September 20, 2015 - St. Stephen Cathedral
September 20, 2015 - St. Stephen Cathedral
St. Stephen Cathedral Office/Rectory: 270-683-6525 Fax: 270-683-3621 Blessed Sacrament Chapel: 270-926-4741 Cathedral Preschool: 270-926-1652 610 Locust Street Owensboro, Kentucky 42301-2130 Most Rev. William F. Medley, Diocese of Owensboro Most Rev. John J. McRaith, Bishop Emeritus SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 Mission Statement The Catholic Community of St. Stephen Cathedral serves as the Mother Church for the Diocese of Owensboro to welcome, evangelize and worship in the name of Jesus Christ. Mass Schedule: Sacraments: St. Stephen Cathedral Monday-Friday: 7:00AM and 12:05PM Saturday: 9:00AM and 5:00PM Sunday: 7:00AM 9:00AM and 11:00AM Holy Days: 7:00AM and 12:05PM Baptism: Baptisms are usually celebrated during one of the regularly scheduled Masses. Parents are encouraged to call the parish office before the birth of their child to make an appointment for instructions. Blessed Sacrament Chapel (602 Sycamore Street) Sunday: 10:00AM Marriage: Couples wishing to share their lives with one another in sacramental Marriage are asked to call the Office for an appointment with one of the priests. The first appointment must be scheduled at least six (6) months before the proposed date of marriage. Membership in Parish: We give a hearty welcome to all new families moving into our parish. Please register in the Office as soon as possible. Those who plan to move from our parish community are requested to inform us. Bulletin Material Deadline: Friday, 8:00AM, in writing, ten days in advance of publication. Deadline firm. Earlier deadline applies when holidays occur. Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated communally two times a year, during Advent and Lent. Other opportunities for reconciliation are Saturdays from 9:30-11:30AM and 4:00-5:00PM on the Thursday before First Friday, and by appointment anytime. TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME (B) START AFRESH FROM CHRIST! SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 † LITURGICAL APPOINTMENTS for SEPTEMBER 26-27, 2015 † TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME (B) 5:00PM MASS Altar Servers .......................................... Jacob Warren, Lillian Farmer Lectors... ................................................ Janice Scherm, Leah McCarty Min. Host. .................................... Sue Gough, Scott and Kathy Warren Min. Cup .................... Denise Payne, Larry and Gene Lyon, Volunteer Min. Hosp............ Jess and Nora Mattingly, Doug and Cheryl Hayden, Janice Walker, Erin Walker Voc. Min ................................................................. Mary Ann Calhoun 7:00AM MASS Altar Server .......................................................................... John Kirby Lectors... ...........................................Robin Hoffman, Nancy Hendricks Min. Host. ...............................................................Glenn E. Thompson Min. Cup ............................................. LaWanna Brand, Rita Roberson Min. Hosp ........ Dennis Weafer, Norman Froehlich, Charlie Winstead, Lottie Miller, Terry Wilkerson, Volunteer Voc. Min ..................................................................... Nancy Hendricks 9:00AM MASS Children Lit................... Molly Harris, Franny Hoffman, Madelyn Lyon Altar Servers ..................................... Jimmy Stinson, Nicholas Clemens Lectors ........................................................... Dick and Donna Murphy Min. Host ......................... George and Margaret Frey, Doris Mattingly Min. Cup .... Felicity Polio, Wilma Stallings, Rita Gerteisen, John Calhoun Min. Hosp ....................... B. J. Booth, Elmo Thompson, Mark Osborne, Gayle Welsh, Matt Steele, Mary Helen Nash Voc. Min .....................................Aaron and Stephanie Carrico Family 11:00AM MASS Altar Servers ..........................................Iona Palmer, Etienne Forsythe Lectors .................................................. Haley Fitzgerald, Paige Hicks Min. Host ................................ Joan Perry, Brenda Clark, Debbie Sikes Min. Cup .............Peggy Clark, Tom Payne, Meghan Payne, Volunteer Min. Hosp ...................................... Ray and Darcy Purk, Chuck Payne, David Weafer, Jim Ivey, Gene Higdon Voc. Min ......................................... Kenneth and Petra Palmer Family † PASTOR’S CORNER † I. Death Invades Our Living: Even though he was 91 years of age, my dad’s death was a surprise! We know that death is a natural part of life, and none of us will get out of this world alive, but I was surprised to get the message, while in Rome, that my dad had died. To make things worse, I had lost my phone in Assisi, so it took my family thirty hours to get in touch with me. Eventually, we were able, with an additional fee, to alter my return flight to the U.S. so that I got back late Thursday evening. There was visitation on Friday, and his funeral on Saturday, September 12. My dad was rich in love, compassion, service, and faith. He was prepared and eager for the next stage of his life and ready to join my mother in their eternal home! For your many expressions of kindness, sympathy and support during this tough time, I am grateful. If you have lost a loved one, you already know how comforting that can be. Thank you! II. Viva La Roma! Despite being cut a day short, the 40th anniversary of ordination reunion of my class in the Eternal City was terrific! Two highlights certainly were the celebration of Mass at the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls where Paul was buried, and at the Basilica of Saint Peter where Peter was buried. Another highlight was visiting the tombs of Saints Francis and Claire in Assisi. How amazing is it that the lives of these four people still impact and inspire our lives today! The regularly scheduled papal audience in St. Peter’s Square with 100,000+ people from all over the world was exhilarated by a photo-op with Pope Francis! The Italian culture, embraced by it’s delicious cuisine, hearty wine, and warm people, was enjoyed by twenty of us from the Class of ‘75! III. What Comes Between You and the Lord? At the Church of Saint Louis in Rome, there is the original painting of “The Call of Matthew” by Caravaggio. One detects the surprise on Matthew’s face when Jesus beckons him, and one cannot miss the position of several gold coins between Matthew and Jesus in this masterpiece! As we celebrate the feast of Saint Matthew on Monday, September 21, let each one of us ponder the question: In my life, what gets in the way of my responding more wholeheartedly to Jesus’ call? IV. Father Suneesh Away: Speaking of St. Matthew’s feast day, a vacation (not vocation!) is calling Fr. Suneesh Mathew by name! He will be away from our parish September 22 to October 2. We pray that Fr. Suneesh has a good time and returns to Saint Stephen Cathedral safe, sound, content! In Joy and Hope, Fr. Jerry TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME (B) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR PARISH MEMBERS Parish Birthdays from September 20-27 Nickie Abshier, Claudine Blandford, Ben Boarman, Garrett Booth, Will Booth, Michael Bouchard, Lauren Calloway, Patsy Clayton, Jean Danhauer, Joan Froehlich, Mildred Gilles, MaryKatherine Gough, Mark Heinz, Karmen Hudson, J. C. Knott, Patty Kuntz, Doug Lanz, Haley Christine Lyons, Emma Lou Marrett, Erica McFarland, Jeanette Medley, Vicky Montalvo, Serena Osborne, Bob Prather, Carol Ralph, Foster Roach, Chris Warren, Mitch Weafer, Rowella Weafer. START AFRESH FROM CHRIST! SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 WORD OF LIFE Reading represents one of the most powerful, cultural inventions that humans have ever created. The importance of this achievement for the advancement of our global society cannot be exaggerated. The acquisition of reading changes the brain, propels the individual reader’s intelligence, and advances the species’ collective intelligence. When a child acquires literacy, the life of the child is transformed, and so is the life of the surrounding society. Courtesy of V.I.S. - Vatican Information Service THIS WEEK’S WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES We are pleased to wish those couples celebrating their anniversary a very happy and blessed Anniversary. 20--Tom and May May Gipe, 35 years Byron and Josanna Lamastus, 19 years 21--Tom Ed and Robin Booth, 24 years John and Michelle Lyon, 19 years 22--Ben and Heidi Boarman, 8 years Joe and Winnie Foster, 25 years 26--Jess and Nora Mattingly, 28 years Justin and Nina Wiggins, 6 years CHRISTIAN INITIATION Not too long ago, adults who joined the Catholic Church, took a few instructions in the rectory with the pastor, were quietly baptized on a Sunday afternoon with a few relatives present and received their First Communion the following Sunday, with no announcements and little attention from the parish community. Confirmation waited for the next visit by the bishop. Since 1972, with the revision of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), that approach has radically changed. The order of reception of the sacraments has been restored to its original order: Baptism, Confirmation and then Eucharist. The three sacraments are celebrated as one Sacrament of Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil. The emphasis moves away from mere knowledge about the Church, toward a living experience of Church, involving the entire Christian community who welcome the new Christians in a public event. Conversion is now more clearly acknowledged as an extended journey of faith, a personal response to the work begun by the Holy Spirit. We meet on Wednesday at 6:00PM in the parish Media Center. Come and explore Catholicism with us! For more information, contact Donna Murphy, 270-852-8424. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION MEETING A Parent/Child meeting for the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be held on Monday, September 21, at 6:30PM in the Community Center. All second graders, both Catholic Schools and Faith Formation classes, will prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation together at St. Stephen Cathedral. Contact Donna Murphy, 270-852-8424, if you have any questions. CATHEDRAL PRESCHOOL Keep saving those Box Tops, every one helps toward new playground equipment. Drop in the collection basket or by the church or preschool office. All donations appreciated! YOUTH GROUP All the youth will gather this Sunday, September 20, at 6:00PM, in the Community Center of the Church. Bring a friend with you. Looking forward to seeing you all. The youth Parent Committee will meet at 4:30PM in the Community Center. Pope Francis has said “Young people who choose Christ are strong: They are fed by his word and they do not need to ‘stuff themselves’” with money, possessions and fleeting pleasure. Have the courage to swim against the tide. Have the courage to be truly happy.” Fr. Suneesh ST. STEPHEN CHRISMON TREE The handmade ornaments on the St. Stephen Cathedral Chrismon Tree, traditionally on display each year during the “Holiday Forest,” at the Fine Art Museum, are in need or restoration before they can be displayed this year. Repairs must be done by the end of October. This Chrismon Tree was first made by St. Stephen Cathedral parishioners about 1974 and displayed in our sanctuary. If you would like to help with restoring the ornaments, please contact the parish office at 270-683-6525 or [email protected]. Let’s keep Christ in Christmas! “IF ANYONE WISHES TO BE FIRST” Authentic Christian discipleship is contrary to the popular call to value autonomy and to seek to be served, to get more, and to live for one’s self. Imitating Christ is a call to die to self and to become the greatest by being the least. For more information about discerning a vocation to priesthood, contact the Diocese of Owensboro Office of Vocations: 270-683-1545, [email protected], CATECHETICAL SUNDAY This is Catechetical Sunday; its focus is on “Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person.” Those who serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel; to rededicate ourselves to this mission. This year’s theme reminds us that the dignity of each human person rests in the biblical teaching (Gen 1:26-27) that we are made in God’s image and likeness. It also reminds us that we, the baptized, need to actively support and protect others from all harm, cherishing human life from the moment of conception to a natural death. TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME (B) Donald Axley Donald Beard Larry Bishop Ron Bornander Howard Brown Juanita Brown Jeremy Brown Mary Ann Calhoun Gloria Cecil Richard Clouse George Collignon Michael Conley Ruth Ann Cureton Vickie Davis Beverly Emmick Wilma Fenwick Dick/Chris Flaherty George A. Hagan George/Sandra Hagan Ben Hartz Chuck Payne Virginia Hawkins Wanda Payne Mary Houle Ed Pickett Tammy Kay Howard Chris Purk Mary Hudson Kathy Ray Jackie Jaskolski Theresa Ray Jim Jones, Jr. Jennifer Sexton Cinda Kost Iona Simon Regina Lewis Charles Sims Hallie Lott Pat Taylor Henry Luckett Louise Thompson Máire McCormick Jessica Weafer Merici Millay Dwayne Wells Donna Montalvo Joan Wells Carrie Wieder Olivia Murphy Mel Windle Lucy Neal Vincent Wink Charlotte Oberst Imogene Parker Bill Payne Sick Friends/Relatives Justin Alexander, grandson of Ann Curtis; Kim Alexander, daughter of Ann Curtis; Paula Baysinger, sister of Doris Niehaus; Bruce Bennett, nephew of David Millay; Irvin Clark; Ednola Conley, mother of Mike Conley; Marie Crum, sister of Sharlene Hatfield; Peggy Davis; Niel Fain; Carol Flum, mother of Kathy Rasp; Janice Foster; Janet Hagan, sister of Sharlene Hatfield; Dove Haire, daughter of Sharlene Hatfield; Lisa Harmon, daughter-in-law of Delores Edwards; Sammy Haywood, brother-in-law of Marshall/Debbie Reynolds; Dorothy Henderson; Pat Horrell; James Horace Johnson, father of Todd Johnson; Terika Kemp; Charlotte Kerpon, sister of Denise Payne; Joyce Kirby, wife of John Kirby; Pam Kirtley; James R. Lanham, brother of Bob Lanham; Rosalie McCarty, mother of Greg McCarty; Cheryl Millay; Larry Millay; P J. Miller; Randy Malone, son of Glenda Crump; Sue Mudd, sister of Sharlene Hatfield; Neil Schade; Roger Lynn Simon, son of Iona Simon; Sabrina Sparks; Hughston Taylor, son of Wally/ Lisa Taylor; Marcelene Taylor; Mary Terry; Paul Thompson, brother of Patsy Clayton; Ann Vaughan, mother of Fr. John Vaughan; Family of Bruce Wedding; Jennifer Weihe, daughter-in-law of Pat Taylor. Names in bold are those currently in the hospital. PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS IN NURSING HOMES Carmel Home-Mary C. Kelley, Teresa Townsley, Mary Elsie O’Bryan, Margaret Smith, Nina Van Bussum, Millie Fell, Mary Osborne, Agatha Lindemann, Rose Cecil, Helen Miles, Margie Hill. Owensboro Place-Bettye Aull, Mary Kay Adams. Wellington Parc-Hazel McMahan, Mary Tichenor, Edith Oskin. Bishop Soenneker-Cecil Barnett, Robert Danhauer, Freddie Payne, Betty Wimsatt. Rosedale– Ursula Coogan. One Park Place-Margaret Bonner, Kay Meisenhelder, Lottie Jeanene Bramlett, Virginia Roberts. Signature Hillcrest Care-Mary Taylor, Betty Sapp. Fern Terrace-Bertha Horrell. Heritage Place-Jackie Jaskolski, Charles Sims. Twin Rivers-Anne Ryan. Morning Pointe (Lexington)-Doris Schwartz. PRAYER FOR THE DECEASED Please pray for those who have recently died, especially Joe Riney, father of Fr. Jerry Riney and Janet Murphy; Mary Sims, aunt of Bill McCarty; John C. Howard, father of Alex Howard; Sr. Mary Dolores Hornbeck, cousin of Judy Hoffman; and Helen Sosh. Pray, also, for those who are in the process of dying. May the souls of all our beloved dead rest in God’s peace. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 8:19-21 Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6 Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45 Nm 11:25-29; Ps 19:8, 10, 12-14; Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 START AFRESH FROM CHRIST! SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 REVENUES vs EXPENSES Fiscal Year July 2014 - June 2015 COLLECTIONS Needs Received 9/13/2015 $ 19,527.02 $ 10,273.79 39,054.04 $ 39,206.75 Month-to-date (Sept) $ YTD 7/15-6/16 $ 214,797.22 $ 186,652.22 TOTAL REVENUE/EXPENSES Year to Date @ 09-13-15 Actual Income $ 203,861.75 $ 200,811.64 Expenses $ 3,050.11 Over/Under PRESCHOOL Income $ 62,570.89 $ 29,384.05 Expenses $ 33,186.84 Over/Under RESTORATION AND RENEWAL Month-to-Date @ 09-13-15 Income: $ 9,062.00 Principal Interest $ -$ Dio Loan Pmnt -$ $ 216,417.44 Dio Loan Blnc “ALTARATION” Do you really understand what you believe as a Catholic? If you are already attending either the 9:00 or 11:00AM Mass, why not stick around or come earlier, from 10:10-10:50AM, and join the Adult Faith Formation Committee in the Community Center for five weeks, starting September 13-October 11, to watch Altaration, a twenty-minute DVD series, designed to help us appreciate the awesome beauty and mystery of the Mass. Appropriate for the whole family! THAT MAN IS YOU! That Man is You! meets every Thursday, 6:00-7:30AM, in the Father John Vaughan Community Center. Contact Tom Payne at [email protected]. STEPHEN MINISTRY You are invited to come, hear, and see what Stephen Ministry is all about at an information meeting for anyone who want to know more about this special ministry. It is an exciting new branch of ministry here at the Cathedral; you don’t have to be a parishioner to come and see. The meeting is Sunday, September 27, 4:00–5:00PM in the Community Center. Interact with our active Stephen Ministers. Our Stephen Ministers have said that they wish more people could be informed about this special way of being with each other. Snacks will be served. FALL FESTIVAL Thanks to all for a wonderful day! (Updates later.) TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME 12:05PM 7:00AM Joe/Sue Riney † Tues James “Pat” Johnson † Wed Padre Pio/Special Int. Thur Sallie Johnson † Fri Frances O’Bryan † Mon (B) Mary Merrimee † Billy J. “Tex” Taylor † Bill Murphy † Bernard/Jane Payne † Gertrude Castlen † *************************************************************************************************** Sat 9:00AM Marie C. Thompson † *************************************************************************************************** Sunday, September 27 Sat 5:00PM Eddie Jaskolski † Sun 7:00AM Sylvia Heflin † 9:00AM Wendell Booth † 11:00AM People of the Parish START AFRESH FROM CHRIST! SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 SUNDAY, September 20--TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY, ORDINARY TIME Masses at 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM; PSS:I CATECHETICAL SUNDAY Childcare, 9:00AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 9:00AM Faith Formation, Office/Preschool, 10:00AM Altaration Series, Com Ctr, 10:00AM Marriage Celebration, Church, 2:00PM Int’l Day of Prayer for Peace, Church, 6:00PM MONDAY, September 21—ST. MATTHEW, Apostle, Evangelist Daily Mass at 7:00AM and 12:05PM Reconciliation (Par/Cand) Mtg, Com Ctr, 6:30PM EUCHARISTIC MEDITATION “A true moment of celebration brings work to a pause, and it is sacred, because it reminds men and women that they are made in the image of God, who is not a slave to work, but its Lord, and thus we too must never be slaves to work, but its “lords.” The time for rest, especially on Sunday, is ordained for us so that we can enjoy what is not produced and not consumed, not bought and not sold. The greed of consumerism, which leads to waste, is an ugly virus which, among other things, makes us end up even more tired than before. Irregular rhythms of celebration often make victims of the young. “Ultimately, the time for celebration is sacred because God is there in a special way. Sunday Eucharist brings to the celebration every grace of Jesus Christ: his presence, his love, his sacrifice, his forming us into a community, his being with us.... And like this every reality receives its full meaning: work, family, the joys and trials of each day, even suffering and death; everything becomes transfigured by the grace of Christ. “The family is endowed with an extraordinary ability to understand, guide and sustain the authentic value of the time for celebration. How beautiful family celebrations are, they are beautiful! Sunday celebrations in particular. It is surely no coincidence that celebrations which have room for the whole family are those that turn out the best!” Pope Francis, “General Audience,” August 12, 2015 TUESDAY, September 22—Weekday, Ordinary Time Daily Mass at 7:00AM and 12:05PM WEDNESDAY, September 23—St. Pio of Pietrelcina, Priest Daily Mass at 7:00AM and 12:05PM RCIA, Media Ctr, 6:00PM Choir Practice, Church, 6:00PM THURSDAY, September 24—Weekday, Ordinary Time Daily Mass at 7:00AM and 12:05PM That Man Is You (TMIY), Com Ctr, 6:00AM Sunday Scripture Sharing, Office, 10:30AM Sunday Scripture Sharing, Media Ctr, 7:00PM FRIDAY, September 25—Weekday, Ordinary Time Daily Mass at 7:00AM and 12:05PM SATURDAY, September 26—Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs Daily Mass at 9:00AM Confessions, Church, 9:30-11:30AM Evening Mass for Sunday, Church, 5:00PM Howard/Gossom Wedding, Church, 7:00PM ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ Courtesy of V.I.S. - Vatican Information Service A VOCATION VISTA “If in some cases sustainable development were to involve new forms of growth, then in other cases, given the insatiable and irresponsible growth produced over many decades, we need also to think of containing growth by setting some reasonable limits and even retracing our steps before it is too late. We know how unsustainable is the behavior of those who constantly consume and destroy, while others are not yet able to live in a way worthy of their human dignity.” Courtesy of V.I.S. - Vatican Information Service SUNDAY, September 27--TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY, ORDINARY TIME Masses at 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM; PSS:II Childcare, 9:00AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 9:00AM Faith Formation, Office/Preschool, 10:00AM Altaration Series, Com Ctr, 10:00AM SPACE, Com Ctr, 2:00PM Youth Group, Youth House, 6:00PM TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME (B) 25TH DIOCESAN MARIAN CONGRESS/ PILGRIMAGE Our Blessed Mother’s Promises of the Brown Scapular is the theme of guest speaker Sister Francis Teresa, with special tribute to Father Ben Luther, founder of the Marian Shrine. The Congress/Pilgrimage will be Sunday, October 4, 2:00-5:00PM at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 434 Church Street, Bowling Green, KY. Contact: Jeanie Spears, 270-303-9437. SAINT JUNIPER SERRA AND THE SERRA CLUB The Owensboro Serra Club is very excited about Pope Francis’ visit to the United States. His schedule is full of events, gatherings and meetings that will impact us all. One of those events will be the Canonization of Blessed Junipero Serra on Wednesday, September 23, at 4:30PM, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Padre Junipero Serra was a zealous Franciscan missionary who founded many California missions and was instrumental in converting thousands of Indians to the Catholic faith. His missionary spirit, prayerful life and devotedness to his faith are some of the reasons that he was chosen as the Patron Saint of the Serra Club. The Club’s mission is to foster and affirm vocations to the priesthood and vowed religious life, and to assist members to grow in their own vocations. Serrans, through their prayers and vocation activities, encourage men and women in their call to service in the Church. We encourage you to watch the Canonization of Junipero Serra. To learn more about how to join or to start a Serra Club or vocation ministry here in the diocese, contact the Owensboro Serra Club President, Ernie Taliaferro, ernie.taliaferro@ ST. MARY OF THE WOODS TALENT SHOW To participate, call Trevor Crabtree, 270-993-1226. Apply by September 23. START AFRESH FROM CHRIST! SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 THE DISCIPLES’ RESPONSE FUND We are a pilot parish to test a new way of increasing support of the Disciples’ Response Fund as well as assisting our parish by helping to pay a portion of our assessment to the Diocese once we have reached our target. Support of the work of our Diocese is important. The Disciples’ Response Fund puts money into an endowment for the care of retired priests and assists with expenses for the education of our seminarians. If you received a letter from Bishop Medley asking for your support of the DRF, please make a generous gift today. COLLEGE AND CAREER EXPO Western Kentucky and Southwest Indiana College and Career expo will be September 27, Sunday, 1:00–4:00PM, Owensboro Convention Center. Free Admission; Free Seminars; Scholarship Drawings and over 100 recruiters. Visit The Expo is designed to help students grades sixtwelve learn about deciding on a career and how to go about obtaining a job in the future. TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY Carmel Home is celebrating their twentieth anniversary of Perpetual Adoration. Be one of their adorers (fulltime or sub). Call Marti Castlen at 270-929-5839. SUICIDE SUPPORT GROUP A Suicide Support Group meets the second Thursday of every month at the Sts. Joseph and Paul Youth House, 311 Bolivar Street. LOLEK PRODUCTIONS Do you know a saint? Can you get a witness? Seriously, if you know of someone who is a heroic witness, send an email to [email protected]. Visit our local Catholic Radio, 107.9FM, or Tune in week nights at 8:30PM to say the Rosary with Bishop Medley and OCS Students. TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME (B) START AFRESH FROM CHRIST! SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 † PARISH STAFF † Pastor ........................................ Fr. Jerry Riney ([email protected]) Associate Pastor Fr.Suneesh Mathew,HGN([email protected]) Permanent Deacon ........ Dr. Dirck Curry, D.O. ([email protected]) Director of Faith Formation Donna Murphy ([email protected]) Business Manager....... Joseph (Joey) Beatty([email protected]) † Pastoral Associate(Blessed Sacrament Chapel)Sr. Jeannette Fennewald Director of Liturgy ............. Michael Bogdan ([email protected]) Director of Music ................... James Wells ([email protected]) Cathedral Preschool ................... Pam Weafer ([email protected]) Office Assistant..............Ruth Ann Carrico ([email protected]) Director of Buildings/Grounds............................................................... PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Christy Ellis, Chair ...................... 270-314-8892 Mark Heinz, Vice Chair .............. 270-315-1405 Margie Ebelhar, Secretary ........... 270-926-4481 Ronald Bornander(Buildings/Gr) 270-925-4406 † Teresa Brown(Com/Family Enr). 270-925-3039 Bo Ivey(Communications) ........ 270-314-5421 John Calhoun(Lit/Worship) ......... 270-316-9102 John McNulty(Steward/R&R) ...270-570-7500 Haley Fitzgerald(Education) ....... 270-993-1111 Lottie Miller(Finance) ...............270-316-3274 Mark Heinz(Social Concerns) ..... 270-315-1405 † PARISH MINISTRIES and ORGANIZATIONS † LITURGY and WORSHIP Worship Committee Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ministers of Hospitality Altar Servers Gift Bearers Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound Children’s Liturgy Vocation Prayer Altar Society Music Ministries Art/Environment 270-683-6525 Mike Bogdan Eddie O’Bryan Rosemary Payne Fr. Suneesh Mathew 270-683-6525 270-240-4087 270-683-7134 270-683-6525 Mary Beth Hurley 270-684-5211 270-683-6525 270-315-6465 270-683-6525 270-683-6525 Bettye Aull Kathy Rasp EDUCATION Christian Initiation Faith Formation *Children *Adults Youth Group Catholic Young Adults Men’s Group Sunday Scripture Sharing Sponsor Couples School Board Rep Donna Murphy 270-683-6525 Donna Murphy Haley Fitzgerald Fr. Suneesh Mathew Robin Tomes 270-683-6525 270-993-1111 270-683-6525 270-683-1545 Randy Clemens Tom and Amy Payne Ken Heichelbech Fr. Jerry Riney John Wright 270-686-7739 270-685-2391 270-683-6525 270-685-2550 † CATHOLIC SCHOOLS † K-3 Campus …… 270-684-7583 Middle School …….270-683-0480 4-6 Campus ……270-683-6989 High School ………270-684-3215 † CATHEDRAL PRESCHOOL † St. Stephen Cathedral Preschool is a loving learning center where each child is a special gift. Call 270-926-1652. Visit Visit: Like us on Facebook: The bulletin is posted weekly by 5:00PM Friday. Social Concerns Cmt St. Vincent de Paul St. Benedict’s Shelter Stephen Ministry Habitat for Humanity SOCIAL CONCERNS Cindy Bornander Harry Bellew Cindy Bornander Joan Perry Mark Heinz COMMUNITY/FAM ENRICHMENT Parish Health Group Deacon Dirck Curry Katie Pagan Parish Newsletter Taylor West “ Rob Abney Parish Photographer James Kincheloe “ Parish Outreach/Cards Dottie Riney Helen Miles Hospital Outreach Funeral Meal Support Sue Gough Lisa Taylor “ Gene Lyon “ Mary Lou Greene “ Bereavement Support Marianna Robinson Fr. Jerry Riney Welcoming Cmt 270-993-9309 270-926-0792 270-993-9309 270-852-8421 270-315-1405 270-316-1668 270-314-5793 270-590-1636 270-315-7276 270-316-6381 270-684-6445 270-684-3636 270-684-9104 270-302-6917 270-684-3358 270-926-7408 270-926-3032 270-683-6525 STEWARDSHIP Tom Neal Finance Cmt Marketing/Hospitality Sr. Suzanne Sims Ron Bornander Buildings/Grounds 270-683-6521 270-993-2557 270-683-6525 † MINISTRY to the SICK † Hospital/Nursing Home...Please notify the Parish Office upon admission of a family member into any hospital or nursing home. Anointing of the Sick...Any parishioner who is ill may request the anointing by calling the Office. Anointing of the Sick is celebrated communally every six months. Communion...Any homebound parishioner wishing to receive Communion is asked to call the Parish Office at 683-6525. † FROM THE EDITOR † Bulletin announcements must be submitted in writing by 8:00AM Friday to [email protected]. These announcements will be for the bulletin which will be printed the following Monday. Deadline is firm. Use of graphics/color at discretion of editor. Articles over 150 words must be submitted as copy-ready. Flyers need prior approval and are published only with pastor’s permission. BARRET-FISHER COMPANY Complete Line of Janitor Supplies and Equipment Only you can divide your property as you want it divided. A bequest to your Church can be a living memorial to the nobility of your life. It is also exempt from estate and inheritance taxes and reduces the amount of the estate to be taxed. Have an attorney provide the advice you might need to prepare such a request. Our legal title is St. Stephen Cathedral Parish of Owensboro, Kentucky Inc. Authorized Distributor of Franklin Floor Care Products Authorized Distributor of Nobles Floor Machines and Carpet Equipment Owensboro’s only Factory Direct Distributor of Kimberly-Clark Paper Products FAST FREE DELIVERY 683-6126 Fax 683-2672 Toll-Free 1-800-234-7186 800 J.R. Miller Blvd. Owensboro, KY 42303 Owensboro Catholic Cemeteries 5404 Highway 54 270-926-8553 Scott Baird Plumbing and Heating Owensboro, KY 42303 1611 W. 7th Street, Owensboro 118 St. Ann Street, Owensboro, KY 42303 270.926.0005 Join us after church Open 7 days a week at 11am Mike Baker - Partner / Parishioner Tim Turner - Partner Heritage Place Assisted Living Apartment Rental Includes; • Assistance with Personal Care Needs • Medication Reminders • Transportation Provided • Housekeeping Services • Laundry Services Building Construction - Excavation Concrete Construction Sarah Murphy Ford - VP/General Manager Ben Hunter Hartz - Project Manager (270) 685-4919 926-8097 330 FREDERICA STREET OWENSBORO, KENTUCKY 42301 PHONE 684-2341 1-800-440-0318 270-689-0930 Jeffrey W. Danhauer RPh Pharmacist/Owner A Loving Learning Center 600 Locust Street Owensboro, Kentucky 42301-2130 683-6427 (270) 926-1652 Benjamin Moore ® Paint Headquarters Owensboro’s Only Locally Owned Paint Store 712 Kentucky Parkway 685-1333 Support Your Local Businesses B.J. Booth Tires-Brakes-Alignment “Oil Change Special” $3.00 off w/ad 624 E. 3rd 270-683-7365 STEVEN M. BLOCK DPM Physician/Surgeon of the Foot and Ankle (270) 684-5252 Serving Owensboro and Daviess County since 1962 S. David Boles, MD Christopher M. Burket, MD Philip B. Hurley, MD Geoffrey L. Hulse, MD Charles A. Milem, MD William R. Martin, MD Joseph L. Polio, MD R. Keith Moore, MD V. Ryan Coyne, PA-C Lori Bretschneider, APRN (270) 926-4100 Randall Seidehamel, PA-C Mike Sullivan Attorney-at-Law General Practice of Law: CARMEL HOME “A Home Away From Home” Real Estate • Wills Probate • Business Law Personal Injury • Accident Law 2501 Old Hartford Rd. Owensboro, KY For the Elderly 683-0227 100 Saint Ann Street Owensboro, KY 42303 (270) 926-4000 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. CPAP Machines • Oxygen Diabetic Shoes • Walkers Scooters • Wheelchairs Lift Chairs • Hospital Beds 3245 Mount Moriah Ave. Owensboro, KY 42303 270-683-3661 Kim & Carl P. Lewis, Owners Make Us Your #1 Medical Equipment Provider *This is an advertisement* Saint Margaret Sunday Missal PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH On Hwy 54 (270) 926-4080 3000 Alvey Park Drive West Owensboro, KY 42303 Kim & Carl P. Lewis, Owners TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 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