A new process for the enrichment of nickel in
A new process for the enrichment of nickel in
ISBN: 8I-87053.53-4 Processing of Fines (2) F-dc I' Bhattarhai via. R Singh and N. G. Gosu'(tnli 0 NMI. J w:.sltrdpui-A3/ 007. India. 200(1, pp. 307-316 A new process for the enrichment of nickel in Sukinda chromite overburden ore S. BHATTACHARJEE, P. DASGUPTA, D. KAR. R. N. BHATTACHARJEE, S. GHOSAL and A. R. PAUL. National tiletcnlhu,Gical L<ahoratorv, Jurnshedput; 83/007. India ABSTRACT Chromite Over Burden (COB) ore front Sukinda valley, Orissa is too lean in nickel concentration to he exploited for the extr action of nickel. The average nickel concentration in the COB ore lies in the range of 0.4-0.6%. An acid leaching route at atmospheric prsssure has been developed for screening out silica as insoluble. Metal values in the leach liquor are retrieved as hydroxides by appropriate manoeuvring of pH. The metal hydroxides are converted to corresponding oxides bi calcining at 900°C. The resultant nickel content in the mixed oxide has been consistently f nand to be 1.6% and above. This product may be directly used as a starting material for the preparation of ferm-nickel. Key words : Chi unite overburden ore. Nickel. Acid leaching, Ferro-nickel INTRODUCTION Sukinda valley of Orissa is well known for its rich reserve of chromite ore. Mining of chromite ore generates overburden from the upper layer, which is typical of its own. This overburden, which is also known as Chromite Over Burden (COB) ore, is the only indigenous source of nickel in the country. The average nickel concentration in the COB ore of Sukinda lies in the range of 0.4-0.7%. The existing deposit of COB ore in the Sukinda valley has been estimated to he around 140 million tonnes"'. This makes COB ore a highly prospective source of nickel, especially in view of the fact that nickel is a strategic metal and entire nickel demand of our country is met through import. Two radically different types of nickel ores, namely, sulphide ores and oxide ores have been recognised. Sulphide ores occur as layers and lenses of mafic and ultramatic rocks while oxide ores occur due to the weathering and laterization of the parent metal hearing rock'''. COB ore of Sukinda valley comes under the 307 S. BIL-tTLtCIIARJEL• el. al. second category. the oxides. The primary mineral phases in the COB ore are quart /. goethite and limonite in association with other minor phases like magnetite. hematite. chroniite etc. Early exploits of nickel were mostly from sulphide ores except till 1943 when Freeport Sulphur Company for the first time tried to harness the lateritic oxide ores for the purpose of extracting nickel'. It was a daunting task at that time since the nickel content in the starting material was even less than 1.5C7c. Caron's process of ore pre-reduction followed by ammonia-ammonium carbonate leaching was adopted. Nickel''' was extracted as NiCO1/ Ni(OH),. Freeport's Enterprise was, however , aborted because of technical non -viability. Parallel developments were made on acid leaching of the lateritic oxide ore. Sulphation of oxide ores was attempted by several workers. Both high and atmospheric pressure leaching routes were attempted. Freeport Sulphur Company put up another plant at Moa Bay, Cuba in which lateritic oxide ores with it nickel content of about I.31; was subjected to high pressure sulphuric acid leaching" Extraction of nickel was excellent and almost selective thus requiring less amount of sulphuric acid. The process was, however, plagued with severe corrosion problem. Atmospheric pressure acid leaching of nickeliferrous laterites received popular attention because of a number of apparent advantages that include ease of operation , less corrosion and low energy consumption . However, atmospheric pressure acid leaching has the disadvantage of being non-selective with high acid consumption . Acid leaching of lateritic ores under atmospheric pressure was attempted by Rice and Strong4' in the early seventies but did not receive much favour at that time. Decade of eighties saw a spurt of research in this area. A number of inorganic and organic acids were investigated as probable lixiviants for COB ores'I. Among the inorganic acids, rate of extraction was highest for HCI. Pre-roasting of the COB ore at about 360°C decomposes the goethite phase to hematite. Shukla and Das'"I studied the effect of this transformation on the leaching behaviour of Sukinda COB ore. Shukla and co-workers further carried out a comparative study on the leaching of COB ore in HCI and H,SO41'. Under similar reaction conditions HCI produce better extraction than H,SO4. Pre-roasting of the ore increased the extractability. Panagiotopoulos and co-workers worked on the atmospheric pressure sulphuric acid leaching of serpentinic"I and towgrade hematitic laterites'''. Acid leaching of Australian nickeliferrous laterites at atmospheric pressure was carried out by Canterford with reference to leaching temperature. acid strength. ore mineralogy, pre-roasting temperature etc.'"'" Present paper describes a new process for the chemical enrichment of nickel content in high silica Sukinda COB ore. The process is based on the dissolution of the COB ore through atmospheric acid leaching and retrieving the metal i(I`i S. /1114 ACHAKJE el. ul, values through precipitation as hydroxide. A nickel value of 1.6'7( or above qualifies the final product as a starting material for producing ferro-nickel. Exl'F.RIMiENTAL Digestion experiments for optimising the leaching parameters were carried out in a three-necked Borosil flask under refluxing condition and constant agitation . In each hatch 500 g of the COB ore was used. The extractability of different sieve fractions was performed in open beakers. I g of each fraction was subjected to acid digestion in the proportion. 5 ml HCI. 5 ml HNO„ 10 ml H,SO4 and 20 ml H,O kept over a hot plate for a period of two hours with occasional stirring. Total analyses of the sieved fractions were carried out by dissolving I g of each fraction in HCI HNO HCIO, tri-acid mixture using standard protocols. SiO, was determined by standard HF digestion of the residue. All the metal analyses were performed using GBC 908 AA Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. All the reagents used were of AR grade with 18MS2 ASTM Grade I distilled water was used for making the solutions. RESULT's AND DISCUSSION Table I gives the complete chemical analysis of the COB ore used in the present study. As a prerequisite for the acid leaching of COB ore. The ore must be ground to a fine site to make more and more surface area available for acid attack. However, grinding of the ore has a cost, which increases sharply with finer size requirement. This warrants an optimisation, as the final techno-economics of the process should be influenced by the grinding cost. To arrive at an optimum particle size following exercise was carried out. I kg ore of -10 mesh ore was passed through sieves of different sizes and their percentages were calculated. Percentages of different fractions as recovered from 1 kg of -10 mesh ore are shown in Table 2. It may be observed from Table 2 that -10 mesh COB ore was a well distributed matrix. All the sieve fraction collected were analysed for their principal components. namely, LOI, SiO„ Fe, Ni, Co, Cr and Mn and the results have been shown in Table 3. It is evident from Table 3 that grinding to finer sizes leads to the liberation of metal values and silica percentage goes down considerably. There has been an enrichment of all the metals in -2(X) mesh fraction. However, it was also interesting to find that metal values did not vary significantly in fractions B. C and D. Thus, it may be inferred that grinding upto -44 mesh size should he sufficient as far as metal liberations are concerned. To look into this observation more critically leaching experiments were carried out with all the sieved fractions under similar reaction conditions. I g of each fraction was digested with 5 ml HCI. 5 ml HNO1 and 10 nil H,SO4 under 309 S. BHA7T1 CHARJEE er. al. identical conditions. The leach liquor in each case was analysed for the metal values and the percentage extractability was calculated on the basis of analytical data for each metal in each fraction given in Table 3. The percentage extractahilitv of each metal in each fraction is given in Table 4. Table I : Complete chemical analy sis of the COB ore Ele men (/Radical Content (Ir LOI 5.15 SiO, 55.39 Fe,O. 34.41 NiO 0.93 CoO 0.05 Cr,O1 2.01 MnO 0.57 ZnO 0.01 Na,O 0.16 CaO 0.35 MgO 0.74 "!'able 2 : Sieve analysis of -10 mesh COB ore Label Sieve fraction, mesh Weight, a Weight, % A -200 165 16.5 13 +200 to -10(I 265 26.5 C +I M to -60 186 18.6 D +60 to -44 145 14.5 E +44 214 21.4 Loss 25 Total 10(H) 310 . 2 5 10(1 S. BHA77A(71t XiL7i et. ul. Table 3 : Chemical analyses of different sieve fractions Element (17O Sieve fractions A B C D LOI 7.73 5.29 5.59 5.76 5.7 SiO, 43.98 48.62 55.32 58.92 58.90 Ni 1.1 0.756 0.747 0.766 0.701 Co 0.062 0.031 0.036 0.042 0.051 Cr 1.27 1.21 1.07 1.33 0.96 Fe 32.48 20.16 19.04 20.16 20.16 MI) 0.65 0 .43 0.46 0.5 0.47 E Data in Table 4 make some interesting observations. On increasing the fineness of the ore particles, one expected a higher extraction. However, for all the metals reported, fraction B had shown maximum extractability though fraction A was of highest fineness . The leachant combination of HCI, HNO, H,SO4 and water was adhoc in nature and no attempt was made at this stage to optimise the leachant combination. The objective of this study was to find out the metal extractability of different sieve fractions under similar reaction conditions. It was not readily explainable why the extractability was less in fraction A. It was further interesting to note that metal extractability of fractions B, C and D did not differ much . This strengthens our earlier contention that a grinding upto -44 mesh was sufficient for the leaching of the COB ore and there was no need to go for expensive finer grindings. Table 4 : Percentage extractability of metals in each .sieved fraction Element (°k) % Extractability in fraction A B C D E Ni 68.20 75.39 70.95 71.80 78.45 Co 46.77 61.29 55.55 61.90 54.90 Cr 19.68 20.66 23.27 22.93 29.17 Fe 83.43 91.07 90.02 90.57 77.77 Mn 58.46 66.51 63.04 66.01 61.96 Process for Nickel Enrichment COB ore of Sukinda valley is a high silica matrix. Present nickel enrichment process consists of primarily three stages. In the first stage the ore is subjected 311 S. BHA7TAC II AR/hI. et. at to acid digestion which soluhilizes the metal values and screens out the silica. In the second stage the leach liquor that consists of salts of Ni. Co. Cr. Fe and other trace metals is neutralised with an appropriate alkali to precipitate the hydroxides of Ni, Co. Cr and Fe. In the third stage the metal hydroxides are calcined at a higher temperature to achieve the desired grade of nickel. Fig. I gives the schematic diagram of the proposed enrichment scheme. Stage I : Digestion with acid/ Combination of acids, HCI, HNO and H,SO4. Stage lI Neutralisation with alkali. Na,CO,. NaOH. Stage III : Calcination at 900°C Raw nickel ore Ni : 0.4-0.7% I Digestion Leach liquor of N Co, Cr and Fe Neutralisation I 11 III Oxides of Ni, Cr Co and Fe Calcination 9(X)11C Y Hydroxides of Ni Co. Cr and Fe Fi'.l : Schematic diagram of the nickel enrichment schetne Optimisation of* leaching parameters : Leaching parameters for the optimum leaching of nickel from Sukinda COB ore were identified as, HCI, HNO, and H,SO4 concentrations, reaction temperature, amount of water added and digestion time. A large number of experiments (about 40) were carried out in the laboratory to optimise these parameters. The parameters as optimised are given below. Under the optimised conditions the extraction of nickel from the COB ore was slightly more than 804. Neutralisation of the leach liquor The leach liquor contains salts of Co, Fe, Cr and traces of Al, Mn and Zn. These metals were precipitated using an appropriate neutralising agent. Both Na,CO, and NaOH were used. However, use of Na,CO, is recommended as washing the precipitate. which is a very crucial step for obtaining the product grade, is easier with Na2CO, than NaOH. NH4OH cannot he used as part of the nickel and cobalt get solubilised and the product yield goes down. 312 S. BHA774CH1RJ1: F. et. a!. Table 4 : Optimised parameters with reference to the extraction of Nickel Parameters Optimised values COB ore 500 g Fineness -44 mesh HCI concentration 50 ml 12N HNO, concentration 50 nil 14N H,SO4 Concentration 100 ml 36N H,O 500 ml Digestion time 3 hours Temperature 100°C Calcination of the hydroxides : Metal hydroxides produced during the neutralisation process must be converted into the corresponding oxides to achieve the desired grade of nickel. Though it has been shown in the schematic diagram that the hydroxides were calcined at a temperature of 900°C, a thorough study was carried out to find out the optimum calcination temperature . The results of calcination temperature optimisation for a typical metal hydroxide have been given in Table 5. It is evident from Table 5 that calcination of the hydroxides is a need - based requirement . If the starting material has a higher grade of nickel it may not be at all necessary to calcine the product if the desired nickel percentage is 1.6% and a mere demoisturisation at 110°C should he sufficient, as may be seen from Table 5. However, most of the COB ores are very poor with respect to nickel concentration and calcination at a higher temperature appears to be a necessary step. This may be mentioned again at this stage that washing of the metal hydroxide precipitate is an extremely crucial step for achieving the product purity. Presence of sodium salts has a tendency to deteriorate the product purity to a great extent. Final product : The final product after the calcination was essentially a mixed oxide of Fe, Ni, Cr, Co and other trace elements like, Al, Mn , Zn, Na. Ca etc . Complete analysis of a typical final product is given in Table 6. X-ray diffraction of the final product ( not shown here ) indicated that it consisted of two phases, (-Fe,O, and nickel ferrite, NiFe,O4. It was observed that the final product was weakly magnetic in nature which supported the formation of weakly magnetic NiFe,O4 phase . It could he possible that the final product consisted of a magnetic and a non magnetic phase. (-Fe,O, constituted the 313 S. R1141"IACIIAR.lE1:' et. al. fable /iiiect o/ heat treatment on the metal hYdroxides obtained front leach liquor Sample Temperature "C Nike/ Co .' Fe. % OAR, Ito 1.68 0.063 56.0 O„R, 1.66 0.077 O „R , 300 500 1.81 0.084 58.2 63.8 0„R , 700 1 . 91 0.088 67.2 O„R 1 900 [95 0.086 69.4 Table 6 : Complete analysis of the final product Element/Radical Content % 1.01 0.11 SiO, 0.13 Fe2O 992.12 NiO 2.54 Cr,O 11.75 CoO 0.14 AI,O, 1.21 MnO 1.42 ZnO 0.38 Na,O 0.67 nonmagnetic fraction while NiFe,O, made for the magnetic fraction . This opened up the possibility of further nickel enrichment by separating the magnetic and non-magnetic fraction through magnetic separation. A study was carried out to ascertain the extent of NiFe,O, formation through measurement of saturation magnetisation . It was calculated from chemical analysis that in a typical final product. assuming all the nickel were converted into NiFc ,O,. the percentage of NiFe,O, would have been 9.37'. The same product yielded a saturation magnetisation value of 4 . 5 emu/g . Considering the standard saturation magnetisation value of NiFe,O , 50 emu /g, the amount of NiFe , O, in the product should have been 9 .049k. The nearness of the NiFe,O, percentage data obtained from two completely independent methods vindicated our contention that the entire nickel was converted into NiFe _ O, and the final product consisted of a magnetic and a non - magnetic phase . Thus, in principle it is possible to enrich the nickel content further by separating the magnetic phase 314 S. 811A1T1 ('11,4RIlili ri. tit Merits and strengths of the present process : The present process is attractive because it is essentially a low energy consumption process. The existing nickel exploitations from lateritic oxides, whether by acidic or alkaline route, are all energy intensive processes. Also these processes need to crush the ore to a very fine size (about -200 mesh). The present process can handle ores of -44 mesh size quite easily. The leaching temperature is only 100-110°C. Calcination at a higher temperature is only a need-based operation and will depend on the quality of the starting material and percentage extraction of nickel. Even if calcination is required, a much smaller mass compared to the starting material needs to be handled and going upto 900°C may not be necessary. Reagents used in the present process are inexpensive and known to have no toxic effects on the operator provided general laboratory safety norms are adhered to. The process is marked with operational simplicity involving essentially digestion, precipitation and filtration. The process will generate valuable by-products, which has a steady market within the country. The process does not envisage any waste and effluent disposal problem thus making it environment friendly. CONCLUSION Conclusions of the present study may he listed as follows : 1. COB ore of Sukinda valley may he leached with an appropriate combination of HCI. HNO,. H2SO, and water. Extractability of nickel is more than 80(7. 2. An ore size of -44 mesh is sufficient for acid digestion. 3. Neutralisation of the leach liquor is carried out with Na,CO, and NaOH. 4. Washing of metal hydroxide precipitate is extremely crucial for achieving the desired product grade. 5. Calcination of the hydroxide precipitate at higher temperature enhances the nickel content in the final product. However, calcination is not a necessary step and will depend on the quality of the starting COB ore and extractability of nickel. 6. The process is not energy intensive and generates valuable by-products that have ready market in the country. 7. The process is environment friendly and does not encounter waste and effluent disposal problems. 315 S. B1GI1T.-1C/I.4R.IEI: et. of ACKNOW l,FJK;F:^1ENT The authors wish to thank the Director. NML. Jamshedpur, for his kind permission to publish this work. Rh:FI:RENCha 1. Swarny. Y. V.. Reddy. B. R.. Murthy. B. V. R. and Ray. H. S.. (1995). 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