Optimiz - ProTrans


Optimiz - ProTrans
Training Guide
IT Training
Table of Contents
General Information ......................................................................................................................... 3
Accessing Optimiz .......................................................................................................................... 4
Additional Information ..................................................................................................................... 5
Entities .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Searching for an Entity ................................................................................................................... 7
Adding a New Entity ....................................................................................................................... 8
Editing an Entity ........................................................................................................................... 11
Adding a New Entity Type ............................................................................................................ 16
Adding a Contact .......................................................................................................................... 18
Managing Entity Contacts............................................................................................................. 20
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Load Entry ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Load Entry .................................................................................................................................... 23
Accessing the One-Time Load Entry Page................................................................................... 24
Select Date, Plan and Add Shipments ......................................................................................... 25
Adding a New Entity ..................................................................................................................... 28
Editing or Deleting Shipments ...................................................................................................... 30
Generating Segments .................................................................................................................. 32
Editing or Deleting Stops .............................................................................................................. 34
Adding Load Details ..................................................................................................................... 36
Editing Load Details ..................................................................................................................... 40
Saving the One-Time Load Plan .................................................................................................. 42
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Logistics Plan Entry ...................................................................................................................... 46
Accessing the Logistics Plan Entry Page ..................................................................................... 47
Adding Shipments ........................................................................................................................ 48
Editing or Deleting Shipments ...................................................................................................... 51
Generating Segments .................................................................................................................. 53
Editing or Removing Stops ........................................................................................................... 55
Adding Load Details ..................................................................................................................... 57
Editing Load Details ..................................................................................................................... 61
Saving the Logistics Plan ............................................................................................................. 63
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................... 64
Page 1
Creating a New Route from an Existing Route ............................................................................. 67
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................... 68
Planning Management ................................................................................................................... 71
Accessing Planning Management ................................................................................................ 72
The Planning Management Page ................................................................................................. 73
Approving, Declining, or Adding a Message to a Load ................................................................. 74
Editing a Logistics Plan ................................................................................................................ 76
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................... 77
Load Management ......................................................................................................................... 78
Accessing Load Management ...................................................................................................... 79
Tendering, Accepting, Rejecting, Canceling, or Adding a Message to a Load ............................. 82
Adding a Check Call ..................................................................................................................... 84
Editing a Load .............................................................................................................................. 85
Resending a Tender ..................................................................................................................... 86
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................... 87
Load History Search ...................................................................................................................... 88
Searching for a Load on the Load History Page ........................................................................... 89
Viewing or Editing a Load ............................................................................................................. 93
Exercises ...................................................................................................................................... 94
Logistics Plan Search .................................................................................................................... 95
Accessing Logistics Plan Searches .............................................................................................. 96
Searching for a Logistics Plan ...................................................................................................... 97
Editing a Logistics Plan ................................................................................................................ 99
Creating a New Logistics Plan.................................................................................................... 100
Exercises .................................................................................................................................... 101
Carrier Portal ................................................................................................................................ 102
Accessing the Carrier Portal ....................................................................................................... 103
The Carrier Portal Landing Page ................................................................................................ 104
Accepting or Rejecting a Tender ................................................................................................ 106
Tender Request Email Sample................................................................................................... 108
Tender Request Rejected Sample Email ................................................................................... 110
Adding a Check Call ................................................................................................................... 111
EDI Activities Log Entries ........................................................................................................... 114
Adding a Message ...................................................................................................................... 115
Searching for a Load .................................................................................................................. 116
Exercises .................................................................................................................................... 117
Page 2
Page 3
Accessing Optimiz
1. Open Mozilla Firefox. If you
don’t have Firefox, go to:
Click the Firefox free
download button to get the
latest version.
2. In your browser, go to
optimiz.protrans.com **
3. Type in your Optimiz
username and password
4. The Optimiz landing page
training/rollout/testing, use
the following address to
access Optimiz:
or, for remote users (not at
corporate) use
Page 4
Additional Information
The environment you access during rollout/training is a staging environment. The data in the environment
can change at any time, without notice, and you may lose entered data if the system is updated.
The environment may contain bugs and you may receive unexpected error messages when entering data.
This is normal when working in a staging environment.
The screens may vary slightly from those that appear in the final production version of Optimiz. Again, this is
normal when working in an environment that is still undergoing development.
If you have any questions regarding training, the system or the processes covered in this guide, please
contact a member of the IT training team:
Loren Elks
[email protected]
317-240-4100 x 1206
Patrick L. Vogt
[email protected]
317-240-4100 x 1210
Leah Wine
[email protected]
317-240-4100 x 1532
If you have questions regarding the rollout of the live system or operations, please contact the Project
Amber Swails
[email protected]
317-240-4100 x 1246
Page 5
Page 6
Searching for an Entity
1. From the top menu, click
Entity > Entity Search.
2. The Entity Search page
3. Enter the desired criteria
in the available fields and
click Search.
4. The Search Results appear
at the bottom of the
Page 7
Adding a New Entity
1. To add a new entity, click
+ Add New Entity.
The Create New Entity page opens.
2. Click the arrow to the right of
the Add a type for this entity
field, and then select the
desired entity type from the
dropdown list.
3. Enter the Entity Name, Display
ID (ProTrack ID), City, State,
and Postal Code.
Note: The Optimiz Display ID is the
same as the ProTrack ID. All new
entities must be entered into
ProTrack first. Once the new entity is
assigned a ProTrack ID, enter this
number into the Display ID field in
Page 8
4. Follow the specific formatting
rules listed to the right when
entering the entity’s name,
address, hours of operation,
and other information.
Formatting Rules:
General Rules
• All names / words should be spelled out completely-do not abbreviate
company names or street addresses.
• Do not use all caps, unless the entity is specifically incorporated with all caps
(e.g. ALCOA); only the first letter of each word should be capitalized.
• Use spaces before AND after special characters (&, -, / ).
• Always confirm with suppliers before entering entities that seem to be
• If a c/o is used, BOTH entities must be entered separately with their own
unique display IDs.
• Do not add descriptions or comments to the Name field.
• All words should be spelled out completely with the exception of the
o Licensed Limited Corporation (use LLC)
o SA de CV (use S.A. de C.V.)
o RL de CV (use R.L. de. C.V.)
• Use a comma before each of the abbreviations listed above.
• The proper way to indicate a post office box in a mailing address is: P.O. Box.
• P.O. Box, suite, building, or dock code information included in a mailing
address should be placed in the Address 2 field, UNLESS there is no street
address included. Use the Address 1 field in those cases.
Page 9
5. Click Create New Entity to add
the new entity to Optimiz.
6. Optimiz enters the entity
editing mode.
Page 10
Editing an Entity
To edit an entity’s address:
1. Click the Edit link below the
2. Make the necessary changes in
the text fields that appear on
the page.
3. Click Save.
Page 11
To edit an entity’s hours of
1. Click the Edit link next to Hours
of Operation.
2. The Hours of Operation dialog
box opens.
Page 12
3. To change the hours of
operation for a day that already
has hours listed:
• Click Delete to remove
current hours for that day
• Click Add New Hours.
• Select the day of the week
to add new hours to
• Enter the new hours of
• Click Add.
NOTE: If this information is not
given, Optimiz assumes the
- Entity is open M-F
- Entity opens at 0800
- Entity closes at 1700
Optimiz automatically saves
changes after you click Add.
4. To add hours for a day
currently not listed:
• Click the Add New Hours
• Select the day of the week
to add new hours to
• Enter the new hours of
• Click the Add button
NOTE: Hours of operation are
saved as you enter them.
Page 13
To change an entity’s status:
1. Click the gear icon in the upper
right corner of the Entity Type
Details section of the page.
2. Change the Entity status by
selecting Active, Inactive, or
Note: Entity types can only be set to
Inactive when they have not been
Page 14
To update Entity Details:
1. Make the necessary updates in
the text fields in the Entity
Type Details section of the
2. Click Save.
NOTE: The text on the save button
will vary based on the tab you are
on. Example: Save ShipFrom
appears on the ShipFrom tab.
Page 15
Adding a New Entity Type
1. To add a new entity type to an
entity that already exists in
Optimiz, first search for, and
open the record for the existing
2. Click the arrow to the right of
the Add a new type for this
entity field in the Types
3. Select an entity type from the
Page 16
A tab for the new Entity type
appears at the bottom of the page.
4. Enter all required information
into the fields associated with
the new tab.
5. Click the Save button.
NOTE: The text on the save button
will vary based on the tab you are
on. Example: Save ShipFrom
appears on the ShipFrom tab.
Page 17
Adding a Contact
To add a contact to an entity:
1. Begin typing the contact’s
name into the Primary Contact
2. Suggestions for matching
names appear in a list below
the field. If none of the
suggestions match, click Create
New Contact.
Page 18
3. Complete the fields in the
Create New Contact dialog box.
4. Click Create to add the Contact.
Page 19
Managing Entity Contacts
To edit entity contacts:
1. Click Manage Contacts.
The Contact Manager dialog box
2. Select the record for the
contact you wish to edit.
3. Make all the necessary changes
and click Save to return to the
Entity page.
Page 20
Create an entity:
1. Open the Entity menu.
2. Click Add new entity in the upper right corner of the page
3. Enter the following information into the required fields in the Create New Entity dialog box:
• Entity Type: Select one of the following entity types:
o Ship From
o Ship To
o Bill To
• Entity Name: Your first and last initials, followed by the word shipping, receiving, or billing
• Display ID: Enter 5 random numbers
• Country: Defaults to United States. Leave this as is.
• Postal Code: Enter your postal code into the postal code field.
• City, State, and Address 1: Enter your home address into these fields.
• Click the Save Ship From, Save Ship To, or Save Bill To button to add the new entity to Optimiz.
Add a Contact:
1. Open the Entity menu.
2. Search for the Entity you created earlier and select an entity type if you added more than one.
3. Place the cursor in the Primary Contact field and begin typing your first name.
4. When the suggestion box appears, click Create New Contact.
5. Enter the following information into the required fields in the Create New Entity dialog box:
• Type: Select any type from the list
• First Name: Enter your first name
• Last Name: Enter your last name
• Country: Leave as United States
• Phone/Ext: Enter a phone number
• Fax: Leave blank
• Email: Enter your email address
• Comments: Leave Blank
6. Click Create button to add the contact.
7. Click Save on the Entity page to update the record for the entity.
Page 21
Load Entry
Page 22
Load Entry
In the TMS, you can perform a
One Time Load Entry (also
called a “One Off”), or create a
Logistics Plan Entry.
Both entries are very similar.
The main difference is that a
One Time Load is just that; and
occurs once on a specific date.
A logistics plan is configured to
repeat based on a certain
number weeks and days of the
1. Open the Loads menu.
2. Click Create.
3. Select the type of entry.
Page 23
Accessing the One-Time Load Entry Page
To access the One – Time Load
Entry or Logistics Plan Entry
4. Open the Loads menu.
5. Click Create.
6. Select One Time Load Entry
7. The Load Entry page opens.
Page 24
Select Date, Plan and Add Shipments
1. To add a shipment, click inside
the Create for field and select
the starting date for this load.
2. If copying from a logistics plan,
type the name of the plan and
select it from the list.
3. Click + Add New Shipment.
Page 25
4. Enter shipment information
into the fields in the Details
section of the dialog box:
• Origin
• Destination
• Bill To
• Customer
• Payor Term Type
• Pickup From and To
• Delivery From and To
Each shipment must also contain at
least one handling unit before the
shipment can be saved. To add a
handling unit:
5. Click Add Handling Unit.
6. Enter the width, height, and
length of the unit (if known)
7. Enter the quantity and weight.
Note: When a shipment for a Ship
From/Ship To combination contains
more than one type of handling
unit, repeat this process to add
additional handling units.
8. Use the Additional Information
Page 26
section to enter information
such as:
• Pickup Authorization
9. If the shipment is in-bond,
select In-Bond.
10. If the shipment contains
hazardous materials, select
11. Once all the handling units for
a particular shipment are
entered, click Save Shipment.
Page 27
Adding a New Entity
Note: If the entity name you are
searching for does not appear in
the suggestions box, you can add a
new entity through the Add/Edit
Shipment dialog box.
1. To add an entity, click Create
New Entity, below the field.
2. Enter details for the new entity
into the fields in the Create
New Entity form.
NOTE: Optimiz suggests records
that resemble the data you enter
into the form and appear at the
Page 28
3. Click Create.
The Create New Entity Form closes
and you return to the Add/Edit
Shipment dialog box.
Page 29
Editing or Deleting Shipments
1. To edit shipments, click Edit, in
the shipment record you wish
to edit.
The Add/Edit Shipment dialog box
2. Edit the shipment details and
click Save Shipment.
Page 30
3. To delete a shipment, click
Delete in the shipment record
you wish to edit.
4. Optimiz removes the shipment
record from the Load Entry
Page 31
Generating Segments
Once you add a shipment to the
Load Entry page, you’ll use the
stop information to generate
the specific segments of the
load plan.
1. To generate the segments of
a load plan, click Manage
Stops in the Segments
section of the page.
The Add/Edit Stop dialog box
2. Double check the
information in the Stops
section of the box.
3. If the information is correct,
click Save Segments.
Page 32
The Manage Stops dialog box
closes and the Load Entry page
re-opens with Segments section
populated with stops.
Page 33
Editing or Deleting Stops
1. To edit specific details for a
stop, click the Manage Stops
button to open the Manage
Stops dialog box.
2. Click the Edit link for the stop
you need to edit.
3. Enter the updated details into
the Stop Details section of the
The Add/Edit Stop dialog box
Note: To change the order of the
stops in a load, simply click a stop
and drag it to where it belongs in
the stop order.
Page 34
4. To remove a stop, click the
Remove link next to the stop
you wish to remove.
5. Optimiz removes the stop
from the load plan.
6. Click Save Segments to update
the load plan.
NOTE: If you add a stop, a
shipment needs to exist with the
stop in it.
The Manage Stops dialog box
closes and the Load Entry page reopens with Segments section
populated with stops.
Page 35
Adding Load Details
1. To add load details, click Edit
Details in the Load Details
The Edit Load Details dialog box
Page 36
2. The Edit Load Details dialog
box contains three tabbed
• General
• Carrier
• Comments
3. Use the remaining fields under
the General tab to enter:
• Request ID
• Responsible Party
• Responsible Party Location
• Equipment Type
4. Use the checkboxes to flag the
load as Auto Approved, or Hot, or
to suppress the tender.
Note: Select the Auto Approve
checkbox when a load can skip
“planned” status and automatically
pass into Load Management.
Page 37
5. Use the Carrier tab to enter the
following information about the
selected carrier:
• Name
• Interline Carrier (If needed)
• Mode
• Service
• Rate
• Rate Comments
• Check Call frequency
6. Select the Auto Confirm
checkbox if the carrier will
automatically accept the tender.
Page 38
7. Type any comments applicable to
the route into the Comments
field on the Comments page.
NOTE: Internal and external
comments appear in the Load Details
section of the Load Management
page. External comments also appear
in the Load Details section of the
Carrier Portal. Internal comments do
8. Click Save Details to save the
load details.
Page 39
Editing Load Details
1. To edit load details, click Edit
Details in the Load Details
The Edit Load Details dialog box
Page 40
2. Select the tabbed page that
contains the load details you
need to edit.
3. Edit the load details and click
Save Details.
Page 41
Saving the One-Time Load Plan
Once you have added all
shipments, segments, and load
details, click Save Load.
Page 42
Add a Shipment
1. Open the Loads menu and select Load Entry.
2. Click Add New Shipment.
3. Enter the following information into the required fields in the Add/Edit Shipment dialog box:
a. Ship From – Select one of the following:
i. Bob’s Pieces Parts
ii. McCallum’s Auto Parts
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Crego Components
b. Ship To – Select one of the following:
i. Walter’s Widgets
ii. Testa Assembly
iii. Covington, LLC
iv. Allied Assembly
c. Customer – Select one of the following:
i. Emerson Trading
ii. Bass Components
d. Bill To – Select one of the following:
i. Bob’s Pieces Parts
ii. McCallum’s Auto Parts
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Crego Components
e. Pickup – Enter a 2 hour time frame during normal business hours
4. Enter the following information into the fields at the bottom of the dialog box to add a handling unit to the
a. Type: Pallet
b. Use defaults for Length, Width, and Height
c. Quantity: 4
d. Weight: 6000
5. Click Add Handling Unit to add the handling unit to the shipment
6. Click Add Shipment to add the shipment to the Load Plan.
Page 43
Add Load Details
1. Click Add new stop.
2. Enter the following information into the General Page:
a. Custom Route Name: Enter your last name and the word “Route”
b. Customer:
i. Emerson Trading
ii. Bass Components
c. Responsible Party – Select one of the following:
i. Cass
ii. Nolan and Cunnings
d. Responsible Party Location – Use the bill to entity that matches the Responsible Party.
e. Click the Auto Approve checkbox to remove the checkmark
3. Enter the following information into the Primary Carrier page:
a. Carrier – Select from the following:
i. CCS Trucking
ii. Redhawk Frieght
b. Mode: Select Less Than Truckload
c. Equipment Type:
i. Select 53 Foot Dry Van
d. Service: Use the defaults
e. Est. Cost: Leave blank
f. Check Calls:
iii. Stop: Arrival and Departure
iv. Interval: Every 60 minutes
4. Skip the secondary carrier page-no secondary carrier is needed (This option will not exist if you are entering a
one-off shipment.)
5. Enter the following information into the Recurrence page:
a. Select the Weekly radio button, select the checkbox that corresponds with the current day (i.e. Select
Monday for Monday, etc.)
b. In the Start Date field, select Today’s date
c. In the End After field, enter 26 (This option will not exist if you are entering a one-off shipment.)
6. No comments are needed.
7. Click Save Details.
Page 44
Edit Stops
1. Click Edit for the second stop in the load
2. Update the transit time to 2 to indicate that it will take two days to get from stop 1 to stop 2.
3. Click Save Stop.
Edit a Shipment
1. Click Edit for the shipment in this load.
2. Add a new handling unit to the shipment by completing the following:
a. Type: Roll
b. Length: 60 inches, Use defaults for Width and Height
c. Quantity: 2
d. Weight: 1500
3. Click Add Handling Unit.
4. Click Save Shipment.
Save the Load Plan
Click Save Load.
Page 45
Logistics Plan
Page 46
Accessing the Logistics Plan Entry Page
To access the Logistics Plan
Entry screen:
1. Open the Loads menu.
2. Click Create.
3. Select Logistics Plan Entry.
4. The Logistics Plan Entry
page opens.
Page 47
Adding Shipments
1. To add a shipment, click +
Add new shipment.
The Add/Edit Shipment dialog
box opens.
2. Enter shipment information
into the fields in the Details
section of the dialog box:
• Origin
• Destination
• Bill To
• Customer
• Payor Term Type
• Pickup From and To
• Delivery From and To
• Time Zone
Page 48
Each shipment must also contain at
least one handling unit before the
shipment can be saved. To add a
handling unit:
3. Click Add Handling Unit.
4. Enter the width, height, and
length of the unit (if known)
5. Enter the quantity and weight.
Note: When a shipment for a Ship
From/Ship To combination contains
more than one type of handling
unit, repeat this process to add
additional handling units.
6. Use the Additional Information
section to enter information
such as:
• Pickup Authorization
7. If the shipment is in-bond,
select the In-Bond checkbox
8. If the shipment contains
hazardous materials, select the
Hazmat checkbox.
Page 49
9. Once all the handling units for
a particular shipment are
entered, click Save Shipment.
Page 50
Editing or Deleting Shipments
1. To edit shipments, click the
Edit button in the shipment
record you wish to edit.
The Add/Edit Shipment dialog box
2. Edit the shipment details and
click Save Shipment.
Page 51
3. To delete a shipment, click
Delete in the shipment record
you wish to edit.
4. Optimiz removes the shipment
record from the Load Entry
Page 52
Generating Segments
Once you add a shipment to the
Logistics Plan Entry page, you’ll
use the stop information to
generate the specific segments
of the load plan.
1. To generate the segments of
a load plan, click Manage
Stops in the Segments
section of the page.
The Manage Stops dialog box
Page 53
2. Double check the
information in the Stops
section of the box.
3. If the information is correct,
click Save Segments.
The Manage Stops dialog box
closes, revealing the Logistics
Plan Entry page.
Page 54
Editing or Removing Stops
1. To edit specific details for a
stop, click Manage Stops to
open the Manage Stops dialog
2. Click the Edit link for the stop
you need to edit.
3. Enter the updated details into
the Stop Details section of the
The Add/Edit Stop dialog box
Note: To change the order of the
stops in a load, simply click a stop
and drag it to where it belongs in
the stop order.
4. To remove a stop, click the
Remove link next to the stop
you wish to remove.
5. Optimiz removes the stop
from the load plan.
Page 55
6. Click Save Segments to update
the load plan.
Note: If you are adding a stop,
your shipment must exist with
a stop in it.
Page 56
Adding Load Details
1. To add load details, click the
Edit Details button in the
Load Details section.
The Edit Load Details dialog box
2. The Edit Load Details dialog
box contains five tabbed pages:
• General
• Primary Carrier
• Secondary Carrier
• Recurrence
• Comments
Page 57
3. Use the Plan Name field to link
the one time load and assign a
name to the logistics plan.
4. Use the remaining fields under
the General tab to enter:
• Responsible Party
• Responsible Party Location
• Equipment Type
5. Use the checkboxes to flag the
load as Auto Approved, or Hot, or
to suppress the tender.
Note: Select the Auto Approve
checkbox when a load can skip
“planned” status and automatically
pass into Load Management.
6. Use the Primary Carrier tab to
enter the following information
about the selected carrier:
• Name
• Interline Carrier (if needed)
• Mode
• Service
• Rate
• Rate Comments
• Check Call frequency
7. Select the Auto Confirm
checkbox if the carrier will
automatically accept the tender.
NOTE: The Secondary Carrier tab is
only required to be completed if the
customer requires a secondary
Page 58
8. Use the recurrence tab to identify
how often loads should generate
from the logistics plan you’re
9. For a weekly recurrence, select
• Use the Recur every field
to identify whether the
load runs every week or
not. If, for example, the
load runs every other
week, enter 2 in this
field. If the load runs
monthly, select 4.
• Use the weekday
checkboxes to identify
the days of the week the
load will run.
10. For a single occurrence, do not
use One Time. Rather, use Create
> One Time Load Entry from the
Loads menu item.
NOTE: The No Recurrence option is
solely intended for use by route
Page 59
11. Type any comments applicable to
the route into the Comments
field on the Comments page.
NOTE: Internal and external
comments appear in the Load Details
section of the Load Management
page. External comments also appear
in the Load Details section of the
Carrier Portal; internal comments do
12. Click Save Details to save the
load details.
Page 60
Editing Load Details
1. To edit load details, click Edit
Details in the Plan Details
The Edit Load Details dialog box
Page 61
2. Select the tabbed page that
contains the load details you
need to edit.
3. Edit the load details and click
Save Details.
Page 62
Saving the Logistics Plan
1. Once you have added all
shipments, segments, and
load details, click Save
Logistics Plan.
Page 63
Add a Shipment
1. Open the Loads menu and select Load Entry.
2. Click Add New Shipment.
3. Enter the following information into the required fields in the Add/Edit Shipment dialog box:
a. Ship From – Select one of the following:
i. Bob’s Pieces Parts
ii. McCallum’s Auto Parts
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Crego Components
b. Ship To – Select one of the following:
i. Walter’s Widgets
ii. Testa Assembly
iii. Covington, LLC
iv. Allied Assembly
c. Customer – Select one of the following:
i. Emerson Trading
ii. Bass Components
d. Bill To – Select one of the following:
i. Bob’s Pieces Parts
ii. McCallum’s Auto Parts
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Crego Components
e. Pickup – Enter a 2 hour time frame during normal business hours
4. Enter the following information into the fields at the bottom of the dialog box to add a handling unit to the
a. Type: Pallet
b. Use defaults for Length, Width, and Height
c. Quantity: 4
d. Weight: 6000
5. Click Add Handling Unit to add the handling unit to the shipment
6. Click Add Shipment to add the shipment to the Load Plan.
Page 64
Add Load Details
1. Click Add new stop.
2. Enter the following information into the General Page
f. Custom Route Name: Enter your last name and the word “Route”
g. Customer:
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Bass Components
h. Responsible Party – Select one of the following:
i. Bob’s Pieces Parts
ii. McCallum’s Auto Parts
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Crego Components
i. Responsible Party Location – Use the bill to entity that matches the Responsible Party.
j. Click the Auto Approve checkbox to remove the checkmark
3. Enter the following information into the Primary Carrier page:
g. Carrier – Select from the following:
v. CCS Trucking
vi. Redhawk Frieght
h. Mode: Select Less Than Truckload
i. Equipment Type:
ii. Select 53 Foot Dry Van
j. Service: Use the defaults
k. Est. Cost: Leave blank
l. Check Calls:
vii. Stop: Arrival and Departure
viii. Interval: Every 60 minutes
4. Skip the secondary carrier page-no secondary carrier is needed
5. Enter the following information into the Recurrence page:
b. Select the Weekly radio button, select the checkbox that corresponds with the current day (i.e. Select
Monday for Monday, etc.)
c. In the Start Date field, select Today’s date
d. In the End After field, enter 26
6. No comments are needed.
7. Click Save Details.
Page 65
Edit Stops
1. Click Edit for the second stop in the load
2. Update the transit time to 2 to indicate that it will take two days to get from stop 1 to stop 2.
3. Click Save Stop.
Edit a Shipment
1. Click Edit for the shipment in this load
2. Add a new handling unit to the shipment by completing the following:
a. Type: Roll
b. Length: 60 inches, Use defaults for Width and Height
c. Quantity: 2
d. Weight: 1500
3. Click Add Handling Unit.
4. Click Save Shipment.
Save the Load Plan
Click Save Load.
Page 66
Creating a New Route from an Existing Route
1. To use the stops, load details,
and shipments from an existing
route for a new route, enter
the route name into the Copy
from existing route field.
NOTE: This function only exists in
the logistics plan entry and one
time load entry.
2. Select the desired route name
from the drop-down list.
All stops, load details (except
custom route name), and
shipments for the selected route
populate the Load Planning page.
Note: You can add a new custom
route name and edit stops,
shipments, and load details as
3. Click Save Logistics Plan to save
the new plan.
If creating a one time load from
a logistics plan, click Save Load.
Page 67
Add a Shipment
1. Open the Loads menu and select Load Entry.
2. Click Add New Shipment.
3. Enter the following information into the required fields in the Add/Edit Shipment dialog box:
a. Ship From – Select one of the following:
i. Bob’s Pieces Parts
ii. McCallum’s Auto Parts
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Crego Components
b. Ship To – Select one of the following:
i. Walter’s Widgets
ii. Testa Assembly
iii. Covington, LLC
iv. Allied Assembly
c. Customer – Select one of the following:
i. Emerson Trading
ii. Bass Components
d. Bill To – Select one of the following:
i. Bob’s Pieces Parts
ii. McCallum’s Auto Parts
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Crego Components
e. Pickup – Enter a 2 hour time frame during normal business hours
4. Enter the following information into the fields at the bottom of the dialog box to add a handling unit to the
a. Type: Pallet
b. Use defaults for Length, Width, and Height
c. Quantity: 4
d. Weight: 6000
5. Click Add Handling Unit to add the handling unit to the shipment
6. Click Add Shipment to add the shipment to the Load Plan.
Page 68
Add Load Details
1. Click Add new stop.
2. Enter the following information into the General Page
k. Custom Route Name: Enter your last name and the word “Route”
l. Customer:
v. Emerson Trading
vi. Bass Components
m. Responsible Party – Select one of the following:
i. Bob’s Pieces Parts
ii. McCallum’s Auto Parts
iii. Emerson Trading
iv. Crego Components
n. Responsible Party Location – Use the bill to entity that matches the Responsible Party.
o. Deselect the Auto Approve checkbox to remove the checkmark.
3. Enter the following information into the Primary Carrier page:
m. Carrier – Select from the following:
v. CCS Trucking
vi. Redhawk Freight
n. Mode: Select Less Than Truckload
o. Equipment Type:
iii. Select 53 Foot Dry Van
p. Service: Use the defaults
q. Est. Cost: Leave blank
r. Check Calls:
vii. Stop: Arrival and Departure
viii. Interval: Every 60 minutes
4. Skip the secondary carrier page-no secondary carrier is needed
5. Enter the following information into the Recurrence page:
e. Select the Weekly radio button, select the checkbox that corresponds with the current day (i.e. Select
Monday for Monday, etc.)
f. In the Start Date field, select Today’s date
g. In the End After field, enter 26
6. No comments are needed.
7. Click Save Details.
Page 69
Edit Stops
1. Click Edit for the second stop in the load.
2. Update the transit time to 2 to indicate that it will take two days to get from stop 1 to stop 2.
3. Click Save Stop.
Edit a Shipment
1. Click Edit for the shipment in this load
2. Add a new handling unit to the shipment by completing the following:
a. Type: Roll
b. Length: 60 inches, Use defaults for Width and Height
c. Quantity: 2
d. Weight: 1500
3. Click Add Handling Unit.
4. Click Save Shipment.
Save the Load Plan
Click Save Load.
Page 70
Page 71
Accessing Planning Management
1. Open the Planning menu.
2. Click Planning Management.
The Planning Management Page
Page 72
The Planning Management Page
1. The top of the Planning
Management page contains a
list of all logistics plans
scheduled within the next
seven day rolling window that
are awaiting approval.
2. To review details for a specific
load in the grid, select the load
to highlight it. The details for
the selected load appear at the
bottom of the Planning
Management page.
3. The Load Details tab contains
the load details created for the
load when it was entered into
4. The Event Log shows all activity
on the selected load.
Expected items are displayed
with a gray clock. Completed
items are displayed with a
green check mark.
Exceptions, if any, are
displayed with a red cross box.
Page 73
Approving, Declining, or Adding a Message to a Load
1. To approve a load, click
Approve. A dialog box appears
to confirm that the load has
been approved. When a load is
• The load record moves from
the Planning Management
page to the Load
Management page.
• The load status updates to
“Ready to be Tendered”.
2. To decline a load, click Decline.
A dialog box appears to confirm
that you declined the load.
When you decline a load:
• The load record is removed
from the Planning
Management page.
• The load status updates to
Note: Declined loads can be viewed
on the Load History Search page.
3. To add a message to a load,
click Message.
Page 74
4. Enter your comments into the
dialog box that appears.
Page 75
Editing a Logistics Plan
1. To edit a logistics plan, select it
from the list and click Edit
2. The Edit Load page for the
selected logistics plan appears.
3. Make any necessary updates
and click Save Load to save the
updated Logistics Plan.
Page 76
Planning Management: Accept a Load
1. Open the Planning menu, and select Planning Management.
2. Find the logistics plan you created during the Load Entry section of the presentation. Click on the record for
that load.
3. Click Accept.
Page 77
Page 78
Accessing Load Management
1. Open the Loads menu.
2. Click Load Management.
The Load Management Page
3. When the Load Management
page initially opens, it is blank.
Access the Search Panel by
clicking the triangle noted in
the screenshot. Then, search
for your desired loads.
Page 79
4. The top of the Load
Management page contains. A
list of all approved loads that
are scheduled for pickup
within the next seven days.
NOTE: Loads in the following
statuses appear on the Load
Management page:
• Ready to Tender-These are
loads that have been
approved, but tenders have
not been sent.
• Tendered – These are
loads that have been
approved and tendered. Loads
with rejected tenders are still
in tendered status.
• In-Transit – The load has
been checked in, verified,
and loaded.
5. The bottom of the Load
Management page has two
6. Select a load from the grid to
view the information contained
within these tabs.
7. The Load Details tab displays
information about the load.
Page 80
8. The Event Log shows all activity
on the selected load.
Page 81
Tendering, Accepting, Rejecting, Canceling, or Adding a Message to a Load
1. Tenders are sent on loads in
“Ready to Tender” status on
the Load Management page.
To tender a load, click Tender.
The status of the load updates
to “Tendered.”
2. To re-send a tender email to
the primary carrier for any
reason, click Resend Tender. A
copy of the last accepted
tender for the load is emailed
to the carrier. If there is not an
accepted tender, nothing will
be sent.
3. To accept a tender, click
Accept. The load status
remains at “Tendered”.
Page 82
4. To reject a tender click Reject.
The load status remains
NOTE: If the load has a secondary
carrier associated with it, the load
can be re-tendered to the
secondary carrier.
If no secondary carrier is identified,
the load remains in Tendered status
and a tendering exception
notification (green T) appears next
to the load record on the Load
Management page.
5. To cancel a tender, click Cancel
Load. The load status updates
to “Cancelled.”
NOTE: When a load is cancelled,
the load record no longer appears
on the Load Management screen.
The load record can be viewed
through the Load History screen. If
there is a pending tender on the
load, the cancel button will read
cancel tender. If you select the
button, the tender will be cancelled
but the load will still be valid. If the
load is in ready to tender status,
the button will read cancel load. If
the load is in transit, the button will
be disabled.
6. To add a message on a load,
click Message.
Page 83
Adding a Check Call
Carriers usually add check calls
through the Carrier Portal unless
they are set up for EDI.
In the event that a carrier cannot
access the Carrier Portal, internal
ProTrans users can manually add
check calls through the Load
Management page.
1. To add a check call to a load,
click Check Call.
The Add Check Call dialog box
2. Select the check call from the
left. Enter check call
information into the fields in
the Add Check Call dialog box.
To add an intransit check call,
click + Add Intransit Check Call.
3. Click the Save Check Call
button to add the check call to
the load.
Page 84
Editing a Load
1. To edit a load, select it from
the list and click the Edit
Selected button.
2. The Load Edit page for the
selected load appears.
3. Make any necessary updates
and click Save Load to save the
To re-tender the load, click
Save & Tender Load. The
revised tender is issued and the
carrier is notified by email. This
tender is auto-confirmed by
the system and the tender
automatically assigned an
“Accepted” status as a default.
Page 85
Resending a Tender
If a tender was sent to the primary
carrier and the carrier calls to say
they’ve never received it, or they
need an additional copy, the tender
can be re-sent. To resend a tender:
1. Select the appropriate load
from the list on the Load
Management page.
2. Click the Resend Tender
The tender that will be sent is
the LAST ACCEPTED tender. If
nothing has been accepted,
nothing will be sent.
3. A dialog box appears asking if
you wish to re-send the tender.
Click OK.
Page 86
Load Management: Tender a Load and then Accept the Tender
1. Open the Loads menu and select Load Management
2. Find the logistics plan you approved in the previous activity. Click on the record for that logistics plan.
3. Click Tender.
4. Click Accept.
Load Management: Add a Check Call
1. Click Add Check Call.
2. Complete the fields in the Add Check Call dialog box:
a. Check Call Type: Stop Departure
b. Date: Use the date of the first occurrence of the plan.
c. Time: Enter the current time.
d. Last Known Location: Enter your current City, State, and Zip.
e. ETA Date: Two days after the check call date
f. ETA Time: Select 2:00 pm
g. Leave the Comments field blank.
3. Click Add Check Call.
Edit Load Details
1. Click Edit Details.
2. Open the Carrier page
a. Carrier: Change the carrier to either of the following (whichever carrier you did not use during initial
load entry):
a. CCS Trucking
b. Redhawk Freight
3. Click Save Details.
4. When the dialog box appears asking if you would like to re-tender the load, click Save and Tender.
5. Click Save Load.
Page 87
Load History
Page 88
Searching for a Load on the Load History Page
1. Select the Loads menu.
2. Click Load History.
The Load History Search Page
NOTE: The Load History page only
displays loads in Closed, Delivered,
Declined or Cancelled status. Active
loads appear on the Load
Management page.
3. Create a custom search to view
loads on the Load History page.
4. Use the Search By field to
select your specific search
criteria. To use the field:
Click the arrow to the right
of the field
Select criteria from the list.
Click +Add.
Once you’ve selected your criteria,
additional fields appear below the
Search field.
5. Identify how you wish to
narrow the data by entering
information into these
additional fields.
Note: This example is for a search
by Load ID. Type the Load ID
number into the Search By field.
6. Click Add.
7. If you want to further narrow
Page 89
the search, add additional
search criteria.
8. You can also use the
checkboxes at the bottom of
the search panel to include
Modes and Load Statuses in the
9. To include these criteria, select
the appropriate checkbox.
Page 90
4. Give your custom search a
name. Enter this name into
the Name field.
5. If this is the most common
search you run, identify this
custom search as primary
by selecting the Primary
Page 91
6. To Clear search criteria,
click Clear.
7. To save a custom search,
click Save Search.
8. To display all loads in the
history panel, click Show
All. Clicking this button
removes all criteria and
shows everything that is
declined, cancelled, and
Page 92
Viewing or Editing a Load
1. To edit a load listed in
your custom search,
select the load you wish
to edit.
2. Click Edit Selected.
Additionally, you can
resend the most recently
accepted tender (Resend
Tender), and enter a
comment on a load as
well (Message button).
3. The Edit Load page for the
selected plan appears.
4. Make any necessary
updates and click Save
Load to save the changes.
Page 93
Create a Load History Search
1. Open the Loads menu and select Load History.
2. Click the arrow to the right of the Search By field.
3. Select Route Name.
4. Type the name of the route you created during the Load Entry section into the Search By field.
5. Click the Approve button.
Page 94
Logistics Plan
Page 95
Accessing Logistics Plan Searches
1. Open the Loads menu.
2. Click Logistics Plan Search.
The Logistics Plan Search Page
Page 96
Searching for a Logistics Plan
1. Use the fields at the top of the
Load Search page to narrow
your search by:
Route Name
Primary Carrier
Secondary Carrier
2. Once you’ve selected your
criteria, click Search.
Page 97
3. Logistics plans that match your
search criteria appear at the
bottom of the page.
4. To further refine your search
results, you can select a column
header and drag it into the bar
above the search results to
group results based upon the
selected header. For example,
if you choose to group the
results by Destination, all the
loads with the same
destination will appear
Page 98
Editing a Logistics Plan
1. To edit a plan, select it from
the list and click Edit Selected.
2. The Logistics Plan Edit page for
the selected plan appears.
3. Make any necessary updates
and click Save Logistics Plan to
save the updated Logistics Plan.
Page 99
Creating a New Logistics Plan
1. To add a new logistics plan,
click Add New Logistics Plan.
2. The Logistics Plan Entry page
3. Enter the new logistics plan.
4. Click Save Logistics Plan to save
the plan when you are finished.
Page 100
Logistics Plan Search
1. Open the Loads menu and select Load Search.
2. Enter the name of the route you created during the Load Entry section into the RouteName field.
3. Click Search.
4. Review the results.
Page 101
Carrier Portal
Page 102
Accessing the Carrier Portal
To access Optimiz:
1. Open your browser and
navigate to:
2. Type in the Optimiz carrier
username, password, and click
Log On.
The Optimiz Carrier Portal Landing
Page appears.
Page 103
The Carrier Portal Landing Page
1. The top of the Carrier Portal
Landing Page displays
information from the carrier
profile including address,
contact information, and hours
of operation.
If carriers need any of this
carrier profile information
updated, they have to contact
2. The middle of the Carrier Portal
Landing Page has two columns:
The Load column contains
information about the
current status of your
accepted loads.
• The Tender status column
contains information about
the status of your tenders.
3. The numbered link indicates
the number of items in a
particular status. Click the link
to view this information.
Page 104
4. The bottom of the Carrier
Portal Landing Page enables
carriers to search for specific
loads or tenders.
Page 105
Accepting or Rejecting a Tender
1. To accept or reject a
tender request, click the
numbered link next to
The Tender Requests page
opens. The Tender
Requests page opens. To
view a sample of an
emailed tender request,
see the following pages.
2. Click Accept Selected to
accept the tender.
NOTE: When carriers accept
a tender request, the load
record is removed from the
Tender Requests page. The
status of the load updates to
Scheduled, and the load tally
moves from Tender Request
Pending to Scheduled AND to
Tender Request Accepted.
Page 106
3. Click Reject Selected to
reject the tender.
NOTE: When carriers reject a
tender, the load record is
removed from the Tender
Requests page. The status of
the load updates to Rejected,
and the load tally moves from
Tender Request Pending to
Rejected. Then, they will
receive an email from
To view an a sample of an
emailed rejected request, see
the following pages.
Tender Request Notes:
• The time limit to accept a tender once carriers are notified by email is 30
• If carriers do not accept the tender request within 30 minutes, it
automatically is rejected. If they require more time to accept tenders, carriers
must contact ProTrans.
• In an instance where there is a primary and secondary carrier, the load will be
tendered to the secondary carrier automatically if it is rejected by the first
carrier, or when the first carrier exceeds the time limit to respond to the
tender request.
Page 107
Tender Request Email Sample
Page 108
Page 109
Tender Request Rejected Sample Email
Page 110
Adding a Check Call
1. To add a check call, click a
numbered link beside the
desired load status. For
this example, we clicked
beside Tendered.
The Carrier Check Calls
page opens.
2. The top of the Carrier
Check Calls page contains
status information about
loads that have been
3. The bottom of the page
has two tabs:
• The Load Detail tab
contains information
about the selected load.
• The Load Activities tab
detail events in
chronological order.
4. Click a load to select it.
5. Click Check Call.
The Check Call dialog box
Page 111
6. Select the Date and Time
for the check call event.
7. Enter the city, state and
zip code for the current
check call event.
NOTE: These fields auto
populate when you enter a
Stop Arrival or Departure
check call.
8. Enter the estimated time
of arrival (ETA) for the
next stop.
9. Enter the name of the
person reporting this
check call event into the
Contact field.
10. Add any comments and
click Add Check Call.
11. The check call appears in
the Load Activities tab.
Check Call Notes:
The default time to enter a check call is anytime within the scheduled
stop time. For example, if the first stop departure is scheduled
between 8-9 am, carriers should enter your check call within those
If the check call is based on a time interval, carriers need to enter their
next scheduled check call at 3pm.
If the carrier misses a check call for a stop, an exception icon (blue
phone) will appear in the Check Call Exceptions column on the Carrier
Page 112
Portal Carrier Check Calls page.
If the carrier misses a check call for an intransit stop, an exception icon
(clock) will appear in the Check Call Exceptions column on the Carrier
Portal Carrier Check Calls page
To correct a missed check call, the carrier should enter the check call as
soon as they realize it was missed. This removes the exception icon.
Page 113
EDI Activities Log Entries
EDI (Electronic Data (Interchange) enables a carrier to pass check call
and status information electronically from your system to Optimiz
without using the Carrier Portal to enter this information.
The entry in the log appears with the user ID, that was given to the
carrier by ProTrans, for their company with the extension EDI.
In the example below, ZingExpress is the user ID with EDI attached to it
in the User column.This indicates this entry was entered through EDI.
Page 114
Adding a Message
1. To add a message, click a
numbered link beside the
desired load status. For this
example, we clicked beside
The Carrier Check Calls page
2. Click a load to select it.
3. Click Message.
The Add Message dialog box
4. Enter the message and click
Add Message.
5. The message that was
entered appears in the Load
Activities tab.
Page 115
Searching for a Load
1. To search for a Load
or Tender, click the
appropriate radio
button in the search
section of the
Carrier Check Call
2. Further narrow the
search using the
Load Id, Status,
Load Begin Date or
Load End date
NOTE: The status
selections will change
based on the selection of
Load or Tender.
3. Click Search.
4. If the carrier selects
Load as the search
type, the Carrier
Check Calls page
opens. If the carrier
selects Tender, the
Tender Request
page opens. On
either page, only the
records that match
the selected search
criteria appear.
NOTE: If the carrier does
not find the load/tender
they need, they should
adjust search
parameters and search
Page 116
Accept a Tender
1. Login the Optimiz Carrier Portal using the login and password given by your trainer.
2. Click the numbered link next to the Tender Request Pending status.
3. On the Tender Requests page, select a load.
4. Click Accept Selected to accept the tender. Note the status change to the load and the entry on the Event Log
5. Write down the Load ID for your load. You will use this later in the exercises.
Add a Check Call
1. On the Carrier Portal Landing page, click the numbered link next to the Scheduled status.
2. Select the load from the exercises above, if not already selected.
3. Click Add Check Call. The Add Check Call dialog box opens.
4. Complete dialog box with the following information:
a. Check Call Type: Stop Departure
b. Stops: Choose stop 1
c. Date and Time: Choose the current date and time
d. ETA for Next Stop: Enter two hours from the current time
5. Click Add Check Call. The dialog box will close. Note the new entry on the Event Log tab.
Add a Message
1. Select the load from the exercises above, if not already selected.
2. Click Message. The Add Message dialog box opens.
3. Type a message of your choosing.
4. Click Add Message. The dialog box closes. Note the new entry on the Event Log tab.
Search for a Load
1. Access the Carrier Portal Landing Page.
2. Scroll to the Load Search section, if necessary.
3. Click the Load radio button.
4. In the Status section, check the In-Transit status.
5. For Load Begin Date, select the current date.
6. For Load End Date, select tomorrow’s date.
7. Click Search.
8. Review your results. You should see the load listed with the Load ID you noted earlier in these exercises.
Page 117