Approaching the heritage | Company and town
Approaching the heritage | Company and town
Historical heritage | Global perspective Carolina Lussana | Fondazione Dalmine 2 A cultural project about company archives: Fondazione Dalmine • non-profit organisation established in 1999 • founded by TenarisDalmine • promoting industrial culture • preserving TenarisDalmine’s and Techint’s group archives • material heritage | documents | old industrial town • non-material heritage | history | memory | industrial culture 3 A company | TenarisDalmine VIDEO 4 A company archive | TenarisDalmine 8 A cultural project about archive: Fondazione Dalmine • 1999 | a changing context • LOCAL heritage | GLOBAL perspective • employees | company | group • researchers | students | schools | university | cultural institutions • community | families | local industrial town The point of view on the past depends on the present identity|culture Approaching the heritage | archive • The company and its history • celebration (100 years, 50 years, 40 years) • institutional approach • The relationship between company and town • Events • Projects • Stories and memories of people • Events • Projects • Archive: an useful tool for Communication 10 Approaching the heritage | The company and its history | Exhibitions A ferro e fuoco Bergamo, Historical Museum 2006 to share in an efficient and familiar way the centuries old history of the company from the point of view of its present configuration 11 12 13 14 15 Approaching the heritage | Company and town | Community Dalmine dall’impresa alla città. Committenza industriale e architettura Industrial patronage and architecture. Dalmine: from company to town The history of the Dalmine company-town from its origins in the first decade of the 1900s up to the 1950s, comparing it to other significant Italian and foreign cases. 16 Dalmine. Veduta panoramica dell’area industriale da un opuscolo del 1911. Giovanni Greppi. Dalmine. Planimetria del Quartiere operai. Anni venti Bruno Stefani per Studio Boggeri. Dalmine. Quartiere operai Mario Garbagni. 1934 Giovanni Greppi. Dalmine. Assonometria del Quartiere centro. Anni Trenta Autore anonimo. Dalmine. Panoramica del Quartiere centro. Anni Trenta [Bruno Stefani]. Dalmine. La Casa del Fascio. 1938 Giovanni Greppi. Dalmine. Facciata principale della Scuola elementare. 1927 Umberto Da Re. Dalmine. L’asilo. Anni Quaranta Bruno Stefani per Studio Boggeri. Dalmine. Deposito cicli. 1938 A. Dolci. Dalmine. Mappale di proprietà della Stabilimenti di Dalmine in Comune di Dalmine. 1933 Bruno Stefani per Studio Boggeri. Dalmine. Cooperativa di consumo. Inizio anni Quaranta Bruno Stefani per Studio Boggeri. Dalmine. Mensa aziendale. Anni Quaranta Umberto Da Re. Dalmine. Mensa aziendale. Inizio anni Quaranta Alessandro Terzi. Dalmine. Il campo da bocce. Inizio anni Quaranta 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 Approaching the heritage | Stories and memories | Exhibitions 40 41 42 43 44 19/06/2015 46 47 48 49 50 51 Approaching the heritage | Company and town | Students and schools 52 Diffondere cultura industriale 53 54 55 56 Approaching the heritage | Questions, critical points, opportunities • Local history | global perspective • Old | young (companies) • Long | short (being part of the group) • Material | non-material (heritage) • Preserved | distroyed (archive) • Aspects in common | differences LET’S GO 58 LET’S GO 59 LET’S GO 60 LET’S GO 61 LET’S GO 62 Historical heritage | Global perspective Thank you [email protected]