build create grow - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero)
build create grow - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero)
GROW CREATE BUILD company profile 1 B U I L D . C RE AT E . G R OW EPC, North Duri Development 13, Riau 2 3 content 04 GROW 06 MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGEMENT 12 VALUES OF WIKA 13 VISION & MISSION 14 BUSINESS PORTFOLIO 17 STRUCTURE & SYSTEM 18 SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT 22 PRIMARY BUSINESS 27 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 29 CONCRETE INDUSTRY 37 INFRASTRUCTURE & BUILDING 47 ENERGY & INDUSTRIAL PLANT 53 REALTY & PROPERTY 57 INVESTMENT 62 GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 63 BUSINESS EXCELLENCE 65 HUMAN CAPITAL 68 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 71 CUSTOMER TRUST 72 AWARDS 73 CORPORATE CONTRACTS 73 SUBSIDIARIES Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Project, Jakarta 5 4 We are the leading integrated EPC and investment company in Indonesia who always improves our capability and applies integrated management system in accordance with Good Corporate Governance principles. WIKA Industrial Estate, Cibinong 6 Content “We recognize that employees play an important role in WIKA’s success. The development of Human Capital becomes the most important factor that determines the overall outcome of company performance.” Bintang Perbowo President Director MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGEMENT Bintang Perbowo President Director Wijaya Karya is about performance of efficiency and innovation. For us, growth is not a choice: it’s an imperative. Wijaya Karya has now a larger geographic footprint and is witnessing a wave of consolidations and acquisitions amongst companies as a sign of understanding the true strength of our core business to support new growth which we believe will result in a more synergized business for the future. WIKA’s people, as our top priority, is becoming the most important factor in determining the overall company performance. Thriving for today’s business challenges and tomorrow’s unpredictable risks, we realize that we have to develop excellent people to be placed in extreme environments. The value of time has never been more important. We are determined to create an organization that is more responsive to our customers. Investment in Human Capital development such as WIKASATRIAN Leadership Center, is aimed to generate leadership of WIKA people who can solve problems and pursue opportunities as soon as they arise. We realize we do not have the luxury of time when it comes to adapting to changing conditions. Our organization cultivates a culture that able to adapt and advance and increase sales and profit by strengthtening current business and expanding new business projects for the expansion of our business field. Our proven plan puts us on the path of profitable growth, and we are confident it will keep us on that path going forward. We believe that day-to-day changes can be subtle but, in sum, can make a significant impact by quickly evaluate and shed weaknesses and build strengths in new areas. We are committed to turning the challenges we face into opportunities by strengthening our competitiveness, lowering our cost base, improving our agility and making clear choices how we allocate our resources. To meet the challenges ahead and fulfill all our stakeholders’ expectations, we have restructured the company’s strategic initiatives, focusing on enhancing customer experience, operational efficiency and people development. We are motivated to remain an innovative market leader, surpassing customers’ expectations in providing them a better experience, and at the same time inspiring and uplifting the communities in which we operate. Throughout the years, WIKA has always been a company that worked to do the right thing and focused on continuous improvement – which is really what sustainability is all about. At WIKA, sustainability is not a ‘flavor of the month’ or something we’ve embraced because it is fashionable to do so. Sustainability is a way of life at WIKA. Things like providing our employees around the world with the same high-quality working conditions, are nothing new for WIKA. We want our key stakeholders – our customers, our employees, our investors and the communities in which we live and work – to know that focusing on sustainability is an essential part of who we are and how we conduct our business. In short, at WIKA we know that sustainability and strong financial performance are not mutually exclusive. We recognize the role that we play in economic and environmental development, and remain faithful to the high standards of ethic, responsibility and integrity in our business that have always been strongly printed in our code of values and promoting the practice of the principles of GCG to all employees and managements in all business aspects. For the past 4 decades WIKA has grown into top national player, once a company with the activity of installation of electricity and water pipe. We are not settled for just being the national’s top construction company. We set out to become the South East Asia’s top Contractor for Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts as well. We are continuously evolving while making concerted efforts to achieve the goal. Your continued support and interest will be a great source of strength for us to realize our vision of 2020. Until the day we make our dreams come true, we hope to get customers’ constant support and encouragement. To which we will answer with our best effort. Bintang Perbowo 7 8 9 3 2 6 5 7 “WIKA demonstrated operational excellence through product quality, timeliness of completion, the ability of innovation and diversification as well as cost effectiveness in the completion of the project, which is supported by improving the quality and dignity of human capital.” Bakti Santoso Luddin President Commissioner 3 Nurrachman 6 Independent Commissioner 4 1. Bakti Santoso Luddin 2. Mudjiadi 3. Nurrachman He became the Independent Commissioner since April 22nd, 2015. Studied Master of Management, Department of Marketing, Economics Triandra College in 1999-2001. Before he graduated with Bachelor of Animal Science from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, He had the opportunity studying at Electrical Engineering of the College of Industrial Engineering, Turen, Malang. His major career position path was begun as Business Development Manager in PT Tempo Worldwide on 1993-1994. Afterwards, on 1993 - 1995 he served as Business Development Manager for PT Trisoko Perkasa. On 1996-2003, he joined at PT. Philips Ralin Electronics with last position as Logistic Manager at Luminaire Center and currently he is the Business Unit Chairman of Telesco at Adyawinsa Group of Companies since 2012. 1 4. Imas Aan Ubudiah 5. Freddy R. Saragih 6. Abdul Rahman Pelu 7. Liliek Mayasari Board of commissioners 1 Bakti Santoso Luddin President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner He became the President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner since April 22nd 2015. Previously, he was served as the independent commissioner since May 1st, 2012 to April 22nd, 2015. He earned his Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering in 1980 at the Institute of Technology of Bandung (ITB) and his Master Degree in Business Administration in 1984 at University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska. He began his career as a consultant for the World Bank to supervised an analyzed 2 financial project for Bukit Asam Coal Project, at PT Redecon from 1985 – 1990, this present he is one of the shareholder and commissioners in PT Menamas (Trading Company), PT Indomas Mulia (Consultant Company), PT Mesitechmitra Purnabangun (Maintenance Oil and Gas company and Refinery) and PT Sumber Energi Sakti Prima (Shareholder of PT Sumber Segara Primadaya – Steam Power Plant in Cilacap 2 x 300 MW) and several others company. Mudjiadi Vice President Commissioner He became the Vice President Commissioner since April 22nd, 2015. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in 1980 at Bandung Institute of Technology and a Master’s degree in Irrigation Engineering, Southampton University, in 1985. He has served as the Director of Program Development (2011-2012), General Secretary of Water Resources (2012-2013), Senior Advisor for Social Culture and Society Affairs Ministry of Public Works (2013-2014), and currently He is the General Director of Water Resources Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing since July 2014. 4 He became the Commissioner since May 1st, 2012. He achieved his Bachelor Degree in Economics at Hasanuddin University, Makassar. On his earlier career path, he spent it as the Head Division of Processing DN De-III, the National Intelligence Agency, 2001-2005 periods, served as Director of Joint Operation DE IV, The State Intelligence Agency, 2005-2007 periods and served as Deputy IV Processing and Production, Intelligence Country since 2007 up to present. 5 Freddy R. Saragih Commissioner He became the Commissioner since July 30th, 2015. In 1984, he achieved his Bachelor degree in Economy at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, and his Master degree in Professional Accounting at University of Texas, Austin, in 1992. On periode 2009-2014 he became a Head of Management of Fiscal Risks – BKF and he has served as a Managing Director of Government Support and Infrastructure Financing (January 2015 – present) Imas Aan Ubudiah Commissioner She became the Independent Commissioner since April 22nd, 2015. An undergraduate degree was obtained at the Islamic University of Bandung. She served as Chairman of the Ubudiah Karya Abadi Foundation since 2010 up to present and in 2009-2013 as Vice Chairman of Association of Indonesian Moslem Pundit (ICMI) Garut. She was the Director of PT Tambang Mutiara Bumi Selatan (MBS) back in 2008-2013 as well. Abdul Rahman Pelu Commissioner 7 Liliek Mayasari Commissioner She became the commissioner since July 30th, 2015. In 1994, She achieved her Bachelor degree in Economy at Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. On her career, She served as a Head of Business Fields of Strategic Industries and Manufacture IIIb – Ministry of SOEs in period 2010-2014, and now she serves as Head of Business Fields Energy and Mining I – Ministry of SOEs (May 2014 - present). 10 11 “Throughout the years, WIKA has always been a company that worked with the right thing with the right ways in the right time and focused on continuous improvement – which is really what sustainability is all about.” 4 5 7 6 3 Bintang Perbowo President Director Board of DirectorS 1 3 Director of Operation I He has been a Director of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. since April 22nd, 2015. He started his career in WIKA since 1987. Previously, he held important positions in the Civil Works Department. He was as a Project Manager of various infrastructure project since 1994 and was appointed Manager of the civil Division since 2005. In 2014 became as General manager of the General Civil Department. He is still serving as Comissioner of the subsidiaries WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi. He holds a Master Degree in Management from the University of Indonesia in 2000 and an undergraduate of Civil Engineering of Institute of Technology Bandung (1985). Bintang Perbowo President Director He has been reappointed as the President Director since April 22nd, 2015. Formerly, he was the President Director for the period of 2008-2014. Bintang Perbowo was the Finance Director of PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) from 1999-2008 and had other important positions in the same company. He earned Master Degree in International Management from Prasetya Mulya Business School in 1997 and Bachelor Degree in Economics from Krisnadwipayana University, Jakarta in 1990. Bintang Perbowo earned an award as “The Performing Construction CEO Indonesia Most Admired CEO” in 2013 from Warta Ekonomi. In 2014 he was awarded the “Best of the CEO Commitment on Human Capital Development” from Dunamis. 2 4 2 1 1. Bintang Perbowo 2. Budi Harto 3. Gandira Gutawa Bambang Pramujo 4. Bambang Pramujo 5. Destiawan Soewardjono 6. Adji Firmantoro 7. Yusmar Anggadinata Director of Operation II He is the Director of Operation II of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. Also, he is the President Commissioner of PT Wika Rekayasa Konstruksi since 2013. Bambang Pramujo started his career in PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk since 1984 and held several important positions in the Company as well as the Subsidiary Companies, among others: the Commissioner of PT Wika Rekayasa Konstruksi (July-October 2013) and the President Commissioner of PT Marga Nujyasumo Agung (MNA). He was also the General Manager of various business units, e.g. EPC Dept., Energy Dept., Utility Dept., and Industrial Plant Dept. (2005-2013). He earned his Master Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Indonesia, Jakarta in 1999, and Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta in 1983. Budi Harto Vice President Director He has been appointed as Vice President Director since April 22nd, 2015. Besides, he is the President Commissioner of WIKA Beton since 2013 and formerly, the Director of Operation I (2008-2014). Budi Harto started his career in the Company since 1984 and held several important positions, among others: the President Commissioner of PT WIKA Gedung (2009-2010), the President Commissioner of PT WIKA Intrade (20082009), General Manager of General Civil in 2008, and General Manager of Operation 1 (2006-2007). He earned Master Degree Program in Industrial Psychology from Universitas Tujuh Belas Agustus, Surabaya in 2002, Master degree in Management from Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta in 1997, and Civil Engineering from Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta in 1983. Gandira Gutawa 5 Destiawan Soewardjono Director of Operation III He has appointed as Director of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. since April 25, 2013. Destiawan Soewardjono started his career in PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. since 1988 and other operational positions in WIKA as the General Manager of Overseas Department (2012-2013), Manager of Overseas Division (2008-2011), and concurrently as Project Manager of East West Motorway – Aljazair (2009-2010), Now he is serving as President Comissioner of the Subsidiary WIKA Gedung. He earned his Master degree in Management from University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta in 2008 and his Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Brawijaya, Malang in 1987. 6 Adji Firmantoro Director of Finance He has become the Director of Finance of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. since April 25, 2013 and the President Commissioner of PT WIKA Industri & Konstruksi since 2013. Adji Firmantoro started his career in PT WIKA since 1984 and has been assigned in several important positions in the Subsidiary Companies, among others: Director of Finance of PT WIKA Beton (2002-2011) and PT WIKA Intrade (2011-2013). This time, he is still serving as Commissioner of the Subsidiary PT WIKA Industri & Konstruksi. He earned his Master Degree from PPM Business School, Jakarta (1997) and his Bachelor Degree in Economics from Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta (1984). 7 Yusmar Anggadinata Director of Human Capital & Business Development He has been a Director of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. since April 22, 2015. Previously, he was Business Development Director of PT Angkasa Pura II (20142015), Senior Economist of Logistics for Asian Development Bank (2013-2014), Economic Affairs Officer in the field of Port Development for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2012), and Consultant for the World Bank in the field of Transport and Logistics of Trade (2012-2013). He holds a master’s degree in Management of Technology from Institute of Technology Bandung in 1997 and a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the same university (1990). 12 13 valueS of wika vision •Commitment To be one of the best integrated EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) and investment COMPANIES in SOUTH EAST Asia Act in accordance with agreement and promises. •Innovation Find a better solution at all times. •Balance Maintain the balance of all aspects. •Excellence Provide better results. •Relationship Maintain good partnership BETWEEN both parties. •Teamwork Synergy, cooperation within and across work units. •Integrity Nurture unity and sincerity by upholding fairness, accountability, integrity, transparency and honesty. Striving for high Achievement and best Result by utilizing and/or adopting the NEWEST and MOST ADVANCE knowledge and technology. mission •Providing excellent and integrated products and services in EPC and investment for infrastructure, building, energy, industrial plant, industry and realty & property •Satisfying the EXPECTATIONS of key stakeholders •Implementing business ethics to promote sustainability of Good Corporate Governance •Strategic overseas expansion •Implementing ‘best practice’ integrated management system 14 15 DEPARTMENTS, subsidiaries, associates SERVICES/PRODUCTS BUSINESS Pilars INDUSTRY INFRASTRUCTURE & BUILDING ENERGY & INDUSTRIAL PLANT Realty & Property INVESTMENT PRECAST CONCRETE • Precast Concrete Product • Natural Resources Management CIVIL CONSTRUCTION • Road and Bridge • Seaport, Jetty • Dam and Barrage EPC • Oil and Gas Plant • Petrochemical Plant • Cement Plant, Power Plant • Mining, Biofuels, Fertilizer REALTY & PROPERTY • Landed House • High Rise (Apartment, Condotel, Office, Mixed Use) • Industrial Estate ENERGY INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES • Steel Fabrication • Aluminium Casting • Plastic Injection BUILDING CONSTRUCTION • Residential and Commercial • Airport • Facility BITUMEN • Granular Asphalt • Extraction Asphalt STEEL CONSTRUCTION • Erection • Equipment Instalation OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE • Power Plant • Industrial Equipment Department of Civil Work Department of Industrial Plant Department of Overseas Department of Energy and Power Plant WATER & ENVIRONMENT TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Department of Building Department of Energy and Power Plant Department of Building PT Air Minum Indonesia 16 17 Structure & system “The Reinforcement of Forward-Backward Integration” The investment strategies are applied by conducting added values and competitive excellence investments. The added values strategy is conducted by making the right investment decision and is expected to give added values to the company especially in terms of the return on investment. Excellence competitive strategy is an investment selection strategy to increase the company’s synergy to give more added values to the customers compared to its competitors. The Company applies modern and integrated management systems to support its activities, among other things are “Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001)”, “Quality Management System (ISO 9001)”, “Environmental Management System (ISO 14001)” and “Risk Management System (ISO 31000) and Security Management System”. Project of Ciliwung River Tunnel to Jakarta’s East Flood Canal, Jakarta 3D image of Shia - Soekarno Hatta International Airport Terminal 3 Ultimate “The Gat3 of Indonesia”, Banten Labuan Coal Fired Steam Power Plant 2X300 MW, Banten 3D image of La Grande Merdeka Tamansari, Condotel & Apartment, Bandung Borang Gas Power Plant 60 MW, South Sumatera 18 19 Content SAFETY, HEALTH & environment WIKA is committed to the Safety and Health of its employees and its operations and to the implementation and development of an Environmental management system. WIKA has been implementing occupational health and safety system based on OHSAS 18001 requirements and environmental management system based on ISO 14001 requirements. WIKA and its operation are committed to Safety and Health of its employees as well as to the implementation and development of an Environmental Management System. IMPLEMENTED EMPLOYEE Safety & Health Activities Employment and Occupational Health. WIKA always complies with occupational health and safety in all activities by making zero accident our goal. WIKA believes that Good Safety Means Good Business. IMPLEMENTED ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES •The Implementation of Environmental Programs The Company’s commitment to preserve the environment is applied by conducting various activities as part of the conservation programs. •The Implementation of Environmental Compliance The Company complies with the provisions of laws and regulations related to the management environment. The Company has never been fined or imposed with other legal remedies in relation to any suspicion of environmental management violations. •Global concern on the environmental conservation The Company is committed to being an environmentally friendly company by building environmentally friendly construction (green construction) and environmentally-friendly building (green building). Safety Morning Talk, Jatigede Dam Safety Morning Talk, Alumina Ica, Tayan Safety Morning Talk, Eastwest Motorway Project-Algeria 20 21 Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport, East Kalimantan 22 23 PRIMARY BUSINESS For more over than five decades, WIKA has contributed in the development of Indonesia. As an EPC and investment company, WIKA is fully focused on opportunities and prospects in business with constant innovation. At the moment, the Company has primary business sectors consist of: INFRASTRUCTURE & BUILDING industry PC Spun Piles, WIKA Beton Factory, Cibinong Concrete Factory Non Rotate, Karawang Tajenanet East-West Motorway Project, Algeria Car Terminal Tanjung Priok, Jakarta 1. CONCRETE The growing construction business in Indonesia is one of the reasons for the Company to take step and get involved in supporting the dynamic of the concrete industry is which parallels to infrastructure and economic growth in the local area. This SBU is managed by the Company’s subsidiaries, WIKA Beton, WIKA Kobe and WIKA Krakatau Beton. Since 1977, the Company has been started focusing on prefabricated concrete industry by developing products for residential purposes. The initiative progressed into creating more products such as concrete piles for energy distribution line and concrete pads that can be used in various projects. Business diversification is insistently applied by the Company in order to accomplish the need of prefabricated concrete products and to accommodate other megastructure projects formed together with other countries. 2. Industrial Facilities Industrial Facilities is part of Industry strategic business unit that focuses on steel fabrication prospect and marketing development strategy conducted by the Company’s subsidiary, WIKA Industri & Konstruksi, which works in the line of industrial construction. The Infrastructure and Building Strategic Business Unit has been the main business of the Company and represents its foremost capability in supporting Indonesia’s economic growth by synergizing excellent human capital, latest technology and years’ expertise in megastructure projects. The construction sector has 2 Strategic Business Units (SBU) which are Civil Construction and Building Construction. The SBU consists of many business sub-areas such as roads and bridges, irrigation, transportation infrastructure, and workforce. The SBU building construction designs and builds high rise buildings, including building & facilities of office, residential building, hospital, as well as international airport. Steel fabrication is often used as an economic indicator due to its role in infrastructure and economic development. Therefore, the Company is striving to maintain customers’ satisfaction by complying with international management standards, ISO 9001: 2008, ISO/TS 16949: 2009, and OHSAS 18001: 2007. From design to construction and commissioning, the Company’s motto is ‘Engineering Excellence’. The Company’s excellent reputation in this area ensures efficient and visionary designs in order to fulfill the customers’ need and satisfaction. In addition, the Company’s long experience in this industry will support WIKA Industri & Konstruksi in developing its business lines more competitively for all customers and its main stakeholders. This integrated SBU is run by Company’s entities with excellent competency and capability that have been confirmed and verified in Engineering Procurement Construction Commissioning Operation Maintenance (EPCCOM) integrated management system. 3. Bitumen As part of the company’s business development strategy, in late 2013, WIKA acquired 100% shares of PT Sarana Karya (SAKA), in which 5,000 shares owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. SAKA is a company with the main business of natural asphalt mineral processing. The acquisition aimed to strengthen the Company’s core business in infrastructure construction and to become a major player in the mining industry in Indonesia. Located in Pulau Buton, WIKA is building a plantation that can produce 50 thousand metric tons of extraction asphalt per year and production is expected to begin in 2015. The asphalt will be used as a material for WIKA’s road construction projects or sold to other parties. With SAKA’s wide distribution channel, both domestic and foreign, WIKA believes that this acquisition will give a greatly contribute to WIKA’s future business development. 24 25 ENERGY & INDUSTRIAL PLANT Spherical Tank-LPG Pressurized Terminal, Tanjung Sekong-Banten Alumina ICA, Tayan, West Kalimantan Energy and Industrial Plant Strategic Business Unit is an integrated SBU that combines engineering expertise and service mentality, and suitably managed by Industrial Plant Department, Power Construction Department and PT WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi. This SBU covers oil & gas, EPC’s electrical mechanical, processing gas plant, crude oil & gas pipeline distribution; industrial facility and fabrication steel plant. The Company’s strategic action of business diversification in the oil & gas and power plant industry shows the company’s enthusiasm and professional accomplishment in facing the dynamics of business. The Company’s comprehensive range of services for the entire lifecycle of energy and industrial plants and mastery in working capacity and constant delivery of high quality work results are keys to perform as a leading national contractor that is able to compete with multinational oil & gas companies. Other than that, the Company is also synergizing with foreign companies and continuously increasing the quality through the advancement of competency-based work team in order to become the top profit contributor to the Company and Indonesia. REALTY & property The Hive Tamansari, Jakarta La Grande Merdeka Tamansa, Bandung The Realty & Property SBU is one of the Company’s primary businesses that gives significant contribution. In 2000, the Company founded WIKA Realty, designed intentionally to conduct and develop business in realty, property management and construction service. WIKA Realty’s eagerness, with support from the Company, has expanded the business to essential projects intensification like real estates, hotels, apartments, office buildings and industrial area expansion. The Company is striving to meet the need of housing occupancy demand. The Company’s extensive and detailed knowledge of the market result in a better understanding of customer’s requirements. WIKA Realty provides a quality service that is unique to the industry and delivers a distinct competitive advantage. Top brands like Taman Sari, The Hive, La Grande, The Lagoon Tamansari and De Papilo reflect the Company’s persistence in this industry. In addition, the Company’s commitment is also shown by other entities and another subsidiary, WIKA Gedung which does not only provide building construction but also ensure that the buildings have high safety features, are environmentally friendly and comfortable to reside in. 26 27 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE INVESTMENT SAFETY, HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT fuNctional Surabaya–Mojokerto Toll Road, East Java Diesel Power Plant 50 MW, Bali strategic business units • Finance • Industry • Human Capital • Infrastucture & Building • Legal • Energy&Industrial Plant • Corporate Secretary • Property • S ystem & Business Development bod internal audit subsidiaries ASSOCIATEs • Investment PT Air Minum Indonesia WIKA focuses on future sustainability. That is what drives the Company as an investment company that ensures efficient and sustainable development. In accordance to the Company’s vision to become one of the best EPC and investment companies in Southeast Asia, WIKA has made several investment activities. The investment made by the Company covers numerous sectors such as the energy industry through power plant constructing, operating & maintaining the power plant and the infrastructure industry by building & operating roads and highways. The Company also affiliates with other companies in developing investment projects. These actions were taken by the Company in order to increase the Company’s profit and to contribute to the development of Indonesia. Wika has five strategic business units and six subsidiaries; which are WIKA Beton, WIKA Industri & Konstruksi, Wika Realty, WIKA Gedung, WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi, and WIKA Bitumen. These strategic business units form a strategic alliance to enhance added values for stakeholders. WIKA also adopts and implements an organization matrix and an integrated management system. Organization matrix is designed to afford a flexible cross-appointment throughout the WIKA Group, while each company will focus on the development of its strategic business unit. WIKA’s successful investment strategy is based on superior knowledge and experience understanding the unique characteristics of the market. With this knowledge and experience, supported by the significant capital resources, WIKA is positioned not only to capitalize on opportunities and maximize return on invested capital, but also to adapt and anticipate changing market environment by acting quickly to analyze and making decisions under prudent risk management. Safety, Health & Environment activity: Gymnastics Taiso, Palm Oil Refinery Complex Project, Kota Baru - South Kalimantan 28 29 “Every working process is accomplished by applying international standards in order to be able to always create high quality products and provide service EXCELLENCE.” 1 WIKA Beton Factory, Bogor, West Java INDUSTRY 30 31 CONCRETE WIKA BETON is managed with the objective to proficiently produce high quality products. WIKA Beton has now become a national leading company in prefabricated concrete industry with manufacturers and operational plants located throughout Indonesia. Every working process is accomplished by applying international standards in order to be able to continuously create high quality products to meet customers’ demand and the Company’s commitment to best quality and service excellence. In addition, all process is supported by the best expert engineering team who will ensure outstanding result from the Company. The world of construction industry keeps changing and demands more skilled and diverse workforce in order to create high quality concrete products. Therefore, in recommending improvement measures, one of the key observations was that whilst being a main pillar of the national economy, the construction industry is highly fragmented with an adversarial culture which impeded long-term development. “Every working process is accomplished by applying international standards in order to be able to always create high quality products.” Pressure Pipe Box Girder PC Spun Pile WIKA Beton Factory, Bogor, West Java 32 33 Content Box Girder Concrete’s versatility, durability, and economy have made it the world’s most used construction material. It is used in highways, streets, parking lots, parking garages, bridges, high-rise buildings, dams, homes, floors, sidewalks, driveways, and numerous others. To comprehensively provide concrete products with the best quality, the Company produces the design; production control and financial management that customers’ need to fully take advantage of the coming revolution in building construction. Industrial Facilities Industrial Facilities is part of the Industry strategic business unit that focuses steel fabrication prospect and marketing development strategy conducted by the Company’s subsidiary, WIKA Industri & Konstruksi, which works in the line of industrial construction. Steel fabrication is often used as an economic indicator due to its role fulfilling infrastructure and economic development comprehensively. Therefore, the Company strives to maintain customers’ satisfaction by complying with international management standards, ISO 9001: 2008, ISO/TS 16949: 2009, and OHSAS 18001: 2007. Spun Pile production process Spun Pile production process WIKA Beton Factory, Karawang, West Java 34 35 In addition, the Company’s extensive experience in this industry will help WIKA Industri & Konstruksi deliver its business more competitively to all customers and its main stakeholders. Bitumen As part of the company’s business development strategy, in late 2013, WIKA acquired 100% shares of PT Sarana Karya (SAKA), of which 5,000 shares owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. SAKA is a company with natural asphalt mineral processing as its main business. The acquisition is aimed to strengthen the Company’s core business in infrastructure construction and to help the company become a major player in the mining industry in Indonesia. Located in Pulau Buton, WIKA is developing an industry that can produce 50 thousand metric tons of asphalt per year and is expected to start producing in 2015. The asphalt will be used as a materials for WIKA’s road construction projects or sold to other parties. With SAKA’s wide distribution channel, both domestic and foreign, WIKA believes that this acquisition will greatly contribute to WIKA’s future business development. Asphalt Mining Activity, Buton, Southeast Sulawesi Product of WIKA Industry & Construction: Lube Truck HD 465 Product of WIKA Industry & Construction: Bottom Dump Trailer 80 CBM Product of WIKA KOBE Product of WIKA Bitumen: Asphalt Exporting Activity 36 37 “DECADES OF EXPERIENCE NEVER MAKE THE COMPANY OUT OF IDEAS AND INNOVATION” 2 Departement of Civil Work Department of Overseas Department of Building Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport, East Kalimantan INFRASTRUCTURE & BUILDING 38 39 From design to construction and commissioning, the Company’s motto is always ‘Engineering Excellence’. This Strategic Business Unit focuses on building construction for superblocks, housing, facilities and high-rise buildings. The Company’s excellent reputation in this area ensures modern, efficient and environmentally friendly buildings that are always supported by a team of engineers with years of experience. The experts and the finest technology have continuously been used for dependable infrastructure construction of roads and bridges, irrigation, airport, and transportation and energy infrastructure to support the national economy by conducting both local and overseas projects. Lau Luhung Bridge, Deli Serdang, North Sumatera Sultan Syarif Kasim Airport, Riau Ngurah Rai Airport, Denpasar, Bali 15 km Double Railway Track, Cirebon-Kroya “THE EXPERTS AND THE FINEST TECHNOLOGY FOR DEPENDABLE INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION” 3D image of Shia - Soekarno Hatta International Airport Terminal 3 Ultimate “The Gat3 Of Indonesia”, Banten WIKA has been venturing in the trading and industrial business since 1972. In the year 2000, the divisions of the business were spun off into an independent subsidiary company, namely PT Wijaya Karya Intrade (WIKA Intrade). In industrial business, WIKA Intrade manufactures automotive components, gas tanks, water heater and energy conservation products. On the trading side, the company operates in marketing and distribution of coal, asphalt, stell and other construction materials. In 2012, WIKA Intrade was transformed into WIKA Industri & Konstruksi, operating in the line of industrial construction. Its expertise in the process and system of manufacture, which complies with Toyota Production System, will be implemented in managing the whole business process at PT WIKA Industri & Konstruksi. 3D image of MRT Project, Jakarta Suramadu Bridge, East Java The company complies with international management standards: ISO 9001:2008, ISO/ TS 16949:2009, and OHSAS 18001:2007. The company’s extensive experience in trading business will support WIKA Industri & Konstruksi in delivering its business the more competitively to all customers and its main stakeholders. Furthermore, the Company is also on development of infrastructure for the sustainable construction by providing good infrastructure and services resulting in overseas megastructure projects. Some of the projects that have been undertaken are the East-West Motorway in Alzajair and Double Track Railway Cirebon – Kroya, the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and port and jetty constructions. Correspondingly, the Company also wants to strengthen its competitiveness by building and creating an iconic airport development and expansion project, such as the Sepinggan Airport in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali and Terminal 3 Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta. 40 41 The Sepinggan Airport expansion project in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Province led by the Company. According to the development plan, the area of the Sepinggan terminal will reach 110,000 m2 and is designed to accommodate 10 million passengers by 2020. With this expansion, the airport has also upgraded the quality of facilities and world-class infrastructures such as a modern baggage handling system using shorter conveyor with barcode reader and an integrated master system (AIMS). 1 Check in Counter, Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan The hallway at check in area of Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan 42 43 1 2 Jati Gede Dam, Sumedang, West Java One of the Company’s essential projects is the revival of Jatigede dam in West Java. The dam was stalled in the 1980s due to unresolved social problems. The completion of the Jatigede dam is crucial as it will be the second-largest dam after the Jatiluhur dam. The dam is being built on 4,891 hectares of land covering five districts across 26 sub- districts. The project is expected to provide raw water supply at a capacity of 3,500 liters per second. The dam is expected to be able to provide irrigation for around 90,000 hectares of rice fields in Indramayu and Cirebon regions. The Jatigede dam project has proved the Company’s commitment to endure an outstanding performance through all aspects in accordance with application of Good Corporate Governance. 44 45 Decades of experience, the Company always make new ideas and innovations. Aside from the standard models, the Company is also constructing many modern and contemporary buildings with a range of styles in recently built structures and space which are optimized for current use, or in broad terms, the architecture of present days, such as the Morrisey Hotel in Jakarta and the Da Vinci building. By trying to keep up with the time, the Company has proved its existence as the leading company in the building and construction industry in Indonesia. Moreover, the Company believes that building and construction are not merely about creation, but also philosophies, improvement and effectiveness. Bank of Indonesia, Jakarta 1 2 Davinci Apartment, Jakarta Morrissey Hotel, Wahid Hasyim, Jakarta 46 47 “Synergizing with foreign companies and continuously increasing the quality through THE ADVANCEMENT OF A competency-based work team” 3 Department of Industrial Plant Department of Energy and Power Plant LPG Station Tanjung Sekong, Banten ENERGY & INDUSTRIAL PLANT 48 49 The Energy and Industrial Plant Strategic Business Unit is an integrated SBU suitably managed by Industrial Plant Department, Energy Department, Power Construction Department and PT WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi, and the subfields of this SBU cover oil & gas, EPC’s electrical mechanical, processing gas plant, crude oil & gas pipeline distribution; industrial facility and fabrication steel plant. The Company’s strategic action in the form of business diversifications in the oil & gas and power plant industry show the enthusiasm and professional accomplishment in facing the dynamics of business. The Company’s mastery of work capacity and constant delivery of high quality work are key to perform as a leading national contractor that is able to compete with multinational oil & gas companies. Other than that, the Company is also synergizing with foreign companies and continuously increasing the quality through the advancement of competency-based work team in order to become the top profit contributor to the Company and Indonesia. Spherical Tank - LPG Pressurized Terminal, Bosowa, South Sulawesi Asam-Asam Coal Fired Steam Power Plan, South Borneo Grati Coal Fire Steam Power Plan 800 MW, East Java The Company through its subsidiaries carries out several strategic construction activities such as pipeline. Among those is the are Plaju oil pipeline development in Plaju, South Sumatera Province. This project aims to secure feed oil supply to the RU III Refinery, because the best way to transport oil is through pipe in terms of effectiveness, cost, HSE and social aspects. Pipeline Tempino-Plaju, South Sumatera Palm Oil Refinery Complex Project, Kota Baru, South Kalimantan Geothermal Steam Gathering System, Dieng, Central Java Alumina ICA, Tayan, West Kalimantan 50 51 “PIONEER FOR INTEGRATED EPC OF POWER PLANT” A modern web-based control room architecture which support supervision and ensure that the production process is running smoothly. One of the Company’s major projects includes the building of steam gas power plant (PLTGU) Tanjung Batu which covers half power demand in East Kalimantan. The Company takes majority productions include the manufacturing of Gas Turbine Generato, Stack and Silencer, Balance of Plant, Fuel System, Water Treatment Plant, Waste Water Treatment Plant, Power Transformer, Substation 150 kV, LV, MV Panel, and other supporting equipment. Gas Fired Power Plant (Peaking) 2x[50-60 MW], East Kalimantan: Innovation Encourage The Perfection of The Project 52 53 “The real estate strategic business unit builds and creates BUILDINGS WITH VISIONARY DESIGN in prospective markets.” 4 Department of Building Tamansari Semanggi Apartment, Jakarta REALTY & PROPERTY 54 55 visionary ideas is integrated with our understanding on location and future prospects of land values that meet the customer’s demand. Jivva Condotel, Bali La Grande Merdeka Tamansari, Bandung PT. Wijaya Karya Realty (WIKA Realty), the Company’s subsidiary, is a rapidly growing Indonesian company in the property sector, including real estate and property management & developer. The Real Estate business operates in the construction of commercial and residential apartment buildings, property management and construction services. Each property is created and designed with visionary ideas based on the understanding of location and future prospects of land values in order to meet the needs of many customers. By understanding the value of on-time project delivery, WIKA Realty ensures the design and construction process are delivered in a timely manner while preserving quality. Strong relationships with major suppliers enable the Company to execute cost-effective projects and rapid service. Tamansari Semanggi Apartment, Jakarta “The real estate strategic business unit builds and creates visionary design buildings in prospective markets.” The Hive, Jakarta 56 57 “The Company enthusiastically pursues potential scheme and development that can increase benefits and enhance its competitiveness” 5 Department of Energy and Power Plant PT Air Minum Indonesia Pesanggaran Diesel Power Plant 50 MW, Bali INVESTMENT 58 59 Borang Gas Power Plant 60 MW, South Sumatera Control Room at Gas Fired Power Plant Borang 60 MW, Palembang, South Sumatera Today, WIKA is more than an EPC company. As the Company invested in numbers of profitable projects based on its desire to increase its value for its stakeholders, the Company enthusiastically pursues potential scheme and development that can increase the Company’s profit and to enhance its competitiveness as well. The investment made by the Company covers numerous sectors such as in the energy industry through power plant construction and the infrastructure industry by constructing roads and highways, power plant; in the water industry by constructing ports and jetties; and in the transportation industry. These investment activities are self-invested and/ or conducted with Built Operate & Transfer (BOT) under the Build Operate & Owned (BOO) schemes. These actions were taken by the Company in order to increase the Company’s profit and to contribute to the development of Indonesia. Borang Gas Power Plant 60 MW, South Sumatera 60 61 Pesanggaran Diesel Power Plant 50 MW, Bali 62 63 GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WIKA is committed to implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG). GCG’s foundational principles in forming a corporate structure and culture that are adaptive to the changes in business competitiveness are: transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency, and fairness. The implementation of GCG increases corporate value, competitiveness, and the confidence of investors. WIKA is committed to continuously improve the implementation of GCG toward the direction of Good Governed Corporation (GGC), by improving efficiency and precision of the internal management of business risks. WIKA is committed to becoming an ethical and responsible company more commonly known as a Good Corporate Citizen (GCC) through the development of a corporate culture that is based on a code of conduct, effective operations of corporate strategy that is socially responsible, implementation of “green company operations system”, adjustment of all relevant systems and procedures, and the development of excellent management systems. WIKA has consistently implemented GCG and been audited by competent institutions such as the Finance and Development Supervision Body (BPKP). In 2012, BPKP granted to WIKA’s GCG Implementation the highest rating in the industry. In 2010, Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) awarded WIKA “The Best Disclosure and Transparency” at the 2nd Annual IICD Corporate Governance Award 2010. The synergy between corporate culture with its shared values and good implementation of Good Corporate Governance principles has supported the company’s success, which benefit all bring the benefit to all stakeholders. Myanmar Delegation Visit, Jakarta Khazastan President’s Visit With His Officials, Jakarta Portugal Delegation Visit, Jakarta Business excellence Systematic and integrated management as well as improvement of all operations shall be done sustainably to accomplish the 2020 vision to become one of the best EPC & Integrated Investment company in South East Asia. Business carries risk. WIKA puts great effort to manage risks in anticipation of changes that will impact the company’s operations. WIKA actively identifies both internal and external risks, and subsequently work on minimizing the risks. WIKA also discusses risks openly with its customers. In the field of risk management, WIKA adopts the most up-to-date risk management system as a commitment to deliver the best to our stakeholders. Auditing performed in our company is referred to as the Risk Based Audit. Through the implementation of GCG that is based on transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, fairness, strong corporate culture, and astute management of risk, WIKA will become a complete enterprise that is capable of offering optimal solutions to its customers, supporting the welfare of its surrounding community, and giving appealing return of investment to its stakeholders. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the 2014 Year Book, Jakarta WIKA will maintain its competitiveness and protect the interests of its stakeholders in keeping with its strong values and commitment to developing the Nation and becoming the best in all of its business fields. 64 MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGEMENT 65 WIKA COMPANY PROFILE : BUILD, CREATE, GROW HUMAN CAPITAL “We Build a Leadership for Sustainability” To WIKA, every employee is considered as human capital. The concept of human capital adopted by the Company recognizes that the quality of employees can be improved by investing in them and providing them with competencies, knowledge, attributes, and abilities, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value through providing a suitable development program. The leadership factor plays the biggest role in determining the Company’s performance and success. For that reason, the Company believes that a leader shall be created intentionally through a series of development programs, trainings or systematic assignments in WIKA’s Advance Leadership Program that provides all aspects of hard and soft competency in “Wikapratama Learning Center” and “Wikasatrian Leadership Center”. In addition to the good qualities of the leaders, the best work ethic and values of local wisdom are also adopted to be applied in the Company’s good governance with the aim to improve the competitiveness in order to face the global challenge. Exterior of Giri Wijaya in Wikasatrian, Gadog - West Java 1 Camping Ground in Wikasatrian, Gadog - West Java Giri Sasana in Wikasatrian, Gadog, West Java Outdoor activity which reflects on teamwork 66 67 “PROUD TO BE INDONESIAN LEADERS”. They are expected to become “MANUSIA WIKA” who is persistent, adaptable, and willing to learn. The Transformational Leadership, a leadership program arranged by the Company, is under the motto “Proud to be an Indonesian Leader”. They are expected to become “Manusia WIKA” who is persistent, adaptable and willing to learn. Each program is created to generate candidates of leaders so they can give real contribution to the Company and environment by upholding cultures and local wisdom in coherence with the development of their hard and soft competency. The Company also gives reward to employees with good performances. ING NGARSO SUNG TULODO – In front, the leader shows an exemplary behaviour ING MADYO MANGUN KARSO – In the middle, Wayang course at Wikasatrian the leader develops ideas and creativity TUT WURI HANDAYANI – Behind, the leader pushes towards the right direction “Wikasatrian” is a leadership training center provided by the Company for soft competency development of its potential employees. Located in Desa Pasir Angin, Gadog, West Java, “Wikasatrian leadership center” is founded using the local wisdom in the form of “wayang”, a traditional Javanese puppet. This leadership training is provided through experimental learning wherein each participant can experience and learn about the essence of life and work values. Each trainee is expected to become virtuous leader who is strong, able to improve team work, and is capable to deliver excellent performance. In addition to that, they will give the best contribution to the Company as well as to Indonesia, as the Company’s major shareholder. Advance Leadership Program Batch I Learning the art of batik at Wikasatrian 68 69 Corporate Social Responsibility WIKA is committed to conduct all its business and operational activities in accordance with the framework for the achievement of sustainable development goals, in terms of utilization and conservation of natural and human resources. To realize the 3P commitments, WIKA is focusing its CSR activities into 4 (four) main categories: 1. Social responsibility in environment (lingkungan) 2. Social responsibility in education (pendidikan) 3. Social responsibility in healthcare (kesehatan) 4. Social responsibility in community development (pemberdayaan masyarakat) Labour Practices Human Right PEOPLE PLANET HE E N VI R O NM T IO CA N Community Involvement & Development IT Y NT UN R M E E TH AL These programs have brought real contributions in enhancing the standard and quality of the environment and community. “Everyone in the company realizes that today corporate social responsibility is not about good pr -- it’s also about good business and taking care for customers, the company’s reputation and environment.” CO E MP M M OW WIKA strives to grow and expand in pursuance of all aspects of business development. In refining its business development, WIKA realizes the needs to improve the sustainable performance of the company with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. WIKA believes that through sustainable activities, it will be able to achieve a harmonious growth in economy, society and environment. In order to reach such balance, WIKA adopts the Triple Bottom Line concept comprising 3P, which are Profit (economy), Planet (environment) and People (society). ENT EDU Fair Operating Practices Corporate Governance Consumer Issues PROFIT Construction of new classrooms in Ardli Sela Construction of a clean water facility in Tayan, Kalimantan elementary school in Sumedang, West Java 2 No 3 Name Batik, WIKA’s assisted SMEs in batik industry Scholarship Ceremony Blood Donation Gadog Target Village (Payet Group) empowerment workshop Corporate Social Responsibility activity: 23.000 Jabon Tree Planting-West Java The Environment 70 71 STRONG PARTNERSHIP Customer needs and satisfaction are the main focus in developing each project’s implementation plan. WIKA is committed to fullfill and thoroughly complete all of its projects. Through WIKA’s integrated business portfolio, the customer can be sure to receive the best in quality, time and cost efficiency, and performance guarantee. WIKA’s performance quality is supported by integrated management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO14001, OHSAS 18001, Risk Management and the implementation of Good Corporate Governance for performance excellence. CUSTOMER TRUST KEMENTERIAN PEKERJAAN UMUM KEMENTERIAN PERHUBUNGAN PT PLN (PERSERO) WIKA’s funding has the capacity to fully support the implementation of trusted projects, including promoting WIKA as a partner in a joint operation or a joint venture. VALUE FOR THE CUSTOMERS Innovation is one of WIKA’s commitment to its stakeholders. Innovation is also a keyword in completing projects with the guarantee of quality. Moreover, innovation drives WIKA to launch numerous initiatives that increase efficiency through synergy with its subsidiaries. WIKA is always committed to a thorough and timely project completion with guaranteed high quality. Our commitment is demonstrated by the application of the most up-to-date management systems that distinguish us from other companies. WIKA also puts emphasis on work safety and environment by the implementation of the following values; Efficiency, Precision, Cleanliness, Maintenance, and Diligence as well as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). All of these initiatives are part of our effort to become a trusted and reliable partner for all of our customers. PT PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA III PUPUK ISKANDAR MUDA PUPUK KUJANG INNOVATIVE AND TRUSTWORTHY •The commitment to create something better Innovation is one of WIKA’s important values for it determines the continuity of an enterprise. We believe that design and engineering are the sources of innovation that ensure the competitiveness and continuity of each project. • The commitment to maintain the conFIdence of stakeholders WIKA strives to keep its commitment, maintain balance, create good relationship with counterparts, develop synergy, maintain integrity, and give the best. With these values, WIKA maintains the confidence of its stakeholders. UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN The customer is always our main priority. In project planning, the needs of our customers are the main focus and customer satisfaction is the aim of each project completion. Therefore, we take extra care to understand the customers’ desires and strive to realize the plan accordingly. The entire project is custom designed according to customer specification with work quality guarantee. 72 73 AWARDS CORPORATE CONTACTS PT WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk. OVERSEAS FACTORY HEAD OFFICE Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Fax : (+6221) 8191235 Website : Email : [email protected] WIJAYA KARYA PERSERO Sdn.Bhd 2nd floor, LOT 382, Section 5, KTLD. Jalan Satok 93150 Kuching-Sarawak, Malaysia North Sumatera Factory Jl. Binjai Km. 15,5 No. 1 Diski, Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20351 Tel : (+6261) 8821543, 8821111 Fax : (+6261) 8821668; 8830350 E-mail : [email protected] DEPARTMENTS Best Senior Management IR Support & Most Improved Investor Relations in 2015 Warta Ekonomi Social Business Innovation Company Award 2015 The Best of State-Owned Enterprise inhouse Magazine InMA 2015 Warta Ekonomi Indonesia Living Legend Company 2015 Warta Ekonomi Indonesia Most Admired Company 2015 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION I Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Fax : (+6221) 85904147 Email : [email protected] CIVIL CONSTRUCTION II Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Fax : (+6221) 85909416 Email : [email protected] CIVIL CONSTRUCTION III Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Email : [email protected] The Best CEO Commitment of Human Capital Development 2014 The Best of All Human Capital Criterias 2014 The Best of Human Capital Index 2014 BUMN Marketing Awards 2014 Economic Challenges Awards 2014 Corporate Image Award 2014 Excellent in Building and Managing Corporate Image ENERGY & POWER PLANT Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Fax : (+6221) 8516250 Email : [email protected] OVERSEAS Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Email : [email protected] BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Fax : (+6221) 85904146 Email : [email protected] INDUSTRIAL PLANT Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Fax : (+6221) 8198040 Email : [email protected] REGIONS IFAWPCA Gold Medal 2014 Civil Engineering Construction Investor Magazine Award Best Listed Companies 2014 Property and Building Construction Sector Investor Magazine Award Best Listed Companies 2014 Top Performing Listed Companies 2014 for Market Capitalization IDR 10 Trillion Warta Ekonomi Indonesia Most Admired Company 2014 Info Bank Award 2013 Non Financial Industry Category Division I Medan Jl. Gunung Krakatau No. 15, Medan Sumatera Utara 20239 Tel : (+6261) 6639496 Fax : (+6261) 6610740 Division II Jakarta PT. Wijaya Karya Lantai 5. Jl. D.I Panjaitan Kav. 9 Cawang, Jakarta Timur 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808 Fax : (+6221) 85904147 Division III Palembang - Jabar Kantor WIKA Kav. 9 Lt. 4 Tel : (+6221) 8192808 Fax : (+6221) 85911972 IFAWPCA Gold Medal for Civil Engineering Construction of Jatigede Dam International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors 2014 Warta Ekonomi Indonesia Most Admired CEO 2014 MNC Business Award 2013 The Best Emiten Real Estate & Construction Sector Construction Industry Sucofindo-Sisco Award 2013 The Best Implementation of Integrated Management System SCIS Award Koran Sindo Award 2013 Indonesia Top 50 Division IV Jateng - NTT Jl. Rungkut Industri Raya No.10 Wisma Sier Lt. 4 Surabaya Tel : (+6231) 8478794 Fax : (+6231) 8472784 Division V Kalimantan Jl. Telaga Kihung Syarifudin Yoes Dalam No. 115-116, Balikpapan-Kalimantan Timur 76115 Tel : (+62542) 8510888 Fax : (+62542) 8510888 Division VI Sulawesi & Maluku Jl. A. P. Pettarani Square Ruko Sardonix No. 14, Makassar-Sulawesi Selatan 90222 Tel : (+62411) 425401 Fax : (+62411) 423019 Best Website 2013 Indonesia Most Admired (IMA) CEO 2013 Performing Construction CEO Good Coporate Governance Award 2013 Trusted Company Based on Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) Aon Hewitt Award 2011 & 2013 Best Employers in Indonesia Safety Environmental 2012 From COJAAL Best of The Best Award The 50 Top Companies for 2012 Division VII Papua Jl. Raya Abepantai No. 28, Tanah Hitam Abepura Jayapura 99351 Tel : (+62967) 587439 Fax : (+62967) 587439 Kantor Representative di Myanmar SAKURA TOWER, # 0306, 3rd Floor, Bogyoke Aung San Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Kantor di Timor Leste Delta 2 - Comoro Dilli Kantor di Aljazair 42 Rue Mohamed Drareni, Hydra. 16000 Alger, Algeria SUBSIDIARIES WIKA BETON HEAD OFFICE Gedung JW, Jl. Raya Jatiwaringin No. 54 Pondok Gede, Bekasi 17411 Tel : (+6221) 84973363, (Hunting) Fax : (+6221) 84973391, 84973392 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] SALES AREA OFFICE Marketing Region I (North Sumatera) Jl. Gunung Krakatau No. 15 Medan 20239 Tel : (+6261) 6627577, 6626225 Fax : (+6261) 6628076 E-mail : [email protected] Marketing Region I (Representative Riau) Komplek Perkantoran Grand Sudirman Blok D-17 Jl. Datuk Setia Maharaja/Parit Indah Pekan Baru 28282 Tel : (+62761) 849909 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Marketing Region II (South Sumatera) Jl. Bambang Utoyo-Rama Kasih Raya No. 957, Palembang 30115 Tel : (+62711) 712534, 7300399 Fax : (+62711) 720093 E-mail : [email protected] Marketing Region II (Representative Lampung) Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 222 Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung 35215 Tel : (+62721) 482336 E-mail : [email protected] Marketing Region III (Jakarta and West Java) Jl. Biru Laut X No. 20-21 Jakarta Timur 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8193024 Fax : (+6221) 8560694, 8519903 E-mail : [email protected] Marketing Region IV (Central Java) Jl. Teuku Umar No. 21, Semarang 50234 Tel : (+6224) 8411890, 8318787 Fax : (+6224) 8318135, 8318091 E-mail : [email protected] Marketing Region V (East Java) Jl. Wisma SIER Lt. 5 Jl. Rungkut Industri Raya 10, Surabaya Tel : (+6231) 8478795,8478796 Fax : (+6231) 8435384 E-mail : [email protected] Lampung Factory Jl. Raya Kota Bumi Km. 35 Tegineneng Lampung Selatan 35363 Tel : (+62725) 41318 Fax : (+62725) 7851568 E-mail : [email protected] Bogor Factory Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 26, Cileungsi Bogor 16820 Tel : (+6221) 8674010 Fax : (+6221) 8674018 E-mail : [email protected] Majalengka Factory Jl. Raya Brujul Kulon, Jatiwangi Majalengka 45454 Tel : (+62233) 882575, 881425 E-mail : [email protected] Boyolali Factory Jl. Raya Boyolali-Solo Km. 4,5, Mojosongo Boyolali 57300 Tel : (+62276) 321138, 881125 Fax : (+62276) 322136 E-mail : [email protected] Pasuruan Factory Jl. Raya Kajapanan No. 323 Gempol Pasuruan 67155 Tel : (+62343) 852130, 851488, 851361 Fax : (+62343) 851480 E-mail : [email protected] South Sulawesi Factory Jl. Kima Raya II Kav. S/4-5-6 Kawasan Industri Makassar, Makassar 90241 Tel : (+62411) 511764 Fax : (+62411) 510893, 4723206 E-mail : [email protected] Karawang Factory Jl. Surya Madya III Kav.134 Kawasan Industri Surya Cipta Karawang 41361 Tel : (+6221) 89115167 (+62267) 8630315 Fax : (+62267) 8610259 E-mail : [email protected] South Lampung Factory Jl. Wijaya Karya Beton (Jl. Lintas Timur Sumatera Km. 4) Dusun Yogaloka, Desa Sumur, Kec. Ketapang, Kab. Lampung Selatan Crushing Plant Bogor Kampung Cikalong, Desa Mekar Jaya, Kec. Cigudeng, Bogor 16660 Fax : (+62251) 8680232 WIKA INDUSTRI & KONSTRUKSI - Plastic Injection factory - ALUMINIUM casting factory - Steel fabrication factory HEAD & MARKETING OFFICE Komplek Industri WIKA Bogor Jl. Raya Narogong Km 26, Klapanunggal Cileungsi, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16820 Tel : (+6221) 86863103 Fax : (+6221) 86863102 Email : [email protected] [email protected] WIKA REALTY Marketing Region V (Representative Balikpapan) Tamansari Bukit Mutiara WIKA Jl. MT. Haryono (Ring Road) Blok A1 No.1, Balikpapan Tel : (+62542) 875927, 877027 Fax : (+62542) 875927 E-mail : [email protected]; [email protected] HEAD OFFICE Menara Bidakara I, Lt. 18 Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 71–74 Pancoran, Jakarta 12870 Tel : (+6221) 83793161, 83793162 Fax : (+6221) 83793165 Marketing Region VI (South Sulawesi) Jl. Kima Raya II Kav. S/4-5-6 Kawasan Industri Makassar Makassar 90241 Tel : (+62411) 511761, 4723100, 4723200 Fax : (+62411) 511955, 4723166 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Bukit Mutiara Jl. MT Haryono Ring Road Blok A1 No. 1 Perumahan Tamansari Bukit Mutiara Balikpapan 76125 Kalimantan Timur Tel : (+62542) 874125, 873772 Fax : (+62542) 872671 E-mail : [email protected] HOUSING ESTATE 74 75 Content Tamansari Hills Jl. Kompol R Sutanto blok B1 No. 2 Bukit Cinta-Mangun Harjo-Tembalang Semarang Tel : (+6224) 70070038 Fax : (+6224) 6714687 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Debang Jl. Flamboyan Raya No. 100 Setia Budi - Medan 20134 Tel : (+6261) 8364078 Fax : (+6261) 8364078 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Metropolitan Jl. A.A. Maramis Km. 8, Kav. A1 No. 11 Mapengat - Manado Tel : (+62431) 812 222, 813 333 Fax : (+62431) 816123 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Kahyangan Jl. Poros Bandara (samping Wanua Wonapa) Ranooha Ranomeeto Konawe Selatan - Sulawesi Selatan Tel : (+62401) 319 6070, 319 0011 Fax : (+62401) 3196070 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Cyber Jl. Raya BNR Ruko Orchard B. 08 Bogor Tel : (+62251) 8068266 E-mail : [email protected] APARTEMEN-CONDOTEL-VILLATELOFFICE TOWER Tamansari Hive Jl. D.I Panjaitan Kav. 3–4, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 3604 2999, 3604 3999 Fax : (+6221) 8590 7502 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Panoramic Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 723 Bandung 40292 Tel : (+6222) 61000600, 61000700 Fax : (+6222) 7332222 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari La Grande Merdeka Jl. Aceh No. 31, Bandung Tel : (+6222) 70888232, 70888233 Fax : (+6222) 4265518 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Papilio Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 176–178 Surabaya Tel : (+6231) 8282724 Fax : (+6231) 8282333 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Lagoon Komplek Bahu Mall Blok B.10 Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 1 Manado 95115 Tel : (+62431) 3625555 Fax : (+62431) 834608 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Skylounge Jl. Marsekal Surya Dharma No. 1 Tangerang Tel : (+6221) 7021 5252, 5579 5252 Fax : (+6221) 55765253 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Jivva Jl. Subak Lepang No. 16 Klungkung-Bali Tamansari Semanggi Apartemen Jl. AKRI 134, Karret, Jakarta Selatan Tel : (+62361) 202000 (+6221) 44642164 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Jineng Jl. Sunset Road No. 98, Kuta - Bali Tel : (+62361) 8700099, 9283077 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Gangga Jl. Yeh Gangga. Sudimara. Tabanan - Bali Tamansari Semanggi Apartemen, Jl. AKRI 134, Karet, Jakarta Selatan Tel : (+62361) 44577111 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Iswara Jl. Cut Meutia No. 2, Bekasi Barat Tel : (+6221) 4655 9000 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Amarta Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar Km 7,5 Yogyakarta Tel : (+6221) 95865252, 95865353 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Parama Jl. KH. Wachid Hasyim No. 84-88 Kebon Sirih, Jakarta Pusat Tel : (+6221) 29223888, 28888725 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Hive Office Jl. D.I Panjaitan Kav. 2, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 36042999, 36043999 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Payangan Desa Puhu, Payangan, Gianyar, Bali E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Caraka Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 7 Jakarta Selatan E-mail : [email protected] SPORT CLUB, LEARNING CENTER, FOOD COURT & HOTEL Unit Property Office I Sport Club Tamansari Persada Raya Perumahan Tamansari Persada Raya Jatibening - Bekasi 17412 Tel : (+6221) 86902137 Fax : (+6221) 86902137 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Persada Kemala Club Perumahan Tamansari Persada Kemala Club - Jaka Sampurna Kalimalang, Bekasi 17145 Tel : (+6221) 8841244 Fax : (+6221) 8841244 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Persada Raya Club Tamansari Persada Raya Club, Perumahan Tamansari Persada Raya Jatibening, Pondok Gede - Bekasi 17412 Tel : (+6221) 8650428 Fax : (+6221) 8650428 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Pesona Bali Club Tamansari Pesona Bali Club, Perumahan Tamansari Pesona Bali Jl. Cirendeu Raya 46, Ciputat, Tangerang 15419 Tel : (+6221) 7413324 Fax : (+6221) 7413324 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Persada Bogor Club Tamansari Persada Bogor Club, Perumahan Tamansari Persada Bogor -Jl. KH. Soleh Iskandar Km.5 - Bogor 16340 Tel : (+62251) 7537994 Fax : (+62251) 753 7994 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Bukit Bandung Club Tamansari Bukit Bandung Club, Perumahan Tamansari Bukit Bandung Jl. Raya Sindanglaya No. 327 A Bandung 40195 Tel : (+6222) 7804093 Fax : (+6222) 7804093 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Bukit Mutiara Club Tamansari Bukit Mutiara Club, Perumahan Tamansari Bukit Mutiara Jl. MT Haryono Ring Road, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76125 Tel : (+62542) 876002 Fax : (+62542) 876002 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Majapahit Semarang Club Tamansari Majapahit Semarang Club, Perumahan Tamansari Majapahit Jl. Majapahit Km. 10 – Pedurungan Lor Semarang - Jawa Tengah Tel : (+6224) 76745222 Fax : (+6224) 6714687 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Metropolitan Manado Club Tamansari Metropolitan Manado Club, Perumahan Tamansari Metropolitan Manado Blok A1 No. 11 Jl. A.A. Maramis Km. 8, Mapengat - Manado Tel : (+62431) 3851188 Fax : (+62431) 816123 E-mail : [email protected] Wikasatrian Desa Pasir Angin Kecamatan Megamendung Kabupaten Bogor Tel : (+62251) 825 7600 E-mail : [email protected] Wika Pratama Learning Center Jl. Kelapa Dua Wetan No. 6, Ciracas Jakarta Timur Tel : (+6221) 36478750 E-mail : [email protected] Wiki Wiki Wok - Food Runway Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav 3-4 Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808 Fax : (+6221) 85907502 E-mail : [email protected] Hotel Puspamaya Jl. Marsekal Surya Dharma No. 1 Tangerang Tel : (+6221) 2986 9090 E-mail : [email protected] Best Western Premier The Hive Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav 3-4 Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 29821900 Fax : (+6221) 29821800 E-mail : [email protected] MANAGEMENT BUILDING Unit Property Office II Tamansari Semanggi Apartemen Tower A Lantai 2, Jl. AKRI No. 134, Karet Semanggi - Jakarta Selatan Tel : (+6221) 52901518 E-mail : [email protected] Gedung Wika I Jl. D.I Panjaitan Kav 9, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650 Fax : (+6221) 8191235 E-mail : [email protected] Kawasan Industri Wika Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 26, Cileungsi - Bogor 16820 Tel : (+6221) 8674010 Fax : (+6221) 8674016 E-mail : [email protected] Gedung Wika Medan Jl. Gunung Krakatau No. 15 Medan 20239 Tel : (+6261) 6612658 Fax : (+6261) 6612658 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Sudirman Executive Residence Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 - Jakarta Selatan Tel : (+6221) 52962789 Fax : (+6221) 52962789 E-mail : [email protected] Komisi Yudisial RI JL. Kramat Raya No. 57, Jakarta Pusat Tel : (+6221) 3905876, Ext 1097 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Semanggi Apartemen Jl. AKRI No. 134, Karet Semanggi - Jakarta Selatan Tel : (+6221) 29410856 Fax : (+6221) 5212579 E-mail : [email protected] Kementrian BUMN Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 13 Jakarta 10110 Tel : (+6221) 3801900 Fax : (+6221) 3851672 E-mail : [email protected] Kantor Pusat Ditjen Pajak Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 40 - 42 Jakarta 12190 Tel : (+6221) 5250208, 5251509 Fax : (+6221) 584792 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Hive Apartemen Jl. D.I Panjaitan Kav 3-4, Jakarta 13340 Tel : (+6221) 29821863 Fax : (+6221) 29821873 E-mail : [email protected] Tamansari Skylounge Apartemen Jl. Marsekal Surya Dharma No. 1 Tangerang Tel : (+6221) 55795252 E-mail : [email protected] WIKA GEDUNG HEAD OFFICE Menara MTH, 15th Floor Suite 1506–1507 Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 23, Jakarta 12820 Tel : (+6221) 83782471 Fax : (+6221) 83782470 WIKA REKAYASA INDUSTRI HEAD OFFICE Menara MTH, 17th Floor, Suite 1706–1707 Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 23, Jakarta 12820 Tel : (+6221) 83782491–93 Fax : (+6221) 83782494 E-mail : [email protected] WIKA BITUMEN HEAD OFFICE Jl. Poros Banabungi, Pasar Wajo 97354 Pulau Buton Jl. Kartini No 1 Bau-Bau Tel : (+62402) 2822158 Fax : (+62402) 2826826 REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Jakarta Office Apartemen Signature Park Lt. 03-06 Jl. MT Haryono Kav 22, Jakarta 12820 Tel : (+62402) 29386554 Fax : (+62402) 29386826 E-mail : [email protected] Makassar Office Jl. Kakatua No. 12 Makassar 90133 Tel : (+62411) 872859 WIKA INDUSTRI ENERGI ENERGY CONVERSION FACTORY Komplek Industri WIKA Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 26 Cileungsi, Bogor 16820 Tel : (+6221) 86863293 Fax : (+6221) 86863294 PT WIJAYA KARYA KOMPONEN BETON Jl. Surya Madya III, Kav. I-28Q Kawasan Industri Surya Cipta Karawang 41361 Tel : (+62267) 8630416 Fax : (+62267) 8630349 E-mail : [email protected] PT WIJAYA KARYA KRAKATAU BETON Jl. Australia I, Kav K2/I, Kawasan KIEC Kel. Warnasari, Kec. Citangkil Cilegon - Banten Tel : (+62267) 8630416 Fax : (+62267) 8630349 PT WIJAYA KARYA CITRA LAUTAN TEDUH Jl. Hang Jebat, Km. 1 Batu Besar, Batam 29432 Tel : (+62778) 761185 Fax : (+62778) 761184 WIKA JABAR POWER Jl. Adipati Kertabumi No. 21 Bandung, Jawa Barat Tel : (+6222) 4220251 Fax : (+6222) 4265158 PT MARGA NUJYASUMO AGUNG Surabaya: Jl. Taman Gayung Kebonsari No. 5-7 Surabaya 60231 Jakarta: Gd. MLI Lt. 2 Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 49 Jakarta 12770 Tel : (+6221) 7987077 Fax : (+6221) 7980464 PT JASAMARGA BALI TOL Kawasan Ikat Plaza Jl. By Pass | Gusti Ngurah Rai No. 505 Pemogan 80221, Denpasar Bali Tel : (+62361) 725326 Fax : (+62361) 725327 PT MARGA KUNCIRAN CENGKARENG Ruko Business Park Tangerang City No. A. 19 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1 Cikokol, Tangerang, Banten 15117 Tel : (+6221) 55782453 WIKA Tower, Jakarta PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. PT Air Minum Indonesia