With Janey (Amberleigh Gold Touch) she won champion open 13.2 pony title, -champion open pony challenge, -champion Amberleigh High Hopes memorial, -top 6 paced and mannered open pony and placed in top 6 intermediate rider title. We wish her all the best for her future career. She is certainly a role model for our Lydiard motto “Take the long view and work towards it”. Head of House Sabina Reed Dean of House Jonathan Cowey MANSFIELD House Well it is certainly business time at school now. Students and teachers are right into the swing of things and it is a busy time for all. Mansfield’s two Year 9 classes have been up to the Boyle Lodge for camp, school sport has begun, Senior SummerFest has finished and many senior students are preparing to go away on curriculum camps. The feedback that I received from camp has all been positive and by all accounts Mansfield’s new Year 9’s had a great experience up at the Boyle Lodge and I was especially happy to hear that they pushed themselves and gave all activities their best. It is a fantastic time to be away on camp and the opportunity for the students and staff to get to know each other better I’m sure will be very beneficial moving forward. A huge thank you goes to the staff that had two nights away from their families to be up at camp. The Senior SummerFest competition had its ups and downs. Across both sports we were reasonably inconsistent playing some absolute blinders and letting ourselves down other times. The Volleyball team was involved in some extremely close games and ended up a couple of times dropping games by two points. They got off to a great start winning their first two games but then lost three close games to finish off the competition. It was great to see so many people putting themselves forward to play and it makes me very proud to know that so many students want to represent our teams. In the Touch part of the competition our Touch team had the opposite experience to the Volleyball team: three losses to start the competition, but then two outstanding wins at the end. When the Touch team was on form they looked excellent and again I thank all the players that gave their all for the House. Overall we came fifth in the competition which the students were disappointed with - but there are huge amounts of points still to play for. The start of the year has been a huge change and challenge for Head Boy Cameron Court and Head Girl Kate Woollett. I asked them to describe the way the first few weeks have gone. Kate said: “I’ve really enjoyed the first few weeks as the Head Girl, it’s definitely been busy. Last week I had the pleasure of going on the Year 9 Mansfield camp, it was really good experience with a great bunch of people. Mansfield House has had an awesome start to the year which will hopefully continue throughout the rest of the year. I’m really looking forward to seeing what this year will bring in the Head Student role.” Cameron said: “I am really enjoying my role as Head Boy at Rangiora High School. The first few weeks have flown by with our first Principal’s Assembly kicking off well. I am looking forward to representing our school throughout the year in our wider community.” Head of House Andrew Gebbie Dean of House Josh Harrison Kia ora Ngata whānau. NGATA House Well here we are in Week 7 and what a whirlwind this term has been; from the excitement of start up to the prospect of Easter, it’s quite unbelievable to think that Term 2 is just around the corner. This term is one of change. Our lovely Year 9 classes have started to settle nicely and appear to have adapted to our high school environment. Year 10s are busy with the demands of a higher workload and increased expectations, as is our senior school. Not only do our students need to adapt to change quickly, they are also encouraged to participate in the many events that high school offers. This term has seen our highly contested Senior SummerFest Competition take place. Both our Touch and Volleyball teams played valiantly, and I am absolutely thrilled to say that Ngata House won the competition, with our Senior Volleyball team winning every game. It was nail-biting, to say the least, but our teams never fail to step up to the demands of any competition, and I am so thankful and proud of their determination. Ngata House not only models superb Lighthouse Values within sport, but shines in terms of students achieving academically. The Excellence results for NCEA 2015, were results to be proud of and I would like to congratulate Ruby Spark and Hunter Reid for achieving Excellence at NCEA Level 1. Rhiannon Spary, Saskia Lane and Mikalya Laity are to be commended for their performance at NCEA level 2, all achieving Excellence. I know that you will join with me in applauding their diligent, determined and unwavering work ethic. Congratulations, girls. It is important, as with all things, to aim high and aspire to achieve and Mr Berg and I are always here to support your child in every aspect of their school life. SAID Day is important as it gives both us and your child’s teachers an opportunity to meet with you to discuss their progress to date. If you were unable to attend and would like any help or support in regards to your child’s progress, please feel free to contact both Mr Berg and myself as we will endeavor to help with any issues that you may face. Towards the end of this term Mr Berg and I will be joining our Year 9s as we head off to the Boyle River Camp. The Boyle River experience is one of opportunity, teamwork, challenge and above all, pride in oneself. Many of our students push themselves to attempt new, and often challenging activities that are very much out of their comfort zone and come away from the experience with a huge sense of accomplishment. As always, I will update you as to this great trip in our next newsletter. Head of House Vanessa Wilkins Dean of House Tim Berg RUTHERFORD House Kia ora and greetings from the Rutherford whānau. As usual, Term 1 has been an extremely busy term. It is hard to believe that six weeks of the school term has passed. During week four, our two Rutherford Year 9 form classes went on camp to Boyle River. This is always a special time for any student as they bond with their form classes and challenge themselves on a variety of activities. The personal growth experienced by the students is a just reward for their efforts on camp. Thanks to Mrs Megan Clifford who came along and attended the camp as “Camp Mum”. Mrs Clifford did an amazing job keeping the kitchen ticking over and was also great company for the teachers. I’d also like to thank the teachers who attended the camp: Miss Ross, Miss Bailey and Mrs McLorinan. Their input into the students is valued, and I appreciate the fact that this also took them away from the time that they’d normally have with their families and their classes. In the last newsletter, whilst acknowledging the hard working staff in Rutherford I failed to mention Ang Reeves who has joined us this year. Many of us know Ang as a talented music teacher, however this year she has joined Rutherford whānau and is working in the Mainstream Support Unit. Welcome to the Rutherford whānau, Mrs Reeves. Our Senior Student Executive have been busy this term. They have experienced organising their first assemblies and many of them have been busy representing Rutherford in SummerFest. We were placed second overall in SummerFest and this means that we are now in first equal place with Mansfield on the leader board. Well done team. The Senior Student Executive are currently in the process of helping select the Junior Executive members and are also busy planning our annual fundraisers. This year we are continuing to support the Salvation Army Can Drive, through a mufti day. This will occur on the 24 June. We have also decided to support the St John’s Ambulance service. We feel that this would be a worthy cause as many of us have had an association with St John’s at some point in time. More details on this will follow at a later date. We have recently appointed our Student Council members to represent us on the wider Student Council. We are looking forward to having Lauren Reid, Shannon Fortune, Erin Delargy and Grace Liddell representing us. Finally, I’d like to publicise some of the upcoming House competitions. Senior Debating will be taking place in the first 5 weeks of Term 2 and also the Years 9, 10 and 11 Quizzes will be taking place during Term 2. It would be great to see the students sign up for these events so that we can continue with our positive start to the year. Finally, Mrs Koster and myself would like to pass on our thanks to the students for the way that they have settled in to the year. Head of House Jonny Sim Dean of House Gillian Koster SHEPPARD House Kia ora te whānau. Ngā mihi nui. It’s the start of autumn and while the air temperature might be ever so slightly cooler, activity here at school is, as always, fairly frenetic. It has been two weeks since we opened the process for the appointment of the Junior House Executive and since that time I have received 14 very high quality applications. Reading the application forms has been a very heartening experience. It is clear that the students who strive for these positions value the qualities we look for at any level of leadership: inspiration, support, vision and motivation. While I do not look forward to having to decide on six students only, I feel confident that we will benefit from the leadership of the students who are selected. Senior SummerFest concluded in week 5 and we finished in third place overall. I am very proud of the students who took part in this event and gave their time and energy out on the playing field and in the gym with temperatures in the early 30’s. Our Touch team capitalised on some blistering pace and sublime playmaking to notch up two good wins in the early part of the competition. However, defensive inexperience cost us in the other matches. Nevertheless, throughout the competition the team stuck together and played for each other and the House. Our Volleyball team was a mix of guile and power. We began the tournament with two very narrow losses, but came back to record three consecutive wins finishing the Volleyball section in second place. This represents a truly outstanding effort. I would like to extend my thanks to the students who took part on the field, the executive members who acted as managers and the small but vocal band of sideline supporters all of whom made the event a meaningful and memorable occasion. Looming very large on the horizon is the Year 9 Camp at the Boyle River. I am certain that the students who are going can’t wait to get themselves into the mountains and away from the constraints of modern living. Three days away from hair straighteners, Instagram and microwave popcorn really does something for the constitution! Make the most of it and enjoy the serenity. Sheppard Student Swimming Success Story! 13SCD student Anna Tongue recently competed at the New Zealand Division II Swimming Championships held in Invercargill. Anna competed in three events and came away with a silver medal in the 200m Backstroke. According to Anna “hard work pays off” and this is certainly true as she often spends 20 hours a week training. Kia kaha, Anna! Head of House Keith Anderson Dean of House Paula Howard Senior Construction and Mechanical Technologies To kick off the year-long construction project, senior CMT students were given a three week (12 lesson) assignment called ‘The Pallet Challenge’. Using one entire pallet and 12 lessons of workshop time, the students were asked to make an outcome from the pallet to provide evidence of their skills and workmanship at the appropriate NCEA level. Students were given details of the NCEA standards of construction required: Basic (Year 11), Advanced (Year 12), and Complex (Year 13). Students had 12 lessons in which to plan, de-construct, prepare the timber, measure, cut to size, construct and finish their outcome. Students had two written tasks to accompany this challenge. The first, a detailed ‘literacy rich’ plan of each stage, and the second, evidence in the form of photographs showing and explaining decisions made, dilemmas solved, and alternatives explored. The students really stepped up to this challenge and produced some quality outcomes. Huge thanks to BOC of Sockburn for supplying the pallets. Relative size of new ILE Admin From the Guidance Department The new year is upon us with a fresh perspective for those Year 9 students in their first year at a high school, but for others and including some Year 9 students, the teenage ‘challenges’ remain the same. The teenage years can be quite difficult for many of our youth and their families/support teams as the young person moves towards adulthood, continually refining their own outlook on the world around them. There are ‘roadblocks’ to negotiate, obstacles to overcome, confirming in reality that ‘Life’ is meant to test us. Simply put, some days are better than others. We are all capable of handling the good times really well but what defines us is how we handle those ‘not so good’ times and there are a number of theories as to what works best. As a supporter of young people, if we can retain our ‘calmness’ in any given situation, there is a very good chance we will get a positive response from our teenagers! As parents we love our children. This never changes. It is unconditional. But on occasions we do not like them for the way they behave, the way they talk to us and the way they disrespect others and their environments. Social connection is extremely important to youth and as parents/caregivers we have the responsibility to manage this. Those who are able to happily connect with their peers (especially at school) are generally happy young people. On specific occasions, certain matters may become overwhelming and it is always good to find that person or organisation who might be able to help or offer a different perspective. From a Rangiora High School perspective, anyone can contact the Guidance Department in school hours to talk further or make an appointment with one of our four Counsellors, by ringing Karina (our Guidance Assistant) on 03 311 8888, extension 2209. Karina is available each day until 12.30pm. Head of Guidance, Rob Courtney, can be contacted on 03 311 8888, extension 2625. For after hours support, please consider… 1. Lifeline ( – 0800 543 354 (24hrs) 2. Youthline ( – 0800 376 633 3. Depression Helpline ( – 0800 111 757 (24hrs) 4. Rangiora Police Station (8am – 5pm) - 03 313 6167 (ext 35760) or Kaiapoi Police on 03 327 7688 After hours calls will be forwarded to Christchurch Police Central. Something to consider… “To become old and wise, you must first experience being young and stupid” Ex-Students’ Sporting Success Bella James (Senior A Netball, 2014-2015) was named in the Mainland National Netball League Squad. Nigel Gibb (1st XV Rugby, 2011-2012) was named in the Crusader Knights Rugby squad for 2016. Sheldon Pitama is Captain of the Junior Warriors. Alex Kennedy has been selected in the New Zealand Rowing team to compete in the Rio de Janiero Olympics. Olivia Robertson has won the Norwood Gold Cup at Horse of the Year Show. Futsal Congratulations to our Rangiora High School Girls’ Futsal team who competed in the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Futsal Tournament recently and won it convincingly. The results from pool play were; • Rangiora High School vs Linwood College, 12-0 • Rangiora High School vs Papanui High School, 7-2 • Rangiora High School vs St Andrew’s College, 9-2 • Rangiora High School vs Marian College, 7-2 • Semi-Final : Rangiora High School vs Marian College, 10-0 • Final : Rangiora High School vs St Andrew’s College, 4-1 The players in the team, as per the photo, were: (Back row) Gordon Fraser (Coach), Tahlia Herman-Watt, Georgia Moore, Lucrettia Taylor, Emma Johnson, Ian Fong (Manager). (Front row) Lily Heidmann, Macey Fraser, Mikayla Nortman, Abbey Neilson, Ella Fong. Futsal Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Champions Te Waipounamu Māori Netball Under 19 Team Congratulations to Danya Price and Renee Tuhikarama who have been named in the Under 19 team to compete at Nationals. Te Waipounamu Māori Netball select players from a region that covers the Tasman, Canterbury, West Coast, Otago and Southland. Danya and Renee will be competing in the Tourmament which is held in Hamilton, Easter Weekend 2016 (25-27 March). Danya has recently travelled to Wellington for a NZ Māori Development Camp held in Wellington and is hoping for a trial for the NZ Māori Team this year. Pictured above are Danya and Renee in action on the netball court last season. Tennis Pictured right is Cam McCracken in action at the Canterbury Champs Five students recently competed in the Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Senior Championships at Wilding Park. The students were Cam McCracken, Jakob Eder, Dean Bagrie, Matt Jones and Ben Rudd. Cam McCracken played extremely well and was placed third in the Open Boys’ Singles. Matt Jones and Ben Rudd won the Year 11 Boys’ Doubles (unfortunately by default). Parent Portal Rangiora High School provides access to student information for parents and caregivers via the school’s website and the parent portal. The parent portal can be accessed via the front page of the website or by going directly to: nz/. Your username and password has been emailed to you. The school website and portal are extremely useful websites which provide you with a wealth of information about your child. Of key importance is the attendance link which provides live data period by period. We are also be providing a fortnightly “engagement” report to provide some real time feedback on your child’s attitude and engagement throughout the year. Your child’s timetable, reports, fees and grades are also available through the portal. We suggest you look over this area regularly and discuss your observations with your child. Senior Girls’ Volleyball at South Island Tournament Bus Travel Thank you to those parents and caregivers who have contacted the school regarding bus travel as our bus routes and passenger numbers continue to settle. We are continuing to monitor the numbers of students on buses and may be making some more changes to routes or passenger loadings to ensure a better balance of passenger numbers. Student safety and wellbeing are top priorities for both the school and our bus company, Torlesse Travel Limited. The bus company is currently compliant with all school bus regulations with regards to passenger loadings. Brian Hays Deputy Principal - Operations The Uniform Shop The Uniform Group are the exclusive suppliers of the Rangiora High School uniform. The Uniform Shop is open at 115 East Belt (in the school-owned house between the school and the Baptist Church) on: Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays 8.00am - 10.00am 1.20pm - 2.20pm 1.20pm - 2.20pm 3.00pm - 5.00pm Our school appreciates the support of parents and caregivers in ensuring all students are sunsmart. It is our expectation that students will wear Rangiora High School caps and hats. Richard Winson Assistant Principal - Student Services International Department Homestay families and students enjoyed a lovely picnic at school on 14 February - until the earthquake let all the new students know what it felt like. A group of 20 international students recently went on a trip to Nelson Bays, via Kaikoura. They saw some amazing New Zealand scenery and wild life, experienced kayaking and walking in the national park, swam in local rivers and went rafting. Whilst in New Zealand the students are given opportunities to see as much as possible of the South Island and try out many of the adventure activities that are available. Homestays Wanted Rangiora High School is looking for homestays to host our International students from all over the world. Homestay hosts receive payment for these students. If you can offer a home for short stay or long stay students, please phone Linda Strachan on 03 313 4633. International Students Pictured below are a group of our wonderful international students who are making gyoza (Japanese dumplings) in the H Block kitchens. After cooking the gyoza, these girls were proud to share the dumplings with the class. Equestrian The equestrian calendar started off early this year with interschool showjumping held at McLean’s Island on the 17 February. Rangiora High School fielded three strong teams and achieved many placings and wins in the four classes. Jacob Torrie was a stand out in the 1.05 class, winning his first round and placing second in his next class. Overall, Rangiora placed well down the team list with one or two rails and refusals costing each team. The teams were: Green: Mika Donkers, Millie Chamberlain , Jess Drake and Lucy Grigg Gold: Jacob Torrie, Dani Chamber , Jess Vaughan and Loulou Regos Red: Zara Powers, Gabbie Rennie , Molly Grigg and Jordan Dunlop We also had two teams competing at the Supa Polo on Sunday 28 February. Our C grade team played three games for a win and two losses, one on a close fought run down. Our E grade team won their grade, with many first time players having outstanding games and scoring goals. Luci Grigg was named player of the grade. Well done, Luci. The teams were: C grade: Emily Donald, Samara Singh, Ella Plimmer and Coco Edilbi E Grade: Ashleigh Hickling, Heather MacDonald, Luci Grigg and Annika Seiler. The next tournament is on 29 March and we have three teams ready to compete. Several of our students also travelled north to the Horse of the Year competition this year and came away with some excellent results. Jacob Torrie was in the Pony Club team that achieved fifth place in the provincial team competition and then later was sixth in the Under 15 rider class at 1.10m. Georgie Goodworth also came sixth in the Junior rider class. A huge achievement in a competitive field. Gabbie Rennie also had an outstanding Horse of the Year, coming seventh in the 1.15m champ class and top ten in her other classes. Ex-student, Olivia Robertson, who is now riding full-time, won the prestigious Norwood Cup at Horse of the Year. Grace O’Sullivan also had an outstanding National Show Jumping Champs in February, coming second in the Country TV/Seales Winslow NZ Open Pony Championship on Galaxy Masterpiece. Jess Brechin continues to dominate the show ring winning NZ Nationals Champion Novice 13.2, Champion Open 13.2, Champion Novice Challenge, Champion Open Challenge, Champion Amberleigh High Hopes Memorial, and the Champion Alison Sampson Memorial. At the Amuri A&P and Cheviot A&P Jess won both Supreme Champion Pony. A huge thanks to all the parents, supporters and staff who all help make these competitions possible for these keen students. The amount of time, effort and expense is considerable! Rangiora High School PTA The Rangiora High School PTA will hold its annual AGM at 7.00pm in the Strachan Room, located at the top of the stairs in the school’s Administration Building. All members of the school community are cordially invited to attend. Year 9 parents and caregivers are especially welcome. Supper, tea and coffee is provided. The PTA meeting dates for 2016 are: 4 April 2016 (AGM) 10 May 2016 28 June 2016 2 August 2016 13 September 2016 17 October 2016 22 November 2016 Pictured at right is the tent donated by the PTA being put to use on House Sports Day. Jacob Wins Gold At the Oceania Wrestling Championships held in Hamilton on 11-12 March this month Jacob Pepper Edwards, who is in Year 13 at Rangiora High School, represented the Rangiora Amateur Wrestling Club and New Zealand Olympic Wrestling Union. Jacob performed brilliantly for New Zealand and won four medals: Freestyle Cadet 14 to 16 100kg DivisionGold Freestyle Junior 17 to 20 96kg Division Gold Greco-Roman Cadet 14 to 16 100kg Division Gold Greco-Roman Junior 17 to 20 96kg Division Gold Throughout the competition Jacob dominated his opponents and won many matches by falls and others by superior points. He did not a have a point scored against him in the whole competition. Stepping up to a higher age group did not deter him in achieving additional success. Jacob has been a member of the Rangiora Amateur Wrestling Club for some years now and it is wonderful to see him graduate to represent New Zealand at an international level with great success. RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL PTA NOMINATIONS ARE BEING CALLED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS… • • • • CHAIRPERSON SECRETARY TREASURER COMMITTEE SUPPORT (Verb) • TO KEEP FROM FALLING • TO ACTIVELY ENCOURAGE • TO SERVE AS A FOUNDATION • TO ADVOCATE PLEASE JOIN THE RHS PTA COMMITTEE OUR STUDENTS NEED YOU AND YOUR SUPPORT Golf Year 13 student Momoka Kobori recently competed in the New Zealand Women’s Golf Open at Clearwater. Her results were: Round 1: 70, Round 2: 74 and Round 3: 77. Momoka made the cut after 2 rounds and finished 57th and the fourth Amateur in the tournament which Lydia Ko won. Momoka said it was great to play in her first professional tournament amongst so many top level players. Families taking holidays in term time There is an increasing number of students going on holiday in term time. This is not a justifiable reason for absence from school and usually will be marked as Explained/Unjustified. While it is understandable that parents’ holiday times do not always correspond with school holidays and that cheaper flights and extending the holiday time to make the cost/trip worthwhile are desirable, parents/ caregivers must also consider that their child is missing out on continuity in their learning. Teachers do their best to give relevant work but this is not always possible and does place demands on them when the student returns to catch them up. Parents are asked to contact the Acting Principal by letter or email in good time if they are considering taking their child/children out of school during term time for a trip/holiday. Farm News Year 11 Primary ITO Academy have started a number of projects including general horticulture and landscaping projects as well as basic animal husbandry. Start of the new season for the Year 12 Primary ITO Academy, They are currently completing their first aid and chainsaw courses before they go out on farms around the farming community for work experience, starting next week. Senior students get taught the basics of driving a tractor on uneven ground. This will enable them to develop confidence and make good decisions when on work placement.