to Marengo County Genealogical Society


to Marengo County Genealogical Society
vVewslett r
The table of contents does not cover news items.
The index covers all genealogical records published in the newsletter, as well as selected ews items.
Each reference is given in this foml' Volume. Number: First page of article. If the title of an article is not
self-explanatory, it will be followed by a brief clarification.
1.1 :4
Surnames ofInte est - society members' family names
Genealogical Research Guides
Marriage PatLerns of Forkland District's Richest - in 19th century
Grandmother James - of Livingston, Alabama
devoted to news items
2.2: 1
Federal Taxes Assessed in Marengo County, 1865-1866
Income upon Which Federal Income Tax Was Assessed, 1866
Occupations, 1866 - taxes paid by businessmen
Federal Taxes on Luxury Hems 1866
Lndividuals Taxed for Animals Slaughtered and/or Cotton, 1866
Abstracts of Legislative Acts Concern ing Marengo County ­ 1849-76
Frisbie versus Lucy ­ 1827 civil suit
Cato ver us Easley - I820s civil suits
Naturalizations, 1824-1836
A Penny' Worth fCrime- 1820 a sault and battery
Marengo County Circuit Court Jurors, Fall Term, 1827
3. I :3
3. I:5
Notices of Estates in The Marengo Recorder, June 1866
Watch out for Dilly Ann ­ 1866 notice by husband Patrick Sullivan
Out-of-State Next-oF-Kin - non-resident heirs of Spencer Yow and A. J. Crawford, 1866
Marengo COWlty Manuscripts - holdings ofthe University of Alabama library
Notwithstanding My Offensiveness ... - 1822 petition by James P. Hainesworth
Death Notices Appearing in The Marengo Recorder ­ 1866
Sheriff's Sale of Lots in Demopolis -1866
Th Truth, the Whole Truth, or Whatever Else is Expedient - testimony in 1823 theft trial
Advertisements in The Marengo Recorder, June 20, 1866 Issue
Estate Sale for Samuel Orr, 1866
Genealogical Research in the Demopolis Public Library -Ii t offamil histories
Do You Have Information on these Familte ? - list of researchers and family names
Abstracts from Marengo County Record of Bonds B - 18505
Estate ofe. e. Stone, 1830 -list of slaves
Early Marengo County Newspapers - list of those in exi tence 1836-50
Notice Published in Alabama Newspapers, Summer of '65 - concerning p rdon applications
Petitions for Amnesty, 1865 - for Adams throu h Bocock
Charges of Assault and Battery in Early Marengo County - verdict, 1820-24
Bible Record in Demopolis Public Library
Birth Data fTom the 1907 Confederate Census
Whitfield Letter ­ 1849 letter from Nathan B. Whitlield to his son Bryan
Some Marengo County Deatb Records, 1906 to 1909
Locations Mentioned in Early Commissioners' Court Minutes - 1841
orne Marengo County Death Records, 1910 to 1912
Health Care fur Early Marengo Countians - 1823 agreement with Dr. Wm. T. Johnson
Early Marengo County Post Offices - 1822-39
Stockholders of the Linden Rail Road Company, 1836 to 1838
Some Marengo County Death Records, 1913
Certificates for Free Men of Early Marengo County
5.1 :2
5.1 :6
Ministers Licensed in Marengo County to Perfoml Marriages, 1820-1836
Selected Entries from Marengo County Orphans' Court Minutes Book E - out-of-county
Marengo County Deed Book T: Mortgages of Slaves, 1860
1896 Poll List for Dixon Mills Beat
All Elopement, Marengo Style - account of wedding of Caroline Foscue and Albel1 Lipscomb
] 830 Civil Suit: Haltum vs. Cody
Accounts Belonging to the Estate ofN.W. Riddle - circa 1858
Selected Docunlents from Marengo County Deed Book V
combined with Issue 5.2
7.1 :3
7.1 :3
7.1 :5
7.1:1 I
7.1 :12
7.1 :12
Quinney Cemetery Marker - history and inscriptions
Accounts Due the I-Iudson Estate, 1880
McGrew's Ferry ­ 1838 reservation of rights
Apprenticeship Records ­ 1866-67
Making the Grade - teaching licenses circa 1907
The Manumission of Casey Long ­ 1835
Stephen F. Pool Estate: Payouts, 1859-61
Adoption- by Celia Ann Flowers, 1912
Hosea heirs - heirs of Thomas Hosea., 1887
The Farmers Banking Association-list of stockholders, 1838
IfEven This Was All It Would Be Enough - resignation by administrator fMorris estate, 1854
Embree s Account against the United States ­ laims ofthefis by Creek lndians in 1790 Georgia
Last Will and Testament of Ann H. Baptist - dated 1895
Bits & Pieces, 18305 - assorted records from deed books
To Sell or Not to Sell 1892 petition for order of sale oflands of David C. McFarland estate
Some Early Marengo County Probate Records - mi cellaneous probate records, early I840s
Thomas Apprenticeship ­ 1878
Deeds to and trom Marengo County Churches -1858-1880
From Henson to Phillips- 1924 adoption
The Bare Necessities - appraisement of Jonathan Dickinson estate. 1840
Letters of Guardianship Granted January 5, 1891
Paymaster of the Sixth Brigade - official bond, 1840
A Doubtful Claim - against Bessemer company for causing a death, 1909
Some Landowners in Township 13, 1858 - from tax list
Marengo County Town Properties - conveyances recorded in ]865
Jurors for the 1920s King Trial
Out ofDi -ie 1835 agreement to remove children to a free state
Probate Court Sessions of January 1896 ­ minutes
8.1 :7
8.1 :8
8.1 :8
Distributees of Estates, 1851 - from final settlements
Through the Decades - an assortment of deed and miscellaneous probate records, 1838-1879
An Evening Encounter - testimony in 1835 hearing concerning Thomas A Holland' death
Letlers of Administration - dated 1865 (Lewis estate), 1903 (White estate), 1905 (Griffin estate)
Southern Deeds deeds for township 12, 1865-1901
Timber Sale - 1922 sale of timber of Edwards minor
As Many Have Binne Unfortunate - 1838 pre-nuptial contract between Kirksey and King
From Dayton to Demopoli - deeds for northern Marengo County. 1842-1892
Joseph M. Alexander' Heirs at Law ­ 1867 list
Criminal Behavior - 1880s contracts with convict
8.2:1 J
8.2: 12
From Marengo County Probate Minutes Book T ­ 1917 to 1919
Estate Records of the 1840s - account of Barney Wayne estate; sale of Henry B. Mitchell's slaves
Deeds Filed in the Spring of 1873, Part I
Purchaser and Securities at an 1824 Estate Sale - Henry Woolf estate
An Inside Look at David Curry's Tavern - 1845 inventory
Pineville Taxpayers - 1892 poll list
Regular April Term 1861 of the Probate Court·- minutes
A Contract to Build in Jefferson - 1853 building contract
9.1: II
Sacred Ground: Methodist Church at Linden ­ 1844 articles of association and deed
Military Enlistments in 19 J6 and 1917
On Strawberry Street in Demopolis- 1840s deeds
Deeds Filed in the Spring of 1873, Part II
Inventory of Franci. Bierne Estate, 1826
The Children of Leroy Williams ­ 1882 approval and revocation ofletters of apprenticeship
Pre-Nuptial Contracts in Early Marengo County - ITom 1840s
From Marengo County Will Record C - wills filed in late 1890
A Company of Mounted Infantry 1863 formation of unit in Demopolis
The Minutes of January and February, 1876 ­ minutes of probate court sessions
Voting for the Colonel- J 86_ election for militia officer in Jefferson Precinct
A Plain Log Courthouse: Early Legislative Acts - concerning Marengo County, 1818-21
Some Mid-1860s Marriages
An Unhappy Affair ­ 1829 murder in Greene County
From Marengo County Deed Book DD ­ deeds filed in early 1897
1842 SaIe of the Leonard Hall Estate
Nineties News ­ gossip from 1893 Demopolis newspapers
Death of an Estimable Lady in Demopolis -­ 1873 death notice for Mrs. Ada B. Jones
10. \:4
10.1 :5
A Suitabl Passenger Depot in Demopolis - 1880s city council resolution
Probate Court Minutes of December 1858
Purchases at William May's 1823 Estate Sale
From the 1910 Death Register - deaths of African-Americans in C'<lrly 1910
10.1: I0
10. ] :10
1825 Sale of James Holt Propelty
The Only Church Building in Faunsdale - 1887 deed and mechanic"s lien
Deeds Filed in August of 1888
Some 1868 Lists of Heirs - Ii-om miscellaneous probate records
The Next of Kin of Eady O'Neal
Sheriff's Sales of Land - circa 1840
10.2: 10
10.2:1 ]
Some Early Acts of the Alabama Legislature - approved 1824
Lisls of Heirs. circa 1879 - from miscellaneous probate records
1854 House Calls - 1854 entries in logbook of Dr. Bryan W. Whitfield
First Deeds Recorded in Deed Book 0 - recorded in 1851
Lawmen's Sales of Land - irca 1840
A Printer's Apprentice - j 842 apprenticeship of Lafayett Lindsay
Claims against the Joseph Pack Estate - in 1840 report of insolvency
1903 Alabama Official and Statistical Register - Marengo County officials
Post-War Work Contract - 1868 contract with freedmen
Whal's in Store for 1905 - .inventory of estate of deceased Linden merchant
Aetna Life Insurance Policies - 1870s contracts insuring Nicholas P. Lyles
Demopolis Waterworks - deed conceming new sy tern in 1895
Church and School Deeds Circa 1900
Take My Cue -deeds of billiard table in 1840s Demopolis
Freedom Papers in Marengo County Deed Books - from 1840s
11.1 :4 ... And Behave Yoursel yes - late 19 th -century gift ofland by a grandmother
11.1 :5 Sales of Personal Property - 1856 (Thompson estate), 1887 (Mitchell estate), 1890 (Miles estate)
11.1 :6 Palent Metal- 1856 transfer of rights to sell metallic caskets
11.1 :7 Notes from ~arly Circuit Court Daybook -lists of officials and juries, I 27 to 1832
11. 1:9 From War 10 Peace in Eagleville - 1866 deed ofmilitary barracks to freedmen
11.1:10 Distributees at Final Settlements, 1880-1883
I 1.1:12 Military Club of Demopolis - 1897 petition for incorporation
II.!: J
I L.I:2
11.1 :3
11.2: I
I ].2:7
11.2: 11
11.2: 11
11.2: 12
Distributees at Final Settlements,1884-1886
Shiloh Tallyard Spring Water - 1855 sale oftanyard
1824 Wm. T. Johnson Estate Sale
The Hammock House - 1855 building contract at McKinley
Cotton Mill Record - register ofchildren working for ELmore Cotton Mills, 1911-1914
Pricey Pigs - exchange of land for pair of pigs, 1879
Early Acts of the Alabama Legislature - acts that concern Marengo COlUlty, 1831-32
The Binding Out of Evilene Davis - in 1884
Divisions of Slaves Among Heirs - in 1840s
1855 MalTiage Contract - between Alston and Chaney
In the Event of My Death... - 1832 will of Hezekiah M. Bondurant
Guardian's Account with C. A. Cameron - of 187 s
Notes from the Reverend's Diary, 1865-67 - Episcopal clergyman Francis R Hanson
Deeds Fi led in Septem ber of 1878
Inventory of Estate of John Morris, Deceased - in 1841
A Slice of Apple Hill- 1890 deed of portion of Apple Hill furrn
12. I :2
Lale-Filed Records - deeds dating from 1845 to 1879
Sale of Jonathan Anderson Personal Estate, 1851
The Spring Hill Neighborhood - 1872 article on topography and health
12. I :8
12.1 :8
12.1 :10
12.1: 1'2
Some Civil Appointments in Marengo County - for surnames beginning with "A"
Family Slave Deeds Re-eorded in Deed Book A
Convicts, 1850 - from state penitentiary report
Think That Covers It? - 184 I release of guardian by Mrs. Mary E. Burke Prince
rom the 1912 Death Register - deaths of aging African-l\mericans
Marengo News in 1840s Mobile Papers
Lists of Heirs, 1920s - from petitions for letters of administration
Patent Rights - 1841 transfer of rights to shingle machine patent
12.2: I
12.2: 10
12.2: 10
12.2: 12
Do You Know These People? - ) 9th-century Trent fam ily Bible record
Registration Book of Voters, 1910
00 Strawberry Street in Demopoli - deeds dated 1850 to 1898
Heir-Legatee Lists, Early 1870 -- fTom probate minutes
Miss Me? - substitute for clerk's index for Miscellaneous Probate Record 5, pp. 1-313
What's in a Name: Pleasant Hill, New Ruin ... -- deeds for McKinley dated 1842 to 1851
1918 Enlistees from Southern Marengo County
Adoptions and Apprenticeships in Late 1800s
Marengo County Burial Grounds - mention of graveyard in deed book records, 1869 to 1887
MatrimoniaJ Matters - marriage and separation contracls; incorporations promoting matrimony
Slaves upon Walnut Grove, 1843
Nineteenth-Century Logs - 19-century deeds involving log houses and cedar logs
13.1: 1
13.1 :4
13.1: 10
13.1: 10
Early PedcUers - /847 mortgage and 1852 license involving area peddlers
Vann & Waugh's Debtors, 1881-li t of debtors to Faunsdal firm
First Recorded Deeds of Lands in Range 1 East -- from deed books A and B
Sale of Personal Estate of James W. Bradley -- held in 1875
April 1843 Deeds of Lots in Demopolis
Lists of Heirs from 1852 Probate Minules
Marengo County Applicants for Medical Exams - list from J 882 to 1948
Gift to Mrs. Frederick W. Sollee -- 1829 deed of gift fr n her father
Probate ourt Proceedings, June-July, 1907
13.2: I
13.2: 10
J 3.2:10
13.2: 12
Calch in Yow' Net - 'Documenting tbe American Soulh,' a web resource
Jail Sites - deeds to jail lots in Demopolis (1869) and Linden (1880)
Deeds of Lands near Half Acre and Rembert - recorded in deed books DD and EE
From the eath Register - deaths of African-Americans in May 1910
1834 Deed of Trust by an Arcola Merchant - includes list of notes and accounts
Against the Will of John Jordan, Deceased - attorn y's error in 1843 wiU
Lists of Distributees tor 1873 and 1874 - from final settlements ofsoJvent estates
Sale ofR. E. Downey Land, 1930
Estate Records of a Stranger in Town - 1825 death ill French community of Demopolis
Land Conveyances in Lower Marengo County - from Deed Book 0 for township 12, range 3E
Final Guardian's Account by Robert L. Steele - 1870s account with Joseph Alexander
For Want of Care... -- 1853 petition and affidavit concerning sale of Wiggin slaves
Some Mid-1860s Marriages
22 Feb 1928 Sale of Personal Estate - of Martha A. Johnston
14.1 :3
14.1 :4
14.1 :4
1851 Sale of Reubin Hudson's Property
Last Will and Testament of Albert Sander 1922
Miss Me? - I 820s heirs and legatees whose surnames differ from those of decedents
Estate oUolln Wills, a Minor - 1872 petition for letters of guardian hip
Deeds of SOllthern and Central Marengo County - recorded in early 1901
Register of Amnesty Applications - filed in J 865 and 1866
A True and Perfect Inventory, 1883 .- appraisement of personal property ofT. P. Williamson Jr.
14.1 :7
14.] :8
14. 1:9
14.1: 10
14.1 :12
14.2: I
Dayton Literary Association - 1843 deeds to and from the association
Early Marriage Contracts - 1840s agreements
Miss Me? - substitute for clerk's index to miscellaneous probate records book 6
American Memory Collection W site - examples of productive searche for Mar ngo County
School/Church Deeds Filed in the Late 1880s
Jeremiah Pritchett, Deceased: 1876 Estate Sale
Hearin s of Applications for Sale of Land, 1898
Marvin N. Greer, Deceased - 1857 probate of wi II
CI ippings, February of 1886 ­ Marengo County news published in Montgomery newspaper
1854 Report of Insolvency ofMarr Estate decedent Jno. N. Marl'
14.2: to Three for the Road ­ 1840 report in favor of new road
14.2: 10 Will of Margaret Fo tel' of Demopolis, 1916
14.2: 11 Marengo County Postmasters of the 18405
14.2:12 Demopolis and the Making of America - web resource
Notes on !.he lame B. Holman Family - fi'om deed and estate records, 1838 to ]853
That Love May Prevail 1820s slave deed!> of the Gibson family
Auction of Land of Leonard Hall Estate, ]843
Slaves at Tulip Hill- 1862 list ofGotleib Breilting's slaves
1891 Petitions for Lett r of Administration
Http://... - various web r ources for Demop lis and Marengo County history
Each reference is given in this fonn: Volume. Number: Page(s).
Slh Alabama Infantry 7.2:12
6th Brigade, 3'd Divi~ion, Ala. Militia 7.2:6;
9 th Regt., Ala. Militia 12.1:6
U lb Alabama Infantry, C.S.A. ILl: 1
- . - Ahner 5.2:4,5 Amos 12.1:10 Cena
10.2: 10, 11 Dorcas 11.2:6 Elihu 5.2:5 Hinton
11.1:3 Jane 5.2:4 Jenney 11.2:8 Joel 5.2:5
Lucian 5.2:5 Magdaliene 13.2:8 Mahaley
11.2:6 Martha 11.2:6 Moses 11.2:10 S;/vey
-rby J T 3.2:6
Aaron Phar 13.1:2
Abbott Thos. JII.I:8
Abelbeart Bettie 13.2: It
Abel hauser Leonard 10.2:6
Abenathy Thomas S. 14.2:2
Abernathy family 2.1 :2; 3.2:3; 3.4:3; 7.1:2
Benjamine F. 2.1:2 E.R. 3.4:3 Jc. 7.2:4
Robert 2.1:2 TS. 2.2:5; 5.2:8; 13.2:10,11
Thomas 9.1:3 Thoma.~ S. 12.1:5 WH. 10.1:
Abernethy TS. 2.2:6
Ablebart John 8.2: 11 Sarah 8.2: 11
Abraham WT 2.3:5
Abrahams 2.2:4 G.K. 12.1:4; 14.2:7.8 F W
14.2:7 Gus 13.2:3 WF 2.2:5 w.r 2.2:4; 7.2:7
Abram 9.1:9 Byron 12.2:7
Abrams CK. 12.1:5
Achard Victor 2.3:2
Ackerman Elizabeth 9.2:2 J.C 2.2:3,4,5
Adair Jane E. 11.1: II W W 11. 1:11
Adams 2.2:4;4.4:1; 10.2:8; 13.1:2,3 family
3.2:4' .4:3 B.C 12.2:12 B.W 13.1:5 Ben
5.2:7 Benjamin 3.2:5; 11.1 :7; 14.2:3 Bernard
Coleman 12.1:10 Benyman W 8.2:7; 11.1:9;
12.1:5; /3.1:5 Bettie 13.2:3 Bettie B. 14.1:6
Betty Ann 14.1:3 E.B. 4.4:1; 10.2:8; 14.2:3
Elisha B. 11.1 :9; 13.1:4 Elizabeth 8.2:6; 10.2:6;
13.1:5 EIi::ab thB. 14.1:6 Elvira 10.2:9 Felix
11.1:9 FelixG 7.2:5 GeorgeF 8.1:10
George W 12.1:10; 12.2:12 HC 10.2:8 Hany
13.2:3 Howard 8.2:4 Irving 8.2: ,3,4 J 13.2:4
1. Homer 8.2:4 James 13.2:4 James C. 13.2:5
James H 13.1:4 5 Jane R. 3.2:6 John 8.2:6;
10.2:9' 13.2:4 JohnL. 12.1:5 John r 12.1:5
Kittie Jane 3.2:6 Lysander 8.2:6; 12.1:5 M. L
12.1:10 Mamie E. 13.2:7 Margaret 10.2:9
Mary 13.2: Milton 11.1:6
12.1: Q,s.
2.2:4; 10.2:9; 12.1:5; 13.1:10; 14.1:6 Q,T.
12.1:5 Quinillis Sertoritts 4.1'3 QuinlUs S.
8.2:6; 141:6 R.H 2.2:4.6: 14.2:11 R.W. 7.2:7
Rachiel F 8.2'6 Richard2.3:3 Richard H
2.3:3; 3.3:3; 14.1'7; 14.1:10; 14.2:1 J Richmond
14.1:6 S.G. 8.2:4 Serena 8.2:4 Spencer 82:6,
10.2:6; 14.2:9 Susan M. 10.2:3; 11.2:2 TJ
5.2:8 Temolion 3.1:3 Thomas 10.1:12;
10.2:2,7; 12.1:5: 13.1:5 Thos. E. 12.2:10
Thos. .! 2.2:5 William 8.2:7; 11.1 :7,8,9:
12.1:5,6 Wm. Augmta4.2:4 Wm. F. 13.1:2
Willie Georgne 3.2:6
Adams' Ferry 4.2:5
Adkinson 2.2:4
Adventure (plantation) 12.2: 11
Aetna Life Insurance Co. 10.2'12
Africa 10.1:5; 12.1:9
African Methodist Epi copal Zion Church
Agee 4.2:5 family 3.2:4 Adaline 12.2:4 Annie
9.2:6 Benjamin 12.2:7 Charles 12.2:4 E.A.
4.4: E.D. 10.1:9,13.1:6 Edgar7.2·9
Elizabeth 5.1:4; 8.1:2' 12.2:4; 13.1:7 Erasmus
12.2:4 Eugene D. 12.2:4 H. 4.2:5; 12.1:3
Herbert 12.2:4 Hercules 4.2:5 Hercules L.
14.2:3 Huckless William 4.1:3 Hw' Liles
10.1:12 lA 14.2:3 Isham 12.2:4 IshamA.
14.2:3 J 7.2:4 1.L. 14.2:3 J.P. 14.2:3 Jenkim
13.2:3 John 12.1:5 Joseph 3.1 :3; 4.2:5; 5.1 :4;
8.1 :2; 9.1 :8; 12.2:4; 13.1:7; 14.2:3 Kennan
4.1:5 Kennon 9.2:6; 12.2:4 Lawrence 12.2'4
Lucius 12.2:4 Lu 'relia 12.2:4 Mmy E. 12.2:4
Mmy.!une 13.2:3 Mollie 12.2:4 Phillip 12.1:5
S.s. 2.2:5 Samuel.! 12.2:4 Wm. 12.1:3 ZD.
3.1:3; ILl:3; 12.2:4
Agricultural and Horticultural ocicty of
Western Alabama 2.3:4
Aimwell, Ala. 4.1 :3-5; 4.2:3; 4.3:3,4; 4.4:4,5;
9.1:4.5; 10.2:1; 12.2:2,7,8
Aimwell Pct. of Marengo Co. 12.2:2
Aimwell Baptist Church 10.2: 1
Alabama & Mississip i Rivers Road 14.1:12
Alabama Argus (newspaper) 10.2:5; 14.2:12
AJabaDlll Central Railroad 8.2:6
Alabama Female Atheneum 10.2:8
Alabama River 2.3:3,4
Alabama Territory 12.1:6
Albert Frances 14.1:2
Albritton R.H 7.2:9
Aldridge family 3.4:3; 10.2:1 Alliner 10.1:6
Amanda 10.1:6 J.F 8.2:4 1.L. 11.2:21. Lem
4.2:2 James F 2.2:2.5,6; 8.2: 10; 11.2:2
James L. 11.2:2 James Lemial 4.1:3 LUlie
11.2:2 M £. 11.2:2 M. W. 11.2:2; 12.1:5
Marlha 11.2:2 Mary 10.1:6 Moses Ves/brook
3.4:3 Nannie 11.2:2 Tilfair.J 11.2:2
Alexande 2.2:4; 13.1:2,3 (Dr.) 14.2:9 A.D.
10.2:2; 14.1:11 Alb rt 11.1:4 Clara9.1:12
D.C 8.1:12; 9.2:4; 10.1:8; 10.2:2,5,6; 12,1:5;
14.1:11; 14.2:3 David9.2:4 Davy 11.1:4
DeWitte 8.1:8; 12.1:5 F. .10.2:2 Fannie
9.2:4 Fayette 11.l:4 Ii rry 13.1:2 HOllston
7.2:9 J.D. 2.2: ,6; 9.1:8; 13.1 :2; 13.2:9 J
Davidson 9.1:12 JL. 10.2:2 .I. M 7.2:7; 10.1:3
JeffI3.1:3 JohnD. 3.1:3; 3.3:3; 8.1:8; 10.1:3;
14.1:7 John W 7.2:3; 12.2:10,11 Jordan2.4:6
Joseph 9.2:4 Joseph L. 13.2:9; 14.1: 11
Jo ephM 3.2:6; 5.1:3' 8.1:8; 12. :6' 14.2:3
Julia A. 9.2:4; 10.2:2 Mack 13.1:2 Marsha"
11.1:4 MarIlla 11.1:4 Moses W 5.1:3 Rebecca
9.1:12 RebeccaL. 9.1:8 Robert7.2:5; 11.2:12
SJ. 10.2:2 Sophia 12.2: II Susan 9.2:4
Thomas E. 9.1 :12 Violet 8.1:8 WJ. 7.2:6
Willis 11.1:4
Alford Sarah 3.1:4 Warren 3.1:4
Alhambra Saloon 9.2:1
Allen 4.2:5 family ".1 :4; 3.4:3; 3.4:4 A. 7.1:6
Ann 8.2:5 B.G. 12.2:2 Charles Edward 3.1 :4;
4.3:2 Eliza 12.1:11; 14.2:7 Elizabeth
Elizabeth G. 3.2:5; 8.1:2 Ge.G. 7.2:9 H.G.
7.2:6; 10.2:6; 13.2:9 HoratioG. 12.1:5; 13.2:9
Ida Skinner 4.3:2 .I.e 9.1:12; 12./: JG.9.2:2
J. cob 11.1:8 John C. 3. :5; 8.1 :2; 13.1:7 .John
Curtis 4.1:3 John G. 2.2:2,5,6; 2.3:3' 3.1:4­
3.2: ; 5.1:4; 8.1: ; 8.2:5; 10.1:4; 10.2:6; 12 1:5
John Gray 3.3:3; 3.4:3; 14.1:7 John Wallace
4.2:4 Joseph 9.1 :9; 11.1:8 Julia 13.2: 10
Leroy 1. 3.2: L roy 1. 3.2:5; 8.1:2; 8.2:5;
13.1:7 Lizzie£.12.1:I1 Loui Skinner 4.4:5
MDL. 9.2:6 Mark2.3:5 MaryJ 13.1:7
Mattie 10.1:9 ancy 5.1 :4; 13.1:7 Owen 8.1:9
R. £. 5.2:7 R. P. 4.2:4; 10.2:9; 11.1:2
R. Richard 12.1:5 Richard 13.1:7 Rich. P
4.4:5 RichardProctor4.13 Rob!. E. 10.1:9
Robert H. \2. 1:5 Romilda 4.3:2 Thomas R,
3.2:5;8.1:2; 13.1:7 Virginia9.2:6 WG.8.2:3;
.N \0.1:9; \2.2:9; 13.1:9 W V 12.1:5
William 2.2:5; 12.1:5 William C 13.1:7;
13.2: \0 William Caldw 113.4:3 William V
4.1 :5; 4.2:4; 12.1:5 Willis 12.1:5
Allen Glover (vessel) 14.2: 12
Allen's Creek 4.2:5
Allentown, Ala. 9.1:2
AJlenviUe, Ala. 3.1:2
Allgood family 1.1:4
Allison Lockwood 10.2:8
Aistin M.S.T. 10.1:9 W.J. 10.1:9
Alston 4.2:5 1..1. 11.1 :2: 14.\:6 Agnes 9.2:6
Arabella F. 11.2:2 Caroline 3.3:3; 11.2:8
Charles 13.1:7 Garland 12 2:7 Harriet fI
12.2: Holmes 2.2:3 .I. Y. 7.2:7; 9.2: 10; 11.\ :5;
11.2:2; 13.1:10; 14.1:6 James 13.1:7 .IamesG.
12.1:5 James l' 2.2:3; 11.2:2; 12.1:5 Juhn
10. J:7 John G. 10.1:9 LemlleI9.2:5 Lemuel J
9.2:5 Martha A. 7.2:7: 11.2:2 Minetta I. 11.2:2
N G. 10.1:9 N. Y. 10.1:4 Nathaniel 11.2:2
01£1 B. 1\.2:2 Polly Sally 11.2:2 Robert H
12.2:5 V. 9.2:2 Voldy 8.2:5 w.J 12.1:5
Waldemor 9.2:6 William J 3.3:3; 4.2'5; 4.4:1;
11.2:8; 12.1:6,7: 14.1:8,10 Wm. W 11.1:7
Williams 9.2:5
Alverson Mamie 12.\: 10
Alvis E.S. 9.2:2 Elijah 13.1:8 Mary Ann
American & F. Bible Society 10.2:8
American Bonding Company 13.1: II
Anderson I .\ :2,6; 14.1:8 family 3.2:4; 3.4:3;
10.2:1 Abner 7.1:3 Abner Emmett 4.1:3 Alex.
11.1:8 Bailey 8.2:7 Bailey W 3.3:6; 8.2:7;
IL.l:8 alvin8.2:?; 11.1:8; 12.1:6 Ella 13.2:3
Garrison 8.2:7; 11.1 :7,8; 12.1:6 Henry \3.1:3
1.H 12.1:3 J.M. 9.2:11; 12.1:3 1.P. 12.1:6
James 12, 1:3 James B. 12.1:3 James William
9.1:3 JesseEdward9.J:3 JesseM. 12.1:3
.John 2.4:5; 3. :5' 8.2:7 John C. 10.1 :9; 10.2:8;
11.J:12; 12.1:6 John£. 11.2:3; 12.1:6 John
Henry .4:3 Jonathan 12.1:3 Jonathan H.
12.1:3 J rdan .2:5; 8.2:8; 13.1:5 Joseph M.
7.2:2 L 9.2:2 Lethia9.1:7 Lewis 2.3:5; 8.\:3;
8.2:7; 10.1:3; 11.1:8; 12.1:2,6,7 Lucinda1.
12.1:2 Matilda A. 12.1:2 Melvira 9.1:7 N.
5.2:7,8 Nancy 3.2:5; 7.2:8 Phebe 10.2:1 Pol~
13.1:5 Reuben 12.1:3 a/lie S. 9.2:7 Sarah
9.1:7 SWord 11.1:7 Susan 8.1:8
Thomas 2.2:4,5; 4.4:1; 5.1 :3; 8.2:8; 9.1:10;
10.1: 10; 14.1:9 Vincent 9.1 :7; ILl :7; 11.2:6
WL. 2.2:4,5 WN1. 2.2:3 William 3.3:5,6'
8.2:7,10; 11.1 :7; 11.2:3 William P. 7.1: 12
William . 8.1:8
Andrson Ruben 7.2:2
Angelo L. 9.2:2
Anglea Car line \3.1:3
Anglin Betsey 13.1:3 Dennis 13.1: Jim
Antioch, Ala. 14.2:11
Anton Thomas 8.2:6
Applegate HimI' Elmer 4.4:4 Jack 4.4'4
Katie 4.4:4 Myrtle lice 4.4:4
Apple Hill (plantation) 11.2: 12
Arbor Graveyard 7.2: 12
Archer Alexander H. 12.1:6
Arcola, Ala. 2.2:2,3 4,5: 3.1 :2; 4.2:5, 9.1: 11;
11.2:6,7,9,10; 12.2: 12; 13.2:4: 14.2:2.11
Arcola Beat of Marengo Co. 42:5
Arkansas 5.1:3,5; 8.2:10; 10.1:4; 11.2:9;
13.1:3 Arkadelphia 10.2:4 Blitler Co. 4.1:5
Harrisburg 4.1:5 Helena 9.1 : 12 Jefferson Co.
8.1:8 Lafayette Co. 4.1:5 Ouachita Co. 7.2: 1
Arlington Methodist Cemetery 8.2: 1
Armistead J.R. 10.1:6; 13.2:3 SE. 12.2:2
Armstrong A.M 9.2:4 Alexander 9.2:4
Armstead 12.2:7 J.H. 2.2:6 Jettie 9.2:4
Jo 'eph H 8.2:6 ({llie 4.3:2
Arnold Jas. H 11.1:7
Ars Alice 12.1:10 AustinL.12.1:10 AustinT
12.1:10 MaggieB. 12.1:10 Mari 12.1:10
Asbell Ed 13.1:2
Ash Cato 13.1:4
A he 2.2:6 family 3.2:3 (Dr.) 7.1:6 Cince
11.2:11 R.D. 7.1:6,7 w.e. 2.2:4;3.2:5
William e. 3.2:5; 7.1 :4; 9.2:6; 10.2:6; 12.2:3
Ashley Juliet R. 8.2:2
Askew 3.3:4 e.H 12.1:6 FB. 12.2:9 HJ.
2.3:3,5; 3.1:3 HilliardJ. 3.3:3; 7.1:4; 10.1:2;
14.1:7 KittieR.14.1:6 ME 14.1:6 MG2.3:3
MaryA. 14.1:6 MaryR. 14.1:6 NP. 9.1:8 OS
12.1:6 P.N 14.1:6 Samuel3.3:3 Samuel H.
9.1:8; 12.1:6; 14.1:6 ThyrzaA. 14.1:6
Warren S 9.1:8
Atken, Ala. 4.1:3 5
Atl<ins James Marion 13.1:9 Martha Ann 4.1:2
Atmar family 3.2:4
Atmore, Ala. 12.1: 1 1
Atwood H.S 11.l:8
Auburn, Ala. IJ.2:9
Austill Evan 14.1 :8,9
Austin Scilla 13.1:3
Austria 4.3:3
Autery Catherine 12.2:5 £.e. 12.2:5 J.A.
14.2:6 Noah 14.2: Ruben 9.1:3 W W. 14.1:6
Autrey Absalum 7.2:6 Webb 12.1:6
Autry A.E. 8.2:9 John Watkins 4.1:3 Leroy
8.2:9 N£. 8.2:9
Avant Mason 9.1:10
Avent Durham 11.1:7
Averett family 3.2:3
Axium Le111i.\· 11. I :7
Axum HemyM 13.1:6 Lewis 9. 1:10; 11.1:8
Robert 13.1:6 Sarah 10.1:4 SarahE. 13.1:6
Ayers Sam. A. 2.2:5
Ayres Eli=aheth 9 I: II John e. 9.1: 1I
Badenbauser C. V 14 1:4
~llgby IrthuJ' P. 7.2:6; 11.1:7
Baggett Eli-::abeth 9.1:7 R. 13.2: 12
Bailey family 3.4:3,4 (Dr.) 11.2:8,9 Andrew
11.2:3 Annie Edna 4.3:5 Carrie Bell 12.1: 10
CelestiaH 13.1:8 £.B.I0.1:5,6,7 E.G. 7.2:9
E.H.e. 2.2:4; 7.2:4 E T 8 1:7 Edw. B.
10.1:5,7; 13.2:3 Edw r Burke 13.1:9
Edward He. 9.2:7 Enoch 14.1:3 Eugenia
12.1: 10 George F 8.2:6 Geo. H /2.1: 10
George Thomas 4.1:3 Hattie 7. 1: 12 J. e. 8.2:6
J.L. 4.4:3; Il.l :2; 11.2:8 James 11.2:3 .lames
Lawrence 4. 1:3 .lno. Schewsberry 4.3:3 .loseph
Corndham 4.1:3 Louise 12.1:10 M 13.2:11
ME. 13.2: II ML. 13.2:10 Margaret 7.2:4
Massalina A. 8.2:6 Norbourne F 9.1:3 SL.
12.1: 10 Sarah 8.2:6; 14.1:3 T.e. 11.1: 12
Thomas 14.2:3 WE. 8.1:7 WL. 2.2:5 WR.
5.2:8 Wm. 13.1:8
Baily J. 12.1:3 M 13.2: 10
Bainbridge A. V II 3.2:6 Alexander 3.2:6 E
3.2:6 James 3.2:6; 9.2:8 John 3.2:6 Mary
3.2:6; 9.2:8 Matrhew 9.2:8 Sarah 3.2:6
William 3.2:6; 9.2:8
Baines Absalom 13.2:4
Bains A. 13.2:4
Baird James W 7.2:7
Baity Chas. B. 7.2:9 James Smith 4.1 :3
Baker Bushrod W. 10.2:6 Daniel 12.2:5 EN.
11.1: 12 J.H. 2.2:2 James H 10.2:6 Lucretia
10.2:6 SurahA. 10.2:6 Watt 10.2:10
Zodock W. 10.2:6
Baker Co. Ala. 13.2:9
Baldwin A. 7.2:6 Aaron 13.2:9 Caroline !vi.
13.2:9 Charles Warren 12.2: 11 Elouise
Baldwin Co., Ala. 4.1:4'12.2:11
Baley Edward 7. L: 12
Ball 7.2: 11 Alta A. 10.2:4 Car line 14. :7
F.H 10.2:4
Ballow Carrie 14.2:8 E.1l 5.2:7 Ellen L.
9.2:9 JohnT. 9.1:3 RolandN 9.1:3 WH
9.2:9 William H. 14.2:3
Batton HanseI3.2:6
Bane John Alex 4.1:3
Banister Lewis 11.2: 10
Banks Archie 13.1:3 Dick 13.1:2 Emily 13.1:2
Eph. 9.1:9 Jerry 7.2:4 Jessie 13.1:2 Tom
13.1:3 William 2.2:4
Baptist AnnH 7.L:II; 1.2:8 AnnieH 7.1:11
E. 2.2:2,5 E. G. 7.1: II E.J. C 2.2:6 Edward
7.1'9 Edward G. 7.1: 1 J Edward Sf. L. 7.1 11
Hany 14.2:8 Han-v L. 7.1'11 Ivfaurice G.
7.1:11 Morris 14.2:8 Powhatan 7.1:11
Sarah D. 7.1: II w.H. 2.2:4; 7.1: J 1
Baptist (family) Cemetery 7.1: II
Barbara James 13.1:3
Barber 4.3:2 Anna 4.3:2 Isaac 10.2: 10
Robert 4.3:2
Barbour Co., Ala. 4.1 :4,5
Barfield Alford 8.2:7 Alfred 8.2:7 James
14.1:3 Lewis 8.2:7 Rebecca 14.1:3
Barkley 4.3:2 family 1.1 :4; 3.2:4; 8.2: Alice
Rolen 4.4:4 CD. 4.3:2 E/ie 4.2:2 Francis
Marion 9.1:2 G. W 13.1:6 George 7.2:6; 8.2:7;
1.1.2:3 Hemy 4.4:4 J T 14.1:6 James Agee
4.4:4 James M. 12.2:7 Josu.a 4.3:4 Mary Ann
9.1:2 Mary Lydia 7.2:12 Nora4.3:2 S.B.
13.1:12 Tom7.2:9 WH. 13.1:6 WilliamH
9.1:2 ZW 7.2:6
Barkley Cemetery 1.1:4
BarkJy WH. 13. :11 Wm. H. 13.2:11
Barley D. 5.2:7,8 Hattie 14.1: 11 .10 mnu 9.2:6
.foe C 4.3:3 Louisa 12.1:9 R.P.7.2:9 r.C
7.2:9 Thos. W 3.1:5 Thomas William 4.1:3
Barner John 5.2:8 Jno F. 2.2:5
Barnes Albert Gull/Jon 4.1:3 Ann R. 10.2:3;
11.2:2 D. W 9.2:6 HN 14.23 lwac L 9.1: II;
13.1:5 1.L. 14.2:3 .lamesL. 14.2:3 .famesS
12.2:5 N£. 9.2:6 Pitkin 9.1:9; 9.2:6; 11.1:9
Barnett Starling 2.4:5
Barney Gorge W 14.2:3.11 John F. 8.2: II
Matt. 9.1:9
Barns A/rna 12.1: II
Barnwell Alexander 14.1:2 Catherine 14.1:2
Mary 14.2:7 WH. 14.2:7
Barr B. C 4.2:3 D.P. 12.1:2 Frank M. 9.2: 11
Glen 7.2:9 H P. 9.2: II Harlin P. 10.1:8
HarveyM 12.2:7 Kath rine7.1:3 L.N 13.1:10
Lee 13.1:10 R.J. 10.1:9 R.M 9.1:12 Robert
14.2:3 SCI3.2:2 Saml C 9.2:11 Ww.
Barrell Wm. Y. 13.2:4
Barrett Sterling 3.3:5; 11.1:7
Barrington B.M. 4.3:2
Barron A. Lee 13.1:9 1.C 14.1:8 ./0111113.1:4;
14.1:3 Juhne. 14.1:8 Lee 12.2:9 Livinia
14.1 :3
Bartlett s.H. 2.2:3,5; 3.1 :3; 8.2:5,6; 9.1 :8;
Barton 9.1 :9; 12.1:5 B. 12.1:6 Benjamin
9.1:l0; 10.1:7; 11.1:7; 13.1:5 William 2.4:5;
3.3:6;9.1:10,11.1.7; 13.1:5
Barton's Bluff 4.2:5
Barton's Bluff Beat of Marengo Co. 4.2'5
Barwcll's Ford 4.2:5
Bashi, Ala. 4.1 :3,4; 4.2:3; 4.3:4; 4.4:3
B shi Methodist Cemetet·y 8.2: I
Bashoai, Ala. 7. I :] 0
Baskins J E. 9.2:4
Bass Sarah 9.1:7 Susannah 9.1:7 Uriah 9.1:7
Baswell's Ford 4.2:5
Bate (Dr.) 7.1:6 Ann 12.2:10 E/i=aM 10.2:3
Elizabelh M 11.2:2 H. 13.2:4 Henry 11.2:7;
l3.2:4 James M 12.2:7 Jehu 4.3:6; 13.1.4
Jolm 2.2:5; 7.1 :3; 11.1:8 Lafayette 7. :8 MA.
92:7 NapoleOlJ 2.2:5 Quintus 12.2:7 Rube.
14.1:8 SF. 14.1:5 Sidney Henry 9.1:3 William
Batt Thomas 7.2:3
Batte Thomas 7.1:9' 10.1:11,12; 14.2:3
Battell Lissian9.2:12
Battoo 3.1:6 H 3.1:6
Baty 1.S 10.1:9 James S. 11.l:11 Mary
Baumgarthen Ells/ache 13.2:8 Ellstache ./ohn
Bawtrett Geo. 9.1: 10
Bayer J. 13.2:4
Bayne Jno. 5.2:8
Bazor William 3.3:5
Beal 8 1:6
Beale Anrw 13.1:6
Beaman Wm. 8.1: 11
Bear Creek 9.2: II
Beard Amanda 3.2: Edward 3.2:5 James H
5.1:5 Sarah G. 5.1:5 Sarah Gale 3.2:5
Bearden Juliet R. 8.2:2
Bearford Leonard 10.2:3 Rosa 10.2:3
Beasely 2.2:4
Beasley Charles 10.1: II Stephen 10.1: II
Beasly Charles 7.1 :9; 10.1:1 J Stephen 7.1 :9;
10.1: II
BeatIPet 1 of Marengo Co. 12.1:9
BeatIPct. 2 of Marengo Co. 12.1:9
BeatJPct. 3 of Marengo Co. 12.1:5
Beat/Pet. 4 of Marengo Co. 12.1:5,9, I0
Beat/Pet. 5 of Marengo Co. 12.1 :5,6,9, 10
Beat/Pet. 6 of Marengo Co. 12.1:5
Beat/Pet. 8 of Marengo Co. 12.1:9
BeatlPct. 12 of Marengo Co. 12.1 :5,9
Beat/Pel 13 of Marengo Co. 12.1:5,6
Beat/Pet. 19 of Marengo Co. 12.1 :6,9
Beattie Robert M. 14.1:6
Bea!}' James S 10.2:3; 14.2:8 MQlY 10.2:3
Beaver Creek 2.3:5; 4.2:5; 9.2:5; 13.2:3
Beaver Creek Baptist Churcb 10 2:1: 14.2:5
Beck 14.2:8 .Ie. 7.1:3
Beckley 4.2:5 Andrews 13.1:3 .las. 12.1:5
WH 5.2:8
Beckley's Landing 2.2:3; 4.2:5; 14.2:9
Bee Comb Creek 13.2:3
Belcber L.J 9.2:4 Lem 13.1:2 LouisaJ.
13.2:6 Thos.J. 13.2:6
Bell 2.2:4; 3.3:4 Bates 5.2:6 David 7.2:7,8
Dove 11.1:2 Fanny 10.1 :5,6 James Thomas
4.1:3 Joseph 4.4:6 Li=a Frances 7.2:8 Mary R
14.1:5 Minnie II. 7.1:7 Mort 11.1:2; 14.1:6
Noah 11.1:5 Sarah L. 14.1:5 TJ. 7.1:7 Willis
C 14.1:5
Belmont, Ala. 4.1:3; 9.1:5
Benbow Nancy 8.2: 11
Dencer Mollie 10.1:5 William 10.1:5
Bender H.H 9.1 :8,9 Mary M 9.1:8
Benderson Mattie 11.2:4 Taylor 11.2:4
Benbam Robert 9.1:3
Bennet Bowen 9.2:5 Wm. Y. 13.2:4
Bennett Austin L. 10.2:2; 11.1: 10 Burwick A.
10.2:2 Carrie C to.2:2: 11.1: 10 Cathanne M.
10.2:2 Ellis 8.2:3 Martha F 10.2:2 Mary
10.2:2 Robert 10.2:2; 11.1:10 Samuel 10.2:2'
JI.1:IO SanzuelL.I0.2:2; 11.1:10 TH.IO.2:2
Vinie 8.2:3 William 11.1 :8,9 York 14.1:5
Benson family 3.4:3 Lethe 8.1: II
Beroes Joseph L. 12.2:5
Berry America Oakley 4.2:3 Archie 11.1:2
E.R. 12.2:2
Berryman Burwell 11.1:9
Berthelemy 13.2:8
Bessemer, Ala. 7.2:6; 12.1:10
Besteder J 9.2:4 John 2.2:3; 7.2:3; 8.2:4,1 I;
10.1:9; 14.2:3 Josephine 10.1:9 Tel/ula 10.1:9
Wes'y A. 10.1:9
Bethea I .1:2,3 (Dr.) 13.1:2 A.J. 13.1:2
A.J.B.13.1:3 H.13.1:2 Laur C7.2:1O S.R.
7.2: 10 Shannon 13.1:3 TB. 2.2:6
Betbel Baptist Church 7.2:7; 12.2:6
Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery 7.2:7
Betbel Cemetery 4.1:2
Bethel Church Cemetery 4.3:2,3
Betbel Meeting House 4.2:5
Bethel Methodist Church Cemetery 3.4:2
Bethesda Primitive Baptist Church 7. : I
Bettis Dick 5.2:2 Mark 5.2:2
Detts 11.2:9
Beverley 14.2:9 Thos. A. 8.2: II
Beverly A.H 10.2:2; 11.1: 10 Annie 10.2:4
B.F 10.2,4; 11.1:10 Brooks 10.2:2; 11.1:10
.c. 10.2:2, 11.J:1O FM. 12.2:10 Halc/I
10.2:2; 11.1.10 J.A. 5.2:2 JR. 10.2:2; 11.1:10
.James 8.1 :2,8; 9.2: II; 10.2:2,5,6; 11.\: to
.Iesse R. 4. J :3; 4.4:5; 7.2:6 LS. 10.2::2 Levi
10 2:2; 11.1: 10 P nelop 102:2; J 1.1: 10
Robert 13.2:4 Thadells 10.2:2; 11.1:10 Thomas
10.2:6 Thomas A 7.2:6; 10.2:2; J3.2:6
Bevil Catharine 8.1:3 G. T. 3.2:6; 11.1:5
Gustavus T 8. I :3
BeviU Sarah 10.2:4 WE 10.2:4
Beysiegel Charles 7.2:8 Kate 7.2:8
Bibb Amelia 9.2:6 P. 9.2:6
Bibb Co., Ala. 11.2:7
Bickley Charles W 13.1:6 James 2.4:6; 3.2:6;
5.1:3; 10.1:7; 11.1:8; 13.1:6; 14.1:2 John T
5.1:3; 13.1:6 Mary 13.1:6 MmyAnnI4.1:2
Susan 14.1:2 WA. 5.2:8 William A. 13.1:6
Bidgelow Wm. L. 10.2:8
Bierne F. 13.2:8 Francis 2.3:2; 9. J:9
Big Dry Creek 4.2:5
Bigger Frank 12.2:4 Martha P. 12.2:4
Rebecca C 122:4
Biggs Elizabeth 8.1:
Bigham Jennet 9.1:7
Big Prairie Creek 9.2:6
Big Pr irie Creek Navigation Company
Big Rock, Ala. 1.1 :4,5
Billon family 3.2:3
Bingham family 3.2:4
Bird 9.1:9 Abraham J4.1:3 Burel/a 14.1:3
Caroline 3.2:5 Harriet 14.1:3 James 9.1:9
Marshall H. 3.2:5; 12.2:5 Martha 14.1:3
Birdson ALexander 8.2:7 Jesse 3.3:5; 9.2:5
Birmingham, Ala. 8.2:3; 9.1 :4: 12.1: 10,11,12;
12.2:2; 14.1: II
Bishop family 3.4:3 Asa 9. J: 10; 13.2:6
Clifford 13.2:6 J 5.2:8 John 8.2:7 Louis
11.2:4 Louisa I 1.2:5 Mack 11.2:4,5 Robert N.
13.2:6 Will 11.2:5 William 13.2:6 Willie 8.2:
Black BurreI/12.1:9 Colin 2.4:1; 3.2:5; 7.2:2;
11.1:9; 13.1:7 Elizabeth 13.1:7 Ike 13.1:2
James 5.2:8 James H. 12.2:6 James M. 13.1:7
Lydia 10.1:10; 10.2:5 M.A. 4.4:4 MarthaA.
10.2:4 Roslie 11.2: I0 Sarah R. 12.2:6
Thomas . 10.2:5 William 7.2:3; 13.1:2
Black Cemetery 2.4: I
Blackeney John 1 1.1:8
Blackman Gus 5.2:2
Blacksher Harriet E. 13.2:6 Martha J 13.2:6
Black Warrior River 9.2:5
BlackweU Martha W 10.2:3; 11.2:2 WS
14.1:5 Wm. 2.2:3 William Samuel 4. 1:3
Blackwood family 3 2:3
Bladon Spring, Ala. 12.1.11
Blair (Mrs.) 7.1:7 Ellen C. 5 1:3 Henry D.
5.1:3 John D. 5.1:3 John J 5.1:3 Mar/ha C.
5.1:3 Martha S. 5.1:3 Thomas McM 5.1:3
Blakely 2.2:3,4
BJakeney J. 9.1:9 John. 2.4:6; 122:5 Robert
Hollie 4.1:3
Blakney Calvin 9.1: 12 Rhoda 9.1: 1
Blanchet Pierre 3.3:6
Bland William 14.2.5
Blandford Melton 10.2: 10
Blanks A.J.13.1:7 Allen 13.1:7 Daniel 13.1:7
Dempsy 13.1:7 E. 2.2:6 Ervin 3.3:4; 13.1:7
Erwin 14.1:7 James 13.1:7 John 13.1:7
Lillieberry 13.1:7 Nancy 13.1:7 Thomas 13.1:7
William 13.1:7
Blass Jno. G. 9.1:9 John P. 2.4:3' 11.1 :7,8
Bledsoe 4.4:6 family 3.2:4 Annie L. 4.4:6 j,j,
13.1:10,11 JW 8.2:6 R.R. 11.1:3; 14.1:6
Bley Henry 13.1:9 Isidore 9.2:11; 12.1: 11
Johannah 4.3:3
Block Burrell 4.3:5; 12.1:9
Blocker John R. 2.3:4
Blockman Hock/os 10.1:5 Willie 10.1:5
Blount A.P. 14.2:3 Alexander P. 142:3
Blount Co., Ala. 9.2:5' 14.2:7
Blount Springs, Ala. 14.2:7
Blunt William T 3.3:4; 14.1:7
Boatwright James 8.1 :2; 13.1:7
Bocock (Genl.) 11.2:10 M.L. 14.1:7
Mourning S. 3. :4 WP. 2.2:6; 8.2:11 Willis P.
3.3:4; 14.1:7
Boddie 2.3:3 John B. 2.3:5 John E 4.2:5;
7.2:3 Laura 2.3:6 Oliver B. 10.1:2; 14.2:3 Syd
S. 12.2:5
Body Mary 4.3:2 Mary Elizabeth 4.3:2 Wm.
Boggs John M. 5.1:3 Joseph A. 5.1:3
William M. 5.\:3 Zenias L. 5.1:3
Bogle George R. to. I :3
Bohanan JH 2.3:6
Bobannon C. 11.1:5 Coleman 12.1:2
Jamesc. 13.2:10 ML. 13.2:10 R.E. 8.1:8
Bohanon J.c. 2.2:5
Boiling Springs, Ala. 4.4:5
Bolden WT 14.2:6
Bolding Ri hard 10.1 :5
Boler William Connor 4. L:3
Bolles Nathan 9.2:6
Bolling Stew) 13.1:2 Tony L3.1:3
Bolton family 3.4:3 G. W 2.2:5 JJ. 14.2:5
Joel Johnson 4.1:3 Joseph J 4.4:3 Walter
Bomgarden 9.1:9
Bomgharten 9. I:9
Bonds Elt:abelh 7.2.2 Richard 7.2:2, 8.2:7.
11.1:7,8.9 W C. 14.2:3
Bondurant (Col.) 11.2:9 George 8.1:3 H.M.
4.3:6 Hezekiah M L1.2:8 Hill 11.1:9 J 4.4: 1
JH. 4.4:1 James 7.1 :9; 11.2:8 James M 4.4: 1;
8.1:3 Jesse H 7.1 :9; 8.1 :3; 13.2:9 John N.
8.1:3 Jos. 11.1:8 Joseph 7.1:9 Martha 5.1 :3;
8.1:3; 11.2:8 MQlYJ. 8.1:3 Roberl H 5.1:3;
8.1:3 Wm.8.1:3
Bone family 1.1:4
Bonner Alice J 0.1:5
Bonon John 4.2:2
Booe Phillip 2.2:5
Booker 7.1 :6; 13.1:3 P. 7.1:6 WM. 10. L:3;
14.1 :4
Boone family 3.2:4
Booth Ann 13.2:10 Jno. 14.1:7 P.H. 13.2:10
Boozer Adeline M. /1.1: 11 Asa 5.2:7 Eli 7.1:4
Lli/herE. 12.2:7 Sarah 4.3:3 imon8.I:JO W.
9.2:7 W R. 9.2:7; 11.1: 11 William 8.2: 7
William R. 7.2:6
Boozer Cemetery 4.2:4
Borden Alice 9.2:4 Bettie 9 2.4 Charlotte
9.2:4 Elizabeth 9.2:4 Joseph 4.1: I; 7.1 :9;
10.1:11; 12.2:10 Levi 9.2:4 Thomas R. 12.2:12
Born Jacqueline T 4.3:5
Boston, AJa. 4.3:6; 14.2:11
Bouchee John 2.4:4; 11.1:7
BoucbiIJe E.F. 11.1:4
Bouler H.L. 5.2:2 J T 13.2:2 Osborn 5.2:2
Bounds Jesse 13.1:5 Joseph 13.1:5 Llititia
Bourne family 3.4:3
Boutiere J V 2.3:2
Boutwell George 2.4 :6; 11.1:8
Bowen 4.4: I Jolm W 7.2:3 P. P. 10.2:8 Philip
P. to.l:1 L
BowJer Connor 7.1:3 TJ. 7.2:11
Boyd family 3.4:3,4 Conde Ca/dwei! 3.4:3
Jno. 9.1:9
Boykin 10.2:8 frena 8.1:2 Mary 3.2:5 Sarah
Boyle David 2.2:2,3,4 5
Brackenridge JA. 13.1:4 J.T 13.1:7 Jas.
1l.l:8 Joseph 4.3:5' 13.1:4 Josia Newton 4.1:3
R. H 13.1:7 Richard 11.2:3; 13.1:7 Ro. 4.3:5
Samuel j, L3.1:7 fJ. 13.1:7
Bradfield 7.1:6
Bradford AliceH 11.2:2 AnnC. 13.1:8
ArtJmr B. 13.J:8 B. 14.2:9 B.R. 2.2:5; 13.1:9
BinlC. 7.2:9 Braswell R. [3.1:8 Brazil R.
11.2:2 CC 11.2:2 Gracie A. 13.1: 10 H.H.
11.2:2 l/enry 5.2:2 Heuie A. 12.2:2 J.A.
11.1 :3; 14.1.6 Joanna .1. 5.1:3 John A. 11.2:2
L.M 11.2:2 M. E. 11.2:2 M. R. 13.1:6 M T
14.1:6 MarthuR. 13.1:8 MartinN. 13.1:10
Mary E. 13.1:8 Matthew R. 11.2:2 Minerva
11.2:2 Minnie 13.1:10 N.H. 11.2:2; 13.1:[0
Pearlie 11.2:2 RH 11.2:2 T.H 2.2:5; \3.[:6
Talitha 11.-:2 Thomas H 11.2:2; 13.1:8
Thoma ene McCorkle 9.1:7 W.1. 5.1:3
W, rren.1. 10.1:12
Bradley Amanda F 13.2:6 Amelia 9.2:6
Eliza 8.2:6; 13.2:6 Henry C [2.2:7 J. W 2.2:5
James W 2.2:6; 8.2:6,7; 11.1:l1; 13.1:6; 13.2:6
John J. 8.2:4 N 9.2:4 Nathan 2.2:5,6; 13.2:6
Bragg A.J. 2.2:5 John A. 7.1:3
Brame Ac ly 4.4:3 Alabama 14.1:11 .1.0
12.1:10; 14.1:5 .1.W 12.1:10 .Josephine Bevil
4.4:3 Leah L. 4.3:2 Oliver 4.3:2; 4.4:3 WH.
Branch Robt. 8.2:10
Branson Araminta Louisiana 7.2: II
Brantley Dil!>y 13.1:3
Braschiers Roehl. 9.1: 10
Brasfield Bird Hardy 4.4:6 C W 10.1 :5,6,7;
13.2:3 Charles William 13.1:9 J.s. 13.2:6
Jane D. 10.1:3 John S. 10.2:3 M. T. 13.2:6
Milton T 10.2:3 Nettie E. 10.2:3; 13.2:6 WI.
10.2:9 William I. 2. :6; 10.2:3
Bras iers Alexr. 9.1:10 Jesse 9.1:9
BrasweU 2.2:3,4 Allen T. 9.1:4 D.A. 7.1:3
Dempsey 10.1:12 Fletcher F. 9.1:4 Harvey
7.2:9 1.A. 14.1:7 JamesA. 14.1:6 Lucretia
9.2:7; 13.2:1 I Marcella4.3:4 Mary4.3:4
Moggaret Ann 4.4:3 N. T 14.1 :6,7 Robert 4.3:4
Susie C. 12.1:10 WJ. 2.2:4; 2.3:2; 10.1:8
William aston 9.1:4
Bratley Lewis 9.1:9
Braxton William 12.1:2
Breame Mary 4.3:2 Minerva 12.1:9
Breaux Joseph a. 9.1:4
Breckenridge Annie 10.2:3; 11.1: 11 Ebenezer
8.1:2 Eth l4.2:3 Frank 13.1:[0 J.N. 8.1:2
Jefferson 8.1:2 Joseph I. 7.2:2; 8.1:2 Lewis
13.1:10 Lydia 13.1:7 MalindaP. 13.1:7
Priscilla E. 9.2:7 Roht. J 13.1:7 TG. 10.1:4
ThomasG 8.1:2; 13.1:7 William 13.1:10
Brcckinridge Asa 13.1:10 Rosa 13.1:10 Rosie
13.1:10 WilsonM. 12.2:7
Breed I 1.1 :6
Breitling 2.2:4' 8.2:5 Alfred 7.2:7; 9.2:3 Alice
9.2:10,11 Amanda 12.2:5 CK 2.2:3
Catherine A. 7.2:10 Chas. K. 9.2:2,3 E.A.
7.2: 10 F 2.2.3 F.S. 2.2:5; 2.3:6; 9.2:3 Fannie
7.2:7 G. 12.2:5 G.F 9.2:10 G.T. 8.2:2;
9.2: 10,11 Gotleib 2.3:3,5,6; 2.4:4; 7.2: 10;
9.2:3; 11.1:8; 14.1:10; 14.2:3 Jno. S. 2.2:5
Raymond7.2:9 Thos.7.2:7
Breshiers Tr.9.1:10
Brestling 11.2: 1 1
Bretan Charles 2.3:3
Breton 2.2:3,4; 5.1 :4; 10.2: 10 famit 12.2: 10
Ch. 9.1:9 Charles 2.3:2; 2.4:3; 11.1 :8; \3.2'8
L. 2.3:2 L. C. 2.2:3,4; 2.3:2
Brewer 9.1:10 MH. 9.1:10 MW. 9.1:9
Mathias 9.1 :10 Matthew 2.4:6; 1J.l:8
Brewton, Ala. 9. 1:4
Briant James 2.4:6
Brideling 9.1:9 G. 9.[ :9
Bridges Grady lL2:7 John 8.2: 10 John
Welch 4.1:3 W.A. 14.2:6 WF 82: 10 William
Autl)' 4.1:3
Brietling 9.1:9 G. 9.1'9
BriJy family 3.4:4
Brim Ollie 13.1:2 Steren 13.1:2
Bristling Fanny 11.2: II
Brilling Alfred 7.1:6 G. 7.1:6 Gotlieb 11.1:9
Britting G. 2.3:4
Britton D.H. 8.1: 12
Broadfoot 4.4: I
Brock Douglas 9.1:4 Lewis 9.1 :9; 11.1:7
Brockwell Peter D. 10.2:7
Brooks 7.1:6: 13.1:2; 14.1:9 Anne E. 13.2:6
Ellen 3.2:6 fda 13.2:6 lsham 10.1:3 Laura
12.2:9 R.L. 13.1:3 Richard 13.2:6 Silusta
12.2:9 Susan 5.2:8 WM. 5.2:7 William M
3.2:6; 13.2:6 Wm. T 13.2:6
Broome S. 10.2:8
Browder .lames D. 2.2:24,5,6; 7.2:5; 14.1:7
Juliet 7.2:5
Brown 13.1:2 family 3.2:4 Belty LOll 11.2:5
Coleman 11.2:5 Daniel 5.1:2 d 11.2:5 Ellen
13.1:2 Emeline 13.1:2 George 14.2:4
Ge rgeM. 8.1:7 HughN. 9.1:4 J.A. '. L.2:1l
1.A.Y. 13.2:11 J.C 8.1:7; 11.1:2 1.H. 7.2:9
1.W 4.3:4 Joe 13.1:3 JohnA. 12.2:7 JoJmR.
12.1:2 Jos. R. 9.1 :10 Joseph C. 8.1 :11 Joseph
hristian 4.2:3 Joseph R. 2.4:6; 10.1:4 Mary
4.2:4; 13.2:11 Mattie 12.1: 10 Norwood 13.1:3
Oscar [3.1:3 Remus 12.1:10 S.H. 13.1:2 Sam
8.1:10 Sc:ip 13.1:3 Toney 11.2:11
Browning 7.2:8 Harriet 10.1:3 lwia" 8.2:7
J.L. 2.2:2,5,6 John 2.4:6; 3.3:6; 11.[ :8,9
J, sephL. 2.3:3; 8.1:2; 10.1:3; 13.1:7: 14.1:7
Martha 8.1 :2' 13.1:7 Net 011 8.1:2; 13.1:7
Susan 8.1 :2: 13.1:7 W G. 2.2:4,5,6; 9.2:2 W1.
2.2:2,5 William .1 :2; 10.1: 11; 11.1 :8; 11.2:6:
13-1:7 Willian/G. 8.1:2; 13.1:7; 14.1:7
Browns., Ala. 12.1: 10
Bruce £. 5.2:8 ILL. 5.2:7 fI, nry5.2:7 John B.
3.2:6;7.2:2;8.1:2; 10.1:11; 10.2:6; 12.1:3
Lemora 13.2: 11 N. 5.2:7 N wton 5.2:7; 7.2:
13.2:11; 14.2:3 WT 9.2:11
Brunlow P.B. 9.1: 10
Brunson Wm. 5.2:8
Bryan 2.2:4,6: 8.2:5 A.J. 2.2:2; 5.1 :3; 1 .1:7
Andrew.! 8.1:2 CalehR. 9.1:8; 10.2:2 E.A.
2.2:5 Elias 9.1:9 Elizabeth 8.1:2 Frances L.
10.1:3 Francis L. 5. :10 Frederick B. 8.1:2;
13.1:7 Geo. 5.2:8 George W 5.1 :3; 8.1 :2;
13.1:7 J.R 5.2:8; 14.2:3 James9.1:10
James E. 8.1:2; 13.1:7 James R. 2.3:4; 9.1:8;
10.1:4; 10.2:2; 11.1:9; 11.2:3 JohnM. 14.1:7
Levin 5.1:3 L vin J. 8.1 :2; 13.1:7 Lolli a L.
9.1:8 Martha Ann 8.2:12 Mmy 8.1 :2; 9.1 :8;
10.1 :3; 10.2:2; 14.2:3 MOlY E. 8.2:5 Mary M.
9.1:8 Mary Norcotl 13.2: 1 Nancy 8.1:2
Nathan 5.1 :3; 8.1 :2; 10.1 :3; 13.1:7 Needham
5.1:3; 8.1:2; 13.1:7 Oscar 10.2:10 R.I'. 10.2:2
Richard P. 9.1:8 Samuel A. 7.2:3 Susan 8.1 :2;
13.1:7 Susan D. 5.1:3 Winifred 8.1:2
Bryant 13.2:8 Caroline 10.1:5 Charlotte
10.1:5 Wennie 10.1:5 William 13.1:3 Willis
I .1:5
Buchanan Ann 1. 12.2:4 Eliza A. 12.2:4
G.A.H 3.1:3; 12.2:4 Hannah 1. 3.1:3 HughM.
12.2:4 James Lee 9.1:4 John W 12.2:4
Martha Ann 12.2:4 Rosey A. 12.2:4 William W
Buck 8.2:5 1.A. 8.2:3 John W< sley 4.1:3
Joseph 11.1 :5; 14.2:3
Buckalew Richard 3.3:6
Buckaloo H 10.2:8
Buckalue Rachael It .2:7
Bucomb 13.2:2
Buford Ed. 2.2:5 L.E. 7.1: I t Laura A. 7.l:l1
Laura S. 14.2:8 Thomas 7.1:9
Bughart Til. 13.2:8
Buice Anna 11.2:4 Can'ie 11.2:4 Eliia 11.2:4
HL.II.2:4,5 Hilliard 11.2:5 Ralph 4.3:4;
Bui t Edward T 5.1:5 John R. 5.1:5 Mar aret
5.1 :5
Bullard CX 13.2:4
Bullock Elanor Brethney 11.2: 10 Eliza
11.2: 10 George 11.2:6 John H. 2.2:5; 1L.2: 10
John M. 11.1 :3; 12.2:3 Loney 9.1 :12 R. W
Bumg rtben John E. 7.1'10
Burden John 5.2:8: 10.1:4
Burdin H.ff. 4.3:3 Nancy R. 13.2.11 . orma
Burdsall R. 8.2:4 w.H. 8.2:4
Burga Jas. B. 13.1:2
Burge 4.2:5 H. W 3.1:3 Jennie 4.3:4 Nancy
11.2:7 WM. 4.2:5 Wooden !vi 10.1:12; 11.2'7
Burk Susannah 7.2: II
Burke Greane. 12.1:8 James 7. 1:9 John 7.1:8
M. C. 11.2:8 Mwy E. ) 2.1 :8
Burkes Wilham 7.1:9
Burks Elizaheth 13.1:4 William 5.1 :3; 8.1 :3;
8.2:4,8; LO.I:l1; 11.1:7,9:) 1.2:3; 13.1:4
Burnet Charlie 5.2:2
Burnett 2.2:5 Catharine Ann 3.2:5 James T
3.2: Polly 13.2:3
Burnbeimer E.E. 8. 1:7
Burns Andrew 13.1:3 Sallie 9.2:6 Thomas S.
9.2:6 W.R. 14.1:5
Burnt Corn, Ala. 9.1:4
Burrell Lsabella 10.1:5 Martha 12.1:9
Burrough 1.8. 5.2:2
Burth Maggie 12.2:9
Burton family 3.4:4 HC. 14.2:6 James 3.3:6
John 11.1:4 John B. 10.1:7 John 1. 2.4:5:
9.1: J 0; 10.2:2 MOlY Ann 11.1:4 Pier e 0.2:9
Samuell0.1:10 W. 9.1:10 William 3.3:6;
10.1:10; 11.1:7,8
Burwell John P. 14.2: II L.L. 13.2: I
Bush 13.1.8 Adley 11.2:2 AmanderJ. 10.2:3
B. W 2.2:4; 10.2:3 Boaz 11.2:2 David B. 10.1:3
Ella 11.2:2 Ella 11.2:2 Fletcher 11.2:2
Gerard R. 9.1:4 Herbert 11.2:2 Hubbard
11.2:2 Kendal 11.2:2 Kendall L. 11.2:2 L. B.
2.3:3 Lelia 11.2:2 Lelia C. 11.2:2 Lewis B.
4.4:1; 10.1:11; 11.1:9, 12.1:1 Ma 10.1:3
N.B. 7.2:3 Preston I J .2:2 Presion B. 11.2:2
TO. 10.1:9 Wm. F. 13.1:8 Wm. M.F 5.1:6
Butch Jno. 9.1:9
Butche Margaret 2.3:2
Butchy Margaret 2.3:
Butler Charlie 5.2:2 WM. 5.2:2 Wm. 5.2:2
Butler Co., Ala. 4.1 :4; 13.2:6
Byrd family 3.2:3 Freeman 13.1:2 Martha
14.1:2 w.E. 5.1:3 William 9.1:3; 14.1:2,10
William M. 3.2:5
Cabaness John 14.2:3
Cabaniss J. B. 7.1:3 John 10.1:3
Cade 8.2:5 A.S. 14.2:11 Abram 8.2:4
Adolphus 10.1:2 Adolphu.~ S. 4.4: 1; 9.1 :3;
14.2:1 Callin 10.1:2 CallinJ 2.2:2,5 Drury B.
14.1:2 Fortune 13.2:3 GUilford 11.1 :8; 13.1'4
J.B. 13.1:4 J Catlin 9 1:8 Jaine 13.1:4
John C. 14.1:7 John Catlin 7.1:5 Sallie 13.2:3
Susan 13.2:3 T.J 2.2:2,5 Thirza J 8.2:5 WB.
12.2:5 William 14.1:3 Wm. B. 11.1'8
Cahaba, Ala. 2.3:4; 4.1:3
Cababa River 2.3:4; 9.2:5
Cabawba Co., Ala. 9.2:5
Cahawba Road 7.2:4
Caho Alexander 13.1:4
Caine JT 13.2:11
Calaban Willie 12.1 :11
Caldwell AliceArs 12.1:10 AnnF. 5.1:5 JB.
13.2:4 James 13.2: 1
Calhoun 12.2:12 family 3.4:3 A.P. 3.1:3;
7.1 :6; 9.2:3 Alice 9.2:3; 13.2:6 James 9.2:23;
13.2:6 Maude V. 3.4:3
Calhoun Co., Ala. 4.1"4
California Los Angeles 14.1: 11
Callahan IN. 9.2: LO
Callaway family 3.2:3; 3.4:4
Caller George W 3.3:5
Calvin Alice 10.1:5
Camden, Ala. 2.3:5; 4.1 :3,4
Cameron C.A. J 1.2:8 Columbus A. 10.2:4;
11.1:10; 11.2:9 Harriet 10.2:4 John Minge
L3.1:9 MilIard.1 0.2:4; 11.1: 10 Robert S.
10.2:4' 11.1 :10
Campbell Ellen 13.2:3 Emma 14.2:3 Farqhar
10.1:3 Jc. 13.1:6 Moses 13.1:6 R.M 12.2:3
Rob 1'1 M 2.3:3 WB.2.3:5 WH 5.2:8 Wm.
11.1 :8; 11.2:3 William H. 14. :9
Candy's Landing 4.2:5; 11.2: 11
Canebrake (region) 2.2:2,4,5,6; 12.1 :3,4
Canebrake (vessel) 8.2:4
Canebrake Agricultural Dist. 2.3:4
Ca nebrake Legion 11.1: I
Cannon D.W 9.2:10; 14.1:5 ME. 9.2:10;
14.L:5 TW L4.1:5 Theodore W 4.3:3
Canterbury l.I. 8.2:2,3; 12.2:9; 13.1:11; 14.2:8
Canty D.M. 5.L:5
Capell CO/'ler G. 13.1:5
Capers Joseph R. 4.4: L
Carleton Alex. 7.1:10 Alexander 10.2:6
Frank G. 7.1:3 George 10.2:6 Morgan 7.1:3
N.G. 5.2:8 R.E. 7.1:3
Carley F.D. 2.2:5
Carlile EK. 8.2:4
Carlisle 7.1:6
Carloss John R. 3.2:5
Carlton Carnathan B. 9.1:4 George 14.2: 11
Obie H. 9. L:4
Carmichael 4.4:5 John D. 12.1'2
Carp Will9.1.9
Carr B. 7.2:2 Balis 10.1: 12 John 11.2:3
Simon 10.1:12
Carroll M.A. 9.2:6 Min n' 12.2"4 R.S. 2.2:6;
9.2:6 Rob rt S. 12.2:4
Carron Alabama L4.2:9
C rson 13.2:9 John Alex 4.1:3 R.A 2.2:5
R H 7.1: L2 Robert H. 7.1 :9; 11.1:4 Thomas H
Carter family 3.4:3 BJ i4.1:6 Ed L. 4.3:5
Edwin L onidas 4.1:3 Frank 12.2:7 Henderson
11.2:12 .IT 12.2:2 ./ohn9.1:9 K.c. L3.\:10
Margaret J 4.3:5 Mariah 10.1:5 Rosa 4.3:5
SamueI2.2:4 Samuel D. 4.4: I; 7.1:9 W R.
14.1:6 William A. 10.1: William D. 12.2:7
William E. 4.3:6; 7.2:2; 8.\ :3; L4.2·i 1
Casey Thomas A. 2.2:4; 7.2:7
astleberry James 8.2:5,6
Casty John 13.2:4
Caswell W 13.2:8
Cathcart Mary L4.2:8
Catbrine, Ala. 9. J:4
Catlin 2.3:5 JD. 13.2:4 John D. 4.4: I; 8.1 :8;
10.1:2,3; 14.2:1 Sidney 13.1:2
Cato Burrer 2.4 :2; 12.1:6 Feraby 2.4:2 Feriba
12.1:6 Frank 12.1:6 Jorank/in 2.4:2 Green
2.4:2 Greenberry 12.1:6 Lewis 2.4:2 Martha
2.4:2; 12.1:6 Wyche 2.4:2; 12.1:6
Cauley Martin 10.2:7
Causby Cealey i4.1: Hance I .1:3 James
11.1:7: i4.1:3 Penelope 14.1:
Cavin Miles 7.1: 10
Cawthorn J V. 12.2: \2
Caywood Chw'les B. 9.1: \
Centerville, Ala. 8.1 :4,5,6
Centre Henry 11.2:6
Chadwick Bessie Croom 10.2:9 Jackson N
Chambers family 3.4:3 (Gen.) 4.2:5 Ann
12.2: I0 Elvira T 8. 1:8 Evelena S. 8.1:8 G. W
13.1:6 Joseph B. J 1.2:6; 12.2: 10 Robert T
8.1:8 TS.7.1:6
Champion Dane 4.3:4
eo. M 12.1:3 Jack
Chandler EP. 11.2:5 HA. 11.2:4 James
Manuel 11.2:4 John A. 11.2:4 5 Joseph 7.2:6;
L2.2:5 Manuel 11.2:5 T. 11.2:5
Chaney 4.2:5 Caroline 11.2:8 Greene B.
13.1:5 Peyton i3.1:5 Wm. T 14.2:3
Chapman 7.1 :6' 13.2:9 family 1.1:4; 3.2:3
John Thomas 13.1:9 ME 9.2:6 S. E. 2.2:5;
3.1:3 Samuel E 3.1 :3; 9.2:7; 11.2: 11; 13.2:2;
14. J:5 Samu.el Edward 4.1:3 ScJm/. !vieD. 9.2:6
Samuel MGDonald4.1:3 Susie A. 14.1:11 W K.
13.1 :11
Chapron J.M 2.2:6; 14.1:7
Charles Robert 5.2:2
Charlton Rob rt Augusta 4.1:3
Chatham Juditha 8.2: II Noah 10.1:4 Tholl1a~
9.1:10; 11.1:7,9
Chaucey family 3.2.3
Chaudron 4.2:5 famiLy 3.2:3 Edward 9.1:9
0. 10.2:7 Octavo 11.1:8 Octavius 11.1:9
Cbeatham Edith 9.2:6 Monroe 9.2:6
Cheney America P. 12.2:4 Benjamin 12.2:4
Kate 12.1:9 Louisa L. 10.2:2 W P. 10.2:2
William Preston 12.2:4 William T 12.2:4;
13.2:5 William Thomas 2.3:5; 12.2:4
Cherry 7.1:7 Emma 11.2:4,5 Eva 11.2:4,5
G ay 11.2:4,5 Hugh 11.2:5 J. W 8.2:7
Jared W 9.1:7 Jarot W 8.2:7 Jarrard W
11.1:7 Jarred 8.2:7 M. V. 11.2:5 Susannah
9.1:7 W1. 11.2:4,5
Chess WE. 2.2:6
Chickasaw Bogue 4.2:5; 9.2:5,6; 11.2:6;
12.1:1; 13.1:12
Chicka aw Bogue Ferry 7.1: 12
Childers G.A. 14.1:5 TB. 13.2:4 Thom B.
Childress H.e. 3.2:5 Hemy 3.2:5 Henry C.
3.2:5 Herbert C. 3.2:5 Jefferson 3.2:5 Thomas
Chile 14.1:9
Chiles family 3.4:4 Andrew 12.1: 10 Darby
12.1:10 Ethel 12.1:10 Frank 12.1:10 Frank
RORers 12.1:10 H nry 13.1:5; 14.1:9 Mollie
12. : I 0 Walter 9.2:5
Chisholm Emmet 8.2:2 Jno. G. 11.1: 12
Robert A. 9.1:4 Ruth 4.2:4
Chisolm 1.G. 14.1:7
Chivers Elizabeth 14.1:3 James M. 13.1:7
Letitia 13.1:7
Choctaw Corner, Ala. 4.1 :5; 9.2:5; 11.2: II
Choctaw Corner Cemetery 7.1: I
Choctaw Corner Road 9.1:8
Choctaw Co., Ala. 2.2:2,3,4,5,6; 3.3: ; 4.3:2;
7.2:4' 9.1:7; 9.2:3; 10.1:3; 11.2:8; 12.1:11;
14.1:5,6; 14.2:9
Choctaw Nation 8. I:5
Chowder Joseph 12.2:5
Christian A.R. 13.2: 11 Acy R. 4.2:4 Ann E.
11.1:10 Ann Eliz 10.2:4 Asa R. 10.1:11;
11.1:5; 14.2:8 E.W 10.2:8 George 8.2:4 J.B.
14.1:6 J.M. 14.1:8 JamesA.I0.1:11 JohnB.
12.1:2 John R. 12.1:2 M.A. 14.2:8 Richard
10.2:4; 11.1: 10 Sallie F. 11.1:5, 14.1: II
Samllel4.4-1 Samuel P. 4.4.1 TllOmm 12.2:5
ThomCL~ H 14.2:3 WA. 2.2:6 Wm. A 14.2:3
Chuin Ann 13.2.6
Churches and synagogues (unnamed onl),)
Baptist 5.1 :2; 13.2: I; 14.2:5 Catholic 14.2:5
e.M.£. 11.1:2 EpiscopaI4.1:6 Jewish 14.1:2
M thodist 5.1 :2; 7.2:5,7; 14.2:7 M.E. 3.1 :6;
5.1 :2; 9.1:3 M.P. 7.2:7 Presbyterian 5.1 :2;
10.1: Protestant Episcopal 7.2:4
Claiborne, Ala. J J.2:6
Clancey C. E. 4.2:2
Clancy Edna 4.4:6
Clark 2.4:5; 7.1:6 Ernest V 9.1:4 R. H. 10.1:9
Sam 12.1:9 Thomas 10.1:11 Umphis9.1:4
Wlf 9.1:9 William 11.2: II William E. 5.2:9;
11.1:9 Wil/iamH. 12.1:7; 13.1:5
Clarke 10.1 :2,3 Aaron 1 .1:3 J.E. 5.2:2
James L. 14.2:7 Joe 13.1:3 John r. J4.2: I
London 10.2:10 R.C. 13.1:3 R.H. 2.2:3; 8.2:5;
9.2:3; 11.1:10,11 Richard H. 5.2:10' 10.1:9;
11.2:2 Robert 7.1:9 Sarah 13.1:3 Thomas
7.1 :9, 8.2:4 Thomas Jefferson 4.1:3 WE.
2.2:3,6; 10.1:3 WL.5.2:2 William 5.1:2;
12.2:7 William E. 2.3:3,5; 10.2:9 William H.
11.1 :7,8,9 Willis G. 7.2:7
Clarke Co., Ala. 3.4:2: 4.1 :3.4 5; 4.2:2; 4.3:5;
5.1 :5; 7.2: 11; 9.1 :2; 9.2:5; 10.2: 1,2,3,4' 11.2:6
12.1:11; 12.2:4; 13.1:4; 13.2:9; 14.1:5,6
Clarksville, Ala. 4.1:3
Clausl Joseph B. 4.4:6
Clauzel (Gen.) 2.3:2
Clay Hill, Ala. 2.2:4; 4.1 :3,4,5; 4.2:4; 7.2: 12;
9.1:4; 13.2:9
Clayton Bedford 10.2: 11
Clayton, Ala. 4. 1:4
Cleiland William B. 7.2:2
Clements Labon 11.1:9
Clemons 2.2:4
Clemson (Rev.) 5.2:4
Cleveland 11.1:2 C B. 7.2: , I0; 8.1 :8, 11;
9.2:2,4,9; 12.1:2; 12.2:10; 13.1:10,12; 14.1:5
Charles B. 9.l:l0· 9.2:2,3,4,9; 10.2:9; 12.1:2'
3.2:2; 14.1:6 Charles Bowman 4.1:3 Lizzie H
9.2:9; 12.1:2
Cleveland Institute L1.1 :2
Clifton, Ala. 4.1 :3,5; 9.1:4
Clifton & Magnolia Road 10.1:8
Clifton & Shiloh Road 14.1:4
Clifton Landing Road II. L:2
Clifton Road 14.2:5
Clio, Ala. 2.2:4,5,6
Clopton 13.1:8 R.M 13.1:8
Clorke D. 10.2:12
Coate B.J. 7.1:3
Coates B.B 8.2:3 Dickson T 8.?:3 Edward e.
8.2:3 J. R. 8.2:3 Kate 8.2.3 Alary Lou 8.2:3
William B. 8.2:3
Coatopa, Ala. 9.2: 12
Coats B. B. .2:3 Di k T 7.2:9 John 11.2:6
John G. 8.2:4 John Greene 4.1:3 Matti Maria
Vaughan 4.4:4 WA. 13.2:9
Cobb 4.3:4 B.F. 4.3:4 c.e. 4.4:3 Luverne
4.4:3 R.N. 11.1:12
Cobbie James 5.2:2
Cocke America 12.2:4 Henry Y 9.1:4 John
2.2:5; 12.2: John H 9.2:8
Coddington family 3.4:4
Cody Abner 1. 5.2:6 John 5.2:6
Coffeeville, Ala. 11.2:6
Coffin family 3.4:4
Cohn Marcus B. 14.1:2 Sefla 14.1:2
Cold Spring, Ala. 14.2:7
Cole James R. 14.2:12
Coleman 7.1:6; ]2.1:7 family 1.1:4; 3.4:3 Ann
8.2:6 Daniel I J .2:6,8; l3.1:7 Elizaheth 8.2:6
Emmie D. 14.1:6 Flemmg 8.2:6 J.D. 14.1:6
1.W 2.2:4,5 Jesse 7.1:10; 10.1:11; 11.1:9 John
8.2:6 JohnG.P. 10.1:3; 14.1:7 JohnT 8.2:6
Kale 14.1:6 Maria A. 14.1:6 Morgan 11.1:6
R.E. 10.2:7 R.M. 9.1:9 Robert M. 3.3:6; 11.2:3
SA. 14.1:6 S.e. 10.2:3 Sarah 8.2:6 Solen L.
1.1:9 Swadelle 10.2:3 WB. 7.1:4 WilliamF
8.2:6 Wilson 8.2:6 Winifred B. 13.1:7
Colgin 2.3:2
Collier 13.1:3 Caroline 14.2:2 Eliza 5.1:3
Elizabeth 5.1:3 Jack 9.2: 1I; 1Ll:7,9; 14.2:3
JohI15.1:2· 7.1:9; 14.2:2 Joseph 5.1:3' 13.1:7
Mose 13.2:3 Probert 5.1:3 Probi/I3.1:7
Susan 8.1:2 Susan D. 5.1:3 William 11.1:5
Collins 9.1: 1I 11.2:9 Abram 10. 1:5 e. W
2.2:5 Florence 14.2:8 Florence B. 7.1:1 I
George 1 .1:3 Harrison 13.1:2 Herbert 13.1:9
1.T 7.2:10; 9.2:10; 11.1:12; 14.2:5 Jack7.2:2
Jas 9.1:11 .John 2.2:5,6; 11.2:10: 14.1:7
Joseph T 9.2:10 Josiah 10.2:6 Lonk 13.1:2
Louvenia 13.1:2 Maria 13.1:2 Penelope 10.2:6
Providence 13.1:2 Ro ert C. 13.1:6 Sallie
10.1:5 Scilla 13.1:2 Ti/dyI4.2:4 W.B. 14.1:4
Wm. B. 13.1:3
Colorado Denver 8.2:4
Colvin H.1. 10.2:8
Colwell 1. 13.2:4
Comer fi mily 3.2:3 Braxton Bragg 3.2:3
Compton family 1.1 :4; 3.4:3 c.F. 7.\ :3: 12.2:9
c.l. 7.1:3 em'oline 2.2:5; 3.1: Charles I.
11.1: 11 D. 9.2:4 D. C. 12.2:4 David 2.2:3,5;
2.3'3;3.1'3; 10.1:3; 10.2:2 I:.,1i=ahelh 10.2:2
Frank 14.2:4 George 14.2:4 Hannah 10.2:2
1. W 8.2:3 James F 34:3 Jon 2.25;
10.2:10,11 Jim 14.2.7 Johlll~ 10.2:2 L.T
10.2:2 Levi 10.2.2 Lewis 0.2: 10 Mary £.
8.2:1 I: 12.2:5 Neela 14.2:7 R.J. 2.2:4; 9.2:4
Ro ert1. 10.1:3 S£. 8.2:3;9.2:6 Sx. 11.1:11
S W 13.2:7 Sarah 14.2:4 We. 10.2:2 WF.
14.1:8 WHo 10.1:9 William F. 9.2:6: J4.2:4
William Henry Harrison 4.1:3 Willie Albert
Condiff John 10.1: 12
Cone 5.1:4
Conerly WR. D. 9.2:4
ConJey Wm. 1I. 1:7
Connecticut 4.3:5 Hartford 10.2:12 Hartland
4.1 :3
Connella A.A. 2.2:5
Connelley Clarence F. 9. 1:4
Connelly William 13.1:4
Conner 14.1:6 AnloineJle 10.1:3 .M 10.2:2
Junius 10.1.3 Lucinda 14.1:6 Samuel 101:2
Sarah 10.1:3 WH 9.2:6 WiIliamH. 0.1:3
Connery .J. WR. 7.2:3
Connes I 1.2: 10
Connor Annett 14.2:4 CD. 9. 1:9; 13.2:4
Charles D. 11.2:6 E.D. II. :11 Harry 13.1:2
Henry 13.1:2 Junius 14.2:4 Layne 10.1:5 Lo((y
10.1:5 Tom 13.1:3 Willie 1O. 1:5
Consul, Ala. 4.2:4; 12.2:8; 13.1:12
Cook Ai/9.2:9; 12.1:2 Alice 10.2:2; 11.1: 10
Elizabeth R. 8.2:2 Ellender 12.1:6 Enoch
8.2:7: 12.1:6 EnochH 8.2:7 .lB. 7.1:9
John B. 7.1:8 Junius 10.2:2; 1J.l: 10 Letitia
12.1:6 Levicy 14.1: 12 Mathias 12.1:6 Olive
12.1:6 R.C. 4.2:5; 10.2:5 Ro ert G. 7.1 :9'
10.1:12; 14.2:1
Cooke Enoch H. 11.1:9 Robert G. 5.2: 10;
Cooper 14.2:7 jamilyJ.4:4 A.B. 3.2:5 A.W
2.2:3,5,6; 9.1 :9' 9.2:3 Aaron B. 11.1:7 Agne
Scott4.4:3 Anson W 10.1: e.fI. 8.2:10
Chas. M 7.2:9 1.R. 8. :10; 14.2:6 1.. Wood
4.4:3 Martha 1. 1I .2:2 S. W 4.4:3 Savanah
10. J:5 William 2.4:6; 9.1 :9; 11.1 :8,9
Corbin Hannah M 14.1:6
Corcoran 13. 1:2 3 George Menyman 13.1:9
1.S 13.1:2 T.M. 13.1:2
Corgill A.S 12.2:2
Corley family 8.2: 12; 11.1: 1 e. Eugen 4.3:4
1. 9.\:10 John 4.1:3; 4.2:5; 4.3:4; 11.1:8
Marlha4.3:4 Martin 10.2:7 s.w. 7.1:3
Cornish 2.2:3.4; 8.2:5: 11.2:9 family 3.4:4
(Lt.) 14.2:9 Annie Edna 4.3:5 E.S. 7.2:10;
14.2:5 EdwardS 10.1:8.11.1'12 G.D. 12.1:10
Geo. Antony 4.2:4 L. 9.2: 12 Leonard 4.1:3
10.2:3; 12.1:10 Louisa Jane 4.3:5 Ma1J'c.
12.1: LO Mal)' Catharine 10.2:3 TG. 2.2:2,5;
2.3:5: 10.1:2: 14.2:9,11 TY 8.I:ll TimothyG.
9.1:8 Timothy Gillette 4.3:5
Corr RichQl'd C. 9. 1:4
Corzine 9.1:9 Shelby 12.1:7; 13.1:5
Cosley James 10.1:7
Cote Philip 13.1:2
Cotton P.H 14.2:12
Cottrell Joseph B. 10.1:2 Luth n F. 7.2:3 Z.
Jennings 10.1:2
Couch family 1.1:4
County Line Cemetery 7.1: I
Cousin Jack 12.1: 11 Loren=a 12.1: II Morris
12. J: II
Couteline James 10.2:3 Mary Elizabeth Lyon
Cowan F.J.G. 14.1:5 .J.D. 14.1:5 Jerome
14.1:5 JohnA. 8.1:7; 14.2:11 TJ 14.1:5
Coward Agnes E. 5.1:5 Corine 4.3:3 John B.
8.2:7 Julian .3:3 Ozine 4.3: William 5.1:
Cox 4.2:5 Alfr d 13.1:3 Charles 13.1:2
Edgar E. 5.1:5 G. W 4.4: I George W 2. :6
Haywood 10.2: 10, II .f H. 4.4: I Julia A. T
5.1:5 Sarah V 5.1:5 Tho. 10.2:8
Coxbeath, Ala. 12.1:12; 1 .2:7
Coy, Ala. 12.1:11,12
Craig 2.2:4 Hamel J 2.2:5 Harriell 7.2: II
Craighead 13.1 :2,3 David 14.2:4 JB. 14.2:3
James B. 9.2:2; 14.2:3,4,5 Jane P. 14.2:4
John B. 14.2:4 Preston 14.2:4 Thomas 14.2:4
Crane II,] :6; 14.2:9 John 3.2:6
Cranford Margaret Ann 13.2: 11 Wm. 11.1:8
Cranford Harriet 14.2:8 Jessie 14.2:8 Sallie
14.2:8 Walter 14.2:8 Wm. ILl:8
Cravens Robert 14.1:3
Crawford family 3.2:3 A.J. 2.2:3; 3. L:4; 5.2:8;
14.2:3 AndrewJ. 2.3:4; 5.1:2; 7.1:9 Elma4.3:3
James 5.2:8 Jerry 13.1:2 Leonard 14.2:8
Matilda 13.L:2 Owen 13.1:2 Titu G.IO.2:7
William Webb 3.2:3
Creagh 2.2:4 Alexander M 3.2:5; L3.2:9
Cade 8.1:10 JG. 13.1:5 MW 2.2:5' 2.3:3;
4.3:2; 12.2:6; 13.2:9 Mary 4.3:2
Memorable W 3.2:5; 13.2:10 Thomas B.
10.1: 12; 11.2.8 Willie B. 4.3:2 Willie S 13.2:9
Crcah A.M. 3.2:5
Creighton Jere C. 9.1:4
Crenshaw Carney 7.2:7 John 4.2:2 Rachael
Thompson 10.2:1 Ifm. T. .2:6
Crensbaw Co., AI'. 4. L:4
Crews James F. 9.1:4
Criddle 11.1:6
Crittendon Margaret 1. 8.]:2 ff"m F. 8.1:2
Crocheon HN 14.1:9
Crocbern Hemy N. 7.2:3
Crocheron Annie K 12.2:5 Annie R. 12.2:5
Crochorne HN. 7.2:3
Crocker AliceA. 14.1:7 Bessie 12.1:IL C.E.
12.L:l1 JG. \2.1:L1 Julius9.J:4 L.O 12.1:11
SW 12.1:11 am W 14.1:7 Velma 12.I:IJ
WE. 12.1:11; 14.1:7 ZP. 8.2:4
Croft Edward 13.1:10 Florida 13.1:10
George 13.1:10
Crompton David 10.2:8 WJ 10.2:8
Cromwell 12.2:3 John I .2:3
Croom 2.2:4 B.F. 2.2:4 Burrell 13.1.3 Isaac
4.2:5 1.lf. 2.2:4 Mary 10.2:9 Pearl 12 I.II
Pleas 12.1: II Simon 11.1:3 Wiley J 4.2:5
Crosby John 9.2: 11
Croslin E.9.2:ll Edward 14.1:10
Crowder J.H 9.2:7 Malinda 9.2:7
Crudup JD. 9.2:4
Crump William E. 4.2:5
Crumpton David 10.1:] 1
Culpepper family 3.4:3; 9.2:8
Cumbre .lB. 11.1:8
Cuningham G. W 8.2:2 George Gordon 8.2:4
Cuningbame A.H. 14 1:5 G.W 8.2:2,3
George 11.2:3; 13.1 :4,5 Wm. 12.2:9,11;
13.1:11: 14.2:8
Cuninhame George 12.1:7
Cunningh m 7.1:6 family 3.4:4 G. 4.3:6
Geo. 4.3:6; 5.2:7 J.L. 2.2:4; 7.2:6 Lessie 8.2:4
Narce Rilla 9.\: 11 Robert A. 9.\:4 Tho. M
Cunninghame George 14.1:9
Curlin Sarah R. 8.2:10
Currey Wiley 11.1:7
Currier Shelfon 13.1:3
Curry 7.2:8; 13.1:1 Bella 10.1:2 Charle
10.1:2 D.N. 13.1:2 DanielA. 10.1:2 David
2.4:6; 4.4: 1; 5.1 :3; 7.2:3,9; 8.\ :3; 8.2:7,8;
10.2:8; I L.L:7; 13. L:7 David C 13.1:7
David G. 142: Elsie 10.2:10 Hector W.
10.1:2 lsea9.1:9 James 12.1:7 JamesM.
3.2:5; 7.2:8; 8.1:3; LO.l:2; 13.1:7 John
11.\ :7,8,9 Leah 8.1:3 Leah E. 10.1:2 Mary
10.1:2 Richmond 10.2: J0 Riley 8.2:9 S H.
9.1:9 Saml. H. ILl :8,9 Thomas 11.L:7 Wiley
L1. L:9 William 2. :6; 5.2: ; 10.2:11
Winifred B. L3.1:7
Cursine Shelby 9.2:6
Curtis family 3.1 :4; 3.4:3 Aletha 14.1: II
Alfred A. 10.2:4 Alfred Y. 10.2:4 Ann 5 1:4,
8.1:2 e. 9.2:2 Charles 5.2:7,8; 8.1:2
Charles fl 3.2:5: 5.1:4 Charles R. 8.1:2
Chester 10.1:5 Christopher S. 8.2: II: 12.2:5;
13.1:7 Daniel 5.1 :3,4, 8.1 :2; I J.l :8; 12.2:5
Dolly 5.1:4 E.£. .3:3 Edward _.2:2,5,6; 3.2:5;
5.1 :4; 7.2:4: 8.1 :2; 8.2: II; ]4.] :7, II Elijah
5.1:3: .1:2 Elca 8.1:2 EIi~a 1. 7.2:4
EIi=ab th5.1:4; 13.1:7 ElizabethB. 8.1:2,3;
13.1:7 Elizabeth D. 3.2:6 Eli=aheth W. 5.1: .
8.1:2 Emeline 2.2:5 Elta L. 10.2:4 Hem)1 H
3.2:6;8.1:2,3; 13.1:7 Isaac 5.1:4; 8.1:2; 13.1:7
J Della 10.2:4 James E. 8.1:3 James H. 7.2:6;
14.2:3 John 5.1 :4; 8.1:2 John 1. 5.1:4 Jos H.
14.2:3 Julia 8.1:2 Julian T 5.1:4 Kisiah
10.1:5 Lela A. 10.2:4 Lucien 8.1:3 Mallacha
7.1:9 Margaret James 5.1:4 Margarel M.
10.2:4: 11.]:10 Mary 14.1:11 MaryF 8.1:2
MOTY Frances 5.1:4 Matthew 10.1:5 Mattie
14.1:1] Nancy 5.1:4; 10.2:6 Nathanie/5.1:4;
8. J:2 Obedience 5.1 :4' 8.]:2 S. 9.1:9 Samuel
4.2:5; 5.] :3,4; 8.1 :2,3 Sarah 5.1.3,4; 8.1:
Susannah 5.1:4; 8.1:2 Tapley Marion 5.1:4
TaplyF 8.1:2 Thomas9.1:10 ThomasR. 5.1:4;
8.1:2: 102:6.7'11.1:7,9; 14.1:11 William 5.]:4;
8.1:2; 11.1:7,9 William H. 5.1:4; 8.1:2; 8.2:11
Curtis' Beat of Marengo Co. 4.2:5
Custis Wm.7.2:3
Dakotab Fort Pembina 14.2:9
Dale Eliza 14.2:8
Dale Town, Ala. 2.3:3
Dallas Co., Ala. 2.3:4,5: 4.12,3,4,5; 5.1 :3,4,5;
8.1:3; 8.2:3,6,] I; 9.1:8,9,11; 9.2:5,11; 11.1:1;
12.2:2,10; 13.2:6,9; 14.1 :5,7
Dalrymple D.A. 10.2:2
Daubtly Albert 11.2:4 Hannah 11.2:4 July
D nelly Louise 4.4:5
Dangerfield Henry W 8.2:6
Daniel family 1.1:4 Bettie 12.1:9 Clara Bell
10. ]:5 Elizabeth] 2.1:9 GUilford P. 12.1:7
HemyM. 11.1:12 Joe 10.1:5 John W 12.2:7
P.P. 2.3:3; 12.2:6 Paten 10.1:4 Patton P.
12.2:6 Peyton P. 12.2:6 Sam ]2.1:9 • umter
8.]:11 Te. 7.1:6
Danner A.e. 2.2:5
Dansby (Dr.) 8.1 :4,5 D.M.A. 12.2:6; 14.1:9
Daniel8.1:5 Daniel M.A. 2.3:3; 10.2:6 E.
]0.2:6 Eli} h8.1:4,5 F.M. 2.2:3;9.2:3;13.2:9
Ie. 14.2:1 Is ac 13.1:8; 14.2:2 1. ]0.2:6 J.C
4.3:6; 14.2:3.11 John . 12.2:5; 14.2:1,3,11
Martha J 14.2'1 Mary Roland 13.1: 10 R.c.
2.3:5 Seraphina 13.1:8
Dant Wade G. 9.1 4
Darden f lenry Jefferson 13.1'9
Dargan 10.2:8 family 3.2:3
Darnall Henry I 8.2:7; 11.1:8 Thomas 11. 1:9
Daugbdrill F.D. 9.2:4 G. W 9.2:4 Geo. W
9.2:4 J.L. 2.2'5; 9.2:4 Jas. L 2.2:6 John 8.1:2
T T 8.2:5; 9.2:4
Davenport Char/e. 13.1:6,7 Charles L. 10.2:7
James M. 7.1:9 Susan 13.1:7
Davidson 13.1:2 family 3.4:4 Agnes Carson
Kyle 4.3:5 Alex 13.1:2 D.D. 14.2:8 Daniel C.
9.1:4 EllaB.14.2:8 J.fl ]4.2:3 Jacob 8.2:1 I
John 2.3:3; 9.1: I 0 John H. 3.2:6 M.e. 14.1:7
Marshall 11.1 :4 Ritter I l.l: Winny 8.2: 11
Davis 7.1 :6; 10.1: II family 34:3 Aner £.
10.1:8 AustinL. 11.1:8 Brooh 11.1:7
Brooks H. 11.1:7 QI'oline 8.1:2 Char. G.
9.1: 10 Darling 4.2:5 Eli II 1:9 Elizabeth
10.1:9 Evilene 11.2:7 G. R. 5.2:2 GeorRe
Washington 4.1:J H. T 12.2:2 Henry 14.2:5 J.
5.2:8 J.B. 14.2:7 J. Harris 13.2:4 1.1 T 4.3:2
1.M. 2.2:4 James B. 8.2'7 .James Ben 4.1:3
James H. 13.2:4 James N. 8.1:7 John 4.3 :6:
5.2:8; 7.1:8; 8.1:2; 10.1:11; 12.1:1: 14.2:11
John 1. T 10.1:8 Joseph 7. J: Julia 4.3:4 Kitty
12.1:11 L. Marion 12.1:2 L. Mason 12.1:2
Lewis 5.2:2 Lizzie 4.2:2 Lysander Marion 4.1:3
Melissa 11.2:7 Mollie 4.3:2 Rebecca A.
13.2: II Stephen 2.4:5; 8.2:7 Stephen L. 11.1:7
w.H. 10.1:9 W.W 14.1:5 William2.4:6
William G. 7.1:6 Woodie 12.2:2 Zeb 4.3:2
Dawkins 9.2:4
Dawkins Spring 9.2:4
Dawson Lans 13.1:2 WA. 9.1: 11
Day Bennie 12.2:7 G. R. 10.2:5 Henry 5.2:2
Howard9.1:4 Mary 9.2:7 WalterJ. 9.1:4
William H 9.2:7
Dayton, Ala. 2.2:2,3,4, ,6; 2.3.3 4,5; 2.4: 1:
3.1.3,5; 3.2:1; 3.3:2,3; 4.1:4, ;4.2:2,4,5;
4.3:2,3,4,6; 4.4:3,6; 7.2:8,9; 8.1 :4,8,12;
9.1:8,12;9.2:9; 10.1:4,5; 11.2:11;
12.1:5,6,9,10,11; 12.2:2; 13.1:10; 13.2:3,11;
14.1:i1,12; 14.2:1 11
Dayton Beat/Pet. of Marengo Co. 4.2:2,5;
10.1:5,7; 12.2:2; J3.2:3
Dayton & Uniontown Road 9.1:8
Dayton Cemetery 2.4: I; 3.2: 1; 9.1:8
Dayton Circuit 9.1:3
Dayton Female Academy 2.3:3
Dayton Literary Association 14.2: 1
Dayton Negro Cemetery 2.4: I
Dayton Road 2.3:3
Deadman Saml. H 10. 1:3
Dean R. 7.2:4
Deand Fanny N. 10.2:2
Deanes ./no. W 2.2:5
Debarzer 7.1:6
Debat LOllis 1"".2:8
Debatt John J 32:8
Debolle Manuel W 7.2:7
Debrosses Charle' 3.3:5
Decatur, Ala. 9.1:5
Decker 13.1:8
Decostro Alex 11.1:7,8
Deep Creek Baptist Church 7.2:5; 10.2:1
DeFeu Charle.\· F 8.2:2 We. 8.2:2
Deforest 10.2:8
Delaney Melvina 142:2
Delany Melvina 14.2:2
Delany P. 13.2:4
Delaware Laurel 7.1 :7
Dellenger e. 13.2:4
DeUet James 1 . 1: 10
Deloach CornehaNelson 12.1:11 E.B. 12.2:4
EligeneB. 9.1:4 .I.G. 5.2:2 ./ohn2.4:5 JohnG.
9.1:4 Mansfield5.2:2 Mary 7.2:1 I TC 3.1:3
Thomas B. 12.1:11 Thos. e. 14.2:3 Thos. H
12.1:11 WI. 2.2:4
Delouch Thomas e. 12.1:3
DeManissert 1. TL. 2.2:4
Demopolis, Ala. 1.2:5; 2.2:2-6; 2.3: 1-6;
2.4: 1,4; 3.1 :2,5; 3.3:2,4; 3.4:4; 4.1 :3-6; 4.2: 1-5'
4.3:2-6; 4.4:3-6; 5.2:1,3,6,9; 7. J: 1,2,5,12;
7.2:4,7-9; 8.1 :3,7,8,11; 8.2: 1,4,5; 9.1 :3-8,12;
9.2: 1-3,5,6,9-12; 10.1: 1-3,5-12; 10.2:1,3-9;
1l.1:1-4,10,12; 11.2:1,6,9-11; 12.1:2,5,9-12;
J2.2:2,3,10-12; 13.1: 1,5,6; 13.2: 1,2,3,8;
14. J:2 6,12; 14.2:4,5,7,9-]2
Demopolis Beat/Pet. of Marengo Co. 4.2:3,5:
4.3:3; 10.1:6' 12.2:2; 13.2:3
Demopolis & Jefferson Road 14.2:5
Demopolis & Linden Road 2.3.3; 9.1:9
Demopolis & Macon Road 2.3:3
Demopolis & Prairieville Road 2.3:3
Demopolis & Uniontown Road 14.2:5
Demopolis Exchange 12.2:3
Demopolis Female Academy 14.1 :12
Demopolis Fire and Marine Insurance
Company 2.3:5
Demopolis Methodist Church 4.2: I
Denni Elizabeth 3.1:5 Jer miah 3.1:5 Nancy
3.1 :s
Dent Hatch 2.4:5; 11.2:3
Desaker AnnE. 10.1:10 Jacob 10.1:10
Descourt A.L. 9.)'9 L. 13.2:8
DeSe rs R.E.9.2:12
Deseker Joel.J 7. 1:9
Desmuke Louisa 11.2:3 William 11 2:3
Desnouette Charles L. 9.2:6
Desnouette (Gen.) 14.2: 12
Desnouttes Alarie Louisa Stephennie Roher
DeVan Wo. 14.1:4,5
Devay James 14.2:3
Dew Thomas 3.3:5
Dewes K. T 4.4:3
Dewies Theodore 3.2:5
DeWitt Alsey Bennett 9.1:4
DeWolf Thomas 10.2:7
Dexter Dallas 13.1:3
DeYampert c.p 14.1:11 CharlesP. 141:/1
Eliza P. 14.1:11
Dial ElizabethC. 5.1:6 John W. 5.1:6
Dickenson 8.1:5 Peter 8.1 :5
Dickinson Jonathan 7. :5 Robert R. 9.1:3
Dicks M.N. 9.2:7 Te. 11.1:6
Dickson Grover Y. 9.1:4 Harriet A. 7.2.11
Harriett 9.1: 1\ Hayne H. 7.2: 11 Joel \ 0.2:7;
11.1:9 John 9.2:6 Rebecca 11.2:7 SH.N.
4.3:6: 8.2:7; 12.1 :7; 13.1:4 S T 9.2:7
Samuel B. 9.1: II; 11.2:7 Saml. B.L. 11.2:7
Samuel H.N. 3.3:5; 12.1:8 Saml. L.B. 11.2:7
ThOl' y. 7.2:11; 9.1:11; 11.2:7; 12.2:11
Digmon William P. 9.1:4
Dillard Maude G. 7.1: 11; 14.2:8
Dilworth Mary .I J3.1: 10
Dinkins W. W. 4.3:6; 10.2:8
Di mu es H. e. 13.1: 11 Sallie oates 8.2:3
District of Columbia Washington 9.1:12;
Dixon 4.2:5 A..! 5.2:2;9.2:10; \1.1:2 Armsted
13.1:2 Atlas 5.2:2 Ben 8.1:\1 D.A.9.2:10;
11.1:2 EI/5.2:2 Grady 12.2:7 Hemy 13.1:3
.IF. 9.2:10 J.W 9.2:10 JoeiB. 7.2:6 .Joel Sr.
7.2:6 L.L. 9.2:10; 11.1:2 Lizzie 1 .1:5 Lydia
8.2:7 Monroe 5.2:2 .F.8.2:7 Peter 5. :2
R.P. 7.1:3 Richard 12.2:7 Robertlls P. 10.1:3
Sc. 9.2:10 TM.7.1:3 WA. 9.2:10; 11.1:2
WR. 9.2: 10 Wiley 5.2:2 Wil/5.2:2 William F.
8.1: 1\
Dixon Cemetery 3.4:2
Dixons Mills, Ala. 2.2:4,); 3.1 :6; 3.2:2; 3.4:2;
4.1:23,4,5; 4.2:5' 4.3:2,3: 5.2:2; 7.2:6,9;
9.1:4,5; 10.1:6; 11.2:11; 12.2: ,7,8; 13.2:9;
14.1:12; 14.2:11
Dixons Mills Beat/Pet. of Marengo Co.
4.2:45; 10.1:6; 12.2:2; 13.2:3
Dobson Alabama 142:9 Ally 4.4:3 D.B.
14.2:9 Daniel Bunyan 4.1:3
Doby 2.2:3 George W 5.1 :5' 14.2:9 Mathew
1l.2: 11; 13.1:6
Dodge William A. 13.1:9
DoUins 13.1:3 AnnieM. J2.I:ll JosephH
J0.1:8 MaryF 10.1:8 WE. 12.1:11; 13.1:2
DonaJd A. 2.2:4; 13.2:6 Alexander 9.1:6 Eli
11.2:5 Emily J3.2:6 Fanny E. 102:4 Janie
11.2:5 John F. 10.2:4
Donaldson Hiram 3.1:3 William 2.3:6
Donnally Adam 3.3:6
Donnelly Amanda 9.2:3
Dorman A.M 7.2:7 MC. 72:7
Dorsey 2.2:4; 5.2:5 S W 2.2:2,5 William
Doss Geo. W 8.2: II; J2.2:5 Stephen H 7.2:2;
II.l:7,9; 11.2:3; 12.1:6 WB. 10.1:4 WH
8.2: 11 William ILl :7,8 William B. 13.1:7
Dosses Wilram 14.2:11
Dossey 5.2:5 William 14.2:11
Doly 4.2:5
Doty's Ferry 4.2:5
Double Creek 8.2:5
Douglas Francis M 10.1: 12 JC. 9.1 :9;
10.1 :J2 James C. 10.1:4
Douglass Hannah 7.1:5 James C. 3.3:6
Dow Anna E. 10.2:2; 11.1: 11 Catherine C.
10.2:2 Henrietta E. 10.2:2 IX 9.2:2 irene K
9.2:3 Jc. 4.4:5 John 4.4:5 John C. 10.2:2;
1 1.1: II John Carmichael 4.1:3 Martha
11.1: II Martha A. 10.2:2 Mmy C. 10.2:2;
11.1:11 Retia£. 11.1:11 TC. 10.2:2; JI.I:ll
Dowden Bili 13.1:3
Downey 14.2:8 family 10.2: 1 7.1 :3;
14.1:8 Calvin 10.2: 1 Mar aret Ann 4.4:3
Mary4.4:3 R. 12.1:3 R.E. 13.2:7 Reuben
12.1:3 Rhuben 7.2:2 Ruby Maline 13.2:7
Samuel4A:3 WJ. 13.2:7
Downman EvalineJ. 8.2: 10 Gustavus A.
10.1 :3
Downy B. /2.1:3
Doyle Charlie 5.2:2 Jim 4.2:2 William Boler
Oozier E.C. 7.2:10; 11.1:2; 14.2:8 Exie7.1:7
Jesse 4.2:2 John Stephens 7.1:7
Drake c.L. 2.2:4 General82:9 Mary 11.2:11
R.W 2.2:4,6
Drew John W 5.1:4
Drewry Geo. 11.2:4 Milton 11.2:5 Walter
Drinkard family 1.1:4; 3.2:4 A. W 5. :2 D. H.
7.1:3;9.2:10 £.14.2:10 ElJintonll.l:8,9
Fred5.2:2 J.fV 52:2,9.2'10 Jesse 14.1:1
John 11.1 :9; 13.2:9 John M 8.2' I I John W.
9.2.10 Lem 14.1:1 Margaret 13.2:9 S.D. 7.1:3
Wesley5.2:2 Wm. R. 8.2:11; 14.1:1
Drinker Jere. 3.1:3
Drummond (Dr.) 7.1:6 Charle H 13.2:6
Virgmia 5.1:4 WF 2.2:2,4,5 William F
12.2:2,7 William T 13.2:6
Dry Creek 4.2:5; 9.1.8
Drysda e Alex. J. 12.2: II
Dubard 10.2:8
DuBose 2.2:4; 82:4; 11.2'9 Adef 11.2: 10
Ade/e L. 7.2:5 Adele Louise 9.]: 12 Albert
13.1:2 Benjamin 14.2: II Ellick 10.2: 10,11
F.M. 9.2:2 Frank 11.2: 10 1. 11.2:9 Isaiah
12.1:10; 14.2:3 Isarah 11.2:10 J.W 9.2:2
James H 2.2:6, 14.1:7 Jno. W 2.2:6 Joel C.
7.1 :9; 7.2:2 Josiah 12.2:5 K.c. 2.2:5,6: 9.2:2;
12.2:10; 14.1:7 Kerbo/lgh 11.2:/0
Kimbro/lghC. 14.1:10 Lewis 10.1:5 Lucy
10.2:10 II Mac8.1:IJ,12 Mattie 10.1:5 Milla
10.2:10,11 N.W 9.2:2 o.C 2.2:5: 7.2:4
Pauline 1l.2: 10 R.C. 2.3:4; 11.2:10 Tom
10.2: 10 Vi do Barnett 4. J:3
Ducoutimaoy Clement 13.2:8
Ducoutumany Clement 13.1:5
Due 4.4:3
Duff Abram 7.1 :9; 8.IA
Duffsoo Ilenry G. 13.1: 10
Duggan J.B. 11.2:4 Mary 11.2:4
Duggar Margaret/e L. 11.2' 12 Reuben H.
11.2:12 WG.I1.2:12 WW 11.2:12 Waverly
Dugger AliceG. 2.3:4; 3.2:6; 7.1:4; 1-,.1:8 H
7.1:4 HB. 3.2:5 Henry 2.3:4; 4.2:5; 8.2: II;
13.1 :8; 14.2:3 John WaLkins 3.2:6 Margaret
9.2:7 R.H 2.2:2,4,5 Reuben H. 9.2:7 Robert
H. 11.2:12 W W 2.2:3; 12.2:12 Wm. M 11.1:3
Wm. W 14.2:5
Dughdrillc J L. 9.1: 12
Duke Callie L.B. 4.3:3 Emmie L.B. 4.3:3 JA.
10.2:3 Lovery 10.2:3 Martin B. 10.2:3 Sarah
10.2:3 W Martin 4.3:3 WR. 9.2:2; 10.2:3;
Dumas A. 11.1:11 A.H 11.1:3 A.P. 8.2:9
AZQ. 11.1:7 Azariah ILl :7,9
9.2: 11 C P.
14.1:4 ElizabeLh P. 10.1:3 F. 9.2: I] GJ
9.2:11 GastonJ ]4.1:10 .1.£.9.2:11 J.T
7.2:4; 1 .1:4,5 Jeremiah E. 10.1 :2; 13.1:9;
14.1:10 Joe/9.2:1] Leila 14.1:4,5 Major
8.2:10 Mamie Cleo/; 14.1:4 Martha 10.1:2
MGlYC 14.1:4 MaryE. 13.1:9 Nancy./.
14.1 :10 0. 14.1:4 Patty L. 11.1 :11 Reuh n
1O.1:2 Tom 5.2:2 WA.9.2:11 W.H 8.2:9
Duncan William 14 1:3
Duning Connor 52:2 Felix 5.2:2 JA. 5.2:2
Jobe 5.2:2 John 5.2:2 L. . 5.2:2 Oliver .2:2
R. T 5.2:2 Robt. 5.2:2
Dunn A.W 2.2:5 Andrew9.1:7 Anna 14.2:8
Dave 12.1: II EIi=abe/h 9.1:7 Frank 11.1 :6'
12.1:IJ Howell 12.1:11 John W. 10.2:7 L.J
11.1 :6' 12.1: 11 LemiaIJames 4.1:3 Martha
12.1:11 SC.11.2:6 ThadJ2.I:ll
Dunning family 1.1 :4; 11.2: I Dan 8.1:3 4 JP.
9.2:7; 10.1 :9; 14.2:7 Jam s 7.2:6; 14.2:3 M.A.
9.2:7 Sarah Ann 11.2:1 TH. 7.2:10 Thomas
11.2:1 Thomas H. 7.2:6
Dunning Cemetery 2.1:3
Dupr~ family 3.2:4 Chos. S 12.2:2
Durborow John 11.1:7
Dur~n 1. W 2.3:5
Duren Burel/a 14.1;3 Wiley 14.1:3
Durr Golden 12.2:7
Dustan family 3.4:4 Bessie Whitfield 9.2:9
C. W 2.2:5; 2.3:5 Charles W 10.2:9 Edith 1.
2.3:6; 9.2:9 Edith Louise 9.2:9
Dutton Josephine 12.1: 10
Duval WB. 13.2:4
Dyche Elbert 13.1:7 Minerv 13.1:7
Dyer c.c. 8.2:6 Calvin C. 10.2:4 Sarah M.
Eagle Hook and Ladder Company #1 2.3:5
Eagleville, Ala. 4.3:6' 5.2:9; 11.1:9
Earle Joseph B. 4.3:6; 13.1 :4; 14.2: I J
Earley Lucinda 3.1:3
Earp William 3.3:5
Easley Ann 7.2:2; 12.2:4 Anselin 12.2:4
AnselinB 12.2:4 BerijaminA. 10.1:11; 12.2:4
C.B. 13.2:4 Christopher B. 13.1:7 Creed T
13. L:7 Daniel S 13.1:7 Daniel W 12.1:7 E. C.
11.2:2 Elizabeth 12.1:7 Elizab th C. 7.2: II
Harrie1l7.2: II Hatty 12. :4 James.l 11.2:2
Jane 12.2:4 John M 11.2:2 Mary H. J 1.2:2
Milly 12.2:4 R.B. 11.2:2 Rhoda I 1.l:8 Rhodk.
11.1:7 Roderick 2.4:2' 12.2:4; 13.1:5 Rodk.
4.3:5'13.1:4 Sam 2.4:5 Samuel 3.3:5; 14.1:2,
Samuel W 13.1:7 Susan 12.1:7 Susan M.
7. : ; 12.2:4 Waldon 12.2:4
Easley, Ala. 1.1:5
Easly Narcissa 12.2:4 Roderick 13.1:4
Eastern Dispensary 9. I: 12
Eastes Sallie M. 9.2:3
Eastis Mary M. 10.2:4
East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad
Eaton 13.1:2 BerljaminG 9.1:12 Benjamin
Glover 13.1:9 .Joe 13.1:3 .John R. 9.1:12
Katherine 10.1:5 lltA. 9.1.8 Sarah A. 9.1:8,12
Sarah R. 9.1:8 TR. 1I. 1'4 Thomas R. 2.2:5;
2.3:3; 8.1:8; 9.1:8,12~ 11.1:4 VlOle/lO.I:6
Eaves Burrel 13.2:4 M.J 11.2:2
Echols Burton 10.1:9; 12.1:2 Fannie 10.2:4;
13.2:7 JA. 10.24' 13.2:7
Eddins 9.2: I family 3.4:4 Daniel 11.1:7 John
Wm. Virgil4.1:3 Osca 14.2:5 Stephen 10.2:10
Eddis Oswell 2.2:5
Edgell Geo. S 14. 1:6 /st.Jbella C. 14.1:6
Edgerby 13.2:4
Edings olly 5.2:5
Edmonds Anderson 10.2:11
Edmondson Narcis,~a 10.1 : 10; 10.2:4
Edward J.B. 13.2:4
dwards 13.2:9 Clarence 8.1:7 Dabney
11.2:6 Dudley 8.1:7 .J. 13.2: II JB. 2.2:5
James 4.4:6 John B. 11.2: 1I; 12.2: 12; 13.2:9
Kiah 8.1:7 Martha 8.1:7 Susan 13.2:11
Effenger (Dr.) 11.2: 10
Egan .IE. 8.2:6
Egbert Duane 7.2:9
Eggleston John 7.1: 11
Ekman Emma 9.1: II
Elder Mary 7.1:
Elkan Laura 12.1: 1I Solomon 12.1: 11
Elkin 4.2:5
Elkins Bias 8.2: I I G W 9.2:4 John 8.2: II
Wad 8.2: II William 2.2:3' 8.2: II; 9.1 :9;
10.1 :4; 11.1:9
Ellcol JM. 5.2:7
Elliot Sarah E. 7.1:7
Elliott family 3.4:3,4 Hemy B. 8.2:11
Ellis family 3.4:3 Annie 10.2:3; 13.2:6
Augusta 10.2:3' 13.2:6 Charlotte 3.1:5; 10.2:3;
13.2:6 E. 10.2:6 Elijah 9.2:7; 14.2:3 Ella
11.2:5 C. F. 11.1:2 Ceo, F 13.2: 10, I I Oeo. W
14.1:6 1. W 9.2:4 John 2.2:3,4; 5.1 :2;
8.2:11,12 MOlY 10.2:3; 13.2:6
Elmore B.F. 14.2:10 Ben). F. 8.1:7; 14.2:11
ELmore Cotton Mills 11.2:4
Ely M. 11.1:2 Morris 4.2:3 Toby 8.1 :7;
11.1:12; 13.I:ll
Emancipation School 9.2:8
Embree .Jona/han 7.1 :10
Emfrnger John L. 12.2:11; 14.2:4
England 2.2:4 E.c. 2.2:2,5,6; 3.1 :3,5; 7.2;7
Enos C. 9.1:8 JohnA. 9.1:4 Mack 12.2:7
Martha F. 7.2:7 TL. 7.2:9 Wade Hampton
4.1:3 Wm. G. 10.2:12 William H. 9.1:4
England (country) Bingham 4.1:5
NOltin[!hamshire 4.1 :5
Enners Il.A. 2.2:2,5; 9.2:2 HF. 9.2:2
Ensley, Ala. 12.2:10
Eppes 2.2:4 B.R. 7.2:4; 9.1: 12 Burton R.
4.4:5; 8.2:6 Burton Royal 4.1:3 E. T. 13.1: 10
Harry Lassiter 4.4:5 John 9.2: 12 L R. 14.2:2
Lena Velma 4.3:4 Mary 4.4:5 Mary .lane 4. :4
R.R.4.3:4 Taylor 7.2:9 Velma Trigg 4.3:4
Erdman 2.2:4
Erie, Ala. 2.3:4; 9.2:8
Ernest E. V 12.2:7
Ernst 13.2:9
Ervin John 9.2:8 ./ohn A. 14.2:3
Envin George 2.3:5
Eskridge Austin 2.4:6; 10.2:8; 11.1:9 Burdell
2.2:5,6; ILL :8,9: 13.1:5 Burdette 12.1: 1
Burdit 10.2:8 John Darling 4.1:3 John Warren
4.1:3 Marshall 13.1:9 MaryA. 13.2:11 N.A.
13. 1:4 N than Abney 4.1:3 Nathaniel 2.4:6
R.M. 10.2:8
Eslava Joachim D. 10.2:3 Martha Ann 10.2:3
Espey David 9.2:3
Espy D. 5.2:8 David 9.2:2
Estes family 1.1:4 E.E. 10.1:9 EL. 10.1:9
ElmiraL.12.2:4 F.T 10.1:9 JohnB. 10.1:9
JohnR. 2.2:4; 10.1:9: 12.2:4: 14.1:12; 14. :3
John W. 10.1:9; 12.2:4 Julia 10.1:9; J2.2:4
Mary F. 10.1 :9; 12.2:4 Robert A. 10.1:9; 12.2:4
TL. 10.1:9; J2.2:4 rhos. B. 7.1:7 ZT 12.2:4
Estridge Jousha 11.2: I
Etheredge 5.2:2; 7.1:3 A.F. 5.2:2 A.H 13.2:7
A..!. 7.1:3 A.P. 13.2:7 Alley 13.2:7 Ashby
132:7 B.L. 7.1:3 EliT. 7.1:3 G.J. 5.2:2
George 7.1:3 John D. 4.2:4 Marion 7.1:3 R.L.
L3.2:7 Roy 7.2:9 w.R. 5.2:2
Etberidge family 3.2:4; 1 t.1: 1 Barbara
11.1: LI Gillie 9.2:10 HJ. Il.l :11 Joel 4.1 :2
M.P. 9.2:7 Mattie 4.2:4 S.£. 9.2:7
Sarah 4.1 :2; 9.2:7 Sarah A. 9.2:7 Wiley J.
Etbridge A.F. 9.2: 10 Alice 11.2: Allen 4.2:5;
9.2:11 Austin 11.1:8 Barbara 10.2:3 Caleb
10.1:11 J.H 10.2:3 James 10.2:5 John4.2:5
Laura 4.4:4 Lewis 9.2:7; 14.2:9 Marion 4.4:4
Martha 4.4:4
Eubanks R.M 7.2:7 R,R. 7.2:7
Eufala, Ala. 2..>:5; 4.1:5
Europe 4.2:3; 4.3:2 3
Evans 3.2:4; 5.2:7; 13.2:9 Abner 3.2:6 Alex
13.1:2 C.R.7.2:5 Dick 13.1:2 Edward7.2:3
Elizabeth 9.2:7; 10.1:9 Elnora 10.1:9 HF.
2.2:3,5 Harris S. 11.1:8 J. F. 2.2:6 J. T 2.3:5
Jas. L. 13.2:2 Jo 8.1: II John A. 14.2:3 Joseph
T 10,1:3 JosiahT9.1:8 L.G.14.2:3 LewisG.
3.1 :3,5; 3 2:6; LO.l:9 Loucius 8.2'9 Lula
10.1:9 Mattie 10.1:9 SE. 7.2:5 Samuel f 3.2:6
SamuelJ. 10.1:9 SUSQllI0.1:9 TJ. 8.2:10
Tabitha 3.1:3; 10.1:9 Wayne 10.1:9
E,'erett 3.3:4 CharlesP 9.1:4
Exium Lewis II. I :9
Exmoor, Ala. 12.2:8
Ezell Porter J 2.2:7
Fagans Wilson 13. I:3
Fairchild P.P. 4.3:6 Philo P 4.3:6
Fallen UN Y. 13.2:4
F ne Althea 10.1: 10
Fare James 5.1:4
Fargo J.C 10.2:8
Farinholt J. Scott 13.\:7 Jesse 5.1:4; 9.1 6;
I .1:7 Sarah 5.1:4 Scott 5.\:4
Farmer Clarence 9.1:4 Ernest 12.2:7 Mann
Ely 4.1:4 Thomas J J.l :9
Farmer's Banking Asso iation 7.1:8
Farmerville, Ala. 12.1: J 1
Farquar Mary Ann 9.1:7
Farwell John V 8.2:6
Faughn George 8.2:7
Faunsdale, Ala. 2.2:4,5,6; 4.1 :4,5; 4.2:3;
7.2:9,11; 8.1:7' 8.2:6; 9.1 :3,4,7; 10.1 :5,8;
10.2:8,9; J2.1:10; 13.1:2,3,10; 13.2:1; 14.1:4;
Faunsdale Pet. of Marengo Co. 12.2:2
Faunsdale & Dayton Dirt Road 10.1:8
Faunsdale Mercantile Company 9.2:9
Faw Hannah M. 11.2: Lem 11.2:2
Fawn George 8.2:7
Fees George G. 12.2:3
Feibelman H.A. 9.2: II
Fellows JB. 7.1:6 Zulieka Grange 4.4:6
Fenley Martha 4.3:4 Robert M. 4.3:4
Ferguson MQ/Y M. 10.1:9
Ferrile Adeline 10.\:LO E,B. 10.1:10 Mollie
10.1:10 William 10.\:10
Ferris John 3.2:6
Fidelity & Deposit Company 8.2:4
Fields Andrew 13.1:3 Duett 13.1:7 G.B­
13.1:IO,IJ Henrietta 13.1:7; 14.2:4 Li/ianB.
13.1:10 William J3.1:3 Wm. M 7.2:7; 13.1:7
Fike's Ferry 2.3:4
Finch family 3.4:3 D. WE. 12.1: J Daniel WE.
7,1:9; 13.2:5 Elizabeth 10.1:2; 12.1:7; 13.1:5
John 2.4:6; 4.3:5; 11.1 :8; 12,1:8; 13.1 :4,5;
14.1:3 Julia H. 13.2:10 Martha 13.1:5 Mary
2.2:5,6 WL. 9.2:4
Findley Joseph M. 9.1:4
Finlay Andrew 2.2:2
Finley Andrew 22:4 L. B. 2.2:4
Finney Fanny 4.3:4
First National Bank of Demopolis 13.2:2
First Presbyterian Church in Demopolis
Fisher 11.1:6 Andrew 8.2:3; 13.2:2 Claude
14.2:8 Earl 14.2:8 .John D. 7.1:4; 13.1:7
Lydae 8.2:3
Fish River 12.2: II
Fitcbell Daniel F. 11.1:9 Danl. T 11.1:8
Fitchitte Daniel 13.2:4
Fitts 13.1:2.3 Al x 13.1:2 Chance 13.1:2
Cornelia 10.2:3; 11.1:11; 12.2:5 E.A.12.2:5
Ed 13.1:2 EdwardA. 10.2:3; 11.1:11 Frank
13.1:2 Haywood 10.2:3; 11.1:11; 12.2:5
Herbert 10.2:3; 11.1: 11; 12.2:5 Isham 13.1:2
.Iff 12.2:5 .1.0. 13.1:2,3 Jack 13.1:3
James If 5.1 :4; 72:2 James 0. 10.2:3; Il.I: II;
12.2:5 John 132:4 John ff 102:3; 11.1:1 I
M.E. 10.2:3 MaryE. I 1. l:l 1; 12.2:5 Robert
13.1:3 SA. 13.1:2; 14.1:7 SE. 10.2:3
Samuel A. 2.2:5,6' 5.1:4; 7.2:2; 10.1 :3; 10.2:3;
11.]:11; 12.2:5 Sarah 13.1:3 SarahE. 11.1:11;
12.2:5 WF 2.3:4 WalterE. 10.2:3; 11.1:11;
12.2:5 Waverly 10.2:3; 11.1:11; 1 .2:5
ritz R.M. 2.2:5 R. W 2.2:6
Flatan Adolph 2.2:4
Flat Beat of Marengo Co. 4.2:5
Flat Wood, Ala. 4.1:3
Flatwoods 12.1:3
Flemming Ramson 13.1:3
Fleshood family 3.4:3
Fletcher Henry 10.1:5 Richard 10.1:5
Flint Ail eylO.I:3 Alice 10.1:3 Prentice D.
Flood Godfrey 12.1: 11 James 12.1: 1 Lena
12. 1:11 Thomas 12. I : I I
Floradale (plantation) 9.': 12
Florence, Ala. 8.2:6
Florida 4.4:5; 10.2:4 Adlai 12.1: II Pensacola
7.2:12 Riverside 14.1:11 SanlarosaCo. 14.1:5
Flournoy family 3.2:4
Flowers Brooks 4.2:4 Celia Ann 7.1:7 Exie
7.1:7 J.N. 4.4:4 James M. 12.2:5; 14.2:3
James W 12.2:5 Jesse 5.1:2 JohnStanford
4.1:4 John Stephens 7.1:7 Laura 4.4:4
Oliv I' K. 12.2:7 William Berljian 4.1:4
Floyd CA. 12.1:11 S.F. 12.1:11 WF. 12.1:11
Fluker Annie 4.4:4; 11.2:2 Annis M. 11.2:2
Edgar 4.4:4; 11.2:2 George 2.4:5 Hardy 11.2:2
Henry Coats 11.2:2 Lewis H 9.2:7 Martha
11.2:2 Mary.J. 4.4:4 Mary Jane 4.4:5 Nannie
9.2:7 Rob/. J 11.2:2 Sehelle 11.2:2 Will.
5.1:2' 10.2.8 Wm. E. 11.2:2
Foley John /vi. 2.2:2,3,5
Follin family -.2:6 A. 9.I:Q Adolphus 11.1:8
Fontain WF. 8.2.7
Fontaine !I.T 3.1:3 WF. 12.1:3
Foote Charles K. 8.2:7
Force 9.1:9
Ford Daniel 11.1:9 John 8.2:7; 11.1:8 Jno. L.
14.1:8 Sall.1'4.2:2 TJ. 14.2'1 Thomas 11.1:8,9
Forkland Community Cemetery 8.2: 1
Forkland Dist. 1.2:5
Forney family 3.2:3 Sam 8.2:10 Wm.8.2:10
Forniss 4.4:1 family 12.2:10 JamesA.I0.1:12
P.D. 12.2:10 Phillip D. 7.2:2; 14.1:9 WR.
Forrest Springs Baptist Church Cemetery
8.1 :1
Forshee .J.G. 2.2:5
Forster lJiram 2.4:6
Forsytb John 7.2:7
Fort Evelyn 12.1:10 S.B. 1 .1:10 Wiley
Fort Morgan, Ala. 3.3:2
Fortner James 7.2:6; 13.1:7 Lewis 13.1:7
Nathan 13.1:7
Fortune 13.1:2 .lane 13.1:7 Jorden 13.1:2
Pheahy 13.1: Unity 13.1:2
Foscue 4.2:5; 13.1 :2,3 famil 3.4:4 A. 9.1:9
Augustus 5.2:3,4,5; 7.2:8; 11.1:8; 13.1:5
Caroline 5.2:3,4 Ella N 13.1: 11 Errol 13.1: II
Frank L. 12.2:12 Frederick 13.1:11 Irene
13.1:11 /vi..! 12.2:12 MaY) 13.1:5 MaryC
13.1: 11
Foshee family 10.2: 1
Foster 2.2:3 Birdie 11.2:4 Bob 14.2:10,11
Bon 14.2: II Dovey 11.2:4 Easter 13. :3
Hiram 9.1: 10 Leonidas 8.2: 10 /vIargw'et
14.2: 10, II Mat 5.2:8 N.E. 4.3:5 Thirston
11.2:4 Thomas J. 2.2:3; 7.2:8; 9.2:3,4; 10.1: 10
WE. 11.2:4 William H 2.4:3
Founetain A.F. 12.1:3
Fountain J. F. 5.2:2
Fournier A. 7.1 :6,7 Adele 2.3:5 Alex. 2.3:5
Alexander 9.1:9
Foushee family 10.2: 1
Fowler Jane 14. L:3 Jno. D. 9.2:2 William
9.1:9' 11.2:7; 13.1:5; 14.1:3 WilliamS. 14.2:3
Fox J.D. 2.2:4 James D. 2.3:5; 7.2:8 L.S 8.2:3
Richard H 7.2:9
Foy John 7.1 :8; 13.2:4
France 2.4:4 Havre 14.2: 12 Lameurthe 2.4:3
arrebourg 2.4:3
Francis Annie V 12.1: 11
Franklin James 12 1:9
Frasier Chas. .2:8
Freedle £1 i 11.1: 1I Ellen F I 1 1: 11
FreeDUln 9.1:9 Albert H 12.2'7 alvinJ.
9.1:6 David N. 12.2:7 John P. 8.2:7, Il.l :7;
14.1:3 Mary9.1:6 J\tlillie 13.1:3
Freetown, Ala. 9.1:2
French A.P. 2.2:4; 9.2: 11; 14.2:5 Alpheus
2.2:2 Alpheus P. 11.2:11 MOlY 11.2:11
lary L. 14.2:5
French Creek 4.2:5
French Emigrant Association 11.1:9
Frieder Helen Schoflenfels 14.1:2 Phillip
Walter 14.1:2 Thresa 14.1:2
Friendship (vessel) 2.4:4
Friendship Cemetery 4.3:5
Frierson G.B. 13.2:4
Frieson John W I 1.1:9
Frisbie Sally D. 2.4:2 Samuel 2.4:2
Fritts Uriah 4.4: 1
Fry £. 8.1:7 Elizabeth 8.2:2,3 ME. 8.2:2
Fulford family 3.4:3 Abigai/13.2:6 Alice
13.2:6 Anne 13.2:6 Annie 9.2:3 Bishop
9.2:2,3; 1 .2:6 Charlolle 13.2:6 Clij. 9.1: 10
Clifford 9.2:3,4; 11.1 :8,9; 13.2:6 Clifford W
13.2:6 Eliza 13.2:6 Fannie 9. :3; 13.2:6 J. W
9.2:3 James Y 9.2:3; 13.2:6; 14.2:3 John B.
13.2:6 Julia 4.4:4; 13.2:6 Maria G. 9.2:3
Mary 9.2:3; 13.2:6 Mary E. 9.2:7 Nancy 13.2:6
S.D. 9.2:7 S.D.A. 2.2:5 Steph n 9.2:3
Stephen D. 9.2:3,4; 13.2:6. Virginia 13.2:6
Fuller R. 14.2:11 Rush 14.2:11
Fullilove CLary 8.1:3 Willis 8.1:3
Fulsom 9.1: 10
Fulton, Ala. 9.1:4
FuJtondale, Ala. 1.1:5
Fuukenstein S. 8.2:4; 11.1: 12
Furniss Martha Edwards 8.1:7
Gable Charlolfe 13.2:6 Elijah 13.2:6 John
13.2:6 Joseph 13.2:6 Martin 1 .2:6 Walter
Gaddis Grac B. 11.2:2
Ga-er G. 9.2: 11
Gaillard Martha J 3.1:6
Gain Easter 12.1:9
Gaines 4.3:3; 9.1 :9,10 family 3.2:4 Edmund
11.1:9 F B. 2.2:5 Fisher 13.1:3 George S.
7.2:8; 9.1:10; 9.2:6; II.l:7; 13.1:5 George
Strother 3.1:4 Olive B. 4.3:3 Polly 12.1:9 TB.
4.3:3; 11.2:8; 14.1:7 ThomasB. 3.2: ; 10.1:2
Wm. D. 13.1:5
Gainesville, Ala. 4.1:3
Gaineswood (plantation) 5.2:6; 7.1: 1,2; 7.2:8
Gain Ott 13.1:3
Gaithe 4.2:5 F. 7.1: 12 Forrest 7.1 :8.9
Gale Robert 7.1:9
Gallion Jo 10.1:2 Joseph 4.3:3, 11.1:2 S.A.
11.1:2 Thomas Travl~ 13.1:9
Ga]Jjon, Ala. 3.1:2: 4.1 :4,5; 9.1 :6; 10.1 :6;
Galloway Fred 11.2:4 M.A. J 1.2:4
Gamble 2.2:4 James A. 2.2:2,5; 10.2:6; 14.2:3
Ganett Lewis 7.2:2
Gaot 1.1:3
Garber Alex. M 4.4:5 Anna Rhodes 4.4:5
Buckner L. 4.4:5 James Rhodes 13.1:9
Gardien family 3.2:4
Gardner B. F. 7.2:9 Isaac 9.1: 10 J.G. 9.2:7
Tom 8.2:10
Garner Elem 13.\:3 Rebecca 14.1:3 Richard
14.1 :3
Garrard Edward 13.1 :10 Eli-abeth 13.1:7
Elizabeth M 13.1:7 Erline 13.1: 10 George W
12.2:4 Harriet N. 12.2:4 Henry l3.1: 10 lone
13.1:10 1.E. 7.1:3 J.M 13.1:10 James 13.1:7
Jo 1M 9.2:3: 12.2:4; 13.1:7 Jo/m E. 9.2:3.
13.1:7 Lewis 13.1:7 Lillian 13.1:10 Lydia
13.1:7 MalindaP. 13.1:7 M{j/Y1. 13.1:7
Oclavia 13.1:10 Samuel M 13.1:7 w.I.
13. I : 10 Wil/iam H. 13.1:7
Garrelson 13.2:4
Garrett 9.\:8
2.3:3 Chas. A. 9.2:7
Henry N. Grady 12.2:7 James 1. 12.2: 10
.John P. 9.1:11 John P. 9.1:12 L.o. 9.2:7
Walter H. 2.3:3
Garritt hs C. 2.2:2,5
Garrott 7.1:6
Gascoignes C. 13.2:4 1. 13.2:4
Gaskett Martha G. 13.1:8 William A. 13.1:8
Gaston Monroe 8.1: Il
Gaston, Ala. 2.3:3
Gately Susan 9. :7
Gaunt \.1:3
Guy Geo. M 14.2:8 James 2.4:6; 4.3:6;
11.1:8; 13.l:4 LucyH. 1l.2:10 MarthaA.
13.1:4 R.A. 14.2:8 Richard A. 14.2:8
Gayville, Ala. 4.3:6
Gee family 3.4:3
Genet John 4.3:5
Geneva, Ala. 4.3:5
Geneva Cemetery 5.1: I
Geoin Edward 3.3:6
Gent 7.1:6
George 7.1 :6' 14.1:2 Basil 12.1:7 .I. H. 8.\: 11
Jake 13.1:3 L. WIl.l: 12 Labon Andrew 4.1:4
Toney 10.2:10
Georgia 3.2:2,3; 4.1 :5; 4.3:2,3; 7.\:\0; 9.\:6;
11.2:8; 13.1:7 Americus 4.1'4 Atlanla 8.2:3
Coweta Co. 8.2:2 Cox 'es Mills 7.1: 10 Fulton
Co. 14.\:6 Gunter Co. 4.1:4 Haralston 9.1:5
Houston Co. 4. J:4 Hurd Co. 4.1:4 irwin C .
8.2:2 Jac on Co. 5.\:3 Jones Co. 4.12
Keitor Co. 4.1:5 La Grange 1.1:4 Lafayelt
10.2:4 Liberty Co. 5.1:3 Long Cain 4.1:5
Macon 4.\:3 Milledgeville 10.2:3 Montgom ry
Co. 7.1:10 Morgan Co. 3.3:3 Muscogee C .
12.2:4 Perry 4.1 A Powlin Co. 4.1:5 aymond
8.2:2 Richmond Co. 4.1:5 Rome 9.1 :4; 12.2:4
Summer 9.1:4 Trollp Co. 3.4:4 Trllp Co. 4.\:5
TWiggs Co. 4.1:3 Walker Co. 10.2:4 Walton
Co. 12.1:8 Wray 8.2:2
Germany 4.2:3; 4.3:2,3,5' 10.2:9 Rechen
Boden 4. 1:5
Gerock Chas. 2.2:5
Gholson 12.2: 12 Ashby 8.2:3 Emma 8.2:3
Frances 10.2:9 Herb rt Ashby 9.1:4 John Y
2.2:5,6; 14.1:7 Ros Cart r4.3:5 S.F 7.2:8;
9.2:9 S. W 8.2:2 Sadie 8.2:3 Samuel W 8.2:3
Te. 7.2:9
Gbolston Taliaferro C. 11.1:9
Gibbs family 3.2A A.L. 13.1: 1\ Peter 11.2:4
S.J. 9.2:10'14.1:6
Gibson 13.1:7 family 3.2:4' 7.2: 11 Abraham
9.2:7 Albert e. 9.2:7 Anna G. 7.2: II Elizabeth
4.1:2 F 13.2:4 Francis 11.1 :7,8,9 Han'iet
7.2:11 1.F 8.2:9 John 4.1:2 Joseph Francies
4.1: Margaret4.1:2 Mary7.2:!I; 14.1:9
Mary M 13.2:11 Nellie 9.2:7 Pi/man 7.2: 11
amueI14.1:9 Samuel A. 7.2: 11; 12.2:5
Samuel Alexander 7.2: 11 Sarah 9.2: 7 Sarah A.
8.1:2 Susannah 7.2:1 I William4.3:5·14.L:9
Gigar Charles 2.4:4; 1\.1:7
Gilbert Frank 11.2: 12 1.L. 2.2:3 James G.
2.2:3 Jmnes L. 9.2:7 Medora 14.1:6 R.D.
2.2:2,5; 14.1:6
Gilder Abner J 2.1:1,2 Angeline 12.1: I B.F
8.2:3 Benjamin 1 J.\ :8,9 Befljamin e. 12.1: 1
Ben}. F 8.1:7 Julia Ann 12.1:1,2 L.1. 12.1:2
Litishia L2.1: 1.2 Louisa Jane 12.1: I M
12.1:1,2 WE. 12.1:2 William E. 12.1:\
Gildersleeve Phil 14.2:6 Phillip 14.2:6
Gildersleve John 8.2:9
Giles D 9.2:2 Damarcus 10.2:3; 11.1:11
Joseph 11.1:11 Josiah 10.2:3 NP.I0.2:3;
11.1:1J Pleasant 14.2:3 SarahE 7.1:7 Welton
10.1:5 William 10.1:
GiJlette James 8. :7
Gillispie Absalom 11.1.8 R.e. 14.2:7
Gilmore Frances 13.2:6 Jame 7.2:3; 9.1 :9;
11.1:8 James L. 13.2:6 John 7.2:3; 9.2'7,
11.1 :8,9; 13.2:6 John G. 13.2:6 Joshua 13.2:6
Nancy 13.2:6 Strother 13.2:6 Thomas 11 1:9
W1. 2.2:5,6 W. W. 2.2:5; 9.2:4 William W.
Gist Helen 12.2:5
Given 1.A. 7.2:
Givhan Bet/ie Coates 8.2:3
Givins Claudius M 7.2:7
Glass 2.2:3,4; 4.3:2,4 Ala 5.2:8 Annie 4.3:4
Asa Boozer 12.2:7 Ben 4.3:2 Befljian Fran ing
4.1:4 e.e. 12.2:2 G.D. 13.1:6 GeorgeDalla.~
4.1A 1. 8.IA; 11.1:11 j,H 4.3:4 J.P. 13.1:6
1. Polk 4.3:3 James H. 7.2:6 Jane 4.3:2 Jane
Springfield 4. :2 Jennie 4.3:4 John 4.3:4
Jona/han 2.2:3,5; 3.1 :3; 10.1:4 I.E. 5.2:2
Lenora 4.3:3 Lenora L. 4.3:3 M.A. 9.2:7 Mary
4.2:2 Matilda 9.2:7 Munce Alhert 4.1:4
Nancy./. 5.2:8 P.B. 11.1:5; 12.2: ,10; 14.1:6:
14.2:7 Polk 13.1:6 Rosa R. 14.1:6 S. W 13.1:6
Sarah 1. 9.1:8 William 3.1:3 William Richard
4.1:4 William Y. Il.l: II Williamson 2.4:5;
3.3:5' 5.2:8; 7.1 A; 9.1:8; 1l.1:7,ll Willie
Albert 12.2:7 Willis 8.2:7 Zac 5.2:8
Glassel family 3.2:3
Glausier family 11.2: 1
Glover 2.2:6; 4.2:5; 9.1 :9, 10; 10. L7 family
3.2:3' 3.4: Alice 14.1:5 Allen 4.3:6; 7.1 :8;
9.2:56; 10.1:10,11' 13.1:5; 14.1:3 Allen T
14.1:'" August 14.2:4 B.N 2.3:4 Benjamin
.2: ; 7.1:9; 10.1:4.7; 11.1:7' 12.2:12; 14.1:7
Benjamin N 2.3: ; 3.2:5; 7. J :8; 13.2:9 Betty
14.2:4 Callie 9.2:2 E.A. 2.2:6; 1 J.I:7
Edwin A. 2.3:3; 4.2:5; 8.2:7; 11.1:7,9' 12.1 :2,7
Elizabeth 12.1:7 Frances 14.1:3 Gorge F
2.2:2,3,5,6; 14.1:5,7 .Jan'ot H 7.1:9; 10.1:7;
12.1:7 John 13.1:4 John F 10.1:4; 12.1:7;
12.2:5; 13.1:7 John 0. 10..1:7; 14.1 :8,9 Jules
8.1: 12 Julius 8.1:12 Lucinda 14.2:4 Lydia
12.1:7 Margaret 10.1:4 Margar t e. 13.1:7
Mary 12.1 :7' 14.\:3 Mary A. 13.1:5 NB. 5.2:8;
9.2:2; 10.1:4 Nanc ]2.1:7 PoLLy \2. :12;
14.1:8 Walter 9.2:2 Willey Ann 12.1:7 Wm. F
Glover, AJlen (vessel) 14.2:12
Glover's Ferry 4.2:5
Godbold P rcy Ellis 13. I :9
Goff family 3.2:3
Going Eli T 7.2:3
Goldthwaite Henry 12.1: 10
Goodbread 1. 13.2:4 Philip 2.4:6; 8.2:7
Goodbred 1. Y. 13.2:4
Goode LauretLa 10.1:3
Goodloe EugeneCfarke 13.1:9 1.R. 101:6;
11.1:12 R.M 11.1:5
Goodson Martin 10.1:4
Goodwin 9.1:8 HW 12.1:3 TA. 14.2:3
Thomas A. 14.2:3 w.H. 12.1:3
Goodwyn Harrod 11.1:8 Harwood Il.J :9;
13.1:5 James 7.1 :9; 10.2:7' 11.1:8; 13.1:5
Robert 2.4:6; 3.3:5; I I.l:9; 13.1:5 William
11.1:8 William 1. 7.2:3; 11.1:9; 13.1:5
Goodwynn Elizabeth 7.2:3 H 10.2:8
Harwood 3.3:5 James 7.1: I 0; 7.2:3; 10.1: 11
Robert 4.3:5 Thomas H. 7.2:3 WJ 11.2:3
William 7.1:9 William J 4.4: I
Gorden Jas. R. 8.2:6
Goshen Ij.2:3
Gough R.B. 7.1:6
Gouldman 7.1:6
Goy E. e. 7.1: II George 7.1: I I Richard
Grace G.D. 12.2:2
Gracy 4.2:5
Grady 1. . 11.2:5 Lewis M 9.1:4 Littfeton
Graham family 3.4:3,4 G.B. 4.3:3 Katie 4.3:3
Grant Basi/2.2:5,6; 8.1 :2; 12.1: 1 Bryan 8.1 :2;
14.2:3 David 7.2:4 Elizabeth 8.1:2 Hemy
11.2:4 I. 5.2:7 Isaac .1:4: 8.1:2 Isaac H
8.1:2 Mary 11.2:4 Nicey 8.1:2 Sallie L. 9.2:6
WIi. 2.2:3; 5.1 :6' 7.1 :6; 7.2:7,8; 9.2: I 0; 12.1 :2;
12.2:10; 14.2:7,9 WalterH. 3.1:3;8.1: ;
12.1:2; 12.2:10 William 9.2:10; 14.1:6,7
Wm Ii. 8.1:2
Grass Jake 12.2:2
Grauer John N. 9.2:4
Graves family 3.4:3,4 Allen 14.1: 11 Bettie
14.1:11 CatheleinI4.1:11 H.e. 14.1:11
Hoghan 14.1:9 Joe 14.1:11 Mattie 14.1:11
Robert 14.1 :11 Sam 14.1:11 Tom 14.1:11 W T
14.1:2 Warren 14.1:11
Grawer George 7.1:9
Gray Basil 11.1:7 Calvin 10.1:5 Elizabeth
13.2:6 James 12.2:11 Jane 11.1:11 JohnGray
4.4: Jno. 1. 5.2:8 John Q. 11.1:5 Sallie
10. :5
Grayson A.G. 5.2:8 Alex 5.2:7 Alexander
Harvey 4.1:4 Buster 5.2:2 Catharine 12.1:8
Cecile V 9.2:3 DavidA. 8.2:2 E. 5.2:7 FO
11.1:5 H 5.2:7 Horatio Capel 4. 1:4 1. W
5.2:7.8; 9.2:2 Julietl 8.2:2 M L. 5.2:7
Martha L. 12.2:5 OG. 5.2:7,8; 142:3
OliverG. 12.2:5 Ralph 9.1:9; 12.1:8 Sarah
5.2:7 T W 10.2:9 Thomas WiLliam 4.1:4
Tumelin 5.2:2 VirgiI5.2:2 W.H 11.1:5 W1.
5.2'7 Willie 5.2:2
Grayson Cemetery 8.2:1
Great Britain 2.4:5 Cumberland 2.4:3
Green 4.3:3 Amanda 10.2:11 Bama 4.3:3
C.c. 13.2: 12 Elizabeth 12.2:5 Em Jane 4.3:5
Hal 10.2: II JL. 4.3:4 1.s. 12.2:2 Jacob 7.2:6
Jasper4.3:5 John 12.1:8 Leon 13.1: II Oscar
4.3:3; 13.2:12 R.e. 13.2:12 Reddick 10.2: I
Richard 3.2:5; 4.4:1; 10.1:11 SaraI14.3:5;9.1:7
Greene Amanda 10.2:10 C.e. 8.2:10 E/1/i/yo.
11.2:7 Gertrude 9.2:7 Giles 8.2:9 Hal 10.2: 10
JP. 8.2: 10 Jacob 11.2:7 Jenkins 5.2:2 John
11.1:7 Lodenvick 11.2:7 Reddick 10.2: IO
Richard9.2:7; 10.1:12; 11.1:8 Richard
Wa/sthaIl4.1:4 Richd. W 2.2:5 William I J .2:7
Zachells 8.2:7; 11.1:9
Greene Co., Ala. 2.3:3,4,5; 2.4:5; 3.2:3; 3.4:4;
5.1 :2,4; 7.1 :12; 7.2:8; 8.2: I; 9.2:6,8; 10.1 :5;
10.2:2,3; 11.2:6,7,10; 12.2:J2; 13.1:4; J4.1:11
Greene Springs Academy 10.2:8
Greensboro, Ala. 2.2:6; 2.3:3,4; 3.4:4; 4.2:5,
5.1 :2; 9.1:4; 10.2:9; 11.2:6; 13.1 :2; 14.1: I J
Greensboro & Mobile Road 2.3:3; 11.2:6
Greenville, Ala. 2.3:5; 4.1 :3; 4.2:4
Greenwood David 13.1:3
Greer 4.2:5; 13.1 :2,3 Agnes 11.2:5 Ella
11.2: Emma 14.2:8 Isaac 12.1:7 James
12.1:7 Jesse 11.1:7 Margaret 14.2:8
Marion N. J 2.2:5 Marvin N. 14.2:8 Pernesia
14.2:8 R.W 4.4:5 Thomas 11.1:7,8,9; 12.2:4;
14.2:3 Tom 11.2:5 Virginia 14.2:8 William
Greer's Ferry 4.2:5
Gregory 1.A. 9.2:7 Sarah 9.2:7 W.H 8.2:3
Greoiker Caroline 12.2:5
Grey Mary 11.1:3
Grice James Amon 12.2:7
Grier Emma B. 14.2:8
Griffm 2.3:3; 4.2:5 Anne 9.2:7; 11.2: 10
Benjamin 4.2:5 Ellis 14.1:5 Frank 11.2: 10
G.G. 2.3:4; 9.2:2; 13.1: II Goodman G. 2.3:3;
7.1:9; 8.1:7; 10.2:6,7; 12.2:3; 13.1:6,11 H.
10.2:8 J.F 2.2:6; 9.\:12; 9.2:2; 14.1:7; 14.2:9
./. Frank 9.2:7 James F 13.2:2 John 11.1:8
Mary 8.1:7 Mary G. 13.1:11 Nom/an A. 8.\ :7;
13.1:11 ThomasE. 8.1:7; 13.1:11 Vinnie£.
13.1:11 WillieG. 8.1:7;9.1:12; 13.1:11; 13.2:2
Griffin's Landing 4.2:5
Griffith Ben. H. 13.1:2 C. L. 9.2:7 Henry
5.2:2 .fohn E. 13.1:3 T W 13.1:4 W./. 9.2:7
Griggs family 3.2:4; 3.4:3
Grigsby James 13.1:7 James B. 5.1 :4; l3.1:7
L.M.13.2:4 Le/iliaM.13.1:7 LeviM.IO.I:ll;
10.2:7; 13.1:7 LukeM. 7.1:9; 13.1:7 Reden
13.1:7 Samuel MID. :7; 11.1:9,11; 13.1:7
Sarah 13.2:4 Uriah 2.4:5 WF 5.2:8 Wm. B.
13.1:7 William F 13.1:7
Grimes Allen 9.1:9; 10.1:4; 11.1:7,9'13.1:5
John 3.3:6
G.·oss Martha B. 14.2:8
Grove Hili, Ala. 4.1:3,4; 9.1:4,6; 10.2:3
Grower Calh R. 13.1:8 Elizabelh8.2:11
George 2.4:4; 5.2:8; 9.1 :10; II.! :7; 14.2:4
Hemy 5.2:7,8 John 2.4:4; 11.1 :9; 13.1:8 John
Thomas 3.1:5 John W 3. 1:5 Malinda 8.2: II
SarahA.3.1:5 William 8.2:11; 132:11
Grund 2.2:3 John 2.2:2,3,5,6; 7.1:6
Guardiner E. 9.2: 11
Guarrant Benjamin F 10.1:4 Mary Ann
10.1 :4
Guerrant B.F. 3.1:3
Guesnard F 9.1:9
Guin A.H. 4.2:2 1.c. 4.2:2 M01y4.3:2
Guinn Andrew1. 14.1:6 1.A. 7.2:4; 8.2:7 John
Handlin 4.1 :4
Guion Cornelia Y 7.2:7
Gullett R.B. 5.2:8
Gunlock G.H. 14.2:9 George 4.4:3
Gunlock. Ala. 4.4:3
Gunn Peter R. 7.1: 10
Gunter Ellen F. 14.1: 11
Guzzel Joel 13.2:4
Habercorn Minnie 14./:11
Hackett J. 10.2:8
Hackworth G.c. 9.2:4 Johnnie 12.2:7 Laura
10.2:4; 11.1 :11 N. 2.2:3 Nicholas W 10.2:4;
11.1:11 Nick 7. 1:3
Hadaway CA. 11. I :6
Hagan John 13.1:5
Hagerty Thomas 4.4:4
Hagood family 3.4:3
Hahn family 3.2:4
Haineswortb 1. P. 11.1:8 Jal es P. 3.1:4;
3.3:5; 11.1:7
Hainsworth Amelia 5.1 :4; 13.1:5
Christopher C. 5.1:4 Elisha A. 5.1:4 1.P. 2.4:5'
11.1:7 .JamesL. 5.1:4 JamesP. 3.3:5,6: 5.1:4;
13.1:5; 14.1:3 Levin 13.1:5 Martha H 13.1:5
Sally A. 5.1:4
Hair Pearl 13.1:10
Hairston Estelle Ii. 8.2:3
Bakeman Herman M 13.2:2
Hale Carine 4.2:3 Howard 7.2:9 Howard R.
12.2:7 J.F. 12.2:2 J. . 1l.l:11 JamesJ. 12.2:4
Jame S 14.1:6 John 7.2:6; 14.2:9 Susan
12.2:4 Wi/liell.l:11
Hale Co., Ala. 2.3:6; 3.1 :2; 7.1: 12: 7.2:5:
8.2.1,4.6; 9.1 :12,9.2:8; 10.2.3,8,9; 11.2: 12;
12.2:10; 14.2:7
Haley D. 10.2:8 Joseph 13.2:4 Mildren 13.1:7
Haleyville, Ala. 9.1:6
Half Acre, Ala. 4.1 :5: 13.2:2
Hall 3.1:5 family 3.2:4' 7.2:11: 11.1:1 Ann
7.2:12 Can·ie4.3:4 Colon/busB. 14.1:10
Columbus 1. 7.2: 12 David I J.J:9 E. 9.2: 11
EdneyA. 14.1:10 ElijahJ. 14.1.10 Eliza
13.1:7 Elizabeth 7.2:12;9.1:2; 14.1:10 Hannah
7.2: 12; 9.1:2 Henry A. I .1: I 0 Irene 7.2: 12
1.F 12.1:3 J.w. 9.2:11 Jas. H. 12.1:3
James J. 7.2: 12 James W 2.3:5' 7.2:2, I J.l2;
9.1:2;9.2:11' /2.1.3'14.1:10 Jess F 12.1:3;
14.1:1O.f, fmC. B. 7.2:12 John}' 2.2:4;
7.1 :6,7; 9.2:2 Judith I .1:10 Lennie 4.2:2
Leonard 7.2:2, II; 9.2: II; 11.1 :8; 14.1:10
Leonard Jesse Allen 7.2:12; 9.1:2 Leonard M
12.2:5; 14.1:10; 14.2:3 Llicy /4.1:10
MahalaFI4.1:1O Margaret 7.2:12 Mary
7.2:12 MaryA. 7.2:12 MaryT. 14./:10 Mallie
7.2:12 Meridilh7.2:ll; 11.1:7,9 Mitlie7.2:12
Mollie 10.1:10 Nancy 14.1 :10 o.G. II.I :12
Patsy /4.1:10 Phoebe 12.1:11 Robert 14.1:10
Robert J. 7.2:6 T.A. 2.3:5; 9.2: 12 TD. 14.2:3
Thomas D. 7.2:6 Tip 9.1:2 William 13.1:7
William R- 7.2: 12
Hall's Drug Store .1:5
Hallis John T 14.1:7
Hallum Esther 5.2:3 Rob rt 5.2:3
Halpin E.J. 9.2:3,4
Halsell, Ala. 12.1: 11
Halsenback Alex. 11.2:4 Floyd 1.2:4 Jas.
t 1.2:4
Haltam Elijah 11.1:7 Elijah S 11.1:79
Haltom Elijah 5.2:6
Halton Elijah .2:6 John 9.2: t I
Haltun Elijah 5.2:6
Hamburgh, Ala. 2.3:4
Hamilton 12.2:9 Anna9.1:12 Annie 12.2:9
Maggie 4.2:2 Mwy W 8.1 :2; 8.2: 11,12' 13.1:7
Reat7.1:3 WilIiamB. 14.1:7
Hamilton's Cbapel Pet. of Marengo Co.
12. :2
Hamlin John F. 14.2:3
Hamm John 9.1:4
Hammock A.D. 11.2:3
Hammond family 3.2:4 Frances I .2:6 J. 1.
5.2:8 M9.1:10 fathias9.1:9 SB.13.2:6
Sherred 9.1:9 W 9.1: 10
Hammonds J.M. 5.2:8 Lend. 9.1:10 Mathias
11.1:9 Will. lLl:8
Hammons Mathias 11.1:7 Samuel 11.1:9
Samuel S. 11 1:7 Shemood 11.1:7
Hammonts Mal 9.1:10
Hamner ynthia 10.2:5 Gorge M 10.2:5
Hampden, Ala. 2.2:3,4: 4.1:3,4; 4.4:4,5, 7.2:6,
10.1:9; 12.1:6; 12.2'7,8; 142.11
Hampden & Magnolia Road 10. 1:9
Hampden Cemetery 7.2:12
Hampton Emma 10.1:5 Phyllis 10.1:5,7 Wade
11.1 :5
Hampton, Ala. 9.1:4
Hanasee 7.2:8
Haocock Winsey 3.1:4
Hand Leslie Murphy 13. :9 Saml. P. 10..1:5
Handrix Genet/a 4.4:3 JB. 11.1:6
Hanes Polly 14.1:3
Hankins J M. \ 0.1 :9; 10.2:9 Mollie Elizabeth
Hanks Francis 4.4:6
Hanley .J.S 13.2:2
Hannessee Thomas 5.2:7
Hansell Thos. S. 12.1:2
Hanson F.R. 11.1: 11 Francis R. 11.2:9
Happel' JM 8.\ :12
Hardee WJ 2.2:2.5.6
Harden (Capt.) 11.2: 10
Harder D.N. 3.2:6 Nicholas 7.1:9
Hardie Stell P. 14.1: 11
Harding David 10.1: \0
Hardy Edith 9.1.2 Leila 4.4:6 W 9.2: 11
Hare 7.1:6 Henry 7.2:2 o.G. 7.2:10
Harman Samuel 8.2:7; 14.1:3
Harper family 7.2:12 Abbie Ulmer 4.4:3
Beny 7.1:3 Catharine 9.2:7 David C. 7.2: 12
Geo. W. 1l.1:9 James R. 9.2:7 James Rohert
4.1:4 Mary 14.1:3 Saml. 11.1:8 Sarah
Elizabeth 7.2:12
Harrell ME. 7.2:7 Sarah A. 7.2:7 T.S 7.2:4
Thomas S. 7.2:7; 12. 1:2
Harris family 3.2:4; 10.2: 1 Alberl 13.1:2
Andrew 13.1:3 Bill 13.1:3 Cepric 12.1:9 Dick
14.2:4 E.B. 14.2:8 Eliz 10.2:5 Ester 12.1:9
G. W 5.2:2; 11.2:11 JF. 8.2:10 Jams 8.2:9
Joe 5.2:2 John 8.1 :6; 10.1 :5; 12.1:7 Louisa
10.1:5 Mandy 14.2:4 Newton 8.1:4 Noifleet
4.2:3 Ptolemy T. 13.1:4 R.F 2.2:3 R.N. 2.2:6:
2.3:3:14.1:7 RobertJ 13.1:9 S1.3.1:6 Sarah
10.3:6 Sarah A 4.1:2 Sidney 1. 14.2: 1 T W
14.2:6 Thomas 4.1 :2; 10.1 :5: 11.1:8
Thomas W 12.2:5 Willey 12.1:7; 14.1:3
William 9.2: II; 10.2:5; 11.1 :7,8; 14.2:3
Harrison 7.2:8 family 3.2:3 Carrie E 10. :4
Har/'i t i3.1:2 James 2.2:2.5; 7.2:8; 8.2:5;
9.1:8 Jos. H. 3.2:5 Lucy 14.2:3 Richard
13.1 :10 Samuel 13.2'4 Thomas A. 2.3.3
Thomas W 10.2:4 We. 10.2:8 WN. 5.2:2
William e. 8.2:5; 10 1:8 lVilIiam Hemy 10.2:9
Hart jamily 3.2:4 Amelia 11.1: II An/1 E.
12.2:5 B.F. 3.1:3 B.T. 2.2:5 Benjamin F. 2.3:6
Benjamin T 11.1: 11 Catherine E. 7.1: 11
DudleyH 11.1:11 JamesN. 7.1:3,10'11.1:11,
14.2:3 Jim 14.2:4 John T. 11.1:11 Kale i4.2:8
M. C 14.1:6 MalY 11.1'11 R.D. 5.2:7.8; 8.2: i
Robert D. 8.2: 11; 10.1 :2.3 Sarah 14.2:4
Sarah 1. 11.\: 11 Ws. 14.1:6 William H
1 1.1 : 1 J Zachariah \ 1.1 :9
Harwell Edward 12.2:5 Edward J. 12.2:5
Edward W. 12.2:4 Harriet H J 2.2:5 1.s. 2.2: \;
8.1:1 ); 8.2:5,6; 9.1 :8; 10.1 :4,9; 11.2: 11; 12.1:2:
12.2:10; 14.1:5; 14.2:5 Ishmael 11.2:10: 12.2.5
Ishmael S 10. :6; 12.2:3,4 J.S 2.3 :4; 9.2:3
Leaner 11.2: 10 Mark W. 12.2:4,5 Mwy
il.2:IO; 12.2:5 Mary E. 4.2:3; 9.2:3 Rohert R.
12.2:4,5 Sally 12.2:5 Sarah M 12.2:4 Thomali
Harwood Claudius F 9.1:8 Mary W. 14.2:3
Sue 14.2:8
Haskin Alex I J.l:5
Hasty 13.2: 11 (amily 8.2: 12; 11.1: 1 A.L
3.2:2; 8.2:3; 10.2:9; 11.1:2, 14.2:10,11 Alonzo
Edward 8.2:3 Ben Franklin 4.1;4 Bes ie 4.2:3
Bruce ll.i:6 G. W. 5.2:2 Geor e W 3.2:2:
9.2:10 .JH. 9.2:3 .l.w. 5.2:2 James7.l:3 'Joe
3.2:2 John .2:2 Ludy 11.1:6 M.M. 8.2:3
Mathew M 8.2:3 R.1. 9.2: II R. L. 7.1:3 Robert
7.1.3 SH. 9.2:3 Sally 3.2:2 SOT'ah S I .2: 11
T. W 5.2:2 Thomas W 3.2:2 WH 7.1:3
Hatcb 5.2: 12; 14.2:9 family 3.4:4 Alfred
2.2:2,3,4,5,6; 14.1 :7; 14.2: 12 C lrrie 11.1: 11
Charles K. 9.1:4 H. W 2.2:4; 7.2:4; 8.2:4;
9.2:11; 10.2:5" 11.1:11; 12.1:3,14.2:11 Henry
TWilley 11.1:1 I Henry W 7.2:2: 10.2:6' 14.1:10
LD.2.2:6 LemueID.12.2:12 Lena9.2:12
Susan 1I. 1: I I W T. 11. 1:11
Hatch Cemetery 8.1:8
Hatfield Francis 10. I: 1I
Haukins 9.1:9 E.C 7.\:
Havercorn Minnie 7.1: 12
Havilan 7.1:6
Hawk Ale."is R. 12.2:7 Ceo. Morton 9.1:4
Hawkin Benjamin 14.2:2 Benjamin F
10.1: 11 C 8.2:9 Jeremiah Noble 13. 1:9 John
10.2:2 Jolm T. 12.1:3 Joicey P. 14.2:2
Joseph M. 7.2:6 MP. 12.1:3 Mabry 13.1:8
Mary 12.2:5 ancy i3.1:7 Nathan 1l.1:7,8;
14.i:3 Robert 11.1:5 T. B. 12.i:3 Thomas B.
12.1:3; 13.1.7 Wm. 9.2:11
Hay Frederick 2.4:4: 11.1.7
Hayden 2.2:3 G B 224; 7.1 :6; 11.2' 10
Ceo. B.2.2:4,5 H W 4.2:4; 9.2: 10; 11. I: 12
Hel1lY Walt ,. I 1.2: 10 James F I 1.2: 10 Louisa
11.2:10 LOl/lse9.2:3
Hayes 9.2: 12 Frank 12.2:7 John L. 12.2:6;
14.2:3 Ws. 7.2:7
Haynesworth fi mily 3.2:4
Hays 2.2:4 N. H 2.2:5
Haywood family 9.2:8 Burwell7.2:4 Cabaras
Headden John 13.1 : 10
Headen family 10.2: I
Hcalton John 7.2:2
Heard Caroline 10.1:5 JH 11.1:2; 14.1:6
Hearon David R. 13.2:9
Heath Mary C 10.2:3
Hecker F.R. 2.2:4 .I.E. 10.2:9 John E. 9.2:9;
12.1:2; 12:2:10; 14.2:8 John Ephraim 4.1:4
Helen Walter 5.1:4 William 5.1:4
Hellen Haywood 13.1:2 William 2.2:6
Henderson Andrew R. 5.1:4 David R. 32:6:
5.1:4 HA.M 2.2:4; 9.2:2' 12.2:10 JW 3.1:3
James H 3.2:6; 5.1.4 Joseph M. 5.1:4 Killie
4.2:2 Lewis 8.1:2 Lindsay 13.1:7 Margaret D.
5.1:4 Mmy A. 14. :3 Mary Ann 13.1:7
Obedience 8.1:2 Violet .I 5.1:4 W. B. .1:
W, It 14.2:4 Wall 14.2:4 Wiliam B. 5.1:4
Hendrix 2.2:4 /lemy 12.2:5 MOlY 4.4:3
Henley 9.1:6; 9.2:11 Evelina T 10.2:6; 12.2:4
John W 7.1:12; 8.1:4; 10.2:6; 11.1:3; I .1:\
Primus \3.1:2 Sadie 10.2:9
Renly John W 2.3:3; 7.1:9
Hennessee Alice 3.1 :3; 12.2:4 Frank 12.2:4
Franklin 3.1:3 LucieI112.2:4 M.A. 9.2:6
Minerva A. 12.2:4 Sidney 3.1:3; 12.2:4 Thomas
12.2:4 ThomasL. 3.1:3
Henry J.J. 5.2:8 James 5.2:8
Henson Adeline 10.1: 10 Daniel 7. 1:12
Eliza eth 10 1:10 Ellen 7.1:12 G.T 7.2:5
James Thomas 7.2:5 John C 7.1'12; 14 1: II
MaryI 7.1:1::? Thoma·7.1:12 Tom 14.1:1 I
William 2.2:6; 4.3:3' 5.2:7; 7.1:12' 10.1: 10
Herbert Reden G. 13.1:7
Herendon Thomas H. 9.2:6
Hern Lydia 10.2: 10
Herndon 132:4 Duncan C. 12.2:3 Rhodes N.
Herpin E.P. 7.1:6 J. T. 7.1:6
Herrin George 2.2:5
H erring Hannah 13. I -:~ .lames 13.1:3
Herron Peter 14.2:3
Hert'y Alice 13.1:10
Hester 102:8 Aaron l3 1:3 Frances 5.1 5,
7.2'3 G. W. 5 1:5 .lad 142:5 James 142'5
Jim 14.2:5 Jno. 5.2:8 John W 7.2.3
Hickman Edgor 14.2:7 Hellen Trent 14.2:7
Parth n.1' 8. I:2
Hickory G rove Cemetery 5.1: 1
Hicks Mary 10.1:2 Thos. F. 10.1:2
High 7.1:6
Hightower family 3.2:4 Chamelll2. 1:8 J. F
14.2:6 J.T 14.2:6 Joshua 12.1:8 Rm1'1ey3.3:5
Thoma.s 3.3 :6; 4.3:5; 12.1:8
Highway 80 7.1:3
Hildreth 2.2:4 family 3.4:3; 7.2:1 A. 13.1:6
Anna 12.2:4 Annie G. 10.2:3 J.M 9.2.4 James
3.4:3;5.1:5; 11.1:9; 11.2:3; 12.1:1 JamesA"­
2.2:3; 2.3:3 Julia A. 2.2:6 L.A. 2.2:5; 9.2:2;
12.2:4 Levin 12.2:4 Levin 11. 10.2:3; 14.2:3
Lewis 9.1 : 10M L. 2.2:6 MOl}' 10.2:3; 12.2:4
Reuben 5.1 :5; 11.1:7 William 5.1 :5. I 1.1:7
Wilson 8.2:4; 11.1:9
Hildrith 11.2:7 John 11.1 :8,9 Reuben 11.1:7
Wilson I J.J:7 Wm. 11.1.8
Hill 14.1: 12 family I.l :4; 3.2:4; 8.2: 12; 9.1:2;
11.1:1 Bella 11.2: 1I Bernice 9.1:4 Dick
13.1:3 .Y 7.1:11 Emma4.2:4 GeorgeF.
12.2:7 Green 11.1:7 Greenberry 7.2:6
Hannah 0 Pinneoll 9.1' lfannah Pinneoll
7.2: 12 Higgins 5.2:2 Jack Marion 4.4:5
JamesN. 14.2:11 JamesR. 11.1:5; 12.l:2
Jessie Jefferson Davis 4.4:5 Joel 11.1 :8,9 Kain
13.1:2 Katie 9.1:2 Lucinda W 12.1:2 Mary
Ann 9.1:2 Moses 7.1 :3; 7.2:6; 9.1:2 Orasmus
9.1:2 Sam 13.1:3 Sferling 7.2:6.12' 9.1:2
. homos 9. 1:4 7homas C. 12.2: 10 Willie
Florence 4.4:5 Yrok 13. l:3
Hills, Ala. 2.2: ; 4.2:2,3,4
Hills BeatIPct. of Marengo Co. 4.2:4,5;
10.1 :6; 12.2:2; 13.2:
Hillyer Lorraine 10.2:3 Shaler 10.2:3
Hilton 13.1:3
Hingson Adele C. 12.J :10
Hin on Aaron 1 J. 1:5 J.M. 13.2:6 Nancy J.
13.2:6 Wm. 5.2:8 William Felix 4.1:4
Hinton family3.1:1; 3.2:3; 10.2:1
Hobbs E.OJ. 14.2:8 Jane 14.2:8 L. W 2.2:4;
5.2:8 Lewis W 12.2:4 AJanlla A. 12.2:4
Hoboken, Ala. 2.2:3,4,5; 4.1 :4; 4.2:3; 10.2:3
Hoboken BeatJPct. of Marengo Co. 4.2:2,3;
Hoboken Baptist Church Cemetery 5. I:1
Hoboken Church 7.1:3
Hoboken Lodge 7.1:3
Hobson M. 12.2: 12
Hodgens Reuben 11.1 :7
Hodges Philemon II 1:7
Hogan A.W9.1:3 DavidlLl:7,8 FranklinH.
9.1:3 John B. 14.2:2 LOllis 14.2:5 Maria
14.2:2 Maria S. 11.1:4 Mm:v 8.1:2; 13.1:7
Needham 8.1:2 Needham S. 13 1:7 Nelson
7.2:4 Pleasant 7.2:4 Sallie 13.2:3 SILWI1 8.1:2
Susan A. 13.1:7 William 7.2:9 William L.
4.4:1: 7.1:10: 10.1:10,12 Wm. S 8.1:2
WinifYed8.1:2 WinefredM 13.1:7
Hoggue C 5.2:8 Collen 2.2:4
Hoghan Wm. L 7.2:3
Hogue CIlLlen 5.2:7
Holcomb Ann E. 13.2:10
Holcroft Braxton 13.1:8 E.W 2.2:6 Sarah
13.1 :8
Holeman Elizab IhA 9.I:ll James B. 9.1:11;
14.1 :8
Holland 8.1:6 John 8.2:7 Thomas A. 3.3:6;
8.1 :4,5,6; 1l.1:7 W B. 14.1: I William 3.3:6;
ILl:8 William B. 7.2:6
HolJins R.ll. 14.2:6
Hollis 2.2:4 FR. 13.1:11 Frances S 10.1:2
JP. 13.1:11 John 2.2:6 JolmTI0.1:2
Hollman Burette 0. 3.2:5 Elizabeth G. 3.2:5
James D. 3.2:5; 14.1:9 Jesse B. 3.2:5; 14.1:9
Holman Burett 0. 14.1:9 Burette Osborne
14.1:8 C. 5.2:8 CH. 14.1:8 Charlotte G.
14.1:9 Charlotte 1. 14.1:9 Charlotte Julia
14.1:8 Elizabeth A. 14.1 :8,9 Elizabeth G.
14.1:9 Elizabeth George 14.1:8 Harriet G.
14.1:9 JR. 13.2:4 James B 7.2:2' 14.1:8,9
James D. 7.2:2,3; 14.1:8,9 Jesse B. 7.2:2;
14.1:8 Martha 12.1:9 Martha .Jane 7.2:6
Susan 13.2:3
Hollow Square, Ala. 3.2:3
Holmes Edmond turdwick 11.2: 10 1. W 7.1:6
John Mears 11.2: 11 L. 12.1:3 Lewis 12.1:3
MQ/Y W 11.2:10,11 Sam CA. 11.2:10
Samuel A. 9.2:7; 11.2:11
Holms John 5.2:2
Holt Bose 7.1:4 ader 10.1:7; 11.1 :7,9 Dalliel
7.1:4 El'ieL. 14.I:ll HughC 7.1:4 James
10.1:7' 14.1:2,3 Jane 10.2:4; 11.1: 10 L.A.
4.2:2 Luther S 14.1: 11 Mariah 7.1:4 Nancy
10.1:7; 14.1:3 Queen 12.1:9 Stephen 10.2:2
Su an 7.1:4 Thomas 5.2:7,8' 14.2:3,9
Holt, Ala. 4.3:3
Holt Cemetery 4.3 :2; 12.1:9
Holtam Eliiah 5.2:6
Holy Cross Episcopal Church Cemetery 9.1:2
Homish E. 7.1:6
Hon ycut· Clarence 7.2:9
Hood Martha 14 1:4 Tom 14.1:4
Hooker E.7.2:7
Hooper Ab 5.2:2 James 7.2:8
Hoot R.D. 2.2:2,4
Hoots Delia 11.2:5 lvey 1 J .2:5 Selma 11.2:5
Hope 1\1. 13.2:12
Hopkins Na1han 5.1:2 William 9.2:5
Hopper Equilla M. 8.1:3 G. W 13.1:8
George W 8.\:3 JM. 4.4:4; 9.2:9; 1 .1:2
Jacqueline 13.1:8 Letitia 12.1:6 Malinda J
8.1:3 Samuel G. 8.1:3
Hord Richard 13.\:7 Sarah \3. '7
Horo Alexander 14.2:3 Eliza 10.2:4 John
10.1 :3,11 John A.C. 10.1:3 Rebecca 3 1:3;
5.2:10; 10.1:3; 14.2:3
HOTDer IsaacL. 4.3:6; 13.1:5
Horse Creek 13.2:7 9
Horse Creek, Ala. 2.2:3; 4.3:2,3
Horse Creek BeatlPct. of Marengo Co.
\0.1 :6; 12.2:2; 13.2:3
Horton 4.2:5; 14.2:7 Alice V 10.2:3 Gustavus
8.2:7 James 10.2:3; 14.2:3 Martha Ann 10.2:3
Mary Eli=abeth 10.2:3 Vannie R. 7.2:8 W W
14.2:3 Wm. Walter 14.1:7
Horton's Beat of Marengo Co. 4.2:5
Hosea 4.2:5 Addie 7.1:7 Alma?1:7 Ann
13.1:8 ArthurB 7.2:6; 13.1:8 CB. 7.1:7 Dick
13.1:3 E. 5.2:2 E. V 5.2:2 FR. 5.2:2 'eo. W
7.1:7 Hattie7.1:7 Hettie 12.1:11 J.H. 5.2:2
Jas. George 7.\:7 John 5.2:2 L.R. 14.2:5
Lavinda 7.1:7 Lewis 7.1:7 Marion 5.2:2
MarthaAnn7.I:7 Mary 7.1:7 MaryL. 7.1:7
Mat 13.1:6 Mathew 7.1:7 Mathew L. 7.1:7
Minnie 7.1:7 Mollllida 7.1:7 SL. 7.1 :7; 9.2:7
S.M. 5.2:2 SS 7.1:7 Sarah 7.1:7 TA. 9.2:7
T.I. 2.2:5; 13.1:6 7:1. 2.2:5; 14.2:9 Thomas
4.3:6; 13.1 :8; 14.2:11 Thomas T. 2.2:4; 7.1:7
Thomas 1. 4.2:5; 7.2:6; 14.2: II WY. 7.1:7
WT 13.1:6: 14.2:5 Ww. 7.1:7 Zebulon 7.1:7
Houghton .lames H 7.1:12
Houston 7.1:6 Alh 1'17.2:4 Davide. 4.4:1;
7.2:9; 10.2:3; 14.1:7 Henrietta 10.1:5,7 Jimmy
11.1: ; 14.1:6 ./ohn 7.2:4; 11.1 :2; 14.1:6 L.G.
14.2:3 Lemora 0. 13.2:11 MaY) Y 10.1:5 R.F.
2.3:4 Stewart 7.2:4 Thomas F. 10.2:3
Houston Cemetery 2.4: I
Howard 11.2:10 Allene. 9.1:4 Andrew 12.1:9
F.JI4.:8 JT5.2:2 Lou \0.1:5 Mark 13.1:3
w.e. 10.\:6 Wes \0.1:5 Wes/11.l:5
Howard ColJe~e 10.2:8
Howel by 8.2:4
8.1 :3
Howze A. e. 8.2:6 Neltie E. 10.2:3 T F.
9.2:10,11,12; 11.1.12 Thoma F. 8.1:91O~
Hughes Abbie 12.1:9
Hughs John 10 \.11
Huao. Ala 4.1 :4; 12.2:8
Hull Julia 10 1:9 Julia E. 12.2.4
Hume family 3.4:3
Hummell Wm. H 2.2:4
Hungerford family 3.4:3
Hunnolds Wm. 11.1:8
10.2:3,9; 14.2:7
Hubanks T 11.1:7
Hubbard Josephine deB. 14.1: 1 I
Hubbell Jarvis 12.1: 12
Huckabee famify 1.1 :4; 3.2:4 Ann H 7.2:12
Bessie4.3:4 Boby4.2:3 EdgarC 10.2:3 Gray
5.1:3 I.e. 7.2:8 J.H. 13.2:11 J.T 5.2:2 Jenny
10.2:3 John C 10.2:3 Mary S. 10.2:3
Olive,. B. J 0.2:3 Orsmas 13.2: 11 Ossmos Amos
4.1:4 Richard 1.1:4 Sarah E. 10.2:3 Susall M.
10.2:3 Webster 7.2:9
Huckaby Wiley J 1.1 :7,9
Huddleston John W 7.2:6
Hudgens .lames I. 9.1:4
Hudson 2.2:4; 7.1: I family 1.1 :4; 3.2:4;
3.4:3,4 A.S 8.1:9 AddieM. 10.2:3 A/iceMay
10.2:3 Allen 2.4:6 Amanda 9.1: 12 Amanda E.
10.2:3 Amander 10.2:3 Ann I. 12.2:4
AugustllsR. 12.2:4 B.H 5.2:11 Bryant 13.1:2
CE. 14.2:4 CL. 1Ll:2 Calvin 7.1:3
Charles E. 14.2:4 Char/e F. 10.2:3
Charles W 10.2:3 Charley 11.2:2 harlotle
13.2:9 Durg7.1:3 Ella 12.2:4 Eugene9.1:12
Eugene L. 12.2:4 Florence 11.2:2 Florence H
10.2: ; 11.2:2 Gilb .rt 7.1:3; 13.2:9 HN.
14.2:4 Harriet N 14.2:4 fdumea 11.1:11 isaac
10.2:7 J.S 14.1:1 Jamess. 10.1:3; 13.2:9
James Sidney 13.2:9 John P. 12.2:4 Julia.J.
12.2:4 Kendal L. 10.2:3 L.H 8.2:9 Lelia C
10.2:3 MabeI4.2:3 Mary A. 9.1 :12 P.P.2.2:5;
12.2:4; 14.2:3 Philip P. 12.2:4 Preston R.
10.2:3 R.D. 11.2:2 R.Dove11.2:2 R.E.L.
1!.2:2 R.H 2.2:5; 8.2:11; 10.1:3; 11.2:2; 14.1:1
R.J. 11.2:2 Rebecca Ann 10.2:3 Rebecca J.
10.: Reuben 10.1 :2; 14.1: I Reuhen D. 10.1:3
Richard 7.2:2 Richd. D. 7.1:3 Richard E.L.
10.2:3 Richard H 7.J :3; 10.2:3 Richard Henry
3.4:3; 10.2:3 Robert Dove 10.2:3 Rosier 14.2:3
TJ. 7.1 :3; 11.2:2 TS. 8.2:9 Thomas J 7.1 :3;
10.2:3; 11.2:2 WN. 5.2:2 William 4.2:5;
8.2: 10: 14.1:1 Wm. H. 11.2:2 William S. 10.2:7
Willie H 10.2:3' 11.2:2
Huggin AI/en P. 9.1:4 Eliza 1 .2:
Hugb .!.S 2.7:5
Hughbanks Tho. 1l.l:8
Hunt J.J 13.2:4 William I. 9.\:4
Hunter 5.2:7 Albert 13.1:3 AnnD. 13.1:8
B n 13.1:2 BetlieA. 11.1:11 Elizabeth 13.1:3
Frank 8. 1:9; 13.1:3 Hemy 13.2:1 John 11.1:11
Jno. D. 13.1:8 Lim 13.1:3 Mack 13.1:2
QUintelian 13.1:8
Huntington 7.1:6
Huntsville, Ala. 3.3:4; 4.1 :3; 4.2:4; 82:2;
9.2: 12
Hurt .Is. 9.1:11
Hutcb- family 3.4.3
Hutcbinson W.S. 14.2: I, \1 William S. 12.2:6
Hutto C.I.7.1:3
Hylton 13.1:2 Ann T 12.2:4 L.S 11.1:5 S.
11.1:5 Tho. 11.1:5 Thomas Sterling 4.1 :4
Hyman Johnnie We leJ 9.1:4 Mary 8.1:8
Shelby 8.1:8
Illinois 14.2'11 Ashley 13.2:6 Burnside 9.1:5
Chicag 8.2:6; 9.2: 12 Washington Co. 13.2:6
Independence Church Cemetery 4.3:4
Indiana Lamar 9.1:5
Indian Springs Cburch 9.2: 10
Ingersol family 3.4:3
Ingram Loving Alison 7.2:6 Wiley 1. 7.2:2
Irby 9.2:5 jClfnily 1.1:4 Charles 1.1 :4; 2.3:5;
5.1:3; 7.2:8; 10.1:8; 11.2:11; 13.1:5 E.9.1:9
Elizabeth 9.1:9 James 1.1 :4; 4.4: I; 7.1 :9;
/0.1:11,12 JohnK. 14.1:3 Julia 13.2:2
JuliaA. 10.1:8; 11.2:11; 13.2:2 Mehetable
Iredell John 13.1:3
Ireland 2.4:4
Irions William 13.1:4
Irons James H 2.4:2; 11.2:6; 12.1:6 Martha
2.4:2 William 9.2:5
Irvin Wm. 11.\:8
lnvin James 10.2:4; 11.1: 10 Jesse B. 11.1'8.9
Racl1QeIIO.2:4; 11.1:10 Thoma 10.2:4 W
Thos 11.1: 10 Wm. 11.1:7
Ives a/eb S. 2.4:5
lvey Susan 10.2:8
Ivy 7.1:6
Jack Anna 14.2:3 Sarah C 9.2:7
Jackson 2.2:4;4.4:1; 14.1:6 Alex9.2:11;
II.I:S AlexanderS.I:2 Allen .1:2; 11.1:7
HO\ 'ell A.I. 4.2:4 D. C 4.2:5 Ezekiel 11.1 :8;
l4.1:9 file) 11 1'8 Lewis 12.1:8 Louisa 9.2:7
WI. 82:7; 9.2:7 Wiley Lafayelle 4.1:4
Howlett Edwin .1:3 Edwin !vi. 8.1: Eli::a J
8.1:3 Henry C 8. 1:3 John B. 8.1:3 Robert J.
Andr 12.:1:3 Andrew8.1:2;9.J:8; 12.1:3;
13.1'2,14.2:6 B.F 9.2:9 BenjaminF. 14.2:8
e.e. 13.2:2 Char/olle 13.1:2 D.B.2.2:2,5;
2.3:5; 5.1:6 David B. 4.2:2 Delila W. 3.2:2
D ck .2.10 Dossi .14.2:8 E.F 5.2:2:
10.1:6; 13.2:3 E.T .2:2 E/izabeth7.1:12 FB.
2.2A,5; 2.3:5; 5.2:8, 7.2:8; 12.1:2 C.M. 12.2:5;
14.2:6 C.IV. 3.1:5, 7.1:12; 14.1:11 GaiT 2.4:6,
8.1 :2; 11.1 :8,9; 12.2:5 Ceo. 8.2:9 George S.
13.2:2; 14.2:5 Hilliard 13.1:2 ira M. 14.2:8
Isaac 14.2:8 Je. 14.2:6 .J.H. 11.1: 1.M 7.2:3
JR. 7.1:4; 9.1:8; 12.2:5 James 8.1:2 Jeny
11.2:5 Jo. 14.2:6 Joe 8.2: 10 John 3.2:2; 8.2:7;
10.1 :7: 11.1:8 .Jno. A. 12.2:6 .Iohn e. 12.2:5
John Fran 3.2:2 Jno. H. II.L5 John Henry
4.IA Joseph 12. :5 Lacy 12.2:5 MB. 9.1:8
MH. 9.2:4 Major 13.1:3 Martha E. 12.2:5
MOlY T 13.2:2 Maffie K. 14.2:8 Nell 7.1:4
Olenza 13.2: II P.L. 2.3:5 Robert 5.2:2; 9.1:4
Rose 7.1:4 S 5.2: 12 SB. 2.2:5.6: 8.2: t 0; 9.2:7
se. 9.2:11 s.P. 8.2:11 SZ 8.2:10 Sallie T
14.1:6 am 8.2:10; 13.1:2 SamB. 13.2:11
Samuel 10.1:1 I Sam!. B. 32:2; 9.1:10
Samuel W 9.1:4 Shields 4.1 :4; 9.1:8; 14.2:6
TB.2.2:5 TJ. 8.2:2 Thos. J. 13.2:2 Vincent
14.2:8 WA. 8.2:9 W W II 1:5; 14.2:8 Walter
5.2:2 William B. 2.3:5; 7.2:7 Willie 11.2:5
Willoby 13.1:3
Jackson Cemetery 13.2:3
Jac son Store, Ala. 4. L:4: 7.2:9
Jackson's Store Pct. of Marengo Co. L2.2:2
Jacoby Elizabeth 7.2:9 Jacoh 7.2:9
.Jamacia 2.4:5
James 1.2:6; 5.2:6 Alman 11.1 :7,8 Anthony
12.2:2 Bill 11.2:4,5 Eliza 1. 8.1:3 lsidor
11.2:5 J W 14.1:6 James Taylor 10.2:9 Jane
9.1 : L0 John W 8. J:3 Margaret 11.2: 5 Reuben
4.2:3; 7.1:3 Sophronia A. 14.1:6 Thomas
11.1:7 William T 4.4: I
Jameson 8.2:4
Jamison H. 14.2: Harvey 14.2:3
Janson Harry Lee 13.1:9
Jarvis 9.1.10 JP. 9.1:10
Jefferson James 11. I;2
Jefferson, Ala. 2.2:2,3,4,5,6; 2.3:3; 3.4:3,4;
4.1 :3,4,5; 4.2:2,3,4; 4.3:3,4,5; 4.4:3,4,5; 5.2:3;
7.2:9; 8.2:3,5 II: 9.2:3,4,12; 10.1 :5,6,7;
10.2:3.4; J2.1:I,5,11; 12.2:2; 14.1:2; 14.2:9
Jefferson BeatlPct. of Marengo Co. 9.2:4;
10.1 :5,6,7; 12.2:2
Jefferson & Paces Landing Road 14.2:5
Jefferson Cemetery 4.1.1
Jefferson Road 5.2:3
Jefferson Co., Ala. 12 I: 10, 11
Jeffries family 3.4:3 Tlms. 3.2:6; 5.2:8
Jemison Bob 13.1:3 Lowry 13.1:2
Jenker Caroline 122:5
Jenluns Ada 9.1:7 Dominico 9.1:7 Edward
8.2:7; 9.1'7 Eli::abeth 9.1:7 Holland 8.2:7;
9.1:7; 11.1:8 J.L. 13.2-4 Jennet 9.1:7 John
9.1:7 .John L. 13.2:4 L. 9.1:7 Lethia 9.1:7
Loyd 2.4:6; 3.3:6; 8.2:7; 9.1:7 Melvira 9.1:7
Sally 9.1;7 Sarah 9.1:7 Susan 9. J:7 Susannah
9.1:7 William 8.2: 10; 9.1:7 Wifliam M. 8.2:3
Jenning E. 7.2:7
Jewish Cemetery 2.4.1; 14.1:2
Jewish Widows aDd Orphans Home ]4 1'2
Joe William 12.1: 11
John 7.1:6 Abel 12.2:12; 14.1:9 Jr. 9.1:9;
11.1: 11
Johns A.K. 11.2:4 Hazel 11.2:4 Holt 11.1:4
Ralph 11.2 A
Johnson family 3.4:4 A. W. 10.2:8 Abe 13.1:3
Alfred 11.2:3 Ann Mariah 7.1:12 B.W 11.2:
Ben 13.1:3 Benjamin W 11.1 :7,8; 13.1:5 Bill
7.l:l2 Cary 5.2:2 Charles 8.1:3 Counsel
7.1: 12 D. T 8.2:2 Daniel ILl:9 Dave 5.2:2
David .2:2 David Ryall 8.2:2 Dmvso17 10.2'10
Eclward4.4:I; 10.1:12' 10.2:7 Eliza .1:3
Francis 8.1: Frank 14.2:3 Frank J 12.2:7
Gus 14.2:4 Hannah 14.2:4 Henry 9.1:1 I;
13.1:3 J B. T 8.2:4 J D. 11.1:8 James 5.2:8;
13.1-4 James B. T 10.2:7; 12.1: I Jas. H. 2.2:5
Jane 13.2:6 Jim 13.1:2 John 10.1:7; J 1.1:9;
13.1:3 John e. )0.2:8 John H. 2.2:5,6; 14.!:7
Julius 8.1:3 Lydae 8.2:3 Major 13.1:2 Mamie
13.1:10 Margaret 12.1:1 MOlY 10.2:1; 13.1:3,7
Mary E. 13.2: II Matilda 9.2:7 Milton 14.1: 11
Nancy 7.1: 12 Peter W 7.1:9 Rebecca 7.1: 12
Robert H. 3.2:5 S. W 11.2:3 Sally 10.2:8 Sam
13.1:3 Sidney 13.1:2 Stephen W 3.3:6; 11.1:7;
11.2:3 Te. 7.1:3; 13.2:11 TE. 11.1:11 TG.
11.1:2 Thomas 4.2:5; 7.1:3 Thomas M 2.2:6
Thomas W. 7.2:9 W.D. 8.1:7 WI/.8.2:3 WM
3.1:3:5.2:7 WP. 8.2:10 William7'!:12
William Davis 4.1:4 William E. 5.1:3 Wm T
4.3:5; 11.2:3 Willie 2.4:5 Willis 9.2:7
Johnston 14.1:11 c.e. 2.2:5 C.P. 14.1:11
e.R. 13.2: 12 Charles athan 12.2:7 Daniel
11.1:8 G.B. 11.2:2; 14.1:11 Ceo. B 11.2:2
JP 2.2:4 Milton 14.1:11 R.L. 13.2:12 Rob rt
Jobn the Bapti t Church 7.2:5; 11.2: 12
Jolly family 3.2: E.P.\ .1: I I 1. W 5.2:7
Jones 2.2:4,6,7.2:7 family 1.1 A; 3.2:4; 3.4:3;
3.4:-1 A.C. 2.3A A.H 12.1: 12 Ada B. 9.2:12
Albert 10.2: 10 Alfrecll .1'6 Amos 8.1: 10 Asa
4.4:6 Bob 5.2:2 Charles 7.2:5, 14.2:5
Charles B. 7.1: 10; 7.2:3; 10.1: I0,12 Chas
13.1:3 Comer BOl/epa,., 4.1:4 Creel 11.2:5
ClOP 13.1:3 Davis 8.2:9 Delia 13.2:6 Diggel
14.2:10 EdwardS 13.2:9 F, nil)' H 9.1:8
Fl rence 13.2:6 Florence Levica 4.4:4 Flossy
11.2:5 Frederick A. 13.1'8 Frederick M. I .1:8
G.B. 8.1:8; 11.2:3 G.E. 14.1:2 G.W 5.2:2
Green E. 7.1 :5; 8.1 :3,4 Greene Ervin 4.1 :4
H.A.9.2:7 HCI2.2:2/1enr)'10.2:IJ;II.J:5
Horace Wells 4.2:3 fley 7.1:3 J.D. 9.2:9;
10.2:9' 13.2:3 J.P. 14.2:3 J.R. 13.2:10 J.s.
5.2:7 J. T 2.2:4; 8.2:5" 9.2: 12 J. W 8.2:7 Jack
13.1:3 Jacob9.J:12 James 9.1:9, 13.2:6
James Caller 12.2:7 James R. 2.2:5,6; 2.3:4;
9.2:2 James T 2.2:3; 2.3:5; 12.2: 10 Jesse
13.1:8 Jno. 9.l:l0 JohnC. 2.4:6; 12.1:8
John F 3.2:6; 7.2:7; 12.2:6 John G. 5.1:2
JohnH. 8.1:4 JosephP. 9.2:7; J4.2:3 L.K.
8.1:10 Leah JO.I:6 Linsey 13.1:2 Maggie
11.2:5 Maria 13.2:6 Maria S. 2.3:5 Martha
13.1:3 MOlY 14.1:3 MmyA. 13.1:8 Mary Lucy
4.4:4 Melanie 9.2:3 Monroe 12.2:8 Nannie
13.2:6 Noah 10.1:6 Parker 13.1:2 Penelope
10.1:3; 13.1:8 Percy W 9. :3 Preston 13.2.6
Price 7.2:9 R.A. 7.2:8; 8. L: 10,11; 13.1:3 R.
Augustus 2.2:5.6: 9.1:8 R.B. 8.2:4 R.D. 2.3:4
R.t. 10.L:9 R.M. 7.2:6 R.W 2.2:4 Richard
2.2:5' 2.3:5; 4.4: I; 7.2:7; 8.2:6' 9.2:2; LO.l:ll;
10.2:6; 12.2:3 S. Davis 8.2:10 Sham 13.J:3
Smith 5.2:2 TJ. J 1.2:5 Thomas B 2.4:6
Virginia M. 9.1: I L W B. 2.2:6 W H ] 1.I:5
WP. 9.2:7 Wiley Paul 4.1 :4 William 3.2:5
WiIliamB. 2.3:5; 13.2:1; 14.1:7 Wm. F 2.2:5
Wm. Franklin 4.4: William Griffin 4.1:4
Wm. H 13.1:8 William M. 7.2:7 Wm. Richard
4.2: Zacary T 4.2:4
Jones Cemetery 8.1:8
Jordan Andrew J. 9.1:4 Edna] 1.2:4 Hew)'
8.2: 10, II J.D. 11.2:4 Jacob] 2.1:7 John
11.1:7,9; 12.1:7; 13.1:5; 13.2:5 Josephine
Margaret 13. :5 Matthew 13.2:5 Thomas 3.3:6
William 7.2:2 William H. 7.2:7
Joseph Abbie 10.1:6 ManueI13.l:4
Jowers E.D. 12.2:2 F 2.2:4 G. W 9.1:12
Geor e Washington 4.1:4 J.E. 9.1 :12 .Jones
13.1:3 W 2.2:4
.Judd Elizabeth 8.2:2 Elizabeth W 8.2:2
Judson Roberl.J. 7.2:9
Junkin R.N 12.1:11
Kamber Frank 13 .2:4
Kambr Francis I 1.1:7
Kane .101m lndrew 4.1:4
Kates Ridge, Ala. 2.2:3
Kaufman L. 9.2:11 Louis 9.2.1.\
Keebo Rudolph 11.1:8
Keese Elijah W 9.1: 11; 11.2:7 Henriett 9.1: II
Han'ie/ G. 11.2:7
Keller 2.2:4 George 4.4:1; 10.1:3; 11.1:7
John G. 2.2:3,5,6; 7.2:8 Parmelia 10.1:3
Kelley AmeliaH. 11.1;11 TA.II.I:II WL.
2.2 :5,6 Wm. L. 10.1;3
Kellis Wm. 12.2: II
Kelly 2.2:4 family 3.4:3 B.F. 14.2:4
Benjamin F 2.3:5 Gen. P.4.4:5 George Peny
4.1:4 J.C 8.1:8 John 2.3:4; 8.1 :8; 10.1. J2;
13.1:5 John C 4.1:4 Johnson 10.1:9 Kenneth
10.1:12 Martha4.4:5 Norris 13.2:4 Sarah
8. I:8; 11.2:7 wah M. 5.1 :4; 8.]:2 Thornas A.
13.2:5 Wi. 9.2:4 William 5 1.4,8.1:2; 8.2:7;
142:4 Wm. S 4.4:5
Keltner Hannon 1 1.2:4 Jno. 11.2:4
Kember Frank 9.1:9 .los. 9.1:9
Kemp E. T 2.2:3
Kendrick Anderson 13.1:8 E1i=abt:th A. 13.1:8
Kennard Jane 14.2:3 John J 1.1:9
Kennedy 7.1:6 family 3.4:4 T.M 13.1:3
Wm L. 1l.1: II
Kentucky 2.2'3: 3.2:2; 4.2.3; 4.4:4; 5.1 :3;
9.1:7; 10.2:9; 12.1:8 Caldwell eo. 9.]:7
Christian Co. 7.2:11 Eastfark 10.1:9, 12.2:4
Graves Co. 5.1:4 lv/adisoJl Lo. 11.2:6 /Hetcalf
Co. 10.1:9 Wolf Co. 10.2:9
Kercher Eve M. 12.2:3 Frederick 12.2:3
Kerr Alfred D. 13.1:8 James WH 13.1:8
Kervin Peter 2.2:5
Ke ler 1. 7.1:7
Kidd family 1.J:5 Alber/ G 7.1:9 Albert J.
13.1:8 Robinson 2.4:4 /l.G. 14.2:3 Virginia G.
3.2:6: 12.2:5: 1 .1:8
Kiel Rober/5.2:2
Kiker A. T 8.2: 10; 14.2:6 Clay 13. : 12 J. I.
14.2:6 Johnson Jarrett J2.2:8
Kilgore TM. 9.2:9
Killingsworth fatllily 3.4:4 /v/aahew 2.4:6
Kilpatrick Judy I .. 1:
Kimball 2.2:3 Charles 2.2:3
Kimble William C 9.1:4
Kimbrell Arthur 2.4:6 J. T 7.2:9
Kimbrill Alice 14.\:6 WF. 14.\:6
Kimbrough Albert 5.1:5 8.2:9 Alice] 4.1:6
Bob 12.1:11 c.c. 8.2:9 Charli 5.2:2; 8.2:9
FF 8.1:7 FG. 14.1:4 Frank Gilderslee 13.1:9
Gen 8.2:9 Henry 8.2:9 I fill 12.1: \] J H
14. J:4 J.N. 8.2:9 James 9.2: 11' J 0.2:5 Netse
10.1:6 Nora 10.1:6 Virginia W 5.1:5 W Hill
12.1:11 WL. 13.2:3 lVm.8.2:9
KimbrollCJh, Ala. 9.1;4
Kincard George 11.1.3,4
King 2.2:4; 13.2:9 family 3.2:3; 3.4:3 Albert
13.1:3 CA. 12.2:4 Carrie Lee 12.2:9 E.W
4.3:6;7.2:3 EliasWI4.2:11 Eli::abeth13.1:8
Frunk 11.2:4 Henry 3.2:6; 10.2:5: 12.2:5,12
1.1. 14.2:7 1.T 5.2:8 James M. 13.1:9 John
7.2:9: 12.2:4; 13.1:2; 142:4 John1. 102:9:
11.2:2 John T 12.2:4; 13.2:9 John W. 7.2:9
leRoy W 10.1:12; 10.2:7; 13.1:8 Lizzie 122:4
Maggie 12.2:9 MOlY 12.2:4; 14.2:4 Mary Ann
8.1:8 Mary B. I .1:8 s.s. 2.2:4,5; 9.2:4~ 14.1:9
Sallie 11.2:4 Sarah 14.1:3 ThomasP 14.1:3
William 4.4: 1; 5.1:3; 7.1: 12; 8.2:8; 10.1:1 1,12;
10.2:7,8; 1t.1 :8; 12.2:4; 13.2:9 William R.
3.2:3 Willis P. 2.2:5; 7.2:8; 8.2: 11; 9.2:7;
Kings E. W 14.2: II
King's Co. Hospital 10.2:5
Kinman family 3.4:4
Kinnard John 12.2:6
Kinney 11. 13.2:4
Kirker N.E. 14.1:11 Nancy E. 7.1:12 William
Kirkham 4.2:5 .J. L. 12.2:2 Joe B. 9.1:5
John B. 12.1: II Joseph A. 12.2: 10, II; 13.2: 11
MA. 14.2:5 MM. 14.2:5 Marshall Martin
4.1:4 Rebecca 13.2:11 Sophia W 12.2:10
Kirkpatrick 7.1:7
Kirksey Foster M 2.3:3 Isaiah 1. 8.1:8
Jackson 8.1:5 Jehu 10.1: 11 Robert B. W 2.3 :3:
10.1 :11; 12.2:5
Kirvan Clarence 7.2:9
Kirven Garland 13.1: 11 Garnell 8.2:3
Margaret E. 12.2:5 P.E. 7.1 :3; 13.2:11 R.B.
Kitchell FN 3.1:3 Frank 2. :3 Lee Terrell
Klie George A 8.1: 11,12 Henry Benjamin
Knapp Adam 9.1:8 Bridget 9.1:8 Jno. 12.2:2
Knight J.B. 7.1:3 Peter 1. 12.2:6 William C.
Knox Geo. A. 11.1:12 JG. 2.2:4 James 5.1:5
Jno. 5.1:5 R.P. 11.1:12
Knoxwood, Ala. 2.4: 1
Kolb 9.2: 12
KODeyga Bryall 13.2:4
Koonts Jacob 2.4:4 Rudolph 2.4:4
Koontz Jacob 11.1:7 Rudolph 11.1:7
Kornegay 2.2:4 Allen 14.2:7 B. 13.2:4 C
9.2.2 Chaney 14.2:7 Chas. 2.2:5 £Ii:;a 14.2:7
Evelina 12.1:\1 £viline4.2:7 Fr d 14.2:7 .I.B
9.1:11,12 James B. 14.27 Julia 12.1:11,
14.2:7 Polly 12.1:11; 14.2:7 Rob. 9.2:2 Robt.
2.2:5,6 Ruffin 14.2:7 Thornton 12.1:11: 14.2'7
Kratzer Hanley F 9.1:5
Kuykendall LQl'inda H. 7.1:7 Melville 7.1:7
Kyle Agnes Carson 4.3:5 Douglas Carson
4.3:5 Hugh 4.3:5
La Brousse 13.2:8
Lacey Elisha 11.1 :8,9 Joseph B 10.1.3
Nicholas 11.1:7,9
Lacy Austin 9.1 :9 c.N. 10.1:6 David S. 2.4'6
Elisha 8.2:7 J.B 7.2:7 Joseph B. 8.2:11
Nicholas 2.4:6; 3.3:6 TB. 7.1:6 Thomas 8.2:7
Lafevre Charles 9.2:6
Laffleur 9.\: I 0
Lajoine James 9.1:9
Lake 9.2:6 Andrew!3.1:3
Lamar CR. 14.2:9
Lamberth John R. 5. :2
Lamison, Ala. 4.1:5: 9.1:4
Lancaster Allys 12 2: 1\ Andrew Jack on 4.1:4
John 111:8 John M 10.1'11 Richard 4.2:5
Samllel 10.1:7 Tho. ! 1.1 :8
Land J.G. 2.2:2
Landrum 13.2:7 family 3.2:4 America 13.1:8
Edward I .1:8 Jesse B. 11.1 :7; 12.1:8 John
2.4:6;9.1:9; 1_.1:7 JohnR. 12.1:8 Nancy
13.1:8 Nannie4.2:3 Saml/el11.1:8,9; 12.1:8
SlIsan13.1:8 Thomas 13.1:8 Willi. 9.1:10
William 11.1:7; 12.1:7 Zachariah 12.1 :7;
13.1 :8
Landrum Brancb 13.2:7
Lane 10.2:8 Charles 3.3:5 John 3.3:5 L.B.
2.2:5,6; 9.2:2; 13.2:4 Levin B. 3.2:6; 7.\ :9;
7.2:3 Lewis B 14.1:7 N. B. 14.1:7 Nathan B.
7.1: 10
Laneville, Ala. 13.2:3
Langdon 10.2:8
Langford family 3.2:4 H.N. 9.2:9 M.I. 9.2:9
Maryl. 9.2:10 WB. 9.2:10 William 2.2:5;
10.1.12; 11.1:
Langley Andrew Jackson 4.\:4 Emma 4.4:4
Langworthy William 0. 13.1:6
Lanier family 8.2:12 B. 13.2:4 John 8.2:12
Lucy 8.2: 12 Martha Ann 8.2: 12 TC 23:4
William Hemy 8.2: 12
Lankford Richard 12.2:8
Larkin Bellie9.2:12
Lasca, Ala. 4.1:3,4; 12.1:11; 12.2:2; 13.1:4
Latane H my W 8.2:6
Lauderdale, Ala. 9.1:5
Laughinghouse Alice 11.2:7 EdlVard 11.2:7
Lauks WB. 9.1:9
Laurel HilL Ala. 14.2'1 I
Laurie C. 7.1:7 E. 11.2: 10
Laury TS. 8.1.10
Lavender WH 2.2:4
Law 4.2:5: 13.1:6 G. W 4.3:6; 13.1:5 Ceo. W.
12.2:5 1.£. 13.2: II .las. 10.2:8 .las. H 2.2:3
Lawhorn A.D. 2.2.5
Lawless John 13.1:6
Lawson Claihurn 13.2:4 Isham 14.2:5 1.
13.2:4 James W 9.2:2 Millie 9.2:2 Reubin
13.1:2 Turnip 10.1:6
Leach Bee 12.2:8 Providence 7.1:3
Lear James 11.1:8
Lebanon Presbyterian Church 9.1:9
Ledgeard Austin E. 10.2:7
Lee 10.2:8 famify 3.2:4; 3.4:3 Ben 13.1:3
CPo 11.2:8 C.W 7.2:3 Caroline 13.1:2
Charles P. 4.4: l' 10.2:7 Charles S. /1.2:8
olumhus W. 8.1:2 DanieI9.1:9,10 Deallhia
8.1 :2; 13.1:7 E.F 13.1:9 Cr en 8.1:2
Green P. 13.1:7 1. Bachman 12.2:4 James B.
2.4:6 Jas. Edward4.3: Jim 13.1:2 John
8.2:10 Julia Caroline 4.3:3 Lewis Velma 4.3:3
Marlha 8.1:2; 13.1:7 Mary 8.1:3 Mary L.
5.1 :3; 10.2:7; 11.2:8 N.L. 1 J.I: 12 S. Y. 14.2:3
Sarah E. 12.2:4 Sarah Elizab th 7.2: 12 Susan
5.1:5 Virilla 8.1 :2; 13.1:7
Lee Co., Ala. 9.1:9
Lehman Julius 13.1: I
Leisure family 3.4:4
Lenoir Thomas E. 4.4:1; 7.1: 12
Leonard CA. 14.2:6 HC. 14.2:11 Henry
8.1:3; 11.1:8 HenryG. 5.1:3; 7.1:9; 10.1:11
MarlhaS.I:3 Nancy4.3:5; 13.1:4; 14.1:3 S.
Leslie 1.N. 10.2:8
Lesueur Billy 1 .1:2 N.B. 3.2:6; 7.2:2,3;
11.2:3' 12.2:6; 14.2:3,9 Napoleon B. 3.2:6
Levi Isaac 10.2:6 Moses 13.1: I
Levy Eaphriam 4.3:3 Hannah 4.3:5 Johannah
Lew Daniel I 1.1:7
LeweJlen Carrol 5.1:5 Charles 5.1:5 Edward
5.1:5 James 5.1:5 LucyA. 5.1:5 Thos.5.1:5
William 5.1:5
Lewis 2.2:3,4,6; 2.3:3 family 1.1:5 A Dio.
12.2:2 A.M. 2.3:34; 8.2:5; 9.2:2 Agnes L.
9.2:6 Ally 4.4:3 Alvin T 12.2:8 Annie 12.1: II
Arthur M. 4.4:3; 10.1: 11; 12.2:5; 14.2:3 Asa D.
12.2:8 Cha. 4.2:2 Dave H 12.1: 11 E.M.
5.2:2 Fremont 14.2:5 Gaston D. 12.1: II
George 1. 12. I: I I GC01gt! Killough 12.1: II
Haltie 12.1:9 Helen YOllng 12 I'll Henry
14.2:5 ll'ey F 2.2:5,6; 14.1:7 Jeff W 12.1: II
Jefferson D. 12.1: II Jefferson Davis 12.1: II
Jerrie 11.1:5 JOhf B. 14.2:3 John Jeffersol7
12.1'11 Joshua 5.1 :4; 8 1:2; 11.1:7 Laura
Fral7ces 12.1: I 1 Louise Maurine 12.1: 11
MallieA.E. 12./'11 N.1. 8.1:7; 10.2:6; 12.2:5,
14.1: I; 14.2:3,10 Nathaniel./. 7.2:6; 10.2:5,6
Obedience 5.1 :4; 8.1:2 Ophelia 4.2.4 Robert
7.2:8 S.C 2.2:2,3.5,6 S. W 12.1:2 Sally 4.4:3
Sarah Elinor 12.1:11 Thomas A. 12 1:11
Thomm.J. . 1:7 Tommie K. 12.1: 11 Tommie
RUlh 12.1: II Virginia 9.2:3; 13.2:6 W Hemy
8.1:12 WJ.7.1:3;8.1:11 William 12.1:9
Wm. II. 9.2:3; 13.2:6 Wm. 1. 12.2:2 Young K.
Lewis' Ferry 2.3:3
Libel'ty Cemetery 4.4:5
Liberty Cburch 9.2:9
Lib rty Church Cemetery 4.3:4
Life & Trust Company 12.2:12
Lightfoot Wm. B. 13.2.4
Ligon E.F 14.2:12 E.T 2.2:3; 7.1:6; 14.2:12
Katie .11.1:11 L. . 11.1:11
Lilly Douglas 7.2:5 George 7.2.5 Marga,. l
10.1:5 TN. 2.2:5
Limestone Co., Ala. 9.1: 11
Lincoln Abraham 14.2: 12
Linden, Ala. 2.2:2,3,4,5,6; 2.3:3,5; 3.1 :3,5;
3.2: 1,2; 3.3:2; 4.1 :3,4,5; 4.2:2,4,5' 4.3:3.4,6;
4.4:3,5,6; 5.1 :2; 7.2:7,8,9, II; 8.2:4,5,8;
9.1:34,5,6;9.2:9,12: 10.1:11,12; 10.2:9,11,12;
11.1:1,11.2:6; 12.1:2,8,9,10,11; 12.2:2,9,IO,IJ·
13.\:2,13.2:2,11; 14.1:6,9,12; 14.2:4,7,11
Linden BeallPct. of Marengo Co. 4.2:4,5;
8.2:2; 10.1 :5,6; 12.2:2; 13.2:3
LindeD & Arcola Road 7.2:5
Linden & Basbi Road 14.2:5
Linden & Cahaba Road 8.2:5; 9.2:11;
11.1 :2,3; 12.1 :2' 14.1.6
Linden & Dayton Road 9.2:9,10; 12.1:2
Linden & Demopolis Road 11.1:_
LindeD & Dixon Mill Road 10.2:5
Linden & G rove Hill Road 9.2: 10; 11.1:2
Linden & Jefferson Road 12.2.10
Linden & Mobile Road 7.2:4
Linden & Moscow Road 8.2:5; 12.1.1
Linden & Nanafalia Road 13.2:2,3
Linden & Shiloh Road 14.1:6
Linden Cemetery 3.2: I
Linden Circuit of the Methodi t Episcopal
Churcb, South 7.2:4
Linden Grav yard 12.2: 10
Linden Graveyard Association 12.2:10
Linden Hotel 7.2'7.8' 8.2:8
Linden Railroad Company 4.4: 1
Linden Reporter (newspaper) 13 I: 10
Linden Road 11.2: 12
Lindsay Abraham 11.1 :8,9 Abram 14.1:3
Clarinda 12.1:7 Jacob 10.2:2. 1.1:3; 12.1:7
LafayellI0.2:7 Marlha 14.1:3 Palsey 12.1:7
Rhoda 14.1:3 William 12.1:7; 14.1:3
LinevUle, Ala. 9.1:5
Liphardt family ..2:4
Lipscomb family 3.2:3; 3.4:4 Abner E. 10.1:3
Abn rS. 3.1:4 AlberI5.2:3,4,6 Alb nS. 10.1:3
Ambrose 3.2:3 Ann E. 13.2:6 Annie E. 10.2:3
Caroline 5.2:3,4,6 Dorolhy E. 5.2:5 Dorothy
E/izab th 5.2:3 E. T 4.3:5 Edwin 5.2:4 Elihu
9.1:9 Elisha 9.1:9 Ekabeth 10.1.3 Jrnesl P.
10.2:3 Esther 5.2:3 H.z. 4.3:5 Hemy Z 4.3:5
.J.Q. 13.2:6; 14.2:5 James L. 10.1:3 James Q.
10.2:3 JoelQ. 10.1:3 JohI13.2:3 Lee2.2:5
Lev'cy 5.2:5 M.l. 13.2:6 Mary Eli:::abeth 5.2:6
N. 14.2:5 Na!. 9.1:9 Nathan 3.4:4; 4. :5; 5.2:3;
11.1:7,8,9; 14.2:3 Percy B. 10.2:3 Rehec a C.
10.1:3 William 3.2:3; 5.2:5; 9.1:10; 9.2:4;
10.1:4 WilliamC. 7.1:9; 10.1:3.12; 11.1:7.9;
12.2:5 William Chiles 5.2:3
Lipscomb Cemetery 4.4:4
Lisenbe Eunice F. 9.1:5
Lisenbee A.M. 8.2:10 Fay7.2:9 1.£ 8.2:10
Lisenby Phoan 4.3:5 Wm. 11.1:7
Lister 10.1:2 Chas. 4.3:4 Christine Elizabeth
4.3:4 Diomsia 13.2:7 l.N. 12.2:1 I Joseph H.
4.2:2 Lmvrence E. 13.2:7
Lister Hotel 10.1:2
Litcbfield family 3.4:4 Charles 9.2:4 Jesse
7.1 :8
Little 13.2:2 A.C. 13.2:_ Aden 12.2:5
Evelvn R. 8.2:2 G.M 13.2:3; 14.2:5 Gray
7.1: ; 9.2:7; 11.1: II Jesse 7.1 :2; 13.2: II M.
10.2:4' 11.1: 10 Martha 9.2:7 Martha J
11.1: 11 Mwy 13.2: 11 Mary 1. 10.2:4; 14.":5
Minerva 10.2:4; 11.1:10 Munroe7.1:3 Nellie
14.1:5 RobeI'I 10.2:4 Robl. W 14.1:5 WL.
Little Beaver Creek 4.2:5
Little Prairie Creek 4.2:6
Livingston Edna Alpha 4. :4 Ernest 4.4:4 1.
13.2:4 Willie Helen 4.4:4
Living ton, Ala. 1.2:6; 3.4:3; 4.4:6; 9.2: 12
Lloyd John 12.2:10 R.o. 9.2:3 Robt. G.
10.1:4 Thomas F. ILl:5
Lockard family 3.4:4
Locke 2.2:3,4 Comelius W 14.2.11
Thoma~ S 23:3; 7.2'8 William 43'6,44.1
Locket Dare 5.2.2 John 5.2'2 Marlin 5.2:2
Tom 5.2:2
Lockett Adelia H. 11.2:7 Amanda 13.1: I
Ann E. ] 1.2:7 Benjamin 7.2:3; 10.1'7: 11.1 :7;
12.1:8 Emis 7.2:3 Jim 8.2:' 0
Lockhart family 3.2"4 Acely Brame 4 4.3
Benjamin 7.2:2.3: 8.2:7 Cicely B. 4.3:4 J.B.
4.3:4 101m 2.4:5; 11.] :7.8.9: 12.1:67
Narcissa M. 5.2: I 0; 10.1:3 Nenie 12.1: 10 R.H.
2.2:5; 3 1:3; 8.2:6 SQ1'ah A. .2: I0; 10.1:3
We. 10.1:5; 13.2:3 WilliamA. 5.2:10 William
Cocherson 13.1:9 William Oliver 4.3:4
Lockheart John 13.2:4
Lotlon B. 5.2'8
Loften Alman:::ee E. 10.1:2 DE. 5.2:2 Eli
]0.1:2 J.B. 7.1.3 1.M. 5.2:2 .John Bartle)' 4.1:4
Mary Jane 10.1:2 Sam!. 10. J :2
Loftin Ben 12.2:2 Ennis 12.1.3 1. B. 11.1 :6.
13.2:11 Jewell 13.2:7 Sarah 13.2:11 WB.
11. J:6 Willie fI. 12. :2
Loftis family 3.2:4 Berryman fI. 11.1:9
Lofton family J. I :5
Logan Clinton E. 9.J:5 Henry 13.1:3
Log Hall (plantation) 12.2: 12
Loma 7.2:5" 9.1:6 Alma 11.2:10 Charlotte
92:7; 11.2:/0 John T 14.2:2 Jno. Tayloe
14.2:2 S.s. 2.2:4
Long Adria 5.2:4 '0 ey 7.1:5 Emma J4.1:2
Florence 14.1:2 Helen 14.1:2 MQlY C 14.1:6
Millon I-! 14.1:2 Nettie 14.1:2 Perry 1. 9.1:5
Robin 7.1:5 Tessie 14.1:2 Thomas 13.2:4
Thos. H. 14.1:6
Longest Frances 10.2:3 George 14.2:3
Harrison A. 10.2:3 John 10.2:3
Louisiana 7.1 :7; 11.l:l1; 13.1 :11 Claiborn
Par. 8.2:6 Colfax 10.2:4 DeSoto Par. 12.2:4
East Baton Rouge 5.1:4 Grandcane 7.1:7
Grant Par. 10.2:4 Greenwood 5.2:3 Jeanelte
9.1:4 Madison Par. 13.1: II Minden 8.1:7 New
iberia 9.1:4 New Orleans 2.4:4; 7.2:7: 12.2:3;
13.1 :5; 14.1 :2,1 J Orleans Par. 12.2:3
Lovett Harriet 8.1:2 Richard 8.1:2
Lowe family 3.4:4
Lowell John W /1.1:8
Lowery Benjamin 10.1:9 C B. 10.1:9
Edward E. 12.2:8 James 4.1:4 San-l1Iel 10.1:9
Solomon 8.2:4 Susan 10.1:9 Theodore 10.1:9
Virginia 10.1:9 William Y. 12.2:8
Lowndes Co., Ala. 5.1:5
3.1:3.11.1:5; 14.2:3 E.A.3.1:3
Eli:::abeth9.I:ll FA. 9.1:11 FC.3.1:3
14.2.5 Virginia9.2:6
Madison Co., Ala. 4.1:3; 7.1:12; 9 1:11
Loyd Tho. L. 10.2:8
Madison Turnpike Roa 14 1'9
Lucas Susan 12.1:9
Madux Tapley J\;I. 5. J.4
Lucey Tho. B. 9.1 :9; 11.1:7
Magee Wm. 12.1:10
Lucy 10.2:8 family 3.4:3 EIi-:abeth MA.
12.2:4 Gideon 7.2:6; 12.2:4 Jan 9.1'10 Jolm
Magnolia, Ala. 2.2:4,5; 4.1 :3,4,5,4.2:4; 4.3:5;
8.2'9 Thomas B. 2.4:2; 9.1:9 W.A.9.1:10
4.4:5; 7.2:9; 9.1 :5; 11.1 :3; 12.1 :5,6; 12.2:7,8;
Luker J C. 8.2: 10 J jIJ. 11.1:6 Jas. W 7.1:3
Magnolia Beat/Pct. of Marengo Co. ._:3'
W.A 11.1:6
10 1:5; 12.2:2
Luning Adolph 11.2:2 Albert 11.2:2 Edmund
Magnolia Cemetery 3.4:2
11.2:2 Maria 11.2:2
Lutber Annie 4.4:3 J.G.M. 2.2:4; 7.2:4;
Magnolia Methodist Episcopal Church 11.1:3
Magruder D. W 12.2:4 E.J. 2.2:3,5; 12.2:4:
Luther's Store, Ala. 4.1 :3,4,5: 4.2:2; 10.2: 1;
14.2:3 HM. 12.2: .lames 12.2:4; 14.2:3
Je.l'seM. 9.1:5 Jos 14.2:3 M.L. 12.2:
Virginia 12.2:4
Lyles Austin B. 9.1:5 Geo. W 13.1:5 Louisa
S. 10.2:12 N.P. 14.2:7 Nicholas P. 10.2:12
Mahony E. 7.1:6
Temperance C. 12.1:3
Maines Baily 9.2: 1I
Lyon 2.2:3; 4.1 :6; 14.2:7 family 9.1:7 Anne G.
Mallory Joel H. 12.1:8
82:6; 9.2:9; 12.2:10; 14.2:7 Annie 14.2:7
MaJone Biggs 14.2: Drury R. 13.1'5 Fannie
Bessie 11.2: 10 Bryant 13.1:3 Caroline 11.2: 10
14.2:8 Jam B. 8.2:7 James E. 14.2:8 Jno. M.
Edmund F 4.4:1; 7.1:9 F.G. 2.2:6 FS
14.2:8 Lee 14.2:8 Marvin 14.2:8 Willie 14.2:g
2.2:2,3,5,6; 2.3:3,4; 7.1 :6; 7.2:4,7,8; 8.2:5;
Maneaos Marie J I 2: 11
9.2:2; 11.2: 10; 13.1 :4,5 Francis 9.2:­
Maness Adaline 8.1:2 Aurct Angelina 8.1:2
Francis S 2.3:3: 3.3:2; 5.2:9; 7.1 :5; 7.2:4,7;
Bailey 12.2:5; 14.2:3 Carter L. 12.2:8
10.1:11; 10.2:9; 11.1:4,7,9'1.1:2; 12.2:10;
Catherine 12.2:5 David 8.1:2 .l.L. 14.2:6 J T
13.1 :6; 13.2:9 Frank 11.2:9 Frank G. 11.1: II
14.2:6 James 8.1:2 John 8.1:2: 12.2:5 Mary
G. . 2.2:6; 5.2:9; 9.2:2' II.l:9 George 14.2:2
12.2:5 Rebecca 8.1:2 WF. 7.2:9 William
George D. 2.3:4 George G. 2.2:3; 2.3:4,5;
Buford 4.1:4 William F. 12.2:5
3.2:5; 7.2:6,7; 8.2:6; 9.1 :8; 9. :7; 10.1 :8;
Mangon Josephine 9.2:9 P. 9.L:l0 We. 9.2:9
11.1:4; 11.2:2, II; 12.2:3, I ; 14.1 :7; 14.2:7 Ida
Manly E. 13.2:4 WE. 12.2:3
11.2: to M.A 7.1 :6; 9.2:2; 14.1:7 Martin
ManD 4. :- Elouise B. 12.2:11 John 7.2:2;
11.2:10 Mary 14.2:7 Nettie G. 9.2:7 Sadie
13.1:5 14.2:3
10.2:9 {)arah 13.2:9 Sarah S. 7.2:4 William H.
Mann's Ferry 4.2:5
2.2:3; 7.2:8
Mann's Ferry & Linden Road 14.2:
Lyons John 13.2:4
Mann's Ferry Road 14.2:5
Maa' Charles S. 9.1:5
Manning A.R. 3.2:5 James 2.2:5,6; 8.2:10;
MacDonell Flora 11.2: to
10.1:2; 14.2:3 Louisiana 8.2:10; 14.2:3 R.J.
Macon Daniel 3.3:6 Gidion Auston 4.1:4 J.B.
2.2:2,4,5 Reeder 2.2:4,5 RoberlJ. 8.2: LO;
12.2:2 JE.J. 12.1:3' 13.2:9 Rob!. 5.2:2
14.2:3 Sophia 8.2: 10: 10.1:3 William 4.2:5
Macon, Ala. 2.2:2,3,4,5,6' 4.3 :6: 11.2:9.10;
Man er W H. 2.2:4
Manus Bailey 2.4:6; II 1:7
Macon BeatfPct of Ma rengo Co. 10.1:5;
Marengo, Ala. 4.3:6; 9.2:6
Marengo Democrat (newspaper) 10.2:8
Macon & Woodville Road 12.2:11
Marengo Manufacturing Company 2.3:5,6
Maddison Strod. 9. I: I0
Marengo Hardware Company 14.1:2
Maddo Beulah 11.2:2 Evie II. :2 MalY
Marengo Mercantile Company 9.2: 12
11.2:2 TM 8.1:2
Marengo Military Academy I 1.1 :2
Madison 7.1:6 Alexander 7.1: 12: 10.2:4
Marengo Nuptiallosurance Association
JamesQ. 10.1:10 Jane 14.1:11 JaneS 7.1:12
Jas. QUinney 10.2:4 Priscilla A. R. 10.2:4
Marengo Patriot (newspaper) 12.1: 10
Priscilla A. R. Quinney 7.1:2 S. 3.1:5 Strother
Marengo Plank 01' Covel'ed Road 2.3:3
11.1:9 Susan 10.l:10; 10.2:4 William Dickson
Marengo Plank or Covered Road ompany
Marengo Rifles 11.1: I
Marion Hilliard Judge 4.1:4
Marion, Ala. 4.2:2; 7.1:6; 9.1:4: 10.2:9;
14.1:11; 14.2:9
Morion Co., Ala. 9.2:5
Mark H 8.2:5
Markham Ann 9.1:7 Ann Maria 9.1:7 Edwin
9.1.7 G.E. 2.2:3.4 George E. 7.2:8; 14.2:3
George Evans 9.1:7 Gorge Spence 9.\:7
Henry Agustl/S 9.1.7 Laura I'irginia 9.1:7
Marks James 3.3:5
Marr Jno. N. 14.2:9 .folma/han \4.2:9 W.B.
11.1:1\ Wm. B. 3.1 :3; 14.2:9
Marsh Daniel H. 5.1:5 MWJI G. 5.1:5
Marshall 2.2:4; 7.1:6 JA. 14.2:4 Panthea
Mary 12.1:1\ R.D. 8.2:11; 9.2:2 Robert D.
14.1 :7; 14.2: II s.E. 14._:4 VB. 14.2:4 Wm.
Marshall Co., Ala. I 1:8
Martin family 1.1:5 A.G. 14.1:5 A.IV 14.1:5
Alabama 4.4:4 Betsy 12.1:9 Elvira 4.4:4
Enoch Cook 4.1:4 H H. 14.1:5 .lames 2.2:5;
5.1:2; 14.1:8 Jodie 9.1:5 JohnH. 7.2:6; 10.2:2
Levi 4.4:4 Lulie H 12.2:8 M.L. \4.1:5 Marion
14.1:5 Samuel B. 3.1:5 Sarah \3.1:7 Thomas
12.1:9 Timothy \2.1:9
Martineer Julius 11.1:9
Martinere J 9. J : \ 0
Martinier Julius 7.1:9: 11.1:7; \3.1:4
Martioiere JA. 9.1:6 Josephine V. 13.1:6
Julius 7.1 :9; 13.1 :6; I .2:8 Julius A. 7.1 :9;
7.2:6; 11.1:3; 13.1:6 JuliasMC'. dela2.4:4
Laura E 13.1:6
Marvin, Ala. 13.2:3
Marx 10.2:10 £d 13.2:3 H. 7.1:6,7 17.1:6
Isaac 7.\:6 J 2.2:4 Jacob 13.2:3 Lehaman
10.2:6 11'f. 7.1:6,7 Moses 10.2:6 Nathan 10.2:6
Tessie L ng 14. 1:2
Maryland 8.2:4 Baltimore 7.2:7; 8.2: :
13.1:11; 14.1:6
Mask Dudley 14.2.3 Mary F 10.2:2 P. 8.\: 10
P.E. 9.2:9 Phillip 10.2:2; 11.1:10
Mason family 3.4:3 B. E. 13.1: 11 B. H. 2.2:5;
14.2:3 C'.B. 12.\:2 Chaney 10.2:3 Charles B.
8.2:10; 13.2:9 Cynthia 10.2:3 John 10.2:3
Massey Chas. J 14.2:7 John T 14.2:7 NL.
13.1:12; 14.2:7 Wo. 14.2:7 Warren 14.2:3,7
Massey Hills, Ala. 4.2:5
Mastrell Vince 8.2:9
Matbers £.B. 9.2:7 Emly M 9.2:7 G.G.
14. :3 James 4.3:5; 11.\.7: 13.1 A John 9.2:7
Matberson 4.4: 1
Mathews family 3.4:4 Coo er 13.1:2 e.G
142:3 JM 7.2:3 Josiah A 34'4 M.E. 14.2.3
lvI. T 14.23 Martha 14.2:8 William 2.3:6
Mathison 10.2:8
Matkin D.lvf. 9.2:7 L.U 9.2:7 /.Vaney 13.2: 11
TO. 7.2:5 WR. 13.2:11
Mutkins John W 3.1:5 TC 9.2:7
Mattbews 2.2:3 Celeste 12.1: 11 Emmeline R.
13.2:6 El'ie 11.2:4 W D. 11.2:4
Maulden 10.2:8 Liftleben]' 7.1: 10
Maupin R L. .2:57; 9.1:8; 14.1:4
Maury Z. 11.1 :12
May 13.2:7 family 3.2: ,4 (Dr.) 13.2:4 B.F
2.2:4 John 9. J :9, 10; 13.2:4 Jol1l1 C'. 13.1:8
.lana. 1\.1:8 .lana/han 2.4' 5; 11.1'9 Lewis
9.1 :9,1 0; 11.1 :8,9: 13.1:5 Matilda 10.1 :4:
\4.1:3 Nancy 13.1:8 P.H \3.2:4 Pleasant
13.2:4 W 9.1:9 William3.J:6; \0.\:4; 14.1:3
Mayer 14.1:6 family 3.4:3 Fanny Rebecca
4.3:3 Lehman 4.3:3 Lewis \1.1 '12 Ludwi E.
4.3:3 Morris 4.3:3; 11.1:2,1_; 14.::n Simon
Mayfield MaJy 14.1:3
Mayo Annie Lee J 2.1 : II Drury 11.1: 1
GeOJ-ge H. 12.1: 11 eorge Herb rt 9.\:5
Leon H. 12. I: \ 1 Leon Henly \3.\:9 M. H.
10.1:9; 12.1:11 Mar/inH. 12.1:11 MortonH.
12.2:8 William H. 12.1:11
Mayton 13.1: 12 fi mily 1.1:5 D' ie Leon
9.1:5 Francis 4.2:2 J. 11.1 :5; 13. :9 .fas. W
7.1:3 John 4.1 :4; 7.1:3 John F. 4.2:4 Leonard
7.2:9 M. Rohert 4.4:5 Robert 1.1:5; 4.1:4;
7.1:3 Rober/ Davis 9.1:5 Thomas Jefferson
9.1:5 WF. 8.2:3 WH 7.1:3
Mc- A.P. 10.1:6
McAlister Michael2.4:6
McAllister W,t. 8.2:10; 9.1:9
McMn George 11.2:5 Guy 11.2:5 R.B. 11.2:5
Rosa 11.2:5 Will 11.2:5
McArtbur A.P. 13.2:3
McBride Harold S. 9.1:5
McCaa 2.2:3 '. H. 11.1: 10; J 1.2:6 Eugene
2.2:35; 7.2:5,8; 11.2:6; 12.2:3,10; 14.2:7 Kate
10.2:4; 11.2:6 Lou 13.1:3 William L. 4.4:1
McCallister Will. 11.1:8
McCallum 4.4: 1
McCants L.a. 12.2:2 R.B. 11.1:12: \2.2:2
McCartney Joseph 3.3:6 MaJy F. 8.2: 10
McCarty 9.1:9 Adele 5.2:9,10; 10.2:3:
11.1:9,10 AlexF. 10.2:3 Catharine 12.1:8
Ecnvard B. 10.2:3 Jacob 9.1 :9; 12.1:8 .fohn
\2.1:8 John B. 10.2:3 Joseph 7.1:9; 10.1: 11
Joseph W. 10.2:3 L.B. 2.2:5: 8.2:5,10; 9.2:2
Lewis 12.1.8 Lewis B. 2.3:5; 5.2:9,10: 7.1 :9;
7.2:7; 10.1: II; 10.2:3,6, 11.1 :9,10 Louise
D 'Es/eval 10.2:3
McClanahan 2.2:3,4
McClinton family 1.1 :5; 7.2: 11 Alabama
10.1:4 Araminla7.2·11 Benjamin 7.2:1 I;
10.1:4 Elizabeth 7.2: II; 10.1 :4; 12.2:4
Harriett 7.2: II Henry 7.2:11 James 7.2:\1
James C. 10.1:4 James Elmore 7.2: 11 John B.
7.2: II Joseph 10.1:4 Louisiana 10.1:4 lvfar'ha
7.2:11 Mwy7.2:11 Nancy 7.2:1 I Robert?
7.2:11; 10.1:4 Samuel 7.2:1 I Susan 10.1:4
Wile 7.2: II William F. 7.2:11
McClure 4.4:3 Fay 4.4:3 H A. 10.1:9 Ivey 11.
7.1:3 1.11. 9.2:7 1.L. 8.2:9.!oe4.3:5; 8.2:9
Lucretia9.2:7 allie4.3:5 Tommie4.4:3 w.e.
5.2:2 Wesley 12.2:2
McCollough A.Q. 5.2:8
cCollum D. W. 8.2:2 E.J 8.2:2 Hugh 8.2:2,3
McConnell France 5.\:5 John 5.1:5 Marlha
Ann 5.1:5 Rosanna 5. 1:5 Thorn 5.1:5: 7.2:3
William H 5.1:5
McCorkle family 9.1:7 Alex. W 10.1:3
Alexander 10.1:3 Annie 9.2:9 Butler9.2:4 J.J
12.2:10 JohnJ 9.2:4 L.H. 14.1:5 ML
14.1:56 TS. 14.1:5 Thomas 10.1:3; 13.1:9;
13.2:10; 14.1:9 Thomas M. 11.2:3
McCormack 1.1. 2.3:5 Sarah C. _.3:5
McCormick Hannah 10.2:3; 11.1 :11
McCown James 9.2:7
McCoy FO 8.2:3 John B. 14.2:3 TC. 9.2:9;
II.I :6
McCrary 2.2:6 Daniel F 12.2: 10 David
10.1:3 Elizabeth 12.2:10 1.M. 7.2:8 Marion
McCrawson Barnard3.3:5
McCreary B. 11.2:7
McDaniel Henry 14.\:2 Ramey \3.1:3 Wanza
8.\:9 Wm. 13.2:4
McDay Keit 13.1:3
McDermott James \1 .2:_
McDonald A.R. 14.1:1 John W. 9.1:5 Liley
10.\:10 Marcus 10.1: 10
McDonnell John W 9.1:12 Mary E. 9.1 :12
McDowall 10.2:8 Joseph 10.1:11
McDowell 4.4: I A.M. 9.1 :7' 9.2:2 Alexander
M, 5.2:11; 7.1:9; \0.1:11 Joseph 7,1:8; 10.1:1\
McDuffee George 13.1:2
McDuffie Bob 13.\:2 William K 4.1:4
McDurkin George 7.2:8
McElduff Mc 13.1:8
McElhaney R. B. 7. I:3
McElmore Addelle 4.4:5 Vera Addelle 4.4:5
McElroy ME. 12.2:4 M.J. 12.2:4 M.i\-!.
McElwreatb A.M. 8.2:3
McEntire Thomas L 3.3:5
McFadden 2.2:6
McFarland 9.1: 10 Charlie BrOlVn4.1:4 D.C.
2.2:4; 14.1:11 D.F 14.1:11 DanielF 7.1:12
DavidC. 7.1:12 Henrietla7.1:12 J.e 14.1:11
1.T 14.1:11 James 13.2:4 James Thomas
4.1:4; 7.1:12 Jolm8.1:4; 11.1:8.9 JohnC
7.1:12 Mary7.1:12 Robert 8.2:6 Susanna
.Jane 9.2:7 Thomas BenlOn 4.1:4 Wm. S. 7.1: 12
McGaughey John 3.3:6; 1 J.l :8,9
McGaw Wm.9.2:11
McGee D.F 8.2:10 James 13.2:4 L. 8.2:10
M. 11.1:8 .M.H. 9.1:10 Miccljah 11.1:7,9;
11.2:7; 13.2:5 Thomas 11.1 :7; 11.2:6,7
McGehee John W. 3.2:5
McGivern Clauding 7.2:7 Claudius 7.2'7
McGoff Louisa Harrison McCorkle 9.1:7
McGrath Richard 8.2:4
McGregor lno. 9.1:10 WT 9.1:10
McGrew 2.3:3; 4.2:5 Alex 9.1:9 Alexander
14.1:3 Cebelle7.1:3 1.C 9.1:9 John 4,3:5;
11.1 :7; 11.2:3: \3. 1:4,5; 14.1:3 John e 2.4:6;
7.1.3; 11.1:7; 13.1:5 John Clarke 13.1:5
Livinia H 14.1:3 Mary Eli:::abeth 10.2:9 Wm.
McGrew's Ferry 4.2:5: 7.1:3
McGrew's Shoals 2.3:3
McG uire W. W .3:
McHaney Lillie 11.2:5 May 11.2:5
McIlroy Wm. R. 13.2:4
Mclnish 13.2:4
Melones N 5.2:8
McIntire Thomas L. 3.3:6
Mcintosh Andrew 12.1: I Annie 9.2:6
Caroline 12.1:9 Dave 12.1: \1 Jim 13.1:2 Joe
12.1: 11 John 7.2:5 Nathaniel F. 9.2:9; 12.1:2
Parris .1:10 RobertaL. 12.2:12 Sam 11.2:11;
13.1:6 Sol 13.1 :6 olomon 12.1: II Stephen
8.1:11 Thomas P. 12.2:12 Tom 13.1:6 Zach
7.2:5; 13.2:3
McKae John 7.1 :9
McKandree W. 5.1:2
McKee Wm. 5.\:2
McKemie family 3. :4 Phillip 3.4:4
McKeraU family 3.4:3
McKinley 1. 11. 2.2:3 Jack on 10.2: 10 Lamb
10.2:10 Patsy 10.2:10 Sol 10. :\0.11 oloman
McKinley, Ala. 2.2:2,3,4,5,6; 2.3:3,4,5; 3.1 :6'
3.3:4; 4.1 :3,5; 4.2:3; 43.3,46; 4.4:4,5; 7.2:7,
10.2:9; 11.2:3, 12 I: II; 12.2.6 13.2'1 J;
14.1:11' 14.2:7,11
McKinley Beat/Pet. of Marengo Co. 7.2. J2:
10.1:5,6.7: 12.2'2
McKinley Church 4.3: I
McKinley Div. of Sons of Temperance 12.2:6
McKinley Hotel 3.1:6
McKinney B. 10.2:8 Wm. 11 1:8
McKinsey Janelf 13.1:3 Lemuel 13.1:2
McKinster Adeline 13.1:2
McKnight Wil! 10.2: 10
McLelland 7.1:7
McLemore Emma 14.1: John 14.1:5
McLeod 10.2'8 family 3.4:3; 12.2: 10 J
Wright 10.2:9 Malcomb 14.2:4 Neil 10.1:3;
12.2: 10 Noman 13.2:4 Robert 14.2:4 Thomas
9.1:10 WilIiamF. 1.2:4 William I. 14.2:4
McLoskey Phillip 13.1:5
McLoud Thomas 9.1: 10
McLure Ivy 13.2:11 Lucretia 13.2:11
McManess .M. 5.2:2 R.H. 8.2:9 R.I. 8.2:10
R. . 5.2:2 TC.5.2:2 W.A. 8.2:10 WB.8.2:10
McManus C { 13.2:12 James M. 7.2:9
Narcis4.3:4 S.B. 14.1:1 TomD. 12.2:8
McMedor Julia B. 4.3:2
McMillan 5.2:8 F.N. 2.2: N.A. 2.2:4 Pcarlie
14.2:8 S. 13.2:4 S. C 9.2:7 TN. 2.2:5;
McMillay Mary P. 12.2: 12
McMiller 7.1: 12
McMiller Drugstore 7.1'12
McNair Ann 10.2:3 B. 10.2:3 Barbara
11.l:11 Eliza 10.2:3; 11.1:11 John3.3:5
McNeale Archd A. 11.1:8
McNeill A.A. 4.4:1' 13.1:4 Charles P. 12.2:8
Dick 13.1:6 E.G. 7.2:10 F.A. 2.2:3,5; 3.1:3;
5.2:8; 8.2:5; 12.2:10 Fr derick A. 12.2:11
M./i 4.4:1; 5.2:8; 12.2:10 Webster 13.1:11
McNider 1.s. 11.1:6
McNiell Archibald A. 10.1: 12 !vf.H 5.2:7
McNorton 7.2:7
McPbail Hugh 7.2:2,3; 12.2: 12 MalY R.
McPbaill Hugh 14.1 :8,9 Mary R. 52: 10
William W 5.2: 10
McPhaiUe Caroline 14.2.2 Hugh 14.2:2
McPhersoo George 13.1:9
McRae Annabella Stur Iwick 11.2: 10
Corinne E. 10.2:8 D. 7.1:6 Daniel 10.2:7
Duncan 7.2:6; 11.1:3 /I.e. 14.2:5 Henry
11.2: I0 Henry e. 9.2:7: 11 2:9 l.S 11.2: 10 1.
2.2:6 J. W 2.2:3 John 10.2:8; 1 .2:4; 14.2: II
Josephine 2 2:2,5,6, 9.2:7' J0.2:8; 11.2:9 Lula
3.4:4 Pauline 11.2.10 Sopltia9.2:7.1l.2·1O
McRea Jim 13.1:3
John 2.3:3 Josephine 14.1:7
McRee Caroline 13.1:3
McSpeed family 3.4:3
McTorney 13.2:12
McTyre A. 8.2:6
McWilliams, Ala. 4.4:3
Meacham Ann ((e I 1.2:2
Meador DJ 12.2:2 Liley E. 10.2:3
William 0 ) 0.2.3
Meatbers .las. I J.I:7 John 11.1:9
Meero Peter 3.3:6
Melsoll 10.2:8
Meltier BasiI4.3:6
Melville Til. 5.2:8
Memorial Gardens emetery 9.2:1; 10.1:1
Menaeos A. 11.2: [ I
Mendeoball Vivian W 122'8
Meredith Jesse 10.1:7
Merewether J.B. 9.2:1 [; 13.2:2
Meriwether family 3.4.4 J.B. 13.2:3
Merrell William 5.2:6
Merriweather George [ 1.1:6
Merriwether 1.8. 11.1: 12
Meslier 2.3:2 Basi/4.3:6
Meslin BasiI4.3:6
Mevrick Crawford 10. [:6 Frank 10.1:6 Katie
10.1 :6
Micen James Roy 8.2:6
Michael Agnes 4.3:4 e. 2.2.5 e.E. 7.2: 10
Chas. E. 4.3:4 Charles Ed 4.3:5 Claude 4.3:4
G J. 2.3:5 George 1. 4.1 :4; 9.2:3 Ida J. 9.2:3
.f. 2.2:4; 2.3:5; 11.1:2 Jacob 2.2:3; 4.3:5;
11.2:6,11; 12.2:3 James R. 9.1:5 Josephine
An anda 11.2: 1 J Margret 1t.2: 11 WE. 7.2: J 0
William Eugene 4.1:4
Michigan 1.I:5
Miles CJ 4.2:5; 7.1:3 Caleb 1. 11.1:6
Margaret 10.1:6 Wm.13.1:2
Military Club I 1.1: 12
Miller 42:3 family 3.4: A.A. 11.1:2
Andrew M 9.1:5 Clf 3.1:4 C. W 9.1:7
Calherine 7.2:7 Charle £.9.[:11 Charles H.
10.2:9 Charley 11.2:5 Edwin A. 13.2:9
EmmaC 10.2:4; 11.1:10 EvaJane4.3:5 G.G.
14.1:8 George 0 8.1:4 1.A. 13.l:6 1.M 9.2:9;
13.1:11; 14.2:8 Jacob 2.2:3 JesseC 13.1:9
John 12.1:9 Joseph 10.2.4' 11.1: I0 Laura
Virginia 9.1:7 Leon 9.1:5 Robert 7.2:7
Robert.!. 7.2:7
Millers, Ala. 3./:4;4.1:5:9.1:5; 10.2:9; 12.2:8
Mills 8.2:5 A.M.; 2.3:6; 9.2:3
Milstea William Jackson 4.1:4
Milvel TN. 5.2:8
Mims Livingston 72:7
Minchew John 10.2:7
Minge 4.2:5; 10.2:8. 13.1.2,3 B.C. 13.1:2
Bessie 10.2:9 Dm·id2._:6; 2.3:3; 10.2:9;
13.1:2; 14.1:7,10 Elvira 10.2:9 G.WN. 2.2:5,6
Go. 13.1.2 George WH 14.1:7 John 12.2:5
John If 9.2:9 John J-J nry 10.2:9 Margaret L.
Minnesota 1.1:5 St. PauI9.1: II
Minshall 2.2:4
Minshew John 11.1:8
Mississippi 4.2:2; 4.3:5; 4.4:3,5; 5.1 :3,5;
5.2:!1; 8.1:2,3; 9.2:12; 10.2:2,4; 111:1I;
12.1 :6,11; 12.2:2, \1; 13. t :2,9,10 Ab rdeen
9.1:6 Alcorn Co. 8.2:5 Balton 9.1:4
Bridgeville 5._:5 Calhoun Co. 12.1: 1,2 Carroll
Co. 3.4:4 Choctaw Co. 12.2:6 Clarke Co.
8.2:10; 12.2:4 Collimbus4.J:6; 14.1:11
Corinth 8.2:5 Dalevi/le l3.1:7 Deer Creek
11.2: 10 Greene Co. 10.2:4 Harrison Co.
14.1:5 Hindv Co. 72:7 Holmes Co. 3.4:4
Kemper Co. 9.\:7 Lamonts 12.\: 11 Lauderdale
Co. 3.J:4; 10.2:4; 13.1:7; 14.\:6 Leak Co.
10.2:3 Lee Co. 10.2:4 Lawn es Co. 3.4:4; 8.2:5
M di on Co. 10.1:10 Marcella 14.\:11
Marshall Co. 5.1:3 Meridian 2.3:5; 4.3:3;
9.1:5; 12.1:10; 14.1:12 Mississippi City 10.2:3
Noxubee Co. 13.1:8 Oakville 9.1:5 Ofahoma
10.2:3 Oxford 3.4:4 Seo// Co. 8.2: II
Shllqllalock 4.2:4 State Line Station 10.2:4
Tishomingo Co 8.2:5 Toomsuba 10.2:4 Tupelo
10.2:4 Vickvhurg 9.1:5 Washington 5, 1:2
Missouri 1.1 :5; 4.4:3; 9.1:7 linton 9.1:4
Cole Co. 4.1:3 Greene Co. 9.1:7 Huntsville
4.1:3 Jefferson City 4.1:3 Randolph Co. 4.1:3
Mistletoe Farm (plantation) 14.2:5
Mitc- family 3.4:3
Mitchell 7.2:8: 10.2:8 fi mily 12.2:10 Charles
11./:7,8' 13.2.5 Cheney 10.1:5 H.B.8.2:IJ;
14.2:4 HelllY B. 3.2:5; 7.1 :9; 8.2:4; 11.1 :3;
l3.2:5 Jacob 3.3:6; 4.3:6; 8.2:4; 11.1 :3,9;
13.1:5; 14.1:3 Jeremiah 2.4:5; 8.2:7; 12.2:10
.lohn 14.2:5 K. y. 11.1:5; 14.1: II
Karenhappll h 12.2:10 L. 11.2:8 Louisa 14.2:4
Mary 13.2:5 Maurice 13.1:2 Mehetable 14.1:3
Murray B. 9.1:5 R.M. 14.2:4 Rob. 9.1:9
Rob rt 11.1:9 W G. 8.1:7
Mitcbell (W.G.) Lumber Company 8.1.7
Mitcherson John 8.2:7; 10.1:7 Lucretia 10.1:3
Rachel 10.1:3 Zimri 10.l:3
Mobile, AJa. 1.2:6; 5.1:3: 7.1:6; 7.2:7; 8.1:2;
8.2'7; 9.2.12; 10.1:9; 10.2:3,5,8,12; 11.1:6;
11.2:6,11: 12.2:12; 13.1:2,5; 13.2'8; 14.2:5,7,9
Mobile Co., Ala. 2.3:4; 7.2:9; 8.1 :7; 8.2:7;
t 1.2:6: 12.I:JO,11; 12,2:4; 14.1:5
Mobley fami~V 10.2: I Alice 10.1: I 0 Allen
2.4:6,4.2:5; 7.2:6; 10. J : 10; J 1.1 :8.9 eorge
10.2:11 Sam 13.1:3
Mobly Allen 11.2:7 W M. 13.2:9
Modawell M,B.2.2:2,5 AI/1. 2.2:5 WB. 3.3:4;
8.2:5; J 1.l:5 William B. 2.3:5; 3.2:6; 10.2:5,6
Modewell WE. 2.2:3
Monaghan AdaIine 12.2:4 DavidA. 7.2:2;
J0.2:6 FS. 2.2:4 MQlY 10.1:6 Silas J 10.2:6
Thomas S. 12.2:4 William 12.2:3
MonagholJ George W 13.1:8 Jas. 13.1:8
MQ/yA. 13.1:8 NancyM. 3.1:8 R.N 13 1:8
Sarah 13.1:8
Moncreff S. 9.1: 10
Monegban Daniel 5.1:2
Monier Francois 2.4::- HA 9.1.8
Moniere PauI2.4:4
Monigan 4.2:6 DavidA. 4.2:5
Monigan's Beat of Marengo Co. 4.2:6
Monk family 3.2:4 Susan 8.2:11 Wood F
44'1; 10.1:12
Monnier H.A. 8.1 :11; 1\.1: 12 Henry Augustin
4, 1:4 J E. 11.1: L James Taylor 9.1 :5
Monroe Co., Ala. 4. J:5; 9.1:6; 10.1 :9' ILl: 11;
Monroeville, Ala. 4.1:5
Monroux A 13.2:4
Montague EmilyE 13.1:8 R bert V 7.1:9;
11.1:3,4; 13.1:8
Montana Red Bluff9.1: 11
Montes 5.2:7
Montgomery family 3.4:4 Annie t 1.2:5
.lamesA.ILI:3 L.14.1:5 11w:vI2.1:9
Montgomery, Ala. 3.3:2; 4.1 :4; 7.2:10; 8.2:3;
9.2:12; 10.2: ; 14.1:2,11
Montgomery Co., Ala. 4.1:4,5; 7.2:10; 9.2:5;
Montgomery Hill 4.1:4
Montigie Edward 7.2:7
Montpelier, Ala. 14.2: 11
MODZouke Loui a 10.1: 10
Moody Anderson E 12.1:2; 12.2:10 Betsey
13.1: CA. 12.1:2 G.M. 5.2:7.8 Jane 7.1:4
.!'vl 5.2:7 Smith 7. 1:4 Y M. 7.1:7: 12.2:6
YOllng At 11.1 :3; 132.10 Young Marshall
ILl :1
Moon JR. 12.2:2
Moore 2.2:4; 4.2:6; 10.2'8 family 3.4:3,4
Alexander 10.1 :7; 14.1:3 Alexander H. 7.1:8
A(fi'ed ILl :7,9 Andrew 1. 9.1: 11 Anna 14.1:3
Arthur 11.1:8 Azuba 9.1: I! B. 13.2:4 Benton
10.1:7 C 14.1:1 C.F 2.2:2,5 c.L. 9.2:7 e.W
11.2: 11 Carrie 4.2:3 Catherine 9.1: 11 Cealey
14.1: Charles 9.1: 11 Clay 5.2:2 leveland
12.2:8 Cornelius 11.2: II; 14.2: to Curtis 4.2:3
David£. 7.1:8 Edward 12.1:2 Eli 13.1:2
Elizabeth 14.1:3 Emily J. 122:6 Emma 9.1: 11
Ernest 8.1 :8; J 1.2:11 Eva 13.1:3 Ezekiel
14.1:3 FannvM.13.2:6 FannyS.II.2:10
Franklin II.i:7 HH 7.2:3 Henry 7.1:3 Holly
14.1:3 l.A. 7.1:6 Isaac 13.2:4 J. 2.2:4 JD.
13.1:3 J.L. 12.2:6 .J. W 4.3:2.6 James S.
11.1:7,9 1110. A. 2.2:3 .Jno 0. 5.2:8 Joe 10.1:6
John R. 9.1:5 los. 9.2:4 Joseph 3.1:6
Joseph L. 12.2:6 Joseph W 10.1: 10 ludge
14.2:4 Lodwick 8.2:7 Marcus D. 11.1:9 Mary
12.1:10 Mat 13.1:3 Matilda 14.1:3 Minnie
4.4:3 Nat 7.2:7 Nelly 14.1:3 Noah 5.2:2
Oliver P. 9.1: II Penelope 14.1:3 Polly [2.2:4
R.C. 7.2:3; 10.1:7 Rob!. 10.1:7 RoberLe. 2.4:6
Rhodk. R. 1J .1 :7 Roderick R. 2.4:6 Sarah
4.4:3; 14.1:3 Sid4.3:2 Sidney4.4:3 Thos. H
7.2:3 Viola 4.3:2 WB. 14.1:1; 14.2:3 WP.
92:4 William J 8.1:8 Wilmot 9.1: 11
Wm. HR.H 11.\: 11 Wright 14. J:3
Moore (vessel) 14.2:9
Moores (Dr.) 4.2:6 Wilham B. 7.1:9; 7.2:3
Mooring H B. 13.1:6
Mooris Wm. 5.2:8
Mooser I.A. 9.1: I Susan E. 9.1: 12
Moreland James 13.1:5
Moreno jamily 3.2:3
Morgan .1'1miiy 1.1:5; 3.4:4 Albert G. 9.1:5
AlfordJ 9.2:7 Alfred K. 9.1:5 Alice 10.2:4;
li.I:IO c.F. 8.2:10 Carl /3.1:]1 Charles
8.1:2 Delia J2.2:9 Elizabeth 1.1:56; 7.2:12;
9.1:2 Emiy9.2:7 George 9.1:2 Gertrude
McCorkle 9.1:7 Hemy W 14.1: 11 Ida 13.1: II
Jack 5.2:2 lames 5.2;7,8 Jamesc. 14.1:10
James S. 4.2:6 .John 7.2:6 Joseph 9.2:11 Lizzie
12.2:9 LlicyA 14.1:10 lvfJ 9.1:12 M.R.
8.2: 10 Me~il 7.2:2; 8.1:2 Moses 13.1:6 Myrtle
13.1:11 R.A.2.2:5,6;3.l:3 R.N.14.1:11 R.S
2.2:2 Rebecca 7.1:12 Robert A. 2.3:6 Susie
13.1:11 Tho J. 8.1:8 WG. 8.2:3 Wo. 14.1:5
William 10.2:4; 11.1: 10 William Carr 4.1.4
Zack 8.2:10
Morgan, Ala. 1.1:5
Moring family 1.1:5
Morisett G. W: 14.2:10
Morris famil} 3.4:4; 7.2.1 112'\0 Annie
4.2:4 Annie E. 11.1'2 E.G. 12.1:2 Elijah
8.2'7; 1l.1:7 Florellce LOllg 14.1:2 George W
7.1:10 Helena4.2:3 Joe 5.2:2 10hn 11.1:8,9;
11.2: IlL on 11.1: 12 William 4.3:5; 11.1: 12;
11.2:2; 13.2:10
Morrisett George W 10.2:6' 13.2:9; 14.2:3
Morrisette Cemetery 7.2: 12
Morrison Angus R. 2.4:5 Hugh L. 2.4:5 R.C.
Morrow Baylus 1OJ:9 Frank 10.1:9 George
10.1:9 P 9.2:4; 10.1:9 Phineas 9.2:3 Robert
Prossner 13.1:9 SamlJeI9.1:9; 10.1:9
Morton e.s. 10.1:8,9 D.P. 8.2'10 Nathan
Morvin Sarah Kimbrough 12.1: II
Morvin, Ala. 4.1:3,5; 4.3:3; 12.1: 11
Moscow, Ala. 3.1 :3; 4.2:6: 13.1:5' 14.1 :2;
Moseley Jack 13.\:3 Marion Martin 4.2:4
Moses Gratz A. 9.2:7 Sallie 9.2:7
Moss 13.2:9 Joseph /0.1:12
Mott Lovelace 9.1:9
Moulley J 13.2:4
Mounger 13.1:7 W.H 10.2:8 William H 3.2:5
Mounier H.A. 2.3:6
Mt. Maria Academy 10.2:8
Mount Pleasant Association 13.2: 1
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church 14.2:5
Mount Pleasant Church 14.2:5
Mount Pleasant Meeting House 4.2:6
Mount Sterling, Ala. 4.1:5
Mount Vernon, Ala. 3.3:2; 12.1:11
Mozange 0. 7.1:6
Muckle A. 7.1:7 DC. 7.1:7
Mulga, Ala. 12. J: 11
Mum Peter 3.3:6
Murfee E.H 11.2:8 James W 2.2:5
MUl'phey 7.1:6
Murphy 13en8.2:10 Felix 9.1:9; 12.1:6 Moses
4.3:5 William 2.3:6; 9.2:6
Murray Pntdence 10.1:3 William 10.13
Murry 8.2:7 Sarah .2:7
Mussina 13.2:4
Myers George W. 7. 1:9
Myrick James Russell 9.1 :5
My.·t'ewood, Ala. 4.1 :3; 4.2:3; 4.3:4; 4.4:4;
7.2:9; 8.2:2; 9.1:5; 12.2:2,7,8; 13.l:5
MyrtJewood Pet. of Marengo Co. 12.2:2
Nanafalia, Ala. 1.1 :5; 2.2:3.4,5; 3.1 :3;
4.1 :3,4,5; 4.2:2,3,4,6; 4.3:6; 5.1: 1; 7.2:6,9;
9.1:45; 10.2:1.3.4,9; 11.l:2; 12.1:10,11;
12.2:7,8; 13./:4; 14.2:8,11
Nanafalia Beat/Pct. of Marengo Co. 4.2:6,
Nanafalia & Bashi Road 14.2:8
Nanafalia & Gays Landing Road 11.1:2
Nanafalia Baptist Cburch 10.2: 1
Nanafalia Bluff 4.2:6
Nanafalia Cemetery 4.2: 1
Nanafalia Road 9.1:8
Nanafalia Scbool 11.1:2
Nance R.D. 7.1:6
Naper Richard G. 14.2:3
Napier 13.1:2 Js. 11.2:9 J WS. 5.2:7; 7.2:4;
10.1:3 Jno. Ws. 5.2:7 JuliaL. 10.2:4; ILl:1O
.IuliaS. 10.2:4 Lem 3.1:2 N.c. 10.2:4;
11.1:10 R.C.4.3:6 Robert R. 13.1:4; 14.1:7
Nash Henry 1\.2:4 John H. 10.1: II Marvil
National LiJe Insurance Company 8.2:6
Naylor Vivian B. 9.1:5
Neelly family 3.4:3,4 Hemy Franklin 3.4:4
Neely 13.2:9 Arthur V 13.2:6 J.W 8.2:10
Julia Ann 13.2:6 Thomas 10.2:2
Negan JM 5.2:2
Neilson Cntse C. 12.1: 10
Nellim LiVingston 7.2:7
Nelms Adolphus 9.1:8 EL 13.2:6 WA. 13.2:6
Nelson Ann 11.2:7 B.M 8.2:6 Dave 1 .1:
David 7.1:5 Elisha 13.2:6 Eliza 13.2:6 Frank
13.1:2 G.E.2.3:4 Hugh 2.2:6 J.J. 2.2:4
Jardin 11.2:7 Mary A. 12.1:2 Naboth 9.1: 10;
1 L.2:7 R.M. 8.2:6 Samuel F 12.2:8 Sarah L.
5.1:5 WR.8.2:6 William 12.1:2
Nettles Abram 7.1:3 Ann 11.2:2 Elizabeth
11.2:2 H. 10.2:8 Harvey 10.2:8 Hez kiah
8.2:11; 10.2:3; 11.2:2; 14.2:3 JamesH 10.2:3;
11.2:2 Joe 8.2:10 John R. 10.2:3; 11.2:2
Joseph H 10.2:3; 11.2:2 Martha 11.2:2 Sarah
11.2:2 Susan 11.2:2 Tabitha 11.2:2 William A.
10.2:3; 11.2:2
Nettlesborougb. Ala. 10.2:3
Neven family 7.2: 11
Nevians family 7.2:11
Nevill 7.1:6
Nevins family 7.2: 11 Harriett 7.2: 11 Nancy
Ellen 7.2: II Virginia Lee 7.2: II
evric Crawford 10.1:6 Frank 10.1:6 Katie
ewberg Mary 8.1:2 William 8.1 :2
Newbern Cemetery 8.2: 1
Newbolt Thomas G. 11.2:6
New Burn, Ala. 11.2: 10
Newcomb F.D. 12.1:12
Newgen John 7.1:3
New Hampshire 4.4:3
Newbouse 8.1: II B. 13.2:4 S.H. 11.1: 12
New Jersey £Ii=abeth City 9.1 :II Newark
11.1 :3
New Ruin, Ala. 2.3:3: 12.2:6
Newson William 3.3:5
Newton family 1.1:5 Asa Bishop 9.1:7
9.1:7 Ebenezer9.1:7 Ebin 7.2:6 Elizabeth
9" 1:7 Hannah 9.1:7 JM. 8.2:3 James 9.1:7
Jane9.1:7 MwyAnn9.1:7 Nancy9.1:7
Nathan N. 4.1:4 Pebe 9.1:7 Richard 9.1:7 S. T
2.3:3'3.2:5 Salem 9.1:7 SalemT 13.2:10
Stephen 9.1:7 Susannah 9.1:7 Willis 7.1 :9;
New York 3.1 :4; 4.1 :6; 4.3:2,4; 8.2:4
Cornwall 9.1 : I 1 Long Island 10.2:5 Middleton
9.1: II New York City 9.2: 12; 14.1:6 Orange
Co. 9.1:11
Nichola Alice 13.1:10 Wm.l0.2:8
Nicbolls William 11.1 :7,8
Nicbollson Wm. R. 11.1:9
Nichols 7.1:3 family 3.2:4 Alice 10.24;
11.1:l0; I .1 :10 Ann 10.2:4; 1 t.l:10 Calvin
10.2:4; II.l: 10 Catherine 10.2:3,4; 11.1: 10
Darcus 10.2:4; ILl: I 0 Elizabeth 10.2:4;
11.1:10 Ellen 10.2:4; ILl:1O Ellen 10.2:4;
11.1:10 FredStone 12.2:8 C.F 11.1:6; 14.1:8
Han'ey 11.1:10 Hanley 10.2:4 JE. 11.1:6 JL.
14.2:5 James 10.2:3,8; 11.1:10; 12.2:5
James A 10.2:3,4; 11.1: 10 James P. 9.1:5
Jane 10.2:4; 11.1:10 JohnL. 10.2:3; 11.1:10
Martha M.A. 7.2:5 Minerva 11.\: 10 Moses
10.2:4; 11.1:10 Rachel 10.2:4; 14.1:3 Rebecca
10.2:4; I 1.1:1 0 Samuel 10.2:4' 11.1:1 0 Susan
10.2:3 WA. 7.J:3 W T 10.2:4; 11.1: 10
William 10.2:3; 11.\: 10; 14.1:3 Wm. A. 10.2:4"
11.1:10 Wm. N. 7.2:5; 10.2:3; 11.1:6,10
Nicholson A.C. 9.2:4 JC 14.2:3 James C.
3.1:3 M.e 2.2:3 SamueI2.2:6
Nicbolsville, Ala. .2:2; 4.1:4,5; 4.2:2,3; 4.3:4;
4.4:3,45;9.1:45'10.2:1; 11.1:1, 12.2:2,7,8
Nicolson Wm. R. 9.1: 10
Niolan A.H. 11.2:2 Alice H. 11.2:2
Nivens family 7.2: II
Nixon JD. 2.2:4 Wm. C. 2.2:4
Noble Calvin 3.1:3
Nobles Hemy 10.1:6 John Henry 10.1:6 Tena
Noland William An'ie 12.2:8
oling Wm. J 13.2:4
Norad Sami. 9.1:9
Nored family 3.4:3 B. W 11.1:12 Jas. L.
14.2:5 MalY 12. J:2 Samuel M.. 12.1:2
Norfleet John 13.1:3
Norris 10.2:8 family 3.4:4; 1/2: 1 5.2:8 D.
7.1:3 E. H 2 2:6 Francis Marion 4.1:5
Lucretia J.l:5 Rial 7.2:6; 8.2:7 SL. 8.2:7
W.O 8.2:7
North Anna9.1:12 HemyC. 9.1:12
North Carolina 3.2:3; 3.4:4; 4.2:3,4; 4.3:2;
5.1:3,4,5; 8.2:11; 10.1 :5,6; 10.2:4,8; J2.J :8;
13.1:8 Anderson Co. 4.1:3 Anson Co. 3.3:3;
3.4:3,4; 4.1: ; 7.2: 1 Cedar HiIl4.1:3 Charlotte
3.4:3 Craven Co. 4.4:6; 13.1:5 Duplin Co.
4.1:3 Everilsville 13.1:7 Gol sboro 4.1:5
Granville Co. 12.2:3 Haywood Co. 5.1:1
Johnston Co. 10.2:8 Kinston 4.1:5 Leaksville
3.4:3 Lenoir Co. 4. J:5 Lincolnton 4.1:5
Lincolnton Co. 4.1:5 Mecklenburg Co. 4.4:6;
5.1:3,4 Mosely 4.1:5 Newbern 4.4:6; 7.1:12
Port ofNewburn Dis!. 4.4:6 Randolph Co.
3.1:4; 7.2:9 Rowan Co. 4.1:3 Salisbwy 4.1:3
Wadesboro 4.1:3 Warren Co. 4. J:5 Warrenton
4.1:5 Warsaw4.1:3 Wayne Co. 4.J:5
Nortbrup 22:4 J.L. 12.2:6
Norton 11.2:7 TJ. 2.2:4 Walter 4.2:2
Norwood A. 13.2:4 A.C. 12.1:11 Allen C.
12.2:8 Allen G. J4.2:3 AlienS 8.1:3; 13.1:8
Ann 8.1:3; 13.1:8 Anna 13.1:8 Annie 14.2:4
CadI2.!:Jl; 13.1:11 Easter 13.1:3 Geo.7.1:3
Gertrude 8.1:3; 9.2:7; 13.1:8 Hattie Eppe
4.3:3 J. W 2.2:3 Jacqueline 1 .1:8 James E.
8.1:3; 13.1:8 John 4.3: ; 13.1:8 Jno. D. 8.2:4;
14.1:6 John W 8.1:3; 14.2:4 KW 12.1:11
Leah E. 8.1:3 Mary 4.2:4 Nathaniel 7.1 :9;
9.2:5; l1.I:9; 13.1:5 Puff I 1.1:6 RebeccaG.
11.2:7 Samuel 8.1 :3; 10.2:7' 13.1:8 Samuel G.
13.1:8 Susan Charlotte 14.1 :2,3 Ws. 2.2:4;
14.1:8 Wm. S 8.2: LI
Norwood (plantation) \0.2:9
Nosworthy 11.2:4 Lula 11.2:4 R. r 11. :4
Nugent Adlai 12.1:11
Null Franci C. 9.1:5
Oakchia, Ala. 4.2:6
Oakland (plantation) 12.2: 11
Oakley Emily 9.2:4 J. W. 9.2:4 Jennie 9.2:4
William 11.1:8 William A. 11.1:9
Oakridge Methodist Church 1.1:5
Oates 14.2:9
Obering 7.2:8 Edward L. 8.2:4 F W
2.2:3,4,5; 7.2:7; 12.2:3 George F 8.2:4
O'Bering Deane 4. :3 Margaret4.3:3
O'Connor P.E. 2.3:6; 11.1:10; 11. :8; I .1:2
Octagon, Ala. 4.1:45; 4.2:2,3,4; 4. :2,4; 4.4:4;
9.1:4; 10.1 :5; 12.1 :9, I J; L2.2:2,7
Octagon Pct. of Marengo Co. 12.2:2
O'Donnel Abbie9.1:12 Belle9.1:12
Gardner H 9.1: 12 Marion S 9.1: 12 Simeon W
9.1: 12 William 9.1: 12
Oglethorpe John lv. 10.2:7 Tho. 11.1:7
Ogletree Catherine 13.2:7 James L. 13.2:7
John 2.3:3 William 12.2:6
Ohio 4.3:- Cincinnati 14.1:2 Hamilton
12.1:10 Helena9.1:4
Ohoope River 7. 1.10
Old Spring Hill, Ala. 3.1 :4; 3.4:4; 4.1 :3,4.5.
4.2:4; 4.3 :2,3,4; 4.4:3,5; 7.2:9; 9.1 :5,7; 9.2:9,12;
10.1:6; 12.1:5,9,10; 12.2:2; 14.1:2
Old Spring Hill Beat of Marengo Co. 10.1:5
Old Spring Hill Church 3.4:2
Old Union Cemetery 10.1:5
Oliver Elizabeth 14.2:8 R.A. 13.2:2 Richard
Andrew 4.1:5
O'Neal family 3.1:1; 3.2:3; 10.2:1 Adeline
10.1:10' 11.2:7 Althea 10.1:10 Bridges
10. :10: 11.1:7; 11.2:7 Eady7.2:6; 10.1:10;
L1.2:7 Elizabeth 10.1:10 Gales 10./:10
Gilbert 10.1:1 0; 11.2;7 Hilliard 10.1: 10 Jas.
Monroe 10.1: I0 Jennie 10.1: 10 Joseph G.
11.2:7 Leatha A. 11.2:7 Lucy 10.1: LO Lydia
LO.J:I0 Mary 11.2:7 Mollie 10.1:10 William
10.1:10; 11.1:9; 11.2:7
Oneill Osborn 5.2:2
Opelilrn, Ala. 9.1 :6; 12.1: 11
Oppenheimer Ben 2.2:4
O'Reilley Jno. C. 8.2: 11
O'Riley John 3.1:3 John C. 10.1:3
Orman Robert 8.1:8
Ormond J.J. 2.2:6 Tho. 7.1:7
Orr A.L. 2.2:3; 3. L:3 Amanda L. 3.1:6 Samuel
3.1 :3,6; 5.2:8; 7.2:7; 8.1 :8; 14.2:3
Orsmas Margaret Ann 13.2: 11
Osbolt Antony 4.3:3 Frank 4.3:3
Osborn 9.1:9 Esaras H. 13.2:4
Osborne Jim 13.1: T 13.2:8
Otey A.H. 10.2:6
Otis Henrietta 10.1:6 Wash 10.\ :6
Outlaw Carrie E. 12. I : L1 Lillie M. 12.1: II
Owen c.E. 13.1:3 John 13.1:2 S.E. 7.2:9
Owens Alec 14.2:5
Oxford Ala. 12.1:9
Ozbolt Annie 4.4:4
Pace 4.2:6 Allan I. V 8.2:3 Burdis 4.4:4
Chas. E. 8.2:3 Corrie L 8.2:3 John Smith
8.2:3 L.J. 8.2:3 Laurence J. 4.4:4 Sallie
Elizabeth 8.2:3 Silas 10.1:4
Pace's Landing 4.2:6
Pack Joseph 10.2:8: 13.\:5 W 10.2:8 Wm.
Page CageI' 8.1 :9, I0 Harriet 12.2:9 Thomas
11.2:11 William 12.2:9
Painter John 14.2:4 Man' 14.2:4 N.L. 7.!;3
R.D. Il.I:6 Robert 7.1:3 Thomas 14.2:4
Palmer E. 13.2:4
Pankey Sam/. II. 1:5
Parham Harriet G. 9.1: II; 11.2:7 Matthew
4.3:5:9.1:11; 11.1:7.8,9; 12.1:11
PariJ allde 4.3:5
Parish 10.2:8 SE. 9.2:6
Parker 9.1:9 family 34:4 Daniel E. 7.2:3
Dora 11.2:5 Doshi 11.2:5 Eli=a 8.1:2 Ella
Bessie e. 7.2:10 Lovick Edward 13.1:9 Vemon
Peakston JM 13.1:
Pearce Charle' Merritt 13.1:9 G.L. 12.2: 12
MaSlin 2.4:5
Pearl James 2.2:3
Pearson fami! 1.1 :5' 3.4:3; t 1.2: I (Col.) 4.2:6
BirdM 7.1:9; 10.2:7; 14.2:11 Henryl ll.l:7,8;
13.1:4 JamesM. 12.2:4 Leona,., 14.1:3 Mary
L. 12.2:4 Michael 14.1 :2,3 Rainey 14.1:3
Sarah Ann Lillis 11.2: I TH. 5.2:2
Peckham William J 82:7
11.2:5 Eula12.1:)1 Geo.I3.1:2 JE.8.2:3,4;
Peebles W.E 8.2:6
Peepers Jesse JI. 12.1:3
Pegram E.S 11.1:12 G.J 9.2:10 Geo. E.
10.1:8 George Edwin 4.1:5 Lou M 14.1:5 TF
14.1:5 W. E. 2.2:4,5; 7.1:5
Pegues ChristopherJ 10.1:11; 12.2:5 we
Pelham family 3.2:4
Pence 10.1:6 family 3.2:4 Anetta4.3:4 Chlls.
4.3:4 Chas. e. 4.3:4 David 14.2:3 David
Edward 4.4:6 E.A. 11.1.2 E.A. 14.1:6 M.A.
11.1:3 S.A. 2.2:5 Zulieka 4.4:6
Pendleton William M. 13.1:4
Penet John 13.2:4
Penington A br. 1l.l:8 Abraham 11.1 :7
Pennington 4.2:6 Minnie 4.4:3
Pennington's Beat of Marengo Co. 4. :6
Pennsylvania 10.2:6 Beaver Co. 3.4:4 Fayette
Co. 11.2:2 Gettysburg 7.2: 12 orthumb rland
Co. 10.2:6 Philadelphia 2.4:3.4 Uniontown
Peppenborst family 1.1:5; 3.2:4
Peppin Lessie P. 8.2:3
Peppinborst Henry 11.2:3
Perkins 2.2:4; 3.1 :6; 13.1:12 Be. ie 4.3:4
eic ro Emmet 4.1:5 Constantine 11.1:9 Dellie
10.1:5 E.J 13.2:2 Hem)' 12.2:8 Henry D.
10.2:5; 13.1:8 Isaac C. 9.2:6; 11.2:7 J B.
13.2:2 J.e. 8.2:6 Jas. B. 4.3:4 Joseph 3.3:5
Julia4.3:4 Lelia4.3:4 Lunsford 12.2:6
Mariah 10. J:5 Obadiah 4.2:6; 14.1:3 S.e.
I .1:6 Samps 10.1:5 Samuel F. 2.2:4,5; 3.2:5;
10.2:5 Sarah 12.2:6; 14.1:3 Sarah A. ] 0.1:3
Solomon 5.1:2 Susan M. 12.2:6 TA. 9.2:7
Telitha 13.1:8 W F. 2.2:5; 4.3:4 William 13.1:6
William E. 12.2:8 William F. 3.2:5; 7.2:7;
1 .2:6; 13.2:9,10
Perrett MQJyann 9. I: 10
Perry 14.2:8 Fannie 14.1:5 Grover B. 9.1:5
Horatio G. 11.1:8 JM. 9.1: I0 J WII.I:7
James 12.1:9 John 8.1:10 JohnB. 9.1:5
12.1: 11 Jacob 5.2:6 James 8.1:2 Mary 13.1:8
Ranie 1l.2:5 S H 4.4: 1 .. amantha 11.2:5
Sherod 3..3:6; 4.3:5; 14.1:3 Sherod H. 4.4: J:
11.1:9 Susan 7.2:3; lO.I:)I; 12.1:7 w.J 9.2:4
W J cob 13.2:11 WWI4.1:6 William 13.1:8
Wm. A. 14.2:5
Parks Landing 4.1 :3; 9.2:11
Parks Landing Road 9.2: II
Parnell Jessie Cook 4.1:5 John 5.2:2
Parr 2.2:3,4 John 4.1 :5; 10.1:2
Parrent Sally 9.1:7
Parrett family l.l :5
Parsons (Gov.) 3.3:3,4 Lewis E. 3.3:2
Ludlam M 12.1: 12 Nelson 11.1: J
Parten G.T 14.1:5 Ceo. T 7.1:3 James e.
12.2:8 John Manley 4.1:5 Lige S 9.1:5 M.E.
14.1:5 Manley 7.1:3 MQI)I Eliza eth 4.3:2
Robert James 4.1:5 Will R. 7.2:9
Partin Mark 9.2:7
Parton James M 13.2: II Jane 13.2: II Wm.
Pasley WHo 5.2:8
Pasteur Edward G. 11.1:9
Patillo Harrison S. 3.3:6
Patrick Ada 9.1:7 Elisha 3.3:6 JL. 8.2:10
Patten Alpheanna L. 5.1:5 Edgar W 10.2:3
Patterson family 1.1 :5; 3.4:4 Alfred N. 9.\:5
Amanda 10.1:5 Clarke P nn 3.4:4 Darius
13.2:3 Frances 13.1:2 Ira 14.2:3 John 14.2:11
Josephine 13.2:3 Mary 8.1 :2; 13.1:8 Richard
13.2:3 Thomas 13.1:8 Thompson 8.1:2
Patton Thomas 11.2:3
Paulding .2:6
Pauley Jack 11.2:7 Phillis 11.2:7
Paulting WK. 2.2:5,6 Wm. K. 11.2:2
Pa son' Mills, Ala. 12.2:1 I
Payne B. 9.1:9 Dennis 11.1:8 Derrel9.1:10
Samuel 8.1:6
Payne's Cbapel Churcb 4.3: I
Peacock A..J. 8.1: 11 Andrew Jackson 4.1:5
Lenora L 4.3:3 Mary 9.2:7 Nathan Wilson
3.3:5 Rowlalld W 9.2:7 Selina 10.1:10 Steve
Perry Bluff 4.1:4
Perry Co., Ala. 2.3:3,4,5;5.1:1,4; 7.1:12;
8.2:6' 9.1 :8; 9.2:8; 10.2:8,9; 11.2:7,10: 12.1 :2,7;
12.2:4,56; 13.1:8; 132:6; 14.1:6
Perryman B.M 2.2:4
PerseU Jefferson 7.1:6
Peteet Willis 2.2:5; 9.2:4
Peters N. W 8.2:6
Peterson 7.2:6 family 3.4:3,4
Petty Ewell 5.1 :2
Pfister Amond P. 3.3:5
Pfister Lodge #90 12.2:6
Pharis 13.2:4
Pbifer Barbara 8.2:11 Bettie 13.2:11
Charles H. 13.2: II Wm 3.1:6 Wm. B. 8.2:11
Philips Joseph 13.1:8; 13.2:4 Nehemiah 13.1:8
Robt. H. 11.1:8 T 9.2:11 Thomas 9.2: II
Phillips 7.1:6 family 1.1 :5; 3.2:4; 3.4:4 Ann
14.1:6 Ben). F. 4.3:2 Cobb 12.2:8 Ella 4.3:2
George B. 12.2:8 George W 7.2:6 J.c. 9.2:9
J.s. 7.2:5; 14.1:6 J.W 7.1:6,7; 13.1:6 James
Thomas Henson 7.2:5 Jno. W 7.1:6 L.B. 9.2:9
Maggie 14.1:6 Nehemiah 3.2:5 R.H. 14.1:6
Robert H. 4.3:2; 9.1: Sallie 12.1:9 Tom 13.1:3
Pickard Caroline 2.3:5 MD. 2.3:5
Pickens 4.2:6 Andrew J 8.1 :2; 13.\:8 Israel
8.1:2; 13.1:8 James .4:6;4.2:6;4.3:6;8.1:2;
11.2:6,7; 12.2:10; 13.1:8; 14.2:1l Jane 8.1:2:
13.1:8 Margaret 8.1:2; 13.1:8 Martha 8.1 :2;
13.1 :8; 13.2: 1 J Narcissa 8.1 :2; 13.1:8 Robert
8.1 :2; 13.1:8 Samuel 2. :4 Sarah M 8.1 :2;
13.1:8 WilliumH. 8.1:2; 13.1:8
Pickens Co., Ala. 5.1:5; 7.2:3
Pickens Mill, Ala. 2.2:4,5,6; 4.2:6; 4.3:6;
14. :11
Pickens Mill Beat of Marengo Co. 4.2:6
Pickering B.S. 2.2:5 Fanny 10.2:9 Moses
11.1:7,8 Moses Tf. 1l.1:9 Narce Riliu 9.1: 1 J
Narcorilla 8.1:3 R.R. 2.2:4; 2.3:4; 7.2:2; 9.2:3;
14.1:7 Richard R. 2.3:3; 3.2:5; 5.1 :5; 8.2:5;
10.\ :3,11; 14.2: \ .. s. 2.2:6; 9.2:3 Samuel
9.1: 11 Samuel S. 8.2:5
Pickett 4.2:6 California 12.1: II Ella 10.1:2
Frances 10.1:2 Jemima 0. 13.1:8 Joseph
10.1:2 Martha 10.1:2 Mary J 0.1:2 Nancy
10.1:2 Nelson 13.1:6 Reuben 2.2:3; 10.1 :2;
13.1:8 Virginia 10.1:2
Pickett's Beat 4.2:6
Pickins .lames 11.1:9
Pickring Samuel 7.1 :9
Pierce Dock 7.1:4 Mastin 3.3:6
Pigford Sallie M 10.2.4 TG 9.2:3
Thomas G. 10.2:4
Pigram W. E. 2.3:
Pike Co., Ala. 4.1 :3,5, 5.2:6
Pilgram George 9.2.12
Pillbox, Ala. 2.2:45
Pineville Pct. of Marengo Co. 12.2:2
Pine Hill, Ala. 4.1 :3,4; 9.1 :3,5; 12.1: 11
Pineville, Ala. 4.3:25,6. . 2:9; 12.2:7; 1 .2: 11
Pineville Beat of Marengo Co. 7.2: 12
Piohook, AJa. 4.2:6; 10.1: J I
Pipkin Elisha 1 1.1 :7
Pistole family 3.4:4 Coinan 7.1 :8; 10.1 :4.11;
11.1:8 Charles 3.4:4
Pitman 13.1:2,3 AI!redB.lI.2:10 Charlotte
11.2:10 Cl. L. 11.2:10 lreneLomax 11.2:10
Pittman 13.1 :2,4 Alfred 9.2:7 Charlotte 9.2:7
Pitts family 3.4:3 Cicero 10.1:6 Emanuel
10.1:6; 12.1:11 Laura 10.1:6; 12.1:11
Plantation Home, Ala. 4.1:5
Plass Johannes 3.\:5
Pleasant Grove Methodist Episcopal Church
Pleasant HiU, AJa. 12.2'6
Pleasant Hill Methodist Church 12.2:6
Pleasant Plains, AJa. 42:6; 4.3:6; 14.2: II
Pleon8, Ala. 9.1:4
Plumb William 13.2:4
Plump Peter 12.1:9 Phyllis 12.1:9 Sallie
PoeUnitz Amy 10.1:6 Charles A. 14.1 :7,11
Dilsy 13.1:3 J E. 72:4 Jane 12.1: 1J Julius E.
9.1:3 Julius I. 9.1:5 Lee 12.2:8 Leon A. 12.2:8
LUCinda 10.1:6 MQ/Y L.J. J4.1: 11 Mary R.
11.2: J I S. C. 11.2: 11 Sidney C. \ 0.1:8 Willis
10.1 :6
Poeloitz B.B. 2.2:5,6 C.A. 2.2:5,6; 2.3:4,5
E.A. 2.2:5 J. E. 2.2:5,6; 2.3:5 J.R. 2.2:5
JuliusE. 8.2:8; 10.1:11; 10.2:12; 14.1:7 Wess
Poindexter family 3.2:3
Pointer John 12.2:4 Lewis 8.2: 10 Mary 12.2:4
Thomas 12.2:4
Poke H.B. 9.2:11 Leffie 9.2:11
Poelnitz Mack 13. J:3
Pollard H. 12.1:2 Jacob 8.1:7 Julia 8.1:7
Pristina 13.1:7 Willard A. 9.1: 12
Pomeroy 7.1:6
Pond family .4:4
Pool ecil V. 7.1:6 SfephenF 2.3:4; 7.1:6;
12.2:5; 14. :3
Poole family 3.4:4 Corinne 10.2:8 J.K.c.
10.2:8 Ransom R. 10.2:8 Ridley 10.2:8 obert
Ransom 10.2:8 Susan 10.2:8
Pope family 3.2:4 Adeilia A. 13.1:8 Alexis B.
13.1:8; 13.2:11 Anders 12.1:3 Araminta E.
13.1:8 Britton 1. 13.1:8 Carolina 13.2.11
Celestia H 13.1:8 E.M 132:12 FE. 13.2:12
FrankA. 13.1:8 G.w. .2:10 George 8.2:10
Hemlone13.1:8 HubertC.12.2:8 HuldahB.
13.1:8 .I.E. 8.2: 10 1.F. 14.2:5 Jabez 11.1:9
John 11.1:8 John S. 13.1:8 Joseph FOlmtain
9.1:5 MGlY 13.1:8 Octavia1. I .1:8 Robert
13.1:8 SM. 14.1:8 SilasMorgan4.1:5 TC.
13.2:121:£.13.2:12 Thomas Eugene 9.1:5
Tom 4.2:3 Vastine 1. 13.1:8; 14.2:3 W.A.
8.2:10 W1.8.2:10 Willis 13.1:8
Poplar Bridge Creek 11.2:6
Port George 5.2:8
Port Clarion Landing 10.2:6
Porter D.C. 8.2: 10 IS. 3.1:3 John 11.l:7
Jno. S 14.2:3 Malinda 9.2:7 Mark 3.3:5" 9.1:9
Posey family 1.1 :5; 11.1: 1
Postoak 12.1 :3,4
Potter Thomas 3.3:6
Potts Ab. 11.1:7 1.M 2.2:6 Jane 14.1:3 John
14.) :3
PowelJ 2.2:4; 2.3:3; 4.2:6 Mary Gilchrist
14.1:12 W 13.2:8 William 3.3:5 William S
Powell's Creek 4.2:6
Powell's Creek Swamp 2.3:3
Powers 1.H 13.1:3 1. W 9.2: II Jane 11.2:4
John L. 13.1:2 John Leek 4.4:5 Mary
Cleveland 4.4:5 Oscar 11.2:4 Willie 1 .1:2
Prairie Bluff, Ala. 14.1:9
Prairie Creek 9.2:6
Prairieville, Ala. 3.1 :2; 4.2:6; 4.3:3; 7.1: I;
8.1:3: lO.2:7; 14.2:4
Prairieville Beat of Marengo Co. 4.2:6
Prairieville & Uniontown Road 12.2: 11
Pratt A. Y 7.2:6 D niel ) 0.2:8
Presnall Absalom 11.1:7
Pressly Israel 8.1:9
Prewitt Charles H 9.2:7 Priscilla 9.2:7
Zilpha 9. I : 12
Price Amy 13.1:4 Anny 13.1:4 Dennis 13.1:3
Edmond W 2.4:6 ent 13.1:3 HO 11.2:10
1.L. 2.3:3 JamesL. 10.1:11.1, rome 13.1:12
John 1. 8.2:10 Jo ephS. 9.2:4 M.G. 13.1:12
AlL. J 3.1: 12 Mattie 9.2:4 Minnie 9.2:4 Oscar
9.2:4 Pattie 1. 9.2:10; 13.1:12; 14.1:6 R.W
3.2:5; 13.1:12' 14.1:6,7 Reece 2.3:4 Robert W
9._:10: 14.1:7 Sarah 8.2:10 arah R. 7.2:6
Thomas 2.3:4 Thomas W 4.4: 1; 10.1: 11 WE.
5.2:8 William S. 4.2:6
Primrose V 13.2:4
Prince family 9.1:7 Calvin 11.2:4 Ed. 7.2:3
Edmund 2.3:4 Edmund A. L. 12.1:8 edward
7.2:3 Helen 11.2:9 1.T 13.2:1 Jessie 11.2:4
John H 2.2:2,4,5,6; 2.3:3; 3.2:5; 14.1:7 Mary
lO.1:6 MalYE. 12.1:8 OH. 8.2:11; 13.2:9
Oliv r H. 2.3:3,4; 3.2:5; 5.1:4; 9.1:7 Orrie
lO.1:6 Sarah 11.2:9 Sarah N. 8.2:6
Print Nathan Coop 4./:5
PI'ior Ferdenan 11.2: 10
Pritchard 1.H. 10.1:9 1.T 14.2:9
Pritchet Jeremiah 12.1:3 Mathew G. 10.1: II
Richard H 10.1: 11
Pritchett Andy 8.2: 10; 14.2:6 Bettie 8.2:6;
9.1:8 BurreIl8.2:lO c.c. 8.2:10 c..I. 5.2:2
Calvin 8.2: 10; 14.2:6 Connor 5.1:2 Dock 5.2:2
Eddie 4.3:3 Edmund 1. 14.2:3 Emma 10.1:6
Etta Gray 4.3:4 Francis 12.2:5 Frank 5.2:2;
14.2:6 General 5.2:2; 10.1:6 H. 3.1:3
Hemy Y. 8.2: 10 1. 1 .1:3 1.A. 14.2:6 J.J
14.2:6 James 3.1:3; 7.2:10; 1l.1:2; 14.1:8;
14.2:6 Jremiah5.2:11·7.1:4: 14.2:6 Jerry
5.2:2 Jo. 14.2:6 John 5.2:2 John C. 8.2:6:
9.1:8 Jno. E. 4.3:4 June 14.2:6 Lucy 10.1:6
Malone 5.2:2 Maranda 5.2: II; 14.2:6
Martha A. 3.1 :3; 4.3:4 Mathew 3.1:3
Mathew G. 7. 1:9; 10.1: 12; 10.2:6; 12.2:3
Morand 14.2:6 Moranda 14.2:6 P 14.2:6 R.
14.2:6 Richard H. 10.1:12 Robert 7.1:5; 14.2:6
Sharlolle 10.1:6 Thomas B. J 0.1 :12 Tom
14.2:6 Wm. 14.2:6 William F. 9.1:5 Willis
8.2:10 Young8.2:10
Privett A.D. 8.2:10 1.c. 13.2:2
Proctor SA. 12.2:5 Thomas 7.2:6
Prout 14.2:9 D.F 2.3:4,5; 7.2:4; 9.1: II; 9.2:2;
10.1:2; 11.1:2 Daniel F. 2.2:5,6; 7.2:4; 14.1:7
Laura 9.2:9 Laura D. 7.2:4 w.s. 8.2:2,3
Providence, Ala. 7. J :2
Prowell 2.2:3 Annie 9.2:9 Carrie J 0.1:3 D.M.
2.2:6; 7.2:8 David2.2:5 David M. 5.2: 11;
9.2:9; 10.1:3 Grover C. 9.2:9 Inez 9.2:9 1.S
12.2:9 James 5.2:11; 10.1:3; 14.2:4.1, el9.2:9
Mary Fannie 9. :9 Mildred E. 10.1:3 R. Aug
9.2:9 S.P. 8.1:7; 10.2:9; 14.1:5 mnlleI5.2:11;
10.1 :3' 14.2:4 Sarah 5.1 :5; 5.2: 11 Sarah A.
10.1 :3,4; 12.2:5; 14.2:3 Velma C. 4.1:4
Vic/or A. 9.2:9 Virginia S. 9.2:9 W. 7.2:8 W1.
9.2:9 William 5.2'1 I; 10.1:3; 14.2:4 William1.
5.1:5;5.2:11; 10.1:3,4; 12.2: ; 14. :3 William
N. 9.2:9
Pruet Jacob 9.1: 11 Miles 2.2.3
Pruett C. H. J 3. 1:6 Georg 12.2:8 Samuel
13. 1:2
Pruit Littleton 5.1:5 Martin 5.1:5 Randle
7.1:3 SamueI2.2:4
Pruitt C. H. 4.4:3 S. 14.2:8
Pruitt Cemetery 5.2: 1
Ptomey family 3.4:3
Pucket Dabney 7.2:3
Pugh 4.4:3 family 3.2:3 1. 4.4:3 Annie Mae
7.1:5 Mamie 7.1:5 Sallie 4.4:3
Pullen Allis 9.1:5
Purifoy John J4. J:6
Purvis John 3.3 :6; 11.1:7
Putnam, AJa. 4.1 :3,4; 7.1: 1; 9.1 :3,5; 10.1 :6;
12.2:2,7,9; 13.1 :4; 13.2:3,7
Putnam & Nicbolsville Road 13.2:7
Putnam Cemetery 7.1:1
Quarles Samuel 5.1 :4
Quarls Hubbard 11.1 :7
Quillin HK 9.1:9
Quincy Etheldred 14.1:3 Harriet J4.1 :3
James 9.1:9 Win. 9.1:9
Quinlan John 14.2:5
Quinney 7.1 :2,10 family 3.2:4 7.1: I 0 Alice
Ellen 7.1:2 Aretus 7.1:2 Caroline 7.1:2
Dorothy 14.2:2 E.W 2.2:5; 3.2:6; 7.2:6; 8.2:1 1
Eldred W 10. J:3 Etheldred W 14.2:2 Fatima
10.2:4 Felix 10.1:10 eli:< Harrison 10.2:4
Harriet 7.2:1 1 JA.R. 2.2:5; 3.1:3 J.M. 2.2:5;
10.1 :10 James 11.1:7,8,9 James A.R. 2.2:6;
7.1 :2; 10.2:4; 14.2:2 James M 2.2:4; 10.2:4;
13.2:6 James Rigdon 10.2:4 John E. 7.1:2;
11.1:9 John 1. 7.2: II Joseph S. 10.2:4 Julia F.
7.1:2 Maggie 10.2:4 Margaret 10.2:4 Mary
7.1:2'10.1:10 Mary O'Neal 7.1:2 Mellie
10.1:10 Narcissa 10.2:4 Nellie V 10.2:4
Priscilla 10.2:4 Regdon 10.1: 10 Sallie Jane
10.2:4 Sarah 10.2:4 Selina 12.2:4 Sue 10.1:10
SlisanH. 10.2:4 WR. 7.1:3; 13.1:12; 14.2:8
William 7.1:2; 11.1 :7,8 William R. 7.1:2
Quinney Cemetery 5.2: 1; 7.1:2
Quinny Abe 12.1:9 James A. R. 10.1 :9; 11.2:7
Julia 12.1:9 Louisa 12.1:9
Rabia E. 5.2:8 Jam s 3.1:3 K 5.2:7,8 W'm.
Ragland Ellen 11.1:11 Jno. D.7.1:6
Raiby Kinchen 11.1 :7,9
Raines E.o. 10.1:9 Hardy 10.1:4 .f110. B.
8.2:11 ME. 10.1:9
Rainey Columbus C 10.2:6 Jno.1. 14.1:5
Nancy B. 10.2:6
Rains 2.2:4 Janes 8.1:3 John 4.4:1; 7.1:10;
8.1:3; 10.1:11,12; 11.1:3,7; 13.1:5 JohnB.
8.2: II Martha 8.1:3 Virginia 8.1:3
Rainseels Hazelwood 11.2: 10 Rosfle 1l.2: 10
Raley family 3.2:4 (harles 7.2:6; 14.2:3
Ramsey 10.2:8 Ambrose K. 10.1:11 JR. 8.2:6
M T 9.2:7 Martha 9.2:7 Russell T 9.1:5
Thomas y 9.1:6; 10.1:11; 11.1:3
Rarosies Sophia 11.2:9
Ramsower .I. 5.2:8
Rand Charles 13.1:2
Randal Grandison 8.1: II
Randall Cornelius 13.):2 Ellen 13.1:3 .lim
13.1:2 Palsey 13.1:3
Randolph Richard 2.2:6 Richard K 7.1:9
Rankin Wm. M 11.1:7
RanseeJe Louise I ! .2: 10
Ransom John N. 5.1:4 Ridley 10.2:8
Raoul Nicholas 14.2: 12
Raresise Edmond 1l.2:) 0
Raser Elizab lh K. 10.2:6 Thomas 10.2:6;
lLl:8 Wm. 13.2:4
Ratcliff John 9.2: II
Ratliffe family 3.4:3
Ravesie 9.2:6
.Ravesies F 13.2:4,8 Frederick 11.2:6; 13.2:8
Josephine 10.2:8
Ravisee Bryant 13.1:2
Ravisees Frederick 11.1:7
Ravises Willis 13.1:3
Ravisies F.p. 13.2:4 1.G. 13.2:4 Sophia 9.2:7
Rawls B.F. 12.2:4 Ben}. F. 8.1:2; /3.1:8 E.
9.2:2 Elijah 11.1 :8; 12.1: I Elizabeth 3.1:5
Louisa 13.1:8 SZlSan 8.1:2
Ray 4.2:6 John H 7.1 :9; 7.2:3
Rayfort Harriet 12.1:9
Read John 13.2:4 JohnB.9.J:9 LeviL.I3.I:4
Susan W. 9.1:9 William H 10.2:5
Reaves Margaret M 5.1:5
Red Louise 4.3:5
Reddick Virgil 5.2:2
Rederick Moses 13.1:6
Redrick Moses 13.1:6
Reed family 3.4:4 H.M. 5.1:6 Brad 5.2:2 Dick
5.2:2 Edmond 8.2: 10 Ellen 13.2:3 J.B. 5.2:2
J.e. 12.2:2 Jack 5.2:2 Jessie 13.2:3 John
3.3:6; 9.1:9 .Ina. M. 12.2:2 Lewis 5.2:2
Mannell0.2:10 R.B. 5.2:2 Valin 5.2:2 WHo
12.1:3 William H 5.1 :6; 8.1:7; 10.2:5' 12.1:3
Reed Cemetery 13.2:3
Reedy Aaron 11.1:9
Reeners Matilda 10.1:6
Reese (Dr.) 11.2: 11 H. W 2.2:5,6; 2.3:4;
11.1:11; 1l.2:10 HenryF. 9.1:11 Henry W
7.2:4; 10.1: ,11 Henry Winston 9.1'11 Jane
11.1:6 Julia 11.2: I 0 Susan 10.1:9 Virginia
9.1:11 WH 14.1:7 Willey9.1:1l Wm.12.2:2
Reeves fami~v 1.1:5 Adolpha T 8.2:5 1. W
2.2:5 Levi W 2.3:3: 8.2:5 Martha Ann 7.1:7
Regan 4.3:2 Olga 4.3:2 Olto 4.3:2
Regen O. G. 12.2:2
Reid John I 1.2: 11 Thomas Campbell 13.1:9
Reiser Beryamin F. 12.2:4 Dice)' 10.1 :3;
12.2:4 E.M. J 2.2:4 .J mes Andrew 12.2:4
John J. 12.2:4
Reisor Dicey 7.2:6
Rembert A.M. 5.1:5 Abijah R. 3.2:5 Altona
8.2:11 Ann 12.2:9 Brazil/a 13.2:3 Caleb 9.1:3;
10.1:11 Fanny 14.2:7 FannyM. 13.2:6
George 12.2:8 Helen 14.2:7 1.M. 3.1:3; 5.2:8;
10.1:3 .J. W 5.2:8 Jam s M ]0.1:4; 14.2:3
Judge 1. 8.2: II Jud eM. 2.3:4 Judg W
10.1:4; 12.2:5 Jule 8.1:9 Mary Frances 2.3:4;
8.2:11 Rosa 14.2:7 Sarah 5.1:5 Tom 13.1:2
Willie 8.2: II
Rembert, Ala. 4.1: . 4.2:2; 7.2:9; 8.2:2; 9.1 :5;
10.2:9; 12.2:8; 13.2:2,3; 14.1:11
Rembert Hill Circuit of Metbodist Epi copal
Church South 7.2:4
Rembert's Landing 14.2:9
Remley MOlY 11.2:3 Michael 11.2:3
Remy H 11.1:12
Renfrew James 9.1 :10
Rentfro James 11.1:7
Rentfrow James 11. \ :9
Rents D.J I 1.1:2
Rentz 7.1:3 family 1.l :5; J0.1: 1 G. W 14.1:5
Geo. W 7.1:3 J. Ceo. 7.1:3 1.R. 9.2:4 Jacob
7.1.3 Jacob F 11.1: 11 John Michael2A:3
John W. 4.4:4 MM. 11.1:11 Michael 10.2:7;
11.1:9 Mike 11.1:11 Nancy C. 14.1:5 Naomi
11.1:11 R.E. ]4.1:6
Republic Life Insurance 8.2:6
Revisies Fred. 12.2: 12
Reynolds HA. 8.2:7 Hugh A. 8.2:7
Rhoads Elizabeth 13.2:] I Jno. S. 13.2:11
Rhodes family 1.1 :5; 3.4:3 C.E. 4.3:4' 10. J:5,7
Charles Edward 13.1:9 E.T 7.1:6;7.2:7 Jacob
7.1:9; 13.1:6 LelaA. 4.3:4 Lel'a4.3:4 Lovell
Todd 1.1:5 S. E. 14. 1:5 Solomon 7.\ :9; 12.1:8
Titlls 7.1:6 WE. 14.1:5
Ricard 2.2:6
Rice 'elia 9.1:7 David F 10.1:3 G. W
14.2:12 M.E. 7.2:10 Marlin 4.1:5; 4.3:2 Right
Ricbard Edwin 12.2:8 Nellie Long 14.1:2
Ricbards Tom 8.2: 10 W.e. 8.2:5
Richardson 22:4; 7.1:6 AI[red8.2:ll Allen
8.2: II Edward 8.2: 11 Elizabeth 8.2: 11
Elwood 8.2: II FA. 2.2:3; 10.2:7 1.R. 5.2:2
James82:ll J01ln8.2:11 L 01'1010.1:6
MalJl E. 9.2:7 Meredith 8.2: 11 Nancy 8.2: 11
oah 8.2: I I Rebecca 8.2: I I Robert 10.] :6;
12.2:8 Syd 5.2:2 W M 7.2:9 Wall 11.1:4
Wm D. 8.2: 11 Wm. M. 2.2:4
Rickard Addison 11.1: 1 I Alexander 10.2:4;
II. 1: II Cicero 11.1: 11 Delila 11.1:11
Emanuel 1 J.1 : 11 George W I I. I : 11 John
10.2:4; 11.1 :11 Leonard J 1.1: 11 Martha C
Il.l :] 1
Rickarly Elliot G. 14.1:S
Ricketts Silas H. 9.1:5
Rico family 3.2:4 M 11.2:9
Ridde 10.1:5
Riddle A.A.1. 2.3:5; 7.2:8 Arch'd Andrew John
14.1:7 N. W 2.3:4; 3.1: ; 5.2:7; 9.2:6; 10.1:4
Nathaniel W 7.2:8 Zo. 2.3:4; 14.2:9
Ridgeway B.H 2.3:4
Riggins Carter 5.2:7,8
Riles Martha 4.3:4
Rines George 8.2:7
Ringgold Benjamin 8.1 :3; 13.2:6 Benjamin H
13.2:6 Carrie L. 13.2:6 Elizaheth 8.1:3
John B. 13.2:6 MClIY A. 13.2:6 Ni holas L.
13.2:6 Phereby 13.2:6 171Omas4.4:I; 8.1:3;
II.l:3,9; 12.1:7,8; 13.1:4,5; 14.1:9; 14.2:2
Ritner Hope 4.3:5
River Hotel 7.2:7
Rivers .A. 11.1:2 Hinchey P. 4.4: 1 John
William 12.2:8 M. M. II. 1:2 Sarah 9.1 :8
William 10.2:6
Riverside Cemetery 2.3: I; 2.4: I; 3.1:2
Roacb M.E. 14.2:8
Roan 5.2:8
Roane Spencer 7. 1:9; 10.1:11
Robards Nancy 14.1:3 Rachel 14.1 :3 Sallie
14.1:3 Thomas 14.1:3
Robbins Elliot 12.2:3
Roberd Rebecca 10.2:4
RoberdS E.W 7.1:3 MG. 7.1:3 Rebecca
11.1: 10
Roberds Store, Ala. 2.2:4
Roberson 1. P. 13.1:2 Joana 13. 1:3 John
13.1:2 R.H 13.1:3 Rah4.3:3
Roberts family 1.1:5 A.1. 10.2:3 Abston
Lawrence 4.1:5 Adaline 10.1:2 Dock 10.2: 1
E. W. 2.2:4 Henry D. I J .J:3 James Desire
10.2: 1 John 2.4:6 Joseph 10.2: 1 Lula V
14.1:4 Mary 10.2:1 Mary Jane 10.2:1 Rachael
10.2: 1 Robert R. 5.1:2 Sarah H 9.1:6
Sarah W 12.2:3 Tabitha E. 10.2:3; 11.2:2
WH. 7.J :6; 14.2:3 William H 8.2:7; 9.1 :6:
10.2:6; 12.1: 12 12.2:3
Robertson 2.2:4; 5.2:7; 7.1:6 Alex 11.1 :2;
14.1:6 Danl. 5.2:8 David 5.2:8 Emma 7.2:10
J.J. 5.2:7' 7. :3; 10.2:3; 11.2:2 J K 14.1:5 J.R.
4.2:6 John A. 7.2:4 John R. 2.2:2,5; 3.2:6;
7.1 :9; 7.2:4; 9.1: 11 Mamie 11.2:4 Mary 9.2:8
MOlY H 9.2:7 Peter J3.1:2 R.A. 11.2:2 R.M.
2.3:4; 7.1:6; 14.1:7 Rebecca Ann to.2:3 S. D.
5.2:8 Syd 14.2:5 Tony 8.2:10 Virginia 7.2:4
Walter 2.4:6
Robertson Banking Company .1'7
Robinet 14.2:7
Robins Js. B. 12.2:6
Robinson 12.1:2 famil t 1.2: 1 A.13.2:4
Ailsey 13.2:6 Alex 10.1:10 Alonzo King4.l:5
Ann5.1:5 Asa4.4:1;7.1:9,12; 13.2:4 Bessie
4.3:3 Elizabeth 13.2:6 1. 2.2:6 JB. 2.2:6;
13.2:4 1. T 5.2:2 J W W 14.1: 1 James F
13.2:6 James M. 12.2:8 .lame R. 5.1:5 James
W W 7.2:6 Jane 9.2:7 JeweI4.3:3 John 2.2:6;
5.1:5; 7.1 :8; 9.2:6; 10.1: 11; 10.2:7; 12.2:5:
13.2:6; J4.1:8 JohnF 13.2:6 Julia 13.2:6
Margaret 5.1:5 Muny 5.1:5 N.B. 4.3:3: 12.2:2
Polly 10.1:10 Rebecca4.3:2 Samuel 5.1:5
Steph n 5.1:5 Susan 5.1:5 Thos. A. 10.1:8
Wal. 9.1: 10 Walted.3:5; 4.3:3 William 3.1 :3;
4.4: I; 5.1 :3,5; 8.2:8; J2.2:5; 13.2:6 Wm. H
9.2:4; 13.2:6 Wm. M. 9.2:4; 13.2:6
Robison 2.2:4
Rochester family 1.1:5
Rockbablon Church 9.2: 10; 11.1:2
Rodgers 10.2:1 Enos2.3:3 HughT 13.1:8
Rodwell Ann E. 12.1: I T H. /2.1:2 Thoma<; JI.
12.1 :1
Roe FR. 2.2:3,5
Rogers family 3.2:4 Allen 14.1:5 Ann 12.1:2
e.A. 12.1:2 E.A. 2.2:56 Ee. 13.2:11 E.H.
7.1:6 Elizabeth F. 4.3:5 Enos 2.3:3; 10.1:4
F.A. 10.1:4 FrankA. 14.2:4 JD. 13.2:11
Jacqueline 4.3:5 Jane 13.2: II John James
4.1:5 Josiah 10.1:3 L.E. 7.2: 10 Larken 2.4:5
M.E 5.2:11 Mildred E. 5.2:11; 10.1:4 Minnie
12.2:9 N.£. 9.2:6 Nero 14.2:5 Rachel 12.2:9
Robert Lee 9.1:5 SamuelH 5.2:11; 10.1:4
T. W 7.2:4; 14.2:5 Thomas J 4.1:5 Thomas W
2.3:5' 4.3: ; 10.1:4 Virginia 13.1:2 WD.8.1:4:
12.1 :2; 14.1:5 William 14.1:5 William Dorse .
4.1 :5
Rolen .lame:" lO.1:3
Rolston Hugh H 13.1:5
RODe Brock J I .1 :2
Root Emiline 10.2:3; 11.1.11
Rope Benjamin 7.2:3
Roscoe Martlw A. 11.1: II Marvin 10.2:7
Rose 1. W 3.1:6 John H 10.2:6 Lovel T 9.2:3'
13.2:6 Nancy 13.2:6 Nanllie 9.2:3
Rosenbaum 1. 8.2:4 Louis 7.2:7: 12.2:3 Tried
Rosenberg Adolph' 4.1:2 Stella Schottenfels
14.1:2 Julius 4.3:3; 11.1:12
Rosenfeld Betz. 12.2:6 Simon 12.2:6
Rosenfeldt 7.2:7
Ross 13.2:4 A.D. 2.2:3 Amanda 11.2:10
Amander 11.2:9 E. W 8.2: 10 James E 13.1:7
James Wilber 9.1:5 John S. 9.2:8 Joseph E.
13.1:7 Milly 11.2: 10 Norwood Prince
11.2:9,10 R.A.9.2:7 Thoma M 13.1:7 Wm
11.2:9,10; 14.2:6 William
Ross Tanyard 2.2:3
Rowe M.B. 2.2:2,5; 11. :2
Roy fami! .4:
Royal D. D. 2.2:4 Dallis D. 8.1:8 Eula
10.1 :10; 10.2:4 HS. 10.J: 10; 12.2:11 Henry F.
10.2:4 Henry S. 10.2:4 James Q. 10.1: I 0;
10.2:4 Maggie J01:10 MaggieE.IO.l:IO;
10.2: Maggie V 10.2:4 Margaret 10.2:4
Robert 7.2: J 0
Royall 14.1:2
RudiseU A.L. 2.2:5; 11.1:6 D. 11.1:6 David
Rudisill A.L.4.3:3; 10.1:8 AbelLevi4.1:5
Mabel 7.2: I0 Mary F. 7.2:) 0
Ruffw (Dr.) 7.1:6; 11.2:8,9,10 e.H 2.2:3,4
J.H. 13.2:4 JS.2.2:4,5 R.M 13.1:2
Rush Penelope 4.1:6
Rushing E. l4.1:J I Henrietta E. 7.1:12 James
Russell (Capt.) 9.2:6 Carter 13.1:2 Ed 8.1: 10
.101m T J4.2:4 R. 13.2:4 Rich. 9.2:2 Richard
2.4:6: 3.1 :3; 3.3 :6; 7.1 :8; 9.1: 10; 10.1 :4' 11.1 :7;
Russum Wilson F 12.2:5: 13.1:8
Rutledge family .4:4
Ryall He. 8.2:2 Jno. S. 2.2:4 John Scudder
4.1:5 Johnson S 8.1:9 Johnston Scudder 8.2:2
TC. 8.2:2,3 77lOmas 8.2:2 Ws. 2.2:3
Ryan 2.2:5 Joseph S. 12.1:2
Sailpta, Ala. 9. 1:5
Saint James H 14.2: 11
St. Andrew's Church Cemetery 7.1: 1
St. Andrew' Epi~opal Church 7.1: I:
St. Domingo Porfauprince 2.4:4
St. Emanuel Churcb 7.2:4
St. Emanuel Church Cemetery 7.2:5
Saint Guirons P.P. 13.2:8
St. John s Episcopal Church Cemetery 8.2: 1
St. Michael's Cemetery 9.1:7
St. Micbael's Episcopal Cburcb 11.2:10
St. Paul Church 11.1:2
St. Peter Baptist Church 11.1 :2; 14.1:6
St. Wilifred School 10.2:9
Salem Meeting House 5.1:2
Salsody, Ala. 4.1:4
Saltwell, Ala. 13.1:5
Sam' Creek 12.1:2
Sammons E.H 2.2:2,5
Sample family 3.4:4; 10.2: I Alex. 11.1:8
Alexander 3.2:5; 11.1 :7,9 James 4.2:6 John
7.1 :9; 9.1: 10; 10.1 :4' 11.1 :7.9 Joseph 11.1:8
Martha 14.1:3 Robert 9.1:9; ILl :7,8,9; 14.1:3
Wm. 9.1:9 William N. 2.4:6; 11.1:8
Samples John 10.1:4 William N. 10.1:4
Samuel family 3.4:3 Isobel 10.1:6 Owen
I .1:9 Robt. 10.1:6 Sam 12.1:9 Theresa 12.1:9
SamueJs Love 10.1:6
Sander Albert 14.1:2 Lee 14.1:2
Sanders 13.2: 11 Ben 1 1.2:5 Elizab th
13.2: I'; 14.1: 11 Ella 11.2:5 Jos ph H.
10.1 :2,3; 14. I: 11 Lee 11.2:5 Lll 11.2:5 Martha
9.2:2; 13. :11 Mary 10.1:6 MaryA.£. 14.1:11
Mary R. 14.1: II May 11.2:5 Melvina 14.2:2
Peter /1.1:6 R.A.2.2:3 Sam/. W 14. 1:11 T W
10.2:8 WR. J3.2:11 William C. 14.2:2 Wm. R.
14.1: 11
Sanderson L.G. 13.2:4
Sand Hills 12.1 :3,4
Sandusky George W 8.2:5 M.I. 8.2:5
Sangrouber E. 7.1:6 Edward 7.2:7
Sardis Baptist Church 5.1:2
Sarver family Ll :5' 3.4:4 DanieI3.4:4
Saunder 1..1. 5.2:8
Saunders C. 2.2:6 C.T 9.2:9; 14.1:6 Cordelia
10.2:3 Edna 4.4:6 George W 10. :3 .1..1.
2.2:5; 5.2:7,8 James H. 10.2:3 John 1. 14.2:4
John M. 0.2:3 Joseph 14.l:3 Melvina 14.2:2
R.A. 5.2:8 RL 11.2:5 Rebecca 14.1:3
William C. 14.2:2
Savage 14.2:9 family 3.2:3; 9.2:4 P.A. 5.2:7.8;
12.1:12 Porter M. 9.1:5
Sayler JR. 13.1:2
Sayre Geo. H 2.2:3
Scheerer Jacob 3.1:
Schirm John 2.4:3; 3.1 :5; 9.1 :6; 10.2:8: 11.1:
13.1:6; 13.2:8 Joseph 1".2:4
Schmidt A. 2.2:3 A.E. 8.1: 10 Augustine
2.2:2,3,5; 2.3:6; 12.2:3
Schocke Chri lian 13.2:4
Schottenfels Bettie 14.1: Helen 14.1:2 Stella
Scbreider Magdalene 2.3:2
Schuler 2.2:4
Scbultz John I 1.1 :9
Schuylder Robert 10.2:9 Susan 10._:9
Schwarz Joseph 13.1:9
Scotland 2.1 :2; 3.2:3; .3:6; 4.4:5
Scott Ann L. 13.2:6 Aron 7.2:5 Chas. L. 9.2:7
David2.3:4 Harriet 9.2:7 Israel L. 9.2:7
James 13.2:6 John 13.2:[ Josephine 10.1:6
Julius 13.1:2 Lewi 14.2:5 N.£. 12.1: 11
Prudence 1 .2: 11 Sleven 14.2:5 Susanna Jane
9.2:7 Thomas 11.2: I I
Scott Park 7.1:2
Scruggs Richard W 12.1:8
Seabrook A. W 13.2:6; 14.2:4 Anna 10.2:4;
11.1:11; 14.2:4 B. 14.2:4,lJ Bowen 8.1:2;
8.2:4; 10.2:4" 11.1:11: 1-.2:3' 14.2:4.lJ Brown
14.2:4 Isaac 7.1:3 Isaac H. 8.1:2 John P.
10.2:4; I 1.1: II Kate 10.2:4; 11.1.11; 14.2:4
Laura 10.2:4 Nancy 8.12 Selinda 14.2:4
Sealey Clarence 1. 12.2:8 Robert 4.3:4
Seals Jack 13.1:3
Sealy Gray4.3:4 Samuel If. 11.2:11
Sear. Ben 10.2: 10 Charle 8.1:
Seawell 2.2:3,4 Diania 5.1:5 Gideon 4.4: I;
7.2:3 Joseph 8.2:7 JuliaP. 14.1:11
Sebal Martha 12.1:10
Secrest family 3.2:4 Michael 11.1:8
• ection, AJa. 13.1:3
Selden 2.2:4; 8.1:7 E. WH 7.2: 10 Elizab th
W H. 8.2:6 FG 13.1: I 1 John 13.1: II John A
8.1:7' 13.1:11 Joseph 7.2:10 Jo ephL. 7.2:10
Maria Bland 7.2: 10 Mary G. 13.1:11 Minge
8.1:11; 13.1:11 SallieG. 8.1:7; 13.1:11 WM.
2.2:6; 7.2: 10 William 10.2:8 Wm. M 8.2:6:
13.1:3: 14.1:7 Willie7.2:10 WillieG. 13.1:11
Willie L. 7.2:10 Winston 13.1:11
elma, Ala. 2.2:6; 7.1 :6; 7.2: 10' 8.1 :7; 8.2:4;
9.1:5; 12.1:1 I; 13.1:3; 14.1:12
Selman William 12.1 :6,7
Semple Emily Virginia 1.2:6
Sessions Annie 13.1:10 E. 5.2:7 Jay Van
12.2:8 Sue 13.1: I0
Sewell Betsey 14.1:5 Charles H. 11.2: 10
Collier 12.1: II Emma 14.1:5 Ephram 5.2:2
Gracie Jones 12.1:11 Louise 11.2:10 Willie
12.1 :11
Seymore 9.2:6
Seymour Robert 7. 9.2: 12
Shacklefor J.s. 13.2:
Sbady Union Grove Church Cemetery 10.1:6
Shaffer 12.2:2
Shahan Nancy 12.2:4
Sh rp A. Y. 7.1:6 Archibald T 2.3:3 Thos. A.
11.2: II Thomas Leslie 9.1:5
Sharpe 2.2:3,4; 8.2:5; 11.2:9 family 3.2:4 A. Y.
7.1 :7; 11.2:8,9; 12.2: I 0 Archibald Y. 9.1 :8;
10.2:4; 11.1:10 E.C. 11.2:9 Emma 10.2:4 G.G.
11.1 :12; 12.2:11 Harriet 10.2:4 Julia 10.2:4
Margaret 10.2:4 Thomas A. 4.2:6; 7.1 :8;
7.2:2,3,9' 8. :3' 10.2:4; 11.1:10; 11.2:8 WH
Shaw Fatima 10.1: 10' 10.2:4 J. 2.2:5 Jessie
10.2:4 Katie 9.1:2 Mary Frances 7. 1:2 Mary
Frances QUinney 7.1 :2
Sheare 7.1:6 Jesse 7.2:5
Sheeler Omer 12.2:4 Penelope 12.2:4
Sheffield Jno. A. 7.2:9
Shelby Co., Ala. 9.2:5; 10.2:2
Shepard Mily 12.1:9
Sheppard family 3.2:3 E.M. 9.2:11: 14.1:5
Gustavus A a Jones 3.2:3 Jame 7.2:3
James S. 7.2:3 Lany 4.1: I Margaret Jane 3.2:3
OllieS. 14.1:5 Tabe3.2:
9.2:11; 14.1:5
Sherod Wm. 13.1:4
Shields 14.1:6 Benjamin G. 4.4: 1; 9.1:6
Benjamin T 14.2:4 Caroline 8.1:12 Ed. 2.2.6
K. 5.2:7 Nancy 14.1:3 Thea. C. 11.1 :8; 12.2: 12
Theodore C. 3.1 :3; 10.1 :7; 14.1:3 Thomas W
10.1:4 W. B. 8.2:6
Shilob, AJa. 1.1 :4; 2.2:3,4,5; 4.1 :3,4,5;
4.2:2,3,4; 4.3:2,6; 4.4:4; 7.2:9,12; 9.1 :5; ILl :1;
11.2:3; 12.1 :5.11' 12.2:27,8; 13.1 :3; 13.2:3;
Sbiloh Beat/Pel of Marengo Co. 4.2:3;
4.3:2,3; 4.4:3; 10.1 :5,6,7; 12.2:2; 13.2:3
Shiloh & Maines Ferry Road 13.2:2
Shiloh Churcb Cemetery 4.3:4
Sbines Aleck 8.1 :10 Alex 13.1:3 Ed 13.1:3
Shiram J. 13.2:8
Shirey Jacoh 7.2:6
Shirm John 9.1:9; 12.1:12
Shivers family .4:4 Jesse 3.4:4
Sboof Henderson 2.3:4
Short Asa 7.1:7 Henry 11.2:4 .Ii hn B. 7.1:7
Mohulda 7.1:7 Warren 11.2:4
borter Henriel1a 12.1:9
Sbortleaf, Ala. 4.3:5
Showalter J.M. 12.2:6 John M. 8.1:8
Shulzs Jolm 13 . 2:4
Shumate Sam 9.1:5
Sibley Sarah 12.2:4
Siddons 13 1:2,3 FL. 12.2: 10 F Hi. 5.2:7,8;
91:8' 10.1:3; 12.2:10 Franklin 13.1:3 G.l
9.1:8; 14.2:8 C.W 9.l:8 GilbertI. 12.2:10
Siddonsville, Ala. 14.2:8
Silliman family 3.4:3
Silman William 8.2:7; 14.1:3
Simmons 8.2:4; 9.1 :9; 9.2:1 family 3.4:3,4
Barbara W. 11.1: 11 Betty 8. J: 12 Britton 8.1 .12
c.L. 7.2:9; lLl:12 James 8.1:3: 10.1:3 LL.
9.2:2,4' 14.2:5 L. Lav. 11.1:1 1 I. Lavender
11.1: 11 Lav. 9.1:9 Lavender 2.2:5; 4.1: I;
13.1:5 Lem. 11.1:8 Lem!. .1:9 LemueI2.4:6
L mul 11.1:8 Levin 4.1: I; 10.1 :4; 10.2:8 Lewis
2.2:6; 4.4:1; 9.2:3; 13.1:5 Lewis I. 9.2:3;
10.1:4; 10.2:3; 12.2:4 Lewis Levan 4.1:5 Lucy
4.4:4 Lucy Lipscomb 4.1: I MOlY 12.2:4
MaryL. 10.2:3 Nancy 4.1: I: 7.2:11 WT
11.1: 11 Wesly 12.2:9 Wmiam 2.2:5,6; 2.3:6;
7.2:11;9.2:3,4; 10.1:3; 10.2:7 WillieAnn
12.2:9 WootenM. 11.1:11
Simmons Cemetery 4.4:4
Simms HH 5.2:8
imon Matt 5.2:2
Simpson family 1.1 :6; 3.4:4 Amanda 5.1:5
Hugh 5.1:5 Thomas 7.1:8
Sims B. 13.2:4 Julius 13.2:4 R. 13.2:4 R.A.
Singleton Alex 10.2:8 Alexr. S. 13.1:8 Augusta
4.2: Caroline 13.1:8 Edna 12.1: II Elisha
8.2:4 James 4.4:4 Sarah E. 10.2:3; 11.2:2
Susie 8.2:4 WR. T. 8.2:4
Singletree Rebecca 14.1:3
Skelton John 3.2:3
Skinner 2.2:3,4 family 3.1:4; 3.4:4 Agee 2.2:3
Alabama A. 10.1:9 Amelia McCaa 4.3:4 Ann
B. 7.1:7 Asa D. 8.1:8 Byron 13.1:6 C.A.
11.1: E. 5.2:8; 11.2:12 E.D. 11.2:11
Elizabeth R. 8.2:5 Frank H. 9.1:5 Ge rge
3.1:4; 3.4:4; 7.1:9; 7.2:4; 8.2:5 Geo. I. 2.2:6
Geo. T 14.1:11 HA. 8.1:10 Howard Franklin
4.3:4 J. 9.1:9 J.L. 11.1:3 James 2.2:6' 3.1:4;
9.1 :9; 1 J.I:9 James I. 7.1 :9; 8.2:5; 9.1: 10
Jane 8.1:8 John D. 13.2: 11 John G. 9.1 :9;
ILl :8,9 John Samuel 13.1:9 Josiah 8.1:8
M.L. J1.2:1I Maty 132:11 TH 11.2:11;
13.1:6 Thos. 5.2:7; 14.2:9 Thomas H 7.1 :7;
7.2:6; ILl: I 1 WA. 7.2:4; 8.1:9 WS. 10.1:9
Wm. A. 4.3:4 William C. 8.1:8 William J.
8.l:Il William L. 7.2:9 William S 8.1:9
Skinner's Tanyard 2.2:4
Skipper Margaret Jane 3.2:3
Slade H 11.1:3 HenlY 11.1:3; 14.1:7
Jeremiah F 4.4: I Mmy Grey 11 1:3
Siage Eliza 12.1: 10
Slater Reddick 5.2:2
Slaves See "Enslaved Individuals" section at
the end of this index.
Slay 3.1:6 HR. 12.2:6; 13.2:9
Slaye Eliza 12.1: 10
Sledge 5.2: family 3.4:3 Alex 2.2:5,6 Edith
Emma W 14.2:4 G.A. 9.2:6 L.A. 2.2:5,6;
Lemial Leonadus 4. :5 LemueI2.2:5;
Levin 11.2: 10,11 Levin A. 14.1:7 Lunoh
OF. 11.1:5 Oscar9.2:12
Slocum Frances 13.2:6
Slovonia Frank Ozbolt 4.3:4
SmaU Elizab th 12.2:5 F.E. 8.2:10 G.£. 8.2:2
Garry 8. t:2 Gilead 8. t:2 J 10.2:8 .lB. 14.2:6
John 8. I: Lotty 8. 1:2 Parthena 8. 1:2 R.
10.1:8 Richard 8.1:2 Sarah A. 8.1:2 Wiley
8.1:2; 12.1:3
Smarr Bil/14.2:4 Isaiah 14.2:4
Smiley T W 12.2:2
Smith 2.2:4; 3.1 :6; 4.4: I; 7.1 :6; 7.2:8 family
3.4:4 A.SI .2:12 Albert 8.1:8 Allen 7.2:5
Allen Coleman! 0.1:6 Allie 10.1:6 Ann 7.2:2;
10.2:4; 11.1:10; 14.1:5,6 Anna 14.1:3
Armistead2.2:5 B.E. 2.3:3 B.F.L. 7.1:6
Benjamin E. 10.2:7 CJ. 14.1:5 Carrie R. 8.2:2
Celie 13.2:3 harlie4.3:2 Chester9.1:5 Clary
10.1:8 Coleman 10.1:6 Daniel 13.1:4 E. W
7.1:11 Eddie 10.1:6 Eliza 10.1:6 EllaMay
4.3:2 Ephraim 13.1:7 FrederickM 9.1:5 G.M
11.1:6 George 7.1:4 Gus 10.1:6 H.A. 9.2:7
Henry 7.1:9; 10.1:6 Ida 10.1:6 Isaac 10.2:4;
11.1: 10 J 4.3:6 JD. 11.1 :4; 13.2:9 JR. 8.2:6
Jacob 7.1:9; 7.2:3 James Richard 4.1:5
James W 9.2:7 Jane 9.2:7 Jessie 10.1:6 Jim
7.1:4 John 2.4:5; 3.3:5; 4.3:5 John D. 12.2:6
John M 10.2:8 JohnP. 5.1:5 John W 7.2:3;
8.2:5;9.1:8; 10.1:4; 12.1:1; 13.2:5 JosephD.
8.1:8 Josephine 13.2:3 JuliaL. 8.1:8 L.G.
14.2:7 Levi 2.2:3,5; 9.2:3 Levicy 7.2:2
Louis F 14.2:7 M.H. 2.2:5; 13.2:9 MM 2.3:3
M.W 7.1:11 Maty7.2:2; 10.1:6 MmyA.
11.1: II Mary C 10.1:6 Mmy J 12.1:2' 13.2:6
Mary Jane 4.3:4 Mallie Lou 4.3:2 Michael
8.2: 11 Nathan 7.1 :8: 7.2:3 5 Peter H 5.1:5
Phebe 7.2:7 Polly 8.2: 11 R. 11.1: 12 R.A.
4.3:6; 14.2:11 R.W 11.1:12 Richard 13.1:6
Rob rt 4.3:2 Robert Wesley 4.3:4 Rowan A.
7.1:8; 14.2:11 SD. 2.2:4,5; 12.2:11; 13.2:6
Samu 1 H 5.1:2; 13.2:4 Sanderson 7.2:2;
14.1:3 SethD. 12.1:2 Susan 13.1:7 Syd7.2:3;
1 .2:5 Sydney 4.2:6; 7.1 :9; 8. J:8 Thomas H
7.2:2; 14.1:6 Violet R. 8.1:8 W.A. 82:4 WN
14.1.5 Walter 12.2:2 William 7.2:2,7; 11.1 :6;
13.2:4 Wm. H. 7.1:10 WilliamM. 4.3:4; 7.2:2
Wm. S. 14.2:4 Willis 13.2:3 WiLlson7.2:2
Smitber D.R. 7.2:10
Smitbey Robt. 5.2:8
Smoot MA. 14.1: 11 Martha Ann 7.1: 12
Smyley Dave 5.2:2 Henry 5.2:2 Joeph Elias
4.1:5 L.E. 8.2:10 WJ. 8.2:10
Smyly Eli::abeth9.2:7 .J.E. 9.1:8;9.2:7 WJ.
Snead .In. 4.4:6
Snodgrass James Augusto 4.1:5 Sarah 4.2:3
Snyder John H. 9.2:2; 11.1: 11
Sonee Floride P. 13.1:10 Frederick W 13.1:10
ollie Fred Erastul1l 4.1:5
Solly Seleon 9.2:6
ommers 4.3:5 RL 4.3:5
outhall Nannie C 9.2:7
South Carolina 4.1 :2; 4.3 :2,5; 4.4:4,5; 5.1 :3,5;
12.1 :9; 13.l:7 Abbeville 3.4:4; 7.2: II
Aberneville Co. 4.1:4 Aiken 10.2:2 Aikin Co.
4.1:3 Brownville Dist. 4.1:4 Charleston 2.4:4'
5.1:2,5; 13.1:10 Charle,~lOn Dist. 5.1:5
Edgefield Dist. 4.1:3 Fairfield Dist. 4.1:4
Gr enville Dist. 13.1:10 Sumter Dist. 13.1:4
Union Dis!. 4.1 :3
Soutbern Railway Corporation 7.2: 10
Southord W 5.2:8
Sowell .fohn 11' 11.1:7
Sowerbaver family 3.4:3
palding B.D. 11.1: II D. B. 11.1: II Sarah P.
Spann John 8.2:7; 10.1 :7; 11.1 :7,8; 12.1:7
parrow family 3.2:4
Spartsman 1.1:5
Spaulding Madison 7.1: 12
Spear Charles W 9.1:5
Spears Sally 10,1:11
Speed family 3.4:3 Morris C. 9.1:5
Speidle Frederick 2.4:3
Spence Ann Eliza 9.1:7
Spencer 11.2:10 Bertha G. 9.2:9 Flora
11.2:10 FrankM. 11.2:10 Sam/. 2.2:3
Wi/sonC 10.1:11
Spidle Jacob 2.4:4; 13.2:4
Spinks Caroline 2.2:5 Geo. M 11.2:2 George
MitcheIl4.1:5 .fohn 9.2:5 Martha L. 11.2:2
Spiva CD. 7.2:6 Samuel 14.2:4 Wm. 5.2:2
Spocari, Ala. 12.1: 11
Spragans Martha 13.1:3
Spraggins Billy 13.1:2
Sprague JB. 13.2:4
Springer 9.1: 10
Springfield Anson 4.2:4; 4.3:2; 7.1 :9; 7.2:2;
11.1:9; 1l.2:2; 14.2:1 Car linaE.13.2:11
Jane 4.3:2 Manerva 8. 4.3:2 MQlyl .1:10;
13.2:11 Minerva 11.2:2 WG. 14.2:1
Spring Hm 2.2:2,3,4,5,6; 2.3:3,4; 3.1 :5; 3.3:3;
3.4:4; 4.1 :4,5' 4.3:2,6; 4.4:4; 7.2:4; 9.2:12;
12.1:3; 14.2:11
Spring Hill BeatlPct. of Marengo Co. 10.1 :6;
Spring HiJI & Uniontown Road 2.3:3
Spring Hill Campground 4.2:6
Spring Hill Male and Female Academy 2.3:3
Spring Hill Methodist Church 7.2:4
Spring Hill Road 9.1:9; 9.2:3
Springle Catharine 8. 1:3 Frances 8.1 :3
Frances P.14.1:3 Joseph H 8.1:3 Julia 8.1:3
Samuel D. 8.1:3 William 8.1:3; 9.2:9; 11.1:7;
14.1 :3
Springier 9.1:9
Sprotts, AJa. 9.1:5
Sporlin family 3.4:3
Squires family 11.1: L A. 9.2: II Abram 9.2: II
AbramM. 7.2:6' 14.1:10 JesseA. 7.2:6
Judith C 14.1:10 TB. L2.2:2
Squirrel Pen, AJa. 2.2:4
Stacea A.J 12.2:5
Stafford CA. 9.2:7 John 7.2:3; 14.\:9 P.D.
9.2:11 Paulina5 D. 10.I:L2; 12.2:5 William G.
2.4:6; 11.1 :8,9
Stainback family 3.4:3
Stallings Wm 12.2:4
Stallsworl{ Nelson 14.2:6
Stallsworth Nat 14.2:6 Nelson 14.2:6
Stallworth 7.1:6 Chaeelfer 8.2: I0 Marcus M
Standley Jordan 3.3:6 Shaderick 3.3:6
Stanford family 3.2:4
Starke family 3.4:3 B. 5.2:6
State Road 2.3:3
teadman Rufus 2.2:2,5
Steele 132:9 Allen 13.1:2 Annie Kathleen
13.1:12 Dave 13.2:9 E.A. 2.2:6; 11.2:11 E.H
2. :5 Elza 10.1:6 Fannie G. 11.2:2; 14.1: II
J.A. 14.1:11 .lamesA. 14.1:11 James P. 11.2:2
Jim 11.1:6 LX 13.1: 12 Lemuel G. 11.2:2;
14.2:4 LeslieK. 13.1:12 R.L. 2.2:5 RobertL.
11.2:2; 13.2:9; 14.1:7 SN. 2.2:5
Steffens family 3.4:4
Stegall Cornelia 9.2:7 Griffin 14.2:4 R.9.2:r.
Ralph 9.2:7 Saml. 14.2:4
Steinback family 3.4:3
Stephen Grant 8.2: 10 Jane 9.1:7
Stephens family 1.1.6 AndrrN'J 13.2:6
Elizabeth 1.1 :5,6 Garrison 10.1 :7; 11.1:8
Joshua 1.1:5,6 Reb eea 13.2:6
Stephenson 5.2:7; 7.2:7 Larkin 9.2:8
Temperance 9.2:8
Steptoe Edward D. 8.1 :4.5.6
Sterling w.J. 2.2:2,5,6 William L1.1:9
Sternfeldt 2.2:4 M. 2 2'2
Stevens A. C 7.1:
Stewart 9.1 :9, to family 3.4:3,4; 10.2: 1
Alice L. L4.2:8 Anna 9.1: 12 Daniel 12.2: 10
David 10.2:8 Desire L. 10.2:1 Dorothy
Elizabeth 5.2:6 G.N. 13.2:8 GeOl-ge N. 3.1:5;
9.1:9,10; 11.1:9; 13.2:8 H.H 7.1:4/sioh 13.1:2
J.TJ. 10.2:2 JamesH 11.1:11 JimmieJ 9.1:5
John 12.2:4 John Calhoon 4.1:5
Karenhappuch Y. 12.2: 10 L. 7.1:6 Larkin
3.4:4: 14.2:4 Larkin Jefferson 3.4:4; 5.2:6
Malinda.J. 10.2:2 Mary Jane 10.2: 1 Matthew
12.2:4 Peter 4.4:6 Thos. D. 12.2:4 W..4.7.1:3;
12.2:4 w.L. 11.1:6' 14.2:8 WS.9.2.9
William L. 14.2:8
Stickney 13.1 :2,3 WA. 2.2:5 6, 13.1:2 Wm. A.
13.1:2; 14.1:4
Stidman Rufus S 9.2:7
Stiles lsaae 14.2: 1 I
timp on Herbert B. 14.1:6 J.H 4.2:7
Stith Maclin L,2: II Maclin S 4.2:6
Stockley WH 7.2:7
Stockman J.W 8.2:10
Stodder 10.2:8
Stokes Amanda 13.l:7 Hemy9.2:IO Levin
13.1:7 WilfiamE. 9.1:6
Stollenwerck family 3.2:3
tone (Capt.) 14.2:9 A.B. 9.2: 12 C.C 3.3:2;
9.1:9,10 Caroline 10.1:10 HF 9.2:2 James Ii.
Storter 7.1:6
Strang 13.2:4
Straton Charles 5.1:3 Mosely 5.1:3 William
Stratton Charles 8.1:3 Mosby 8.1:3 Peter A.
8.1:3 Robert 5.1:3; 8.1:3 Stephen .1:3; 8.1:3
Strawberry Hill Cemetery 8.2: I
Street Eli 12.1:9 George P. 11. I:9
trickland Ed8.1:7; 14.1:5 .10. 8.1:7; 14.1:5
J.S 5.2:2 Joseph 13.1:9 Phebe 13.\:9 SL.
8.2:10' 14.2:6 Simeon 4.1:5 So!. 8.2:10
Solomon Lafayette 4.1 :2,5
Strickling Abij. 11.1:7 Abijah 11.1:7.9
Stringer family 3.4:4
Strong Ann E. 5.1:5 John M 7.1:9
Strudwick 4.2:6; 7.1 :4; 12.2:5 family 3.2:3
Anne A. 9.2:8 E. 2.2:4.5 FN. 14.1:7 L.L. 9.2:2
Ouina 4.3:2 Ouina P. 4.3:2 SamueI2.2:5,6;
2.3:6; 3.2:5; 4.3:4; 11.2:6; 13.2:4; 14.1:7
Sophia 2.3:6 WF 9.2:2,12 Ws. 4.3:2 William
2.3:3 Wm. F. 14.2:4
Stubbs James 12.1:2 Li:::;ie 10.1:9 Willie 0.
Studivant William R. 10.1: 11
Sturdevant Dempsey 3.3:6; 8.2:7 Mose 13.1:2
Sturdivant E. T 14.1:7 Wm. R. 11.1:9
Sturdivent Dempsey 3.3:5
Sturdwick James 11.2:10 Samuel 11.2:9
Sturwick Sam e. 11.2: 10
Styron A. 8.1:8
Suddath Ben). 1 1. 1:8 Marshall 12.2:8
Suddeth Benjamin 9.1 :9; 10.1 :4; 14.1:3 Lewis
12.1:1 Lucy 14.1:4
Sudduth Benjamin 11.1:9
Sullivan 2.2:4 Dilly Ann 3.1:3 Patrick 3.1:3
Robt. 2.2:5
Summerlin Jim 13.1:2 Millard 4.4:4
Millard F. 9.1:6
Sumpter, Ala. 9.1:S
Sumter Co., Ala. 2.2:4; 2.3:3,4; 4.1 :3; 4.3:3;
5.1:3,4,5; 7.1:3,5; 8.1:2,5; 9.2:4; 10.1:9; 10.2:3;
12.1:2; 13.1:1,7; 14.1:12; 14.2:9
Surginer Wm. 9.2:11
Surginer, Ala. 3.2:2; 7.2:9' 12. :7,8; 13.2:12
Swain John 11.1:2 Maria 9. I:12
Swann Isaac 9.1:9
Swayze 14.1:12
Swearengen We. 9.2:7
Wllrenger Eli 14.2:4
Swearingen Arrena 12.2:4 Eli 12.2:4 Martin
Van 12.2:4
Sweetwater, Ala. 2.2:4,5; 4.1 :3,4,5: 4.2:2,3;
4.3 :2,4; 4.4:3,4; 5.1: I; 7.2:6; 9.' :5,6; 11.1: I;
12.1:11; 12.2:2.7,8; 14.1:6
Sweetwater BeatlPct. of Marengo Co. 8.1: 11 ;
10.1:5; 12.2:2; 13.1:3
Sweetwater & Nanafalia Road 14.1:5
Sweetwater Cemetery 4.4:3
willey John W 5. I:4
Swimley 2.2:3,6
Switzerland 2.4:4,5 Geneva 4.1:4 Orbe
2.4:3,4,5 Vaux 2.4:3
Synoy Milly 1 1.2: 10 William 1l.2: 10
Taintor Morton 12.1: 12
Tait Hester 10.1 :5,6 James 7.2:6
Talbert E.G. 2.2:6; 14.1:7
Talbot James 2.3:3 John 2.3:3
Talbut W.P. 5.2:2
Taliaferro Amanda] 3.2:6 Ann 13.2'6
Benjamin 7.1 :8; 11.1 :9; 13.2:6 D.M 2.2:3;
2.3:6 David M. 12.2:3.13.2:6 Emily 13.2:6
Harriet 13.2:6 Martha 13.2:6. 14.2:4
Theophilus W 13.2:6
Talladega Co., AJa. 5.1:5
Tallicbet A. 14.2:4
Tanner 11.2:9 Mary H 9.1:8 R.E. 10.1:9
Robert E. 9.1:8
Tart TH 9.2:] I
Tate Addie 7.2:4 J.A. 13.1: II james 7.1:4
James A. 13.2:11 James Andrew 4. I:5 M.E.
13.2:\1 s.p 7.2:5 Samuel P. 7.2:4
Tayler Henry 8.2:6 J.H. 8.2:6 Joseph 8.2:6
Nancy 8.2:6
Tayloe 11.2:9; 13.J:2; 14.1:11 George \1.1:1
H.A. 2.2:2,4,5; 11.2:10 llemyA. 3.2:6'10.1:11;
10.2:7; 12.2:11 J.W 2.2:5 .Ino W 2.2:6
Oliver 13.1:4 WH 8.1:1 I Wm. H. 10.1:9;
Taylor 2.2:4; 4.2:6; 4.4: 1 Arthur J2.1: 10 B.I {
11.1:6 hristopher 10.2: II Christopher H
4.3:6' 4. :1; 10.1:11 Criss 10.2:10,1] E.A.
2.2:5; 7.1 :6; 14.2:1 t E.F 9.2:2 E. Thornton
14.1:7 Edward 13.1:2 Ecfward A. 7.2:8; 8.2:6;
9.1 :8; 10.2:6; 12.2:3; 1 .1.1' 13.2' ,9 G. W
7.2:10 George W 8.1'10,11; 11.1:2; 14.2:7
George Washington 4.1:5 Grant 10. J:6 HA.
2.3:4 Henry 12.1: to J B. 8.2:2; 8.2:3; 11.1: 12;
J4.1:2 JG. 13.1:11 J.M. 5.2:8 J.W 12.1:2
.las. A. 10.1:8 James W 8.2:5,7; 10.1:9,10;
11.2:9; 12.2:9,11; ]3.2:2 John T 13.1:7
JohnWI4.1:7 MaryE.13.2:J1 NB.11.2:8
Nancy 13.1:7; ]4.1:3 s.s. 5.2:8 Sallie 14.1:3
Smith S 10.2:6 Thomas 7.2:3; 13.2:11
Townsend 0. 9.2:11 WH. 9.2:11 William
14.1 :3
Tellers George 14.2:5
Temple Martha 13.1:7
Tenner Thos. H. 2.2:5
Tennessee 2.3:6' .4:4; 4.3:3; 4.4:5; 5.1:5;
8.1:2; 10.1:6; 11.2:9; 12.2:4; 13.1:7,JO
Covington 5.1:3 Covington Co. 13.1:7
Franklin 4.1:4 Gre ne Co. 4.1:4 Hale 8.2:2
Haywood Co. 9.1:5 Hemy Co. 5.1:4 Knoxville
9.1:4 Mmphis9.1:12; 10.]:3 MomgomeryCo.
3.4:4 Nashville 4.1 :5; 10.2:2; 13.2: 10 Oak
Grove 9.]:6 Shelby Co. 14.1:6 Sparta 9.1:4
Stewart Co. 5.IA Tipton 0.5.1:3; 13.1:7
Williamson Co. 4.1:4
Terrell 10.1 :2,3 Eliz. F. 14.1:7 ELizabeth
8.1:8 F.B. 2.2:5; 13.2:6 Funnie L. 14.2:7 J.L.
J4 1:7 JamesL. 2.3:3' 10.]:3: J3.2:6· 14.]:7
JamesS. 8.]:8 Jas. T 14.2:1 Lee Kitchell 2.3:6
Lee R. 2.3'4 R.A 14. :7 If.F. 2.2:2,3,5
William F. 7.2:8; 8.1:3
Terry B. W 10.1:4 Ben). W I 1.2:2 Eli
II.l :7.8 John W 11.2:2
Texas .1 :3; 7.1: 12; 7.2:2; 9.1 :2,7; 9.2:8;
10.1:10; 10.2:2,4,9; 12.2:4; 13.1:7,8,10'14.1:11
AusfinCo. 12.1:2 Bedias 9.1:2 Bra=osCo.
10.2:3 Brenham 7.1:7 Buckhaverly 7.1 :7
Caldvve1l7.1:7 Centreville 10.2:4 Champ
dAsile 2.3:2 Cisco 14.1: I Columbia 7.1:7
DeWill Co. 10.2:3 Dickins Co. 7.1:7 Dochuns
7.1:7 Ellis Co. 10.2:4 Emis 10.2:4 Falls Co.
12.2:4 Galveston7.1:12 Giddings7.1:7
Goliad Co. 3. 1:4 Gonzales Co. 7.2: 11
Grandview 14.1:5 Grimes Co. 9.1: ; 10.]:10;
JO.2:4 Harrison C . 13.2:7 Housfon Co. 10.2:3
Hunf Co. 11.1: II Independence 5.2:3 Jewell
10.2:4 Johnson Co. 14.1:5 Kcnifman Co.
10.1:10; 10.2:4 Leon Co. 9.1:2 LimesloneCo.
10.1: 10 Milan Co. 14.1: 11 Montgomery Co.
5.2:6 Navarro Co. 5.2:10 Normangee 12.1:11
Nova SOfa 10.2:4 Panola Co. 12. 1:2 Paris
9.1:6 San Anfonio 5.2:3; 10.2:3 S quin 10.1:10
Terrell 10.2:4 Travis Co. 13.2:7 Van Zandf Co.
10.1: I 0; 10.2:4 Westbrook 12.1:11 Wills Point
Tbeus If L. 10.2:8
Thoman Elmo 4.3:3 John 4.3:3 Rebecca M
Thoma A. 2.2:6 A . . 7.2:4; 8.2:2,3; 14.1:6
Abraham 12.2:8 Alfred H. 9.1:6 Araminta E.
13.1:8 Belton E. 9.1:6 Bertha 14.2:8 Bob
13.1:3 Brooks 14.1:5 Charles Brooks 13.J:9
D. 13.1:6 E.C.J.B. 13.2:11 E.G. 13.2:3 Ed
8.2:10 Elizabeth 4.4:5 George 7.2:4 Geo. D.
14.1:5 Golda 12.1:11 Guiiford8.l:1l H.e.
13.2:2,3; 14.1 :5,6 Henry 5.2:2 Henry S 12.2:8
Ice Cream] 3.2:3 lsiah 7.2:4 1. 2.2:4; 7.2:4
JI. 13.2:3 .lame. 1. 13.2:2 John 7.2:4; 9.2:2
JohnB. 12.2:8 JohnC. 13.1:8 Kittie 13.1:3
L.R. 13.2:3,3 Laura 10. 1:6 Laura M. 13.2:2,3
Lizzie R. 13.2:2 MJ. 14.1:5 MS. 13.2:2,3
Martha 9.2:7 Mary 1. 14.1:5 MQI Jane 4.4:5
MichaelS 13.2:2 Nancy 10.1:6 Nathan 4.4:5
Olenza L. 13.2: II Pat] 3.1:2 Robert D. 9.1:6
Sallie H. ] 4.1:6 Silvey 7.2:4 Tony 8.2: lOW K.
10.2:9; 13.2:3; 14.1:5 William 8.1:4 Wm. K
13.2:2 Willie 14.1:5
Thomaston, Ala. 4.1 :3,4,5; 4.2:2,4; 4.3:2;
7.2:9; 8.2:3; 9.1 :4,5; 10.1 :5; 12.1 :6,9,] 1;
Thomaston BeatlPct. of Marengo Co. 4.2:2;
10.\ :5,6; 12.2:2
Thomaston Cemetery 1.1:3
Thomasville, Ala. 4.1 :4; 13.2:7
Thompson Abram 11.1:9 Albert 13.1:] 0
Archd. 11.1:8 Bass It 11.1:9 Bnmetla 14.2:4
Charily 9.1: 12 Clinton 13.2:7 D. 9.2'11 David
13.\:10 E.A. 13.2:7 E.H 13.2:11 Fannie
10.1:7; 14. :4 Francis 11.1:9 Frank 13.]:10
isaac ]3.1:10 l~iah 13.1:2 J B. 8.2.10 Jack
13.1:10; 13.2:6 .James 11.1:8 JamesA. 9.2:11
James A.M 13.2:6 James N. 13.2:7 .fames S.
13.2:7 Jesse 3.]:5 John 11.1 :7,8; 11.2:6
JohnF. 11.1:5 JohnS 3.2:6;7.1:9;8.1:2;
13.]:7 Joseph 13.2:7 Josephine 13.2:7 L.D.
4.4:5 Lorey 13.2:7 Lawrence 13.2:7 Mal»
13.1:3 Ma Ann9.l:l2 Maude 13.1:10
Minnie 13.1: 10; 14.2:4 N. 13.2:4 N.L. 2.2:5,6
Nancy 8.1:2 Nancy L. 13.]:7 R.H 2.2:3
Reubergue 13.2:7 RichQl'd B. 13.2:7 Robert
2.2:4 Samuel A. 8.2:6 arah A. 13. :6 Susan
]3.2:tl TB. 1l.l:5 Theophilus 13.1:10
Tho. N. ILl:8 Thomas 12.1:7 Thomas M
1].1:5 Vannie 13.1: 10 Washington 10.2:9;
11.1:8 Washington W. 11.]:9 Wm. S 13.2:6
Zel 10.1 :7; 13.1:1
Thomson R. 2.2:5 Robert 2.2:4
Thon Mitchell 10.2:8
Thorin Win. 5.2:8
Thornhill Wiley 14.1: 1
Thornton A.M 11.2:2 Alice May 10.2:3 KL.
14.1:5 WJ. 7.1:3; 11.2:2 William.!. 10.2:3
Thorton, Ala. 9.1:3
ThreadgiJI Alice 10.2:2 E.E. 10.2:2 Elijah
Mabin 12.2:8 G.E. 8.2: 10 Hamp 8.1:4 .!.L.
13.2: 12 1. W 9.2: 11; 10.1:8 .John W II.!: 10, 11
Marian 9.2:7 N.G. 9.2:7 SJ. 2.2:3,4 TJ.
9.2:11 Thos. S 9.2:7 WD.F. 9.2:11
ThredgiLI James 5.] :5
Tbupson Barbara 13.1:3
Thurmond Roberl2.2:5
Thurston Robert 8.1 :9
Tibbs Kimbrell 14.1:3 Susan 14.1:3
Tidwell family 1.1:6 Charle 7. 1:6
TiJlingbast David H. 14.2:2 Elias H. 14.2:2
MS 10.2:8 Maria S. 14.2:2
Timbs Ben). 11.]:7 John 11.]:9
Tinsley family 3.4:3
Ti dale Mary 13.1:5 Nathan 13.1:5
Todd John William 13.1:9
Tolbert Anna 10.2:4; 14.2:4 Annie 10.2:4
E.G. 2.2:2,5; 2.3:5; 7.1:4 Elin 10.2:4 James
10.2:4 John 10.2:4; 13.2:1] John M. 10.2:4
Joseph 9.1:6 MOlY Jane 10.2:4 Mollie 10.2:4
Vastme 10.2:4 William 10.2:4
Toler J. W 7.2:4
Tombigbee, Ala. 12.2:2
Tombigbee River 2.3:3; 4.2:6; 7.1:3; 9.2:5;
13. I :4,5; 14.2:7.9
Tompkin's Bluff 14.2:9
Torantz Mary 13.1:2
Torbert family 3.4:4 Ann 7.1 :4; 14.1:7 Anne
2.2:5,6 1.A. 13.1:5 1.E. 12.1:10 James 3.4:4
James A. 14.2:4 Louise 12.1: 10 Maggi Will
4.2:4 Pauline 7.1:4 S.M 7.2:10; 12.1:2
Sydney M 10.2:6 Sylvester 7.2:9 T1. 2.2:5
Torrantz Pink 13. 1:2
Torreotz Antony 13.1:2
Towles family 3.4:3 Jeraldine 14.2:4 Sally J.
Township 12 Range IE 13. 1:4' 13.2:7; 14.1 :5:
14.2:8 Range IW 13.1:4; J4.2:7 Range 2£
7.2:5 Range 3E 5.2:2; 8.1:7; 8.2:7; 9.2: 10;
10.2:5,7; 11.2:11; 13.2:9 Range4E7.2:2,12;
8.1 :7; 10. J:l2; 10.2:5; 12.1 :2; 14.1:5
Township 13 7.2:6 Range 1£ 3.1 :6; 10.1 :9,11;
10.2:7; 11.1:2' 11.2:6' 13.1 :4; 14.2:8 Range 1W
8.2:7; 10.1:9; 10.2:7; 13.1:4; 14.2:7,8 Range
2 £ 5.2:2; 10.1 :9, 11,12; 10.2:7; 11.1:2; 12.l:2;
14.1 :5; 14.2:8 Range 3£ 5.2:2; 8.2:7; 9.2: 10;
10.2:5,6; 11.1:2; 11.2:3; 13.1:11'14.1:5 Range
4£ 5.2:12; 7.2:2; 8.2:7; 9.1:8; 10.1:8,9.12;
11.2:3; 13.1:11; 14.1:4,10; 14.2:5
Townsbip 14 Range 1 E 8.2:7; 10 1: 10; 12.1 :2;
13.1 :4,5 Range 2£ 7.2:4; 8.2:3,7; 9.2: 1 I;
10.1:89,11; 10.2:7' 13.2:2,3; 14.1:6; 14.2:5
Range 3E 8.2:6,7; 10.2:6: 11.2:3; 14.) :5,6;
14.2:9 Range4E9.1:8· 10.1:12; 11.1:3'
11.2:3,11; 14.1:5,6,7 Range5E8.2:5; 10.1:9'
14.1:6,7,9 Range6E 12.1:2
Township 15 Range IE 10.1:11; 10.2:6;
13.1:5; 14.1:6 Range 2E 8.2:2; 10.1 :9,lJ,12;
10.2:6.7; 11.2:11; 13.1:5; 14.1:5,6 Range3E
8.2:6' 10.1: 11,12; 10.2:7; 11.1:2; 12.1 :2; 14.1:6
Range.JE 9.2:10' 10.1:12; 10.2:6,7; 14.1:5,6
Range 5E 7.2:7; 8.2:5; 9.2:4; 10.1 :11,12;
10.2:6,7; 11.2: 11' 12.2: 12; 13.1: 12; 14.1 :5,6,8 9
Range 6E 8. :5; 9.2: II; 12.1 :2; 14.1 :5; 14.2:7
Township 16 Range 2E 7.2:5; 8.2:5,6; 9.1 :8;
10.1:11,12; 10.2:7; 12.1:1 Range 3E9.2:9;
10.1: 11,12; 10.2:7; 12.1 :2,7; 12.2: 10; 14.1:6
Range 4E 5.2: 11; 7.2:2,8; 8.1 :8; 9.1 :8; 9.2:9, I0;
10.1:11,12; 10.2:7 Range5E5.2:1 I; 7.2:2;
9.2:4; 10.1:11,12; 10.2:7; 12.1:2; 12.2:10;
13.1:12; 14.1:6 Range6E2.3:5; 12.1:2
Town hip 17 Range 19.2:3; 10.1:10,11;
12.1:2; 13.1:5; 14.2:7 Range2E9.1·8,9,9.2.3;
10.1:9,\1.12,10.2:6,7; 14.2:5 Range3E7.2.4,
8 1:8; 8.2:5,6; 9.2:3; I0.1:l1, 10.2:7; 11.2: 12,
12. t:J Range 4£ 8.2:6; 9.1 :7; 10.1: \2; 12.2: 11;
14.2:8 Rang 5£ 8.2:6; 9.1 :8; 10.\ :8, 10,11:
10. :7
TowDship 18 R nge 1£ 10.I:lJ; 14.2:7 Range
2E9.2:3; 10.\:10,11; 14.2:7 Rallge3E5.2:9;
7.2:5; 8.2:6; 10.2:7; 11.1 :2,9; 14.2:5, Range
4E 1O.1:ll; 12.2: 11 Range 5E .2:6; 10.\: II
Tracy C W 9.2:7 MN. 9.2:7
Travis Jane 5.1 :5
Traywick Ignatius A 12.2:5
Traywick Hotel 7.2:7
Treadway family 3.2:4
Treadwell Carrie M 8.2:7 L. 10.2:4; 13.2:7
Lowndes 8.2:7 Rebecca 8.2:7; 10.2:4; 13.2:7
WF. 8.2:7
Trent Caldona D. 12.2:\ David 12.2:1
Eleanor 12.2:1 John T 12.2:1 Lucinda C.
12.2:1 Mary J. 12.2: I Sarah 111. 12. : 1
William H 12.2: I
Trice WH 13.1:3
Trigg J.s. 9.2:9,12 JohnS. 10.2:11
Tripp J.R 12.2:2 Leland7.1:9 Leslie 12.2:8
Trippe Henry 7.1:9; 14.1:9; 14.2:1 .lames
10.2:7 Jesse H. 9.1:6 Joh/1 F 10.2:7 Leland
5.1:5; 12.2:6; 14.1:8; 14.2:1 Rorie4.4:4
Rozelah R. 12.2:6
Trinity Episcopal Church .3: I: 7.2:4; 10.2: J;
Troy, Ala. 2.3:5
Trueman Alice 14.1:6
Truesdail family 3.4:4
Trull A.B. 8.2:10 Callie 12.1:11 HF 12.1:11
J. 8.2:10 JT 8.2:\0; 12.\:1\ Luke 12.1:11
Tucker 4.3:4 family 1.1 :6; 8.2: 12; 11.1: I
Albert P 12.2:8 Alex 8.1:4 Alexr. 8.1:3 Allen
8.1:3,4 Annie 14.1:6 Ben3.2:2 Bob 8.1:3,4'
10.2:11 Brazill Richard 4.1:5 CA. 9.2:7 CM.
14.1:5 C T 11.1:2 Callie 4.4:4 Callie A.
13.2:2 Daisie 4.3:5 David 4.2:6 Doc 4.4:4
E.c. 13.2: 11 Emma 8.1:3 4 Frank N. 12.2:2
H. E. 5.2:2 Harrwell 11.1:3 Helen 4.2:3 Henry
13.1:8 Henry B. 13.2:6 1.1. 7.1: ; 7.2:6; 9.2:7;
14._:4 1.M 7.1:3; 13.2:11 1.s. I .2:9
James A. I .1 :8,9 James Leroy 4.1:5 Jam s W
8.2:4 Jeremiah L. 10.1:4 Jerry L. 14.2:4 John
11.1:3 John Clark 12.2:8 John D. 12.2:5
./no. S. 10.2:6 John Sl1mll 113.1:9 Judith
10.1:4 L Y 13.2: Ii MA. 9.2:7 Martha 13.2:6;
14.2:4 MQlyI4.2:4 Mal 13.1:6 Mathew
Marion 4.1:5 Malian N. 12.2:& OP. 14 1:6
Patsy D. 14.1:10 Peter 13.1:6 Pleasenl Marion
4.1:5 Poke 4.3:5 R.H 9.2: 11 Richard H
4.2:6; 14.1'10 Roy L. 12.2:9 S. 4.3:5 s.P.
9.2:7; 1l.2:11; 13.1:6, 14.1:5 Sally3.2:2
Solomon 12.2:8 W H 13.2:11 WL. 9.2:9;
14.2:4 WM. 12.2:3 Wm. L. 12.2:5 Wm. S.
13.2:2 William Sidney 13.1:9 William Truehart
Tulip Hill (plantation) 12.2:12; 14.1:10
Tuller 8.2:5 Rush 3.1 :3; 8.2:5; 9. L&; 14.2: 11
Turbeville Doss 8.2: 10
Tureman FS. 2.2:3,4 P.S. 2.3:5
Turkey Creek 10.2:2
Turkey Creek, Ala. 5.2:6
Turkey Creek Church 5.2: 12
Turner 4.4: 1; 7.1 :6; 14.2:9 family 3.2:4; 3.4:4
A.I 1l.1: 12 Allen 8. J:2 Aretus 7.2:5 David B.
7.2:2; 10.1:2 EmanueI3.i:5 Emmet8.1:2 G.A.
14.1:6 Henry 13.1 :2,3 James 10.1: II John
8.1:2 Julius 14.2:7 Nancy 8.1:2 Ned 13.1:3
Samuel 8.1 :2 Tho. H. 2.2:4 Thomas 12.2:5
Willie 12.2:2
Tuscaloosa, Ala. 4.1 :4; 4.3:6; 5.1 :2; 9.1 :5;
9.2: 12; 10.2:&; 11.2:6,8
Tuscaloosa Co., Ala. 2.3:4; 4.1 :4; 4.2:3; 9.2:5;
12.1:11: 13.1:5,8
Tuskaloosa River 9.2:5
Tutt Atlass 13.1:3 Be/tie 4.3:5 Vernon 4.3:5
Vi e 4.3:5
Tuttle Geo. R. 7.1:6 Margaret A. 13.2:7
Reubergue ]3. :7 WA. 13.2:7 Wm. A. 13.2:7
Tutwiler Henry 10.2:8
Twilley 4.4:5 Ed 4.4:5 Fannie 4.4:5 J.B.
14.1:4 J.M 8.2:10 Lennie B. 7.2:9
Twilly George 10.1:12; 12.1:3
Tyson Mason 11.1:7 Simon 10.2:8
Ulmer Abbie 4.4:3 I.B. 4.1 :5; 4.4:3 Isaac: B.
Ulrick 8.2:4
Underwood family 3.2:4 Ausley 8. J:2 J.G.
8.1:2 John 7.1:8 John F 8.1:2 Margaret 8.1 :2
Marshal J. 8.1:2 Nimrod 8.1:2 Ri hard R.
8. L:2
Union Baptist Church 4.3:1
Union G rove Baptist Church 10.2: I
Uniontown, Ala. 2.3:3; 3.4:4; 4.2:3; 9.1 :2;
10.2:8; 13.1:2; 14.1:IJ
Uniontown & Prairie Bluff Road 12.2:6
Uniontown (Church) Association 13.2: I
United Charities of Demopolis 14.1:2
U.. Cast Iron,Pipe, and Foundry Company
U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Company 8.2:2
Upper Red River 14.2:9
Upper Standing Peach Tree, Ala. 5.2:6
Vaiden family 3.4:4
Vail A Elizab th 9.1:1 1
Van Arten Alabama 4.4:4
Van de Graff 7.1:6
Van Dorn, Ala. 9.1:1 I; 14.2:5
Vandyke .!<1ferson c. 13.2:4
Vann FA 13.1:2
Varner 12.1:2 Ann 10.2:4 Elizabeth 10.2'7;
14.1:3 Fannie 10.2:4 James 10.2:4; 14.1:3
John 10.2:4; 11.1:5; 12.2:5; 13.2:7; 14.2:4
JohnM. 10.2:4; 13.2:7 Joseph 10.1:7; 10.2:4
Lizzie 10.2:4; 13.2:7 Lizzie W. 14.1:7 Lucy
13.2:7 Martha 14.1:3 Mmy JO.2:4 Mary£.
13.2:7 Matilda 14.1:3 Rhoda 14.1:3 Samuel
2.4:6 Susan 14.1:3
Vary 7.1:6
Vaugban family 3.2:4 (Dr.) 4.3:2 A. 7.2:3
A.G. 13.1:8 A.S. 10.2:6; 1 . :5; 14.2:4 AdaB.
10.1:4' 13.1:8 AlfredG. 10.1:2: 12.2:11: 13.1:8
Algernon Sidney 4.4:4 Alice
3.2:6; 14.2;4
C 5.2:8 c.L. 5.2:8: 12.2:5 Cecil 13.1:8 Cecile
JO.I:4 omelia 9.2:7 Elizabeth 9.2:7 He.
5.2:8 Hemye. 13.1:8 Henry Clay 9.2:3 Ida
10.1:4 JR. 13.2:4 James A. 4.4: I Joanna
9.2:6 L.A. 2.2:6 L.B. 5.2:8 Mar/haG. 13.1:8
Mary Ann 4.4:4 MOlY E. 13.1:8 Mary 0. 9.2:3;
10.l:4; 13.1:8 MallieMaria4.4A Plu/ar h
13.1:8 Reuben 13.1:8 Robert W 10.1:4; 13.1:8
Sallie 4.3:2 Samuel W 13.1:8 Susan W 10.1:4;
13.1:8 Tacitus 13.l:8 Theodosia B. 9.2:3;
13 1:8
Vaugbn 10.2:10; 11.2:10 family 3.4:3 Alfred
G. 9.2: 12 Alice 11.2:10 e.c. J3.2:11 E.ll.
2.3:4 M.o. 9.2:12
Vausters Cornelius 9.1:9
Vauter e.H. 3.1:3
Vawter Clarissa H. 14.2:4
Vawters Com. H. 11. J:& Corns. 9.1: 10
Vermont Castleton 12.1:12 Rutteo. 1 .1:12
Vernon Theodore H. 7.2:5
Vice John Robert 4.4:4 ary 4.4:4 William
Vincent 4.4:4
Vickfamily3.2:4 e.T 8.2:10 E.M 7.2:11
EdmllndR. 8.1:7 Geo. 13.2:12 HD. 13.2:12
.IH 13.2:12 J.L. 13.2:12 James W 12.2:8
Joshua 10.1:7 M.M &.2:10 P.L. 8.2:10 TW
8.2:10 WF. 13.2:12 WV 8.2:JO
Vicksburg & Brunswick Railroad Company
Victory Cinthia M 13.1:8
Vincent JIJ. 7.2:10 JohnH 11.1:10; 14.2:8
M.1. 14.2:8 o.P. 7.2:10; 14.2:8
Vineland. AI . 4.1:2.3,4: 7.2:9,12; 9.1 :3,4;
Viol 9.1:9
Violett Edward S. 9.2:7 Mary E. 9.2:7
VioUe F 13.2:8
Virginia 1.1:5; 2.1 :3; 3.2:3; 3.3:4; 3.4:4;
4.3:2 3; 4.4:4,5: 5.1 :4,5; 8.1 :3; 9.1 :7; 10.2:9
It.2: 8 BarbolirS Creek 9.1:5 Brunswick Co.
2.1 :2; 3.2:3 Campbell Co. 7.2:7 Caroline Co.
4.1:3 Denwoody Co. 4.1:5 Essex Co. 8.2:6
Hanover Co. I .2:9 Harrisonburg 12.2:4
Lynchburg 7.2:7 Norfolk 2.4:4,5; 4.1:5 Norfolk
Co. 4.1:5 Richmond 10.2:3 9 Spollsylvania Co.
7. I : I I Sf. Stephens 10.2:3 Tappahannock
Vivian A. 7. J:6
Waddle R.S.8.1:4
Wade ] 0.1: Char/otle 13.1:5 JA. 9.2: 11
John T 7.2:7; 12.2:6 Martha 1. 9.2:7 Mary S
14.1:5 TS 14.1:5
Wagner c.w. 14.1:6
Waites Delaney 11.2'4 1. W 11.2:4 Jno
11. :4 Myree 11.2:4 WF 11.2:4
Walker 2.2:4; 2.3:3; 9.1 :9; 13.1 :2,3 family
3.2:4 Anderson 10.1:12 Andrew9.l:l0· 9.2:7
Andy 7.2:4 B atriceBrown 12.1:10 CD. 9.2:9
Callie 4.4:4 Catherine 9.2:7 hades 2.2:5;
14.1:7 Charles C. 7.2: 12 Chas 13.1:2 Chas
13.1:6 Chas. D. 13.1:2 D.S 14.1:7 DavidS
2.2:5 Duncan 13.1:3 Elizabeth 7.2: 11 Emma
13.1:3 Erasmus 11.1:7 Fannie 13.1:3 George
7.1:12 HenriellaJ 10.2:4 1.£.11.1:6 1.H
13.2:11 1.W 12.2:12 Jacob 13.1:1 Joe7.2:4
John 9.1:9 John T 10.2:4 M 13.1:2 ME
9.2:6 Margaret 7.2:12 Martha 7.2:1 1 Mims
2.2:5,6; 10.1:8; 14.1:11 N.R. 10.2:3; 11.1:10
Nelson 13.1:3 R.B. 2.2:4 Rob/. 12.2:2
Susan A. 10.2:3; 11.I: 10 T H 12.2:5 Tandy
9.2:5 Thos. H 7.1:6 Vance H. 12.2:8 Wm.
13.1:3 WilIiamN. 12.2:8
Walkers Dinah 13.1:3
Walkington 7.1:6
Wall Edward B. 10.2:7; 12.2:5
Wallace Augusta Louise 12.1:12 CalvinAtkin
12.1:12 ClaibornD. 12.1:12 Dina Ann 12.1:12
E.F 12.2:3 Joe 10.2:10,11 John T 12.1:12
PrinceA. 12.1:12 SusieA. 12.1:12
Waller 10.1:7 A.A. 9.1:8 A.U 13.2:4 Alex,..
13.1:8 Mal 13.1:4 N 9.1:9 Na/haniel9.1:8
Waller Cemetery 10.1:5,7
Walls Edward B. 10.1:3 Eliza S 10.1:3
£li::abelhB. 10.1:3 Levi 10.13 Levi P. 10.1:3
Robert J. 10 1:3
Walnut Grove (plantation) 11.2:9; 12.2: 11
Walston George ~V 4.1 :5; 4.4:5; 9 1.8 Julia V
Quinney 7. J:2 Nancy 9.1:8 Sam!. A 13. [:8
Sarah 1 . [:8 Thad 4.2:4 William L. 12.1:2
William Le~'Y 4.1:5
Walters Dinah 13.1:3
Waltball Elziahelh 9.2:7 Jane F 7.2:8
John D. 2.3:4 . W. 9.2:7 Thos. 8. 7. J:9
William C. 7.2:8; ] 0.1: II
Walton Buck [3.1:3 Granville 7.2:6 Haywood
7.2:6 Henson 13.1:3 Jim 13.1:3 John T 2.2:6;
2.3:3; 14.1:7 Sallie 7.2:6 William 9.1:9
Ward J. 13.2:4 JJ.R. 2.2:2 L.G. 14.2:10,11
Ne dham 4. 1:5 Richd. N. ] 2.2:2
Ware family 3.4:3 Willium A. 7.2:9
Warner Caleb 10.1: 12 John 2.2:3
Warren D.o. 13.2:4 Edmund 11.1:9
Virginia U 12.2:4
Warrior SB. 7. J:6
Warwick family 3.2:4 Irene 7.2']2
Wa ham Jeremiah 2.4:6
Wa bington George 12.1 :9; 14.2:5 Winsor
11.1 :6
Washington Co., Ala. 2.4:2.5.1 :3,5' 72:7'
11.2:6; 13.1:5
Waters Camilla 3.2:5 Jona/han D. 4.4: I;
Wathham Jere. 11.1:8
Watkins 4.2:6 family 3.1 :4; 3.2:3 Ann 10.1:7
B.o. 8.1:8 BrackeI5.l:4 Brackel .8.1:2;
13.1:7 Calvin 13.1:8 Chrislopher5.1:4; 8.1:2;
13.1:7 Do/ly5.1:4; 13.1:7 G.W 14.2:4
HelenM. 13.1:8 1.L. 9.2:[1 James D. 10.1:4;
13.1:8 James 1. 10.1:4; 13.1:8: 14. UO Joel
4.4:6 L. 8.2:7 Luther 12.2:8 Mary 5.1:4
Mmy A. 13. J:8 Mary £. 8.1:2 Miles Abernathy
13.1:9 N.H. 10.1:4 Napoleon 8. 13.]:8 Sarah
Ann 4.2:4 Savannah [2.\: 12 Strother 12.2:8
WiIlwmH.I0.1:4; 13.1:8; [4.2:4
Watkins Creel, 4.2:6
Watlington 7.1:6 Ben [3.1:6 Delores 14.2:8
E.F 2.2:2,5 E.T 2.2:6; 10.1:4; 12.2:6
Edward T 2.3:3; 8.1 :3; 10. J :2,4 Eugene 14. :8
Fannie Morgan 14.1: J 1 Florenc 4.4:5 Grace
4.4:5 gA. 14.2:7 R. W 8.2:4 Robert 4.4:5;
14.2:8 RoberIA.13.2:2 Sallie Allie 14.l:Il
TM 14.1:11 T Morgan 14.1:11 ThomasS
14.1: [1 Walter Cornelius 14.1: 11 Walter T
14.l:L1 William fi, nry 14.1:11
Watson 13.1:3; 13.2:4 Bennel 11.1:7 Hemy
2.4:5 Jared 14.1:3 Jason 11.1:9 John D. 4.2:3
Jordan4.3:3 Judy 14.1:3 Nelson 13.1:3
Rebecca 14.1:3 Samuel 14.1:3
Watt 2.2:5
Watters AllenG. 10.1: ; 13.1:9 Camilla
13.1:9 Joseph 13.1:9 Stacey B. 13.1:9 WilLiam
13.1 :9
Watts family 3.4:3 Annie 12.2:9 GA. 10.1:9
Gustavus A. 12.2:9 Joe 4.4:4 Lawson T 9.1:6
Lorraine 4.4:4 ME. 10.1:9 Rufus M 10.2:5
Waugh WJ 13.1:2
Wauls Lawrence 13.1:2
Way Siska Coates 8.2:3
Wayland (plantation) 9.1: 11
Wayland Cemetery 9.1: 11
Wayne Barney 8.2:4
Wayne, Ala. 4.1: ,4,5;4.4:3;9.1:6; 10.2:1;
Wear Wm. 13.1:3
Weatherly H.~. 14.2:6
Weave 8.1:12 family 3.4:4 John 13.1:7 P.G
2.2:6 Phillip 1. 2.3:5 VG. 2.2:6 Virgil8.2:6
Warr n 13.1:3
Webb AnneE. 14.1:6 B.J. 14.1:5 BW 13.2:7
Edwin Stunvick 11.2: II Eugene 14.1:6 G.
2.2:3 Henry 10.1:7 James 11.2:11; 13.1:3
James Moore 11.2: II John e. 9.2:3,1 0; 10.1 :8;
11.1: 12 Jos. 13.1:3 ML. 5.2:2 MOlY 10.1:7
s.e. 9.2: 10 Sadie 9.2: 12 Sophia 11.2: [I
ophie 4.4:4
Webster Clarissa 12.2:4 John R. 12.2:4
Wedgeworth family 3.2:4
Weems 4.1 :6; 13.2:4 1.1. 13.2:4 Penelope
Weil William 7.2:9
Weir 9.1:9 Isaac II. 9.1:9 1. H. 11.2:2 Roherl
11.1:3 Sebelle 11.2:2 Walter 12.2:3
Weiss A.M. 11.1:12 E.W 11.1:12 Ed 12.2:2
Levin 12.2:2
Welcb 2.2:4 family 3.4:3,4 James 8.2: II
William Henry 3.4:4
Wells family 3.4:4 Bet!iamin 2.4:6; 3.3:6:
7.1:9; 14.1:3 BenjaminA. 3.3:6 Bias 3. :6
Easter 9.1 :10 James 8.2:7; 9.1: 10; 11.1:8
Martin 9.1 :9; 11.1:7 Matilda 14.1:3 R.A.
11.2:4 Tohias 3.3:5 WJ 11.2:5 Wm. 9.1: 10
Welton Ard 10.2:7
Wemberley E.c. 9.2:9 JD. 9.2:9
Wenck C. 10.2:6
Wesley Chapel Cemetery 4.1 :2; 4.4:4
West 13.1:3 family 3.2:4 Addison 13.1:3
Billie 13.1:3 Dempsey 13.1:9 Harvey 13.1:9
Haygood 2.2:5 Haywood 14.2:2 irvin 13.1:9
JL. 8.2:10 Nathaniel 13.1:3 Ned 13.1:2 Wiley
9.1;6 William 13.1:9
Westbrook 4.2:6: 4.3:3 Egbert 10.1:2 FF
8.2:4 Frederick F 7.2:3: 8.2:4 .lames 2.2:5
Marcella 4.3:4 MOl}' E. 2.2:4.5,6; 10.1:3
Moses 7.2:3; 8.2:10; 12.2:"- Re11la 4.2:4 Wm.
Westbrooks FH. 7.2:9
Westerfeld I George B. IO.l:! 0 Sallie 10.1:1 0
Westerfelt George D. 10.2:4 Sallie Jane
10.2:4 Sarah 10.2:4
West Virginia Greenbrier o. 4.1:3
Lewisburg 4.1:3 Monroe Co. 10.2:3
Western Union Matrimonial and Self
Endowment Association 12.2:1 I
Whatley, Ala. 9.1:4
Whcarley Catherine 10.2:4; 11.l:10 Eli:ahelh
4.1:2 JB. 7.1:3 J, hn B. 10.2:4; 11 I: J 0
William 4.1 :2
Wheeler family 3.2:4 11.2: 10 Anna 2.2:2,5,6
Eliza 11.2: 10 John 13.2:4 Simeon 2.3:3
Wheel04:k Dilsy I .1:3
Wheems Wm. 13.2:4
Wherley .I.B. I I. [:6 John Bales 4. t :5
Wbifield John 13.2:4
Wbirley Henry 12.2:2
Whistler, Ala. 12. I : 11
Whitcomb B.F 10.1:9; 12.2:10 Benjaim F
4.1:5 Billie S 7.2:9 C.!l. 12.2:2 David
Charle.~ 4.1:- John P. 8.2:2 W T 7.2:9
William T 9.1:6
White 2.2:4 family 3.2:4 A.L. 4.2:4 A/rna
11.2:4; 14.2:7 Annie 14.2:7 Archie 7.2: 12 e.
13.2:4 Cam G. 7.2:3; 11.1:7; 14.1:3 Carrie
8.1:7 Cass 5.2:2 Charity 10.1:5 Cornelius
13.1:2 David 11.1:8 Davis 11.17 E.L 12.2:5
Eltjah 1l.l:9 Eliza 11.2:4 Elizabeth 3.3:5;
9.2:2,3,4; 10.2:5 Esther 14.2:7 Evelina E.
13.1:8 Fannie 11.2:4 Finely8.2:10 Finetta
8.2:11 H 7.2:6 HC 8.2:10' 12.1:3; 14.1:1
Henry [1.1 :7,8 Hiram 11.1:7 Holly 14.1:3
.I.e. 9.2:11 JF 14.2:6 .Iames8.I:"; 11.1:7,8
Joel 10.2:8 John 8. : II; L3.1:3 Julia 8. L:3 L.
13.2:12 L.e. 5.2:2 Lena 14.2:7 Luke 13.1:8
MQlY 82:6; 9.2:2,3,4; 10.2:4 Mi{{ie 7.2:12
tv, eey 14.2:7 Robert 11. I :7,8 Sally D. 2.4:2
Sarah 8.2: 11 Shep 11.1:6 Susie 14.2:7 Thomas
Corley9.1:6 Vina LO.I:6 We. 8. :4 WH
7.1:3; 12.2:9 William 5.2:2; 11.1 :8,9 Zedkiah
White Bluff 9.2:5
Whitefield NE. 2.3:4
White Hall, Ala. 2.2:4; 4.2:6; 4.3:6; ]2.1: 10;
Wbite Hall Beat of Ma"engo Co. 4.2:6
Whitehead Benjamin 7.2:2 John 11.1 :&,9
Richard 11.1 :7; 14.2:6 Robert 8.1: 11
Whitfield 2.2:4; 4.1:6; 4.2:6; 8.2:5 family
3.4:34; 7.1: 1,2 B. U. 14.1:7 B. W 2.2:3,4,5,6;
9.2:3,4: 10.2: 10 Bettie 7.2:8; 8.2:6; 9.1:8 Boaz
10.1: 11, 12 Bryan 11.2: II BIJlan W 2.3:5;
4.1:6' 5.2:6' 7.2:4,7,8; 9.1 :6; 10.2:5 Bryan
Walkin4.1:S CD. 2.2: ; 10.L:8; 10.2:4; 13.2:7
Charles B. 7.2:4; 9.1:8 Clinton 10.2:2 Edith D.
8.2:3 FE. 8.2:5 Francis E. 11.2:10 G. 5.2:7;
13.1:4 Gaines 14.1:7 Gaills2.2:6;4.1:5;4.2:3;
5.2:7: 9.1 :8; 10.1:11; 10.2:4; J 1.1 :7; 13.2:7
George 2.2:4; 4.1:5; 4.2:4; 7.1 :2; 12.1:3
George N. 13.2:7 Grace F 8.2:3 HenlY J
8.2:3 James 4.1 :6; 10.2:4; 13.2:7 James B.
8.2:3 James Bryan 4.1:5 John 7.1:9; 10.1:12;
L3.2:4 Lucy 11.2:10 LucyG. 7.1:11; 14.2:8
lvfarieArs 12.1:10 Mary4.L:6 MaryA 7.2:4;
10.2:4 Mmy Alice 11.2: II Mwy M. 10.2:2
N.D. 8.2:46; 14.1:7 N.o. 8.2:5 Nathan 4. I :6;
13.2:1 Nathan B. 2.3:3,6; 4.1 :6; 7.2:8; 9.1:8
Nathan Bryan 3.4:4 Nothl. Blyan 11.2: I I
Needham 4.1 :5,6; 10.2:4; 13.2:7 Roben 4.1:6
W W 8.2:5 William 4.1:6 William Willshire
3.4:4 Wright 10.2:10
Whiting J.W 2.3:5
Whitley F 7.2:6 James 10.1: 10; 11.1 :9; 11.2:7
Jane 3.2:6; 13.1:7 Minerva 10.2:4; 13.1:7
Pheraby 10.1:10 R.D. 3.2:6; 7.2:7; 12.2:6;
14.1:9 Robert D. 3.2:6 S.D. 10.2:4 Sam 5.2:2
Samue/3.2:6; 13.1:7
Whitlock Asa 7.1:9
Whitlow Alfred Jones 4.1:5 B.P. 9.1: I0;
11.l:8 BenajahP. 2.4:6;4.3:6; 7.L:9; 13. :4;
14.2: 11
Whitsell R.G. 3.2:5
Whitt John 14.2:2
Wbitthorn Juliet 8.2:2 Rebecca 8.2:2
Whyte Thomas E. 2.2:4
Widmer George 2.4:5
Wiggins John 11.1:7 Martha 5.1:5 Martha A.
13.2:10 MaryJ. 5.1:5 Rose/lah5.1:5 Rosetta
13.2:10 Rowann5.1:5 RoweA. 13.2:10 TR.H
2.3:3 Thomas R. 5.1:5 Thomas R.H 3.2:5;
Wilburn family 3.4:4 John Daniel 7. 1:2
Wilcox Francis 3.1:4 J.N. 9.2:12 Lucius3.I:4
Wilcox Co., Ala. 2.3:3,45; 3.2:5; 3.4:3;
4.]:3 4,5; 4.4:5; 5.1 :4; 5.2:6; 7.l: I; 7.2: 12;
8.1 :8; 9.] :2,4,7; 9.2: 11' 10.1 :8, 12; 10.2:2,4,5;
12.1 :2,7,12; 12.2:4,6; 13.1:7' 13.2:9' 14.1:5,9
WiII<erson Ale..-..: 12.]:9 Franklin 10.1:3
Jane E. 10.1:3 Joseph 7.1:12 Wash 13.1:2
Wilkins 10.28 .Iosiall 12.1: 10 R.A. 13.1 :2;
WilliinsoD A. 13.2:4 Jacob 12.2:6 .!< hn W
William Han'ieI92:7 John 11.2: II Mal)}
11.2: 11 Nina 11.2:5 Thomas H. 9.1:6
Williams 2.2:4; 12.1:2 jamily 3.4:3,4 Allen B.
J 1.2:5 Ally 8.2: 11 Ann 13. 1:3 Ashley 14.2:4
Ben 13.1:2 BenjaminS. 9.1:8 Billie 8.1:]2
Bryanl 10.1:12 c.E. 14.2:4 Caleb 2.3:3;
]0.1:3; 12.2:5 Caleb E. 11.2:2 Caleb.! LO.I:3
Caroline 9.1:10 Charles 8.1:9; 10.1:7; 10.2:6;
14.2:9 David 3.3:5; 12.1:6 Dock 5.2:2 Ed
9.2: 12 Emi~y C. 10.2:6 Emma V1).I: L1
Evant 10.1:3 Fannie 7.2:5 Felix 9.1: 10 Frank
8.2:10; 13.1:2 OT 9.2:]0 George 7.2:4
George D. ] 0.1:3 Gesner 9.2:9, II; 10.2:9;
11.1:12; 13.2:2 Hemy 10.1:7 J.B. 7.2:10,11;
11.1:2' 14.1 :8' 14.2:8 J. 0. 10.1:9 J.M. 2.2:5,6
Jacob 8. 10.2:9; 14.2:4 .James A 11.1: II
James C J 1.2:3; 13.1:4 .James E. 4.4:3
James H 7.2:9; 10.1:4 James M 10.1:4; 12.2:6
.lames T 12.1:6 Jane 10.1:3; 12.J:6 Jim 13.1:2
Job 5.2:8 Joe 13.1:3 John 8.2: 11; I Ll:l1;
13.1:3 John G. 3.1:3; 5.1:2; 10.1 :10; 10.2:8'
12.2:5; 13.1:4 JosephJ. 10.1:3 L.A. 9.2:7
Leroy 9.1:10 Louisa lO.1:3 LouisaM. 14.2:4
Lli/a 11.2:5 ME 1l.l:2 MP. 9.2:7 Mack
13.1:3 MariaS.I:12 i\4ary9.1:10; 10.]:3
MOlY E. 10.1:3 MQlY L. C 7.1:7 Mollie
Elizab th 10.2:9 Nathan 5.2:7 Nelson 14.1:5
Nina 11.2:5 P.w. 5.2:2 Pearson G. 9.1:10
Peter 10.1:7 Pre ley 12.1:6 Quintus 12.2:8
R.M. 3.1:3 Ransom 2.2:4 Ray 7.2:9 Richmond
11.2:5 Rosa Lee 4.4:3 am /3.1:2 Samuel J
10.1:12; 12.1:12 Sarah 10.1:4; 14.2:4 Stephen
10.2:7,8 Stephen E. 10.1:3 Stephen Everett
10.2:9 Susan 102:9 SylVia 13.1:3 TF 7.1:7
Tom 13.1:3 WB. 11.2:5 w.N. 2.2:5 William C.
10.1:3 William G. 14.2:4 William W 12.1:6
Willis 7.2:4
Williamson family 3.2:4 Ambrose 10.1:10
Baily Blake 4.1:5 CD. 13.1:6 D.P. 7.1:6
Darroh D. 13.2:11 E.L. 7.2:6 Edmund 8.1:6
Emma 11.1: I] George W 9. 1:6 Isabella
11. J: I I .J.D. 14.1:8 James A 9.1:6 M.A.
11.1: 11 Mack FOlv/er 9.1:6 Mwy 13.2:11 P.J.
4.3:5 Parthenia lO.l:10 PriorJames4.1:5
TP. 7.1:3; 14.l:8
Willingham family 3.4:3,4 Dewey W 9.1:6
W ill is family 3.4:3 Isham 13. 1:3
.. _­
Willoughby James D. 9.1:6
Wills Albert W 9.2:7 Benjamin 10.1: 1I John
14.1:4 Margret 9.2:7 Nancy 14 1:4 Rebecca
14.2:8 SllsanA. 10.1:11
Wilmer (Bishop) 11.2: 1
Wilson 9.1:9,10; 13.2:7 B.G. 14.2:7 Clarmda
Well' 12.1:7 David lvl. 13.2:7 Ida \3.2:7 Isaac
I \. 1:5 Isham Griffin 4.1:5 James 1 \.1 :7.9
John W. 5.1:2; 12.1:7; 13.1:4 Katy 12.1:8 L.J
2.3:4 LallI' 1 .2:7 Lewis 10.1:7 Lucretia
12.2:4 IvfA 7.2:3 Mary 13.2:7 Mary B. 4.3:2
Mauhew 7. :3 Minni 13.2:7 Palll N 9.1:6
Randle 11.1:9 Richard.!. 13.1:10 Sally I .2:7
Samuel 11.1:7,8 Sharod 1. J:8 William H
Windham family 3.2:3
Winn A. B. 13.2:4 Alice 14.2:4 ffJ 2.2:5,6
Margretl1.2:l0 MaryE. 12.2:4 N.o. 9.2:12
Norman G. 12.2:4 WE. 7.1:6 Wo. 2.2:6;
12.2:3 Walter E. 7.1:6' 12.2:3,4 Wiley a.
14.1:7 Willey G. 12.2:3 William 9.2:6
Winningham James George 9.2:8 Joseph
9.2:8 Mary 9.2:8 emperance 9.2:8
Winston Margaret 10.2:9
Winter Helen Long 14.1:2
Wire Robert 11.1:3
Wise 5.2:8 MGfY A. 11.2:2 Robert 1Ll:3 T
Withers Henry 9.1: \1 Robt. \1.2: 11 Willey
Griffin 9.1: 11
Witberspoon A.J. 2.2:5,6 Isham [1. J:2 JM.
7.2:6 John 4.2:6
Wofford Ally 13.1:7 Mary 13.1:7 Moses W
\3.1 :7
Wolf D.SJ 14.2:11 James 12.1:6 Leviey
Wolff Winfield 2.2:4
Wood 14.2:8 Alma 7.1:7 Ann 14.1:6 David
10.2:8; 14.1:3 FW. 7.1:7 Henry3.3:5
Isaac W 10.2:3 Jam s \1.1:9 James H 7.\:4
John Hackworth 13. J:() Jonas 9.1: 10 Josiah
14.1:6 L.M 2.2:4 Mary C 10.2:3 Rainey
14.1:3 S.O 7.1 :3; I I.2.l1 William 8.2:7
Woodall JR. 13.2:4 Jolin 11. 1:8 Presley T
1 .1: 11
Woodard CE. 7.2:2; 14.2:10 JB. 7.2:2 JC
12.1:3 James B. 9.2:11; 10.2:5 John T 14.2:10
P. 13.2:4 Tabitha 10.2:5
WoodardsviJIe, Ala. 14.2:11
Woodfin family 3.4:3,4
Woodhall 7.1:6
Woodland (plantation 12.2:[ I
Woods Sallie 11.2:4
Woodville, Ala. 2.3:3; 4.2:6, 12.2:6
Woodward family 3.4:4 CE. 14.2: 11 Chs. E.
14.2:11 James B. 7.2:2 Robt. S 13.2: II Wm.
Il.l :8
Woodworth Sarah 9.2:7
Wooley Reason 8.1:6
Woolf 2.2:4; 14.1:9 Carrie 10.2:4 E/izab II
8.2:7; 10.2:6; 13.2:7 Eula 10.2:4 Fanny 10.2:9
Frances 10.2:4,9 NA. 2.2:3.5; 3.2:5,6; 5.2:7;
8.2:11; 10.1:2,8; 12.1:2; 14.2:8 Henry 8. :7;
14.1:3 Hemy A. 3.2:6; 5.1 :6; 8.2:6; 10.1 :2;
10.2:4 6,9 Henry Ashby 10.2:9 James B. 3.2:5;
4.4: I; 8.2:7; 11. J :7; 14.1: 12 L.A. 12.2: 10
Lizzie C 13.2:7 Lucy A. 3.2:5 Mallie L. 10.2:4
Net/ie 10.2:4 So.. 4.4:4 Sadie 10.2:9
Samuel G. LO.2:4; 12.2: 11 Samuel Gholson
10.2:9 Thomas J. 2.2:5; 2.3:3; 3.2:5; 5.l :6;
9. [:3,11; 10.1 :2; 10.2:7; 1 .2:7; 14.2:2 Thomas
Jefferson 14.1:12 W 2. :3,5; 3.1: 13.2:9
William K 13.2:7 Willi K. 13.2:7 Wmjie/d
2.3 :5; 3.1 :5; 10.1 :2; 10.2:6; 14.2:4
WoolJey Dora A. ILl: II
Wooten family 1.1:6 lI"i ·tina [3.1:9
James L. 13.1:9 .lames W 3.2:5; 7.2:3; 13.1 :9;
14.1 :8,9 K. 14.2: 11 Louise Dunnelly 4.4:5
Mary 3.1:9 Richard 7.2:2; 8.1 :8; 12.2:6;
14.1:8,9; 14.2:11 S.U 10.2:8 SusanE.13.1:9
Thomas 13.1:9 Vir inia 10.1:2 WA. 14.2:7
Wm.9.1:9 WI7I. H. 10.1:2 William T [4.1:9
Wya/l 13.1:9
Wooton Richard 7.1 :9
Worl Evey 13.[:12 HL. 13.1:12 JohnM.
13.[:12 WiIIJ. 13.1:12
Worner rhos. 2.2:4
Worrell Lucy 14.1:3 Richard 14.1:3
Worthy Jim 10.1:7 Louisiana 10.1:7 Lucy
Wren Delila 11.1:11
Wrenn Lewis 11.1:5
Wright A. 13.2:4 Alexander 13.2:4 An.14.I:J
Cfara 10.1:7 FP. 7.2:8 F. T 7.2:8 Fedna
10.2:10 JohnF. 14.2:4 Lena 10.1:7 Louisa 0
9.2:7 lvIarian9.2:7 Ned 10.1:7 Off? 13.1:2;
[4.1:9 Richard 10.1:7; [3.1:2 Tom 13.1:2
Wurtemberg 2.4:4; 11.1:8 Ebersberg 2.4:3
Echterlingen 2.4:4 Lenfelden 2.4:3 LeWisburg
2.4:3 Schoendeck 2.4:3 Tefangan 2.4:4
Wyley George 13.1:3
Wynn Andre--.vl. 5.2:11 Emily 14.2:4 Willey
C. 7.2:4 Willie a. 8.1: 11
Wynne (Dr.) 7.2:8 A.a. 2.2:4 A.J 2.2:3;
8.1: 12; 9.1:8; 9.2:9,10; 14.1:7 Caroline 5.2: 11
Charlotte 10.1:5 Emily 10.1:5 Le'wis 10.1:5
Wysbam Anna W 9.1:12
Yarbrough family 3.4:4; 7.2: 1 A. 4.3:5; 13.1:°,
Alfred 13 1'4 Eli ha 43:5 Elisha R 12.1 :8;
13.1:4 Lydia 12.1:8 MaryJ 10.1:9 Nathan
11.1:9 Robert 1 .1:9 Wm. 11.1:8
Yeager D.D.ll.1:11 DavidD. 10.1:8
YeldeU Elizab th R. 13.2:6 MQ/yA. 13.2:6
Yerby family 3.4:3
Young 2.2:4 family 3.2:3; 3.4:4 (Col.) 4.2:6
A.P 12.2:10 AgnesB. 13.1:9 Andrew2.3:6;
9.2: ; 12.1:12; 13.1.9 Archibald 14.1:3 Bob
13.1:2 CH 10.2:4 Dulcie Fry 8.2:2,3 E.
4.4:1; 13.2:4 Edward7.2:3 Elisha 13.1:9
Fannie II.L:IO ·annieA. 10.2:4 FrankM.
13.2:2 G.L. 8.2:2 George 12.1:12 HC
11.1:10; 12.2:10 llarda Jay 13.2:2 HemyC
10.2:4 JA. 4.4:1 JI. 8.1:11 James3.3:6
James A. 2.2:3; 2.3:3; 3.3:6; 7.2:8; 10.2:4,5;
11.1:7,8,10 James D. 2.2:5 James W 7.1:10
Jimmy 11.1:2' 14.1:6 John W 13.2:2; 14.2:5
Kate 10.2:4 Levi W 7.1:8; 0.1:10 M.o. 8.2:3
Nelly 14.1:3 Rebecca 12.1: 12 Robert .4:4;
11.1:9,11' 12.1:12 Rosalie 13.1:9 arahl.
12.2:5 Thomas 0 13.2:2 WB. 2.2:3,5 William
1 1.2:6 Wm. B. 2.2:3; 10.2:4 William W 10.1: 11
Yow 3.1:4 Alfred3.1:4 Andrew 10.1:5 Hugh
3.1:4 Julia 11.2:5 Mary 10.1:4 Patience
10.1:5 Spencer 3.1:4; 14.2:4 Spinks 3.1:4
Wesley 3.1:4
Zaiser £.A. 9.2:11 Edward A. 4.3:4
Zanders Frank 13.1:2 Joe 13.1:3
Zion's Rest Primitive Baptist Churcb 7.1: 1
Surname of slaveholder is given in italics.
Aaron Stone 3.3:2 Tayloe 12.2:11
Abbert Boddie 7.2:3
Abe Boddie 7.2:3 Dial 5.1:6
Abigail Woolf5.1:6
Abram Breckenridge 7.2:2 Breitling 14.1:10
Mitchell 12.2: 10 Nelson 11.2:7 Stewart
12.2:10 Ta loe (2.l:l1
Adllliue Boddie 7.2:3 Dugger 7.1:4
Adam Smith 7.2:2
Adderson Boddie 7.2:3
Adeline Boddie 7.2:3
Aggy Jordan 13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5 Quinney
14.2:2 Seawell 7.2:3
Ailsey Gilmore 7.2:3
Ailsy Holman 14.1:9
Albert Hogan 14.2:2 Holman 14.1:9 Stone
3.3:2 Tate 7.1:4 Tillinghast 14.2;2
Aleck Wood 7.1:4
Alex Boddie 7.2;3
Alexander Boddie 7.2:3 .Ion s 7.1:5 Mitchell
12.2:10 Ste'rl'art 12.2: 10
Alfred Jordan 13.2:5 McGee 13.2:5
Alice Richardwn 8.2:11
Alick Boozer 7.1:4 Tayloe 12.2: 11
Allen Holman 7.2:2~ 14.1:9 Lockhart 7.2;3
Riddle 7.2:8 Tate 7.1:4
Alsey Frisbie 2.4:2 White 2.4:2
Alvin McConnell 7.2:3
Amanda Holman 7.2:2; L4.1:9 Kirklwl/
12.2: II Tayloe 12.2:11
Ambros Williams 12.1:6
Amelia Dial 5.1:6
Amos Andersoll 12.1:3
Amy Breitling 14.1: LO Lockhart 7.2:3 Moore
Anarchy Dickson 12.1:8 Lockett 12.1:8
Anderson Richardson 8.2: II
Andy Woolf 5. 1:6
Angeline Lockhl.Jrt 7.2:3 Wiggin,' 13.2:10
Anica Boddie 7. :3
Ann Breitling 14.1: 10 Dial5.1:6 Hogan
14.2:2 Huleman9.I:l1 Holman 7.2:2; 14.1:9
Lockhart 7.2:3 Riddle 7.2:8 Tillinghast 14.2:2
AnUll Boddie 7.2:3
Anny Jordan 1 .2:5
Anther Breitling 14.1: 10
Anthony Lockhart 7.2: Oneall J .2:7
Antony Jordan 13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5
Archer Boddie 7.2:3
Aron Ray 7.2:3
Artbur Boddie 7.2:3
Attaway Gibson L4.1:9
Augustine Lockhart 7.2:3
Austin Easley 12.1:7 Finch 12.1:7
Avcrry Jordan 13.2:5 McGee L3.2:5
Azaline elson 11.2:7
Banister Easley 7.2:2
Barbary Woolf 5. 1:6
Barbra Dial 5.1:6
Bayard Hogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Beck Breitling 14.l:l0
Beckey Tayloe 12.2: 11
Becky Croft 13.1: 10 Reed 5.1:6 Sollee
Bcn Dickwn 11.2:7 Easley 7.2:2 Holman
7.2:2' 14.1:9 Lockett L\.2:7 Mobly 11.2:7
Oneal 11.2:7 Riddle 7.2:8
Benjamin Hopper 12.1:6 Wolf12.1:6
Berry Boddie 7.2:3
HelTY (Steptoe) Boddie 7.2:3
Betse)' fIolman 1 .1:9 Kirkham 12.2:10
Riddle 7.2'8
Bets)' Breitling 14.1: 10 flo an 14.2:2
Tillinghast 14.2:2
Betty Riddle 7.2:8 Seall'e1l7.2:3
Bicky Tayloe 12.2:11
Bill Buckallle 11.2:7 Cunningham 9.1: 11
Dickson 11.2:7 Gr ene 11.2:7 Jordan 12.1:7
P rker 7.2:3 Pickering 9.1: II
Billy Breitling 14.1: 10 Holman 14.1:9
Bludford Boddie 7.2:3
Bob Anderson 12.1:3 Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling
14.1:10 Burks .1:3 Cunningham9.1:11
Fullilove 8.1:3 Ha1l7.2:2 Hogan 14.2:2
Holeman 9.1: II Holman 7.2:2: 14.1:9 Jordan
13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5 Lockhart 7.2:3 Pickering
9.1:11 Pri/chet 12.1:3 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Boyat Lockhart7.2:3
Burk Lockhart 7.2:
Burrell Gibson 14.1:9
Burwell Boddie 7.2:3 Gibson 14.1:9
Cae ar Parker 7.2:3
Caleb Breitling 14.1 : 10
Calvin Boddie 7.2:3 Lockhart 7.2:3 Pritchett
Captain Glass 7.1:4
Caroline Breitling 14.1: 10 Cunningham 9.1: 1I
ial 5.1:6 Pickering 9.1: 11 Pritchelf 7.1:5
Smith 7.2:2
Carter Dial 5.1:6 Tayloe 12.2: II
Catharine Boddie 7.2:3 MitclleIl12.2: 10
Stewart 12.2:10
Catherine Wiggins 13.2:10
Cato Jordan 13.2:5 Stone 3.3:2
Catoe Boddie 7.2:3
Cely Cunningham 9.1 : 11 Pickering 9.1: 11
Chaney Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1:10
Jordan 13.2:5 Landrum 12.1:7 McGee 13.2:5
Riddle 7.2:8
Charity Boddie 7.2: Cade 7.1:5 Dickson
11.2:7 Holman 7.2:2; 14.1:9 Oneal 11.2:7
Wiggins 13.2:10
Charles Easley 7.2:2 Jf, Iman 14.1:9 Jordan
12.1:7; 13.2:5 Mitchell 13.2:5 Tayl e 12.2:11
Charley Wiggins 13.2:10
Charllotty Jordan 13.2:5
Charlott Easley 12.1:7 Parker 12.1:7
Charlotte Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1:10 Dial
5.1:6 Ha1l7.2:2 Holman 14.1:9 Moore 7.2:3
CheJT)' Mitchell 12.2:10 Stewart 12.2:10
Chimed Seawell 7.2:
Chloe Crofl13.I: 10 Sollee 13.1: 10
Clara Bush 5.1:6 Vaughn 11.2: 10 Wiggins
Clarissa m 01[5.1:6
Clarky Jordan 13.2:5 Mitchell 13.2:5
Clary Parker 7.2:3
Clementine Lockhart 7.2:3
Clioe L/lcy 2.4:2
Cloe Cato 12.1:6
Coleman Jordan J 3.2:5 McGee 13.2:5
Coleman Lewis Br illing 14.1:10
Cooper Breitling 14.1:10
Cornelius Breitling 14.1: I0
Cress Tayloe 12.2:1\
Cresy Riddle 7.2:8
Cynta Nelson J 1.2:7
Dan Bush 5.1:6
Danel Williams J2.1 :6
Daniel Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1: to Hogan
\4.2:2 Holman 7.2:2; 14.1:9 Lucy 2.4:2 Riddle
7.2:8 Tayloe 12.2: II Tillinghast 14.2:2
Daphney Holman 7.2:2' 14.\:9
Dave Seawell 7.2:3
Davey Wiggins 13.2:10
Davy Tayloe 12.2:11
Delia Tolb r17.1:4
Demi Lockhart 7.2:3
Demp ey Jordan 13.2:5
Dice Brei/ling 14.1 :10
Dick Jordan 12.1 :7; 13.2:5 QUinney 14.2:2
Seawell 7.2:3 Tayloe 12.2:11
Diley Lockhart 7.2:
Dinah Nelson 11.2:7
Direah Ray 7. :3
Doc Breitling 14.1: 10
Doctor Breitling 14.1 :10
Dolley B ddi 7.2:3
Dolly Tayloe 11.2:9
Dolphie Wiggins 13.2:10
Dorcas Browning 11.2:6 Martiniere 13.1 :6
Drady Jordan 13.2:5 Mitchell 13.2:5
Dulaney Tayloe 12.2: 11
Eady Tayloe 12.2: 11
Easter Gilmore 7.2:
Ebenezer Holman 14.1:9 LockharI7.2:3
Ed Richardson 8.2: 11
Edmond Gib on 14.1:9 Riddle 7.2:8
Edmund Gibson 14.1:9 Jordan 13.2:5 McGee
13.2:5 Stone 3. :2
Edwin CroflI3.1:LO Sollee 13.1:10
Edy Wiggim 13.2: 10
Eldry Lockhart 7.2:3
Elias JordaN 13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5
Elijah Boddie 7.2:3
Elisha Croft 13.1:10 Sollee 13.1: 10
Eliza Boddie 7.2:3 Cook 12.1:6 Croft 13.1 :10
Hogan 14.2:2 Holman 7.2:2; 14.1:9 Hopper
12.1:6 Jordan 13.2:5 Lo khart 7.2:3 Mcrae
11.2:9 Moore 7.2:3 Reed 5.1:6 Riddle 7.2:8
Sollee 13.LIO Tayloe 1 .2:11 Tillingha'/
14.2:2 Woolf5.1:6
Elizabeth Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1:10
Greene 11.2:7 Tayloe 12.2: II
Ella Breitling 14.1: 10 ClIrry 10.1:2
Ellen Blish 5.1:6
Ellender WooIf5.l:6
Ellin Hogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Elmira Hogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Elsey Breitling 14.1: 10
Elsy Frisbie 2.4:2 White 2.4:2
Elzy Dickson 11.2:7 Norwood 11.2:7
Emaly Boddie 7.2:3
Emanuel Jordan 13. :5 Landrum 12.1:7
Mitchell 13.2:5
Emeline Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1: 10
Holman 14.1:9 Lockhart 7.2:3
'mily Dial 5.1:6 Hall 7.2:2 Norwood 8.1:3
Smith 7.2:2
Emma Breitling 14.1: 10
Emmy Jordan 13.2:5 Mitchell 13.2:5
Ephraim McGee 13.2:5
Epbram Breitling 14.1: 10
Esquire Boddie 7.2:3
Esther Anderson 12.1:3 Greene 11.2:7 Kelly
11.2:7 Lyles 12.1:3
Eveline Smith 7.2:2
Fagan Boddie 7.2:3
Faith Nelson 11.2:7
Fancy Tayloe 12.2: 11
Fanney Boddie 7.2:3 Gilmore 7.2:3 Hogan
14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2 Wiggins 13. :10
Fanny Croft 13.1: 10 Hall7.2:2 Holman 7.2:2;
14.1:9 Nt Connell 7.2:3 Sollee 13.1:10 Stone
Fany Oneal 11.2:7
Faraby Lockhart 7.2:3
Felix Lockhart 7.2:3
Filii Oneal 11.2:7 Whitley 11.2:7
Flora Hogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Floras Hogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Frances Boddie 7.2:3 Mitchell 8.2:4
Franci Croft 13.1: 10 Hogan 14.2:2
Richardson 8.2:1 I Riddle 7.2:8 Sollee 13.1:10
Tillinghast 14.2:2
Frank Breitling 14.1:10 Dickson 11.2:7
Greene 11.2:7 Hightower J 2.1:8 Kelly 11.2:7
Pritchett7.1:5 Seawe1l7.2:3 Wiggins 13.2:10
Franky Landnlll1 12.1:7
Frederick Tayloe 12.2: 11
Gabriel A400re 7.2:3
General H lman 7.2:2; 14.1:9
George Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1: 10
Buckaille It. :7 Curry 10.1:2 Dial 5.1:6
Glover 12.1:7 Greene 11.2:7 Ha/l7.2:2
Harris 12.1:7 Hart 14.2:4 Holman 7.2:2;
14.1:9 Jordan 13.2:5 Mitchell 13.2:5
Montague 11.1:3 Parker 7.2:3 SeaweIl7.2:3
Yarbrough 12.1:8
George J. Holman 14.1:9
Gilbert Boddie 7.2:3 Holman 14.1:9
Giles 81lckalue 11.2:7 Greene 11.2:7
Golee Seawe1l7.2:3
Gowess Taylue J2.2:ll
Grace Tayloe 12.2:11
Gracy Dial 5.1:6
Griffin Boddie 7.2:3
Gus Glover 14.2:4
Haga Holman 14.1:9
Hagar flolman 7.2:2; J4.1:9
Hager Breitling 14.1: 10
Hamlin WooIf5.1:6
Hanah Breitling 14.1:10
Hannah Dickson 11.2:7 Greer 12.1:7
Hoi man 9.1.11 Holman 7.2:2: 14.1:9 Jordan
I .2:5 Keese 11.2:7 Lindmy 12.1:7 Moore
14._:4 Seawell7.2:3 Smarr 14.2:4 Wilson
Harriet Cade 7.1:5 Holman 7.2:2; 14.1:9
Riddle 7.2:8 WooIf5.l:6
Harriett Reed 5.1:6
Harris rene 112:7
Harritt Breitling 14.1: 10
Harry Dickson 11.2:7 Gilmore 7.2:3 Hogan
J 4.2:2 Keese 11.2:7 Oneal 11.2:7 Tillinghast
14.2:2 Whitley 11.2:7
Hatty Gilmore 7.2:
Hector Mitchell .2:4
Henderson Boddie 7.2:3
Henrietta Dicks n 11.2:7 Hogan 14.2:2 King
8.2:11 Lockett 11.2:7 Richardwl1 8.2: II
Tillinghast 14.2:2
Henry Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1: 10
Cunningham 9.1: 11 Easley 7.2:2 Hall 7.2:2
Ilogan 14.2:2 Moore 7.2:3 Oneal 11.2:7
Pickering 9.1: 11 Quinny 11.2:7 Riddle 7.2:8
Stone 3.3:2 Tayloe 12.2:11 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Henry A. Holman 14.1:9
Hen on WooIf5.1:6
Hester Carr 7.2:2 Jordan 132:5
Hilliard Holmall 14.1:9
Hinton TlIcker 11.1 :3
Ike Hogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Indy Breitling 14.1 :10
Irin Stone 3.3:2
Isaac Breitling 14.1: I0 Holman 7.2:2; 14.1:9
Onealll.2:7 Stone 3.3:2
Isabel Boddie 7.2:
Isabella Breitling 14.1:10 Jordan 13.2:5 Kelly
3.2:5 Lockhart 7.2:3
Isaiah Jordan 13.2:5
(sam Jordan 13.2:5 McGee j 3.2:5
Isella Cook 12.1:7 Hopper 12.1:7
Isham Richardson 8.2: II
Ishmael Oneal 11.2:7 Whitley 11.2:7
1som Holt 10.1:7 Spann 10.1:7
Israel Tayloe 12.2: 11
Jtage Tom Breitling 14.1:10
Jack Breitling 14.1:10 Cuny 10.1:2 Greer
12.1:7 Holman 14.1:9 Parker 7.2:3 Ray 7.2:3
Riddle 7.2:8 Seawe/l7.2:3 Stone 3.3:2
Yarbrough 12.1:8
.rack Wagoner Breitling 14.1:10
Jackson Hildrelh 8.2:4 King 8.2: 11 Mitchell
8.2:4 Richardson 8.2:11
Jacob Gibson] 4.1 :9
James Cook 12.1 :6.7 Hogan 14.2:2 Hopper
12.1:6,7 King 8.2:1 I Richardson8.2:1l
7"illinghasl 14.2:2
Jane Anderson 12.1:3 Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling
14.1:10 Croft 13.1:10 DiaI5.1:6 Hogan7.2:9:
14.2:2 Holman J4.1:9 Jordan 13.2:5 Lyles
12.1:3 McGee 13.2:5 Norwood 8.1: Parker
7.2:3 Richardson 8.2: II Riddle 7.2:8 Sollee
13.1:10 Stan 3.3:2 Tate7.1:4 Tillinghast
.Iaret Tayloe 12.2: II
Jemey Breitling 14.1: 10
Jemima Askew 7.1 :4
Jenney Boddie 7.2:3 Bondurant 11.2:8
Lockhart 7.2:3 eaweIl7.2:3
.Jenny Burks 8.2:4 Gibson 14.1:9 Mitchell
8.2:4 Tayloe 12.2: 11
Jeny Woolf5.1:6
Jerry Jordan 13.2:5 McGee 13.2:5 Mitchell
8.2:4 Oneal 11.2:7
Jesse Boddie 7.2:3 Marlif/iere 13.1:6
.Ie e Bruce Tayloe 12.2:11
Jim Boddie 7.2:3 Croft 13.1:1 0 Glover 12.1:7
Harris 12.1:7 Hol'man 9.1:11 Holman 7.2:2;
14.1:9 Jordan 12.1:7; 13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5
Lockhart7.2:3 Sollee 13.I:LO Tate7,l:4
Jinny Gibson 14.1:9
Joanna Breitling 14,1: 10
Joe Breitling 14.1: LO Curry 10.1:2 Riddle
7.2'8 Tayloe 12.2:11
.Jobn Boddie 7.2:3 Bondurant 11.2:8 Boozer
7.1:4 Carson 11.1:4 Greene 11.2:7 Lee 11.2:8
Lockhart 7.2:3 Mitchell 12.2:10 Moore 7,2:3
Richardson 8.2: II Seawell 7.2:3 Stewart
12.2:10 Stickney 14.1:4 Stone 3.3:2 Tayloe
12.2:11 Wiggins 13.2:10 WoolfS. :6
.rohn Flood Tayloe 12.2:11
Jobn Maclin Tayloe 12.2: 11
John Washington Tayloe 12.2:11
Johnson Breitling 14.1: I 0
Johnston Dickson 12.1:8 Lockett 12.1:8
.Joice Tayloe 12.2: II
Joseph Easley 12.1:7 Finch 12.1:7 Stone
Josephine Holman 14.1:9 Richardson 8,2: 11
Joshua .Jor Ian 13.2:5 Mitchell 13.2:5 Tayloe
12.2: 11
Juda Easley 7.2:2
Juddy Hogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Judy Dial 5.1:6
Juicy Riddle 7.2'8
JuJia Bu. h 5.1:6 Dickson 11.2:7 Jordan
July Pritchett 7.1:4
Juno Jordan 13.2:5 Mitchell 13. :5
Justina Coleman 7.1:4
Kit Boddie 7.2:3
Kittey Boddie 7.2:3
Kitty Breitling 14.1:10 Woolf5.1:6
Lanet Brei/ling 14.1:10
Laney Boddie 7.2:3
Laura Glass 7.1:4
Lavinia Grayson 12.1:8 McCarty 12.1:8
Lene Hall 7.2:2
LeRoy Boddie 7.2:3
Letla Riddle 7.2:8
Lettitia Holman 14.1:9
Levi DuBose 12. 1: 10
Lewis Breillingl4.1:10 Jordan 13.2:5 McGee
13.2:~ Oneal 11.2:7 Stone 3.3:2 Whitley
Liddy Riddle 7.2:8
Lisha Wi gins 13.2:10
Listra Wiggins 13.2:10
Livia Tayloe 12.2: 11
Livy Lockhart 7,2:3
Lizzie Boozer 7.1 :4
Lotty Onea/II.2:7
Loms3 Hogan 14.2:2 Holman 14.1:9 King
8.2: 11 Richardwn 8.2: 11 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Lucinda Boddie 7.2:3 Dial .1:6 Riddle 7.2:8
Stone 3.3:2
Lucy Boddie 7.2:3 Cuny 10.1:2 Gilmore
7.2:3 Greer 12.1:7 Jordan 13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5
Kirkham 12.2:10 Lockhart7.2:3 Quinney
14.2:2 Ray 7.2:3 SeaweIl7.2:3 Stone 3.3:2
Tayloe 12.2: II
Lydia Jordan 13.2:5 Martiniere 13.1:6
McGee I .2:5
Mack Lockhart 7.2:3
Madison Hogan 14.2:2 Ti//inghas/ 14.2:2
Mabaley frons 11.2:6
Malinda Riddle 7.2:8
Mandy Woo/f5.1:6
Manerva Kirkhalll 12.2: II
Manual Jordan 12.1:7
Manuel Gibson 14.1:9
Margaret Breitling 14.1:10 Holman 7.2:2;
14.1:9 Tayloe 12.2:11
Margaret Ann Hogan 7.2:9
Margarette Boddie 7.2:3
Maria Glover 12.1:7 Harris 12.1:7 Hogan
14.2:2 Jordan 13.2:5 Kelfy 13.2:5 Ti/linghust
Mariab Boddie 7.2:3 Gibson 14.1:9 Greene
11.2:7 Kelly 11.2:7 Tayloe 12.2: II
Mark Gr ene 11.2:7
Manonie Mobly 11.2:7 Oneal 11.2:7
Marshall Boddie 7.2:3 Greene 11.2:7 Kelly
I. :7 Riddle 7.2:8
Marten Lockhart 7.2:3
Martha Bvddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1: I0 Croji
13.1:10 Irons 11.2:6 Quinney 14.2:2 Sollee
13.1: 10
Martha Ann Stone 3.3:2
Martba Jane SeaweIl7.2:3
Marther Holman 14.1:9
Martin Jordan 13.2:5
Mary Boddie 7.2:3 Bush 5.1:6 DiaI5.\:6
Greene 11.2:7 Jordan 13.2:5 McConnell 7.2:3
McGee 13.2:5 Mitch /l12.2: 10 Parker 7.2:3
Prilchet/ 7.1:4 Quinney 14.2:2 Ray 7.2:3
Riddle 7.2:8 Seawell 7. :3 • tewarl 12.2:10
Slone 3.3:2 Tayloe 12.2:11 Woo/f5.1:6
ary Ann Breitling 14. J : 10 Carson 11.1 :4
Lockhart 7.2:3 Stone 3.3:2 Woo/f5.1:6
Mastin Buckaltle 11.2:7 Greene 11.2:7
Matilda Boddie 7.2:3 King 8.2: 11 Richard on
May Breitling 14.1: 10
Melvin Boddie 7.2.3
Mencer Oneal 11.2:7
Menerva Richardson 8.2: 11
Merchant Richardson 8.2: 11
Mercila Holman 14.1:9
Mial Boddie 7.2:3
Micager Croft 13.1'10 Sollee 13.1: 10
Michael Holtam 5.2:6
Mike Moore 7.2:3
MilIa Hall 7.2:2
Milly Dickson 11.2:7 Holman 4.1:9 Sem1/el/
Milton Boddie 7.2:3
Minct"Va Lockhart 7.2:3 Lucy 2.4:2
Ming Seawell 7.2:
Minna Holman 14.1:9
Miry Cook 12.1:7 Hopper 12.1.7
Molly Hogan 14.2:2 Quinlley 14.2:2 Semvell
7.2:3 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Moris B ddie 7.2:3
Morning Oneal 11.2:7
Mose Boddie 7.2:3
Mose Tayloe 1-.2:11 Woo/f5.1:6
Naley Lockhart 7.2:3
Nan Hogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Nance Dickson I 1.2:7 Greene 11.2:7 Seawell
[ ancy Bod ie 7.2:3 Hogan 14.2:2 Holman
J4.1:9 Lockhart 7.2:3 Mitchel/8.2:4 Seawell
7.2: Stickney 14.1:4 TayLoe 12.2:11
Tillinghast 14.2:2
Nat Tayloe 12.2:11
Nathan King 8.2: 11 Richardson 8.2: 11
Neal Oneal 11.2:7
Ned Breitling 14.1: 10 Dickson 11.2:7 Greene
11.2:7 Hogan 14.2:2 Jordan J3.2:5 Kelly
13.2:5 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Nelly Breitling J 4.1: 10 Dickson 11.2:7 Glo er
12.1:7 Greene 11.2:7 Harris 12.1:7 Semvell
Nelson Boddie 7.2:3 Bush 5.1:6 Jordan 13.2:5
Mitchell 13.2:5 NorwoodS.l:3 Tayloe 12.2:t1
Woo(f5.1 :6
[ ero Landrum 12.1:7
Newbern Wiggins 13.2:10
Newton Richardson 8.2: 11
lora Mitchell 8.2:4
Oliver Breitling 14.1:10 Jordan 12.1:7
Olivet Wiggin' 13.2: 10
Oily Nelson 11.2:7
Oten Boddie 7.2:3
Patience Lindsay 12.1:7 Wilson 12.1:7
Patients Holman 14.1:9
Patricke Tayloe J 2.2: II
Patty Crofl13.1:10 Sollee 13.1:10 Tayloe
12.2: II
Paul Dial 5.1:6 HoweI8.2:4 Jordan J3.2:5
McGee 13.2:5 Mi/che1l8.2:4
Paulina Tayloe 12.2: [I
Penney Smilh 7 2:2
Perry Richardson 8.2: 11
Pery Hogan 14.2:2 Ti/lil1 hast 14.2:2
Peter Dial 5.[:6 J, rdan 12.1 :7; 13.2: - McGee
13.2:5 Woolf5.l:6
Phebe Boddie 7.2:3 Jordan 12.1 :7; 13.2:5
Mitch l/ 13.2:5 Ri hardwn 8.2: II
Pindia Wiggins 13.2:10
Pleasant Holman 4.1:9 Martiniere 13.1:6
Riddle 7.2:8 Stone 3.3:2
Poldore Gre r [2.1:7
Polly Breilling 14.1 :I 0 Holman 14.[:9 Jordan
13.2:5 McGee 1 .2:5 Slone 3.3:2 Williams
Presant Landrum 12.1:8 Wil'on 12.1:8
Prince Breitling 14.1: I0 Moore 7.2:3
Prysy Jordan 13.2:5 McGee 13.2:5
Quinney Boddie 7.2:3
Racbael Boddie 7.2:3
Rachel Breitling 14.1: 10 Cuny 5.L: Holman
14.1:9 Riddle 7.2:8 Woolf5.1:6
Ralph Lockhart 7.2:3
Randall Holman 14.1:9 Wiggins 13.2:10
Randol Moore 7.2:3
Ransom Nelson 11.2:7
Rebeca Breitling 14.1: 10
Rebecca Gilmore 7.2:3
Reuben Breitling 14,1: 10 Croft 13.1: 10 Sollee
13.1:10 Tayloe J2.2:11
Rhoda Tayloe 12.2:11
ichard Hogan 14.2:2 Tayloe 11.2:9; 12.2:IL
Tillinghast 14,2:2 Wheeler L1.2: LO
Rilley Gilmore 7.2:3
Ritter Breitling 14.1:10
Robert Holman 14. 1:9 Mcrae LI.2:9 Riddle
Robin Seawell 7,2:3
Rodah Cato 2.4:2
Rody Breitling L .l:lO Jordan 13.2:5 Kelly
Rooster Bridge 7.1:3
Rosao Oneal 11.2:7 Quinny 11.2:7
Rosanna Breitling 14. [: 10
Ro e Dickson 11.2:7 Dugger 7.1:4 Greene
II ,2:7 Holman 7.2:2; 14.1:9
Rose Ann Gilm re 7.2:3
Rubin Croft 13.1: 10 Sollee 13.L: 10
Rusb Stone 3.3:2
Sally Greer 12,1:7 Moore 7.2:3 Stone 3.3:2
Sam Boddie7.2:3 BreillingI4.1:IO DiaI5.1:6
Gilmore 7.2:3 Greene 11,2:7 Holman 7.2:2;
14.1:9 Lockhart 7.2:3 Mitchell 8 2:4 Ray 7.2:3
Riddle 7.2:8 Simmolls 8.2:4 Woolf5.l:6
Sam Riclmrdson Tadoe 12.2:11
Sampson Lockhart 7.2:3
Sandy Jordan [3,2:5 Kelly 13.2:5 Tayloe
12.2: 11
Sara "arbrough 12.1:8
S rah Boddie7.2:3 Br itling 14.l:l0 Cato
2.4:2 Dial 5.1:6 .Jorlan 13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5
McConnell 7.2:3
Sarah Ann StewclI't 7.1:
Sardine Stone 3.3:2
Scot Glover 12.1:7 Harris 12.1:7
Sealy Oneal 11.2:7
Seney Jordan 13.2:5 McGee 13.2:5
Sevly Jordan 13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5
Shadwick Breitling 14.1: 10
Sharpe Breitling 14.1: 10
Sid Breitlin 14.l:l0
Has Dial 5.1:6
Silla Bush 5.1 :6
Sitler WoolfS.I:6
Silva Jordan 13.2.5 Mitchell 13.2:5
Silvey Irons 11.2:6
SHv)' Dickson 11.2:7; 12.1:8 Jorda/1 12.1:7
Lockett 11.2:7: [2.1:8
Simon Jordan 13.2:5 Kelly 13.2:5 Mitchell
11.1 :3
Sindy Dickson 11.2:7 Richardwn 8.2: 11
Sion Boddie 7.2:3
Smith flolmun 7.2:2; 14.1:9
Solomon Tayloe 12.1:11 Woolf5.1:6
Sooky Jordan 13.2:5
ophia Bush 5.1:6 Holman 7,2:2; 14.1:9
Sophy Breitling 14.1:LO
Spencer Holeman 9.1: II Holman 7. :2; 14.1:9
Squire MitcheLl 8,2:4 SeaweI17.2:3
tafford Curry 10.1:2
Stephen Boddie 7.2:3 1I11nin ham 9.1 :11
Gilmore 7.2:3 Hatch 8.2:4 Jordan 13.2:5
Kelly 13.2:5 Mitchell 8.2:4 Oneal 11.2:7
Pickering 9.1 : 11
Stepney Breitling 14.1: [
Susan Boddie 7.2:3 Carr 7.2:2 Cunningham
9.1: II Dial 5.1:6 Jordan 13.2:5 Norwood
8.1:3 Pickering 9.1: 11 Richardson 8.2: II
Stone 3.3:2
Susan E. Holman 14.1:9
Sylva Glover 12.1:7 Harris [2.1:7
Syotha Buckalue 11.2:7 Greene 11.2:7
Talb Seawell 7.2:3
Tamer Boddie 7.2:
Tamor Tate . [ :4
Tauner Quinney 14.2:2
Temmine Breitling 14.1: 10
Temperance Lockhart 7.2.3
Tempy Anderson 12.1:3 Loftin 12.1:3
Wiggins 13.2: 10
Tcnoab Moore 7.2:3
Tenor Mitchel! 8.2:4 Moore 7.2:3
Thomas Boddie 7.2:3 Jordan 13.2:5 Lyon
11.2:11 Mitchel! 13.2:5
Tildy Harris 14.2:4
Tiller Breitling 14.1: I 0
Tom Boddie 7.2:3 Breitling 14.1: J 0 Coleman
7.1:4 Croft 13.1:10 flogan 14.2:2 McConnell
7.2:3 l\lfitchell 8.2:4 Riddle 7.2:8 Sollee
13.1:10 Tayloe 12.2:11 Tillinghast 14.2:2
Tom Flood Tayloe 12.2: 11
Toney Dickson 11.2:7 Norwood 11.2:7
Tony Woolf5.1:6
Ulesa Breitling 14.1:1 0
Vena Greene 11.2:7
Vilet Boddie 7.2:3
Viney Jordan 13.2:5 McGee 13.2:5 Perkins
Violet Lockhm't 7.2:3 Oneal 11.2:7
Wade Dickson 11.2:7 Greene 11.2:7
Walt flogan 14.2:2 Tillinghast 14-.2:2
Walter Hogan 14.2:2 Oneal 11.2:7
Tillinghast 14.2:2
Warren Breitling] 4.1: 10
Warrior River 2.3:4; 4.2:6
Wasb Dickson 11.2:7 Holman 14.1:9
Washington Boddie 7.2:3 Cunningham 9.!: 11
Pickerinr:; 9.!: II
Watt Hogan 1] . I:4
We tley Easley 12.1:7 Parker 12.1:7
Wcstly Seawell 7.2:3
Whilt Richardson 8.2: 11
Wiley Lockhllrt 7.2:3
Will Jordan 13.2:5 MitchefI13.2:5 Oneal
11.2:7 Quinny 11.2:7
William Breitling 14.1:10 Hogan 14.2:2
Holman 7.2:2; 14.1:9 Jordan 13.2:5 King
8.2: 11 Mitchell 13.2:5 Richardson 8.2:! I
Tillinghast 14.2:2 Wiggins 13.2: 10 Wooif5.1:6
William "Twelve Mile" Breitling 14.1 :10
Wilson Breitling 14.1:10
Winey Tayloe 12.2:11
Winney Greer 12.1:7 Holman 7.2:2; 14. L:9
Ray 7.2:3
Winson Boddie 7.2:3
Woddy Breitling 14.l:10
Yarmed Seay.oelI7.2:3
Zachariah Lockhart 7.2:3