August 14, 2016 - St. Mary Parish Pinckney
August 14, 2016 - St. Mary Parish Pinckney
THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Monday, August 15th The Holy Day of Obligation is suspended in the USA when the solemnity falls on Saturday or Monday. This is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year! Mary’s whole being glorified and rejoiced in God her Savior. Throughout her entire life, as a true daughter of Zion, she did most perfectly what God’s won chosen people failed to do: She desired God’s will and sought to live it (Luke 1:38). God rewarded her by assuming her, body and soul into heaven. The Assumption of Mary is a sign to the world of what awaits all who repsond to God. Mary was taken into heaven to live in the presence of the Lord. What has happened in her life will happen in the lives of all who-like her-live singularly for God (1 Corinthians 15:20-25). Her life is a sign that this work is possible when we allow God to work in us according to his plan. Lord Jesus, we pray for all those who do not yet hope for the resurrection. May each person come to know that the reason we have been created is to live with you for all eternity. “A Year of Celebration Experiencing God through the Feast Days of the Church.” -Patricia Mitchell ALTAR SERVERS LECTORS / GREETERS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS The new schedule that starts on September 10, 2016, and ends on January 8, 2017, is now available for pick-up and online. This 18 week schedule includes 15 scheduled weekends and three sign-up opportunities for Thanksgiving Day Weekend (11/26-27/16), Christmas Weekend (12/2425/16) and New Year's Day Weekend (12/31/16 - 1/1/17). Greeters / Altar Servers / Lectors please pick up a copy of the schedule so you can put the dates you are scheduled to serve on your home calendars. Eucharistic Ministers are self-scheduling by sign-up and so do not need to pick up a schedule. There are 3 ways to sign up to be a Eucharistic Minister please see page 5 of the Bulletin. Eucharistic Ministers do need to sign in prior to each Mass in the Lay Minister Notebook in Meeting Room A so that we know that we have the number needed before each Mass. PLEASE don't wait to be asked - come to Meeting Room A when you arrive and VOLUNTEER. Ushers are self-scheduling by attendance and so do not need to pick up a schedule and do not need to sign in each weekend in the Lay Minister Notebook in Meeting Room A. On behalf of the St. Mary's Faith Community I want to thank all those who serve as Lay Ministers. -Peggy Clough Religious Education RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION 2016-2017 Registration Sunday 10:15–11:20am Religious Education start date is: September 18th, 2016. Registration Forms are now available! Please pick up a form from the table in the gathering space or click on our website Sacramental year students MUST send in a copy of their child’s Baptismal record. If your child was baptized here at our parish it will already be in our files, no worries! If your child was baptized at another parish, LET us know if you have trouble finding your record, call us and we can help! We have a Pre-school teacher for next year! This will be free for our parishioners! We are so very excited to offer this opportunity! Please call the church office if you are interested! Also pick up a registration packet as well. Please let us know if your stewardship calls you to teach Religious Education! We currently have an opening for 6th Grade! I will be scheduling a training date and welcome you to consider this calling!!! Thanking you for the opportunity to serve, God Bless the children and all the parents for all their help, attendance at meetings and on and on and on! See you in September! -Maureen Carroll KOFC THANK YOU The Knights of Columbus had 161 people attend last Friday's Lansing Lugnuts baseball game. We were the largest group of all the Knights councils in the Lansing Diocese. This enabled our council to win the $500.00 award from the Knights RSVP Program to sponsor seminarians. The Pinckney Knights would like to thank everyone who attended the game and helped us win this award. EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Wanting to start your Christmas Shopping early? Why wait for the holidays to help people in need! We’re trying something different this year with our Giving Tree program. We are going to collect for one of our agencies now in order to take advantage of all the sales on many of the items they need. There will be a board in the gathering space with tags on it for the whole month of August. Please feel free to take a tag and return the gift to the Gathering Space by September 6th. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Wack at [email protected]. God’s blessings to you! August 14, 2016 St. Mary Men’s Club Presents COUNTRY STYLE BREAKFAST Sunday, September 4, 2016 From 8:30am-11am FREE WILL DONATION Musical Guest: Tony Giamanco Proceeds: Parish Kitchen Maintenance Raffles: Multi Chance Raffle adds to the Fun! Area’s Best Menu: Eggs - Scrambled or Fried, Hash Brown Potatoes, Homemade Biscuits & Sausage Gravy, Quiche, Pancakes, French Toast, Raisin French Toast, Ham, Pork Sausage Links, Toast-Regular & Raisin, Coffee, Tea, Milk, & Orange Juice. And of Course the Waffle Station! The Kelly Miller Circus Arrives On Saturday, August 20th! Bake Goods Kindly Requested! The Knights of Columbus will be holding a BREAKFAST for all the circus workers on the morning of August 20th. They are looking for cookies and baked goods to serve. If you are interested in baking something for the breakfast, donations will need to be dropped off on August 19th. Contact Cindy Schang at 734-904-6247, if you have any questions. WOMEN OF GRACE – Grace Filled Moments is held on Sunday morning’s between the masses in the multi-purpose room. We start right after 9:00 a.m. mass (about 10:15 am). Please take a look at the schedule of upcoming topics and if available, join us for an hour. As promised, this is an ongoing women’s group, you can come and go as you desire and your schedule permits. We are working from Johnnette S. Benkovic’s book “Grace-Filled Moments” available at If one of these topics “speaks to you” but you don’t have the book, COME ANYWAY! Section 2 - The Soul of Woman Must Be Quiet…so that no weak flame will be extinguished by stormy winds 8/21/2016 The Perfect Woman 8/28/2016 On Worship and Fulfillment 9/4/2016 HOLIDAY - No group meeting 9/11/2016 Raising our Hearts and Minds to God 9/18/2016 The Words of My Heart 9/25/2016 The Bouquet of Prayer 10/2/2016 BREAKFAST SUNDAY - The Vigilant Soul 10/9/2016 Prayer and Love ATTN: ADULT MEN OF ST MARY PARISH St Mary Men’s Club will be meeting this Thursday, August 18th, in the Multi-Use Room at 7:30pm. The Men’s Club offers a gratifying opportunity to get involved in this wonderful Parish of ours. With each event we sponsor we strive to make a real difference in our Parish and our community. We know your time is valuable, so we do not ask you to commit a large block of time but rather as you are able. We hope you will join us. A light snack and a feeling of making a difference provided. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Bob at 810-623-0300. RETREAT FOR MEN – FIRST CALL THAT MAN IS YOU STARTS SEPTEMBER 10TH 7am-8:30am THE SPIRIT OF NAZARETH Just in time for the Jubilee Year of Mercy announced by Pope Francis this spring, this program will help integrate the 7 Covenants of TMIY into practical implementations for issues men face in today's world and culture. In short, this year will be dedicated to "walking the talk" and providing the men the opportunity and framework to build out their very own spiritual plan of life. This is the FIRST CALL for the men of the parish to make the annual retreat to St. Paul’s Retreat Center on the of September 23-25, 2016. The retreat theme this year is “Abide in Me: Choosing to Live Faithfully in an Era of Chaos.” Don’t miss out on this wonderful experience of spiritual and physical renewal. Call Dale Pepper at 734-878-9454 or Kevin Wiley at 586-8632461 to make a reservation, or call the Retreat Center at 313-286-2801. On-line reservations are also accepted at Check out: St. Mary Catholic School on FACEBOOK August 14, 2016 RCIA INVITATION “I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1) The invitation to respond to God’s call is extended to all who are interested in exploring the Catholic way of life. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process is open to adults, teens, and children of catechetical age (7 years of age or older) who: * Have never been baptized. * Have been baptized in another faith and would like to become Catholic. * Have been baptized Catholic and have had no further catechization. * Have been baptized Catholic but have not completed full initiation into the Church through Confirmation and/or Eucharist. * Would like to explore Roman Catholicism and make no commitment at this time. If this is YOU or if there is someone you would like to extend an invitation to please contact the parish office at 734878-3161 for further information. BE OUR GUEST ADULT DAY TOURS Wondering what Be Our Guest Adult Day program (a program serving clients with dementia & forms of dementia such as Alzheimer’s) is all about? The program provides Guest centered activities such as Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Sitter-size Chair Exercises, Brain Gym, Gardening, Pet Therapy and so much more while providing the caregiver the ability to work, run errands, or respite time. Call Suzi or Katie today to schedule your personal tour: #517-546-9910. Be Our Guest Adult Day, 2020 E. Grand River #103, Howell, MI 48843 AQUINAS COLLEGE VISIT DAY Friday, September 2nd Aquinas College in Grand Rapids is hosting an AQDay for all high school juniors and seniors interested in visiting their beautiful 117-acre campus. The Admissions Office invites you to come and discover what life at AQ is really all about. Get the inside scoop on academics, athletics, scholarships, service learning, study abroad, and more. Please visit for more details or to register for the event on September 2 nd. September 11th- Charity Golf Outing 4th Annual Livingston County Ultrasound Initiative Charity Golf Outing is Sunday, September 11th at Whispering Pines Golf Club in Pinckney, MI Check-in at 8 am and a 9am start. Enjoy 18 holes of golf, continental breakfast, lunch and dinner for $75. Sponsorships are also available. The proceeds will benefit future placements of Ultrasound machines in the State of Michigan. In their first four years, LCUI in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus has assisted in the placement of 8 Ultrasound machines throughout the State of Michigan. To register online and for additional information go to our website. August 14, 2016 To be included on the St. Mary Email Prayer Chain or to submit a prayer, please send an email to: [email protected] LIVINGSTON YAM YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY EVENTS & HAPPENINGS FOR THOSE 18-35 Thank you to everyone who donated items and time to the 2016 Rummage Sale! It would not have been possible without the support from our wonderful Parishioners! The Youth Ministry made enough to fund at least two retreats this year! We nearly doubled in proceeds from last year, and donated over 25 bags of clothes, 5 boxes of books, and countless household items to various organizations in our community!! I want to especially thank the Men's Club who helped us set up and clean up, the parents who spent hours supervising and cleaning, and all the youth who worked hard to earn funding for retreats! God Bless you all! ~Allison Boote YA COUPLES DATE NIGHT Sunday, August 21, 5:30-7:30pm RSVP to Shannon for location MASS & DINNER Sunday, August 28 5pm Mass @ St. Joseph, Howell 6:30pm Dinner @ Mr. B's Rustic Tavern i.d. 9:16 Summit Registration is OPEN! HEARTBREAK – EMBRACING HOLY DISCONTENT September 9 -11, 2016 DeSales Center Prayerfully consider joining the i.d. 9:16 community of disciples for a powerful weekend. Visit for more info Middle School Youth Group Monday’s 7-8:30pm i.d. 9:16 LIVINGSTON DISCIPLES' NIGHT Doing Greater Things...If You Believe with David Mangan Thursday, September 1 St. Joseph Howell 6:30pm Mass with Fr. Gregg Pleiness followed by Dinner 7:40pm Livestream Talk & Discussion August 15: Youth Group August 22: Youth Group August 29: Youth Group High School Youth Group Wednesday’s 7-9pm Please visit for more info or find us on facebook at "Livingston YAM" Questions? Contact Shannon 810-5887665 or [email protected] August 17: Youth Group August 24: Youth Group August 31: Youth Group PETER’S PENCE SPECIAL COLLECTION *Special Envelopes are in the gathering space! In the second collection today, we are supporting Pope Francis in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection is taken up worldwide to support our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and natural disasters. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the collection is an opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please be generous in today’s collection. ST. MARY ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER FORM Consider an automatic withdrawal for your Sunday Contributions, Ring the Bell, or Debt Campaign! Check out the link below to download the Electronic Transfer Form Today! /EFT%20Form_3.pdf (You may also contact the parish office to request a form). Report for August 8, 2016 Parishioner Donations - Giving Back To The Lord YTD 07/01/16 – 08/08/16 Weekly YTD Offertory Envelopes $ 9,875.00 Offertory Loose Cash $ 1,572.52 Offertory ACH’s-Weekly $ 2,955.00 Offertory ACH’s-Monthly $ 267.00 Total Offertory $ 14,669.52 $ 92,155.91 Operating Budget Reqmnt. $ 15,890.00 $ 95,340.00 Variance $ (1,220.48) $ (3,184.09) Debt Reduction/FaithQuest Env. Debt Reduction/FaithQuest ACH $ $ 775.00 125.00 Ring the Bell ($65,100) $ 467.20 Ring the Bell Campaign ACH’s $ 107.18 $ 4,176.20 needed to reach goal Mortgage Payment Requirement Mortgage Amount Paid Shortfall Summer Mission-Jamaica Appeal Thank you for your generosity! August 14, 2016 $ 8,482.05 $ 37,515.00 $ 20,000.00 $ (17,515.00) $5,034.11 MASS INTENTIONS LAY MINISTERS: Aug. 20-21 th Sunday, August 14 9:00am: For Our Parish 11:30am: In Memory of Tom Olst by Olst family Monday, August 15th 9:00am: Communion Service Tuesday, August 16th 9:00am: Communion Service 5:00pm: In Memory of William Langbehn by Langbehn family Wednesday, August 17th 9:00am: In Honor of Joe Miller Sr. by family Thursday, August 18th 5:00pm: In Memory of Wilma Merrill by Salowitz family Friday, August 19th 9:00am: In Memory of Kasey Bennett by Hodel & Burns families Saturday, August 20th 5:00pm: In Memory of John Richard by Rosa Richard Sunday, August 21st 9:00am: In Memory of Gerald Staub by Robert & Darlene Macy 11:30am: For Our Parish WEEKLY READINGS: Aug. 14-20: Sunday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Herb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53 Monday: The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary Rv 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; 1 Cor15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: St. Stephen of Hungary Ez 28:1-10; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Weekday Ez 34:1-11; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Weekday Ez 36:23-28; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: St. John Eudes, Priest Ez 37:1-14; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: St. Bernard, Abbot & Dr. of the Church Ez 43:1-7a; Mt 23:1-12 Communion Service Leaders Aug. 15: L. Lichwala Aug. 16: R. Boos Aug. 22: J. Wilson Aug. 23: T. Burke Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist 5:00pm 9:00am 11:30am *Self-Scheduling by Sign-Up. *Sign-Up In Meeting Room A. Altar Servers 5:00pm M. Haynes, D. Haynes, G. Liddy 9:00am D. Schneider, L. Cross, L. Schultz 11:30am S. Hall, K. Flaherty, E. Flaherty Proclaimers of the Word 5:00pm R. Gass, S. Jasinski 9:00am P. White, P. Clough 11:30am J. Bartek, R. Gonze Greeters 5:00pm T. Czubaj 9:00am D. Magier 11:30am J. Jarvis, H. Jarvis Offertory Gifts *Please sign up if you’re available. Home Chalice Program *Please sign up if you’re available. Linens August: K. Leonard, B. M. Sheehan Cleaning the Altar: S. Katon Collection Counters Aug. 15: D. Tryon, N. Rickelmann, L. Hazel Aug 22: B. Olst, D. Eggleston, S. Katon Bann II: Michelle Baumgart/Tim Curran Dear Jesus, Divine Healer and Physician, we place all those that are sick and in need of your healing in your care. We humbly ask you to restore our loved ones to good health, soothe their pain, and ease their worry. We trust in you and ask for the grace to acknowledge your will and love for us. Father, protect those overseas in the Armed Forces and for those that protect our freedom and safety each day. We ask all these things in your name, Amen. August 14, 2016
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