Vietnamese success at First Saturday Budapest July GM tournament
Vietnamese success at First Saturday Budapest July GM tournament
Vietnamese success at First Saturday Budapest July GM tournament The GM section of the regular First Saturday events was named after a legendary Hungarian Chess Master of the past century namely Borloy-Androvitzky Karoly . He was a good poet, mathematician and a strong chess master at the same time. He elaborated a reliable rating system decades earlier the present Elo- system was introduced. His widow, Mrs Borloy Selmeczi Hedi has sponsored the event for the fifth time. Borloy Androvitzky Karoly (HUN) 1922-2000 From left: the interpreter, IO Nagy, the sponsor, Mrs Borloy Androvitzky Selmeczi Hedi, a chessfriend Mr Marton. Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy (VIE) former U16 Champion of Asia (2003 BRU) has permanently lived in Hungary for over three years for studying and playing chess. He is a member of the Vietnamese Olympic squad and it was his third GM norm. IM Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy (VIE) Petrov Nikita (RUS), a young Champion of Novorossiysk has achieved his third IM norm and hopefully his IM Title Application will reach the Tromso Congress in time. He has got a GM norm at Moscow Open last year. FM PETROV, Nikita (RUS) Final Ranking 5th Borlóy-Androvitzky Károly Memorial 05-15th July 2014 Rk. Name FED RtgI Pts. Rp n w we w-we K rtg+/1 IM Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy VIE 2490 7.5 2622 10 7.5 5.82 1.68 10 16.8 2 FM Petrov Nikita RUS 2364 6.5 2564 10 6.5 3.78 2.72 15 40.8 3 IM Mihok Oliver HUN 2458 5.0 2435 10 5 5.32 -0.32 10 -3.2 4 GM Varga Zoltan HUN 2469 4.5 2397 10 4.5 5.50 -1.00 10 -10.0 5 GM Kantsler Boris ISR 2429 3.5 2331 10 3.5 4.84 -1.34 10 -13.4 6 GM Seres Lajos HUN 2425 3.0 2293 10 3 4.74 -1.74 10 -17.4 The winner of the IM- section IM Kislik Erik Andrew (USA) has also stayed in Hungary for chess for about three years by now. He has become a chess theory expert by now so he left limited chances for his opponents for the middle games. IM KISLIK (USA) left FM Radnai Adam (HUN) who is also a successful chess coach plays in original style that reflects his special abilities and peculiar personality. It is his first IM- norm which may be followed with further success if he continues his persistent studies. FM Radnai Adam (HUN) Final Ranking First Saturday IM Budapest 05-15th July 2014 Rk. Name FED RtgI Pts. TB1 Rp n w we w-we K rtg+/1 IM Kislik Erik Andrew USA 2340 8.5 41.00 2539 9 7.5 5.33 2.17 10 21.7 2 IM Torma Robert HUN 2412 7.5 33.50 2442 10 7.5 7.04 0.46 10 4.6 3 FM Radnai Adam HUN 2331 7.5 30.75 2451 10 7.5 5.95 1.55 15 23.3 4 IM Szeberenyi Adam HUN 2316 6.5 28.50 2349 9 5.5 5.05 0.45 10 4.5 5 IM Szabolcsi Janos HUN 2348 5.0 17.50 2222 9 4 5.43 -1.43 10 -14.3 6 Juhasz Armin HUN 2267 4.5 19.75 2228 10 4.5 5.02 -0.52 15 -7.8 7 FM Lyell Mark ENG 2260 4.0 15.25 2193 10 4 4.92 -0.92 15 -13.8 8 IM Szalanczy Emil HUN 2280 4.0 14.75 2148 9 3 4.57 -1.57 10 -15.7 9 Marosi Levente HUN 2127 3.5 16.25 2168 10 3.5 3.07 0.43 15 6.4 10 Dolgener Tobias GER 2173 3.0 10.75 2242 6 3 2.46 0.54 15 8.1 11 Nyland Thomas NOR 2052 1.0 3.50 1919 10 1 2.16 -1.16 15 -17.4 IM Sandor Farago (HUN) the only IM of the FM-A group won six games in tough battles against lower rated opponents but finally could not survived unbeaten. IM FARAGO, Sandor (HUN) The only lady participant of the group WGM Csonkics Tunde (HUN) former Hungarian Women Champion and member of the Olympic team could be contented with her results returning to competitive chess after a twenty year break. It was a really impressive comeback. We hope to welcome her in the IM sections soon. Left: WGM CSONKICS (HUN) Final Ranking First Saturday IM Budapest 05-15th July 2014 Rk. Name sex FED RtgI Pts. TB1 Rp n w we w-we K rtg+/1 IM Farago Sandor HUN 2249 7.0 32.75 2253 8 6 5.90 0.10 10 1.0 2 WGM Csonkics Tunde w HUN 2194 6.0 24.50 2177 9 6 6.13 -0.13 15 -2.0 3 Dombi-Marias Rudolf ROU 2028 5.5 23.00 2150 9 5.5 4.00 1.50 15 22.5 4 Kertesz Zsolt HUN 2112 5.0 20.50 2104 9 5 5.10 -0.10 15 -1.5 5 Schenkerik Csaba HUN 2073 4.5 17.75 2065 9 4.5 4.60 -0.10 15 -1.5 6 Steer Jozsef HUN 1888 3.5 16.75 2006 9 3.5 2.28 1.22 15 18.3 7 Knudsen Martin DEN 2021 3.5 15.00 1991 9 3.5 3.92 -0.42 15 -6.3 8 Laza Szabolcs HUN 2097 3.5 13.25 1983 9 3.5 4.91 -1.41 15 -21.1 9 Toth-Katona Tamas HUN 1935 3.5 13.00 2017 8 3.5 2.70 0.80 15 12.0 10 Reh Philipp GER 2064 3.0 14.25 1941 9 3 4.46 -1.46 15 -21.9 The lower rating group has brought the rivalry of three young foreign players. In case the rating development factor K is really introduced and changes from 15 to 40 for players under 18 until their ratings reach 2300 then it has been a record rating gain for all of them. The winner Feldman Antony (14,ISR) definitely plays hundreds of points higher than his current rating. FELDMAN, Antony (ISR) Onur Cem (12, TUR) can become one of the best Turkish players of his age group soon. IA ORSO, Cem ONUR (TUR) and IO NAGY A really bright spot of the event was the participation of Cimpean Andra (15, ROU) She also talented in other kind of arts like drawing and painting. Her games were colourful and well planned like her drawings. CIMPEAN, Andra (ROU) Final Ranking First Saturday FM-B Budapest 05-15th July 2014 Rk. Name sex FED RtgI Pts. TB1 TB3 Rp n w we w-we K rtg+/- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Feldman Antony Onur Cem Cimpean Andra w Bognar Attila Szlenka Attila Szurkos Andras Karacsonyi Gellert Ongut Tamas Gunes Hoel Hakon Barcy John Szabo Miklos Istvan Onur Semih ISR 1688 9.5 TUR 1549 8.5 ROU 1642 7.5 HUN 1858 6.5 HUN 1800 6.0 HUN 1789 5.5 HUN 1788 5.5 HUN 1591 5.5 NOR 1862 5.0 HKG 1714 3.5 HUN 1322 2.5 TUR 1278 0.5 49.25 8 45.25 8 37.00 4 28.50 6 26.75 4 24.50 5 24.25 5 21.75 5 19.00 4 14.25 2 4.75 2 4.75 0 1963 11 9.5 5.78 3.72 1898 10 7.5 3.06 4.44 1791 11 7.5 5.14 2.36 1703 11 6.5 7.98 -1.48 1680 11 6 7.27 -1.27 1713 10 5.5 6.20 -0.70 1645 11 5.5 7.11 -1.61 1663 11 5.5 4.45 1.05 1602 11 5 8.04 -3.04 1519 11 3.5 6.16 -2.66 1381 10 1.5 1.57 -0.07 1235 10 0.5 1.24 -0.74 15 55.8 15 66.6 15 35.4 30 -44.4 15 -19.0 15 -10.5 15 -24.1 15 15.8 30 -91.2 30 -79.8 15 -1.0 30 -22.2 Prior to the First Saturday events as usual, the Hotel MEDOSZ Budapest (permanent host of the event) Rapid Open tournament took place won by Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy (VIE). The system of the Rapid event will run with 7 rounds with 20 minutes each since there is now no need to have nine games to get rapid ratings but only five by the newest FIDE regulations. Group photo of July 2014 participants The Hotel MEDOSZ Budapest assures comfortable and pleasant playing conditions with kind hospitality. The large tournament hall is bright and air conditioned and it is very important since the temperature was usually around +35 C outside. The next First Saturday events are scheduled to 2-12th August with the usual Rapid Open one day prior to main events. More info with all games, photos and archive are at: Contact Tournament Director: Nagy Laszlo IO [email protected] Photos by Szabo Miklos Written by IM Miklos Orso Chief Arbiter