I polimeri nell`arte, i polimeri per l`arte
I polimeri nell`arte, i polimeri per l`arte
PLASTICS IN ART ( IN CULTURAL HERITAGE ) PLASTICS FOR ART ( FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE ) Programma GIORNATA AIM del 31/10/2008 dedicata a ”Il restauro e la diagnostica degli oggetti d’arte e di design in plastica” By Ezio Martuscelli PLART-31-10-08 POLYMERS SINCE THE THE BIRTH OF THE PLASTICS INDUSTRY WERE PREFERRED , IN MANY APPLICATIONS, TO TRADITIONAL MATERIALS: WOOD, METAL, GLASS, CERAMICS, IVORY, ECC:. THE ADVANTAGES WERE THE FOLLOWING: ---EASY LAVORABILITY ---LOW PRODUCTION COST ---WEIGHT SAVING ---COLORABILITY ---IMPROVED PERFORMANCES ( NOT ALWAYS ). THE DISAVANTACES OF PLASTICS WERE: ---UNSTABILITY AGAINST DEGRADATION FACTORS --- NECESSITY TO USE STABILIZERS, PLASTICIZERS AND OTHER ADDITIVES PLASTICS=(POLYMERS)+(ADDITIVES, FILLERS, PIGMENTS) ARE BECOMING AN INCREASING PART OF COLLECTIONS OF MANY MUSEUMS INCLUDING THE ART MUSEUMS AND THE SCIENCE MUSEUMS OF GREAT INTEREST ARE: ---ARTISTIC OBJECTS MADE IN PLASTICS --- ITEMS OF HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INTEREST REALIZED IN PLASTICS BOTH TYPES BELONG TO THE BROAD FAMILY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE PLASTICS IN ART PLASTICS HAD ( STILL HAVE ) AN IMPORTANT FUNCTION IN THE STRUCTURATION OF WORKS OF ART. THEY REPRESENTED ( REPRESENT ) A MEANS OF EXPRESSION OF ARTISTS AND DESIGNERS. FOR SUCH A REASONS PLASTIC OBJECTS OF ARTISTIC INTEREST ARE MORE AND MORE PRESENT IN MUSEUM AND COLLECTIONS PLASTICS IN ITEMS OF HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INTEREST PLASTICS ARTIFACTS OF HISTORICAL INTEREST ARE ALSO PRESENT IN MUSEUM AS THEY TESTIFY: 1 ) THE EVOLUTION OF: --- SCIENCE; TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY; --- AN INNOVATIVE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN ; --- THE PRODUCTION OF NEW ADVANCED MATERIALS; 2 ) EVENTS RELEVANT FOR THE HISTORY OF PEOPLES AND NATIONS . J. Morgan-1994 Type of plastic objects breakdown in museums and private collections AGE OF OBJECTS J. Morgan-1994 IT IS USEFUL TO DIVIDE THE PLASTIC ITEMS OF ARTISTIC OR HISTORICAL INTEREST ACCORDING TO THE NATURE OF THE POLYMER COMPONENT. SO WE MAY HAVE OBJECTS MADE BY : --- NATURAL PLASTICS ( AS EBONITE, SHELLAC, CASEIN ) --- MAN-MADE PLASTICS ( ARTIFICIAL PLASTICS: AS CELLULOID, CELLULOSE ACETATES ) --- MAN-MADE PLASTICS ( SYNTHETIC PLASTICS: AS BAKELITE, PVC, PMMA ECC. ) PLASTICS OF CULTURAL, ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL INTEREST, MAY BE ALSO GROUPED ACCORDING TO TYPE OF FASHIONING USED: --Carving, Machining or Shaping, --Casting or Moulding under heat and pressure PLASTICS IN ART THE CONTRIBUTION OF PLASTICS AS A MEANS OF EXPRESSION OF ARTISTS AND THEIR RELEVANT ROLE IN THE FINE ARTS ARE ESSENTIALLY RELATED TO THE FOLOWING: --- easy avaibility : --- innovative mechanical and chemical characteristics, --- easy manufacturing and processing --- easy mouldability- mouldable alternative to carving --- easy colorability by using pigments --- relatively low cost Con la scoperta delle plastiche di sintesi e lo sviluppo di nuovi pigmenti fu possibile realizzare materiali caratterizzati da una ampia e diversificata gamma di colori. Sinistra, catalogo della Catalin che commercializzava resine fenoliche ( 1936 ). Destra, campionario di resine in acetato di vinile EXAMPLES OF ARTISTIC ITEMS MADE IN PLASTICS Early artistic items innatiral plastics (ebanite) 1878-1900 Oggetti artistici in plastica naturale, ebanite, prodotti tra il 1878 e il 1900 Shellac Early artistic items in plastics Sinistra, dagherrotipo, periodo della guerra civile americana ottenuto per stampaggio per compressione di una miscela di Shellac e segatura. Destra, dagherrotipo con la rappresentazione dello sbarco di Colombo. Prodotto da A.S. Pech and Company da una pittura di John Vanderlyn. Lo stampo è stato preparato e inciso da F. B. Smith e Hartman Opera di Naum Gabo ( 1890-1977 ), dal titolo “Construction in Space with Crystalline Centre” (1938-40 ). PMMA e CELLULOIDE, 324 x 470 x 220 mm. THE TRANSPARENT SCULPTURES IN PMMA OF Bruce Beasley ( USA ). Le sculture trasparenti in PMMA, ottenute per colata o casting da Bruce Beasley ( USA ). Destra, Stamper’s Lighthouse, 1967. Sinistra, Apolymon,1968-70. Scultura, “Lot’s Wife”, ricavata per CARVING da un blocco di polimetilmetacrilato da A. Fleischmann, ( I.C.I., Plastics Division ) Marcello Morandini, sculture in plexiglass PMMA in bianco e nero. Guido Drocco, Franco Mello, Cactus, elemento decorativo con funzione di attaccapanni in poliuretano espanso, Gufram, 1972 Scultura in poliuretano espanso “Pere Cadute”, di Piero Gilardi, anno 2000 Sculture di Paolo Grassino Sinistra, Cardiaco, 2006 ( in PVC espanso, resine acriliche e polistirene ). Destra, Branco, 2002 ( in PVC espanso e legno ). Manufatto artistico basato sull’utilizzo di fibre sintetiche ( nylon ) e plastiche, realizzato da Naum Gabo Oggetto Fenicio, polimetilmetacrilato, poliestere e Legno. Scultura di Vannetta Cavallotti La maschera e il teatro, resina, bronzo e gesso. Opera di Vannetta Cavallotti Tavolo cigno, polimetilmetacrilato, poliestere e legno. Opera di Vannetta Cavallotti I POLIMERI DI SINTESI IMPIEGATI COME LEGANTI E VERNICI NELL’ARTE PITTORICA BINDERS AND VARNISH LAYER STRUCTURE OF PAINTINGS Acrylic binders and varnishes in paintings Dipinti su tela di artisti moderni che hanno impiegato leganti acrilici sintetici. CENTRO, Riccardo Pierallini, “Festa del’uva a Mendrisio”, pittura acrilica SINISTRA, Pierluigi Pusole, “Noi cannoni”, 1986, acrilico su tela; DESTRA, Stefano Fioresi, “Medusa”, acrilico e resina su tela EXAMPLES OF PLASTICS ITEMS WITH HISTORICAL INTEREST Manufatti che certificano il processo iniziale della sostituzione dell’avorio e del corno con materie plastiche Sinistra, pettini in corno( 1700-1800 ) Destra, pettini in celluloide, polimero artificiale a base di nitrato di cellulosa e canfora % Sinistra, le prime palle da biliardo realizzate in bakelite. Destra, Tasti per pianoforte e organo, ottenuti per stampaggio di resine stirene/acrilonitrile ( SAN ) e acrilonitrile/butadiene/stirene ( ABS ). Prima della scoperta delle plastiche venivano fatti in avorio. EBONITE RADIO-RICETRASMITTENTE, L'Ondina campale S n° 3 conservata nel Museo dell'Arsenale della Marina Militare a La Spezia, il frontale è in ebanite. Spedizione del dirigibile « Italia » al Polo Nord nel 1928 Disco in gommalacca - a 78 1/min (o 78 giri). Dischi in gommalacca vengono fabbricati fino al 1960 ca., ma il mercato subisce un forte ridimensionamento con l'introduzione, negli anni 1950, del disco vinile (Long playing record). Sinistra, disco per grammofono e radio in bakelite ( 1935 ). Destra, Dischi realizzati in plastica vinilica mostrati per la prima volta alla “Century of Progress, the World Fair” nel 1923 . Il kinetoscope di T. Edison con accanto alcune delle prime bobine di pellicole flessibili in celluloide Primi gioielli in plastica ( bakelite ). Sinistra, bracciale con applicazioni in metallo raffiguranti piccole stelle Inghilterra - 1920 ). Destra, parure in bakelite e acciaio, Francia, 1925. Questi oggetti testimoniano la nascita di un nuovo settore quello della bijouterie artistica in plastica. Prime FOUNTAIN PENS prodotte in celluloide colorata dalla Watermans ( serie Patrician ), anni 1929-1938 ( Sostituzione dell’ebanite ) DEGRADATION AND CONSERVATION ISSUES THE CONSERVATION OF ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL PLASTICS OBJECTS RISES MANY AND VARIED PROBLEMATC ISSUES FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: --- Plastics Comprise a wide range of materials having different chemical structure and physical properties. ---Plastics are compounded with different kind of substances ( Additives, Fillers, Pigments, Ecc: ). ---Degradation behaviour is strongly determined by the above parameters THE PROPER CONSERVATION OF PLASTICS ARTEFACTS STORED IN COLLECTIONS AND MUSEUMS REPRESENTS AN ISSUE OF GREAT CONCERN AS THERE IS STILL A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE AREA OF PLASTICS CONSERVATION THAT INCLUDES: ---RESTORATION ---PROTECTION ---PREVENTION ---MAINTENANCE PLASTICS ARE MULTICOMPONENT SYSTEMS Plastics materials are normally compounded with a variety of ingredients in amounts varying from fractions of a percent to tens of percent. Additives are used to assist the manufacturing process, improve the service performance of the product, alter the appearance of the material or reduce cost. % Typical additives include colourants, opacifiers, fillers, stabilisers, anti-degradants, uv absorbers, plasticisers, lubricants, or even other polymers. Additionally, the material may contain adventitious impurities. I FATTORI DI DEGRADAZIONE DI UN MANUFATTO IN PLASTICA FATTORI INTERNI - caratteristiche chimiche e fisiche dei polimeri - natura chimica, funzione e reattività degli additivi; - tipologia dei processi di lavorazione; - prodotti di degradazione. FATTORI ESTERNI - calore - umidità - ossigeno - luce -inquinamento ambientale -microorganismi SYMPTOMS OF POLYMER DEGRADATION ¦ lowering of thermal, mechanical, optical and electrical properties; ¦ viscosity reduction/increase; ¦ yellowing and discoloration; ¦ embrittlement; ¦ tackiness; ¦ loss of surface gloss; ¦ surface crazing; ¦ surface chalking; ¦ loss of functional characteristics. ¦ release of volatile products. IN PLASTICS IN HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS The most prevalent type of degradation was cracking or crazing, with discolouration and fading being almost as common. < The figures reflect the number of responses to that part of the questionnaire and not the proportion of the collection which shows signs of degradation >J. Morgan-1994. Influenza sull’effetto di degradazione della luce solare di altri fattori quali l’umidità, il calore e l’inquinamento ambientale ( +++; molto alta; ++, alta; +, moderata ) Chemical modifications induced by degradation factors on macromolecules Statistical rupture Cross-links Side groups modification Side groups elimination Cyclation of side groups THERMOLYSIS OXYDATION RADIOLYSIS HYDROLYSIS Chemical mechanisms of statistical chain rupture DEGRADAZIONE DELLA CELLULOIDE LA SINTESI DEL NITRATO DI CELLULOSA % DEGRADAZIONE DELLA CELLULOIDE PROCESSO DI DENITRAZIONE DEL NITRATO DI CELLULOSA CELLULOSA- NO2 ? CELLULOSA+ NO2 NO2 + H2O ? HO3 DEGRADAZIONE DEL POLIMETIMETACRILATO Struttura molecolare dell’unità ripetitiva del polimetimetacrilato (PMMA ) e il passaggio da monomero a polimero. % Fotolisi di omopolimeri, causata dalle radiazioni UV: Reticolazione del polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) radicale Degradazione fotochimica del PMMA per effetto delle radiazioni UV. L’idrogeno terziario sul CH viene estratto e si forma un macroradicale ( indicato dalla pallina nera in figura ). Questi macroradicali accoppiandosi danno luogo alla formazione di strutture reticolate. Degrado termico del PVC A temperature elevate (es. durante lavorazione) il polimero PVC stacca una molecola di HCl, formando un legame C=C Per evitare questo processo vengono usato additivi (stabilizzanti, nel caso di PVC stearati di Ca e Zn). Il poli(acetato di vinile), PVAc, riscaldato progressivamente in atmosfera di azoto inerte, a 250-300 °C sviluppa acido acetico in quantità stechiometrica e lascia un residuo di colore scuro; il meccanismo è molecolare, l’eliminazione di acido acetico avviene attraverso uno stato di transizione a 6 centri. H C CH H O O C CH H C H O H O C O C O CH H C CH H C H O CH3 CH3 H C ∆ C H H C + C H CH3COOH O CH3 CH3 δ− C HC CH H C H δ+ O H CH3COOH C + O C CH3 THERMAL DEGRADATION OF PVC AND PVAc Reazione che porta all’eliminazione dei gruppi laterali con formazione di acidi e un poliene coniugato Stadio iniziale della reazione tra poliammidi e poliuretani e l’anidride nitrosa presente nell’ambiente. THERMAL CYCLIZATION OF SIDE GROUPS IN POLYACRYLIC ACID Ciclizzazione dei gruppi laterali di natura carbossilica per effetto del calore in assenza di O2 nel caso dell’acido poliacrilico Foto-ossidazione del polistirene. Stadio di scissione della catena macromolecolare . Stadio iniziale del processo di degradazione della gomma naturale ad opera dell’ozono atmosferico. KINETICS OF POLYMER PHOTOOXIDATION Puglisi Esempio di degradazione indotta dall’ossigeno che si evidenzia attraverso abbattimento delle proprietà meccaniche Relation between drop in elongation at break and oxygen uptake of PP films at 65 °C (Concetto Puglisi ) Diagramma schematico dove sono indicati gli stadi della degradazione indotta su polimeri naturali e sintetici dall’esposizione alla luce solare. Lunghezza d’onda e degradazione Solamente la radiazione assorbita provoca una fotodegradazione dei polimeri. Per ogni polimero esiste un intervallo di lunghezze d’onda che porta al degrado. Polimero (nm) Poliesteri 315 Polistirene 318, 340 Polietilene 300 Polipropilene 370 (280) PVC 310, 370 Policarbonati 280 – 305, 330 – 360 Poliammidi 250 - 310 Esempio di degradazione indotta dall’ossigeno e della luce che si evidenzia attraverso abbattimento delle proprietà meccaniche (Concetto Puglisi ) Variazione dell’allungamento a rottura di campioni di policarbonato in funzione del tempo di esposizione alla luce solare (in mesi). Si evidenzia l’influenza della T sulla velocità di deterioramento (curva in alto, bassa temperatura, 25°C; curva in basso alta temperatura. EXAMPLES OF DEGRADATION OBSERVED IN PLASTICS ARTEFACTS OF ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL INTEREST CELLULOID ITEMS : DEGRADATION ISSUES CONSERVATION, PREVENTION, MITIGATION Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto Of two Celluloid made fans, from 1920, one (right) is in perfect conditions while the other (left ) has disintegrated due to unproper conservation conditions (Stinson, 9, 1996, C&EN ) Esemplari di moderni occhiali da sole con montatura in celluloide A sinistra, Collana con perle in celluloide color tartaruga, anni '50, A destra, spilla anni '50 con base in metallo dorato lavorato con foglie decorate a smalto giallo,con incollate perline in celluloide giallo limone. Dalla base spiccano tre fiori, composti da una doppia serie di petali in celluloide traforata di colore giallo pallido. CELLULOID COMPOSITION Reazione di nitrazione della cellulosa che porta all’ottenimento del nitrato di cellulosa ( schematico ). CELLULOIDE nitrato di cellulosa + Canfora % CELLULOID COMPOSITION CELLULOIDE nitrato di cellulosa + Canfora (Plastificante) Struttura chimica della canfora ( C10H16O ), un chetone biciclico ( bicicloalcano ). La canfora naturale viene estratta dal legno della canfora ( Cinnamonum camphora ), % Lo schema del ciclo di produzione e lavorazione della celluloide Fibre naturali di origine vegetale cellulosiche cellulosiche COTONE COTONE Micrografia elettronica di una fibra di cotone ad alto ingrandimento attraverso la quale è possibile evidenziare il fenomeno di torsione e le tipiche rugosità superficiali CELLULOID COMPOSITION 1 ) POLYMER, CELLULOSE NITRATE 2 ) CAMPHOR AS PLASTICIZER AND STABILIZER(20-40%) 3 ) ZINC OXIDE AS FILLER AND OPACIFIER 4 ) PIGMENTS 5 ) IMPURITIES RELATED TO SYNTHESIS ( LIGNIN, SULFURIC ACID, ACIDS, CHLORINE ) COMPOSITION IS USUALLY ASSESSED BY SUITABLE DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES SUCH AS: FTIR, X-RAY, SEM-EDS, ECC. Derrick et.Al. 1992 Naum Gabo, < known for his sculptural experiments with constructivism > Head of a Woman, c. 1917-20, celluloide e metallo, Museum of Modern Art, NY THE THERMAL DEGRADATION OF CELLULOSE NITRATE CAUSES THE DENITRATION WITH SIDE GROUPS ELIMINATION THAT IN PRESENCE OF WATER FORM NITRIC ACID CELLULOSE- NO2 ? CELLULOSE+ NO2 NO2 + H2O ? HNO3 < once initiated the process becomes auto catalytic when oxygen and humidity are present > ARTEFACTS IN CELLULOID: SYMPTOMS OF DEGRADATION ---CRAZING AND CRACKING --- DISCOLORATION ---LIQUID PRODUCTION ON THE SURFACE ( aqueous zinc nitrate solution following reaction between ZnO And HNO3 ) ---CORROSION OF METAL COMPONENT IN CONTACT WITH ITEMS ---LIQUID EXUDATE, from which crystals of CaSO4-dihydrate separate )) IMPORTANCE OF PROPER DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES FTIR CELLULOSE NITRATE UNAGED absorbances of NO2 at 1650cm-1 of CO at 1733 cm-1 FTIR CELLULOSE NITRATE AGED DEGRADATION SENSORS-INDICATORS Strips of filter paper impregnated with Cresol Purple are good detector of offgasing nitrogen dioxide from a celluloid items. The paper turns from yelllow to red as pH decreases from 2.8 to 1.2. The sensor indicates that one knob (right ) is decomposing but the other is not ( Stinson-1996 ) MAIN CAUSES OF DEGRADATION OF CELLULOID SCULPTURES OF NAUM GABO AND A. PEVSNER ( 1917-1926 ) 1 ) PAST STORAGE AND DISPLAY CONDITIONS 2 ) COMPOSITION INCLUDING ADDITIVES AND IMPURITIES 3 ) THE PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE ARTEFACTS According to M. Derrick et Others (1992) CONSERVATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES SUGGESTED FOR THE CELLULOID SCULPTURES OF NAUM GABO AND A. PEVSNER ( 1917-1926 ) The goal of conservation is to stop the degradation without altering the appearence or structure of artefact then the only way to halt the deterioration process is to freeze the item. This cannot be done thus a practical solution must be deviced that minimises the damage extending the life time of the object. % PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS: --- reduce fluctuation of temperature and humidity --- lower the temperature in storage or display room --- protect the object from UV light, this reduce thermally and photolytically degradation process ---create an optimum closed environment to avoid that the degradation becomes autocatalytic when O2 and H2O are available. % This means that display cases which can maintain a low relative humidity, provide protection from UV light and minimize the degradation process, must be designing for every single item. Moreover celluloid artefacts should be never stored in proximity of other kind of items made by plastics that suffer the attack of HNO3 such as Casein. GENERAL CONCEPT OF ANTAGONISTIC MATERIALS AND BAD NEIGHBOURS POLYURETHANE BASED ITEMS : DEGRADATION ISSUES CONSERVATION, PREVENTION, MITIGATION Schema della reazione tra un diisocianato e un diolo che porta alla sintesi dei poliuretani. In alto: struttura molecolare del poliglicole etilenico. In basso: struttura dell’unità ripetitiva di una macromolecola di un poliuretano ottenuta per reazione del poliglicole con MDI. Il polimero si caratterizza poliglicole con MDI. Il polimero si caratterizza per la presenza di blocchi flessibili e rigidi . Poliuretanes -Properties -attacked by aromatic solvents, chlorinated solvents, ozone, and nitrogen oxides -slow burning with bright flame and sharp odor (toxic fumes) -thermosetting (rigid) or thermoplastic (elastomeric); -serviceable temperature range = -50 to 70; -excellent hardness, gloss, and resistance to weathering, abrasion, acids, and alkalis; Applications -elastomer, sealants, adhesives, films, furniture, mattresses, laminates, carpet cushions, upholstery, soundproofing, flotation devices, packaging, and filtration PIERO GILARDI: NATURA MORTA CON ANGURIE-1967 RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION ACTIONS REALIZED IN A POLYURETHANE EXPANDED SHEET THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS, AFTER PAINTING, ARE GLUED TO THE SUPPORT % Progetto Raffaello1999, International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art A. Rava, 2000, Kermes STATE OF CONSERVATION After 30 years the base material ( PU-ether ), following to degradation due to environmental factors is brittle having lost all elasticity. The painting is based on polyvinylacetate. The glue is based on rubber latexes. SOME OF DAMAGES BEFORE RESTORATION RESTORATION-MATERIALS ---a polyethylene net for lining ---a water dispersion of an acrylic resin ( Lascaux 360 ) as adhesive. --- nylon thread ---unsaturated polyester for structural support EXAMPLE OF USE OF POLYMERS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE ACRYLIC MONOMERS AND RESINS DETAILS AFTER RESTORATION DEGRADATION CYCLE OF PLASTICS Emission Volatile degradation degradation products INTERNAL FACTORS EXTERNAL FACTORS additives colorants, opacifiers, fillers, stabilisers, anti-degradants, uv absorbers, plasticisers, lubricants, impurities Heat, humidity, light, oxygen, environmental pollutants Absorption Acid gases (i.e. SO 2) TYPICAL VOLATILE EMISSION PRODUCTS: NO2, CH3COOH, HCl, Ecc. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF ITEMS IN PLASTICS --Identify plastics components --Detect early signs of degradation by regular examination and by using proper sensors. --Remove harmful contaminants and degradation products. -- Identify all symptoms of deterioration. --Adopt the most appropriate restoration and protection methodologies --Apply proper prevention techinques to control and reduce degradation (use of suitable scavengers ) % GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF ITEMS IN PLASTICS STORAGE AND DISPLAY 1) Control of the following factors: GENERAL ---light, temperature, humidity, ventilation, cleaning. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR in acid free tissue. 2) Artefact should be individually wrapped THE CONSERVATION 3) Items made by plastics with a high plasticiser content (e.g. cellulose andINacetate and polyvinylchloride) OFnitrate ITEMS PLASTICS should not contact themself or other objects. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CONSERVATIONOF ITEMS IN PLASTICS Artefacts should be kept in cases hermetically sealed with inside a controlled “micro-environment” environment to: --exclude all external harmful agents; --clean the atmosphere inside by using suitable Scavengers; --monitor early signs of deradation by using proper and specific Sensors. DEGRADATION SENSORS-INDICATORS Strips of filter paper impregnated with Cresol Purple are good detector of offgasing nitrogen dioxide from a celluloid items. The paper turns from yellow to red as pH decreases from 2.8 to 1.2. The sensor indicates that one knob (right ) is decomposing but the other is not ( Stinson-1996 ) A scavenger is a chemical based device suitable to remove or inactivate impurities or unwanted products suitable to improve the environmental conditions in museum glass show cases. EXAMPLES OF SCAVENGERS ---Humidity scavenger -Silicagel, with a blu colored indicator that change color in rose following idration;-Artsorb, costituted by amorphous silica and litium chloride. ---Chemicals scavengers -Active carbon-Zeolites, silicates of Al, Ca, Na ---Oxygen scavengers Ageless, based on fine powdered iron that in presence of O2 form oxides and hydroxides. --- Acids scavengers used to neutralize traces of halogen, nitrogen sulppur anions formed during aging ---. Free radical scavengers The difficulties in applying the above concepts of conservation relay upon the fact that an ideal environment for a certain type of plastics may be detrimental for an other types. Moreover sensors and scavengers have to be designed for class of homogenous plastics taking into consideration also the kind of additives present as well as their activity and function. MANY PLASTICS ITEMS ARE PART OF CULTURAL HERITAGE UNFORTUNATELY THEY ARE QUITE SENSIBLE TO DEGRADATION. THE CONSERVATION OF PLASTICS IS MORE COMPLICATED, IN COMPARISON TO OTHER MATERIALS, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: --- Plastics Comprise a wide range of materials having different chemical structure and physical properties, thus each type reacts against degradation factors in a different manner. ---Plastics are compounded with different kind of substances ( Additives, Fillers, Pigments, Ecc: ) that take part to degradation or even induce degradation. ---Degradation behaviour is strongly dependent by, a difficult to assess, combination of the above factors. At the moment the mechanisms of degradation and stabilization of polymers are almost well known. On the contrary the “operative” conservation of plastics based artefacts is an open problematic issue that still require large research efforts. POLYMERS FOR THE CONSERVATION OF WORKS OF ART Parylene process Parylene is the generic name for the poly-para-xylylenes, the various members of a family of polymers developed by Union Carbide Corporation, able to form, following a vapour deposition polymerization, coatings and films made up of linear highly-crystalline polymers. The chemistry of treatments of consolidation and strengthening of works on paper based on the use of polymers ( Status of art ) By E. Martuscelli The phases of the Parylene process, based on a vapour deposition polymerization technology Photo of Taiwan Plant Atlas plates (published in 1911) coated with:Left, Parylene-C; Right, Parylene-N. Water dropping test on Parylene-N and Parylene-C coated paper surfaces. Left, no-treatment; Center, Parylene-C at 1 µm; Right, Parylene-N at 1 µm. Consolidation effect Of Parylene on works on paper SEM micrographs of newsprint paper surfaces coated with Parylene-N and Parylene-C. Top: no-treatment. Bottom-Left: Parylene-C. Bottom –Right: Parylene-N. Untreated book after 4 months of immersion in water followed by 3 months of storage while still wet. Treated book after 4 months of immersion in water followed by 3 months of storage while still wet. Parylene treatments of books Consolidation of a silk and gold made Textile fragment by Parylene process Frammento di un tessuto serico-aureo (XIII-XIV secolo d.C.) rinvenuto a S. Fruttuoso diCamogli (Liguria, Italia). Il reperto, un tessuto misto costituitoda filamenti di seta e da sottilifili d’oro è stato consolidato con il processo Parylene. There is a growing …concern about the deterioration of plastics in museum and private collections, especially the early cellulosic materials……. Concerted effort is still needed to…establish the conditions under which artefacts…may be safely stored and displayed. Procedures for arresting deterioration in materials already affected also need to be established so that restorative techniques may be reaserched and applied [J. Morgan,1994]. END