PEW Initiative Insert to the CIT Manual in color


PEW Initiative Insert to the CIT Manual in color

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With the decay of biblical values in society today, the need for Godly
leaders in our government has never been more evident.
Unfortunately, many believers don’t think that Christians should be
involved in the election of our government. But God shows us through
Moses that Christians should be involved.
“ shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men
of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over
them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.”
~ Exodus 18:21
Jesus teaches New Testament believers that they
should be, “salt and light” to influence the culture.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its
saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no
longer good for anything, except to be thrown out
and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the
world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a
bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives
light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let
your light shine before others, that they may see
your good deeds and glorify your Father in
heaven.” Matthew 5:13
Every two years, elections take place across the country. Many
people think that all Christians participate in electing Godly leaders.
Unfortunately, that reality is not true.
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• 25% - 35 % of voter eligible church members are
not registered to vote
• Of those registered only:
• 60% vote in Presidential Elections
• 25% vote in Non-Presidential Elections
• 5% vote in Primary Elections
Most elections are decided by razor-thin margins. If only 10% more
Christians voted in any given election, it would change the leadership
of our nation.
If Pastors across the country would encourage voter turnout, it will be
Christians who choose their elected officials, and it will be the Pulpit
that helps preserve the foundation of our great nation!!
Only spiritual revival will bring God’s desired change to a people,
a church or a country. History teaches that only Pastor led revivals
bring lasting generational change.
A true shepherd will go into action and lead change once he
sees alarming facts about the “state of his flock.”
As God quickens the hearts of more Pastors, the purpose of the
Pew Initiative is to serve Pastors by giving them tools that help
them shepherd the flock God assigned them to and made them
responsible for.
We are blessed to live in a country where we get to elect those
who governs us. It’s time for Christians to engage in this process
and be proactive in the election of our leaders.
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Christian Voting Percentages
40% of Christians
(of those registered to vote)
do NOT vote in
Presidential Elections.
Between 25% - 35%
of Christians are
NOT Registered to Vote.
NOT Registered
75% of Christians
(of those registered to vote)
do NOT vote in
Non-Presidential General Elections.
Do NOT Vote
95% Christians
(of those registered to vote)
do NOT vote in Primary Elections.
Do NOT Vote
Do NOT Vote
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The PEW Solution:
Churches likes yours, where Christians gather every week to
hear the Word of God and glean wisdom from you, their
pastor. You can help set the course for the future of American
from your pulpit!
The PEW Initiative is a simple solution that allows pastors to
really know if their church members are fulfilling their Godgiven responsibility of electing Godly leaders.
Pastor, we know you might not have the time, money or
expertise to access the public information available to see if
your church is being active in the electoral process, so we are
doing the work for you!
Through a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL report called the PEW
Report, you can know the state of your flock concerning their
involvement in voting and then mobilize the voters in your
pews to elect Godly leaders! Email your church list,
(preferably in Excel) to [email protected]. We will take your
list in any format.
We require only the member’s full name and home address,
but any additional information such as; DOB, age, gender,
spouse, family member names, maiden name, other
addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, is helpful to
increase the percentage of matches.
More questions?
Visit or email [email protected].
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The PEW Report:
This free, high level report for Pastors will show you valuable data including:
• Percent of your church members who are registered to vote
• Percent of your church members that voted in the past 4 elections
• Helpful demographic information
• Tools to help you increase registration and voting in your church
The report will ONLY been seen by the Pastor or those with the Pastors
approval. The data collected for this report is high level, public information
that anyone can access. We are simply doing the work for you by gathering
and organizing it. The data that is used to run the report will never be sold,
rented or contacted for donations or made public.
How to Get a Report:
Step #1:
Register at, verify authority to submit member list
and agree to our Privacy Policy (See Page 8).
Step #2:
Email your Membership List in any format to [email protected]. We
prefer Excel as that will expedite the process. Also, we require only the
member’s full name and home address, but any additional
information is helpful to increase the percentage of matches.
Step #3:
Receive a Pew Report with helpful graphs and data from public
records on registration and voter history percentages in your
Receive helpful tools such as free voter guides, voter registration
processes, deadlines and voting locations.
More questions?
Visit or email [email protected].
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Privacy Policy:
We believe your members' privacy is important.
*The member list will never be sold or used for fundraising.
*No contact by email, phone or mail will be made to any members.
*Percentages and not individual names are given in the Report.
There is no other purpose for the list other than voter information.
No one other than the Pastor or approved church leader and the
data company who has a strict NDA with us will ever see the
member information. We will not accept any financial information
on members or any key personal identification numbers such as
social security, financial or driver’s license numbers.
Your church member data will be matched to public voting and
registration information to help provide you, as a Pastor, accurate
information to support your efforts in Christian cultural involvement.
The information we ask you to include is the member’s full name and
home address. Information that is helpful and increases the
percentage of matching files to the public registration and voting
history are: DOB, age, gender, spouse, family member names,
maiden name, other addresses, phone numbers and email address.
We use industry standard data collection methodologies to securely
collect, process, transmit and store your sensitive information. Our purpose is to protect member information while providing
information to Pastors about their church that can be used to help
Pastors. Any questions regarding this privacy policy or the Pew
Initiative should be directed via email to: [email protected].
More questions?
Visit or email [email protected].
Page 8
PEW Initiative
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Q: What kind of information will I find in the Pew Report?
A: The information contained in a Pew Report gives Pastors the following information:
• Voting patterns of their church,
• A percentage of church voter registration
• Percent of your church that has voted in the past four elections
• Helpful demographic information as well as tools to help increase registrations and voting.
Q: Will I see names of my congregation on the report?
A: No, Percentages and not individual names are given in the Report.
Q: Will my members be contacted or have their information sold?
A: No, The member list will never be sold or used for fundraising. Also, No contact by email, phone
or mail will be made to any members.
Q: Who will be allowed to see the Pew Report?
A: No one other than the Pastor or approved church leader and the data company who has a
strict NDA with us will ever see the member information.
Q: Will you need personal information from our members besides their name and address?
A: Only the name and address is needed. However, to increase the percentage of members
matched, it is helpful to also have data such as DOB, age, gender, spouse, family member names,
maiden name, other addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. children and additional
addresses. This is helpful as many names are common and people often more or have multiple
address. We will not accept any financial information on members or any key personal identification
numbers such as social security, financial or driver’s license numbers.
Q: Will my member’s information be secure?
A: We use industry standard data collection methodologies to securely collect process, transmit and
store your sensitive information. Our purpose is to protect member information while providing
information to Pastors about their church that can be used to help Pastors. Any questions regarding
this privacy policy or the Pew Initiative should be directed via email to: [email protected].
Q: Is there any cost for these services?
A: No, the Report is free. It is our privilege to assist you in your efforts to mobilize your members to
be salt and light to our culture.
More questions?
Visit or email [email protected].
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