one - Josh Chamberlain
one - Josh Chamberlain
JOSH CHAMBERLAIN I N D U ST R I A L D E S I G N • FA L L 2 0 1 6 HI, I’M JOSH. I’m a student, freelancer, musician, and big brother. I’m in my fourth year as an industrial design student in the University of Cincinnati’s DAAP program. I spend a lot of time making things with machines like 3D printers and CNC routers in DAAP’s Rapid Prototyping Center. I was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and grew up in Ypsilanti. I have family in Michigan, Ohio, and the Bay Area. I’m nerdy about math, pens, hip-hop, and clouds. I like clever, practical design that celebrates the joy in everyday life. D E TA I L S C O N TA C T E D U C AT I O N WORK [email protected] University of Cincinnati | DAAP Industrial Design student in UC’s College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. Class of 2017 Loft, LLC | Providence, RI RockTenn | Baltimore, MD Screen Worked in this small, fast-paced consultancy environment to deliver product, branding, and user experience design to clients. Led front-end concept development efforts on some projects, and backend design for manufacturing and engineering refinement on others. January to May 2016 Participated in conception and structural design for production cosmetics displays, seeing them through to international shipment. January to May 2014 Fusion 360 CAD, CAM, Render DAAP Shop Supervisor | UC Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator Assisted students in completing their projects while maintaining rigorous safety standards. August 2013 to present Delcam Powermill (734) 585 6264 3400 Ormond Ave • Apt. 1 Cincinnati, Ohio • 45220 For more work and insight into my process, please visit the website I built to complement this portfolio: Washtenaw Community College Graphic Design student, earned associate’s degree in 2012 Autodesk, Inc. | Cincinnati, OH Please request references! Working on UC’s campus as a Fusion 360 Student Catalyst, getting the new design software in the hands of students and professionals. Running workshops and demos. May 2016 to present Rapid Prototyping Center | UC Worked with students to bring virtual models to life through CNC machining, 3D printing, and laser cutting. Immersed in prototype machining at all stages. Permanent member of the part-time staff. August 2014 to present CW&T | Brooklyn, NY Worked closely with the small design team on a variety of projects. Provided design input with an eye toward manufacturing. Created packaging, assembly instructions, and product photography. May to August 2015 SKILLS Invisible Engines Worked with a small team of graphic designers to develop print and web design for existing clients. October 2012 to present Solidworks Rhino Alias Automotive ArtiosCAD KeyShot HTML5 and CSS3 Desktop 3D printing software Excel, Word, PowerPoint IRL CNC machining various materials Freelance Design & Photography manual wood and metal working Worked within existing brand identities to create content across web and print. 2010 to present. additive, subtractive, and laser prototyping product sketching and rendering clay and foam modeling small-batch manufacturing various printing processes creative leadership I NTE R ESTS I like calculus, collecting pens, bikes, cooking, printing, and hip-hop music. I get most excited about designing things I can prototype and build myself. I want to work with people who care about making things, enjoy collaboration, and find joy in their work. My website is where I keep even more of my most up-to-date work. It has more projects, process, animations, and cheeky humor. Please check it out if you’d like to see my work where I think it’s best. Thanks! PROD UCT D E S IG N OBJ ECTIVE: Design a close-proximity light for a table that is simple in appearance and function, yet flexible in deployment. Make a functional prototype. Its form should encourage users to place important objects in its glow to build routine. Objects like keys, phone, wallet, an important notebook. IDEATION Pen sketches to determine basic form language, and considering wildly different approaches. A stable round or square platform gave way to splayed legs, keeping the light upright but leaving maximum desk space. Early open-ended material exploration revealed that scuffed acrylic with a single light source uniformly and evenly projects the light along its edges, the reverse of an edge-lit effect. Figuring stuff out in the shop. Rudimentary models helped to experience and tune general form. An early model designed to light up and demonstrate material selection. This was a successful test and demonstration of the frosted acrylic technique. I built a full-scale working prototype of the final design from a beautiful piece of maple. Wood is a friendly, lively material whose warmth further includes and welcomes the desk’s occupant. I built a full-scale working prototype of the final design from a beautiful piece of maple. Wood is a friendly, lively material whose warmth further includes and welcomes the desk’s occupant. R O TA T I N G T H E S W I T C H S P I N S T H E E N T I R E S H A F T, A C T I V AT I N G T H E L I G H T TH IS JOI NT SU PPORTS T H E G LO W I N G R O D , A N U N E X P E CTE D P IVOT P O I NT SUPPORT RODS ARE M O L D E D I N TO P L A S T I C O R G L U E D I N TO W O O D T H E L I G H T W AT C H E S O V E R T H E D E S K F R O M I T S C O R N E R , A S I N G L E C R O P M A R K T H AT F R A M E S T H E S PA C E . TIP DIFFUSER LED LAMP BEARING MOUNT INNER HOUSING BEARING OUTER HOUSING BASE CORD SUPPORTS LEGS D E V E LO P I N G A P O C K E T F I S H E Y E CA M E R A F O R P E O P L E TO D O C U M E N T T H E I R A D V E N T U R E S Fisheye photography can be an expressive, fun, and a unique experience. The camera will be compact, self-sufficient, and easy to use. It will appeal to a wide, young-leaning market from experienced photographers to inexperienced users. It provides a unique experience that can’t be achieved by a smart phone, and doesn’t require one. This project was done on my own time, because I want to own one. I’m looking into funding and production. P R E S S D O W N TO TA K E P I C T U R E S P L U G U S B D I R E C T LY I N TO C O M P U T E R F O R C H A R G I N G A N D D A TA HAN G O N A K EYC HAI N OR PUT IN A POCKET O N / O F F SW ITC H P R E V E N T S A C C I D E N TA L P H OTO G R A P H Y Flipping switch to ON shows remaining battery life Pressing down takes a picture, lights indicate success After a picture is taken, lights indicate memory capacity D E S I G N I N G A F A M I LY O F K I T C H E N P R O D U C T S U S I N G A N I C O N I C B R A N D A S A M E N TO R These kitchen tools will be effective in the tasks for which they will be used, but attractive enough to remain on the counter when not in use. Each can be independent of the others, but as a group they help define the positive experience of a healthy breakfast. C ITR U S J U I C E R | FO O D S CALE | WAF F LE I R O N BRAND One of the most globally respected designers alive, Naoto Fukasawa is the design director for the Japanese collection of home products called ±0. I looked for ways to inject Fukasawa’s creativity and knack for designing “just right” products that already seem to exist—but don’t. HONEST GOALS SPIRITED E FFECTIVE By consulting with regular users of all three kitchen products, I determined that the main focus for ±0 would not be to create wonder products that would aim to pinpoint every desire with a feature, but use pros and cons of various approaches to inform the design. The products will be “nice enough to leave on the counter” and have enough features to foster convenient everyday use. IDEATION Pen sketches to determine basic form language, as appropriate for ±0. Further ideation was done with computer modeling. The juicer was chosen as the central product, with the others’ form to follow. JUICER HEAD SPINS WHEN PRESSED JUICER SERVING OR DRINKING G LASS T H U M B S LOT F O R F I LT E R R E M OVAL MANAG EAB LE 4.5 INCH FO OTP R I NT JUICER JUICER A straightforward approach featuring a tangible spring action, to give users the satisfaction of a physical result and the accuracy of a digital readout. SCALE The simple form instructs the user with its slightly upturned handle. It produces a rounded square waffle with rounded square holes, echoing ±0 to the last detail. WAFFLE IRON PHYSICAL MODEL Creating an accurate physical model of the central product to demonstrate and fine-tune form. I used CNC milled 40lb urethane foam, hand-thermoformed acrylic, hand-stamped sheet steel, and automotive-grade paint to create a realistic model. ±0 KITCHEN SMALL STUFF M O O N LO O K S N I C E R T H A N I T T E L L S T I M E , A N D T H AT ’ S O K . Watches are a good way to show your style, priorities, and maybe even check the time. Does everyone need a watch with a second hand, ticking away their day in minute detail? Does it matter if it’s 4:13 or 4:14? If you’d like to get a general sense of your context in time, MOON is for you. MOON’s single hand can be adjusted to track your progress in a day, a week, between birthdays, and even the lunar cycle. That’s partly why it’s called MOON. T U R N I N G A N U N U S E D S P E A K E R I N TO A R O LLI N G S O U N D SYSTE M IDEATION I got this reasonably powerful low-end bluetooth speaker as a gift, and I commuted to work at RockTenn on my bicycle every day. Using headphones on a bike is dangerous, so this speaker provided an opportunity to enjoy music while riding. I was able to rapidly ideate features thanks to the resources at RockTenn. M O D I F I E D A R T H U R LO C K FO R O PTI O NAL R E M OVAL S L A C K B U I LT I N T O STRAPS FOR SHOCK R E S I S TA N C E WI N DOW FOR POWE R AN D VOLU M E ACCESS HOLE FOR CHARG I NG CAB LE T H A N K YO U ! I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at and [email protected]