September 2013 Newsletter
September 2013 Newsletter
Issue 9 September 2013 Downtown: Where Tradition Meets Today Dear Members and Friends of Main Street Moberly, I had the pleasure of speaking to future entrepreneurs of Mrs. Sonda Stuart’s Advanced Marketing Students this week. These students are working on the early stages of planning their DECA projects. The students have some great projects and I shared ideas that would incorporate our downtown businesses into their planning. It was great to see the wheels turning as we talked more about their ideas! I look forward to working with these young people as they continue to work on their DECA projects! Thank you Sonda for inviting me to visit with your enthusiastic students! During the September Main Street Moberly Board Meeting, Reid Fieber and Troy Bock from Moberly Parks and Recreation spoke about the upcoming Trick or Treat Trail which will be held on Thursday, October 31st from 4:00—5:30. This is a great opportunity for our businesses to welcome families to our downtown! In the past, we have seen 750+ children “trick or treat” the businesses Upcoming Events on Reed Street! What a great opportunity to hand a parent your business card or a coupon to come back and shop! If you did not receive a form to participate, please contact the Moberly Parks and Recreation October 31 Department or the Main Street Moberly Office. 4:00—5:30 Trick or Treat Trail November 8 & 9 Happy Fall, Lisa Holiday Open House Downtown Moberly November 27 & 29 Black Friday Sales December 5 Living Windows 5:30—7:30 Welcome New Main Street Moberly Members First State Community Bank December 7 Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade 5:00 Welcome to Downtown Moberly Lil Deb’s Variety Shop What is Main Street Moberly? Committee Meetings Schedule Design 1st Thursday of each month Main Street Moberly, Inc. is a not for profit organization dedicated to an economically strong, safe, attractive and exciting downtown. Main Street seeks to provide unified leadership to energize the business and residential life in the downtown area. Attracting new business and creating more jobs, which in turn have a positive effect on the growth and economic value of the entire Moberly area. Promotion 1st Tuesday of each month Main Street Moberly was founded in 1989 and it’s membership continues to be comprised of property owners, businesses, non-profit organizations, and citizens. Organization 3rd Tuesday of each month For more information on how to become a member, please contact Main Street Moberly’s office at 263-5251. Economic Restructuring 2nd Thursday of each month MSM Board 3rd Thursday of each month What does each Committee do at Main Street Moberly? • Design - implementation of public improvements, public spaces, façade improvement, signs, parking and streetscapes. • Promotion - special events, retail promotions, brochures, image development. • Organization – public relations, fundraising, structure and overall work planning. • Economic Restructuring - developing a competitive direction for the downtown area, market surveys, business recruitment and business retention activities. Committee Updates Design Committee The Design Committee held a successful fundraiser on September 14th at the Airport Fly-in Party at the Omar Bradley Airport. Thank you for helping making this event a success! Funds raised for the fly-in breakfast will be designated for a special project by the Design Committee. Economic Restructuring Committee If you know of a business wanting to relocate to the downtown area, please contact our office, and we can find the perfect space! Promotion Committee Please see Page 1 for a schedule of events. Organization Committee No meeting has been planned. Name: Margaret Flickinger Business Affiliation: Co-owner—Controlled Aire Heating & Cooling Job Description: Office Manager Years lived in Moberly: 50+ Original Hometown: Queen City, MO Education: High School & Adult Education Professional Background: 20+ years as office manager A local businessperson I admire and why: My husband, Walter. He is always so concerned about our clients, always insists on the best job done for everyone. Why I’m passionate about my job: There is so much to keep up with, new products, and trends. Keeping everyone on top of work orders, etc. Margaret Flickinger Controlled Aire Heating & Cooling If I weren’t doing this for a living, I would be retired. Biggest career obstacle I’ve overcome and how: Computer. I have taken all computer courses available. Worked in computer lab 6 years at MMS and had grandchildren and a son-in-law help tremendously. What people should know about this profession: First, it isn’t for everyone. I do all the invoicing, receiving, payroll, pay the bills, work orders and inventory. What I do for fun: Crochet, read, travel when time allows. Family: Husband, Walter; 3 grown children, Mary Ellen VanHouten, Julie Danner, Brian Flickinger; 4 grandchildren and 1st great grandson on the way. Favorite place to eat in Randolph County: El Vaquero, great food. Accomplishment I’m most proud: Raising 3 wonderful children, being married 50 years. Enjoying breakfast in the hangar Saturday, September 14th was a beautiful day for a fly-in and breakfast in the hangar! Our Volunteers that helped us serve. Thank you Alex, Michelle, Marcus, & Vicki Michelle Fainter & Marcus Burgett Volunteers from the Future Business Leaders of America under the leadership of Vicki Howard. Did you know??? Thank you Bud Casey at Funny Pages for helping Main Street Moberly with breakfast! That the redesigned $100 bill will begin circulating on October 8, 2013. This note incorporates new security features such as a blue, 3-D security ribbon, a gold ink well on the front and 100 printed in gold on the back of the bill. This new bill “will be easier for the public to authenticate but more difficult for counterfeiters to replicate” according to the press release on To see a picture of the redesigned bill and use the interactive option, visit Seven tips to maximize holiday sales For a small retail business, the fourth quarter can be a big deal for the bottom line. For some retailers, the holiday season can represent anywhere between 20 - 40 percent of annual sales. Good planning now will help retailers make the most of this important season. 1. Create a stellar holiday marketing plan—Start by creating a detailed plan that includes a variety of marketing platforms such as print and online advertising, holiday store signage, direct mail, email marketing and social media. In addition, consider implementing some grassroots marketing strategies to inexpensively target customers in your community. For example, you can partner with other small businesses in your community to hand out coupons or flyers for one another, network at local chamber of commerce meetings (many of the members will be looking for holiday gifts for family members or clients), call VIP customers to personally invite them into the store, post on your town’s forum, post on local “mom blogs” and distribute store flyers in places such as a gym or supermarket. 2. Plan special holiday events. Store events are also a very effective way to drive more traffic to your store during the holiday season because they give customers a reason to shop during a specific time frame. One event you should add to your holiday event marketing plans this year is Small Business Saturday. This is a nationwide initiative on the day after Black Friday, November 30, that encourages consumers to go out and celebrate and support the local independent businesses that are a vital part of their communities. Last year, millions of consumers shopped small. With growing consumer interest in supporting local businesses, you can leverage this powerful national event by inviting your customers to participate in the day through email marketing, direct mail, store signage, and social media posts. You should also promote your participation in Small Business Saturday in all of your print advertising as a way of attracting new prospects into the store on the day. You can download free marketing materials on the Small Business Saturday website. 3. Offer holiday deals and discounts. Consider running special product promotions throughout the holiday season as an incentive to get customers to come into the store and buy. Some stores even sell a few products during the holiday season at a loss, known as a “loss leader” to lure customers to the store because they know that once the customer is in they will typically buy more. 4. Hire ahead of the holiday rush. Most retailers agree that exceptional staffing is a key element in holiday sales success. If you need to beef up your team for the season, it’s important to start the hiring process as early as possible. Remember to execute a thorough training program for your entire sales team that includes customer service tactics, in-depth product information and tips on handling a large sales volume to get everyone ready and excited for the holiday rush. 5. Make sure you have enough inventory. It’s very challenging to stock just the right amount of inventory to ensure that you have a vast product selection with a mix of specialty items that holiday shoppers are searching for. Plan on doing a holiday inventory assessment to confirm that you have ordered enough across the different product categories to last throughout the season and hit your numbers. If you realize that you still have not ordered enough, it’s not too late to reach out to wholesalers to add to your holiday buying. 6. Use your store windows. Store windows are a powerful marketing vehicle to help you promote and sell specific holiday products. They also serve as great tool to help you attract more customers into the store. Make sure your windows create visual impact, are well lit, have strong signage and that you use vertical and horizontal space to tell your merchandising story. 7. Promote holiday gift cards and gift certificates. There is a lot of research that shows that holiday gift card giving is on the rise. Make sure that your store is top of mind with customers who want to purchase a gift card rather than a specific gift. Promote your store gift cards in all of your marketing efforts. In addition, you might also consider giving a small gift card to buyers who spend over a certain amount in your store during the holiday season. Implementing these savvy marketing strategies can keep you ahead of the curve this holiday season and make it a signature year for blockbuster sales. Barbara Wold International Speaker, Author and Business Strategist Downtown: Where Tradition Meets Today To Main Street Moberly Business Owners & Friends 112 N. 4th Street Moberly, MO 65270 Phone: 660-263-5251 Email: [email protected] Like us on Facebook! Main Street Moberly, Inc. WE’RE ON THE WEB Lunch & Learn Brown Bag Tuesday, October 22 12:00 noon—1:00 p.m. Entrepreneurial Business Development Center @ MACC Who’s Your Mentor? Why every entrepreneur should have one … Your friends, family and even casual acquaintances can provide you with information on how you should run your business. But only a mentor can truly share wisdom with you when you encounter a situation or a need arises. How do you find the right one? Pack your lunch and join the Grow Mid-Missouri team along with local successful entrepreneurs, business magnates and members of the community who are interested in supporting growing businesses. Please RSVP to 660-263-5865 Save the Date: Tuesday, November 26 Choosing Your Pathway? Skatepark41, Moberly's only indoor skate park is now open to area children and youth! Children ages 1st-5th grade are invited to attend during KidzSkate on the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month and 6th-12th graders are welcome to participate on the 1st and 3rd Mondays monthly. A signed waiver is required for participation. Skatepark41 is located at 526 W. Reed Street in downtown Moberly and is a ministry of Family Life Fellowship. For more information about Skatepark41 and KidzSkate, call 660-263-0488 or visit
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