Bulletin of the College of Science, University of the Ryukyus
Bulletin of the College of Science, University of the Ryukyus
【琉球大学理学部紀要】 【Bulletin of the College of Science, University of the Ryukyus】 Title Author(s) Citation Issue Date URL Rights Zonation of Intertidal Organisms and Community Structure of Small Animals Associated with Patches of the Mussel Mytilus edulis L. along the Rocky Coast of Dinard, Brittany, France Tsuchiya, Makoto; Retiere, Christian 琉球大学理学部紀要 = Bulletin of the College of Science. University of the Ryukyus(54): 47-81 1992-10 http://ir.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/handle/123456789/13169 Bull. Coll. Sci., Univ. Ryukyus, No. 54: 47-81 (1992) 47 Zonation of Intertidal Organisms and Community Structure of Small Animals Associated with Patches of the Mussel Mytilus edulis L. along the Rocky Coast of Dinard, Brittany, France Makoto Tsuchiya* and Christian RetiBre Laboratoire Maritime de Dinard, Museum National dUistoire Naturelle, 17 Avenue George V, 35800 Dinard, France Abstract A marked zonation pattern was recognized on the rocky intertidal along the coast of Dinard, Brittany, France. Patella spp., Gibbula spp. and balanoid barnacles showed a habitat segregation in terms of vertical distribution. The community structure of small animals associated with various sized patches of Mytilus edulis ("Mytilus islands") was analyzed at two tidal levels and differences in the species composition were found. At both levels, the species richness and number of individuals increased with patch size, but the species density (number of species/patch area) decreased. the absolute density (number of individuals/patch area) On the other hand, was relatively constant irre spective of patch size. This was due to the great abundance of small barnacles such as Chthamalus monlagui, Balanus balanoides and Elminius modestus, which were attached to the Mytilus shells, and the small bivalve Lasaea rubra. show any trend with patch size, but equitability (J') Species diversity decreased. (H') did not The importance of micro spatial characteristics in discussion of species diversity is emphasized. Introduction It is well known that very large tides, about 13 m in amplitude during occur in the Gulf of Saint-Malo, Brittany, France. spring tides, Although a great number of ecological works on the distribution and community structure of rocky intertidal organisms have been conducted along the coast of Great Britain (see a review by Lewis, 1964), it is surprising that not much comparable information is available for the French coast. Crisp and South ward (1958) reported the distribution of intertidal organisms along the coasts of the English Channel, including the French side, and Richoux (1967) reported the distributional pattern of crevice fauna littorinids has also been with reference to the tidal level. The distributional pattern of studied (Daguzon, 1976). Numerous studies concern the distribution and the zonation of intertidal species along the French coasts of La Manche (Audouin & Milne-Edwards, 1892; Beauchamp, 1914; Fischer-Piette, 1932, 1934, 1936; Fischer-Piette & Gaillard, 1956; Davy de Virville, 1940; Crisp & Fischer-Piette, 1959; Plessis, 1961; Gaillard, 1965; Ancellin et al., 1969) and more precisely of Le Golfe de Saint-Malo (Vaillant, 1870; Beauchamp & Lami, 1921; Beauchamp, 1923; Fisher-Piette, 1926, 1928; Hamel, 1928; Hamel & Lami, 1930; Joubin, 1929; Hatton, 1938). Crevice fauna was also described (Retiere & Richoux, 1973). Nevertheless, current information on the zonation pattern and community structure of intertidal organisms is generally lacking. The senior author had an opportunity to visit rocky shores in Brittany as an exchange Accepted : August 4, 1992. •Permanent address: Department of Biology, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-01, Japan 48 Makoto TSUCHIYA • Christian RETIERE researcher in a cooperative research project between the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 1988 and to study two aspects of their intertidal ecology, i.e. 1) to describe the zonation pattern of rocky intertidal organisms, mainly around Dinard, and 2) to analyze the community structure of small animals associated with patches of the mussel Mylilus edulis. M. edulis has been the subject of various biological investigations (see Bayne, 1976). It has been known that mussel beds harbour a variety of small animals (Hewatt, 1935), but no attention has been paid to the mussel bed community (Seed, 1976). bed communities have been subjects of several workers Recently, mussel (Bellan-Santini, 1963; Suchanek, 1979, 1985; Tsuchiya & Nishihira, 1985, 1986; Tsuchiya et al., 1989b; Tsuchiya & Bellan- Santini, 1989). The structure of the mussel community (mussels plus associated animals), which is designated as "Mytilus island" (Tsuchiya & Nishihira, 1985), has not been well studied and studies on the dynamic processes within the community are completely lacking. Because mussel beds develop all over the world, comparative studies on this community should be useful for discussions not only of intertidal community ecology but also commu nity ecology in general. Secondary space created by animals or plants plays an important role in increasing species diversity by supporting environmental heterogeneity. In this sense, the mussel bed system is a good model for the analysis of community organization processes because Mytilus is easy to handle and the degree of heterogeneity can be manipulated. Communities developing on algal growths have been investigated (Prenant, 1923; Benard, 1960; L'Hardy, 1962; Herberts, 1964; Haage & Jansson, 1983). 1970; Hazlett & Seed, 1976; Gunnill, 1982, Although we found interesting subjects of the communities on the rocky shore of Dinard, we had not enough time to study them. In the present study, therefore, discussion is focussed mainly on the zonation pattern of rocky intertidal organisms and structure of mussel bed communities. Study area and Methods Nine stations (Sts. 1 — 9) were selected for a study of the vertical distribution of in tertidal shore organisms along the rocky coast of Dinard, Brittany, France (Fig. 1). survey was conducted from the middle of July to late August, 1988. The In order to determine the effect of shore elevation, expressed as the vertical distance from mean low water of spring tides (M.L.W.S.), on the vertical distribution pattern of the intertidal organisms, the density of macrobenthic animals and algal cover within 25 cm x 25 cm or 10 cm x 10 cm quadrats was surveyed along a transect line placed perpendicularly to the shore line at each station. The smaller quadrat was used only for counting the small barnacles such as Chthamalus spp. Balanus balanoides* and Elminius modestus. The survey was conducted at intervals of several meters, and the quadrats were placed on both sides of each study point along the transect line. Sea level was recorded several times at each station during the study period and then M.L.W.S. was determined with reference to a tide table. At Sts. 2 and 4, many patches or dense beds of Mytilus edulis were found. At St. 4, 'Newman & Ross (1976) proposed a new taxonomic system for the balanomorph barnacles. separated Balanus balanoides from other Balanus species and placed in the genus Semibaianus. They Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard A^ 49 Sti Laboratoire Maritime de Dinard Primel-Tregastel / I _A „ , StMalo Fig. 1. Map of study site. 60 patches of various sizes, 30 from around mean tide level (M.T.L.) and 30 lower ones from 5m above M.L.W.S., were measured for length, width and height and then scraped off fully with a spatula during the daytime low tide. The size of mussels was recorded and the associated animals were identified and counted in each patch. The size of the crab Carcinus maenas, which occurred in many patches, and the amount each patch were also measured. of sediment in The rock surfaces from which the patches of mussels had been removed were surveyed again about one month later and any newly invading animals were counted. Qualitative observations on the intertidal organisms were also made at several other places in Brittany, including Roscoff, Primel-Tregastel, Saint-Malo, Saint-Lunaire (La Garde Guerin), Carnac and Vannes (Fig. 1). Results 1. Tide and temperature conditions According to the tide tables of 1988, a maximum of about 13 m tidal amplitude was shown in March, August and September, while the tidal amplitude was lower in May, June, December and January. A marked semi-diurnal tide was recognized. During the study period (July 11 —Aug.30,1988), a minimum tidal amplitude of 4.5 m was recorded on July 24 and it increased rapidly to 12 m on August 1. The range between the twice daily high and low waters decreases on passing from spring to neap tides. Water and air temperatures, which have been measured in every Monday morning by staffs in the "Laboratoire Maritime de Dinard", fluctuate 7 — 18*0 and 3 — 19*C, respec- Makoto TsucHIYA * Christian Retiere 50 tively (Unpublished data). 2. Vertical distribution of intertidal organisms St. 1 (Fig. 2): This station, with a lower intertidal boulder shore, was situated on a relatively exposed shore at Saint-Enogat. Among the 9 stations surveyed, this was the only one with an entirely rocky intertidal zone from the littoral fringe to around extreme low water of spring tides (E.L.W.S.); sandy bottoms were present around the low water mark at the other stations. CZZ] 0 50 100 °/o cover 0 16 50 100 Na/0.125m2 * 0 100 200 No./100cm2 K MHWS.- ~ 10 E - MIL- M.LWS- 0 Fig. 2. Vertical distribution of rock}' intertidal organisms at St. 1. The coverage of the yellow lichen Xanlhoria parielina was not patchy distribution about 15 m above M.L.W.S. Light green high and it had a Enteromorpha sp. and the black lichen Verrucaria maura occurred above the mean high water of spring tide (M.H.W. S.). The zonation pattern of seaweeds was remarkable, canaliculata, Lichina pygtnaea, Fucus spiralis, Laurencia i.e. Enteromorpha sp., Pelvetia sp., Fucus vesiculosus, Fucus serratus, Sargassum muticum and Laminaria saccharina were seen sequentially from the high to low intertidal. species of Around the low tide mark, other algae such as Codium, a second Enteromorpha, and Himanlhalia elongata were also seen. The brown alga S. muticum was growing abundantly below M.L.W.S. on a sandy bottom with many boulders. L. saccharina was also seen there. Large rock pools at the low tide level were occupied by S. muticum. Hydrozoans were common on the lower intertidal algae. In narrow crevices around M.H.W.S., and nowhere else, small numbers of the periwinkle Melaraphe neritoides were found. Another periwinkle, Littorina saxatiiis, was also found there, but it was distributed down to around M.T.L., with its highest density of 125/0.125 m2 at around the 9 m level. From 9 to 4 m, a marked barnacle zone was seen, the upper Zonation and Mylilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard 51 part being dominated by Chthamalus montagui and the lower by Balanus balanoides. the middle of the Balanus zone, a small number of Chthamalus stellatus was found. limpets Patella vulgata and Patella spp. (i.e. P. aspera and P. depressa, In The indistinguishable in the field) and the mussel Mytilus edulis occurred within this level and barnacles were found on these animals too. Sometimes these shells were completely covered by barnacles. In the Balanus zone the gastropods Gibbula umblicalis and Nucella lapillus were common. A habitat segregation between G. umblicalis and G. cineraria, was recognized. The former species was found on rocks at the 3.5 —8m level, while the latter was common on Fucus serratus growing at 1—5m. Another species of Gibbula, G. magus, was collected from the lower shore, around M.L.W.S. The periwinkle Littorina littoralis was also found on the Fucus serratus. Qualitative observations around this station were also conducted. Two crab species, Carcinus maenas and Cancer pagurus, were found under boulders or algae, and the sea anemones Anemonia sulcata and Actinia sp., the slipper limpet some ascidians Crepidula formicata, and were also common. St. 2 (Fig 3) was just inside the small bay of Saint-Enogat where a sand flat occupied the lower intertidal. 0 0 14 " .. " S 3 as « 8 § £ « 0 —* = 50 100 °/e cover 50 100 No/0125 m2 100 No./100 cm 2 KHWSH 10 8 jj M.TL6 20 60 m M.L.WS.- Fig. 3. Vertical distribution of rocky intertidal organisms at St. 2. Xanthoria parietina was not found here but a Verrucaria zone was conspicuous. Around M.T.L., 6.8 m above M.L.W.S., the two barnacle species Chthamalus montagui and Balanus balanoides co-occurred and we could not find any trends in their micro-distribution pattern in small quadrat. Many patches of the brown alga Pelvetia canaliculata were seen at the 8 —9 m level and Littorina saxatilis was common at the 5—8 m level. Small numbers of Patella vulgata were found in the Pelvetia zone and the gastropod Monodonta lineala was seen at the 6—9 m level. The zone below M.T.L. was dominated by Mylilus edulis and Makoto Tsuchiya • Christian 52 brown algae such as Fucus vesiculosus, F. serratus and Ascophyllum nodosum. was found not only on rock surfaces but also on Mytilus shells. F. vesiculosus Among the algae, several gastropods, Nucella lapillus, Gibbula cineraria, Liltorina litloralis, and L. littorea, were found. Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus serratus densely covered rock surfaces in the more inner part of this bay. Many empty balanoid shells were found beneath these algae. On the sandy tidal flat, the bivalve Mactra solida was abundant. Many empty shells of Crepidula fornicata were seen on the sand flat together with living ones knocked off from the rock surface. St. 3 (Fig. 4) was on the east side of the bay entrance at Saint-Enogat. by various algal species including Laurencia sp., Enteromorpha sp., The coverage Rhodymenia sp., Fucus serratus was high in the lower part of the rocky intertidal, with 100 the F. serratus at the 3 — 3.5 m level. % and cover by Fucus vesiculosus and F. spiralis were not seen along the transect line. 50 100 °/o cover ~ 50 16 100 No/0.125 m2 100 Na/100 cm2 M.H.WS- 10 M.TL6 M.L.WS- 20 60 m 0 Fig. 4. Among the Vertical distribution of rocky intertidal organisms at St. 3. Chthamalus montagui dominating the upper intertidal M.T.L., Littorina saxatilis was abundant, while the lower dominated by Balanus balanoides among which Elminius also seen at low densities. barnacles. tidal. intertidal from M.H.W.S. to was overwhelmingly modestus and The shells of Patella vulgata were also C. stellalus were covered by small Its congeners, Patella aspera and P. depressa, were common in the lower inter Monodonta lineata was distributed around the 9 was abundant below M.T.L. hangings or in crevices. m level and Gibbula umblicalis Aggregations of Nucella lapillus were seen under rock over- There were many boulders at the 2 — 3 m level, the boundary between the sand flat and rocky substratum, and Littorina littorea was found under them. In the rock pools around M.T.L., marked growths of Enteromorpha sp. and Corallina Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard sp. were found. were Among them, Gibbula umblicalis, Mytilus edulis and 53 Anemonea sulcata seen. St. 4 (Fig 5) was about 100m east of St. 3, but had different faunal characteristics. Mytilus edulis, which was scarce at St. 3, was abundant at this station and was patchly distributed around its lower and higher limits, with dense beds in the central part. Com paring with St. 3, Patella vulgata was less abundant, while Patella spp. were more abun dant. and The distribution areas of these species were similar to St. 3. lower intertidal balanoides, were dominated by barnacles, Chthamalus Again, the upper montagui and Balanus respectively. Littorina saxatilis was mainly restricted to the upper intertidal. The species composition of the macroalgae was similar to that of St. 3, but the coverage was lower. St. 3. The density of Elminius modestus was also relatively higher at St. 4 than at Sargassum muticum was present and Actinia and Corallina were common in rock pools at the 8 m level. Monodonta lineata and Patella vulgata aggregated just above the water line of these rock pools. St. 5 (Fig 6): This is at the entrance of a bay at Dinard, with a wide sand flat. The distribution pattern of barnacles was very similar to that at St. 4 and Elminius modestus was more abundant. Littorina saxatilis was less abundant than at Sts. 1, 3 and 4, and had its highest density at the 5 —8 m level. Mytilus edulis was also scanty. umblicalis was common and small algae were found in the lower intertidal. part of the rocky intertidal, adjoining the vesiculosus and F. serratus. faces here and there. sand flat was 60 — 70 % covered by Fucus The sponge Hymeniacidon sanguinea also covered rock sur Ascophyllum, Corallina and Codium were seen. rock pools, Sargassum muticum, Anemonea sulcata, and In lower intertidal Gibbula cineraria were common. CZ) Fig. 5. Gibbula The lowest 0 0 50 100 % cover 50 100 No./0.125m2 Vertical distribution of rocky intertidal organisms at St. 4. 54 Makoto TSUCMYA • Christian RETlfcRE 0 0 50 100 c/o cover 50 100 No./0.125 m2 0 100No./100cm2 M.H.WS- M.LWS- Fig. 6. Vertical distribution of rocky intertidal organisms at St. 5. 0 0 50 100 Vo cover 50 100 Na/0.125 m2 0 100 Na/100 cm2 Fig. 7. Vertical distribution of rocky intertidal organisms at St. 6. Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard 55 St. 6 (Fig. 7): Around M.H.W.S., Verrucaria maura was abundant. The coverages of Fucus spiralis and Enteromorpha sp. were highest around the 8 m level and the 5 — 8 m level, respectively. Littorina saxatilis was extremely abundant and aggregated in crevices, but it was unexpectedly scarce at the 8 m level. than at the other stations. Chthamalus montagui was less abundant Balanus balanoides was abundant around the 6 m level and small numbers of Mytilus edulis and Patella spp. were also found. The area below the 5 m level was a sandy or boulder shore with little flora and fauna. The boulders were observed to be rolled easily by wave action. St. 7 (Fig. 8): Although this station was very close to St. 6, Enteromorpka sp., which were abundant at St. 6, were lacking. Fucus spiralis and Small numbers of Littorina nigrolineata were found at Sts. 6 and 7. Balanus balanoides dominated the 4 — 8 m level and small numbers of Mytilus edulis and Patella vulgata were also found in the Balanus zone. Patella spp. were abundant in the lower part of the Balanus zone and their shells were covered by barnacles. were conspicuous. Sometimes the limpets were seen to forage and their scars Monodonta lineata was scarce along the transect, but it was abundant about 20 m away, with a maximum density of > 18/25 x 25 orf. In empty shells of Chthamalus montagui and B. Littorina saxatilis were found together with the small balanoides at isopod the 8—10 Campecopea m hirsuta. level, The abundance of the isopod was surveyed using a 10 cm x 10 cm quadrat around the 9 m level dominated by C. montagui with a small number of B. balanoides (Table 1). Most of barnacles were alive most and 9 — 23 empty shells per 100 cnf were found. The abundant small animal found in the empty shells was Littorina saxatilis, a maximum of 5 0 0 50 100 % cover 50 100 NO./0.125 m2 0 100No./100cm2 Fig. 8. Vertical distribution of rocky intertidal organisms at St. 7. 56 Makoto TsucHIYA • Christian RETIERE Table 1. Density of littorinids and an isopod, Campecopea hirsuta, in empty barnacle shells in the bar nacle zone where coverage of Chthamaltis montagui and Balanus balanoides was >90%. Littorina saxatilis was found both in the empty shells and among the barnacles. Number of assosiated animals/100 erf Number of barnacles/'100 cnf No Chthamaltis Balanus monlagui balanoides empty shelles* Littorina saxatilis Melarapke inside outside neritoides Campecopea hinura (range in single empty shells) 8 (0-2) 1 416 16 16(11) 7 0 0 2 392 17 9 (1) 8 3 2 0 3 483 33 15 (2) 19 1 3 4 (0-2) 4 388 9 13 (2) 17 1 0 5 (0-3) 5 404 38 15 (0) 32 3 6 6 (0-4) 6 510 60 14 (0) 22 0 0 2 (0-1) 7 451 42 15 (2) 25 6 0 0 8 459 36 23 (0) 26 2 2 7 (0-2) 9 423 26 23 (1) 33 3 0 9 (0-3) 10 463 91 19 (3) 42 1 0 2 (0-2) * Mostly composed of C. montagui individuals occurring in a single empty shell, and a small number of Melaraphe neritoides was also seen. Campecopea hirsuta was frequently found as a heterosexual pair, and young specimens also occurred. C. hirsuta sometimes occurred alone in shells and co-occurred with one or more periwinkles. St. 8 (Fig. 9): The innermost part of a small bay was surveyed. This station was characterized by a scarcity of Chthamalus montagui, Mytilus edulis and Patella spp. and by marked growths of several algal species. Among the latter, the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum was very abundant, attaining a 100 % coverage at the 6—8 m level. Fucus spi- ralis and F. vesiculosus also had high coverage values respectively just above and below the Ascophyllum zone. part of this bay. Such abundant algal growths were seen around the entire inner Balanus balanoides was less abundant than at the other stations, while Elminius modestus, which was found on rocks covered by F. spiralis and A. nodosum, had a relatively higher density than at the other stations. Littorina littoralis was common on leaves of Ascophyllum, F. serratus, and F. vesiculosus. The bivalve Cardium edule was abundant on the sandy-mud flat of the inner part of the bay. St. 9 (Fig. 10): A wide range of rocky intertidal from E.H.W.S to M.L.W.S. was surveyed. The density of Chthamalus montagui was low, while Balanus balanoides had an extremely high density especially around the 8 m level. Elminius modestus, distributed similarly to B. balanoides, was also abundant just below the Balanus zone, in the 3.5 — 4 m level. survey. This was the highest density (143/100 cnf) of E. modestus observed in this The species richness of algae was high in cineraria, Balanus crenatus, Littorina littoralis, and the lower intertidal and Gibbula Calliostoma zizyphinum were found among algae. Several patches of Sargassum muticum, 10 —20m in size, were seen in the shallow subtidal. Fucus serratus was abundant below the 6 m level, and it also was seen in rock pools around the 8 m level together with Corallina and Codium. Qualitative observations on the intertidal organisms were conducted at several places Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertjdal of Dinard cm = 0 0 0 Fig. 9. 57 50 100 Vcover 50 100 Na/0125 100No./100cm2 Vertical distribution of rocky intertidal organisms at St. 8, 0 0 50 100 °/o cover 50 100 No./0.125m2 ^ 0 JOONa/IOOcm2 14 MHWS- 10 - MTL-j I 6 2 M.LWSd Fig. 10. Vertical distribution of rocky intertidal organisms at St. 9. 58 Makoto TSUCHIYA • Christian RETlfeRE in Brittany, shown in Fig. 1. A similar distribution pattern of intertidal organisms was recognized everywhere and the vertical distribution of each species was seen to be affected by the tidal regime at each place. growth, and some algal Wave exposure also affected vertical distribution and and animal species, such as Ascophyllum nodosum, Himanthalia elongata and Elminius modestus, had a tendency to occur in sheltered areas such as the inner part of bays. 3. Structure of mussel bed community Mylilus edulis was abundant at Sts. 2 and 4, and many patches were found around M.T.L. and the 5 m level at St. 4 central part of its vertical range. (Fig. 11), where dense beds were also seen in the In order to analyze the effects of patch size and tidal level on the community structure of small animals associated with the patches, 60 patches, 30 from around M.T.L. and 30 at the 5 m level, were investigated. Although algal growth was observed on some patches, we selected patches without algae in order to exclude the effect of the algal growths on the community. grooves as attachment sites. Long patches formed along Most mussel patches used rock crevices or Solitary Mytilus was common, also occurring on crevices. crevices or grooves. We selected elliptical patches for this study. Structure of Mytilus edulis patches At the higher level (M.T.L.) of St. 4, mussels of all patches except for three small ones (Nos. 19, 22 and 24) had a similar size structure, i.e. they showed a bimodal size distribution (Fig. 12a). Like the patches collected at higher level, two modes were also found in the size distribution of the mussels at the lower level (5 m above M.L.W.S.) (Fig. 12b), but the number of small individuals was larger than at notable in patch of Nos. 1 — 5, 8, 11 and 13. the higher level. This was especially The mussels could be divided into two size classes even in the 2 smallest patches which had been considered at first to be solitary individual since the small mussels accompanying them were hidden at the time of sampling. Each patch included such components as byssus threads, shell fragments including Mylilus and other molluscan species, sediment, and associated animals. Both the amount of sediment including shell fragments and the amount per patch area increased with patch size at both tide levels (Fig. 13). Animals associated with Mytilus patches Table 2 shows the species composition of small animals found in each patch collected around M.T.L. Lasaea rubra, Balanus balanoides, Elminius modestus, Hyale nilsoni and Anurida maritima were abundant in many patches. Only one individual of B. balanoides was collected in the medium-sized patch, No. 10, where E. modestus and A. maritima were also not found. Even in the smallest patch, No. 30, 8 individuals of L. rubra were found, but no other species occurred. During the sampling process, several specimens of A. maritima tended to escape to the surrounding area. We collected carefully the escaped specimens too. This species was common in many patches, nevertheless several medium-sized patches lacked it. Sphaeroma serratum was not found in the 4 largest patches, Nos. 1—4, but it was rather common in medium-sized patches. Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard Fig. 11. 59 Patches of the mussel Mytilus edulis. a: The limpet Patella spp. were abundant around the patches and the barnacle Balanus balanoides covered not only the rock surface but also the Mytilus shells with high coverage, b: small Mytilus patches. was covered by B. balanoides. c: a solitary Mytilus. Surrounding rock surface Makoto TSUCHIYA • Christian RETIERE 60 Number of individuals 20 10 0 10 20 12(22) (18) l<13>'09)i(22)i(9)'(6)'(5) ™ ^^F^Io^K* W^l™ 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 16 (43) 0 100 1Q0'1Q0 IQO'10 "0 IPO IPO ' 1QQ 1QQ 100 1Q0 1Q0 1QQ 1Q 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Fig. 12. 17 (29) 18 (30) 19 (19) 26 (7) 27 01) 28 I 29 (9) 1(9) 30 (6) Size distribution of mussels in Mytilus patches a: around M.T.L., and b: 5 m above M.L.W.S. Each histogram labeled:patch number (number of individuals). Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard 50 61 0.5 O o o r a 0.4264 (P<0.05> 0.05 I en Y= 0.0232 X1-3384 r = 0.8873 (P<0.001) S =6 0) 0.01 i 0.005 | 0.5 9! • • 0.1 -•-♦ 0.001 50 0.5 0.1 0.0207 X 02A98 r=0.3990 (P<0.05) O 0.05 Y= 0.0191 X1-2690 1 m 0.9113 (P< 0.001) 0.005 0.5 10 Fig. 13. 0.01 Area (cm2) 100 Relationships between patch size and amount of sediment (solid circles) and amount of sedi ments per unit area (open circles) in the patches a: at M.T.L. and b:5 m above M.L.W.S. Makoto TSUCHIYA • Christian RETlfeRE 62 Table 2. Faunal list for all patches (Nos. 1—30) at M.T.L. The length, width, maximum height, and area of parentheses for some animals are those found on the bare rock surface from which the respective patch 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 208 165 145 145 172 115 135 126 98 92 80 85 98 109 110 116 76 85 75 68 74 56 54 52 38 42 36 39 38 46 43 42 27 29 26 28 81.0 72.5 64.1 54.3 40.4 34.2 34.2 6.0 4.1 3.8 2.2 5.0 2.7 3.6 1 1 1 Length (mm) Width (mm) Maximum height (mm) 215 143 42 Area (erf) Amountofsediment (g) 241.8 153.9 125.6 120.9 120.9 100.5 18.8 14.5 35.2 11.8 63.2 43.5 Actinia equina unidentified nemertinean A unidentified nemertinean B unidentified nemertinean C Syllis arnica unidentified syllid Trypanosyllis zebra Perinereis cultrifera Cirriformia tentaculala unidentified oligochaete 2 2 6 1 2 - 1 - - - - - - 6 - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - 2 - 1 - - - - - - 1 - 40 27 9 16 9 3 - - - - - - - 1 327 Ill 46 96 223 191 146 164 103 31 15 8 12 28 23 16 19 14 - - 2 - - - - - - Campecopea kirsuta - - - 1 - - - - - - Spkaeroma serratum - - - - 13 52 15 13 5 - 1 6 - 18 14 59 1 3 2 2 - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - Balanus balanoides Elminius modesius unidentified tanaid Jaera albifrons Jaera sp. 12 11 - 1 - - Hyale nilsoni 51 24 10 22 21 19 18 16 6 20 14 3 5 Hyale periori 1 1 1 4 3 9 - - 4 1 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - unidentified amphipod A - unidentified amphipod B - - 1 - - - - - 2 3 4 2 4 1 - 2 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - 14 41 13 109 28 77 136 19 - 6 28 54 Carcinus maenas unidentified crab (young) Anurida maritima 11 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - unidentified chironomid 2 3 - 4 2 1 - 2 - - - - 1 unidentified dipteran A 2 - - 1 2 3 1 - 1 1 3 3 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - (1) - - - (1) - - - - - - - unidentified mite unidentified dipteran Acanthochites discrepans - Patella aspera 1 Gibbula umblicalis - 1 - 2 - - 4 - 1 (2) - - - 3 - - - - - - (1) (1) (1) Littorina saxatilis 5 - 4 - 3 3 - - 3 - 1 - Cingula cingillus 3 3 1 - 1 1 - 4 - 1 - - Bittum reticulatutn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rissoa litacina - - - Chrysallida sp. 4 - - - - - - - 2 - - 1969 2294 670 1643 818 1986 Modiolaria disors - - Atnphipholis squamata - - 1 - - 1 - - 18 16 23 15 2430 2515 801 1917 1 _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - 583 785 433 443 549 302 282 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 14 12 12 13 10 12 10 10 1221 2368 797 1145 593 471 639 381 358 Bitium sp. Lasaea rubra Number of species Number of individuals ♦ looks like a solitary mussel from outside view ** solitary mussel 1 Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard each patch, and the amount of accumulated sediment are also shown. had been removed one month 63 Numbers of individuals shown in earlier. +:present. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 95 70 70 65 65 65 65 48 53 45 54 43 40 35 40 42 43 42 42 42 38 35 45 40 30 32 35 21 21 15 _ _ 27 22 19 18 21 25 25 26 32 21 22 24 19 19 15 _ _ 31.7 24.2 23.1 21.8 20.7 19.7 17.0 16.6 16.3 13.9 13.6 12.4 6.3 5.3 5.0 1.4 0.8 7.6 1.4 2.0 0.4 6.3 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.9 4.4 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.05 8 3 4 6 6 8 3 60 39 27 33 3 22 8 24 29* 30* • - 17 5-626331 -71321-- 1 5 2 - 1 - - - - 2 23-------------- 733-115161---114-1--3--2----1- 1 ----- 1 . - 1 - 5 2 10 4 15 1 --_...___. 1 2 1 - 1 4 __ -- 5 14 1 -------- 1 ... _ 20 - 3 . 11--3-2-1--2-2-- -(2) 296 10 404 - 278 - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 3 ----- 90 159 141 99 286 866 295 161 168 10 6 11 165 144 337 97 -(2) 174 -(2) 277 - 63 91 1 57 38 43 25 8 6686577531 139 203 312 76 130 73 66 68 45 8 Makoto TSUCHIYA • Christian RETlfeRE 64 Table 3 Faunal list collected in each patch at 5 m above M.L.W.S. 2 3 182 164 51 245 120 52 165 113 36 + + - 1 - - - - 1 Length (mm) Width (mm) Maximum height (mm) Area (cnf) Amountofsediment (g) Hymeniacidon sanguinea Actinia equina unidentified nemertinean unidentified nemertinean unidentified nemertinean unidentified nemertinean unidentified polynoid Eulalia viridis unidentified phyllodocid Syllis arnica unidentified syllid A unidentified syllid B Trypanosyllis zebra Perinereis cuitrifera unidentified lumbrinerid Cirriformia tentaculata A B C D Cirraturus cirralus unidentified spionid Terebella lapidaria Amphitrite gracilis unidentified oligochaete unidentified bryozoan Balanus balanoides Elminius modestus unidentifide tanaid Sphaeroma serratum Jaera albifrons Jaera sp. Hyale nilsoni Hyale periori unidentified amphipod A unidentified amphipod B unidentified amphipod C Jassa sp. Carcinus maenas unidentified crau unidentified crab C (zoea) ifXJ^J uniueniiiieu 150.7 10.1 6 146 117 2 2 141.3 14.8 1 - 1 1 - 7 145 100 42 32 140.2 116.6 13.3 5.3 4 1 - - - - 9 10 11 136 126 118 8 135 86 37 98.9 4.0 - 92 30 98.9 3 1 3 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 4 - - - - 2 - 1 1 1 2 - 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 - _ 1 1 1 2 1 9 1 2 - 5.1 1 1 - 2 98 26 96.9 17.9 - - - 84 34 77.8 10.4 1 2 1 - - - - - - - - 1 2 2 - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 3 1 - - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 13 100 85 46 69.1 11.6 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 12 99 84 27 72.2 4.1 2 - 2 1 1 - 2 1 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - 2 - - - - - - 1 - - - - + + 880 58 961 253 641 91 692 116 509 141 542 47 108 42 346 54 128 11 224 17 - - - - 230 59 1 359 29 - 598 78 1 - - - - - 21 9 23 - - 3 1 3 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 12 4 3 6 1 45 13 13 10 14 11 1 12 8 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4 8 1 1 1 8 11 1 7 5 4 4 3 - - - - - 4 1 5 - - - - - 2 5 2 - - 1 1 3 11 6 6 7 4 - 1 - - - ■ 8 1 4 - i i - 11 - i i 1 a unidentified crab B • J 231.7 45.2 234.3 14.4 5 180 100 39 4 145 110 37 142.4 11.3 Conventions as in Table 2. L 2 - - _ _ 2 3 _ _ - - - - - - - - - - KD - 4 - - LLLf I JL - mne unidentified chironomid unidentified dipteran Acanthochites discrepans Patella aspera Patella depressus Gibbula umblicalis Gibbula cineraria Littorina littorea Littorina saxatilis Littorina nigrolineata Littorina littoralis Cingula cingillus Bitlum reliculalum Bittum sp. Rissoa litacina Nucella lapillus Ocenebra erinacea Chrysallida sp. Lasaea rubra Modiolaria disors Number of species Number of individuals 1 3 - 2(1) 1 6 3 9 1 2 2 - - - 7 1 14 1 3 3 (1) - 1 4 2 4 158 1 4 2 6 401 29 1190 - - - - - 2 3 1 - - - - -(3) - (2) 5 2 - - - -(1) - 1 - 2 1 1 1 2 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - 52 1 60 96 - - 4 148 1 14 17 16 255 18 423 - - 1 - 1 2 2 1 - - - 3 194 1 186 169 47 - 279 3 181 - 1 723 3 - - - - 28 1755 21 1523 19 1051 17 967 21 907 13 804 17 489 17 468 * looks like a solitary mussel from outside view 2(1) - 1 - - -(1) 1 - 1 (1) - 1 1 - 1 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 2 _ 1 - - 9 3 - (1) 3 _ _ - 1 - 2 1 3(1) 1 2 1 1 239 498 - Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard 14 "lO8 69 36 59.3 2.4 15 86 79 25 16 17 92 84 54.0 2.1 70 28 50.6 2.5 58 33 38.2 1.4 1 - - 18 19 85 53 22 74 58 18 20 82 36.1 0.7 33.7 0.5 44 31 27.6 0.7 1 1 - 21 72 43 20 24.9 0.8 - 2 1 1 1 97 24 1 14 49 21 19.6 0.3 - 1 1 _ 1 1 1 239 61 80 1 - - 12 2 - 41 32 15.7 0.8 I 24 45 40 22 14.4 0.3 25 55 24 21 10.6 0.9 I I 41 29 26 27 28 51 24 22 9.4 0.4 32 29 14 7.5 0.5 40 23 15 17 28 11 7.2 0.4 29* 30** - _ _ 3.7 0.5 2.5 0.02 3 1-21 - 64 23 50 1 3 - 29 53 1 - 171 22 65 5 2 - - - 99 124 83 40 18 - - 1 - 32 1 41 4 - - 822816 11 1 2- 1 - - I 6 I 3 - 2 I - I - - I 38 9 I I 7 - --1-2-1-_____ 54-22231-l-----{I 1 'I I I I _ I 1 2 5 - 1 2 -(1) - - - 1 - 1 - l" ~- "- I _ - - 1 - - 1 -(1) - - -(1) '- '- '- '- - - I 1(1) I i - . . : : 1 -(1) I i I I -(1) - I I I : id) : : : 1 b - - 1 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 137 117 77 68 57 17 48 59 19 13 17 18 18 28 20 11 1 3 10 164 7 65 9 40 5 66 8 56 4 39 6 61 5 34 7 60 2 12 13 370 1 10 260 10 389 16 159 1 13 160 1 12 158 10 228 66 Makoto TSUCHIYA • Christian Reti£re The species composition of abundant animals in the patches at the lower level (Table 3) was similar to that of the higher one, but the density was very different for some animals. Species commonly found at both levels were Sytlis arnica, Perinereis cultrifera, Balanus balanoides, Elminius modestus, Jaera albifrons, Hyale nilsoni and Lasaea rubra. Anurida maritima was not found at lower level. Lasaea rubra was less abundant in lower patches than in upper ones, while the reverse trend was seen in Elminius modeslus. The number of annelidan and molluscan species was larger in the lower patch group than in the higher one, while that of arthropod species was similar in both. Patch size vs associated fauna 1) Patch size vs species richness and abundance The number of species increased with patch size around M.T.L., while density (number of species/area) decreased (Fig. 14a). the species The number of individuals simi larly increased with patch size, but the density (number of individuals/area) was relatively constant (Fig. 14b). Similar trends were recognized for the associates of the mussel patches in the lower intertidal (Fig. 15a, b). The density was lower in lower patches than in higher ones. 2) Patch size vs species diversity The species diversity (H1) of the associated animals both in higher (Fig. 16a) lower (Fig. 16b) patches did not show any trend with patch size. and Species diversity was relatively lower among the associates of higher patches (mostly <1.0) than among those of lower ones (mostly >1.0). On the other hand, Pieleu's equitability (J') decreased with patch size (Fig. 16a,b). It was lower among the associates of higher patches than among those of lower ones. 3) Patch size vs abundance of each species The relationship between patch size and the abundance of some common species was analyzed (Figs. 17 and 18). Higher patches: For all species analyzed, the number of individuals increased with patch size. However, the densities of Elminius, Hyale, Sphaeroma and Anurida significantly decreased with patch size. But in the case of Sphaeroma, many patches lacked this species and the calculations were done using the adjusted value of N (total number of individuals) + 1 for all patches. When the calculations were done only for the patches harboring this species, the density did not show any trend with patch size. Lasaea was collected from all patches and more specimens occurred in larger patches. Its density did not vary much with patch size. Balanus was also abundant, the number of individuals increasing with patch size. was a There wide variation in the density of Balanus in the medium-sized patches, 15 — 60/cnf, while its density was rather constant in both smaller and larger patches. Jaera occurred mainly in larger patches and its total population increased with patch size. Lower patches: The abundance and density of Lasaea showed similar trends to those above (Fig. 18a), but the density was higher in lower level patches. Balanus was also more abundant in larger patches and its density was rather constant (Fig. 18b). The abundance of Elminius showed a similar trend, but no trend was recognized in its density with patch size (Fig. 18c). Jaera occurred mainly in larger patches at the lower as well as higher level (Fig. 18e). Hyale and Carcinus were also more abundant in larger patches Zonation and Mylilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard 67 5 50 ~ CM U s 0.5 i (A 01 "8 0.1 Y=2.0779X~a5822 r=0.9508 (P<0.001) aos Y=13.1723 X09596 1000 100 r=Q9541 (P<0.001) 50 500 XJ u '> 1 (0 10 100 1 50 3 10 1 5 10 50 100 Area ( cm2) Fig. 14. Relationships between patch size and a:number of species and b:number of individuals around M.T.L. Solid circles: numbers of species or individuals, and open circles: numbers of species or individuals per patch area. Makoto TSUCHIYA • Christian RETIERE 68 50 Y=2.1667 XQ4A61 r=0.9159 (P<0.001)i 7 <u 1 10 i a. 0.5 I Y=2.1657X-°-5538 r=-0.9A29(P<0.001) 1000 ai ft 100 ~ Y=5.3795X10079 I 500 r=0.9536 (P<0.001) 50 •p *> a 2. 100 H5 50 I 10 I I I I 50 I M 100 Area ( cm* ) Fig. 15. Relationships between patch size and a:number of species and bmumber of individuals around 5 m above M.L.W.S. Solid circles:number of species or individuals, and open circles: number of species or individuals per patch area. Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard 2.0 69 1.0 = 0.2040logX* 0.6521 =-0.6657 (P<0.001) 1.5 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.5 "1 L+LJ. J 1 1 ' i i i i i J I I ■ i i i i i 2 2J0 1.0 a 0.8 1,5 0.6 #• IX) 0.4 Y=-0.1906 tog X* 0.8094 r=-0.8498 (P<0.001) 0.5- 0.2 1 Fig. 16. 10 Area (cm?) Relationships between patch size and species diversity (\f) equitability (J') 100 (solid circles) and Pieleu's (open circles) of small animals in the patches a:at M.T.L. and b: 5 m above M.L.W.S. (Fig. 18d and f). Although significant correlations between patch size and the density of Jaera, Hyale and Carcinus are presented in Fig. 18d—f, they are affected by the same statistical artifact described above for Sphaeroma. When the patches harboring no specimens of these species were excluded from the calculations, no trend was recognized for the relation between their density and patch size. 4) Patch size vs size distribution of Carcinus (Fig. 19) This crab was scarce in the higher patches: 0 — 4 patch. individuals were found in each Small individuals (<3.0 mm in carapace width) were found in smaller patches. In the two largest lower patches, larger individuals were found in comparison to other patches. Other marked relationships between patch and crab sizes were not recognized. Makoto TSUCHIYA • Christian RETIERE 70 lOOOh P Y.96S19X09475 a r, 0.9024 (P'OOOI) 100 Area (cm ) 10 1 Fig. 17. 100 Relationships between patch size and abundance of some associated animals in patches at M.T.L. Abundance Balanus balanoides, (solid circles) c-.Eltninius serratum and g:Hyaie nilsoni. and density modestus, (open circles) fr.Anurida maritima, are shown. e:Jaera aiLasaea rubra, b: albifrons, i.Sphaeroma For b-g, number of individuals is expressed as N + 1. Zonation and Mylilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard mx>c 10 71 WOO : b y.mkox1*3*0 r.09335 (P<OjOOI) KM- i too- O • QJ • 10; | 1 it. 100 u M 1 . V-O309BX01800 * rwoaom (p<om) o ■ i 'in 10 1— on Qt 10- 001 1 aoi 100 10 Area Fig. 18. C01 100 (cm ) Relationships between patch size and abundance of some associated animals in patches at 5 m above M.L.W.S. Abundance (solid circles) and density (open circles) are shown. &\Lasaea rubra, biBalanus balanoides, ciElminius tnodestus, d:Hyale nilsoni, eiJaera albifrons and i'.Carcinus maenas. For c-f, number of individuals is expressed as N + 1. 5) Invasion of bare rock surface following mussel removal. About one month after the removal of the mussel patches, were found on the newly exposed bare rock surfaces. The some molluscan species species involved and their number of individuals are shown in the Tables 2 and 3 with parentheses. At the higher level, only one species, Patella aspera, was found, and it was relatively Makoto TsucHIYA • Christian Retiere 72 Number of individuals E 6 11 '18 '24 2 2 u 16 Fig. 19. Size distribution of Carcinus maenas in each patch at a: M.T.L. and b: 5 m above M.L.W.S. common where larger patches had been removed. the abundance of P. aspera was No relationship between the area and recognized, because there were several larger bare rock surfaces lacking it. Five species, P. aspera, P. depressa, Littorina saxatilis, L. littorea and Gibbula umblicalis, were found on the lower exposed surfaces. areas, but other species showed no trends. G. umblicalis tended to occur in larger Several specimens of Balanus balanoides were seen on the shells of Patella spp. Discussion 1. Zonation of rocky intertidal organisms The zonation pattern of intertidal organisms along the coast of Dinard was essentially the same as that of English coasts described by Lewis (1964) and Southward and very marked zones of lichens, littorinids, barnacles, limpets, were recognized. In addition, other gastropod species had (1965), mussels and seaweeds its own distributional areas and some congeners showed a habitat segregation, i.e. Gibbula umblicalis, G. cineraria and G. magus as the most conspicuous example. G. umblicalis occurred at the 4 —7.5m level, while G. cineraria at the 1.5 (around M.L.W.S.) — 4m level. G. algal growths at a lower level. magus was found among The environmental requirements of these gastropods and competition among them may be themes for future investigations. Some differences from the descriptions made by previous workers should be explained. The first one concerns the distribution of chthamalid barnacles. Southward (1976) reviewed the common intertidal barnacles of Britain and reported that Chlhamalus montagui, Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard 73 which has been considered as a growth form or variety of C. stellatus, occurs commonly on sheltered coasts. Where both species coexist in a shore, C. montagui is dominant at higher tide levels, and C. stellatus at lower tide levels. Although he had not found C. stellatus around M.T.L. at Dinard at that time, we confirmed that small numbers of C. stellatus occurred at lower levels than C. montagui. According to Southward (1976), 25% of the chthamalids at M.T.L. at Roscoff were C. stellatus and the others C. montagui. Factors affecting the differences in distribution between Balanus balanoides as elegantly demonstrated by Connell Chthamalus stellatus and (1961a, b) were competition between these two species, differences in their tolerance to physical conditions, and the effects of predators. In the present study, balanoides overlapped. Interactions among these three species should be analyzed in the future. the distributions of C. Moreover, there is another small barnacle on the same shore. stellatus and B. Elminius modestus immigrated by ship from Australia in the early years of the Second World War and was first found on the English coast (Stubbings, 1950; Crisp, 1958). The history of the spread of this species has been reported by several workers (Den Hartog, 1953; Crisp, 1958; Crisp & Southward, 1959) and Bishop & Crisp (1958) reported the distribution of this species along the French coast. In the present study, E. modestus was found at all stations, being most abundant at St. 8 which is a sheltered point and St. 9, nearest part to the mouth of the Ranee River. At. St. 9, E. modestus was abundant at the 3 — 4 m level, where Balanus was very scarce. They may be competitors with each other. In order to invade a new locality, it is necessary to outcompete other species having the same ecological niche and expel it (or them), or there must be some vacant space for in vaders. Lewis (1964) reviewed these papers and argued that sheltered estuarine bays, creeks and harbors which may warm up in summer are the best environment. In the case of the rocky shores around Dinard, it is possible that Sts. 8 and 9 were the sites of original colonization of E. modestus. The brown alga Sargassum muticum is well known as an invasive introduced species from Japan (Norton, 1976; Norton & Fetter, 11981). This alga was seen at several stations in the present survey and more abundantly on rocky or boulder shores in front of the Roscoff Marine Biological Station. Around Dinard, it was abundant at Sts. 1 and 9. In the shallow subtidal, 1 —2m deep at spring low tide, it was observed on boulders at St. 1. There are no suitable habitats for S. muticum at the other stations because the lower intertidal and shallow subtidal consisted of sandy flats. 2. Habitat for isopod and periwinkle provided by empty barnacle shells Occupation by the isopod Campecopea hirsuta of empty barnacle shells on the higher intertidal, sometimes together with one or more small specimens of Littorina saxatilis, was already reported by Wieser (1963) and Harvey (1968). Panouse (1940) that this isopod occurs among the lichens and Colman (1940) lOOg of damp weight of Lichina pygmaea. reported found 3772 individuals per Since we did not survey the fauna associated with seaweeds, we did not confirm whether this isopod occurs among the seaweeds around Dinard. A similar phenomenon has been found in the higher intertidal of central Japan. Nishimuraia paradoxa Nunomura (1988) occurs in empty shells of Chthamalus challengeri, which is the common barnacle in the temperate area of Japan barnacle shells probably play an important role in (Tsuchiya, unpubl.). creating a habitat for Dead Campecopea 74 Makoto TsuCHIYA • Christian Retiere hirsute because Lichina was very scarce at St. 7, where many isopods were found. In the Lichina pygmaea zone, Pelvetia canaliculata and Fucus spiralis occurred but Colman (1940) did not find this isopod among them. This substratum microtopography created by barnacles provides spatial small germlings of algal species (Lubchenco, 1983) beds in the barnacle zone. refuges for resulting in the occurrence of algal The fact that barnacles enhance the settlements and survival of limpets by several ways including providing protection from desiccation, wave action and grazing (Branch, 1976; Choat, 1977, Creese, 1982; Hawkins, 1983, Miller & Carefoot, 1989). When barnacles exfoliate as a mass, a gap appears there. occasionally observed in the barnacle zone, where it Various sized gaps are is densely distributed, and some motile animals such as limpets and periwinkles (Tsuchiya, 1984; Farrel, 1989). In this study area, gaps were not common and barnacle covered the rock surface even around the limpets Patella spp. on which barnacles were seen to attach (Fig. lla). Patella spp. was high and they have to forage on the barnacle shells. Density of When foraging, their scars were conspicuously seen on the barnacle zone. 3. Mytilus islands as a habitat for small animals Our study on the community structure of small animals associated with Mytilus edulis provided useful information on their community ecology. patches of Mussel patches on the rocky coasts are considered to be a model of islands because most of the small animals such as polychaetes, amphipods, and crustaceans cannot live on the bare rock surface but only within the patches. Therefore, analyses of the process of community organization of the associated animals may be useful for understanding community ecology in general. Species richness increased with patch size. This phenomenon communities on real island (see MacArthur & Wilson, 1967) is well known for and is related to the fact that the environmental heterogeneity is greater on larger islands. In the case of our island system, the habitats for the small animals were divided into several categories, i.e. on the Mytilus shells, among Mytilus byssus threads, and within or on the sediment. The space between the Mytilus shells is also an available habitat for relatively large mobile animals such as crabs and gastropods. This was demonstrated in a previous paper by the senior author (Tsuchiya & Nishihira, 1985). Larger patches contained a larger amount of sediment, resulting in an increase in the number of individuals of The amount of sediment per patch area also increased with patch size. accumulates easily in larger patches. Moreover, biodeposits, produced by Mytilus may also accumulate (Tsuchiya, 1980). infaunal species. Sediment evidently faeces and pseudofaeces, Since the latter include much organic material (Tsuchiya, 1982), they may be used as food by the smaller associates in the patches. If there is a strongly dominant species in the sediment, the community may show a low species diversity. Although species diversity did not increase with patch size in the present case, we did not find such an abundant species. the sediment are partitioned among many species. Perhaps resources in Nevertheless, some species interactions may occur in larger patches, because equitability decreased with patch size. The most abundant species was not an inhabitant of the sediment, but the bivalve Lasaea inhabiting the byssus threads or the lower parts of Mytilus shells or barnacle on the shells. Of course, a detailed biological understanding is needed to clarify the relationship between Zonation and Mytilus Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard 75 the number of microhabitats and the life of each associated animal species. The number of species was larger in patches collected in the lower part of the inter tidal than in higher ones, and differences in the species composition were recognized. general, species richness was higher in the higher patches. for polychaetes and molluscs. In This was especially conspicuous Lasaea rubra was extremely abundant in the higher patches, but it was less abundant in the lower ones. This species was collected from all patches, even levels. from solitary mussels, at both tidal A similar species composition was recognized in the arthropod assemblages, Anurida maritima being found only in the higher patches. The degree of desiccation and exposure to high temperature at low tides may affect the species composition of the associated fauna. The species density (number of species per unit patch area) size. decreased with patch This may be explained by species richness reaching a plateau specific to the tide level, and the possibility that the number of individuals of some occupy a wide area resulting in fewer resources for other species. species increases to By making secondary space, though, Mytilus patches do play a role in increasing species richness and species diversity in the rocky intertidal community. The number of individuals increased with patch size and the density was relatively constant. This was quite different from the results of our previous work on the mussel community (Tsuchiya & Nishihira, 1985) and on coral-associated communities (Tsuchiya et al., 1986, 1989b). The great abundance of barnacles such as Balanus balanoides and Elminius modestus and the small bivalve Lasaea rubra might cause this. These small animals are suspension feeders, so it is unnecessary for each individual to have a wide space, e.g. barnacles can be attached to Mytilus shells in a dense aggregation, in contact with each other. Some Mytilus shells could not be seen to the complete cover of barnacles. feeders, carnivores and grazers have to forage and need wider spaces. viduals that need more space inhabit larger patches. Large specimens of Carcinus maenas was found in the two largest patches and Tsuchiya and Nishihira larger specimens of the patches. polychaete Typosyllis adamanteus This was also true for the xanthid crab coral Pocillopora damicomis (Tsuchiya et al., Deposit Thus larger indi (1985) reported that kurilensis occurred in larger Trapezia cymodoce associated with the 1989a). These animals may affect the species composition of the communities via intra- and/ or inter-specific interactions in different ways in different sized islands. No marked relationship between the sizes of the crab Carcinus maenas and mussel patch was found in the present study. Since C. maenas is well known to migrate much in various habitats 1971), detailed (Wolf & Sandee, obsrevataion on the behavior within the mussel patch is needed with reference to tidal behavior. 4. Species diversity in the mussel zone As described above, patches of M. edulis play an important role in increasing species diversity by harboring small animals. In addition, barnacles cover the rock surface around the mussel patches to a high degree and Patella spp. are also common there (Fig. 11). The gastropods Gibbula umblicalis, Nucella lapillus and Littorina littorea, and the brown alga Laurencia sp. also occurred as primary space users around the mussel patches at the 5 m level above M.L.W.S. (Fig. 5), occurring in crevices or beside the patches or barna cles, but they were scanty around the mussel patches at M.T.L. Small littorinids were 76 Makoto Tsuchiya • Christian Retiere also collected from empty barnacle shells. Therefore the species diversity was higher in the lower mussel zone than in the higher one. This was also true for the associated animals within the Mytilus patches. In the mussel zone, a mosaic distribution of several animals is observed even in the central part of this zone, where dense beds of Mytilus occur (Fig. 20). In a quadrat on a bare, smooth rock surface in the mussel zone (Fig. 20a), few animals could be found, i.e. the species diversity is very low. If there are some crevices on the surface, littorinids can occur (Fig. 20b). Littorinids may also be found in areas in which barnacles have a scattered distribution (Fig. 20c). Hence they are usually found beside the barnacles, probably because they require surface irregularities. Limpets, whose shells were frequently covered by barnacles, are also seen as primary space users. The carnivorous gastropod Nucella lapillus was collected on areas densely covered by barnacles. Undoubtedly, the barnacles are a food resource for them and feeding by Nucella results in the appearance of bare rock surface which is an available habitat for limpets and/or littorinids (Fig. 20d, e). A higher species diversity was observed for organisms in quadrats containing a small Mytilus patch (Fig. 20f), because the Mytilus patch enhances species diversity by harboring small animals. The diversity index may be even higher in a quadrat in which a larger patch occurs (Fig. 20g). If the whole area in a quadrat is covered by a large Mytilus patch (Fig. 20h), it may be difficult for large limpets to live there. the diversity, may be high. Nevertheless, Namely, the species diversity is determined by the three- dimensional structure constructed by organisms on the rocky surface, and a more complex structure, which is considered to have greater environmental heterogeneity, harbors more species. Menge & Sutherland (1976) suggested that in structually complex environments, competition may increase diversity through increased habitat specialization. However, there is unexpectedly little information about the kinds of environments in a given habitat, how each species uses each environment, and how and whether animals compete with each other. These are themes for future investigations. In discussing species diversity, we must specify which area is under discussion, e.g. within a very small quadrat or the whole of the mussel zone, etc. If we use a very small quadrat for counting these animals, the variety of data obtained will depend upon the quadrat position. If a large quadrat is used to sample the area, micro distributions of most species will not appear in the data. Many comparisons have been made for communities located in different places or developing on different substrata, e.g. homoge neous and heterogeneous surfaces, and the conclusion by Menge et al. (1985) that the diversity of an area is closely related to its spatial characteristics, e.g., scale and dis creteness of substrata, is also relevant. The effect of consumers on the diversity of primary space users has been well documented (e.g. Paine, 1966, 1974; Paine et al., 1985; Menge et al., 1985), but their ways in which consumers affect the community structure of the rocky intertidal of Dinard are still unknown. Open space made by the feeding by Nucella may be utilized by some limpets and littorinids, resulting in increased species diversity in barnacle-dominated areas. Acknowledgements This study was conducted as a part of the cooperative research program between the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and le Centre National de la Re- Zonation and Mytilua Islands on Rocky Intertidal of Dinard • Fig. 20. bare rock limpet ^—* crevice £&# * Nucelta barnacles $2z? Mytilus Diagrammatic representation of a mussel zone. v 77 littorinids A cross-sectional view of the zone is also shown on the bottom, but motile animals such as limpets and littorinids are not shown. For details, see text. cherche Scientifique (CNRS), which awarded a fellowship to M. Tsuchiya. Drs. J. Cabioch and J-C. Dauvin identified some algal and molluscan species, respectively. Drs. D. Bellan-Santini, G. Bellan, P. Lasserre, and C. Emig helped us in various ways. Mr. A. Chenu guided one of us (MT) around the shore of la Garde Guerin. held with many staff members and students of the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, those of the Laboratoire Station Biologique those of the Laboratory of Ecology, University of the Ryukyus. Dr. M. Grygier kindly reviewed the manuscript. Discussions were Maritime de de Dinard, Roscoff and Prof. K. Yamazato and Many thanks are due to everyone mentioned above for their kind help in this study. References Ancellin, J., P. Le Gall, C. Texier, A. Vilquin & C. Vilquin, 1969. Observations sur la distribution de la fauna et la flora dans la zone de balancement des marees le long du littoral du nordouest du Cotentin. Mem. Soc. natio. ScL nat. math. Audouin, J.V. & H. Milne-Edwards, 1832. Cherbourg, 52: 139—199. Recherches pour servir a l'histoire naturelle du littoral de la France. Bayne, B.L. (ed.) , 1976. Marine Mussels: their ecology and physiology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 506 pp. Beauchamp, P. (de), 1914. 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Cependant, dans ce secteur, caracterise par des marees de tres forte amplitude I'originalite de la zonation reside en un development vertical des ceintures vegetales (et des peuplements animaux succedent depuis la zone des lichens jusqu'd celle des laminaires. infeades) qui se Pour leur part, les balanes Chtha malus montagui et Balanus balanoides occupent une large zone dont 1'extension verticale est de l'ordre de 6 a 10 m; 1'espece Elminius modestus, recemment introduite, est egalement commuce et relativement abondante en mode abrite. La succession verticale des differentes especes de Patelles et de Gibbules est particulierrement bien marquee. L'abondance des moules Mytilus edulis varie considerablement d'unsite a l'autre mais aussi a tres petite echelle d'espace. La structure de la communaute des petits animaux associes a des agregats de taille variee de Mytilus edulis ("ilots a Mytilus) a ete analysee a deux niveaux bathymetriques et des differences dans la composition faunistiques ont ete mises en evidence. Aux deux niveaux la richesse specifique et le nombre d'individus s'accroit avec l'agregat la dimension d'especes/surface de l'agregat) diminue. de la mais la densite specifique (nombre D'un autre cate la densite absolue (nombre d'individus/' surface de 1'agregat) reste relativement constante et independante de la taille de l'agregat; ceci est du a la forte abondance de petites balanes telles Chthamalus montagui, Balanus balanoides et Elminius modestus fixees sur les coquilles de moules et du mollusque bivalve Lasaea rubra. site specifique (H') decroit. espece" Alors que la diver- ne montre aucune tendance en liaison avec taille de l'agregat, l'equitabilite (J') La structure du peuplement des "Hot a Mytilus" est discutee en terme de relation "aireet soulignees. les repercussions des caracteristiques micro-spatiales sur la diversity specifique sont