programa de becas del gobierno coreano 2015 para estudios de
programa de becas del gobierno coreano 2015 para estudios de
Embajada de la República de Corea PROGRAMA DE BECAS DEL GOBIERNO COREANO 2015 PARA ESTUDIOS DE POSTGRADO COD. 20150018BPO Con el fin de promover el intercambio académico y cultural, el Instituto Nacional para la Educación Internacional de la República de Corea (NIIED, por sus siglas en inglés) ha asignado, en el marco del Programa de Becas del Gobierno Coreano – 2015, nueve (9) becas para ciudadanos peruanos interesados en cursar programas de postgrado en Corea (maestría o doctorado). De estas nueve vacantes, cinco (5) se tramitarán vía la Embajada de la República de Corea en el Perú y cuatro (4) directamente con las universidades coreanas afiliadas al programa NIIED (revisar anexo 01). Por favor, note que solamente debe utilizarse una vía de postulación (Embajada o Universidad). Toda doble postulación será descalificada. PARA POSTULAR VÍA LA EMBAJADA Para aquellos interesados en postular a una de las cinco becas canalizadas a través de la Embajada, se les solicita enviar su carpeta de postulación a PRONABEC. FECHA LÍMITE: LUNES, 23 DE MARZO DE 2015 Les invitamos a leer detenidamente los requisitos y a enviar a PRONABEC todos los documentos solicitados. Solo PRONABEC recibirá las carpetas de postulación. Favor de no enviar su postulación a la Embajada. PRONABEC enviará a la Embajada las carpetas que cumplan con todos los requisitos. Después de una evaluación, la Embajada invitará a un grupo de postulantes a pasar una entrevista. A continuación, la Embajada preseleccionará a 8 postulantes y enviará sus carpetas de postulación a NIIED en Corea, que se encargará finalmente de seleccionar a los 5 becarios. Para su referencia, revise las bases de la convocatoria (anexo 02). Por favor, tenga en cuenta que los EXPEDIENTES INCOMPLETOS NO SERÁN RECIBIDOS. INFORMACIÓN GENERAL SOBRE EL PROGRAMA DE BECAS DEL GOBIERNO COREANO POSTGRADO 2015 I. Duración - Maestría: 01 año de curso preliminar de idioma y 02 años de carrera. - Doctorado: 01 año de curso preliminar de idioma y 03 años de carrera. II. Carreras - Carreras ofrecidas por las universidades afiliadas al programa (revisar anexo 01). 1 Embajada de la República de Corea III. Beneficios - Traslado ida y vuelta del becario. - Gastos educativos y de investigación. - Gastos de pensión por estadía. - Gastos de formación en idioma coreano. - Gastos por impresión de tesis. - Seguro médico durante estadía. - Bonus para quienes demuestren un nivel avanzado (TOPIK 5 o 6) en el idioma coreano. IV. Requisitos 1. Tener la nacionalidad peruana y no tener padres con nacionalidad coreana. 2. Ser menor de 40 años al 1ero de setiembre del 2015 (haber nacido después del 1ro de setiembre 1975). 3. Llenar debidamente todos los formularios de postulación en inglés: a. b. c. d. e. f. 4. Datos personales (Formulario 1). Ensayo de presentación (Formulario 2). Plan de estudio (Formulario 3). Carta de recomendación (Formulario 4). Documento de compromiso (Formulario 5). Evaluación médica (Formulario 6). Los postulantes con alguna discapacidad que cumplan con los requisitos también califican para la beca. Sin embargo, las postulantes embarazadas o aquellos que sufren de alguna enfermedad grave serán automáticamente descalificados. Los postulantes pasarán igualmente un examen médico oficial realizado por NIIED llegando a Corea. Si se detecta una enfermedad grave en el examen, la beca será anulada y la persona deberá regresar a su país asumiendo los gastos de regreso. Adjuntar los siguientes documentos en copia: a. Grado de Bachiller/Título Profesional (postulantes a Maestría y Doctorado). b. Registro de notas de pregrado evidenciando un mínimo de 13 de promedio. c. Grado de Maestría (Postulantes a Doctorado). d. Registro de notas de posgrado evidenciando un mínimo de 13 de promedio. e. Certificado de Quinto Superior otorgado por la universidad (OPCIONAL). f. Certificado de idioma coreano (OPCIONAL). g. Certificado de idioma inglés (de preferencia TOEFL, TOEIC o IELTS). h. Tesis publicadas y/o premios recibidos (OPCIONAL). i. Pasaporte. j. Partida de nacimiento del postulante y de sus padres. k. Copia del DNI V. Aviso para los postulantes - Los postulantes que tengan previsto graduarse antes del 31 de agosto de 2015, pueden postular siempre que presenten una constancia que certifique que la fecha de graduación es antes del 31 de agosto del 2015. El certificado de graduación oficial debe ser entregado a NIIED hasta el 31 de agosto de 2015. 2 Embajada de la República de Corea - Los postulantes que hayan participado en programas de estudio en una universidad coreana (pregrado, maestría, doctorado) no podrán postular. Sin embargo, exbecarios del “Programa de Becas del Gobierno Coreano” que se gradúen antes del 31 de agosto de 2015, pueden postular pero solamente a las becas gestionadas por la Embajada. - Los documentos deben ordenarse según el “check list” proporcionado y engrapados en un folder manila. ADICIONALMENTE Presentar una copia adicional de toda la documentación - A los postulantes que sean invitados a la entrevista en la Embajada se les solicitará los documentos en ORIGINAL. Solamente a los 8 finalistas se les pedirá traducir sus documentos al idioma inglés. - Para mayor información, les invitamos a visitar: y revisar detenidamente los documentos adjuntos. PARA POSTULAR VÍA LAS UNIVERSIDADES Contacte a una de las 66 universidades coreanas que han sido seleccionadas por el NIIED para participar del Programa de Becas del Gobierno Coreano – Postgrado 2015: (01) Ajou University, (02) Chung-Ang University, (03) Dongguk University, (04) Ewha Womans University, (05) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, (06) Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, (07) Hanyang University, (08) Hongik University, (09) Inha University, (10) KDI School of Public Policy and Management, (11) Konkuk University,(12) Kookmin University, (13) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, (14) Korea Polytechnic University, (15) Korea University, (16) Kyonggi University, (17) Kyunghee University, (18) Myongji university, (19) Pohang University of Science and Technology, (20) Sangmyung University, (21) Seoul Nat’l University, (22) Seoul Nat’l University of Science and Technology, (23) Sogang University, (24) Sookmyung Women’s University, (25) Soongsil University, (26) Sungkyunkwan University, (27) The Graduate School of Korean Studies in the Academy of Korean Studies, ( 2 8 ) Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, (29) University of Science & Technology, (30) University Of Seoul, (31) Yonsei University, (32) Changwon National University, (33) Chonbuk Nat’l University, (34) Chonnam Nat’l University, (35) Chungbuk Nat’l University,(36) Chungnam Nat’l University, (37) Daegu University, (38) Daejeon University, (39) Donga University, (40) Dongseo University, (41) Gangneung-Wonju National University, (42) Gyeongsang Nat’l University, (43) Hallym University, (44) Handong Global University, (45) Inje University, (46) Jeju National University, (47) Jeonju University, (48) Kangwon Nat’l University, (49) Keimyung University, (50) Kongju Nat’l University, (51) Konyang University,(52) Korea University of Technology and Education, (53) Kumoh Nat’l Institute of Technology,(54) Kyungpook Nat’l University, (55) Kyungsung university, (56) Pai Chai University, (57) Pukyong Nat’l University, (58) Pusan Nat’l University, (59) Silla Univerity, (60) Soonchunhyang University, (61) Sunchon National University, (62) Sunmoon University,(63) University of Ulsan, (64) Wonkwang University, (65) Woosong University, (66)Yeungnam University Les invitamos a revisar el anexo 01 con información detallada sobre los programas de postgrado que estas universidades ofrecen. 3 o Embajada de la República de Corea ANEXOS: Anexo 01 – 2015 Graduate Courses University Information. Anexo 02 – Bases de la convocatoria. Anexo 03 – Formularios de postulación. Anexo 04 – Preguntas y respuestas sobre el Programa de Becas 4 Division Department College of Natural Sciences Mathematics(*) Physics(*) Chemistry(*) Biological Science(*) Ajou University Life Media Address: No.305, Yulgok Hall, Ajou University, 206, World cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Gyeonggi-do443-749 Website:,,, [email protected] Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) a. Graduate School Division College of Engineering Department Mechanical Engineering(*) Chemical Engineering(*) Environmental Engineering(*) Industrial Engineering(*) Architecture Architecture Engineering System Engineering Civil& Transportation Engineering Urban Development Applied Bio Technology(*) Molecular Science and Technology(*) Systems Biomedical Informatics(*) College of Information Technology Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering(*) Computer Engineering(*) Digital Media(*) Space Electronics and Information Engineering(*) School of Business ( Field of Study Management Information System(*) Financial Engineering(*) Remarks Master's Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Industrial Engineering Architecture Architecture Engineering Doctoral Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Industrial Engineering Architecture Architecture Engineering (Email of Chief of department) System Engineering System Engineering [email protected] Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Urban Development Urban Development Cosmetic Science Cosmetic Science Applied Chemistry Biological Engineering Medical Science Pharmaceutical Science Biomedical Informatics Medical and Healthcare Informatics Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Applied Chemistry Biological Engineering Medical Science Pharmaceutical Science Biomedical Informatics Medical and Healthcare Informatics Biomedical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering [email protected] Digital Media Digital Media [email protected] Space Electronics and Information Engineering Space Electronics and Information Engineering [email protected] [email protected] School of Humanities [email protected] [email protected] Business Administration(*) School of Social Sciences [email protected] Korean Language and Literature Culture and Contents Economics Applied Sociolgy Political Science and Diplomacy Medical Sciences(*) [email protected] School of Medicine [email protected] [email protected] School of Pharmacy Biomedical Sciences(*) Pharmacy(*) [email protected] - [email protected] Energy System Research(*) Field of Study Master's Doctoral Media Contents Media Contents IT Psychology IT Psychology Mathematics Mathematics Physics Physics Chemistry Chemistry Biological Science Biological Science Strategy Innovation Strategy Innovation Marketing Marketing MS/OM MS/OM OB-HRM OB-HRM Global Business Global Business Management Information Management Information System System Financial Engineering Financial Engineering Korean Language and Literature Region Contents Contents Industry Economics Applied Social Sciences Political Science and Diplomacy Clinical Medicine Public health and Social medicine Molecular Medicine Neuroscience Cancer Biology Biomedical Informatics Korean Language and Literature Convergence Medicine Convergence Medicine Pharmacy Pharmacy Applied Physics Applied Chemistry Energy Chemical Engineering Energy Material Science Engineering Energy Applied Physics Applied Chemistry Energy Chemical Engineering Energy Material Science Engineering Energy Remarks (Email of Chief of department) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - [email protected] Applied Social Sciences Political Science and Diplomacy Clinical Medicine Public health and Social medicine Molecular Medicine Neuroscience Cancer Biology Biomedical Informatics [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - In (*) marked departments, they use English as a medium of instruction in some classes. - The email addresses are the chief’s of the each department. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] b. Graduate School of International Studies Division Graduate School of International Studies Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral ( Remarks (Email of Chief of department) International Business(*) International Business - [email protected] International Trade(*) International Trade - [email protected] NGO Studies(*) NGO Studies International Development and Cooperation(*) International Development and Cooperation - - [email protected] [email protected] - GSIS provide full English courses and all the students in GSIS are international sutdents 1) Room Types On-campus Room Type Facilities 2-bed room dormitory 4-bed room dormitory Shared toilet & shower room, Common kitchen, resting room, PC labs, TV area, study room, praying room, air-condition etc 2) Dormitory Fees - The email addresses are the chief’s of the each department. Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period a. Submission of Documents : Feb. 1st ~ Mar. 16th, 2015 b. Document Screening and Interview : Mar. 19th ~ Mar.31th, 2015 Regular Semester - Spring (Mar ~ Jun) - Fall (Sep ~ Dec) Vacation Semseter - Summer (Jul ~ Aug) - Winter (Jan ~ Feb ) 2-bed room 850,000 Won / semester (Hwa-Hong Hall) 1,120,000 Won / semester (New International Dorm) 515,000 Won / semester (Hwa-Hong Hall) 680,000 Won / semester (New International Dorm) 4-bed room 575,000 Won / semester 390,000 Won / semester c. Announcement of Successful Candidates : Apr. 10th, 2015 * The above costs are based on the 2015 academic year and are subject to be changed. d. Announcement of Finnal results by NIIED : Jun. 16th, 2015 * Meals are not included. 4,000 won to 5,000 won per 1 meal in the school cafeterias. * Appicants for Embassy Quota have to follow the recuiting b. Facilities - Ajou Global Education Lounge,University library, Cafeteria & Restaurants, schedule of each embassy. PC labs on Campus, Post Office, Health Care Center,Sports Facilities, etc. 2. Important Notes 2. Contact a. Eligibility for Application 1) Office of Graduate School ( - Mr. Sanghyun Lee ( [email protected] ) - Phone : +82-31-219-2302 / Fax : +82-31-214-1500 - Kakaotalk : makeiteasy 2) Office of Graduate School of International Studies ( - Ms. Jeong-young Choi ( [email protected] ) - Phone : +82-31-219-1552 / Fax : +82-31-214-1554 3) Information of Faculty & Classes a) Faculty Information Link - b) Calsses Information Link - Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) a. Dormitory Information o The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenships. * Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program. o Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of time.*Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment (included in the application form) o Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1st, 2015 (born after Sep. 1st, 1975). o Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of September 1st, 2015. * (Important) Applicants who have ever enrolled in a university in Korea will be disqualified from applying to the KGSP program. * Applicants who are expected to graduate from their respective home undergraduate/graduate institutions by August 31st, 2015, should submit the certificate (or letter) of expected graduation issued by said institutions when hey apply; the official certificate of graduation should be received by NIIED by August 31st, 2015. o Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution. o Certificate of TOPIK of English Proficiency Score(TOEFL, TOECI, IELTS) is required for whom have it. b. Required Documents 1) for all applicants Application form , Personal Data ,Self-Introduction ,Study Plan,Letter of Recommendation,Pledge, Personal Medical Assessment, Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution,Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s),Copy of passport 2) Only for doctoral applicants Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution, Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) 3) Only for whom are available - Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy), if available - Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy), - Published papers(one or two),Awards(one or two) which are attested. - Required documents should be submitted by the Mar 20th by post or by person. Changwon National University Address: (641-773) Office of International Affairs, Changwon National University 20 Changwondaehakro, Uichanggu, Changwon , Gyengsangnamdo, Korea Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Course Division Department Master Doctorate ● ● English Language & Literature ● ● German Language & Literature ● French Language & Literature ● c. Selection Procedure - Document screening and interviews will be conducted for evaluation. Korean d. Notes - Selection for successful candidates will be done strictly by the NIIED Selection Committee. - Required documents should be submitted until March 16th by post or by person. (not by email) - Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for this program via only one institution. - Documents should be presented in their original form. - In case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original to the 1st Selection Institution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated. The confirmation of collation should be indicated in the photocopied documents. - Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. - Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the Selection Committee, and scholarship revocation even after entry into Korea. - Applicants who are expected to graduate from their respective home undergraduate/graduate institutions by August 31st, 2015, should submit the certificate (or letter) of expected graduation issued by said institutions when hey apply; the official certificate of graduation should be received by NIIED by August 31st, 2015. - Applicants must accurately complete the health checklist truthfully. All successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam when its’ orientation. In accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP Program, the candidates who are judged to be physically unfit for this program will not be accepted. * Transferring to a different university after confirming the host university is not permitted in any cases. In regards to changing majors, it would be permitted only under the mutual agreement of the departments concerned only within the same university, with the scholarship period unchanged. (2 years of Master’s, or 3 years of doctoral, in total). However, quitting a program and applying for a new one is not permitted. - All applicants must attend the interview on the designated day. - The applicant's English name and date of birth must match the information on his/her passport. Language & Literature History ● Philosophy ● Education ● Humanities Special Education & Early Childhood Social Science Law ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Public Administration ● ● International ● Education Relations Combined M & D ● ● Chinese Studies ● International Trade ● ● Business Administration ● ● ★ Economics & Financial information ● ● Accounting ● ● Tax management ● Mathematics&Statics ● ● Physics ● ● ● Chemistry ● ● ● Natural Food & Nutrition ● ● ● Science Clothing & Textile ● ● ● Biology & Microbiology ● ● ● Biochemistry & ● Health Science Nursing Science School of Mechatronics Engineering Engineering ● ● ● ● ● ● Electrical Engineering ● ● ● Electronic Engineering ● ● ● Control and Instrumentation ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Computer Engineering ★School of Materials Science ● Advanced Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Convergence Materials - 6 - & Engineering ● ● ● ● Chemical & Systems Engineering ● ● ● Civil ● ● ● Architectural Engineering ● ● ● Information & Communication Engineering ● Architecture ● Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering ● Music ● Engineering Engineering Arts ● Industrial Design ● Dance ● Physical Academy-research Education ● ● ● ● ● ● Electrical Engineering ● ● ● Electronic Engineering ● ● ● Control and Instrumentation Mechanical Engineering Advanced Metallurgical and ★School of Materials Engineering Materials Science Convergence Materials & Engineering Science and Engineering ★Physics ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ★Chemistry ● ● ★Information & Communication Engineering Advanced Metallurgical and ● Institute of Materials Science Academy-research cooperation course, Electrotechnology Research Institute Academy-research 1. Korean Language Training course ● Engineering Advanced Metallurgical and & Engineering Materials Engineering Convergence Materials Science and Engineering ● Summer May. 18th, 2015(Mon) ~ Jul. 27th, 2015(Mon) 10 weeks 200 hours Fall Sep. 1st,2015(Tue) ~ Nov. 11th,2015(Wed) 10 weeks 200 hours ● Winter Nov. 16th, 2015(Mon) ~ Jan. 26th, 2016(Tue) 10 weeks 200 hours ● ● ● ● □ ● ● Biotechnology ● ● ● Departments’ cooperation Nano & New Materials Science ● ● ● Course Bio ● ● ● ● ● ● & Engineering Convergence Materials Science and Engineering information Eco-friendly Marine plant FEED engineering ○ CWNU is under processing to make new courses ★, after completion of this process, you can apply. ○ You cannot choose specific major in dept. of Education(education psychology & counseling psychology) & dept. of Fine arts(art history), cause of department’s plan. ○ If there are under 3 applicants of majoring in sculpture of Fine art, CWNU doesn’t recruit students - 7 - Mar. 2nd, 2015(Mon) ~ May. 11th, Total class 200 hours ● engineering & technology Week 10 weeks ● Institute of ceramic Engineering Period 2015.(Fri) ● Materials Materials Science Schedule Spring ● ★School of □ Semester ● cooperation course, 2. Contact: Jongsig, Park of International Affairs Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes ● Mechanical 1. Period: 2015.2.1 ~ 3.31 (Tel : +82-55-213-2633 Email:[email protected]) ● ★School of &Materials Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) ● cooperation course, Machinery Engineering Environmental Fine Arts Science and Industrial & Systems Engineering hour Class Hour ○ One semester : 4 hours per day 5 days per week(Monday~Friday) ○ The number of students : 15 students in a class, Dividing into classes after initial placement test on the □ date of entrance ceremony.(This number subject to change based on the number of enrolled students.) Evaluation and Completion of course ○ Grade evaluation : Regular test (midterm : 30% / final: 50% / Quiz: 10% / Attendance 10%) ○ Completion of Course : Those who complete nine-tenths of 200 class hours(each semester) and passed the level tests. ○ Certificate of Education : Those who finish the semester but cannot meet the requirements for completion of course □ Extracurricular Activities ○ Orientation : For new students ○ Culture experience : Experiencing Korean cultures - 8 - ○ Afternoon Special class: Additional classes for level 1 and 3(TOPIK) students ○ Counsel: Regarding studying Korean and studying abroad with instructors Instructors □ ○ They are highly qualified academically and possess extensive teaching experiences and effective teaching methods. They are extremely helpful for students to understand the Korean culture and Korean language. □ Tuition Date of Payment Registration fee with submitting Tuition Right after getting permission Textbook Right after getting permission Insurance Right after getting permission Dormitory Right after getting permission Pick-up Not obligatory(Optional) male/female students Bed-sitting room 888,800 Won/16weeks * The dormitory fee may be increased in 2015. □ How to Apply for Dormitory Residence - You should choose the dormitory type in the application, with reference to the dormitory guidelines. If you do not, your dormitory will be designated as type A. □ Dormitory Fee: Payment and Details - The dormitory fee is for one semester(16 weeks), and for the summer and winter vacation periods, you are required to apply according to separate plans. - The fee includes two meals (breakfast & dinner) per weekday. Food tickets are available for supplementary meals. Amount of money application Dorm. 5~6(#C) □ Notes ₩ 100,000 ₩2,400,000 (1 semester / 20 weeks) ₩70,000 ₩ 150,000 (per year) About ₩ 1,000,000 (16 weeks) - If you do not want to stay in the dormitory, you should submit a report of change of abode and get the permission of the Dean of International Affairs. - When moving into a dormitory, you are required to submit a medical report (the items include hepatitis and tuberculosis) 3. Activities for international students □ One to One program ₩ 50,000 1:1 exchange program(language & culture) between Korean and international students. □ International student's Day 3. Dormitory (Based on, 2014 fall semester) Classification Dorm. 1~3 (#A) students with talent show, dinner and special programs. □ International Students Association(ISA) Student Type male students 2persons / 1room male students in Mechatronics college female Dorm. 4 (#B) This program is held every year to unite international students Fee CWNU supports the activities for ISA to support international students. Each year, ISA is organized by the election of 2persons / 1room 686,800 Won/16weeks students. 2persons / 1room 1 apartment per female students 6 people(twin room * 3) - 9 - 792,800 Won/16weeks - 10 - Division Chonbuk National University Address: 567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju City, Jeollabuk-do, 561-756, South Korea Office of International Cooperation Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Humanities/ Social Sciences Natural Sciences Department Law Education Social Studies Education Language and Literature Education Korean Social Ethics Social Welfare Sociology Journalism & Communications Psychology Political Science Public Administration Business Administration Economics International Trade Accounting International Cyber Trade & Area Study Archaeology & Cultural Anthropology Korean Language & Literature German Language & Literature Library & Information Science History English Language & Literature Japanese Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature Philosophy French Spanish & Latin American Studies English Education Records, Archives & Information Science Cognitive Science Korean Language as a Second Language Education Mathematics Education Nursing Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Biology Agricultural Economics Crop Science and Biotechnology Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural Machinery Engineering Food Science & Technology - 11 - Field of Study Master's Doctoral O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Remarks Engineering Department Horticulture Wood Engineering Forestry Landscape Architecture Animal Resources and Biotechnology Science Education Home Economics Housing Environmental Design Science Studies Physics Biology Mathematics Earth & Environmental Sciences Statistics Chemistry Molecular Biology Division of Science Education (Physics Education Major) Division of Science Education (Biology Education Major) Division of Science Education (Earth Science Education Major) Division of Science Education (Chemistry Education Major) Medical Science Dental Science Life Style Medicine SpeechLanguage Therapy Nano Science and Technology Radiation Science & Technology Bioactive Material Sciences Sport Science Oriental Medicine Resources Ecology Landscape Architecture Design Biotechnology Integrative Biotechnology BIN Fusion Technology Architecture & Urban Engineering Civil Engineering Polymer Nano Science and Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Design Engineering Division of semiconductor and chemical Engineering (Semiconductor Engineering Major) Division of semiconductor and chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Major) Industrial System Engineering Organic Materials and Fiber Engineering Software Engineering Mineral Resources and Energy Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering - 12 - Field of Study Master's Doctoral O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - O - O - O - O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Remarks Division Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Division of Electronics and Engineering (Electronic Engineering Major) Medicine Arts/ Physical Education Information O O Division of Electronics and Information Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering Major) O O Mechanical System Engineering Environmental Engineering Aerospace Engineering Electronic Information Materials Engineering IT Applied System Engineering Convergence Technology Engineering Technology Policy Design Manufacturing Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Bio-Nano System Engineering Bio-process Engineering Energy Storage Conversion Engineering Energy Engineering Image Engineering Advanced Organic Materials Engineering Information Security Engineering Information & Communication Intelligence Vehicle System Engineering Healthcare Engineering Applied Plasma Engineering Nano Semiconductors and Displays Solar Energy Engineering Veterinary Medicine Medicine Dentistry Physical Education Dance Fine Arts Industrial Design Music Korean Music O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Remarks B. Applying for Residence Hall - An applicant who wishes to live in the Residence Hall must check on the Application Form. C. Facilities - Two persons share a room. - Serving 3 meals a day except Saturdays and Sundays - Each room is furnished with a desk, chair, wardrobe, bed, shoe rack, bookshelf, Internet, bathroom, shower room, phone, desk lamp, etc. ※ You need to provide your own blanket and pillows, as well as toiletry (soap, towel, etc.) - Common Room: lounge, seminar room, reading room, computer room, training room, AV room, Prayer room - Attached Facilities: laundry room (coin operated), dining hall, convenience store (CVS), stationery store, cafe, etc. - Office: +82-(0)63-270-4723 - Website: 2. Korean Language Classes A. Language Education Center of CBNU operates Korean Language Classes for graduate students. B. Level: Basic, Intermediate C. Period: Same as the Fall Semester, 2014 D. Time: Monday through Friday, 13:00~14:50 E. Fee: KRW \280,000 Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: February 2nd(Mon) ~ March 28th(Fri), 2015 2. Contact: Ms. Lee Hana (Office of International Cooperation) Tel : +82-(0)63-270-4382 / E-mail : [email protected] How to Apply: Visit the Korean Language Center and take a level test. F. Inquiry: Center for Language Education(☎+82-(0)63-270-4479) 3. Traditional Korean Culture Experience A. There is "Traditional Korean Culture Experience" available in Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes the undergraduate course. Graduate students can also attend this class. 1. Residence Hall (Dormitory) A. Fee: Approximately 250,000 Won/Month - 13 - - 14 - B. Class Hours: Total 30 hours (3 Saturdays and 1 Sunday, 8 Chonnam National University hours/day for 3 weeks) C. Contents: Theory and Experience of Traditional Korean Culture Address: 77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Chonnam National University (500-757) Website: D. Fee: Free of charge E. Place: Around Jeonju-si (Hanok Village) 4. CBNU International Buddy(CIB) Program A. Program: 2 times a year (spring semester, fall semester) B. Meet Korean friends 1:1 C. Meet Korean friends at least once a week and converse in Korean to help foreigners learn Korean language Ⅰ. Academic Programs ★ Applicants for English Language & Literature MUST have TOEFL(CBT 210 / iBT 80 / PBT 550) or IELTS 5.5 or TEPS 550 or TOEIC 660 ● Applicants for Biomedical Science-Major of Molecular Medicine, Medical Science MUST have medical license. Division √ Sciences (Gwangju) Applied Biology 5. Important Notes A. Mailing Address : Office of International Cooperation, Chonbuk National University 567 Baekje-daero Deokjin-Gu Jeonju-si Jeollabuk-do 561-756, Repulic of Korea B. Office : +82-(0)63-270-4382 D. E-mail : [email protected] Humanities & Social Sciences (Gwangju) E. Homepage of CBNU - CBNU Admission (Korean): - CBNU Korean: - CBNU English: - CBNU Chinese: F. Homepage of Office of International Cooperation: Humanities & Social Sciences (Yeosu) Natural - 15 - Field of Study Master's Doctoral Global MBA Accounting Agricultural Economics Anthropology Business Administration Chinese Lang & Literature Communication Early Childhood Education Economics Education English Lang Education English Lang & Literature French Lang & Literature Geography German Lang & Literature History International Business Japanese Lang & Literature Korean Education Korean Lang & Literature Law Library & Information Science Philosophy Political Science Psychology Public Administration Regional Development Social Studies Education Sociology Business Administration English International Commerce Transportation and Logistics Agricultural Chemistry Animal Science & Bioindustry Animal Science & Biotech D. Help foreign students in school life and Korean life C. Fax : +82-(0)63-270-2099 Department - 16 - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Remarks English medium √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ ★ Natural Sciences (Yeosu) Engineering (Gwangju) Engineering (Yeosu) Arts (Gwangju) Medical Science (Gwangju) Interdisciplinary Applied Plant Science Bioenergy Science & Tech Biological Sciences & Biotech Biotechnology Chemistry Clothing and Textiles Geology & Environmental Sciences Family Environment & Welfare Food and Nutrition Food Science & Technology Forestry Horticulture Landscape Architecture Mathematics & Statistics Oceanography Pharmacy Physics Rural & Bio-systems Eng. Wood Science & Engineering Wood Science & Landscape Architecture Aqualife Medicine Culture Contents Environmental Oceanography Advanced Chemicals & Eng. Architectural Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics & Computer Eng. Energy & Resources Engineering Environment & Energy Engineering Industrial Engineering Materials Science & Engineering Mechanical Engineering Polymer Engineering Architecture Biotechnology & Chemical Eng. Civil & Environmental Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical & Semiconductor Eng. Electronic Communication Eng. Mechanical Design Engnieering Production Engineering Refrigeration & Air-Cond. Eng. Fine Arts Korean Traditional Music Music Biomedical Science-Molecular Medicine Biomedical Science-Biomedical Science Dental Science Medical Science Nursing Science Veterinary Medicine Archival Studies Bioenergy & Biomaterials - 17 - √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Chinese Digital Convergence √ √ East Asia Studies √ Cultural Properties Electronic Commerce Global Diaspora Studies Molecular Medical Science NGO Photonics Engineering Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language Translation Korean Tests in Classical Programs (Gwangju) Interdisciplinary Programs (Yeosu) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Ⅱ. KGSP Application 1. Period: Feb. 9(Mon), 2015 ~ Mar. 25(Wed), 2015 2. Eligibility & Required documents: same as 2015 KGSP guidance √ from NIIED √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - E-Mail: [email protected] 77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 500-757, South Korea (Ms. Shinhye Kang) 4. Admission Timetable Steps √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Dates Notes Submit all required documents to the address above. Application & Document Feb. 9 – Mar. 25, 2015 Submission √ - Phone: +82-62-530-1273 - Address: Office of International Affairs, Chonnam National University, √ √ 3. Contact: Ms. Shinhye Kang / Office of International Affairs, CNU person or by post mail to the OIA before the deadline. Application Review Mar. 26 – Mar. 27, 2015 Phone Interview Mar. 28, 2015 √ Application Reveiw by the Department Mar. 30 – Apr. 6, 2015 √ Recommend the successful Apr. 8, 2015 applicants to NIIED √ NIIED Final Admission Committee Apr. 23 – Apr. 24, 2015 Final Decision Announcement Apr. 30, 2015 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ * All documents must be submitted in ● Announced on the NIIED website: ● 5. Important Notes a. All documents should be in either Korean or English. Documents in other languages must be accompanied by - 18 - Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes notarized Korean or English translations. b. c. If applicants write their address and telephone number 1. Residence incorrectly, or they are out of contact, they are responsible The Residence Halls, accommodating 4,200 students, give students for all the inconveniences resulting from those mistakes. a chance to live in the convenient housing environment on the Submitted documents will not be returned. beautiful campus. - Dormitory Fees (a semester/ 6 months) ※ Chonnam National University Classification Bldg. 3-5 Bldg. 6 Bldg. 8 1. History & Location - Established in 1952, CNU is a national university located in the heart of Gwangju (Southwest of Korea). Twin 682,500won 622,500won 735,000won Single - 1,245,000won 1,470,000won Bldg. 9 712,500won Apt. Type 772,500won Studio Type - - 16 Colleges, 2 Direct departments, Graduate Schools, 5 Professional Graduate Schools, 5 Specialized Graduate Schools 2. Competitiveness (Research excellence, Employment support, Outstanding education) - One of the best universities funded by Korean government - National university with the most cited theses in 2014 Asia University Assessment (Chosun Ilbo·QS) - Ranked third amongst national universities in employment rate - Ranked first amongst national universities in the 2013 Student Satisfaction Survey (Joongang Ilbo) - Scholarship funding 1/2 of tuition standard (53 million dollars of scholarship support in 2013) 2. International Peer Support CNU International achievement and Peer Support adaptation to aims to enhance academic university life for incoming undergraduate international student by Korean partner students including the following Activities: 1) Registering in classes and writing a study hour plan 2) Participating in department gatherings and events 3) Meeting academic advisors and obtaining other information 4) Writing reports and assignments 5) Preparing for examinations 6) Notify informations related to various areas(Office of International 3. Focused Areas - Selected by the Ministry of Education for 7 specialization projects - Ranked first in the field of information and telecommunication on Industrial University Assessment(Ministry of Education) - International exchange program with 300+ universities in 42 countries - Selected (twice in a row) as accredited university for International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS) by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Justice 4. Specialized Areas of Majors: - Business Administration: Accredited by AACSB(2012), Chosen as a highly specialized major by Ministry of Education - Mechanical Engineering: Chosen as a highly specialized major by Ministry of Education - Biotechnology ․ Food Science & Tech. ․ Agricultural Chemistry: Participating department in The Brain Korea(BK) 21 Plus Project - Energy&Resource Engineering: Chosen as a highly specialized major by Ministry of Education - Political Science: Participating department in Public Welfare Manpower Training Project - 19 - Affairs, Employment support team, departments, etc.) 7) Checking out books from on-campus library 8) Gwangju city tour and assistance in various cultural experiences 3. International Student Support Program 1) The Office of International Affairs will provide an overall support for international students from admission to graduation, including: student life, immigration services, future career opportunities, and more. 2) Participation of international student related events and Korean cultural/traditional events hosted by CNU and the local community 3) Priority dormitory residence for international students 4) Provide student VISA related services, and make health insurance claims 5) Provide free Korean language course during semesters - 20 - Chung-Ang University Address: 84 Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Korea Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate School) Division Liberal Arts and Social Science Engineering Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Remarks Food Science and Technology ○ ○ Integrative Plant Science ○ ○ Home Economics ○ ○ Food & Nutrition ○ ○ Nursing ○ ○ Pharmacy ○ ○ Civil Engineering ○ ○ Architecture ○ ○ Chemical Engineering and Material Science ○ ○ Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ Electrical and Electronics Engineering ○ ○ Computer Science and Engineering ○ ○ Korean Language and Literature ○ ○ Architectural Engineering ○ ○ English Language and Literature ○ ○ Department of Integrative Engineering ○ ○ European Languages and Cultures ○ ○ Fashion ○ X Japanese Language and Literature ○ ○ Psychology ○ ○ Music ○ ○ Philosophy ○ ○ Korean Music ○ ○ Department of Plastic Art & Photography ○ X Design ○ ○ Department of Performing Arts ○ ○ Medicine ○ ○ Child and Youth Studies ○ ○ Cultural Properties ○ ○ Creative Writing ○ ○ Northeast Asia Studies ○ ○ Entrepreneurship ○ ○ Cultural Studies ○ ○ Interdiscipl Art Science ○ ○ inary Cultural-Art Business Administration ○ ○ Security Convergence ○ ○ Sport Technology & Information ○ ○ ○ X History ○ ○ Library and Information Science ○ ○ Education ○ ○ Early Childhood Education ○ ○ English Education ○ ○ Law ○ ○ Political Science and International Relations ○ ○ Public Administration ○ ○ Economics ○ ○ Business Administration ○ ○ International Trade and Logistics ○ ○ Accounting ○ ○ Industrial Economics ○ ○ Social Welfare ○ ○ Art and Education Doctorate for Art Science is established in Interdisciplinary Medicine Study proposal is required for application document Mass Communication ○ ○ German and European Studies Advertising and Public Relations ○ ○ Human resource development X ○ Urban Planning and Real Estate ○ ○ Energy Engineering ○ ○ Sociology ○ ○ Mechanical System Engineering ○ X Statistics ○ ○ Physical Education ○ ○ Physics ○ ○ Chemistry ○ ○ Natural Life Science ○ ○ Science Systems Biotechnology ○ ○ Mathematics ○ ○ Animal Science and Technology ○ ○ - 21 - Ph.D program is established in Design - 22 - (Graduate School of International Studies) Division Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department International Studies Program Liberal Arts Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Remarks *Graduate School: No online application in available. 2. Contact: ○ 연락처 and Social Science Advanced Interpretation and Translation Program Majors in Korean-English, Korean-Chinese, Korean-Russian ○ (Graduate school of advanced imaging science, multimedia & film) Division 업무명 (Task) 담당자명 (Name) 장학생 일반대학원 장혜나 선발 담당 Office of Graduate (Hannah Selection Studies 국제대학원 Chang) 장학생 선발 담당 Selection Field of Study Master's Doctoral 부서명 (Department) International 이동영 (Dong-young Digital Imaging ○ ○ 장학생 Graduate School of 김응천 Game Engineering ○ ○ 선발 담당 Advanced Imaging (Eungchun CG/VR ○ ○ Selection Science, Multimedia Kim) Technology Art ○ ○ ○ ○ Imaging ○ ○ ○ ○ Industry Policy Multimedia Making and Planning & Film Animation Studies/ 장학생 선발 담당 ○ Film Making ○ Special Effects ○ Animation Making ○ (A4 paper, 5~10 ○ Global MBA [full-time] CAU Finance MBA [email protected] 82-2-820-5623 82-2-821-8652 [email protected] 82-2-820-5409 82-2-814-9110 경영전문대학원 조용주 Business School (Yongju Jo) [email protected] 82-2-820-5038 82-2-817-4891 Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Resident Hall Chung-Ang University Dormitory opened in fall 2010. Both Korean and international 1 DVD Portfolio students live in the dormitory providing an international atmosphere with the most 1 DVD Portfolio modern facilities. The Monthly rent is around $250(USD) for a room with four beds 1 DVD Portfolio or and $350(USD) for a room with two beds. The dormitory provides Fitness Center, A4 paper(10 pages) (Business School) Major(detailed) [email protected] Academic Criticism pages) Contents Producing Department 82-2-812-7261 of Works or Maker Film & Animation Science and Arts 82-2-820-5027 E-MAIL Website & Film Selection Film Studies Imaging 팩스(FAX) Lee) Imaging Digital Scientific 전화(TEL) Studies 첨단영상대학원 Major(Detailed) MFA Remarks Graduate School of Department Science MBA 1. Period : Feb 2, 2015(Mon) ~ March 16, 2015(Mon) seminar rooms, E-lunge and so on. 2. Important Notes Field of Study Master's Doctoral Remarks - Specialized Courses for Finance/Asset Management · Foundation courses for business administration(1st year), Finance/Asset management(2nd year) - All lecture in English ○ - All application documents must be original or properly certified copies of the originals. Graduate School - All documents (except a copy of passport, ID and alien registration card) in a language other than English or Korean must be accompanied by a notarized English or Korean translation. - All submitted documents will not be returned. Graduate School of International Studies - 23 - - All courses of ISP(International Studies Program) are conducted in English. - AITP(Advanced Interpretation and Translation Program) requires near native Korean proficiency. - 24 - Division Chungbuk National University Department Education Educational Psychology and Counseling/ History of Education and Philosophy of Education/ Educational Administration/ Educational Sociology/ Curriculum, Educational Evaluation and Educational Technology Korean Education Korean Education English Education Ethics Education Social Education History and Geography Education Child Welfare Consumer Studies Mathematics Physics Biochemistry English Education Ethics Education Social Education History Education/ Geography Education Child Welfare Consumer Studies Mathematics Physics Physical Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry/ Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Zoology and Conservation Biology/ Botany and Environmental Biology Information Statistics Microbiology and Biotechnology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Educational Psychology and Counseling/ History of Education and Philosophy of Education/ Educational Administration/ Educational Sociology/ Curriculum, Educational Evaluation and Educational Technology Korean Education/ Korean Education as a foreign language major English Education Ethics Education Social Education History Education/ Geography Education Child Welfare Consumer Studies Mathematics Physics Physical Chemistry/ Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry/ Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Zoology and Conservation Biology/ Botany and Environmental Biology Information Statistics Microbiology and Biotechnology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Earth &Environmental Sciences Geological Sciences Geological Sciences Public Astronomical Science/ Astronomy and Space Science Crop Science Forest Resources/ Forest Management Rural Development Engineering/ Environmental and Agricultural Water Engineering Tobacco Science/ Industrial Plant Science and Technology Bio-Production Engineering/ Energy and Bio-Process Engineering Pulp and Paper Technology / Wood Engineering and Conservation Science Public Astronomical Science/ Astronomy and Space Science Crop Science Forest Resources/ Forest Management Rural Development Engineering/ Environmental and Agricultural Water Engineering Tobacco Science/ Industrial Plant Science and Technology Bio-Production Engineering/ Energy and Bio-Process Engineering Pulp and Paper Technology / Wood Engineering and Conservation Science Humanities and Social Division Department Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature German Language and Literature French Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature History Philosophy Humanities and Social Sciences Russian Language and Literature Archaeology and Art History Economics Public Administration Political Science and International Relations Psychology Sociology Accounting International Business Business Administration Management Information Systems Agricultural Economics Law Field of Study Sciences Master's Doctoral Korean Linguistics/ Modern Korean Literature/ Classical Korean Literature English Linguistics / English Literature/ English Communication German Linguistics/ German Literature French Linguistics/ French Literature Chinese Linguistics/ Chinese Literature Korean History/ Asian History/ Western History Western Philosophy/ Eastern Philosophy Russian Linguistics/ Russian Literature Archaeology/ Art History Economics Public Administration Political Science and International Relations Psychology Sociology Accounting International Business Financial Management/ Operations Management/ Marketing/Human Resource Management &Organization Management Information Systems Agricultural Economics/ Farm Management Public Law/Social Law/ Science and Technology Law/Civil Law/ Commercial Law/ Criminal Law·Principles of Jurisprudence Korean Linguistics/ Modern Korean Literature/ Classical Korean Literature - 25 - Remarks Doctoral Address: Chungdae-ro 1, Seowon-Gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 362-763, Korea Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Field of Study Master's Remarks English Linguistics / English Literature Chemistry Korean History/ Asian History/ Western History Western Philosophy/ Eastern Philosophy Biology Statistics Microbiology Archaeology/ Art History Economics Public Administration Political Science and International Relations Psychology Accounting International Business Financial Management/ Operations Management/ Marketing/Human Resource Management &Organization Management Information Systems Agricultural Economics/ Farm Management Natural Sciences Astronomy and Space Science Crop Science Forest Science Agricultural & Rural Engineering Industrial Plant Science and technology Biosystems Engineering Forest Products - 26 - Division Natural Sciences Engineer ing Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral School of Animal Science, Horticulture, and Food Science and Technology [Animal Science] Animal Science Animal Science [Horticultural Science] Horticultural Science Horticultural Science [Food Science and Food Science and Food Science and Technology] Technology Technology Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural Chemistry Plant Pathology/ Plant Pathology/ Agricultural Biology Applied Entomology Applied Entomology Physics Education/ Physics Education/ Chemistry Education/ Chemistry Education/ Science Education Biology Education/ Biology Education/ Earth Science Education Earth Science Education Mathematics Education Mathematics Education Mathematics Education Housing & Interior Housing & Interior Design Housing & Interior Design Design Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Fashion Design Fashion Design Fashion Design Information Information Information School of Pharmacy New Drug Development New Drug Development New Drug Development Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmaceutical Industry Clinical Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy Structural Engineering/ Structural Engineering/ Hydrosystem Engineering/ Hydrosystem Engineering/ Survey and Geo-Spatial Survey and Geo-Spatial Civil Engineering Information Engineering/ Information Engineering/ Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Engineering Construction Engineering Management Management Architectural Architectural Engineering Architectural Engineering Engineering Materials Engineering Materials Engineering Materials Engineering Computer Engineering/ Computer Engineering Ubiquitous Engineering Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Engineering Safety Engineering Safety Engineering Safety Engineering Engineering Chemistry Engineering Chemistry Engineering Chemistry Computational Structural Computational Structural Engineering/ Engineering/ Department of Civil Systems and CAE Systems and CAE System Engineering (Computer-Aided (Computer-Aided Engineering) Engineering) Precision Mechanical Precision Mechanical Precision Mechanical Engineering Engineering Engineering School of Environment, Urban, and Chemical Engineering [Environmental Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering Engineering] [Urban Engineering] Urban Engineering Urban Engineering [Chemical Engineering] Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering - 27 - Remarks Division Engineer ing Arts Medical Sciences Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral School of Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering and Computer Science [Electrical Engineering] Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering [Electronics Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Engineering] [Computer and Computer and Computer and Communication Communication Communication Engineering] Engineering Engineering [Radio&Communicatio Radio&Communications Radio&Communications ns Engineering] Engineering Engineering [Control and Robot Control and Robot Control and Robot Engineering] Engineering Engineering [Semiconductor Semiconductor Engineering Semiconductor Engineering Engineering] [Computer Science] Computer Science Computer Science [Computer Engineering] Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Architecture Architecture Digital Information and Digital Information and Digital Information and Convergence Convergence Convergence Oriental Painting/ Fine Art Western Painting/ Sculpture Design Design Exercise Science Exercise Science Exercise Science Anatomy/Surgery/ Anatomy/Surgery/ Obstetrics & Gynecology/ Obstetrics & Gynecology/ Internal Medicine/Urology/ Internal Medicine/Urology/ Thoracic & Cardiovascular Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery/Parasitology/ Surgery/Parasitology/ Ophthalmology/ Ophthalmology/ Otorhinolaryngology/ Otorhinolaryngology/ Dermatology/Neurosurgery/ Dermatology/Neurosurgery/ Plastic Surgery/Neurology/ Plastic Surgery/Neurology/ Anesthesiology&Pain Anesthesiology&Pain Medicine/ Medicine/ Laboratory Medicine/ Laboratory Medicine/ Health Informatics and Health Informatics and Management/ Management/ Medicine Radiation Oncology/ Radiation Oncology/ Orthopedics/Pathology/ Orthopedics/Pathology/ Preventive Medicine/ Preventive Medicine/ Medical Engineering/ Medical Engineering/ Physiology/ Physiology/ Rehabilitation Medicine/ Rehabilitation Medicine/ Microbiology/Biochemistry/ Microbiology/Biochemistry/ Pharmacology/Emergency Pharmacology/Emergency Medicine/Cell Biology & Medicine/Cell Biology & Genetics/Neuroscience/ Genetics/Neuroscience/ Pediatrics/Radiology/ Pediatrics/Radiology/ Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychiatry Morphological Morphological Veterinary Medicine/ Veterinary Medicine/ Preventive Veterinary Preventive Veterinary Medicine/ Medicine/ Bioproduct Evaluation Bioproduct Evaluation Veterinary Medicine Science/ Science/ Functional Veterinary Functional Veterinary Medicine/ Medicine/ Clinical Veterinary Clinical Veterinary Medicine Medicine - 28 - Remarks Division Biotechnology Industry Natural Sciences Synthetic Biology Cultural Heritage Conservation Forest Therapy Information Industrial Engineering Engineer ing Bio and Information Technology Medical Bio Engineering Green Energy Engineering 1. Dormitory Information Field of Study Department Remarks Master's Bioactive Drugs/ Functional Foods/ Bioactive Materials Synthetic Biology Cultural Heritage Conservation Forest Therapy Multimedia Engineering/ Spatial Information Engineering Bigdata Medical Bio Engineering Doctoral Bioactive Drugs/ Functional Foods/ Bioactive Materials Synthetic Biology Cultural Heritage Conservation Forest Therapy Multimedia Engineering/ Spatial Information Engineering Multimedia Engineering/ Spatial Information Engineering Medical Bio Engineering 1)Foreign students have priority for admission when they submit documentary evidence. A candidate who has a legally designated infectious disease, or persons disqualified for communal living will be excluded. 2)Dormitory Fee Dormitory YangseongJae (BTL) YanghyunJae (DeungyongKwan) Green Energy Engineering Dormitory Fee About 1,100,000won/Semester (Including Meal) About 500,000won/Semester (Including Meal) About 1,000,000won/Semester (Meal Excluded) Remarks 2. Important Notes Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Application Period : From February 1 to March 20, 2015 2. Contact : Hwang, Seon young / Office of International Services - Telephone: +82-43-261-3890 1) For graduate school policies, contact Office of International Services(Tel : +82-43-261-3890, 2) Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. 3) Misconduct during exams will cause exam results to be invalid. - Fax: +82-43-268-2068 False or forged documents, misrepresenting applications, or any - email: [email protected] other illegality will cause admissions to be cancelled. - Mailing Address: Office of International Services Chungbuk National University Chungdae-ro 1, Seowon-Gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 362-763, Korea Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes - 29 - 4) Any document written by in other language but Korean or English, should be attached by notarized translation into Korean or English 5) Any other affairs which is not included in this list should be treated according to the university regulations and the determinations of the foreign student admission screening committee. - 30 - Chungnam National University Division Address: 99, Daehak-ro(St), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-764, Korea Website: Department Political Science and Diplomacy Field of Study Master's International Politics and Defense Foreign Policy Political Philosophy and Comparative Politics Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 1. Master Programs(Departments and Majors) Division Department Korean Language & Literature English Language & Literature German Language & Literature French Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature Humanities Japanese Language & and Social Literature Sciences Sino-Korean Literature History Korean History Philosophy Archaeology Linguistics Sociology Library & Information Science Psychology Public Administration - 31 - Field of Study Master's Classic Literature Korean Linguistics Modern Korean Literature English Literature English Linguistics German Studies Interpretation and Translation French Literature French Linguistics Chinese language and literature Korean chinese interpretation and translation Japanese Literature Japanese Linguistics Sino-Korean Literature Classics Translation East-asian History Western History Korean History Oriental Philosophy Western Philosophy Comparative Philosophy Archaeology Theoretical Linguistics Computational Linguistics Sociology Library & Information Science Basic Psychology Applied Psychology Public Administration Communications Communication Local Autonomy Administration Local Autonomy Administration Social Welfare Social Welfare Economics History Economics Economics Marketing Production Management · MIS Human Resource Management & Humanities Business Administration Organizational Behavior and Social Financial Management Sciences International Business Management Accounting Accounting Financial Accounting International Trade International Trade Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics Law Education Psychology and Curriculum Philosophy and History of Education Education Administration and Sociology of Mathematics Physics Natural Sciences Chemistry & Biochemistry Education Pure Mathematics Applied Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biochemistry Oceanography Environmental Oceanography Statistics Data Information Science Oceanography Statistics Astronomy & Space Science and Geology - 32 - Astronomy & Space Science and Geology Division Department Agronomy Horticulture Forest Resources Agricultural Biology Animal Science Master's Breeding Crop Science Horticulture Forest Resources Management Forest Resources Entomology Plant Pathology Animal Breeding and Division Natural Sciences Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Machinery Engineering Sciences Agricultural Chemistry Food & Nutrition - 33 - Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Polymer Engineering Industrial Chemistry and Information Radio Sciences & Engineering, Advanced Materials Engineering Materials Engineering Communications Engineering Environment Control Engineering Soil and Plant Nutrition Agro-environmental Chemistry Fine Chemistry & Biological Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Chemical Engineering Polymer Engineering Industrial Chemistry Microwaves and Optics Semiconductor and Circuits Control and Navigation Communication and Signal Processing Radio Sciences and Engineering Computer Network Communication System Computer System Applied Materials Engineering Engineering Bioresources Process & Ecology Clothing & Textiles Biotechnology Geotechnical Engineering Bioproduction Machinery Biotechnology Pharmacy Master's Molecular Cellular Biology & Bioscience and Division of Electronics, Consumers Life Information Nursing Bioscience and Food Science & Technology Field of Study Developmental Genetics Plant Systems Biology and Informatics Agricultural Structures and Technology Wood Engineering Pulp & Paper Technology Engineering Food Science & Technology Drug Target Drug Evaluation Pharmaceutical Chemistry Clothing & Textiles Food Science Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Consumers Life Information Nursing Biodiversity & Environmental Biobased Materials Department Reproduction Animal Science Dairy Science and Resources Dairy Food and Biotechnology Environmental Water Resources Dairy Science Natural Field of Study Mechatronics Engineering Advanced Organic Materials and Advanced Organic Materials and Textile System Engineering Electrical Engineering Architectural Engineering Architecture Mechanical Engineering Textile System Engineering Electrical Machine & Materials Electric Power and Automation Electric Power IT Architectural Planning Architectural Structure Architecture Structural Mechanics and Control System Advanced Manufacturing System Thermal and Fluids System Multidisciplinary System Design - 34 - Field of Study Master's Structural Engineering Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Geomatics Engineering and Construction Management Naval Architecture & Ocean Marine Structure Engineering Marine Hydrodynamics Water management & Drinking water Engineering Environmental Engineering Air, Energy, Waste Engineering Engineering Computer Communications and Security Computer Engineering Computer Systems and Multimedia Data and Software Engineering Aerodynamics and Propulsion Aerospace Engineering Structures and Control Technology & Invention Education Engineering Technology Education Industrial & Engineering Education Division Department Convergence System Engineering Medicine Smart Materials and Structures Engineering Convergence Process and Manufacturing System Infection Biology Internal Medicine Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Microbiology Radiation Oncology Radiology Pathology Urology Obstetrics & Gynecology Physiology Biochemistry Plastic Surgery Pediatrics Neurology Neuro Surgery Opthalmology Pharmacology Preventive Medicine Otolaryngology Surgery Medicine - 35 - Division Medicine Department Medicine Biomedical Science Veterinary Medicine Natural Sciences Veterinary Medicine Sciences Science Clinical Veterinary Medical Music Wind and String Instrument Physical Education Physical Education Fine Arts Natural Master's Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine Rehabilitation Medicine Psychiatry Orthopedic Surgery Dermatology Anatomy Chest Surgery Molecular Medicine Emergency Medicine Family Medicine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Biomedical Science Basic Veterinary Medical Science Preventive Veterinary Medical Science Sport Science Dance Paintings Sculpture Clinical Nutrition Craft Art Visual communication design Music Wind and String Instrument Sport Science Dance Fine Arts and Music Field of Study Industrial Arts Biomedical Engineering Public Health Archival Science Speech-Language Pathology Interdisciplinary Global Cultural Contents Programs Military Studies Criminal Investigation International Area Studies Clinical Pharmacy & Administration Atmospheric Science - 36 - Biomedical Engineering Archival Management Speech - Language Pathology Global Cultural Contents Clinical Pharmacy & Administration Atmospheric Science 2. Doctoral Programs(Departments and Majors) Division Department Korean Language & Literature English Language & Literature German Language & Literature French Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature Japanese Language & Literature Sino-Korean Literature History Korean History Humanities and Social Sciences Philosophy Archaeology Linguistics Sociology Library & Information Science Psychology Public Administration Political Science and Diplomacy Communications Local Autonomy Administration Social Welfare Economics - 37 - Division Department Field of Study Doctoral Classic Literature Korean Linguistics Modern Korean Literature English Literature English Linguistics German Literature German Linguistics French Literature French Linguistics Chinese Literature Chinese Linguistics Japanese Literature Japanese Linguistics Sino-Korean Literature East-asian History Western History Korean History Oriental Philosophy Western Philosophy Comparative Philosophy Archaeology Theoretical Linguistics Computational Linguistics Sociology Library & Information Science Basic Psychology Applied Psychology Public Administration International Politics and Defense Foreign Policy Political Philosophy and Comparative Politics Communication Local Autonomy Administration Social Welfare Economics History Economics Business Administration Accounting Humanities International Trade Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences Law Marketing Production Management · MIS Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior Financial Management International Business Management Accounting Financial Accounting International Trade Agricultural Economics Public Law International Law Civil Law Criminal Law Commercial Law Intellectual Property Law Education Psychology and Curriculum Philosophy and History of Education Education Administration and Sociology of Mathematics Physics Chemistry & Biochemistry Natural Sciences Field of Study Doctoral Astronomy & Space Science and Geology Oceanography Statistics Agronomy - 38 - Education Pure Mathematics Applied Mathematics Physics Inorganic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Biochemistry Astronomy & Space Science and Geology Oceanography Environmental Oceanography Statistics Data Information Science Breeding Crop Science Division Department Horticulture Forest Resources Agricultural Biology Animal Science Dairy Science Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Machinery Engineering Natural Division and Informatics Agricultural Structures and Geotechnical Engineering Bioproduction Machinery Engineering Bioresources Process & Agricultural Chemistry Biobased Materials Food Science & Technology Pharmacy Clothing & Textiles Food & Nutrition Consumers Life Information Nursing Bioscience and Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Polymer Engineering Industrial Chemistry - 39 - Ecology Molecular Cellular Biology & Developmental Genetics Plant Systems Biology Molecular Microbiology Molecular Biotechnology Chemical Engineering Polymer Engineering Industrial Chemistry Mechatronics Engineering Advanced Organic Materials Agro-environmental Chemistry Fine Chemistry & Biological Technology Wood Engineering Pulp & Paper Technology Engineering Food Science & Technology Drug Target Drug Evaluation Pharmaceutical Chemistry Clothing & Textiles Food Science Nutrition Nursing Biodiversity & Environmental Field of Study Doctoral Division of Electronics, Radio Sciences Microwaves and Optics & Engineering, and Information Semiconductor and Circuits Control and Navigation Communications Engineering Communication and Signal Division of Electronics, Processing Radio Sciences & Engineering, Radio Sciences and Engineering and Information Computer Network Communication System Communications Engineering Computer System Advanced Materials Applied Materials Engineering Materials Engineering Engineering Department Mechatronics Engineering Environment Control Engineering Soil and Plant Nutrition Sciences Engineering Field of Study Doctoral Horticulture Forest Resources Entomology Plant Pathology Animal Breeding and Reproduction Animal Science Dairy Science and Resources Dairy Food and Biotechnology Environmental Water Resources Engineering Advanced Organic Materials and and Textile System Engineering Textile System Engineering Electrical Machine & Materials Electrical Engineering Electric Power and Automation Electric Power IT Architectural Planning Architectural Engineering Architectural Structure Architecture Structural Mechanics and Control Mechanical Engineering System Advanced Manufacturing System Thermal and Fluids System Multidisciplinary System Design Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Geomatics Engineering and Construction Management Naval Architecture & Ocean Marine Structure Engineering Marine Hydrodynamics Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Communications and Security - 40 - Division Department Computer Engineering Aerospace Engineering Engineering Engineering Technology Education Convergence System Engineering Medicine Field of Study Doctoral Computer Systems and Multimedia Data and Software Engineering Aerodynamics and Propulsion Structures and Control Technology & Invention Education Industrial & Engineering Education Convergence Process and Manufacturing System - 41 - Department Medicine Biomedical Science Veterinary Medicine Natural Veterinary Medicine Sport Science Sciences Dance Fine Arts Fine Arts Industrial Arts Smart Materials and Structures Engineering Infection Biology Internal Medicine Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Microbiology Radiation Oncology Radiology Pathology Urology Obstetrics & Gynecology Physiology Biochemistry Plastic Surgery Pediatrics Neurology Neuro Surgery Opthalmology Pharmacology Preventive Medicine Otolaryngology Surgery Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine Rehabilitation Medicine Psychiatry Orthopedic Surgery Dermatology Anatomy Chest Surgery Molecular Medicine Emergency Medicine Medicine Division and Music Natural Sciences Music Wind and String Instrument Physical Education Biomedical Engineering Public Health Archival Science Speech-Language Pathology Global Cultural Contents Military Studies Criminal Investigation Interdisciplinary International Area Studies Programs Clinical Pharmacy & Administration Atmospheric Science National Public Policy Field of Study Doctoral Family Medicine Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Biomedical Science Basic Veterinary Medical Science Preventive Veterinary Medical Science Clinical Veterinary Medical Science Health & Sport Science Sport Culture & Industry Dance Industrial Arts Humanities & Social Science in Sports Natural Science in Sports Biomedical Engineering Public Health Speech - Language Pathology Global Cultural Contents Military Studies Criminal Investigation Chinese Studies Clinical Pharmacy & Administration Atmospheric Science Global Public Policy Green Urban and Regional Policy Science and Technology Policy Agricultural, Food and Health Policy Ⅱ. Admission Schedule 1. Application Period : (Tue.) Feb. 10, ~ (Thu.) Mar. 19, 2015 2. Evaluation of Major Learning Capability : (Mon.) Mar. 30, ~ (Wed.) Apr. 1, 2015 3. Announcement of Admission Result : (Fri.) Apr. 10, 2015 - 42 - Ⅲ. Application Procedure Daegu Unviersity 1. Evaluation of Major Learning Capability - Evaluate the documents that applicants submit(If necessary, Interview test by e-mail, telephone, and so on ) Address: Daegu University Graduate School, Jillyang, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 712-714 South Korea Website: 2. Total number of Applicants for Selection - Each designated domestic university can recommend up to 20 candidates (3 per country) Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Ⅳ. Residence Hall 1. There are two types of rooms, which are designed for two people respectively. 2. Co-ed halls with gym, laundry room, coffee shop, cafeteria, stationery, computer room, dining hall and convenient store. 3. Types : Double, Apt type, Married Student Housing 4. Each room furnished with a bed, desk, chair, closet and bookshelf 5. Fee : Includes room & 2 meals (breakfast & dinner) a day (3 meals a day on weekends and holidays) Double room : 1,060,000Won/Semester 6. Contact : Tel. 82-42-821-6181, Email : [email protected] 7. Further Information: Visit the following website. Divisio n Human ities and Soc i a l Scienc es Department Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature German Language and Literature Field of Study Master's Language Korean Literature English Language Literature German Language Literature and & Public Administration Korean Literature English Literature Language Remarks and English lectures UNAVAILABLE Public Law Private Law Public Administration Urban & Information Administration Urban & Regional Planning Real Estate Secondary Social Studies Education History Education Social Studies Education Geography Education Public Law Private Law Public Administration Urban & Information Administration Urban & Regional Planning Real Estate ( Urban Public Administration Ⅴ. Important Notes Economics Economics Economics International Trade B u s i n e s s Administration Tourism Management International Trade Practices Business Administration International Trade Practices Business Administration Insurance & Finance Tourism Management Social Work Method Social Welfare Policy 1. Applicants must choose their desired fields of study from the listed programs provided by participating universities. submitting the application, you can not change majors. After ※ Special Graduate School, Professional Graduate School are not eligible for application. 2. Submission of Required Documents Office of Admissions At Chungnam National University 99, Daehak-ro(St), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-764, Korea 3. Contact : - Office of Admissions Tel. 82-42-821-8055, Email : [email protected] Social Welfare Family Life Welfare Journalism & Mass Communication Early Childhood Education Geography History Tourism Management Social Work Method Social Welfare Policy Family Therapy Family Life Welfare Journalism & Mass Communication Early Childhood Education Geography History Special Education - 43 - Family Life Welfare Early Education Special Childhood Education Education of the Speaking-Hearing Impaired - 44 - English lectures UNAVAILABLE English lectures UNAVAILABLE Education of the Visually Impaired - Office of International Affairs Tel. 82-42-821-8824, Email : [email protected] English lectures UNAVAILABLE & and Social Studies Education Law Doctoral Language Natural Scienc es Mathematics Mathematics Education of the Mentally Retarded Education of the Multiple & Physical Disabilities Education of the Children with Emotional & Behavior Disabilities Education for Children with Learning Disabilities Leadership in Special Education Mathematics Statistics Applied Statistics Applied Statistics Physics Chemistry Applied Physics Chemistry Ecology-Systematics Molecular Cell Biology Applied Physics Chemistry Ecology-Systematics Molecular Cell Biology Horticulture Horticulture Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Biology Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Animal Science Rehabilitation Science Natural Resources Science Education Engine ering Food and Nutrition Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering Food Engineering Industrial Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Electronic Engineering Computer and Information Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Art and Physical Educati on Art and Design Animal Resources Rehabilitation Technology Occupational Therapy Science Education Environmental Science Education Food and Nutrition 1. Period: February 2(Mon) ~ March 27(Fri), 2015 2. Contact: Mr. Youngguk Cho (Section manager of the office of Graduate School) * TEL +82-53-850-5035, FAX+82-53-850-5039, E-mail : [email protected] * Address : The Office of Graduate School, Daegu University, Jillyang, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 712-714 South Korea English lectures UNAVAILABLE Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Dormitory Exclusively for Graduate Students English lectures UNAVAILABLE English lectures UNAVAILABLE Daegu University offers rooms in the International House(국제2관) exclusively for graduate school students to enhance their academic achievement and facilitate research. All Global Korea Scholarship students can stay in the International House if they want. Currently there are 60 graduate students in 30 rooms and each room is equipped with Rehabilitation Technology Occupational Therapy Animal Husbandry Science Education Environmental Science Education Food and Nutrition Architectural Engineering Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering Food Engineering Civil Engineering Food Engineering Industrial System Engineering Industrial System Engineering a refrigerator, a TV and a balcony, beds, desks and chairs, and more (washing machine on each floor). And with 15 cafeterias available on campus, students can choose food on their own taste. 2. Important notes for applicants English lectures UNAVAILABLE A. When using Korean domestic postal service, the application materials should be post until the day of the application deadline (documents must be sent by express registered mail). In case of international airmail, document should arrive before the deadline. B. Information and Communication Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Electronic Engineering Electronic Engineering Control & Instrumentation Computer & Information Control & Instrumentation Please notice the following items before submitting your application document : - All documents must be originals English lectures UNAVAILABLE ※ All documents not in English or Korean, must be translated and notarized. A copy of applicants' diploma certified by the university (with university stamp) can be substituted with the originals. - Apart from the documents required by the NIIED, another certificate showing the Computer Engineering Information Engineering relationship between the applicant and his/her parent should be submitted (this Chemical Engineering should include information about the nationality of parent). Environmental Engineering Painting Painting Visual Design Visual Design Image-Animation Design Industrial Design Image-Animation Design Industrial Design Living Art and Design Physical Education Ⅱ. KGSP Application Physical Education - 45 - Living Art and Design Physical Education English lectures UNAVAILABLE 3. Additional Information (Support for GKS Students) A. Administrative support: Daegu University tries its best to assist Global Korea Scholarship(hereafter GKS) Scholars with the best service. We provide full support English lectures UNAVAILABLE English lectures UNAVAILABLE to GKS students including academic counselling, dormitory management, immigration services, and a variety of other administrative support in cooperation with the International Affairs Office so that the scholars can devote themselves to - 46 - their study under less cultural shock and emotional difficulties. - Cultural experience programs such as exploring famous sites, visiting secondary We have personnels who can speak English, Chinese, Mongolian, Vietnamese and schools to promote their own countries, Dokdo speech contest, Korean speech other languages who can facilitate students' communication and ensure better contests, university festival, food festival are scheduled all the year around so adjustment. that scholars can understand Korean culture better and more easily adapt B. Administrative, Counselling themselves to new environment. - Daily Support: We keep our students informed about important information such as scholarship and other useful information through email and our web-site. - Academic Counselling : At the completion of their Korean Language program and their entrance to the Graduate School, students are provided with counselling by their advisers and assistants from each department. Daegu University does its best to minimize the difficulties students may encounter in living and studying. C. Scholarship and Welfare Support E. Mentoring program - Mentor selection : Professors, staff or students who have wide understanding to different cultures can be selected as mentors for international students. Those who are interested can apply for this program. F. Other programs : there are other programs available also like buddy program, sports meetings for international students, International Students’ Night and regular social gatherings. - Resonable accommodation exclusive for international students : appro. USD 910 for twin-bed room for six months. G. Academic support for graduate study - Before entering into graduate programs, students are offered on request with - Modern sports center serviced in a quote reasonable price available near the dormitory (golf, swimming, health club, movies etc) interviews with advisers to evaluate their linguistic abilities and to prepare study. - At the beginning of each semester we also give counsels on students’ academic - Besides the Global Korea Scholarship, Daegu University provides extra scholarships progress. to encourage students’ academic achievement and better thesis. ‧ Level A : when publish thesis in an international academic journal – maximum 1.5 million won of scholarship providable ‧ Level B : when publish thesis in a journal accredited by the National Research Foundation of Korea or in case awarded in an international exhibition maximum 700 thousand won of scholarship providable ‧ Level C : when publish thesis in a journal accredited by the National Research Foundation of Korea or in case awarded in a national contest -maximum of 500 thousand won providable ‧ Level D : when publish thesis in international or national general journals maximum of 300 thousand won ‧ Level E : maximum of 200 thousand won providable when scholars give presentation at international or national academic conferences D. Orientation and Korean Cultural Experience Programs - Academic orientation for newcomers Classification Orientation Course Enrollment and Academic Counselling (at the beginning of each semester) Contents - Campus tour Guide to the dormitory life Visa information Useful information on campus - Introduction to courses available - Instruction on how to enroll - Classroom and time information - 47 - notes Offered in different languages (English/Chinese/Mo ngolian/Vietnamese and more) - 48 - Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Daejeon University 1. Period: January 19th, 2015 ~ March 20th, 2015 Address: #409, Hyewha Culture Center, Institute of International Affairs Daejeon University 62 Daehak-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon, Korea 300-716 Website: 2. Contact: LEE Chang-won, +82-42-280-2767, [email protected] JEONG, Sam-yeol, +82-42-280-2124, [email protected] Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Humanities & Social Science Engineering Natural Science Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Korean & Korean Literature ○ ○ History & Culture ○ ○ Creative Writing ○ ○ English & English Literature ○ ○ Chinese Language & Culture ○ - Japanese Language & Culture ○ - Law ○ ○ Police Science ○ ○ Public Administration ○ ○ Social Welfare ○ ○ Political Diplomacy ○ - Military Studies ○ ○ Business Administration ○ ○ International Trade & Commerce ○ ○ Economics ○ ○ Accounting ○ ○ Psychology ○ ○ Logistics & Distribution ○ - Statistics ○ - Fashion Design·Business Convergence Consulting ○ ○ ○ ○ Architecture & Architectural Engineering ○ ○ Civil Engineering ○ - Environmental Engineering ○ ○ Geosystem Engineering ○ - Computer Engineering ○ ○ Electronics Engineering ○ - Information & Communication Engineering ○ ○ Technological Management Engineering ○ ○ Advanced Materials Engineering ○ - Fire and Disaster Prevention ○ - IT·Disaster Prevention Engineering ○ ○ Biology ○ ○ Microbiology ○ ○ Education and Counseling for Children ○ ○ Fashion Design・Business ○ ○ Food and Nutrition ○ - Food & Nutrition・Chemistry - ○ Computer and Information Security ○ ○ Chemistry ○ - Sports Science ○ ○ Beauty & Health Care ○ ○ Physical Therapy ○ ○ Emergency Rescue ○ - - 49 - Remarks TOPIK Level 4 1. Campus Guide (Residence Hall, etc.) Residence halls in Daejeon University are comprised of the 1st Residence Hall, the 2nd Residence Hall, International Residence Hall and the 4th Residence Hall and they are recognized as one of the most beautiful and elegant buildings in Korea and internal functions are also considered TOPIK Level 4 meticulously so that they can be linked each other organically. They have several types of rooms such as a room accommodating 4 students, 2 students and 1 student, and they can accommodate total 1,340 persons. The convenient facilities include a laundry room, an ironing room, a lounge, a fitness center, a space for table tennis, a computer lab, a cafeteria and a snack bar. 2. Important Notes (Required Documents) A. Mater Degree Course (1) Application(Prescribed Form) (2) Graduation Certificate of University(Prospective Graduate Certificate) or Academic Background Certificate(Possible for Bachelor Degree Certificate). (3) Transcript of Entire Year of University(Grade by percentage must be specified). (4) Certificate of Employment, Certificate of Career, Certificate of Research Performance, Recommendation Letter from Professor(if any). B. Doctoral Degree Course (1) Application(Prescribed Form) (2) Certificate of Master Degree or Prospective Mater Degree Certificate(Copy of Mater Degree Certificate Acceptable). - 50 - (3) Transcript of Mater Degree Course(Grade by percentage must be specified). Dong-A University (4) Certificate of Employment, Certificate of Career, Certificate of Research Achievement and Recommendation Letter from Professor of Dept. (if any). C. Special Screening for Foreigners (1) The documents in A or B above must be translated into Korean and notarized before submitting them. Address: 225 Gudeok-ro, Seo-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea Office of International Affairs, Dong-A University(Bumin Campus) Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs 1. Graduate School Division (2) Original Copy of Certificate of TOPIK Level 3 or Higher(But, Level 4 or higher for Dept. of Korean and Korean Literature) (3) Study Plan(in Korean or English) (4) Documents related to Foreigners : Refer to D D. Additional Documents(When matriculated) 1) Certificate of foreigner of applicant and applicant’s parents 2) Certificate of Kinship between an applicant and parents 3) Copy of an applicant’s passport Liberal Arts & Social Science 4) Certificate of bank balance of an applicant or parents having more than USD $10,000(Deposit more than one month) (Valid Period of Certificate of Bank Balance : the end of Mar ch for application in the former period, and the end of Sep. for application in the latter period) Natural Sciences Engineering - 51 - Field of Study Master's Doctoral Philosophy Philosophy Korean Language & Literature Korean Language & Literature Creative Writing Creative Writing English Language & Literature English Language & Literature History History Archaeology & Art History Archaeology & Art History Education Education Japanese Studies X Chinese Language & Leterature X Law Law Political Science Political Science Public Administration Public Administration Economics Economics Sociology Sociology Social Welfare X Communication Communication Business Administration Business Administration International Trade International Trade Accounting Accounting Tourism Management Tourism Management Management Information Management Information Systems Systems Finance X Mathematics Mathematics Physics Physics Chemistry Chemistry Biological Science Biological Science Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Nutrition Child & Family Studies X Fashion & Textiles Fashion & Textiles Biotechnology Biotechnology Applied Bioscience Applied Bioscience Health Science X Architectural Engineering Architectural Engineering Architecture Architecture Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering - 52 - Remarks Division Sports & Arts Cooperative Progrmas Interdisciplin ary Programs Field of Study Master's Doctoral Industrial & Management Industrial & Management Systems Engineering Systems Engineering Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering Metallurical Engineering Metallurical Engineering Electronic Engineering Electronic Engineering Urban Planning & Landscape Urban Planning & Landscape Architecture Architecture Energy & Mineral Resources Energy & Mineral Resources Engineering Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Physical Education Physical Education Taekwondo Taekwondo Fine Arts Fine Arts Music X Plastic Design Plastic Design International Law Affairs International Law Affairs Material Physics Material Physics Convergence Science & Convergence Science & Technology Technology Particle Accelerator and X Medical Physics Chemical Engineering X Musicology and Culture Musicology and Culture X Port and Logistics Systems X Science of Arts X Nano Engineering Biomedical Ethics Biomedical Ethics Infant & Child Education Infant & Child Education Public Enterprise Policy Public Enterprise Policy Remarks 1. Basic Information of Dong-A University Division Liberal Arts & Social Science Department Information ㆍ International Students Counselling Center International Student Supporting Programs ㆍ For Academic Affairs: Advising Professor System, Academic Tutoring, TOPIK Study, TOPIC Scholarship ㆍ Korean Buddy Program(1:1 Matching Buddy) ㆍ Special Activities: Sports Competition, Field Trips, Student’s Festival ㆍ Other Programs(Acting Contest, Korean Speech Contest) ㆍ International Students Service Center (8 staff members speaks foreign languages) ㆍ Dong-A Hospital(Students can get discount) ㆍ 3 global libraries ㆍ 6 cafeterias Facilities for ㆍ International Students’ dormitory(will be open from May 2015) International ㆍ Health Service Center Students ㆍ Gym(Fitness Center, Pool) ㆍ Dong-A University Museum ㆍ Sports Stadium ㆍ Career Development Center ㆍ Center for Women’s Career Development ㆍ Global Zone(place for international students to interact with local students) 2. About Busan Division 2. Graduate School of International Studies Division Ⅲ. Campus Guide Information ㆍ Korea's second largest city Field of Study Master's Doctoral FTA International Trade FTA International Trade International International Trade International Trade Arbitration Disputes Resolution Global Korean Studies Global Multiculture Disputes Resolution Global Korean Studies Global Multiculture Remarks Busan Features ㆍ 5th biggest port city in the world ㆍ Living expense is 2/3 of Seoul(Capital city) ㆍ Various cultural infrastructure + natural beauty(Beaches, Mountains and River) ㆍ International events(APEC, G-Star, International Motor Show ㆍ Haeundae beach (No.1 Tourist attraction in Korea) ㆍ Kwangan beach and the Diamond Bridge ㆍ Mountains(Geumjeongsan Mt., Jangsan Mt.,) Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: 2 nd February(Mon) ~ 27 th March(Fri) 2. Contact: Raina Oh(+82-51-200-6442~4, [email protected]) ㆍ APEC Nuri Park What’s in Busan ㆍ Busan Museum of Art ㆍ World Cup Stadium(enjoy the baseball game) ㆍ Sinsegae Department Store(World largest) ㆍ Leisure&Culture: Marine Sports, International Film Festival, Busan Sea Festival, Busan Fireworks Festival, Busan International Rock Festival, ㆍ Land marks includes: Busan Cinema Center, Bexco, Olympic stadium, Fish Market - 53 - - 54 - 3. Dormitory Section Type Rate($) Facilities Address: 30, Pildong-ro 1-gil, Seoul, 100-715, Korea Website: ( Public Fcilities: Study room, Laundry, Cafeteria, Gym, Internet Cafe, Resting Hanlim Twin Semester: 600 Room Room Vacation: 300 Room Facilities: Bed, Desk&chair, Dongguk University (Seoul) Remarks On Campus Bookcase, Closet, Air-conditioning, Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Heating system Public Fcilities: Study room, Laundry, International Student Dorm Cafeteria, Gym, Internet Cafe, Resting Twin Semester: 750 Room, Cooking Facilities, Praying Room Room Vacation: 400 Room Facilities: Bed, Desk&chair, Bookcase, Closet, Air-conditioning, Heating system Double Dongwha Story Studio Per month: 250 Deposit: none Air-conditioning, Shower and toilet, Own Kitchen, Desk&Chair, Microwave, Refrigerator, TV Will be College available from May Buddhist Studies 2015 Off Campus Liberal Arts Natural Science Law Cate gories Department Buddhist Studies Humaniti Seon Studies es Indian Philosophy Korean Language & Literature English Language&Liter ature Japanese Language & Humaniti Literature es Chinese Language & Literature Philosophy Science Sociology Degree offered Master' Ph.D s ○ ○ Buddhist Theory, Buddhist History, Applied Buddhism ○ ○ Seon Buddhism, Applied Seon Buddhism ○ ○ Indian Philosophy, Indian Buddhism ○ ○ Korean Linguistics, Modern Korean Literature, Classical Korean Literature, Korean Language Education as a Foreign Language, Creative Writing ○ ○ English Literature, English Language, English Cultural Studies, Translation Studies ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Ethical Culture ○ ○ History ○ ○ Mathematics ○ ○ Physics ○ ○ Chemistry ○ ○ Statistics Semiconductor Science ○ ○ ○ ○ Law ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Political Science Public Administration Police Administration ○ Social Science Sociology Sociology North Korean Studies - 55 - Majors ○ ○ ○ ○ Japanese Literature, Japanese Language Chinese Language, Classical Chinese Literature, Modern Chinese literature, Chinese Cultural Studies Oriental Philosophy, Western Philosophy Western Ethics, Eastern Ethics, Theory of Ethical Culture, Comparative- ethical-culture Korean History, Oriental History, Western History Algebra, Analysis, Topology and Geometry, Applied Mathematics Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Applied Physics, Particle Physics Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry Statistics, Computational Statistics Semiconductor Science Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, International Law, Social Law, Criminal Investigation Law, Real Estate Law, , Science Technology Law, Sports Entertainment Law, Fundamentals Law, Intellectual Property Law Political Theories and Thoughts, Comparative Politics, Korean Politics, International Politics Public Administration, Public Policy Police Science, Criminology, Criminal Psychology, Industrial Security, Forensic Science Sociology Sociological History, Sociological Theory, Population Sociology, Urban Sociology, Social-stratification, Family Sociology, Historical Sociology, Comparative Sociology, Industrial-sociology, Information Society, Political Sociology, Sociology Change, Cultural Sociology North Korean System, Foreign Relations, Unification Policy Society and Culture of North Korea - 56 - College Cate gories Department Journalism and Mass Communication Economics Social Science ○ ○ ○ ○ Sociology International Trade Business Sociology ○ ○ ○ Advertising & PR ○ ○ Majors Journalism & Mass communication, Broadcasting & New media, P.R & Political communication, Publishment & Magazine Microeconomics and Mathematical Economics, Macroeconomics and Monetary Theory, Econometrics, Economic History&History of Economic Theory, International Economics, Industrial organization, Labor Economics, Public Finance Theory of International Trade & Finance, International Economics Relations & Regional Studies, International Business & Cross-Cultural Management, International, Transportation & Trade Practice Food Economics, Food Management, Food Environment & Politics, Food Marketing, Regional Innovation Development Advertising and PR Business Administration ○ ○ Accounting ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Organization & Human Resource Management, Operation Management, Marketing, Financial Management Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Tax Accounting Information Strategy, Information Systems, Business Intelligence, u-Service Life Science ○ ○ Biological and Environmental Science ○ ○ Medical Biotechnology ○ ○ Food Engineering ○ ○ Digital System and Electronic Application, Microelectronics, Multimedia Contents and Signal Processing, Power-systems and Renewable Energies, Power Conversion Systems, Communication and Electromagnetic Wave ○ ○ Computer Engineering, Information Security ○ ○ Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Construction Management ○ ○ Chemical Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Information&Communication, Computer ○ ○ Industrial and Systems Engineering ○ ○ Game Engineering, Multimedia Engineering Electronics and Electrical Engineering Enginee ring ○ Food Industrial Management Information Management ⒷLife Science ⒷBiological Science &Environmental Science Biosystem ⒷMedical Biotechnology Enginee ⒷFood ring Science & Biotechnology Enginee ring Degree offered Master Ph.D 's Computer Engineering Civil Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Architectural Engineering Information & Communication Engineering Industrial and Systems Engineering Multimedia Engineering Energy and Materials Engineering ○ Design&Manufacturing, Vibration control&Automation, Heat•Fluid & Energy Architectural Planning, Architectural Structural, Architectural Building and-Management, Architectural Design, Architectural Facilities. ○ Energy and Materials Engineering Education ○ ○ Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Policy, Educational Curriculum, Educational Psychology&Counseling, Educational Administration, Educational Technology, Human Resource development, Special Education Korean Language Education ○ ○ Korean Language Education Humaniti Education es - 57 - College Cate gories Department History Education Degree offered Master Ph.D 's ○ Sociology Geography Education Science Arts-Physi cal Education ○ ○ Mathematics Education Home Economics ○ Majors History Education Geography Physical Geography, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Geographical Methodology, Geography-Education ○ ○ Mathematics Education ○ ○ Clothing Science, Food and Nutrition, Child and Family, Consumer Science Physical Education ○ ○ Physical Education Art History Humaniti es Arts-Phy sical Educatio n ○ ○ Art History Fine Arts Theatre ○ ○ ○ ○ Buddhist Art, Korean Painting, Painting, Sculpture Theatre Film Studies ○ ○ Film Theory Pharmacy Science ⒷPharmacy ○ ○ Oriental Medicine Medical Science ⒷOriental Medicine ○ ○ Medicine Medical Science ⒷMedicine ○ ○ ○ ○ Solid State Lighting ○ ○ Information and Nano technology ○ ○ Special Course of translation of Buddhist Chinese Classics Arts Nano Intelligent Light Science Informatio and Display n Information Technolog Engineeri and Nano y ng technology Academy Interdisciplinary Academy Humaniti Studies of of Buddist es Korean Studies Buddhism MBA Digital Image & Contents Sociology Arts MBA Cultural Contents Film and Digital Media Multi-media Performance & Art ○ Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Immunology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Physical Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy, Preventive Pharmacy, Pathological physiology, Social Pharmacy Oriental Physiology, Oriental Pathology, Herbology, Oriental Medical Classics and History, Meridian and Acupoints, Herbal Prescription, Oriental Medicine Diagnostics, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Oriental Internal Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Oriental Pediatrics, Oriental Medicine, Oriental Gynecology, Oriental Rehabilitation, Sasang constitutional Medicine, Oriental Neuropsychiatry, Oriental Otorhinolaryngology and Dermatology, Oriental Preventive Medicine Anatomy, Pathology, Preventive Medicine, Physiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Medical statistics General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Neurosurgery, Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Diagnostics, Radiology Laboratory Medicine, Urology, Anesthesiology, Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Family Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation Medicine, Emergency Medicine Global MBA ○ ○ Cultural Contents Planning, Cultural Contents Production ○ ○ Movie Planning, Screen writing, Film making ○ ○ ○ Contents Engineering, Contents Design, Computer Music, Contents Producing Acting·Directing, Design/Technical Production and Business ※ Medicine, Oriental Medicine major : Graduated from (Oriental) Medicine-Students major only. However, if he/she is recommended by the head professor from each department, he/she is eligible to apply on condition of being able to engage in full-time basic research and - 58 - ② A variety of events such as traditional Korean cultural experience classes, experimentation. ※ Department with Ⓑ mark : Courses will be lectured in Ilsan BMC Campus(1-hour distance concerts and excursions to amusement parks etc. will be offered. from Seoul campus) d. Buddy Program Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) All KGSP students will be paired 1:1 with a Korean student if they want. 1. Period: Feb. 9th, 2015(Mon) ~ Mar. 20th, 2015(Fri) 2. Contact: Service Center for International Students Tel : +82-2-2260-3439, E-mail : [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Important Notes a. Screening Method The selection process will be based totally on the review of the application documents. b. Screening Criteria All documents including the transcript, self-introduction, study plan, certificates of language proficiency (Korean and English), recommendations, published papers and awards, etc. will b evaluated. 2. Campus Guide(Resident Hall etc.) a. Dormitory (Namsan Haksa) ① Located on the University Campus ② Accommodation Fee: 152,000 won/month(Double Occupancy) ③ Meal plan: 100,000 won/40 meals a month ④ All KGSP students are given priority over local students for housing. b. Academic Scholarship Two KGSP students from each undergraduate and graduate program who achieved the highest GPA among the KGSP students will be awarded an additional academic scholarship per semester from Dongguk University. (Highest: 500,000 KRW/semester, 2nd highest: 300,000 KRW/semester) c. Korean Cultural Experience Programs ① Cultural experience programs for KGSP students will be offered at least twice a semester. - 59 - - 60 - outreach programs. - Dongseo University is first in its region and top-7 nationally in Dongseo University career placement. Address: 47 Jurye-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan 617-716 Korea Website: 2. The Graduate School of Dongseo University - The Graduate School of Dongseo University was established in 1996 in the spirit of Christianity with the purpose of researching advanced Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) theories and teaching practical skills. The Graduate School began with just a single major (Electronic Engineering) but has since Field of Study Division Graduate School, General Graduate School of Business Administration Graduate of Mission & Welfare Department Remarks expanded to currently include 8 master’s programs and 5 doctoral Master's Doctoral Visual Contents √ √ Ubiquitous IT √ √ Japanese studies √ √ Social Welfare √ and academic-industrial cooperation. Film & Video √ We invite you to follow the links below to explore the exciting Architecture Engineering √ study opportunities available in the Graduate School of Dongseo Civil Engineering √ √ Bio-Chemical Engineering √ √ Design √ √ Business Administration √ Social welfare √ Psychology of Christian Counselling √ to lead the visual industry sector. Church Music √ Visual Contents includes areas such as video games, animations, programs. Our graduate school has a vision to foster the most competitive experts in the world. The research we conduct trains students to be leaders in their fields through combining high-quality education University. 3. Specialized Majors 1) Visual Contents MBA - As the 21st century becomes increasingly information based, demand for experts in IT fields will continue to grow. The Graduate School of Visual Contents at Dongseo University aims to meet the coming demand by nurturing creative and highly skilled human resources special effects, visual marketing/promotion, etc. Students previously majoring in engineering will be able to gain artistic sensitivity, and students 1. About Dongseo University - Dongseo University was founded on the Christian tenets of ‘Love God’ previously majoring in art will be able to gain skill in engineering. The Graduate School of Visual Contents offers an interdisciplinary and ‘Love thy neighbor’. - Dongseo has become a hub university in Asia with a global network of over 150 international sister schools and industry affiliates. - Offering innovative education is a key focus of Dongseo University. program that helps students develop their understanding of fundamental technologies and theories needed for working within related industry fields, teaching at universities or developing new ideas at research institutes. - Students give back to local and international communities through - 61 - - 62 - Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 2) Ubiquitous IT - Rapid developments in computing fields and IT, along with ready access to broadband and high-speed communication services, have made Ubiquitous 1. Period: January 28, 2015 to March 31, 2015 IT a key component of our information-oriented society. This new paradigm for digital interaction creates countless possibilities for innovation and development. 2. Contact: The prevalence of Ubiquitous IT will increase in years to come and so too will the - Staff in charge : Mr. Dan Jung demand for personnel able to create Internet application services, multimedia - Tel. : +82-51-320-2746 contents, games and animations. Other necessary skills will involve installing and - Fax : +82-51-320-2094 maintaining various types of networks. - E-mail : [email protected] The Graduate School of Ubiquitous IT at Dongseo University is focused on IT - Website : technology including software, hardware and application fields. Our graduate school emphasizes not only theory but also field experience so students can acquire the Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes knowledge and skills they need to work in industry or academia. 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) 3) Bio-Chemical Engineering - The department of Biotechnology offers varied educational opportunities which enable students to adjust to globalization and our modern information based society. The purpose is to contribute and strengthen 1) Dormitory - Dormitories have a communal kitchen, lounge area, weight room and ATM machine. Students staying in residence have convenient access national competitiveness, by nurturing our professional human to everything they need. More information about accommodation resources for the future biotechnology industry. options is available in DSU website, Biotechnology is a field for applied engineering combined with several disciplines such as chemistry, biology, engineering and genetics. Biotechnology includes the study of microorganisms, cells of animals and plants. It also covers the analysis of cell functions and engineering parts. The study of biotechnology ranges from food and medicine to the engineering aspects of these subject matters. 4) MBA - A global business world has opened. The world needs practical managers with expertise in globalism to change the world. The Busan-Fukuoka Cross-Border Graduate School of Business Adminstration is established to educate experts who will lead in the development of the Busan-Kyushu region. The graduate school offers the best curriculum for fostering of professional business managers who will be well informed on both domestic and international economic matters, as well as international business management. - 63 - 2) Status of Dormitories Name of Dorm. No. of Building Room Double Three 94 18 96 Student Apartment 2 1 for female 1 for male Single 48 56 Four International House 2 1 188 Guest Room International House 1 1 13 1 23 Global Village 1 252 3) Status of facilities in dormitories Name of Dorm Student Apartment Facilities In-house Kitchen(1), Laundry(1), Shower room & Bathroom(1) - 64 - International House 1 International House 2 Community Kitchen(1), Laundry(1), Shower room & Bathroom(1), Sky lounge, PC lab Community Kitchen(1), Laundry(1), Shower room & Bathroom(1) Ewha Womans University Address: 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Website: 4) Dormitory fee - All KGSP students are provided the special favor that the dorm. fee is waived by DSU. Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 1. Graduate School of Ewha Womans University 2. About the Dynamic City of Busan Division - Busan is South Korea’s second largest metropolis and is located roughly 330 km (200 miles) southeast of the capital of Seoul. As the world’s fifth busiest shipping port, Busan is truly an international hub. It has hosted prestigious events including the Asian Games, the FIFA World Cup final, the APEC Conference, and the Busan International Film Festival, which has helped Busan to develop an infrastructure enabling visitors to comfortably and conveniently Korean Linguistics, Korean Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature English Language & Literature French Language & Literature German Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature Literature, Linguistics, Professional Writing Program experience its many interesting sites. Philosophy History History of Art Political Science & International Relations Public Administration Economics Library and Information Science Sociology Social Welfare Psychology Consumer Studies Communication & Media - 65 - Master's Korean Language & Literature Christian Studies Liberal & Social Sciences Field of Study Department Doctoral Korean Linguistics, Korean Classical Literature, Korean Modern Literature Chinese Literature, Chinese Linguistics Literature, Linguistics, French Literature, French Linguistics German Literature, German Linguistics Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, Christian Ethics, Christian Education, Missiology, Pastoral Counseling, Church History, Liturgical Studies Western Philosophy, Oriental Philosophy Korean History, Asian History, Western History History of Korean Art, History of Chinese Art, History of Art History and Museology Renaissance Art, History of Modern Art Political Philosophy, Comparative Political Science & Politics, International Politics, Diplomacy Korean Politics Christian Studies Public Administration Economics Library and Information Science, Archives and Records Management Sociology Social Welfare Psychology Public Management, Public Policy Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, Consumer Economics, Public Finance, Money and Banking, International Trade, International Finance, Econometrics, Financial Economics, Environmental Economics Library and Information Science, Information Science, Bibliography, Archives and Records Management Sociological Theories, Theories of Social Development, Sociology of the Family Clinical Social Work, Social Welfare Policy Developmental and Developmental-Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Consumer and Advertising Psychology, psychological measurement Consumer Studies Communication & Media - 66 - Mass communication Theory, Remarks Division Department Women's Studies Child Development North Korean Studies Education Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Educational Technology Special Education English Education Social Studies Education Korean Education Communication Disorders Law Business Administration International Office Administration Department of Music Therapy Mathematics Natural Sciences Statistics Physics Field of Study Master's Doctoral Strategic communivation, Digital media & Cultural communication Family, Work Sexuality, Feminist Women's Studies Theory, Women's Policy Child Development & Intervention North Korean Politics and North Korean Studies Economy, North Korean Society and Culture, Unification and Peace Philosophy of Education, Sociology of Education, Educational Administration, Curriculum & Instruction, Education Educational Measurement & Evaluation, educational counselling and psychology, Lifelong Education Curriculum for Early Childhood Early Childhood Education Education, Learning Methods for Young Children Curriculum and Teacher Education, Elementary Education Child Development and Instruction Instructional Design, Corporate-Continuing Education, Educational Technology New Media-Based Education, Educational Resources Management Mental Retardation, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Physical or Special Education Multiple Disabilities, Language Disorders, The Gifted and Talented, Early Childhood Special Education, Autism Spectrum Disorder Teaching English as a Foreign Language History & History Education, History, Geography, Social Social Studies Education, Human Studies Education & Physical Geography Korean Language Education Language Disorders, Speech Speech-Language Pathology Disorders, Hearing Impairments Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Jurisprudence Commercial Law, Labor Law, International Law, Jurisprudence Management Decision Science, Marketing, Finance, Human Business Administration Resource. Strategic Management, Accounting, Management Information System International Office Administration Music Therapy Mathematics Theoretical Statistics, Applicational Statistics Pediatric Music Therapy, Adult Music Therapy, Geriatric Music Therapy Algebra, Analysis, Topology and Geometry, Numerical Analysis, Cryptology, Applied Analysis Stochastic Process, Statistical Inference, Linear Model, Data Analysis, Statistical Computing Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Theory, Condensed Matter Physics Experiment, Astrophysics, Optics Physics - 67 - Remarks Division Department Chemistry & Nano Science Life Sciences Life and Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacy Industrial Pharmaceutical Science Science Education Mathematics Education Health Education & Management Nursing Science Nutritional Science & Food Management EcoScience Medical Sciences Bioinspired Science Brain & cognitive Sciences Computer Science and Engineering Electronics Engineering Architecture Engineering Master’s Admission Only Architecture Engineering Environmental Science & Engineering Chemical Engineering & Materials Science Department of Atmospheric Science and Engineering Food Science & Technology Digital Media Music Art & Athletic Field of Study Master's Doctoral Applied Physics Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Nano Material Science, NanoBio Science, Polymer Chemistry Life Science Remarks Life Science, Pharmaceutical Science Pharmaceutical Sciences Master’s Admission Only Industrial Pharmaceutical Science Science Education Mathematics Education Health Education & Management Nursing Science, Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse, Advanced clinical Nursing Woman/Man Health Nursing, Woman's Health Nursing, Child Nursing, Mental & Psychiatric Nursing, Community Nursing Nursing Management, Basic Nursing Refer to comment 1) below Food and Nutrition Eco Science (Systematics, Evolution, Behavior), Eco Science (Ecology, Environment), Eco Science (Ecoconvergence) Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Preventive Medicine, Parasitology, Neuroscience, Medical Education, Molecular Medicine, Public Health, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Ethics Bioinspired Science (Life Science), Bioinspired Science (Pharmaceutical Science), Bioinspired Science(Chemistry) Neuroscience, Cognitive science, Neuropharmacomedicine Computer Science and Engineering Electronics Engineering Architectural Studies, Architectural Design Architecture Engineering Architecture Environmental Science & Engineering Chemical Engineering & Materials Science Atmospheric Science and Engineering Food Science & Engineering Media Design, Visual Communication, Media Engineering Keyboard(Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Piano Accompaniment), Orchestral Instruments(Orchestral Instruments, Orchestral Conducting), Voice(Voice, Choral Conducting), Composition(Composition, Music Theory), Korean Music, Musicology Media Design, Media Engineering, Visual Media Keyboard Instruments(Piano, Organ), Orchestral Instruments(Orchestral Instruments), Instruments(Orchestral Conducting), Voice(Voice), Voice(Choral Conducting), Composition(Composition, Music Theory), Korean Music, Musicology Fine Arts Korean Painting, Painting, Sculpture, Fiber Arts, Ceramic Arts, Studies in Visual Arts Design Space Design, Visual Communication Design, Industrial Design, Fashion Design, Media Interaction Design Color Design - 68 - Materials showing evidence of the applicant's artistic or athletic ability such as portfolios or videotape (Exception: Division Clothing & Textiles Dance Human Movement Studies Medicine Medicine Area Studies Bioethics Policy Studies Inter-disc iplinary Programs Field of Study Department East Asian Studies Gifted Education MulticulturalㆍIntercultural Studies EcoCreative Bio-Information Science Big Data Analysis Behavioral Socioeconomics Master's Doctoral Textile Information, Planning/Dyeing, Finishing, Clothing Science & Technology, Traditional Costumes, Fashion Merchandising/Marketing, Fashion Aesthetics & Media, Fashion Design Clothing & Textiles Dance, Dance Theory Human Movement Studies Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Preventive Medicine, Medical Education, Neuroscience, Molecular Medicine, Public Health, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Ethics, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Dermatology, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Orthopedics, Neuro Surgery, Urology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Anesthesia and pain medicine, Radiology, Plastic Surgery, Laboratory Medicine, Dental Medicine, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Radiological Oncology, Neurology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine Asian Studies, European Studies, Area Studies American Studies, Middle-East Studies bio-medical law, bio-medical bioethics policy ethics, bioethics policy and management, bioethics education Traditional Culture, Comparative East Asian Studies Political Economy, Social Studies, East Asian Relations Gifted Education Remarks School Applicants applying for Cloting & Textiles department) Refer to comment 2) below MulticulturalㆍIntercultural Studies Liberal Arts & Social Sciences International Studies Korean Studies Master's Homepage 3817 [email protected] Anna Suh 3652,3956 [email protected] -extension Overview: Ewha Womans University was founded in 1886 as the first educational institution for women in heart of Seoul, Korea. Ewha is one of the Korea’s most prestigious private universities and the largest women’s university in the world. Around 200,000 students have graduated from Ewha, and 25,000 students are studying in 11 colleges and 15 graduate schools. Ewha’s vast alumni network comprised of almost 200,000 graduates will also be a great resource for international students to draw from, before and after graduation, as they explore new opportunities and pursue their dreams on the global stage. countries and it is one of the most popular destinations for KGSP students. Currently 102 students from 55 countries are studying various majors in Ewha. Our vision is to nurture competent women leaders who possess a broad mind and global insight. Ewha will help you grow as a global leader, equipped with academic competence and solid integrity. Remarks Doctoral Korean Culture, Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language Email JUNG ISEUL Scholarship Program(KGSP) universities. Ewha has accepted KGSP students from manifold Field of Study International Trade & Investment, International Business, Development Cooperation, International Relations Tel:+82-2-3277 Since 2008, Ewha Womans University has been selected as one of the Korean Government Ecoscience, Ecoeducation, Ecodesign, Ecomedia Bio-Information Science Big Data Analysis Behavioral Socioeconomics 2. Graduate School of International Studies Department Graduate School Graduate School of International Studies Admission Officer Ⅲ. About Ewha 1) Master’s program of Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse, Advanced Clinical Nursing fields only open for the student who has at least 3 years clinical career, Master;s program of Nursing Science and Doctoral program of all fields in it only open for the student who has at least 1 year clinical career 2) The clinical medicine fields only open for the student who majored in medicine in a university , dental medicine field only open for the student who majored in dental medicine in a university. Division 2. Contact: International Trade & Investment, International Business, Development Cooperation, International Relations Taught in English, Materials showing evidence of the applicant's English Proficiency such as TOEFL or IELTS required Korean Culture, Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language Taught in Korean, Materials showing evidence of the applicant's Korean Proficiency such as TOPIK required Important Facts and Figures: • Ewha’s proud pioneers include a long series of Korea’s firsts—the country’s first woman Ph.D., medical doctor, lawyer, CEO, Minister of Government Legislation, and Prime Minister. • Among women lawmakers appointed to the 19th National Assembly (2012-2016), 27.6% are Ewha alumnae. • Departments nationally ranked 1st: English Literature & Language, History, Sociology, Law, Education, Mathematics, Physics, and Environmental Science and Engineering. Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: 9(Monday) February, 2015~ 20(Friday) March, 2015 - 69 - • Ewha ranked 5th among Korean universities in Chosun-QS 2010 Evaluation of Asian Universities. • Ewha ranked 5th among Korean universities for the number of successful candidates in the - 70 - National Judicial Exam and Civil service Exam (2012). studies, Human Movement Studies should submit appropriate portfolios, tapes, or other indicators of artistic or athletic ability. (Exception: Applicants applying for Promotional Video Link: Korean(Click) / English(Click) Clothing & Textiles department) ☞ Graduate School of International Studies: Applicants should submit an appropriate document that proofs applicant’s required language ability – i.e. score report of an Graduate Dormitory & Important Notes Facility Graduate Dormitory Room Type Double Room official language proficiency test such as TOEFL, IELTS, TOPIK – as required by Homepage each department. B. [Supplementary/optional Materials] Ewha Graduate Student Dormitory, designed by Korea's top notch architect Kim Won in Documentary evidence demonstrating the applicant’s ability to successfully pursue September 2006, has an easy access from everywhere on campus and a renown for its academic studies will be considered in the admissions decision if submitted. (English beautiful outlook. It serves as a "second-home" to 460 graduate students, international abstract of thesis/dissertation, research achievement or various awards) students, students in language programs, professors & researchers from 50 countries all over the world. Along with the Ewha-Samsung international House(dormitory for exchange students) adjacent to it, Ewha Graduate Student Dormitory makes the little "global village of Ewha." Ewha Graduate Student Dormitory established consists of two 9-story buildings which sum up to 16,597㎡ gross area. It has an inner court with two beautiful lawns that provides a rest for all residents. Especially, 12 glass lighting devices create a romantic atmosphere after sunset. Subsidiary facilities such as computer room, seminar rooms, reading rooms, prayer room, lounge, fitness room, laundry & ironing room, and kitchenettes provide a perfect convenience for residents. Events on birthdays, Easter, Thanksgiving are great social offerings of dormitory life. With its excellent facility, the dormitory plays an important role in promoting intercultural communication and Ewha spirit within residents. Important Notes (1) Applicants should meet the application requirements for 2015 KGSP for Graduate course. (2) Applicants will be accepted for admission through a comprehensive evaluation of her academic ability, achievements and development potential, based on submitted documents (A screening interview may be required of the applicant when necessary. An overseas interview or a telephone interview may be arranged for overseas applicants). (3) Other relevant materials may be required, according to the policy of the specific college or department to which you are applying. A. [Additional/Necessary Materials] ☞ Graduate School: Applicants to the College of Music, Fine Art, Design, Dance - 71 - - 72 - Gangneung-Wonju National University Division Marine Biotechnology Marine Food Science and Technology Address: 7 Jukheon-gil, Gangneung, Gangwon, Korea Website: Natural Sciences Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Humanities and Social Science Department Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature German Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Philosophy History Early Childhood Education Economics Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature German Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Philosophy History Early Childhood Education Economics Business Administration Business Administration Accounting International Trade Regional Development Natural Sciences Field of Study Master's Doctoral Law Tourism Public Administration International Commerce & Area Studies Mathematics Statistics Physics Chemistry Biology Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences Food Processing and Distribution Food Nutrition Accounting International Trade Regional Development - Regional Economics - Regional Planning - Development Administration Law Tourism Public Administration International Commerce & Area Studies Mathematics Statistics Physics Chemistry Biology Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences Food Processing and Distribution Food Nutrition - Food Nutrition - Clinical Nutrition - 73 - Remarks Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature - Early Childhood Education Economics Business Administration Engineering Regional Development - Regional Planning - Development Administration Food Science - Doctoral Marine Food Science and Technology Marine Biotechnology Marine Food Science and Technology Marine Molecular Biotechnology Marine Molecular Biotechnology Marine Biotechnology Horticulture Horticulture Horticulture Environmental Landscape Architecture - Dental Hygienics Dental Hygienics Nursing Nursing - Materials Engineering Materials Engineering Materials Engineering Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Biochemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electronic Engineering Biochemical Engineering Civil Engineering Advanced Materials Engineering Advanced Materials Engineering Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering Information and Communication Engineering - Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Information Technology Engineering - Precision Mechanical Engineering Precision Mechanical Engineering Precision Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering - Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering - Multi-Media Information Engineering - Automotive Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Computer Engineering Information Technology Engineering Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering Multi-Media Information Engineering Arts and Physical Education Field of Study Master's Environmental Landscape Architecture Advanced Materials Engineering - Business Administration - Accounting Law Tourism Public Administration International Commerce & Area Studies Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences Marine Molecular Biotechnology Electronic Engineering Biochemical Engineering Civil Engineering - Accounting International Trade Department Electronic Engineering Fine Arts Fine Arts Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education -Physical Education in Humanities and Social Sciences - Physical Education in Natural Sciences Music Music - Fashion Design Fashion Design - - 74 - Remarks Division Medical Sciences Field of Study Master's Doctoral Dentistry Dentistry Department Dentistry Microbiology & Immunology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Physiology & Neuroscience - Microbiology & Immunology Pharmacology & Dental Therapeutics - Dental Biomaterials Anatomy and Histology - Oral Medicine & Diagnosis - Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Pathology - Pediatric Dentistry Preventive and Public Health Dentistry - Orthodontics Conservative Dentistry - Proshodontics - Periodontology Microbiology & Immunology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Physiology & Neuroscience - Microbiology & Immunology Pharmacology & Dental Therapeutics - Dental Biomaterials Anatomy and Histology - Oral Medicine & Diagnosis - Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Pathology - Pediatric Dentistry Preventive and Public Health Dentistry - Orthodontics Conservative Dentistry - Proshodontics - Periodontology Remarks - Other convenient facilities : Prayer room, Lounge(TVavailable), Gym etc. □ Program for Foreign Students - Korean Buddy Program (1Korean : 1foreigner) - Participating cultural experience program 3times a year 2. Important Notes - After preparing all the necessary documents, you should send scanned copy by e-mail by the end of February - If GPA marked with English Alphabet [ex) A.B.C] or credit numbers [ex) 3.0, 4.0], you should submit an official conversion table with full marks. - If your GPA does not show your percentage score, you need to submit a rank certificate(within top 20%) Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: From February 1 to March 16, 2015 - Scanned copy submission : by end of February - Original copy submission : by March 16 2. Contact: Emily Lim/International Exchange Affairs - Telephone: +82-33-640-2767 - Fax: +82-33-640-2979 - email: [email protected], [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) □ Dormitory - Built in August 31, 2012 - Double Occupancy - Maintenance Fee 6,600won/day - Meal cost 5,800won/day(3meals a day) - Self cooking is possible at the shared kitchen - 75 - - 76 - 1. Period: 1st Feb., 2015 ~ 20th March, 2015 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 2. Contact: Int’l Admissions Coordinator Choe, Balguemi (+82-62-715-2054, [email protected]) Address: 123 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 500-712, Korea Website: Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Engineering Engineering Department Information and Communications Materials Science and Engineering Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Environmental Science and Engineering Natural Sciences Science Science Engineering/ Natural Science Life Sciences Physics and Photon Science Chemistry Medical System Engineering Field of Study Master's Doctoral - Communication Systems & Computer Networks - Photonics & Optics - Semiconductor Optoelectronics & Microwave Electronics - Signal Processing - Computer Science & Engineering - Mathematical Science - Semiconductor and optoelectronics materials - Nanoelectronics Materials - Organic materials for optoelectronics - Energy related materials - Biomaterials - Robotics & Control - Micro/Nano Engineering - Medical Engineering - Visual Computing - Signal Processing & Microwave Electronics Engineering - Environmental Science and Engineering - Cell & Molecular Biology - Biochemistry & Biophysics - Neuroscience & Developmental Biology - Immunology - Optics 1) On-Campus Dormitory - Double Room: 100,000 won deposit, monthly utilty fees from Remarks 40,000 won to 65,000 won - Apartment for Married Students: Two bedoom Apartment (The waiting time may take longer than expected.) - Contact: Section of students and academic affairs (+82-62-715-2047, [email protected]) 2) Campus Life - ISSO(International Students and Scholars Office) +82-62-715-2922~3, [email protected] - Online campus life available at 3) On-campus facilities - Student Union Bldg.(Bank, cafeteria, cafe, convenient store, beauty shop and etc.) - Sports facilities(Tennis court, outdoor volleyball court, outdoor basketball court, soccer filed, gym, swimming pool) 2. Important Notes 1) Condensed Matter Physics Biological Chemistry Physical Chemistry Synthetic Chemistry - Medical System Engineering is mandatory to submit additional recommendation report with the minimum requirement like below(Tests must be taken within two years before the deadline date) TOEFL iBT CBT PBT 80 213 550 Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) - 77 - an 2) Applicant must submit an official English Proficiency test score - Plasma Physics and Particle Physics - It letter(total 2 recommendation letters are required) - 78 - TOEIC TEPS IELTS 750 680 6.5 Division Gyeongsang National University Department Law Address: 501 Jinju-daero, Jinju-si, Gyeongnam, S. Korea Website: Education Korean Language Education Social Education Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Department Korean Language & Literature German Studies Russian Studies Ethnic Dance Remarks MA PhD ○ ○ Ethics Education Social Studies Education Geography Fisheries Business Administration★ ○ ○ ○ Applied Life Science ○ ○ Nursing French Language & Literature French Linguistics, French Literature ○ ○ History Korean History, Asian History, Western History, Archaeology ○ ○ English Linguistics, English Literature ○ ○ Microbiology Biology Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Literature ○ ○ Mathematics Western Philosophy, Oriental Philosophy Korean Literature in Chinese, Oriental Classics, Comparative Studies of Oriental Literature Theoretical Economics, Applied Economics, Economic History ○ ○ Food and Nutrition ○ ○ ○ ○ International Relations ○ ○ Clothing & Textiles Computer Science Geology Information Statistics Social Welfare Policy Social Work Practice Sociology Human Factors, Clinical-Counseling Psychology, Industrial & Organizational Psychology Public Administration, Public Policy, Local Government Marketing, Organization & Human Resources, Operations Management, Financial Management ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Management Information Systems English Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature Philosophy Korean Classics in Chinese Humanities & Social Sciences Field of Study Korean Language, Modern Literature, Classical Literature, Korean Language Education as a foreign Language German Literature, German Linguistics, German Studies Russian Linguistics, Russian Literature, Russian Studies Korean Ethnic Dance Comparative Ethnic Dance English Education Economics International Relations Social Welfare Sociology Psychology Public Administration Business Administration Management Information Systems Foreign Trade Accounting Agriculture Economics Physics Chemistry ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Natural Sciences Crop Science Agricultural Engineering Applied Biology Bio-Industrial Machinery Engineering Forest Resources Forest Products Animal Science International Economics, International Trade Practices Accounting Agriculture Economics - 79 - ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Pharmacy Field of Study Public Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, Social Law Educational Philosophy and History, Educational Psychology and Methodology, Educational Sociology and Administration Remarks MA PhD ○ ○ ○ ○ Korean Language Education ○ General Social Studies Education, History Education, Geography Education English Education Korean Ethics·Western Ethics, Ethics Education·Applied Ethics, North Korea Reunification Studies and Political Ethics ○ ○ ○ ○ Social Studies Education ○ Geography ○ Fisheries Business Administration ○ ○ Applied Life Science, Environmental Biotechnology Clinical Nursing, Community Health Nursing and Nursing Management Solid State Physics, Elementary Particle physics, Applied Physics Microbiology Zoology, Botany Algebra, Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Topology and Geometry Food Nutrition, Food Science, Food Service Management Clothing and Textiles Computer System, Information System Geophysics, Geology Statistics, Information Processing Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Agronomy, Horticulture ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Agricultural Engineering ○ ○ Plant Pathology, Applied Entomology Agricultural Energy, Agricultural Processing Machinery, Bio-production Machinery Forest Management & Economics, Forest Engineering & Landscape, Forest Production & Protection Wood Anatomy & Physics & Wood Drying, Wood Chemistry & Pulp & Paper Science, Wood Processing & Furniture Animal Science Industrial Pharmacy, Basic Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacological Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Home Economics Education Home Economics Education ○ Mathematics Education Mathematics Education ○ - 80 - Division Department Field of Study Science Education Marine Biology and Aquaculture★ Engineering for Marine Production★ Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Materials Science Engineering & Architecture Urban Engineering Industry & System Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Informatics Semiconductor Engineering Control & Instrumentation Engineering Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Arts Materials Engineering & Convergence Technology Mechanical System Engineering★ Seafood Science and Technology★ Energy and Mechanical Engineering★ Information and Communication Engineering★ Ocean Civil Engineering★ Marine Environmental Engineering★ Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering★ Fine Art Music Physical Education Remarks MA PhD Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Biology Education ○ ○ Marine Biology and Aquaculture ○ ○ System Engineering for Ship Maneuvering, System Engineering for Marine Production Production Engineering, Mechanical Design, Aerospace Engineering Polymer Science and Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Ceramic Engineering Architectural Engineering, Architecture Urban Planning and Design, Urban Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ Department ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Industrial and Systems Engineering ○ ○ System, Electrical Machinery, Electrical Materials Electronic Engineering Informatics Semiconductor Engineering, Semiconductor Engineering, Information Technology Device ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Control and Instrumentation Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ Ethic Dance Medicine Medicine Japanese Studies ○ ○ Materials Engineering and Convergence Technology ○ ○ Mechanical System Engineering ○ ○ Seafood Science and Technology ○ ○ Thermal & Fluid Engineering, Material, Fracture Production Engineering, Dynamic Control Engineering ○ Information, Communication ○ ○ Hydraulic Engineering Structural and Geotechnical Engineering ○ ○ Marine Environmental Engineering ○ ○ Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering ○ Korean Art, Fine Art, Sculpture, Industrial Design Vocal, Piano, Orchestra, Composition ○ ○ Physical & Humanities Science ○ ○ Field of Study Remarks MA PhD Physical & Natural Science Veterinary Medicine ○ Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Surveying and Construction Management Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Division Environmental Protection Area Studies Inter-depart mental Program Culture Contents Communication Political Economy Mechanical Convergence Engineering Bio-technology and Science Cultural Convergence Convergence Medical Science Ocean System Engineering★ Korean Ethnic Dance Comparative Ethnic Dance ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Environmental Engineering ○ ○ America, East Asia, South Asia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe ,Japan, China Culture Contents Communication & Information Economics, Sociology, Politics, History ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Mechanical Convergence Engineering ○ ○ Bio-technology and Science ○ ○ Cultural Convergence, Culture Business ○ ○ Convergence Medical Science ○ ○ Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Energy and Mechanical Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Marine Environmental Engineering ○ ○ Veterinary Biomedical Science Veterinary Preventive Veterinary Internal Medicine Veterinary Surgery Veterinary Obstetrics and Theriogenology Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology Veterinary Pathology Veterinary Aquatic Animal Veterinary Pharmacology and Bio Chemistry Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Internal Medicine, Microbiology, Preventive Medicine, Parasitology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Neurology, Dermatology, Orthopedic Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Urology, Otorhinolaryngology, Radiology, Anesthesiology, Clinical Pathology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Dentistry, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Plastic Surgery, Therapeutic Radiology, Emergency Medicine Japanese and Japanese Literature History and Society· Culture Politics and Economics Teaching Japanese ※ Departments with ★ mark are located at the Tongyeong Campus(Forty minutes to the South from Gajwa Campus, the main campus, in Jinju) - 81 - ○ Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: February 5 – March 25, 2015 2. Contact: Mr. Hoe-Dong KIM, (Tel.) +82 55 772 0273, (Email) [email protected] ○ - 82 - Ⅲ. Living in GNU 3. Required Documents and Eligibility : in accordance with NIIED 4. Screening : Those who achieve 80 points or above in evaluation will be 1. Campus Housing(number of beds : 3,942) successfully nominated to the NIIED for the second screening. (Unit: 5. Important Notes Male Female a. A set of documents submitted must be combined by a pair of tongs or three Campus pincers (Do not use stapler to bind them). b. Only one set of original documents is required to be submitted to GNU. Gajwa (Extra copies will be prepared by GNU based on your original ones) (Jinju) c. All documents must be presented in A4 size of papers. d. When choosing an applying university, name of a department or major you choose must be identical with the official names stated in the list of GNU bed four two bed rooms rooms (Bld.#1) (Bld.#2) 977 900 bed rooms two (Bld.#3,6& bed rooms two bed rooms (Bld.#4,5,7) (BTL) 977~1,068 1,079 BTL) 951~1,079 ※ The housing fee is based on 2014 academic year and subject to change. 2. Tuition Fee(one semester) programs. (Please refer to the list of GNU programs) (Unit: e. Documents should be presented in their original form. In the case of submitting photocopied documents, they must have an official stamp or verification by an authorized institution. Korean with a notarization stamp in order of original one front, and notarized one back. These documents include diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution, diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution, diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution, Humanities & Field of Social Study official transcript from graduate institution, certificates of citizenship of an applicant and his/her parents or their birth certificates, and awards. g. Certificate of English proficiency: Original copy of TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, or TOPIK. (photocopied one will not be recognized.) h. An applicant must maintain grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution. 1,870 3. S upport Programs Medicine Sports 2,490 a. Excursions f or I nternational to cultural and 2,541 3,168 - Sports Day, International party, farewell party, b. GNU The and is Buddy GNU tours, Student sites/events Gyeongnam Cityhall Pamtour, etc. Day, Christmas party, New Year's Eve etc. Program Buddy domestic matched S tudents industry - Industry trips, Korean culture program students with a on GNU a encourages one student on in one pairs interaction basis. and Each share between international international their student interests, study, diversity. c. International students have precedence to secure campus housing on demand. d. Immigration institution is required. e. International Students and Insurance Services Association(ISA)) & GNU Global Cafe - ISA Facebook:!/groups/gnu.isa/ conversion service at, or Please mind that these websites are fee-based service and GNU will only accept an officially converted transcript by them, but not a sample one. - 83 - Arts & Engineering 2,314 convert into percentages, attachment of official explanation from the attended * If an applicant cannot refer to the attended institution, he/she can use a transcript Sciences US$) ※ The tuition fee is based on 2014 academic year and subject to change. and cultural * If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is difficult to Life Sciences Tuition f. Individual certificates or documents must be written either in English or US$) - 84 - 2. Inter-departmental Courses Hallym University Address: 1 Hallymdaehak-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do 200-702, Korea Website: Division Humanities & Social Sciences Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 1. General Courses Division Natural Sciences Arts & Physical Education Engineering Medicine Department Korean English Philosophy History Psychology Sociology Social Welfare Political Science Journalism Law Management Statistics Physics Chemistry Biology Biomedical Food & Nutrition Environmental Sciences and Biotechnology Nursing Speech Pathology Audiology Biomedical Gerontology Physical Education Computer Electronic Convergence Software Medicine Field of Study Master's Doctoral O O O O O X O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Remarks Natural Sciences Engineering Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral Psychology and Law Bioethics Interaction Design Molecular Medicine Social Public Health Climate Change Therapeutic Bio Molecules Natural Medicine Rehabilitation Therapeutics Nano-Medical Devices Engineering O O O O O O O O X O O O O O O O X O O O Remarks Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: February 1, 2015 (Sunday) ~ March 19, 2015 (Thursday) 2. Contact: - James Sunjae Won - 1 Hallymdaehak-gil, Chuncheon-si. Gangwon-do 200-702, Korea - E-mail: [email protected] - Tel: +82-33-248-1341~4 - Fax: +82-33-248-1349 Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Why Hallym University? - Small but Great University! · Selected for LINC(Leaders in INdustry-college Cooperation) project by the Ministry of Education of Korea in 2014 · Selected for ACE(Advance of College Education) project by the Ministry of Education of Korea in 2014 · Selected for CK(Creative Korea) project by the Ministry of Education of Korea in 2014 · Ranked 19th(in the nation) and 100th(in Asia) in 2012 by Chosun Daily, QS Asian University Rankings. - 85 - - 86 - - Excellent Faculty and Educational Program · Honored as the nation's top 11 "Best Teaching University" by the Ministry of Education of Korea in 2010 - The largest medical institution in Korea, consisting of 6 general hospitals with 4,000 patient beds & 600 medical professors. - Located in Chuncheon, a city of beautiful nature, selected as one of the best cities to live in Korea and only 1 hour away from Seoul by bus or train. - The cost of living in Chuncheon is much cheaper than Seoul. 5. Key Facilities in Hallym University - lsong Memorial Library: The library has state-of-the-art facilities with more than 640,000 books and 35,000 non-book materials. - Sports Facilities ① Indoor(Hallym Sports Center) : swimming pool, basketball court, squash courts, fitness club, etc ② Outdoor - golf range, ping-pong room, basketball court, tennis court, soccer field, etc - Ilsong Art Hall: It is fully-equipped with cutting-edge 2. A state-of-the-art Dormitory - Prior allocation for the international student - New Dormitory: Two-bed room with bathroom inside (KRW 200,000≒USD 200 per month) - Complimentary gym is available in the dormitory. broadcasting equipments for education and various performances. - Healthcare Center: It provides free treatment for minor ailments and vaccinations. - Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital: It provides high quality medical services to patients at its 29 departments, specialized 3. Student Meal and Costs centers and clinics. - 2 Student Restaurants & 1 Faculty Restaurant - Costs: KRW 2,100~ KRW 3,500 - Convenient stores, Bookstore, Coffee shops, Stationery store, Barber shop, etc (Very resonable prices, compared to off-campus restaurants) - Various food menus such as Korean, Chinese, Western, etc. - Reliable food company(Ourhome) manages the restaurants. 4. Various Programs for International Students - 24-hour student care system and professional counseling service from professional counsellors. - Plenty of events to learn more about Korea (Korean cultural experience trip, K-Pop Concert, etc) - Buddy Program : Hallym Buddies are student volunteers to help international students adjust well to Korea - 87 - - 88 - - International Buddy System - Student Bar Association Handong Global University - Provide accessible ID to Lexis-Nexis and Westlaw (D/B site for legal cases) Address: Heunghae-eup, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea Website: - Networking with Advocates Intranational 4) Academic Calendar Spring Semester Fall Semester Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Field of Study Master's Doctoral Division Department Law US and International Law February 1L Orientation August Start of Summer Classes March Start of Spring Semester Classes / Students MT September Start of Fall Semester Classes April Mid-term Exam October Mid-term Exam / Field Day / Recruiting New Students May Teacher’s Day Ceremony November Admission Interview June Final Exam / Start of Summer Vacation December Final Exam / Banquet / Commencement / Start of Winter Vacation July Course Registration for Fall Semester / Law School Experiencing Day January Course Registration for Spring Semester Remarks O Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: 2015. 2. 1 ~ 2015. 3. 31 2. Contact: Hyesung Lee (Phone: 054-260-1715 / E-mail: [email protected]) Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide 1) Resident Hall Guide Resident Hall Capacity Maintenance Fee (per semester) International Hall (quadruplet) 220 (one building) 578,000won General Hall (quadruplet/double room) 2468 (five buildings) 525,000won ~669,000won ※ The plan is subject to change. Facilities and furnishings bathroom, shower room, fitness center, lounge, kitchen, study room, laundry room, meeting room, wire-less internet, bed, desk, chair, closet etc. 2. Important Notes 1) Required Documents - An Application Form - Required Essays - Two letters of recommendation ※ Staff who can speak English stays 24 hours in International Hall. - An official copy of University Transcript - One copy of University Diploma or Certificate of Pending Graduation 2) Life Support Programs for Foreign Students - Provide National Holiday’s accommodation and programs - The University Advisement Center - School bus operates over 40 times a day (500won single) - Culture Night, International Food Festival 3) Academic Support Programs for Foreign Students - The documents that can prove family economic situation, etc. - A birth certificate - A copy of the applicant’s passport - A copy of the parents of the applicant’s passport - Non-refundable application fee of 100$ or 65€ 2) Notes - All of the above must be written in English. - 100 percent English lecture - Provide Korean lecture of undergraduate school(consisting of four levels) - Korean Learning Guide Program - All documents submitted should be originals. - One of letters or recommendation should be from a teacher or work supervisor. - Essays must be submitted both by e-mail and hard copy. - 89 - - 90 - - A copy of the diploma is available only for Foreign University. - If the document is not written in English, it needs to be translated into English and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies notarized by the Korean embassy/consulate. - All of the above must be mailed to HILS. E-mails or facsimiles will not be accepted. Address: 107 Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea (Zip:130-791) Website: 3) Contact Hadong International Law School Address Hadong International Law School Heunghae-eup, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea (791-708) Phone/ Fax 054)260-1713~7 054)260-1719 Website E-mail [email protected] Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate School) ※ Website: ※ Medium of Instruction: Korean Department Humanities Humanities Humanities English Linguistics English Literature English Translation French Language and Literature (French Linguistics / French Literature) German Language and Literature (German Linguistics / German Literature) Russian Language and Literature (Russian Linguistics / Russian Literature) Spanish Language and Literature (Spanish Linguistics / Spanish Literature) Italian Language and Literature (Italian Linguistics / Italian Literature) Portuguese Language and Literature (Portuguese Linguistics / Portuguese Literature) Scandinavian Languages and Literature (Swedish Linguistics / Swedish Literature) TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Langauges) Japanese Language and Literature (Japanese Linguistics / Japanese Literature) Chinese Language and Literature (Chinese Linguistics / Chinese Literature) South and Southeast Asian Languages and Literature (Hindi Linguistics/ Hindi Literature / Malay-Indonesian Linguistics / Malay-Indonesian Literature / Thai Linguistics / Thai Literature / Vietnamese Linguistics / Vietnamese Literature) Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities - 91 - Field of Study Master's Doctoral Division ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ X ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X Humanities Middle East Languages and Literature (Arabic Linguistics / Arabic Literature / Turkish Linguistics / Turkish Literature / Persian Linguistics / Persian Literature) ○ ○ Humanities African Languages and Literature (African Linguistics / African Literature) ○ X Humanities Central and East European Languages and Literature (Polish Linguistics / Polish Literature / Romanian Linguistics / Romanian Literature / Hungarian Linguistics / Hungarian - 92 - ○ ○ Remarks Ph.D available only in Arabic Linguistics and Arabic Literature Ph.D not available in Bulgarian Linguistics and Bulgarian Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Social Science Social Science Social Social Social Social Science Science Science Science Literature / Yugoslav Linguistics / Yugoslav Literature / Czech Linguistics / Czech Literature / Bulgarian Linguistics / Bulgarian Literature) Korean Language and Literature (Korean Linguistics / Korean Literature / Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language) Comparative Literature Linguistics and Cognitive Science (Linguistics) Philosophy (Western Philosophy / Oriental Philosophy(Asian Studies)) History (Korean History / Asian History / Western History) Information and Archival Science (Archival Science) Global Culture & Contents Turkic and Central Asia (Politics-Economics, Socio-Humanities) International Affairs (Politics / Economics / Socio-culture) Political Science and International Relations (Political Science) Public Administration Law (Public Law / Private Law) Communication and Information International Economics and Law (Graduate School of International & Area Studies) Literature ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ※ Website: Division Department Social Science (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) Social Science Social Science Social Science Social Science Social Science Social Science Social Science Social Science Social Science Ph.D not available in Financial Economics Social Science Korean Studies Chinese Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) Japanese Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) Indian & ASEAN Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) Middle East & African Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) Russian & CIS Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) European Union Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) U.S. & Canadian Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) Latin American Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) Int‘l Development Studies (Politics/Economics/Society&Culture) International Relations (Int'l Trade & Commerce/Int'l Politics/Comparative Socio-cultural Studies) Field of Study Master's Doctoral Remarks O O Medium of Instruction: Korean O O Medium of Instruction: Chinese Ph.D Department: International Area Studies O O Medium of Instruction: Japanese Ph.D Department: International Area Studies O O *Medium of Instruction: English *Ph.D Department: International Area Studies O O Medium of Instruction: English Ph.D Department: International Area Studies O O Medium of Instruction: Russian/English Ph.D Department: International Area Studies O O Medium of Instruction: English Ph.D Department: International Area Studies O O Medium of Instruction: English Ph.D Department: International Area Studies O O Medium of Instruction: English Ph.D Department: International Area Studies O X Medium of Instruction: English X O Medium of Instruction: English Social Science Economics (Economics / Financial Economics) ○ ○ Social Science Social Science Social Science Management (Business Administration) Management Information Systems International Business Global Sport (Global Sport Management, Global Sport Science) Mathematics (Mathematics / Financial Mathematics) Physics Chemistry Statistics Environmental Science and Engineering Bioscience and Biotechnology Information Communications Engineering (Information and Communications Engineering) Electronics Engineering (Electronics Engineering) Computer and Electronic Systems Engineering (Computer Engineering, Electronic Systems Engineering) Industrial and Management Engineering (Industrial and Information Systems Engineering / Management Technology) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X 1. Period : February 2 ~ March 27, 2015 ○ ○ 2. Contact : Mr. Heesung Park, Main Coordinator for KGSP(Graduate) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Social Science Natural Science Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Science Science Science Science Science Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Administrative Office of Graduate Schools, HUFS [email protected] +82-(0)2-2173-2387 Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Degree Requirements i. General Graduate School Master Program : 2 yrs (4 semesters) - Minimum 24~33 credits (minimum GPA 3.0 / 4.5) - Comprehensive Exam (3 subjects) and Foreign Language Exam - Thesis Guidance I (one semester), Thesis Writing, Thesis Defense ii. General Graduate School Doctoral Program : 2 yrs (4 semesters) - Minimum 36 credits (minimum GPA 3.0 / 4.5) - 93 - - 94 - - Comprehensive Exam (3 subjects) and Foreign Language Exam Hanyang University - Thesis Guidance I,Ⅱ(2 semesters), Thesis Writing, Thesis Defense iii. GSIAS Master Program : 2 yrs (4 semesters) - Minimum 40 credits (minimum GPA 3.0 / 4.5) Address: 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 1336-791, Korea Website: - Foreign Language Exam, Thesis Writing, Thesis Defense iv. GSIAS Doctoral Program : 2 yrs (4 semester course work + 2 semester thesis guidance ) - Minimum 36 credits (minimum GPA 3.0 / 4.5) - Comprehensive Exam (4 subjects) and Foreign Language Exam Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Department Engineering Architecture Engineering Architecture - Thesis Guidance I, II (2 semesters after course work) - Thesis Proposal Presentation, Thesis Writing, Thesis Defense Engineering - 200,000 Won per month (excl. vacation period) : All new students & current students obtaining GPA 3.0 or above Engineering Urban Planning Natural Engineering - Kyunghee House (3~4 persons/room) : 100,000 ~ 200,000 Won/mon (excl. utility fees) Engineering Engineering Engineering 4. Cultural Experience - 2~3 Cultural Experience (incl. vacaion period) : For KGSP students Only / First Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering - 95 - Resources & Environmental Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics, Computer and Communication Engineering Computer and : 320,000 Won/mon (excl. utility fees) - Globee Dorm (Twin Room) : 250,000 Won/mon (no utility fee) Engineering Civil & Engineering Engineering - Globee Dorm-Annex (Single Room) Engineering Biomedical Environmental - HUFS Gongreung Apartment (2~3 persons/room) : 100,000 ~ 200,000 Won/mon (excl. utility fees) Architecture Engineering - 1,000,000 Won for students obtaining GPA 4.3 or above (cumulative) 3. Accommodations and Criticism of Architecture Engineering 2. KGSP Merit Scholarship provided by HUFS Field of Study Master's Doctoral Architectural X Design Ⅱ History, Theory Software Engineering Information System Materials Science and Engineering Chemical Engineering Organic and Nano Engineering Bioengineering - 96 - Remarks Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Energy MechanicalDesign Engineering MechanicalEngine Engineering ering Engineering ( .kr) ( r) Nuclear Medicine Medicine Medicine Engineering Industrial Medicine Engineering Automotive Medicine Engineering MechanicalConver Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine genceEngineering ( kr) Computer Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Science and Engineering Materials Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Biology Physiology Biochemistry Pathology Microbiology Parasitology Pharmacology Preventive medicine Medical genetics Occupational and environmental medicine Biomedical Engineering Mechatronics Medicine Medicine Engineering Transportation Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine surgery Neurosurgery Thoracic and Medicine Medicine cardiovascular Engineering Electronic Systems Engineering Electronics and Engineering Anatomy/Cell Communications Engineering Fusion Chemical Management y Bionanotechnolog y Bionanotechnolog y medicine External medicine Orthopedic surgery Plastic and Engineering Industrial & Engineering Bionanotechnolog engineering Family medicine Internal Bioengineering Nanotechnology Bionanotechnolog y Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine gynecology Psychiatry Dermatology Urology Otolaryngology Ophthalmology Diagnostic Dentistry Medicine Medicine Rehabilitation Medicine Medicine Architectural Medicine Design Architectural Medicine Medicine System Engineering - 97 - reconstructive surgery Anesthesis and pain medicine Pediatrics Obstetrics and - 98 - Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Applied Science Pharmacy Science Science Science Science Science Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences medicine Radiology Therapeutic Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences radiology Neurology Nursing Mathematics Molecular Life Humanities and Social Sciences Science Convergence Marine Sciences Applied Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Chemistry Applied Physics Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature English Language and Literature German English Literature English Language Language and Literature Sociology Media Communication Tourism Advertising & Public relations Journalism & Mass Communication Law Policy Economics and Finance Business Administration Business Administration Literature Philosophy Japanese Language and Culture Cultural Anthropology English Course and Materials X development Political Strategic Humanities and Social Sciences Administration Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Science and Diplomacy Public Administration Humanities and Social - 99 - Management Operation and Administration Humanities and Social Sciences Finance Business Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences History Administration Business Chinese Language and Marketing Business Service Management Management Information Business System International Administration Business Accounting Applied Economics Management Management Consulting Consulting GBC(Global Management Consulting Strategic Management Business Consulting) Marketing Strategic Human Resource Management Management Strategic Management Strategy - 100 - Fine Arts and Sports Music Trumpet Finance Fine Arts and Sports Music Trombone Accounting Fine Arts and Sports Music Flute Banking & Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Music Saxophone Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Insurance Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Insurance Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports & Finance & Finance Insurance & Finance Insurance & Finance Education Educational Technology Applied Arts English Education Korean Education Mathematics X Education Mathematics Physics Chemistry Life Science Environmental Science Interior Design Clothing and Music Cembalo Percussion Fine Arts and Sports Music Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Music Conducting Music Piano Music Voice Music Accompaniment Music Fine Arts and Sports Music Fine Arts and Sports Music Fine Arts and Sports Music Fine Arts and Sports Music Fine Arts and Sports Music Instrument Organ Western Music History WesternMusicTheo ry Composition Computer Music Composition New media performing & Technology Textiles Food and Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Nutrition Music Violin Music Viola Music Cello Music Contrabass Music Harp Music Bassoon Music Horn Music Tuba Music Oboe Music Clarinet - 101 - Korean Fine Arts and Sports Traditional Gayageum music Korean X Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Traditional Geomungo music Korean Large Traditional transverse music Korean bamboo flute Traditional Pipe music Korean Fine Arts and Sports Traditional music Korean Fine Arts and Sports Traditional music Fine Arts and Sports Korean Korean fiddle Seven-stringed instrument Percussion - 102 - Traditional music Korean Fine Arts and Sports Traditional music Korean Fine Arts and Sports Traditional music Korean Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Sports Instrument Fine Arts and Sports Vocal Urban & music-Jungga Interdisciplina ry courses music-Pansori Interdisciplina ry courses Vocal music-Kyungseodo music Korean sori Traditional Composition Interdisciplina ry courses Interdisciplina ry courses Traditional Theory music Korean Fine Arts and Sports Traditional Traditional X Korean X Musicology music Korean Fine Arts and Sports Conducting Design Fine Arts and Sports Design Fine Arts and Sports Design Fine Arts and Sports Design Fine Arts and Sports Design Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Jewelry Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and Sports Interdisciplina ry courses Interior Design Industrial Interdisciplina ry courses Design Interdisciplina ry courses Graphic Design Interdisciplina ry courses Multimedia Design Interdisciplina ry courses Physical Interdisciplina ry courses Industry and Applied Music Interdisciplina ry courses Art Interdisciplina ry courses Theatre and Fine Arts and Sports Theatre and Film Film Dance Interdisciplina ry courses and Fine Arts and Sports Fine Arts and X Well-Being Performance Interdisciplina ry courses Design Surface Education Global Sports Life Sports Interdisciplina ry courses Fashion Management Fine Arts and Sports Interdisciplina ry courses Interdisciplina ry courses music Fine Arts and Sports X Estate X Display Engineering Intelligent Robotics Nanoscale Semiconductor Engineering Frontier music Korean Fine Arts and Sports Skill) Real Development Information Vocal Traditional Dance(Practical Dance Theatre and Film(Theory) Theatre and Interdisciplina ry courses Film(Practical Interdisciplina ry courses Skill) Dance(Theory) - 103 - Interdisciplina Materials Engineering Health Management Early Childhood X Education Mass Media & Scenario Contents Child Psychotherapy Lifelong Learning Museum Education Digital Culture Contents Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology New Drug Development Transnational X X Humanities Convergence Nano science Multicultural Education Science and Technology Policy Personalized Genome Medicine Global Health - 104 - ry courses Interdisciplina ry courses Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Science Engineering Science Science Engineering Russian Studies American Humanities and Social Sciences Studies Japanese Biomedical X Project X Management MBA Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes Science Biomedical 1. Campus Facilities: Library, Residence hall, Student union, Student Engineering Translational service Medicine Biomedical center, Career service X Informadics Urban language residence hall (two sharing room), Student residence hall 1 & 2 Urban development and development and (four sharing room) management 3. Activities: Orientation, Garden development and landscape realestate Sports day, Cultural 4. Student Counseling: Counseling service for international students 5. Mentoring program: One-to-one matching programs to connect Urban international students with Korean students to help new coming regeneration and ecological students adapt well to the Korean culture and college life design 6. Internship: Providing information on Internship opportunities for and landscape Landscape ecological urbanism MBA(Young international students in Korean companies and institutions X Executive Finance MBA X Convergence X ManagementMBA Arts, Culture party, excursion, Halloween party, Farewell party, etc. Spirit) Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences International 2. Residence Hall: International house (two sharing room), Techno architecture Global YES Humanities and Social Sciences center, institute, Health care center, Museum, Bank, Cafeterias, etc. architecture Urban design Engineering Healthcare Management MBA Strategic 2. Contact: Sunjin Lee(+82-2-2220-0046, [email protected]) Korean Studies management X 1. Period: February 2 – March 27, 2015 Chinese Studies management Global MBA Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Studies real estate Urban design and Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Statistics real estate Urban Engineering MBA and Development Applied & X Entertainment - 105 - - 106 - Division Hongik University Fine Arts and Design Address: 94 Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-791, KOREA Website: Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Fine Arts & Design Fine Arts & Design Fine Arts & Design Fine Arts & Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Department Architecture Interior Architecture Mechanical Engineering Urban Design and Planning Materials Science and Engineering Electrical, Information and Control Engineering Electronic, Information and Communication Engineering Industrial Engineering Computer Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Fine Arts and Design Field of Master's Master’s Master’s Master’s Master’s Master’s Study Doctoral Doctoral Doctoral Doctoral Doctoral Remarks (Campus) Seoul Seoul Seoul Seoul Seoul Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Fine Arts and Design Master’s Doctoral Seoul Master’s Doctoral Seoul Fine Arts and Design Master’s Master’s Master’s Master’s Doctoral Doctoral Doctoral Doctoral Seoul Seoul Seoul Seoul Engineering Business Administration Master’s Doctoral Seoul Tax Studies Master’s Doctoral Seoul Art and Culture Management Master’s - Seoul Advertising & Public Relations Master’s Doctoral Seoul Education Master’s Doctoral Seoul Korean Language & Literature Master’s Doctoral Seoul Fine Arts and Design Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Arts History Master’s Doctoral Seoul (TOPIK Level 5 or Above) Aesthetics Master’s Doctoral Seoul Law Master’s Doctoral Seoul Metal Art & Design Ceramics Woodworking & Furniture Design Fiber and Textile Art Art Theory Fashion Design School of Meta-Design(Spatial Deign) School of Meta-Design (Product Design) School of Meta-Design (Transportation Design) Master’s Master’s Master’s Master’s Master’s Master’s Master’s - Seoul Seoul Seoul Seoul Seoul Seoul Seoul Master’s - Seoul Master’s - Seoul Engineering Engineering Engineering Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Fine Fine Fine Fine Arts Arts Arts Arts and and and and Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Design Design Design Design School of Meta-Design (Visual Communication Design) School of Meta-Design(Photography) Master’s - Seoul Master’s - Doctoral Seoul Seoul - Doctoral Seoul - Doctoral Seoul - Doctoral Seoul - Doctoral Seoul - Doctoral Doctoral Seoul Seoul - Doctoral Seoul Master’s Master’s Doctoral Doctoral Doctoral Doctoral - Seoul Seoul Seoul Sejong Sejong Master’s Doctoral Sejong Master’s Master’s Master’s Doctoral Doctoral Doctoral Sejong Sejong Sejong Sejong Master’s - Sejong Master’s Master’s Doctoral - Sejong Sejongl Global Management Master’s Doctoral Sejong Finance and Insurance Master’s Doctoral Sejong Master’s Doctoral Sejong Master’s Master’s Master’s Master’s Doctoral -l Sejong Sejong Sejong Sejong Design and Craft(Space Design) Design and Craft(Metal Art and Design) Design and Craft(Ceramics) Design and Craft(Woodworking and Furniture Design) Design and Craft(Photographic Design) Design and Craft(Industrial Design) Design and Craft(Fiber and Textile Art) Design and Craft(Visual CommunicationDesign) Design and Craft(Fashion Design) Design and Craft(Color) Film and Digital Media Design Architectural Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mechano-Informatics and Design Engineering Ceramic Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Computer Engineering Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Chemical System Engineering Games Advertising and Public Relations Communication Communication Design Film, Video and Animation Product Design Games ※ Seoul Campus is located in Wausan-ro 94, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-791, Korea ※ Sejong Campus is located in Sejong-ro, Jochiwon-eup, Sejong, 339-701, Korea ( International Design School for Advanced Studies : IDAS ) Division Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Field of Master's Master’s Master’s Master’s - Department Product Design Digital Media Design Design Management Design Studies Study Doctoral Doctoral Remarks (Campus) Seoul(Daehakro) Seoul(Daehakro) Seoul(Daehakro) Seoul(Daehakro) ※ Seoul(Daehakro) Campus is located in Daehakro 57, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-460, Korea - 107 - Remarks (Campus) - 108 - Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Ⅲ. Campus Guide and Important Notes 1. Application Period : February 1, 2015 to March 13, 2015 1. Campus Guide 2. Contact (University Quota) 1) University dormitory Priority will be given to international students. Two students share 1) General Graduate School ‣ Address Office of Graduate School one room, which has desks, beds and closets. Internet is available in the room. Hongmunkwan Building 5th Floor, R521 - Dormitory Fee: USD$830 for six months(meals not included) 94 Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-791, Korea ‣ Homepage : ☎ Tel : +82-2-320-1253 Fax : +82-2-320-1251 E-mail. [email protected] 2) International Design School for Advanced Studies(IDAS) ‣ Address 2) Library You can check out books from the university library after you get your university ID card. - the maximum number of books a graduate student can borrow: 20 books - the period for borrowing books: 4 weeks 3) KIMCHI(Korean International Members' Club at HongIk) IDAS Office, Hongik University KIMCHI members help international students adjust to the life at Hongik University by providing a variety of voluntary services 57 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-460, Korea such as providing an airport pickup or acting as a buddy. ‣ Homepage : ☎ Tel : +82-2-3668-3806 Fax : +82-2-744-6866 4) International Student Lounge(ISL) You can use the space provided by International Center. E-mail. [email protected] 2. Important Notes 1) "KGSP Guidelines for the Year 2015" will be notified at the 3) International Center homepage of NIIED in last January of 2015. Then Graduate ‣ Address Hongik University International Center School will inform the confirmed application guidelines at the Information and Communication Center Building, Q109 homepage of the school. 94 Wausan-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 121-791, Korea ‣ Homepage : 2) Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. ☎ Tel. +82-2-320-1043/1044 E-mail. [email protected] 3) If the details on the application form are not true or the documents are not properly made out, the admission will be canceled. - 109 - - 110 - 4) Documents should be presented in their original format. Inha University Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by an certified English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution. Address: 100 Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon, Korea (Postal Code : 402-751) Website: (Graduate School: School of Logistics : Should they be unavailable, certified copies (authorized by the originating institution) must be submitted. Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 1. Graduate School of Inha University ▪ Master's and Doctoral Degree Program for 2015 KGSP 5) You can see the 2015 KGSP Guideline by our homepage or NIIED Field Department homepage( for checking admission schedule, eligibility for application, required Mechanical Engineering documentation, application procedure, etc. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Aerospace Engineering Industrial Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Information and Communication engineering Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Polymer Science & Engineering Applied Organic Materials Engineering Engineering O Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering O O Aerospace Engineering Industrial Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Information O O O O O O O O Information and Communication engineering O O Chemical Engineering Polymer Science & Engineering Applied Organic Materials Engineering O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Materials Science and Engineering Energy Resources Engineering Geoinformatic Engineering Environmental Engineering Computer and Information Engineering Marine Science & Biological Engineering Marine Science & Biological Engineering Mathematics Mathematics Education Physics Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Biological Sciences Statistics Clothing & Textiles Food & Nutrition Nursing Medicine - 111 - O Energy Resources Engineering Architectural Engineering Degree Program Master Doctoral Thermodynamics & Fluid Mechanics Solid Mechanics & Manufacturing Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Civil Engineering Natural Science Major Structural/Foundation/Construction Management Engineering Water Resource/Geospatial Engineering Architectural Planning & Design Structural Eng./Construction Eng. & Management Geoinformatic Engineering Environmental Engineering Computer and Information Engineering Biological Engineering Biopharmaceuticals Oceanography Biological and Fishery Oceanography Mathematics Mathematics Education Optics Theoretical Physics & Condensed Matter Physics Chemistry Biological Sciences Statistics Applied Statistics Clothing & Textiles Food & Nutrition Nursing Drug Development Molecular Biomedicine - 112 - Remarks Field Department Major Arts/ Sports Visual Arts Visual Communication Design Kinesiology Visual Arts Visual Communication Design Kinesiology Organizational Behavior & Human Re-source Management Financial Management Marketing Operations Management & Management Science Management Information Systems Accounting Applied Economics Theoretical Economics International Trade Public Law and Criminal Law Private Law Intellectual Property Law Public Administration Policy Science Political Science & International Relations Communication & Information Education Korean Language Korean Literature Korean History Comparative History Philosophy Korean Cultural Contents Sinology Japanese Language & Culture Social Studies Education Consumer Studies Korean Language Education Korean Language Education as a Foreign Language English Language Education French Language & Literature Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Pathology Microbiology Parasitology Pharmacology Social and Preventive Medicine Internal Medicine Surgery Pediatrics Obstetrics & Gynecology Neurological Surgery Orthopaedic Surgery Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Plastic Surgery Dermatology Business Administration Accounting Economics International Trade Law Intellectual Property Law Public Administration Humanit ies & Social Sciences Political Science & International Relations Communication & Information Education Korean Studies Sinology Japanese Language & Culture Social Studies Education Consumer and Child Studies Korean Language Education English Language Education French Language & Literature Medical Science Medicine - 113 - Degree Program Master Doctoral O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Field Department X X O O O Remarks O X O O O O Medical Science Medicine Robot Engineering Energy Engineering Inter-dep artment Degree Program Master Doctoral Major Urology Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Ophthalmology Radiology Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Psychiatry Radiation Oncology Laboratory Medicine Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine Neurology Dentistry Emergency Medicine Biomedical Science Family Medicine Robot Engineering Human Art Technology Future Sustainable Energy Engineering Ocean Energy O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O IT & Media Convergence Studies IT & Media Convergence Studies Digital Art and Technology Digital Art and Technology Culture Management Culture Management Integrated Urban Planning Integrated Urban Planning Multicultural Studies and Education Multicultural Studies Archaeology as Interdisciplinary Science Sustainability Management Archaeology as Interdisciplinary Science Sustainability Management O O Integrative Health Science Integrative Health Science O O Science for FTA Policy and Business Consulting Science for FTA Policy and Business Consulting O O Global e-Governance Global e-Governance O O Multicultural Education Remarks Engineering Humanities & Social Science * For detailed information & contact information , visit O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ※ For information about degree requirements, visit ※ According to each department's regulation, graduate students have to conduct presentation in a conference or publish academic papers in a journal to take thesis evaluation and achieve a degree. ※ Some designated subjects can be assigned to students whose previous major is different from the new one. (Master's : Max. 3 subjects, Doctoral & Integrated : Max. 5 subjects) 2. Graduate School of Logistics Field Humanities & Social Science Department Logistics Major Logistics Degree Program Master Doctoral O O Remarks English Proficiency Test Score is mandatory Refer to the application document below ※ For detailed information, visit - 114 - Ⅱ. KGSP Application [University Quota] 7. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended undergraduate Institution(s) 8. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s) 9. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended graduate institution(s) 10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) 11. Copy of passport 1. Application Period for 2015 KGSP at Inha University : From February 17th(Tue) to March 18th(Wed), 2015. ※ Schedule for 2015 KGSP Selection (This can be changed according to NIIED.) 1 Notice about KGSP Guidelines for 2015 (by NIIED) from end of January 2 Notice about KGSP Guidelines for 2015 & Promotion (by Inha University) from February 10 ~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Application period for KGSP 2015 to Inha University (Documents submission) Evaluation by the special committee for recommendation (Inha University) Recommendation (Inha University ➝ NIIED) The second evaluation for selection by NIIED Result notice about the second selection (by NIIED) Medical examination Result notice about the final selection (by NIIED) Korean visa application & Flight ticket purchase Entry to Korea Orientation for 2015 KGSP organized by NIIED Korean language course from February 17 to March 18 15. Awards, if available (one or two) from March 23 to April 4 16. Certificate of Citizenship of Parents : birth certificate, passport, etc. from April 7 to 10 from April 23 to 24 on April 30 from May 1 to 31 on June 16 from June 17 to July 31 from August 24 to 26 from August 31 to Sep 3 from September 1 ~ KGSP Selection & Management Department Name Graduate School Office Cho, Deok-Hwan GSL Ko, Soo-Ji Administration Office Hwang, Ji-Hwan TEL Contact Information Fax E-MAIL 032-860 -8389 032-865 -8623 032-860 -8224~5 032-860 -8226 ○ ○ ○ - ○ ○ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ ○ △ △ ○ 17. Adoption documents (*only for overseas Korean adoptee) △ △ * Those who want to apply for Graduate school of logistics(GSL) must have certificate of english [TOEIC 700, TOEFL IBT 71, CBT 207, IELTS 5.5, TEPS 600 or higher] 2. Contact Information Task 12. Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy) 13. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS or TOEIC or TEPS score (original copy) directly sent from ETS/IELTS or institution* 14. Published papers, if available (one or two) ○ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ◈ Graduate School ( - Address : Graduate School Office(Building#1-317), Inha University, 100, Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon, Korea (Postal Code : 402-751) - Tel : +82-32-860-8389 - E-mail : [email protected] ◈ Graduate School of Logistics ( - Address : Graduate School of Logistics(Building#9-114), Inha University, 100, Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon, Korea (Postal Code : 402-751) - Tel : +82-32-860-8224~5 - E-mail : [email protected] 3. Application documents for 2015 KGSP (fixed by NIIED) ※ Applicants for 2015 KGSP must submit one original document and three extra copies to Inha University in person or by postal mail during the designated period. ※ Contact in advance to a professor before application submission is strongly recommended. A letter of recommendation from a professor at Inha University will be highly considered during the evaluation process for selection. ※ Inha University can ask applicants to submit several additional documents (ex. resume, letter of consent for degree verification), if it is needed. ※ Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete and accurate English or Korean translation certified by the issuing institution. ※ Applicants must submit one of three types of documents about the certificate of degree; ①Apostille documents or ②Notarized by Korean consulates in foreign countries or ③Notarized by Foreign consulates in Korea. ※ Applicants who are expecting the adequate degree should present their degree certificate by February 31, 2015. ※ Applicants must accurately fill out the health checklist based on truth. All successful applicants must take a medical exam (including an HIV and TBPE drug test). If the results show that the applicant is unfit to be a KGSP student, selection will be canceled. ※ Published papers : submit 1~2 copies. ※ Awards : submit the notarized version. - According to NIIED's request, Inha University should confirm the original. ※ Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. ※ Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the Selection Committee, and scholarship revocation even after entry into Korea. ※ Additional required documents to apply for 'Graduate School of Logistics' : Proof of Work Experience/Employment, Supporting Evidence of Other Student Merit (if applicable) Check List for Application Documents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Personal data Self Introduction Study Plan Letter of Recommendation Pledge Personal Medical Assessment - 115 - Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Dormitory (Homepage : ▪ Inha University’s first dormitory, with one story below and five above ground, accommodate up to 1,018 students. In addition to regular Inha students, Woongbijae houses exchange students, and is fully accessible for handicapped students. - 116 - "Woongbijae" offers LAN access ports, satellite TV reception, DID telephones, and a computer room. Other facilities include a cafeteria, a laundry room, a small convenience store, an outdoor multi-purpose space, and a lounge area, providing students with a comfortable living environment. The second dormitory, Biyongjae, which opened in March 2006, can accommodate up to 1,154 students. ▪ Students of KGSP will get priority for dormitory, but only for quadruple rooms. * The dormitory fee can be changed. Dormitory Woongbijae (1,018 students) Biryongjae (1,154 students) Fee (including m eal) (per sem ester) Types of Room Facilities quadruple Bed, Air conditioner, Telephone, and others KRW 600,000 double Bed, Air conditioner, Telephone, and others KRW 1,030,000 quadruple Bed, Air conditioner, Telephone, and others KRW 660,000 double Bed, Air conditioner, Telephone, and others KRW 1,030,000 double Bed, Air conditioner, Telephone, and others Private Bathroom, Shower Room KRW 1,190,000 * The dormitory fee don't include meals(breakfast and dinner) and don't include vacation period. * For more information, please visit the dormitory homepage and refer to the notice. 3) Inha Student Ambassadorship ( x) - Selection : 15 international graduate students from 13 countries. - Admission counseling for new applicants, Guide admission process, Issue the newsletter for international students & alumni <'Inha Global Messenter'>, etc. 4) ISL(International Students Lounge) : (Location) #504 at the student union building - Computers, copy machines, newspapers and magazines in English, guidebook for sightseeing in Korea, etc. - Korean language education by volunteers, Issuing the newsletter (2~3 times per semester), etc. 4. Important Notes 1) Students can apply for only one of the institutes among Korean embassy in their countries, universities in Korea, and institutes for adopted children. If students apply for more than one institution, he or she will be excluded from the selection. 2) Transferring to a different university is not permitted in any case after confirming the host university. 3) Applicants who have records of enrollment or graduation at the academic degree program(including the exchange program) in Korea will not be allowed to apply for 2015 KGSP. 2. Scholarship (Graduate School) ▪ Jungseok International Scholarship - Korean Government Scholarship Students are allowed to get entrance fee and the tuition fee which excess KRW 5,000,000 from the graduate school. (NIIED will support their tuition within KRW 5,000,000.) - Additional tuition fees after NIIED's scholarship period will be supported by Inha University, if it is needed. ▪ Assistantship Scholarship - Lab assistant and Teaching assistant will get around KRW 1,000,000 for one semester as Assistantship Scholarship. To be LA or TA, you should achieve recommendation from adviser professor and individual department and get permission to engage in activities other than those permitted by the status from Immigration Office. Korean Government Scholarship Students are allowed to apply for LA or TA. ▪ Research Allowance - While studying at Inha University, international students who participate in a certain research project have chance to achieve research grants. According to your major area and adviser professor, research projects which you can take part in will be determined. 3. Support programs for international students 1) Assignment of mentor students for new international students - Mentor students(international students who come from the same country or are at the same department) will help new international students during degree program. 2) Field trip and international culture festival for international students - Field trip : Mt. Seorak(2011), Mongchontoseong(Mud Rampart) (2012), Korean Folk Village(2013) , Changdukgung(2014) - Culture Festival : Food Festival, Cultural Performances, etc. (In May) - Graduate School of Logistics offers opportunities of field trip to industrial sites. - 117 - - 118 - Division Department Inje University Major Field Course MA Ph.D. O O Medical Ultrasonics, Medical Image Processing, Address: (Zip code:621-749) 197 Injero Gimhae Gyeongnam Website: Biomedical Biomaterial, Radiography Image, Cell Engineering Biomechanics, Biomechanics, Signal & Imaging Environmental Environmental Biotechnology, Atmospheric Science & Environment, Water Supply and Sewerage Natural Engineering Engineering, Environmental Chemistry, Science Occupational TOEFL IBT System, Tissue Engineering Water Quality, Environmental Ecology, Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Department Major Field Course MA Ph.D. Remarks Anatomy, Biochemistry, Medicine Physiology and biophysics, Pharmacology, Nursing Gerontological nurse practitioner, Critical care nurse practitioner, Psychiatric nurse Marketing, Operation Management, Financial administration Management, Accounting, International Economics Trade⦁Strategy, Hospital Management Theoretical economic, Economic policy & Economic History Multinational Corporations, Principles and International Practices in International Trade ,International Trade Trade Theory, Risk Management And Insurance, Safety Engineering, Industrial Hygiene Safety Environmental Health Science Pharmacy Arts & Social Sciences Language & Literature Korean- Literature, Classic Literature Chinese Language and Literature Major, Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, O O O O O O O O - Manufacturing Technology Field Mechanical O O O O TOPIK 3 Engineering required - Solid and Fracture Mechanics Field - Dynamics and Control Field - Bio MEMS Field 2) Future Automotive Engineering Major - High Safety Vehicle Field - High Efficiency Vehicle Field Communication, Artificial Intelligence, O O TOPIK 4 Computer required Engineering Operating System, Software Engineering, Human Computer Interface, Smart Home, Database, Multimedia O O TOPIK 3 - Nano Precision System required and or TOEFL O IBT 63 Engineering Engineering Social Work Practice, Social Welfare Policy Communication, Advertising, Documentary Theory and Production O O Electronics and Telecommunicati 2) Nano Medical Track on Engineering Power Electronics, Mobile Communications, Data Communications, Network System O IBT 80 required Industrial and Management Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, O O Engineering O O Architecture Industrial and Management Engineering O Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Natural Science Smart Food and Drugs Architectural Planning and Design, Food & Life Science, Clinical Nutrition Biological genetics, Molecular microbiology, Cell biology, Sciences Immunology, Biochemistry, Molecular genetics, Microbiology, Animal taxonomy - 119 - Housing and Environment, O Structural Engineering Neuroembryology, Plant biotechnology, Molecular O O Civil Engineering Structural Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water and Wastewater Engineering - 120 - TOEIC or IELTS required or TOEFL O Diplomacy Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, - Nano Materials TOEFL, required TOPIK 4 Political Science and Diplomacy - Nano Devices - Nano Bio TOPIK 5 O Political - Nano Semiconductor - Nano Medical required and Translation Chemistry Social and Administrative Pharmacy, - Heat⦁Fluid Field TOPIK 3 Korean-Chinese Translation Interpretation Major Science and above required 1) Mechanical Engineering Major O Nanoscience Chinese Communication 3.5/4.5 or 1) Nano Precision System Track Korean Linguistics Field, Contemporary Interpretation Social Welfare required Pharmaceutical Bioscience Major International Finance Korean Liberal TOPIK 3 G.P.A. Health & O practitioner, Emergency nurse practitioner Human Resource & Organization Management, Business O Environmental Water Resources Engineering Tumor Modulation, Medical Humanities Nursing science, e O Pharmaceutical Synthetic Chemistry, O Parasitology, Preventive Medicine, Scienc 80 or above required Engineering Microbiology/Immunology, Pathology, Medical Remarks O O Division Department Ubiquitous Design Major Field Course MA Ph.D. TOPIK 3 Interior Design PFD, Visual Design HRD, Product Design HRD, Film and Animation O O Design PFD Art Orchestral Music Major, Composition Major, O O Music therapy Major Information and Communication Interdisciplinary Programs Photonics and devices, Network, Information System System Health Science & Technology or TOEFL IBT 63 required Voice Major(Vocal Music Major), Piano Major, Music Remarks Music Major only - The residence halls give International Students the opportunity to practice Korean language and culture through Korean roommate program. - The residence halls offer work-out, study and recreation rooms for residents. - Details of the Residence Halls O O O O (Please refer to Cardio-Metabolism Science, Brain Science and Rehabilitation Neuroscience, Tissue Engineering, Details Environment Industry and Complex Information per month* Medical Imaging Science Atmospheric Education- Boarding fee Atmospheric Environment and Information, Broadcast Meteorology O O TOPIK 3 Global Town required Ÿ Capacity: 280 students Ÿ 2 people per room Ÿ 2 meals a day (optional) $300 Engineering (Meal expense $140 Ÿ Capacity: 130 students English Ÿ 2 people per room Town Ÿ 2 meals a day (optional) Ÿ Residents should speak in English Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: 2 Feb. ~ 20 Mar. 2015 Ÿ Capacity: 430 students Biotech Ÿ 2 people per room 1) Staff in Charge: Mr. Kim, Hee Kyu, 2) Mailing Address: Graduate School, Inje University, 197 Injero, village Ÿ Open 24 hours Ÿ 2 meals a day (optional) Gimhae, Gyeongnam (Zip code: 621-749) 3) Telephone: +82-55-320-3611~2,3642/ Fax:+82-55-336-0225 Dormitory 2. Contact Information 4) E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Eligibility & Required Documents - Please refer to NIIED’s 2015 KGSP application guideline Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Residence Hall included) $330 (Meal expense $140 included) for Ÿ 3 apartments with full equipment No boarding fee Medical Ÿ 6 people share an apartment (Residents share only Student Ÿ Open 24 hours maintenance fee) (Busan Campus) *variable according to exchange rate 2. Counseling Center for International Students - Counseling center for International Students is run by Inje University - Inje University provides convenient on-campus housing for to help out the students' problems relating to living and studying in International Students in 3 residence halls - Inje Global Town, Korea, such as housing, study visa, qualifications for degrees, English Town and Biotech Village, which can accommodate about insurance, job seeking etc. 500 International Students. - Inje Global Town that assigns all of rooms for International Students is to enhance the convenience of International Students. - 121 - - 122 - 3. Cultural Events for International Students - Inje University offers a variety of cultural events for International Students such as hiking on Korean Mountains, volunteering Jeju National University Address: 102 Jejudaehakno, Jeju City, Jeju, Rep.of Korea(690-756) Website: programs, practicing Korean traditional holidays etc. 4. The Advantage of Reduction on Paik Hospital Fee Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) - International Students can get the advantage of reduction on hospital fee when they use Paik Hospitals. (Seoul, Busan, Sanggye, Division Ilsan, and Haeundae) 5. KGSP mentor & Alumni Association - Inje University has KGSP mentor program to support new KGSP Student’s successful adaptation to campus life at Inje in many ways. - Alumni association is running web sites which contain the International alumni's information and sending regular newsletters for alumni in order to strengthen the connection between International Social & H u m a n Sciences Students and Inje University. 6. Important Notes for Applicants 1) Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for this program via only one organization. 2) If any of application documents is missing or contains false information, the admission may be rescinded. 3) All application documents will not be returned. 4) All documents should be written in English or Korean. Documents written in another language should be accompanied by a notarized English or Korean translation. 5) A student whose graduation is pending at other institutions during the time of application should submit the Graduation Certificate(s) and the 7) Before applying to graduate program at INJE, applicants are advised to contact with the staff in charge of KGSP admission in order to discuss Natural Sciences Field of Study Master's Doctoral Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature Japanese Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature German Studies Public Administration Business Administration Economics Agricultural Economics Tourism Management Accounting O O O O O O O O Sociology Management Information System Political Science & Diplomacy International Trade Tourism Development History Journalism & Public Relations Philosophy Law Environment-friendly Agriculture Horticulture O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Molecular Biotechnology Applied Biotechnology O Molecular Biotechnology Applied Biotechnology Fishery Sciences Earth and Marine Sciences Biology O O O O O O Chemistry O O Faculty of Biotechnology Degree Certificate(s) before semester begins. 6) Applicants may be requested to submit additional documents for screening. Department his/her admission. - 123 - - 124 - Remarks Division Department Mathematics Computer Science & Statistics Food Science & Nutrition Home Management Clothing & Textiles Engineering Fine Arts and Physical Education Medicine Interdisciplinary Programs Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) O 1. Period: Feburary 2, 2015 ~ March 20, 2015 O O 2. Contact: Ji Hyojung(Center for International Affairs) O O O O Marine Life Science O O O O Bio-Medicine & New Drug Development Animal Biotechnology O O O O Faculty of Applied Energy System Remarks O Applied Life Science Nursing Science and Engineering Field of Study Master's Doctoral O O Major of Physics Major of Mechanical Engineering Major of Energy and Chemical Engineering Major of Electrical Engineering Major of Electronic Engineering Food Science & Engineering Telecommunications Engineering Computer Engineering Architectural Engineering Environmental Engineering Civil & Ocean Engineering Oceanic Information & Systems Engineering Mechatronics Engineering O Physical Education Fine Arts O Music O Veterinary Medicine O O Medicine Biomedical Engineering O O O O Korean Studies O O Marine Meteorology O O Financial Information O Advanced Convergence Technology & Science O O O O O O O 1. Dormitory cost (two people per room, one semester(Except Vacation period)) A. Maintenance fees : Around 554,400 Korean won Option Price per meal O O O O O O O O O Amount for one semester ① 16 meals per week -From Monday to Friday(2 meals a day): Breakfast, Dinner 2,200 Korean Won -Weekend(3 meals a day): 563,200 Korean won Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner ② 10 meals per week -From Monday to Friday(2 meals a O - 125 - Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes B. Meals(Optional) O Major of Physics Major of Mechanical Engineering Major of Energy and Chemical Engineering Major of Electrical Engineering Major of Electronic Engineering +86 64 754 8242, [email protected] day): Breakfast, Dinner 2,600 Korean Won ③ No meal - 416,000 Korean won - ※ The amount differs from the period of one semester 2. An exclusive cooking facility for the use of foreign students O - 126 - Division Jeonju University Address: 303 Chonjam-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju (560-759), Jeonbuk, Republic of Korea Website: Department Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature History Library and Information Science Law Public Administration Humanities & Social Sciences Real Estate Science Police Administration Business Administration Sino-Korea Trade and Investment Field of Study Master's Korean Literature, Korean Linguistics, Korean Language & Culture Education English, English Literature, TESOL, Translation Studies Korean History, East Asian History, Western History Library & Information Science, Information Science Korean Literature, Korean Linguistics, Korean Language & Culture Education English, English Literature, TESOL, Translation Studies Korean History, East Asian History, Western History - Public Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Mercantile Law, International Law Public Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Mercantile Law, International Law Public Administration Public Administration Real Estate Policies, Real Estate Investment, Administration, Real Estate Law, Real Estate Development, Finance Police Administration, Criminal Psychology Personnel Management, Production Management, Marketing, Financial Management Korean-Chinese Trade, Korean-Chinese Investment Real Estate Policies, Real Estate Investment, Administration, Real Estate Law, Real Estate Development, Finance Police Administration, Criminal Psychology Personnel Management, Production Management, Marketing, Financial Management, Accounting Trade Finance & Insurance Social Welfare Doctoral Child Education, Special Education Resources Tourism service administration Tourism service administration Curriculum, Educational technology, Educational Psychology‧measure evaluation, educational administration‧lifelong education, Special education Tourism service administration Curriculum, Educational technology, Educational Psychology‧measure evaluation, educational administration‧lifelong education, Special education New testament theology, Systematic theology, Mission theology, Pastoral counseling 2. Documents Finance, Insurance Social Services - International Economics, International Management, International Trade Finance, Insurance - Statistics Statistics Theory, Applications, Computerized Statistics Counseling Psychology Counseling Psychology Counseling Psychology - 127 - Remarks Theology 1. Qualifications ▮ Master’s Degree Program Graduate (or expected graduate) of a domestic or foreign university - Or, someone who has attained a similar level of education as certified by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources ▮ Ph.D. Program - M.A. graduate (or expected graduate) of a domestic or foreign university - Or, someone who has attained a similar level of education as certified by the Ministry of Education and Human - Korean-Chinese Classics & Culture Chinese classics, Sinology Chinese classics, Sinology Health Science Skin, Obesity, Health Improvement, Functional Foods - Physical Education Physical Education History of Sports, Sport sociology, Sports Psychology, Exercise Physiology, Motor Mechanics Environmental Science Environmental Science Environmental Science Traditional Food Business Alternative Medicine Natural Sciences Remarks Child Education, Special Education Education Department Doctoral Children & Special Education Ⅰ. Academic Programs(Graduate) Division Field of Study Master's Culture Technology Rehabilitation Science Life resources integrated science Arts psychology therapy Traditional Cooking, Production of Traditional Foods Psychosomatic Therapy, Manual Arts Cures, Biologically-Based Practices, Energy Therapy Contents Planning, Contents Policy, Contents Development Contents Design Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Vocational Rehabilitation Life resources fusion knowledge, Agro-Medical industry, Biochemical analysis, Agroindustry business economics fusion, Food fusion science Music therapy, Art therapy - 128 - - Psychosomatic Therapy, Manual Arts Cures, Biologically based Practices, Energy Therapy Contents Planning, Contents Policy, Contents Development, Contents Design - Life resources fusion knowledge, Agro-Medical industry, Biochemical analysis, Agroindustry business economics fusion, Food fusion science - ▮ Required documents (for all the applicants) - One completed Application Form (Jeonju Official form) Personal Statement and Study Plan (Jeonju Official form) - Korean Language Proficiency Test - A copy of Certificate of GKS holder issued by NIIED - A copy of applicant's Passport - A copy of applicant's Alien Registration Card - all the other documents that NIIED requires for the application. ▮ M.A. program Certification of the University Graduation and Transcript ▮ Ph.D. Program Certificate of Graduation and Transcripts Division Department Computer Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Architectural Engineering Information Systems Civil and Environmental Engineering Information Communication Engineerin g Electrical and Electronics Engineering Manufacturing & Design Engineering Fire Safety Engineering Energy Engineering Carbon fusion engineering Industrial Engineering Construction Engineering Electrical, Electronic & Communication Engineering Field of Study Master's Computer Engineering Materials/Design, Heat/Fluids, Vibrations/Noise, Production/Management Architectural Design, Architectural Environment and Equipment, Architectural Management Information Management, Information Systems Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Geo-engineering, Environmental Engineering Multimedia Communications, Communication Systems Semiconductors, Communications, Electric Power Systems, Power Electronics Engineering Manufacturing Engineering, Design Engineering Doctoral Materials/Design, Heat /Fluids, Control/Noise, 1. Period: FEB 9. 2015 ~ MAR 27. 2015 Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) - ■ Benefits for KGSP Scholarship Students ○ Priority in choosing a hotel-style dormitory room (2 students per room) - - - - - Fire Safety Engineering Energy Engineering Energy Engineering Carbon application, Carbon material, Carbon forming - Industrial Engineering - Construction Engineering - Semiconductors Engineering, Electric Power System Engineering, Power Electronics Engineering, Information Engineering, Communication Engineering Music Voice, Piano, Orchestra, Composition, Theory, Conducting - Art & Design Visual design, Product design, Living design, Interior design, Design culture planning - Art & Music Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 2. Contact: Phone : +82-63-220-2122 / E-mail : [email protected] [Office of International Education & Exchange : Park, Jong Sung] - Fire Safety Engineering - Remarks (both of Undergradu ate and Graduate: M.A.) ※ All the documents that are not in English or Korean must be accompanie d by an English or Korean notarized translation. Please submit the originals as well. ※ Submitted documents become the property of Jeonju University and will not be returned to the applicants. ○ Support for 50% dormitory charge (2 students per room) ○ In case the government-provided support does not cover the full tuition, our university will provide the additional funds to pay your tuition ○ Support for participating in graduate school research projects ○ Support for attending Korean cultural events (free admission) ○ Option of signing up for a meal plan in the cafeteria ○ Establishment of a website devoted to GKS graduate students in order to improve communications ○ Cooking facilities inside the dormitory (in a common area) and designation of a special area inside the dormitory for different cultures ■ Benefits & Support for Academic Study ○ 1:1 Mentor Relationship with a professor as well as educational support ○ Mentoring Program: KGSP students are paired 1:1 with a Korean student ○ Counseling & advice for KGSP graduate students: Counseling regarding academic affairs, student life, future plans, etc. ○ Support from a research assistant appointed to help you register for classes and write your thesis ○ Opportunity to meet with and get advice from the School President and Head of the Graduate School on a regular basis. ■ Academic Facilities ○ Hotel-style dormitory ○ Modern lecture halls ○ Fitness center and various outdoor sports facilities ■ Support for employment ○ Priority in assistance with job support after graduating from Jeonju University Graduate School ○ Preferential support for employment in Korean companies in one’s own home country for KGSP graduates ■ KGSP Graduate Student & Support ○ Support for safety and security from a staff member appointed to help ○ Security through an emergency network for KGSP Graduate students ○ Staff assigned in case of accidents or any health-related incidents - 129 - - 130 - ■ Activities for International Students q International Day for International Students ➣ Jeonju University has an International Day for international students during JJ Superstar Festival. Students from different countries run a PR booth for their culture and they can enjoy the festival as well as communicate with Korean students. ➣ International students can have a 'Get-Together' with students from their countries and have a fun sharing their own traditional foods and snacks. Through this activity, participants take on the role of ambassador and introduce their native culture to Jeonju University campus. q Korean Traditional Culture Academy cooperated with Jeonju City ➣ Jeonju University in association with Jeonju City run this program for international students of the University. It aims to foster positive interaction the Korean and international ethnic communities and create a constructive partnership through a process of first-hand experience of Korean traditional Culture. ➣ Jeonju University offers 2 credits to participants of this program and it takes 4 days (32 hours) to complete. Jeonju City gives Certificates for completion of this program. Through this program, international students can go field trips, and experience very vivid and real Korean culture. ➣ Jeonju University has offered this program to more than 1,000 foreign teachers and students including the teachers who came to Korean through EPIK program organized by National Institute for International Education (NIIED) of the Korean Government. ➣ ➣ ➣ ➣ 2. Important Notes ○ All documents submitted should be originals. ○ The department and major cannot be changed after applying. ○ The university is not responsible for possible disadvantage from lack of required documents or imperfect papers. If the applicant fails to submit any important documents which can affect the result, he/she will be eliminated without further notice. ○ If any of the submitted materials contain false information, admission may be rescinded. ○ Applicants shall be responsible for any disadvantage (including the announcement of admissions decision) caused by failure to submitting required documents, erros or omissions in the documents, failure to following the requirements indicated in the admission guide, wrong address, being out of contact, failure to check the successful applicants, failure to execute procedures necessary to enter the country, etc. ○ Matters that are not included in this guide will be dealt with the admission procedures and regulations of the university. q Counseling Program for International Students University Counseling Center: psychological test and individual advice Special lectures for international students: understanding the university and the culture Mentor and Mentee program for international students 1:1 Buddy Program for International students ■ Guide to the Hotel-Style Dormitory ➣ 18 above-ground floors, 2 basement-level floors, 997-occupancy, ultra-modern hotel-style dormitory. Newly built in 2009. In each room, there is a bathroom, shower facilities, bed, storage closet, WIFI, individual heating and air-conditioning units, etc. There are laundry facilities as well as a convenience store, café, restaurant (with a VIP Lounge), etc. Top security measures include card-key entry on each floor. ➣ Currently, we are building a special counseling room for foreign students in the dormitory (English, Chinese) Also, we are finishing up completing separate special cooking facilities for students. (electric range and other cooking facilities) ➣ Each dormitory has the following: seminar room, outdoor area, study room, prayer room, language study room, music room, lounge, various fitness facilities. Special programs are provided in the seminar rooms for dormitory students, and free movies and various performances occur in the outdoor arenas. - 131 - - 132 - Division Kangwon National University < Chuncheon Campus > Address: International Affairs, Kangwon National University, 1 Kangwondaehak-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, 200-701 Republic of Korea Website: < Samcheok Campus > Address: International Affairs, Kangwon National University at Samcheok, 346 Joongang-ro, Samcheok-si, Gangwon-do, 245-711, Republic of Korea Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 1. Chuncheon Campus Division Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral Remarks Natural Science Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral Chinese Language and Literature ○ - Philosophy ○ ○ Biosystems Engineering ○ ○ Biological Environment Program ○ ○ Applied Plant Sciences Program ○ ○ Food Science & Biotechnology Program ○ ○ Applied Biology ○ ○ Horticulture ○ ○ Regional Infrastructures Engineering ○ ○ Animal Science ○ ○ Feed Science and Technology ○ ○ Animal Products and Food Science ○ ○ Animal Biotechnology ○ ○ Humanities and Business Administration ○ ○ Home Economics Education ○ - Social Science Economics ○ ○ Science Education ○ ○ Tourism Administration ○ ○ Forest Management ○ ○ International Trade & Business ○ ○ Forest Biomaterials Engineering ○ ○ Accounting ○ ○ Forest Resources ○ ○ Agricultural & Resource Economics ○ ○ Forest Environment Protection ○ ○ Law ○ ○ Paper Science & Engineering ○ ○ Education ○ ○ Landscape Architecture ○ ○ Korean Education - ○ Pharmacy ○ ○ Social Education ○ ○ Nursing ○ ○ English Education ○ ○ Biomedical Science Cultural Anthropology ○ ○ - Molecular Bioscience ○ ○ Real Estate ○ ○ - Medical Biomaterials Engineering ○ ○ Sociology ○ ○ - Medical Biotechnology ○ ○ Journalism and Mass Communication ○ ○ - Systems Immunology ○ ○ Psychology ○ ○ - Bio-Health Technology - ○ Political Science ○ ○ Bio-Health Technology ○ - Public Administration ○ ○ Physics ○ ○ Storytelling ○ - Biological Sciences ○ ○ Visual Culture ○ ○ Biochemistry ○ ○ Korean Language and Literature ○ ○ Mathematics ○ ○ German Language and Literature ○ - Geophysics ○ ○ French Language and Literature ○ - Geology ○ ○ History ○ ○ Statistics ○ ○ English Language and Literature ○ ○ Chemistry ○ ○ Japanese Studies ○ ○ Environmental Science ○ ○ - 133 - - 134 - Remarks Division Engineering Art & Sports Medicine Interdisciplinary Programs Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral Remarks 2. Samcheok Campus Division Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Computer Science ○ ○ Architectural Engineering ○ ○ Public Administration ○ - Architecture ○ ○ English ○ ○ System & Management Engineering ○ ○ Early Childhood Education ○ ○ Advanced Materials Science and Engineering ○ ○ Regional Economics ○ ○ Energy and Resources Engineering ○ ○ Tourism ○ - Civil Engineering ○ ○ Emergency Medical Rehabilitation ○ ○ Environmental Engineering ○ ○ Medical Health Sciences ○ ○ Bioengineering and Technology ○ ○ Fire Protection Engineering ○ - Electrical & Electronics Engineering ○ ○ Environmental Engineering ○ - Electronics Engineering ○ ○ Materials Science and Engineering ○ ○ Computer and Communications Engineering ○ ○ Electronic & Information Communication Engineering ○ ○ Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering ○ ○ Architectural Design ○ - Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering ○ ○ Vehicle Engineering ○ - Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering ○ ○ Mechanical·Automative Engineering ○ - Chemical Engineering ○ ○ Civil Engineering ○ - Dance ○ - Architectural System Engineering ○ - Fine Art ○ - Electrical Engineering ○ - Design ○ ○ Materials and Metallurgical Engineering ○ - Music ○ - Control & Instrumentation Engineering ○ - Sport Science ○ ○ Energy & Chemical Engineering ○ - Veterinary Medicine ○ ○ Visual & Multimedia Design ○ - Medicine ○ ○ Leisure Sports ○ - Environmental Management and Policy [Public Administration, Environmental Science, Biological Environment Program] ○ ○ Geographic Information System [Social Education, Landscape Architecture, Forest Management] ○ ○ Environmental Consulting[Environmental Science, Business Administration, Law] ○ - Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in BIT Medical Convergence[Biology, Medicine, Electrical & Electronics Engineering,Electronics Engineering] ○ ○ Natural Sciences Engineering Art & Sports ○ Disaster Prevention ※ Qualifications and Required documents are same with KGSP program Ⅱ. KGSP Application 1. Period: 2 Feb 2015 ~ 17 Mar 2015 2. Contact Campus Chuncheon Samcheok Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Horticulture and Biosystems Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences Office International Name Phone e-mail Kim Jin Ik 82-33-250-7192 [email protected] Affairs Operative Lee Seung Planning Hee 82-33-570-6891 [email protected] ○ [Horticulture, Biosystems Engineering] ※ Qualifications and Required documents are same with KGSP program - 135 - Remarks - 136 - Ⅲ. Campus Guide KDI School of Public Policy and Management (ChunCheon Campus) 1. Dormitory ( Address: 15 Giljae-gil, Sejong, 339-007, South Korea Website:, - KNU offers an international student dormitory (The students can cook directly since the dormitory has cooking facilities) I Academic Programs (Graduate) 2. School location - Chuncheon(Kangwon National University) is located in the Masters Programs (Majors) Division eastern side of Seoul and it takes about one hour from Seoul by bus or train. 3. Special Programs for International Students - Korean Cultural Activities(Four times a year) Humanities & Social Science ∙ Public Policy ∙ Development Policy ∙ Public Management - Mentoring Program for International Students - Cultural Exchange Festival for International Students host by Gangwon Province Study Areas ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Finance and Macroeconomic Policy Trade and Industry Policy Public Finance and Social Policy Regional Development and Environment Public Administration and Leadership Strategic Management Global Governance and Political Economy Development Track Remark May choose up to 2 study areas □ Unique Features of KDI School (SamCheok Campus) 1. Dormitory - KNU gives priority to International Student 1. World-Class International Graduate School - Double room ㅇ International students representing over 50% of the student body - 300,000KWR per month (Including 3 meals a day) ㅇ Designated as GDLN Asia Hub by World Bank (2001) - Equipped room with bed, desk, chair, closet, bathroom ㅇ Received accreditation from NASPAA: Network of Schools in Public Policy, - Facilities : Seminar room, library, group activity room, gym, laundry room, school store Affairs and Administration for Master of Public Policy (MPP) program (2014) ※ KDI School is the first NASPAA-accredited school in Korea and the first non-USA school to be accredited for an MPP program. 2. School location - Samcheok City, Gangwon Province - 3.5 hours away from Seoul by bus 3. Special Programs for International Students ㅇ Selected institution for CAMPUS Asia program authorized under the Ministry of Education of Korea (2011) ※ CAMPUS Asia: trilateral educational cooperation initiative between Korea, China, and Japan - Cultural Tour - Ski &Marine Sports Camp - Vision Camp(Visiting Industrial site, Mentoring Progrmam) ㅇ Selected by ICI-ECP to operate GLiMPSE project with Seoul National University, ESSEC Business School (France) and KU Leuven (Belgium) ※ GLiMPSE : Global Leaders in Management and Policy in South Korea and Europe 2. Dynamic and Vibrant Education ㅇ Academic curriculum is drawn from assets and experiences of the Korea Development Institute(KDI), Asia’s top think-tank - 137 - - 138 - ㅇ Faculty owns a wealth of experience in both the public and the private - Online Application: Admissions Website ⟶ Apply ⟶ Online Application sectors including government, OECD, WBI, KDI, and Bank of Korea. ㅇ Classes are designed to foster problem-solving skills based on real-life - Required Documents: 15 Giljae-gil, Sejong, 339-007, South Korea case studies offered by top policy experts ㅇ Interdisciplinary research cultivate broad perspectives throughout policy, development economics, management, political science, sociology, law, public administration 3. Superior Educational and Administrative Service III Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Residential Facility ㅇ New dormitory can accommodate all international students on campus ㅇ Single or double occupancy rooms furnished with bed(s), desk(s), and a refrigerator ㅇ Opportunity to participate in international video conferences through Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) to discuss most effective ㅇ A separate bathroom, furnished with a shower enclosure, a wash basin, development practices ㅇ Opportunity to participate in international conferences, seminars, forums, and ㅇ A separate dining area and cooking facilities within the dormitory workshops co-sponsored by the OECD, KSP, World Bank, IDB, etc. ㅇ Optimal administrative support through student management and career development service ㅇ A lounge and a gym, complying with students’ various needs ㅇ Assigned personnel for security: 2 residing staff members, 8 assistants, and 1 supervisor. 4. Extensive Global Network ㅇ Established partnership with 56 institutions including top universities, government ministries and NGOs across 24 countries ㅇ More than 3,000 alumni who have achieved career success in their chosen field including ministry, public organization, financial institution, mass media, private corporation, and NGO. ㅇ International alumni from 113 countries II and a toilet in each room. 2. Optimized Educational Environment ㅇ Smart-learning facilities and systems ㅇ Facilities such as lecture halls and multimedia rooms optimized for best educational environment ㅇ Heavy use of ICT offers mobile support and various RFID-based devices ㅇ Extensive libary collection including KDI resources and archives ㅇ Video conference room for distance learning KGSP Application (University Quota) 3. Extracurricular Activities & Field Trips ㅇ Provides a variety of events such as Happy Hour, International Food 1. Admissions Period: February 2 nd th ~ March 27 Festival, Song & Dance Festival, which encourage friendship and enhance understanding of different cultures 2. Contact: Admissions Office ㅇ Opportunity to experience Korean culture and lifestyle by spending time ㅇ Phone: 82-44-550-1281 with Korean faculty, students, or staff through Home Visiting Program ㅇ Fax: 82-44-550-1223 ㅇ Email: [email protected] ㅇ Website(Admissions): ㅇ Opportunity to build strong network with peers through Buddy Program, which helps students easily adjust to a new environment ㅇ Website(Main): ㅇ Club activities chosen by individual interests and hobbies ㅇ Application Submission ㅇ Outdoor activities such as Sports Day and Mountain Hike where all - 139 - - 140 - students, faculty, and staff can participate Application Documents ㅇ Field trips to Korea’s famous industries, research institutes, and cultural centers for better understanding of Korea’s society, economy and culture ㅇ Opportunity to participate in international seminars, forums, and lectures 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Required Study Plan (NIIED Form 3) Letter of Recommendation (NIIED Form 4) Pledge (NIIED Form 5) Personal Medical Assessment (NIIED Form 6) Certified Copies* of Graduate Certificate O O O O *If the award of Bachelor’s degree is not indicated on the certificate, then an official letter indicating degree equivalency from the issuing institution must be submitted. 4. How to Apply ㅇ Qualification - Applicants should be non-Korean citizens whose parents are also non-Korean citizens. ※ Koreans with dual citizenship are not eligible to apply. - Applicants should be physically and mentally healthy. ※ There will be an assessment form required by the NIIED and those who pass the 8. Certified Copies* of Official Transcripts 9. Copy of the Applicant’s Passport 10. Original Certificate of TOPIK or KLPT 11. Original Certificate of TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS 12. Published Papers 13. Awards (original or notarized copy) O O If available If available If available If available Overseas Korean immigrants only Overseas Korean Adoptees only assessment will be eligible to apply. - Applicants should be under 40 years of age as of September 1st, 2015 ※ 14. Certificate of Citizenship of Applicants’ Parents (e.g. birth certificate or copies of each parent’s passport) Those who were born after September 1st, 1975, are eligible to apply. - Applicants should hold or be expected to hold a Bachelor’s or an equivalent degree prior to August 31st, 2015 ※ If a Bachelor’s or an equivalent degree is not earned by August 31st, 2015, the applicant will be disqualified. ※ Applicants who are currently enrolled or had been enrolled in any types of university programs in Korea (including exchange program) should not apply except Korean adoptees applying via Korean Embassy. - Applicants should have a Grade Point Average(GPA) higher than B (3.0/4.0) or 80% from the previously attended institution. ※ If the GPA on transcript is difficult to convert to the given scale, an official explanatory letter, demonstrating that the overall grade falls within the top 20%, O 15. Adoption documents *Please read the ‘Document Authentication/Legalization’ section at the following link: ㅇ Important Notice - In order to apply directly to KDI School, applicants must submit an online application in the admissions website of the school. - Applicants should apply through one channel only. Applicants applying through multiple channels will be eliminated from the selection list. - All submitted documents will not be returned. - If any required documents are found to be false or counterfeit, admission from the attended institution is accepted. - The Korean and/or English language proficiency test (TOPIK/KLPT, to KDI School will be revoked. - The photocopy of original documents are not considered as original TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS) results can be submitted if available. ㅇ Required documents documents unless they are certified by the issuing or designated institution with actual stamp and signature. - Submit 1 original/certified and 3 photocopies of each document. ※ Non-English based documents should be accompanied with notarized English translations - Personal Medical Assessment must not contain any false information. The admission may be revoked if the result of medical assessment conducted ※ certified copy of academic documents are accepted as originals. Application Documents 1. Personal Data (NIIED Form 1) 2. Self Introduction (NIIED Form 2) - 141 - upon one’s arrival in Korea indicates serious illness. Required O O - Up to two published papers may be submitted. - The awards must be certified or notarized. - 142 - - Once an applicant is offered admission, he/she cannot change the school Keimyung University of their choice. Address: Administration Office of Graduate School 1095 Dalgubeoldaero Daegu Korea 704-701 Website: , Ⅰ. Academic Programs Division Field of Study Department Doctoral Korean Language and Literature ○ ○ Korean Culture Studies ○ ○ ○ ○ • Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language ○ ○ • English Linguistics • English Literature Japanese Studies ○ ○ Education ○ ○ Early Childhood Education ○ ○ • Early Childhood Education Philosophy ○ ○ • Philosophy • Ethics History and Archaeology ○ ○ • History • Archaeology Theology ○ ○ • Biblical Theology • Theoretical Theology • Practical Theology ○ • Operation and Service Management • HRM & Organizational Behavior • Marketing • Financial Management • International Business Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language English Language and Literature Humanities and Social Science Business Administration - 143 - Majors Master's ○ - 144 - • Korean Language • Korean Literature • Sino-Korean Language and Literature • Folk Painting • Korean Food and Culture • Korean Tea and Culture • Korean Cultural Studies • Japanese Language and Literature • Japanese Studies • Education Theory and Policy • Educational Psychology and Technology • Educational Counseling • Educational Statistics and Evaluation Administration Consumer and Economics ○ ○ International Trade ○ ○ Accounting ○ ○ Sciences • International Trade Theory • International Trade Laws and Practices • Accounting • Taxation • • • • • • • • Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Biochemistry Zoology Botany Microbiology Public Health Health & Beauty Biology ○ ○ Public Health ○ ○ ○ ○ • Food Science and Technology • Environmental Science • Environmental Planning • Environmental Energy Tourism Management ○ ○ • Tourism Management Food Science and Technology Management Information Systems ○ ○ • Management Information System Environmental Science ○ ○ Law ○ ○ Food and Nutrition Nursing ○ ○ ○ ○ Pharmacy ○ ○ Architectural Engineering ○ ○ Chemical Engineering ○ ○ Urban Planning and Traffic Engineering ○ ○ • Urban Engineering • Transportation Engineering • • • • Psychology ○ ○ Public Administration ○ ○ Sociology ○ ○ Mass Communication ○ ○ Library and Information Science Police Administration Natural • Economics • Consumer Science • Public Law • Private Law • Experimental and Cognitive Psychology • Clinical Psychology • Counseling Psychology • Industrial Psychology • Public Administration • Sociology • Women’s Studies • Journalism and Mass Communication • Advertising and Public Relations • Digital Media Production ○ ○ • Library and Information Science ○ ○ • Police Administration Creative Writing ○ ○ Social Welfare ○ ○ Chinese Studies ○ ○ Foreign Language Education ○ ○ History of Art ○ ○ • Creative Writing p Master’s: Social Welfare p Doctoral • Social Work Practice • Social Welfare Policy and Administration • Chinese Studies • English Education • Chinese Education • Japanese Education • History of Art • English Interpreting and Translation • Chinese Interpreting and Translation • Japanese Interpreting and Translation • Theoretical Statistics • Linear Models • Non-parametric Statistics • Physical Chemistry • Organic Chemistry Interpreting and Translation ○ ○ Statistics ○ ○ Chemistry ○ ○ - 145 - Engineering Computer Engineering ○ ○ Electronics Engineering ○ - • Food Science • Nutrition • • • • • • • • • • • Nursing Pharmacology Clinical Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry Natural Product Pharmacy Architectural Engineering Architectural Design Interior Design Landscape Architecture Chemical Engineering Industrial Chemistry Intelligent Systems Computer Systems Mobile Software Medical Software • Electronics Engineering • Medical Electronics • Metallic Materials • Ceramic Materials • Electronic Materials • Medical Materials • Structural Engineering • Water Resource Engineering • Environmental Engineering • Geo-Technical and Construction Engineering Material Engineering ○ ○ Civil Engineering ○ ○ Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ • Mechanical Engineering ○ p Master’s: Violin Viola Cello Contrabass Flute Oboe Clarinet Bassoon Horn Trumpet Trombone Tuba Saxophone Harp Percussion Instruments Vocal Composition Music ○ Music and - 146 - Music Theories Orchestra Conducting Choral Conducting Piano Organ ※ Master's: Practical Exam p Doctoral: Musicology ○ Fine Arts Performing Arts Medicine ○ Media Arts ○ p Master’s: Western Painting Oriental Painting ※ Master's: Portfolio Assessment p Doctoral: Fine Arts Design - Photography Video and Animation Music Technology ※ Portfolio Assessment Industrial Design Craft Design ※ Portfolio Assessment Design ○ - Physical Education ○ ○ Textile and Fashion ○ ○ Arts Therapy ○ ○ Medicine ○ ○ Physical Education Dance Textile Fashion Fashion Marketing Music Therapy Arts Therapy Fine Art Therapy Motion Therapy Medicine Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Application Schedule Procedure Dates Application Submission Period February 2 ~ March 25, 2015 Application Screening & Interview March 26 ~ April 3, 2015 st 1 Selection Result Announcement nd 2 April 11, 2015 (by Keimyung University) Selection Result Announcement April 30, 2015 (by NIIED) Note 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) A. On-Campus Residence Halls( 1) Priority to enter on-campus residence halls are given to KGSP scholars and the university provides 50% discount of management fee. 2) Facilities in the residence halls: internet zone, study room, praying room, laundry room, fitness center, table tennis courts, multi-purpose outdoor playground for soccer and basketball and a kiosk. 3) Dormitory Fees per Month(2-bed room) Including Meal Plan Excluding Meal Plan $170(180,000KRW)/month $76(81,000KRW)/month ▸ The above costs are based in the Spring semester of 2015 and are subject to change. ▸ Meal plan includes breakfast and dinner during weekdays and 3 meals during weekends and holidays. B. On-campus Facilities 1) International lounge where international students can participate in inter-cultural events and meet new friends. 2) Meditation room (Praying room) 3) Korean Language Institute, Dongsan Library, Hengso Museum, Keimyung Art Center, Keimyung Hankakchon(Korean cultural village) and an on-campus clinic 4) Reading room for graduate students C. Cultural Programs for International Students 1) Field trip to historical sites held once a semester 2) Korean Cultural Experience class held once a week: tea ceremony, calligraphy, ceramic craft, etc 3) International students' festival, temple stay, etc. D. Counselling Services 1) Orientation for new students: academic matters, campus life, visas, extracurricular programs for international students, etc. 2) Monthly Counseling Session E. Korean language courses offered to international students free of charge. (Alternative program for the foreign language qualifying exam for international students) 2. Contact ▪ Tel. 82-53-580-6254 ▪ Fax. 82-53-580-6255 ▪ E-Mail : [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes - 147 - - 148 - campus Division Kongju National University Address: 56 Gongjudaehak-ro, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 314-701 Website: Natural Sciences Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) campus Division Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ Department Korean Language and Literature ○ English Language and Literature Human Sciences and Social Studies Gong ju Sciences Engine ering ○ Education ○ ○ History ○ ○ Geography ○ ○ Electronic Commerce ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Public Administration ○ ○ Special Education ○ ○ History Education ○ ○ Geography Education ○ ○ Early Childhood Education ○ Arts and Sports ○ ○ Mathematics Education Physics Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Emergency Medical Service Nursing Science Health Administration Medical Information Convergence Science Military Science and Informatics Science Curator Education for The gifted in Science Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Game Design ○ Physical Education Music Fine Arts Life Sports Physical Education Media Image Formative Arts Design Cartoon and Animation Information and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Construction and Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Advanced Material Engineering Architecture Computer Engineering Multimedia Engineering Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ Cheon an English Education ○ Environmental Engineering ○ Sino-Korean Education ○ Social Studies Education ○ Urban and Transportation Engineering Architectural Engineering Optical Engineering Industrial System Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ Energy System Engineering ○ ○ Community Development ○ ○ Real Estate ○ Landscape Architecture Plant Resource Horticultural Science Forest Resource Food and Nutrition Special Zoology Food Service Management & Nutrition Integrated Life Science & Technology Channel Marketing Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Food Science and Technology Agricultural Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Tourism Management ○ Media Policy ○ ○ Oriental Science Japanese Studies ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Korean Language Education ○ Physics Mathematics Chemistry ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Biology ○ ○ Geo-Environmental Science ○ ○ Atmospheric Science ○ ○ Environmental Science ○ ○ Cultural Heritage Conserving Science ○ ○ Courses Jointly Operated Human Sciences and Social Studies by Multiple Departments Yesan Natural Sciences Engine ering - 149 - - 150 - by Multiple Departments ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ering Courses Jointly Operated ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Engine Remarks ○ Korean Education Global Policy Natural Gong ju ○ Chinese Language and Literature Business Administration Finance and International Trade Social Welfare Remarks Department ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Courses Jointly Operated by Multiple Departments ○ ○ Courses Jointly Operated by Multiple Departments Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 2. Important Notes 1. Period Submitting deadline for Kongju National Univ. : March 19, 2015 Department 2. Contact Office of International Affairs ▪ Contact Person : Lisa Kim (Ms.) ▪ Office : OIA ▪ Tel : +82-41-850-8054 ▪ Fax : +82-41-850-8058 ▪ E-mail : [email protected] ▪ Web site : Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) Campus Name Cheonan Cost/ Semester Acceptance Type M:6 3persons/room M:430, F:550 2persons/room Vision House F:447 2persons/room 976,800won Eunhangsa F:280 2persons/room 913,800won Hongiksa F:424 4persons/room 855,100won Haeormgip F:576 4persons/room 855,100won Seonseonje F:52 4persons/room 805,100won Yongjuhaksa M:166, F:66 2persons/room 712,200won M:538, F:246 2persons/room 962,20won Yaejisa M:80 F:80 2persons/room 1,2160,000won Gumosa M:170 F:252 4persons/room 885,000won Dream House Gongju □ Contact Challenge House Furniture & Facilities 1,235,900won Yesan - 151 - Bed, Closet, Desk, Chair, Lan connention, Laundromat, Iron, Dryer, computer Lab, Health Club, Study room, Rest Room(TV, DVD), Seminar room, Cafeteria Telephone Department Telephone Korean Language and Literature Sino-Korean classics in Chinese English Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Education History Geography Business Administration Special Education Social Welfare Electronic Commerce History Education 041-850-8170 041-850-8180 041-850-8360 041-850-8380 041-850-8195 041-850-8420 041-850-8425 041-850-8430 041-850-8407 041-850-8460 041-850-8255 041-850-8230 Cartoon and Animation Information and Communication Engineering Mechanical Engineering Construction and Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Advanced Material Engineering Architecture Computer Engineering Multimedia Engineering Electrical,Electronic and Control Engineering Environmental Engineering Architectural Engineering 041-850-0390 041-521-9193 041-521-9241 041-521-9298 041-521-9351 041-521-9373 041-521-9328 041-521-9217 041-521-9216 041-521-9144 041-521-9420 041-521-9327 Geography Education 041-850-8240 Urban and Transportation Engineering 041-521-9298 Early Childhood Education 041-850-8960 Industrial System Engineering 041-850-0590 Korean Education English Education Sino-Korean Education Social Studies Education Business Information Education German Language and Literature Ethics Education Finance and International Trade Public Administration Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Geo-Environmental Science Atmospheric Science Environmental Science Cultural Heritage Conserving Science Mathematics Education Physics Education Chemistry Education Biology Education Earth Science Education Nursing Public Health Administration Disaster Prevention Engineering Fashion Design and Merchandising 041-850-8170 041-850-8190 041-850-8180 041-850-8235 041-850-8255 041-850-8375 041-850-8220 041-850-8390 041-850-8465 041-850-8560 041-850-8480 041-850-8490 041-850-8505 041-850-8510 041-850-8530 041-850-8810 041-850-8540 041-850-8260 041-850-8270 041-850-8280 041-850-8290 041-850-8295 041-850-0300 041-850-0320 041-850-0330 041-850-8301 041-521-9404 041-330-1400 041-330-1440 041-330-1200 041-330-1240 041-330-1220 041-330-1300 041-330-1460 041-330-1520 041-330-1480 041-330-1260 041-850-8505 041-850-8133 041-850-8425 041-521-9298 041-850-8170 041-850-8330 041-850-8425 041-850-8270 041-521-9298 041-521-9327 041-330-1420 041-850-8295 041-850-8195 041-330-1400 041-330-1500 Optical Engineering 041-850-0560 Game Design Sport Music Fine Arts Life Sports Physical Education Media Image Formative Arts Design 041-850-0350 041-850-8330 041-850-8320 041-850-8310 041-850-8550 041-850-8330 041-850-0561 041-850-0360 Industrial Design Community Development Landscape Architecture Plant Resource Zoological Resource Horticultural Science Forest Resource Food and Nutrition Special Zoology Food Science and Technology Agricultural Engineering Convergence Science Oriental Science Japanese studies Emergency Management Engineering Korean Language Education Food Service Management Military Science and Informatics Science Curator Geo-spatial Informatics Engineering Energy System Engineering Channel Marketing Education for The gifted in Science Educational Information System Technology Real Estate Food Service Management & Nutrition Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Tourism Management Media Policy Medical Information Global Policy Integrated Life Science & Technology - 152 - 041-330-1440 041-850-8670 041-850-0561 041-850-0340 041-850-0810 041-330-1460 041-330-1520 □ Eligibility for Application 1. Both applicant and his/her parents must be citizens of the foreign country. * Applicants cannot have Korean citizenship. Konkuk University Address: Office of Graduate School, Konkuk University 120 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-701, Korea Website: 2. Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for a long period of time. Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 3. Should be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2015. Division 4. Hold a Bachelor's or master's degree as of August 31, 2015. Department KOREAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE JAPANESE CULTURE AND LANGUAGE CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE PHYLOSOPHY HISTORY 5. Should have a grade point average (G.P.A.) at least 3.00 on a 4.0 scale or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previous attended institution * If the grade is difficult to convert to percentage, official explanatory documents from the attended university are required. □ Required Documents - One original document (placed in a separate envelope) and 3 extra copies ※ The documents such as certificates or credentials issued in languages other than Korean or English must include official notarized translation, which is to be put before the original. EDUCATION POLITIS LAW Check List for Application Documents MA Doctoral 1. Personal data(Application) ○ ○ 2. Self Introduction ○ ○ 3. Study Plan ○ ○ 4. Letter of Recommendation ○ ○ 5. Pledge ○ ○ 6. Personal Medical Assessment ○ ○ 7. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended undergraduate Institution(s) ○ ○ 8. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate Institution(s) ○ ○ 9. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended graduate Institution(s) - ○ 10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) - ○ 11. Copy of passport ○ ○ 12. Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy) △ △ 13. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy) directly sent from ETS/IELTS △ △ 14. Published papers, if available (one or two) △ △ △ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ 15. Awards, if available (one or two) 16. Certificate of Citizenship of His/Her Parents : birth certificate, passport, etc. (* only for overseas Koreans) 17. Adoption documents (*only for overseas Korean adoptee) - 153 - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ECONOMICS HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL TRADE Livestock Management & Marketing Economics APPLIED STATISTICS REAL ESTATE CONSUMER INFORMATION SCIENCE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL FUSION Field of Study Master's Doctoral KOREAN LANGUAGE, CLASSICAL LITERATURE, MODERN LITERATURE, TEACHING KOREAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Remarks TOPIK L5 and above ENGLISH LANGUAGE & TEACHING ENGLISH, ENGLISH LITERATURE JAPANESE CULTURE, JAPANESE EDUCATION COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CHINESE-KOREAN LANGUAGE & LITERATURE ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY, WESTERN PHILOSOPHY KOREAN HISTORY, ORIENTAL HISTORY, WESTERN HISTORY Education Administration & School Management, Early Childhood Education, Curriculum, Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology·Measurement & Statistics·Gifted Education COMPARATIVE POLITICS, POLITICAL THOUGHTS, INTERNATIONAL POLITICS LAW GENERAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION POLICY SCIENCE URBAN & REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT‧QUANTATIVE ANALYSIS, ACCOUNTING, FINANCE, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, STRATEGY & INT’L BUSINESS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT & MIS TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, VENTURE TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE, INTERNATIONAL TRADE Livestock Management, Livestock Economics APPLIED STATISTICS FINANCIAL STATISTICS & ACTUARIAL SCIENCE, APPLIED STATISTICS REAL ESTATE POLICY, REAL ESTATE FINANCE & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, REAL ESTATE CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT CONSUMER INFORMATION, CONSUMER RETAILING SERVICE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Venture Management Engineering, Technology Commercialization, Entrepreneurial of Industry Fusion - 154 - INTERNATIONAL TRADE(Chinese Student Only) Division Department BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE CHEMISTRY PHYSICS GEOGRAPHY NATURAL SCIENCE MATHEMATICS ANMIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY BIO-INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ANIMAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOOD SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY OF ANIMAL ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE APPLIED BIOSCIENCE BIORESOURCES & FOOD SCIENCE BIOSCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY MATHEMATICS EDUCATION CLOTHING BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Advanced Translational Medicine MUSIC ARTS AND PHYSICAL DEGISN Field of Study Master's Field of Study Department Master's CHEMICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Doctoral CHEMICAL ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC MACHINERY & POWER ELECTRONICS, CONTROL & BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, ENERGY SYSTEM ENGINEERING, ELECTRONIC MATERIALS & SENSOR ELECTRIC ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ORGANIC & NANO SYSTEM ENGINEERING ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC INFO. & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ORGANIC & NANO SYSTEM ENGINEERING PLANNING DESIGN ANIMAL NUTRITION & RESOURCES, ANIMAL ENVIRONMENT & ECOLOGY HOUSING ENVIRONMENT ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURE URBAN PLANNING ARCHITECTURAL MATERIAL CONSTURE & EQUIPMENT ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, FERMENTATION MANUFACTURING & FOOD, COSMETIC BIOLOGY THERMO FLUID & POWER ENGINEERING, DYNAMICS & CONTROL FOOD SCIENCE OF ANIMAL RESOURCES, FOOD SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE APPLIED BIOSCIENCE BIORESOURCES AND FOOD SCIENCE BIOSCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY CIVIL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS EDUCATION BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Translational Stem Cell Medicine, Molecular Translational Medicine VOICE, COMPOSITION, PIANO, ORCHESTRAL PERFORMANCE VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN, MULTIMEDIA DESIGN, INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, ENVIRONMENT DESIGN CONTEMPORARY ART PHSSICAL EDUCATION Moving Image MORPHOLOGY & PHYSIOLOGY, INFECTION & IMMUNOLOGY MOLECULAR GENERICS & PATHOLOGY, CELLULAR & MOLECULAR MEDICINE, NEUROSCIENCE, TUMOR BIOLOGY, SOCIAL MEDICINE, CLINICAL SCIENCE, METABOLISM AND AGING, ADVANCED TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, TRANSLATIONAL STEM-CELL MEDICINE VETERINARY ANATOMY & HISTOLOGY, VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY, VETERINARY PATHOLOGY, VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASE, VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH, VETERINARY THERIOGENOLOGY, VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE, VETERINARY SURGERY - 155 - MICROBIAL ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING COMPUTER & INFORMATION COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING MATERIALS CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING MECHANICAL DESIGN & PRODUCTION ENGINEERING AEROSPACE INFORMATION ENGINEERING CIVIL & ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM ENGINEERING CLOTHING DESIGN & TOTAL COORDINATION, FASHION MARKETING, CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION & CLOTHING COMFORT SCIENCE, TEXTILE DESIGN CONTEMPORARY ART PHYSICAL EDUCATION Moving Image VETERINARY Division BIO-INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY CERAMIC ART, METAL CRAFTS MEDICINE Remarks BOTANY, ZOOLOGY, MICROBIOLOGY, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, BIOCHEMISTRY, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY NUCLEAR & PARTICLE PHYSICS, THERMAL & STATISTICAL PHYSICS, SOLID STATE PHYSICS, APPLIED PHYSICS, QUANTUM PHASES & DEVICES Landscape of Water and Landform, Geography of Regional Information and Contents, Climatology MATHEMATICS ARTS & CRAFTS MEDICINE Doctoral INTERDISCIPLINARY INTEGRATED COURSES ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION Materials Chemistry and Engineering DESIGN & MATERIALS, PRODUCTION & AUTOMATION AEROSPACE INFORMATION ENGINEERING CIVIL & ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM ENGINEERING ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FUSION INTELLIGENT BIO-TECHNOLOGY, INTERDISCIPLINARY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATIVE ENVIRONMENT TECHNOLOGY, INTELLIGENT MICRO/NANO SYSTEM INTERNET & MULTIMEDIA ENGINEERING INTERNET & MULTIMEDIA ENGINEERING Culture Contents Communication World Heritage Humanities for Unification Smart ICT Convergence & Culture Contents, World Heritage Communication Protection, World Heritage Promotion Humanities for Smart ICT - 156 - Unification Convergence Remarks Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: Feb 16th, 2015 ~ Mar 27th, 2015 2. Contact: +82-2-450-4222 / [email protected] materials proposed by NIIED and make sure none of the requirements are missing. - Self Introduction and Study & Research Plan, if not directed by NIIED, should be more than one page each. (A4 format, font size 12pt) Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes - Recommendation Letter has to be written by your academic advisor or the dean(or president) of your graduating 1. Campus Guide I) KU:L House (On-Campus Residence) - KU operates on-campus residence halls called KU:L House - It has one-bed room or two-bed room types, and the housing facility can accommodate upto 3,000 students. - Each room is equipped with an independent air conditioning system, a refrigerator, cable TV, wired and wireless internet. - Each residence halls has laundry room, individual mail boxes, and a cafeteria. (Meal plan is optional) - KU:L House also has gym facility and runs various training university and it should be in English or Korean. Otherwise, the recommendation letter has to be translated and notarized before submission. - Your passport expiration date should be long enough to prevent any potential problems related with sojourn matters while residing in Korea. (3 years and more recommended) - Academic Transcript and Graduation Certification should be issued in English or Korean, otherwise the documents has to be translated and notarized before submission. programs for students. (Yoga, k-pop dance, etc.) - Room and Board placement and its payment runs on 6 month basis, and KU:L House does not refund any money to any early retirees from the residence. II) Application Material Submission - All application materials should be submitted as directed by KU on time. - If any missing documents found upon submission, the II) Financial Aid to KU:L House Students - KU supports GKS students at KU:L House on their room and application will be automatically considered incomplete and taken out from the admissions screening process. board expenses for up to KRW 150,000 per month. - Actual payment each GKS student will make is around KRW 220,000 per month. (Excluding meal plan fees) III) Requesting Additional Documents Submission - For all successful GKS candidates, KU can, if needed, request designated students to submit additional documents to supplement their paperwork completely. III) GKS Mentor Program - GKS students at KU will be tied up with a group of mentors and they will support GKS students for successful settlement. - The additional documents can range from a complete academic transcript to graduation certification and each GKS candidate should comply with KU directions and its admissions policy. 2. Important Notes I) Preparing Application Documents - All applicants should refer to the list of required application - 157 - - 158 - Division Konyang University Address: Institute of International Education, 121 Daehak-ro Konyang Bldg. Konyang University Nonsan Choongnam Korea 320-711 Website: Department of Nursing Science Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Department Doctoral Biomedical Engineering Enqineering Department of Biomedical Engineering Medicine Doctoral Nursing Science Nursing Science Infection Control Nursing Deajeon campus ※Must have M.S. in Nursing and a nursing licence ※Must have more than 3-year field experience Remarks Public Health Deajeon campus Deajeon campus Laboratory Medicine Deajeon campus Deajeon campus Medicine Deajeon campus Department of Public Health Business Administration Special Education & Social Early Childhood Education Department of Counselling Psychology Department of Public Administration Special Education Department of Hospital Management Sciences Deajeon campus Deajeon campus Natural Sciences Optometry Deajeon campus Medical Beauty Nonsan campus Occupational Humanities Deajeon campus Science Department of Business Administration Department of Education Remarks Biomedical Medical IT Engineering Medical Space Design & Management Biomedical Materials Department of Medicine Master Elderly Nursing Field of Study Master Field of Study Department Nonsan campus Deajeon campus Counselling Psychology Counselling Psychology Nonsan campus Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychology Medical Science Nonsan, Daejeon campus ※Graduated from Clinical Psychology-Students major only. Police Administration Nonsan campus Social Welfare Nonsan campus Department of Healing Ministry Deajeon campus Deajeon campus Physical Therapy Nonsan, Daejeon campus Hospital Management - 159 - Theropy Nonsan campus Radiological Science Visual Science Emergency Medical Service Biomedical Laboratory Science Occupational Therapy Radiological Science Deajeon campus Deajeon campus Deajeon campus Deajeon campus Deajeon campus Dental Hygiene Deajeon campus Healing Ministry Deajeon campus - 160 - Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Ⅲ. Campus Guides & Important Notes 1. Schedule 1. Campus Guides No Procedure Announcement of student 1 1) Housing Schedule In the early February recruitment 2 Application period Feb.1 (Mon.) ~ Mar. 13 (Fri.) 3 Screening applications Mar. 16 (Mon.) ~ Mar. 25 (Wed.) 4 Result announcement Mar. 26 (Thurs.) 5 Interviews Mar. 30 (Mon.) ~ Mar. 31 (Tues.) 6 group of the successful 1-bed room 2-bed room Nonsan Deposit Total ₩ 920,000 ₩ 930,000 ₩ 740,000 ₩ 750,000 ₩ 680,000 ₩ 690,000 Meal Expense ₩ 10,000 ₩ 770,000 ₩ 780,000 ₩ 490,000 ₩ 500,000 ₩ 460,000 ₩ 470,000 Not Included ~ Apr. 10 (Fri.) applicants to NIIED Announcement of the final Apr. 30 (Thurs.) results by NIIED 8 Entry to Korea Aug. 24 (Mon.) ~ Aug. 26 (Wed.) 9 NIIED orientation Aug. 31 (Mon.) ~ Sep. 3 (Thurs.) 4-bed room Remark M a l e s tu d e nt s only Nonsan Daejeon Recommending the first 7 Dormitory Fee Option Nonsan M a l e s tu d e nt s only Female s tu d e nt s only ※ 50% off dormitory fee for the KGSP students. Korean language courses 10 Sept. 1 (Tues.) begin ※ The above housing fees are per one semester and are subject to be changed. ※ Facilities : convenience store, laundry room, study room, fitness center, communal refrigerator, etc. 2. Contact Information Department 2) Other support Name Telephone E-Mail Hoseon, Kim +82-41-730-5135 [email protected] Dongyeon, Ko +82-41-730-5132 [email protected] - One-to-One Mentoring Program - Regular meetings Institute of International Education Submission of Documents - Free health check-up a year - Korean Language Clinic: tutoring and writing center for foreign students - TOPIK Program for foreign students. Address : Institute of International Education, 121 Daehak-ro Konyang Bldg. Konyang University, Nonsan Choongnam Korea 320-711 - Field trips and international culture festivals for foreign students. 2. Important Notes 3. Eligibility & Required Documents : Please refer to the guidelines of the NIIED. 1) All the required documents must be original and 3 extra copies have to be submitted with them. - 161 - - 162 - ※ All the documents that are not in English or Korean must be accompanied by an English or Korean notarized translation. 2) Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for this program via only one institution. Kookmin University Address: Kookmin University, 77 Jeongneung-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-702, Korea Website: 3) Submitted documents will NOT be returned in any case. 4) An applicant must not hold a Korean citizenship. 5) Transferring to a different university is not permitted in any case after confirmed by the host university. 6) Additional documents can be submitted when entering an academic degree program at the host university. Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) □ Graduate School Area Departments Courses Master’s Majors Doctoral - Korean Language Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Korean History ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - Korean Literature - *Teaching Korean As a Foreign Language(only available for Master’s course applicants) - English Language - English Literature - Chinese Literature and Linguistics - Korean History(I) : Prehistoric Ages ~ Goryo Dynasty - Korean History(II) : Choseon Dynasty ~ Present - Educational Administration and Lifelong Education - Educational Psychology, School Counseling and Education ○ Special Education ○ - History and Philosophy of Education Liberal Arts & Social Public Administration ○ ○ Science - Public Policy - Political Thoughts and Theories - Comparative Politics Political Science & International - Curriculum and Educational Technology - Public Administration ○ ○ Relations - International Relations - Political Management, - *National Security Strategy(only available for Ph.D course applicants) - Sociological Theories and Korean Society Sociology Communication ○ ○ ○ ○ - Future and Information Society - Science and Technology and Environment - Culture and Sports - Communication - Advertising - International and Northeast Asian Studies International Area Studies ○ ○ - Russian Area Studies - Chinese Area Studies - Japanese Area Studies - 163 - - 164 - Law Economics ○ ○ ○ ○ Engineering Computer - Law - North Korean Law Trade Business Administration ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Architecture ○ ○ Ceramics ○ - - Ceramics Craft ○ - - Metalwork and Jewelry ○ - - Communication Design ○ - - Entertainment Design ○ - - Space Design Science - Economics - International Trade International - International Economics - Insurance and Finance Metalwork & - International Logistics - Personnel Management Jewelry Communication - Finance Design Entertainment - Marketing Design - Service Management - Global Business Innovation Data Science ○ ○ - Data Science Accounting ○ ○ - Accounting Mathematics ○ ○ Physics ○ ○ - Microwave Communication Engineering Space Design ○ - Mathematics - Information Security Arts & - Physics Sports ○ ○ Science Food & Nutrition ○ ○ - Collaborative Piano - Painting - Sculpture Fine Art ○ - Inorganic Chemistry ○ Bio and Fermentation Convergence ○ Forest Products & Biotechnology Forest Science - - Forest Resources ○ - - Forest Products & Biotechnology - ○ ○ - Forest Resources Materials Engineeri Engineering Mechanics and ng Design for Master’s ○ - Cinema Broadcast course applicants) ○ Education ○ - Humanities and Social Science in Sports - Natural Science in Sports □ Joint Graduate Program ▪ Joint Graduate Programs are an official master’s and doctoral program designed to execute joint research operated by two or more relevant departments. ○ - Advanced Materials Engineering ▪ Department of Financial Information Security and Secured Smart Electric Vehicle will support a scholarship and research funds. ○ ○ - Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ - Mechanics and Design - Structural Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ Engineering Electronics available - Forest Products and Biotechnology Civil and Environmental Art(only - *MFA in Acting(only available for Master’s Physical Advanced Engineering Mechanical ○ - Bio and Fermentation Convergence Technology ○ Intermedia - Dance Performing Arts Technology Forest Resources * course applicants) - Theatre and Multimedia ○ - Art Theory and Criticism - - Nano Chemistry - Food Nutrition - Food Biotechnology - Piano Performance - Orchestral Instruments - Bio Chemistry Natural - Architectural Structure - Voice Music - Organic Chemistry ○ - Architectural Design - Composition - Physics and Analytical Chemistry Chemistry - Computer Science ○ Program Degree Master’s Doctoral Cross-Cultural Studies ○ ○ Nano Science & Technology ○ ○ - Geotechnical Engineering - Hydraulic Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Electronics Engineering - 165 - Majors - Cultural Study of Politics Cultural Study of Arts Cultural Socio-Psychology Cultural Korean Studies Nano-Material Nano-Electron Nano-Physics Nano-Chemistry - 166 - Relevant Departments (Schools) All departments Related departments Applied Information Technology Conservation of Cultural Heritage Integrative Biomedical Science and Engineering Sports Engineering Convergence ○ ○ ○ Secured Smart Electric Vehicle ○ of - Convergence Kinesiology - Convergence Mechanical Engineering - ○ Conservation Cultural Heritage - Biomedical Science - Biomedical Engineering - ○ Financial Information Security - - ○ Electronics, Information & Telecommunication Engineering Major, Space Information Dept, Natural Science & Primary Industry Dept. - Applied Information Technology - ○ Financial Security Information - Secured Smart Electric Vehicle ○ Department of Humanities & Social Science(Departments related to Korean culture history, Architecture, Archaeology & Art History, Museology, Cultural property) Department of Science & Engineering (Departments related to Forest Products & Biotechnology, Forest Science, Advanced Materials Engineering, biology, Chemistry) Departments related to Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Design, Advanced Materials Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Science, Department Bio & Nano Chemistry, Advanced Fermentation Fusion Science and Technology, Food & Nutrition Physical Education, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Design Mathematics, Business Administration, Business IT, Computer Science, Department of Financial Information Security Electronics Engineering, Automotive Engineering Business IT ○ ○ - Metal & Jewelery Design Design Studies Business IT Trading System e-Government(Ph.D course Only) Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Admission Schedule Contents Application Date 2015. 02. 09(Mon) ~ 03. 20(Fri) Document Evaluation 2015. 03. 30(Mon) ~ 04. 03(Fri) Interview 2015. 04. 07(Tue) ~ 04. 08(Wed) Announcement of Successful Candidate (1st Round) 2015. 04. 10(Fri) Kookmin Univ. Remarks Individual notification by e-mail 2. Evaluation Procedure · Document Evaluation * Self-introduction essay, study plan and GPA will be comprehensively evaluated. · Interview * Interview will be performed by phone or Skype 3. Contact Information · (Tel) 82-2-910-5835 (Fax) 82-2-910-5830 · e-Mail : [email protected] · Mailing Address □ Professional Graduate School 136-702 Seoul, seougbuk-gu jeongneungro 77 Kookmin University Course Program Automotive Engineering Techno Design Major Master’s Doctoral ○ ○ - Environment Friendly & Advanced Safety Vehicle Engineering - Human Friendly & Intelligent Vehicle Engineering ○ - ○ Entertainment Design Interaction Design Visual Communication Design Product System Design Fashion Design Architectural Design Interior Design - 167 - International Affairs Division(Global Center Room 202) Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Dormitory Contents Location On-Campus Dormitory - 168 - Remarks Room Type Facilities Dormitory Fee 4 Students share 1 Room KAIST Bed, Air Conditioner, Desk, Closet, Shoe Rack, Phone, Bathroom, Shower Booth, LAN Waived Meal plan not included Address: 291 Daehak-ro(373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701 Website: (Admissions website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 2. Scholarship and Benefits Contents Remarks Field of Study College \400,000/1 Semester Stipend Dormitory Global Buddy Extra-Curricular Activity Internship (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ※ KMU do not support the stipend during Korean Language Course. Free on-campus dormitory provided Natural Science Providing Internship opportunity when eligible for the position Life Science & Bioengineering Doctoral Physics O O Mathematical Sciences O O O http:/ O O Chemistry Technology Biological Sciences Graduate School of Medical Science O and Engineering Biomedical Science and Engineering O O O O Electrical Engineering O O Future Vehicle O O Computer Science O O Civil and Environmental Engineering Environmental and Energy Technology O O O O Mechanical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Program Bio and Brain Engineering O O O O Industrial & Systems Engineering O O Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering O O Materials Science & Engineering O O Nuclear and Quantum Engineering O O O O Knowledge Service Engineering O O Graduate School of EEWS O O Graduate School of Culture Technology O O Business and Technology Management O O O O Green Transportation Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy Techno-MBA O O Finance MBA - 169 - Industrial Design The Cho Chun Sik Graduate School for Business * Medical License Required O Interdisciplinary Program Engineering Remarks (Website) Master's Graduate School of Nanoscience & Global buddy program Cultural activity(Visiting historic and industrial sites) School/Department/Division - 170 - Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 2. Dormitory Dormitory Fee: 90,000~150,000 KRW/month (Average) 1. Admission Schedule: Contact Information: Student Welfare Team Categories Deadline Application Period & Submission of Documents Wed., February. 25, 2015 ~ Fri., March 13, 2015 (Postal arrive by March 13) Application Review Thu., March 19, 2015 ~ Wed., April 1, 2015 Interview 1st Round Result Announcement Admissions Notification Beginning of Korean language class Notes TEL: 82-42-350-4712 FAX: 82-42-350-4710 Website: 3. Important Notes * You might be asked for an interview if needed. - Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for KGSP program via only one institution (a university or an embassy). - Submitted documents will NOT be returned in any case. Fri., April 10, 2015 by email Tue., June 16, 2015 by NIIED - Applicants whose forms and supporting documents are incomplete or found to be forged will be disqualified from the admissions process. - The offer of admission may be revoked even after being admitted to or having Tue., September 1, 2015 graduated from KAIST, if any of the submitted materials are found to be false or counterfeit. 2. Contact: Graduate Admissions Team Email: [email protected] Homepage: TEL: 82-42-350-2352, FAX: 82-42-350-2930 - Certified copy should be authenticated with the seal of the issuing institution or a notary office. Photocopies are not considered valid. - When asked to submit original documents, you must submit original documents. A duplicate should be authenticated with the seal of the issuing institution. Simply photocopied documents are not considered valid - All documents should be translated in English or Korean. The translated copy Ⅲ. Eligibility should have a seal of the institution as well Please refer to the eligibility guideline of NIIED - Official English Proficiency Test score will be accounted. It is recommended to achieve above TOEFL iBT 83, TEPS 599, IELTS 6.5 and TOEIC Listening & Ⅳ. Required Documents Reading 720 in the Official English Proficiency Test. Please refer to the required documents guideline of NIIED - Admitted students may not change the school in any case. - M.S.-Ph.D. integrated programs are not available according to the regulation from National Institute for International Education(NIIED). Ⅴ. Application Procedure 1. Document Evaluation 2. Phone Interview (if necessary) Ⅵ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Life KAIST International Student Association: International Scholar and Student Services (ISSS): - 171 - - 172 - 3. Graduate School of Industrial Technology & Management Korea Polytechnic University Address: 237, Sangidaehik-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 429-793, Korea Website: Department Humanities& Social Sciences Industrial Management(MBA Course) O Mechanical Engineering O Mechanical Design Engineering O Mechatronics Engineering O Electronic Engineering O Computer Engineering O Advanced Materials Engineering O Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology O Nano-Optical Engineering O Industrial Design Engineering O Electric Engineering O 1. Graduate School Field of Study Master's Doctoral Division Department Humanities& Social Sciences Business Adminstration O Mechanical Engineering O Mechanical Design Engineering O Mechatronics Engineering O Electronic Engineering O Computer Engineering O Digital Entertainment O Advanced Materials Engineering O Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology O Nano-Optical Engineering O Engineering Industrial Design Engineering O Energy and Electrical Engineering O New Technology Convergence O Remarks 1. Period: 2014. 2. 1 ~ 3. 30 2. Contact: Soobum Lee (International Relations Center) Tel : +82-31-8041-0792 / e-mail : [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Mechanical System Engineering knowledgebased Technology Fusion Digital Business Administration Energy Systems Energy Policies O Engineering Remarks Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 2. Graduate School of Knowledge-based Technology & Energy Division Field of Study Master's Doctoral Division O 1. Housing Remarks 1) Dormitory Fees Type Fees fNote - per month 275,250won Mechanical System Design O O Robotics & Artificial Intelligent Control System O O Nano-Optical Engineering O O Information and Communications O O Computer Engineering O O Advanced Materials Engineering O O - All KGSP students are given priority over local students for housing. Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology O O - Meal plans are not included in the dormitory fees. Digital Management O O - Each room is furnished with a desk, chair, wardrobe, bed, shoe Electrical Engineering O O rack, bookshelf, phone, and bathroom(including shower booth). The Electronic Engineering O O dormitory Policy O O bedclothes are changed regularly. - 173 - 2-bed room - Meal plans are not included (255USD) - You should pay deposit(10,000won) when you 4-bed room 196,250won move into the dorm. (185USD) - Excellent students can be granted a subsidy. 2) Notice provides free Internet - 174 - service(including Wi-Fi) and - Convenient Facilities: lounge, reading room, training room, laundry room. - Website: 2. Program for Foreigner Students 1) Academic orientation for new students KOREA University Address: 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-701 (Room 126B, Academic Affairs Team of Graduate School) Website: (Graduate School) (Graduate School of International Studies) - It is designed to help new students adjust to campus life, as well as to provide important information. 2) Mentoring & Tutoring Program - KGSP students will be paired 1:1 with a Korean student Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Department Law Law Law Law Business Administration Business Administration (It can be tailored on the base of request) 3) Cultural experience Programs - Cultural experience program opportunities will be offered regularly. 4) Counselling - KPU offers counselling to support international students’ better adaptation to university experience and everyday life. 3. Important Notes 1) Applicants should provide the correct contact information so that they will not be disadvantaged by any failures in the contact. 2) For additional information for items concerning KGSP students not Law Law Law Law Law Law Law mentioned in this document, please contact KPU International Relations Center. Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration International Business International International Business International Business International Business International Business - 175 - Business Field of Study Master's Principles of Jurisprudence Constitutional Law Administrative Law International Law Criminal Law Civil Law Commercial Law Labour Law Criminal Procedure Intellectual Property Law Civil Procedure Management Management Information Systems Logistics, Service & Operations Management Marketing Finance Accounting International Trade International Business - 176 - Doctoral Principles of Jurisprudence Constitutional Law Administrative Law International Law Criminal Law Civil Law Commercial Law Labour Law Criminal Procedure Intellectual Property Law Civil Procedure Management Management Information Systems Logistics, Service & Operations Management Marketing Finance Accounting Remarks International Business Management & Strategy International Marketing International Finance/Banking International Trade/Commerce Division Department Korean Language and Literature Korean Language and Literature Korean Language and Literature Korean Language and Literature Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature English Language and Literature English Language and Literature English Language and Literature German Language and Literature German Language and Literature German Language and Literature French Language and Literature French Language and Literature Chinese&Japanese Language and Literature Chinese&Japanese Language and Literature Chinese&Japanese Language and Literature Chinese&Japanese Language and Literature Chinese&Japanese Language and Literature Chinese&Japanese Language and Literature Russian Language and Literature Russian Language and Literature Field of Study Master's Doctoral Korean Linguistics Classical Korean Literature Modern Korean Literature Korean Literature In Classical Chinese Korean Language and Culture Education(As a Foreign Language) English Linguistics Classical English Literature Modern English Literature American Literature German Linguistics Modern German Literature Classical German Literature French Linguistics French Literature Chinese Literature Korean Linguistics Classical Korean Literature Modern Korean Literature Korean Literature In Classical Chinese Korean Language and Culture Education(As a Foreign Language) English Linguistics Classical English Literature Modern English Literature American Literature German Linguistics Modern German Literature Classical German Literature French Linguistics French Literature Chinese Literature Chinese Linguistics Japanese Linguistics & Education Japanese Classical Literature & Culture Japanese Modern Literature & Culture Comparative Studies of Chinese and Japanese Culture Russian Linguistics Russian Literature Chinese Linguistics Japanese Linguistics & Education Japanese Classical Literature & Culture Japanese Modern Literature & Culture Comparative Studies of Chinese and Japanese Culture Russian Linguistics Russian Literature - 177 - Remarks Division Department Master's Doctoral Spanish Language and Literature Spanish Language and Literature Spanish Linguistics Spanish Literature Spanish Linguistics Spanish Literature Philosophy Asian Philosophy Asian Philosophy Philosophy History History Korean History Korean History Korean History Linguistics Linguistics Linguistics Linguistics Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Sociology Interdiscipinary Program in Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture Interdisciplinary Program in Cultural Heritage Studies Visual Culture Classics Translation Food and Resource Economics Food and Resource Economics Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering Field of Study Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering Western Philosophy Western Philosophy Asian History Asian History Western History Western History Ancient Korean History Ancient Korean History Mediaeval Korean Mediaeval Korean History History Modern and Modern and Contemporary Korean Contemporary Korean History History Theoretical Linguistics Theoretical Linguistics Computational Linguistics Computational Linguistics Semiotics Semiotics Practical Applied Practical Applied Linguistics Linguistics Cultural and social Cultural and social Psychology Psychology ClinicalPsychology and Counseling Clinical and Counseling Psychology Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience IndustryPsychology & Organization Industry & Organization Psychology Consumer & Advertising Consumer & Advertising Psychology Psychology Sociology Sociology Theory of Comparative Theory of Comparative Literature & Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture Culture Interdisciplinary Program in Cultural Heritage Studies Visual Culture Classics Translation Food and Health Economics Applied Economics Interdisciplinary Program in Cultural Heritage Studies Visual Culture Classics Translation Food and Health Economics Applied Economics Bioresource and Ecology Bioresource and Ecology Water and Soil Water and Soil Environment Environment - 178 - Remarks Knowledge about Chinese Characters Division Department Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering Biosystems and Biotechnology Biosystems and Biotechnology Biosystems and Biotechnology Life Sciences Life Sciences Life Sciences Life Sciences Biotechnology Biotechnology Biotechnology Political Science and International Relations Political Science and International Relations Political Science and International Relations Political Science and International Relations Public Administration Public Administration Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Field of Study Master's Doctoral Biomaterial Science Biomaterial Science and Technology and Technology Environmental Environmental Planning and Planning and Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Ecological Ecological Engineering for Engineering for Environmental Environmental Restoration Restoration Plant Genetic Plant Genetic Engineering Engineering Plant Pathology and Plant Pathology and Horticultural Science Horticultural Science Systems Biomedical Systems Biomedical Sciences Sciences Biochemistry Biochemistry Molecular Biology Molecular Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Molecular Medical Molecular Medical Science Science Biomedicine & Biomedicine & Nanobio Systems Nanobio Systems Molecular Molecular Bioengineering Bioengineering Systems Food Systems Food Biotechnology Biotechnology Political Science and International Relations Political Thoughts Comparative Politics International Relations Public Administration Public Administration Policy Analysis Policy Studies Economics Economic Theory Public Finance Monetary Economics International Economics Labor Economics - 179 - Remarks Division Department Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Economics Statistics Financial Engineering Journalism& Mass Communication Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Physics Physics Physics Physics Physics Economics Statistics Physics Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Earth and Environmental Sciences Master's Economics Field of Study Applied Statistics Mathematical Statistics Financial Engineering Journalism & Mass Communications Algebra and Number Theory Topology Analysis Applied Mathematics Probility Geometry Nuclear Physics Condensed Matter Physics Quantum Optics Elementary Particle(High-Energy ) Physics Statistical Physics Nonlinear Dynamics & Biophysics Physical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Biochemistry Geology - 180 - Doctoral Economic History Development Economics Econometrics Industrial Organization Environmental & Regional Economics Macroeconomics Political Economy Health Economics Applied Statistics Mathematical Statistics Financial Engineering Journalism & Mass Communications Algebra and Number Theory Topology Analysis Applied Mathematics Probility Geometry Nuclear Physics Condensed Matter Physics Quantum Optics Elementary Particle(High-Energy ) Physics Statistical Physics Nonlinear Dynamics & Biophysics Physical Chemistry Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Biochemistry Polymer Chemistry Geology Remarks Division Department Earth and Environmental Sciences Earth and Environmental Sciences Earth and Environmental Sciences Program in Science & Technology Studies Program in Science & Technology Studies Program in Science & Technology Studies Program in Science & Technology Studies Chemical and Biological Engineering Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Architecture Architecture Mechanical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Field of Study Master's Doctoral Environmental Geology Environmental Geology Geophysics Geophysics Atmospheric Atmospheric Environment Environment History and History and Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Science and Technology and Technology Sociology of Science Sociology of Science and Technology and Technology Policy and Policy and Management of Management of Science and Science and Technology Technology Communication and Communication and Journalism on Science Journalism on Science and Technology and Technology Chemical and Chemical and Biological Engineering Biological Engineering Remarks Division Department Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Industrial Management Engineering Mechatronics Micro Device Engineering Micro Device Engineering Built Environment Built Environment System Operation and Project Management System Operation and Project Management Micro/Nano Systems Telecommunication System Technology Program in Urban Regeneration Biomicro System Technology Biomicro System Technology Biomicro System Technology Biomedical Sciences Biomedical Sciences Geography Water and Ecosystems Water and Ecosystems Geography Climate and Energy Climate and Energy Education Education Education Education Education Architectual Planning Architectual Planning Urban Planning & Urban Planning & Design Design Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Engineering Semiconductor and Semiconductor and Nano Systems Nano Systems Signal Processing and Signal Processing and Multimedia Multimedia Control, Robotics and Control, Robotics and Systems Systems Electrical Energy Electrical Energy - 181 - Education Education Education Education Field of Study Master's Doctoral Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Communication and Communication and Networks Networks Integrated Circuits Integrated Circuits Advanced Materials Advanced Materials Science and Science and Engineering Engineering Industrial Management Industrial Management Engineering Engineering Mechatronics Mechatronics Semiconductor Device Semiconductor Device Micro Device Micro Device Micro/Nano Systems Micro/Nano Systems Telecommunication Telecommunication System Technology System Technology Urban Regeneration Urban Regeneration Biomicro system Biomicro system Technology Technology Integrated Integrated Nanotechnology Nanotechnology Biomedical Biomedical Engineering Engineering Biomedical Science Biomedical Engineering Physical Geography Physical Geography Human Geography Human Geography History and History and Philosophy of Philosophy of Education Education Curriculum Studies Curriculum Studies Educational Educational Technology Technology Educational Educational Psychology Psychology Educational Educational Measurement and Measurement and Statistics Statistics Counseling Counseling Special Education Special Education Sociology of Sociology of Education Education Adult Continuing Adult Continuing Education Education - 182 - Remarks Division Department Education Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction Korean Language Education English Education Computer Science Education Human Ecology Human Ecology Field of Study Master's Doctoral Educational Educational Administration and Administration and Higher Education Higher Education Mathematics Education Mathematics Education History Education Korean Language Education English Education Computer and Information Science Food Science and Nutrition Child Studies History Education Korean Language Education English Education Computer and Information Science Food Science and Nutrition Child Studies Fashion Design & Merchandising Fashion Design & Merchandising Remarks Division Department Social Science [email protected] Doctoral International Commerce International Commerce International Studies Social Science International Development and Cooperation International Cooperation [email protected] Social Science [email protected] Social Science [email protected] International Studies International Peace & Security International Studies Area Studies Human Ecology Human Ecology Physical Education Nursing Nursing Nursing Computer and Radio Communications Engineering Computer and Radio Communications Engineering Brain and Cognitive Engineering Convergence IT Visual Information Processing Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Art and Design Industrial Design Art and Design Art & Culture Creative Convergence Design Creative Convergence Design Creative Convergence Design Cyber Defence Policy on Cyber Defence Policy on Cyber Defence Cyber Defence Cyber Warfare Cyber Warfare - 183 - Master's Consumer & Family Consumer & Family Resource Mangement Resource Mangement Physical Education Physical Education Gerontological Nursing Clinical Nursing Nursing Science Nursing Science Computer Science and Computer Science and Engineering Engineering Radio Communications Radio Communications Engineering Engineering Brain and Cognitive Brain and Cognitive Engineering Engineering Convergence IT Convergence IT Visual Information Visual Information Processing Processing International Studies Field of Study Humanities Korean Studies [email protected] Korean Studies Creative Writing Creative Writing Creative Writing Creative Writing Writing for the Stage & Screen Writing for the Stage & Screen Archaeology and Art History Archaeology and Art History Social Welfare Social Welfare North Korean Studies North Korean Studies Applied Linguistics and Culture Studies Applied Linguistics and Culture Studies Computer and Information Science Archaeology Art History Social Welfare Social Policy North Korean Studies Studies of Unification Policy Study of Applied Linguistics Study of Culture Contents Archaeology Art History Social Welfare Social Policy North Korean Studies Studies of Unification Policy Study of Applied Linguistics Study of Culture Contents Computer Science Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science - 184 - Intelligent Computer System Network Management Software Engineering Data Communication and Network Security and Parallel Algorithm Remarks Graduate School of International Studies Graduate School of International Studies Graduate School of International Studies Graduate School of International Studies Graduate School of International Studies Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Division Department Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science Computer and Information Science Applied Physics Applied Physics Applied Physics Material Chemistry Material Chemistry Material Chemistry Material Chemistry Material Chemistry Applied Statistics Applied Statistics Electronics and Information Engineering Electronics and Information Engineering Electronics and Information Engineering Field of Study Master's DB and Data Mining Embedded Systems & Real-time Computing Display and Semiconductor Devices Medical Physics Condensed Matter Physics Organic Chemistry of Materials Physical Chemistry of Materials Inorganic Chemistry of Materials Precise Analytical Chemistry Photovoltaic Materials Theoretical Statistics Applied Statistics Electronics and Information Engineering ICT Convergence Technology Electronics and Information Engineering Electronics and Information Engineering Electronics and Information Engineering Electronics and Information Engineering Environmental Engineering Control and Instrumentation Engineering Control and Instrumentation Engineering Doctoral IoT(Internet of Thing) Display and Semiconductor Devices Medical Physics Condensed Matter Physics Organic Chemistry of Materials Physical Chemistry of Materials Inorganic Chemistry of Materials Precise Analytical Chemistry Photovoltaic Materials - 185 - Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Electromagnetics and Sejong Microwave Engineering Campus Signal Processing and Sejong Communications Campus Engineering ICT Convergence Technology Computer Systems Environmental Engineering Mechatronics Instrumentation and Sensor System Remarks Medical Electronic Engineering Semiconductor Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechatronics Instrumentation and Sensor System Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Division Department Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Food and Biotechnology Sport and Leisure Studies Sport and Leisure Studies Sport and Leisure Studies Accelerator Science Accelerator Science Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics Program in Environmental Technology and Policy Program in Environmental Technology and Policy Program in Bio-medical Science Program in Bio-medical Science Digital Management Digital Management Digital Management Economics and Statistics Economics and Statistics Economics and Statistics Economics and Statistics Economics and Statistics Economics and Statistics Economics and Statistics Economics and Statistics Field of Study Master's Doctoral Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Food and Biotechnology Sport and Leisure Studies ·Sport Pedagogy Leisure Studies·Sport Industry and Information Studies Sport·Exercise Science Studies Accelerator Science Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Food and Biotechnology Sport and Leisure Studies ·Sport Pedagogy Leisure Studies·Sport Industry and Information Studies Sport·Exercise Science Studies Accelerator Science Accelerator Application Accelerator Application Computational Science and Cryptography Topology and Probability Environmental Technology Environmental Policy e-Business Internet Trade EC System Applied Microeconometrics Applied Macroeconometrics Governmental Statistics Microeconomic policy Macroeconomic policy Industrial policy Regional Economic Policy Broadcasting and Telecommunications Policy - 186 - Environmental Technology Remarks Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Medical Physics Campus Medical Image Sejong Campus Engineering Sejong e-Business Campus Sejong Internet Trade Campus Sejong EC System Campus Applied Sejong Microeconometrics Campus Applied Sejong Macroeconometrics Campus Governmental Sejong Campus Statistics Microeconomic policy Sejong Campus Macroeconomic policy Sejong Campus Sejong Industrial policy Campus Regional Economic Sejong Campus Policy Environmental Policy Broadcasting and Telecommunications Policy Sejong Campus Division Department Economics and Statistics Public Policy Corporate Management Corporate Management Corporate Management Corporate Management Corporate Management Corporate Management Corporate Management Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Field of Study Master's Doctoral Fiscal Policy Public Policy Global Business Banking and Finance Marketing Operations Management Information and Strategy Organization Management Accounting and Taxation Clinical Pharmacy Industrial Pharmacy Pharmacal Science Life Science in Pharmacy Social and Administrative Pharmacy Fiscal Policy Global Business Banking and Finance Marketing Operations Management Information and Strategy Organization Management Accounting and Taxation Clinical Pharmacy Industrial Pharmacy Pharmacal Science Life Science in Pharmacy Social and Administrative Pharmacy Remarks Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus Sejong Campus 1. Period: Feb.4(Wed.), 2015 ~ March 6(Fri.), 2015 2. Contact: Graduate School (KGSP via designated university and Embassy) : [email protected] (tel:+822-3290-1356~8) (Postal address) KGSP Program, Academic Affairs Team Room 126B, 1F, Graduate School bldg. Graduate School of Korea University 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-701 Korea Graduate School of International Studies (KGSP via Embassy only) : [email protected] (tel:+822-3290-1392) Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Dormitory Residence Hall CJ International House All w/Bath Anam 2 Community Bathrooms Summer A /Winter A Session Summer B /Winter B Session Fall Session 2,000,000 680,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 112 1,580,000 540,000 790,000 1,580,000 68 780,000 260,000 390,000 780,000 Occupancy No. of Beds Spring Session Single 114 Double Standard Triple (Male only) * Dormitory in Seoul (email: [email protected], Tel:+822-3290-1554) * Dormitory in Sejong http://dormitel.korea,ac,kr (email: [email protected], Tel:+82-44-860-1854) 2. Important Notes The following departments are NOT included in KGSP. (Medicine, Publich Health, Biostatistics, Public health science, Integrated biomedical and life science, Bio-convergence engineering, Global MBA) We have two campuses in Seoul(Anam Campus) and Jochiwon(Sejong Campus). There are four colleges in Sejong Campus. All classes by Sejong Campus are conducted in Jochiwon. TOPIK level 4 is mandatory for graduation of Graduate School. - 187 - - 188 - Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes KOREATECH (Korea University of Technology and Education) Address: 1600 Chungjeol-ro, Byeongcheon-myeon, Dongnam-gu, Chungnam Province 330-708 Republic of Korea Website: Cheonan 1. Campus Guide_Location City, The KOREATECH campus is located in Byeongcheon, near Cheonan city. From KOREATECH, Seoul(South Korea’s capital and largest city) is easily Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Department Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering Graduate School Computer Science and Engineering Design Engineering Architectural Engineering Energy, Materials & Chemical Engineering Techno MBA Techno HRD Human Resource Development Field of Study Master's Doctoral Mechanical Mechanical Engineering Engineering Mechatronics Mechatronics Engineering Engineering Electrical Electrical Engineering Engineering Electronics Electronics Engineering Engineering Communication Communication Engineering Engineering Computer Computer Science and Science and Engineering Engineering Design Design Engineering Engineering Architectural Architectural Engineering Engineering Material Material Engineering Engineering Chemical Chemical Engineering Engineering MOT(Management MOT(Management of Technology of Technology &Innovation &Innovation Management Management HRD(Human HRD(Human Resources Resources Development) Development) Direction of Direction of Job Job Consulting Consulting Employment Employment HRM(Human HRM(Human Resources Resources Management) Management) reached by bus and it takes 1 hour. Remarks Also KOREATECH offers a number of daily shuttle busses to and from Cheonan and Seoul. 2. Campus Guide_How to get to KOREATECH ■ By Bus - From the International Airport, take a bus to Cheonan and get off at Cheonan Bus Terminal, then take a intercity bus or taxi to <Eligibility of Applicants> • Screening Criterion of Language Ability - Korean Proficiency Test : Applicants with TOPIK Level 3 or higher ※ TOPIK Level 4 or higher is required for graduation while in school. KOREATECH. (app. 20km, 20,000 Korean won) ■ By Express train (KTX) - Take KTX train and get off at Cheonan-Asan Station, then take a taxi. (app. 20km, 20,000 Korean won) ■ By Train/Subway/Express Bus/Intercity Bus - Get off at Cheonan Station then take a bus (No.400, app.40 minutes) or a taxi. (app. 17Km, 20,000 Korean won) to KOREATECH. ■ By Car - Take the Gyeongbu Express Highway and exit through Mokcheon Toll Gate, turn right and proceed straight for 5km. 3. Campus Guide_Major Facilities Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period : 2015.February.1st. ~ March.13th. 2. Contact : Jiyoung Lee, (TEL: +82-41-560-1025, [email protected]) - 189 - ■ Dormitories - Five general dormitory buildings (main corridor, shared shower and toilets) - 190 - - One studio-type dormitory building (room with individual shower and toilet) 4. Campus Guide_Life on Campus - One apartment-type dormitory building (3 to 4 rooms for 2 to 3 persons per unit) -One English-only Dormitory building (same as apartment-type ■ Student ID Card dorms, English spoken) Approximately 70% of all students live in our In general, all international students are required to carry with dormitories. them at all time an alien registration card registered at the Immigration Office according to the Immigration Act. On campus, international ■ Cafeterias students will be issued student ID cards that are used to enter Three cafeterias are available on KOREATECH campus (Student dormitories and classrooms, kiosks, coffee shops, campus bus, Cafeteria, Snack Bar, Faculty Cafeteria) and the price of the meals borrowing books and used as debit cards, among others. range between 2,500~4,000 won depending on menu item/cafeteria. ■ Student Clubs ■ Sports Facilities Sports facilities Some 60 students clubs are available on campus, covering various on campus include outdoor and indoor sports, leisure, culture and arts, religious and volunteer services, gymnasium, squash rooms, fitness center, table-tennis rooms, as well as various academic fields. The clubs are also open to among others international students. ■ Convenience Facilities ■ Major Events on Campus KOREATECH convenience facilities on campus include banks, Exciting activities take place on campus including the Hanmaek kiosks, coffee shops, optician, bookstore, hair salon, public health Festival, a cultural festival organized by the Student Union and center, among others. Student Clubs in May every year, an academic festival held in October. During the academic festival period, graduates display ■ Library their year-long work in an exhibition. Furthermore, various events The Dasan Information Center of KOREATECH which takes its take place around the dormitories, such as the festival at Resident theme from Dasan, Jeong Yak-yong one of the greatest Realist Student Night organized by the individual dormitory councils, and Confucianism scholars of the Chosun period, is a cutting-edge various sports games and competitions led by Student clubs take facility with 250,000 books. The library has a special hall for place on the campus that add to the dynamic spirit on campus. various books on vocational training and specialty publications. 5. Important Note ■ Korean Proficiency Test Minimum Korean proficiency Requirment for Applicants- At least level 3 in TOPIK ( Test of Proficiency in Korean) ■ Dual applications are not accepted. - 191 - - 192 - Applicants must apply for this program via only one institution Kumoh National Institute of Technology ■ Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% Address: Daehak-ro 61, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, South Korea Website: or higher from the previously attended institution. If an applicant does not satisfy the above GPA criteria, he/she will be disqualified from applying to this program. Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Degree Section Engineering Departments Master Ph.D./ Master&Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering O O Mechanical Design Engineering O O Mechanical System Engineering O O Electronic Engineering O O IT Convergence Engineering O O Computer Engineering O O Software Engineering O O Architectural Engineering O O Civil Engineering O O Environmental Engineering O O Industrial Engineering Advanced Materials Science O O O O O O O O O O O O O O × O Physics × O Applied Chemistry O O Business Administration O O and Engineering Polymer Science and Engineering Materials Design Engineering Energy and Chemical Engineering Medical IT Convergence Optical Engineering Mathematics Sciences Management Ⅱ. KGSP Admission Schedule 1. Admission Schedule in 2015 a. Announcement of Admission Guideline: late January b. Application date: February. 2 ~ March 20 c. The 1st selection : April 1 ~ April 10 d. The 2nd selection : April 23 ~ April 24 - 193 - - 194 - Remarks e. Announcement for the result of the 2nd selection : April 30 physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of time. f. The 3rd selection(Embassy & Adoptees : May 1 ~ May 31 ※Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment g. Physical examination : May 1 ~ May 31 c. Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1, 2015 h. Announcement for final successful candidates : June 16 i. Visa issue and air ticket purchase : June 17 ~ July 31 j. Entry into Korea : August 24 ~ August 26 (born after Sep. 1, 1975) d. Applicants must hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree as of August 31, 2015. k. NIIED orientation : August 31 ~ September 3 ※ Applicants who fail to get the previous academic degree will be disqualified. l. Korean language course : September 1 ~ ※ Applicants who have ever enrolled in a university in Korea will be disqualified 2. Required documents from applying to the KGSP program. Check list for Application documents Master Ph.D. 1. Personal Data ○ ○ 2. Self-Introduction ○ ○ 3. Study Plan ○ ○ 4. Letter of Recommendation ○ ○ 5. Pledge ○ ○ 6. Personal Medical Assessment ○ ○ 7. Diploma from undergraduate institution ○ ○ 8. Transcript from undergraduate institution ○ ○ 9. Diploma from graduate institution - ○ 10. Transcript from graduate institution - ○ 11. Certificate of TOPIK Score △ △ 12. TOEFL or IELTS Score △ △ 13. Copy of passport ○ ○ 14. Published papers(one or two if available) e. Applicants must maintain a G.P.A of higher than "B" or 80% from the attended institution. ※If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is difficult to convert into percentage, attachment of official explanation from the attended institution is required. f. Applicants who have Korean proficiency or English proficiency may be given preference. 4. Contact - Mail to : Daehak-ro 61, Gumi, Gyeongbuk 730-701, South Korea - Tel : +82-54-478-7215 / Fax : +82-54-478-7222 - E-mail : [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Life(Residency Hall) & Important Notes 1. Dormitory(2 or 4 students shared room) △ △ a. Cost : Approx. 1,100,000 KRW/semester 15. Awards(one or two if available) △ △ b. Food : Every lunch and dinner is included 16. Certificate of citizenship of applicant's parents : birth certificate, passport, etc.(applicable only to overseas Korean immigrants) ○ ○ 17. Adoption documents(applicable only to overseas Korean adoptees) ○ ○ 2. Benefits a. Free Korean language class open for int'l students b. Offered Korean cultural tours 3. Every required document must be translated into Korean or English. 4. Original copy of documents should be verified when photocopy 3. Application requirements a. The applicant and his/her parents must foreign citizenships ※Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program. b. Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and - 195 - of documents are received. 5. In case of a graduate-to-be, applicants should submit the certificate of graduation no later than enrollment. 6. Admission permit will be cancelled if any documents are forged - 2 - 7. All documents will not be returned. 8. Additional documents might be needed on a case by case. 9. Applicants should directly inform their contact number in case of change. Kyonggi University 주 소: Gwanggyosan-ro 154-42, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do 사이트: Ⅰ. Academic Programs [Graduate] Division 인문 · 사회 - 3 - Field of Study Department Management Information Systems Business Administration Econimics Tourism Management Corrections Koran Language and Literature International Commerce German Language and Literature International Trade Creative Writing Library and Information Science Criminal Justice Law History Social Welfare Tourism and Recreation English Language and Literature Food Service Management Early Childhood Education Applied Information Statistics Events and Convention Japanese Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Intellectual Properties Youth Studies French Language and Literature Public Administration Hotel and Restaurant Management Accounting and Tax E-Business Vocation Education Policy Criminal Psychology Counseling Education - 4 - Master's Doctoral ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ X ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Remarks Division 자연과학 공학 Department Physics Life Science Mathematics Food Science and Biotechnology Computer Science Chemistry Industrial Security Biological Engineering Medical Physics Alternative Medicine Architectural Engineering Architecture Mechanical Engineering Urban and Transportation Engineering Industrial Engineering Advanced Materials Engineering Electronic Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Energy Engineering Architectural Design Urban 예 · 체능 Disaster Management Engineering Personal Protection and Security Services Electronic Digital Music Leisure Sport and Health Studies Sport and Leisure Studies Western Painting Sports Management Animation Journalism and Media Acting Movie and Visual Media Physical Education Korean Painting Environment Sculpture Industrial Design Visual Media Art Performance Art Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X X ○ Remarks TEL: +82-31-249-8770 Email: [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Residence Hall - New student residence hall is ready for students to move in by September 2012. - Rate per month: KRW 180,000(double) * rates are subject to change without notice 2. Important Notes a. The admission will be revoked if a candidate's documents are found to be false or counterfeit, or the applicant is revealed to have been admitted improperly. b. None of the submitted records and documents are returnable, also the application fee is non refundable. ○ ○ c. Evaluation Scores for admission will not be disclosed. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X X X ○ ○ X ○ X ○ X X ○ X X ○ ○ ○ d. Only original Certificate of Graduation and official transcript containing address of the institution will be accepted. e. Other details regarding application process and review will be determined by the Graduate Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: February. 9, 2015 ∼ March. 23, 2015 2. Contact Mr. HyukSoo Kwon, Kyonggi University, Office of International Affairs - 5 - School Admissions Assessment Committee pursuant to our admissions procedure and regulations. - 6 - Field Kyung Hee University Address: (Seoul Campus) Room 312, Main building, Kyung Hee University, 26 Kyunghee-daero, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 130-701, Korea Tel : 82-2-961-0121~0124 / E-mail : [email protected] (Global Campus) Room 107, College of Arts & Design, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 446-701, Korea Tel : 82-31-201-3500~3503 / E-mail : [email protected] Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Physical Education 1) Seoul campus Department Code M.S. Ph.D. Korean Language & Literature AA English Language & Literature AB ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ History AG Philosophy AH Law AI Political Science AK Public Administration Humanities and Social Sciences Applied Sciences Arts and 1. Graduate School Field Natural and AJ Sociology AR Economics AM International Trade AP Journalism and Communication AL Business Administration AN Health Services Management AO Accounting AX Hotel Management BA Tourism Science BB Convention & Exhibition Management BD Culinary Science and Food Service Management AT Child & Family Studies CW Housing and Interior Design CV Clothing and Textiles CL Education AV - 7 - Medicine Interdisciplinary Programs Department Code M.S. Ph.D. Mathematics CA Physics CB ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Chemistry CC Biology CD Geography CE Food and Nutrition CH Pharmacy CS Oriental Pharmaceutical Science CT Nursing CR Life and Nanopharmaceutical Science CU Music ID Fine Art IE Dance IB Performing Arts IC Biomedical Science GB Medicine GA Neuroscience GF Science in Korean Medicine GD Clinical Korean Medicine GC Dentistry GE Information Display KH Intelligent Informatics KM Oral & Maxillofacial Regeneration KN East/West Medicine KA Medical Engineering KI Philosophy in Korean Medicine KB History in Korean Medicine KD Biological Sciences in Korean Medicine KE Applied Korean Medicine KF Human Informatics in Korean Medicine KG Medical Science of Meridian KK Cancer Preventive Material Development KL - 8 - 2) Global campus Field Humanities Natural Sciences Engineering Art and Physical Education 2. Department Code East-Asian Language and Literature AC European Language and Literature AD International Korean Language and Culture AE British & American Language and Culture AF International Studies AZ Physics CB Chemistry CC Astronomy & Space Science CG School of Space Research CY Oriental Medicinal Materials and CN Processing Department of Horticultural Biotechnology DA Plant and Environmental New Resources CX Landscape Architecture CQ Graduate School of Biotechnology CJ Food Science and Biotechnology CK Environment Science and Engineering CF Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Advanced Materials Engineering for Informations and Electronics Civil Engineering Architectural Engineering Nuclear Engineering Industrial & Management Systems Engineering Electronics and Radio Engineering Computer Engineering Biomedical Engineering Physical Education Ceramic Arts Post Modern Music Applied Arts Film & Theatre Digital Art & Design Industrial Design Visual Information Design Formative Design Textiles & Fashion Design Architecture - 9 - M.S. Ph.D. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ EA EC ○ ○ ○ ○ EN ○ ○ EW ED EG EL EB EH EM IA IF IN IK IL IM IG IP IH IQ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X X ○ X ○ X X ○ ○ II ○ ○ Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies(Global Campus) - Embassy Quota Only Field Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies Department M.S. Ph.D. International Trade and Economic Cooperation (IT&EC) ○ X International Development Cooperation (IDC) ○ ○ International Business (IB) ○ X Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: Feb. 2 (Mon) ~ Mar. 20 (Fri), 2015 2. Contact: Contact Task Screening and Recommendation Department Reqruiter Phone Fax E-mail Seoul campus Graduate School Office Kim, Eunjung +82 -2-961 -0121~4 +82 -2-967 -6937 kgsp_gs Global campus Graduate School Office Chae, Chuljun +82 -31-201 -3500~3 +82 -31-204 -8118 khwb3500 Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide A. Programs to support international students 1) Orientation for New Foreign and KGSP Students 2) Study Support Program for Foreign Students 3) Global Citizen Program for Foreign Students 4) Korean Cultural Experience Program for Foreign Students 5) Safety and Health Program for Foreign Students 6) Employment and Career Program for Foreign Students 7) Peer Advisor and Study Advisor System for Foreign Students - 10 - B. Dormitory Dorm Kyungpook National University Facilities Address: O f f ice Sewha Hall (Seoul Campus) ․ Double (830,000 KRW per 1 Semester) Bedroom(23.8m²) - 216 room, study room, Housing Office, laundry room, convenient store, Fitness Club, Table tennis facility ․ Homepage : Woo Jung Won (Global Campus) ․ Bedroom - 777 room, Housing Office, laundry room Double : 1,557,000 KRW per 1 Semester (including 80 meal tickets)/ 3,574,000 KRW per 1 Year (including 160 meal tickets) Triple : 1,187,000 KRW per 1 Semester (including 80 meal tickets)/ 2,697,000 KRW per 1 Year (including 160 meal tickets) ․ Homepage : Division Department/School Korean Language & Literature English Language & Literature History Philosophy A. The student will not be considered for admission if the information on the application is incorrect or if the student fails to submit all application Humanities / Social Sciences B. After the application is submitted, the applicant cannot modify or cancel D aehak -ro, B uk gu, D aegu 702-701, K orea C. The applicant must provide phone numbers and e-mail addresses which can be used to directly contact applicants or parents during the admissions period. (The university is NOT responsible for any consequences resulting from incorrect contact information on the application.) D. Confirmation of admissions will be decided by law of the graduate school. The department can refuse to receive students, if none of applicants pass the department's criteria. (Criteria may vary by department) E. After the confirmation of entrance, all matters are decided by KHU's graduate school regulations. F. For more Information, contact each graduate school office. Natural Sciences Doctoral Korean Language &Literature English Language & Literature History Philosophy Korean Language &Literature English Language & Literature History Philosophy French Language & Literature French Language & Literature French Language & Literature German Language & Literature German Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature Chinese Language & Literature Archaeology & Anthropology Archaeology & Anthropology Archaeology & Anthropology Japanese Language & Literature Korean Literature in Classical Chinese Japanese Language & Literature Korean Literature in Classical Chinese Japanese Language & Literature Korean Literature in Classical Chinese Russian Language & Literature Russian Language & Literature Russian Language & Literature Political Science Sociology Geography Psychology Library & Information Science Political Science Sociology Geography Psychology Library & Information Science Social Welfare Policy & Administration Social Work Practice Mass Communication Economics International Trade Political Science Sociology Geography Psychology Library & Information Science Social Welfare Policy & Administration Social Work Practice Mass Communication Economics International Trade Mass Communication Economics International Trade School of Business Administration Agricultural Economics Public Administration Law Education Ethics Education Korean Language Education English Language Education Social Studies Education School of Mathematics Physics Chemistry School of Life Science Geology Statistics Astronomy & Atmospheric Science admission fee is non-refundable. Field of Study Master's German Language & Literature Faculty of Social Welfare submitted documents. All submitted documents will not be returned and the Business Administration Business Administration Agricultural Economics Public Administration Law Education Ethics Education Agricultural Economics Public Administration Education Ethics Education Korean Language Education English Language Education Social Studies Education Mathematics Physics Chemistry Life Science Geology Statistics Astronomy & Atmospheric Science Agronomy Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural Biology Food Biotechnology Food Biomaterials Horticulture Agricultural Civil Engineering Bio-industrial Machinery Engineering Mathematics Physics Chemistry Life Science Geology Statistics Astronomy & Atmospheric Science Agronomy Agricultural Chemistry Agricultural Biology Food Biotechnology Food Biomaterials Food Application Technology Horticulture Agricultural Civil Engineering Bio-industrial Machinery Engineering Horticulture Agricultural Civil Engineering Bio-industrial Machinery Engineering Bio-fibers and materials Science Bio-fibers and materials Science Bio-fibers and materials Science Applied Biosciences Food Science & Biotechnology - 11 - Af f airs, 80 Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 2. Important Notes be expelled even after the certificate of admission has been issued. I nternational Web site: www.k r, en.k r ※ Dormitory will operate separately during language program documents or if student is found to be in violation of regulations, and can of - 12 - Rem arks Forestry Forestry Forestry Wood Science & Technology Wood Science & Technology Wood Science & Technology Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Child & Family Studies Child & Family Studies Child & Family Studies Clothing & Textiles Clothing & Textiles Clothing & Textiles Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Nutrition Food Science & Nutrition Nursing Nursing Nursing Science Education Science Education Science Education Biomedical Science Biomedical Science Biomedical Science Dental science Dental science Dental science Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharmacy Home Economics Education Home Economics Education Mathematics Education Mathematics Education Public Health Public Health School of Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering School of Computer Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Textile System Engineering Sports (Sangju C.) Applied Chemistry Chemical Engineering Polymer Science & Engineering Architecture Architecture Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering Energy Engineering Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering Energy Engineering Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering Electronic Materials Engineering Electronic Materials Engineering Music Music Music Korean Classical Music Korean Classical Music Korean Classical Music School of Materials Science and Engineering Engineering (Sangju Campus) Applied Chemistry Chemical Engineering Polymer Science & Engineering Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering School of Architectural, Civil, Environmental and Energy Engineering Natural Sciences (Sangju Campus) Computer Science and Engineering Textile System Engineering Architecture Law School Computer Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Engineering Medicine Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering Textile System Engineering School of Applied Chemical Engineering Music & Arts & Physical Education Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering Fine Arts Fine Arts Fine Arts Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Visual Communication Design Visual Communication Design Visual Communication Design Medicine Medicine Medicine Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Dentistry Dentistry Dentistry Law Law Ecology Science Ecology Science Ecology Science Animal BT Science Animal BT Science Animal BT Science Ecology and Environmental System Food and Food-service Industry Ecology and Environmental System Food and Food-service Industry Ecology and Environmental System Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering Computer Information Computer Information Constructional Disaster Prevention and Environmental Engineering Textile & Fashion Design Nano & Materials Science and Engineering Electronic Engineering Precision Mechanical Engineering Constructional Disaster Prevention and Environmental Engineering Textile & Fashion Design Nano & Materials Science and Engineering Electronic Engineering Precision Mechanical Engineering Constructional Disaster Prevention and Environmental Engineering Leisure Sports Leisure Sports Leisure Sports - 13 - Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: February 2, 2015 ~ March 20, 2015 2. Contact: -Office of International Affairs -Phone: 053-950-6092 / FAX: 053-950-6093 / E-mail: [email protected] Ⅲ. Important Notes & Campus Guide 1. Admission Schedule Schedule Submission of application documents Screening of application documents Screening of Department Admissions Committee Screening Screening by the NIIED Notification of admission results Date 2015. 2. 02 ~ 3. 20 Notes Office of International Affairs (by post or in person) 2015. 3. 23 ~ 3. 24 Office of International Affairs 2015. 3. 25 ~ 4. 01 Document examination, Interview 2015. 4. 02 ~ 4. 08 Office of International Affairs 2015. 4. 23 ~ 4. 24 Final screening 2015. 4. 30. on NIIED homepage 2. Required Documentations Application Documents Master Doctor ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ 15. Awards, if available. ○ △ △ △ △ 16. Certificate of citizenship of His/Her Parents : birth certificate, passport, etc. (only for overseas Koreans) △ △ 17. Adoption Documents (only for overseas Korean adoptee) △ △ 1. Personal data 2. Self Introduction 3. Study Plan 4. Letter of Recommendation 5. Pledge 6. Personal Medical Assessment 7. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended undergraduate institution(s) 8. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s) 9. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended graduate institution(s) 10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) 11. Copy of passport 12. Certificate of Korean Language (original copy of TOPIK) 13. Certificate of English(original copy of TOEFL, IELTS) 14. Published papers, if available. △ *△ marks : If available - 14 - 5. About KNU ① Required documents : One set of the original documents and 3 sets of the photocopied ones. ② Original documents should be submitted. However, in case of submitting copied documents inevitably, copies must be authenticated by the issuing institution that they are the same with the originals. History ❍ 1923. Originally established as Daegu School of Medicine and Daegu Teachers' School. ❍ 1951. Colleges of Education, Medicine, Agriculture, Liberal Arts and ③ Applicants who are expected to graduate from their institutions by August 31st, 2015 first must submit the certificate(or letter) of expected graduation issued by the institution. Sciences, Law and Political Sciences were combined to create Kyungpook National University. ❍ 1953. First Graduate School was establiched. ④ If the transcript is not indicated in grade point average(GPA), attachment ❍ 2015. KNU is comprised of 19 Colleges and schools, 14 graduate of transcript converted into 4.0, 4.3, 4.5, or 5.0 scale is required. ⑤ If the transcript is difficult to convert into percentages, attachment of Location official explanation from the attended institution is required. ⑤ Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete and accurate English or Korean translation certified by the issuing institution. schools ❍ KNU is located in the city of Daegu, the third largest city in South Korea with a population of approximately 2.5 milion. ❍ Less than 2 hours from Seoul by express train. ❍ Three presidents of Korea were born in this region, one of them is a KNU graduate. 3. Important Notes Size & Scope ① Screening is based on the applicant's GPA in previous degree program, personal statement, study plan, language proficiency(Korean and English), papers, and interview by the relevant department. ② Applicants who have the Korean language certificate of TOPIK or English certificate of TOEFL, IELTS will get advantages. ③ Dual recommendation by more than one organization is not acceptable. ④ Submitted documents will not be returned to the candidates. ⑤ Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by KNU & NIIED.(Even after entry to Korea) ⑥ Applicants must accurately complete the Personal Medical Assessment (the health checklist) truthfully. ⑦ No student is allowed to transfer schools during the entire period of the program once he/she enters the school. ❍ 41,440 students in total ❍ 33,603 undergraduate students ❍ 7,837 graduate students ❍ 1,520 international students ❍ 1,169 full-time faculty members ❍ 705 administrative staff ❍ 4 campuses(3 in Daegu, 1 in Sangju) ❍ 14 graduate schools ❍ 19 colleges and schools ❍ 104 research centers Specialized Departments ❍ Electronics Engineering : Semiconductor Devices & Systems ❍ Electronics Engineering : Mobile Communication & Networks ❍ Chemistry : Convergence Chemistry ❍ Food Science and Technology : Food Science ❍ Mechanical Engineering : Robotics & Automation ❍ Business Administration : AACSB-accredited Education Affordable Costs 4. Domitory ① Fee : Approximately 300,000Won/Month ② All successful applicants will be given a chance to live in the dormitory. ③ Facilities ❍ US$4,000~8,000 graduate tution(per year) ❍ US$3,000 on-campus room & board(per academic year) ❍ 80% of international graduate students receive scholarships • Room type: 2-bed room • Serving 3 meals a day(optionally available) Honors of KNU • Website : • E-mail : [email protected] ❍ The best national university representing Korea: Ranked among the top 3 Korean national universities ❍ Selected as one of the world top-500 Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China (2009) - 15 - - 16 - ❍ Currently holding the largest number of the 5 vice-ministerial level alumni (2010) ❍ Recorded as having a 100% passing rate of alumni in National Examinations in medicine (2010) ❍ Selected as 2nd in Korea in terms of the number of books owned by the University's library (2010) ❍ Top scoring university in the 53rd National Judicial Examination (2011) ❍ Ranked first among Korean national applications and technology transfer(2011) universities for patent Kyungsung University Address: Office of International Programs Office, 309, Suyeong-ro,Nam-gu,Busan,Korea Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division executives(Korea Business)(2011) Ranked first amongst large regional employment for 2 consecutive universities years in of Education, among A-group school that have over 3,000 graduates) ❍ International Accreditation: ABEEK (Engineering) and AACSB (Business) ❍ Ranked first among large regional universities, with 26 graduates ❍ Ranked 5th in number of theses per faculty by QS Asian University Ranking Assessment by Chosun Ilbo (2012) ❍ Department of Food Science & Nutrition ranked top among related departments at Korean universities (2012 Jungang Ilbo University Ranking) ❍ Department of Physics confirmed as the top ranking department in production of SCI standard articles in Korea (2012) ❍ School of Public Administration, Over 100 graduates passed the government administration exams(2012). ❍ Ranked as No.1 recipient of funds awarded in the Education Empowerment Project by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2009-2011, 2013) ❍ Ranked among top universities in Korea for rate of successful secondary school teacher recruitment examination applicants (2009-2014) ❍ Ranked 7th among Korean universities in ‘Best Global Universities’ by US News & World Report(2014) Korean Language and Linguistics, Korean Literature, Korean Education Philosophy Theology/Christian Studies Theology Christian Studies (Christian Theology) Language and Language and Language and and Humanities and Social Science Law Public Administration Political Science International Relations Social Welfare Mass Communication Law Public Administration and Political Science and International Relations Social Welfare J o u r n a l i s m , Broadcasting, Advertising Korean Studies Cultural Theory, Cultural Programming, Cultural Programming Administration & Theory & Administration Mathematics Mathematics Physics Physics None None Library and Information Science Education Early Childhood Education None Law Public Administration None Social Welfare Journalism, Broadcasting, Advertising Korean Historiography, Korean Classics Cultural Theory, Cultural Programming & Administration Biology Biology Mathematics Physics Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Biology Computer Science Computer Science None Chemistry - 18 - above TOPIK Level 4 Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Literature Economics Korean Studies Remarks English Linguistics, English Literature Economic Theory, Real Estate Finance, Labor Relation International Economics, Trade International Trade International Trade Management, International Business Management Personnel Organization, Marketing, Business Administration Business Administration Accounting, Financial Management, Service Management, MIS Accounting Accounting None Management Information M a n a g e m e n t None Systems Information Systems & Tourism Hotel & Tourism Management Hotel & Tourism Management Hotel Management Food Service Food Service Management Food Service Management Management Economics N a t u r a l Chemistry Science - 17 - Information Early Childhood Education passing the 47th public accountant exam(2012) Field of Study Doctoral Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Japanese Language and Literature History Library and Information Science Education Early Childhood Education Philosophy English Literature Chinese Literature Japanese Literature History Library Science Education graduate (2011-2012)(Ministry Master's Korean Language and Literature ❍ Ranked forth and third nationwide in number of Samsung and LG ❍ Department Reference Letter written by minister Home Management Fashion Design Merchandising Pharmacy Opto-Electronic Engineering None History of Costume & Psychology of Clothing, & Fashion Design & Fashion Design, Clothing Construction, Merchandising Textile Science, Fashion & Beauty Marketing Medicinal Chemistry, Biological Pharmacy Pharmacy, Applied Pharmacy Device Opto-Electronic Device Opto-Electronic Device Engineering Engineering Life Sciences Welfare of Child Living Culture, Living Culture None Food Science Biotechnology Engineering International Management, Multimedia, Education, Social Welfare, Clinical Home Management and Food Science and Biotechnology Industrial and Industrial and Management M a n a g e m e n t Engineering Engineering Electrical and Electronics Electrical and Engineering Electronics Engineering Mechatronics Mechatronics Engineering Engineering Environmental Environmental Engineering Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Urban Engineering Urban Engineering Materials Science and Materials Science and Engineering Engineering Pharmacy, Digital Design). 9 affiliated organizations and seven research. Kyungsung University's 700 employees and over 13,000 students are all working together to achieve the school's educational goals. ◉ Introduction of Busan Development․Food Consumer․Housing Kyungsung University is located in Busan, the 2nd largest city in Korea. Busan is a beautiful coastal city with two of the most famous beaches in Food Engineering, Biotechnology Korea, Haeundae Beach and Gwanganli Beach. Kyungsung University is located in Industrial and Management Engineering center of Busan and Busan is the first port city which Busan International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Film Festival (BIFF), Busan Sea Festival, Busan Fireworks Festival, Busan Mechatronics Engineering International Rock Festival, Busan Biennale, The New Year Festival and Environmental Engineering various festivals are held every year. - Attractions in Busan : Busan is usually called ‘Marine City’ by many Civil Engineering Urban Engineering people. None There are many famous beaches, such as Haeundae, Gwangan-li, Song-jung Beach, Song-do Beach, and Dadaepo Beach. Busan is the city of Computer System, Information Communication Climate Change Policy Climate Change Policy None Information and Information and Communication C o m m u n i c a t i o n None Engineering Engineering Music Music Musicology, Musical Performance Fine Arts Fine Arts None Theater and Film Theater and Film None Arts and Physical Physical Education Physical Education Education Church Music Church Music None Formative Arts None Formative Arts Dance Dance None Computer Engineering and affiliated research institutes have been established to aid teaching and Computer Engineering mountains as it is named. Most of the mountains are at an elevation of about 500 meters which is not very high, nor low. There are well-known mountains such as Geumjeongsan Mt., Jangsan Mt., Baegyangsan Mt., Hwangnyeongsan Mt., and Seonghaksan Mt. Famous parks in Busan are APEC Nuri Park, Children’ Grand Park, Youngdusan Park, Geumgang Park, Amnam Park, and Samnak Riverside Park.Cultural Centers of Busan are Busan Cultural Center, The National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts in Busan, Busan Museum of Art, Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Geumjeong Cultural Center, Haeundae Cultural Center 1. Period: 1 February, 2015 ~ 8 March, 2015 ◉ Dormitory(Nuri Dormitory) 2. Contact: 82-51-663-4065([email protected]) The Nuri Student Living House, Kyungsung University's dormitory, was built to attract excellent students who are from the suburbs and to correspond with Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes the new image of the university of a high-quality institution. The 15-story 1. Life in Kyungsung University Nuri Student Living House can accommodate around 660 students in 330 rooms. ◉ Introduction of Kyungsung University Each room can accomodate two students and is designed with a deluxe bathroom, In 1955, Kyungsung University is established by the Reverend Dr. Kim Gil-Chang, a undergraduate pioneer colleges of Christianity (Liberal in Arts, Korea. Law and the university Politics, has Commerce 9 and Economics, Science, Engineering, Pharmacy, Arts, Theology, and Multimedia) encompassing 5 different faculties and 50 departments. 1 faculty and 10 departments offer classes through the Evening College. In 2004, the Ministry of Education & Human Resources set our school's maximum enrollment for freshmen at 3,120 students. There are - 19 - 7 graduate schools HVAC and refrigerator so that students can enjoy the most pleasant and comfortable campus life. As subsidiary facilities, there are a fitness center, a table tennis room, laundry rooms for men and women, dining room holding up to 400 people, a convenient store, a post office, a student lounge, an internet cafe, a party room, a students’ autonomy office, a language lecture room, a conference room and an assembly hall. Besides, rest rooms, meditation rooms and reading rooms are provided on every third floor (General, - 20 - 5. Possess above 80% (out of 100%) of a grade point average (G.P.A.) over all respectively. school years ◉ Sports Center Our university operates a sport center in campus to lead more balanced 6. Preferential selection for applicants who have Korean Language Test student life to be healthy and happy. The sport center is equipped with a Score(TOPIK, KLPT) or English Language Test Score(TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS) 7. Preferential selection for applicants who applied for natural sciences or variety of exercise equipments for both aerobic exercise and work with weights and it have indoor swimming pools that have no chemical smell by setting up ozone filtering systems, water softeners, and facilities for blocking ultraviolet rays. Also in the sport center, there are a fitness center having a wide space for stretching, Squash Court fitting out with wooden floors and safety glasses and Aerobics room equipping with optimal surround sound systems and wooden floors. engineering fields if qualifications are equal. ◉ Required Documentation( ○ : must submit, △ : optional ) o Number of copies for submission: One original document (placed in a separate envelope) and 3 extra copies o Document must be translated in to Korean or English and notarized if the are not written in Korean or English. Required Documentation ◉ Welfare Facilities For Students Kyungsung University's student welfare facilities consist of student convenience facilities and general campus facilities. Student convenience facilities include the departmental meeting rooms, men's and women's lounge areas in each college, club meeting rooms, and student council offices. Campus facilities include student and faculty cafeterias, snack bar, general store, barbershop, beauty parlor, copy center, photo shop, optical center, computer store, travel agency, coffee shop, bank, and post office. ◉ Culturural Life on Campus Throughout the years many kinds of academic and artistic festivals are held to enhance school spirit and to further the ideals of the university. The Daedong Festival is held each year around May 30, the anniversary of the founding of Kyungsung University. Each department also holds its own "Fall Festival" during the fall semester. Various volunteer service activities are One Completed Application Form One Self-introduction Essay One Study Plan Recommendation Letter One NIIED Pledge One original Personal Medical Assessment One original Copy of Bachelor degree diploma One original Copy of Transcript from undergraduate school One original Copy of Master's degree diploma One original Copy of Transcript from graduate school One original Copy of a Certificate of Korean Proficiency(if applicable) One original Copy of a Certificate of English Proficiency(ifapplicable) One original Copy of the Applicant’s Passport Presented Thesis (1 or 2 for relevant persons) Award Certificate (1 or 2 for relevant persons) A certificate of parents' nationality (Korean residents abroad Only) A Certificate of Adoptor (Korean adoptors abroad Only) Master Course ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ Doctoral Course ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ ○ △ △ △ △ carried out by student groups including volunteer agricultural service three ◉ Important Notes times every year during the spring, summer, and fall. 1. Applicants can apply for the program through more than one institution in charge of recommendation of qualified candidates, but s/he SHOULD BE 2. Important Notes RECOMMENDED by ONLY ONE INSTITUTION. ◉ Eligibility for Application Prospective applicants must meet the following qualification criteria: 1. Must be a citizen of the country to which scholarships are offered, which is also applies to his/her parents. ※ Applicant must not be a holder of Korean citizenship. finished at application or false documents will lead to an admission failure. recommending institution. ◉ Contact : Office of International Programs Office. Kyungsung University 3. Should be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2015. Have 3. Any required documents not submitted within the designated period of 4. Photocopied document should be checked against the original by the 2. Have adequate health, both physically and mentally. ※ Applicants who have a severe illness may not apply. 4. 2. Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant. least 16 years of education as - Address : 309, Suyeong-ro,Nam-gu, Busan, Korea - Tel : 82-51-663-4065 of August 31, - Fax : 82-51-663-4069 - E-mail : [email protected] - Website : 2015(equivalent to elementary, middle, high, undergraduate) - 21 - - 22 - Division Myongji University Address: 116 Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, 449-728, Korea Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Liberal Arts & Social Science Natural Science Field of Study Department Master's Doctoral Remarks Korean Language Korean Language and Literature and Literature English Language and Literature English Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Engineering who can speak Arabic Field of Study Department Master's Doctoral Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Architecture - Architecture - Housing and Urban Design - Architecture - Housing and Urban Design Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Environmental Engineering and Energy Environmental Engineering and Energy Environmental Engineering and Energy Energy and Biotechnology Energy and Biotechnology Energy and Biotechnology Physical Education - Physical Education - Leisure and Sports Studies - Physical Education - Leisure and Sports Studies Music Music .N/A Baduk Studies Baduk Studies .N/A Film & Musical The Film .N/A Arabic Studies Arabic Studies Arabic Studies Japanese Language and Literature Japanese Language and Literature Japanese Language and Literature History History History Youth Education and Leadership Youth Education and Leadership Youth Education and Leadership Art History Art History Art History Law Law Law Political Science and Diplomacy Political Science and Diplomacy Political Science and Diplomacy North Korean Studies North Korean Studies North Korean Studies Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration International Trade International Trade International Trade Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry 1. Offer academic assistance through buddy system Physics Physics Physics Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition 2. Preference over dormitory to the KGSP students 3. University scholarship corresponding the dormitory fee Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Biomodulation Biomodulation Interdisciplinary Program of Biomodulation - 23 - Art & Physical Education Remarks Practical Test Practical Test Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: Feb. 11, 2015 ~ Mar. 20, 2015 2. Contact: Phone. +82-31-330-6734 / e-mail. [email protected] graduate school office, Hyunjin Kim Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 4. Regular consulting through on-line 5. Applicants for the College of Art and Physical Education must take practical test 6. Most lectures are given in Korean - 24 - Pai Chai University (PCU) Ⅱ. 2015 KGSP Application (University Quota) Address: 155-40 Baejae-ro, Seo-Gu, Daejeon, the Republic of Korea 302-735 Website:, 1. Application period: 9th February (Mon) ~ 20th March (Fri) 2015 2. Sending applications to, a. Ryan Jongseok Park, Office of International Affairs, Pai Chai University Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Humanities and Social Science Natural Science Engineering Art No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Department Korean Language and Literature Teaching Korean Language Early-Childhood Education English Language and Literature TESOL Education Northeast Asia Economy and Commerce Major Business Administration International Commerce Electronic Commerce Tourism Management Law Public Administration Consulting Leisure, Service, and Sport Mathematics Physics b. Contact: +82 42 520 5243, [email protected] Field of Study Master's Doctoral O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Chemistry Biochemistry Biology Genetic Engineering Clothing and Textiles Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Materials Engineering Computer Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Electronic Engineering Game and Multimedia Engineering Civil, Environmental and Railroad Engineering Architecture Cyber Security Music Fine Arts Provided major of Master's and Doctoral - 25 - 32 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 25 c. Mailing address: ZIP code 302-735 Remarks 155-40 Baejae-ro, Seo-Gu, Daejeon, the Republic of Korea 3. Qualification a. Applicant and applicant’s both parents’ must be foreigners. ※ Applicant who is a dual national that including Korean nationality cannot apply. b. Applicant must be mentally & physically healthy enough to study a long period in Korea. c. Applicant must be younger then age 40 as of 1st September 2015 ※ Date of birth must be later than 1st September 1975 d. Applicant must hold a Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree by 31st August 2015 Chemistry Chemistry, Biochemistry Biology Biology, Biogenetic Engineering ※ Applicant who ever studied undergraduate or graduate program (including exchange student program) in Korea cannot apply. e. Applicant’s GPA (Grade Point Average) must be over B or over 80% out of 100% from home university. ※ If the transcript of academic record does not contain figures of GPA or grade percentage, applicant may submit a certificate that containing the information of the applicant’s rank (rank of applicant’s study result from home university). In this case, the applicant must be ranked in the top 10%. f. Optional submission: TOPIK certificate or certificate of English proficiency tests (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS) g. Language qualification after finishing Korean language course in Korea - 26 - 1) Level 3 (Level 2 or over for applicants of Engineering & Natural science related fields. TOPIK Level 4 is required until getting a degree) or over in TOPIK (Test of Proficiency 1. PCU dormitory( a. Brief information 1) On campus dormitory: PAITEL A & B, Mokryun Hall, in Korean-level), or, Jiphyeon Hall, Seojaepil Hall 2) Minimum English test score of TOEFL PBT 550, CBT 210, iBT 80, IELTS 5.5, TEPS 550 or over is required 3) Each room: Bed, desk, chair, closet, shower, internet etc 4. Required documents - O: Laundry/meeting/computer rooms / X: Bedding (individual purchase) ※ 1 package of originals and 3 packages of copies b. PCU dormitory fee No. Required Documents Master's Doctoral 1 2 3 4 5 6 KGSP Application KGSP Self Introduction KGSP Study Plan KGSP Letter of Recommendation KGSP Pledge Personal Medical Assessment Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution Transcripts & student records from undergraduate institution Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution Transcripts & student records from graduate institution Copy of passport [Optional] Certificate of Korean Language Proficiency [Optional] Certificate of TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS Score [Optional] Published papers (1 or 2 papers) [Optional] Awards (1 or 2 awards) [Optional] Certificate of Parents’ citizenship/nationality (only for ethnic Koreans residing in foreign countries) [Optional] Confirmation of adoption (only for overseas Korean adoptees) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X O X O △ △ △ △ O O △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2) Semester: Spring (Mar.~mid Jun.), Fall (Sep.~mid Dec.) a. In case any document(s) is not in English or Korean, you must additionally submit officially translated (in English or Korean) and get it/them notarized with the original one(s). b. You may submit a copy of your diploma or a certificate of graduation. In this case, the institution where the document was issued must indicate the photocopied document is the same as the original document. (Stamping the institution’s seal or confirmation remarks collation indicated on the photocopied document.) c. O: submit / X: no need to submit / △: submit if available Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes - 27 - Building PAITEL A (Female) PAITEL B (Male) Room Type Fee (KRW) room for 2 people (for the disabled) room for 2 people (8 rooms available) room for 3 people (2 rooms available) room for 2 people (for the disabled) room for 3 people (2 rooms available) room for 4 people (1 room available) 600,000 600,000 550,000 600,000 550,000 500,000 Remarks 1 semester (less than 4months) 1 semester (less than 4months) 1 semester (less than 4months) 1 semester (less than 4months) 1 semester (less than 4months) 1 semester (less than 4months) 1 semester (less than 4months) 1 semester (less than 4months) 1 semester (less than 4months) Mokryun Hall, room for 4 people 385,000 Jiphyeon Hall room for 4 people 385,000 Seojaepil Hall room for 2 people 700,000 Nu-Ri Hall room for 2 people 780,000 6 months 945,000 6 months Yang-Ji Town rooms for 1 & 2 people (18㎡) rooms for 1 & 2 people (24㎡) 1,100,000 6 months 2. Important notes regarding KGSP application a. Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply to 1 institution, to Pai Chai University or to the Korean Embassy in applicant’s country. b. Submitted documents will not be returned in any case to the applicant. c. Incomplete/incorrect/false documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the selection, and scholarship revocation even after entry into Korea. d. Documents should be presented in their original form. In case applicant need to submit a photocopied document, the institution where the document was issued must indicate the - 28 - copy is the same as the original document. (Stamping the institution’s seal or confirmation remarks collation indicated on the photocopied document.) e. Personal Medical Assessment must be filled out accurately. If any disease is found after the selection, the selection will cancelled. f. After the selection for the graduate program, applicants cannot Type 1 2 3 4 7 Hobby 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sports 18 19 21 22 24 Volunteer 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Scholar 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 Religion Club Name Portfolio Talpe Frame SEM CCC CENA DFC JDM JOY YWAM Remarks Club for studying stocks and economics Traditional Folk Art Club Movie Composing Club Social-gathering Club for foreign students Christianity Club Christianity Club Christianity Club Christianity Club Christianity Club Christianity Club (Youth With A Mission) Remarks Animation Club Music Band Club Dance Club Harmony Logyang Jangi Drama Trip Organize O-seon-hui Gwang-ki Bluestar Sin-seon-nol-em Drive Crows Naptune OAO Strike Yasengma Prima Keum-woo-hui Han-ma-roo 20 23 Motion Live NEO Atelier 5 6 Club Name Type 33 40 change the university in Korea. 3. PCU Clubs No. No. Anchor Cheong-ryong-hui Ha-neul-hui Han-wool-hui Eventist CORE KIND Newton Mom-so-rae Moon-hyang Byeol-bit-soo-shin Culture & Arts Club Acoustic Guitar Club Photo Club Club for Play & Arts Travelling Club Rock Band Club Club for joining variety of contests Travelling Club Hiking Club Table Tennis Club Baseball Club Skin-scuba Club Basketball Club Bowling Club Football Club Tennis Club Kendo Club Kendo Club Club for Campus Patrol Marine Corp. Club Volunteer Club Volunteer Club Club for joining and studying regional events Computer Club Ballon Art Club Club for joining regional events Sing Language Club Literature Club Astronomical Observation Club - 29 - - 30 - Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes Pohang University of Science & Technology 1. Campus Guide - Instruction language: English Address: 77 Cheongam-Ro, Nam-Gu, Pohang, Gyeongbuk, Korea 790-784 Website: - Notices/announcements: Korean & English - Housing Housing Option Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Science Engineering Interdisciplinary Programs WCU Department Mathematics Physics Chemistry Life Sciences Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial & Management Engineering Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Science and Engineering Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Bioengineering Advanced Materials Science Integrative Biosciences and Biotechnology IT Convergence Engineering Advanced Nuclear Engineering Regular Degree Master's ○ ○ Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Dormitory Remarks (double-occupa ncy) Dorm Bldg.19 (single-occupan cy) Single Furniture/Facility Remark - Central A bed (mattress), a desk, Heating and a bookshelf, a chair, and a Cooling closet - A bed (mattress), a desk, a bookshelf, a chair, a closet, a refrigerator, and a washbasin Bring your own bedding - Central Heating and Cooling - Bring your own bedding 1 bedroom, a built-in closet, ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ and a refrigerator 1 bedroom, a living room, a -No papered ○ balcony, a bathroom, a walls and floors Graduate storage space, a sink, a gas (DIY) Apartment stove, a shoe rack, a - No air (49㎡) washing machine, and conditioner heating - Bring your a living room, a balcony, a Graduate Apartment (double-occupa ncy, 49㎡) bathroom, a storage space, a sink, a gas stove, a shoe rack, a washing machine (9Kg), heating , a bed (mattress), a desk/table, a bookshelf, an air conditioner, ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Married own bedding - Facilities on Campus √ Student Union (Bank, Cafe Cerio, Bookstore, Stationery Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Store, etc.) 1. Period: Monday, February 2 - Thursday, March 19, 2014 √ Jigok Community Center (Burger King, Cafe Mone, 2. Contact: Yujin Oh Convenience Store, Souvenir Shop, Optical Store, Students - Tel: +82 54 279 3789 and Faculty Cafeteria, Korean Restaurant, etc.) - Email: [email protected] √ POSCO International Center (International Conference Room, - 31 - - 32 - Meeting Rooms, International Student and Scholar Service, Travel Agency, Cafeteria, Guest Rooms, and Chinese Restaurant) √ POSTECH Counseling Center (Counseling and Psychological Pukyong National University Address: 45 Yongso-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, 608-737, Korea Website: Inspection, Counseling for Sexual Violence/Harassment, etc.) √ POSPLEX (Swimming Pool, Indoor Golf Facilities, Fitness Center, Cafe, Bakery, Convenience Store, etc.) Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division 2. Important Notes Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral Business Administration ○ ○ Economics ○ ○ Korean Language & Literature ○ ○ International & Area Studies ○ ○ minimum score of TOEFL PBT 550, CBT 213, iBT 79, International Trade and Logistics ○ ○ POSTECH ITP 550, TEPS 680, TOEIC 800, or IELTS 6.0) Law ○ ○ History ○ ○ Mass Communication ○ ○ English Language and Literature ○ ○ from a university in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Early Childhood Education ○ ○ Great Britain, or the United States may be exempt from the Applied Economics ○ ○ Japanese Language and Literature ○ ○ Political Science and Diplomacy ○ ○ * Applicants who have graduated (or expect to graduate) from a Marine Business and Economics ○ ○ university where courses are taught in English may instead Public Administration ○ ○ Nursing ○ X Physics ○ ○ Microbiology ○ ○ Fisher Physics ○ ○ Aquatic Life Medicine ○ ○ Fisheries Biology ○ ○ Fisheries & Marine Human Resources ○ ○ Food and Life Science ○ ○ Applied Mathematics Division of Earth Environmental System ○ ○ ○ ○ - English Language Requirement √ All applicants whose native language is not English must submit a certificate of English Proficiency Test (with a √ Exceptions * Applicants who have graduated (or expect to graduate) Humanities (15) English Proficiency Test requirement. submit a certificate/proof of Instruction Language. - Required Documents √ One recommendation letter √ One copy of completed/signed consent to release educational records √ One copy of curriculum vitae Science(14) √ Optional materials to demonstrate outstanding achievements (Lists of honors and awards, degree theses, etc.) Science Statistics - Applicants may not apply to more than one department and/or program ○ X Marine Biology ○ ○ Oceanography ○ ○ - Applicants must select three potential supervising professors Chemistry ○ ○ and provide their names. Architectural Engineering ○ ○ Architecture ○ X Polymer Engineering ○ ○ Engineering (31) - 33 - - 34 - Remarks Division Department Doctoral Industrial Chemistry Engineering ○ ○ Metallurgical Engineering ○ ○ Mechanical Engineering ○ Mechanical Design Engineering Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineering Fire Protection Engineering Interdisciplinary (14) Remarks Division Field of Study Department Master's Doctoral Information Security ○ ○ Information Systems ○ ○ ○ Ocean Industrial Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ Offshore Plant Engineering ○ X ○ ○ U-Eco City ○ X LED and Solid State Lighting Engineering X ○ Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ Hydrography ○ ○ Earth Environmental Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ Biotechnology ○ ○ Bioscience & Bioengineering ○ ○ Ecological Engineering ○ ○ System Management and Engineering ○ ○ Food Science and Technology ○ ○ Materials System Engineering ○ ○ Safety Engineering ○ ○ Energy Resources Engineering ○ ○ Display Engineering ○ ○ Graphic Arts Engineering ○ ○ Materials Science & Engineering ○ ○ Electrical Engineering ○ ○ Electronic Engineering ○ ○ Information & Communications Engineering ○ ○ Control and Instrumentation Engineering ○ ○ Control and Mechanical Engineering Naval Architecture & Marine Systems ○ ○ Engineering Computer Engineering Art(3) Field of Study Master's ○ ○ UR Interdisciplinary Program Remarks Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: 2014. 2. 1. ~ 3. 31. 2. Contact: +82-51-629-6846, [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Dormitory Campus Number of Rooms Number of Residents Daeyeon Single: 68 Twin: 678 1,424 Yongdang Twin: 261 522 Fee(/Semester) Meals $2,915(Single) $1,998(Twin) 3 meals per day included $1,869(Twin) “ ○ ○ Civil Engineering ○ ○ Ocean Engineering ○ ○ Chemical Engineering ○ ○ IT Convergence & Application Engineering ○ ○ Industrial Design ○ ○ Physical Education ○ ○ ․ Introduction: A group of Korean buddies to interact with Fashion Design ○ ○ ○ ○ international students for language exchanges, Construction Engineering & Management Management Consulting ○ ○ Educational Consulting ○ ○ Management of Technology ○ ○ Global Strategic Management ○ X Mechatronics Engineering ○ ○ Marine Convergence Design ○ ○ international students and I-Friend to introduce Weapon Systems ○ ○ their culture (traditional food, cloths, games, etc.) ○ ○ Biomedical Mechanical & Electrical Engineering - 35 - 2. Programs for International Students A. I-Friend Program cultural activities, etc. ․ Schedule: Throughout the year B. International Day ․ Introduction: The biggest international event at PKNU hosted by ․ Schedule: 2~3 times a year - 36 - Department of Library, Archives & Information Studies Department of Communication Department of Law Department of Korean Language Education Department of Early Childhood Education Department of Special Education Department of Education Pusan National University Address: Pusan National University, 2 Busandaehak-ro, 63 Beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan 609-735, Korea Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Library, Archives & Information Studies Library, Archives & Information Studies Communication Communication Department of Law Korean Language Education Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education Special Education Special Education History of Education and Educational Philosophy Curriculum and Educational Method Educational Psychology and Counseling Psychology Sociology of Education and Educational Administration Education 1. Graduate School College Field of Study Department Department of Korean Language and Literature Master's Korean Language and Literature Doctoral Remarks Korean Classical Literature Department of Business Administration Korean Modern Literature Korean Linguistics Department of Chinese Language and Literature Chinese Language and Literature Department of Japanese Language and Literature Japanese Language and Literature Chinese Literature Chinese Linguistics Japanese Literature Japanese Linguistics Department of English Language and Literature English Language and Literature es. Department of German Language and Literature German Language and Literature Sciences Department of Russian Language and Literature Department of Korean Literature in Chinese Characters Department of History Department of Public Administration Department of Political Science and Diplomacy Department of Social Welfare Department of Sociology Department of Psychology International Business Marketing Operations Management Personnel & Organizational Management Financial Management Financial Management Accounting Management Accounting International Trade and Business Korean Literature in Chinese Characters History Korean History Asian History Western History Economics Economics Regional Economics Department of Public Policy & Management Department of Tourism and Convention Department of Child Development & Family Studies Public Administration Public Administration Department of Agricultural Economics Political Science and Diplomacy Political Science and Diplomacy Social Welfare Social Welfare Sociology Sociology Department of Mathematics Department of Statistics Department of Physics Psychology International Economics International Trade Management Department of Economics NA Korean Literature in Chinese Characters - 37 - International Business Marketing Operations Management Personnel & Organizational Management German Literature Russian Language and Literature Psychology Management Information Systems Financial & Tax Accounting Department of International Trade and Business German Linguistics Social Management Information Systems English Literature English Linguistics Translation Studies Humaniti NA Korean Language Education Natural Sciences Department of Chemistry Public Policy & Management NA Child Development & Family Studies Public Policy & Management Tourism Child Development & Family Studies Agricultural Economics NA Mathematics Mathematics Statistics Statistics Physics Physics Chemistry Chemistry - 38 - MIRYANG Campus Department of Integrated Biological Sciences Division of Earth and Environmental Systems Department of Science Education Department of Chemical Materials Department of Pharmacy Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy Department of Clothing and Textiles Department of Food Science and Nutrition Department of Housing and Interior Design Department of Applied Bio-resources & Life Sciences Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Integrated Biological Sciences Integrated Biological Sciences Geological Environment Science Geological Environment Science Oceanography Atmospheric Science Oceanography Atmospheric Science Biology Education Biology Education Chemical Materials Chemical Materials Pharmacy Pharmacy Manufacturing Pharmacy Clothing and Textiles Food Science and Nutrition Food Science and Nutrition Housing and Interior Design Housing and Interior Design Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Department of Material Science and Engineering Animal Resources Science Engineeri ng Department of Organic Material Science and Engineering Department of Polymer Science and Chemical Engineering Architectural Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Material Science and Engineering Meter Material Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering rban Engineering rban Engineering Applied Hybrid Materials Applied Hybrid Materials Green Transportation System Design Green Transportation System Design Department of Cogno-Mechatronics Engineering Cogno-Mechatronics Engineering Cogno-Mechatronics Engineering Department of Nano Fusion Technology Nano Fusion Technology Nano Fusion Technology Bio-Industrial Machinery Engineering Bio-Industrial Machinery Engineering Bio-Environmental Energy Bio-Environmental Energy Landscape Industrial Engineering Department of Aerospace Engineering Department of Urban Engineering School of Convergence Science MIRYANG Campus Structural Engineering Department of Bio-Industrial Machinery Engineering Department of Bio-Environmental Energy Water Engineering Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering GSIS and Construction Management System Department of Architectural Engineering Department of Architecture School of Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Ceramics Material Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy Clothing and Textiles NA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Landscape Landscape Architectural Engineering Department of Korean Traditional Music String · Vocal NA Wind · Percussion Composition · Conduction Theory NA NA NA Architecture Energy Systems Energy Systems Mechanical Systems Design Precision Manufacturing Systems Intelligent Control and Automation Systems Mechanical Systems Design Precision Manufacturing Systems Intelligent Control and Automation Systems Nuclear Systems Nuclear Systems Organic Material Science and Engineering Organic Material Science and Engineering Department of Fine Arts Arts Korean Painting Western Painting Western Painting Carving and Modeling Carving and Modeling Department of Design Visual Design NA Department of Plastic Arts Furniture Wood Lacquer NA Ceramic Arts NA Fiber Arts NA Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Polymer Science and Engineering Polymer Science and Engineering - 39 - Department of Art Culture & Image Division of Sports Science NA Art Culture & Image Sports Science - 40 - MIRYANG Campus MIRYANG Campus Campus Korean Painting Metal Arts Campus MIRYANG Environmental Engineering Architecture MIRYANG Art Culture & Image NA 2. Graduate School of International Studies(GSIS) Field of Study College Humanities. Social Sciences ○ Industrial field trips: Opportunities to visit leading industrial companies in Master's International Trade International Logistics & Port Management International & Area Studies EU Korean Studies Busan, Remarks Doctoral International Trade International Logistics & Port Management International & Area Studies EU NA Ulsan, Pohang, Students Furnishing ○ Qualification for KGSP applicants shall apply in this case. ○ Application documents for KGSP applicants shall apply in this case. Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Jilli Hall Jayoo Hall Male Female Feb. 4.(Wed.) 9:00 Submission of application documents ∼ Mar. 18.(Wed.) 18:00, 2015 Announcement of Successful candidate Apr. 8.(Wed.) 18:00, 2015 (Tentative) PNU International Remarks Fees By Post/Visit Established year E-mail Announcement bed, desk, chair, closet, bookshelf, telephone, fire extinguisher, the industrial Woongbee Hall Female Male 13m² 11.4㎡ bed, desk, chair, closet, bookshelf, telephone, fire extinguisher, private bathrooms computer room, lounge, gym, cafeteria, laundry and ironing, 24 hour convenience store 22.4m² 2 meals/day about 290,000KRW/ month 2 meals/day about 330,000KRW/ month 3 meals/day about 330,000KRW/ month 3 meals/day about 370,000KRW/ month 2002 1985 2009 3. Important Notes purpose of screening. ○ Address: PNU International, Center for International Student Services(2nd Floor, Main Bldg.) Pusan National University, 2 Busandaehak-ro, 63 Beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan 609-735, Korea - Fax: +82-51-510-3851 ○ E-mail: [email protected] ○ Home page: PNU understand ○ Applicants may be requested to submit additional documents for the 2. Contact: PNU International, Center for International Student Services ○ Phone: +82-51-510-3352 to Double Occupancy computer room, lounge, gym, cafeteria, laundry and ironing, Amenities reading rooms, snack shop, shower rooms, rest rooms, library Room size 1. Period: Place order development, business, and politics of Korea. Occupancy Date & Time(Korea time) in 2. On-campus Housing(Dormitory) 3. Qualifications and Application documents Contents etc. PNU International Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Cultural Experience Events ○ Cultural Events: Experience Korean culture and performing arts by watching cultural performances, visiting tourist sites, and watching PNU Thursday Performing Art Program. - 41 - - 42 - Sangmyung University Division Address: Academic Affairs Team, 20, Hongjimun 2-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-743, Korea Website: Humanities and Social Sciences Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate School) Division Department Department of Korean Language Education Department of Japanese Language & Literature Department of History Department of Korean Studies Department of Education Department of Geography Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Library & Information Science Department of Public Administration Department of Economics Department of Business Administration Department of International Trade & Business Department of Family Welfare Department of Copyright Protection Department of Real Estate Department of Law Field of Study Master's Doctoral Korean Education/ Korean Language Education Korean Education/ Korean Language Education Japanese Language & Literature(Japanese Language/Japanese Literature) Japanese Language & Literature(Japanese Language/Japanese Literature) History/History Contents History/History Contents Korean Language and Culture/Korean Studies/Korean Art Korean Language and Culture/Korean Studies/Korean Art Education Education Geography Geography Library & Information Science Library & Information Science Public Administration General Administration/Policy/Social Welfare Economics Economics Business Administration Business Administration International Management/International Economy International Management/International Economy Family Education and Consultation/Child Development and Nursery Care/Social Welfare Family Education and Consultation/Child Development and Nursery Care/Social Welfare Copyright Protection X Law - 43 - Copyright Protection Real Estate Department X Creative Contents X Wealth Management Department of Defense Policy Defense Policy X Department of Chemistry Chemistry(Organic Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Physical Chemistry/Biochemistry/Polym er Chemistry) Department of Life Sciences Life Science (Microbiology/Genetics/Phytog enetics/Marine Biology/Genetic Biology/Phyto and molecular biology) Chemistry(Organic Chemistry/Inorganic Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Physical Chemistry/Biochemistry/Polymer Chemistry) Life Science (Microbiology/Genetics/Phytoge netics/ Marine Biology/Genetic Biology/Zootaxy Systematics/Phyto and molecular biology) Department of Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Department of Human Environmental Sciences Human Environmental Sciences(Apparel Study/Consumer Science/Residence Circumstances) Human Environmental Sciences(Apparel Study/Foodservice& Nutrition/Consumer Science/Residence Circumstances) Foodservice Management & Nutrition X Game Design and Development Game Design and Development Industrial Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Emotion Engineering Emotion Engineering Power and Energy Engineering Power and Energy Engineering X Integrated Ecological and Environmental Engineering Korean Painting/Western Painting/Sculpture/Theory of Art Practice/Theory Submit Portfolio Furniture Modeling/Textile Art Furniture Modeling/Textile Art Submit Portfolio Department of Foodservice Management & Nutrition Department of Game Design and Development Department of Industrial Chemistry Department of Emotion Engineering Engineering Arts and Physical Education Remarks Doctoral Department of Creative Contents Department of Wealth Management Remarks Natural Sciences Field of Study Master's Department of Energy Grid Department of Integrated Ecological and Environmental Engineering Department of Fine Arts & Art Theory Department of Living Art & Design Law - 44 - Division Field of Study Department Department of Music Arts and Physical Education Department of New-Media Music Department of Physical Education Department of Dance Department of Digital Imaging Remarks Master's Doctoral Classical Vocal Music/Accompaniment/Composition /Instrumental Music/Piano Pedagogy/Choral Conducting X New-Media Music New-Media Music Physical Education Physical Education Dance(Korean Dance/Modern Dance/Ballet) Dance(Korean Dance/Modern Dance/Ballet) Visual Journalism Visual Journalism Department of Performing Arts Management X Submit Portfolio (Graduate School of Education) Division Department Department of Education Submit Portfolio Department Department Department Department of of of of Education Education Education Education Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education Performing Arts Management Department of Education Society of Humanity (Graduate School of Culture and Technology) Department of Education Department of Education Division Humanities Humanities Engineering Engineering Athletics Entertainment Entertainment Field of Study Master's Doctoral Major in Creative X Contents Department Department of Creative Contents Department of Fiction Writing Department of Creative Arts Engineering Department of Integrated Ecological and Environmental Engineering Department of Sports & Information Technology Department of Performing Arts Management Department of Music Technology Major in Fiction Writing Major in Creative Arts Engineering Major in Integrated Ecological and Environmental Engineering Major in Sports & Information Technology Major in Performing Arts Management Major in Film & Digital Music Major in Recording Major in Contemporary & Applied Music - 45 - Remarks X Psychology Korean Education English Education Japanese Education Chinese Education Mathematics Education Chemistry Education Social Studies Education History Education Geography Education Library Science X X X X X X X X X X Department of Education Education as a X Department of Education Foreign Language Nutrition Education EarlyChildhoodEnglis X Department of Education Department of Education hEducation Multi-Cultural Education Remarks X Department of Education Department of Education Department of Education X X X X X X (Graduate School of Welfare & Counseling) X X Counseling Education Physical Education Fine Arts Education Music Education Korean Language X X Field of Study Master's Doctoral Submit Portfolio Field of Study Master's Doctoral Division Department Society of Humanity Society of Humanity Society of Humanity Society of Humanity Department of Child & Youth Counseling - X Department of Family Counseling & Therapy - X Department of Senior Welfare - X Department of Social Welfare - X - 46 - Remarks 1. Campus Guide Category 1-bedroom 2-bedroom 3-bedroom 4-bedroom 5-bedroom 6-bedroom (Graduate School of Business Administration) Field of Study Master's Doctoral Division Department Society of Humanity Society of Humanity Society of Humanity Society of Humanity Society of Humanity Society of Humanity Department of Wealth Management - X Department of Global Real Estate - X Department of Media Management - X Department of Health, Policy & Business Department of Beauty Art Management Remarks Dormitory Fee Dormitory Fee (Per month) KRW 252,000 KRW 157,500 KRW 126,000 KRW 113,500 KRW 105,000 KRW 94,500 (Per semester) KRW 1,258,400 KRW 861,500 KRW 729,200 KRW 676700 KRW 641,000 KRW 596,900 Remark ※ Electricity water, gas fees are not included ※ Deposit KRW 200,000 ※ The rates for residence halls may change depending on university policy. 2. Important Notes A) Eligibility & Required documents: Same as 2015 KGSP guidelines from NIIED Major in Health, Policy & Business Major in Beauty Art Management Department of Business in Convergence - X B) Applicants of Arts/Physical education must submit Portfolio. please refer to international students guidelines on our homepage for portfolio requirements. ( X X Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: Feb 9, 2015 ~ Mar 20, 2015 2. Contact A) Graduate school Tel. 82-2-2287-7118, 82-2-2287-5045 Email. [email protected] B) Graduate school of culture and technology/Education Tel. 82-2-2287-7086 Email. [email protected] C) Graduate school of welfare & counseling/business adminstartion Tel. 82-2-2287-7086 Email. [email protected] D) International student services team Tel. 02-2287-5469 Email. [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes - 47 - - 48 - College Department Seoul National University Field of Study Master's Doctoral Humanities and Social Sciences College of Address: 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea Website:, Business Business Administration O O O O O O O O Administration College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) College Department College of Law Humanities Social Sciences Major) Law O Education(Foundations of Education Major) O Education(Education Technology Major) O Korean Language and Literature O O Education(Educational Counseling Major) O Chinese Language and Literature O O Education(Education Administration Major) O English Language and Literature O O Education(Life-Long Education Major) O French Language and Literature O O Korean Language Education(Korean as a Foreign Language German Language and Literature O O Education Major) Russian Language and Literature O O Hispanic Language and Literature O O Linguistics O O Korean History O O College of O O Foreign Language Education(English Language Major) O O Foreign Language Education(German Language Major) O O Foreign Language Education(French Language Major) O O Social Studies Education(Social Studies Major) O O Social Studies Education(History Major) O O Social Studies Education(Geography Major) O O Ethics Education O O *Physical Education(Sports Science Major) O O *Physical Education(Human Exercise Major) O O *Physical Education(Global Sports Management Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Music Education Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Fine Arts Education Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Home Economics Education Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Special Education Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Environment Education Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Early Childhood Education Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Global Education Cooperation Major) O O Asian History O O Western History O O Philosophy(Eastern Philosophy Major) O O Philosophy(Western Philosophy Major) O O Religious Studies O O Aesthetics O O Archaeology and Art History(Archaeology Major) O O Archaeology and Art History(Art History Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Classical Studies Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Cognitive Science Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Comparative Literature Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Archival Science Major) O Interdisciplinary Programs(Performing Arts Studies Major) O O College of Consumer Science O O O O Human Ecology Child Development and Family Studies O O Graduate School Public Administration(Public Administration Major) O O Public Administration(Public Policy Major) O O Department of Political Science and International Relations(Political College of Resource Economics Major) Agricultural Economics & Rural Development(Regional Information Education Field of Study Master's Doctoral Humanities and Social Sciences College of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development(Agricultural and Science Major) Department of Political Science and International Education O O of Public Economics O O Administration Graduate School Sociology O O of Environmental Anthropology O O Studies Psychology O O International Studies Geography O O Graduate School International Studies(International Commerce Major) O Social Welfare O O of International Studies(International Cooperation Major) O Communication O O Studies International Studies(International Area Studies Major) O Interdisciplinary Programs(Gender Studies Major) O O International Studies(Korean Studies Major) O Relations(International Relations Major) - 49 - International Environmental Planning(Environmental Planning Major) O O - 50 - College Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral College Department Natural Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematical Sciences O O College of Statistics O O Natural Sciences Physics & Astronomy(Physics Major) O O School of Public Health O O O O Biological Sciences O O School of Earth and Environmental Sciences O O E n v ir o n me n t a l O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Genetic Engineering Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Neuroscience Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Bioinformatics Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Computational Science and Technology O O *Nursing(Maternal-child and Psychiatric Nursing) O O *Nursing(Adult Nursing) O O *Nursing(Community and Nursing care Systems) O O Major) Nursing Graduate Chemistry Major) College of *Department of Public Health Sciences(Division of Public Health) Physics & Astronomy(Astronomy Major) Interdisciplinary Programs(History and Philosophy of Science Field of Study Master's Doctoral Graduate Studies *Department of Public Health Sciences(Division of Health Care Management and Policy) *Department of Environmental Health(Division of Environmental Health) O O O O O O *Environmental Planning(City and Regional Planning) O *Environmental Planning(Transportation Management) O *Environmental Planning(Environmental Management) O Department of Landscape Architecture O Interdisciplinary Programs(Landscape Architecture) O Engineering College of Architecture O O Engineering Energy Systems Engineering O O Electrical and Computer Engineering O O Computer Science and Engineering O O Materials Science and Engineering O O Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering(Mechanical Engineering Major) O O Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering(Aerospace Engineering Major) O O Plant Science(Crop Science and Biotechnology Major) O O Agriculture and Plant Science(Horticultural Science and Biotechnology Major) O O Civil and Environmental Engineering O O Life Sciences Forest Sciences(Forest Environmental Science Major) O O Chemical and Biological Engineering O O Forest Sciences(Environmental Materials Science Major) O O Industrial Engineering O O Agricultural Biotechnology O O Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Bioengineering Major) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Urban Design Major) O O O O College of Landscape Architecture & Rural Systems Engineering(Landscape Architecture Major) Landscape Architecture & Rural Systems Engineering(Rural Systems Engineering Major) Biosystems and Biomaterials Science & Engineering(Biosystems Engineering Major) Biosystems and Biomaterials Science & Engineering(Biomaterials Engineering Major) Agricultural & Vocational Education Interdisciplinary Programs(Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Major) Interdisciplinary Programs(Agricultural Genomics) Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology College of Education O O O O O O O Policy Major) O O O O O Graduate Department of Transdisciplinary Studies(Nano Science and School of Convergence Technology) Department of Transdisciplinary Studies(Digital Contents Information Science and Studies) Technology Department of Transdisciplinary Studies(Intelligent Systems) Department of Transdisciplinary Studies(Biomedical Radiation O Department of International Agricultural Technology O Sciences) College of Medicine Mathematics Education O O Science Education(Physics Major) O O Science Education(Chemistry Major) O O Science Education(Biology Major) O O O O College of Food and Nutrition O O Human Ecology Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design O O O O Pharmacy Interdisciplinary Programs(Offshore Plant Engineering) O O O O O O O O O Medical Sciences Science Education(Earth Sciences Major) College of Interdisciplinary Programs(Technology Management Economics and Pharmacy - 51 - Department of Biomedical Sciences O O *Medicine(Anatomy Major) O O *Medicine(Pathology Major) O O *Medicine(Pharmacology Major) O O *Medicine(Microbiology Major) O O *Medicine(Preventive Medicine Major) O O *Medicine(Parasitology Major) O O - 52 - College Department Field of Study Master's Doctoral College Medical Sciences *Dental Science(Conservative Dentistry) O O Dentistry *Dental Science(Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) O O *Dental Science(Pediatric Dentistry) O O *Dental Science(Periodontology) O O *Dental Science(Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology) O O O *Dental Science(Oral Medicine and Oral Diagnosis) O O O O *Dental Science(Orthodontics) O O *Medicine(General Surgery Major) O O *Dental Science(Dental Anesthesiology) O O *Medicine(Pediatrics Major) O O *Veterinary Medicine(Veterinary Biomedical Sciences) O O *Medicine(Obstetrics & Gynecology Major) O O *Medicine(Psychiatry Major) O O *Veterinary Medicine(Veterinary Pathobiology and Preventive Medicine) O O *Veterinary Medicine(Veterinary Clinical Sciences) O O *Music(Vocal Music Major) O O *Music(Composition Major) O *Medicine(History of Medicine and Medical Humanities Major) O O Medicine *Medicine(Forensic Medicine Major) O O *Medicine(Health Policy and Management Major) O O *Medicine(Biomedical Engineering Major) O O *Medicine(Medical Education Major) O *Medicine(Internal Medicine Major) *Medicine(Orthopedic Surgery Major) Dentistry Field of Study Master's Doctoral College of Medical Sciences College of College of Department O College of Veterinary Medicine O The Arts *Medicine(Urology Major) O O *Medicine(Otolaryngology Major) O O College of Music *Medicine(Thoracic Surgery Major) O O *Music(Theory Major) O *Medicine(Neurosurgery Major) O O *Music(Conducting Major) O *Medicine(Ophthalmology Major) O O *Music(Piano Major) O O *Medicine(Dermatology Major) O O *Music(String Major) O O *Medicine(Radiology Major) O O *Music(Woodwind/Brass Major) O O *Music(Korean Instrumental Music Major) O *Medicine(Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Major) O O *Music(Korean Music Theory Major) O *Medicine(Plastic Surgery Major) O O *Music(Korean Music Composition Major) O *Medicine(Radiation Oncology Major) O O *Music(Korean Vocal Music Major) O *Music(Korean instrumental music·Korean vocal music major) O *Music(Composition·Korean music composition·Conducting major) O *Medicine(Laboratory Medicine Major) O O *Medicine(Rehabilitation Medicine Major) O O *Medicine(Nuclear Medicine Major) O O College of Fine *Crafts and Design(Ceramics Major) O *Medicine(Family Medicine Major) O O Arts *Crafts and Design(Metalsmithing Major) O *Medicine(Emergency Medicine Major) O O *Crafts and Design(Visual Communication Design Major) O *Medicine(Department of Translational Medicine) O O *Crafts and Design(Industrial Design Major) O Interdisciplinary Programs(Tumor Biology Major) O O *Crafts and Design(Design Major) Interdisciplinary Programs(Clinical Pharmacology Major) O O *Crafts and Design(Design History and Culture Major) Interdisciplinary Programs(Medical Informatics) O O *Fine Arts(Oriental Painting Major) O Interdisciplinary Programs(Stem cell Biology) O O *Fine Arts(Painting/Printmaking Major) O *Dental Science(Head and neck anatomy and imaging science) O O *Dental Science(Preventive & Social Dentistry) O O *Dental Science(Dental Biomaterials Science) O O *Dental Science(Cell and Developmental Biology) O O Sculpture O *Dental Science(Program in Neuroscience) O O Interdisciplinary Programs(Arts Management) O *Dental Science(Dental Regenerative Biotechnology) O O *Dental Science(Immunology and Molecular Microbiology in Dentistry) O O *Dental Science(Healthcare Management and Informatics) O O *Dental Science(Cancer and Developmental Biology) O O *Dental Science(Molecular Genetics) O O *Dental Science(Oral Pathology) *Dental Science(Prosthodontics) O O O O - 53 - *Music(Musicology Major) O *Crafts and Design(Crafts Major) O O O *Fine Arts(Sculpture Major) O O Oriental Painting O *Painting(Painting Major) O *Painting(Printmaking Major) O l ‘*’ means a Dept., Major, Interdisciplinary program will recruit by specific fields. l Reorganization in the SNU academic affairs can result in the following: change in the name, integration, division, closure of a field of study (major). - 54 - O graduation for the application process and submit the official certificate of Ⅱ. KGSP Application [University Recommendation] Order graduation by the date of your entrance to Korea on September 1, 2015. Deadline Notes Feb. 2rd(Mon.), 2015~ ※ Required documents should arrive at the SNU Office of Admissions during this designated period. 5. Possess a GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 (letter grade of B) or at least 80% on a 1. Documents submission for Graduate Program Mar. 5th(Thur.) by 17:00 ※ Admitted students will be 2. Recommendation to NIIED April 10th(Fri.), 2015 notified of individual result by email. 3. Final Selection by NIIED April. 30th(Thur.) 2015 (only for Univ recommendation) percentage scale or those who can be considered to have credentials equivalent to aforementioned. ※ If the official grade cannot be calculated on a percentage scale or into a GPA, applicant must submit a certificate of ranking issued by their school (confirming their rank in the top 20%) for the same. 6. If an applicant possesses a score report of Korean Proficiency (TOPIK, KLPT) or ※ NIIED Homepage Notice English Proficiency (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, TEPS), the applicable score report may ( be submitted. Seoul National University, Office of Admissions 4. Contact Information Ⅳ. Required Documentation Tel: +82-2-880-6971, email: [email protected] ※ One original and Three photocopies of all documents listed below ※ If the document is not drafted in Korean or English, that document must be Ⅲ. Applicant Eligibility accompanied by an official translation in Korean or English. 1. An applicant himself/ herself and his/her parents must be citizens of a foreign MA Doctoral 1. Personal data (Form 1) ○ ○ 2. Self Introduction (Form 2) ○ ○ 3. Study Plan (Form 3) ○ ○ Korea for a long period of time. 4. Letter of Recommendation (Form 4) ○ ○ ※Applicants must pass "Official Health examination“(Health examination form will be 5. Pledge (Form 5) ○ ○ 6. Personal Medical Assessment (Form 6) ○ ○ 7. Notarized Certificate of a Bachelor's Degree / Undergraduate School Graduation Certificate ○ ○ 8. Official Undergraduate Studies Transcript 9. Notarized Certificate of a Master's Degree / Graduate School Graduation Certificate 10. Official Graduate Studies Transcripts 11. Copy of the applicant's passport(or documents indicating nationality) ○ ○ - ○ - ○ ○ ○ 12. Certificate of TOPIK score, if available (original copy) △ △ △ △ country. * An applicant who has Korean citizenship is not eligible to apply 2. Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to study in provided) 3. Should be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2015 (Born post September 1, 1975) 4. Hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree as of August 31, 2015. ※If applicant fails to obtain the necessary degree by August 31, 2015, his/her eligibility will be rescinded. ※For Master's program: students who hold a Bachelor's degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than Bachelor's degree ※For Doctoral program: students who hold a Master's degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than Master's degree. ※Those who attended or graduated from a University in Korea for their undergraduate/graduate studies(included exchange programs) are not eligible to apply. ※If you are an expected graduate, you must submit the certificate of expected - 55 - Requirements 13. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy) directly sent from ETS/IELTS 14. Desired program of study form ※(Appendix 1) ○ ○ 15. Published papers, if available (one or two) △ △ 16. Awards, if available (one or two) △ △ 17. Certificate of Citizenship of Parents(or documents ○ ○ - 56 - indicating nationality) 18. Official documents indicating parent-child relationship (ex. birth certificate, house hold register) 19. Adoption documents (*only for overseas Korean adoptee) 5. Academic Support △ △ △ △ - To support international students, there are a number of programs offered; Korean language/culture classes, courses taught in English, classes available online, workshop/tutoring sessions for thesis writing and counseling programs for study and research. 6. Supporting other things Ⅴ. Application Procedure Admission decisions are based on the candidate's academic achievements and - As well as the academic support, International Office provides other supports and services to make students’ life easier and more convenient. Career potential, as well as his or her personal accomplishments. The admissions committee reviews a number of factors including records of past studies (such as GPA), study plan, personal statement, and letters of recommendation. Other records of achievement and specific qualifications such as language proficiency are also taken into consideration. Candidate's application is reviewed in the context of the level of studies completed, quality of achievement and characteristics of institutions attended. Finally, the appropriateness of the applicant's academic goals and suitability of preparation for the proposed program of studies are Development Center offers career counseling and job consulting. Moreover, students can be benefited from mentor-mentee program, SNU buddy program, counseling program and culture programs as well as easy access to various restaurants, cafeteria, and medical services. assessed. Interviews, examinations, and/or additional documents may be required from the applicant, based on the policy of the particular college or department. Applicants will be notified via individual email should an interview or a separate exam be necessary. Ⅵ. Campus Life 1. Housing - Housing on campus, composed of 2,600 units in 28 buildings, can accommodate up to 4,500 students. 2. Library - Seoul National University's Central Library has been improved since it was built in 1946. It is well equipped with modern facilities and a wide range of resources. As well as the Central Library, students can access other individual libraries located at and operated by corresponding colleges. 3. Club Membership - There are more than 100 different clubs registered and actively running, covering various areas of interests including sports, culture, performing arts, academic fields, religion and etc. 4. SISA(SNU International Student Association)/IGSA(Int'l Graduate Student Association) - A community organized for international students - 57 - Ⅶ. Important Notes 1. Applicants must submit the completed ‘Desired area of study’ form along with other required application documents to the Office of Admissions by March 5, 2015 (Thur). 2. Those who attended or graduated from a University in Korea for their undergraduate/graduate studies(including exchange student) are not eligible to apply. 3. Applicant may apply through only a single recommending institution, which includes diplomatic office, university, adoption organization. If applicant applies via more than one recommending institution, (i.e. two different universities or from a university and from diplomatic office) he/she will be eliminated from the selection list. 4. Documents submitted to the recommending institution for the application process will not be returned. 5. If the information submitted in the application package is unclear or if any part of application material is missing, his/her application will not be subject to evaluation. If such issues are found after the admission has been offered, the admission will be rescinded. 6. Personal Medical Assessment cannot contain any false information. If any conditions which can affect long term international study are found during the health examination conducted after the offered admission, the admission decision will be rescinded. 7. Submit 1~2 copies of the dissertation/thesis for the record of the same 8. For record of awards, submit photocopies of the awards notarized/certified by the issuing institution. 9. Once the applicant is offered admission, he/she cannot change the school or desired program of their choice. - 58 - 10. All submitted documents must be originals. If the document is not drafted in Korean or English, it must be accompanied by a certified Korean or English translation. 11. If submitting a photocopy of the required document, applicant must obtain a form of certification/notary from the issuing institution confirming the validity of the copy as being the same as the original. 12. Specific information regarding the grades/points awarded or recommendation rankings will not be disclosed. 13. If additional information are required during the evaluation process, additional documents may be requested for verification purposes. 14. Applicant is responsible for any disadvantage resulting from error, omission or incorrect input of requested information. Please pay careful attention while completing the application form to avoid any issues. Once the application has been submitted, changes (including the application information or desired program of their choice) cannot be made. 15. Desired program of study cannot be changed even after the enrollment. <부록 Appendix 1> 전공신청서 (Desired Program of Study at SNU) Please consult Appendix for programs offered and visit website of each department (college) for further information. Personal Information Full Name Given Name Date of Birth (yyyy, mm, dd) Nationality Email Tel/Cell Phone Family Name Desired Program of Study at SNU ※ Please consult the Appendix and you may apply to only one program. Course □ Master's Program □ Doctoral Program College Dept/School Major Desired Adviser(s) (professor at SNU) if any Name of Professor in the Program Mentioned Above - 59 - 1) College/Dept 2) College/Dept 3) College/Dept - 60 - Seoul National University of Science and Technology Address: 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Natural Science Arts & Physical Education Engineering m Graduate School (Day) Division Department Engineering Engineering Engineering Mechanical Design & Robot Engineering Mechanical Engineering Safety Engineering Product Design & Manufacturing Engineering Data Science Materials Science & Engineering Automotive Engineering Civil Engineering Architecture (Architectural Engineering, Architectural Design) Electrical & Information Engineering Electronic Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Media IT Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Food Science & Technology Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Natural Science Arts & Physical Education Arts & Physical Education Arts & Physical Education Arts & Physical Education Arts & Physical Education Humanities & Social Science Humanities & Social Science Humanities & Social Science Field of Study Master's Doctoral O O O O O O Remarks Engineering O Sports Science O Convergence Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Biomaterials (Convergence Program of Biomedical Engineering & Biomaterials, Program of New Materials Engineering, Program of Constructional System Design Engineering, Program of Architecture, Program of Electrical & Information Engineering) Department of Interdisciplinary Bio IT Materials (Bio IT Program, Electronic Engineering Program) O O O O O O O O Division Department O O Engineering Rolling Stock System Electrical & Signaling Engineering Railroad Construction Engineering Railroad Management & Policy O O O O O O O O O O Fine Chemistry O O Industrial Design O O O m Graduate School of Railroad (Day) Engineering Engineering Humanities & Social Science Doctoral O Field of Study Master's & Doctoral Combined O O O O O O O O O O Master's Remarks O m Graduate School of Public Policy & Information Technology (Day) Visual Design O Division Ceramic Arts O Humanities & Social Sciences Metal Arts & Design O Fine Arts O Business Administration O English Language & Literature O Creative Writing O - 61 - Optometry Engineering Humanities & Social Sciences Humanities & Social Sciences Department Public Policy Industrial Information System Broadcasting & Communication Policy Digital & Cultural Policy Master's Field of Study Master's & Doctoral Combined Doctoral O O O O O O O O O O O O TOPIK Level 6 required - 62 - Remarks m Graduate School of Energy & Environment (Day) New Energy Engineering Energy & Environment Energy System Engineering O O O Field of Study Master's & Doctoral Combined O O O Energy Policy O O Division Engineering Engineering Engineering Humanities & Social Sciences Department Master's ※ Fee includes ; ▸Taxes on electricity, water, gas ② Meal Plan Doctoral Remarks Meal Plan No meal Three meals per day 488,160 KRW O Lunch & Dinner per day 681,390 KRW Division Department Engineering NanožIT Fusion Program Broadcasting & Communications Fusion Program O Field of Study Master's & Doctoral Combined O O O O ITžDesign Fusion Program O O O Engineering Arts & Physical Education Cost (Per Semester) O O O - ③ Facilities m Graduate School of NID Fusion Technology (Day) Master's ▸Internet access - In Room : Desk, bookshelf, bed, chair, wardrobe, electric range, sink, refrigerator, fan, Internet access, washing machine, bathroom Doctoral Remarks - Communal area : Vending machine, cold and hot water purifier, fitness room, study O room, cafeteria, seminar room, coffee shop, convenience store. ④ Submission Document - The international students who are going to stay in the dormitory should submit their X-ray(thorax) test result. The students who have tested negative for tuberculosis or without the X-ray result, they are not allowed to stay in Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) SeoulTech dorm. 1. Period: 2015. 2. 1. ~ 3. 27. (subject to change) 2. Contact: -Suji Wi(Ms.) / Coordinator / Office of International Affairs -Tel : 02)970-9220 -E-mail : [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) 1)Resident Hall ① Room Rate Maintenance Cost (Per Semester) Dormitory Sunglim International Dormitory (75 rooms for 110 people) Single Room (50 single rooms for 50 people) 1,620,800 KRW Duble Room (20 double rooms for 40 people) 1,095,100 KRW Quad Room (5 quad rooms for 20 people) 853,500 KRW - 63 - - 64 - Division Department Silla University Address: (617-736) 140 Baegyang-daero(Blvd) 700beon-gil(Rd), Sasang-gu, Busan Korea Website: Art Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Department International Area, Language and Literature International Area, Language and Literature Humanity Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ Social Welfare ○ ○ Family Studies ○ ○ Management ○ ○ Tourism Management ○ Advertising & PR ○ ○ International Commerce and Economics ○ ○ Archives & Records Management ○ Public Administration, Healthcare, Administration, Law Fine Arts ○ Dance ○ Physical Education ○ ○ Art and Art Professions ○ ○ Design ○ ○ Department of convergence and Art ○ Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: 2015.02.01. ~ 03.15 Management, Management Information Systems, Accounting 2. Contact: Mr. Choi, Jaewon(Office of International Affairs) (Tel. +82-51-999-5480, E-mail. [email protected]) Ⅲ. Eligibility for Application 1. Both applicant and his/her parents must be citizens of the foreign country. International Trade, Economics) 2. Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for a long period of time. ○ ○ Bioscience Engineering ○ ※ Applicants can't have Korean citizenship. Education Food Nutrition International Area, Korea Language & Literature, Japanese Language and Literature Music Remarks(Major) English Language & Literature Public Administration Bioscience Natural Science ○ Remarks(Major) Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ Biological Science, Bio-food Pharmaceutical Engineering ○ Food Nutrition ○ Materials, Food and Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition ※ Fill out Personal Medical Assessment when you apply and submit official Medical Assessment after being scholarship awardee. If students have severe disease, scholarship might be cancelled. Physical Therapy ○ 3. Should be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2015 Dental Hygiene ○ 4. Hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of August 31, 2015 Nursing ○ ※ Applicants who are enrolling BA(including Exchange program), Fusion Engineering ○ ○ Smart Energy-Environmenta l Engineering ○ ○ Engineering in Electronics & Energy Materials ○ ○ Computer and Information Engineering, Automotive Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Materials Engineering MA or have already graduated in BA, MA in Korea can not apply. ※ Applicants who are expecting the adequate diploma should present their diploma by September 1, 2015 before entry. 5. Should have a grade point average (G.P.A.) at least 3.0/4.0 scale, - 65 - Electronics Engineering, Engineering in Energy Applied Chemistry 80/100 or higher from the previous attended institution. - 66 - ※ If the grade is difficult to convert to percentage, official Ⅴ. Application Procedure explanatory documents to prove your score from the attended university 1. Application packages should be submitted in hard copy by air mail. are required. 2. All application packets will be inspected by Graduate school in Silla University before recommending to NIIED. Ⅳ. Required Documentation 3. Graduate school in Silla University may request telephone interview * All documents should be one original and three copies of it. or portfolio to students during documents screening. * All documents should be written in English or Korean, otherwise, it should be translated to English or Korean and then notarized. * 4. Application will not be returned to applicant and additional documents might be asked to be submitted. Certificate of degree could be submitted after checking a copy with the original. 5. NIIED will screen applications and select final scholarship awardee for this program. Documents MA Doctoral 1. Application form ○ ○ 2. Self Introduction ○ ○ 3. Study Plan ○ ○ 4. Letter of Recommendation ○ ○ 5. Pledge ○ ○ 6. Personal Medical Assessment ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - ○ 6. Applicants can not change Applying institution or Major even after being scholarship awardee. 7. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended undergraduate Institution(s) 8. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s) 9. Copies of diploma(s) from previously attended graduate institution(s) Ⅵ. Campus Life 1. Dormitory (Global Town) - Living in the Korean Dormitory is much different with your culture and life-style but it is also a part of Korean culture. Global Town is designed to provide both Korean and international students with desirable surroundings for the academic activity and the opportunity to enrich their understandings of foreign people and cultures. If GKS student want to live in Global town, we offer room for two students and there is bathroom in the room. 2. Cost [Currency : KRW] Graduate School 10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) - ○ Dorm. Fee Remarks Management 960,000 Meal Charge 256,000 for one 11. Certificate of Korean Language Proficiency △ △ 12. Certificate of English Language Proficiency △ △ 13. Published papers or thesis, if available (one or two) △ △ 14. Awards record, If available(one or two) △ △ 15. Copy of passport ○ ○ (○:submit -:N/A semester - Meal (Optional) : meal coupon(10 times per week) - Period (16weeks/ semester) Spring semester : Mar. 1 ~ June 20 Fall semester : Sept. 1 ~ Dec. 20 Total 1,216,000KRW ※ All cost should be paid by KRW and it’s subject to change every year 3. Dormitory fee subsidy : if GKS student want to live in Global town, Silla University will give you dormitory management fee(KRW 960,000) △:if available) waived during your academic year. - 67 - - 68 - 4. BUSAN CITY Silla University is located in CitBusan, a bustling city of approximately 3.6 million residents, is located on the southeastern tip of the Korean peninsula. The size of Busan is 768.408km² which is 0.8% of the Sogang University Address: Graduate School Of Sogang University, Graduate School Of International Studies 35 Baekbeom-ro(Sinsu-Dong), Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121-742, Korea Website:, whole land of the Korean Peninsula. The natural environment of Busan is a perfect example of harmony between mountains, rivers and sea. Ⅰ- 1. Academic Programs (Graduate School) Its geography includes a coastline with superb beaches and scenic cliffs, mountains which provide excellent hiking and extraordinary views, Division and hot springs scattered throughout the city. Busan enjoys four distinct seasons and a temperate climate that never gets too hot or the country and the fifth largest in the world. The city's natural Humanities and Social Sciences Natural Sciences Engineering Interdepartmental Cooperation Programs - 69 - O O Literature/Linguistics English Language and Literature O O /American Cultural Studies(Master’s only) O O Literature/Linguistics O O Literature/Linguistics O O O O Philosophy Religious Studies Sociology Psychology O O O O O O O O Mass Communications O O Political Science Law Economics Mathematics Physics O O O O O O O O O O German Language and Literature French Language and Literature Chinese Language, tides have allowed it to grow into the largest container handling port in becoming renowned as an international convention destination. Specific Major & Remarks Korean Language and Literature /TETL(Doctoral only) Busan is the second largest city in Korea. Its deep harbor and gentle reputation as a world class city of tourism and culture, and it is also Master’s Doctoral Literature/Linguistics too cold. endowments and rich history have resulted in Busan's increasing Field of Study Departments Literature and Culture History Chemistry O O Life Science O O Electronic Engineering Chemical and Bio-molecular Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering O O O O O O O O Science Communication O X Gender Studies O X Southeast Asian Studies O X Integrated Biotechnology O O - 70 - Korean History / Oriental History /Western History Journalism & Information/ Advertising & Public Relations/ Performing Arts, Film and Visual Culture/ Digital Media & Contents ② Graduate School Of International Studies ※ Considerations ▣ Website : • If applying to a department that is recruiting a specific major, you must specify your major when filling in the admissions application. • Religious Studies Department applicants, as a rule, should be students who majored or minored in theology in undergraduate or graduate school. Students from other majors are required to have a ▣ Telephone : +82-2-705-8754 ▣ Fax : +82-2-705-8755 ▣ E-mail : [email protected] ▣ Zip Code: 121-742, ▣ Address: Graduate School Of International Studies, Sogang University, 35 Baekbeom-ro(Sinsu-Dong), Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121-742, Korea preliminary consultation with the Dean of the Religious Studies Department before applying. 대한민국 서울특별시 마포구 백범로 35(신수동) 서강대학교 대학원 (정하상관 520호) • Department of Psychology recruitment is limited to Counseling/Clinical Psychology, Cognitive/Development Psychology and Social/Industrial Psychology. Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes • The Gender Studies Cooperative Program gives advantages to those with experience in organizations related to women. • In the Interdepartmental Cooperation Program, Science Communication, Gender Studies and Southeast Asian Studies belong to Humanities and Social Sciences, and Integrated Biotechnology belongs to 1. Gonzaga dormitory Engineering. If the NIIED students want to stay in the Gonzaga, they can apply through graduate school office. Students can choose staying for 6months or 4months. Ⅰ- 2. Academic Programs (GSIS) Division A. Application Methods Field of Study Departments Master’s Doctoral Specific Major & Remarks Humanities International Relations O O Official English score is needed. and International Finance O O Official English score is needed. Social Sciences International Trade O O Official English score is needed. Korea & East Asia O O Official English score is needed. (Graduate School Of International Studies) ① Submit the attached application form to the Office of Gonzaga Hall directly or by e-mail. ② e-mail : [email protected] , homepage : B. Rooms Double (2 students per room) ※ Considerations ※ Individual phone and internet access are available. • All of Graduate School of International Studies courses are delivered in English. C. Room Rate: See the table below Classificatio 2 students 1. Period: 2/1(Sun) ~ 3/13(Fri) per room 2. Contact: ▣ Telephone : +82-2-705-8168 ▣ Fax : +82-2-705-8166 ▣ E-mail : [email protected] Move-In for 6 months • Housing fee: 1,372,000 KRW • Housing fee: 2,143,000 KRW • Meal plan: Refer to the website • Meal plan: Refer to the website below below ※ Deposit: 100,000 KRW, deposit will be returned when you vacate the room. ① Graduate School Of Sogang University ▣ Website : Move-In for 4 months n Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) ※ If you vacate the room in the middle of the contract period, designated amount of money will be returned after the penalty deduction by the regulation. ▣ Zip Code: 121-742, ▣ Address: Graduate School Of Sogang University, 35 Baekbeom-ro(Sinsu-Dong), Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121-742, 대한민국 서울특별시 마포구 백범로 35(신수동) 서강대학교 대학원 (다산관 425호) - 71 - Korea D. Medical Certificate (H1N1 and other infectious diseases shall be tested.) - 72 - ※ Every Applicant must submit the medical certificate to live in the Dormitory ※ You can get certificate from the hospitals near the school or official health center. Sookmyung Women's University Address: [140-742] Cheongpa-ro 47-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea Website: E. Facilities: Cafeteria, internet lounge, laundry room, prayer room, study room, gym, ping-pong table and others. Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 1. Graduate School (Only female students can apply) F. Inquiries: Office of Gonzaga Hall Tel: 070-8220-2000, 02-705-8811, To call from abroad, dial +82-70-8220-2000, Division 82-2-705-8811 Department Korean Language & Literature Fax: 02-6933-3102, e-mail: [email protected] History & Culture 2. Insurance French Language & Culture Chinese Language & Literature German Language & Cultural Studies Japan Studies Library & Information Science History of Art English Language & Literature NIIED students obligatorily have insurance. NIIED students can apply for the insurance at the graduate school office. One who already has an insurance doesn't have to apply again. Culture and Tourism Liberal Arts and Social Science Service Management Administrationt Education Home Management Child Welfare & Studies Political Science & International Relations Public Administration Communication & Media PR & Advertising Law Economics Consumer Economics Business Administration - 73 - Field of Study Master's Doctoral Korean Linguistics, Classical Korean Literature, Modern Korean Literature, Teaching korean as a Second Foreign Language Korean History, Oriental History, Western History French Linguistics, French Literature Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Literature German Linguistics, German Literature Japanese Studies Library and Information Science, Archival Studies History of Art English Linguistics, English Literature, English Translation Tourism Management, Culture Culture and Tourism Study and Art Management Hotel and Restaurant Management Education Philosophy & Procedure, Education Sociology & Administration, Education Psychology, Counseling and Guidance, Continuing Education & Education Engineering Home Management Child and Teenager Welfare, Child Psychological Treatment, Child Nurturing and Education Political Science and International Relations Public Administration Communication &Media Public Relations & Advertisement Law Theory Economics, Applied Economics, Economic History, International Economics Consumer Economics Human Resource and System, Marketing, Accounting, Production Management/MIS, Financial Affairs Management, International Management/Strategy - 74 - Remarks Division Physics Chemistry Life Systems Natural Science Mathematics Statistics Clothing & Textiles Food & Nutrition Computer Science Multimedia Science Pharmacy Manufacturing Pharmacy Instrumental Music(Piano) Instrumental Music (OrchestralMusic) Vocal Music Composition Industrial Design Arts and Physical Education Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Environmental Design Design Molding Art Physical Education Dance Remarks Physics Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Organic and Bio Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Molecular Life Systems, Chemical Life Systems, Medical and Pharmaceutical Life Systems, Food and Nutritioanl Science & Life Systems Mathematics Statistics Clothing & Textiles Food & Nutrition Computer Science Multimedia Science, Multimedia Contents Media Science Production Therapeutic Pharmacy, Bio Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Analysis Therapeutic Pharmacy, Bio Pharmacy, Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Analysis Piano Wind Music, Strings Vocal Music Composition, Music Therapy Musictheory Visual Communication Design and Motion Pictures, Industrial Design Practical Approach to Architecture Design, Practical Approach to Urban·Landscape Architecture Design, Practical Approach to Interior Design Visual Communication & Motion Picture Design, Industrial Design, Space & Environment Design Craft Art, Fine Art Physical Education Korean Dance, Ballet, Dance Modern Dance * Homepage: → Admission → Graduate School - 75 - 2.HMBA (Both female and male students can apply) Department MBA(MA) Major Note Le Cordon Bleu Hospitality Management Educating future global leaders of the hospitality industries and service management * Homepage: Ⅱ. KGSP Applicaion (University Quota) 1. Schedule Schedule Submit Application and required documents Period Feb.12(Thu) 10:00~Mar.26(Thu) 17:00, 2015 Interview Apr. 3(Fri) 14:00, 2015 Recommending the qualified ~Apr. 10(Fri) 14:00, 2015 candidates to NIIED Final Result Notice Jun.16(Tue), 2015 Arrival in Korea Aug.24(Mon) ~ Aug.26(Wed), 2015 Orientation Aug.31(Mon) ~ Sep.3(Thu), 2015 Beginning Korean language course Sep. 1(Tue), 2015~ 2. Contact: 1) Name: Ms. Christina Kim 2) Email: [email protected] / 3) Phone Number: +82-2-710-9385 Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. International House We assigned room for KGSP scholars first especially in *marks. Dormitory Room Type International House 1 Double, Quadruple International House 2 *Single Professional Center Single, *Triple International House 3 *Single, Double, Quadruple International House 4 Double, Quadruple, Sextuple International House 5 *Quadruple, Sextuple, Octuple International House 6 Double, Sextuple, Octuple International House 7 Double, Sextuple - 76 - 2. Cost: KRW 158,000~338,000/month 3. Contact information Email: [email protected]/ Tel: +82-2-710-9211 Soonchunhyang University Address: U1105, Soonchunhyang University, 22 Soonchunhyangro , Shinchang-myun, Asan-si, Choongchungnam-do, Korea 336-745. Website: 4. Note for applying Korean Government Scholarship Program • • • • • • • • • • Dual recommendation by more than one organization is not acceptable. Documents should be presented in the original form. Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete and accurate English or Korean translation certified by the issuing institution. Submitted documents will not be returned to the candidates. Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by NIIED. * Even after entry to Korea In case of submitting copied documents inevitably, applicants must submit the original to the Korean Embassy (Consulate) and have the two documents collated.(Collated documents need to be submitted behind the original documents) Applicants must accurately fill out the health checklist based on truth. All successful applicants must take a medical exam in Korea (including an HIV and TBPE drug test) in accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP program. If the results show that the applicant is unfit to be a KGSP student, all costs for departure to their own country will be borne by the KGSP applicant. Applicants may submit the copies of published papers, if available. Applicants may submit the copies of awards, if available. * Applicants must submit all the documents by check list order. (Check list for the application documents should be the front page with the stapled documents followed.) Intergrated MA & Doctoral course is not available for KGSP program. Accepted applicants cannot change his/her desired university. Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Humanities & Social Sciences Natural Sciences Arts Department Department of Educational Science (Early Childhood Education, Youth Counseling, Education for the Handicapped, Gifted and Talented Education) Dept. of English Language&Literature Department of Law Department of Public Administration Department of Police Administration Dept. of Social Welfare Department of Business Administration Dept. of International Trade & Commerce Dept. of Tourism Management Dept. of Economics, Finance and Insurance Dept. of Health Administration and Management Department of Mathematics Department of physics Department of Chemistry Department of Biology Department of Food Science and Nutrition Dept. of Environmental Health Science Dept. of Genetic Engineering Dept. of Marine Biotechnology Department of Nursing Department of Medi-Bio Science Department of Occupational Therapy Department of Physical Education Department of Film Studies Department of Dance Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Dept. of Electrical & Communication System Engineering Department of Electronic Engineering Dept. of Information & Communication Engineeri ng - 77 - Engineering Department of Electric&Robotics Engineering Dept. of information security Engineering Dept. of Chemical & Environmental Engineering Dept. of Materials Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Medical IT Engineering - 78 - Field of Study Master's Doctoral ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● × ● × × ● ● ● ● × ● ● ● ● ● ● ● × ● ● × ● × × ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● × × Remarks Medicine Interdiscipl -inary Programs Anatomy Physiology Department Biochemistry Pathology of Microbiology Medicine Pharmacology Preventive Medicine Parasitology Department of Biomedical Science Major Department of Medical Sciences Division of Medical Science Performing Visual Media Department of Police Science ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● × ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● doctor and a nurse provide out-patient medical services Monday through Friday (9 A.M – 5 P.M) when classes are in session. 3) One to one mentor service with Korean students 4) A variety of international programs and strong foreign community 5) Korean Class provided by Korean Language Education Center in Soonchunhyang University is available. 2. Important Notes : Basically the same with the one set by NIIED 1) Eligibility for Application ① The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenships. ※ Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Schedule stay in Korea for a long period of time. Schedule Application Period Document Screening &Interview Announcement of 1st Successful Candidates Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not qualified for this program. ② Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to Period Notes 2015. 2. 2(Mon.) ~ Should be submitted by Post or in 2015. 3. 27(Fri.) 2015. 3.30(Mon.) ~ Person 2015. 3. 31(Fri.) Department(Major) Screening 2015. 4. 10(Fri.) ※ Applicants must accurately complete the health checklist truthfully. All successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam after the 2nd Selection. ③ Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1st, 2014 (born after Sep. 1st, 1975). ④ Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of August 2. Contact: Graduate School Administrative office 31, 2015. U1105, 22 Soonchunhyangro, Shinchang-myun, ※ Applicants who are expecting to obtain the relevant required degree or Asan-si, Choongchungnam-do, Korea 336-745. diploma by August 31st, 2015 must submit a certificate of degree or diploma Tel. +82-41-530-1649 / E-mail. [email protected] expectation, and submit the official certificate of degree or diploma by September1st, 2015. ※ Applicant who has previously enrolled in a bachelor's or master’s program in Korea cannot apply for the KGSP Program Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes ⑤ Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 1. Campus Guide 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, 3.23 on a 1) Resident Hall 5.0 scale or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously The Soonchunhyang University provides housing to 3,000 students in four attended institution. residence. Each Residence Hall is equipped with such amenities as high ※ If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is speed internet access, computer labs, exercise equipment, recreational difficult to convert into percentages, attachment of official explanation from the facilities, laundry facilities, and lounge areas. The international students can apply for the Sunrise Hall. attended institution is required. ⑥ Applicants who have Korean language score(TOPIK) or English score(TOEIC, TOEFL:550, IELTS:5.5, IBT:80, CBT:210) in the first selection 2) University Health The University takes prides itself in rendering free medical clinic service on campus. It is located on the first floor in the Student Hall Building. A - 79 - give extra points, those who only have language score. 2) Required Documentation : Original 1 copy - 80 - ※ Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary’s office. - Applicants may submit the copies of published papers, if available.(one or two) - Applicants may submit the copies of awards, if available(authenticated by Check List for Application Documents Master’s Doctoral 1. Personal Data ○ ○ 2. Self-Introduction ○ ○ 3. Study Plan ○ ○ 4. Letter of Recommendation ○ ○ 5. Pledge ○ ○ 6. Personal Medical Assessment ○ ○ ○ ○ 7. Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution 8. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate ○ ○ 9. Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution institution(s) - ○ 10. Official - ○ 11. Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy), if available △ △ 12. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original △ △ 13. Published papers, if available (one or two) △ △ 14. Awards, if available (one or two) △ △ 15. Copy of passport ○ ○ △ △ △ △ transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) copy) 16. Certificate of citizenship of parents of applicant : birth certificate, passport, etc. (* applicable only to overseas Korean immigrants) 17. Adoption documents (*applicable only to overseas Korean adoptees) the issuing institution or notarized by a notary’s office). - Transferring to a different university after confirming the host university is not permitted in any cases. 3) Applicants Important Note - Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for this program via only one institution. - Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. - Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the Selection Committee, and scholarship revocation if after entry into Korea. - In case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original to the 1st Selection Institution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated. - Applicants must accurately fill out the health checklist truthfully. All successful candidates must take a medical exam after passing the 2nd Selection. In accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP Program, the candidates who are judged to be unfit for this program will not be accepted. - 81 - - 82 - Soongsil University Address: (156-743) 369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul, Korea Website: or Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) 1. Humanities and Social Science Business Administration Organization and Human Resource Management, Financial Management and Planning, Marketing, Operations Management, Management Information System ● ● International Trade International Economics, International Business and International Commerce ● ● Accounting Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Tax Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Information System ● ● Venture and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital ● ● Public Administration Public Administration, Public Policy ● ● Political Science and Diplomacy Unification Studies, Korean Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theories/Political Thoughts ● ● Information Sociology Information Sociology [Master's only] ● - Journalism, PR, and Advertising Journalism and Broadcasting, Advertising and Public Relations [Master's only] ● - Finance Finance [Master's only] ● - Departments Majors for Ph.D. Master's Doctoral Mathematics ● ● Departments Majors for Ph.D. Master's Doctoral Korean Language and Literature Korean Language , Korean Classical Literature, Korean Modern Literature ● ● English Language and Literature English Literature, English Linguistics ● ● German Language and Literature German Literature , German Linguistics ● ● French Language and Literature French Literature, French Language ● ● Chinese Language and Literature Chinese Literature, Chinese Linguistics, Korean-Chinese Translation Studies, Comparative Studies of Korean-Chinese Linguistics and Literature ● ● Japanese Language and Literature Japanese Linguistics, Japanese Literature & Culture, Japanese Economy and Management ● ● Mathematics Philosophy Western Philosophy, East Asian Philosophy ● ● Physics Condensed Matter Physics, Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Plasma Physics ● ● History Korean History, Asian History, Western History, Archaeology and History of Art ● ● Chemistry Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry ● ● Statistics and Actuarial Science Statistics, Actuarial Science ● ● Bioinformatics and Life Science Life Science, Bioinformatics ● ● Lifelong Education Lifelong Education Studies ● ● Sports for All Studies Sports for All Studies ● ● Creative Writing Creative Writing Studies ● ● Christian Studies Biblical Studies, Christian Theology, Christian Cultural Studies, Christian Sociology, Christian Ethics, Christian Counseling and Psychology ● ● Law Basic Law, Constitution Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, International Law, Labor Law, Civil Procedure Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, American Law ● Economics Financial Economics and Macroeconomics, Law and Economics, and Public Finance, Comparative Economics and Political Economy, Labor Economics, Econometrics, Applied Microeconomics ● - 83 - ● ● 2. Natural Science 3. Engineering Departments Majors for Ph.D. Master's Doctoral Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering, Beauty Engineering ● ● Organic Materials and Fiber Engineering Organic Materials and Fiber Engineering ● ● Electronic Engineering Communications and Signal Processing, Devices and Integrated Circuits, Microwave and Lightwave, Computer and Automation and Networks ● ● - 84 - Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Electrical Engineering Energy and Industrial Electronics, Electrical Materials and High Power, Measurement Control and System ● ● Mechanical Engineering Thermofluids and Energy, Materials and Design and Production, Dynamics and Control ● ● Computing Systems Software, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Architecture, Computer Communications, Software Engineering, Multimedia ● ● Industrial and Information Systems Engineering A. Industrial System Engineering(Operations Research, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Quality and Management Engineering) B. Information System Engineering(MIS, e-business, Software Engineering, Network System C. HCI(Human-Computer Interaction) ● ● 1. Period : February 2(Monday) ∼ March 18(Wednesday) 2. Contact : Graduate school of Soongsil University Architecture Architectural Design and Programming/Urban Design and Planning/Architectural History and Design Theory, Structural Engineering·Building Materials· Construction Management/Technology - KGSP coordinator : Gyeongmo Chu - Tel : 82-2-820-0255 / 0258~9 - E-mail : [email protected] or [email protected] 3. Application Prodedure 1) Screening by Soongsil University (1) Evaluations Evaluations ● ● Information and Telecommunication Engineering Communications and Signal Processing, Devices and Integrated Circuits, Microwave and Lightwave, Computer and Automation and Networks ● ● Digital Media Media Engineering, Contents Engineering , Media Art ● ● Interior Design Interior Design. Spatial Environmental Design ● ● Program Screening documents Interview Total Master's 100 200 300 Doctoral 100 200 300 (2) Screening documents Ratio & Evaluations Program Marks Departments Majors for Ph.D. Master's Doctoral IT Policy and Management IT Policy, IT Service Management ● ● Culture Contents Culture Contents ● ● Korean Studies Korean Studies [Master's only] ● - Sport Information Technoloty Sport Information Technoloty ● ● Software Convergence Software Convergence ● ● Completion of Plan relevant subjects 80 - - 20 100 Doctoral 20 20 40 20 100 (3) Interview Ratio & Evaluations Program Proficiency in Korean Understanding Interest in studies, Total or in English major fields Personalities Master's 80 70 50 200 Doctoral 80 70 50 200 2) Final screening by NIIED - 85 - - Total Master's Undergrad Master's 4. Departmental-educational cooperation Study - 86 - Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes Sunchon National University 1. Soongsil University dormitory (Residence Hall) 1) Period for stay (1) A whole semester (about 4 months) - 16 weeks Address: 255 Jungang-ro, Suncheon-si, Chonnam, Republic of Korea Website:, (2) Half-semester (about 5.5 months) - 25 weeks (3) A whole year (about 11.5 months) - 51 weeks (4) Vacation (about 2 months) - 8 weeks 2) Available types of accommodation (1) Single : Private Bathroom & shower room (2) Doubles : Private Bathroom & shower room (3) Quadruples (4 per room) : Private bathroom & shower room including kitchen 3) Facilities : Cafeteria, Convenience store, Delivery service, Laundry Rooms(male & female separated), Fitness Center, Seminar Rooms, Study Rooms, etc. 4) Inquiry (1) Tel : 82-2-2621-0200, 0300, 0400 (2) Webpage : 2. Important Notes 1) Applicants may submit the copies of certificates, if available. (Official Notarization or official stamp required) 2) Application for Integrated Master's and Doctoral program is not avaliable. 3) No Student is allowed to transfer school during the entire period of program once he/she enters the school. 4) Contact Information (Graduate school of Soongsil univeristy) Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Department / School Humanities Social Sciences Humanities Social Sciences Field of Study Master's Doctoral School of Business Administration and Trade ○ ○ Dept. of Business Adminstration ○ ○ Engineering Dept. of Polymer Engineering ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Science Information Convergence ○ ○ Humanities Social Sciences Dept. of Agricultural Industry Economics Education ○ ○ Humanities Social Sciences Dept. of Agricultural Economics ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Agriculture Education ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Agricultural Machinery Engineering ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Animal Science and Technology ○ ○ Humanities Social Sciences Dept. of Trade ○ ○ Humanities Social Sciences Dept. of Logistics ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Forrest Resources ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Life Resources ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Biology ○ ○ Humanities Social Sciences Dept. Consumer & Family and Child Studies ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences ○ ○ Natural Sciences School of Horticulture and Plant Medicine ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Plant Resources Development ○ ○ Engineering ○ ○ (1) Tel : 82-2-820-0258∼9 School of Civil Engineering Architecture and Environmental Engineering Natural Sciences Dept. of Landscape Architecture ○ ○ (2) FAX : 82-2-824-4381 Natural Sciences Dept. of Computer Education Information ○ ○ Humanities Social Sciences Dept. Public Administration ○ ○ Engineering Dept. of Chemistry ○ ○ Natural Sciences Dept. of Environment Education Science ○ ○ (3) E-mail : [email protected] or [email protected] (4) Webpage : - 87 - - 88 - Remarks Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) 1. Period: 2015.01.26. ~ 03.13. 2. Contact: Sunchon National University Address: 53 Myeongnyun-dong 3-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-745, Korea Website: International Affairs and Language Studies / Officer : Hwansoo, Kim / +82-61-750-3141 / [email protected] Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Humanities and Social Sciences Campus (Seoul) 1. Dormitory Division Field of Study Department Master's Doctoral ○ Remarks - Various subsidiary facilities such as reading room, Computer Confucian studies ○ practicing room, bookstore, setting-up room, table tennis hall, Korean philosophy ○ X Eastern philosophy ○ ○ K orean langua ge and literature English lang uage and literature Fre nc h la ngua ge and literature Chinese language and literature ○ ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ German language and literature ○ ○ Russian language and literature ○ X Korean literature in Classical c h i n e s e ○ ○ H i s t o r y ○ ○ P h i l o s o p h y ○ ○ Library and Information S e r v i c e ○ ○ E d u c a t i o n ○ ○ billiard hall, resting room 2. Medical Center - Health & corpulence consultation, natural cure, disease prevention education, health books loaning, stability room, physical examination and afterward administration Hu ma n i t i e s s c i e n c e 3. Fitness Center - Various sporting goods & facilities, specialized coaches' guidance 4. Outdoor Sports Facilities - Basketball Court, Tennis Court, Jogging and Bicycle, All-around playground, Gymnasium. S o c i a l s c i e n c e - 89 - Master & Doctor ○ Master & Doctor ○ Master & Doctor ○ Western philosophy Master & Doctor ○ Master & Doctor ○ Classical education, education, education chinese Mathematics Computer Disciplinary E d u c a t i o n ○ ○ East Asian Studies ○ ○ L w ○ X Political Science ○ ○ Journalism an d M a s s communication ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ S o c i o l o g y ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ Social Welfare ○ ○ P s y c h o l o g y ○ ○ Consumer and Family science Child Psychology and Education ○ ○ ○ ○ a - 90 - Master & Doctor ○ A r SKK t s GSB Master & Doctor ○ S p o r t s S c i e n c e ○ Master & Doctor ○ X ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ ○ International T r a d e ○ ○ B u s i n e s s ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ Interaction Science ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ F i n e a r t s D e s i g n D a n c e Fil m, T elevi sion and Multimedia Fashion Design S K K G S B ○ ○ ○ X 1. Period: Feb 13 (Fri), 2015 ~ Mar 20 (Fri), 2015 ○ ○ 2. Contact: International Office, Myeong In Lee ○ X ○ ○ ○ Division Engi neer i n g ○ ○ S t a t i s t i c s Me d i c i n e +82)2-760-0152 / [email protected] X Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Master & Doctor ○ 2. Natural Sciences Campus (Suwon) Na t u r a l Sci ence M e d i c i n e Health Sciences and Te c h n o l o g y E c o n o m i c s Remarks 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) ■ Humanities and Social Sciences Campus, Seoul Biological sciences Ma t h e ma t i c s P h y s i c s Ch e mi s t r y Biotechnology and Bi oengi neer i ng P h a r m a c y I ndust r i a l Pharmaceutical Science Energy sci ence Electronic, Electrical ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ X ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ X X ○ Master & Doctor ○ a ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ Urban Buses · 62-1, 82-2, 39 ○ X ○ ○ Master & Doctor ○ Intercity Buses · 7790, 7800, 3003 n d Computer Engineering Chemical engineering Polymer Science and engineeri ng Advanced materials Sci ence and engineeri ng Mechanical engineering Ar c h i t e c t u r e Civil, Architectural and Environmental System Engineering Co n v e r g e n c e Engineering for future C i t y Landscape Architecture I ndust r i a l Engi neer i ng Na n o s c i e n c e and t echnol ogy Platform Software Spor t s Sci ence - 91 - At Hyehwa Subway Station, Line 4 (Blue) · On Foot: You will move to the exit 4 and walk along the Daemyeong Geori. You will cross the street and go into the road which begins at "Dunkin Donuts." · By Shuttle: At exit 1, you will find the green SKKU Shuttle Stop. At Anguk Subway Station, Line 3 (Orange) · At Anguk Subway Station, Line 3 (Orange) You will step out through the exit 2 and take the green community bus number 02 which will cost you 500 won. You will get off at the last stop, the parking lot of SKKU. Refer to the bus route below. Urban Buses : 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 140, 143, 149, 150, 151, 160, 162, 171, 172, 272, 273, 301 (Blue), 2112(Green) Airport Limousine Bus : number 602-1(6011): Incheon International Airport Myungryun 3-ga (Sungdae-ap / In front of "Dunkin Donuts") ■ Natural Sciences Campus, Suwon At SungKyunKwan Univ.Station, Line 1 (Red) · On Foot : exit 1 (10~15 minutes) At Sadang Station, Line 4 (Blue) · Shuttle Bus : exit 9 (In front of SC bank) Sadang Station ↔ Natural Sciences Campus (No service on Saturday and holidays) - 92 - 2. Important Notes Required Documents University Form 1 2 3 4 Sun Moon University Remarks Application form (English name as written in the passport) Address: 221 Sunmoon-ro, Tangjeong-myeon, Asan-City, Chung Nam, Korea(ROK) Website: Self-introduction & Study plans Letter of consent for degree verification / Letter of request for degree verification download from Official language score TOPIK, TOEFL, TOEIC, HSK etc. Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) ▪Notarized in the country of origin Nationality Confirmation 5 6 7 8 9 ▪Example A legal, state-issued certificate of family registry or nationality that verifies applicant's family relationship U.S.A : Birth certificate Division Copy of passport(applicant) Business Administration Korean Language and literature Law Korean Studies Public Administration Copy of applicants foreigner registration (front & back) ▪Korean resident foreigners only Physics & Nanoscience Japan : Certificate copy of Liberal Arts, Family Register SocialScience, Copy of ID card(parents, applicant) Humanities Original copy of the applicants disembarkation card Academic Confirmation 10 11 Department ▪Notarized in the country of origin Official school graduation certificate Applied Biological Science Natural Science Official school transcript Engineering 3. Dormitory Support Dormitory fee reduction: 200,000 Won per month will be reduced from dormitory fee. ※ Some dormitories which demand less than 200,000 won per month will be free to live on. ( Physical Therapy Mechanical Engineering Life Science and Biochemical Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Advanced Materials Engineering Computer and Electronic Engineering Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Civil Engineering Environmental and Bio-Chemical Engineering Health Science Ⅲ. Contact Information Task Field of Study Master's Doctoral O O Sports and exercise Science O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Remarks Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Department Name TEL · FAX Admission Office Back In Wook 02-760-1356 International Office Lee Myeong In 02-760-0152 Selection 02-760-1350 02-760-0159 E-Mail [email protected] 1. Period: Feb.2nd to Mar.20th, 2015 2. Documents Assessment: Mar.23th to Apr.23th, 2015 3. Admission for candidates, including adoptees, recommended by [email protected] the public agency. 4. Medical check up for Applicants: May.1st to May.29th, 2015 5. Announcement: Jun.16th, 2015 6. Contact: 041-530-2604, [email protected] - 93 - - 94 - Ⅲ. Campus Guide[Dormitory] or higher, 80% or higher when converting GPA to percentage, or the equivalent 1. Rooms for KGSP students will be arranged in the new Dormitory. ※ Additional official document will be needed if an applicant can't Two people will be assigned to each room. ROOM/SEX Two people MAN(54.9%) submit a transcript with GPA or percentage WOMAN(45.1%) A B N S M Total C D W Total - 40 30 - 320 390 4 - 276 280 Three people - - - - 474 474 39 - 471 510 Four People 380 330 104 152 - 966 400 316 - 716 Disabled - - 1 1 4 6 - - 4 4 Total 380 370 135 153 798 1,836 443 316 751 1,510 ※Facility: Bed, Air conditioner, Desk, Closet, Telephone, Bathroom, LAN, Study room, Fitness center, Kitchen, Seminar roon, Auditorium. 2. Kitchens and eating areas for international and muslim students are located within the dormitory 3. Sun Moon Center for Islamic Studies TOTAL 6. Additional points will be given to those with TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean), TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS 3,346 Ⅴ. Important Notes 1. An applicant who apply through more than one authorized agency including public agency, university and adoption agency will be excluded from assessment 2. Required documents will not be given back to applicants 3. Admission will be revoked if the required documents are incorrect or omitted 4. A copy of all documents are required to be certified by authorized agency Ⅳ. Eligibility for Application 5. Self check-up list should be filled in correctly. Admission will be 1. Both applicants and their parents are required to be foreign nationality(dual citizenship is not permitted) cancelled if any serious diseases are found after admission 6. A printed copy of thesis must be submitted 2. Those who are in good health 7. Certificate of rewards must be certified copy 3. An applicant must be under the age of 40 as of Sep. 1, 8. Letter of recommendation from department chair is required to be 2015(those born after Sep. 1, 1975) 4. An applicant is required to have completed or is due to complete a bachelor's or master's degree by Aug. 31, 2015 ※ Master's Program are availabe for those have completed master's submitted if an applicants graduated from university in Korea 9. An applicant can't apply for integrated master's and doctoral course 10. Transfer of university is not permitted after admission degree or the equivalent ※ Doctoral Program are available for those have completed master's degree or the equivalent ※ Applicants are not allowed to apply if they attended the same program of graduate schools in Korea before ※ A certificate of expected graduation is acceptable if an applicant Ⅵ. Required Documentation 1. Application Form 2. Personal Statement 3. Academic Plan is due to graduate but, official certificate of graduation should be 4. Letter of Recommendation submitted before Sep.1 5. Financial Sponsor's Document 5. A applicant is required to have GPA of at least B (3.0 out of 4.0) - 95 - 6. Self Check-up List - 96 - 7. (Expected) Graduation Certificate of Bachelor's or Master's degree 8. Official Transcript of Bachelor's degree 9. (Expected) Graduation Certificate of Master's degree 10. Official Transcript of Master's degree 11. Korean Language Proficiency Certificate 12. English Language Proficiency Certificate The Graduate School of Korean Studies in the Academy of Korean Studies Address: 323 Haogae-ro Bundang-gu Seongnam-si Gyeonggi-do 463-791 Republic of Korea Website: 13. A Copy of Passport 14. Thesis (applicants concerned) 15. Certificate of Rewards (applicants concerned) 16. Certificate of Applicant's Parent's nationality (overseas Koreans only) Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division 17. Confirmation Document of Adoption (overseas Koreans only) Humanities Culture and Arts Social Sciences International Korean Studies Department Korean History Paleography Philosophy Korean Linguistics·Korean Literature Anthropology·Folkl ore Religious Studies Musicology Art History Cultural Informatics Political Science Economics Sociology Ethics Education Korean Culture and History Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Remarks ○ Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: 2 February ~ 20 March 2015 2. Contact: Ms Areum Joo Tel: +82-31-709-8111(Ext 211), +82-31-709-4169 Email: [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. On-campus Dormitory Accommodation (Double Occupancy) a. Each room is equipped with beds, desks, chairs, bookshelves, dressers, a shoe shelf, a phone, a toilet, a basin, a shower - 97 - - 98 - room and a wired internet connection. b. The dormitory fee is KRW477,400 per semester, double occupancy. Meal is not included. Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology c. There is a communal kitchen with fridges, gas stoves and microwaves where students can cook. d. Duvets, pillows and cooking appliances are not provided. (UNIST) Address: UNIST-gil 50, Ulsan 689-798, Republic of Korea Website: 2. Libraries We have Jangseogak Archives and a library. a. Jangseogak Archives house about 100,000 volumes of books from Joseon Royal Court as well as around 40,000 documents Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Field Degrees Master Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ X ○ ○ Schools (Major) from prominent scholar families. b. The library houses books, periodicals and digitized data in the field of humanities and social sciences that are related to Korean studies. Engineering 3. Other Information a. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are available at the cafeteria at the rate of KRW2,500, KRW4,000 and KRW2,500 respectively. b. Wireless internet connect is available in the GSKS building and the library. Management Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Materials Science Engineering Biomedical Engineering Biological Engineering Industrial Design Human and System Engineering Urban and Environmental Engineering Energy Engineering Chemical Engineering Physics Chemistry Mathematical Engineering Management Finance / Accounting Management Engineering □ Applicable Scores in English Tests TOEFL TOEFL G-TELP TOEIC TOEFL (IBT) (CBT) (PBT) IELTS TEPS (Level 2) 800 80 213 550 5.5 640 67 G-TELP (Level 3) TOEIC (Speaking& Writing) 89 270 ※ The test date on the certificates should be within 2 years of the deadline for the online application. Applicants should submit one of them ※ Native English speakers are exempt from submitting a score. (U.S, Canada, U.K, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) ※ When English is used as an official language in an applicant's country, in addition to other languages, applicants (check list of countries on the admissions - 99 - - 100 - web are exempt from submitting a score when they apply for admission but must submit a certificate stating that they have completed all of their university courses in English for exemption. ※ Except for the above case, every foreign applicant must submit an original official English test score that exceeds the graduate standard. School Facilities 1) Library UNIST Library can provide faculty, staff, and students with a variety of information and digital data bases such as E-theses, journals, audio-books, periodicals, especially E-education materials, and E-books, to give users Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) online access to high quality educational resources. 1. Period: Mon. February 16, 2015 ~ Fri. March 20, 2015 2) Dormitory 2. Contact: [Admission] Mr.LEE, Sanghyun Tel. 82-052-217-1303 / E-mail : [email protected] UNIST Dormitories are cozy apartment-style lodgings with separate heating [General services for foreigners] Mr.Jang, Youngjin and air conditioning. The dorms also play a role in developing global Tel. 82-052-217-4127 E-mail : [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes networks among students as the residents use English as a medium of communication. 3) Sports Center 1. Campus Guide (Resident Hall, etc.) Sports Center has swimming pool, squash court, indoor golf training court and fitness center. UNIST offers all of these facilities for students as well as community. World Top 10 University by 2030 4) Center for Healthcare and Counseling 1) VISION World leading university to advance science and technology for the prosperity of humankind through convergence in science and technology and by cultivating creative global leaders who will usher in new scientific paradigms. 2) GOALS To be ranked within the top 20 science and engineering universities by 2020 and within the top 10 by 2030 - Education: To cultivate leaders that excel in science and technology - Research: To cultivate Nobel Prize winners as well as globally recognized scholars by 2030 (Winners of Fields Medal, Lasker Award, Curie Award) 3) STRATEGIES: Creativity, Interdisciplinary Studies, Globalization, A welfare agency protects and promotes UNIST member's health of mentality and body. We provide health screenings, immunizations and health assessments, including consultations on health, disease treatment and prevention activities, first aid, individual counseling on psychological testing, group counseling, mental health counseling, and workshops, 5) UNIST Career Development Center This center provides internship and leadership programs, career counselling, and employment preparation services in order to assist students. Introduction of Ulsan city Ulsan (officially the Ulsan Metropolitan City), is South Korea's seventh largest metropolis with a population of over 1.1 million. It is located in the 4) Competitiveness south-east of the country, neighboring Busan to the south and facing - 100% English lectures for all the curriculum - Strong support by government as university in Korea the Gyeongju to the north and the Sea of Japan (East Sea) to the east. first incorporated National Ulsan is the industrial powerhouse of South Korea, forming the heart of the Ulsan Industrial District, which is home to the world's largest automobile - 101 - - 102 - assembly plant operated by the Hyundai Motor Company, the world's largest shipyard operated by Hyundai Heavy Industries and the world's third largest oil refinery, owned by SK Energy. In 2008, Ulsan had a GDP per capita of $63,817, the highest by far in South Korea. University of Science & Technology Address: 217 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-350, Korea. Website: Fellowship programs to nurture world class scientist and scholars UNIST provides graduate students with RA/TA financial support that covers Ⅰ. Academic Programs tuition fees and minimum living costs every month, for graduate students who take on the role of research or teaching assistant. (Selected students are not allowed to also hold other scholarships during the same period) Campus Major KIMS KICT □ The amount of RA /TA scholarship & stipend Engineering Field Master's students: Above KRW 1,140,000 / month (KRW 13,680,000 / year) Doctoral students: Above KRW 1,340,000 / month (KRW 16,080,000 / year) Management Field Master's students : Above KRW 1,040,000 / month (KRW 12,480,000 / year) KIST Doctoral students : Above KRW 1,240,000 / month (KRW 14,880,000 / year) □ Nine Bridges & Star Fellowship - Who may apply: Excellent students in combined master's-doctoral or the doctoral course(including freshmen)who have outstanding KRIBB research ability and performances - Amount & Terms: Max.90,000,000 KRW for 3 years - Other benefits (Optional): opportunity of dispatch to world class lab for more than 6months + Field of Study Doctoral Master Advanced Materials Engineering ○ ○ Construction Environment Engineering ○ ○ Transportation and Logistics System & ITS Engineering ○ ○ Geotechnical & Geo-Space Engineering ○ ○ HCI & Robotics × ○ Biological Chemistry ○ × Energy and Environmental Engineering ○ × Biomedical Engineering ○ ○ Functional Genomics ○ × Nanobiotechnology ○ × Bioprocess Engineering ○ ○ Bio-Analytical Science ○ ○ Biosystems & Bioengineering ○ × Electronic Packaging Engineering ○ ○ Intelligent Robot Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ Rare Metals Engineering ○ ○ Energy and Power Conversion Engineering ○ ○ Electrical Functionality Material Engineering ○ ○ Information Security Engineering ○ ○ Advanced Device Technology ○ ○ Computer Software ○ ○ Resources Recycling ○ × KITECH Green Process and System Engineering dispatch expense max. \30m.(optional) - Research/thesis guidance from both world class scholar(including Nobel laureates) and one of the UNIST faculty KERI ※ Applicants who want a dispatch to world-class scholar's lab should submit additional research plan during dispatch period to an overseas scholar's ETRI lab KIGAM - 103 - - 104 - Remarks Campus Major KASI KRRI Field of Study 3. Inquiry Remarks 1) Admission Staff : Miji Lee Doctoral Master Astronomy and Space Science ○ × - Tel. : +82-42-865-2334 Railway System Engineering ○ ○ - Mail : [email protected] Marine Environmental Chemistry and Biology ○ × Marine Biotechnology ○ × Marine Biology × ○ Marine Environmental System Science × ○ Science and Technology Policy ○ ○ Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry ○ ○ Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology ○ ○ Chemical Convergence Materials ○ ○ - Tel. : +82-42-865-2415 KIOST KRICT 2) GKS Staff : Ji Eun Park - Mail : [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide 1) Supported by monthly Stipend Program NIIED Scholarship Doctoral KRW 900,000 Master's KRW 900,000 UST Stipend Total Minimum of KRW 700,000 Minimum of KRW 300,000 Minimum of KRW 1,600,000 Minimum of KRW 1,200,000 ※ UST do not support the stipend during Korean Language Course. Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) ※ Additional allowance may be provided depending on campus budget. 1. Schedule 2) Student Benefits & Welfare Procedure Schedule Application(Post Mail or In person) Feb. 2(Mon.) ~ Mar. 2(Mon.), 2015, by 18:00. Announcement of Document Screening Results Mar. 11(Wed.), 2015, 17:00 In-Depth Interview Mar. 18(Wed.) ~ Mar. 24(Tue.), 2015 - Overseas Training Program : UST supports students who participate in overseas research activities such as the internship, etc. in overseas Univ. or institutes. - Overseas Exchange Program Recommend Successful(1st selection) by Apr. 10(Fri.), 2015 Applicant to NIIED Announcement of Final June. 16(Tue.), 2015 Results by NIIED ※ According to NIIED, above schedule will be able to change. : UST supports students who attend academic conferences or visit in overseas Univ. or world-famous institutes. - All students are provided with general insurance covering medical expenses, etc. - All students are provided with the regular health check-up. - All students are provided with online or face to face counseling. 2. Submission of Documents <Address> Application Submission, Student Affairs Team, University of Science & Technology, 217 Gajeong-ro(176 Gajeong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea, 305-350. 3) Advanced Education System - Application fee and thesis examination fee are abolished to provide equal opportunity for more educational consumers. ※ Application documents should be arrived by Mar. 2(Mon.), 2015, 18:00. - 105 - - 106 - 2. Important Notes 2) Submission of a Official English Test Score. 1) Required documents : One original document(placed in a separate 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 submit one of the certified of english proficiency test score equal to or higher than the minimum scores provided below Personal Data Self-Introduction Study Plan Letter of Recommendation Pledge Personal Medical Assessment Official(original) diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s) Official(original) diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) Copy of passport Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy), if applicable Official English Score(original copy) 13 should envelope) and 3 extra copies. No. Check List for Application Documents 7 Applicants ※ Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary’s office. 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Certificate of English as Medium of Instruction, if applicable Published papers, if applicable(one or two) Awards, if applicable (one or two) Certificate of citizenship of parents of applicant : birth certificate, passport, etc. Applicant's birth certificate or family registration : Official document indicating parent-child relationship between the applicant and parents Adoption documents (applicable only to overseas Korean adoptees) Doctor al ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Master’ s ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - ○ - ○ ○ △ △ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ △ ○ ○ (Unit : Score) TOEFL Classfication Remarks Score iBT CBT PBT 79 213 550 - 107 - TEPS IELTS 730 657 6 ※ Score should be issued within 2 years of the date of application(Since Mar. 3, 2013.) only for successful applicant should submit either 'Apostille Certificate' or 'Consular confirmation' Download from ‣ ■ Waiver from submission official English Score ※ The fellowing applicants do not have to submit official English test score - Applicants who obtained a bachelor's or higher degree with more than 1 year of study in the English speaking countries, such as the U.S.A, U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the Republic South Africa. ■ Deferred submission of official English scores for admission application ※ Applicants may submit official English scores upon fulfilling the conditions for degree conferment at UST if he/she received a bachelor's or master's degree from an educational institution in one of the 31 English-speaking countries(refer to the below) designated by UST and if it is proven on the admission application that all courses were conducted in English during the time of enrollment. ※ The way to be deferred and period - Deferral is allowed; only when applicants turns in 'Certificate of English as Medium of Instruction' using the prescribed form from the admission homepage of UST( - Archive - No.3) - In that case, students can fulfill the one of conditions for degree conferment at UST, when submitting official English score based on article 10 of 'Regulations Governing Conferral' before fulfillment requirement of degree conferral. ※ 31 English-speaking countries designated by UST ○ ○ Ghana, Guyana, Republic of The Gambia, Nigeria, Liberia, Lesotho, Rwanda, Malawi, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Vanuatu, Belize, Bhutan, Solomon Is., Sudan, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda, △ △ Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Cambodia, Kenya, Kiribati, Tanzania, Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Philippines ※ △ marks : only when necessary. TOEIC - 108 - 3) Submission of Apostille Certificate' or 'Consular Confirmation' ※ Successful applicants must submit either 'Apostille Certificate' or 'Consular Confirmation' ■ Documents to be issued 'apostille certificate' on Certificate of degree for Bachelor's successful applicants on all degree Academic transcript for Bachelor's programs Certificate of degree for Master's successful applicants on doctoral Academic transcript for Master's programs University of Seoul Address: 163 Seoulsiripdae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-743. Korea Website: ( Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division ※ Final successful applicants who have submitted a certificate of expected graduation for GKS must submit the final certificate of graduation and academic transcript Human and Social Science ■ Place of issue Apostille certificate Consular confirmation Authorities designated by your government (refer to '' ) Korean embassy or consulate in your country or Embassy or consulate of your country in Korea Natural Science Science and Engineering Arts Department Urban Administration Public Administration Social Welfare International Relations Business Administration Economics Korean Language and Literature English Language and Literature Chinese Language and Culture Korean History Philosophy Urban Sociology Landscape Architecture Environmental Horticulture Physics Life Science Statistics Civil Engineering Architecture Engineering Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Urban Planning & Design Transportation Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical and Information Engineering Nano Science and Technology Architecture GeoInformatics Computer Science Energy Environmental System Engineering Nano Engineering Disaster Science Sports Informatics Classical Voice Musical Music Piano Violin Environmental Sculpture ※ ‘-’ Not opened, ‘×’ Not offered - 109 - - 110 - Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - Remarks Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) * Documents should be presented in their original form. - In case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original 1. Period to the 1st Selection Institution and have the original one and the photocopied Admission Procedure Schedule Application Period Remark Visit the IICE with your application documents or send them via postal mail 2015.02.02.(Mon)~03.06(Fri) by16:00 Interview 2015.03.16(Mon) Recommendation Notification of the result done collated. The confirmation of collation be indicated in the - Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary’s office. 2015.04.10(Fri) * Applicants may be asked to submit additional documents in case of insufficient 2015.04.30(Thurs) 17:00 NIIED( documentation. * The above schedule is subject to change according to the academic calender of each year. 2. Contact Institute of International Education and Cooperation(IICE) University of Seoul 163 Seoulsiripdae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-743, Korea ·Tel: +82.2.6490.6663 should photocopied documents. ·Fax: +82.6490.6664 ·email: [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Oncampus Housing (International house/ Student Dormitory) A. Entering date 1) Spring semester: End of February-End of June 2) Fall semester: End of August-End of December B. Dormitory Fee Type Fee/semester Deposit/semester International House 800,000KRW 80,000KRW During the vacation Unavailable Student Dormitory 560,000KRW 80,000KRW Upon on the application *Applicants should submit health certificate. *Applicants should register again during the vacation. C. Facilities Facilities in the room Shared Facilites - Shower, Toilet - Bed, closet, desk, chair - Laundry room - Internet lan (need additional application) - Gym, Seminar room, Internet room, - Air conditioning and heating Convenient store 2. Important Note * Applicants must submit all the documents by the checklist order provided by NIIED. (Checklist for the application documents should be on the front page, followed by the required documents, stapled and attached.) - 111 - - 112 - University of Ulsan Address: 93 Daehak-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan 680-749, Korea Website: Arts Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Humanities/ Social Sciences Natural Sciences Engineering Field of Study Master's Doctoral Department Korean Language & Literature O O Korean Language for Foreigners History & Culture Philosophy Economics Public Administration Social Welfare Law Police Science Business Administration Cultural Heritage & Contents Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biological Science Sports Science Child & Family Welfare Housing & Interior Design Food & Nutrition Clinical Nutrition Clothing & Textile Mechanical & Automotive Engineering Aerospace Engineering Naval Architecture Ocean Engineering Industrial Management Engineering Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering Information Technology Biomedical Engineering Chemical Engineering Industrial Chemistry Bio-Engineering Materials Science & Engineering Civil Engineering O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X O X O O O O O O O O O O X O O O O O O O O O X O O O O O Environmental Engineering O O - 113 - Remarks TOPIK Level 4+ Medicine Architecture Architectural Engineering Urban Planning Industrial Design Textile & Fashion Design Digital Contents Design Visual Communication Design Interior & Spatial Design Oriental Painting Western Painting Sculpture Instrument Voice Composition Medical Science Medical Engineering O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O X X X X X X X X X X X O O Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Application Schedule Schedule Document Submission UOU Document Review (1st Round) & Interview Result Notification Document Review NIIED (2nd Round) Result Notification Date 2 Feb ~ 20 Mar 2015 23 Mar ~ 3 Apr 2015 10 Apr 2015 23 ~ 24 Apr 2015 30 Apr 2015 Remark International Office International Office & Each Dept Homepage & Email 2. Evaluation Criteria 1) Document review mainly evaluates the following factors; GPA, language ability, recommendation letter, personal statement, etc. 2) Interview is processed over the phone, and it mainly evaluates the applicant’s academic & language ability, personality, interpersonal skills, etc. 3) In case the evaluation score is tie, the final decision is made by the following order; GPA, Major(Engineering & Technology), age. 3. Contact Information 1) Name: Sean PARK 2) Phone: +82-52-220-5957 3) Fax: +82-52-224-2061 4) E-mail: [email protected] - 114 - 3. International Student Orientation 1) Who: All new international students Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 2) Details covered: Ulsan City & University of Ulsan, Academic & Living Information, Immigration Services, Anti-crime Class, Cultural Exchange, etc. 1. School Amenities 3) Buddy programme: To develop cultural & academic exchange with 1) Asan Sports Center - Class: Swimming, Gym, Kendo, Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Golf, etc. Korean students - Fee: 40% off for students (i.e. Swimming: KRW 35,000 per month) 4. International Student Assistants System 2) Asan Library - Main & Annex building (Book Cafe, Study Room) 1) Purpose: To provide active and careful service to international students in regarding to the academic & living matters 3) International Hall - Facility: Global Lounge, International House(Dormitory), International Office(Counseling Center), International Conference Hall, Language Education Center, Cafe, etc. - Providing one-stop service for international students 2) No of Assistants: 3 persons (English spoken) 3) Roles of the Assistants - Male Dorm: Counseling & other administrative services (Stay in the dorm) - Female Dorm: Counseling & other administrative services (Stay in the dorm) - Global Lounge: Cultural exchange programs, Tutoring services, etc. 2. On-campus Dorm 1) International students are given the priority for the dormitory 5. International Student Counseling Service 1) Counseling Center: Located in International Office (Walk-in counseling available) application. (100% accepted) 2) Dorm Fee: Approx. KRW 160,000 per month 2) Dorm Counseling: Provided by the Assistants by visiting each room 3) Furnishings: Bed, Desk, Closet, Chair, Table, Phone, A/C, Freezer, etc. 3) International Student Representative Meeting: Each country’s(region’s) 4) Meal Plan: 3 meals per day (Fee: Approx. KRW 200,000 per month) representatives participate in the meeting to discus on the current issues related to international students (Held once a month) 6. Other Programs & Services for International Students 1) Dinner Party for Korean Holiday (Lunar New Year, Chuseok, etc.) 2) Industrial Visit Program (Local industries; Hyundai, Samsung, LG, etc.) 3) Korean Language & Culture Program 4) Sports & Culture Festival for International Students * Notices for Document Submission 1) Dual application is not accepted. Applicants must apply for this scholarship via one institution. 2) Documents should be presented in their original form. (Scanned files are not accepted) - 115 - - 116 - 3) Degree certificates and transcript should be notarized with translation into Korean or English. 4) In case of submitting Wonkwang University notarized documents, the originals and notarized ones must be collated, and the confirmation of collation Address: #460 Iksan-daero, Iksan, Jeonbuk. 570-749, KOREA Website: should be indicated in the notarized documents. 5) Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the Selection Committee, and scholarship revocation Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) even after entry into Korea. Field of Study 6) Applicants must accurately complete the health checklist truthfully. All Division successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam Department Master's Doctoral Master’s and doctorate ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × Department of Economics ○ ○ ○ Department of Police ○ ○ × Department of during the orientation. In accordance with the requirements of the Archaeology and Art Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP scholarship, the candidates History who are judged to be physically unfit for this program will not be Department of Education Department of Korean accepted. Language and Literature 7) All the documents should be submitted by the checklist order. (The Department of German documents should be clipped, NOT stapled) Language and Literature 8) All documents submitted should be in A4 size. (In case the document Department of Creative Writing is smaller than A4, put it on an A4 paper, and in case the document Department of Buddhism is smaller than A4, fold it as A4 size) Department of Korean 9) Official transcript should indicate at least one among the GPA, score Culture on a 100 point scale, or ranking. (If not, an official letter proving the above information should be attached) 10) Letter of Recommendation may be written by an academic advisor, Dept. head or a supervisor if the applicant is under employment. 11) Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Department of French Humanities and Social Studies Language and Literature Department of History Department of English Language and Literature Department of Early Childhood Education Department of Japanese Language and Literature Department of Philosophy Department of Chinese Classical Studies Department of Business Administration - 117 - - 118 - Remarks Administration Department of International Trade Department of Law Department of Health Policy and Management Department of Social Welfare ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × Management Department of Political Science and Diplomacy Department of Public Administration Department of Accounting Department of Fire Service Administration Department of Special Education Department of Family and Child Welfare Department of Agronomy ○ ○ Department of Public Health Department of Beauty Design Department of Biology Department of Food and Nutrition ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ × × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Department of Medicine ○ ○ × Department of Dentistry ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ × × ○ ○ × Pharmacy ○ × Department of Chemistry × Department of Food Industry Convergence ○ ○ × ○ ○ × Department of Nursing Department of Architectural Engineering ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Urban Engineering Department of Electronics Convergence Engineering Department of Electrical ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × Engineering Engineering Department of Electronic Engineering Department of Computer Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × Department of Information Display Technology Sciences ○ Department of Oriental × Department of Natural × Informational Statistics Chemistry Semiconductor and × ○ Department of Department of Bio-Environmental ○ ○ and Shoes Design Industry Journalism Department of Information ○ Department of Fashion Department of Mass Communication and Department of Horticulture Department of Forestry and Communication ○ ○ × ○ ○ × ○ ○ × Engineering Medicine Department of Korean Medicine Department of Art and Arts & Department of Mathematics ○ ○ × Department of Pharmacy ○ ○ ○ Physical Education - 119 - Crafts Department of Traditional Korean Music - 120 - center, Snack bar, Laundry room, Department of Jewelry and ○ ○ ○ Department of Design ○ × × Department of Dance ○ ○ × ○ × × ▪ Digital library : Digital book, Article storage, User service Department of Calligraphy ○ ○ × ▪ Preservation center : Conservation & Restoration room Department of Music ○ × × ▪ Electronic media preservation room Department of Sculpture ○ × × Department of Plastic Arts × ○ × ▪ Education support Room : Broadcast facilities, ○ ○ × ▪ Librarians’ study room : Desks, Chairs, A/C, etc ○ × × Metal Craft Meditation room (2) Library WKU’s Library offers a comfortable and pleasant environment for students. Department of Western Painting Department of Physical Education : Various assistive technology devices ▪ Computer education room : 50 PCs in room, A/C, etc Department of Korean Painting ▪ Seminar room : Beam projector (LCD), video-vision, VTR, motor-powered screen, Internet, PC communication, etc Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) ▪ Small auditorium ▪ Exhibition hall 1. Period: 2014. 2. 1 ~ 4. 25 : Media display, Wonkwang University Chronology 2. Contact: Center for International Affairs ▪ Miscellaneous Tel. +82-63-850-5771 : Comprehensive audio-visual studio, Video studio, UCC Fax. +82-63-850-5753 production E-mail. [email protected] studio, Multilingual information center, Assistance center for the disabled, etc Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes (3) Student Center 1. Campus Guide ▪ Facilities : Auditoriums, Banks, Post office, Travel agency, (1) Residence Hall(Dormitory) Various ▪ Room type: 2 persons / 1 room ▪ Fees : (As of the 2nd semester of 2014) ▪ Facilities(In the room) : Bed, Desk, Chair, Closet, LAN line, Air-conditioning and heating ▪ Facilities(In the building) : Public wash room, Shower room, room, - 121 - Cafeteria, Common Student cafeteria, Bookstores, Stationery newspaper, Clinic service Food Expenses: $165 per month (3 meals a day) room, rooms, stores, stores, Studio, Barber shops, Cosmetic shops, Management Expenses: $165 per month Bath club Convenience zone, Studying Fitness 2. Important Notes (1) All documents should be in English or Korean. Documents in another language should be accompanied by a notarized English or Korean translation. - 122 - (2) Original documents should be submitted. Should they be unavailable, however, copies must be authorized by the originating institution before they are submitted. (3) Be sure to make and keep photocopies of all completed Woosong University Address: 171, Dongdaejeon-ro, Dong gu, Daejeon 300-718, Republic of Korea Website: forms. Submitted documents become property of WKU and will not be returned to the applicants. (4) If any of the submitted materials contain false information, Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) admission may be rescinded. (5) Detailed account of individual admissions decision for each Field of Study Division Department applicant cannot be disclosed. (6) Please be sure cancellation will that, not in be principle, any modification or accepted after submitting the application and applicants should take full responsibility for General Graduate School Remarks Master's Doctoral Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Railroad System Railroad System Railroad System Culinary MBA Culinary MBA Class Language: English MBA MBA Class Language: English any disadvantages due to the mistakes or omissions on the application. (7) Successful applicants must submit either an ‘Apostille Certificate’ from the country where the applicant received General Graduate School their school attendance record, report card, and graduation (or scheduled graduation) certificate, or an ‘Overseas Educational Institute Certificate’ or ‘Consul Validation’ from Graduate School of the Korean consulate located in the country where the Hospitality and applicant attended school. Culinary SolBridge Internaitonal School of Focus Course: -International Management -Railroad Management -Tourism Management Focus Course: -Railroad Construction Engineering -Railroad Electric Engineering -Environmental Engineering -Railroad Vehicle Engineering -Global Railroad System (Doctoral Degree) Business Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Recommender) 1. Period: Feb. 02 (Mon.) ∼ Mar. 20 (Fri.), 2015 2. Contact Information : - 123 - Department Name TEL E-mail Global Center Harry Kim +82-42-630-9363 [email protected] - 124 - Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes during your study at Woosong university. 6) You are not allowed to change your application after the admission to 1. Campus Guide 1) Dormitory Capacity: 2,200 Students the university is finalized. 2) Cost for On-Campus Housing: Approximately \500,000/Semester * Cost may be different based on the dormitory building. 3) Graduate students will be assigned a double room and will have a ma ndatory breakfast in the student cafeteria. (In case that the students h ave a trouble with food, religion, and others may stay in off-campus residence after discussion) 2. Important Notes 1) Required Documentation ※ All documents should be submitted in Korean or English. Documents in any other language should be accompanied by a notarized English or Korean translation. If original diplomas are not available, copies must be recognized as being authentic by the issuing authority prior to submission. ① Application Form (University form) ② Applicant's Resume ③ Bachelor Degree (or Certificate of Expected Graduation) ④ Final Transcript for Bachelor’s Degree ⑤ Master’s Degree (or Certificate of Expected Graduation if you have) ⑥ Final Transcript for Master’s Degree (If you have) ⑦ Research/Study Plan (Fill out the form provided by the university) ⑧ Certificate of Korean/English Language Proficiency (if acquired) ⑨ Copy of Passport ⑩ Letter of Recommendation ⑪ Cover Letter 2) Documents that you submitted to the university will not be returned. 3) Submit the application form and the other required documents to the K orean embassy in your country or Woosong university. Please note tha t you must apply through only one of the two organizations, and If yo u do not follow this instruction, your application will not be considere d. ※ If he/she violates it, he/she will be disqualified immediately. 4) If false paper or wrong information is found from your documents, you r application will not be considered, and your admission will be cancel ed finally. 5) All international students must be signed up for a medical insurance - 125 - - 126 - Yeungnam University Private Law Address: 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk, 712-749, Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea Website: Yeungnam University Graduate School Public Administration Department Field of Study Master's Korean Language, Korean Literature and Literature English English Language, Language English Literature and and Literature Translation Chinese Chinese Language and Language Literature, and Literature Translation Japanese Language and Language and Japanese Literature Literature French French Language and Language Literature and Literature German German Language and Language Literature and Literature Korean Korean Literature in Literature in Chinese Chinese Eastern Philosophy, Philosophy Western Philosophy Korean History Korean History Asian History, History Western History Korean Language Humanities/ Sociology Cultural Anthropology Archaeology, Social Anthropology and Folklore Doctoral Remarks Korean Language, Korean Literature English Language, English Literature Business Administration Chinese Language and Literature Japanese Language and Literature - - Korean Literature in Chinese Eastern Philosophy, Western Philosophy Korean History Asian History, Western History Archaeology, Social Anthropology and Folklore Aesthetics and Art Aesthetics and Art History Aesthetics and Art History Education Education History Education Public Law Constitutional and Administrative - 127 - Constitutional and Administrative Law, Public Law Commercial Law Public Administration, Commercial Law Public Administration, Policy Studies Policy Studies Human Resource Human Resource Civil Law, Political Science Political Science and and Diplomacy Diplomacy Regional Regional Development Development and Real Estate, and Social Welfare and Welfare Community Development Administration Economics, Economics Applied Economics Ⅰ. Academic Programs (Graduate) Division Law, Public Law Natural Science Civil Law, Political Science and Diplomacy Regional Development and Real Estate, Social Welfare and Community Development Economics, Applied Economics Management and Management and Organization Studies, Organization Studies, Production Production and Operations and Operations Management, Management, Management Information Management Information Systems, Systems, Finance, Marketing, Finance, Marketing, Accounting Accounting International International Commerce, Economics and International Business Business and Trade Practice Livestock Farm Food and Management, Resource Food and Resource Economics Economics Clinical Psychology Psychology, Psychology Sociology Sociology Early Childhood Early Childhood Education Education Media and Media and Communication Communication Korean Language Korean Language Education Education Mathematics, Mathematics Applied Mathematics Statistics Statistics Physics Physics Chemistry Chemistry Life Sciences Life Sciences - 128 - International Commerce, International Business and Trade Practice Livestock Farm Management, Food and Resource Economics Psychology Sociology Early Childhood Education Media and Communication Korean Language Education Mathematics, Applied Mathematics Statistics Physics Chemistry Life Sciences Biochemistry Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Forest Resources Horticultural Science Food Science Family and Housing Clothing and Fashion Food and Nutrition Pharmacy Biotechnology Mathematics Education Civil Engineering Architecture Urban Planning Engineering and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Biochemistry Biochemistry Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Forest Resources, Forest Utilization Forest Resources, Forest Utilization Horticultural Science Horticultural Science Food Science and Technology, Restaurant and Culinary Management Specialization in Environmental Interior Design, Specialization in Family Welfare and Family Counseling Food Science and Technology, Restaurant and Culinary Management Specialization in Environmental Interior Design, Specialization in Family Welfare and Family Counseling Clothing and Fashion Clothing and Fashion Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Pharmacy Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Animal and Medical Biotechnology Pharmacy Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology, Animal and Medical Biotechnology Structural Engineering, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical and Highway Engineering Architecture, Architectural Engineering Urban and Environmental Planning, Transportation Engineering Advanced Organic Materials Engineering Landscape Architecture Composition Vocal Music Instrumental Music Mathematics Education Structural Engineering, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical and Highway Engineering Fine Arts/Physical Education Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Energy and Electromagnetic Environment, Control and Electric Machinery • Power Conversion Energy and Electromagnetic Environment, Control and Electric Machinery • Power Conversion Electronic Engineering Electronic Engineering Visual Communication Design Kinesiology Medicine Computer Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Chemical Engineering and Technology Textile Engineering and Technology Environmental Engineering Computer Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Chemical Engineering and Technology Textile Engineering and Technology Environmental Engineering Advanced Organic Materials Engineering Advanced Organic Materials Engineering Landscape Planning, Landscape Design Landscape Planning, Landscape Design Composition, Conducting Medical Science - Vocal Music Piano, - Orchestral Instrument - KoreanMusic Korean Music Korean Painting Korean Painting Painting, Painting Photography and New Media Industrial Interaction Design Living Products Design Sculpture Architecture, Architectural Engineering Urban and Environmental Planning, Transportation Engineering Mechanical Engineering - 129 - Engineering Computer Engineering Information and Communication Engineering Chemical Engineering and Technology Textile Engineering and Technology Environmental Engineering Visual Communication Design Industrial Interaction Design Living Products Design Sculpture Physical Education - Anatomy - Physiology - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Pathology - Micro-Biology - Pharmacology - Preventive Medicine - Internal Medicine - Neurology - Surgery - Orthopedic Surgery - 130 - - Visual Communication Design - Physical Education - Anatomy - Physiology - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Pathology - Micro-Biology - Pharmacology - Preventive Medicine - Internal Medicine - Neurology - Surgery - Orthopedic Surgery - Korean Study Applied Electronics Biomedical Engineering Public Health Art Therapy Korean Language Education as A Second Language Neuro-Surgery Thoracic Surgery Plastic Surgery Pediatrics Psychiatry Obstetrics and Gynecology - Ophthalmology - Ear Nose Throat - Dermatology - Urology - Radiology - Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Laboratory Medicine - Rehabilitation Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Family Medicine - Dentistry - Nuclear Medicine - Medical Science* Korean Study Neuro-Surgery Thoracic Surgery Plastic Surgery Pediatrics Psychiatry Obstetrics and Gynecology - Ophthalmology - Ear Nose Throat - Dermatology - Urology - Radiology - Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - Laboratory Medicine - Rehabilitation Medicine - Emergency Medicine - Family Medicine - Dentistry - Nuclear Medicine - Medical Science* Korean Study Applied Electronics Applied Electronics Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Public Health Art Therapy Korean Language Education as A Second Language Art and Design Interdisciplin ary Study - Musical Arts Robot Engineering Global Business Korean Women's Leadership Reading and Writing Mathematics Education and Application Interdisciplinary Program of European Regions and - Korean Language Education as A Second Language Fine Art, Design Musicology, Performance Robot Robot Global Business Korean Women's Leadership Global Business Reading and Writing Mathematic Education and Application Interdisciplinary Program of European Regions and Culture Reading and Writing - 131 - Culture Studies Studies Smart Industrial Smart Industrial Safety Safety LED-IT Convergence LED Engineering, Convergence - Engineering Biomedical Science Energy Convergence Engineering Mechanical Engineering Science Digital Convergence Business Dance Performing Art International Development of Saemaul East Asian Cultural Studies Studies Smart Industrial Safety LED-IT Convergence Engineering, LED-BT Convergence Engineering LED-BT Convergence Engineering Biomedical Science Biomedical Science Industrial Management, New and Renewable Energy, Smart Car Industrial Management, New and Renewable Energy, Smart Car Mechanical Engineering Science Mechanical Engineering Science Digital Convergence Business Digital Convergence Business Dance Performing Art - International Development of Saemaul International Development of Saemaul East Asian Cultural Studies East Asian Cultural Studies Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) 1. Period: 2015.02.02.(Mon) ~ 2015.03.13.(Fri) 2. Contact: Office International Services Phone Fax E-mail +82-53-810-7884 +82-53-80-4702 [email protected] Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide and Financial Subsidy - - Interdisciplinary Program of European Regions and Culture A. Location of Campus: 280 Daehak-ro, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk B. Research Subsidy: Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant - Humanities and Sociology: 1,790,000 KRW/Semester - Natural Science: 2,160,000 KRW/Semester C. Korean Special Class Subsidy 2. Applicants Eligibility A. Applicant and his/her parents should be foreign national; dual national - 132 - who obtained Korean nationality cannot apply. E. Self Medical Check List should be filled honestly otherwise B. Applicant needs to be mentally and physically healthy enough to study in Korea for extended period. scholarship will be cancelled. ※ Applicant can submit Self Medical Checkup List when applying and C. Applicant needs to be younger than 40 years old as of September 1st, st 2015. (Born after September 1 1975.) should submit Official Medical Checkup equivalent degree from a recognized institution of higher education by st August 31 , 2015. attended educational institution. addiction or HIV that can cause problem when studying abroad for extended period. F. Published copies need to be submitted when submitting published these. G. Applicant who graduated from universities in Korea (including exchange ※ Incentives (Extra points) will be given to those who have official Korean Language Test Score of KLAT, TOPIK or English Language Proficiency Test score; Only TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS are accepted. (The test date on the certificates should not be older than two years as from the deadline of the application. Candidates whose native student program) is not eligible to apply. H. Combined master's and Phd program is not part of this scholarship program. I. Applicant cannot change university after admission has been decided at any case. language is English are exempt form submitting the certificate) F. Applicants can apply for any department regardless of their 4. Homepage previous Bachelor's (or Master's) study field. A. Yeungnam University ※ Applicants who hold a Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of B. Graduate School Dental Clinic are eligible for studies in the Clinical Medicine C. Department Info Field of Medical Science. 3. Important Notes A. Applicant should apply through only one institutions among and admission. ※ Applicant who is pregnant can not apply. E. Accumulative GPA 3.0 or higher out of 4.0 or its equivalent from last agencies. after Admission can be cancelled if serious illness is found such as drug D. Applicant (will) need to possess a bachelors'/Masters’ degree, or an embassies List legation Applicant abroad, universities applied through who and more adoption than one institution will be disqualified. B. All application documents will not be returned in any case. C. Applicant whose forms and supporting documents are incomplete or unsatisfactory will be disqualified from the admission process. If any of the submitted materials contain false information, admission may be rescinded. D. All documents should be original. If a duplicate is submitted, it must be authenticated with the recommending institution. - 133 - - 134 - College Yonsei University Address: YONSEI UNIVERSITY 50 YONSEI-RO, SEODAEMUN-GU, SEOUL 120-749, KOREA Website: Ⅰ. Academic Programs 1. Graduate School College Department LIBERAL ARTS KOREAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE HISTORY PHILOSOPHY LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS ECONOMICS APPLIED STATISTICS BUSINESS BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCIENCE MATHEMATICS PHYSICS CHEMISTRY ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ BIOLOGY ○ ○ THEOLOGY POLITICAL SCIENCE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SOCIOLOGY LAW MUSIC CLOTHING AND TEXTILES FOOD AND NUTRITION INTERIORARCHITECTURE AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES HUMAN ENVIRONMENT AND DESIGN ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES ENGINEERING CHEMICAL AND BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING INFORMATION AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING URBAN PLANNING AND ENGINEERING COMPUTER SCIENCE LIFE SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY THEOLOGY SOCIAL SCIENCES LAW MUSIC HUMAN ECOLOGY Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - 135 - Remarks SEOUL CAMPUS 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 SEOUL CAMPUS Majors: EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, ASTRONOMY 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 SEOUL CAMPUS Majors: SYSTEM BIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOTECHNOLOGY 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 Department SCIENCES EDUCATION IN EDUCATION PHYSICAL EDUCATION SPORTS AND LEISURE STUDIES MEDICINE MEDICINE MEDICAL SCIENCES PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY DENTISTRY APPLIED LIFE SCIENCE NURSING NURSING PHARMACY PHARMACY Graduate School COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Program INTEGRATED OMICS FOR BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES COMPARATIVE LITERATURE COGNITIVE SCIENCE KOREAN STUDIES BIOMATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AREA STUDIES LANGUAGE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SPEECH PATHOLOGY INFORMATION STORAGE ENGINEERING MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS INTERDISCIPLINARY BIOSTATISTICS AND COMPUTING PROGRAM CULTURE AND GENDER STUDIES KOREAN UNIFICATION STUDIES SCIENCE FOR AGING NANO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NANOMEDICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY NEW ENERGY AND BATTERY ENGINEERING MEDICAL HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY PHARMACEUTC I AL MEDC IN I E & REGULATORY SCEINCES DESIGN MANAGEMENT HUMANITIES KOREAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE AND ARTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE HISTORY PHILOSOPHY INDUSTRIAL DESIGN VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN GOVERNMENT ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SCIENCE MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY PHYSICS CHEMISTRY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY APPLIED STATISTICS PACKAGING COMPUTER SCIENCE HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ☓ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ☓ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - 136 - Remarks SEOUL CAMPUS 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS SEOUL CAMPUS 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS WONJU CAMPUS WONJU CAMPUS 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 College Department SCIENCES BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING HEALTH ADMINISTRATION BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE PHYSICAL THERAPY OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY RADIATION CONVERFENCE ENGINEERING MEDICINE GLOBAL MEDICAL SCIENCE NURSING DENTAL HYGIENE MEDICINE (WONJU) Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ☓ ○ ☓ Remarks WONJU CAMPUS 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 〃 Ⅱ. KGSP Application (University Quota) Graduate School Graduate School of International Studies Graduate School of Business - Global MBA Graduate School of Social Welfare 2. Graduate School of International Studies Division Department Graduate School of International Studies Korean Studies Global Studies 1. International Cooperation 2. International Trade, Finance & Management International Cooperation International Trade & Finance International Management Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ ○ ○ Department Graduate School of Business Global MBA Course Department Graduate School of Social Welfare Social Welfare Required Documents Completed application form (print out the online application) 〃 Study Plan ○ ○ ○ Field of Study Master's Doctoral ○ Official transcripts of all undergraduate work (in a sealed and signed envelope / in English) 〃 〃 〃 Master’s Program Graduate School The original TOEFL, IELTS, TOPIK transcript Copy of passports information page of the applicant and both parents Sinchon Campus Two passport-sized photos Doctoral Program Field of Study Master's Doctoral One copy of an official Undergraduate Degree Certificate (or proof of expected graduation) Two letters of recommendation written by two professors from a previously attended university. (No standard form provided) Remarks 4. Graduate School of Social Welfare Division [email protected] +82-2-2123-3227 +82-2-2123-8652 [email protected] +82-2-2123-3293 +82-2-2123-8653 [email protected] +82-2-2123-3254 +82-2-2123-8639 [email protected] +82-2-2123-6204 +82-2-2123-8656 Remarks Sinchon Campus 3. Graduate School of Business - Global MBA Division Website E-mail Tel Fax Website E-mail Tel Fax Website E-mail Tel Fax Website E-mail Tel Fax All the documents listed above One copy of an official master's degree certificate (or proof of expected graduation) and an official transcript GSIS Online application form ( Remarks Statement of Purpose (in English) ○ ○ Sinchon Campus Official transcripts of all undergraduate work (in a sealed and signed envelope / in English) Master’s Program Graduate School of International Studies One copy of an official Undergraduate Degree Certificate (or proof of expected graduation) The original TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS transcript if high school and undergraduate education was not in English Two letters of recommendation from professors or supervisors (in sealed and signed envelopes / in English) Copy of passports information page of the applicant and both parents Two passport-sized photos All the documents listed above Doctoral Program - 137 - Official transcripts of All Graduate Work (sealed and signed / doctoral program applicants only / in English) and one photocopy of master's degree - 138 - Course Required Documents A Research Proposal A writing sample (term papers or Master's thesis of at least 40 pages / in English) Official GRE scores (optional) Global MBA Master’s Program MBA will only receive applications through Embassy recommendations Completed application form Statement of Purpose Official transcripts of all undergraduate work (in a sealed and signed envelope) Master’s Program One photocopy of bachelor's degree The original TOEFL, TOEIC, TEPS or IELTS transcript Two letters of recommendation from professors or supervisors (in sealed and signed envelopes) Graduate School of Social Welfare scanners, and photocopiers are also available in the library. The library resources are mainly focused on the academic fields of international studies. ■ Career Development Center (CDC) The Yonsei Graduate School of International Studies (Yonsei GSIS) actively supports students and graduates, helping them identify and attain their career and life-long educational goals. Career Development Center (CDC) does its best to provide students with comprehensive services for successful job searching through career exploration, career networking, career information center, and on-campus recruiting. Copy of passports information page of the applicant and both parents Two passport-sized photos 2. Important Notes (1) All required documents must be originals. Documents in non-Korean or non-English languages must be accompanied with certified English translations. (2) Documents turned in will not be returned in any case. (3) Applicants can only apply to one department (applying to two or more departments is not allowed). (4) If any required documents are found to be false or counterfeit, admission to Yonsei University will be revoked. (5) Applicants will be excluded from the admissions evaluation process if any required documents are not submitted within the application period. (6) The applicant's English name and date of birth must match the information on his/her passport. (7) New students cannot take a leave of absence in their first semester (allowed only in the case of military service or illness (proved by a medical certificate)). All the documents listed above Doctoral Program Official transcripts of all graduate work (sealed and signed / doctoral program applicants only) and one photocopy of master's degree A Research Proposal A writing sample (term papers or Master's thesis of at least 40 pages) * All documents should be in English or Korean (if the original documents are not in English or Korean, notarized translations must also be submitted). Ⅲ. Campus Guide & Important Notes 1. Campus Guide ■ Dormitory (1) Muak dormitory: 800,000 KRW/Semester ① website: ② contact information: 2123-3602, [email protected] (2) SK GLOBAL HOUSE: 1,700,000 KRW/Semester ① website: ② contact information: 2123-7481, [email protected] ■ Office of International Affairs The office of International Affairs(OIA) manages international activities such as student orientation, Global day, Athletic Competition, Global Festival, Korean Singing Contest and annual field trip. The OIA also takes a keen interest in the academic and extracurricular pursuits of international students, and assists them in adapting to Korean culture and Yonsei environment. (1) Manager : Mr. Kevin Son(2123-6492, [email protected]) (2) Website : ■ Yonsei GSIS Library Yonsei GSIS Library was established for the purpose of research by graduate students and professors. It houses 13,000 volumes and also includes theses and dissertations of GSIS students. Computers, printers, - 139 - - 140 - 2015 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs (2015 정부초청외국인 대학원장학생 모집요강) 2015. 1 교육부 국립국제교육원 National Institute for International Education (NIIED) 1 2015 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs 1. Program Objective The Korean Government Scholarship Program is designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students, with the aim of promoting international exchange in education, as well as mutual friendship amongst the participating countries. 2. Total Number of Grantees 2.1. GRADUATE COURSE: 820 candidates 2015 KGSP Allocations by respective Korean Embassies: 493 candidates (from 156nations). <Embassy Quotas > Quota No. of Nations China 22 1 The United States 15 1 Indonesia, Russia, Vietnam 10 3 Japan 9 1 Myanmar, Ecuador, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey 6 5 Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan 5 14 Azerbaijan, Brazil, Cambodia, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Germany, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Panama, Serbia, Taiwan, The United Kingdom, Tunisia, Uganda 4 18 Afghanistan, Argentina, Belgium, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Hungary, Iraq, Jordan, Nepal, Norway, Republic of South Africa, Rwanda, Senegal, Singapore, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Yemen, Zambia 3 30 Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bolivia, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada(Quebec), Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Gambia, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Kuwait, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Netherlands, New Zealand, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, the Bahamas, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, Uruguay, Zimbabwe 2 50 Albania, Angola, Bahrain, Barbados, Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Guinea-Bissau, Greenland, Guyana, Haiti, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mauritius, Montenegro, Namibia, Nicaragua, Niger, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Republic of Seychelles, Sao Tome Principe, Somalia, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, the United Arab Emirates 1 33 471 156 Name of Countries Total ♦The basis for quota allocation lies in the mutual agreement between Korea and countries listed above. ♦Among the 493 candidates, 17 (from 12 nations) overseas Korean adoptees are included. Their quotas are allotted to 12 Korean embassies, and are separate from general candidate quotas. ♦ Among the 493 candidates, 5 candidates may be selected from non-allotted Korean embassies. 2 <Overseas Korean Adoptee Quotas> Quota No. of Nations The United States 5 1 Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden 2 9 Italy, Switzerland 1 2 17 Candidates 12 Name of Countries Total ♦ Adoptee who has experienced an exchange program or graduated/will graduate from a Korean university (D-2 visa holders) can apply for this program. 2015 KGSP Allocation for the Designated Korean Universities: 327candidates (from 86 nations) <Designated University Quotas> Quota Name of Countries No. of General* Regional Total Nations Univ. Indonesia, Mongolia, Vietnam 7 3 10 3 Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Thailand, Uzbekistan 7 2 9 5 Brazil, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia 6 2 8 6 Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria 5 2 7 5 Ghana, India 5 1 6 2 Cameroon, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey 4 1 5 6 Uganda 3 1 4 1 Egypt, Poland, Romania, The United States, Peru 4 4 5 Azerbaijan, Colombia, Hungary, Japan, Laos, Singapore 3 3 6 2 2 31 1 1 16 320 86 Algeria, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominica, France, Gabon, Germany, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Lithuania, Mauritania, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Slovakia, Spain, Sudan, Tajikistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Kingdom, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Yemen, Zambia Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Finland, Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Maldives, New Zealand, Paraguay, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste 327 Candidates 270 50 ♦ Among the 327 candidates, allocated to the Designated Korean Universities, 7 will be allotted into three outstanding specialized universities separately. ♦ Once the candidates from general quota selected, another 50 from those countries with Regional University quota will be allotted into one of the designated Regional Universities in Natural Science and Engineering (see the list below for 35 designated regional universities.) ex. Mongolia: 7 will be allotted to general quota, 3 will be selected from regional university applicants. 3 * General quota includes the candidates from both Designated University and Regional University. 2.2. Research Program: approx. 20 candidates < Research Program Quota > Name of Countries Quota Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Timor-Leste, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Approx. 20 in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Cameroon, Rwanda, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Colombia, total Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Solomon Islands 3. Eligible Universities and Fields of Study Eligible Universities: The 66 listed universities (or institutions) as designated by NIIED: Eligible Universities (or Institutions) Ajou University, Chung-Ang University, Dongguk University, Ewha Womans University, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hanyang University, Hongik University, Inha University, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Konkuk University, Kookmin University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Polytechnic University, Korea University, Kyonggi University, Kyunghee University, Myongji university, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Sangmyung University, Seoul Nat’l University, Seoul Nat’l University of Science and Technology, Sogang University, Sookmyung Women’s University, Soongsil University, Sungkyunkwan University, The Graduate School of Korean Studies in the Academy of Korean Studies, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, University of Science & Technology, University Of Seoul, Yonsei University Changwon National University, Chonbuk Nat’l University, Chonnam Nat’l University, Chungbuk Nat’l University, Chungnam Nat’l University, Daegu University, Daejeon University, Donga University, Dongseo University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gyeongsang Nat’l University, Hallym University, Handong Global University, Inje University, Jeju National University, Jeonju University, Kangwon Nat’l University, Keimyung University, Kongju Nat’l University, Konyang University, Korea University of Technology and Education, Kumoh Nat’l Institute of Technology, Kyungpook Nat’l University, Kyungsung university, Pai Chai University, Pukyong Nat’l University, Pusan Nat’l University, Silla Univerity, Soonchunhyang University, Sunchon National University, Sunmoon University, University of Ulsan, Wonkwang University, Woosong University, Yeungnam University General 66 o Available Fields of Study: Detailed information about the fields and majors offered by the listed eligible universities can be found in the University Information section on the GKS website ( Applicants must choose their desired fields of study from the listed programs in the University Information section provided by participating universities. ¤ Night schools, seasonal programs, broadcasting schools, and cyber-schools (including online distant learning programs) are not eligible for application. o Available Courses: Master’s programs, Doctoral programs, Research Programs. 4 Regional 35 4. Main Notes for the 2015 Selection o Applicants have to apply for this program via either an embassy or a designated university. - Overseas Korean adoptees have to apply only via an embassy if their countries are allotted the adoptee quotas. - Applicants for Research Program have to apply via university only. - Former KGSP scholars have to apply via embassy only. o Applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for this program via Korean Embassies must choose 3 desired universities out of the 66 universities listed below. o Applicants who apply for this program via the designated universities may choose only 1 desired university out of the 66 universities listed below. o The selection process for applicants will proceed in three steps. Firstly, applicants must be selected by the institution he or she is applying through (a Korean embassy, or a designated university). Secondly, applicants who passed the first round must be selected by the NIIED Selection Committee. Finally, applicants who passed the second round must gain admission from a university. o Institutions accepting applications: 119 overseas Korean embassies or 66 designated Korean universities. *Applicants who submit applications to more than one of the aforementioned institutions will be disqualified immediately. o Selection Procedure: - 1st Selection: Each 1st selection institution will draft a selections standard based on the criteria provisioned by NIIED, and recommend the best applicants according to its respective standards. - 2nd Selection: The NIIED Selection Committee will select the most successful candidates from the pool of applicants recommended by the 1st selection institutions. - 3rd Selection: Only the candidates who were recommended by a Korean embassy and passed the 2nd selection successfully will be evaluated for admission by the 3 universities to which they applied; each candidate has to gain admission from at least one university. * Applicants who were recommended by a designated university will automatically be granted admission to the university that recommended them, upon the condition they are selected as a successful candidate in the 2nd Selection. Subsequently, once they pass the mandatory medical examination (when it’s orientation), they will join the ranks of the final successful candidates. 5. Duration of Scholarship o Master’s (01.09.2015 ~ 31.08.2018) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs of Master’s o Doctoral (01.09.2015 ~ 31.08.2019): 1yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral o Research (01.09.2015~ 31.08.2016): 1 month ~ 1year * (Important) After the Korean language course, the scholarship period of degree course (2 years of master’s or 3 years of doctoral) cannot be extended beyond the designated duration. * In the case that a scholar possesses a TOPIK Level that is higher than 5, he or she is exempted from the Korean language course; the exempted period will be deducted from the total scholarship period (2 years for master’s or 3 years for doctoral). * In the case that a scholar possesses a TOPIK Level 5 or 6, he or she must be exempted from the Korean language course and must start his/her academic course of Master or Doctoral degree; the exempted period will be deducted from the total scholarship period (2 years for master’s or 3 years for doctoral). 5 6. Korean Language Course o All scholars, unless exempted, must take one year of Korean language course in the designated language institution by NIIED. Once scholars are designated at the institution, it cannot be changed. o Research scholars are exempted from Korean Language Course. o During Korean language learning, scholars are supposed to stay at the dorm of language institution with a roommate, thus cannot bring their family. o Exemption from the Korean language course requirement: Korean proficiency at TOPIK Level 5 or 6(with certification). * Scholars who have surpassed TOPIK Level 5 or 6 must start their degree course without the Korean language course starting from September 1st, 2015. o Only the scholars who will have passed at least Level 3 of TOPIK (the Test of Proficiency in Korean) after one year of Korean language course are permitted to start their master’s or doctoral program. o Scholars who do not pass at least TOPIK Level 3 after one year of Korean language course must complete an additional six-month coursework in the Korean language. o Language Institution: NIIED has designated about 10 language institutions for the Korean language course. * The main language institution placement principle is different area from the finally chosen university of scholars in order to provide a chance of exploring variable Korean cultures and immerge on Korean language learning with professional environments for scholars. 7. Application Requirements o The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenships. * Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program. Therefore, Applicants and his/her parents who once had Korean citizenship must provide document regarding renunciation of Korean citizenship. o Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of time. * Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment (included in the application form) when he/she apply for this program, and when it’s orientation, an Official Medical Examination will be done by NIIED. A serious illness (For example, HIV, Drug, etc) will be the main cause of disqualification from the scholarship. ※ The handicapped who satisfy the above are also eligible for the program ※ NOT Eligible: those who are pregnant (disqualified upon discovery) o Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1st, 2015 (born after Sep. 1st, 1975). o Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of August 31st, 2015. ※Research Program Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or above and a university professor in one of the eligible countries for research program(see 2-2). * (Important) Applicants who have ever enrolled in a university in Korea will be disqualified from applying to the KGSP program. Specifically, an applicant who has previously enrolled in an undergraduate program, a master’s program, a doctoral program including an exchange program (D-2 visa holders ever) in Korea cannot apply for this program. Exception 1. Applicant who has experienced an exchange program in Korea only for previous academic courses graduation, and if it was mandatory for his or her graduation of degree program; thus could submit official explanation from the attended institution can apply for this KGSP program. 6 Exception 2. The KGSP scholar who has graduated or will graduate from a Korean university as of August 31st, 2015 can apply for this program again only via the embassy if only he/she holds at least TOPIK Level 4 and obtain another recommendation within the allotment from the Korean Embassy of his/her respective country of origin (reapplication is limited to one instance). * Applicants who apply for the Master’s program must hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s degree. * Applicants who apply for the Doctoral program must hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree. * Applicants who are expecting to obtain the relevant required degree or diploma by August 31st, 2015 must submit a certificate of degree or diploma expectation, and submit the official certificate of degree or diploma to NIIED by August 31st, 2015(If not, disqualified for this program). o Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution. * If an applicant does not satisfy the above GPA criteria, he/she will be disqualified from applying to this program. * If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is difficult to convert into percentages, attachment of official explanation from the attended institution is required. o Applicants who have Korean proficiency or English proficiency may be given preference. o Applicants who apply for natural science and technology program may be given preference. o Applicants who are university professors currently in the developing countries may be given preference. 8. Scholarship o Scholarship Period: same as the period of invitation. o Payment: - Airfare: Round-trip economy class ticket. * Airfare for entry will not be provided to scholars who are currently living in Korea for academic study or employment. * The fees for domestic travel within a scholar’s home country and for travel insurance to and from Korea will not be provided. * Scholars from China and the Czech Republic will not be provided airfare by NIIED, but by their country of origin according to the mutual agreements. - Monthly Allowance: 900,000 won (KRW) per month. -Research Allowance: 210,000 won for scholars in the humanities and social sciences; 240,000 won for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences, per semester. - Relocation (Settlement) Allowance: 200,000 won - Language Training Fee: Full coverage - Tuitions: All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university). The tuition is paid by NIIED. - Dissertation Printing Costs: 500,000 ~ 800,000 won, depending on the actual costs. - Medical Insurance: 20,000 won per month will be provided (limited coverage). - Special funding for scholars who are proficient in the Korean language (TOPIK Level 5 or 6): 100,000 won per month (commencing from the degree program) 7 o NOTES - NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel, moving expenses, deposit, etc. both in the grantee’s country and Korea. - The medical fee is to be reimbursed through the insurance company to the scholar after s/he pays first. However, the expense for dental clinic or chronic disease will not be covered. - Any scholar who gives up his/her study during the scholarship period will not receive airfare and allowance for repatriation. - Any scholar that quits the program within 3 months after s/he entering Korea, must refund all scholarship fees. (The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance, monthly stipend, Korean language training expenses, etc.). 9. Selection Procedure Details o The guideline, application form, and university information will be available at the website of GKS (, Korean Embassies, and designated domestic universities. o For applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for KGSP via Korean Embassies - (1st Selection) Korean Embassies make its own selection schedule and plan based on the criteria provided by NIIED, and accept the applications. They select 1.5 times as many candidates as their quota from the pool of applicants and recommend them to NIIED. * Applicants from China and the Czech Republic should submit their applications to the Ministry of Education (or equivalent institution) in their respective country of origin, in accordance with the mutual agreements between Korea and those countries. * Only Korean adoptees who have foreign citizenship can apply for this program via a Korean Embassy if their countries of origin are allotted the adoptee quota. They are selected through a separate procedure; general applicants cannot be accepted through this application category. - (2nd Selection) NIIED Selection Committee selects as many successful candidates as each embassy quota amongst the pool of candidates recommended by the Embassies. - (3rd Selection) NIIED submits the documents of successful candidates to their 3 universities of indicated preference, and requests admission examination of the candidates into their master’s or doctoral programs. The universities have to notify the result of examination to the candidates and NIIED by the designated date. The candidates who gain admission from more than one university will have to make a final selection, and notify their respective local Korean Embassy and NIIED by the designated date. Only the candidates who gain admission within the 3rd Selection period can be accepted as official KGSP scholars. o For applicants who apply for KGSP via designated domestic universities(including Research Program) - (1st Selection) Each designated university will draft its own selection schedule and plan based on the criteria provided by NIIED, and accepts the applications. Each designated university will select up to 20 candidates from all of the quota-assigned countries and recommend them to NIIED. They cannot recommend more than 3 candidates from a single country. - (1nd Selection) 35 Regional Universities can select up to 25 candidates including at least 5 candidates in Natural Science and Engineering from the regional university quotaassigned countries. They cannot recommend more than 4 candidates from a single country. - (1nd Selection) Designated universities for Research Program can select and recommend up to 2 candidates to NIIED for the 2nd selection. - (2nd Selection) NIIED Selection Committee selects as many successful candidates as each 8 country’s quota from all of the candidates recommended by the universities. The candidates who are selected in the NIIED Selection Committee will be accepted to the university which recommended them, and will be finally accepted as official KGSP scholars upon a successful comprehensive medical examination. 10. Selection Criterion o All documents including transcript, self-introduction, study plan(research proposal), certificates of language proficiency (Korean and English), recommendations, published papers and awards, etc., will be evaluated. 11. Required Documentation o Place of submission *NIIED and Foreign embassies in Korea are not 1st Selection Institutions and do not accept applications directly from the candidates. *NIIED accepts and judges only the candidates recommended by the 1 st Selection Institutions. They are: - For applicants (including overseas Korean adoptees) applying via a Korean embassy : the Korean embassy in the country of origin. *Korean Educational Institutes (Korean Education Center or Korean Cultural Center) affiliated with the local Korean embassies may accept applications, and select and recommend candidates in place of embassies in some countries. - For applicants applying via a domestic university: One of the 66 designated universities o Deadline of Submission : The date set forth by the 1 st Selection Institutions within March 2015 * It’s applicant’s duty to ask the deadline to the applying institution since each institution has set deadline individual itself. * Deadline for the recommendation of candidates to NIIED by the 1 st Selection Institutions is April 10th, 2015. * If the respective 1st Selection Institutions do not submit their candidates’ documents to NIIED on time, they will be excluded from the examination of NIIED Selection Committee, and their quotas will be substituted by the other 1 st Institutions’ reserve candidates. o Required documents : One original document (placed in a separate envelope) and 3 extra photocopies. * Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary’s office. Check List for Application Documents Master’s Doctoral Research 1. Personal data (Attachment #1) ○ ○ ○ 2. Self Introduction (Attachment #2) ○ ○ ○ Study Plan (Attachment #3) ○ ○ - Research Proposal(Attachment #3) - - ○ 4. Letter of Recommendation(1) (Attachment #4) ○ ○ ○ 5. Pledge (Attachment #5) ○ ○ ○ 6. Personal Medical Assessment (Attachment #6) ○ ○ ○ 7. Diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution ○ ○ - 8. Official Transcript from undergraduate institution ○ ○ - 9. Diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution - ○ ○ 3. 9 10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) - ○ ○ 11. Certificate of Employment - - ○ 12. Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy), if applicable △ △ △ 13. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy), if applicable △ △ △ 14. Published papers, if applicable △ △ △ 15. Awards, if applicable △ △ △ 16. Copy of passport (possible to submit after selection) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ △ △ △ △ - Certificate of citizenship of applicant ex) the applicant’s and his/her Parents’ Birth certificate, Passport copy or Certificate of nationality 17. expatriation, etc. Certificate of Loss of Korean citizenship (only for former Korean Citizenship holders) 18. Adoption Documents (only for overseas Korean adoptees) o Note * Selection for successful candidates will be done strictly by the NIIED Selection Committee. Therefore, appropriate documents should be submitted by the deadline. - Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for this program via only one institution. - Documents should be presented in their original form. - Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. - Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the Selection Committee, and scholarship revocation even after entry into Korea. - In case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original to the 1st Selection Institution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated. The confirmation of collation should be indicated in the photocopied documents. -Applicants who are expected to graduate from their respective home undergraduate/graduate institutions by August 31st, 2015, must submit the certificate (or letter) of expected graduation issued by said institutions when they apply; the official certificate of graduation must be received by NIIED by August 31st, 2015. - Applicants must accurately complete the health checklist truthfully. All successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam when its’ orientation. In accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP Program, the candidates who are judged to be physically unfit for this program will not be accepted. - Applicants may submit the copies of published papers, if available. - Applicants may submit the copies of awards, if available. * Applicants must submit all the documents by the checklist order. (Checklist for the application documents should be on the front page, followed by the required documents, stapled and attached.) * Transferring to a different university after confirming the host university is not permitted in any cases. In regards to changing majors, it would be permitted only under the mutual agreement of the departments concerned only within the same university, with the scholarship period unchanged. (2 years of Master’s, or 3 years of doctoral, in total). However, quitting a program and applying for a new one is not permitted. 12. Selection Schedule o Application Period : Feb.2nd ~ Mar. 31st (decided by the 1st Selection Institution) o The 1st Selection : The end of March (decided by the 1st Selection Institution) 10 o Deadline for Recommendation to NIIED : April 10th (All documents must be received by NIIED.) o The 2nd Selection : Mid to End-April (NIIED Selection Committee) o Announcement for the Results of the 2nd Selection : April 30th (posted on GKS websites) o Admission Procedures for the Korean Embassies’ candidates: May 1st ~May 29th o Announcement for Final o Visa Issue and Air ticket purchase : June 17th ~ July 31st o Entry into Korea : August 24th ~ August 26th o NIIED Orientation : August 31st ~ September 1st (4 regional groups) o Korean Language Course : September 1st Successful Candidates: June 16th (GKS websites- 13. For further information, please contact : o 1st Institutions : Refer to The Contact Information of Korean Embassies and Universities in the attachment #8. o KGSP Team, National Institute for International Education (NIIED) - Address: #205 NIIED, 81 Ewhajang-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea - ‣ Korean version: 정부초청외국인장학생 → 공지사항 ‣ English version: GKS → Notice - Phone: +82-2-3668-1364, +82-2-3668-1389 - Fax: +82-2-743-4992 - Email: [email protected] 14. Other useful websites o o o o o Higher Education in Korea Learning Korean Understanding of Korean culture Overseas Korean embassies Visa and Registration 11 지원자 제출서류 체크리스트 REGISTRATION NUMBER (Check List for Application Documents) *Do not write in this area. 접수기관 (Institute of Application) : 확인자(Confirmer) : 1) 인 (Signature) Name of Applicant: (given/first name) 2) Country : 3) Desired Degree Program : (family/last name) □ □ Doctoral □ Research (*Please tick (√) in the appropriate box.) Application Documents Check List 1. Personal data (Attachment #1) 2. Self Introduction (Attachment #2) Study Plan (Attachment #3) 3. Research Proposal(Attachment #3) 4. Letter of Recommendation(1) (Attachment #4) 5. Pledge (Attachment #5) 6. Personal Medical Assessment (Attachment #6) 7. Diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution 8. Official Transcript from undergraduate institution 9. Diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution 10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s) 11. Certificate of Employment 12. Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy), if applicable 13. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy), if applicable 14. Published papers, if applicable 15. Awards, if applicable 16. Copy of passport (possible to submit after selection) Certificate of citizenship of applicant ex) the applicant’s and his/her Parents’ Birth 17. certificate, Passport copy or Certificate of nationality expatriation, etc. Certificate of Loss of Korean citizenship (only for former Korean Citizenship holders) 18. Adoption Documents (only for overseas Korean adoptees) Submission(Y/N) Yes No Attachment #1 ☞ 재외공관 (입양인 포함) 추천 지원자용 (Only for Applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for this program via an Embassy of Korea) Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) Application Form for Graduate Study *Please tick (√ ) a box that applies to you. 1. 2. 추천기관 (Institute of Recommendation) □ 재외공관 (Embassy) 추천 유형 (Type of Recommendation) □ 일반추천(General) □ 입양인(Korean Adoptee) 3. 지원과정 (Degree Course of Application) □ 석사과정 (Master’s) □ 박사과정 (Doctoral) 4. 희망계열(Desired Field of Study) □ 인문사회계열 (Humanities and Social Sciences) □ 자연공학계열 (Natural Sciences and Technology) □ 예체능계열 (Arts and Physical Education) 5. 한국어연수 면제자 (TOPIK 5급 6급 취득자) 진학 확인 (Only for TOPIK Level 5 and Level 6 holders) *TOPIK Level 5 and 6 holders must start their studying from Sep 1, 2015) 5 인적사항 (Personal Data) Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing. 성명 이름(Given name) : 성(Family name) : □ Male (Full Name) □ Female * Name should be spelled the same as in the passport and in English. 생년월일 (Date of Birth) 국가 (Country) 여권 (Passport) 연락처 (Contact Information) *only applicant’s own 최종학력 (Information concerning applicant’s most recent education) 년(yyyy) 월(mm) 일(dd) □ Single (Photo 3*4) □ Married 나이(Age: ) 국적 (Citizenship) (Number) (Date of Issue) (Date of expiry) Address: Tel. ( ) 최종졸업(예정)학교 (Name of previously attended Univ.) 학위 (Academic Degree recently awarded) 최종학위논문제목 (Title of graduation dissertation, if available) E-mail: 해당국가/도시 (Country/City) □ Bachelor 1 □ Master 전공 (Academic Major) 어학능력 (Language Proficiency) Published papers, if available(one or two) 영어성적 (English Proficiency) Level: □1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □6 Score: Korean Language Proficiency (only TOPIK) Score : Awards, if available (one or two) 지원신청대학 (Applying University) 대학명 (Name of Univ.) 학부명 (Faculty) 학과명 (Department) 전공 (Academic Major) University 1 University 2 University 3 학력 (Academic Career) 기간 (Period) 학 교 명 (Name of Univ.) 해당국가 (Country) 전공분야 (Academic Major) 취득학위 (Diploma or Degree) ~ ∼ 성적 School (Transc Year ripts) Term *이수 학기만 Bachel기재 or (only Master terms attended) 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 평균 평점 (GPA) 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 직업 혹은 연구경력 (Occupation or Research Career) 기 간 (Period) 환산점수 (converted score) /100 기 관 명 (Institution or company) 직 책 (Position) 담당업무 (Operation or Duty) 목적 지역 (City or Region) 거주 또는 체류관련기관 (Organization Concerned) ∼ 과거 한국에서의 거주 또는 체류 사실 (Previous Visits to Korea) 기 간 (Period) (Purpose of Stay) 장학금 수혜 (Previous Scholarship Awards Received from Korean institutions) 지원기관명 (Sponsor) 지원금액(Amount) (US$/year) 년(yyyy) Applicant's Name : 수혜기간 (Period) ( / ) ∼ ( / ) ∼ 월(mm) 일(dd) (signature) * GPA(Grade Point Average) must be converted on a maximum scale of 100 points (converted points) * See Attachment #7 * Fill out both the records of Bachelor’s & Master’s in the case of those applying for Doctoral programs 2 Attachment #1 ☞ 국내위탁대학(연구과정 포함) 추천 지원자용 (Only for Applicants(연구과정 포함) who apply for this program via a Designated University) Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) Application Form for Graduate Study *Please tick (√ ) a box that applies to you. 1. 추천기관 (Institute of Recommendation) □ 국내대학 (Korean University) 1. 추천 유형 (Type of Recommendation) □ 일반추천(General) 3. 지원과정 (Degree Course of Application) □ 석사과정 (Master’s) □ 박사과정 (Doctoral) 4. 희망계열(Desired Field of Study) □ 연구과정 (Research) □ 인문사회계열 (Humanities and Social Sciences) □ 자연공학계열 (Natural Sciences and Technology) □ 예체능계열 (Arts and Physical Education) 5. 한국어연수 면제자 (TOPIK 5급 6급 취득자) 진학 확인 (Only for TOPIK Level 5 and Level 6 holders) *TOPIK Level 5 and 6 holders must start their studying from Sep 1, 2015) 5 인적사항 (Personal Data) Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing. 성명 이름(Given name) : 성(Family name) : □ Male (Full Name) □ Female * Name should be spelled the same as in the passport and in English. 생년월일 (Date of Birth) 국가 (Country) 여권 (Passport) 년(yyyy) 월(mm) 일(dd) □ Single □ Married 나이(Age: ) 국적 (Citizenship) (Number) (Date of Issue) 연락처 (Contact Information) *only applicant’s own Address: 최종학력 (Information concerning applicant’s most recent education) 최종졸업(예정)학교 (Name of previously attended Univ.) 학위 (Academic Degree recently awarded) 최종학위논문제목 (Title of graduation dissertation, if available) Tel. ( (Date of expiry) ) E-mail: 해당국가/도시 (Country/City) □ Bachelor 3 □ Master 전공 (Academic Major) (Photo 3*4) 어학능력 (Language Proficiency) Published papers, if available(one or two) 영어성적 (English Proficiency) Level: □1 □2 □3 □4 □5 □6 Score: Korean Language Proficiency (only TOPIK) Score : Awards, if available (one or two) 지원신청대학 (Applying University) 학력 (Academic Career) 대학명 (Name of Univ.) 기간 (Period) 학부명 (Faculty) 학과명 (Department) 학 교 명 (Name of Univ.) 해당국가 (Country) 전공 (Academic Major) 전공분야 (Academic Major) 취득학위 (Diploma or Degree) ~ ∼ 성적 School (Transc Year ripts) Term *이수 학기만 Bachel기재 or (only Master terms attended) 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 직업 혹은 연구경력 (Occupation or Research Career) 기 간 (Period) 평균 평점 (GPA) 환산점수 (converted score) /100 기 관 명 (Institution or company) 직 책 (Position) 담당업무 (Operation or Duty) 목적 지역 (City or Region) 거주 또는 체류관련기관 (Organization Concerned) ∼ 과거 한국에서의 거주 또는 체류 사실 (Previous Visits to Korea) 기 간 (Period) (Purpose of Stay) 장학금 수혜 (Previous Scholarship Awards Received from Korean institutions) 지원기관명 (Sponsor) 지원금액(Amount) (US$/year) 년(yyyy) Applicant's Name : 수혜기간 (Period) ( / ) ∼ ( / ) ∼ 월(mm) 일(dd) (signature) * GPA(Grade Point Average) must be converted on a maximum scale of 100 points (converted points) * See Attachment .#7 * Fill out both the records of Bachelor’s & Master’s in the case of those applying for Doctoral programs 4 Attachment #2 자기소개 (Self Introduction) * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using black ink. (in Korean or in English) (*10 points) o Your course of life, your view of life, study background, your hopes & wishes, etc o Your education and work experience, etc., in relation to the KGSP program o Your motivations for applying for this program o Reason for study in Korea 5 Attachment #3 학업계획 (Study Plan) * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using black ink. (*10 points) Goal of study & Study Plan Future Plan after Study o Goal of study, title or subject of research, and detailed study plan o Future plan in Korea or another country after study in Korea 6 Attachment #3 연구과제 (Research Proposal) * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using black ink. (*10 points) ※지면이 부족할 경우 별지에 작성하십시오 Please submit additional sheets if more space is needed. ▣ 연구주제 Research Topic ▣ 연구목적 Research Objectives ▣ 연구내용 Detailed Research Plan ▣ 연구방법 Research Methodology ▣ 연구의 기대효과 Expected Results of the Research ▣ 연구일정 Research Timetable 7 Attachment #4 Letter of Recommendation To the applicant: Please fill in your name and the other required information below. In turn, deliver or email this form to the person who will write this letter. NOTE: Request your recommender to seal his or her letter of recommendation in an official envelope and sign across the back flap upon completion. Recommendation letters that are not sealed and signed will not be accepted. Confidential Name of Applicant: (given name) (family name) Nationality: □ □ Doctoral Desired Major: To the recommender: The person named above has applied for the ‘Korean Government Scholarship Program’. We ask for your assistance, and would appreciate your frank and candid appraisal of the applicant. * Please type or print clearly using black ink. 1. How long have you known the applicant and in what relationship? Please assess the applicant's qualities in the evaluation table given below. Rate the applicant compared to other classmates who are/were in the same school year with him/her. Truly Excellent Very Good Good Below Average Exceptional Classification N/A Top 2% Top 10% Top 25% Middle 50% Lower 25% Academic Achievement Future Academic Potential Integrity Responsibility/Independence Creativity/Originality Communication Skills Interpersonal skills Leadership 1. What do you consider to be the applicant’s strengths? 8 2. What do you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses? 3. How well do you think the applicant has thought out plans for graduate study? 5. Please comment on the applicant’s performance record, potential, or personal qualities which you believe would be helpful in considering the applicant’s application for the proposed degree program. Recommender’s Name Date Recommender’s Signature Position or Title: University (Institution): Address: (zip-code: Tel: - ) Fax: Please return this form sealed in an official envelope and signed across the back to the applicant. We greatly appreciate your timeliness regarding this letter for your recommendee. 9 Attachment #5 “Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Study” Pledge (서약서) As an applicant for the 2015 “Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for Graduate Study”, I pledge to abide by the following rules: (1) To refrain from violation of university regulations and to fulfill my obligations as a KGSP scholar to the best of my ability. (2) To behave in a manner appropriate to Korean culture and society, and not to participate in any form of political activity (such as organizing a political party, joining a political party, attending political meetings, publishing political articles and declarations, organizing or participating in demonstrations of a political nature, and so on). (3) To accept responsibility for paying any debts incurred in Korea (4) To agree with NIIED's decision concerning the graduate program and the Korean language course (5) To abide by all terms and regulations set by NIIED. (6) To permit NIIED to use my personal information for the KGSP. If I am proved to have violated any of the above or to have made a false statement in my application documents, I shall accept any resolution or penalty made by NIIED, even when it may/might result in suspension, revocation or withdrawal of my scholarship. I was informed and fully understand that KGSP scholars are not permitted to transfer schools for the entire duration of scholarship after confirming their host institution including Korean language institution. (yyyy). (mm). Applicant’s Name : (dd). (signature) 10 Attachment #6 PERSONAL MEDICAL ASSESSMENT Applicants are not required to undergo an authorized medical exam before passing the 2 nd Selection with NIIED; however, all successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam when its’ orientation (including an HIV and TBPE drug test**, etc) in accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP. If the results show that the applicant is unfit to study and live overseas more than 3 years, he/she may be disqualified. **The TBPE (tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester) drug tests are for evaluating past usage of stimulant drugs. Gender: HEIGHT cm WEIGHT kg When and for what reason did you last consult a physician? (Please explain in the adjacent space.) QUESTION YES ②Have you ever had an infectious disease that posed a risk to public health (such as, but not limited to, tuberculosis, HIV and other STDs)? ③ 1. 2. 3. 4. allergies? high blood pressure? diabetes? any type of Hepatitis? ④Have you ever suffered from or been treated for depression, anxiety, or any other mental or mood disorder? (If you have received treatment, please explain and attach an official medical report.) ⑤Have you ever been addicted to alcohol? ⑥Have you ever abused any narcotic, stimulant, hallucinogen or other substance (whether legal or prohibited)? ⑦If necessary, are you prepared to undergo physical tests to verify the answers given in response to questions ⑥and ⑦above? ⑧Have you been hospitalized in the last two (2) years? ⑨Have you had any serious injury, ailment or sickness in the last five (5) years? ⑩Do you have any visual or hearing impairments? ⑪Do you have any physical disabilities? ⑫Do you have any cognitive/mental disabilities? ⑬Are you taking any prescribed medication? ⑭Are you on a special diet? ⑮On average, how many standard servings of alcohol do you consume each week? 11 NO IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN Attachment #7 GPA Conversion Table 4.0 Scale 4.3 Scale 4.5 Scale 5.0 Scale 100 Points Scale 3.97 ~ 4.0 4.26 ~ 4.3 4.46 ~ 4.5 4.95 ~ 5.00 100 3.92 ~ 3.96 4.22 ~ 4.25 4.41 ~ 4.45 4.90 ~ 4.94 99 3.88 ~ 3.91 4.17 ~ 4.21 4.36 ~ 4.40 4.84 ~ 4.89 98 3.84 ~ 3.87 4.12 ~ 4.16 4.31 ~ 4.35 4.79 ~ 4.83 97 3.80 ~ 3.83 4.08 ~ 4.11 4.26 ~ 4.30 4.73 ~ 4.78 96 3.75 ~ 3.79 4.03 ~ 4.07 4.21 ~ 4.25 4.68 ~ 4.72 95 3.71 ~ 3.74 3.98 ~ 4.02 4.16 ~ 4.20 4.62 ~ 4.67 94 3.67 ~ 3.70 3.93 ~ 3.97 4.11 ~ 4.15 4.57 ~ 4.61 93 3.62 ~ 3.66 3.89 ~ 3.92 4.06 ~ 4.10 4.51 ~ 4.56 92 3.58 ~ 3.61 3.84 ~ 3.88 4.01 ~ 4.05 4.45 ~ 4.50 91 3.49 ~ 3.57 3.75 ~ 3.83 3.91 ~ 4.00 4.34 ~ 4.44 90 3.41 ~ 3.48 3.65 ~ 3.74 3.81 ~ 3.90 4.23 ~ 4.33 89 3.32 ~ 3.40 3.56 ~ 3.64 3.71 ~ 3.80 4.12 ~ 4.22 88 3.24 ~ 3.31 3.46 ~ 3.55 3.61 ~ 3.70 4.01 ~ 4.11 87 3.15 ~ 3.23 3.37 ~ 3.45 3.51 ~ 3.60 3.90 ~ 4.00 86 3.07 ~ 3.14 3.27 ~ 3.36 3.41 ~ 3.50 3.79 ~ 3.89 85 2.98 ~ 3.06 3.18 ~ 3.26 3.31 ~ 3.40 3.68 ~ 3.78 84 2.90 ~ 2.97 3.09 ~ 3.17 3.21 ~ 3.30 3.57 ~ 3.67 83 2.81 ~ 2.89 2.99 ~ 3.08 3.11 ~ 3.20 3.45 ~ 3.56 82 2.72 ~ 2.80 2.90 ~ 2.98 3.01 ~ 3.10 3.34 ~ 3.44 81 2.64 ~ 2.71 2.80 ~ 2.89 2.91 ~ 3.00 3.23 ~ 3.33 80 12 Attachment #8 Contact Information of the 1st Selection Institutions Korean Embassies (or Consulates) No Country TEL FAX Email 1 Afghanistan 93-20-210-2481 93-20-210-2725 [email protected] 2 Algeria 213 (0)21 54 65 55 213 (0)21 54 65 70 [email protected] 3 Angola <Namibia> (+244) 222 006 067~8 (+244) 222 006 066 [email protected] 4 Argentina (54-11) 4802-9665/8865/8062/0923 (54-11) 4803-6993 [email protected] 5 Australia (61 2) 6270-4100 (61 2) 6273-4839 [email protected] 6 Austria <Slovenia> (43-1) 478-1991 (43-1) 478-1013 [email protected] 7 Azerbaijan <Georgia> (994-12) 596-7901-3 (994-12) 596-7904 [email protected] 8 Bahrain 973-1753 1120 973-1753 1140, 0577 [email protected] 9 Bangladesh <Bhutan> (8802) 881-2088~90, 881-2041 (8802) 882-3871 [email protected] 10 Belarus (375-17) 306-0147-9 (375-17) 306-0160 [email protected] 11 Belgium 32 (0)2 675 57 77 32 (0)2 675 52 21 [email protected] 12 Bolivia (591) 2-211-0361~3 (591) 2211 0365 [email protected] 13 Brasil (55-61)3321-2500 (55-61)3321-2508 [email protected] 14 Brunei (673) 2330248, 2330249, 2330250 (673) 233-0254 [email protected] 15 Bulgaria (359-2) 971-2181 (359-2) 971-3388 [email protected] 16 Cambodia (855-23)211 900/3 (855-23)219 200 [email protected] 17 Cameroon <Central African Republic> 237-2220-3756, 6237-2220-4127 237-2220-3757 [email protected] 18 Canada (613) 244-5010 (613) 244-5043, 613-244-5034 [email protected] 19 <Quebec(montreal)> (514) 845-2555 (514) 845-1119 [email protected] 20 Chile (56-2) 2228 4214 (56-2) 2206 2355 [email protected] 21 China (86-10) 8531-0700 (86-10)8531-0726 (CSC contact info) 66093900/88393619 13 No Country TEL FAX Email 22 Colombia (571) 616-7200, 8149, 8872 (571) 610-0338 [email protected] 23 Costa Rica (506)2220-3160, 3166, 3159 (506)2220-3168 [email protected] 24 Cote d'ivoire <Burkina Faso, Niger> (225)2248-6701/2248-6703 (225)2248-6757 [email protected] 25 Croatia 385-(0)1-4821-282 26 Czech 234-090-411 234-090-450 [email protected] 27 DR Congo <Congo> 243) (0)1-503 5001~4 243) (0)1-505 0005 [email protected] 28 Denmark <Greenland> 45 39 46 04 00 45 39 46 04 22 [email protected] 29 Dominica <Bahamas, Haiti> (1-809) 482-6505 (1-809) 482-6504 [email protected] 30 Ecuador 593-2-290-9227~9229 593-2-298-7127 [email protected] 31 Egypt 3761-1234~7 3761-1238 [email protected] 32 El Salvador (503) 2263-9145 (503) 2263-0783 [email protected] 33 Ethiopia <Djibouti, Seychelles> (251-11)3-72 81 11~14 (251-11)3-72 81 15 [email protected] 34 Fiji (679) 330-0977, 330-0683, 330-0709 (679) 330-8059 [email protected] 35 Finland <Estonia> (358-9)251 5000 (358-9)251 50055 [email protected] 36 France 33-01 4753 6991, 6977 37 Gabon <Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tome and Principe> (00241) 0530-1900, 05-30-1901 (00241) 0173-9905 [email protected] 38 Germany 49-(0)228-943-790 49-(0)228-372-7894 [email protected] 39 Ghana <Benin, Togo> (+233-30) 277-6157, 7533, 9921, 1705, 8410 (+233-30) 277-2313 [email protected] 40 Greece <Albania> 30-210-698-4080/2 30-210-698-4083 [email protected] 41 Guatemala (502) 2382-4051 ~ 542 (502) 2382-4057 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 14 No Country TEL FAX Email 42 Honduras (504) 2235-5561/3 (504) 2235-5564 [email protected] 43 Hong Kong (+852)2529-4141 (+852) 2861-3699 [email protected] 44 Hungary (36-1) 462-3080 (36-1) 351-1182 [email protected] 45 India (91-11) 4200-7000 (91-11) 2688-4840 [email protected] 46 Indonesia 62-21-2967-2555 62-21-2967-2556 [email protected] 47 Iran (98) 21-8805-4900~4 (98) 21-8805-4899 [email protected] 48 Iraq 964 -(0)77-0725-2006 49 Ireland 353 (0)1 660 8800/8053, 668 2109 353 (0)1 660 8716 [email protected] 50 Israel ( 972)9-951-0318/22 (972)9-956-9853 [email protected] 51 Italy (39) 06-802461 (39)06-8024-6259 [email protected] 52 Jamaica (1-876) 924-2731, 4198 (1-876) 924-7325 [email protected] 53 Japan (81-3)3452-7611/9 (81-3)3452-7420 54 Jordan (962-6)593-0745~6 962-6)593-0280 [email protected] 55 Kazakhstan 7-727-246-8897,8898 7-727-246-9011 [email protected] 56 Kenya <Mauritius, Somalia> 254-20-361-5000 254-20-374-1337~8 [email protected] 57 Kuwait (965) 2537-8621/2/3 (965) 2537-8628/9 [email protected] 58 Kyrgyzstan (+996)312-57-5923, 57-5974, 56-0271 (+996)312-57-6004 [email protected] 59 Lao PDR 856-21-352-031~3 856-21-352-035 [email protected] 60 Latvia 371-6732-4273 61 Lebanon <Syria> (961)- 5-953167~9 (961)-5-953170 [email protected] 62 Libya (218-21) 483-1322/1323/1326 (218-21) 483-1324 [email protected] [email protected] 15 No Country TEL FAX Email 63 Malaysia (603) 4251-2336 (603) 4252-1425 [email protected] 64 Mexico <Belize> 52-55-5202-9866 52-55-5540-7446 [email protected] 65 Mongolia (976-11) 32-1548 (976-11) 31-1157 [email protected] 66 Morocco <Mauritania> (0537) 75-1767, 6791, 6726, 1966 (0537) 75-0189 [email protected] 67 Mozambique +258 21 495 625 +258 21 495 638 [email protected] 68 Myanmar 95-1-527142~4, 95-1-513286 [email protected] 69 Nepal (977-1) 4270172, 4277391, 4270417 (977-1) 4275485/ 4272041 [email protected] 70 Netherlands 31-70-358-6076 (국내)070-358-6076) 31-70-350-4712 [email protected] 71 New Zealand (64-4)473-9073/4 (64-4)472-3865 [email protected] 72 Nicaragua (505)2254-8110, 8107 (505)2254-8131 [email protected] 73 Nigeria <Liberia, Sierra Leone> 234-(0)9- 461-2701 234-(0)9- 461-2702 [email protected] 74 Norway (47) 22 54 70 90 (47) 22 56 14 11 [email protected] 75 Oman (968)24691490,24691491,2469 1492 (968)24691495 [email protected] 76 Pakistan (92-51) 227-9380/1, 227-9385/6/7 (92-51) 227-9391, 287-3145 [email protected] 77 Palestine 972-2-240-2846/2847 972-2-240-2848 [email protected] 78 Panama 507-264-8203, 8360 507-264-8825 [email protected] 79 Papua New Guinea <Solomon Is.> (675) 321-5822, 5823, 5824 (675) 321-5828 [email protected] 80 Paraguay (595-21) 605-606 (595-21) 601-376 [email protected] 81 Peru (51-1) 632-5000 (51-1) 632-5010 [email protected] 82 Philippines (63-2) 856-9210 (63-2) 856-9008, 9019 [email protected] 83 Poland <Lithuania> (48-22) 559-2900~04 (48-22) 559-2905 [email protected] 84 Portugal 351 21 793 7200 351 21 797 7176 [email protected] 85 Qatar 974-4483-2238~9 974-4483-3264 86 Romania (40-21)230-7198 (40-21)230-7629 16 [email protected] No Country TEL FAX Email 87 Russia <Armenia> (7-495)783-2727 (7-495)783-2777, (7-495)783-2797 [email protected] 88 Rwanda <Burundi> 250-252-577-577 250-252-572-127 [email protected](국문) [email protected](영문) 89 Saudi Arabia 966-11-488-2211 966-11-488-1317 [email protected] 90 Senegal <Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali> (+221) 33 824 06 72 (+221) 33 824 06 95 [email protected] 91 Serbia <Montenegro> 381-11-3674-225 381-11-3674-229 [email protected] 92 Singapore (65) 6256-1188 (65) 6254-3191 [email protected] 93 Slovakia 421 (0) 2 3307 0711 421 (0) 2 3307 0730/31 [email protected] 94 South Africa <Botswana, Lesotho, 012-460-2508/9 012-460-1158 [email protected] Madagascar, Swaziland> 95 Spain 91-353-2000 91-353-2001 [email protected] 96 Sri Lanka <Maldives> (94-11) 2699036-8 (94-11) 269-6699 [email protected] 97 Sudan (249)1-8358-0031~2 (249)1-8358-0025 [email protected] 98 Sweden (46-8) 5458-9400 (46-8) 660-2818 [email protected] 99 Switzerland (41-31) 356-2444 (41-31) 356-2450 [email protected] 100 Taiwan (886)-2-2758-8320∼5 (886)-2-2757-7006 [email protected] 101 Tajikistan 992-44) 600-2114, 9116 992-37) 221-2423 102 Tanzania 255 22 211 6086~8 255 22 211 6099 [email protected] 103 Thailand (662) 247-7537∼39 (662)247-7535 [email protected] 104 Timor-Leste (670) 332 1635 (670) 332 1636 [email protected] 105 Trinidad and Tobago <Barbados> 1-868-622-9081/1069 1-868-628-8745 [email protected] / [email protected] 106 Tunisia (216) 71-799-905 / 71-893-060 (216) 71-791-923 [email protected] 107 Turkey 90-312-468-4821~3 90-312-468-2279 [email protected] 108 Turkmenistan (993-12) 94-72-86~8 109 Uganda 256-414-500-197~8 [email protected] 256-414-500-199 17 [email protected] No Country TEL FAX Email 110 Ukraine <Moldova> (38-044) 46-3759/61 (38-044) 246-3757 [email protected] 111 United Arab Emirates 971-2-6439122 971-2-643-9133 [email protected] 112 United Kingdom(England) 44 (0)20 7227 5500 44 (0)20 7227 5503 [email protected] 113 Uruguay (598) 2628-9374~5 (598) 2628-9376 [email protected] 114 USA 202-939-5600 202-797-0595 115 Uzbekistan 998-71) 252-3151~ 3 998-71) 140 - 0248 [email protected] 116 Venezuela <Guyana, Suriname> (58-212)954-1270/ 1006/1139 (58-212)954-0619 [email protected] 117 Vietnam 84-4) 3831-5110~6 84-4) 3831-5117 [email protected] 118 Yemen 967-1-431-801/4 967-1-431-805 [email protected] 119 Zimbabwe <Malawi, Zambia> (263-4) 756 541/3/4 (263-4) 756554 [email protected] < >는 겸임국 또는 관할국가임 Applicants from those countries in brackets <> have to apply to the concurrent embassy of the applicant's country. Korean Universities TEL FAX (Country code: 82) (Country code: 82) 일반대학원 Grad. Sch. 31-219-2302 31-214-1500 [email protected] 국제대학원 Grad. Sch. of International 31-219-1552 331-219-1554 [email protected] 창원대학교 Changwon National University 55-213-2633 No 1 2 University 아주대학교 Ajou University 전북대학교 3 Email [email protected] 63-270-4382 63-270-2099 [email protected] 62-530-1273 62-530-1269 [email protected] 2-820-5027 2-812-7261 [email protected] Chonbuk National University 전남대학교 4 Chonnam National University 5 중앙대학교 Chung-Ang 일반대학원 Grad. Sch. 18 No University 국제대학원 Grad. Sch. of International University TEL FAX (Country code: 82) (Country code: 82) 2-820-5623 2-821-8652 [email protected] 2-820-5409 2-814-9110 [email protected] 2-820-5038 2-817-4891 [email protected] 43-261-3890 43-268-2068 [email protected] 42-821-8055 42-821-8824 42-823-5875 Email 첨단영상대학원 Grad. Sch. of Advanced Imaging Science, Multimedia & Film 경영전문대학원 Business School 6 충북대학교 Chungbuk National University 7 충남대학교 Chungnam National University [email protected] [email protected] 8 대구대학교 Daegu University 53-850-5035 53-850-5039 9 대전대학교 Daejeon University 42-280-2767 42-280-2124 42-272-8533 10 동아대학교 Dong-A University 51-200-6442~4 11 동국대학교 Dongguk University 2-2260-3439 2-2260-3879 [email protected] 12 동서대학교 Dongseo University 51-320-2746 51-320-2094 [email protected] 13 이화여자대학교 Ewha Womans University [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 일반대학원 Grad. Sch. 2-3277-3817 [email protected] 국제대학원 Grad. Sch. of International 2-3277-3652 [email protected] 14 강릉원주대학교 Gangneung-Wonju National University 33-640-2767 15 광주과학기술원 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 62-715-2054 16 경상대학교 Gyeongsang National University 55-772-0273 19 33-640-2979 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 55-772-0269 [email protected] TEL FAX (Country code: 82) (Country code: 82) 한림대학교 Hallym University 33-248-1341~4 33-248-1349 [email protected] 한동대학교 Handong Global University 54-260-1717 54-260-1780 [email protected] No University 17 18 19 한국외국어대학교 Email [email protected] 2-2173-2387 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 20 21 22 한양대학교 Hanyang University 홍익대학교 Hongik University 인하대학교 Inha University 2-2220-0046 2-2281-1784 [email protected] 일반대학원 Grad. Sch. 2-320-1282 2-320-1251 [email protected] 국제디자인전문대학원 2-320-3189 2-744-6866 [email protected] 국제교류ㆍ홍보실 2-320-1043~4 일반대학원 Grad. Sch. 32-860-8389 32-865-8623 [email protected] [email protected] 물류전문대학원 GSL 32-860-8224 32-860-8226 [email protected] [email protected] 55-336-0225 [email protected] 23 인제대학교 Inje University 55-320-3642 24 제주대학교 Jeju National University 64-754-8242 25 전주대학교 Jeonju University 63-220-2122 63-220-2075 [email protected] 42-350-2352 42-350-2930 [email protected] [email protected] 한국과학기술원 26 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 강원대학교 27 Kangwon National University 춘천 Chuncheon capmus 33-250-7192 [email protected] 삼척 Samcheok campus 33-570-6891 [email protected] 한국개발연구원 국제정책대학원 28 29 KDI School of Public Policy and Management 계명대학교 Keimyung University 44-550-1281 44-550-1223 [email protected] 53-580-6254 53-580-6255 [email protected] 20 No 30 University 공주대학교 TEL FAX (Country code: 82) (Country code: 82) 41-850-8054 41-850-8058 Email [email protected] Kongju National University 31 건국대학교 Konkuk University 2-450-3264 [email protected] 32 건양대학교 Konyang University 41-730-5135 41-730-5132 [email protected] [email protected] 33 국민대학교 Kookmin University 2-910-5811 34 한국산업기술대 Korea Polytechnic University 31-8041-0792 [email protected] 일반대학원 Grad. Sch. 2-3290-1356~8 [email protected] 국제대학원 Grad. Sch. of International 2-3290-1392 [email protected] 41-560-1025 [email protected] 35 36 37 고려대학교 Korea University 한국기술교육대학교 Korea University of Technology and Education (KOREATECH) 금오공과대학교 54-478-7215 2-910-5830 54-478-7222 [email protected] [email protected] Kumoh National Institute of Technology 38 39 40 경기대학교 Kyonggi University 경희대학교 Kyung Hee University [email protected] 31-249-8770 서울캠퍼스 2-961-0121 2-967-6937 국제캠퍼스 31-201-3500 31-204-8118 [email protected] 53-950-6092 53-950-6093 [email protected] 경북대학교 Kyungpook National University 41 경성대학교 kyungsung University 51-663-4064 51-663-4069 [email protected] 42 명지대학교 Myongji University 31-330-6734 31-338-9356 [email protected] 43 배재대학교 Pai Chai University(PCU) 42-520-5234 [email protected] 포항공과대학교 44 Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) 54-279-3782 21 54-279-3788 [email protected] No University 부경대학교 45 TEL FAX (Country code: 82) (Country code: 82) Email [email protected] 51-629-6846 Pukyong National University 46 부산대학교 Pusan National University 51-510-3352 47 상명대학교 Sangmyung University 02-2287-5469 51-510-3851 [email protected] 서울과학기술대학교 48 Seoul National University of Science and Technology [email protected] [email protected] 2-970-9220 49 서울대학교 Seoul National University 2-880-6971 [email protected] 50 신라대학교 Silla University 51-999-5480 [email protected] 51 서강대학교 Sogang University 일반대학원 Grad. Sch. 2-705-8168 2-705-8166 [email protected] 국제대학원 Grad. Sch. of International 2-705-8754 2-705-8755 [email protected] 52 숙명여자대학교 Sookmyung Women's University 2-710-9385 53 순천향대학교 Soonchunhyang University 41-530-1469 41-530-1490 [email protected] 54 숭실대학교 Soongsil University 2-820-0255 2-824-4381 [email protected] [email protected] 55 순천대학교 Sunchon National University 61-750-3141 61-750-3149 [email protected] 56 성균관대학교 Sungkyunkwan University 2-760-0152 57 선문대학교 Sun Moon University 41-530-2602 41-530-2968 [email protected] 58 한국학중앙연구원 The Academy of Korean Studies 31-709-8111 (ext. 211) 31-709-4169 31-709-9946 [email protected] 59 울산과학기술대학교 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST) 52-217-1303 52-217-4124 52-217-4139 22 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] TEL FAX (Country code: 82) (Country code: 82) 과학기술연합대학원대학교 University of Science & Technology 42-865-2334 42-865-2412 42-864-5554 61 서울시립대학교 University Of Seoul 2-6490-6663 2-6490-6664 [email protected] 62 울산대학교 University of Ulsan 52-220-5957 52-224-2061 [email protected] 63 원광대학교 Wonkwang University 63-850-5771 63-850-5753 [email protected] 64 우송대학교 Woosong University 42-630-9363 65 영남대학교 Yeungnam University 53-810-7884 53-810-4702 [email protected] 일반대학원 Graduate Sch. 2-2123-3227 2-2123-8652 [email protected] 국제학대학원 Grad Sch. of International Studies 2-2123-3293 2-2123-8653 [email protected] 경영전문대학원 Grad. Sch. of Business 2-2123-3254 2-2123-8639 [email protected] 2-2123-6204 2-2123-8656 [email protected] No University 60 66 연세대학교 Yonsei University [email protected] 23 [email protected] [email protected] 사회복지대학원 Grad. Sch. of Social Welfare Email 2015 KGSP Graduate Program FAQ <QUALIFICATION> 1. I am going to finish my master's course in Korea by August 2015. Am I eligible for application to this program? No, you are not eligible for application to this program. According to the Guideline No. 7, Applicants who have enrolled in or graduated from a university in Korea will be disqualified from applying to the KGSP program. Specifically, an applicant who has previously enrolled in or graduated from an undergraduate program, a master's program, or a doctoral program (including exchange program) (anyone who has ever hold D-2 visa in Korea) cannot apply for this program. However, Applicant who has experienced an exchange program in Korea only for previous academic courses graduation, and if it was mandatory for his or her graduation of degree program; thus could submit official explanation from the attended institution can apply for this KGSP program. And, a KGSP scholar who has graduated or will graduate from a Korean university as of August 31st, 2015 can apply for this program again only via the embassy if only he/she holds at least TOPIK Level 4 and obtain another recommendation within the allotment from the Korean Embassy of his/her respective country of origin (re-application is limited to one instance). In addition, Korean adoptees who have graduated in one of Korean universities can apply via Korean Embassy. 2. I am going to finish my master's course in August 2015. May I apply for the 2015 KGSP Ph.D. program? If you submit a certificate of expected graduation officially issued from the university at which you have enrolled, you can apply for the 2015 KGSP. However, you cannot apply if your school does not issue an official certificate of expected graduation by the application deadline. If you are selected as a final KGSP grantee, you must submit the official certificate of graduation to NIIED by August 31st, 2015. No submission of the official certificate in time will cause the cancelation of your scholarship qualification. 3. I am going to get my master's degree in September 2015. May I apply for the 2015 Ph.D. program? No, you can't. Only those who are expected to get a master's degree by August 31st, 2015 are eligible for the 2015 Ph.D. program. You may apply for the 2016 Ph.D. program. 4. I am getting the GKS scholarship for self-funded students of excellence. May I apply for this program? No, you can't. Only KGSP scholars who have at least TOPIK Level 4 can apply for this program again if they are re-recommended by the Korean embassy within a quota of that in their country of origin. 1 <DOCUMENTS> 5. May I apply for the program through the NIIED directly? No, you can't. APPLICATIONS MUST BE MADE TROUGH the 1st SELECTION INSTITUTIONS. Please refer to the following guidelines: ※NIIED and Foreign embassies in Korea are not 1st Selection Institutions and do not accept applications. ※NIIED accepts and judges only the candidates recommended by the 1st Selection Institutions. (Guideline 11) 6. When is the deadline for application? The exact deadline will be decided by the 1st Selection Institutions. It will be around mid-March. You must ask your respective 1st Selection Institution regarding its specific deadline directly. Please refer to the following guidelines: ※Deadline of Submission: The date set forth by the 1st Selection Institutions within March 2015 ※Deadline for the recommendation of candidates to NIIED by the 1st Selection Institutions is April 10th, 2015. ※If the respective 1st Selection Institutions do not submit their candidates' documents to NIIED on time, they will be excluded from the examination of NIIED Selection Committee, and their quotas will be substituted by the other 1st Institutions' reserve candidates. (Guideline 11) 7. Where can I submit my application? Basically, applicants submit their applications to one of the 1st selection institutions. The 1st selection institutions should be overseas Korean embassies and designated Korean universities. Before deciding on your 1st selection institution, you have to carefully read the 2015 KGSP Graduate Guideline for Application, which is posted in the GKS website(; it is better to examine the Application Guideline first, and then decide to which institution you will submit your application. You can submit your application to only one institution. 8. I am a Korean adoptee who has a foreign nationality. Where can I submit my application for the KGSP graduate program? First, you have to check whether your country is allotted the adoptee quota in the Application Guideline. If your country is allotted the adoptee quota, you can submit your application only to the Korean Embassy in your country. There is a special portion of scholarship support reserved for Korean adoptees (total 17 grantees in 2015). Also, Korean adoptees can apply for this program even if you have experience of studying in one of the Korean Universities in Korea. 9. Should I submit the certificates of language proficiency (English or Korean) when I apply for the KGSP? 2 The certificate of English proficiency (TOEFL or IELTS) or Korean proficiency (TOPIK) is optional for the KGSP. That is to say, you can apply for the KGSP whether you have it or not, but you may be preferred in the selection if you submit it or your 1st selection institution may ask you to submit it to review. In addition, when you apply for admission to your desired universities after passing the 2nd selection round (the NIIED judging committee), you might be requested to submit a certificate of language proficiency to the specific department to which you applied. In that case, the language certificate is a required document for the admission to your degree program. 10. What should I fill out in the Transcript section of〔Personal Data〕? You can fill out only your GPA which you obtained each semester or term. If you completed three terms in one year, you can fill out each GPA in the respective three blanks ( / ). Your GPA will be posted in the front of slash (/), and the full GPA will be posted in the rear of slash (/). Please refer to the example: School Year 1styear 2ndyear 3rdyear 4thyear 평균평점 (GPA) Term 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Bachelor 3.5 /4. 0 3.5 /4. 0 / 3.5 /4. 0 3.5 /4. 0 / 3.5 /4. 0 3.5 /4. 0 / 3.5 /4. 0 3.5 /4. 0 / Master / / / / / / / / / / / / 3.5/4.0 환산점수 (converted score)/100 90/100 11. How many recommendation letters should I submit? Only one for most applicants. It should be requested and received from one of the professors in your previously attended academic institution. However, you might submit an additional recommendation letter if your applying university department requires two recommendation letters. In that case, you can submit all the recommendation letters to your 1st institution. If you apply for this program via a Korean embassy and pass the 2nd selection round, NIIED will send all your documents to your applying universities. 12. Should I write down a specific proposal in the study plan? If you have concrete ideas, it's much better you can make a proposal in the study plan. If you don't make a specific proposal, instead, you'd better state your goal, study plan, your future direction, etc. 13. According to the Guideline, I have to submit one original document package and three photocopied document packages. How can I photocopy my transcript and recommendation letter? They are already sealed by the issuing school and the recommender. You have only to submit only the original document without the photocopied ones if a specific document is sealed by the issuing institution or individual. The 1stSelection institution is supposed to make 3 photocopies of the sealed document and send them to NIIED after the 1st selection. If not, you must submit one original copy and three photocopies, which must be certified to be the same as the original copy by the 3 issuing institution, the selection institution, or notary's offices. Please refer to the following guidelines: ※In case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original to the 1st Selection Institution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated. The confirmation of collation should be indicated in the photocopied documents. 14. If my documents are not written in English or in Korean, how should I submit them? KGSP requires that all documents must be translated into Korean or English, and then be authenticated by the issuing institution or by a notary's office. If your country has joined the apostille system, your documents can be apostilled. Please refer to the following guidelines: ※Documents should be presented in their original form. Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution. (Guideline 11) 15. I am Japanese but I am working in Vietnam. May I apply for the program through the Korean Embassy in Vietnam? Sorry, but you can't. You should apply for the program through the Korean Embassy in Japan. In addition, the Korean diplomatic missions of the countries where scholarships are not available are not empowered for selection of the candidates of the program. 16. I have the Chinese citizenship. According to the Guideline, there are only the university quotas in China. Therefore, should I apply for the program via the Korea Embassy? According to the mutual agreement between Korea and China, Chinese applicants should submit their application to China Scholarship Council (CSC) affiliated with Ministry of Education in China. You can contact the person in charge in CSC. (Beijing). Czech applicants should also submit the application to their Ministry of Education according to the mutual agreement. 17. I am American living in Los Angeles, United States. I am going to apply for the program via the Korea Embassy. How should I submit my application to the Embassy in Washington. D.C.? Under the discussion between NIIED and the Embassy, you can submit your application to your nearest Korea Consulate. In case of you, you can submit it to the Korea Consulate in LA. Embassy in Washington and regional Consulates in the United States will cooperate to select the prospective candidates. It's available only in the United States. <UNIVERSITY ADMISSION> 18. When I apply for a master's or doctoral program, may I choose any field of study in my desired program? Basically, you can choose a field of study only listed in University Information, and it 4 should be the same major as your previous degree course. For example, it is recommended that you apply for the economics program for your master's course if you majored in economics in your undergraduate course. If you apply for a program that is totally different from the major field of study in your previous degree course, you may not get admission to the program to which you apply under the KGSP. We strongly recommend that you make inquiries to your desired university of the major in advance. 19. How many majors and universities can I apply for admission? You have to apply for only one major in a university if you apply via a domestic university. On the other hand, you have to apply for up to three universities (one major for each university) if you apply for via a Korean embassy. Please refer to these guidelines: ※Eligible Universities: The 66 listed universities (or institutions) as designated by NIIED. Applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for this program via Korean Embassies must choose 3 desired universities out of the 66 universities listed below. Applicants who apply for this program via the designated universities may choose only 1 desired university out of the 66 universities. ※Available Fields of Study: Applicants must choose their desired fields of study from the listed programs in the University Information. (Guideline 3) 20. I am from Vietnam and I want to apply for Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering. Is it a better choice if I apply to regional university? Partially, yes. We have separated the quota for Natural Science and Engineering in regional universities this year. Since Vietnam is one of the countries that this quota is applied, 7 from 10 candidates are selected regardless their major and university and the rest 3 would ONLY be from Natural Science and Engineering in regional universities so you might have higher chance of being selected for this program. 21. I am from Malaysia. Can I apply for a major in Natural Science and Technology to one of university in the list of regional university in Natural Science and Engineering? Yes. You can apply to any major from those 66 universities in the list. However, for Malaysian applicants, 6 from 8 scholars are selected first regardless their major and 2 more will be selected only from those who have applied for Natural Science and Engineering in regional universities. You have no limits regarding major when you apply for this program. 22. I am going to apply for the program via the Korea Embassy in my country. Application guidelines say that applicants should choose up to 3 preferred universities and departments (or majors). I have no idea how to choose them. Could you give me any good tips for choosing my 3 universities? 5 For information on the universities available for 2015 KGSP scholars, you must refer to the attachments named 'Guidelines for 2015 KGSP University Admission' and '2015 KGSP University Information'. After reading them through, please contact and get consultation from university staff in charge of admissions. It is advisable to choose universities suitable for your abilities and disposition. Some universities are very competitive and many candidates do not get admission from those universities. It is strongly recommended that you should choose three different levels of universities to avoid not getting admission from any university. For reference, about 60 graduate program candidates in 2014 were not accepted to our KGSP scholarship grantee finally due to the failure of getting admission. <KOREAN LANGUAGE COURSE> 23. Is it mandatory for all KGSP grantees to pass at least Level 3 in TOPIK after one year of Korean Language Course? Yes, it is and this is mandatory. If a grantee does not attain at least Level 3 in TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) after one year of language course, he/she cannot start his/her degree course and must take an additional 6 months' language course. If he/she does not get at least Level 3 in TOPIK after the additional 6 months' course, his/her scholarship will be cancelled. In addition, the placement of Korean language institution is up to NIIED with NIIED's rules and standards. Scholars are supposed to stay at the dorm with a roommate during Korean language learning period, and they are not allowed to change their Korean language institution. Thus, scholars are not supposed to bring family members for their language learning period. 24. Can I be exempted from the Korean Language Course? If you have attained at Level 5 or Level 6 in TOPIK, you can be exempted from the language course and you must start your degree course in the immediately coming semester under the permission of NIIED. You can also receive 100,000 won as an additional scholarship every month only after starting your degree course. <Degree Course> 25. May I change my final choice of a university for a graduate degree during the preliminary Korean language course? No way. Once the announcement of the final successful candidates has been made, changing universities is NOT ALLOWED REGARDLESS OF ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Therefore, please pay attention and caution when choosing preferred universities and filling out the application forms in which you should state your choice. Please refer to these guidelines: ※Transferring to a different university after confirming the host university is not 6 permitted in any cases. In regards to changing majors, it would be permitted only under the mutual agreement of the departments concerned only within the same university, with the scholarship period unchanged. (2 years of Master's, or 3 years of doctoral, in total). However, quitting a program and applying for a new one is not permitted. (Guideline 11) 26. Is it possible to extend my scholarship for my dissertation composition even after my scholarship period is terminated. No. You may not. Since 2012 (definitely 2015 KGSP graduate scholars), all KGSP graduate scholars cannot extend your scholarship after the termination of scholarship period (2 years of Master's, or 3 years of doctoral, except the Korean language period). 7