seventeenth sunday in ordinary time


seventeenth sunday in ordinary time
321 W. Butler Avenue ● Chalfont, PA 18914 (215) 822-0179
JULY 24, 2016
Rev. Msgr. Francis W. Beach, Pastor
Rev. Msgr. James P. McCoy, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Jeffrey M. Rott, Parochial V icar
Deacon John T. Riordan
Deacon Timothy P. Lynch
St. Jude School
Sr. Elizabeth Marley, RSM, Principal
Office: 215-822-9225
Convent: 215-822-2896
Parish Faith Formation
Mrs. Angela McClellan, Director
Office: 215-822-7553
Music Ministry
Mr. Michael Meade, Co-Director
Mr. Thomas Zaneski, Co-Director
Thursdays following 9AM Mass, 2:00 PM, 7:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration throughout the day
Benediction concludes the evening devotions
PARISH OFFICE: Mon. - Fri. (9:00AM - 5:00 PM)
Phone: 215-822-0179 • E-Mail: [email protected]
Fax: 215-822-0638 • Web site:
Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM
Sunday: 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12 Noon
Summer Weekdays: M-S: 9AM
Confessions: Saturday 3:30 - 4:30P.M.
Sunday 9:15-9:45A.M.
First and Third Sundays of the month.
Please contact the Rectory.
Prayer for Krakow World Youth Day — July 26 –31, 2016
“God, merciful Father, in your Son, Jesus Christ, you have revealed your love
and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter,
We entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every man and woman”.
We entrust to you in a special way young people of every language, people and nation:
guide and protect them
as they walk the complex paths of the world today
and give them the grace to reap abundant fruits
from their experience of the Krakow World Youth Day.
M[ss Int_ntions
July 25, 2016
St. James
9:00 AM
James Noval—Req. by M/M Sciurba
July 26, 2016
Ss. Joachim and Anne
9:00 AM
Susan Hill—Req. by the Guippone Family
Wednesday July 27, 2016
9:00 AM
In Honor of St. Jude
9:00 AM
July 28, 2016
St. Jude Shrine Society
July 29, 2016
St. Martha
9:00 AM
Ted Malecki, Jr. & Jane Keller
—Req. by Jane & Ted Malecki
Saturday July 30, 2016
St. Peter Chrysologus; Blessed Virgin Mary
9:00 AM
Marguerite Young & Reverend Robert Lepleiter
5:00 PM
Margaret Mary Cardamone
—Req. by the Shelton Family
July 31, 2016
8:00 AM
Michael Fasti—Req. by Joan & Ed Kiss
10:00 AM
Living & Dec’d. of St. Jude Parish
12 Noon
Jimmy Calogero
— Req. by Jeff & Ann Rutan
July 30, 2016
5 PM
July 31, 2016
8 AM
10 AM
12 PM
Monsignor Francis Beach
Scott Cryder w/ Tom Zaneski
Monsignor Francis Beach
Cantor w/ Tom Zaneski
Father Jeffrey Rott
Children’s Choir w/ Mrs. St. John &
Michael Meade
Father Jeffrey Rott
Jen Pecherek w/ Michael Meade
P[rish Giving
Collection Comparison
We thank all who are contributing through your Sunday
Envelopes on a consistent basis as your “thank you”
back to God for all His blessings.
PLEASE PRAY for all our sick parishioners, relatives,
friends and their caregivers, and all those listed in
Our Lady's Prayer Chain.
PLEASE PRAY for our troops.
The entire parish community extends its sympathy to the families
of Ronald Scipione and Lillian Farrell
who entered into eternal life.
...assists our neighbors who have urgent financial
need. If you know of any local individuals, regardless of
their religion, who require assistance please contact us by
leaving a message at 215-822- 0179 (Ext. 305).
Someone will return calls within 24 hours.
Please help fund this worthy cause by contributing
regularly to the Poor Boxes in Church.
At St. Jude Church in the holy space of the Sanctuary you can memorialize significant events and people:
† The Sanctuary Lamp will be memorialized for one week with your donation offering of $50.00.
† The Altar Flowers will be memorialized for one week for a donation offering of $100.
† An Altar Chair will be memorialized for a donation offering of $500.
To reserve your memorial of Sanctuary Lamp, Altar Flowers or Sanctuary Chairs contact or visit the
Parish office: 215-822-0179 [email protected]
You can also reserve a Memorial Candle in our St. Jude Chapel:
† The St. Jude Shrine Candle will be memorialized for one year for a donation offering of $100.
Contact Gina: 215-822-0179 [email protected].
July 23-24, 2016
Dear Friends,
Previously I’ve shared information with you about the commitment of our local Church to assist survivors of
sexual abuse and to prevent such abuse from taking place. I’ve also shared information about House Bill 1947
and its potential to devastate our parishes, schools, and charitable ministries. Many of you contacted your
elected officials to voice your concerns about this matter in a respectful way and I’m very thankful to you for
doing that.
Today, I’m sharing an update on the status of this legislation. House Bill 1947 was the subject of a Senate
Judiciary Committee hearing in Harrisburg last month. Following the committee’s determination that the
retroactive provision was unconstitutional, an amended version of the bill was considered by the full senate.
The amendment stripped the retroactive provisions pertaining to the civil statute of limitations covering sexual
abuse. The senate voted unanimously in favor of the amended version of the bill.
The amended bill must now be reconsidered by the members of the House of Representatives, which we expect
will take place in the fall.
When additional information becomes available I will give you a clear update. Please join me in praying for all
of our elected officials who work hard to serve our communities each day. Again, thank you and May God bless
you all.
Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ,
Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
St. Jude
JULY 24 - 30, 2016
Natural Family Planning Awareness Week
is a national educational campaign of the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB) to celebrate God’s vision for
marriage and promote the methods of Natural
Family Planning.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is an
umbrella term for the safe, natural and
effective methods of both achieving and
avoiding pregnancy. The dates of Natural
Family Planning Awareness Week highlight
the anniversary of the papal encyclical
Humanae Vitae (July 25) which articulates
Catholic beliefs about human sexuality,
marriage, conjugal love and responsible
Want to learn more about the
methods of NFP? Visit the NFP section of the
USCCB website at:
Do you want to learn
How To Create More Happiness In Your Life?
WE ALL SEEK TO BE HAPPY…but do we often settle for
the lowest level of happiness?
Check out the first session of
Happiness (under programs) as
well-known psychiatrists,
celebrities, physicists, scholars and
priests uncover the answers to life’s
most profound questions.
You can view this and many other
inspiring audios, books, movies
and programs by using our parish’s
free on-line program.
If you have not yet registered for FORMED –
- Go to
- Enter our PARISH CODE: M8GJX2 (all caps)
- Then use your email to create an account
If you have any questions about the FORMED
program contact Earl Kelly at: [email protected]
Congratulations to the cast and
crew of the original production of Heroes and
Villains performed by our talented "summer stage"
actors and actresses! Thank you to our teachers for an
outstanding job with our parish performers: Mr. Meade,
Mrs. Gresko, and Mrs. Pecherek. And finally, thank
you to our parents and all who came to enjoy the
show. See you all next summer!
Gently used school uniforms are available. Please
send requests to [email protected]. A list of
what items are available will be emailed to you to see if
it meets your needs for the upcoming school year.
Spending more and more money on food bills? Scrip
is a wonderful way to save and share your shopping
money! Stop in to the Scrip Office (opposite our
chapel) or the rectory and find out how to get involved
in this win-win situation! It is a benefit to your family
and to our parish family.
St. Jude
Sunday, July 31
8:00 am – 1:00pm
Parish Religious
Education Program
The PREP is designed
for children of our
parish in Grades 1
through 6 who attend
area public and nonCatholic private schools
or are homeschooled. It
supports the work of
parents in their primary
responsibility of
educating their sons and
daughters in the Catholic faith. In a loving and
caring environment, we nurture the spiritual
development of our students by offering them a
virtue-based Catholic curriculum, time for prayer
and Liturgy, Sacrament preparation, and service
opportunities. We strive to equip parents, as well,
with the confidence, skills, and resources necessary
for sowing the seeds of faith in the context of their
home and family.
Do you have a child entering first grade in a
public or non-Catholic private school or are
homeschooled? Please register your child as
soon as possible by contacting our Director of
Parish Faith Formation, Angela McClellan, at
[email protected] or call 215-822-7553.
Support the St. Jude Youth
Ministry as they raise funds for
The Saint Vincent DePaul Society.
Please help to support
St. Jude CYO Youth Ministry
by participating in our
annual Football Mania raffle.
We are looking for help selling the tickets. Take some
to work, sell them to your
neighbors, or your family.
If interested in selling
tickets, please contact the
Rectory or Ted Dufner
[email protected].
Tickets will be also sold after Masses beginning in
August. We will need volunteers to assist in selling
after each Mass. If you are interested in helping out,
let either Fr. Jeff or Ted Dufner know so you can be
added to the schedule. Thanks for your help!
A volunteer is needed as a Visitor for Aid For
Friends - most likely a short term (July through
October) to visit a couple in the Chalfont area
weekly and bring them free frozen dinners. For
more info about Aid For Friends,
visit If interested, please
contact Lucy Jones 215-997-1668
or [email protected].
Dorney Park Tickets
$37 per person ($54 at the door). Tickets can be used
throughout the 2016 season (now through October)
Contact Becky Wood at [email protected]
Int_rf[ith S_rvi]_
Of Pr[y_r
for th_ N[tion
St. Jude Parish offers a fun, engaging and instructional
one day Pre-Cana marriage preparation day for
engaged couples. Pre Cana is open to engaged couples
inside and outside our parish.
the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia
Our day is designed to assist couples prepare for a
strong, successful, lifelong marriage in a a joy-filled,
welcoming, environment. The sessions are held at
St. Jude School located at 323 West Butler Avenue,
Chalfont, PA 18914. Our next session is scheduled
for Saturday, October 29th. Please contact
St. Jude Rectory 215-822-0179
[email protected]
MONDAY, JULY 25, 2016 AT 2:00 PM
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia
Everyone is welcome to come together to pray at this
critical moment in the history of our nation and ask for
the favor of God upon the united States of America.
Reverend Gerald Dennis Gill, Presider and Preacher.
The Little Sisters of the Poor invite you to join in
their ministry of caring for the needy elderly by
participating in their
St. Jeanne Jugan - Pot of Gold Raffle!
September 11
Besides helping our 97 residents live in
a secure and compassionate home, you
have a chance to win one of ten prizes,
with a grand prize of $25,000! Only
2,016 tickets will be sold!
To purchase a ticket, please send your name, address
and check for $100 to: Holy Family Home—Dept. PB,
Attn: Sr. Veronica, 5300 Chester Ave., Phila., PA
19143. Or visit our website at Thank you
for your prayers and support!
MONTHLY LUNCHEON: August 2 , 2016 — Zoto's
Restaurant 12:00-3:00 PM. Doors open at Noon/
Lunch served at 1:00 PM. If interested, call
Rachela Player (215-822-8061).
LUNCH BUNCH: 1:00 PM 3rd Wednesday of each
month. If interested call Rachela Player 215-8228061.
TRIPS: Bus will leave at 8:30 AM prompt
on Wednesday, August 17 for the
Toms River trip.
The 3rd Annual AbbeyFest:
Faith, Music and Family all-day music festival
Saturday, September 24, 2016
on the grounds of
Daylesford Abbey in Paoli from 11am-9pm.
Come and join us at this faith-filled event that
features Music bands/Christian artists, Speakers,
Mass, Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration. Last
year, AbbeyFest drew close to 3,000 attendees of all
ages, including many parish families. So grab some
friends, family, a blanket…and make a day of it! In
addition to music, there will be food, craft vendors/
exhibits, and games for kids.
The 2016 music line-up include award-winning
bands such as: Sidewalk Profits, Stars Go Dim,
The Josh Blakesley Band, and many more!
Catholic author and speaker Jeff Cavins will give
the keynote.
More Information and Tickets on sale now at:
Any questions, please check the website or
contact Jim or Lia Gorman 610-296-2330 email:
[email protected]
The residents of Saint Mary Center in Lansdale
extend an invitation to join them for an outdoor
Mass with our own version of the “Blessing of the
Sea” celebrating the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary on Monday, August 15, 2016 beginning
at 11a.m. Tents and folding chair s will be pr ovided
and refreshments will be served following Mass. All
are welcome to attend.
The custom of “blessing the sea” on the Feast of the
Assumption is said to have
originated in Italy in the 15th
century when a bishop traveling
from Venice during a storm at sea
on the Feast of the Assumption
prayed and threw his pastoral ring
into the sea from a ship and the
waters were calmed. Some
ceremonies today include throwing
a ring or wreath of flowers from a
boat into the water, symbolizing
the union of the earth and the sea and giving rise to the
name, “wedding of the sea.”
Saint Mary Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare, part of
Catholic Health Group, is located at 701 Lansdale Avenue,
Lansdale, PA 19446.
Join parishioners and the staff of Saint Maria
Goretti Parish for our annual retreat– a day filled with
time and space reserved and dedicated to God
alone. Our day begins with Mass, a Holy Hour, and the
opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of
Reconciliation at Most Blessed Sacrament Church in
Bally, PA. We will then travel to the National Center
for Padre Pio in Barto, PA. Lear n about Padr e Pio’s
remarkable and saintly life and his powerful and
prayerful intercession. Enjoy a catered meal on the
premises at Café San Pio. Cost is $60.00 per person
and includes lunch and bus transportation. If you wish
to carpool with a friend or travel on your own, cost is
$30.00 and includes lunch.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Bus Departure from
Saint Maria Goretti Parking Lot: 8:30AM
Approximate Return Home: 3:30 PM
Retreat Director: Father Pio Mandato, F.M.H.J.
Please register using the form that can be found on our
parish website at
Please mail form (or your name, address, phone
number) along with payment to:
Saint Maria Goretti Parish Center
c/o Angela McClellan
1601 Derstine Road, Hatfield, PA 19440
Looking for a way to...
Join us for a Mini Retreat
Saturday, September 10,
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem Church,
Jamison, PA
Featuring Susan Brinkman and
Marie Joseph. $10 per person
includes continental breakfast.
Reserve online at
or call 215-343-1288
Mass • Speakers • Adoration
Music • Fellowship • Reconciliation