Conservation of Cultural Heritage


Conservation of Cultural Heritage
for the
Conservation of Cultural Heritage editors:
M.A. Rogerio-Candelera
M. Lazzari
Science and Technology for
the Conservation of Cultural
M.A. Rogerio-Candelera
Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS-CSIC), Sevilla, Spain
M. Lazzari
Centre for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CIQUS )
Universily of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
E. Cano
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones lvJetalúrgicas (CENIM), eSIc, Madrid, Spain
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ISBN: 978-1-138-00009-4 (Hbk)
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Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage ­
Rogerio-Candelera, Lazzari & Cano (eds)
© 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00009-4
Table of contents
Science and technology for the conservation of cultural heritage: A European view
M. Lazzari, E. Cano & M.A. Rogerio-Cande/era
Environmental assessment and monitoring of cultural heritage
P Brimblecombe
Environmental risks assessment and preventive conservalion strategy for the
Pórtico de la Gloria, Santiago de Compostela Cathedral
F Becherini, A . Bernardi, A. Vivare//i, L. Pocke/é, S. de Graneli, A. Gandini, o. GarC'Ía,
M. Zubiaga, J C. Espada Suárez & B. Sperandio
Basic descriptive statistical methods for monitoring and evaluation of microclimates
in Cultural Heritage
P Mere//o, M . C. Pérez, J Pérez-Miral/es, FJ Garda-Diego,
A. Fernández-Navajas & M . Zarzo
Evaluation of environmental conditions of the Museo del Ejército (Toledo, Spain)
by means of Sol-Gel optical sensors
A. Llorenle-A/onso, J Peña-Poza, JF Domínguez, e Gil, M. Garda-Heras & M.A. Vil/egas
Microclimatic assessment and modelling for salt cryslallization control in the Crypt
of the Duomo of Lecce (South Italy)
D. D'Agoslino, P Congedo & R. Cala/do
Microclimatic studies in Paranhos water galleries, Porto (Portugal)
E. Sanz-Rubio, A. SCUl chez-Ma/o, A. Fernandez-Corles, E. Garda-Anlón,
S. Sanchez-Mora/, S. Cuezva, A.Z. Mil/el', A . Dionisio, M.J Ajonso, H.I Chaminé,
B. Hel'mosin & C. Saiz-Jimenez
Bio-susceptibilily of lhermal insulation systems used for hislorical buildings
J D. Ellenauer, G Piñm; K. Slerflinger & P. Kaulsch
Biological crusts conlribute to the protection of Ncolithic Heritage
in the Mediterranean region
E. Llop, 1. A/varo, A. Gómez-Bo/ea, M. He1'llández Mariné & S. Sammul
The influence of substrate texture on early biological colonization
C. Adamson, P Warke & S. McCabe
A methodological approach lO evaluate shelter effectiveness for the conscrvation
of archaeological sites
C. Cabe l/o Briones
Risks of atmospheric aerosol for cultural heritage assets in Granada (Spain)
C. Cardel/, M. Urosevic, E. Sebas I ián-Pardo, B. Horemans, V Konlozova-Deulsch,
S. POIgieler- Vermaak. L. Bencs, K. W Anaj; K. de Wae/ & R. Van-Grieken
Microclimatic and Ground-Penetrating Radar surveys for damage diagnosis. The case
of the Crypt of the Duomo of Lecce (Italy)
R. Cala/do, D. D'Agoslino & G Leucci
Enlry and dispersion of microorganisms inside AlLamira Cave: Newevidences
from aerobiological and atmospheric gases surveys
E. García-Anión, A. Fernandez-Cor/es, lv!. Alvarez-Gal/ego, S. Sanchez-Moral,
S. Cuezva, E. San::.-Rubio, V. Jurado, E. Paica & C. Saiz-Jimene:
Canonical Biplol as tool to detect microclimates in the inner and outer parts
of Salamanca Cathedrals
J Garda-Talegón, A. C. !fUgo & S. ViC1'nfe-Tavera
Polar compounds in diesel soot and historie monument surfaces
B. Hennosin & C. Saiz-Jimenez
The Seville Cathedral altarpiece: A microbiological and chcmical survey of the dust
P M. Martin-Sanchez, B. Hermosin, C. S«iz-Jirnenez, A.Z. Miller & M. F. C. Pereira
Decay assessmcnt through wireless sensor networks implementation for architectural
heritage eonservution
M.l Mar/ínez-Garrido, S. Aparicio, R. Far/, M .A. G. Izquierdo & JJ Anaya
Viviarlite: A historie blue pigmcnt and its degradation under scrutiny
s. Svarcovú, D. Hradil. P Bauerová, J Hradilová & P Bezdiéka
Stabilization works at Olvés Chun;h (Zaragoza-Spain)
P R. Mol1/cverde, R. Bustamanle & J Monjo
Z. éermáková,
Detrimcntal roek black fungi and biocides: A sludy on lhe Monumenlal
Cemetery 01' Cagliari
D. [sola, L. Selbmann. P Meloni, E. Maracci, S. Onofri & L. Zuccani
Microbiological and molecular investigation in lhe Capuchin Catacombs 01' Palermo, Ilaly: Microbial deterioration risk and contamination of the indoor air
G. P¡'la/~ JD. E/lenaue/; K. Sterj7ingei~ D. Piombino-Mascali, F Maixner, A. Zink,
L. Krakova & D. Pangal/o
Physical and aesthetieal dccay of built heritage from biologieal films developed
on joint mortars
E. M. Perez-Monserral, R. FOr!, M.1 Varas-lviI/riel. M. Alvarez de Buergo,
A. de los Ríos & c. Ascaso
Indoor pollution and metal corrosion by organic acids: Case study of the Oteiza
Museum (Spain)
D. Lafllente. E. Callo & E. Martín
87 93
The degradation of cellulose acctate: Advanecd analytical tools for non-destruetive
stlldy of design objeets
F Toja. L. Toniolo, A. Nel'in, D. Comelli & M. Lazzari
Characterization of deeay produets and building materials on the aneient waIl of
Vitoria-Gasteiz using micro analytical instrumental techniques
K. Castro, I. Rodilla, J M. Madariaga & A . A::kara/e
Alterations of materials at the fac;ades of the ehurch of San Pedro de Mezonzo
(A Coruña, t-rw Spain)
C. Alves & J. Sanjwjo-Sánchez
Deeay of building materials in the Circular Mausoleum, Necropolis of Carmona, Spain
D. Bcnavente. S. Cue:::va, J C. Cal'iaveras, J Elez, V Jurado, A. Z. Afille/;
M.A. Rogerio-Condelera. C. Saiz-Jimene:::, M. Hernández lvIariné,
A. Ferncmdez-Cortes & S. San chez-Moral
The crosion of granite surfaees: Thc Cathedrul of Évora as example
D. Cos/a
Study of the long term stability of an industrial polyamide from a contemporary arlwork
J A. Fajian Labora, M. Lazzari & T López Morán
Study of the corrosion products of the lead blocks from lhe hi slorical organ Jean Pierre
Cavaillé of Vin¡;a, France
A. Juslo-Estebaran::, L.K Herrera, B. Sigüellza, M. C. Jiml!nez de Haro,
A. JuSIO & o. Laguna
Causes of decay of Eduardo Chillida's Monumenllo Tolerancc in Seville (Spain)
C. Núñez Guerrero, V Flores-Alés, FJ AleÍlmdre & JJ. Marlín-del-Río
Analysis of heat effects due to fires on calcareous stones
R. Orliz, P Orl;Z, J M. Martín, C. EsclIdero & M. A. Vázquez
Degradalion of plastic artifacts: Case study of a "drafting machinc " made of di/Terent
ccllulosic plastics
J M. de la Roja, M. San Andrl!s-J'vloya, S. G Fernánde:- Villa, S. Santos,
L. Magallanes & E. Cano
Evaluation of mural paintings biodeterioration by oxalate fonnation
T Rosado, A. Candeias, A. T Caldeira, J Mirao & M. Gil
Study of the inlluencc of black dyes in the physico-mechanical behaviour of silk fabrics
E. M. Monlesinos Ferrandis, S. Vicente Palomino, L. Fuster Lúpe: & D.J Yusá Marco
VARIM 2.0: Non invasive NIR hyperspectral imaging for analysis of cultural beings
C. Vega, J Torres, JM. Menl!nde:, T Anlelo, M. del Egido & M . Bueso
Non-invasive recording technoJogies for the study and conservation of prehistoric
rock art: The Dolmen of Dombate
IV Corlón No)'a, F Carrera Ram!re::, P Mañana-Borrazús & Y Seoane- Veiga
Modcrn methods of documentation for conservation ---digitaJ mapping
and automated 3D object documentation in software mctigo'
G Siedler & S. Veller
Innovative tesling solutions for safeguarding architeclural heritage
M. Drdúcky
Assessment of laser treatment on dolostones colonized by microorganisms and lichens
M. Alvare: de Buergo, !vI. Gomez-Heras, R. Forl , C. Ascaso, A. de los Ríos,
S. Pére: Orlega, M. Speran:a, J Wierzclws, Al. San:, M. Oujja & M . Castillejo
Effect of wavelength and pulse duration on laser c1eaning of pai nts
lvI. Oujja, M. San:, M. Castillejo, P Pouli, C. Fotakis. A. García, C. Romero,
JR Vú:quez de Aldana, P Moreno & C. Domingo
Pigments and painling preparations of Gonzalo Bilbao analysed by non-dcstructive
XRF tcchnique
A. Kriznar, M. A. R espaldi:a, M. V Muñoz & M. Vega
A novel approach for micro FTIR rellcction absorption analysis of artworks' surface
P Ropret, L. Legan, F Rosi & c. Miliani
Methodology for the study of the walls of the Patio de Sa nto Tomás, University of Alcalá
G Barluenga, R. Undurraga, L. Ramón-Laca & F Estirado
The altarpiecc of the church of Freixo de Espada-a-Cinta: A study on its
artistic materiality
B. Campos 1\1aia, A. Calvo, A. Candeias, J C. Frade, J Mircio & L. Dias
Optically Stimulated Luminescencc dating of Roman mortars in Draga (Portugal)
J Sanjurjo-Sánchez, C. Alves & G Teruel
Analytical studies of 19th century photographs by non-destructive teehniques
M. Peres, F. M. Costa, A. Comes, M, E. Jardim, T Ferreira, L. Dias, J Mirao &
M.L. Carvalha
Rheological analysis of some historieal and commercial binders labelled as thixotropie
in oil painting refcrenecs
M.P Aglli/ar, M.1 Hernánde: Lucas & M. Dol: Planas
Brieks and mortars from the "Patio de Santo Tomás", Alcalá University (Madrid, Spain):
A eombined sludy of fabrie eharaeterization and building morphology
G. Bar/uenga, R. Undurraga, F. Estirado, JF. Cande, F Ag/la, MA. Villegas &
Al. Carcía-Heras
Study of alleralions on Roman masonry in the Tower of Hereules
R. Benavides Carda
The applieation of noo invasive gcophysical techniques for the diagnosis and conservation
of slone cultural heritage: The case of a Portuguese fifteenth eentury tomb
A. Dionisio, E. Martinho, F. Abneida, C. Crangeia, A-J. Mendes, R. Moura & J Caldas
Conscrvatioo of historie book bindings by mean s of facsimile reproduction : The Torres
Notarial Register (1382- 1400) in the Archive of the Royal Chancellery of Granada, Spain
T Espeja Arias, M.R. Blanc, A. López-Montes, FJ Collado-Montero,
ME. Cas/i//o- Valdivia & D. Campillo-Carda
Hybrid sol-gel based proteetive eoatings for historieal window glasses
L. de Ferri, P P L(Jttici. A. Loren:i, A. Montenero & G. Vez:alini
Mineralogieal and textural considerations in the assessment of aesthetic ehanges
in dolostoocs by efTect of treatments with Ca(OH)2 nanopartides
L.s. Comez- Vil/alba, P López-Arce, M. Alvare: de Buergo, A. Zornoza-Indart & R. Fort
The Arabic Manllscrip/s Colleetion of the School of Arabie Studies-CSIC, Granada :
Characterisation of decorative eovers using new resourees for their doeumentation
S. Con:ále:-Carcía, T Espejo Arias & D. Campillo-Carcía
Low-cost airborne ultrasounds sean for Cultural Heritage
P Merello, M C. Pére:, J Pére:-Mira//es, FJ Carcía-Diego, J M. Bravo,
A. Fernández-Navajlls & H. Es/rada
Molecular approaeh for the eharacterization of ancient/degraded Cyperus sp. speeimens
F Palla, N. Billeci, R. E. Spa//ino & F M Raimando
Roman glasses from Augusta Emerita: Study of degradation pathologies using LIBS
T Palomm; M Oujja, M Castillejo, R Sabio, JM Rincón, M Carcía-Heras & M.A. Vi//egas
Evaluation of thc rcinforcing action of consolidating trcatments applied
mortars using the micro-sandblasting technique
S. Rescic, F. Fratini & P Tiano
Cachao da Rapa prehistoric rock art paintings revisited: Digital image analysis approach
for the assessmen t of San tos Júnior's traeings
M.A. Rogeria-Candelera, s.s. Figueiredo & A.F Borges
Benefits of applying speetromctrie techniqucs and chemometric methods to idcntify
interaetion belween historie painting material s
J Romero-PastOl; N. Navas, E. l\1anzano, L. Rodríguez-Simón,
A. Rodrígue:-Navarro & c. Carde/l
Study of degree of alteration of enamels using Miero-ATR-FTIR and SEM-EDS
J Romero-Pastor, M. Ortega-Huerlas, M. del Egida, J V Navarro & M.A . Carda
Non-chemical methods to control pests in museums: An overview
P. Quemer & A-K Kjeru/ff
Novel proteases from marine organisms with potential interest in restoration procedure
F Palla, M. Cammara/a, M. Trapani, G Ghersi, M. Sa/amone & M. Sebastianelli
Nanostructured material s for stone consolidation in the Temple Valley of Agrigento:
In si/u evaluation of their efTectiveness
V. Pia::za, F Fernandez, P. Livreri, M. Brai, D. Fontana & A. Gueli
Thermodyoamic modeling of sulfate-resistant cements with addition of
barium compounds
P. M. Carmona-Quiroga, M. T B/anco- Vare/a, S. Mar/íne::-Ramírez & B. Lo/henbach
Semi-interpeoetrating p(HEMA)/PVP hydrogels for the cleaning of water-sensitive
painted artifacts: Assessment 00 release anel reteotion properties
R. Giorgi, JA .L. Domingues, N Bonelli & P. Baglioni
Application of ncw organic-inorgaoic materials as consolidants for deteriorated plasters
A. Formia, M . Zerbinalli, J M. Tulliani, C. Serra & M. Sangermano
Consolidation treatments for conservation of concrete sculptures
A. M. Barberena-Femández, M. San Andrés-Moya, P. M. Carmona-Quiroga &
M. T B/allco- Vare/a
Thaumasite formation in hydraulic mortars: Thermodynamic studies
S. Mar/ínez-Rcul1írez, J Rapazo/e & M. T B/anco- Vare/a
Permanent anti-gramti for artificial constructioo materials: Lime mortar and brick
P.M. Car/1/ona-Quiroga, .M. T B/anco-Vare/a & S. Martínez-Ramírez
Nanostructured products for the conservation of the wooden supports: Evaluation
of their effectiveness and d urability
M.R Caro/enuto, F Fernandez, P Livreri, M. Marra/e, D. Fontana, M. Brai & A. Gueli
Design of new gypsum-lime based mortars applied 00 the restoration of Mudejar
heritage from Aragon (Spain)
J Igea, P. Lapuen/e, M. T B/anco- Vare/a & S. Martínez-Ramírez
Old materials, new solutions
A. Maearrón, A. Calvo & R. Gil
Application of the double [ayer system as preventive method in the moulding process
of sculptures and ornaments
X Mas-Barbera, S. Kroner. M. Martínez-Bazán, J Oro::co-Mesana & J V. Graflá-Sa/es
Efl'ectiveness of a new nanostructured consolidant 00 the biocalcareniLe from
Agrigento Temples Valley
C. Mirabelli, F Fernandez, P Livreri, F E/haddad & M.J Mosquera
Technical studies for the restoration of the Immaculate Conception monument, Seville
R. Villegas Sánchez, C. Núñez Guerrero, FJ A/ejandre Sánchez & FJ Blasco Lópe:
Materials made from polyolefins used in tasks of preventive conservation: A comparative
sLudy of their long-term behavior
M. San Andrés-Moya, R. Chérco/es, S. SanlO,~ J M. de /a Roja, C. Domínguez & M. Góme:
Critical and technical aspects for safeguarding, enhancing and the recovery of local
arcrutectural heritage: An emblematic example of rural buildings between Ossola
(Italy) and Ticino (Switzerland)
M. Zerbinalli & S. Fasana
Thc protcction of thc baserr; as a system for organising rurallandscapes in the context
of the urban sprawl processes: The "SLaM" model versus the Utopia 01' "smart cities"
A. de la Filen/e, U Caz/clll, 1/ Bel/cdc/ & A. Azkal"(//e
A petrological approach to the study of grinding mortars from the Roman gold mines
01' "Pino del Oro" (Zamora. Spain)
C. Vú::que::-Calvo, R. For/ , D. Romcro, A. Bellrán & FJ SÚllc/¡e::-Palcncia
Origin and evolution of the agriculturallands<.:ape in Santiago de Compostela
from the properties of a polycyclic terraced soil
C. Ferro- Vázquez, P. Bal/es/eros Arias, J C. Nóvoa-Muño::.
S. Con:ález-Prie/o & A. Marlínc::-Corli:as
Possibilities of LASER conservation 01' metal objects from archaeological context
J Barrio, M. C. Medilla, J P Cid, A./. Pardo & M. Turégallo
GeomalÍcs applied to the monitoring of the damage and stability of the hcritage
A. Rodríguez Miranda & J M. Val/e Alelón
Contribution 01' GIS and spatial analysis tools in the charactcrization of surface
damage to paintings
A. FlIellles
Predictive model for the usefullifetimc of a set of buildings of the Archdiocese of Seville
J M. Mocías & M.J Chavc:
Risk analysis in Historical cities: Thc cascs of Carmona and Estepa (Seville, Spain)
R. Orliz, P. Orli:, J M. lvlarlín & A. Domíllgue::
The MHS system as an a<.:tive tool for the preventive conservation of Cultural Heritage
M. Chiriae, D. Basullo, E. Lópe:. J e Frielo, J Castil/o & A . Col/ado
Significance and social value 01' Cultural Heritage: Analyzing thc fractures of Heritage
C. Sánc/¡e:-Carrelero
CSI: Sittingbournc: Conscrvation science invcstigations in a town ccnter shopping mall
D. Coodhurn-BrOlI'II & V. Price
Neomudéjar Architccture in Seville: Urban and social background, intervcntions
in the Patio House (1880-1930)
M.R. Chaza
¡ron Agc goldwork as Cultural Heritage: Building stratcgies for its research, conservation
and social valuation in NW Spain
X. -L. Armada, o. Carda- Vuella, A. Perea & Y Porto
Las Médulas: Thc social appraisal of a culturallandscape
S. Carda Basan/a & J Marlíne: Quintana
Documenting thc architcctonic heritage: The best way of preserving it
D. Pereira, J M. Balluil/e & B.J Cooper
41 I
Quantitativc research undcrpins hcritage managemcnt: Prescrving fcrrous metals
D. Wa/kinsoll & A1. Rimmer
4 15
Ncw protocols ror built hcritag:c protection in lhe Basque Country: Towards an automatic
analysis tool for built heritagc
N. Oses & A. A:karale
Rcvicw of restoration intervcntions: ElTects on the Roman archaeological sitc of Mcrida (Spain) 425
N. Pae: Ema, R. BlIstamanle & 1\1. Alvare::: de Buergo
Author indcx