Pack the Pews! Jan. 10, 2016
Pack the Pews! Jan. 10, 2016
Memorials and Special Gifts First Christian Church, 402 E. Noble Ave, Guthrie, OK 73044 We would like to thank the following individuals and families for their generous donations. Office Supplies Fund In Honor of FCC Staff By Dennis & Cathy Clark As we enter a new year, your financial team has a few reminders: *It is very helpful to us for you to put your offering (cash or check) in an offering envelope with your name on the front. You do not have to include the amount on the envelope, just first and last name. *Combining your weekly giving and capital campaign gifts on one check is great, just please designate the amounts on the memo line or on your offering envelope. *We only deposit once a week. If you mail a check mid-week, it will not be deposited until the following week. *There is a locked box just outside the Church Administrator’s office at the west end of the 2nd floor. You are welcome to put any offerings/gifts in an envelope in this box mid-week. *2015 Giving Statements will be emailed/mailed out by the end of January. Please be sure the office has your current address! As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Shana at 282-4080 or email her at [email protected]. God Bless! Shana Bench, Church Administrator Pam Williams, Board Treasurer Sunday Worship 234 Sunday School 58 Children-24 Youth-4 Adult-30 Communion to Shut-Ins12 Budget Receipts 1/3/16 $8,647 Amount Budgeted per week $8,840 Amount Budgeted to date $8,840 Budget Receipts to date $8,647 Budget Expenses to date $20,049 January Giving $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 Monthly Budgeted Giving Budgeted Giving Dear Church family, It is with regrets that I write this letter. I have enjoyed my years as a Director of Bereavement Dinners but the time has come that I feel I must resign. I started this endeavor on March 4, 2004 for Mildred Patterson and felt I had big shoes to follow as I was the replacement for Marie Nelson. I could never have accomplished this without the help of my committee of men and women plus the church ladies who always very willingly bring food when needed. I am so proud of my church for providing for the 150 dinners that we have served for the families in their bereavement. Thank you for giving me the privilege of serving my church. Sincerely, Judy Coburn Actual Giving Memorial Fund In Memory of Aileen Clark By Dennis & Cathy Clark The Tie That Binds (USPS 577280) is published weekly except for the last week of December by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to First Christian Church, 402 East Noble Avenue, Guthrie, OK 73044 Periodical Postage Paid at Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044 402 East Noble Avenue Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044 (405) 282-4080 REV. AMY ROGERS, Senior Pastor KAREN ALLEN, Associate Minister We are a family of faith sharing God’s love by reaching out, touching lives and building relationships. January 6, 2016 Volume 52, No. 1 Week 19: The Flight to Egypt “Run for Your Life!” Happy New Year! We are almost to the halfway mark of our Forty Stories Series. Time flies when you are having fun with Scripture! I wish to thank everyone who helped make our Advent and Christmas worship services so meaningful. We are grateful to our choir, our Worship Team, and of course our wonderful staff who help orchestrate all of our December activities. This week we travel with Mary, Joseph, and their newborn son as they seek refuge from a hostile king. After being warned by an angel that King Herod is on a mission to kill all newborn males, they flee to Egypt for safety. Thinking they were safe after Herod’s death, they plan to return to their hometown, when another angel appeared and warned them away from yet another earthly ruler. They settled in Nazareth, fulfilling the prophecy that “a savior will be born and he will be called a Nazorean”. In hindsight, Mary and Joseph were able to see that wherever they went, they were under God’s protection. Even in moments when they feared for their child’s life, God was watching over them. No matter where they tried to run, their home was in God. As we begin a new year, this story beckons us to ask ourselves… *What role does fear play in your life? *What do you run away from, and how can your faith help you face your deepest fears? Ministry Opportunities for the week Join us this Sunday in worship at 8:30 or 10:30 a.m. as we TUESDAY, January 5 welcome Lisa Wynn, our new Minister of Music and Spiritual 8:30 a.m. – Mother’s Day Out Growth. Amy Pack the Pews! Jan. 10, 2016 Start the New Year off right! Invite someone to church! Ask your friends, family and neighbors to join us for Pack the Pew Sunday! Make sure you invite them to stay for our annual Chili Cook-off after the 10:30 service! WEDNESDAY, January 6 3:45 p.m. – Kidventure Kickoff! 6 p.m. – Connections Team Meeting 7 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m. – Property Team Meeting THURSDAY, January 7 8:30 a.m. – Mother’s Day Out SUNDAY, January 10 Pack the Pews! 8:30 a.m. – Service Celebration Service 9:30 a.m. – Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. –Worship Service Noon – Chili Cook-off! 1 p.m. – Handbells Rehearsal 5 p.m. – Christian Ed. Team Meeting 6 p.m. – Youth Sunday Practice Our love and sympathy go to: Christy Chennault and family in the death of her mother, Betty Foster. Also, to Charlene Gant and family in the death of her stepfather, Bill Bessinger. We pray for our church family: Gaylee McCoy, Francie Krittenbrink, Clayton Hembree, Don Bross, Diane Biggs, Mickey Eckley, Janie Andrews, Mike Carey, Ada Dilley, Viola Dilley, Terryl Wieczorek, Rita Stowe & family, Mickey Weathers, Kim Crick, Kathy Warner, Betty Abell, Carol Allen, Mac & Helen McNeil, Bob Stanbrough, Myrna Laughlin, Wayne Bennett, Karen Yancey, Joan Jones and Joyce Carter-Eitson. We pray for our friends and family members: Carmen Bond, Christopher Krittenbrink, Carol Duke, Julie Widener, Bill Uselton, Adelle Simms, Colin Hall, Miarianne Conley, Wendell Smith, Ashley Downing Fordyce, Diane Weaver, Lori Fortney, Ashlee Townsend, Hudson Haws, Ryan Taylor, Treva Seals, John Thompson, Mike Nealis, Jackie Lang, Lindsay Szwed, Jackson Szwed, Leah Willun, Gloria Hayes, Jacob Biggs, Roy Morse, Sandy Hood, Mike Davis family, Brian & Trisha Downing, Marissa Rhodes, Ruth Raymond, Toni Blatizar, Brian Vincent and Glenda McKeever. Our Military all over the world including: Camden Helm Betty Foster 1932 – 2016 We hope everyone had a Great Christmas! Tuesday was our first day back after our break and we are excited to get back into our routines and look forward to a great 2016! Mrs. Michelle & Staff Youth Group Scoop ***GIRL'S ONLY LUNCH CHANGE... please mark Jan 24 for lunch & book study*** WINTER JAM tickets: we need to know by Jan 10 who will be planning to attend the overnight Winter Jam event in Tulsa (March 13 – 14, cost: $50 due by Feb 7, which covers tickets & lodging) See you for YOUTH SUNDAY practice Jan 10 @ 6 p.m. Mission Guthrie Parent's meeting – Jan 17 following the 10:30 service for parent's of 6 -12 grade students or anyone interested in learning more about this amazing event! Contact Jeff Ball or Staci Carey for more information. *2016 Offering Envelopes are available in the Narthex! Sign the list for the envelope # you take. Survivor Kidventure starts THIS Wednesday!!! We are excited to get it kicked off and have a lot of fun challenges in store for our Kidventure “tribes.” Instead of getting voted off the island like in Survivor, our tribes will be competing for the chance to cast their vote for one of 3 cool prizes that will happen at the end of our Survivor Camp! Hope to see all of our 5-year-olds thru 6th graders this Wednesday from 3:455:15. Please note our new times! We will be doing a heavy snack when the kids get here and will not be doing the dinner portion of Kidventure. So we will end at 5:15 in the Fellowship Hall! If you are needing transportation for your child, please contact Shana Bench at 405-412-6365 so we can make sure we have enough drivers! If you ever have a change in transportation, please be sure and let Shana know. Mark your calendars for January 27, the Kidventure group will be going to volunteer at the Animal Shelter. They must have a signed waiver from you giving them permission for this trip so be watching for that to come home with them next week. Following is a list of our Survivor Kidventure dates and activities: Jan. 6 Survivor Camp Kickoff Jan. 13 Finding Water (Jesus, the Living Water) Jan. 20 Fighting Hunger (Bible, the Bread of Life) Jan. 27 Volunteer at the Animal Shelter Feb. 3 Building Shelter (God, Our Shelter) Feb. 10 Treasure Hunt (What's Your Treasure?) Feb. 17 Volunteer at Pepper's Ranch Feb. 24 Island Obstacles (Christ, The Overcomer) Mar. 2 Soul Survivor (The Way, Truth, and Life) Mar. 9 Survivor Camp Party (TBA) Keeping Up With Karen Happy New Year! This Sunday is our annual Chili Cook-Off! It’s one of the favorite afterchurch luncheons of the year. We seem to be a little low on chili contenders so far, so if you plan to bring a pot of chili, please call the church office or text me (615-2240) so we can get you signed up. We take all levels of “heat” – mild, medium and spicy! There will also be some hot dogs for kids and we could use some desserts and cornbread, so if you’re not a chili maker let me know if you can bring a side item. The Disciple Women and our Connection’s Team are combining to sponsor this event this year and have designed it to be a “Bring a Friend Sunday” as well. We are calling it “Pack the Pews!” As we start a new year, so many of us have made resolutions to eat less, exercise more, add more Bible study and I am sure there are those who have added “attend church more regularly.” If you have friends or neighbors who don’t already attend church or share in a faith community the first of the year is a great time to invite them to attend. Statistics show that 82 percent of people are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited. A study by LifeWay Research revealed that 63 percent of Americans are willing to receive information about a local church from a family member, and 56 percent are willing to receive it from a friend or neighbor. One final statistic was that 7 out of 10 “unchurched” people have never been invited to church in their whole lives. We have been blessed to have so many new families attending our church during the past year and I’m confident a majority of those have come through friends and family members inviting them to a service or event. Over and over again, we are told that our church has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. That atmosphere does not happen by accident but through intentional effort. As you attend on Sunday mornings and at other events I hope you are mindful of several things that may help those who are attending for the first time or may be new within the last year or two. • Do you wear your nametag, or are you willing to introduce yourself when you don’t recognize someone? • If you see someone who may look confused or lost, do you offer directions or help? • During “meet and greet” do you go out of your way to expand the group you talk to or do you socialize with the same people every week? • At after-church dinners or special events, do you make an effort to sit with new people or do you always hang out with the same people? • When you hear of an upcoming event, do you invite someone who is new to the church or look for ways to get them involved in activities? • When talking about “things in the past” at the church do you use inclusive language that explains the events or check to make sure that everyone in the room understands what is going on? There are many other ways to be inclusive and inviting as a church and I hope you are always aware of what your body language, your actions and your words say to those who are here. This week, as we prepare to “Pack the Pews” invite someone to church and then invite them to lunch at the “Chili Cook-off!” It’s a great way to share in worship and fellowship. See you Sunday at 8:30 or 10:30. Karen Sunday, January 10 CANDLELIGHTERS Audrey Evers and Tori Presnal CHILDREN’S MOMENT Kara Walters KID’S WORSHIP Amanda Shipley KID’S WORSHIP HELPER Tyler Shipley SCRIPTURE READER Alex Griffin JR. DIACONATE Josh Ward and Hayden Hirzel ELDERS 8:30 a.m. – Bill Warner 10:30 – Linda Holtz and Jerry Ball COMMUNION TO SHUT-INS AJ Griffin and Bill Warner WORSHIP LEADER Tom Janik COMMUNION PREPARATION AND CLEAN-UP Steve and Gretchen Hanna DIACONATE (Please wear nametags when serving) Don and Sherry Curtis, Steve and Gretchen Hanna, Alex and Carolyn Lunn, Jed and Carissa* Redman, Jerry Rucker, Scott Thompson, Ron and Barbara Wilder * Denotes team captain USHERS John Cox, Lloyd Cox, Mike Smith, Herb Reeve GREETERS Quepha Smith, Ada Belle Elder, Alma Hopkins, Babs Gumerson and Sheryl Reeve BREAD MINISTRY LaHonda Ball and Sherry Porter NURSERY HELPERS Carol Husmann, Logan Payne and Mikayla Johnston SOUND John Allen VIDEO Darl Doles VIDEO MINISTRY DELIVERY Nancy Gaylor Birthdays! Transportation available! Please contact Shana Bench if needed! 412-6365 Red Glove Project Angel Fire Equestrian Center, a nonprofit program working with horses and kids in Coyle, is sponsoring their annual “Red Glove Project” again this Winter. Any color of gloves, hats or scarves, as well as, monetary donations will be accepted. The Hands of Jesus Food Pantry, God’s Food Bank and Angel Fire will all be accepting donations and distributing them to the needy in our community. Contact Valerie Cotton (466-1541) with any questions. We welcome new member Karen Duck to our church family. She joined on Sunday, Jan 3. What a great way to start the new year! Karen is transferring her membership here from Crossway Baptist Church of Sulphur. Karen recently moved to 1545 Deer Meadow Lane in Guthrie and has been attending our Gleaners Sunday School class. Please be sure and welcome Karen when you see her! Save the Date and Buy Your Tickets Now! Mon. March 14 $15 tickets $6 shirts Call the church office to reserve your tickets! 282-4080 1- Daelon Rice Nolan Young Charity McPeek Herb Reeve 2- Jean Sheirbon 3- Paul Ketch 4- Rick Martin Wendy Anderson Dakota Hubbard 5- Clara Ketch 6- Elise Friese 7- Robert Irby Jaxton Backus 8- Samantha Argyle 10- Terryl Wieczorek Megan Collins 11- Jack Andrews Virgil Rodgers 13- Deanna Case Houston Hawkins 15- Tara Yancey Megan Reece 17- Jaci Wiss Mallory Mason 18- Marilyn Carroll 19- Ken Boyett 20- Donna Russell 21- Bo Hayes Courtney Turner 22- Sheryl Reeve 23- Marsha Shipman Riley Dods Karen Ochs 25- Kenny Walter Jacob Doles 26- Carl Biggs Linda Goode 27- Ryan Biggs Courtney Poplin 28- Matt Duehning Morgan Hanna Gregg Gumerson 30- Waylon Ball 31- Brandon Tontz It’s that time of year! Super Bowl Sunday is just around the corner! Be sure and order your Super Bowl Sub Sandwich from our youth group before the big day! Subs will be on sale beginning Sunday, Jan 10 and will be available for pick-up after both services on Sunday, Feb. 7. Pre-order and pay for your order for the best deal: only $5 for your delicious sub sandwich. (After Jan. 28 Subs will cost $6) Desperately seeking DIAPERS! Help us collect diapers for our Diaper Ministry. When a family in our congregation welcomes a new baby, we love to shower them with diapers. All sizes are appreciated. Bring your diapers to the office or leave them in the Narthex on Sunday. Monetary donations to purchase diapers are accepted as well. Thank you for your help in restocking our supply! 1- Charles & Angie Crooks 5- Wayne & Terri Graybeal 18- Don & Jean Bross 22- Jeff & Jackie Cowan 23- Jim & Maurie Overton 24- Paul & Barbara Ketch 402 E. Noble, Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044 (405) 282-4080 Website: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Office (secretary): [email protected] Amy: [email protected] Karen: [email protected] Shana: [email protected] Staci: [email protected] Jeff: [email protected] Tyler Shipley: [email protected] Amanda Shipley: [email protected] Michelle: [email protected] Jesie: [email protected] Lisa Wynn: [email protected] January 2016 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs 1 Repeating Sunday Events: (unless otherwise indicated) 8:30 a.m. Celebration Service 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 6 p.m. Youth 3 Genesis 7-9; Matthew 3 4 Genesis 10-12; Matthew 4 5 Genesis 13-15; Matthew 5:1-26 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool Resumes 10 Genesis 25-26; Matthew 8:1-17 11 Genesis 27-28; Matthew 8:18-34 17 Genesis 41-42; Matthew 12:1-23 18 Genesis 43-45; Matthew 12:24-50 Noon – Mission Guthrie Parent’s and Volunteers Meeting 24 Exodus 9-11; Matthew 15:21-39 Laity Sunday 31 Exodus 25-26; Matthew 20:17-34 Noon – Worship Team Meeting 12 Genesis 29-30; Matthew 9:1-17 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool Pack the Pews! Noon – Chili Cook-off Noon – Youth Girls Only Luncheon 1 p.m. – Handbells Rehearsal 5 p.m. – Christian Ed. Team Meeting 19 Genesis 46-48; Matthew 13:1-30 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool 25 Exodus 12-13; Matthew 16 Fri 26 Exodus 14-15; Matthew 17 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool 6 Genesis 16-17; Matthew 5:27-48 3:45 – 5:15 p.m. – Kidventure “Survivor” 6 p.m. – Connections Team Meeting 7 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m. – Property Team Meeting 13 Genesis 31-32; Matthew 9:18-38 9:30 a.m. – Disciples Women 3:45 – 5:15 p.m. – Kidventure “Survivor” 6:15 p.m. – Elders Meeting 7 p.m. – Cabinet Meeting 7 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal 20 Genesis 49-50; Matthew 13:31-58 3:45 – 5:15 p.m. – Kidventure “Survivor” 7 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal 7 p.m. – Outreach Team Meeting 27 Exodus 16-18; Matthew 18:1-20 3:45 – 5:15 p.m. – Kidventure “Survivor” Genesis 18-19; Matthew 6:1-18 Genesis 1:3; Matthew 1 8 Genesis 20-22; Matthew 6:19-34 Sat 2 Genesis 4-6; Matthew 2 9 Genesis 23-24; Matthew 7 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool 14 Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10:1-20 15 Genesis 36-38; Matthew 10:21-42 16 Genesis 39-40; Matthew 11 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool 21 Exodus 1-3; Matthew 14:1-21 22 Exodus 4-6; Matthew 14:22-36 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool 28 Exodus 19-20; Matthew 18:21-35 8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool 23 Exodus 7-8; Matthew 15:1-20 9 a.m. – Noon – Leadership Meeting 29 Exodus 21-22; Matthew 19 30 Exodus 23-24; Matthew 20:1-16