Strategic Plan shown


Strategic Plan shown
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Serving the University of Rochester community since 1873
Amnesty put on
probation by SA
Staff Wr it er
The Students’ Association
Senate has put the UR chapter of Amnesty International
on a one month probation.
The punishment was in response to a violation of the
directives of the Policy and
Review Committee. Amnesty
rented out Friel Lounge for
an event hosted by the Progressive Students’ Alliance,
a loosely defined coalition of
clubs that is not officially recognized by the SA. Amnesty
also provided false information about the PSA’s event
on the event flyer.
According to University
policy, any club that provides
funding for a non-recognized
group can be considered for
probation. After reviewing
the case, the Policy and Review Committee decided on a
one month probation period
for Amnesty. The punishment also includes the loss
of room reservations and the
freezing of all funds for the
spring semester, unless the
group can prove that they
have reformed by the first
week of February.
The decision was reached
during an emergency meeting before the SA Senate.
There were rumors that a
protest was going to be held
by members of Amnesty and
the PSA during the Senate
meeting. However, none of
those rumors came to fruition. Amnesty International
Presidents Erica Wellington
and Julianne Nigro declined
to comment on the SA decision, but did address the
protest rumors.
“There was no protest
planned for last night, and
Amnesty is not aware of
any protest planned for the
future in relation to these
events,” Wellington and Nigro said in an e-mail.
The PSA is composed of a
number of progressive-minded clubs, including Amnesty
International, Students for
Social Justice, the Community Learning Center, the
International Living Center
and the Student Association
of Vegan and Vegetarian
Youth. The alliance has never
been officially regarded as a
club by the SA. Amnesty’s
JEFF LEVY • Phot ography Edit or
Students visit the Hartnett Gallery which is now hosting
“Vision = Life: AIDS Posters” in honor of World AIDS Day.
World AIDS Day
observed at UR
Staff Wr it er
Beginning last Wednesday,
AIDS Week at UR hosted
numerous events that examined many of the issues concerning the AIDS epidemic.
In 1988, the United Nations World Health Organization created World AIDS
Day in hopes of raising
awareness of the worldwide
epidemic that HIV/AIDS has
become. This year, World
AIDS Day was recognized on
Friday and AIDS Week at UR
spanned from Wednesday,
Nov. 29 to Saturday, Dec. 2.
AIDS Week’s first event
kicked off on Wednesday
with a reception for the
poster exhibition by former
professor at the UR School of
Medicine and Dentistry Dr.
Edward C. Atwater. “VisionLife: AIDS Posters” was put
on display in Hartnett Gallery and consists of posters
from over 29 countries that
reflect changes in perceptions of AIDS.
“Showing all of these posters from all over the world
demonstrates that this is not
just a problem in Africa — it
is affecting people all over
the world,” Undergraduate
Director of the Hartnett Gallery Committee and senior
Shannon Miller said.
On Thursday, an AIDS
Vaccine Discussion Panel entitled “Let’s Talk About HIV”
was held in the Gowen Room
of Wilson Commons. The
KALI COHN • Staff Phot ographer
Dean Feldman responds to a student’s question about the plan to build a college town
as part of the Brooks Landing project during Wednesday’s Town Hall meeting.
Strategic Plan shown
Town Hall Meeting presents plan to student body
Staff Wr it er
Dean of the College Faculty
Peter Lennie held a Town
Hall Meeting on Strategic
Planning in the Gowen
Room on Wednesday. He
addressed issues primarily
about growth in the college
and the expansion of faculty
and programs. He also spoke
about a number of initiatives
that the administration is
looking into over the next few
years, such as increasing the
college’s international focus,
strengthening the Humanities, Science and Engineering
Departments and improving
student life by developing a
college town.
Lennie began by comparing the University of Rochester to a number of “peer
universities,” such as Brown,
Cornell and Duke that attract
the same sort of students as
Rochester. The thing that sets
Rochester apart from the rest
of these universities is its size
— the other universities have
an average of seven schools
and almost every one has
more faculty, undergraduates
and Ph.D. students.
Lennie stressed that in
order to keep up with these
universities in terms of
reputation, visibility and attractiveness, the University
needs to grow.
“We can’t offer the range of
programs that we’d like to,”
he said. This would involve
the addition of infrastructure
and a greater number of students and faculty.
The proposition that Lennie discussed was to increase
the college faculty and the
undergraduate population
by 25 percent over the next
ten years, raising the faculty
from 320 to 400 and the un-
dergraduates from 4000 to
5000. Lennie stressed that
this was just a starting point,
not a definite number.
“This is not a target number,” he said. “It is a point
of merit. We haven’t got a
plan yet.”
One of Rochester’s advantages over other similar
universities is its small
size, and the administration
realizes the need to keep
the Rochester community
“It’s a valuable attribute
of the College, that it’s intimate and collegiate,” Lennie
said. “Even if we grew by
25 percent, we would still
remain small.” Lennie is
convinced that the extra
25 percent will not make
the campus seem more
crowded. One initiative that
is currently being discussed
LYDIA YALE • Staff Phot ograph er
Freshman Demetreus Hargrove makes a holiday card during the Black Students Union
Kwanzaa Celebration. The events culminate in Friday’s Kwanzaa Extravaganza.
Devel opment Edit or
The Task Force on the
Interfaith Chapel released
two documents on Monday:
“Principles to Guide the ReOrganization of the Interfaith
Chapel” — which serves as
recommendations to Interim
Dean of the College Richard
Feldman — and “Communal
Expectations for Religious
Life.” They are the culmination of seven meetings that
the Task Force held this past
semester to seek to improve
the quality of religious life for
UR students.
Chaired by Professor of
Religion Curt Cadorette and
Dean of Students Jody Asbury,
the Task Force consisted of 17
members. In addition to the
two co-chairs, three professors, the Director of the International Services Office, four
religious community leaders
and seven students from various religious communities sat
in on the committee. Furthermore, Dean Feldman sat in
on a few meetings, listening
to the discussions. The full
listing is available on the Dean
of Students Web site.
According to Dean Asbury
and Hillel President, Task
Force member and junior
Jon Elkin, the first document
— which constitutes the recommendations sent to Dean
Feldman — outlined the
Interfaith Chapel’s responsibility to maintain religious
life on campus. For example,
the document established
guidelines regarding the relationships between religious
groups and recommendations
as to how to structure them.
The second document
adapted the University’s
“Statement of Communal
Principles” — a well-established document that has
delineated the expectations of
UR students, faculty and staff
— to religious life, especially
as it relates to the conduct of
religious community chaplains.
“Personally, I am very
pleased with the outcome of
the committee,” Elkin said. “I
think that if you ask any one
of us we would tell you that
there are certainly unsolved
issues, but what we were able
to accomplish established a
clear structure within which
religious communities on
campus can operate and an
outline for how the Interfaith
Chapel will proceed to improve itself and religious life
on campus. The committee
was incredibly attentive to the
diversity of religious groups
Page 2
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
Black Students’ Union
celebrates Kwanzaa
Staff Writer
BSU began their week-long
Kwanzaa celebration on Monday,
Dec. 4 with a variety of events
honoring culture, family and community through seven principles.
They have been following this
tradition for the past 10 years.
On Monday, BSU Volleyball
Night was held in the Goergen
Athletic Center. The purpose of the
games was to celebrate the values
of Umoja (unity) and Kujichagulia
On Tuesday, the principle of
Ujima (collective work and responsibility) was represented by
the creation of holiday cards for
patients at the Golisano Children’s
Hospital at Strong.
On Wednesday, a discussion was
held by Uncle Moe’s Restaurant
and highlighted the values of Ujamaa (cooperative economics) and
Nia (purpose).
BSU Open Mic Night will be held
on Thursday at 8 p.m. in Hillside
Café. This event showcases the
principles of Kuumba (creativity)
and Imani (faith).
The finale, “Kwanzaa Extravaganza: Remembering Our Past,
Repairing Our Present, Reclaiming
Our Future,” will be held at 7 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 8, in the May Room in
Wilson Commons. It will spotlight
all the values and include food,
performances and guest speaker
Dr. David Anderson.
“The best thing about Kwanzaa
is it allows us to learn a lot about our
community,” BSU President and
senior Marquis Harrison said.
Halusic is a member of
the class of 2010.
Lego tournament held
for middle schoolers
MARK FLEMING • Staff Phot ographer
Orpheus and Eurydice, from the upcoming Todd play, have a moment.
•The Campus Times’ newly
elected staff will begin working
when the paper returns on Jan.
25, led by new Editor-in-Chief Alex
Moeller. This is the last issue for
the semester.
•My America: Art From the
Jewish Museum Collection,
1900-1955, will be on view through
Dec. 24 at Rochester Memorial Art
Gallery. The exhibition shows how
Jewish American artists reacted
to their worlds through art, and
includes works by Alfred Stiegliz,
Ben Shahn, and Morris Louis.
•Gifts for the Giving is being
extended through Monday, December 11. Gifts will go to families of
children at local Rochester schools.
Bring your gifts to the Interfaith
Chapel, mid-level.
To submit, please email
[email protected].
Deadline is Tuesday at 5 p.m.
Opinions Edit or
This past Saturday, UR played
host to hundreds of middle school
students and future engineers.
Teams from around the state gathered in the Goergen Athletic Center
to take part in the Second Annual
Finger Lakes First Lego League
Tournament, sponsored by UR
School of Engineering and Applied
Sciences, UR Admissions and Xerox
and Bausch & Lomb.
Forty-nine teams participated
— the 50th team, from Quebec, got
snowed in — a large increase from
the 22 teams last year. One hundred
fifty people from the UR community,
two-thirds of them undergraduates,
volunteered to work as coordinators
and team hosts for the energetic
middle schoolers.
For UR, the tournament was a
great opportunity.
“It helps us if students are coming
to UR and if they’re planning on
going into science and engineering,
that they have experience doing it,”
Engineering Academic Adviser and
Tournament Volunteer Organizer
John Ballou said.
For the participating middle
schoolers, the goal was to build and
program a Lego machine capable of
performing several different tasks.
This year, the tasks revolved
around the theme of “Nanotechnology.” For instance, each machine
had to push “pizza molecules”
around and place a Buckyball onto
a bone-like structure to simulate a
medicinal treatment. In addition,
each team had to perform a skit relating to the nanotechnology theme.
For example, “The Agency,” a team
from Honeoye-Falls, NY, performed
a play about odor-resistant fabric
that ended with a rendition of “It’s
a Small World.”
Each team also had to give a
technical presentation and defend
their machines in front of a panel of
judges. The teams’ final scores were
based on their presentations, their
technical presentation, teamwork
and research. Top honors went to
Christian Central Academy’s “CCA
Racing Robots,” who walked away
with a trophy composed of yellow
Overall, the tournament was
viewed as a huge success, and the
school plans on having it return.
“It’s an exhausting day, it’s a long
day, but the outcome is worth it,”
Ballou said.
Brenneman is a member of
the class of 2009.
Rough night for Sue B. males
as alcohol hospitalizes three
A male student suffering from
acute alcohol intoxication was
found in the traffic circle outside
of Susan B. Anthony Halls early
Sunday morning, according to
This student, in addition to two
others, was transported to the UR
Medical Center via ambulance over
the course of the night.
The two other students were
transported to URMC in separate
incidents between 12:50 and 2:27
In the most serious incident, UR
Security found that the student had
consumed a total of 19 drinks to
celebrate his nineteenth birthday.
Drinking before the age of 21 is
illegal in New York.
In addition to the three hospitalizations, UR Security and the
Medical Emergency Response
Team responded to four other
alcohol-related incidents in the
course of the night.
After evaluations by MERT and
UR Security in each case, it was
determined that the student in
question did not require transport
to URMC, according to Mauldin.
Towel fire forces
Anderson alarm
The fire alarm in Anderson
Tower sounded at 4:49 p.m. on
Monday, causing UR Security and
the Rochester Fire Department to
respond to the scene.
Upon their arrival on the seventh
called Rejoice! that allows all Christians on
campus to come together and worship.
It will begin at 7 p.m. in the Interfaith Chapel
Sanctuary and will feature music by student
musicians. Following will be a time of ministry,
led by Bishop Gregory Parris.
The Meliora Restaurant will hold a holiday
lunch buffet.
BSU will hold an Open Mic Night that will
present some of UR’s young talent. It will take
place at 8 p.m in the Hillside Café of Susan B.
Anthony Halls.
This is the second day of the holiday lunch buffet at the Meliora Restaurant.
Dr. Bryan Danforth of Cornell University will
host a seminar on ecology and evolutionary biology with regard to the phylogeny of bees. The
talk will at 316 Hutchison Hall from 3 to 4 p.m.
The end of the week-long celebration of
Kwanzaa will occur at 7 pm. in the May Room
of Wilson Commons. “Kwanzaa Extravaganza:
Remembering Our Past, Repairing Our Present,
Reclaiming Our Future” will include all the
seven values of Kwanzaa, food, performances
and a guest speaker.
The Holiday Extravaganza will
take place in the River Level of
the Interfaith Chapel at 3 p.m.
A myriad of Rochester’s favorite authors
will read original poetry and prose written in
response to the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibition.
“Writers Respond to O’Keeffe” will take place
at 2 p.m. in the Memorial Art Gallery Auditorium. Student admission is $5 with ID and
general admission is $7.
Eastman School of Music will give a 25-minute
Security stalks bow hunters on UR property
intended to discourage literate
scofflaws from further similar action on University property.
UR Christian Fellowship will hold a service
Timothy Spelbring, a graduate student at the
News Editor
A resident of Brighton contacted
UR Security to report individuals
illegally hunting on University
property, according to Director of
UR Security Walter Mauldin.
The resident reported that individuals had been hunting with
bows and arrows south of the
Laboratory for Laser Energetics
on the South Campus.
After investigating the scene,
UR Security discovered two hunting stands, possibly used for hunting. Also found were the remnants
of arrows, also possibly used for
After the incident, University
Facilities posted “No Hunting”
signs in the area.
While redundant due to Town
of Brighton laws making hunting
illegal at all times, the signs are
floor, UR Security officers reported
observing thick, hazy smoke. The
cause of the smoke, according to
Mauldin, was a flaming towel.
The building was not damaged
in the incident.
Aggressive panhandler
returns to Eastman
UR Security officers responded
to two separate complaints of an
aggressive man seeking money on
the sidewalk near the Eastman
School on Tuesday, according to
The man, who has a history of
interactions with UR Security
spanning many years, was told
to move along.
Information provided
by UR Security.
Majarian is a member of
the class of 2008.
recital on the Italian Baroque organ. The event
will last from 3 to 3:25 p.m. and is free with
Gallery admission.
The Department of Biology will hold a talk
entitled “Hijacking the senses: Modulating
Drosophila lifespan and physiology through
olfaction.” Department of Molecular and Human Genetics Dr. Scott Pelcher from the Baylor
College of Medicine will speak from noon to 1
p.m. in Hutchison Hall 473.
Reading period begins today and lasts until
Friday, Dec. 15.
Please email calendar submissions to
[email protected].
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Page 3
HPV facts presented to students
JASON FREIDMAN • Phot ography Editor
A backhoe digs at the future location of a hotel in the 19th Ward.
Construction proceeds
at Brooks Landing site
News Editor
Work on the Brooks Landing
redevelopment project in the
19th Ward is progressing toward
an eventual conclusion, despite
numerous delays in its advancement.
“The University is encouraged
that the project is moving ahead,”
UR Office of Communications
Public Information Coordinator Sharon Dickman said. “The
process is complex and involves
representatives from city, county
and state governments as well as
private developers.”
Upon its completion, the Brooks
Landing project will be a “college
town” atmosphere just across the
pedestrian footbridge from the
River Campus.
The footbridge was the first
phase of the project that was
completed in 1991 to connect
Wilson Boulevard with Plymouth
Although the project broke
ground last November, plans for
redevelopment have existed for
over 20 years.
“The University participated in
a study that was done in 1983 to
see what kind of enhancements
should be made to the South River
Corridor,” Rochester community
activist Dana Miller said.
The plan for Brooks Landing
features a public riverfront promenade on the Genesee river and a
commercial shopping center with
student-centric shops, including
a café.
Also included in the plan is
a hotel, for which construction
recently began. The hotel will
appeal to families of students, in
addition to other visitors.
The last obstruction to the commencement of the redevelopment
project was the approval from the
National Park Service.
The reason for the retention
of approval for years was due to
the fact that Brooks Landing will
encroach on 1.38 acres of land
that are currently part of Genesee
Valley Park.
U.S. Representative Louise
Slaughter was an integral part
in securing approval for the
project through the National
Park Service.
“The project will make the area
a community anchor, improving
not only the 19th Ward, but also
the University of Rochester and
areas up and down the Genesee
River,” Congresswoman Slaughter said.
Environmental concerns were
put to rest, however, when designers included dedicated parkland
within the project and the promise
of increased access to the current
public trail system.
Majarian is a member of
the class of 2008.
Additional reporting by
Catelyn Halusic.
Staff Wr it er
Associate Professor of Medicine
William Bonnez, M.D. and Associate
Professor of Medicine, Microbiology
and Immunology Robert Rose gave a
talk on Monday in Hoyt Auditorium,
explaining the new Human Papilloma Virus vaccine and how it can
help prevent cervical cancer.
Carrie Bukowski, a sophomore
assistant at UHS Health Promotion
Office and Co-Chair of the Student
Health Advisory Commitee, was one
of the organizers of the event.
“With this talk, we hope to raise
awareness of the importance of the
HPV vaccine to women, especially
those in our age range, as the vaccine
targets women between the ages of
nine and 26,” Bukowski said.
UHS intern and SUNY Brockport
senior Jon Brown was also involved
in the planning of the event.
“It is essential to clarify how to
use the vaccine and to advertise
the fact that it is available here at
UHS,” Brown said.
Genital HPV is the most common
sexually transmitted virus in the
United States — about 20 million
people in the country are infected,
and 80 percent of the sexually active
population have been infected with
HPV at some point, mostly during
adolescence and young adulthood.
There are over 200 strains of HPV,
two of which (types 16 and 18) are
responsible for 70 percent of all
cervical cancers. Gardasil, the new
HPV vaccine developed by Merck,
specifically targets four strains of the
virus, HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18, and has
been found to be almost 100 percent
effective for the prevention of diseases caused by these strains.
Bonnez gave the first part of the
presentation, focusing on important facts about the HPV virus, its
prevalence and its connection to
cervical cancer.
“HPV is present in virtually all
cervical cancers, which is the second
most common cancer in women
worldwide after breast cancer,” Bon-
JASON FREIDMAN • Phot ography Editor
Dr. Bonnez shows the link between HPV and cervical cancer.
nez said. “5.2 percent of all cancers
are caused by HPV.”
Rose delivered the second part
of the talk, explaining the process
undertaken to prove the relationship
between the HPV virus and cervical
cancer, as well as the development
and administration of the vaccine.
“The vaccine is given in three
doses over a six month period,” Rose
said. “The second dose is given two
months after the first, and the third
is given six months after the first.
The cost is $150 per dose.”
Although the vaccine is offered
through UHS, it is not covered by
all insurance providers yet. The
college’s BlueCross BlueShield
insurance does not cover the vaccine. BlueCross currently insures
3,500 undergraduate and graduate
At the end of the presentation, the
doctors took questions from the audience. One question addressed the
vaccine’s ability to cure an already
existing infection.
“There is no evidence that the
vaccine would cure an existing infection,” Rose said. “We are currently
working on a therapeutic vaccine to
help women who are already infected
with the virus. If a woman is already
infected with one strain, the vaccine will be effective in preventing
against the other HPV types.”
Another question addressed possible long term side effects of the
“No serious side effects have
been determined,” Rose said. “The
most common side effects included
temporary pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, possibly
accompanied by fever or headaches.
Five years into the vaccine trial, no
evidence has been found of adverse
side effects in the long term.”
Over 100 students and faculty
members attended the HPV talk and
many of them found the presentation very informative.
“Dr. Bonnez and Dr. Rose explained in great detail not only how
someone can contract the virus
and how it can potentially become
cancerous, but they also comprehensively described the procedures they
undertook to develop a vaccine,”
Student Association Speaker of
the Senate and sophomore Hallie
Cohn said.
Barbosu is a member of
the class of 2010.
Page 2
AAAS honors three UR scientists
Staff Wr it er
It was recently announced that
three UR scientists were elected as
fellows to the American Association
for the Advancement of Science.
This title is bestowed upon AAAS
members who have contributed
significant advancements to their
chosen field.
As an honor determined by his or
her peers in the scientific community,
an AAAS member may be nominated
for fellowship by the Steering Groups
of the Association’s 24 sections, any
three fellows who are current AAAS
members or the AAAS Chief Executive Officer.
The honorees will be recognized
in a ceremony during AAAS’ annual
meeting, to be held in San Francisco
on Feb. 17, 2007.
“This is an important recognition of three great members of our
faculty who have done outstanding
and highly regarded research,” UR
President Joel Seligman said.
Professor John Jaenike, chair
of the Department of Biology, was
recognized by the Section on Biologi-
cal Sciences for his contributions to
the field of ecological genetics, particularly the ecology and genetics of
parasite-host interactions.
“It turns out that various sorts
of parasites are a very important
component of the environment for
virtually all species, even though it’s
usually hard to see them,” Jaenike
said. “The study of parasite-host
interactions provides endless opportunities to do interesting science.”
The Section on Biological Sciences also elected Professor Lynne
Maquat, the Dean’s Endowed Chair
of the Department of Biochemistry
and Biophysics, for her discovery and
characterization of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, which is significant for scientists researching the
prevention of genetic disorders.
The Section on Psychology elected
Professor Michael Tanenhaus of the
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. His highly influential
methodology and research is making
strides in understanding how the human brain processes information.
“I was elected for helping to develop methods that have changed the
way many people in the field study
language processing,” Tanenhaus
said. “I am humbled to be elected a
fellow because I’m joining a distinguished group.”
The recognition of these faculty
members has also been beneficial for
their respective departments.
“Our department is delighted that
Michael Tanenhaus has received
this important and well-deserved
honor,” Chair of the Department of
Brain and Cognitive Sciences Elissa
Newport said. “His work, and this
fellowship, bring reflected glory to
us all.”
Undergraduate students have had
a positive reaction toward the opportunity to study under the tutelage of
these world-class professors.
“This is an honor not only for these
scientists, but for the University as
well,” biology major and sophomore
Brian Magee said. “It is a great feeling to know that, as students, we are
being taught by the best professors
in the field and learning from their
Pomaranski is a member of
the class of 2010.
two speakers were Principal Investigator for the HIV Vaccine Trials
Unit at URMC Dr. Michael C. Keefer
and UHS Physician Sharon Glezon,
with Action for a Better Community
member Jésus Gutierrez as an additional speaker.
Vice President of both Sigma Beta
Rho Fraternity, Inc. and Community Service Network, junior Craig
Brown had initially approached the
Health Promotions Office, suggesting that they provide free HIV testing
for World AIDS Day. At first, free
HIV testing was the only goal, yet it
expanded to also include spreading
On Friday afternoon, AIDS
Rochester and ABC provided free
HIV testing in Wilson Commons.
However, time did not allow for all
participants to be tested. As such,
there will be another testing this
semester and again in February.
“I think the events were an efficient way to make students aware
of the new HIV vaccine and the
testing services available at UHS,”
Delta Gamma sorority President,
URSHAC member and junior Rachel
TenBrock said. “We were thrilled
with the number of students who
came to get tested and hopefully we
will be able to do this testing more
frequently on campus so students
can begin to view HIV testing as a
routine part of health care.”
Following the HIV testing was an
African-themed AIDS Awareness
Dinner held in Danforth Dining
Center from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday
with Ethiopian food.
To finish AIDS Week at UR, the
UR Symphony Orchestra held a wellattended benefit concert in Strong
Auditorium on Saturday. Although
admission was free, student groups
such as the Black Students’ Union
and the D’Lions College Life Group
collected a generous amount of donations to benefit AIDS efforts.
Other groups involved were
Charles Drew Pre-Health Society,
Amnesty International, Pride Network and ARAMARK.
“I cannot help but express joy for
the success of the past week’s AIDS
Awareness Week,” World AIDS Day
coordinator and senior Feisal Adan
said. “I feel AIDS Week created a buzz
in the school and we could not hope
for a better awareness campaign. I,
myself, coming from Africa, I have
seen the havoc the AIDS virus has
caused and I cannot wait for the day
we win the war against AIDS.”
Halusic is a member of
the class of 2010.
AIDS: UR hosts week of AIDS awareness
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Amnesty: Put on probation
misappropriation of SA funds to
rent a room for the group makes
them fully responsible for the
“This is so important because
of accountability,” SA President
and senior Alex Pearlman said.
“If something went wrong in Friel
Lounge, if something were broken
or money were lost, Amnesty
International would be held accountable.”
The event under scrutiny is a
Faculty Tea, which was scheduled
for Dec. 8 from 1 to 3 p.m. Certain
faculty members who received
invitations in the mail were invited to discuss current issues
around campus with members of
the PSA.
The investigation began on Nov.
21, when a member of the SA Senate found a flyer advertising the
event. An SA Senator then met
Amnesty International President,
PSA member and sophomore
Erica Wellington, warning her of
the potential consequences of the
club’s actions. At the Senate meeting, the investigators stressed that
Wellington and the rest of the Amnesty leadership were fully aware
that they had violated SA policy,
but did not do anything to cancel
the event.
“We met with them explicitly and
said, ‘that is not allowed,’” Policy
and Review Committee Chair and
junior Charlie Whitman said.
Amnesty was also charged with
violating policy in regard to the
event flyer. The flyer did not mention the fact that the club sponsored
the event, nor did it state Amnesty’s
status as an SA funded group, both
of which are provisions required
for event posters as stated in the
Student Organization booklet.
Over the past few months, the
SA has approached the PSA four
times about becoming a recognized
group. The PSA was informed that
they had to either organize the associated clubs into one umbrella
group or cease all activities. The
conversations came to a halt when it
became clear that the PSA was not
going to take the steps necessary to
become a recognized group.
According to Pearlman, this is
an unfortunate and unprecedented
turn of events.
“This is the first time we’ve ever
had to really scrutinize a group
before,” he said.
Wrobel is a member of
the class of 2010.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Page 5
Interfaith: Chapel reviewed
on campus and I think that we
reinforced, through our documents
and discussions, the Chapel’s and
the University’s commitment to
religious diversity and freedom.”
This commitment to diversity
was evident through the Task
Force’s agenda, posted on the Dean
of Students’ Web site. During its
Monday, Oct. 9 meeting, the Task
Force discussed student-led religious
communities to better understand
the needs of groups that may not be
represented by chaplains, inviting
groups that were not already on the
Task Force. Since the covenant statement of the UR Interfaith Chapel
only had Jewish, Protestant and
Catholic communities as signatories,
members of the Task Force stressed
that the Interfaith Chapel needs to
be structured to receive emerging
religious traditions at UR.
“We want to do better by these
groups and provide more support
to let all students know they are
welcome,” Asbury said.
An important part of addressing
the needs of new groups is the governance of the Interfaith Chapel, a
key component of the Task Force’s
recommendations. Dean Asbury
remarked that the position of Interfaith Chapel director is important to
coordinate the needs of all religious
“The Interfaith Chapel organization needs to be designed to support
the multiplicity of faith traditions
so everyone has a voice, especially
those who don’t have chaplains,”
Asbury said.
If the Task Force reconvenes next
semester, she explained, it would
most likely be to help with the search
for a new director.
Director of the Catholic Newman
Community Father Brian Cool commented on the Task Force.
“The process was very challenging,
and one I was quite suspicious of given
the limited amount of time and the
broad array of issues that needed to
be addressed,” Cool said. “However,
what we were able to put together and
the course we have been able to steer
for the future has been incredible
and a positive example of what good
collaboration can achieve.”
Dean Asbury summarized the
state of religion on campus and
what the Task Force is doing to address it.
“The Task Force will be making
some recommendations to the deans
to strengthen our ability to welcome
the world’s religions on campus,”
she said. “We reviewed our own
history and the contributions of the
long-standing partners at the Chapel
who have helped us build a strong
program from its beginnings, but we
also benchmarked programs from
across the country to understand how
we might better welcome and support
the broad array of faith traditions
that students bring to campus.”
Scott is a member of
the class of 2008.
involves a “dorm-like private residence” in the 19th Ward that would
be rented out exclusively to University students.
The initiative to build off-campus
is being discussed independently of
the expansion and is tied into the idea
of creating a college town. Lennie
acknowledges that Rochester does
not have any semblance of a college
town, and the administration is
looking into trying to develop one
over the next few years.
“Building off-campus housing
across the river is something that
could emerge as a nucleus for a college
town,” Lennie said. Interim Dean of
the College Richard Feldman emphasized that the University would try to
work together with the community.
“The idea is to engage with the
people, make us welcome members
of that community,” he said. “If there
is a group of students there, there
will be a basis for bookstores, or a
coffee shop.”
Another main point of the meeting
was the school’s intention to pursue
an international focus. This includes
courses that teach about international issues and area studies, more
focus on study abroad programs and
an increased percentage of international students from 6 percent to
ten percent.
Students who attended the meeting understood that Lennie was
merely trying to lay out possible
courses of action for the University,
and that he was not able to answer
many of their questions since nothing has yet been decided.
“What we are doing tonight is
staking out territory that needs to
be explored,” Lennie said.
Wrobel is a member of
the class of 2010.
Meeting: UR plan discussed
Page 6
Serving the University of Rochester community since 1873.
Strategic assault
One of the benchmarks of the Strategic Plan is the idea of
slowly increasing the size of the student body and faculty at
UR by 25% over the next 10 years. While that is not a striking
percentage, it means that the student body would grow from
4,000 to 5,000 students and the faculty by 80 members — from
320 to 400.
While Deans Lennie and Feldman have cited the increase as
one that will eventually provide more opportunities for everyone at UR, any increase must be handled in a way that ensures
that UR will not become a less appealing place for current or
potential students.
With just the increase of the freshman class by 200 members
the University has proved that it can’t handle increasing the
student body at this time. With one-third of these students
living in “crowded housing,” most in triples and some even in
quads, we must ask — is this the environment first-year students
should be entering into? It of course must be assumed then,
that before moving forward with any plans to increase the size
of the student body there must already be a place for the extra
1,000 students to live.
Dean Feldman explained that “The University of Rochester is
becoming a much more attractive place for undergraduates. We
are doing good things, and enrolling good students.” That could
stand to change with the increase of the student body.
Many students choose Rochester for its humble size but large
university-type opportunities. Even an increase of just 1,000
students could stand to completely change that dynamic.
UR prides itself on its small student body, the intimacy it
provides in terms of relationships within the student body as
well as with professors and the opportunities each student has
to find his or her niche.
It is possible that if done correctly, slowly and with extreme
care, UR could successfully become a slightly larger school and
sustain no damages in the process.
More professors could mean a greater diversity of programs
and courses as well as students and opportunities. But, if done
too quickly it could bring about a decline that students and alum
would be sad to see.
Cheers and jeers
CHEERS to Richard Feldman, who not only quickly picked up
the mantle of Dean of the College from our beloved Dean Green,
but ran with it. His enthusiasm in tackling strategic planning
is amazing, and if UR pulls it off, all the better.
JEERS to Amnesty International, who ended up on probation by not listening to the simple demands of the Students’
Association Senate’s Policy Committee by using SA money for
illegitimate uses. Getting yourselves put on probation hurts all
the students involved and hurts a valuable cause.
CHEERS to SA President Alexander Pearlman, who has
brought a new energy to the President’s Office. Pearlman has
done exceptionally well in delivering on his promise of communication with the student body, establishing the Town Hall
Meetings and keeping the Senate energized.
CHEERS to URTV, who have really stepped up their game
this year. It has actually become a pleasure to turn on Channel
Four even when it’s not late at night after a party.
JEERS to the poor manners of the students attending the
first three Town Hall Meetings. The school is doing something
completely new to help connect to the students. Instead of giving
constructive criticism, students in the logo town hall meeting tore
down every suggestion. Students in the dining town hall meeting
focused relentlessly on Fair Trade. College students should be
able to be respectful and insightful, and it didn’t seem until last
night’s meeting that anyone was capable of being so.
CHEERS to Dining Services for all their hard work again
this year. We have stated this several times in the past, but it
cannot be overemphasized — Dining Services does an excellent
job. They carefully plan out everything, communicate and take
suggestions very seriously, but still do not get enough credit
from students.
Full responsibility for material appearing in this publication rests with the editor-in-chief. Opinions
expressed in columns, letters or comics are not necessarily the views of the editors or the University of
Rochester. Editorials appearing in the Campus Times are published with the express consent of a majority
of the editorial board, which consists of the editor-in-chief, the managing editor, the opinions editor and
two other editors elected by a majority of the editorial staff. The editor-in-chief and the editorial board
make themselves available to the UR community’s ideas and concerns. Appointments can be arranged by
calling x5-5942 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The Campus Times is printed weekly on Thursdays
throughout the academic year, except around and during university holidays. The first copy is free. The
Campus Times is published on the World Wide Web at and is updated Thursdays
following publication. All materials herein are copyright © 2006 by the Campus Times.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
The best of Times
The Campus Times chronicles
the news, activities, opinions and
events of everyone at the University, except its own staff. Well, this
is my last issue as editor of volume
133, so I’m going to disregard our
policies and engage in some shameless self-promotion. I’m going to
talk about us, the CT, because in
the words of football legend Terrell
Owens, “I love me some me.”
Ask an editor why they enjoy
working for the CT and you will
hear a variety of responses: “I love
the challenges.” “I love the fast
pace.” “I love finding stories and
hearing about the issues behind
them.” “I love writing.” “I love
informing the campus about what’s
going on.” But the one thing everyone says is, “I love the people I have
met because of the CT.”
The CT is made up of some of
the most dedicated people on this
campus. Every week, editors work
hard to fill their sections with
relevant and interesting stories.
They manage a team of writers,
work within tough deadlines and
stay up until the break of dawn
laying out each issue. It says a lot
that despite all of the pressure, all
of the long nights in the depths of
Wilson Commons, all of the challenges and all of the deadlines, this
staff has grown together, learned
together and become a close-knit
group of friends.
The one thing you won’t hear
from editors is, “I do it for the
glory.” There is no glory in being a
CT editor. When we leave the office
after putting an issue together, we
don’t exit to a round of applause or
a line of handshakes and high-fives.
We turn out the lights and close
the door and walk home across an
empty campus, weary-eyed and
under the first rays of the morning sun.
The reward comes from seeing
people we don’t know reading the
pages we created. It comes from
the satisfaction of knowing that
we helped spark a conversation or
brought attention to an issue.
It comes from knowing we helped
to keep a student informed.
It comes from knowing that we
helped publicize the hard work
and dedication of another group
or team.
It comes from watching a stack
of papers decrease throughout
the week.
It comes from knowing that we
shed light on a problem that needed
to be addressed and hopefully aided
in its resolution.
For me, the reward has come
from listening to the stories of
others. The other day I flipped
through a few old issues and was
quickly reminded about how much I
have learned from so many people.
Through my involvement with
the CT, I have had the privilege
of being able to share the stories
of students, faculty and staff from
across the University community.
The work done at this school and
the dedication of the people that
work and study here is truly inspiring. Thanks to everyone for their
support and feedback through the
past year and good luck on finals!
Bruml is a member of
the class of 2008.
Auf weidersehen, Opinions
My tenure as Opinions Editor is
coming to a close, and it has been
a great ride. I started one year ago
under the excellent mentorship of
Tony Scott, and as quick as possible,
learned the ropes.
Within two weeks, I had already
managed to irritate one of my staff
writers. Over the first semester,
I lost another writer who had a
personal vendetta against the
newspaper. I also managed to earn
the wrath of Students for Social
Justice and received an article
entitled “The Myth of Rape” by
a writer who thought it would be
funny to test the Editorial Board
— God willing, he’s going to Hell.
This semester, I have tried — and
in my opinion, fairly successfully
— to keep the highest standards
for my section. I feel the content of
the Opinions pages has only gotten
better in quality. There are more
writers than ever and, in general,
all of them are great, cooperative
and courageous enough to submit
their beliefs to the scrutiny of the
entire University. And yes, I may
have been off with a headline occasionally — it’s upsetting, since I
pride myself on them — but in most
cases, I think they are spot on.
Concerning the writing itself,
I have been very impressed with
“Women’s Weekly.” Our ironically titled column has been under
the managerial skills of Jessica
Stoll and, this year, Jamie Frank.
Though feminists may not be the
most beloved social group ever, I
think “Women’s Weekly” is necessary, and should be given a chance
it more than deserves. Its writers
are dedicated to a great cost, and
I thank all of Women’s Caucus for
their help.
Without a doubt, everyone has an
opinion on something. Every day
I hear complaints about politics,
science, religion, disease, incompetence or any other number of topics.
Yet only a couple dozen of the over
4,000 undergraduates have stepped
to write a simple 700-word essay on
something they care about. Maybe
there is just a dearth of opinions on
campus that exists nowhere around
me. Maybe people feel that just
because they are only interested in
science that their interests do not
merit a spot on these glorious pages.
But I wonder if maybe people are
just afraid to voice their disgust,
whether in an op-ed or a letter to
the editor against an op-ed. Because
I know for certain that anyone who
cites time as a concern is kidding
If we are afraid to speak our
voices, or do not care enough to
voice them, then we are giving tacit
consent to the way the world runs.
And saying the world is fine and
dandy as it is just is not right. If
you complain verbally, you should
be just as able to complain in four
small columns. And don’t say you
don’t know whom to contact — the
masthead on page two and Facebook are the only tools you need.
So to Jamie Frank, Adam Ramey,
Rebecca Silk, Andrea Pomaranski,
Jeff Klein, Julianne Nigro, Luke
Rosiak, Eric Sansky, Antonio
Haynes, Josh Meiseles, Lynn
Carrier, Shannon Miller, Marquis
Harrison, Alyssa Waddill and
Jermaine Jackson, I thank you all
for stepping up. I especially thank
Marc Epstein, Eric Miller and
Harrell Kirstein, my most prolific
writers. And to my successor, David
Cutshall — I know the voice of the
paper is in good hands.
Brenneman is a member
of the class of 2009.
Staff Illustra t or
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Page 7
“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” —Lazarus Long
Muslims should not be targeted for their beliefs
Two weeks ago, Keith Ellison, the first
black congressman from Minnesota and the
first Muslim in Congress ever, announced
that he would be taking his oath of office
on the Qur’an.
“I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that
I will support and defend the Constitution
of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true
faith and allegiance to the same; that I take
this obligation freely, without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that
I will well and faithfully discharge the duties
of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God.”
The swearing of this oath — the one
currently used — was begun by President
Lincoln in 1861. He mandated that all
federal employees take it in an attempt to
bind the federal government to the Union.
Today all elected officials in the state and
federal government are required to recite
that oath upon entrance into office. Every
other January, all 435 members of the House
of Representatives rise together and recite it.
Members also hold photo sessions afterward,
with their hand on a leather tome — usually
the Bible — for use in campaign mailers.
The outrage over Ellison’s declaration by University’s new diversity policy. We spent
our country’s “in-house” fascists has been time quibbling over the definition of diversity
absolutely hysterical. Dennis Pragner, a and tolerance and discussing how Eastman
national syndicated radio talk-show host now puts curtains up and carpeting on the
and one of President Bush’s nominees to floor during interviews so women aren’t
the governing board of the U.S. Holocaust discriminated against. All minute policies
and nuances directed an
Museum, has become the
unconscious bias. Maybe
unofficial spokesman for
what we should have
the group.
discussed is why there
“Ellison can’t be alSome went
are people in our country
lowed to do that; it undereven further,
who believe that unless
mines American civilizacalling for
you swear on a Bible,
tion,” he ranted, “Using
you shouldn’t serve in
the Qur’an is akin to a
special camps
racist taking the oath on
for Muslims
Another radio host,
a copy of Adolf Hitler’s
‘Mein Kampf.’” And this,
Jerry Klein, from outside
across the
my favorite quote: “Insoof D.C., aired a hoax show
far as a member of Concalling for all Muslims in
this country to be branded
gress taking an oath to
with a crescent shaped
serve America and uphold
tattoo or armband.
its values is concerned,
His phone lines filled instantly. The first
America is interested in only one book, the
Bible. If you are incapable of taking an oath caller said he was nuts, but the second and
on that book, don’t serve in Congress.”
many others during the hour-long show
I would say that this is a story we should whole-heartily agreed with that idea. Some
just laugh at, but it highlights a much deeper went even further, calling for special camps
for Muslims across the country. At the end of
Last month at a Town Hall Meeting on the the hour he announced the show had been
a hoax and heavily condemned his listening
audience for coming anywhere near agreeing
with anything he said.
A Gallop poll done this summer cited
39 percent of Americans being in favor of
requiring Muslims to carry special identification. This isn’t something that we can laugh
about — there is an overrepresented group
of backward, asinine, intolerant fascists,
who are hijacking our country. It isn’t big
business or a breakdown of democracy which
says “swear on a Bible or don’t serve” — it’s
the rightwing nuts, the over-drugged hippies
of our generation.
Neither the U.S. Code, the Constitution,
Lincoln’s order to all Federal employees
nor in any other document does it mention
that politicians should swear on a Bible.
There is no reason Keith Ellison should
not be allowed to honor his religion and its
holy text. I don’t care what our politicians
take the oath of office on or if they take it
on anything. The last session of Congress’
massive corruption — Abramoff, Foley, Delay
and all those associated with them, should
be proof enough that our representatives
don’t care either.
Kirstein is a member of
the class of 2009.
Olbermann shows how to really report the news
In recent weeks, we have seen many political stories emerge. There is a program above
all others that has reported these stories.
The show is called “Countdown with Keith
Olbermann,” and the man delivering the
news is Keith Olbermann. Olbermann is
taking an approach to reporting the news
that has not been seen since the days of
Edward R. Murrow, the man who took on
Senator Joseph McCarthy.
In order to describe this type of reporting
and its significance, one must first look at
the cases that have been reported on. To be
more efficient, I will only discuss one story
in particular, which came about last week.
The story centered on former Speaker of the
House Newt Gingrich.
On the evening of Nov. 27, Gingrich attended a dinner in New Hampshire honoring the First Amendment. At the dinner,
Gingrich suggested that we, the people of
the United States, need to give up some
of our freedom of speech. The next night,
Olbermann delivered a report about this
statement that included a discussion with
constitutional law expert and George Washington University law professor Jonathan
Turley. In the report, Olbermann delivered
only the facts and asked for the expert’s
opinion on those facts.
This alone is something for which Olbermann should be applauded. It represents a
type of reporting that the overly corporate
networks NBC, ABC, CBS and right-wing
biased FOX refuse to deliver; however, there
is something that he does that has impressed
me even more.
In what has become an almost weekly routine, Olbermann dedicates the last segment
of his show to making a special comment
about a big story.
Two days after delivering the news about
Gingrich, Olbermann delivered a special
comment regarding that story. It is in that
special comment that you truly see the style
of reporting I refer to (a style that Murrow
The style is simple — take the facts,
form an opinion on those facts and deliver
Turkey is so
Thanksgiving is
great because...
Black Friday!
the opinion using the facts in your favor.
In the same way that Murrow took down
McCarthy, Olbermann proceeded to roast
Gingrich. Olbermann used the facts to point
out how Gingrich was exploiting the situation by quoting Gingrich himself (Fortune
Magazine Interview): “I am not ‘running’
for president,” and then continued, “I am
seeking to create a movement to win the
future by offering a series of solutions so
compelling that if the American people say
I have to be president, it will happen.”
To these statements, Olbermann replied,
“What a dark place your world must be, Mr.
Gingrich, where the way to save America
is to destroy America. I will awaken every
day of my life thankful I am not with you
in that dark place. And I will awaken every
day of my life thankful that you are entitled
to tell me about it. And that you are entitled
to show me what an evil idea it represents
and what a cynical mind. And that you are
entitled to do all that, thanks to the very
freedoms you seek to suffocate.”
It is in this and other statements he made
I finally get to play
the Nintendo Wii!
throughout his comment regarding free
speech that we see the true spirit of Edward
R. Murrow. In these statements, Olbermann
demonstrates the very ideal that Murrow
established about reporting the news.
The message is: deliver the facts and then
deliver a clear opinion of the facts without
fear of what others may think. Following
Murrow’s example, Olbermann delivers his
opinions with great clarity and eloquence, as
well as a fire that is unmistakable. I applaud
Olbermann for his willingness to do this
style of reporting, which often takes on an
unpopular and almost always controversial
view of the facts.
Olbermann is one who has decided to
become the modern version of Edward R.
I know that it is no accident that Olbermann ended his comment on free speech
with Murrow’s trademark ending (the one
with which he ended all his shows), “Good
night and good luck.”
Gillenson is a member of
the class of 2010.
Vote Onlicampusti
ne at
Next week’s question
Should the Diversity Plan
be adopted?
Harrisonʼs argument flawed,
says President Seligman
I appreciate the comments by Marquis
Harrison that appeared both in the Campus
Times and the Messenger Magazine. Marquis
recognized that I share with him, the University Board of Trustees and the academic
leadership a deep commitment to diversity
and academic excellence and want to be sure
that we are as effective as possible in both
of these intertwined objectives.
He questioned whether I had “spent
enough effort and time searching for the
best qualified person” to fill the new Vice
Provost position that I created in response
to the recommendations of the Task Force
on Faculty Diversity and Inclusiveness.
I appointed Lynne Davidson, who is my
deputy and who was chair of this Task Force,
to this position. Marquis notes I did not
conduct a national search for this position
as I have done for several other positions
such as the Senior Vice President for Health
I spent a good deal of time thinking about
this decision and will stand by it. There
are several considerations that Marquis
did not analyze that were of considerable
significance to me.
First, there is a fundamental difference
between appointing a new university officer
who has to create a program and appointing
someone to carry on an existing program.
I had in place a Senior Vice President for
Health Affairs when I conducted the search
that led to the selection of Brad Berk for
this position.
The search, as is typical of national
searches, took many months before Brad
was able to assume his role as Senior VP,
but the Medical Center had leadership
throughout that period. In contrast, the
new diversity and inclusiveness program
could not begin effectively until the program
had a leader. This meant a potential delay
not just of months, but of an entire year or
more before its work could have an impact
on faculty searches and inclusiveness at
our campus.
Second, it is not unusual to appoint the
chair of a successful task force to take the
lead in implementing its recommendations.
Who better than the chair will understand
not only the recommendations, but the
debates from which they emerged and the
complexities of implementing them in our
highly decentralized university?
Finally, let me note that Lynne’s experience in the Offices of the Provost and the
President is of real significance here. She has
an unusually effective record of coordinating
initiatives in all of our schools as was demonstrated most recently in the unanimous
recommendations of this Task Force. She is
deeply committed to diversity both in terms
of gender and underrepresented minorities
and further understands that diversity goes
hand in hand with academic excellence.
My job ultimately is to select people who
are most likely to succeed in achieving the
goals of their programs. I have no doubt
that Lynne will prove outstanding in that
regard and, in my opinion, is far more likely
to do so rapidly and effectively in our decentralized system of schools than alternative
candidates that would have been produced
by a national search.
Page 8
Happy Holidays
By Isaac Sharp
Waste of Space: Whoville Crisis 2006
Thursday, December 7, 2006
It’s a Pun!
By Ross Brenneman
By Micah Stahl and Danny Ciszek
“Great” Moments in CINEMA
Celibacy Now
By David Lu!!
By T. Scott
It’s finally the last week of school! Study hard for those
exams! It’s been a great semester. Hope everyone has a
nice winter break and holiday season.
Many thanks to the artists who have contributed to this
page: Tony Scott, Ross Brenneman, Isaac Sharp,
Jeff Levy, Micah Stahl, Danny Ciszek, Leon Tsao,
Brittany Bowman, David Kraft, Andrea Pomaranski,
Pu Dan Ni and David Lu!!
UR Screwed
We would like to send out a big thank
you to our entire photo staff. You’ve
all been great, helping us get all the
awesome pictures on campus and
covering all the events. Hope to see
you around next year!
Kali Cohn
Lenee Plauche
Lauren Krachenfels
David Falconieri
Lydia Yale
Jason & Jeff
Joe Bell
Jay Kim
Eric Campbell
Brad Goldberg
By Pu Dan Ni
Todd Theater gets ready for
it’s performance of “Euridice.”
Page 15
It’s that time of year again. The lights are starting
to go up on trees and houses, the music is beginning to
blare from the radio and there’s a general cheerful mood
that one wouldn’t usually come across any other time of
the year. That’s right, the holiday season is upon us.
As soon as Thanksgiving ends, it’s officially holiday
time, and anything remotely related to the celebration of Christmas is fair game. I say Christmas because let’s face it, most of the
music played on the radio are Christmas songs, that is, except for
Adam Sandler’s “The Chanukah Song.” Also, there are an abundance
of countdowns to Christmas Day, like “25 days of Christmas” on the
ABC Family channel, which plays a different Christmas movie everyday
from Dec. 1-25, and, the majority of the holiday commercials on TV are
clearly geared toward Christmas festivities.
Yes, I understand how much fun it must be to decorate a Christmas
tree and set out milk and cookies for the big guy, but there are other
religions and holidays in this world, too. It’s true that far fewer people
celebrate Chanukah and Kwanzaa and, I have to admit, whenever
Santa would come riding through my neighborhood on a fire truck
around Christmas Eve, I always felt slighted. My neighbors would
run out of their houses amid the deafening wail of the siren to wave
to Santa, and I would stay inside of my house and think, “What
about all of the Jewish kids? What is there for us?” Even though
only less than two percent of the United States is Jewish, don’t we
still count?
Sure there was the Saturday Night Live fabrication of
“Chanukah Harry” played by Jon Lovitz, and some people have
a Chanukah bush, which is the Jewish version of the Christmas tree. However, try as we might, absolutely nothing can
compete with the ever growing collection of Christmas music.
It’s amazing how this one holiday can basically monopolize
every single part of American culture for an entire month.
It’s ironic that one of the most famous Christmas songs —
you know, the one that begins “I’m dreaming of a white
Christmas” — was written by a Jew. Even those who aren’t of the Christian
persuasion want to celebrate. What little Jewish kid didn’t want a Christmas
tree when they were growing up? I know I certainly did.
Out of 4,600 undergraduates at UR, 750, or 16 percent, are Jewish. Although UR is listed as 29th out of the 30 largest Jewish populations among
private schools in the country, I still feel as if I’m surrounded by Christmas on campus. Now I enjoy a good Christmas movie just as much as the
next person, but I think that most Christians believe that we live in a
Christian world and the assumption is that everyone is Christian. I was
out shopping the other day when the woman in front of me finished
paying for her purchases turned around to the rest of the customers
waiting in line and said, “Merry Christmas.” When in doubt, and sometimes doubt is a good thing, just say: “Happy Holidays” instead.
Pr esentat ion Editor
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Page 10
Get To Know Me: Rachel TenBrock
Staff Writer
As a member of the UR Student
Health Advisory Committee junior Rachel TenBrock is already moving toward
life after graduation. Choosing Health
and Society as her major further fuels
her goal of entering medical school.
Yet, Rachel is not only a determined
pre-med student. She is the President
of Delta Gamma sorority, a tutor for the
Cameron Community Center, a participant in Intramural Tennis and an avid
violin player.
“I want to get as much out of my education here as possible,” she said.
Why are you involved in these activities? Do you have a special reason for your involvement?
“When I first came to college, I knew
nothing about Greek life here and had
no desire to join a sorority. I ended up
going through recruitment to meet
more people. The experiences and
knowledge I have since gained have
definitely been invaluable.
“I am interested in health care and
joined URSHAC as a way to learn more
about the services offered at UHS and
to be connected with health and medi-
cal opportunities on campus and in the
community. I joined intramural tennis because I used to play when I was younger,
and this was a great way for me to be able
to start playing again. It’s good exercise
and a lot of fun — much better than running on a treadmill.”
Why did you pick your major? What
motivates you?
“I’m a pre-med student and want to
learn about different aspects of health
care and medicine in addition to the regular science courses. This major has allowed me to take medical related courses
in philosophy, anthropology and psychology.
“I am motivated to do my school work
primarily because it’s my personal goal
to do as best as I can in my courses, and I
know that doing well will help me in the
What do you plan to do after you
“After graduation, I plan to take a year
off to either work or travel and then hopefully attend medical school. I would like
to do some sort of health care work in
developing countries. I am also interested
in traveling through Europe because I
itself on the fact that it introduces “bold
flavors and healthy alternatives…featuring new twists on lunch and dinner dining.”
With a very ornately decorated setting
and bohemian ambience,
including an entire
wall of exposed brick
— people pay extra for
the unfinished look
in New York City — I
was overcome with a
familiar and comforting
feeling. The restaurant
technically fits 12 people — six tables for two
people each — however,
the size certainly adds a
unique character that would be lost in a
grandiose locale.
Their drink menu is also unbelievably
diverse, with potables from tonics, phytotherapy — or herbal — teas and a surfeit
of other teas to Saranac sodas and an
extensive espresso bar.
For less than $10, I ordered a sandwich
tasting, which allowed me to try two
sandwich halves including ginger carrots,
baguette chips or a simple salad. I decided
He’s Crafty
Aries (March 21–April 19) — Well, it’s finally
the end of the semester. For science majors,
that means finals. For poli sci majors, that
means vacation.
won’t be able to study abroad during
What’s your guilty pleasure?
“Watching consecutive taped episodes of Grey’s Anatomy.”
What’s the last good book you
“‘My Sister’s Keeper,’ by Jodi Picoult.”
What are your winter break plans?
“Sailing in the Virgin Islands in the
Caribbean for a week with my family and snowboarding when I am at
Schwartz is a member of
the class of 2009.
Open your face to sensational delicacies
Senior St aff Writer
It’s important to always explore
your own “neck of the woods” before
venturing off to others. When was the
last time you headed down to the South
Wedge district? Do you even know
where it is? Well, fear no more, you are
about to be enlightened and struck with
an epiphany. The South Wedge neighborhood is a hodgepodge of restaurants
and bars, tied in with historically significant residences and businesses.
Recently, I felt the urge to explore
several restaurants in this charming
district and, while finding them all amiable and homey, it wasn’t until I discovered Open Face Sandwich Eatery, Inc.
that I couldn’t find myself leaving.
At first site, the location of the restaurant is petty. Located on South
Avenue between Hickory and Gregory
Streets, I nearly drove right past the
unpretentious venue. You enter and
your first thought is “where is the rest
of it?” Within one’s peripheral vision,
the entire restaurant is in sight.
Written on its simple paper menu,
the Open Face Sandwich Eatery prides
Thursday, December 7, 2006
to try a mouthwatering combination
of roast beef, spread with horseradish
mustard, havarti cheese and mixed
greens on sourdough. The second
half of my sandwich meal consisted
of soft brie topped
with sweet apricot
preserves and sliced
pear on a baguette
with a simple salad
to act as a transition
of tastes between the
two sandwich halves.
Simply phenomenal.
Better yet, no more
than 10 minutes
later, I had my entire
meal in front of me
ready for a steadfast, delectable experience. Never have I allowed my taste
buds to immerse themselves in pure
ethereal sensation.
If you would like to experience a
quality, intimate restaurant, delve into
Open Face, and you will be introduced
to one of Rochester’s many hidden
secrets. You’ll probably see me there.
Buitrago is a member of
the class of 2007.
UR Opinion
Taurus (April 20–May 20) — You always
hated hanging out with your grandparents
for New Year’s Eve, not because you missed
great parties, but because it always got awkward around the New Year’s kiss.
Gemini (May 21–June 21) — People always
call you selfish, but hey, it wouldn’t be the
gift-giving season without someone to receive gifts!
Cancer (June 22–July 22) — Slow and
steady wins the race, but think of your poor
roommate, he’s waiting outside!
Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) — Christmas tree
shopping and picking up girls in a bar are
very similar; its okay if there’s a bad side,
you just face it toward the corner.
Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) — When playing
snow football, wear all white. It makes the
blitz plays very effective.
Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) — After a bad fight
with your girlfriend, the Nutcracker will be
the last performance you want to see.
Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) — Going to the
gym before finals will not only alleviate
stress, it will also prepare your heart for the
mass amounts of stimulants you are about
to be taking.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) — Don’t you
hate it when teachers write on final projects,
“Do not work with anyone.” I mean, who do
they think they’re kidding?
Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) — Don’t wait
until the last minute to complete all your
assignments for the semester, give yourself
at least an hour.
Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) — After you go
home for break, you’ll say you don’t ever
want to return to Rochester. Well, after
your performance in school this semester,
the Deans may agree.
Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) — As you and
one of your buddies accidentally stumble into
a gay bar, you begin to really regret wearing
your belt with the mistletoe buckle.
What are you asking for this holiday season?
John Lee ’08
Cheryl Weinheim ’09
Rebekah Mott ’08
Heather Williams ’08
Victoria Banchevsky ’08
Ryan Circh ’07
Jed Lubin ’08
Paul Vaodz ’07
“Nintendo Wii.”
“A new cell phone.”
“A fat bag of Christmas
“A minion.”
“A lifetime subscription to
the Campus Times.”
“An acceptance to graduate school.”
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Page 11
Mundane world is not enough Hi mom, I’m on camera
Opinions Editor
In the last month, I’ve asked
at least two dozen people about
their dream career. What, if given the chance by the divine grace
of God or good fortune, would be
the most satisfying occupation
you could have?
By now, you may have heard
of a little movie named “Casino
Royale.” It’s a small indie flick
about some random British guy
who is in a high-stakes game of
poker and — okay, it’s a James
Bond film. And it’s amazing.
You may also have heard of
the power of suggestion. For
instance, when you see or hear
someone yawn, you yawn. This is
fairly straightforward.
Combining Bond and the
power of suggestion, though, is
the fun part. This thought came
to me while recklessly driving
a Toyota Camry back from the
movie theatre humming the
secret agent’s theme song.
I think part of the appeal of
James Bond is that, if there is
at all a realistic superhero (and
I call him a superhero because
his superpower is to be the most
badass agent ever), it is 007. As
great as it would be to be someone like Spiderman, I accept reality — if I get bit by a radioactive
spider, I will probably just get
cancer and die. Yes, if I myself,
by some miracle, could choose
any profession, I would love to
go into the mysterious world of
high-stakes espionage.
The thing is, it is not completely impossible. According to
the Central Intelligence Agency’s
Web site (I know it’s not MI6,
but I could never work for anyone but America) the minimum
qualifications are within reach. It
is a career of service to my country and connects with my majors
and interests.
I am not advocating everyone
to join the ranks of the government agencies, but I know that
there are hundreds of people like
me within the UR community,
and several hundred million
within the world, who would love
nothing more than to have some
occupation that is just not in
line with what they feel society
expects of them or that they are
afraid will lead them into debt.
How many times has an aspiring rocker ended up being
reduced to doing quadratic equations because the music business
is so unforgiving? How many
times has an aspiring schoolteacher ended up on Wall Street
because salaries are so pathetic
at pre-collegiate levels? How
many times has that person who
wants to be the one to find a cure
for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus ended up working for
a medical firm because research
science doesn’t put a down paySEE DREAMS, PAGE 13
Installed in both Wilson ComFeatures Edit or
mons and the Interfaith Chapel,
Before attending UR, stuthese cameras allow parents,
dents are encouraged to tour the
friends and alumni to scan and
campus. Heeding this advice as
survey the campus or catch a
a prospective student, my famglimpse of student life — and it
ily packed up for a quick stop
appears that parents are doing
in Rochester. We made stops at
just that.
all the familiar places — Wilson
“There’s a community aspect
I quickly
learned, was
designed by
I.M. Pei),
Todd Union
(the former
union), the
Quad, the
Quad (where
I heard about
how “cool”
the parties
are), the
The view of the Pit from Wilson Commons webcam.
and the Interfaith Chapel, to mention
a few. While stationed at the
— waving to your parents, saying
Chapel, we were informed of the
‘hi’ to friends, scheduling times
webcam fixed atop the building.
to be by the webcam — that’s
“Yes!” my dad exclaimed “You
growing,” says president of
can call and talk to me while I’m
Campus Tours Inc, a company
looking at you!” Great, I thought, that builds online campus tours,
one more opportunity for my
Chris Carson.
parents to keep tabs on me from
UR Dean of Students Jody
380 miles away from home.
Asbury confirmed this. “I see
My mom, since the discovery of students on the balcony, talking
the webcam, has not ceased nagto their mothers and waving at
ging me to call her and say hi on
the camera, about once a week,”
camera. I’m still surprised that
Asbury said. It seems that, pershe was able to figure out how to
haps, our generation of students
find the Web site to see me!
focuses on a greater connectedThese webcams have not only
ness with parents. With “helicophelped me stay tight with the
ter parents” — moms and dads
parental units but also with my
that can’t resist calling daily to
alum chums. Last year, I received check up on us — the webcam
an SOS text message from my
Web site is a frequent hit.
friend at Washington University
“The establishment of these
Law School. Apparently, his class
webcams has seemingly created
lecture was less than thrilling
a generation of parents who are
and I was recruited to provide a
more aware and in touch with
diversion. Within a few moments, their children. It seems that
I was able to supplement a borparents are more engaged,” Asing lecture with a quick hello via
bury said.
webcam. Diversion accomplished.
While some students wave
Yet, it appears, moms and
hello to their mothers weekly
alums aren’t the only ones adfrom the “Hi, Mom” balcony,
miring the webcam technology
others may simply use it to catch
installed upon our campus. A
up with friends they rarely see.
recent article in Christian Sci“My parents really liked being
ence Monitor, a current events
able to see me wave hello,” junior
journal, published a composition
Krystie Morrissey said. “I liked
about webcams on college camhaving that informal connection
puses across the country. It apto them, so I’m not really that
pears that the UR was the forefar away from them as it seems.”
runner in installing these handy
Ricketts is a member of
little devices.
the class of 2007.
Page 12
Thursday, December 7, 2006
College — pay today and POed tomorrow
Staff Writer
Arguments seem to be the
cornerstone of every sincere complaint. As a professional whiner,
I can assure you that this is most
definitely true. Yet one stipulation of this fact is that for a complaint to truly be the strongest
possible, it must involve a new
argument, one that is as fresh as
Genesee Light. Of course, since
we attend UR, we have a lot to
complain about. Professors are
not always effective teachers,
the food is frequently inedible
and the showers are not exactly
strong or hot. While all this is
true, they can all be regarded
as trite points. On this campus,
these complaints often seem
followed by the justification, “We
pay thousands of dollars to come
here and they (the University officials and Sasquatch) can’t even
(enter complaint here). Although
it was probably a sharp quip in
1850, it does retain some validity
today. Yet, I for one have grown
quite tired of this skipping Weird
Al Yankovic record. There are
many reasons why this argument
should be put out to pasture.
to be learning about ourselves
The sheer repetition of this
stale argument should be enough and what we can do, the University is hardening us up for the
to send it to argument heaven.
real world. In this light, it apFor us students, we are already
pears as if the University might
involved in such a year-long
even be investmonsoon season
ing extra funds
of tests, papers
into making
and promiscuour lives miserous pictures of
It appears as if
able and thus
instructing us
We are thus
the University
even further
prone to take a
might even
how to be
negative view
cranky adults.
on this situabe investing
Maybe the
tion. Since we
extra funds into
are paying monmaking our lives
are doing us a
ey to receive
favor by toughwork, take cold
ening us up as
showers and
the proverbial
consume grade
Mick, jarring
Z meat, it seems
at us as life (in this case Apollo
natural to question why we acCreed) is beating on us Rockys.
tually pay so much. Everyone
comes to this same conclusion. A
Of course it is clear that the
new argument might brighten up argument that we pay a lot,
the otherwise gloomy days protherefore we should receive the
vided by our great city.
best treatment has been overdone. It is much more fun to
Also, part of growing up is
think of new ideas to explain
learning how to complain. Mediwhy the college dicks us over.
tate on life after middle school
— it basically sucks due to those
Perhaps they lost the money. Or
crazy jerks known as hormones.
maybe, they invested the money
In a place where we are supposed foolishly in Bob’s Underwater
Cooking Adventure Company.
Or perhaps that dang Sasquatch
needs money to pay off his loan
sharks and get manicures every
three days. These arguments
take much more creativity and
really provide for an overall more
enjoyable whining experience.
We all know that life is void of
fun at times and not others, but
this does not mean that life is
always void of humor and cynicism (as one pseudo-reporter is
exceedingly proud to report). “We
pay so much, so why don’t we get
so much in return?” It’s because
UR is a money making organization, and to use it as an excuse or
complaint has and always will be
done no matter how much Tom
Arnold likes it or not.
So please, do everyone a favor
and come up with cooler excuses
as to why we are not lavished
with ambrosia, hot showers and
Ferraris while we are in college.
As long as you fight the machine,
you will never lose your college
angst, even if that machine takes
quarters and blesses you with
grape soda.
Stahl is a member of
the class of 2009.
Make winter
break unique
Staff Writer
Winter break is fast approaching and with it a seemingly
eternal relaxation period during which one can do whatever
he or she wishes. With the time
off from school, freedom from
academia will bring family vacations, parties, friends, seeing
your boyfriend or girlfriend from
back home, movies, a new year
and maybe even cracking open
that Stephen King novel you
kept telling yourself you’d find
time to read when you bought it
four months ago.
The first week of break is what
I like to call the “crash week,”
— sleeping most of the time with
a few breaks to see friends and
enjoy the holidays. It’s relaxation
in its ultimate form. The second
week is usually when I’ll actually venture outside my house to
do things — maybe go sledding,
see a movie or participate in that
super-awkward family vacation.
By the third week, we’re into
our “I’m tired of home/get me
away from my parents” phase,
where the college withdrawl sets
in. Halfway through the fourth
week we’re all happily back at
UR — well, most of us.
For myself, winter break always seems to be the same. Not
necessarily what I would call a
“lifeless” period of three-anda-half weeks, but monotonous.
I’ve always dreamed about what
it would be like to have a really
crazy break. Say, road-tripping
non-stop for the whole time or
going to California with a bunch
of friends to escape the bitter
cold. But nothing really changes
for me.
I can be content with “home”
for break this year, but I wonder if I’ll ever be adventurous
enough to go on that crazy trip
to Europe, going from hostel to
hostel, eating authentic chocolate
croissants in France and traveling by gondola down fairy tale
waterways in Italy. It’s worth
reminding myself that I only
have a few winter breaks left in
my college career.
This year, my goal is to do
something out of the ordinary for
break. I’ve promised myself I will
not waste away in front of the
TV or in the same diner night
after night with my friends. My
advice would be for you to do the
same. Do at least one thing you
wouldn’t expect yourself to do. If
you can’t make it to Europe (like
most of us), no worries, there are
plenty of other options.
Go on a day trip to Canada
(if you’re lucky enough to live
near the border), try to cook a
whole Mexican dinner with your
friends, listen to all the songs on
your Ipod (even the bad ones)
at least once, watch the “top 20
movies of all time” from Internet
Movie Data Base and read other
people’s opinions of them, volunteer somewhere, go skiing/snowboarding (if there is snow in your
area), knit something or even tie
dye a whole outfit and wear it
outside your house without being ashamed. It might be harder
than you think.
Canada isn’t exactly Europe,
and tie dye might not be quite as
amusing as chocolate croissants,
but at least it’s something different. Try and make your break
Kraus is a member of
the class of 2009.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Page 13
Dreams: Bond or monotony?
Laundry — doing the dirty deed
ment on a family home? Perhaps
on an earth free of landlords and
taxes, we could more easily chase
our dreams.
In thinking about this, my
friends and I have figured out
that the best solution is to take
the job that pays well after college, save up and switch to what
we want to do later. While this
idea seems good enough, there is
a cold, hard reality to accompany
it: by the time you are sitting
on a nice IRA, why switch and
risk it all? Why gamble on a wild
goose chase when you are so
close to purchasing that fancyschmancy 52” HDTV?
What I now think would be the
Senior St aff Writer
Yesterday I found out that I
got into the Take 5 Program.
Two more semesters of running
out of declining a full month
before the end
of the
semester; two
semesters of
waiting a half an
hour outside
the back door
of Hillside
after midnight waiting
to be let in;
two more
semesters of
not being
able to
play basketball on
best solution, overall, is to say,
“Okay, I’m getting my degree,
and I’ll be happy with it. Then
I pursue my dream right off the
bat, and if I should fail, and fail
again, and fail again, well, only
then do I go for job security.”
We all have the potential to do
what we want — why not go for
it now? Tomorrow holds all possibilities and all our dreams, and
we owe it to ourselves to never
back down from them out of fear
of failure. As any true James
Bond fanatic knows, you don’t
have to be on Her Majesty’s secret service to know that tomorrow never dies.
Brenneman is a member of
the class of 2009.
basketball courts
because all of the courts
had been reserved for badminton; but most of all, two more
semesters of school laundry.
My experiences doing laundry
in the different University housing establishments over the past
four years are undoubtedly some
of the least memorable events of
my college experience. Take, for
example, the night during freshman orientation when my RA led
me and my hallmates on a tour
around Gilbert.
When we got to the laundry room, he explicitly stated:
“There is no sex in the laundry
room.” Perhaps it was meant
to be a witty reference to Chris
Rock’s “No sex in the champagne
room,” or perhaps it was meant
to be nothing more than a generic icebreaker that all RAs are
encouraged to say. Nevertheless,
for a college freshman, sex in
the laundry room sounded quite
Consequently, I began setting
my alarm every day for 3 a.m.
waking myself up, and sneaking down into the laundry room
hoping to catch a couple in the
act. This continued for about two
weeks until I realized that there
was plenty of porn on the inter-
net of two people having sex on
a dryer.
The second time I ever did my
laundry in college, I made the
questionable decision of leaving
my clothes unsupervised in the
washing machine and coming
back an hour later to transfer the
clothes into the dryer. This decision backfired, how-
ARLO BERLETIC • Staff Illustra t or
ever, as upon opening the washing machine, I found that my
clothes had been peed on. I remember saying something along
the lines of “things couldn’t get
any worse.”
The following week when I
did another load of laundry, I
again left the laundry on its own,
reasoning that it would probably
not be peed on two weeks in a
row. Indeed, I was right. When I
returned to remove my clothes
from the washing machine, they
were completely gone. It was
then that I first learned the invaluable lesson that there were
certain things that were worse
than getting your clothes peed
As a sophomore, I fell in love
with a girl who I met in the laundry room. Our meeting was almost fated — she confronted me
as I was taking her dry clothes
out of the dryer and folding them
atop the drier. “What the hell
are you doing with my bras and
underwear?” she vehemently exclaimed. “Treating them as delicately and passionately as you
yourself deserve to be treated,” I
answered coolly.
Though she refused to give me
her name, screen name or telephone number, I was able to find
all three on her Facebook profile,
in addition to her building of residence and room number. Armed
with this newfound information
I “spontaneously” bumped into
her again a week later in the
laundry room. When she entered
the room, I
was once
again folding
her clothes.
me in a manner analogous
to our previous
encounter, I
quickly turned
around to
face her and
offered her a
bouquet of
paper flowers that I
out of
fabric softeners.
With this
grand romantic gesture, so began
our inextricable romance. The
romance, however, would eventually come to an end after I found
out that my laundry companion
had betrayed my trust. A friend
of mine had seen her doing laundry with another guy, and, apparently, she had taken my clothes
out of the dryer while they were
still damp and then filled the
vacant dryer with the other guy’s
Two weeks ago, I found myself completely out of socks and
underwear. Accordingly, I was
forced to make a late night/early
morning laundry room run.
When I got to the laundry room,
I saw a sight which shocked me
to my very core: my freshman RA
was having sex with the laundry
girl who I fell in love with as a
sophomore on top of a washing
machine. I quickly turned to my
freshman RA and asked “didn’t
you graduate like three years
“Indeed I did,” retorted my
former RA, “but laundry room
sex was worth coming back for.”
Schwartz is a member of
the class of 2007.
Thank you to all of our wonderful features writers for your
contributions over this past year. We ve truly enjoyed working
with each and every one of you!
Ronnie Archie
Ross Brenneman
Jason Buitrago
Jeremy Fishman
Charlie Fountaine
Michelle Handis
Jenna Katz
Leah Kraus
Meredith Lepore
Sara Myers
Emily Paret
Sarah Permutt
Erin Philbrick
Nate Robbins
Dan Rudolph
Andrew Schwartz
Kate Schwartz
Evan Siegel
Micah Stahl
Pat Wahl
-Amy and Audrey
Andrew Bruml
This year flew by way too fast. What
am I going to do with all my free time?
Perhaps I will take up studying. There
is no way I could thank everyone, but
here are a few corny shout-outs to the
best editors ever. Emily: No matter
what, you were always able to keep a
smile. You were the one that got me
into this mess, but you hung with me
the whole time. Thanks for everything,
“co.” T Scott: Your experience has been
invaluable and you certainly had some
interesting thoughts to contribute to
office conversations. You are the man.
Calvin: I don’t know how you do what
you do, but you do it well. Bonnie: We’ve
certainly had some fun exchanges in the
office. Thanks for keeping me company
late-night. You’re pretty cool. Matt:
Thanks for adding “energy” to the office. I have no idea what a serif is but
that is okay because I know you do. I
have no doubt you are going to present
the shit out of the paper next semester.
Ross: Despite hate-filled emails, you
know I love you. Good luck managing
next year. Audrey: You always made
me feel guilty about not reading your
pages fast enough, but I now realize
that if you didn’t, we’d all be here
till 6 a.m. Thanks for moving things
along. Amy: You have done incredible
work this year. I don’t know how you
are always so calm and still able to get
out so early. I’ve always trusted your
advice — thanks for lending an ear.
Sam: Nice pants. Sorry, that’s all I can
think about right now.Liz: I admire your
writing skills, your patience and your
creativity. Thanks for always being cool.
Dave: Give me your damn keys. Now.
Alex: Ha. Good luck pal. Miranda: You
always do such a nice job and you are
always the first one out, which makes
you my favorite. Jason: 3
did you do it? Congratulations and
thanks for being the most helpful guy
ever, no matter your state of mind. Jeff:
You have never said “no” to anything
and put more time and energy into this
little operation than anyone. Colin:
You put the C in CT. Sorry, it was the
cheesiest thing I could think of. Martin:
See al thi arrors in thes senence? They
are your fault. See you in Paris. Erin:
This sentence is free of errors. That is
because you copy edited it. Thank you.
Good luck keeping Dave in line. I suggest you steal his keys. Arlo: The most
talented man in the office. Low profile
and skilled. Good luck next semester.
Dan: Why is the most reliable editor of
all the last one on the masthead? You
work magic with HTML and make our
gibberish look good to the world. On top
of that, you don’t hurt my feelings like
everyone else. You dropped the “new
guy” status pretty quick in my book...
Thanks to everyone else that supported us over the past year. Especially
Ray, Jeff and Anne-Marie. Without your
help and support, the CT simply would
not work. Ray, without your cookies, I’d
have quit a long time ago.
Emily Paret
Brum: I learned more from you than
I have learned from anyone else thus far
in college. Your leadership was amazing
– you made so many improvements to
the paper that look great. Let’s have
a drink in Europe ;). Sam: Let’s go
to Barcelona NOW. Tony: Hopefully
Celibacy Now won’t go on forever and
a sweet girl will realize how awesome
you are. Bonnie: Sorry about the stars,
you can take them down now. You did
an amazing job with news (I’m glad
I recruited you!). Ross: You’re going
to be a great managing and you are
a wonderful friend. Colin: What can I
say? I love you. Audrey & Amy: You two
were a pleasure to work with. Erin: Your
dedication amazes me. Martin: Work on
your time management. Jason: I can’t
beleive you’re graduating! Alex: Get
out of the office. JK, you are going to
be an unbelievable EIC.
I can’t believe it’s been two years
with the Campus Times. To everyone
I have worked with during this time,
I wouldn’t have done it without you.
Good luck!
Campus Times Editors 2006
Bonnie Jarrett
Thanks to my writers – you guys are
wonderful. Catelyn and Ben, you guys
are going to have a great time next
year. Alex, don’t tell them about the
singing, although you do have a lovely
voice – I’m really excited to work with
you more closely next year. Paret, I
luh you soooo bad and I’m keeping
the dress (if you haven’t caught on
by now). Matt Majarian. Bruml – it’s
a good thing I won’t have to be in the
office at 5 a.m. anymore, it wouldn’t
be nearly the same with anyone else...
don’t go too far away. Jason Freidman,
I strive to be you.
Tony Scott
The past two years on the Campus
Times masthead have been great, but
my tour of duty has come to an end.
Good luck to next year’s
guys will do fine!
Ross Brenneman
I just want you all to be aware that,
even though I am leaving my legendary post as Opinions Editor to ascend
through the ranks of this magnificent
press, the puns will not stop. Just, so
you know.
Calvin Lee
It has been a fun and enjoyable
semester here, at Campus Times.
Everyone has been nice and helpful
in helping me hit the ground running
as the front’s guy. Without the humor,
quote board and great people, Campus
Times would be very dull and boring.
Looking forward to the Spring issues
of Campus Times.
Audrey Ricketts
First of all, and most generally, thank
you, writers, for all your hard work and
dedication over the last year. Andrew
Schwartz — your stories have always
been my delight to read, especially
since I go back to the freshman roots
with you. Secondly, Amy — you carried
our team to the finish line week after
week. Thank you for ALL of your hard
work. You truly amaze me. And, on a
more sentimental note, its been great
getting to know you and work with you.
Good luck with the rest of your college
years and have an amazing time in
Bath!! To the staff — you’ve all been,
well, entertaining to work with. Bruml,
this paper would not be where it is if it
weren’t for you. You’ve done an incredible job. Ray, thank you for all of your
attention to this paper and the staff.
You are a delight to see througout the
week! And, Ray-made treats are the
greatest! To leave you all with a few CT
memories: Martin — I’m writing about
you, French pirates, hungover budget
meetings, singing in Amy’s ear, Tonybear, T-Scott’s crush on Amy, Facebook
for hours, the fainting goats, Maj-ball
with the penny, pics on the quote board,
food from Jeff’s mom.
Amy Weintraub
Spending seven or eight hours in a
windowless room full of stressed out
college students all trying to race to the
finish line can seem daunting at times.
No matter how diligent we may be,
madness almost always ensued at some
point or another. However, I couldn’t
imagine spending those seven hours
with a better group of people. Through
the chaos, the stress and the pressure,
we always made the room lively and
fun. I’ve truly enjoyed working on the
CT this past year and I want to thank
everyone for making this an unforgettable experience. Of course, Wednesday
nights wouldn’t have been half as fun
if it weren’t for my co-editor, Audrey
— you always had the ability to read
my mind and know exactly what I was
thinking, you would never hesitate to
walk to the pit for our nightly food run
and, most importantly, you were always
there to push through the night when
I was ready to throw in the towel and
go to bed. So thank you Audrey, and
thank you to the entire staff for this
Jason Freidman
It’s been a long three years here at
the Campus Times but I’ve enjoyed
every minute of it. Going from assistant
editor to the now pretentious sounding
“Executive Photo Editor” has helped
me grow in so many ways. From all the
years, I really want to thank Chris Tice
for helping me back when it was just me,
Jeff for being an awesome co-editor and
helping develop an awesome photo staff.
And lastly, thank you Bonnie, for being
awesome. Good luck next year.
Jeff Levy
This year’s staff was amazing. I
couldn’t think of better people to stay
up with so late on Wednesday nights.
First I’d like to thank my co-editor
Jason for being the best and making my
first year as photo editor really fun. I
have learned a lot from you. Everyone
was really dedicated this year and I’m
going to miss this group a ton. Tony, how
can you leave us? You better still hang
around the office and watch Simpsons. I
can’t neglect the awesome A&E editors
Sam and Liz, or our Features editors
Amy and Audrey. So many of you are
going abroad and you’ll all be missed.
Bruml, you were the best EIC ever. Lets
see if Alex can live up to the example you
set. I’m especially going to miss doing
UROP with Emily; it was so much fun
stalking people, diversity rocks!
Samantha Lewis
I have loved every minute of being a
part of this staff and I am sad that this is
it for me as I would love to continue, but
apparently you can’t be an editor when
you’re abroad in Barcelona. A&E is an
awesome and exciting section that not
only brings UR arts and entertainment
to paper, but the greater Rochester area
arts as well. It’s unique and fun and I
am so pleased to say that I have learned
so much — far more than I ever would
have expected.
Thanks to the staff for making each
Wednesday night so much fun and goofy
and for always being so quick to finish
all the good food. Bruml, you were an
impressive and admirable Editor-inChief, keeping your cool far more than
I ever could. Emily, you were a just as
impressive second-in-command and
Spain absolutely cannot come soon
enough. Thank you to Liz for making
each Wednesday night so fun and easy
— somehow our section always seemed
to finish itself. Stephie and Judith, good
luck next year. You’ll be great. And
lastly, thank you Luke and KD for al-
ways giving me a happy home to go back
to after a long Wednesday night.
Liz Swain
This past year with the CT has been
an absolutely wild experience. Being an
A&E editor gave me so many unique
opportunities that otherwise I never
would have taken advantage of. I discovered interests in different art forms
and types of music I had previously ignored, and interviewing musicians like
Dennis Casey and AFI’s Hunter who
I’ve admired for years are experiences
I won’t soon forget. Although things got
off to a rocky start last winter with my
first - and only - five a.m. production
night, the consolidation of A&E with
Eastman was a lifesaver. Being able to
work with Sam made life at the CT so
much easier and a much more enjoyable
experience. It was such a great sense
of accomplishment when we were able
to leave the office before Thursday
morning, and even better when we
were out by 11! Thank you so much
for everything. I thoroughly enjoyed
working with all of the editorial staff,
and many thanks to Bruml and Emily
for helping to make production nights
faster and less stressful. And of course
Ray’s amazing desserts, especially the
carrot cake, were always a great incentive to hang around the office. Finally,
thank you so much to those of you who
wrote for the A&E section during the
past two semesters, and best of luck to
the incoming editors. It will be interesting to see how life without the CT
will be next semester, and I hope stay
involved in some form when I come
back from Dublin.
David Maystrovsky
This semester of Campus Times has
been great. I really enjoyed being an editor for the sports section. We have really
changed the section a lot and I think
it is looks better now. I have enjoyed
working with my co-editor and well as
all the other editors on the staff. Getting
my own article has been a pleasure. I
enjoyed writing it and I hope that people
have enjoyed reading it.
Alex Moeller
A year ago, the prevailing thought
running through my mind on production night was, “Hardly anyone knows
me here. What if I do something stupid?” I’ve come to realize that it’s not
such a big deal; those stupid moments
(of which there have been many) simply
end up on the quote board for everyone
to see. To those of you going abroad next
semester, congrats on putting an ocean
between yourself and the CT. Maybe
the nightmares will finally stop. To
everyone who is leaving CT but staying
on this continent, we’re going to miss
you around the office, so come back for
the free food once in a while. And finally,
to all of next year’s staff, I’m looking
forward to putting your stupid moments
on the quote board soon.
Miranda Kiang
I’ve had an awesome first semester
working at the CT, but it wouldn’t
have been so swell were it not for the
people who made it special. To the staff:
It was great getting to meet and know
everyone! I was a newbie, (still am in
many aspects) so I appreciate all the
advice and help you guys were able to
provide! And a special thanks to Tony,
Ross and Jeff for their many contributions to the comic page! To my comic
artists: Thanks for being so good about
turning submissions in and making my
page worth reading. I wish you all a
happy end of 2006 and hope to see some
more innovative comics next semester.
Recharge those brain cells and I’ll see
you next semester! May you all have a
fortuitous rest of the year.
Colin Edwards
Through out my two years as a
copy editor and writer for the CT
it has become very clear to me that
this papers greatest strength are the
people who work so hard to produce it.
Thank you, to all the editors I’ve had
an opportunity to work with both past
and present. Special thanks to my co
editors Erin and Martin, and to all the
editors who make the office fun. The
paper has grown so much this year in
both content and appearance; it is a
constant reminder of why we stay up
so late on Wednesday and work so hard
throughout the week.
The things I’ve learned and the
people I have met through CT have
been incredible and will stay with me
for a long time to come. Good luck to
the new staff, although the bar has
been set high, we all believe you are
more then capable. Bruml you’re the
man and an awesome EIC. erp you’re
the best boss, love you. That’s all I got,
see you guys around the office!
Martin Fernandez
To the ever faithful, brave, dedicated,
loyal copy staff, I can only say thank
you. There are few places where you
can find a walking AP guide, a talking
thesaurus, facebook analysts, drill sergeants, humorists, frat guys, sorority
girls, sexperts, and political pundits
all in one place. Bonnie, even though I
must have taken three years off your
life, I enjoyed writing for you. Bruml,
Brussels has no idea what it just got
itself in to. Matt, I’m sure you’ll be allowed back on my floor some day. Alex,
you owe me a rematch. Amy your kind
and gentle mannerisms won’t be forgotten. Audrey, Ghana’s lucky to have
you for a year. The rest of the editors
that spent endless hours pretending
to laugh at my corny jokes or to be
interested in my stories, I can’t thank
you guys enough.
Erin Philbrick
My first term as an editor has been
pretty much amazing. Our staff is an
incredible group of people to work with;
I couldn’t have gotten luckier. Yes, even
as much as some of you have chosen to
make fun of me, I continue to love you
through and through. From games of
“maj ball” (or whatever it’s called) to
questionable quotes, I certainly have
some interesting memories. To my coeditors, you guys have been great. And
to the copy staff, you’re stellar! I can’t
remember a time when there’s been
such dedicated, consistent copy staff
excited about coming in and reading
pages. I’m so happy that so many of you
will be working with me as editors next
year. All in all, it’s been a great year,
and I’m going to miss all of you who
are leaving so very much. Good luck in
whatever fun is in your future. Looking
ahead, l’m thrilled for next year, working with a new super staff and for the
new memories and fun to come.
Arlo Chapple-Berletic
I’d like to thank all the readers,
writers, viewers and food delivery
personnell. Thanks, all.
Dan Wasserman
When I got to the CT this semester,
I didn’t know what to expect. Once I
got started, I felt like I was right at
home. The staff feels like one big family. Production nights aren’t a pain, but
I even look forward to them. People
like Andrew helped to bring me in and
make the CT experience a fun one. I’m
going to miss all of the editors who
are leaving next semester. There’s no
way that this group of people could be
duplicated. For those who are returning and joining the CT, let’s hope to
continue this success.
Tale of the underworld delivers a heavenly performance
Opinions Edit or
The tale of the tragic Orpheus, the famous musician who descends into Hades
to recover his deceased wife Eurydice, is
one of the oldest great stories. Todd Theatre is now presenting the other side to
the well-known story — Eurydice’s tale.
Our story begins, as any great story
does, with happiness. In the case of “Eurydice,” it is a sheer, blissful, almost evil
happiness. Orpheus and Eurydice entwine
themselves in each other’s arms and
hearts, talk of literature and music and
finally, decide to wed.
So ends the happiness. Eurydice’s
father, speaking from the Underworld,
sends a letter to Eurydice on her wedding day — imagine a backwards séance
— that is discovered by a slick youth. He
lures Eurydice to his high-rise apartment
on her wedding day, and after failing to
put the moves on her, gives her the letter. Eurydice, uncomfortable, dashes off
— only, in her haste, plunges to her death.
After a waterlogged ride to Hades, she
loses her memory, meaning she no longer
recognizes her father, who greets her at
the gate.
Here we meet the interesting characters — the father, the stones and, best of
all, Hades. The stones — those who, in
the Orpheus myth, were so moved by his
music that they would actually cry — attempt to break Eurydice of the emotion
she still possesses. Though she has forgotten Orpheus, her father attempts to remind her of he himself is, and of her life
The final player is the most delightful
Hades, who rides around on a tricycle
in a Nazi-reminiscent uniform, blaring
— what else? — death metal. Hades attempts to seduce Eurydice, who will have
none of it. Through the duration of this,
we catch glimpses of Orpheus’s now miserable life, leading up to the point where
he makes his descent. The story is beauti-
MARK FLEMING • Contributing P hot ograph er
Freshman Anna Kroup plays the lead “Euridice,” Todd Theater’s production the tale of the tragic Orpheus who fades into Hades
to recover his deceased wife. Starring as Euridice herself, Kroup wanders the depths of Hades in search of her memory.
passive-aggressive Eurydice. The only odd
ful, tragic and Shakespearean, before that
to come by. Although there is plenty of
part of the musical scheme is that almost
was even an adjective.
strong dramatic lighting focused on the
Technically, Todd makes great use of its
raised parts of the stage, it feels otherwise none of it comes from Orpheus himself,
but from the stones. I’ll give you a minute
indiscriminate. The more dimly lit charstage. “Eurydice” does not allow itself to
to immerse yourself in the irony.
acters on the flat part of the stage receive
be easily dated, set sometime in the late
But even if the technical aspects are
twentieth century (although if the older
only a soft glow.
not all up to snuff, the strong acting and
luggage is any proof, it is in the pre-SamWhen the lighting is right, though, the
refreshing storyline are more than enough
audience should be thankful — the cossonite era). The stage itself is a tapestry
to entertain and move you for 75 minutes
tumes are well worth seeing. Eurydice’s
of wood planks, rising up to make mini— even if you’re a stone.
clothes are pretty, yet simple. Orpheus’s
stages for the players. In this, the stage
“Eurydice,” directed by Sean Daniels,
suits both a sandy shoreline, a fancy ballclothes for most of the play, though, are
shows from Dec. 7-16 at 8 p.m. in Todd
room, or even, with the proper lighting,
unfortunately dull for what one imagines
Union, with a 3 p.m. matinee on Dec. 10.
the depths of Hell, and the actors utilize
being in the wardrobe of such a musician.
Brenneman is a member of
each part excellently.
The music in the show is fantastic,
the class of 2009.
switching from sad to happy as fast as the
Proper lighting, though, is harder
Brand New evolves with their dark, bold third release
still songs about hating girls, the overall
Staff Writer
themes were darker, more complicated
The Long Island boys of Brand New
and more adult. The band had cleaned up
have come a long way since they wrote
their sound, brought out the complexities
their first album six years ago. Their dethat made their first album so interestbut release, “Your Favorite Weapon,” was
ing to listen to, they even brought out an
a collection of reeling, fumbling and gloriacoustic guitar — all this without sullying
ous adolescent anthems. The sound was
the high intensity of sound that had powintense and unpolished and the genre was
ered their music the first time around.
punk rock, but there was something more.
Brand New’s most recent release, “The
These songs were filled with little touches
Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me,” is
that clearly transcended other run-of-theanother stylistic leap for the band. The
mill punk rock songs. There were surprisalbum overall is much darker, sadder and
ingly beautiful, soaring harquieter than the previous two.
monies. There were multiple
Singer Jesse Lacey’s lyrics are
vocal lines layered on top of
pained, beautiful and poetic.
one another. And there was
“Is it in you now, To watch
unique instrumental puncthe things you, gave your
tuation, like moments where
life to broken? You stoop and
the drums would totally halt,
build them up with worn-out
emphasizing the pause of a
tools.” The instrumentation
particularly charged moment
shows more restraint, and the
within a song.
songs are very melancholy,
These progressive musical
but this makes the moments
idiosyncrasies that had lit“THE DEVIL AND GOD...” when the bridge comes crashtered the rough-edged rock of
ing in with major chords to
their first album came more
douse the minor mood viscerclearly into view in their
ally relieving.
second album, appropriately
In several places on the
named “Deja Entendu.” This album was
album, the song will build to a smashing
a major stylistic leap for Brand New. The
climax and then fall apart to a muddled
sound was, without question, more masoundscape of instrument noises, creating
ture, refined and polished. The chords
an effect reminiscent of The Mars Volta’s
were more complex — and so was the sub- “Frances the Mute.”
ject matter in the lyrics. While there were
While this is certainly not the Brand
Phot o cour tesy of fight offyourdemons .com
Brand New band members Brian Lane, Garrett Tierney, Jesse Lacey and Vinnie Accardi bring out their darkest yet most poetic side with the release of their latest album.
sound on “The Devil and God.” While this
New of previous years, this album is fitis not a bad thing, fans will still be hungry
ting of their progression as a band, and
for the band’s earlier, brighter sound.
after a few listens it clearly works. The
overall sound, while definitely different, is
The bottom line here is that this album
is a fitting third step in the dark direcobviously marked by qualities that Brand
New listeners will be used to, such as the
tion that Brand New is taking as a band.
band’s often unorthodox song structure,
Brand New listeners may be disappointed
how Lacey shapes his words or how the
at first, but this is a collection of beautitwo guitars interact throughout the songs. ful, deep and dark songs that deserves,
A clear comparison can be drawn between
and almost requires, more than just a
some of the darker songs from previous
brief listen.
albums, like “Me vs. Maradonna vs. Elvis”
Rosnick is a member of
or “Soco Amaretto Lime,” and the overall
the class of 2009.
Page 16
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Vocal Point, tinsel and holiday favorites
Staff Writer
On Saturday Dec. 9, the 14
girls of Vocal Point will put on
their Winter Extravaganza show
on the River Level of the Interfaith Chapel. This annual show,
co-sponsored this year with the
Panhellenic Association, is one
of the group’s more informal
concerts for friends and family,
featuring traditional holiday
songs as well as pieces from Vocal
Point’s fall show.
“I’m excited to get everyone in
the holiday spirit,” music director and senior Martha Guenther said. “I personally love the
holidays. It’s going to be a great
afternoon for everyone involved.”
The group’s repertoire encompasses classics such as “Carol of
the Bells,” “Rocking around the
Christmas Tree” and “Christians
and the Pagans.” Two new holiday arrangements, including “All
I Want for Christmas is You,”
will be debuted and several new
songs from this semester will be
preformed as well. Rochester’s
other a capella groups — the YellowJackets, the Midnight Ramblers and After Hours — will also
join in for caroling.
In previous years the concert
was held in the Welles-Brown
room of Rush Rhees Library and
advertised as a more casual study
break. After repeatedly filling the
room to capacity, Vocal Point decided to expand the event, select-
ing a larger
venue for this
year. Though
they sought
to continue
the tradition of a free
concert, the
group members felt they
could use the
show’s popularity for a
greater cause.
True to the
holiday spirit,
they wanted
to find a way
to use it to
give back to
JASON FREIDMAN • Phot ography Edit or
the Rochester Vocal Point’s Winter Extravaganza show will feature a number of Christmas carols and
other VP favorites. In true holiday spirit, the show will go hand-in-hand with a food drive.
After contacting several community service
pantries, as well as group homes,
“I’m excited to sing and have
organizations on campus, a colsenior centers and day cares
fun and entertain people,” said
laboration with the Panhellenic
in the Greater Rochester area.
freshman member Polly Flinch,
Association began to facilitate a
Panhell has worked with the
whose family is coming in from
food drive.
organization in past events and
North Carolina to see the show.
“It’s the first time we’ve ever
found the group reliable and the
Vocal Point’s new CD, “Game
attempted a food drive, and we
experience enjoyable.
Face, ” recorded last spring, will
wanted to combine with a group
“We’re hoping everyone who
be available for purchase at the
with more experience,” publicity
goes to the show will bring
event. The group will be permanager and junior Kristy Doot
things,” Doot said. “We don’t
forming one of its tracks, “Rivsaid. “It’s an opportunity to give
exactly know what to expect, but
er,” as well as five other brand
back to a city that constantly
we wanted to try to help out.”
new songs from their fall show.
asks us to perform.”
The free concert begins at 3
“It’s a really beautiful conThe food collected will be
p.m. and lasts approximately an
cert,” Doot said. “The music is
donated to Foodlink, a regional
hour and a half. Cider and cookfun and the holidays put everyorganization that distributes
ies and other refreshments will
one in a good mood.”
donations to local soup kitchens,
be served amidst holiday-themed
Hass is a member of
shelters and emergency food
the class of 2010.
BPG shows eclectic style in “Don’t You Wanna Dance!”
Staff Writer
The Ballet Performance
Group’s name can be quite misleading. The term “ballet” often
evokes thoughts of tutus, highly
formalized steps and classical
music, but UR’s BPG offers so
much more. Members of this
group perform non-traditional
routines to popular songs, such
as Missy Elliot’s “Lose Control”
and “Mr. Brightside” by the
Killers. Both dance aficionados
as well as those who usually shy
away from traditional ballet
should not miss their upcoming
show, “Don’t You Wanna Dance!”
This innovative group is comprised of UR students who apply
ballet technique and discipline to
jazz, tap, hip-hop, ballet, lyrical
and even modern pieces. Every
year BPG dazzles the University
community with semi-annual
performances in addition to some
smaller events. This year, the
dancers have already performed
in the Activities Fair, Uncommon
Night, Meliora Weekend’s Rochester Revue and Dance Cubed.
BPG was founded in 1996 by
a group of girls who were unsatisfied with the ballet classes
offered on campus. Since then,
the group has expanded both in
size and musical repertoire. This
semester, membership reached
its highest number ever at 54.
And, for the first time, BPG is
including modern dance pieces in
its program. Despite this growth,
the group continues to be entirely student run. Members choose
the music, organize the choreography and teach the routines
BPG is more than a club. It is
like a family — a community of
dancers united by their mutual
love for the art form. Members’
participation in BPG-run social
activities further strengthens
their sense of camaraderie. This
closeness is beneficial in many
ways because “Once you know
each other better, you dance
better together, and it makes
for a more fun environment,”
BPG President and senior Taylor
Coon said.
Despite the tightly knit nature
of the group, BPG has remained
very accepting of new members.
There are no tryouts, and prior
dance experience is not required.
“We would want anyone who
wants to join to be able to,” Coon
said. “We have girls who have
never danced before and we have
girls who have been dancing
since they were two.”
At the beginning of each semester, members choose which
pieces they want to perform in
the final show. Each piece varies
in difficulty and requires only
one hour of practice time per
week. Participants can, therefore, be as involved as they want.
At least until the week before a
JASON FREIDMAN • Phot ography Edit or
Senior Taylor Coon is lifted in a performance by BPG in Dance Cubed,
a dance exhibition over October’s Meliora Weekend.
performance, a time commonly
contemporary hits such as Chrisreferred to as “Hell Week.” As
tina Aguilara’s “Ain’t No Other
freshman BPG member Liz Lane
Man,” “Iris” by the Goo Goo
can attest, this is when “we prac- Dolls, “Scream” by Michael Jacktice insane amounts,” usually
son and “Magic” by Ben Folds
exceeding 20 hours.
Five. Experience the brilliance
Come see the dancers’ hard
for yourself on Friday, Dec. 8, in
work all pay off at their upcomUpper Strong Auditorium at 8
ing show. “Don’t You Wanna
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
Page 17
Over ten years of concerts, craziness and Coronas
This past week I was given the
chance to see the famous Finnish
metal band, Children of Bodom,
live in concert at the Water
Street Music Hall. Not only that,
but I had the honor of interviewing the band’s bassist, Henkka
I was a little apprehensive
when I approached their tour
bus on a rainy Thursday night. I
knocked on the door, and when I
was let on, I immediately noticed
three cases of Heineken and
Corona on the floor.
I was led into the back where
one member was browsing his
iTunes and talking on AIM on
his laptop, and the other was
smoking and watching a movie
that might have been “Dumb and
Dumber.” Then the interview
I first asked Seppälä who he
considered his biggest influences.
His response was basically the
usual for the scene — Slayer
and early Ozzy Osborne, when
Randy Rhodes was still his touring guitarist. Seeing as Children
of Bodom have been around for
almost 10 years, I was curious as
to why they keep playing. They
told me that they just love to
tour, get drunk and be ridiculous.
They referred to one incident
while recording an album when
Phot o cour tesy of
After almost 10 years in the music business, Finnish metal band Children of Bodom admit a large part of
their love for what they do comes from touring, getting drunk, and just plain being ridiculous.
does not really listen to any new
they took a sauna, then left the
by asking what his favorite food
bands, but suggested checking
sauna in their towels and went
was. Supposedly when they told
out Amon Amarth, who will tour
to an auto parts shop where they
the Japanese that breakfast was
with them soon but is also older
proceeded to do a photo shoot in
their favorite food, the Japanese
than them.
towels while holding car parts.
found it hilarious. They said the
When I asked Seppälä to comWhen I asked what was the
vodka pasta from a restaurant
pare audiences in the United
first record he ever bought was,
down the block on Water Street
States to audiences in Europe
Seppälä said his answer changes
was pretty good.
he thought that was a silly comevery time he is asked the quesThen I went into the concert.
parison to make — audiences
tion. Last Thursday it was an
The opening band, Sanctuary,
are different all over the United
Alice Cooper album. I asked
sounded like they played one
States just as they are differSeppälä who he thought were up
long song, while it was actually a
ent all over Europe. I finished
and coming bands. He said he
bunch of songs that all sounded
the same. The next band, Gojira,
was a progressive death metal
band from France. They put on a
good show, even with mic trouble
in the beginning of their set, and
they even had a sweet drum solo.
Finally it was time for Bodom!
They came on stage to the funny
farm song (“They’re Coming to
Take Me Away,” released by Napoleon XIV in 1966). As always,
Alexi ‘Wildchild’ Laiho shredded
his guitar and had amazing duels with the incredible keyboard
player Janne Wirman.
They played songs from their
newest album, 2005’s “Are You
Dead Yet?,” like “In Your Face”
and the title track. They also
played a number of songs from
the previous album, Hate Crew
Deathroll, like “Needled 24/7”
and “Sixpounder.” For a special
treat they played “Mask of Sanity” for the first time ever in
the United States. At one point
they broke into a vamp on “Billie
Jean,” totally out of the blue.
Overall, this was an epic
concert experience, as is to be
expected with the mighty Children of Bodom. They lead the
rock and roll lifestyle of tour tour
tour, party party party, and they
continue to turn out metal as
only they can.
Abt is a member of
the class of 2008.
A&E would like to thank all of our writers for such an excellent year. All of your hard work and dedication
helped to make our lives easier and contributed to each amazing issue of Campus Times. Specifically, we would
like to thank Rahul Tase, the Film Interest Floor, Luke Rosnick and Pat Harris. Also, a special thanks to the
new A&E editors, Stephie and Judith. Good luck with everything, you guys will do a fantastic job.
Have a great holiday and a happy new year! Sam Lewis and Liz Swain
Thursday, December 7, 2006
When I was growing up, I idolized my older brother. When my
parents would take me to Matt’s
baseball games, instead of playing
in the dirt with the other kids my
age who wouldn’t care about the
sport for another few years, I sat
with my parents; trying to learn
the ins and outs of what was going
on. I wanted to know why everyone
was running around in circles, and
why it was such a big deal when
they ended up right where they
started from. What sense does
that make?
As soon as I was old enough to
play, I made sure that my parents
signed me up. This meant that for
a year I had to play with boys, but
I didn’t care; I was playing baseball
like Matt did. As I grew older, and
started playing softball with girls
instead, I still wanted to be just
like my brother. I pitched because
he pitched. I wore number 24 and
idolized Ken Griffey, Jr. because
he wore number 24 and idolized
Ken Griffey Jr.
But as I grew older, I realized
that I really did love the sport, and
I kept playing past the time when
my brother stopped. I was playing
for my own reasons. I was playing for the smell of the grass, the
wonder of acquiring a new skill,
the joy of winning, and even the
agony of defeat. Although I had
started out just wanting to be like
my brother, it was through this
adoration that I found a passion
that I still pursue today.
Girls today, however, don’t need
to have only their older brothers
and older brothers’ idols to look
up to.
They can find their own role
models in today’s female superstar athletes that were not in the
limelight when today’s college-age
and older girls were growing up in
sports. They are now able to see
that you can be an athlete and a
girl; the two are no longer seen as
mutually exclusive.
Take Team USA star pitcher
Jennie Finch, for example. She
is married and only recently
returned to the team from a
maternity leave taken when she
was pregnant with her son Ace.
She has a husband, a son and an
athletic career. She is a role model
for girls everywhere in her ability
to be feminine and athletic.
But Finch is not the only prominent females uperstar athlete,
nor was she the first. Mia HammGarciaparra was an early idol for
girls, and although her sport was
soccer, she, as one of the first superstar female athletes, was able to
influence young girls in all sports.
Brandi Chastain, Garciaparra’s
teammate, has also had a huge
influence on the sporting world,
her signature moment being how
she single-handedly kept a sportswear brand thriving by ripping
her shirt off to expose her sports
bra when the USA team won the
soccer World Cup.
Female sports are finally starting to be recognized by the media,
which is part of why girls today
are able to see their role models
on a regular basis.The Softball
World Cup was shown on primetime ESPN this summer. Tennis
matches and golf tournaments can
be found on several channels. Even
the scrolling headlines on women’s
college and professional teams at
the bottom of the ESPN screen is
a huge step for the recognition of
women’s sports.
Women are slowly breaking one
glass ceiling at a time. First we
break into the Olympic Games,
then we have professional teams,
and now women are even getting
You can walk into a store and
find not just a Derek Jeter black
leather glove, but also a Jennie
Finch mitt with a pink strap. Lisa
Fernandez also had a huge deal
with Louisville Slugger and was
paid to have her name on fastpitch
softball bats.
Now, you see women like young
Michelle Wie, who is attempting
to enter the PGA tour. The fact
that she is even allowed to try is a
huge step up from the days when
women weren’t even allowed to
pick up a golf club.
Despite all of this improvement,
however, there are still glass ceilings to be shattered. Women still
do not get paid as much as men
do, and they are not given as much
airtime as men. However, it is clear
that the momentum of recognition
of female athletes is on the rise,
and young girls now have many
female athletic superstars to look
up to and emulate.
Winn is a member of
the class of 2009.
Page 19
Life, Love...Sport
Greetings and salutations readers! Welcome to the final Life,
Love…Sport (Conspiracy Edition)
before the winter break is upon
us. This week was memorable for
two reasons: the bowl games in
college football were announced
and the NBA Players Union sued
the NBA over unfair practices
over the new game ball. But first
a little clarification before we move
on. Last week’s “obscure sports”
piece garnered some press of the
negative kind. So for now, the
obscure sports series is put on ice.
Glad we got that out of the way,
let’s rock this joint.
Were you one of the millions that
tuned in to hear the bowl games
announced last week? In case you
weren’t, the LLS was and we have
several observations. First, I’d like
to thank the computers for not
burdening us with a rematch of
Ohio State-Michigan. They played
a game, Michigan lost, move on.
Why was there even a controversy
about this? The second-place team
in the Pac-10 gets shafted to the
Holiday Bowl, but you want the
second placed Big 10 team in the
championship? That’s the biggest
load of crap I’ve heard since “I did
not have sexual relations with
that woman.” The rankings need
to be changed next year to only
allow conference champions to be
eligible to play for the title. With
this in mind, Ohio State is going
to destroy Florida. Chris Leak is
a decent quarterback, but let’s be
honest, Troy Smith is a beast. Also,
since when is a BCS game allowed
to be a home game? LSU playing in
the Superdome is like letting Duke
play a Final Four game be played
at Cameron Indoor Stadium. Plus,
Norte Dame shouldn’t even be in
a BCS bowl. Losing two games by
at least 20 points should qualify
you for the Texas Bowl.
More importantly, this year really showed the deep flaws in the
BCS system. Rutgers loses two
games and gets sent to the inaugural Texas Bowl. Wisconsin loses
one game and slides to the Capital
One Bowl. Louisville doesn’t even
control its own fate and still made
it to a BCS bowl game. The solution is simple: either institute
a playoff (something university
presidents don’t want to do to save
the “scholar-athlete”) or somehow
make every major conference play
a championship game. The winners of each game would go to a
BCS game, while everyone else
watches. Sure some conferences
could be weaker (stand up ACC),
but it would remove some of the
controversy from the process.
Meanwhile, our beloved Missouri Tigers got the Sun Bowl!
Against Oregon State! I hate predictions as much as the next guy,
but I predict a Tigers victory. I’ll
be watching that game for sure. I
will also watch every other bowl
game and report to you the best
five games in the next issue. It
should be a great vacation.
The NBA Players Union sued
over the game ball. Finally, I
mean how much longer were we
supposed to listen to these players whine? Every day someone
new adds their two cents to the
pile. Eventually David Stern was
bound to listen. The LLS is all
for getting innovation into the
workplace, but if something has
been used for a half-century and it
hasn’t bothered anyone, why mess
with it? Money surely cannot be
involved. Sales of the new ball are
not significantly more than the old
one. The only possible explanation
is that David Stern is a publicity
hog. Good for him.
It’s official; the Red Sox have lost
their minds, and Red Sox Nation
will need a collective intervention
in June. J.D Drew for $70 million?
Apparently Theo Epstien still
works in a gorilla suit. Julio Lugo
for $36 million? This is a guy who
hit .219 for the Dodgers after the
break. This might be the most
exciting summer of talk radio in
recent Boston memory. Needless
to say, I am very excited.
This week’s list is all about getting the shaft. Specifically, what
teams got the shaft during this
year’s bowl games. In no particular order:
1) Rutgers — Here is a team
that won 10 games for the second
time EVER. And how do they get
rewarded? Texas Bowl? The first
one? In the season of giving, the
BCS gave the Scarlet Knights
the shaft.
2) BYU — A team from the WAC
clearly will not go to a major bowl.
But come on, they’re ranked and
all they get is Las Vegas Bowl.
Maybe they can gamble their way
to better bowl next year.
3) BC — This team almost won
their conference, and yet every
year they seem to get shafted
every year.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Final Fact:
The Kentucky Derby is the oldest continually held sports event
in the United States (1875); the
second oldest is the Westminister
Kennel Club Dog Show (1876).
Maystrovskyʼs article appears
weekly. Maystrovsky is a member
of the class of 2009.
Athlete of the Week — Emily Lyons
CLASS: 2007
SPORT: Basketball
HIGH SCHOOL: Haverhill HS, Haverhill, Mass.
MAJOR: Math & Economics
IDEAL DAY OFF: Spending the day at
the beach with friends.
FAVORITE BOOK: Any of the Harry Potters.
FAVORITE MOVIE: “Shawshank Redemption.”
PLANS AFTER COLLEGE: Go to work in Boston.
EXPECTATIONS FOR THE SEASON: Do well in the conference, go deep in NCAAs.
FAVORITE ATHLETIC MEMORY: Making it to the Final
Four freshman year; beating Scranton this year.
This Week in Sports
• Men’s and Women’s
Track at RIT Invitational,
4 p.m.
• Men’s Basketball at St.
John Fisher, 8 p.m.
• Men’s and Women’s
Swimming vs. RIT, 1 p.m.
• Women’s Basketball vs.
Union, 2 p.m.
Men’s swim team captures Liberty League title
Sports Edit or
The UR swimming and
diving teams hosted the 2006
Liberty League championships this weekend at the
Speegle-Wilbraham Aquatic
Complex. Both teams posted
strong finishes for the home
crowd, with the men placing
first and the women taking
The men edged out Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
by 27 points for their first
league title. The win was
especially sweet, considering
the Yellowjackets’ only dual
meet loss this season came at
the hands of the Red Hawks.
Yellowjacket Bruce Maki was
named Male Swimmer of the
Year after winning three individual events and placing
second in a fourth.
Maki, a sophomore, was
first to the wall in the 1650yard and 500-yard freestyle
races. He has yet to lose a
distance race this season,
taking first in all eleven he
has entered. Also scoring
points for UR in the 500
were senior Zach Freed
(fourth), freshman Timothy
Anderson (ninth), freshman
Matt Kaule (10th) and junior
Joe Subjeck (12th). Freed
continued his strong per-
JEFF LEVY • Phot ograph y Edit or
The UR men’s swimming and diving team proudly displays their Liberty Leauge championship plaque on Saturday.
formance with a fifth place
finish in the 1650, followed
by Anderson in ninth, Subjeck in 10th and senior Chase
Hannon in 13th.
Maki also won the 400
individual medley, a race in
which eight UR swimmers
scored points. Freed came
to the wall third, with freshman Danny Friel eighth,
freshman Garrett Lam
10th, Subjeck 11th, junior
Dev Master 12th, Kaule
13th and sophomore Eric
Fischer 15th.
In the 200-yard butterfly,
Maki took second, Freed
nabbed seventh and Friel
was right behind in eighth.
Lam, freshman Dave Madar and sophomore Ryan
White went 2-3-4 in the
100-yard backstroke, with
freshman Patrick Messmer
placing eighth and senior
Anthony Furstoss taking
The team was just as solid
in the 200 back, as Madar,
White and Lam placed third,
fourth and fifth, respectively.
Kaule took eight and Messmer finished 13th.
The Yellowjackets picked
up significant points in all
the freestyle races, thanks
in large part to sophomore
Michael Hoffman. He placed
third in both the 50 and 100
free, with junior Jonathan
Dennison and White right
behind (fifth and sixth) in
the 50. In the 200 free, White
grabbed second place and
Furstoss took eighth.
In the 200 IM, five UR
swimmers scored points.
Dennison led the way in
third, followed by Lam,
Madar and Friel (6-7-8) and
Master in 10th. The feat was
repeated in the 200 breaststroke, with Dennison once
again placing third. Hoffman
was fourth, followed by Subjeck (9th), Master (10th) and
Jensen (15th).
UR also placed well in each
of the relays. The 400 free
and 400 medley relays each
placed second, while the 200
free and 200 medley teams
took third. Relays are worth
double points at the league
meet, so these strong performances were important.
In the diving events,
held at Monroe Community
College, sophomore David
Women’s b-ball remains unbeaten
Staff Writer
The Yellowjackets (6-0)
traveled to Pittsburgh this
past Saturday and beat the
Carnegie Mellon Tartans
(4-1) with a solid 67-58 win
in their UAA league opener.
The team’s balanced scoring
attack and great defense
were key to the victory.
Senior forwards Emily Lyons and Danielle Muller led
the team in scoring with 12
and 11 points, respectively.
The Yellowjackets overcame
a season high 29 turnovers
by playing great defense,
evidenced by the 18 steals
they had during the game.
They also won the battle on
the boards, outrebounding
the Tartans, 42-34.
The game started with the
visiting ’Jackets in control
for much of the early going,
only to have their lead squandered just before halftime.
UR jumped out to an early
8-2 lead just three minutes
into the game. The Tartans
tied it up minutes later after
a three-pointer by guard
Ashley Mazziotta—her only
basket during the contest.
The Yellowjackets stayed
in control, however, extending their lead to as much as
JEFF LEVY • Phot ography Edit or
Senior Danielle Muller handles the ball against William Smith
on her way to 20 points, 7 rebounds and 4 assists.
eight points midway through
the first half.
The Tartans came back
strong, going on a 9-0 run
and gaining their first lead
of the game, 21-20, with 7:28
left to play in the half.
A baseline jumper from
Muller quickly gave the
’Jackets back the lead after
a timeout to stop Carnegie’s
momentum. It was merely a
stopgap solution, however, as
the Tartans went on another
run and went into halftime
with a 36-34 lead.
Carnegie Mellon forward
Ashley Rothwell dominated
the UR defense, putting up
14 points and 10 rebounds
in the first half alone. Head
coach Jim Scheible emphasized that the ’Jackets
weren’t being outplayed by
the Tartans, but rather beating up on themselves.
“He really wanted us to
go back to what we do well,
which is defend at a high
level, run the ball in transition and beat the other team
with our depth,” Lyons said.
“He challenged us to step up
our intensity and to execute
things better on both ends of
the court.”
The ’Jackets came out
of halftime fired up, jumping out to a 49-38 lead five
minutes in. Scheible used
his deep bench, making
sure that all five players on
the court were fresh, and he
eventually wore down a tired
Carnegie squad.
From the Pressbox: Women in Sports — 19
UR didn’t trail at any point
during the second half and
had its lead grow to as much
as 16 points before finally
winning 67-58.
The Yellowjackets’ bench
scored 16 points all together,
as opposed to Carnegie Mellon, whose bench scored
only five points. Lyons led
the team in scoring, while
sophomore guards Johanna
McNelis and Helen Baroody
chipped in six apiece. Junior
Jessica Waddell also scored
six points and grabbed four
Sophomore forward Alex
Porter led the team in rebounding once again, pulling
down 10 rebounds. Porter’s
been the team leader in
rebounding in all but one
game and is averaging 11.8
rebounds per game.
Turnovers were a problem
for the team once again, as
CMU was able to score an astounding 32 points off of the
Yellowjackets’ “negative offense.” The Tartans weren’t
much better themselves,
however, as UR’s tenacious
defense forced them to commit 23 turnovers.
The Yellowjackets continued their success witha
74-69 win against William
Smith College on Tuesday
night. Their final game of the
semester will be on Saturday,
Dec. 9 at home against Union
Brackney is a member of
the class of 2007.
LYDIA YALE • Staff Phot ographer
Jonathan Onyiriuka takes on an opponent against CMU.
Men’s basketball
cruises past CMU
Staff Writer
In their UAA conference
opener on Saturday, the
men’s basketball team traveled to Pittsburgh and defeated Carnegie Mellon, 6051. In their first road game of
the season, the Yellowjackets
kept their composure in a
tough environment against a
stingy CMU defense as they
turned the ball over 11 times,
a season low.
“The whole team collectively took care of the
ball and got it to the guys
down low where we knew
we had a great match-up,”
junior point guard Jeff Juron said.
Juron and the rest of the
Yellowjackets stuck to the
game plan and took advantage of the match-up in the
post. Junior big man Uche
Ndubizu dominated as the
team’s workhorse by putting
up 21 points and ripping
15 boards in 37 minutes of
Juron continued his
steady play as the floor
general, finishing with 11
points and four assists in 36
minutes. Sophomore Mike
Chmielowiec also notched
11 and added a pair of treys
in the winning cause.
Midway through the first
half, Chmielowiec buried
a three while being fouled.
After knocking down the
free throw to complete the
four-point play, the ’Jackets
led 21-14. CMU then battled
back and tied it up, 29-29, as
they entered halftime.
In the first 11 minutes of
the second half, neither team
was willing to budge until
LLS takes on the BCS and the NBA 19