my city pet supplies
my city pet supplies
BULLY GIRL MAGAZINE, LLC OWNER / FOUNDER LeVar D. Carter OWNER / VP of SOCIAL MEDIA Jennifer M. Carter VP of CLOTHING DESIGN Gwendolyn M. Carter PHOTOGRAPHERS LeVar D. Carter WRITERS wwLeVar D. Carter Megan Moore MAKE-UP ARTISTS Michele Hernandez HAIR STYLIST Michele Hernandez MODEL RECRUITERS Kinte Smith PRINTING & PRODUCTION Tim & Ray Fryer SPONSORS FORD Motor Company Smithtown, New York First State Bulliez Bully Supplies Industry 21 Magazine, LLC Extreme Cage Fighting YoungsTown Bullyz Bully Max Supplements 2 3 What’s Inside? 08 10 12 28 40 4 HOW TO STOP YOUR PUPPY FROM CHEWING An article on how to keep that new puppy from chewing. KENNEL INTERVIEW An exclusive one-on-one interview with My City Pet Supplies. BULLY SHOW PHOTOS Photos from the S.I.N.Y. Bully Bash, held in Staten Island, New York. STUDS & BITCHES Photos & Information on some of the baddest dogs in the bully breed community. KENNEL INTERVIEW An exclusive one-on-one interview with Imperial Kennels, located in Hollywood, Florida. 5 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 SUBSCRIBE TODAY 6 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 6-PRINT ISSUES / YEAR 7 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 FACTS & TIPS HOW TO STOP YOUR L PUPPY CHEWING PROBLEM earning how to stop your puppy from chewing can become a difficult chore that will leave you frustrated, especially when they get ahold of your favorite pair of shoes, or they are constantly chewing on you. But, again, this is a human problem as much as a puppy problem. In order to stop your pupply from chewing on you, you need to pay attention to what you do that instigate it. If you want to stop your puppy from chewing, there are a few things that you need to understand about them before you just blame them for their behavior. Dogs can’t distinguish between play time and not play time. Although they love to play, the habits that they will pick up then will transfer to other times. To begin with, chewing is a natural part of being a puppy. Rather than trying to stop them from this natural behavior, you should work towards redirecting the problem to another source. Get them chew toys and a bone thatthey are allowed to gnaw on to their hearts content. It is much easier to redirect a problem than to try and stop it completely, especially when the problem is more of a human problem than a puppy one. Another thing to consider is that certain behaviors tend to instigate chewing, especially when they are chewing on you. This can lead to dog aggression problems later on, so you need to nip it in the bud now rather than putting it off. 8 Certain sudden movements, or aggressive behavior towards your puppy (even in play) will push them into chewing. Also, when you are playing, if they start chewing on you, stop the activity. You should never allow your dog to play aggressively and chewing is one of the easiest bad habits to break. When they start chewing, redirect them to one of their play toys, and separate yourself from them. If the chewing problem persists, you may need to keep them in a kennel until they learn to behave. Crate training can take some time, but is very beneficial in stopping a wide variety of puppy problems, including them wanting to chew on you. Follow these tips to stop your puppy from chewing, and get them under control. It doesn’t take much, but by paying attention to your behavior and redirecting their behavior to an appropriate toy will help you to get things under control. 9 MY CITY PET SUPPLIES Owner / Founder - JOEL VARGAS aka RICO State your name, and where your store is located? My name is Rico. I am the owner of My City Pet Supplies, located at 2026 New York Ave, in Union City, NJ. What inspired you to start your own Bully Supply store? My City Pet Supplies was inspired by the love in the American Bully community, and by my family as well. I decided to open up a Pet Supply store especially dedicated to the American Bully Breed. Being that this is a special breed, I felt that I should specialize in only specific products that would benefit the breed, as well as local bully owners. Do you breed dogs, and if so what type of dogs do you breed? Yes, I breed dogs. I breed American Bullies, and Miniature English Bulldogs. I also purchased my first French Bulldog recently. I am looking forward to start a French Bulldog program soon. What inspired you to get involved with that particular breed? As a child, my father bred Pit Bulls, so we always had dogs at home. At the age of 10 my uncle had given me my first official Pit Bull female named Snow. Later on I began to breed her to bigger Pit Bulls because I wanted a special looking dog. I kept trying but I never succeeded until i stumbled upon the American Bully Breed. Just seeing the American Bully, was inspiration enough. As a Bully Supply store owner, what type of diet do you recommend that people keep their dogs on throughout the year? I always recommend bully owners to keep raw meat in their bully breed dogs’ diets, along with good kibble. The two can be combined with a supplement of the owners choice. I usually feed my dogs raw, mixed with kibble, along with Dyne or Ultra 24 daily. What is your favorite bloodline? It would be selfish of me to pick a favorite bloodline because I own many. I am into all bully breeds because each bloodline has something different to offer. What advice do you have for anyone looking to participate in the bully shows? I would tell them to just enjoy themselves and the dogs, 10 while they experience the ring. Its all about having a good time while having a chance to meet great people. Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why? There are a lot of people doing it right now in the Bully Game. When I first started the people who I looked up to were Dave Wilson, Ed Shepard, Cruz from Bow Wow Pits, and Bill from Bills Blue Bullies. These guys laid down a platform for us breeders to do what we do. Looking back at 2014, tell us about one of your most memorable moments. My most memorable moment in 2014, was my wife giving birth to our beautiful daughter, Avanni. Describe how you would want things, in the bully Community, to be 10 years from now. I would to like to see nothing more than peace and love. What separates My City Pet Supplies from the other pet stores in the Tri-State area? We are a family owned business. Our main goal is to provide high quality products for your pets. With over 8 years of experiences on breeding American Bullies with some of the top breeders in the game, we learned the secrets to building a great looking dog. We specialize in Custom Collars, high quality dog foods, raw meat diets, and supplements. We thank everyone in the bully community for your love and support. We do it for the breed! What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine? My family and I enjoy Bully Girl Magazine, because it helps us breeders showcase and promote our dogs, in a professional manner to a world wide audience. We also enjoy reading what breeders have to say and learning about them, as well as their dogs in a positive manner. Bully Girl Magazine showcases dogs from all over the world, so you get to see what other enthusiasts have out there. With that being said, I would like to give a big shout out to LeVar, and Bully Girl Girl Magazine for making this possible. Keep up the great work! Big thanks to my Wife Ashley, my 2 beautiful Daughters, my big brother Lilz, and most importantly God for his blessings, and helping my dreams come true. Shout out, to all the local Bully owners that have been supporting us since day one. I also would like to shout out Mark and Ruben from Bully Nation, Troy from Spitfire Kennelz, Na’im from Local Bullies, Kay from Ironvein Kennel, and last but not least Ruben and Petrin Razo from Destruction Bullies. 11 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 FUN SHOW 14 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 S.I.N.Y. WINTER BULLY BASH 15 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 FUN SHOW 16 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 S.I.N.Y. WINTER BULLY BASH 17 18 19 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 60 DJ MELLO INDUSTRY BULLYS “I come for the grind of it all. I remember carrying crates, and using vinyl records. I didn’t just come onto the scene with a laptop computer and call myself a DJ.” How was your photo shoot today? The shoot was crazy. It’s been a long time coming. I definitely needed that one right there! Let our readers know what’s been going on with DJ MELLO, over these past few months. I kicked the summer off with that HOT 97 Boom at Noon. That was crazy. Big shout out to DJ Enuff, Mister Cee, and everybody who looked out for me. Other than that, I’ve just been killing the party scene, and turning up right now. We have some records on the radio right now from Long Island, and we’re just trynna keep this industry buzz going. I just want to see Long Island shine. How long have you been DJ’ing now? I grew up into DJ’ing. My uncles were DJ’s. So I got right into it, once I started listening to music. I’ve been hands on with it since I was about 12 years old. I would always be around my uncles when they would be DJ’ing at parties, and I knew that it was something that I wanted to do. Theres a lot of competition with the club scene nowadays. There are so many DJ’s out there. What separates DJ MELLO from the competition? Well for starters, I come for the grind of it all. I remember carrying crates, and using vinyl records. I didn’t just come onto the scene with a laptop computer and call myself a DJ. I’ve been fortunate enought to experience it all from the beginning, to where it is now. 20 Word on the street is that you’ve put out several mixtapes. Tell our readers about your mixtape game. I have a lot of mixtapes in the archives. Just google DJ MELLO, or go on YouTube and DatPiff. We’re always trying to put someone on, and help out local Long Island artists. Do a lot of artists come to you, asking your to help them break out as a new artist, and play their music? There’s always people that come to me, or message me with new tracks. I don’t see it as a bad thing. I’m always looking to help break a new artist, especially if their from my hometown Long Island. That’s a win for everybody. Where do you see yourself, in the next year or so, as far as this whole DJ’ing thing goes? I see myself on one of the major radio stations, breaking artists records, and doing my part to help Long Island get the notoriety it deserves. What advice can you offer an upcoming artist or DJ that would like to follow in your footsteps one day? Never stop. Never get discouraged. There’s a lot of politics in this game. It’s hard to get booked for parites. I still go through a lot of politics, so don’t get discouraged when you don’t get booked. Just keep working hard. They’re watching, and you will definitely get your shot. 21 22 23 INDUSTRY BULLYS “Be yourself. God gave us a chance to create our own way. People will accept you if you just be yourself.” Let our readers know where you’re from? I’m from Trenton, NJ. Shoutout to Jersey. Shoutout to all my people out there. How old were you when you first got into music? I started making music at the age of 12. I didn’t really get serious about it until I was about 17. But yeah I’ve been doing this for about a decade now. I’m 22 years old. If you had a choice to work with anybody in the industry, who would it be? I would have to say Kanye West or Kid Cudi, but I honestly would work with anybody who has the same drive and passion as me. We’re all working towards the same common goal, and that’s to make good music. Tell our readers about your new mixtape. This is my 4th mixtape. It’s called Golden Memories. You can go get it on iTunes and Amazon. I feel like this is my best mixtape yet. It has 11 tracks, all professionally mixed and mastered. I’ve worked with all different producers from overseas producers to our in-house producers. What positive advice can you offer to an up and coming artist? Find your lane. Find your sound. Nowadays, there is a lot of copycat sounds. Don’t bite other peoples work. Be yourself. God gave us a chance to create our own way. People will accept you if you just be yourself. That’s my biggest advice. What about performances? Have you been opening up for anybody? That’s funny that you mention that. I recently opened up for Amina Buddafly, from Love & Hip Hop. I try to do at least 3 or 4 performances a month. I love speaking to the people, when I’m on stage. That’s my thing. Shoutout to my team, my publicist, and my bro for always being there. Go get that Golden Memories today! We see you won the Underground Music Awards, for Artists to Watch in 2015. How did that moment feel for you? It felt good. It was the first time I attended an award show for music. There were a lot of people 24 in the building. In my opinion we’re all winners, but it did feel good to take home that category. DIVERSE CHARACTER BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 60 25 YES! I WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO BULLY GIRL MAGAZINE TITLE______ FIRST NAME___________________________ LAST NAME ______________________________________ COMPANY________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ CITY____________________________________________ STATE_______________ ZIP CODE____________________ TELEPHONE (__________) - __________________________ EMAIL___________________________________________ ________________________________________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS ( $49.99 - 6 ISSUES ) ___CREDIT CARD ___CHECK ___MONEY ORDER *I AUTHORIZE BULLY GIRL MAGAZINE, LLC TO CHARGE MY: CREDIT CARD TYPE: ( VISA / MASTERCARD / AMEX ) CARDHOLDER FULL NAME: _____________________ ___________________________________________ CARD#: _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ EXP. 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CARTER DOUBLE L KENNELS 5-STAR GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 12/18/2013 BLOODLINE: DAXLINE STUD FEE: $2500 LOCATION: ELMIRA, NY TEL: (607) 425-9114 31 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 STUDS & BITCHES BULLY INNOVATIONS KPR BULLYZ BROWNS KENNELS BLUE SAINT PITS CHAMPION SOULTRAIN FRENCH MONTANA CHAMPION FRANKENSTEIN GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 07/31/2012 BLOODLINE: REMYLINE GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 03/30/2012 BLOODLINE: LINE GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 07/30/2010 BLOODLINE: RAZORS EDGE GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 11/25/2012 BLOODLINE: GOTTI / EDGE BROOKLYN BULLY HOUSE KENNELS TYGERS BULLIES BROWNS KENNELS KPR BULLYZ LOLA MS. GOTTI OF BULLY KINGDOM HELLBOI MYSTIQUE GENDER: FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH: 12/18/2012 BLOODLINE: RAZORS EDGE / GOTTILINE 32 STUDS & BITCHES GENDER: FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH: 05/03/2010 BLOODLINE: KINGPINLINE / RAZORS EDGE GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 09/17/2012 BLOODLINE: GOTTILINE REZNOR GENDER: FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH: 02/07/2011 BLOODLINE: EUROPEAN 33 BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 60 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 STUDS & BITCHES MADCITY KENNELS RAMBO aka LILFREAKSHOW GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 06/23/2014 BLOODLINE: FREAKSHOW STUD FEE: $1000 LOCATION: MADERA, CA TEL: (559) 363-8980 PHOTOGRAPHER: LEVAR D. CARTER 34 STUDS & BITCHES GENDER: MALE DATE OF BIRTH: 11/10/2012 BLOODLINE: GOTTILINE / MIAGI STUD FEE: $1500 LOCATION: NEWARK, NJ PHOTOGRAPHER: LEVAR D. CARTER ZONE 1 BULLIES GALAXY GENDER: FEMALE DATE OF BIRTH: 12/20/2013 BLOODLINE: GOTTILINE STUD FEE: N/A LOCATION: WILMINGTON, DE PHOTOGRAPHER: LEVAR D. CARTER 35 36 37 KENNELS - NY “We treat our dogs as family, and we are on a first name basis, with anyone that enters our kennel.” State your kennel name, and where your kennel is located. My kennel name is Spitfire Kennelz, and we are located in Bay Shore, NY. What inspired you to start working with dogs? As a child growing up in Trinidad, my sister used to run a dog security business. One day when I was assisting her at the business, she surprised me by gifting me with 3 Rottweilers from Germany. What are some of the main breeds you work with? I work primarily with Prince of Spade, Toadline, Miagi, Kurupt, and West Coast Gottiline. Do you breed dogs, and if so what type of dogs do you breed? Yes, I currently breed American Bully’s. What inspired you to get involved with that particular breed? My nephew introduced me to the American Bully. I loved their structure, stub nose, compactness, and muscular build. I also fell in love with their temperament. What type of diet do you recommend that people keep their dogs on throughout the year? I feed my dogs various dog products, as they need variety to prevent lack of appetite. I try to mix in raw food as well, so they receive nutrients. What is your favorite bloodline? My favorite bloodlines are Prince of Spade, Toad, and Miagi. What advice do you have for anyone looking to participate in the bully shows? I would tell them to do a lot of training with their 38 dog beforehand, so that they are confident. SPITFIRE KENNELZ BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 60 Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why? I look up to Bigslick’s Bullies, and Anthony Calabrese. They taught me to focus on the love of dogs, not the money. They also taught me to breed to achieve a desired look. Looking back at 2015, tell us about one of your most memorable moments. The most memorable moment of 2015 for me would be adding the Miagi grandson, Bobble head, to my line up. Describe how you would want things, in the bully Commuity, to be 10 years from now. I would like for every kennel to stop tearing the next kennel down, and bring the fun back into competition. What separates Spitfire Kennelz from the rest of the bully kennels in the game? We treat our dogs as family, and we are on a first name basis, with anyone that enters our kennel. What other hobbies or interests do you take part in? I love playing soccer and training dogs. You can view my videos on Youtube. All you have to do is search for Brooklyn Blue Bullies. What motto do you live by? I live by the motto ‘Pay it forward”. What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine? They give notoriety to the up and coming kennels, whether they are just starting out, or are veterans in the game. They recognize the dogs, and the backstory of the kennels. They help you to put a face to the kennel. 39 Author: Barbara Freeman Omaha Nebraska retired educator, now children’s author, Barbara Freeman- who touched our hearts with Sugar A Princess Pit Bull Finds Her Family has now released Super Smart Sugar. This book recognizes Sugar, an American Pit Bull Terrier as an; intelligent, humorous, and a cleaver dog. Sugar’s talent and skills are easily identified in real life scenarios. Readers are encouraged to identify their own dogs’ smart traits and compare them to Sugars. Many readers will find that their dogs are intelligent, witty, and loving. They learn that all dogs have some charm. Super Smart Sugar has a quiz that children can use to check their own dogs intelligence. It also has a professional Dog Intelligence Ranking Scale. This book has earned Readers Favorite “5” star professional review in February 2015. Super Smart Sugar is currently available at Laredo Publishing Company, and can be purchased or ordered at Barnes and Noble stores. Thanks to all of you. We hope you will enjoy this unique educational book!!! Check Barbara Freeman out on Facebook and Pinterest. Customer Quotes 5 star review by Janice Gilmore August 6, 2015 “Great Book for Children” I love Barbara Freeman’s book “Super Smart Sugar.” It definitely in a very subtle way attacks stereotypes by showing the kind and loving side of a pit bull. Pit Bulls are often seen in a very bad light, but Sugar is seen in a fun and delightful light. This shows that dogs react to the love and positive attention that are shown at home. She engages children to take a look at their dogs in a different way and actually interact with them more. Barbara has a very kind way of engaging children. It is a good read for them and keeps their interest. 5 Star Review By Kelsie Smith “Add Fun to Reading Time” This book by Barbara Freeman is one of a kind. I read this book with kids. I watched and they got to pick out smart qualities that their puppy has. This really teaches kids to recognize those great characteristics in not only animals but in themselves and their peers. I would recommend this to any family looking to add some fun into reading time! 5 Star Review by Knolan Tyrell Hudson “Best Book Ever” Love this book; I believe that this book is appropriate for all ages. I’ve learned so much about my dog and about pit bulls! 5 Star Review by Ashley Sims “What an Awesome Read” What an awesome read!!! I was able to read this book with my daughters as well as our new puppy. We found it intriguing, as we were able to identify many of the “Smart” characteristics in our own dog. FOR MORE INFORMATION, EMAIL [email protected] 40 41 KENNELS - FL “Keep it clean, have patience, and dedication, and never forget to set time aside to work with your dog.” State your kennel name, and where your kennel is located. Hi my name is Alberto Alvarez, and my kennel is located in Hollywood ,Florida. What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed? I breed pocket bully’s. What inspired me, was their companionship, athleticism , and loyalty. What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year? The diet my dogs stay on throughout the year, is kibble based food, called diamond extreme athlete. What is your favorite bloodline? My favorite bloodlines would have to be Iron Bear Buddha, Grey fox, Gottiline, and Razor’s edge because of their overall look and quality. Do you currently show any of your dogs? We currently do not show any of our dogs. We prefer to focus on breeding and producing high quality dogs. What advice do you have for upcoming breeders? My advice for upcoming breeders is to keep it clean, have patience and dedication, and never forget to set time aside to work with your dog. What is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome? I would say the hardest thing not only in the bully world, but in all dog breeds, is losing a loyal companion after years of having him or her around. How do you think they can overcome this thing? I would say trying to remember all the good times 42 and the memories that will last a lifetime. IMPERIAL KENNELS BULLY GIRL MAG | Issue 60 Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why? I have a lot of respect for breeders out there, but I can’t really say I look up to many of them, because i’ve been around longer than most. I’ve been doing this for the past 30 years, so I try to set my own goals. Tell us about one of your most memorable moment in 2015. My most memorable moment of 2015 would have to be one afternoon when I was at the park, and a family with a disabled child came up to the dogs, and you could almost instantly see the way the dogs brighten her day, and filled her heart with happiness. Describe how you would want things in the bully community to be in 10 years from now. 10 years from now I would love to see more families coming around. Also I would like to see all the states and countries that have banned these dogs, to lift the bans, and allow people to have these dogs. They are truly an amazing breed. What separates your kennel from the competition? What separates me from most kennels, is the temperament, and quality that my dogs possess. What motto do you live by? The motto I live by is be humble, be faithful, and be honest. What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine? I am very pleased with this magazine, and I’m happy to see how far they’ve come. I appreciate all the things they do for this great breed, and I can’t thank them enough for this great opportunity. 43 INDUSTRY BULLYS I live by a lot of mottos, but the one that I love the most is “The only person that can beat you is you”. When was your first role as an actress? My first role was a principal role playing myself on Sesame Street, in a scene with the amazing Abby Caddy, saying the Alphabet and improving with the character at age 4. By the way, we had the same hair back then , how cool! I had so much fun because I wanted to be on that show each time I watched, and I was fortunate enough to do so. Still grateful! What was the biggest role as a young actress? My biggest role as a young actress at this time... I would have to say each and every role I was ever cast for, because each character had a special place in my life. At that moment for me nothing else mattered, but what I was doing! I am having a blast playing this role. It’s my role. I focus on the now. I love bringing actual life to words from a piece of paper! Each role creates and continues to mold the actress that I am today. Every role teachs me something new. It’s like a Rubix cube. Solve it, and it’s a great feeling! What inspired you to begin your career as an actress? For as long as I can remember, I asked my mom about being on TV. Lol, it might have been my first words, but according to my mom, I first asked at 1 years old and stayed on that path until age 3. One New Year’s Eve, I asked my mom “How come you don’t want me to be on TV? “ You said I could be and do anything.” My mom started to cry, and said you know what Donshea, it’s not that I don’t want you to be on TV. I don’t know what to do, but you know what I will down size my business, and this year is yours! I will find out what to do, and let’s do it! I had to wait until I turned 4 years old. My birthday is in March. I did it in less than a year, and here we are! What kind of roles do you prefer? I prefer roles that have dialogue, emotion combined with improv, because now thats a challenge to balance all things. You have to think on your feet. Now that’s fun! I actually get to act and use my brain, but the most interesting role for me is to act and sing on television! What a dream to do two of the things I really love doing more then anything in the world, and on camera! I’m passionate about my job. I’m blessed to be able share my love for the arts with the world. Any role that I’m allowed to have multiple levels of acting and combinations, meaning singing, rapping, playing instruments, or even playing sports, i’m interested! I am so passionate about life. My mom constantly tells me to embrace and enjoy 44 life because it’s your life, and you only get one. I have no regrets, just lessons learned. DONSHEA HOPKINS BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 DONSHEA HOPKINS Actress / Songwriter *Starred in 50 Cent’s TV Series POWER as Ghost’s daughter, Raina St. Patrick @donshea_hopkins What was your toughest role as a young actress? To be honest, I haven’t had one yet. They’re all a challenge, but not tough. Who are some of your favorite actors or actresses? I admire and respect so many it’s really not fair to choose. The greats before me, and the greats now. I have worked in the past with, and am currently working with some outstanding actresses and actors, who I truly adore for real! Outside of that Zendaya is killing the acting scene on multiple levels, She acts, sings, and dances. Shailene Woodly is on fire right now. She is doing what all young actresses want to do, having multiple faucets of things moving, or in circulation at the same time. Work! What have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career? I learned to just be myself, be spontaneous, listen and have respect. At the end of the day, they call the shots, no matter how big you are. Do you have any upcoming acting projects that our readers should look out for? Yes. I’m doing a play to raise awareness on FGM/C and Child Marriage in developing countries. It’s still confidential and in the beginning stages, but as soon as I get clearance, I’ll tell you guys all about it! Of course you guys know, I’m still playing Raina St. Patrick on POWER, (which I absolutely love doing) and working on my album. The word on the street is that you also do music. Tell our readers about your music venture and how that is working out for you. I’m working on my album 3Point2, and it’s mostly a pop album, but I have music of almost every genre on there. I have pop, indie, R&B, and I even have some rap songs. So I think that my album would be really interesting and inspiring, especially to young girls. Heres a fun fact! I wrote and co-wrote everything on my album! Have you always been into music, or is this something new for you? I’ve always had a love for music since I was young. Maybe 3 or 4 years old. Whenever I was playing with my toys, reading, or watching tv, I would always sing! Anything from nursery rhymes, to songs on 45 the radio. But I didn’t really get into music until I was six, when I got my first real guitar! Then I started taking voice, guitar, and piano lessons. Even in my free time I would sit down with my guitar and start writing songs. Yes at six years old, I was writing songs! That’s basically how my music career started. Who are some of your favorite artists in the music industry? I love and respect all musicians, because I know how tough it is being one. But my all time favs would have to be, Beyoncé, Adele, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber, 1D, Chris Brown, and the list goes on! But they all have amazing vocal ranges, and they’re not afraid to take risk. If you could work with anyone on your next song, who would it be? It would definitely be Ariana Grande! She’s so inspiring, and just an all around wonderful person with a great spirit! Her voice is amazing. It would just be an honor to even stand next to her! But I’d love to do a collaboration with any artist! DONSHEA HOPKINS Actress / Songwriter *Starred in 50 Cent’s TV Series POWER as Ghost’s daughter, Raina St. Patrick @donshea_hopkins How hard is it to balance schoolwork, with your busy career as an actress and songwriter? It isn’t that hard for me since I’m homeschooled. My mom’s my teacher so she keeps me in check, and makes sure I don’t get too stressed out or slack off. I just try to separate work from school. When I need to focus on my career for a big role, or I’m working on a song, my mom lets me focus on that by incorporating it into my schoolwork. At the end of the day, she makes it easy to relax and be a kid. What motto do you live by? I live by a lot of mottos, but the one that I love the most is “The only person that can beat you is you”. Most of all, “always remain humble”. Any last shoutouts? I had so much fun answering these questions and talking with you guys! But I’d just like to give at huge shoutout to all of my Team Donshea members, and to everyone who’s helped me in my career! Most of all I’d like to thank Real Estate Smoke Mel Muzik, and my mom of course! They’ve been helping from the start of my music career, and deserve a lot of credit! Of course I’d like to thank my agents and managers who’ve always believed in me, and continue to help me throughout my amazing career! I love you all. BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 BGM WAREHOUSE BGM WAREHOUSE 01. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - Black w/ Camo Brim - $25.00. 02. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - Camo w/ Green Brim - $25.00. 03. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - Grey w/ Yellow Brim - $25.00. 04. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - Black on Black Leather - $25.00. 05. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - White on White $25.00. 06. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - White w/ Leopard Brim - $25.00. 07. BGM Bully Snapback Cap - White w/ Pink Brim - $25.00. 02 03 04 05 06 07 $19.99 48 $19.99 $19.99 BGM WAREHOUSE 01 Love Me Hate Me Hoodie w/ Camo BGM Bully Snapback - (See Website for Pricing) 49 @nikki_636 50 51 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 BGM WAREHOUSE 01 02 01. Bully Girl Love, Ladies Jersey Style Tank - Neon Heather Green - $20.00. BGM WAREHOUSE BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 03 02. Bully Girl Love, Ladies Jersey Style Tank - Neon Pink - $20.00. 03. Bully Girl Love, Ladies Jersey Style Tank - Neon Yellow - $20.00. 04. Bully Girl Ladies Fitness Racerback Tank Neon Heather Green $25.00. 05. Bully Girl Ladies Fitness Racerback Tank Light Orange - $25.00. 06. Official Bully Girl Racerback Burnout Tank Available in Banana and Neon Pink - $25.00. 04 52 05 BGM WAREHOUSE 06 Bully Dog Love - Ladies Tee - (See Website for Pricing) 53 @nikki_636 54 55 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 BGM WAREHOUSE 02 01. BGM Men’s Bully ZipUp Hoodie - Athletic Gray $35.00. 02. BGM Hooded Bully Pullover Sweatshirt. Red / Gray - $30.00. 03. BGM Hooded Bully Pullover Sweatshirt. Black / Gray - $30.00. 04. BGM Hooded Bully Pullover Sweatshirt. Blue / Gray - $30.00. 05. BGM American Bully Hoodie - Black - $30.00. 06. BGM American Bully Hoodie - Red - $30.00. 07. Bully Girl Love Sueded V-Neck Hooded Sweatshirt - Neon Pink. $35.00. 08. Bully Girl Love Sueded V-Neck Hooded Sweatshirt - Turqberry. $35.00. 03 56 04 BGM WAREHOUSE 05 06 07 08 BGM WAREHOUSE 01 57 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 BULLY GIRL MAG | ISSUE 60 MOVIES VACATION Synopsis: Ed Helms stars in the New Line Cinema reboot of the Vacation film series as Rusty Griswald, the son of Chevy Chase’s iconic character of the original four films. Determined to show his own wife and kids the same kind of fun that he experienced as a boy, a grown up Rusty (Ed Helms) packs his bags, and sets his sights on Wally World. Horrible Bosses’ helmers John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein write and direct. 58 MOVIES ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS Synopsis: Through a series of misunderstandings, Alvin, Simon and Theodore come to believe that Dave is going to propose to his new girlfriend in New York City... and dump them. They have three days to get to him and stop the proposal, saving themselves not only from losing Dave but possibly from gaining a terrible stepbrother. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION EXTRACTION Synopsis: Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his teammates reunite for this pulse-pounding sequel, in which they attempt to take down a secret international organization known as the Syndicate--highly skilled ex-IMF agents who are intent on bringing down their former outfit. Christopher McQuarrie directs this new entry in the Mission Impossible franchise, with Jeremy Renner, Alec Baldwin, and Simon Pegg co-staring. Synopsis: Danny Glover, Sean Astin, and Vinnie Jones headline this independent martial arts action thriller following a U.S. Black ops agent named Mercy on his mission to extract a criminal from a maximum security Chechen prison. When the mission goes awry, Mercy and his target must fight their way out of a prison filled with violent convicts, and prevent a major arms dealer from carrying out a deadly attack on innocent civilians. Joanne Kelly, Falk Hentshel, and Jon Foo co-star. 59
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