July 17, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua
July 17, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony of Padua 6750 State Road Parma, Ohio 44134 Schedule of Liturgies Saturday Evening: 4:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. Sundays: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Monday through Friday: 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. Holy Days : Vigil Mass: 5:30 P.M. 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 5:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. Parish Directory Pastoral Staff Parish Office : (440) 842-2666 Pastor………………Fr. Dale W. Staysniak Parish Website: www.stanthonypaduaparma.org Parochial Vicar…………Fr. Peter T. Kovacina Religious Education Office: (440) 845-4470 DRE/Pastoral Minister…Mr. Randy Harris, M.R.E. Parish Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. - 9:00am-7:00pm Pastoral Minister……… Sr. Roberta Goebel, O.S.U. School Office: (440) 845-3444 www.stanthonyofpaduaschool.org Principal ………………..Mr. Patrick Klimkewicz Parish Secretary………...Mrs. Joyce Fanous Music Minister………….Mrs. Nancy Tabar ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OH Baptized on Sunday, July 10, 2016: Emma Therese Wypasek MONDAY, JULY 18 7:00AM Fred & Emma Koenig 8:00AM Maria Mistisson Therese Dull James Oleski Richard Peterlin TUESDAY, JULY 19 7:00AM Lucille Edwartowski 8:00AM Joseph & Mark Oros WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 7:00AM All Souls Day Intentions 8:00AM Beatrice, Mary & Michael McGinty THURSDAY, JULY 21 7:00AM Dennis Staysniak 8:00AM Candice Boulanger Contributions for July 9/10, 2016: Total Offering: $15,165.75 FRIDAY, JULY 22, St. Mary Magdalene. 7:00AM Robert Rutkowski 8:00AM Chuck & Tony Lardomita Sunday Collection: $11,665.00 Faith Direct Offering: $3,500.75 SATURDAY, JULY 23 4:30PM For People of the Parish (living & deceased) 6:00PM Carol Seiler Poor Box: $111.00 SUNDAY, JULY 24, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 8:00AM Abbott-Jesenko Family 10:00AM Joe Gaul 12:00PM Sidney Heidrick SUNDAY THOUGHT Luke 10:38-42 In today’s Gospel we hear the familiar story of Jesus’ visit to the home of Martha and Mary. For one who wishes to follow Jesus, the qualities of these two characters – Mary’s contemplative silence and Martha’s enthusiastic activity – ae not meant to put one in the position of choosing one over the other. Jesus asks anyone who wishes to be His disciple to be well grounded in both – attentive prayer while actively serving others. A person who is centered in this fashion is what the spiritual life would truly call contemplative in nature. While we might be surprised at this, a contemplative isn’t a special person, but a person called to be a special kind of contemplative. We each bring uniqueness to the contemplative experience by just being who God made us to be. We can define the act of contemplation as simply looking lovingly on the Lord as He makes himself visible in and through the events of our daily lives. The contemplative person does what he or she needs to do while remaining centered on God’s presence within them. When we truly pay attention to God, then we end up paying attention to all of God’s people and all of God’s creation. Please Pray For: Martha Ashton, Ed & Helen Bartkiewicz, Irene Bednar, Lynn Bouchez, Kay Brichacek, Maxine Cerny, Joe & Marsha Demko, Ray Dmytriw, Sybil Dougherty, Norbert Erker, Rita Fecek, Greg Findura, Anne Kilbane-Friedl, Sandra Friedl, Frances Funtek, Sam Gappa, Robert Gielski, John Gladden, Rose Marie Hewitt, Ron Hicks, Celeste Hurley, Marian Jarabek, Colleen Jarvis, Janet Johnson, Pat Jones, Ted Kaliszewski, Michael Kaliszewski, Betty Kilbane, Robert Klimo, Cynthia Kufleitner, Karen Kulju, Andrea Lagzdins, Robert Laheta, Dorothy Laquatra, Isidoro LaRosa, Bernice Laskan, John Lieske, Michael Lieske, Corinne Lipinski, Elizabeth Madar, Thomas Madej, John Martin, Edward & Josephine Maskulka, Emmett Masterson, Claudia & Russell Mazanec, Peyton McCarthy, Rosemarie Medvin, John Metzger, Jane Najlepszy, Mary Niec, Rose Nosse, Dora Oney, Agnes Padar, Janice Petruska, Carrie Piechowski, John Precario, Mary Jane Precario, Christopher Reeves, Ed & Leigh-Ann Revay, Vinny Ruvo, Frances Rymut, Mary Sabo, Lorraine Schmidt, Joseph Schmitt, Robert & Teresa Setele, Margaret Sheridan, Helen Smith, Doug Stos, Sylvia Stibley, Phyllis Tomaselli, William & Shirley Trausch, Alice Tucker, Frank Viccarone, Annie Vorndran, Cathy Yappel, Andrew Yaronczyk, Christopher Yurko, Amanda Hope Zmecek. 1 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 17, 2016 WOMEN’S FAITH MINISTRY The parish is introducing a new ministry centered on adult women at all stages of life who wish to enrich their faith and deepen their relationship with Christ. Educational programs, group support, speakers and meaningful activities will focus on prayer, spiritual direction, and fellowship. If you would like the support and encouragement of other women in your journey of faith, then consider attending this first program offered through St. Anthony’s Women’s Faith Ministry. With an accompanying memoir, “My Sisters, the Saints,” the group will learn how the life of a Christian woman, Colleen Carroll Campbell, parallels the lives of five recognized women saints. You may be surprised at how much you have in common with them. The program will take place from 7-8 p.m. in the Church Meeting Room (former nursery room ) every Wednesday beginning August 3 through September 14. If interested, your RSVP is needed for ordering materials by calling the parish rectory at (440) 8422666 or by email at [email protected] no later than July 20, 2016. CELEBRATING THE SAINTS Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church (1225-1274) An Italian nobleman, Thomas joined the newly formed Dominican friars in Naples around the year 1244. His desires were initially thwarted when his brothers kidnapped him and locked him away in the family fortress. They felt the mendicant order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans) below the families dignity, but Thomas was willing to wait them out by spending his time studying while imprisoned. Once freed, he went to study theology at the University of Paris under Saint Albert the Great. After receiving his doctorate, he taught, preached and wrote with intense energy. His greatest work is the Summa Theologica, still recognized as an unparalleled synthesis of the Church’s theology. At the command of Pope Urban IV, Thomas penned the liturgy for the feast of Corpus Christi and from this we draw the Benediction hymns Tantum Ergo Sacramentum and O Salutaris Hostia. Another Eucharistic hymn, Te Adoro Devote, was originally a personal prayer written by Thomas when he attended his second Mass of the day, not as celebrant but as participant. The moving poetry of this hymn has inspired over sixteen English translations. In 1273, moved by an intense experience he had while saying Mass, Thomas left off writing. The next year, he fell gravely ill while on route to the Second Council of Lyons. He was brought Viaticum his death bed. “I receive thee, ransom of my soul,” he declared. “For love of thee have I studied and kept vigil, toiled, preached, and taught.” He died on March 7, 1274. Saint Thomas Aquinas feast is celebrated on January 28th. 50+ SOCIAL CLUB The St. Anthony 50+ Social Club will meet on Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 12:00 P.M. (Noon) in the Hospitality Room of the church. We will begin with the rosary, then enjoy our pot-luck lunch! Chicken and potato salad will be provided and members are asked to bring a side dish of their choice to share. Entertainment will be provided by Nick & the Boys. We hope to see you there for an afternoon of fun! ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The St. Anthony Athletics Association has the following open positions for 2016-17 School Year: Cheerleading Coordinator, Vice President and Secretary If interested and for further details, please contact our Athletic Director, Jeff Hall at (440) 667-4660) or email [email protected]. SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMISSION The St. Anthony Social Concerns volunteers will be serving lunch at the West Side Catholic Center on Tuesday, July 19, 2016. Your homemade desserts are truly appreciated by the people who eat at the center. We are asking for brownies (preferably without icing), cookies, bar cookies and even banana or pumpkin, etc. breads that can be sliced. You can drop off your bakery at the rectory on Monday, July 18, 2016. If you would like to help us in our mission to serve the needy and you really don’t like to bake, please consider a cash donation to help defray the cost of our meals. Any donations are welcome. Thank you. IRISH CULTURAL FESTIVAL Cleveland’s Irish Cultural Festival will be held at the Berea Fairgrounds on July 22-24, 2016. Proceeds from our annual festival benefit West Side Catholic Center and Make A Wish Foundation. 2 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OHIO HELP THE FEST – WE NEED YOU! FEST 2016 is just a few weeks away – Sunday, August 7, 2016 from 12 noon until 10 pm. It’s a day of faith --family – fun and it’s all for FREE. It’s our 16th Annual Catholic Family FESTival that takes place on the grounds of Borromeo and Saint Mary Seminary (28700 Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe). For all the details, visit www.theFEST.us. We need your help to make sure this event has EVERYTHING you need for a perfect family day! It takes 1,400 volunteers to bring The FEST to life. Be a part of a GREAT group of people who help us create this wonderful family day for our Diocese and region. Go to: www.theFEST.us/ volunteer for details. We are also looking for 400 people to sing in the choir for The FEST Mass which starts at 8 pm. Interested? Go to: www.theFEST.us/ choir. SUNDAY PRESCHOOL Parents of 3, 4, and 5 year olds, we are now taking registrations for our Sunday preschool program. Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the school. Classes begin October 9th, 2016. Registration forms are available at the rectory, in the church gathering area on the bookshelf, and online at the parish website www.stanthonypaduaparma.org. PSR RE-REGISTRATION PSR registration for the 2016-2017 school year is underway. Please register your child as soon as possible. Parents, please remember that 7th and 8th grade classes will only be offered at our 6:30 p.m. session. The re-registration forms and New Student forms can be downloaded by going to www.stanthonypaduaparma.org. On the Home page, click on Faith Formation, then click Parish School of Religion. New student forms can also be found on the web-site. If you have any questions regarding registration please call Randy Harris at 440-842-2666. BULLETIN ADVERTISING Vic Preisel was recently with us working on securing advertisers for our Bulletin. We would like to thank all of the advertisers who have renewed their ads for the upcoming year and also to all of the new advertisers who have generously committed to the Bulletin for this year. If you would be interested in sponsoring an ad for your business or on behalf of your favorite charity/ organization there is still time. Please contact Vic Preisel at 216-325-6825 ext. 6317 As a reminder, we ask that all of our parishioners utilize these wonderful advertisers whenever possible. Please use the Bulletin as a resource whenever you are in need of products or services. Please let them know we truly appreciate their loyal support of our Bulletin. It is their generosity that provides the Bulletin at little or no cost to our Church. PSR CATECHISTS & VOLUNTEER OPORTUNITIES We are in need of PSR catechists, aides and volunteers, and hall/parking lot monitors for the 2016-2017 school year. We need a 5th grade catechist for our 4:15 p.m. session and a 1st grade catechist for the 6:30 p.m. session. If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities available at our Parish School of Religion please call Randy Harris at 440-842-2666. All volunteers are required to complete Virtus training and in accordance with diocesan and parish policies, are required to submit a BCI criminal background check. Please consider being part of this very important ministry of passing on the Catholic faith to our young people. If interested, please call Randy Harris at 440842-2666. TUESDAY, JULY 19 7:00PM The Way - CM WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 10:00AM Women’s Summer Book Study - HR THURSDAY, JULY 21 12:00PM 50+ Social Club - HR 6:45PM Bingo - H LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA Please check out our new selection of CDs on the Lighthouse Media display. These CDs are great to listen to while driving in your car. The CDs feature some of the top speakers in our Catholic faith, Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Larry Richards, Matthew Kelly, Kimberly Hahn, Bishop Robert Barron and Fr. Michael Schmitz. 3 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH JULY 17, 2016 THANK YOU In today’s bulletin you will find a copy of the results of Annual Parish Carnival. As you can see, the results were substantially better than last year. This at least reflects the five beautiful days of weather we were blessed with this year. Raffle ticket sales were up and carnival attendance seemed to be better. All in all, regardless of the bottom line, the report shows the tremendous spirit and generosity of so many parishioners who, rain or shine, support this yearly parish endeavor. I wish to thank all who participated in making this year’s carnival a great success. Particularly a word of thanks goes to the Carnival Chairs, Dale and Janet Armbruster, Mike McGinty, Gerry Ulaszewski and Randy Harris and our Booth Captains and booth workers and dealers. A grateful thank you is also extended to those of you who bought or sold raffle tickets and attended the carnival. A big hand to all of you for a job well done. Fr. Dale and Fr. Peter 3
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