June 5, 2016 - Saint Maximilian Kolbe
June 5, 2016 - Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe 200 Tuckahoe Road, Marmora, NJ 08223 Phone: 609-390-0664 Fax: 609-390-8717 Religious Education Program: 609-390-2203 Facebook.com/StMaximilianKolbeParishMarmoraNj?ref=hl Website: www.saintmaxkolbe.com June 5, 2016 The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of the Resurrection 200 West Tuckahoe Road Marmora, NJ 08223 Mass Schedule: Daily Mass 8:30am Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am& 5:00pm Confession Wednesday 5:30-6:00pm Saturday 3:00pm Saint Casimir Church 304 Clay Street Woodbine, NJ 08270 Mass Schedule: Daily Mass 7:30am Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 9:00am, 10:30am Spanish Mass Confession Saturday at 5:15pm Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School Sacraments Baptism: Third Sunday of the month. Baptism Preparation Classes First Thursday of the month. Call parish office to schedule at (609) 390-0664. Marriage: Arrangements may be made with the pastor one year in advance. Call parish office to schedule an appointment. First Communion & Confirmation: Please call Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Director, Agnes Bross at 390-2203. RCIA Program & Anointing of the Sick: Call parish office for appointments. 2221 Route 9 South Cape May Court House (Ocean View) 08210 2016 Mass Schedule: May 21- September 11 Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 10:00am Confession Saturday at 3:30pm Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish 50/50 Raffle We need your help to make this year’s Raffle the “Best Ever” We are asking for your help in spreading the Word: 1. Tell your friends and family 2. Talk about it on social media 3. Call the parish office for additional packets Again, for 2016, you can arrange for 3 Easy Payments for your packages! Call the parish office for additional information, 390-0664 Church of the Resurrection Marmora July 18-22, 2016 9:00am-12:30pm For children Kindergarten through Grade 5 $30.00/Child $40.00/Family Registration forms are available on the parish website, outside the Religious Education Office or in the parish office. 2 0 1 6 The Diocese of Camden World Youth Day 2016 Pilgrims to Krakow, Poland would like to offer you the opportunity to bring your intentions to the various holy sites, WYD experiences and visits during our spiritual journey. World Youth Day is the lar gest inter national gather ing of Catholic young people. Our time includes prayer, learning and international exchanges. The experience culminates with the celebration of Mass with our Holy Father, Pope Francis. Some of the holy sites that we will visit include the original image of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Marytown founded by Saint Maximilian Kolbe, churches founded by Saint John Paul II and the Divine Mercy Shrine in Krakow. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (MT 5:&) is the theme for World Youth Day 2016. Pope Francis has selected this Beatitude, given by Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount as an example of the qualities that bring all of us closer to the Kingdom of God. We welcome you to join your intentions with ours as we prepare and walk through this spiritual journey of mercy. The pilgrim’s prayer intention book is available for you to write your intention after Mass. If you missed the book you may enter your prayer requests online here: http://bit.ly/WYDCamden Gregory A. Coogan Diocese of Camden-Lifelong Faith Formation Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe Mass Intentions Mass Intentions Church of The Resurrection Saturday, June 4, 2016 4:00pm Jean Drozd by Theresa Cefali & Family Sunday, June 5, 2016 8:00am Monica (Eckert) Henkel by Michael & Janice Annarelli & Family 9:30am Alice M. Roman by John & Annamaria Fennekohl 11:00am Paul Michael Burst & Paul J. Burst 5:00pm Deceased Members of the DiCicco & Giammanco Families by the Family Monday, June 6, 2016 8:30am Jennie Philpot by the Philpot Family Tuesday, June 7, 2016 8:30am Douglas Godshall by the Kemenosh Family Wednesday, June 8, 2016 8:30am Bill Graves by Dot Nagle Thursday, June 9, 2016 8:30am Cole Rocap by the Furey Family Friday, June 10, 2016 8:30am Marie McInnes by Betty & Bill Cashman Rose Bello by Peggy Goodman Margaret (Peg) Schneider by the Morano Family Kelly Tulio by Kristie Unsworth Healing Intentions for Marie Kaufmann by Connee & Ed Kennedy Saturday, June 11, 2016 4:00pm Peg Lathers by Agnes Bross Sunday, June 12, 2016 8:00am Katherine DeStefan by her Son Charles & Mother 9:30am Arthur Reymann, Sr. by his Family 11:00am Megan McKeever by Joe & Katie Burns 5:00pm Tara Compotaro by her Family Hospitality Sunday Join us this weekend, after the 8, 9:30 and 11am Masses in the Pavilion at Resurrection Church. Second Collection June 11/12 Annual Brazilian Missions Collection “ For more than 50 years, the Diocese of Camden has committed itself to the support of mission dioceses in Brazil, South America, including the support of our missionary priests and their parishes, schools and seminaries , parish evangelization programs, and community centers. The Brazilian Missions Collection, which will be taken up June 11/12, will help sustain this vital mission work.” Bishop Dennis J Sullivan The 2017 Mass Book is open. If you are planning to schedule more than 3 Masses, please call the parish office, 390-0664 for an appointment so we can better serve you. Appointments will be made for Tuesday afternoons and Fridays. Saint Casimir Church Saturday, June 4, 2016 5:30pm Thomas, Jacob & Dominick Caprioni by Sister, Splendora Sunday, June 5, 2016 9:00am Frank Macellaro by Fred & Rosemary Schalek 10:30am Diana Santiago by her Mother Monday, June 6, 2016 7:30am Our Living & Deceased Parishioners Tuesday, June 7, 2016 7:30am Our Living & Deceased Parishioners Wednesday, June 8, 2016 7:30am Mark Gildea by Millie DeLanzo Thursday, June 9, 2016 7:30am Our Living & Deceased Parishioners Friday, June 10, 2016 7:30am Frank Germanio, Sr. by Lynne & Family Saturday, June 11, 2016 5:30p Frank Germanio, Sr. by his Family Sunday, June 12, 2016 9:00am Maureen Grawl by her Loving Family 10:30am Spanish Mass-Our Living & Deceased Parishioners Mass Intentions Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School Saturday, June 4, 2016 4:00pm John Fee by Bill & Carol Pyne Sunday, June 5, 2016 10:00am Minnie Morano by Charley & Donna Kelly Saturday, June 11, 2016 4:00pm Pat Nugent by Shirley Toth Sunday, June 12, 2016 10:00am Clarissa Murray by the McClung Family MERCY CORNER The Pharisees saw this and said to His disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” He heard this and said, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinner.” Matthew 9:11-13 God, who is merciful, desires our mercy. Following are some ways to practice mercy during this Jubilee Year. Try to randomly select one act each week and put it into practice. 1. 2. Go on retreat. It’s a way to be merciful to yourself and the people around you, who know you need to go on retreat. If you cannot do that, at least try to make a day, or evening, of recollection. Offer to pray with someone, even someone you encounter on the street or public transport who looks like they could use it. Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe Pray for the Sick Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Father’s Day cards are now available in the parish office for a $5 donation. May the Lord bring healing and renewed strength to all the sick and bless those who care for the sick. Amen Susan Bomberger, Edie Cannata, Joseph Costello, Marie Kaufmann, Mary & Michael Lloyd, James McCloskey, Terry McKenna, Agnes McMenamin, Loretta Musso, J. P. O’Brien, Karen Prendergast, Jason Switek, Helene Tolson, Amerigo Vittorini, Liz Ward, and all the people in our Community and Parish Family who are in need of healing prayers as well as those people who have no one to pray for them. Inside the card reads: A s a Spiritual Gift, you will be remembered in THE MASSES offered in our church in observance of Father’s Day. These cards are a wonderful way to honor all Fathers, living and deceased. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen Please pray for Private Andre Alampiev, Paul Allen, PV2 Devin Bradley, Francis Campbell, Airman First Class, AJ Caruso, Chaplain Joseph L. Coffey, James J. Duggan, Brandon Farrell, SPC Erin Gleason, Michael Hagan, Jr., DDFN Vinny Iannace, Jake Johnson, Kevin Kennedy, Nicholas Kling, CW3 Jeff LaFrance, PFC Alicia Magill, Major Stephen Martenz, PFC Brendan Meyers (Reserves), David Matthew Murray, Douglas Philip Murray, Max O’Sullivan, Nick O’Sullivan, Ellen Pfeifle, Stephen Townsend, Michael Quirk, and Captain Matthew Speed. The Mission of Family Promise is to keep homeless families together during their time of crisis by providing safe shelter and meals in congregational facilities and to provide support services needed to educate, encourage, and empower these families in their quest to re-establish their individual pride and independence. Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish will be hosting families for Family Promise at Saint Casimir Church, 304 Clay Street, Woodbine. Our Clergy Rosary Prayer Group Tuesday at 7pm in Resurrection Church Library June 12-June 18 We are in need of volunteers to provide dinners and to stay overnight at Saint Casimir Church. If you are available for these needs, please contact Melanie, 390-2348 THANK YOU!! Father Peter M. Joyce, Pastor Miraculous Medal Novena Tuesday at 9am in Resurrection Church † Reverend Jose Ainikkal, C.M.I. In Residence, St. Casimir Church Legion of Mary Tuesday at 9:15am Resurrection Church, Room 2 † Monsignor John Conahan Retired Associate Charismatic Prayer Group Tuesday at 9:15am Resurrection Church, Room 3 † Reverend Leonard Peterson Retired Associate Divine Mercy Prayer Group Wednesday at 6:30pm Resurrection Church Wednesday at 3:00pm Saint Casimir Church (Bilingual) † Deacon Arnaldo Santos Coordinator, Hispanic Ministry Hispanic Ministry Information Deacon Arnaldo Santos, coordinator 609-774-7555 Spiritual Guidance 1. Are you interested in drawing closer to God? 2. Do you desire to deepen your prayer life? 3. Are you seeking to better understand the actions of God’s grace in your life? Our parish now has Spiritual Directors. If you are interested, please call for more information: Kathleen Brewer 609-602-8420 Kathy Egan 215-694-4651 Deacon’s Schedule: (by appointment) Wednesday 9am-2pm at Saint Casimir Church Thursday 9am-2pm at Resurrection Church Spanish Mass Sunday at 10:30am at Saint Casimir Church In the Spirit of Mercy DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION Wednesday afternoons at 3:00pm (Bilingual) Saint Casimir Church, Woodbine Parish Religious Education Program Prep Director: Agnes Bross Office Phone: 390-2203 Tuesdays 10am-6pm Wednesdays 9am-1pm Thursdays 9am-1pm Registration forms for the 2016-2017 school year are available on our website, outside of Mrs. Bross’s office and in the parish office. On June 8, we will be making Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches in the Resurrection Church Extension from 5-6pm. Sandwiches will be donated to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. Sign-ups will be organized using the program VolunteerSpot. Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps: 1. Type the link below to see our Sign-up on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/23wDVR 2. Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. 3. Sign-up, It’s easy! You will NOT need to r egister an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot. VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact the Religious Ed Office and sign-up manually. *Parishioners interested in donating needed supplies: peanut butter, jelly and sandwich bags, can place their donations into the box outside of the Religious Education Office. Thank You! Saint Maximilian Kolbe Religious Education has partnered with Community Recycling and their ShoeBox Recycling Program. Together they are on a mission to help promote the importance of shoe recycling while raising funds to help further their efforts. ShoeBox Recycling is easy, engaging and r ewar ding for everyone involved. Participating is simple. Bring in gently used shoes for reuse, meaning all the shoes we recycle as a group are destined for another home. From South America and Africa to areas right here in the United States, ShoeBox Recycling efforts will go to help people and communities in over 50 countries. Not only will recycled shoes help our youth raise funds to donate to local families in need, it will also help keep usable shoes out of our local landfills. You are encouraged to write a SoleMate Note to include in your shoes. You can let their new owner know about where they came from, and what memories are attached to them. So start cleaning out your closets and start looking under your bed for gently used shoes. Bring all shoes to the Religious Education Office, where collection boxes are located. GIGI CLUB Do you want to meet other people who are helping their children by babysitting? Would you like to have activities and outings with other grandparents? The Gigi Club is a group of grandparents who are watching their grandchildren throughout the summer. Come meet with us to share your needs and hear our information. Activities such as blueberry picking, going to beach, biking, play dates, going to zoo, taking a beach tour, etc… We look forward to your ideas, also. For information, contact: Diane Brunetti 457-5492 Supporting the Men and Women of our Armed Forces The Knights of Columbus, Council 9113 sends “Care” Packages to service members stationed away from home, veterans hospitals, homes and/or clinics, and to troops through the USO. Please help by donating items below and/or providing names and addresses of service members stationed away from home. Paperback Books DVD’s & CD’s Handi-Wipes (Sanitized) Hand Sanitizer Sunscreen Foot Care Products Writing and Note Paper & Pens Personal Items T-Shirts (New) Sweatsocks (New) Protein Bars, Snacks Coffee Powdered Creamer Baby Wipes* Toothpaste* Body Wash* Razors* Female Deodorant* Please place donated items into the marked container in the church gathering area. If you would like to add a name to our service member’s list, please call the parish office, 390-0664. Parish and Community News Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish Food Pantries Resurrection Church Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 2pm-5pm. Saint Casimir Church Food Pantry is open Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 9:30am-Noon. For an emergency food request, please call 609-861-5992. Thrift Shop The Thrift Shop at Saint Casimir Church is open Tuesday through Saturday 9am-1pm. WOULD YOU HELP? The Church of the Resurrection Food Pantry, located in the back, off the church extension, is open to the needy, Wednesday afternoons, 2:00-5:00pm. Father Pete is asking for additional monthly volunteers for this special Work of Mercy, “Feeding the Hungry.” No prior experience necessary. Call the parish office, 390-0664. 8th Annual Michael Barnes Memorial Shoes at the Shore Horseshoe Tournament Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish Gift Cards Saint Maximilian Kolbe Resurrection Church Saturday, June 18, 2016 Gift Cards ar e available for the following: Shop Rite, Acme, Crab Trap, Island Shore Chinese in Marmora, Asian Shore Chinese in Ocean View, L’s Restaurant , Mama Mia’s Restaurant, Soprano’s Pizzeria, Tuckahoe Inn and Reflections. Purchase cards after all Masses or in our Parish Office at Resurrection Church, during weekdays. Volunteers are needed to sell cards after all Masses. Please call the Parish Office at 609-390-0664 to volunteer for a Saturday or Sunday Mass. Credit Cards now accepted at Church of the Resurrection. Registration begins at 8:30am, First Game at 9:00am Advanced registration is $30.00/person and $60.00/team. For additional information, visit: www.shoesattheshore.com or call John Fennekohl at 609-425-1561 Sponsored by Knights of Columbus, Monsignor Zegers/ Resurrection Council-9113 American Red Cross Blood Drives scheduled at 2 locations in June Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish Monday, June 13, 2016 Saint Casimir Church, Woodbine 2:00-7:00pm Monday, June 20, 2016 Church of the Resurrection, Marmora 2:00-7:00pm Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Monsignor Zegers/Resurrection Council, 9113 Monsignor Robert B. Ervin/Saint Casimir Council, 14291 Saint Maximilian Kolbe Blessed Virgin Mary Shrine If you are interested in ordering a paver, please visit or call the parish office, 390-0664 Bishop McHugh Seeks Summer Volunteers High School or College students looking for volunteer hours this summer are welcome at Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School. The school is in need of volunteers to help as the maintenance staff renovates several areas and prepares classrooms for the opening in September. Students may volunteer on their own schedule anytime during summer office hours, Mon.-Thurs., 8:30am-12 Noon. You will receive a recommendation letter acknowledging their community service hours. If interested, email: [email protected] or call, 624-1900. Citizens/Veterans Advisory Council (CVAC) website is a “one-stop shop”, designed to easily identify available resources for veterans and their families in Cape May County. http://cvaccapemay.com www.Facebook.com/StMaximilianKolbeParishMarmoraNj?ref=hl Prendie Class of 1966-50th Reunion APHS Class of 1966 will hold their 50th Class reunion on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016 at the Springfield Country Club. To receive further information, classmates should send contact information to Dottie Bracken Evangelista: [email protected] or call 610-436-0427. Neumann-Goretti Alumni All Classes 2016 Summer Reunion Saturday, August 20 at Keenan’s in North Wildwood. For more information and tickets call the Alumni Office, 215-389-0925 or email: [email protected] 12 Step Programs ~ AA Resurrection Church Classroom area, Marmora AA, Alanon & Alateen Meetings are held every Thursday Night at 8pm Saint Casimir Church St. Joseph’s Building, Woodbine AA Meetings are held: Every Monday at 10:00am · Every Thursday Night at 7:30pm · Every Friday Night at 6:00pm Please join us or call 609-390-0664 for information
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