Theatre Comedy Music Family Festival
Theatre Comedy Music Family Festival
Event Gu de axis: Feb – May 2014 , classe Your guide to all the latest shows s & projects in Ballymun Showing: Theatre ‘Cleaners’ axis new comedy ‘4EverBoyz’ the spoof band returns ‘Faith’ from Gúna Nua Comedy Tommy Tiernan David O’ Doherty Embarrassing Mother Music Sharon Shannon Katherine Lynch Family Magical Mayhem with Colly Jolly The Jungle Book al stiv FeBea ltaine Seachtain na Gaeilge LiFT Youth Arts Festival Coupons: W hat Else? Classes: m, Exhibitions Loads of Fil s, op sh rk Wo sic Mu a, am Dr t, Ar Over 55’s... axis offers! for ts en Ev & sic Mu .. re. mo ch & mu DIRECTOR’S NOTE Hello there and welcome to our 2014 event guide. We’re delighted to present another bumper programme of all the best in local, national and international theatre, comedy, dance and music in the coming months. What better way to start us off than the comedy legend MARK O’BRIEN that is Tommy Tiernan making his return to axis, John ACTING DIRECTOR Sheahan of the Dubliners, internationally renowned company Graeae and a fantastic touring exhibition from, all in February. In March we will produce a brilliant new comedy show ‘Cleaners’ by Colm Maher in our theatre as well as a studio presentation of ‘The Essentialist’ by local writer Paddy Kavanagh as part of our Playground mentoring initiative. April sees the LiFT Youth Arts Festival getting young people involved creatively along with theatre from Gúna Nua and comedy from the hilarious David O’Doherty. May sees a range of Bealtaine events and great theatre from Bigger Picture Projects and Shiva Productions. Our Home Sessions Music concerts continue this season with Sharon Shannon and Katherine Lynch and we continue the development of our residencies with magician Shane Gillen. On top of that we have new projects in writing, music and dance which will see hundreds of people participating in, and developing their own creativity, including a major new youth arts project with the HSE and Dublin City Council called ‘Space’. So here’s to a great year. This programme is our invitation to you to take your place, see a show, take part in a project, record a song, have a meeting or come join us for lunch. Ballymun is a vibrant community in a great city so whether it is for the first time, a return visit, by foot, by bus or car we look forward to welcoming you to axis in 2014. Let’s make collaboration the heart of all we do. Creativity shared knows no bounds. Onwards and upwards… Our gratitude to our funders, friends and patrons: Ballymun Regeneration Limited, Dublin City Council, Dublin City Council Arts Office, The Arts Council, Foras Na Gaeilge, ARTS DEVELOPMENT MUSIC FILM GALLERY FAMILY THEATRE DANCE IRISH LANGUAGE RESIDENCY COMEDY axis COUPON axis COUPON Book up to 4 tickets at €5 off for our new black comedy ‘Cleaners’ when you hand this coupon in at our box office. Get a family ticket for 4 people to see ‘The Jungle Book’ on 24th May for only €30 (normally €36). TICKETS €5 OFF THEATRE Coupon valid for performances from 11th – 15th March. One voucher per booking. axis COUPON Mark O’Brien Acting Director axis would like to acknowledge the work and contribution of its Board of Directors, all axis staff, axis tenants, Kate Bowe PR, form and all our service providers, volunteers and interns. LOOK OUT FOR OUR EASY-TO-FOLLOW SYMBOLS TO GUIDE YOU THROUGH OUR UPCOMING EVENTS GIRLS NIGHT OUT The De Vos Institute, Business to Arts, Pobal, Youngballymun and Dept. of Foreign Affairs. We would also like to thank all our partners this season, all the wonderful and talented artists and companies working with us and all those who have assisted us in any way since this programme went to print. Buy 4 tickets to see the hilarious ‘Any Summers’ on 11th April and get 2 extra FREE tickets to bring 2 more friends, saving you €30. Offer limited to first 60 tickets. One voucher per booking. TICKET €6 OFF FAMILY Offer limited to first 40 tickets. One voucher per booking. axis COUPON €20 MOTHERS DAY GIFT Buy your mother 2 tickets to comedy ‘Embarrassing Mother’ on 2nd May for only €20 per pair (normally €30). Offer limited to first 40 tickets. One voucher per booking. PLAYGROUND RESIDENCY RESIDENCY Dates: Jan - Jun By: Arts & Disability Ireland and axis THE CHATS Dates: 6th Feb >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: Free >>> By: axis Arts & Disability Ireland and axis: Ballymun present a new performing arts residency. This residency is designed to support the professional development of, and the creation of new work by performing artists with disabilities. To launch our season axis are delighted to host a very special event where artists from Ballymun and those who have worked with axis will gather to talk about their work, share their plans and ideas and look forward to the year ahead. Following several successful residencies across various disciplines, ADI and axis are working together to offer a residency and bursary to an artist with a disability who is interested in developing their performing arts practice. The artists chosen by the panel for this residency are Stefanie Preissner with additional support to Fintin Kelly. Previous chats have seen established and budding dancers, photographers, performers, musicans and visial artists chat about their work, share new ideas and enjoy meeting new people in a relaxed setting. If you or any artist you know would be interested in joining us for an evening full of creativity, contact us on (01) 883 2100. axis cast & crew Acting Director Programme Manager Accounts Administrator Box Office & Marketing Manager Crèche Manager Technical Manager Music Studio Co-ordinator Book-keeper Arts Development Co-ordinator Projects Co-ordinator Operations Manager Box Office & Reception Café Manager Maintenance & Duty Manager – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Mark O’Brien Niamh Ní Chonchubhair Patricia Martin Philip Keogh Martina Devey Joe Flavin Seán Mc Cormack Mary Carpenter Emma Connors Niamh Fitzpatrick Anita Purdy Anna Kavanagh, Deirdre Purdy & Sharon McGuire Marcella Pintos David Kelly All information is correct at time of printing, for up-to-date information visit or contact axis on (01) 883 2100. axis has a child protection policy and procedures in place. For more info contact (01) 883 2100. BOOKING Our box office is open weekdays 9am – 5pm and for 90 mins before an event. To book Ph: (01) 883 2100 or visit MAILING LIST Want to receive special offers and updates on upcoming events? Register on or Ph: (01) 883 2100 Stay up-to-date with all the latest news, receive exclusive special offers, book shows online or just find more information on our upcoming shows, exhibitions, classes or events. ACCESSIBILITY With the help of Arts and Disability Ireland we are broadening our services to cater for deaf, visually impaired and disabled visitors. We are working on programming captioned performances for deaf or hard of hearing visitors. For these performances we will also have an infrared loop system for visitors using hearing aids. To find out when the next captioned performance is being organised contact axis’ reception on (01) 883 2100 or email [email protected] We can cater for up to 10 wheelchairs in our auditorium. These spaces are located at the front of the auditorium and are in clear view of the stage. There is also a wheelchair accessible toilet located in our café bar and lifts available in both our underground car park and within our building. Large text versions of any of our print can be made available on request from our box office. We aim to continue to improve axis accessibility and would welcome your suggestions and feedback. Please feel free to contact axis reception on (01) 883 2100 or [email protected] DUBLIN VALENTINES: DERMOT BOLGER IN CONVERSATION WITH JOHN SHEAHAN SIGNS OF A DIVA Dates: 18th Feb Time: 8pm >>> Tickets: €15/12 By: Arts & Disability Ireland and Graeae Dates: 12th Feb >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €8 >>> By: axis THEATRE No one remembers mousey old Sue, the undertaker from Bingley Bridge. No one knows she’s a Diva fanatic, until one day she is offered a cabaret spot at Harry’s Place. Overnight, Tammy Frascati is born and Sue finds herself hurtling towards stardom. John Sheahan is somewhat of a Dublin legend. A notable Irish violinist, tin whistle player, folk musician and composer he is the last surviving member of the original and definitive five member line-up of The Dubliners. Join him as he discusses his recently found passion for poetry and his relationship to a variety of songs and stories throughout the years - he may even play a tune or two! But, as success beckons a handsome stranger pierces Sue’s heart. What does she do? Can she have both? All performances include signed song, captioned text and audio description. ‘Dublin Valentines’ continues axis series of public conversations between Dermot Bolger and well known artists in which he explores their lives, their work and their relationship with their native or adoptive city. Dermot Bolger is one of Ireland’s leading novelists and playwrights. He has a long standing relationship with axis, who have staged his award-winning works in Ballymun as well as Britain, America and beyond. TOMMY TIERNAN Dates: 16th Feb >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €28 >>> By: Aiken Promotions Away from the glamour of the city centre and out to the burbs, Tommy Tiernan does his first World Tour of County Dublin. From the Red Cow, the Taj Mahal of cabaret comedy, to Johnnie Fox's house in the hills. From Taylors Three Rock once run by his sister-in-law to The Spa Hotel in Lucan where his mother once took the family to get away from his father until he "copped himself on". From City West, where he lost a packet playing cards, to Ballymun "Joe Duffy country". From Killiney Castle and tae with Enya to Rolestown for the button mushrooms and everywhere else in between. Tommy's mastery of stand-up allows him to take risks other comedians dare not. Through hilarious storytelling and a high energy, non-apologetic delivery he continually challenges his audience who can be confident they are in safe hands. To see Tiernan live is a rare treat, as his stories unfold and themes are elaborated his performance mesmerises as his lyrical way with words make you laugh harder than you'd ever believe possible. 4 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> /axisballymun 4EVERBOYZ: THE PLAY THEATRE Dates: 20th & 21st Feb Time: 8pm >>> Tickets: €15/12 By: Troubadour Productions A new comedy play set against the backdrop of the late 80's recession. Before the Celtic Tiger roared, thousands of young wannabes attended an audition in The Pod, Dublin. Their quest? To become the next big thing in the world of pop! At the end four boys would stand together to take on the world. They would become known as… '4EverBoyz'. After over 10 years at the top, hearts were shattered at the shock announcement that 4EverBoyz were to call it a day. …BUT 4Ever means... 4Ever... THEY'RE BACK!!! Suitable: 16+ Event Guide >>>> February – May 5 Mid-term treat MAGICAL MAYHEM WITH COLLY JOLLY The Home Sessions: KATHERINE LYNCH FAMILY Dates: 28th Feb >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15 >>> By: Katherine Lynch Dates: 22nd Feb >>> Time: 2.30pm Tickets: €8/6 >>> By: Colm Dawson Best known for her long running comedy shows, Katherine Lynch has long held a secret desire to engage her audience with a straight up musical project. A comedy magic show for all the family from Colly Jolly aka comedy magician Colm Dawson. Colm has over 20 years experience in magic and has performed this year for Ryan Tubridy’s 40th birthday, the President of Ireland and Danny O’Donoghue from The Script to name a few. MUSIC Colm is also resident magician in Tayto Park where he has perfected his act and hilarious climb-in-balloon routine. Definitely a show not to be missed on the school mid-term. She has gathered an extraordinary group of musicians and is now presenting ‘Songs from Settling Dust’, a live presentation of exceptional music, original songs and some show-stopping covers including 'On Raglan Road (her dark hair)'. During this show-stopping moment, through the wonders of technology, Katherine manages to duet with her grand uncle, the poet and author Patrick Kavanagh. Obviously while the presentation is musically authentic, you can expect a few hilarious anecdotes and introductions throughout the show. It’s Katherine Lynch after all! “Colly wowed the children at our party recently - the laughs kept coming! Colly Jolly is Ireland‘s top children‘s entertainer!“ Keith Barry, Magician Suitable: 4+ Katherine released her debut album 'Settling Dust' this year to rave reviews. The result is an album that will surprise and delight fans and has heralded a new chapter in her career. “An impressive collection” Hot Press “A surprisingly gripping and delightful debut” Irish Music Magazine FILM The Pictures: ONE DAY Dates: 25th Feb >>> Time: 2.30pm Tickets: €2 Members / €4 Non-Members / Membership: €3 >>> By: Dublin City Council Arts Office and axis in association with access>Cinema and Ballymun Library PRACTICE ‘The Pictures’ is a monthly film club for over 55’s that screens in our 211 seater theatre on the last Monday of each month. This month we continue our ‘Book to Screen’ screenings with an adaptation of author David Nicholls' critically acclaimed novel ‘One Day’. We are partnering with Ballymun Library who are making copies available to our members to borrow the month before the film to read. ‘Practice’ presents an opportunity for insight into a range of projects by artists Helen Barry, Ann Donnelly, Naomi Draper, Ann Henderson, Maree Hensey, Christine Mackey and Fiona Kelleher. After one day together - July 15th, 1988, their college graduation - Emma Morley (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess) begin a friendship that will last a lifetime. 6 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> /axisballymun Dates: Mar/Apr >>> By: Kids’ Own GALLERY ‘Practice’ is a national touring exhibition of work by artists and children, through joint processes of exploration and enquiry. ‘Practice’ seeks to present an open space inviting response, engagement and questioning. The exhibition is accompanied by a programme of events in each venue. Contact Niamh Fitzpatrick on (01) 883 2123. Event Guide >>>> February – May 7 SEACHTAIN NA GAELIGE Dates: 3rd – 7th Mar Time: 8pm >>> Tickets: €10 By: axis & local partners CLEANERS BY COLM MAHER FESTIVAL Dates: 11th – 15th Mar >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15/12 >>> By: axis Le linn an tearma scoile beidh ealaíontóirí ag obair le bunscoileanna i mBaile Munna agus an ceantar máguaird agus iad ag ullmhú le haghaidh ceolchoirm speisialta in axis chun ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar a gcuid tallann agus ar SnaG. Mini bars, lockers, champagne, blackmail, a struggle for power, a Buddha, the lotto, some cash, some cleaning and lots of Ch'i. axis are delighted to present a brand new comedy for its audience this season. The world première of Colm Maher’s play ‘Cleaners’ is peppered with plenty of Dublin wit, backstabbing and banter. From January 2014 primary schools in Ballymun and beyond will be working with artists to showcase their talents at a special perfomance to celebrate ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’ 2014. Each night will feature a different school with proceeds going to support the schools directly. 8 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> DINNER THEATRE AVAILABLE €25p/p Set in the basement locker room of a highclass Dublin hotel, meet ‘The Cleaners’ Jewel and Ellie, whom fate has thrown together in a war of drinks trolleys and double cross. Contains some strong language. 15+ Starring Anne Kent (‘P.S. I Love You’, ‘The General’, ‘Waiting For Elvis’) and Stephanie Kelly (‘Fair City’, ‘Kisses’ & ‘Roundabout Youth Theatre’) Directed by Mark O’Brien THEATRE /axisballymun Event Guide >>>> February – May 9 FAITH BY PAUL MEADE DAVID O’DOHERTY Dates: 19th Mar Time: 8pm Tickets: €18/14 By: Lisa Richards Agency Dates: 21st & 22nd Mar >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15/12 >>> By: Gúna Nua Theatre in association with Civic Theatre COMEDY ‘Faith’ tells the story of Michael, a man trying to cope with the stresses of redundancy and a new role as a stay at home husband. He meets a charismatic friend who gives him new hope and a new job, guarding an empty office block in the IFSC. They while away the hours with daredevil tricks, impromptu games of football and sorting out the meaning of life. But his new-found optimism and lowpaid employment don’t wash at home. He soon finds himself with a serious dilemma. The scene is set for confrontation between Michael’s responsibilities at home and the survival of his sense of self, even his sanity. Darkly comic, ‘Faith’ is an exploration of one man’s struggle to find himself in post-recession Ireland. David O’Doherty, the Ryanair James Bond, the Kevin McCloud of the tiny keyboard, former Miss Ireland, the offspring of Shannon/Pete Doherty, his new look is ‘Jaws era Steven Spielberg’, recipient of the 2008 Edinburgh Comedy Award and inventor of the last remaining swimming stroke ‘the squid’ (on back, feet first), has written a new comedy show with both talking and songs. NO SCRUBS. ARTS DEVELOPMENT Civic Theatre stage as it is being developed. First up in 2014 is a reading of a new play from local artist Patrick Kavanagh ‘The Essentialist’. PLAYGROUND This one person show will be a treat for anyone interested in new writing and was developed through the axis ‘Playground’ mentoring programme. A chance to go behind the curtain and into the rehearsal room to see new work for the Over three days we will also host readings of other new work. Tickets are free and our café bar will be open so you can make an evening of it. Dates: 18th – 20th Mar >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: Free >>> By: axis 10 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> /axisballymun THEATRE ALL SHOOK UP Dates: 26th – 29th Mar >>> Time: 8pm (Plus 2pm Matinee on 29th March) >>> Tickets: €12/8 By: Dry Ice Theatre Company ‘All Shook Up’ is a musical comedy built around a number of songs by Elvis Presley. It is loosely based on ‘Twelfth Night’ by William Shakespeare. It takes place in 1955 in the middle of America, where one girls dream and a surprise visit from a mysterious leather jacketed guitar playing stranger help a small town to discover the magic of romance and the power of rock and roll. The score includes many Elvis classics! Event Guide >>>> February – May 11 SMALL PLASTIC WARS THEATRE Dates: 31st Mar & 1st Apr Time: 8pm >>> Tickets: €12/10 By: Bigger Picture Projects Joe is in total control of his world. It’s a pity that it exists only in 1/35 scale and is made of plastic. Meanwhile back in the real world there’s a competition coming up and Joe just wants to be left alone to build his models and win best in show. Unemployment has finally given him the time to enjoy his hobby of sticking bits of plastic together, but unfortunately his wife, his kids, the bank, his nemesis Hermann (whose real name is Brian), the checkout girl in Tesco and Angela Merkel have other ideas. FILM The Pictures: THE INFORMER Dates: 24th Mar >>> Time: 2.30pm Tickets: €2 Members / €4 Non-Members / Membership: €3 >>> By: Dublin City Council Arts Office and axis in association with access>Cinema and Ballymun Library ‘The Pictures’ is a monthly film club for over 55’s that screens in our 211 seater theatre on the last Monday of each month. This month we continue our ‘Book to Screen’ screenings an adaptation of author Liam O’Flaherty’s novel ‘The Informer’. We are partnering with Ballymun Library who are making copies ARTS DEVELOPMENT available to our members to borrow the month before the film to read. Set in Dublin in 1922, Gypo Nolan has been exiled by his IRA cell for refusing an assignment to kill a man. The British have posted a reward for the whereabouts of his best friend, IRA soldier Frankie McPhillip, Gypo goes to the headquarters of the hated Black and Tans and reveals his friend’s location. The IRA soldiers present notice that the impoverished Gypo now has money to burn and suspect his involvement. SPACE Dates: Mar/Apr >>> By: HSE in partnership with Dublin City Council This new project which will see over 12 young people create a space in axis to develop new work around the the themes of mental health and creativity. This work will then be presented to a wider community in form of short videos, ebooks and spoken performance during Ballymun’s ‘LiFT Youth Arts Festival’. ‘Space’ is funded by the HSE as part of Healthy Cities programme in partnership with Dublin City Council. 12 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> /axisballymun A XIS ALL AREAS This season will see local young people taking part in a specially designed work experience programme in various axis departments. With more volunteers to be confirmed, these bright sparks have requested experience in a specific area as this is where their interest and skills lie. All of the axis staff are really looking forward to working with them! GAVIN FOGARTY – Technical Team During his work experience, Gavin will be working as part of the technical team and developing his skills at live sound engineering, lighting design and stage management. JAMIE HARRINGTON – Programme & Marketing Team Jamie is interested in learning what it takes to put an event together from start to finish and wants to see what’s required from all angles – even the admin bits! MAGNETIC € CLEANERS Friday 2nd May from 6.30pm Maxine's three sons are horrified when she starts stand-up. She is forced to lie. They think she's in Lidl! ENJOY A 2 COURSE MEAL AND A GL ASS OF WINE WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SHOWS FOR ONLY €25 PER PERSON INCLUDING YOUR TICKET. John Scott’s Irish Modern Dance Theatre, whose ‘HYPERACTIVE’ was a hit at Galway Arts Festival, have also produced ‘Outsider’, ‘Body Duet’ and ‘Actions’, for festivals in New York, Paris, Edinburgh, Mexico, Brazil and Germany. THEATRE ANY SUMMERS Dates: 10th – 12th Apr >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15/12 >>> By: Joleen O’Brien SCOUNT GROUP BOOKING DI per person. and get the discounted rate of €22 Book a group of 8 or more W.A XIS-BA BOOK NOW (01) 883 2100 or WW LLYMUN.IE DINNER THEATRE AVAILABLE €25p/p tre ea th ce n da rn e od m irish EMBARR ASSING MOTHER Thursday 10th April from 6.30pm A hilarious show where six friends turn up at Marianna’s Ann Summers par ty! sh rn ce re iri de an eat o d th m Thursday 13th March from 6.30pm A brand new dark comedy set in a high-class Dublin hotel. Meet ‘The Cleaners’ Jewel and Ellie. ANY SUMMERS An explosive, passionate, joyous dance theatre work for five international virtuosic dancers with backgrounds from Broadway musicals to Merce Cunningham. Choreographed by John Scott, creator of ‘Body Duet’ and ‘Actions’, ‘MAGNETIC’ is constructed like a movement symphony, focusing on energy. Each dancer pushes to achieve levels of perfection: personal, physical, technical and spiritual. ‘MAGNETIC’ balances passion, humour, sensuality and outstanding virtuosic dance to create a thrilling evening of dance theatre, both funny and crazy, bringing cheering audiences to their feet. i m rish od e da rn nc th e ea tre R DANCE Dates: 4th Apr >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15/12 >>> By: IMDT A E T R H T E S E G R A K E AC RSON P 3 N L ER PE L INOK A 60 P B FO O D SPECIAL OFFER After its sell out show in Dublin City Centre, Any Summers is back for 3 nights only in axis. ‘Any Summers’ is a hilarious romp based on an Ann Summers party. Six very diverse women, a mix of age and backgrounds, turn up at Marianna’s party. The play opens with naughty games and the women are shown some very aptly named toys e.g. “Horn on the Cob”. However, the play is not all slapstick; there is a serious undertone to proceedings as the women reveal their colorful pasts. Audiences will laugh and cry in equal measure. Beg, borrow, or steal a ticket. Suitable: 16+ Event Guide >>>> February – May 15 LIFT YOUTH ARTS FESTIVAL PONDLING FESTIVAL Dates: 24th & 25th Apr >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15/12 >>> By: Gúna Nua and Ramblin’ Man Dates: 9th – 12th Apr >>> By: Ballymun Festival Steering Committee Proud she was in the park that day with THEATRE her shiny black shoes from a shiny green box. As she peddled through the park she took quick glances down to her feet deciding that cream tights were definitely the right choice; they did accentuate her raven black shoes. She was FREE, BRAVE, BEAUTIFUL, and she was ready to go back to school in a week and a half and show JOHNNO BOYLE O’CONNOR how free and brave she really was. Best actress at the Dublin Fringe Festival 2013, Genevieve Hulme-Beaman, returns to axis with the incredible ‘Pondling’. A story of LOVE, beauty, chicken-chasing, daisy chains, catkilling, French singing, dress-wearing, ensuite bathrooms and the day at the pond. Ballymun’s cultural calendar wouldn’t be the same without the annual ‘LiFT Youth Arts Festival’. For one full week, the streets and venues of Ballymun will be hopping as young people aged 13-23, showcase and experience the very best in youth arts. The ‘Little LiFT’ programme will also be back for younger festival goers (10-12 years). With 7 days of participatory projects, workshops, exhibitions and school engagement, Ballymun is the place to be. To find out more about what the Ballymun Festival Steering Committee and the Festival Youth Committee have planned this year (or to get involved behind the scenes) contact Emma Ballymun Festival Steering Committee on (01) 883 2136. GALLERY YOU’RE NEVER FULLY DRESSED LiFT Youth Arts Festival Exhibition Dates: Apr >>> By: Ballymun Festival Steering Committee This year’s ‘LiFT’ exhibition entitled ‘You’re Never Fully Dressed’ will be on display in axis gallery during the month of April. Using the medium of photography, a group of young people supported by a professional artist will explore what creativity really means to young people from Ballymun. Those observations and discussions will be brought to life through a series of new photographs. This refreshing exhibition will be the end result of a three month process of engagement. 16 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> /axisballymun ‘A heart of comedic darkness that owes a debt to Pat McCabe... it’s terrific and terrifying’ The Irish Times FILM The Pictures: THE HELP Dates: 28th Apr >>> Time: 2.30pm Tickets: €2 Members / €4 Non-Members / Membership: €3 >>> By: Dublin City Council Arts Office and axis in association with access>Cinema and Ballymun Library ‘The Pictures’ is a monthly film club for over 55’s that screens in our 211 seater theatre on the last Monday of each month. This month we continue our ‘Book to Screen’ screenings with an adaptation of author Kathryn Stockett’s novel ‘The Help’. We are partnering with Ballymun Library who are making copies available to our members to borrow the month before the film to read. A 1960s-era Mississippi debutante sends her community into an uproar by conducting a series of probing interviews with the black servants behind some of her community’s most prominent families. Nominated for ‘Best Picture’. Event Guide >>>> February – May 17 THEATRE BEALTAINE EXHIBITION LAUNCH Dates: 1st May >>> Time: 2pm Tickets: Free >>> By: axis GALLERY Bealtaine celebrates creativity as we age. This year’s celebration in axis will include a group show of work from artists aged 55+. The exhibition displays the wealth of talent and invention existing in the art groups and individuals over 55 years in our community. For more information on how to submit your work for consideration contact Niamh Fitzpatrick on (01) 883 2123. BRIGHTON Dates: 7th – 9th May >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15/12 >>> By: Heads on Stage Jim Nolan’s play tells the story of a feisty Irish woman, a recently disabled English actor and a young care assistant, whose paths first cross in a London nursing home and later reach an emotional climax in a Brighton hospital. EMBARRASSING MOTHER Dark humour and razor sharp dialogue are common features of Nolan’s writing. Illness, Dates: 2nd May Time: 8pm >>> Tickets: €15/12 By: Maxine Jones Maxine’s three sons are horrified when she starts stand-up. She is forced to lie. They think she’s in Lidl. Maxine left London for Dublin in 1990, married an Irishman, became the first divorceé, reared three rowdy sons and discovered how English she was. COMEDY DINNER THEATRE AVAILABLE €25p/p Maxine has featured on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour and RTE’s Arena. ‘Embarrassing Mother’ has played to full houses in Dublin and Edinburgh. “Outstandingly funny”, 18 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> /axisballymun death, despair and salvation are regular themes in the Waterford born playwright’s work. So too is the inherent yearning for survival in the human spirit. The poignant, bittersweet, hilarious and moving struggle towards redemption is again at the core of ‘Brighton’. ‘Heads on Stage’ are extremely proud to be the first amateur group to be given permission to stage this fabulous play. ANGELS IN THE PARK THEATRE Dates: 12th – 16th May Time: 1pm (12th -15th May) & 8pm (16th May) >>> Tickets: €10 (incl. soup & sandwiches for 1pm performances) By: Shiva Productions Who knows why angels appear? Why, in seemingly ordinary moments, a thread in the fabric of life is pulled and all unravels to reveal deep truths no-one imagined ever existed? Deep truths change lives forever. Seeing is believing. Catch ‘Angels in the Park’, Shiva Productions’ series of ten minute plays, by new and established writers, including Peter Sheridan. A huge hit at the Ranelagh Arts Festival 2013, ‘Angels in the Park’ is a performance not to be missed. Suitable: 12+ Event Guide >>>> February – May 19 POSTSCRIPT Dates: 20th & 21st May Time: 8pm >>> Tickets: €15/12 By: Bigger Picture Projects A poignant and humorous account of a woman turned detective on a mission to reveal the truth. “From a very early age I was told I was adopted. In fairness I think my parents had no choice but to tell me, what with me being redheaded with pale skin in a family with dark skin and dark hair – this made it pretty obvious that something wasn’t right. While I loved being able to say I was adopted when I was a child (because it made me feel exotic), I also learned that it was a word that was used by adults with a dropped voice. ‘Bad blood will out’ was a phrase that was often thrown around in conversation in relation to adopted children in 70’s and 80’s Ireland.” MUSIC THEATRE “A gentle, sad, funny delight”. Sunday Independent Artist in Residence: SHANE GILLEN The Home Sessions: SHARON SHANNON RESIDENCY Shane Gillen works primarily as a magician, specifically performing in the areas of mentalism and ‘sleight of the mind’ in both his stage shows and close-up work. He has been performing professionally for six years and has enjoyed bringing his style of magic to people of all walks of life, from the rich and famous to the poorest of the poor, abroad and at home. Magic is a language that speaks to many, and Shane is looking forward to exploring that idea further with people in Ballymun and the surrounding community. Shane will be an Artist in Residence in axis in 2014. “ of Ireland’s most amazing magicians...” - The Dubliner “He is very, very good at playing with unsuspecting minds” - The Irish Times “...a tantalising slice of real magic...” - Hot Press 20 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> /axisballymun Dates: 22nd May >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15 >>> By: MPI Bands Sharon Shannon has music at her fingertips… literally! The accordionist from Co. Clare has achieved legendary status throughout the world and has made the much maligned accordion ‘cool’. She is renowned for her collaborations, not just in Irish traditional music, but through all musical genres. Sharon has collaborated, toured and recorded with Bono and Adam from U2, Steve Earle, Jackson Browne, Nigel Kennedy, Willie Nelson, John Prine, and Christy Moore. She has performed for U.S. Presidents Clinton and Obama, entertained Irish Presidents Robinson and McAleese, and most recently Michael D. Higgins. As a musical icon for over 20 years she has enjoyed worldwide airplay with the song, don’t miss this chance to see a musical legend in axis! Event Guide >>>> February – May 21 THE JUNGLE BOOK ALBERT LEE & HOGAN’S HEROES Dates: 24th May >>> Time: 2.30pm Tickets: €10/€8 (see coupons for family ticket offer) >>> By: Indigo Moon Theatre Dates: 27th May >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €20 >>> By: Heroic Records You may think you know ‘The Jungle Book’, but Indigo Moon Theatre brings you a surprisingly good story inspired by the poetry & spirit of Rudyard Kipling’s original book. Albert Lee, by common consent, is one of the world’s finest guitar players. He has worked with some of the world’s top artists such as Emmylou Harris, the Everly Brothers, Dolly Parton and Eric Clapton. Fearless and free, Mowgli the ‘man-cub,’ finds fun and friendship as he learns to live by the Law of the Jungle. Albert is a double Grammy award winning musician, whose talents continue to be in demand by fellow performers throughout the world. Mowgli’s wild adventures in the dangerous world he inhabits are brought to life with inventive shadow theatre, powerful original music and colourful digital projections. A contemporary tale: it offers us wisdom in our eternal quest for love, identity and belonging. Hogan’s Heroes features some of the top musicians in the UK and are now considered to be one of the best country rock bands in the world. FAMILY Suitable: 4+ A great and unique night out for country and guitar music fans. 50 mins FILM MUSIC The Pictures: BEALTAINE FILM Dates: 26th May >>> Time: 2.30pm Tickets: Free (As part of Bealtaine Festival) >>> By: Dublin City Council Arts Office and axis in association with access>Cinema ‘The Pictures’ is more than just a film club; it has become a great social network for the over 55’s in Ballymun and the surrounding areas. ‘The Pictures’, takes place in our 211-seater theatre, so you can enjoy the big screen in comfort. This month’s screening is as part of the ‘Bealtaine Festival’ and will be announced in early April. This one is FREE so why not bring a friend along and let them enjoy your fantastic local film club? 22 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> /axisballymun THEATRE END OF TERM BY NOEL KELLY Dates: 30th & 31st May >>> Time: 8pm Tickets: €15/12 >>> By: Stagemad Theatre Company An empty nest syndrome threatens a marriage. Maura and Michael attempt to reconcile past events, with the prospect of an uncertain future. Have you ever asked yourself is that all there is to life? If so, don’t miss this thought provoking play by the award winning Stagemad Theatre Company. “A little gem” John Hartery Event Guide >>>> February – May 23 CLASSES ART FORM DAY AGE GROUP TIME PRICE TUESDAY 5 – 8 years 9 – 12 years 3.30pm – 4.45pm 5pm – 6.15pm Sibling & advance payment discounts available DRAMA TUESDAY 5 – 8 years 9 – 12 years 5pm – 6.15pm 3.30pm – 4.45pm Sibling & advance payment discounts available GUITAR TUESDAY & THURSDAY From 6 years to Adults From 2.30pm THURSDAY From 6 years to Adults From 2.30pm FRIDAY From 6 years to Adults From 2.30pm ART PIANO, FLUTE & RECORDER DRUMS €36 for 6 week term €36 for 6 week term From €16 per class Guitar with Andy Barron Book: 085 780 5356 ART & DRAMA CLASSES From €18 per class Classes with Helen Redwood Book: 085 728 3823 From €16 per class Drums with Shay Lally Book: 087 299 5666 MUSIC CLASSES THURSDAY 4 – 6 years 7 – 9 years 10+ 4pm – 4.30pm 4.30pm – 5.15pm 5.15pm – 6pm €7 per class with Ciara Regan MON & WED 3 – 20 years 4.30pm – 7.30pm €7 per class with Beldance AEROBICS & LINE DANCING WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY Over 50’s 2.30pm – 3.30pm 11am – 12.30pm €3 per class with Active Living MUSICAL THEATRE FRIDAY 4pm – 7pm €6 per class BALLET IRISH DANCING 24 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> 5 – 18 years /axisballymun LIMITED PLACES AVAILABLE Sign up now to avoid disappointment. with Two Red Shoes Registration is ongoing throughout the term. All students required to pay one week in advance to guarantee your place. MORE INFORMATION To register for any of the above or for more information, please contact axis’ reception on (01) 883 2100 Event Guide >>>> February – May 25 cilities BEHIND THE GLASS DOORS axis fa Underground Recording Studio Crêche Artist’s Studio Our newly refurbished studio is available for hire at competitive rates for professional artists, groups and beginners. This multi-functional space is equipped with a printing press, lockable storage units and an Apple Multimedia suite. The axis crèche offers a home form home environment in a safe and friendly atmosphere. The crèche consists of three age groupings – baby, toddler and pre-school. From 3 months to 5 years we currently facilitate up to 45 children. For more information on the crèche contact Martina Devey on (01) 883 2165 or email martina. [email protected] Underground Rehearsals axis 2 rehearsal rooms are equipped with: ➜ Full P.A. plus two mics, stands & leads ➜ Guitar & bass amps ➜ Drum-kit (Cymbals / hi-hat clutch not included) The space can cater for up to 20 people and is available for both short and long term hire. For more information contact Niamh Fitzpatrick on (01) 883 2123 SPECIAL OFFER ➜ 2 hours studio time (including 30 min consultation) ➜ 2 CDs of your song ➜ ALL FOR ONLY €80! REHEARSAL ROOM RATES ➜ €10 per hr Individual deals & quotes on request Dance Studio Conference Centre/Meeting & Training Rooms axis houses a beautiful 91.5 sq m dance studio complete with wooden floors and a full length mirrored wall. This space currently houses both professional and amateur groups. It is available for hire at very reasonable rates. These state of the art conference spaces offer low cost meeting facilities for a range of groups, individuals and events. The rooms consist of a board room, a meeting room and a large conference space. We can also open these spaces up for you to fit much larger groups and events. For more information contact Anita Purdy on (01) 883 2114 26 >>>> (01) 883 2100 >>>> axis recording studio uses the industry standard Pro-Tools recording system. Digital technology in our intimate studio allows us to create highly produced recordings for very competitive prices. Free consultations available. /axisballymun INTERESTED? Contact Seán McCormack on (01) 883 2102 or [email protected] Get social with us for all the best special offers and news: The following can be provided on request: ➜ Laptop ➜ Projector ➜ Flipcharts ➜ Data ➜ TV ➜ Sound Equipment Full catering service and wifi also available. axis 211 seater theatre is also available for hire and we have facilitated a range of national and international conferences in the past. Event Guide >>>> February – May 27 GET CONNECTED TWITTER @PeopleOfTheWorld Follow us on Twitter #axis13 5700+ @ axisBallymun 20400+ Views People like this FACEBOOK Bit of a Facebook fiend? “Like” us on axisballymun 3000+ Followers YOUTUBE Sometimes we’re fond of posting a video or two! axisballymun WHAT’S THE STORY ENGLISH axis & BIG (Ballymun Intercultural Group) are working together to make axis a centre that is accessible for all - don’t let language be a barrier! Get in contact with BIG if you’re interested in joining the group or pop in to axis for a cup of tea/coffee and more info on what we do. We’d love to hear from you. SLOVAKIAN axis a BIG pracuju spolocne na tom, aby axis centrum bolo pristupne pre vsetkych - nedovol aby sa jazyk stal barierou. Skontaktuj sa s BIG. ak mas zaujem stat sa clenom skupiny alebo zaskoc do axis na salku caju/kavy a viac informacii o tom co robime. ARABIC POLISH ( سيسكأaxis) ( غيبوBIG) لعجل اعم نالمعي ( سيسكأaxis) الف – عيمجلل احوتفم ًازكرم ًاقئاع ةغللا لعجت. ( غيب عم لصاوتBIG) اذإ ةعومجملل مامضنالاب امتهم تنك. لضفت وأ ( سيسكأ يف انترايزبaxis) \ ةوهق بوكل هب موقن امع ديزملا فرعاو ياش. اندعسيس مكنم عمسن نأ اريثك. axis i BIG działają wspólnie, aby uczynić axis miejscem dostępnym dla wszystkich – nie pozwól, by bariera językowa stała na przeszkodzie. Skontaktuj się z BIG jeśli chciałbyś dołączyć do naszego grona, lub wpadnij do axis na kawę lub herbatę, aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat naszej pracy. ballymuninterculturalgroup (01) 842 3612 or [email protected] is the definitive online guide to Irish cultural events, giving you complete information about cultural activities both here and abroad. To find out what’s on near you right now, visit on your computer or mobile phone. Download the FREE App available now for: iPhone | Android | Blackberry axis CAFÉ & EVENT BAR OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 9AM – 2PM Breakfast specials available daily Lunch Menu includes: Daily hot food specials, wraps, paninis, soups & sandwiches AXIS AUTUMN/WINTER 2010 axisfriendS SIGN UP Y! A TOD IT’ freeS ! We also do a range of event catering. Look out for our range of Special Deals. Events bar opens pre-show. FREE wifi available. Savings, offers & exclusive invitations... Theatre, Music, Comedy & more... WWW.AXIS-BALLYMUN.IE axisfrien dS Loyalty Card axis: Ballymun As a fRIENd of axis you’ll become more closely involved with us and receive: eXCLUSIVe • SpecialaxisfriendSsavings&discountson theatretickets • Halfpricepreviewticketsforselectedshows The Arts are a necessity. Not a luxury. The Arts are an asset. Not an overhead. The Arts are a necessity. Not a luxury. National Campaign forasset. the Arts. Visit to see what you can do. The Arts are an Not overhead. PrIVILeGeS • Loyaltycard • freecupofteaorcoffeewitheveryhotmainmeal inourcaféandforparentswaitingonchildreninan axisclass • 25%discountoffaxisfriendSmealoftheweek • e-mailnewsletter • Specialoffersforourmusicstudio&rehearsalspaces INVITATIONS • e-invitationtogalleryopenings • invitationstocelebrationevents Terms & Conditions are available on our website sign up Here Mr Mrs Miss Other *Male female *dateofBirth(dd/MM/YY) *firstname *Surname *Housenumber/name *Street it’s easy and it’s free! SIGN U TODP AY *Areyouinterestedinhearingmore aboutthefollowing? LunchtimePlays eveningPlays AdultClasses KidsClasses familyevents Music/Comedy CaféOffers irishLanguage VisualArts Over55’sevents *Area/Town(e.g.BallymunorSwords) *CountyorPostcode(e.g.dublin9) *HomePhone *Mobile *e-mail ByjoiningtheaxisfriendSprogramme andcompletingfieldsmarked* youareagreeingtoreceivinge-mail, orsmscommunicationswithexclusive axisfriendSoffers,eventinvitations andprivileges. iagreetothetermsand conditionsasoutlinedonline Signature date-dd/MM/YY Onceyou’vefilledoutthisform,pleasedropitoffinaxisorpostittous: axis, MainStreet,Ballymun,dublin9 SEASON AT A GLANCE February Jan – Jun Thu 6th Wed 12th Sun 16th Tue 18th Thu 20th & 21st Sat 22nd Tue 25th Fri 28th March Mon 3rd – 7th Tue 11th – 15th Tue 18th – 20th Wed 19th Fri 21st & 22nd Mon 24th Wed 26th – 29th Mar – Apr Mon 31st & 1st Mar - Apr April Fri 4th Wed 9th – 12th Thu 10th – 12th Apr Thu 24th & 25th Mon 28th May Thu 1st Fri 2nd Wed 7th – 9th Ongoing Mon 12th – 15th Fri 16th Tue 20th & 21st Thu 22nd Sat 24th Mon 26th Tue 27th Fri 30th & 31st Playground Residency: Stefanie Preissner The Chats Dublin Valentines Tommy Tiernan Signs of a Diva 4EverBoyz Magical Mayhem with Colly Jolly The Pictures: One Day Katherine Lynch AD T T C TH TH TH F M Seachtain Na Gaeilge Cleaners Playground David O’Doherty Faith The Pictures: The Informer All Shook Up Space Small Plastic Wars Practice FE TH AD C TH F TH AD TH G 8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 2.30pm 8pm Magnetic LiFT Youth Arts Festival Any Summers You’re Never Fully Dressed Pondling The Pictures: The Help D FE TH G TH F 8pm Various 8pm Bealtaine Launch Embarrassing Mother Brighton Shane Gillen Angels in the Park Angels in the Park Postscript Sharon Shannon The Jungle Book The Pictures: Bealtaine Film Albert Lee & Hogan’s Heroes End of Term G C TH AD TH TH TH M TH F M TH 2pm 8pm 8pm TH: Theatre / T: Talks / F: Film / FE: Festival / AD: Arts Development Events Listings M: Music / G: Gallery / D: Dance / C: Comedy 8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 2.30pm 1pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 12pm 2.30pm 8pm 8pm >>>> February – May 33 UNDERGROUND PARKING P MAIN STREET MAIN STREET axis is a glass and blue tile-fronted building. It is directly across the road from the Ballymun Shopping Centre, located between the Civic Offices and the hotel facing out on to the Ballymun Plaza area. Main Street Ballymun Dublin 9 Travel to us by bus on routes 4, 13, 17A, 46X, 58X, 103, 104 & 220. For more bus route and timetable information please call Dublin Bus on (01) 873 4222 or log on to Tel: +353 1 883 2100 Fax: +353 1 883 2101 [email protected] Travelling to us by car - Get detailed directions to axis and to the complimentary underground car park for events on or call (01) 883 2100 and our staff will be happy to direct you. /axisballymun /axisballymun th sh rn ce re iri de an eat o d th m i m rish od e da rn n th ce ea tre /axisballymun d m i ea an od rish tre ce er n CE CIV NT IC RE tre ea th ce n da rn e od m irish Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership opportunity : renewal : progress