10 Spot - Montana Lottery
10 Spot - Montana Lottery
! ! ! 10 Spot Game Ends April 2, 2016 ! ! 10 Spot Game Ends ! April 2, 2016 ! !"#$%&'%()*+,& -+& "#$%&!'(! !!!!!"#$%&!'(! "#$%&!')! !!!!!"#$%&!')! "#$%&!''! !!!!!"#$%&!''! "#$%&!'+! !!!!!"#$%&!'+! "#$%&!'0! !!!!!"#$%&!'0! "#$%&!'/! !!!!!"#$%&!'/! "#$%&!'.! !!!!!"#$%&!'.! "#$%&!'-! !!!!!"#$%&!'-! "#$%&!'2! !!!!!"#$%&!'2! "#$%&!'1! !!!!!"#$%&!'1! "#$%&!+(! !!!!!"#$%&!+(! "#$%&!+)! !!!!!"#$%&!+)! 34$56!)! !!!!!34$56!)! 34$56!'! !!!!!34$56!'! !#&& )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! )'*+(!,"! -*+(!,"! '%().& !//0)$1& '-! '.! '/! '0! '+! ''! ')! '(! )1! )2! )-! ).! )/! )0! )+! )'! ))! )(! 1! 2! -! .! /! 0! +! '! )! 758#6!9$#:! ! The 10 Spot daily game will end on April 2, 2016. 10 The Spot Montana daily game will end onallowing April 2,players 2016. 10 Spot Spot is a10unique Lottery game, Lottery game, allowing to unique match upMontana to 10 numbers and win prizes up toplayers to match u to 10 10 numbers and win upwith to $25,000. $25,000. Spot provides ourprizes players two daily 10 Spot prov chances to play with and win. our players two daily chances to play and win. JustJust likelike our our Scratch and EZPLAY® products, games games have Scratch and EZPLAY® products, have a life-cycle which allows us the opportunity to life-cycle which allows us the opportunity to introduce new introduce new and original games as needed. 10 Spot has andenjoyed original as needed. 10 six Spot hasbut been been by games Montanans for nearly years, in enjoyed by Montanans forLottery’s nearly six years,line butfresh in order order to keep the product and to keep the Lottery’sthe product fresh and innovative, time has co innovative, time hasline come to bring 10 Spot to athe close. to bring 10 Spot to a close. The draw down for 10 Spot will begin after the 12:30 PMThe draw on March The will chartbegin outlines thethe 12:30 PM draw down20, for2016. 10 Spot after draw down schedule. The draw down will continue draw on March 20, 2016. The chart outlines the draw dow through 28 draws, as the maximum available for schedule. The The drawterminal down will continue purchase reduces. will only let youthrough select 28 draws, maximum available for The purchase reduces. thethe allowable number of draws. final draw for 10The termina willwill only let7:30 youPM select the allowable Spot be at on April 2, 2016. number of draws. The final draw for 10 Spot will be at 7:30 PM on April 2, 2016. More information will follow about the new addition to theMore Montana Lottery’s game line-up,about Big Sky It information will follow theBonus. new addition to th goes on sale April 3, 2016. Montana Lottery’s game line-up, Big Sky Bonus. It goes on sale April 3, 2016. montanalottery.com 2525 North Montana Avenue Helena, MT 59601